A Geochronologie Study of the Lone Grove Pluton from the , Texas1


Division of Geological Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, U.S.A. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021


ABSTRACT A fieldan d petrologic study of the Lone Grove granitic pluton and surrounding rocks from the Llano Uplift, Texas, suggests that this area has been involved in a single orogenic cycle with no later general metamorphism. Samples of , aplite, pegmatite, rhyolite, and metamorphic rocks were investigated in order to determine the precision in Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages between various minerals and different localities. Refined chemical and mass spectro- metric methods are capable of yielding ages on most highly radiogenic minerals to an ana- lytical precision of ± 1 \ per cent or better. Most of the ages from these rocks show a spread commensurate with the experimental error. The average Rb-Sr age on microclines, muscovites, and biotites is 1020 million years and the average K-Ar age on muscovites, biotites, and hornblendes is 1045 million years (Rb87, 11 1 10 1 10 1 Ap = l-47x lO" yr- ; K«, Ap = 4-72 x 10- yr" , and A£ = 0-585 x lO" yr" ). A total rock Rb-Sr age on one of the gives no indication of being older than those of the constituent minerals. The only rock to show a real age difference is a rhyolite porphyry, which gives an average Rb-Sr microcline age of 920 million years. A metasedimentary gneiss having a total rock Rb-Sr age of 1110 million years may contain some radiogenic strontium from an earlier history. K-Ar determinations on several microcline and plagioclases give ages which are 5-20 per cent low relative to the other minerals, presumably due to argon diffusion from the feldspar. Anomalously low Rb-Sr ages occur on several fresh biotites from pegmatites and granite. Evidence is presented for strontium or rubidium migration in these rocks although the exact nature of the process is not known. Also somewhat low K-Ar ages are obtained on the pegmatitic biotites. A study of the effects of weathering on the geochronologie systems is made on two ob- viously altered granites. The only mineral to suffer any decrease in apparent age from such surface alteration is biotite, by the Rb-Sr method. The Sr87/Sr88 ratio of the original strontium incorporated into the minerals of the granite is determined on several minerals having low Rb/Sr ratios and is found to be 00843±0-002 (normalized to Sr86/Sr88 = 0-1194). A discussion of the distribution of rubidium, potassium, and normal strontium throughout the pluton is given and partitioning factors for the rubidium to potassium concentrations between different mineral species are calculated.

INTRODUCTION A FIELD and laboratory study of some igneous and metamorphic rocks from the Llano Uplift, Texas, was undertaken to investigate, in detail, potassium- argon and rubidium-strontium geochronology. A knowledge of the behaviour of these radioactive systems in various minerals is necessary in order to evaluate 1 Contribution No. 1239, Division of Geological Sciences, California Institute of Technology. 8 Present address: U.S. Geological Survey, Washington 25, D.C., U.S.A. [Journal of Petrology, Vol. 5, Part 3, pp. 359-408, 1964] 0233.3 A a 360 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOG1C STUDY OF the precision obtainable by each dating technique. This area was chosen because structural and petrologic evidence suggested that no metamorphism had taken place subsequent to a single orogenic episode. The ages, therefore, would not be expected to show complications arising from later tectonism. In addition, the rocks are of sufficient age and appropriate composition to be dated by most of the minerals of importance to geochronology. A roughly circular pluton approximately 12 miles in diameter, called the Lone Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 Grove body by Stenzel (1936) and renamed the Buchanan massif by Keppel (1940), was studied in detail because of its excellent quarry and road-cut ex- posures, its documentation in the literature, and its simple geometric structure. An area near the north-eastern edge of the Precambrian exposure which includes this pluton and the surrounding terrane has been mapped (Figs. 1 and 2), and a petrologic study of the rock was made. Rb-Sr ages were determined on micro- clines, biotites, and muscovites, and K-Ar ages were determined on microclines, plagioclases, biotites, muscovites, and hornblendes. Total rock Rb-Sr analyses were also made on several of the samples. The strontium isotopic composition was measured on several minerals having a low Rb/Sr ratio, and the initial isotopic composition at the time of crystallization was calculated. Ages were also obtained on several other intrusive bodies and the metasediments from the Uplift in order to see if significantly older or younger events are discernible. The earliest recognition of Precambrian rocks in central Texas was by T. B. Comstock (1890), who applied the terms Packsaddle Schist and Valley Spring Gneiss to the metamorphic rocks of the area. Sidney Paige (1911, 1912) made a geologic map of the Llano-Burnet quadrangles and redefined the major meta- morphic and igneous units. H. B. Stenzel (1932, 1934, 1936) further studied the granites of the Llano Uplift and made a structural map of one of the plutons. He divided the granites of the area into three textural varieties—the Sixmile, the Oatman, and the Town Mountain. David Keppel (1940) made a structural investigation of the intrusive rocks and mapped in some detail the area including the Lone Grove pluton. A chemical and petrologic examination of several granites, including those of the Lone Grove pluton, was conducted by Goldich (1941). Several mineralogical investigations have been made on the rare-earth deposits of the region, which include the Baringer Hill pegmatite within the Lone Grove pluton (Hess, 1908; Landes, 1932). Barrell (1917) and Holmes (1931) gave some chemical lead ages on several of the radioactive minerals. Numerous detailed publications have been made on the petrology, structure, and economic value of the rocks of the Llano Uplift within the past two decades. Some of the major contributors to the geology of the region include Barnes. Dawson & Parkinson (1947), Hutchinson (1956), Flawn (1956), and Lidiak, Almy & Rogers (1961). Hutchinson, et al. (1954), Hutchinson (1956), and Flawn (1956) reported several zircon lead-alpha ages for the granites of the region. Hurley & Goodman THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 361 (1943) obtained a helium age of 1050 million years on magnetite from Llano County. More recent geochronologic work on the Precambrian rocks of central Texas have included several Rb-Sr, K-Ar, U-Pb, and Th-Pb isotopic ages by Aldrich, et al. (1958), Goldich, et al. (1961), Wasserburg et al. (1962a), and Silver (1962). All these measurements suggest a rather uniform age of 1000-1100 million years. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021

FiG. 1. Generalized geologic map of the Llano Uplift, Texas. Sample localities not included in Fig. 2 are shown. Simplified from the Geologic Map of Texas, U.S.G.S., 1937.

GEOLOGY A summary of the regional geology is given in order to relate field observa- tions to the geochronologic investigation. Special emphasis is placed upon those features which might be expected to influence the mineral ages. Although the Precambrian basement exposed in the Llano Uplift is thought to represent a single orogenic cycle, it contains a rather complex assemblage of igneous and metasedimentary rocks. Whether any distinction in radiogenic ages can be made between the individual intrusive or metamorphic rocks is one of the problems investigated by this study. It is, therefore, helpful to establish the sequence of events as has been determined by field criteria. Paige (1912) divided the Precambrian metamorphic rocks into two formations, the Valley Spring Gneiss and the overlying Packsaddle Formation. Although more recent studies (Barnes et al., 1947) have cast some doubt on this simple classification and have suggested that each of these formations may represent Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 mmm iiif •::-:-:-:-x::::-/;-'-1 IHte


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Flo. 2. Geologic map of the Lone Grove pluton, Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021

Geology 6y R E Zortmor., 1961 ofter Keppei (1940) end Po.ge (19121

.lano and Burnet Counties, Texas. 364 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF more than one sequence of metamorphic rocks, the terminology of Paige still predominates in the literature and is used in this paper. Complete sections of either formation have not been measured, but it is likely that they are at least 20,000 ft in thickness (Clabaugh & McGehee, 1962). The Valley Spring Gneiss is a predominantly fine-grained, well foliated to massive, pinkish gneiss with local pinkish-grey biotitic bands. A few beds of quartzite, calc-silicate rock, and basic schists are also included in the gneiss unit. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 The rock appears to have originated as an arkosic sandstone; however, some of it may have been an acidic igneous rock. Wherever the Valley Spring Gneiss was intimately involved with igneous activity, it has been partially recrystallized and often highly contorted. The Packsaddle Formation consists of a dark-colored series of metamorphic rocks, which include mica, amphibole, and graphite schists and crystalline lime- stones. The rocks are generally well foliated parallel to lithologic layerings. The sequence probably originated as sandstones, graywackes, shales, and limestones deposited in a shelf-type marine environment. The more basic amphibolites may have been volcanic flows or sills. Like the Valley Spring Gneiss, the Pack- saddle Formation is highly deformed and altered near contacts with intrusive rocks. Inclusions of schist, calc-silicate rock, and soapstone from the Pack- saddle in these later intrusives are common. Regionally, the metasediments increase in degree of metamorphism from northwest to southeast across the Uplift. This increase in metamorphism is correlated with increasing basic and ultramafic igneous activity in the south- eastern portion of the Uplift. According to Clabaugh & McGehee (1962), 'the maximum grade of regional metamorphism attained by the Pre-Cambrian sedimentary rocks in central Texas was not lower than the sillimanite-alman- dine-muscovite subfacies of the almandine amphibolite facies . . .'. Sillimanite, almandine, cordierite, andalusite, and wollastonite are widespread while staurolite and kyanite are totally absent. The intricate pattern of intrusive rocks makes it difficult to distinguish between contact and regional metamorphism. The metamorphic rocks are folded into broad northwest-southeast trending synclines and anticlines. These rather open major folds, which are commonly traceable along the entire length of the basement outcrop, are in turn highly crenulated and folded by numerous smaller scale structures. Generally, Valley Spring Gneiss is exposed along the axes of the anticlinoria and Packsaddle Formation is preserved in the synclinoria. The structure appears locally to con- trol the emplacement of granitic plutons. Several phacoliths appear to intrude along axes of plunging synclines near the Valley Spring-Packsaddle contact. Intrusive meta-igneous and igneous rocks range in composition from ultra- mafic serpentinites, through basic and intermediate types, to granites and accompanying acidic dikes and pegmatites. Of these rock types, only the younger granitic , stocks, and dikes occur throughout the Llano Uplift. Most of the older and more basic intrusive rocks are concentrated in the THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 365 southeastern portion of the exposed basement complex. Here, in addition to granite, occur serpentinite, hornblendite, diorite, gabbro, quartz-diorite gneiss, and granite gneiss which pre-date the granite batholiths. The most abundant igneous rock types within the Llano Uplift are granites and granodiorites. Stenzel (1934) proposed three groups of granitic rocks, in order of postulated increasing age: (1) the Sixmile Granite (fine- to medium-

grained, grey, biotite granites), (2) the Oatman Granite (medium-grained, grey Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 to pink, cataclastic granites), and (3) the Town Mountain Granite (coarse- grained to porphyritic granites, commonly with large flesh-colored feldspars). Further work has cast some doubt on the occurrence of three distinct granite types. Rocks showing almost complete gradation in texture and composition between the three types have been found, and it is possible that all of the granites were evolved by the fractionation of one or more related, or chemically analogous, liquids. The granites occur in varying shapes and sizes ranging from small dikes and veinlets to large stocks and batholiths covering over 100 sq. mi. Many pegmatite and aplite dikes which are related to the granites cut both the granites and the country rock. A dike system of rhyolite porphyry (llanite), containing phenocrysts of pink microline and blue opaline quartz, occurs in northern Llano County and appears to post-date the granite emplacement. The limited size and extent of this dike system suggests that it did not have a per- vasive effect upon the area. Sharply contrasting with the metamorphic and igneous basement complex of the Llano Uplift are the overlying sedimentary rocks of Palaeozoic and Meso- zoic ages. It is evident that a substantial quantity of basement rock was removed by erosion prior to deposition of the Palaeozoic sediments. The sedimentary rocks include the Upper Cambrian Riley and Wilberns formations, the Lower Ordovician Ellenburger Group, and Devonian, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, and Cretaceous strata. A maximum thickness of approximately 5000 feet of Palaeozoic and Cretaceous sediments has overlain the Uplift at some time during its history. Although late Palaeozoic (?) normal faulting, possibly related to the Ouachita orogeny, has disrupted the Palaeozoic and older basement rocks of the area, no evidence of severe deformation or metamorphism subsequent to Upper Cambrian time is recorded in these sedimentary rocks. Fig. 2 is a geological map of the Lone Grove pluton and surrounding area compiled from the works of Paige (1912) and Keppel (1940), with modifications by the author. It was decided to study this intrusion in great detail in order to see how precisely a single could be dated. The rock is, predominantly, coarse-grained Town Mountain Granite consisting of perthitic microcline, quartz, plagioclase, biotite, hornblende, and accessory apatite, allanite, zircon, sphene, fluorite, and opaque minerals. The average grain size of the ground- mass ranges from 5 to 10 mm, while feldspar phenocrysts attain a maximum length of 25-30 mm at the margin and over 60 mm near the core. Petrographic 366 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF descriptions and modal analyses of individual samples employed in this study are given in the Appendix. Keppel (1940) was able to identify several textural varieties of granite which occur as concentric bands in the pluton. He concluded that the sequence of solidification, proceeding from the wall inward, includes a coarse-grained granite, a porphyritic coarse-grained granite, and a medium-grained granite.

Late-stage small bodies and dikes of fine-grained granite cut these earlier mem- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 bers of the pluton and also the surrounding country rock. A second major granite intrusion lies partially within the southern part of the map area and is separated from the Lone Grove pluton by a thin septum of Packsaddle Schist. This body, called the Kingsland massif by Keppel (1940), is mineralogically similar to the Lone drove rock but is texturally different, being in general finer grained and more distinctly bimodal. The maximum lengths of the largest feldspar phenocrysts have been measured at forty stations within the coarse-grained granite of the Lone Grove pluton, and similar measurements were taken on the Kingsland pluton. These data were used to construct the contours shown in Fig. 2. Between twenty-five and fifty of the largest feldspar phenocrysts at a given station were measured. A fairly well-defined maximum size could be established in this manner which was generally reproducible to ±4 mm. Although the details of the contour pattern may be somewhat arbitrary, it shows the general concentric nature of the variations in phenocryst size for the Lone Grove pluton. In contrast, the phenocryst size in the Kingsland pluton appears to show a pattern totally un- related to the shape of the intrusive. Instead, a series of elongate maxima and minima cross the pluton in a west-northwest to south-southeast direction and abut directly against the margin of the intrusive. Since the trend of these zones is roughly parallel to the regional folding of the metamorphic rocks, it may re- flect some structural control in the intrusion of the granite. A well-developed vertical to steeply dipping flow foliation, which generally parallels the adjacent border of the pluton, results from the alignment of platy biotite and microcline grains, layering of biotite-rich schlieren, and the orienta- tion of pod-shaped xenoliths of metamorphic rocks. A much more poorly developed flow lineation, lying in the plane of the foliation and generally plung- ing almost vertically, is formed by elongate, spindle-like grains and aggregates of microcline, quartz, and biotite. Although both the flow foliation and lineation are best developed near the border of the pluton, these structures persist through- out the entire coarse-grained granite. A border facies of foliated, grey, coarse-grained, porphyritic granite lies along the western edge of the pluton. This rock, which extends from just north of the Llano River to \ mile north of Lone Grove, differs both in texture and com- position from the typical coarse-grained granite. It contains over 7 per cent biotite as the only mafic mineral, and locally shows pyrite mineralization. The vertical foliation of this rock is produced by the alignment of microcline pheno- THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 367 crysts and biotite parallel to the adjacent wall rock. A prominent post-Cambrian fault zone lies immediately to the west of this granite, and evidence of shearing and cataclastic disruption of the rock is locally evident. Keppel (1940) found a similar foliated granite near the eastern margin of the pluton which is now covered by Lake Buchanan. Forming the core of the pluton is a distinctly finer-grained (~1 to 3 mm), reddish-pink granite. This medium-grained rock consists predominantly of Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 quartz, microcline, plagioclase, and biotite. Accessory minerals are similar to those of the coarse-grained granite, but generally less abundant. Alteration of the biotite to chlorite and sericite is common and appears to be deuteric. Although exposures of the contact between the coarse-grained and medium- grained granite are rarely observed, there appears to be a sharp contrast in lithology between the two units. Wherever the actual contact can be seen, the medium-grained granite has intruded the coarse-grained granite. Small stocks and dikes of fine-grained, pinkish-red to deep red, acidic granite and aplogranite intrude the other members of the pluton and the surrounding country rock. These rocks consist of approximately equal amounts of quartz, microcline, and plagioclase, with 1-3 per cent chloritized biotite. Zircon, mag- netite, apatite, and sphene are accessory minerals. Partial to complete deuteric alteration of biotite to chlorite and of sphene to leucoxene is common, while only a mild sericitization of the feldspar has occurred. The granite generally has a grain-size of 1 mm or less; however, it may locally grade into coarser-grained lenticules and pegmatitic stringers. Although a distinct contrast between the fine-grained and medium-grained granite occurs in some outcrops, a complete gradation may be observed at other places. It is not possible to assign certain isolated dikes of medium- to fine- grained leucocratic granite unambiguously to one of these rock types. Locally, the rock becomes aphanitic in texture and may represent a rapidly chilled phase of this late-stage igneous activity. Pegmatite and aplite dikes ranging from a few inches to several hundred feet in length are common in the plutons. Most of the pegmatites consist pre- dominantly of coarse, euhedral crystals of pink, perthitic microcline intergrown with massive quartz. These minerals may range from less than an inch to several feet in dimension. Biotite and, less commonly, fluorite, gadolinite, garnet, and a few other minerals may also be present. Subhedral crystals of hornblende and plagioclase are present in a few more basic pegmatite dikes. Muscovite is present in only a few pegmatites, most of which occur in the metamorphic rocks adjacent to the plutons. Aplite dikes are abundant in the coarse-grained granite. The aplite is pink to grey in color, chiefly due to varying portions of microcline and biotite. It has an average grain-size of 1 to 3 mm and consists of subhedral to anhedral, equi- dimensional grains of calcic albite, quartz, and microcline, with a subordinate amount of biotite and accessory fluorite and magnetite. 368 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF The aplite appears to grade rather abruptly into the granite, although nowhere is the contact knife-sharp. Locally, several generations of aplite can be seen in the same dike, and give the rock a layered or banded structure. Near the center of a dike, the aplite may grade into quartz-microcline-biotite pegmatite. The chemical and petrologic relationships of one such aplite-pegmatite dike from the Petrick quarry have been described by Goldich (1941). In general, the aplite tends to be 'dosodic' while the pegmatite is 'dopotassic'. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 Two extensive areas of Valley Spring Gneiss and the Packsaddle Formation occur along the western and eastern margins of the Lone Grove and Kingsland plutons. Although the regional northwest-southeast trending structures are preserved at a distance from the plutons, most of the metamorphic rocks have been modified in the vicinity of the intrusives, especially where the contact lies at an angle to the original trend of the folds. Steeply dipping schist and gneiss are now observed in gross scale to wrap concordantly around the periphery of the granite, except along the northern portion where overlying Palaeozoic sediments mask the Precambrian rocks. In detail, the contact between the pluton and the country rock is more complicated, and there are numerous examples of local cross-cutting relationships, apophyses, xenoliths, and Ht-par-lit structure. Granite, pegmatite, and vein quartz, associated with the major intrusives, are often discernible in the schists and gneisses up to 1 mile or further from the contact. The rocks have all undergone a regional metamorphism of medium grade, except in local areas where contact phenomena have developed somewhat higher grade mineral assemblages. Field relationships show that this regional meta- morphism pre-dates the granite intrusions, but there is no indication of the time interval separating these two events. Unmetamorphosed, flat-lying Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks, chiefly of Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician age, cover the northern quarter of the map area and also occur elsewhere as isolated grabens and outliers. These remnants of a sedimentary cover which once extended over the entire Llano Uplift indicate that the present land surface of the basement rocks lies near that of an exhumed Upper Cambrian surface. Thus, the metamorphic and igneous rocks used in this study come from only a few tens or, at the most, hundreds of feet below an ancient erosion surface which existed for an unknown duration of time. Although the details of this surface are poorly known, domical hills having local reliefs of up to several hundred feet rose above the general land level. Structures related to some of these domes, which are now completely or partially buried by overlying Palaeozoic sediments, have been described by Barnes (1956). The sedimentary and underlying basement rocks have been broken by num- erous high-angle, normal faults which are of probable Late Palaeozoic age. In general, two sets of faults, one trending roughly northeast-southwest and the other trending north-south, are present. Displacements ranging from several feet to hundreds of feet are measurable where the faults cut the known Palaeo- THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 369 zoic succession. Although it is more difficult to detect these faults in the Pre- cambrian rocks, a comparable fault density and amount of displacement are probably present. Occasionally, mylonitic zones and discontinuous structures within the basement attest to such faulting.

EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The analytical procedures closely follow those described by Aldrich et al. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 (1956), Wetherill et al. (1956) and, more recently, by Wasserburg et al. (1962a). Only a brief outline of methods will be presented. A more detailed account of the experimental work is given in the original thesis (Zartman, 1963).

Rubidium-strontium analysis All rubidium and strontium determinations were made employing the tech- niques of isotope dilution and mass spectrometry. Sample splits of 0-2 to 0-5 g were weighed and dissolved in a platinum dish with approximately 8 ml of 48 per cent HF and 2 ml of HC1O4. After evaporating to dryness, 20 to 30 ml of triple-distilled water were then added and the sample taken into solution. Approximate concentrations of rubidium and strontium were determined by X-ray fluorescence in order to estimate the quantity of spike to be added. Where an enrichment in radiogenic Sr87 of over 20 per cent was expected, a weighed quantity of the Sr spike solution was added to the dissolved mineral at this time. The solution was transferred to a pyrex beaker and thoroughly stirred prior to removing an aliquot for rubidium spiking. Both solutions were then evaporated to dryness. The residue from the rubidium aliquot was loaded directly on the source filament for mass spectrometric analysis without further chemical purification. The strontium residue was taken up in 2 ml of 2-5N HC1 and the accompanying particulate matter removed by centrifuge. The super- natant liquid was transferred to an ion-exchange column containing 15 ml of 5O-X8, 200-400 mesh Dowex resin which had been backwashed with 2-5N HC1. The column was then eluted with 2-5N HC1 and the appropriate strontium- containing fraction retained and evaporated to dryness for mass spectrometric analysis. In cases where a strontium compositional analysis was also required an aliquot was taken before the tracer was added. The reagents used in this work were analysed for their rubidium and strontium contents and blank runs were made to determine the contamination (see Table 1). The contributions from contaminants to those minerals on which Rb-Sr ages were determined were negligible in all cases, and only a few common strontium minerals required a significant Rb correction. The rubidium and strontium tracers were prepared from material obtained from Oak Ridge National Laboratories . The salts were dissolved in 2N HC1 solutions and stored in polyethylene bottles. Gravimetrically prepared solutions of spectroscopically pure normal strontium and rubidium were used to cali- brate the spike solutions. The composition of the Sr tracer in atom per cent is 370 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF Sr88 = 14-4 per cent, Sr87 = 2-10 per cent, Sr86 = 83-5 percent, and Sr84 = 0015 86 per cent, and the solution contains 0-01555±000008 fj. moles of Sr per gram solution. The composition of the Rb tracer in atom per cent is Rb87 = 95-42 per cent and Rb85 = 4-85 per cent, and the solution contains 3-3O±OO3 /ug of Rb per gram solution. TABLE 1 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 (a) Reagent analyses for rubidium, strontium, and potassium

Reagent Rb, ppb Sr, ppb K, ppb HF 40 HC1O4 0-75 81 70 2-5N HC1 010 — 6NHC1 — 010 — H2SO4 — — 20 HjO 005 010 10

{b) Blank runs performed under similar conditions to a mineral analysis

Blank Rb, Mg Sr, Mg K, ^g I 0008 0-2 II 5

Potassium analysis With the exception of quartz, all minerals were analysed for potassium by flame photometry. In addition, the hornblendes and two biotites were also analysed by isotope dilution. The potassium content of the quartz was deter- mined by isotope dilution. The chemistry for both of these techniques was identical, and aliquots from the same solution were used where the two methods were employed on a particular sample. Sample splits of 0-3 to 1 0 g were weighed and dissolved by 8 ml HF and 2 ml H2SO4 in a platinum crucible. After diges- wa tion, 1 ml HNO3 s added and the sample evaporated to near dryness. It was then taken back into solution with distilled water and diluted to 250 ml. The flame photometric analyses were carried out following the procedure of Shapiro and Brannock (1956). Solutions, using a 200-ppm Li internal standard in the final solution, were run on a Perkin-Elmer instrument. Ten sets of read- ings were taken and the average potassium concentrates determined. The mean deviation of a single analysis was usually less than ±0-3 per cent. Repeat analyses on several solutions gave potassium values reproducible to ±0-5 per cent throughout the concentration range encountered in this study. Numerous experiments designed to observe the effects of interfering cations and anions showed no detectable suppression or enhancement of the potassium under the conditions of these analyses (Wasserburg, Zartman & Wen, in press). Where isotope dilution was also employed, aliquots of the original solutions were spiked with a tracer having an isotopic composition of K39: K40: K41:: 74: 100:1000 and concentration of 0-289±0001 /x moles K41 per gram solution. THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 371 The K41/K40 ratio of the spike was not much affected by the potassium from the sample, so that discrimination could be calculated for each individual run. No significant discrepancy between the two methods of potassium analysis was found (Wasserburg et al, 19626). The results obtained by flame photometry and isotope dilution were averaged together, in order to obtain the potassium value used in the age determinations. The problem of sample inhomogeneity between separate sample splits is independent of the analysis of a particular Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 solution. Since the argon extraction is made on a different portion of the mineral separate, it is important to obtain a representative split in determining the potassium. This problem becomes most acute in the case of a low potassium mineral containing a high potassium contaminant, such as hornblende with included biotite. Several splits of a hornblende separate were analysed foi potassium and found to contain variations of over 2 per cent between different splits. This effect is due to slightly different amounts of contaminating biotite in the material. Repeat analyses made on essentially pure minerals had varia- tions of less than 1 per cent.

Argon extraction The argon extraction was accomplished through direct fusion of the mineral by an induction heater. Sample splits of 2 to 7 g were loaded into a molybdenum crucible and placed in a quartz reaction vessel surrounded by a water jacket and the primary windings of the induction coil. The reaction vessel was attached to a gas purification train. The extraction system, with the exception of the reaction vessel, was baked out overnight prior to every run. An argon spike release was pipetted into the system from the tracer reservoir and frozen out with liquid nitrogen on a charcoal trap. The induction heater was then slowly brought to a maximum temperature of 1400-1500° C, produc- ing a complete fusion of the sample.1 The evolved gases were thoroughly mixed with the spike and passed, in turn, over a CuO and Ti furnace until optimum clean-up was obtained. The residual pressure was monitored with a McLeod gauge, and the final gas was frozen out with liquid nitrogen on a charcoal sample tube for transfer to the mass spectrometer. The air-argon blank for the produce was approximately 10~6ccSTP. The argon tracer was obtained from Oak Ridge National Laboratories; it has 38 36 38 an Ar^/Ar ratio of 01240 and an Ar /Ar ratio of 0-00124. The tracer is held in a two liter reservoir and is released into the extraction line through a 3-40 ml mercury cut-off gas pipette. The decay constant of the reservoir was determined to be 0-157 per cent per release, and the amount of tracer used throughout the work ranged from 10 to 0-8 x 10~4ccSTP of Ar38. The tracer was calibrated periodically by isotype dilution with known amounts of spectro- scopically pure normal argon. These calibrations, which extended over

1 A repeat extraction on a biotite sample initially yielding 10-3ccSTP of radiogenic argon gave less than 5 x 10-'ccSTP on the second fusion. 372 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF approximately 150 spike releases, were consistent with the calculated tracer con- centration for trie given release to better than ±0-8 per cent. A similar tracer system has been described by Wasserburg et al. (1962a).

Mass spectrometry The rubidium, strontium, and potassium isotopic analyses were run on a 12 in. radius of curvature, 60° sector, single-focusing, mass spectrometer Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 described by Chow & McKinney (1956). All samples were run employing magnetic scanning and a single filament, surface ionization technique. New tantalum filaments were outgassed before rubidium and potassium runs in order to remove trace impurities of these elements. The argon isotopic analyses were run on a 6 in. radius of curvature, 60° sector, single-focusing, Nier-type mass spectrometer (Nier, 1947). Design modifications by C. R. McKinney and G. J. Wasserburg included a 52° magnet for z focusing. All samples were run dynamically. Background corrections were negligible except for mass 36 where 10 per cent or less of the peak height was due to contaminants in the mass spectrometer.

Precision and accuracy The analytical precision of a given determination depends on uncertainties in sampling, chemistry, and mass spectrometry. Reproducibility in flame photometry affects the potassium analyses done by that method. Although an exact evaluation of these sources of error is difficult to make, sample prepara- tion and chemical processing probably introduce uncertainties of only a few tenths of 1 per cent. The only exceptions appear to be with a few minerals in which the analysed element is near the blank level, and with sample inhomo- geneity in the case of certain hornblende separates where small amounts of contaminent biotite are present. The greatest source of uncertainty in the isotope dilution method occurs from mass spectrometry and the resultant error propagation from using these measured isotope ratios in the abdundance calculations. Normal rubidium, strontium, potassium, and argon were run frequently throughout the duration of this work in order to monitor mass discrimination. Variations of up to 5 per cent per two mass units occurred in the potassium analyses; however, this effect could be corrected by normalizing the K40/K41 ratio of the spike. The rubidium and strontium showed a more consistent behaviour with extreme variations in discrimination of 1^ and 1 per cent per two mass units, respectively. When strontium compositional analyses were made, the Sr86/Sr88 ratio was normalized to a specific value of 0-1194 in order to minimize this uncertainty. Normal argon gave a variation of 1^ per cent in the Ar40/Ar36 ratio. The actual reading error of the strip chart was generally less than ±0-2 per cent. The combined sources of error lead to uncertainties in the precision of the analyses of approximately ± 1 per cent for rubidium, potassium, and highly THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 373 radiogenic argon, and ±| per cent for highly radiogenic strontium. The errors assigned to each analysis given in Tables 2 and 3 represent the estimated pre- cision for that determination. Five separate Rb87, Sr87, and Ar40 determinations were made on the biotite from the granite from Petrick quarry (see 3gr, Tables 2 and 3) during the course of the study. The analyses gave rubidium and radiogenic strontium concentra- tions which fell within a range of 2 per cent and Rb-Sr ages within a range of Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 1 per cent. The fifth determination was made by spiking the entire sample for rubidium in order to check inhomogeneity in the aliquot procedure. The argon concentrations fell within a range of 2 per cent which produced a \\ per cent spread in the K-Ar age. In addition to the limits of precision, the accuracy of the isotope dilution analyses are dependent upon how well the tracer concentrations are known. All tracers have been calibrated with carefully prepared normal standards. The absolute concentrations of the normal solutions of rubidium, strontium, and potassium are believed to be known to a few tenths of 1 per cent, and the stan- dard volumes of normal argon to a half of 1 per cent. Several tracer calibrations were made for each element and the resultant values of the concentrations were reproducible to within 2 per cent in all cases. The accuracy of the potassium flame-photometric analyses is dependent upon the internal standards and biases arising from interference effects. A thorough investigation of the flame-photometry technique indicates that accuracies of 1 per cent are obtained on minerals within the potassium concentration range encountered. For all the reported analyses, the values given are believed to be accurate-to within 1 per cent over the stated precision error. The daughter to parent ratios would, therefore, be accurate to within 2 per cent over the combined precisions.

DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Geochronologic data Age determinations were made on mineral separates from fourteen localities throughout the Lone Grove pluton and other major lithologic types in the Uplift. The analytical results for the Rb-Sr and the K-Ar ages are presented in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Where several determinations on a single mineral separate are given, each result represents a complete analysis on a different split of the master sample. These data represent the raw results obtained on individual mineral separates and have not been corrected to the pure mineral composition. In most cases, the separates were of such purity that contributions from contaminating minerals are negligible; however, in several cases, particularly those involving biotite in hornblende separates, appreciable corrections are necessary in order to calculate pure mineral compositions. In the'later section on the distribution of elements 374 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF

TABLE 2 Rb-Sr ages of rocks from the Llano Uplift, Texas

Sr»" 87 Rock Mineral Rb , ppm Sr"*F ppm SrSJu! Age, m.y. 3gr microclinc 91-9±0-9 l-36±OO8 011 995 ±70

l-42+0-03t 0109 1040±30 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 biotite 227 ±2 3-43 ±003 0-85 1O15±15 228 ±2 3-43 ±003 0-85 1010±15 227 ±2 3-44 ±003 0-87 1020±15 226 ±2 3-39±OO3 0-83 1010±15 227 ±2 3 -40 ±003 086 1010±15 Total rock 45 0 ±0-5 O-68±OO6 008 1O15±95 0-67±002t 0084 1000±40 3ap Total rock 121±1 1-82 ±002 0-76 1010±20 3p-l microcline 149±1 2-30 ±003 0-63 1040±20 biotite 658±7 7-99±0-06 0-98 820±15 568±6 7O7±OO5 0-97 840±15 3p-2 biotite 713±7 8-91 ±007 0-98 840±15 3p-3 microcline 139±1 212±OO3 0-47 1020 ±25 biotite 663 ±7 6-44±005 0-89 655±10 3p-4 microcline 1U±1 l-66±OO3 0-33 10O5±25 biotite 421 ±4 5-98 ±004 0-95 955±15 5Ogr microcline 771 ±0-8 113±010 007 985±1OO 115±004t 0069 1OO5±45 biotite 170±2 2-58 ±002 0-78 1020 ±20 41gr microcline 83-8±0-8 l-29±010 008 1035 ±90 l-30±004t 0086 1045±40 biotite 212±2 3 07±002 0-68 975 ±20 128gr microcline 118±1 l-72±006 017 985±45 l-76±OO3t 0173 1005 ±25 biotite 31O±3 ••63 ±004 0-92 1OO5±15 128Wgr microcline 109±l l-69±006 015 1040±50 l-62±003t 0146 1000±25 biotite 292 ±3 • 15±004 0-89 955 ±20 149gr microcline 71-9±0-7 1-11 ±0-10 006 1040±100 107±004t 0064 100O±45 biotite 167±2 2-3O±OO2 0-70 925 ±20 221gr microcline 97-8±l l-46±006 013 1005 ±55 l-51±OO3f 0140 1040±25 t biotite 413±4 (•47±004 0-92 730±15 Total rock 80-7 ±0 08 •14±004 017 950 ±50 •I5±002t 0166 960 ±25 22IIgr microcline 102±l •54±006 014 1015±55 •59±OO3t 0144 1050±25 biotite 438±4 4-36±004 0-93 665±15 4gr microcline 243 ±2 3-66±OO3 0-47 1015±20 muscovite 273 ±3 4-37±004 0-55 1075±20 biotite 283±3 4-31 ±004 0-72 1025 ±20 6gr microcline 92-7±0-9 1-32±OIO 009 960±85 l-35±OO4t 0090 980 ±40 biotite 264 ±3 3-99±OO3 0-84 1O15±15 20gr microcline 720±0-7 1 09 ±0-6 010 1020 ±70 110±003t 0101 1O3O±3O muscovite 83-2±0-8 1-28 ±002 0-48 1O35±2O biotite 160±2 2-44±002 0-85 1020±15 139sch muscovite 35-8±0-4 0-51 ±001 0-22 960 ±35 21p muscovite 164±2 2-53 ±002 0 88 1040±l5 53gn microcline U8±l 1-84 ±006 016 1050 ±50 l-87±OO3t 0160 1065 ±25 biotite 284 ±3 4-32±004 0-78 1025 ±20 Total rock 69-2±0-7 •14±005 012 1110±60 •14±0-03t 0123 1110±25 14rp-l microcline 92-3 ±0-9 •27±OO5 013 9254-55 •28±OO3t 0125 935±25 14rp-2 microcline 850±0-9 •11 ±004 018 890±45 lll±002f 0185 890 ±20 14rp-3 microcline 1O9-7±1 1-51 ±004 0-28 93O±3O

t Strontium composition analysis. THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 375 between the various mineral phases and different sample localities, corrections to pure mineral compositions have been made. The errors assigned to the age represent the most unfavourable conjunction of parent and daughter isotope uncertainties. Errors which may arise from


K-Ar ages of rocks from the Llano Uplift, Texas Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021

40 A40*, ppm A * 40 A 40 Rock Mineral K , ppm (±1%) rttotal Age, m.y. 3gr microcline 13-11 ±0-04 0-982 0-99 975±1O oligoclase 0-509±0006 00366 0-88 945 ±20 biotite 7-38±003 0-603 0-98 1045±10 0-601 0-98 1040±10 0-600 0-98 1040±10 0-606 0-99 1050±10 0-612 0-99 1O55±1O hornblende 207±003 0170; 0-98 1050±20 3p-l microcline ll-29±0-03 0-806 0-98 940± 10 biotite 8-41 ±0-03 0-605 0-96 945 ±10 3p-2 biotite 8-96±0-03 0-673 0-97 980±10 3p-3 biotite 813±OO3 0-478 0-95 • 8O5±1O 3p-4 albite 0-540±000, 0-034, 0-91 855 ±20 biotite 8-72±003 0-670 0-97 995±10 hornblende l-45±002 0-1228 0-99 1075 ±20 50gr microcline 13-76±0-04 0-990 0-98 945±10 biotite 712±003 0-586 0-99 1050±10 hornblende 2-38±OO3 0178, 0-98 980 ±20 41gr biotite 7-69±003 0-612 0-98 1025 ±10 hornblende 2-28±0-03 0-194, 0-99 108O±2O 128gr biotite 8-57±003 0-706 0-98 1050±10 hornblende l-47±002 0-119, 0-98 1040±20 128 biotite 8-31 ±003 0-676 0-98 1040±10 W/nrwgr hornblende l-50±002 0-1205 0-97 1030 ±20 149gr biotite 8-26±003 0-663 0-99 1030±10 hornblende 2-31 ±003 0I956 0-98 1075 ±20 22Igr biotite 9-25±003 0-758 0-99 1045±10 22IIgr biotite 9-21 ±0-03 0-744 0-99 1O35±1O 4gr microcline 15-64±0-04 1079 0-99 915±10 muscovite 8-21 ±0-03 0-650 0-98 1020±10 biotite 4-71 ±0-02 0-385 0-99 1045±10 6gr biotite 8-88±OO3 0-728 0-98 1045±10 20gr muscovite 9-58±003 0-818 0-98 1080±10 biotite 7-79±OO3 0-660 0-99 1075±10 139sch muscovite 6-32±0-03 0-513 0-99 1040±10 25am hornblende 0-298±0O03 0-024! 0-92 1O35±15 21p muscovite 10-31 ±003 0-872 0-98 1O75±1O 53gn microcline 14-54±004 1100 0-99 985±10 biotite 9O4±003 0-728 0-99 1O35±1O uncertainties in the half-lives or geochemical history of the sample are not included. Rubidium-strontium ages have been calculated using a decay constant for Rb87 of 1-47 x 10-11 years-1 (Flynn & Glendenin, 1959). This is 6 per cent greater than the decay constant of 1-39 x 10"u years"1 proposed by Aldrich & Wetherill (1958). All of the Rb-Sr ages would uniformly become 6 per cent larger if the smaller decay constant were used. The natural abundance of Rb87 in atom per 6233.3 B b 376 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF cent is taken to be 27-85 per cent (Nier, 1950a). Ages on minerals with a radio- genic Sr87 enrichment of less than 20 per cent were determined by running the mineral strontium composition. The Sr86/Sr88 ratio was then normalized to 0-1194 and the corresponding Sr87/Sr88 ratio obtained. The Sr87/Sr88 ratio of the strontium incorporated into the original minerals is taken to be 00843 ±0-0002—the average value obtained from analysing several common strontium minerals (see Table 8). Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 The K40 decay constants used in calculating the potassium-argon ages are 1 1 1 1 Ajs = 4-72 x 10- years- and A£ = 0-585 x 10- years" (Aldrich & Wetherill, 1958). The natural abundance of K40 in atom per cent is taken to be 0-0119 per cent (Nier, 19506). The sample localities are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Within the Lone Grove pluton, six samples of coarse-grained Town Mountain Granite, one of coarse- grained foliated granite, one of medium-grained granite, one of aplite, and a suite of pegmatites were used. The sample localities are the best quarry and road-cut exposures available in the pluton and represent a good areal sampling. Most of the material represents the freshest rock available at a given locality. Samples of granite from near the Cambrian erosion surface and from the present erosion surface in the Texas quarry were specifically collected to study the effects of weathering on the mineral ages. Analyses were also made on several of the other major igneous and meta- morphic rocks of the Uplift. Samples of the Oatman Granite, Sixmile Granite, Packsaddle Formation, Valley Spring Gneiss, a pegmatite intruding the Valley Spring Gneiss, and llanite from three localities were investigated to determine whether these units gave a significantly older or younger age than the granite of the Lone Grove pluton. It is immediately apparent from Tables 2, 3, and 4 that most of the ages lie within the range of 980 to 1080 million years. The major exceptions involve somewhat lower K-Ar ages on microclines and plagioclases and several anoma- lously low ages on biotites. Except for the rhyolite porphyry, or llanite (14rp), at least one mineral age from each igneous rock is equal to or greater than 1030, but not greater than 1080 million years. With this one exception, there are no demonstrable differences in age amongst these samples. This does not necessarily mean that the actual time of intrusion is identical for all the rocks, but rather that within analytical error the effective time when these geochrono- logic systems began to act as closed systems is the same. The metamorphic rocks are indistinguishable in age from the igneous rocks, with the possible exception of a slightly older Rb-Sr age for the Valley Spring Gneiss.

Petrick Quarry Granite The geochronologic data for the granite from Petrick quarry (3gr) are given in Tables 2, 3, and 4. Rb-Sr ages were obtained on microcline, biotite, and total rock, and K-Ar ages on microcline, oligoclase, biotite, and hornblende. The TABLE 4. Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages from the Llano Uplift, Texas



Petrick Quarry Point" Horse Golden Beaver Quorrv Beoch Texas Quarry Creek 3gr 3 op 3p-l 3p-2 3p-3 3p-4 50 gr 41 gr 128 gr 128 Wgr 149 gr

MICROCLINE 1040 - 30 1040 120 1020 t 25 1005 1 25 1005 145 1045 1 40 1005 S25 1000 4 25 1000 145


BIOTITE 1015 1 15 830 t 15 840*15 655 1 10 955 1 15 1020120 975 120 1005 1 15 955 i 20 925 120 R b - S r H TOTAL ROCK 1000*40 1010 120 m MICROCLINE 975 i 10 940 1 10 945 1 10 r o PLAGIOCLASE 945 t 20 855^20 Z < m i MUSCOVITE O

AGE , MILLIO N YEAR S BIOTITE I045H0 945 HO 980 1 10 805 HO 995 1 10 1050 ± 10 1025 1 10 1050 1 10 1040 1 10 1030 t 10 O < HORNBLENDE 1050 120 1075 120 980 t 20 1080 ±20 I040± 20 IO3O12O 1075 120 tn •ro SAMPLE LOCALITY c H FOLIATED MEO-GRAINED OATMAN SIXMILE GRAY GRANITE RED GRANITE GRANITE GRANITE PACKSADDLE FM VALLEY SPRING GNEISS LLANITE (RHYOLITE PORPHYRY) O Oatman Kansas City Lone Grove Bluffton Creek Quarry H 22 I gr 22Cgr 4gr 6 gr 20gr 139 sch 25 am 21 p 53 gn 14 rp- 1 14 rp-2 14 tp-J m MICROCLINE 1040 t 25 1050*25 1015 t 20 980 t 40 1030 1 30 1065 1 25 935 1 25 890 1 20 930 i30 X

MUSCOVITE 1075 120 1035 1 20 960 1 35 1040 1 15 tr < BIOTITE 730 1 15 655 1 15 1025 120 1015 1 15 1020 1 15 1025 t 20 >- R b - S r TOTAL ROCK 960 125 LI 10 *- 25 2 O _l MICROCLINE 915 t 10 985 1 10 _J PLAGIOCLASE < MUSCOVITE 1020 1 10 1080 1 10 1040 1 10 1075 1 10 iii i < BIOTITE 1045 1 10 1035 1 10 1045 1 10 1045 1 10 1075 1 10 1035 - 10

HORNBLENDE 1035 1 15 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 September 30 on guest by https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 from Downloaded 378 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF enrichment in Sr87 is about 85 per cent for the biotite, 11 per cent for the micro- cline, and 8 per cent for the total rock. The Rb-Sr ages from the strontium spiked runs and from the strontium composition runs are given for the micro- cline and total rock in Table 2; however, since the age determined by the latter method is more precise, it will be used throughout the discussion. Except for the oligoclase, the minerals yielded argon which was 98 per cent, or more, radiogenic. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 All of the ages are between 1000 and 1050 million years with the exception of the K-Ar ages on the feldspars. Although the biotite and hornblende K-Ar ages are somewhat higher than the biotite and microcline Rb-Sr ages, a meaning- ful comparison between the two dating methods is difficult to make in the light of the uncertainties in the decay constants.1 The microcline and oligoclase K-Ar ages are 975 and 945 million years, respectively. The low microcline age is in line with the findings of most other workers with regard to potassium feldspars from intrusive rocks, who attribute this effect to argon loss by diffusion. The low age on the oligoclase indicates that the plagioclase has also suffered some loss of argon. In addition to the individual mineral ages, a total rock Rb-Sr age was also determined on the granite. The importance of the total rock age lies in the fact that only the rock as a whole must remain a closed system, while its component minerals need not. Thus, if at some time subsequent to the formation of the rock local rubidium or strontium movement has occurred between the minerals, a representative total rock sample will still yield the original age. It is, of course, necessary to take a sample of adequate size to avoid local enrichments of daughter or parent nuclides. It is here assumed that a block of material representative of the gross mineralogy will also be representative of the rubidium and strontium contents. The total rock sample for the granite was split from the same material used to obtain the mineral separates prior to any sizing or processing other than initial crushing. From an original 50 lb (approximately an 8 in. cube) of rock, 5 lb were reduced to —80 mesh, and a split for the chemical analysis was taken from this material. The observed Rb-Sr total rock age on the granite was 1000±40 million years, which is within experimental error of the Rb-Sr ages of the biotite and micro- cline. It appears, therefore, that in this rock the individual minerals did remain closed systems. Since individual analyses had been made of all the minerals expected to con- tribute significantly to the rubidium and strontium contents of the total rock, it was possible to calculate the rubidium and strontium composition and age using these analyses and the rock mode (see Tables 7 and 12). The calculated

1 Despite several exceptions, this tendency for K-Ar ages to exceed Rb-Sr ages by 2-4 per cent on presumably good dating minerals is characteristic of all the sample localities where such a comparison can be made. Possible interpretations of this effect will be given in the Conclusions section. THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 379 age of 1030 million years is almost independent of the rock mode, and although this is 30 million years greater than the observed age, it lies within the experi- mental error. In particular, the total granite shows no indication of having a significantly older age than that of the constituent minerals.

Individual mineral ages

Microcline. Sixteen microclines from both the Lone Grove pluton and other Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 units of the area have been investigated. These samples include microclines

TABLE 5 Obliquity and approximate albite content ofperthitic microline separates. The microcline phase contains greater than 90 per cent Or molecule in every case Obliquity* Albite phase A±01 % 3gr 0-4 10 3p-l 0-8 25 3p-3 - 0-9 30 3p-4 0-6 30 50gr 0-6 15 41gr 0-7 20 128gr- 0-8 5 128Wgr 0-5 10 149gr 0-3 15 22Igr 0-8 5 22IIgr 0-9 10 4gr 0-8 5 6gr 0-8 10 20gr 0-8 5 53gn 0-7 10 14rp-l 0-8 30 14rp-2 0-7 25 14rp-3 0-7 20 Determined from the 131-131 peak separation (as in Goldsmith & Laves, 19S4). from granite, pegmatite, rhyolite porphyry, and gneiss. The feldspars appear to be quite fresh, although some cloudy patches which often contain sericite are present in most of them. This characteristic of many feldspars appears to be unrelated to rock weathering. It is possible that some late-stage deuteric alteration of the rock produced this cloudy appearance. Microclines from the Town Mountain Granite and the rhyolite porphyry frequently show a rapakivi texture with the plagioclase. Perthitic textures are commonly developed in all the microclines, and exsolved albite occurs in amounts ranging from barely perceptible to over 30 per cent of the grain. Table 5 gives the obliquity and approximate albite content of the microclines as determined by X-ray diffraction. A uniform age pattern, in which the ages lie between 980 and 1065 million years, was obtained on all the microclines, except those from the rhyolite por- phyry, by the Rb-Sr method. These data are shown graphically oh a Rb87/Sr86- Sr87/Sr86 diagram in Fig. 3. Although the microcline is invariably the least 380 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF radiogenic mineral in any of the suites of minerals dated by this method, careful analyses have yielded ages which fall consistently within this rather narrow time interval. If one were to exclude the microcline (53gn) with the 1065 million

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20 40 60 80 100 Rb 87 'Sr86 FIG. 3. Rb87/SrS8-Sr87/Sr88 diagram for some microclines from the Llano Uplift, Texas. Igneous localities are represented by black circles with the exception of the Uanite (rhyolite porphyry), which is shown by open circles. The microcline from the Valley Spring Gneiss is represented by the black square. year age, which is the only feldspar from a metamorphic rock, all of the remain- ing ages would lie within the limits of experimental error of each other. A more precise method of mass spectrometric analysis must be perfected before it is possible to demonstrate whether or not these differences of a few per cent in the Rb-Sr ages are real. Some retention of radiogenic strontium from an earlier history could explain the slightly higher age in the microcline from the Valley THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 381 Spring Gneiss. A total rock analysis of this gneiss gave an age of 1110 million years, which was the highest age obtained. If the rock had a strontium isotopic composition which was 1 per cent enriched in Sr87 at the time of metamorphism, concordant ages of 1025 million years would be obtained on the gneiss by using such a composition for the common strontium correction. K-Ar determinations were also made on five of the microclines. These ages were all 5-15 per cent lower than the corresponding Rb-Sr ages or the K-Ar Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 ages on co-genetic biotites and hornblendes. They ranged from 985 million years for the microcline from the gneiss (53gn) to 915 million years for the micro- cline from the medium-grained granite (4gr) of the Lone Grove pluton. The discrepancy in K-Ar ages on microclines is similar to the findings of numerous other workers, who attribute this low age to argon leakage from the mineral (Wetherill et al., 1955; Wasserburg et al., 1956; Goldich et al., 1957). The relatively high retentivity of argon in the Llano microclines is greater than that found in numerous other localities where, commonly, 30 per cent of the argon has escaped. It is interesting to note that the microcline (4gr) most nearly having a stoichiometric potassium content and displaying the least evidence of crystal disruption by exsolution lamellae has lost the greatest amount of argon. One case of apparently concordant K-Ar ages on microcline and biotite occurs in a pegmatite (3p-l) from the Petrick quarry. However, as discussed later, this biotite has an anomalously low Rb-Sr age. It is noteworthy that in such a case, where coexisting biotite has suffered daughter loss, the microcline has not lost any more argon than under undisturbed conditions. Samples of microcline phenocrysts from three separate localities (14rp-l, -2, and -3) within the llanite dike system gave Rb-Sr ages which were consider- ably lower than those of the other feldspars. The ages of 935, 890, and 930 million years are approximately 100 million years lower than any of the other Rb-Sr microcline ages and well outside experimental error. This is compatible with the geologic evidence which shows the llanite dikes to represent the youngest intrusive event in the area. A narrow chill zone at the contact of the dikes indi- cates that the surrounding wall rock was cooler than the porphyry at the time of intrusion. No other geochronologic data show a definite relationship towards this later event; however, the possibility cannot be ruled out that a few per cent age scattering may be the result of later, minor heating. Plagioclase. Two plagioclases were analysed for their potassium and argon contents. They include oligoclase (3gr) from the granite, and albite (3p-4) from a pegmatite, in the Petrick quarry. The K-Ar ages on these two plagioclases are 945 and 855 million years, respectively. This is 10 to 20 per cent below the pre- sumed age of the rock, and suggests that low K-Ar ages might be expected in plagioclases as well as in potassium feldspars. Argon loss by diffusion would be the most probable cause of such an effect. Muscovite. Because of the paucity of muscovite-bearing rocks in the Llano Uplift, only four muscovites were analysed in this study. They include muscovites 382 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF from the two-mica Sixmile Granite, a pegmatitic dike in the Valley Spring Gneiss, the medium-grained granite of the Lone Grove pluton, and a mica schist from the Packsaddle Formation. The muscovite from the Sixmile Granite (2Ogr) appears to be a primary constituent of the rock. It occurs as irregular flakes up to 2 mm in size and makes up approximately 0-6 per cent of the granite. The pegmatitic muscovite occurs in a quartz-microcline-muscovite pegmatite Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 dike (21p), which appears to be approximately syngenetic with the surrounding Valley Spring Gneiss. This mica forms subhedral crystals and booklets up to 1 in. in diameter. The mica from the medium-grained granite (4gr) is sericitic and appears to be of deuteric origin, replacing both the feldspars and the biotite. Some coarser grains of white mica may also be of primary origin. The muscovite from the mica schist (139sch) is a primary constituent of a meta-sedimentary unit in the Packsaddle Formation. Although the rock is somewhat weathered in outcrop, the mica shows little evidence of alteration except for minor staining. The muscovites yield ages which lie within a 1020 to 1080 million year interval, with the exception of one somewhat low Rb-Sr age (139sch). The two primary igneous micas (20gr and 21p) have K-Ar ages which are about 4 per cent higher than their Rb-Sr ages. This relative discordance is similar to that found with most of the other minerals. The K-Ar method gives ages of 1080 and 1075 million years, and the Rb-Sr method gives ages of 1035 and 1040 million years, respectively, on these two samples. The slightly lower ages of 1040 and 960 million years by the K-Ar and Rb-Sr methods, respectively, on the muscovite from the mica schist (139sch), are incompletely understood but may be attributable to incipient alteration by weathering. The secondary seri- cite from the medium-grained granite (4gr) gives a K-Ar age of 1020 million years and a Rb-Sr age of 1075 million years. In this case, the age by the former method is 5 per cent lower than that of the latter. The Rb-Sr age of 1075 million years on the sericite is the oldest age obtained on a granite by this method, despite its occurrence as a secondary mineral. If the age correctly represents the time of deuteric alteration of this rock, all of the other Rb-Sr ages from the Lone Grove pluton would have to be at least several per cent too young. In addition to the obvious possibility of daughter or parent loss or gain due to some thermal or chemical process, another explanation of this anomaly is possible. If the secondary mica incorporated a strontium already enriched in radiogenic Sr87 into its original structure at the time of formation, it will yield a Rb-Sr age which will be greater than the true age if the normal value for the Sr87/Sr88 ratio is used in calculating the common strontium correction. An enrichment of about 10 per cent in the Sr87 of the original strontium would be necessary to account for the relative discrepancy between the Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages in the sericite. If the primary minerals in this rock existed for an appreciable length of time prior to deuteric alteration, they would, of course, be increasing their Sr87/Sr88 ratio by radioactive decay. Since the K-Ar age of the sericite suggests that the time of secondary mica formation was not more THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 383 than 50 million years after that of the primary minerals, only a strontium de- rived mainly from the biotite could have attained such an isotope composition after this time interval. If the secondary chlorite also present as a deuteric mineral in this rock had drawn its original strontium from the same source as the sericite, an anomalously high Sr87/Sr88 ratio should be detectable, since the chlorite has a rather low Rb/'Sr ratio. The rubidium and strontium contents, and the calculated com- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 position of the strontium initially incorporated into the chlorite, are given in Table 8. Since this mineral does not shown an enrichment in its original stron- tium, it must be concluded that either the sericite received its strontium from another source, or at a later time, or else no effect from an anomalous original strontium is to be expected. Petrographically, the chlorite shows a closer relationship with the biotite than does the sericite; however, the time sequence of the alteration is not clear. Hornblende. Four granitic hornblendes, one pegmatitic hornblende, and one hornblende from an amphibolite in the Packsaddle Formation were analysed for their potassium and radiogenic argon contents. The granitic hornblendes occur along with biotite as the mafic constituents of the Town Mountain Granite from the Lone Grove pluton. Although some replacement of the hornblende by biotite has occurred, the remaining grains are quite fresh and unaltered. The pegmatitic hornblende (3p-4) forms well-developed prismatic crystals in excess of 1 in. in length. The hornblende from the amphibolite (25am) occurs as elon- gate acicular crystals averaging 1 mm in length. Both the granitic and the peg- matitic hornblendes are highly potassic and contain 1-1 to 1-3 per cent K, while the metamorphic hornblende contains 0-25 per cent K. The resultant ages range from 980 to 1080 million years and are in good agreement with the other geochronologic systems. With the exception of one sample (50gr), all of the other ages lie within a 1035 to 1080 million year interval. These findings are compatible with those of Hart (1961) and attest to the quantitative retention of argon in this mineral. Although a spread somewhat larger than experimental error exists in the ages, it is possible that analytical difficulties encountered from sample inhomogeneity are partially responsible. The effect of biotite impurity in the hornblende separates can be serious because of the relatively high potassium content of the mica. Repeat analyses have yielded variations of over 2 per cent in the potassium concentration of the granitic hornblendes. Biotite. A large number of biotites have been investigated. Their ages fall into four categories, which include (1) concordant Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages on biotites from fresh granites and gneiss; (2) good K-Ar but somewhat low Rb-Sr ages on biotites from obviously weathered granites; (3) anomalously low Rb-Sr and, to a lesser degree, K-Ar ages on a suite of pegmatitic biotites from the Petrick quarry (3p); and (4) good K-Ar but anomalously low Rb-Sr ages on biotites from a foliated granite (22gr). These data are shown graphically on an 384 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF Rb87/Sr86-Sr87/Sr86 diagram in Fig. 4. Only the first category, involving con- cordant ages, will be included in this section. The results of the weathering study and of the anomalous samples will be discussed subsequently (pp. 386 and 389). Eight biotites obtained from granites from the Lone Grove pluton, Oatman Granite, Sixmile Granite, and Valley Spring Gneiss were dated by both the Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 3U 1 1 1 /

40 - BIOT 1 TES -2


/ 30 / 3p-l / 1 1 y

50 r-- /• r/ 00 / - 40 20 - / 3:0 / %49 gr.

/Sp-4 ; / 2:0 .22 nc r 10 X22 I gr - \-o~ ^-0706 -3p- 3 1 1 1 A" W gr. C) 100 200 300 /• NI28 1 1 1 ,^149 gr. 1000 2000 3000 4000 Rb87 / Sr86 FIG. 4. Rb87/Sr88-Sr8'/Sr86 diagram for some biotites from the Llano Uplift, Texas. Samples yield- ing anomalous ages are represented by open circles and are individually labelled. Rb-Sr and the K-Ar methods. The biotites are usually pleochoric from light brown to dark brown, and occur either with hornblende or alone as the mafic constituent(s) of the rock. Chlorite is usually present in very minor amounts except in the medium-grained granite (4gr), where it occurs almost in equal abundance with the biotite. Chemical analyses for several of the biotites are given in Table 6. In general, they have high Fe2+/Mg2+ ratios and contain several per cent titanium. All the host rocks are fresh and unweathered in hand specimen and thin section, with the possible exception of the Golden Beach THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 385 granite (41gr) which shows some loss of strength and rigidity1 as compared with similar material from greater depths in quarries. The Rb-Sr ages range from 975 to 1025 million years, and the K-Ar ages range from 1025 to 1075 million years. Spreads of only 50 million years in the ages by the two methods are just outside experimental error and are considered to be in good agreement. The mechanism responsible for the 5 per cent spread in Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 TABLE 6 Chemical and partial chemical analyses of some minerals from the Lone Grove pluton

3gr 3gr 3p-2 41gr 4gr biolite hornblendp biolite biolite biolite

SiO2 34-75 38-45 34-26 TiO2 3-53 2-97 301 2-58 2-88 A12O3 12-95 9-36 1306 — — Fe2O3 410 6-44 702 6-58 4-48 FeO 28-65 24-71 26-61 24-60 22-91 MnO 0-35 0-60 0-80 0-35 0-53 CaO 0-49 10-48 0-00 — — MgO 2-98 2-12 207 5-71 5-60 Na2O 011 1-56 010 — — K2O 8-67 1-41 8-42 H2O+ 2-45 1-20 2-82 H2O" 012 011 0-24 — — P2O6 0-24 017 003 — — Total 99-39 99-58 98-44 — — F 0-81 0-46 0-80 — —

Density 3-21 3-37 3-23 Nx 1-610 1-695 1-611 Ny 1-664 1-714 1-666 — — N, 1-664 1-720 1-666 — — 2V small (-) 55° (-) small (-) — — ZAc — 22° — — — Pleochroism Light yellowish- Yellowish-green to Light yellowish- — — brown to dark olive-green to brown to dark brown dark green brown

Analyst: A. D. Maynes (California Institute of Technology Silicate Analysis Laboratory). Fluorine determinations by C. O. Ingamells (Pennsylvania State University). ages is not well understood. In the case of Rb-Sr ages, a significantly smaller range is obtained by omitting the biotite with the 975 million year age from the some- what suspect granite from Golden Beach. As will be further supported by results from the weathering study, it is possible that incipient surface alteration has produced its lower age. The lowest K-Ar biotite age also occurs in this granite; however, the effect of weathering on this radiogenic decay system is less clear. 1 One of the best field criteria for determining the freshness of these rocks was found to be their relative elasticity when struck by a sledge-hammer. A sharp, ringing rebound is encountered when fresh material, such as recently exposed granite from a quarry, is struck, while a dull thud is produced on weathered material. Rocks which appear completely unaltered under the petrographic microscope give their first clue of incipient weathering in this manner. 386 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF K-Ar analyses were made on two different mesh sizes of biotite from the granite of Petrick quarry (3gr) in order to see if any loss of argon had occurred in the finer fraction. Material of —35+80 and —80+115 mesh size yielded identical ages.

Anomalous ages

Anomalously low ages were obtained on the biotites in several pegmatites Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 from the Petrick quarry (3p). Four separate biotite suites were analysed and the resultant ages are included in Tables 2, 3, and 4. These biotites occur in large crystals up to 10 in. in diameter, along with microcline and quartz, in large peg- matite dikes which cut the enclosing granite. The biotite is fresh and shows no evidence of alteration or mechanical strain. It is apparent that all these micas have low Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages. The Rb-Sr ages range from 955 million years for the biotite from the basic pegmatite (3p-4) to 655 million years in the most discrepant case (p-3). Each of the biotites also has a somewhat low K-Ar age, although this effect is only 5-10 per cent in all cases except one (3p-3), where an age of 805 million years is found. Micro- clines from the pegmatites yield normal Rb-Sr ages, and a hornblende from the basic pegmatite (3p-4) also gives a normal K-Ar age. A total rock Rb-Sr age on the aplite (3ap) adjacent to one of the pegmatites gives an age of 1010 million years. The differences in the amount of rubidium and the resultant radiogenic strontium between the duplicate runs on separate splits of the first biotite (3p-l) point out the extreme variations in trace element content of pegmatitic minerals. These two analyses, along with that of biotite completely enclosed in massive quartz (3p-2) from the same pegmatite dike, all give similar Rb-Sr ages despite their spatial separation and variable rubidium contents. This suggests that within this one pegmatite dike, the phenomenon responsible for the low ages has affected all the biotites to about the same extent. Coarsely crystalline fluorite occurred adjacent to the biotite with the lowest ages (3p-3). The strontium isotopic composition from this fluorite showed an enrichment in Sr87 of approximately 3 per cent relative to other common stron- tium minerals from the granite and pegmatite (see Table 8). A careful study of the fluorite revealed a thin, brownish-yellow encrustation on its surface. The fluorite was leached in 0-5N HNO3 for 30 minutes, and the encrustation was . readily dissolved with the evolution of a gas—possibly CO2 from a carbonate. This soluble material was found to be 5 per cent enriched in Sr87. The residue, which appeared to be only clear grains of fluorite, was also analysed and found to contain a normal strontium isotopic composition. It is, therefore, most probable that the strontium occurs in two discrete sites—one containing strontium of normal isotopic composition incorporated into the original mineral, and a second containing strontium enriched in Sr87 which may be selectively removed by acid leaching. THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 387 These results indicate that a strontium somewhat enriched in Sr87 has been transferred to the surface of the fluorite. However, since the surrounding granite has a strontium enrichment of about 8 per cent, it is not possible to say whether the strontium from the encrustation was derived from the pegmatitic biotite (with a considerable dilution by normal strontium) or from the sur- rounding granite (with little normal dilution).

The isotopic composition of the strontium in the albite from the basic peg- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 matite (3p-4) was also determined. In contrast to the fluorite, this mineral yielded a normal Sr87/Sr88 ratio. As the plagioclase contains almost ten times more strontium, however, an effect quantitatively equal to the one encountered in the fluorite would not be seen. It is difficult to postulate a mechanism responsible for the low Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages in the pegmatite biotite while the adjacent granitic biotite has not suffered a similar effect. A careful petrographic study of these materials has yielded no definite clue in this regard. Chemical analyses on pegmatitic and granitic biotites from the Petrick quarry show no significant differences in their major element composition (see Table 6). The fact that these biotites have the highest rubidium content encountered suggests that it is possible for the rubidium so to distort the crystal lattice that the mineral becomes extremely unstable to stron- tium migration. The age of 655 million years on one of the biotites sets a maxi- mum time limit on the occurrence of the phenomenon responsible for the age loss. Even if continuous diffusion during the early history of the rock has occurred, it would have had to be operative up to this time. On the other hand, no minimum limit on the time of age loss is imposed, and the present-day circulation of meteoric water through the rather open pegmatitic structure may be responsible. A second incident of discrepant biotite ages was encountered in the foliated granite (22gr) from Lone Grove. This coarse-grained, distinctly foliated granite is texturally and mineralogically somewhat different from the other rocks of the Lone Grove pluton. It is the only coarse-grained granite from this pluton which does not contain hornblende. The average grain-size is 2-4 mm; however, microcline phenocrysts up to 30 mm in length occur throughout the rock. A well-developed orientation of the mica and feldspar gives the rock its folia- tion. Although this texture appears to be related to primary flowage, a few broken feldspar and quartz grains suggest that some cataclastic deformation may also have occurred. The contact between this granite and the adjacent Town Mountain Granite is not exposed; however, the rocks appear to be gene- tically related. A prominent late Palaeozoic (?) fault lies just to the west of this foliated granite; however, the material chosen for analysis shows no relatable effects. The biotites from the two portions of this granite give K-Ar ages which are concordant with the other granitic micas; however, they yield anomalously low Rb-Sr ages of 730 and 665 million years. Rb-Sr ages on the microclines from 388 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF this granite are consistent with the other granitic microclines and show no evi- dence of an age loss. Although a minor cataclastic texture is apparent in thin section, the biotite shows no textural evidence of recrystallization or alteration. The fresh appearance of the rock also discounts an extensive weathering effect. As in the case of the anomalous pegmatite biotites, the phenomenon responsible for the low age must have been operative within approximately the last 650

million years; however, no minimum age can be assigned to it. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021

TABLE 7 Comparison of observed and calculated rubidium and strontium concentrations, and total rock ages, for two granites. Calculated values were arrived at from individual mineral analyses and rock modes {converted to weight per cent)

Rb, ppm Sr, ppm Sr87*, ppm Age, m.y. Rock obs. calc. obs. calc. obs. calc. obs. calc. 3gr 159 154 113 Ill 0-67 0-67 1000 1030 22Igr 285 281 80 84 115 111 960 940

Apatite, allanite, and oligoclase from 22Igr (see Table 8) were analysed to determine whether they contained anomalous strontium. After correcting for rubidium decay, the first two minerals were found to have entirely normal strontium isotopic compositions, while a 0-5 per cent enrichment in Sr87 was observed in the plagioclase. A stripping of the oligoclase, in which approximately 5 per cent of the feldspar was dissolved in 10 per cent HF, failed to reveal a more enriched, and presumably superficial, strontium fraction. In addition, a leaching experiment on the total rock (22Igr), in which the powdered material was agitated for 10 hours in 0-02N HCI, failed to remove any appreciable amount of radiogenic strontium. A total rock Rb-Sr age of 960±25 million years was obtained for the granite from Lone Grove (22Igr). From the analyses of individual minerals, the calcu- lated age for the whole rock is 940 million years (Table 7). This indicates that if strontium movement is responsible for the low age, the greater part of the radiogenic strontium removed from the biotite was also removed from the rock as a whole. An enrichment of 0-5 per cent in Sr87 in the oligoclase of the rocks indicates that some movement of strontium did take place within the minerals; however, the low biotite age cannot be explained on the basis of this slightly anomalous strontium in the feldspar. If the rubidium or strontium simply moved within the rock as a closed system, it would mean that the true age of the rock is 960 million years and the biotite has gained rubidium or lost strontium while the microcline has done the oppo- site. The fact that most of the other minerals of the rock have not participated in such a strontium exchange makes this hypothesis doubtful, at least for stron- tium movement. The biotite K-Ar ages of 1040 and 1050 million years make such a hypothesis extremely improbable. THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 389 The means by which the Rb-Sr age of the biotite was disturbed without affecting its K-Ar age, or any of the other mineral ages of the rock, is poorly understood. An appeal to ordinary surficial weathering is difficult to support in the light of the results obtained on obviously weathered biotites (128Wgr and 149gr), where a much smaller effect was observed on more altered material. The possibility that a circulation of hydrothermal or meteoric water through the rock has disrupted the mica age cannot be discounted. The proximity of a Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 prominent Palaeozoic fault zone just west of this granite could be considered evidence for a channel permitting such fluid migration; however, it is not pos- sible from the data at hand to demonstrate a causal relationship between this fracture zone and the low Rb-Sr age. The appreciable difference in rubidium content between the two adjacent fractions of the granite suggest that short range processes of element distribution were operative either in the initial mineral crystallization or the later age disruption. As in the case of the pegmatitic biotites, these biotites have high Rb contents which may affect the crystal lattice in such a way as to make the mineral susceptible to age loss. A number of leaching experiments were performed on biotite separates from (1) Petrick quarry granitic biotite (3gr), (2) Petrick quarry pegmatitic biotite (3p-2), and (3) biotite from the Lone Grove foliated granite (22Igr). The first mica represents material yielding concordant ages, whereas the latter two have low Rb-Sr ages. The biotite was agitated for 20 hours in 01N HC1, and the solution was then analysed for rubidium and strontium. Under this treatment, all material lost several per cent of its rubidium and radiogenic strontium with no apparent distinction between the samples. It was noted, however, that all of the samples had preferentially lost radiogenic strontium to rubidium, so that the leachable fraction gives apparent ages higher than the total biotite. In addition, the biotites lost 15 to 25 per cent of their strontium of normal isotopic composition, a fact probably attributable to the preferential solution of apatite and other impurities in the mineral separate.

Weathering study Two samples of obviously weathered Town Mountain Granite from the Lone Grove pluton were included in the study. They represent granites from the present erosion surface (129Wgr) and from the exhumed Upper Cambrian erosion surface (149gr). Both rocks are mechanically rather weak, and lack the rigidity of fresher granite. The weathered sample from the Texas quarry (128Wgr) is complementary to a fresh sample (128gr) from the same locality. A weathering profile exposed in a quarry wall shows decomposed granite at the top, grading downward to completely fresh material at the base. The chief weathering phenomena appears to be a mechanical disaggregation which has thoroughly fractured the rock. Broken grains of feldspar and quartz, which readily disintegrate into an arkosic gravel, occur in the more weathered material. The only evidence of a chemical 390 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF alteration is minor serialization and kaolinization (?) of the feldspar, and a local vermiculization of the biotite. Some iron oxide occurs along fractures and as a coating on the hornblende. The second sample of weathered granite (149gr) comes from near the top of a buried dome which once rose several hundred feet above the general level of the Upper Cambrian erosion surface. The dome is at present being breached by Beaver Creek, which has cut approximately 20 feet into the granite. Although Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 the upper few feet of the granite have been highly decomposed, relatively fresh- looking material is exposed at a depth of about 10 feet. The sample used in this study came from an extensive outcrop 15 feet below the projected top of the dome, which at present forms the bed of Beaver Creek. This granite is less visually altered than the sample from the Texas quarry; however, its proximity to the old erosion surface makes it rather suspect. Both weathering at the time of near exposure in Upper Cambrian time and subsequent contact with meteoric water from the overlying Riley formation are possible causes of alteration. Effects due to present-day erosion may also have contributed to the mechanical and chemical alteration of the rock. Microcline, biotite, and hornblende separates were taken from each of the rocks. The results of the Rb-Sr and K-Ar age determinations on these materials are given in Tables 2, 3, and 4. It is immediately apparent that neither the micro- cline nor the hornblende has suffered any change in age due to the weathering of the granite. The slightly varying amounts of potassium, rubidium, and strontium occurring in the weathered and fresh samples from the Texas quarry are believed to reflect original variations in chemistry or the purity of the mineral separates, rather than changes brought about by the weathering. That these minerals give such a consistent age pattern, indicating a closed system even upon exposure to rather severe weathering, is rather remarkable. The Rb-Sr ages on the biotites were 955 and 925 million years for the granites from the Texas quarry and Beaver Creek, respectively. Slight losses of radio- genic strontium or gain in rubidium appear to have occurred in these biotites. However, despite the rather severe nature of the weathering, especially in the sample of the Texas quarry granite, this effect has altered the resultant ages by less than 10 per cent. No change in K-Ar ages was observed in the weathered biotites as compared to the fresh ones.

Common strontium minerals An accurate value for the isotopic composition of the strontium initially in- corporated into a mineral is necessary in determining the Rb-Sr age of slightly radiogenic material. For example, an error of 1 per cent in the normal Sr87/Sr88 ratio will produce an error of 10 per cent in the age of a 10 per cent radiogenic mineral. If a rock has remained undisturbed since crystallization, it is possible to determine the original isotopic composition of the strontium by analysing THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 391 rubidium-poor minerals from it and correcting for the small amount of sub- sequently produced radiogenic Sr87. The strontium isotopic composition was determined on six minerals, from the granite of Petrick quarry (3gr), which have unfavourable Rb/Sr ratios for age dating. These include oligoclase, exsolved albite from the microcline, horn- blende, apatite, fluorite, and allanite. The resultant analytical data are presented 87 88 86 88 in Table 8, along with the Sr /Sr ratios normalized to make Sr /Sr = 0-1194 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021

TABLE 8 Sr87/Sr88 ratios in some common strontium minerals

Srs'/Sr88 Rock Mineral Sr, ppm Rb, ppm observed* original^ 3gr oligoclase 195 11 00846 00843 ±00002 albite (exsolution in microcline) 140 27 00851 00842±00002 hornblendet 34 23 00883 00845 ±00004 apatite 120 31 00845 00844±0-0002 fluorite 48 01 00844 00844±00002 allanite 215 27 00849 00843 ±00002 3p-3 fluorite (1) 9 0-2 00870 O0869±00002 fluorite (2) teachable in HNO3 (~ 2%) 80 5 00886 00886±00002** residue (~ 98%) 7 0-3 00849 00847 ±00002 3p-4 albite 74 5 00849 00845 ±00002 4gr chlorite§ 70 170 00974 00846±00008 22Igr oligoclase (1) 125 30 00860 00848 ±00002 oligoclase (2) dissolved in HF in 15 min (~ 5%) — — 00861 — apatite 105 6 00843 00841 ±00002 allanite 235 46 00852 0-0842±00002

• Normalized to make Sr"/Sr" = 01194. t Corrected for radiogenic Sr" produced by rubidium decay in 1025 million years (**uncorrected; inferred to be recent effect). % Contains approximately 2% poikilitic intergrowth of biotite; the calculated composition of pure hornblende is 35 ppm Sr and 5 ppm Rb. § Contains approximately 5% biotite; the calculated composition of pure chlorite is 73 ppm Sr and 115 ppm Rb. and corrected for the Sr87 produced by rubidium decay in 1025 million years. All these minerals give the same Sr87/Sr88 value of 0-0843 within experimental error, and it is assumed that this is the isotopic composition of the original strontium incorporated into the various phases of the granite at the time of formation. This value, therefore, has been used throughout the age calculations to correct for original strontium in the mineral. The strontium isotopic composition of the exsolved albite which occurs as perthitic intergrowths in the microcline is of particular interest. If one assumes that the albite acquired its strontium from the microcline at the time of exsolu- tion, and that this strontium was representative of that occurring in the feldspar, a limit to the length of time between original crystallization and exsolution can be determined. An enrichment of 0-5 per cent in Sr87 is detectable, and the fact that the albite shows no such increase in its strontium composition suggests that 6233.3 CC 392 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF exsolution took place within 50 million years of the time of crystallization. This conclusion is compatible with the work of Kuellmer (1960), who has observed perthitic textures in a number of late Tertiary microclines from intrusive rocks. Minerals from several other rocks were also analysed for their common strontium isotopic composition. These results have been considered elsewhere in the text and will not be discussed in detail here. They include fluorite (3p-3) and albite (3p-4) from pegmatites in the Petrick quarry, a suite of minerals— Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 oligoclase, apatite, and allanite—from the foliated granite (22Igr) near Lone Grove, and chlorite replacing biotite from the medium-grained granite (4gr) which occurs within the core of the pluton. Except for those cases in which there is some evidence for a later alteration of the strontium isotopic composition, all calculated original Sr87/Sr88 ratios lie between 0-0841 and 0-0845. It appears that an isotopically fairly homogeneous strontium was incorporated into the magma of the pluton and that crystallization took place rapidly enough so that essentially no enrichment in Sr87 occurred between the time of initial solidifica- tion and the final, late-stage pegmatite formation and deuteric alteration.

Distribution of potassium, rubidium, normal strontium, and normal argon The large number of sample localities and mineral species used in this study makes possible the investigation of certain chemical and mineralogical trends for the elements involved in Rb-Sr and K-Ar age determinations. The area variations in elemental abundances and partitioning factors between various mineral phases should be complementary with hypotheses on the emplacement and evolution of granitic intrusives. In order to study these effects, it is desirable to calculate pure mineral com- positions. Table 9 gives the modal analyses of the various mineral separates as determined from grain mounts and oil immersion. The calculated potassium, rubidium, and normal strontium contents of the pure mineral phases are given in Table 10. Contamination from minor amounts of apatite, allanite, &c, makes it impossible to calculate a precise strontium content for the biotites; therefore, only a maximum limit is placed on this element. The rubidium and strontium contents of the biotite and microcline from the granites of the Lone Grove pluton vary considerably from sample to sample. With the exception of the foliated granite (22gr), the rubidium contents of the biotite and of the microcline from the coarse-grained, Town Mountain Granite vary between 1120 and 605 ppm, and 420 and 255 ppm, respectively. The stron- tium content of the microcline for these rocks varies between 120 and 225 ppm and shows an inverse relationship with the rubidium content. Although there are too few samples to establish a definite elemental distribution pattern through- out the coarse-grained granite, it appears that the rubidium content of the minerals tends to decrease towards the core of the pluton while the strontium increases. No comparable systematic variations in the potassium content of the minerals of these rocks are apparent. THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 393 TABLE 9 Modal analyses of mineral separates. Data determined from grain mounts and oil immersion and given in vol. per cent. Q, quartz; M, microcline {including exsolved albite); P, plagioclase; B, biotite; H, hornblende; Mu, muscovite {including seri- cite); Ch, chlorite; Op, opaque minerals; Ap, apatite; Zr, zircon. The pegmatite mineral separates are essentially monomineralic and are not included here Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021

Rock Mineral Mesh size Q M P B H Mu Others 3gr microcline 35-80 01 100 01 00 00 00 00 oligoclase 35-80 0-8 («) 99 00 00 00 00 biotite 35-80 0-2 01 00 88 9 00 2-8 Op, Zr, Ap 80-115 00 0-0 00 97 2 00 11 Op, Zr, Ap hornblende 35-80 0-2 0-5 0-2 7 91 00 10 Ap, Zr, Op 5Ogr microcline 80-115 0- 100 01 00 00 00 00 biotite 35-80 0- 01 01 83 14 00 2-5 Op, Zr, Ap hornblende 35-80 0- 0-3 0-2 10 89 00 0-9 Ap, Op, Zr 41gr microcline 80-115 0- 100 01 00 00 00 00 biotite 35-80 0- 01 00 91 7 00 1-7 Op, Zr, Ap, Ch hornblende 35-80 o-; 0-2 01 9 89 00 11 Ap, Op, Zr 128gr microcline 80-115 0- 100 00 00 00 00 00 biotite 20-35 0- 01 01 98 0-8 00 1-2 Op, Zr hornblende 80-115 0- 00 00 2 98 00 0-3 Ap, Op, Zr 128Wgr microcline 80-115 0- 100 01 00 00 00 0-0 biotite 20-35 0- 00 01 98(6) 10 00 11 Op, Zr, Ch hornblende 80-115 0- 01 00 3 96(c) 00 0-9 Op, Ap, Zr 149gr microcline 80-115 00 100 01 00 00 00 00 biotite 20-35 00 00 00 97 2 00 1-3 Op, Zr, Ap hornblende 80-115 01 01 01 8 91 00 10 Ap, Op, Zr 22Igr microcline 80-115 00 100 01 00 00 01 00 biotite 35-80 00 00 00 99 00 01 0-5 Op, Ap 22IIgr microcline 80-115 00 100 00 00 00 00 00 biotite 35-80 00 00 00 99 00 01 0-4 Op, Ap 4gr microcline 80-115 00 100 00 00 00 01 00 muscovite 80-115 3 0-4 0-2 01 00 96 0-5 Ap, Zr biotite 80-115 00 00 00 68 00 0-2 32 Ch, Op 6gr microcline 80-115 00 100 01 00 00 00 00 biotite 35-80 00 00 00 98 00 00 1-7 Op, Zr, Ap 2Ogr microcline 80-115 00 100 00 00 00 01 00 muscovite 80-115 0-8 0-3 00 0-2 00 98 0-6 Ap, Zr, Op biotite 80-115 00 00 00 99 00 0-2 0-7 Op, Zr 139sch muscovite 80-115 0-5 0-3 id) 00 00 99 0-2 Op 25am hornblende 80-115 0-4 00 0-7 00 99 00 0-3 Op, Ap 53gn microcline 80-115 00 100 01 00 00 00 00 biotite 80-115 00 00 00 98 00 00 1-8 Op, Ch 14rp-l microcline 35-80 00 99 0-5 0-2 00 00 00 14rp-2 microcline 35-80 00 99 0-5 0-5 00 00 00 14rp-3 microcline 35-80 00 100 0-2 0! 00 00 00

(a) Exsolved albite included with oligoclase, probably less than 2 per cent. (b) Biotite incipiently altered to vermiculite. (c) Hornblende contains iron oxide stains. (d) Included with microcline.

The foliated granite (22gr) and the medium-grained granite from the core of the pluton (4gr) show an enrichment in the rubidium content of their minerals over that found in the normal Town Mountain Granite. The potassium content of the biotite from the foliated granite is several per cent greater, and that of the medium-grained granite is 20 per cent lower, than that of the coarse-grained granite. The pegmatitic minerals from the Petrick quarry also show a marked 394 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF TABLE 10. Calculated potassium, rubidium, and normal strontium contents of the pure mineral phases

Rock Mineral Rb, ppm Sr, ppm 3gr microcline 110 330 170 oligoclase 0-42 11 195 albite (secondary) — 27 140 quartz 00008 <005 <0-2 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 biotite 6-8 915 <5 hornblende 1-20 ~5 35 apatite — 31 120 fluorite 01 48 allanite 27 215 3p-l microcline 9-3 525 19 biotite 6-9 2330 <3 2010 <3 3p-2 biotite 7-4 2525 <2 3p-3 microcline 490 34 biotite 6-7 2345 11 fluorite 0-3 8 3p-4 microcline 395 48 albite 0-44 5-2 74 biotite 7-2 1490 <4 hornblende 119 — — 5Ogr microcline U-4 275 225 biotite 6-8 725 < 5 hornblende 1-27 — — 41 gr microcline — 300 200 biotite 6-8 825 <5 hornblende 1-26 — — 128gr microcline — 420 120 biotite 7-2 1120 <5 hornblende 109 — — 128Wgr microcline — 390 145 biotite 6-9 1050 <5 hornblende 110 — — 149gr microcline — 255 225 biotite 70 605 <5 hornblende 1-44 22Igr microcline 11-5 350 135 oligoclase — 30 125 biotite 7-6 1470 < 5 apatite — 6-3 105 allanite 46 235 22IIgr microcline 11-9 365 135 biotite 7-6 1565 < 5 4gr microcline 12-8 865 59 muscovite 70 1000 52 biotite 5-6 1415 < 5 chlorite 115 73 6gr microcline — 330 200 biotite 7-4 955 <5 20gr microcline — 255 140 muscovite 6-6 300 20 biotite 6-5 570 < 5 139sch muscovite 5-3 125 26 25am hornblende 0-25 _ — 21p muscovite 8-5 580 4-9 53gn microcline 121 425 145 biotite 7-6 1025 <5 14rp-l microcline — 335 135 14rp-2 microcline — 300 71 14rp-3 microcline — 385 56 THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 395 increase in their rubidium content, and decrease in their common strontium content, compared with the associated granite. With the exception of the rhyolite porphyry (14rp), only one locality was sampled from each of the other rock types included in this study. The variable rubidium and strontium contents of the microcline from the porphyry indicate a considerable range in the trace element composition of this mineral. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 For the six biotite-microcline pairs on which potassium and rubidium analyses are available for both minerals, it was possible to calculate a partitioning factor. This factor, Kbio.micr = (Rb/K)bl0/(Rb/K)micr, is a measure of the preferential rubidium to potassium concentration in biotite relative to microcline. The results


Some values of the partitioning factor, Kbio.micr = (Rb/K)bi0/(Rb/K)micr, for biotite-microcline pairs

Rock K 3gr 4-49 50gr 4-42 22Igr 6-3e 22IIgr 6-7, 4gr 37. 53gn 3-84 3p-l 5-1,-6-0 of this calculation for the Petrick quarry granite (3gr), the Paint Horse quarry granite (50gr), the two fractions of the foliated granite from Lone Grove (22Igr and 22IIgr), the medium-grained granite (4gr), and the Valley Spring Gneiss (53gn) are given in Table 11. Assuming equilibrium between mineral pairs, it might be expected that, to a first approximation, such a factor would be only a function of temperature and fairly constant for chemically similar material. Despite the variation in lithology, a rather narrow range for Kbl0.micr is en- countered. The two samples of Town Mountain Granite (3gr and 50gr), which are chemically and mineralogically similar, give a very good agreement in their partitioning factor. The highest Rb/K ratios in biotite relative to microcline occur in the foliated granite (22Igr and 22IIgr). It is interesting to note that a reduction in the rubidium content of these biotites would both tend to bring the partitioning factor in line with that found on the other rocks and also raise the anomalously low age of this mineral. In fact, a concordant Rb-Sr age for these biotites from the foliated granite would result if enough rubidium is subtracted to bring their Kbio.micr ~ 4-4 in agreement with the other coarse-grained granites. This is suggestive of the recent addition of rubidium to the biotite; however, a better understanding of element partitioning between mineral phases is necessary before such a conclusion can be proven. Long (1959) discusses the ion-exchange capacity of several minerals and suggests the possibility of some rubidium addition to biotites by ground-water circulation. A partitioning factor, Kbio.micr, can also be calculated for the biotite and 396 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF microcline from the Petrick quarry pegmatite (3p-l); however, it is not known whether the analysed minerals represent an equilibrium pair. Indeed, the wide variation in the rubidium content of the two biotite splits from this locality make the calculation of a unique factor impossible. The range in Kbl0.micr using the two biotite rubidium determinations of Table 10 is given in Table 11. No interpretation of this single pegmatitic pair is possible. However, the occur- rence of a relatively high value for the distribution factor on a biotite which has Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 a low Rb-Sr age is similar to the case of the foliated granite (22gr). Two additional partitioning factors can be calculated for the granite of Petrick quarry (3gr). These are: Kmicr0.ollg = H4 and Kbio.hb = 32. The former factor indicates that the acceptance of rubidum relative to potassium into the two feldspars is about equal. The latter factor shows a strong preference for rubidium, relative to potassium, to enter the biotite structure over the horn- blende structure.

Samples 4gr and 20gr permit two calculations of Kbio.musc; the values of this partitioning factor are l-78 and l-93, respectively. The agreement between these two rocks is interesting because the muscovite in the former case represents secondary sericitic alteration. As a comparison, values of Kbi0.musc = l^ and Kbio.micr = 2-37 were obtained on pegmatitic minerals from the Snowflake mine in the Gold Butte area of southern Nevada (M. A. Lanphere, personal communication). An investigation of partitioning factors from numerous localities would be necessary in order better to establish their behaviour. The present data suggest that varia- tions of up to a factor of three can exist between mineral pairs from different rock types. A thorough study is necessary to see if a more uniform pattern can be obtained on individual rock types. Regularities observed in the amount of normal argon obtained during the fusion of various mineral species suggest that most of this argon comes from the mineral itself, rather than from the extraction train. It was found that a certain quantity of normal argon was characteristically released per gram of each mineral. These quantities were: granitic biotite. 5-14 ppb; pegmatitic biotite, 18-25 ppb; hornblende, 1-4 ppb; microcline, 10-16 ppb; muscovite, 13-17 ppb; and plagioclase, 3-4 ppb. It is most probable that this argon was absorbed on the surfaces of the mineral. No outgassing of the sample was conducted prior to the extraction fusion.

CONCLUSIONS By using refined chemical and mass spectrometric techniques, it is possible to achieve a precision of ±1£ per cent in the Rb-Sr ages of highly radiogenic minerals. In addition, by normalizing the Sr86/Sr88 ratio of the mineral stron- tium, it is possible to improve the dating of poorly radiogenic samples. The least radiogenic sample included in this study, a microcline having a Sr87 enrichment of only 6 per cent, is believed to yield an age with a precision of ±4£ per cent. THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 397 Minerals dated by the K-Ar method yielded argon which was over 85 per cent radiogenic and gave ages having a precision of ± 1 per cent in all cases except those with low potassium content, where the lowest precision was ±2 per cent. Within these limitations of experimental uncertainty, it is possible to evaluate the various geochronologic systems for real effects. The ages from the different minerals and sample localities are summarized Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 in Table 4. These data suggest that except for the rhyolite porphyry (14rp), all of the rocks are of similar age within experimental error. Excluding those determinations which yield obviously anomalous results, the average mineral ages, along with their maximum spread, are as follows:

Rb-Sr ages Microcline: 1025 m.y. (980-1065 m.y.) Muscovite: 1030 m.y. (960-1075 m.y.)1 Biotite: 1010 m.y. (975-1025 m.y.)2 K-Ar ages Muscovite: 1050 m.y. (1020-1080 m.y.) Biotite: 1045 m.y. (1025-1075 m.y.) Hornblende: 1045 m.y. (980-1080 m.y.) The mean Rb-Sr age is 1020 million years and the mean K-Ar age is 1045 million years. The significance of this 3 per cent disparity, which appears to be a real effect, is not clear. Until better determinations of the decay constants are available, it is not possible to give a unique interpretation of this effect. Assum- ing that the two geochronologic systems keep identical time, it is possible to determine their relation decay rates. If we assume the K40 decay constants to be correct, the decay constant of Rb87 should be decreased by 3 per cent in order to bring the two dating systems into best concordance. This is equivalent to using a Rb87 half-life of 48-5 x 109 years, which is midway between the values of Flynn & Glendenin (1959) and Aldrich & Wetherill (1958). It is, of course, possible that the two geochronologic systems do not begin keeping time simultaneously, or that slight diffusive daughter loss occurs in one of them. Wasserburg et al. (1962a) have shown that igneous and metamorphic rocks ranging in age from 1000 to 1100 million years extend across central and wes- tern Texas and are correctable with rocks of equivalent age (Grenville) in the eastern United States and Canada (Tilton et al, 1960). The Llano Uplift is included in this belt and its general age pattern is compatible with the inter- pretation of Wasserburg et al. (1962a). In detail, the Precambrian rocks of the Uplift show a complicated strati- graphic and structural history. The geochronologic results of this study show that much of the detail of this fine structure, which is recorded in field relation- ships, has been lost in the mineral ages. Thus the metamorphic rocks of the 1 If one excludes the incipiently weathered schist, 139sch, the muscovite age becomes 1050 m.y. (1035-1075 m.y.). 2 If one excludes the incipiently weathered granite, 41 gr, the biotite age becomes 1020 m.y. (1005-1025 m.y.). 398 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF Packsaddle Formation and Valley Spring Gneiss, and the several granites representing different periods of emplacement, all yield similar ages. Only a rhyolite porphyry shows a significantly younger age of about 920 million years, in accord with geologic evidence. These data, therefore, either indicate a near simultaneity of the various metamorphic and igneous processes to within about 50 million years or else give some age not directly related to the rock crystalliza- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 tion. It is possible that some cooling-off period, related to the cessation of orogenic processes or regional uplift, may be the 'event' dated by these mineral ages. Under such an hypothesis the minerals would continue to lose their daughter isotopes until the rocks had become sufficiently cool to retain them.1 In deep- seated plutonic environments, the time interval between mineral formation and daughter retention might be rather long and possibly different for each geo- chronologic system. This effect could explain some of the age discrepancies reported between the K-Ar, Rb-Sr, and U-Pb dating methods. If the rock remained a closed system to rubidium and strontium since its formation, and only the minerals continued to lose or redistribute their daughter products, it is possible to estimate a maximum age for the system as a whole (Compston et al., 1960). Using an achondritic value of the Sr87/Sr88 ratio of 00834 (Gast, 1962) for the isotopic composition of the original strontium, the Town Mountain Granite, as represented by the sample from the Petrick quarry, could not be older than 1175 million years. A more reasonable terrestrial basalt value of Sr87/Sr88 = 00838 for the original strontium isotopic composition would give an even lower age. A total rock age of 1100 million years, or approximately 75 million years greater than the average mineral ages by the Rb-Sr method, would be a more probable estimate of the maximum age of the system. Discrepancies of approximately 100 million years were found by Wasser- burg et al. (1962a) between U-Pb ages on zircons and Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages on micas, hornblendes, and microclines. Their maximum age by these latter methods is 1090 million years, while supposedly syngenetic zircons give ages on the concordia diagram of 1150-1200 million years. Several possible explana- tions for this difference in ages were presented. It was suggested that slight stron- tium and argon losses under near-surface conditions could be responsible for this effect. The present investigation on extremely fresh material, however, still shows the same discrepant behaviour between the methods. Aldrich et al. (1958) give an analysis for a zircon from Petrick quarry which yields an age on the concordia diagram similar to the ones found by Wasserburg et al. (1962a). In addition to being at least 100 million years greater than the other mineral ages, 1 In those cases where the total rock Rb-Sr ages do not exceed the individual mineral ages, two explanations are possible which would still allow the rock to have an age younger than that of its crystallization. Either (1) the rock as a whole could have lost any radiogenic strontium formed, or (2) complete isotopic homogenization between the various mineral phases could have occurred con- tinuously during this time interval between rock formation and age retention. In the latter case, any age calculated by using the 'normal' strontium isotopic composition obtained from common stron- tium minerals in the rock would date the time of age retention rather than crystallization. THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 399 this zircon is older than a reasonable estimate of the total rock Rb-Sr age. This would suggest either that a wrong value for the decay constants has been used or that radiogenic Sr87 had escaped from the granite during its early history. During the course of this study, a number of anomalous biotite ages were observed. Biotites from obviously weathered granite gave good K-Ar ages, but Rb-Sr ages from 5 to 10 per cent low. A suite of pegmatitic biotites gave both low K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages, but the latter were always considerably more dis- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 crepant. Biotite from a coarse-grained, foliated granite gave good K-Ar ages, but low Rb-Sr ages. Anomalies of up to 35 per cent in their Rb-Sr ages were found in the latter two groups of biotites. The mechanism responsible for these low ages is poorly understood. The fact that much greater discordances occur in fresh rather than obviously weathered rock suggests that ordinary surface weathering is not the sole cause of these anomalies. Some peculiar effect of hydrothermal or meteoric water, or an imperceptible metamorphism, are pos- sible explanations of this phenomenon. In principle, either strontium loss or rubidium gain could have caused the low Rb-Sr ages, and argon loss or potas- sium gain could have caused the low K-Ar ages; however, since definitive evidence for radiogenic strontium mobility has been found, it is most probable that daughter loss has produced these low Rb-Sr ages. It would also be more likely that argon loss has produced the low K-Ar pegmatitic biotite ages. Anomalous common strontium was encountered in a fluorite from a peg- matite. However, unlike the situation cited by Compston & Jeffery (1959), where it appears that radiogenic strontium actually entered the crystal lattices of epidote and apatite during a period of rock metamorphism and reconstitution, the anomaly in this case was traceable to a surficial encrustation of carbonate (?) containing the enriched strontium. It is possible that this material contains some of the radiogenic strontium lost from the adjacent biotite. In any case, this incident is evidence for the mobility of radiogenic strontium from its initial site of production, without metamorphism. An analysis of the constituent minerals and the total rock from the coarse- grained, foliated granite showed that if this low biotite age was due to daughter loss, the radiogenic strontium was not only removed from the mineral but also, to a large extent, from the entire rock. Under such open system conditions, the resultant Rb-Sr total rock age is too low, and no longer gives the initial rock age. Minerals having low Rb/Sr ratios—oligoclase, secondary albite, hornblende, apatite, fluorite, and allanite—from several rocks included in this study were analysed for their rubidium and strontium contents and strontium isotopic composition. Assuming an age of 1025 million years for the rocks, a correction for subsequent rubidium decay was applied and the initial isotopic composition calculated. All strontium data were normalized to Sr86/Sr88 = 01194, and the resultant Sr87/Sr88 ratios fell within the range 00841-00845 for the primary granitic minerals. An average value of 00843±00002 has been used in calcu- lating the mineral ages. 400 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writer is indebted to Dr. G. J. Wasserburg of the California Institute of Technology, under whose supervision the investigation was carried out. All of the laboratory determinations were made using the facilities of the Division of Geological Sciences at the California Institute of Technology.

Drs. L. T. Silver and A. L. Albee offered suggestions which have been profitable Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 in understanding and interpreting the results of the study. Dr. M. A. Lanphere worked with the author on many problems associated with establishing and maintaining the geochronology laboratory. Drs. V. E. Barnes and P. T. Flawn of the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology gave valuable assistance while in the field. Dr. Barnes also provided several rock specimens from his collection which were unobtainable at the time of investigation. Dr. S. S. Goldich of the U.S. Geological Survey discussed several field relationships and provided some samples from the Petrick quarry. The author wishes to thank P. Meyer, J. Love, G. Garett, F. Hoerster, and J. Dodgen, who permitted him access to their properties. O. C. Montgomery and C. Ashley of Llano, Texas, provided much helpful information regarding the local geography and quarry localities. Edgar Tobin Aerial Surveys provided free aerial photographs of the area. Expenses for the fieldwork and mineral chemical analyses were paid by the Penrose Fund of the Geological Society of America. Laboratory expenditures were supported in large part by National Science Foundation Grants NSF-G 19084 and NSF-G 15945. This research was conducted while the author was a National Science Foundation fellow.

APPENDIX Description of samples Town Mountain Granite 3—Petrick quarry The Petrick quarry is situated within a low, domical outcrop of granite 2 miles west of Buchanan Dam at the intersection of Texas highways 29 and 261. Granite: Granite (3gr) was taken from a freshly exposed ledge lying 10 ft below the present quarry rim and approximately 20 ft below the original surface of the dome. The rock is greyish-pink, coarse-grained, and seriate porphyritic in texture. It is composed of microcline, oligoclase (An27), quartz, biotite, hornblende, and accessory opaque minerals, sphene, zircon, allanite, apatite, and fluorite. A small amount of sericite formed by the alteration of feldspar is the only secondary mineral. The potash feldspar consists of pink to orange, subhedral grains of perthitic micro- cline which range in size from that of the groundmass up to 36 mm in maximum length. Exsolution lamellae of albite occur throughout the microcline and make up approximately 20 per cent of the grain. Rapakivi and anti-rapakivi textures, with pearly grey oligoclase rims or cores respectively, are frequently encountered in the micro- cline. Poikilitic inclusions of biotite and quartz in the feldspar grains are common. THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 401 Clear to slightly bubbly grains of quartz, anhedral grains of white oligoclase, and irregular flakes and aggregates of biotite and hornblende make up the remainder of the groundmass. Some zoning in the plagioclase is present, as is local myrmekitic development. Poikilitic inclusions of biotite in the hornblende, which it appears locally to be replacing, are common. The average grain-size of the groundmass is about 6-8 mm, although wide ranges are present, especially among the mafic minerals. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 TABLE 12 Modal analyses of some granites and gneiss

3gr 50gr 4lgr 128gr 149gr 22gr 4gr 6gr* 20gr\ 53gn% Quartz 29-8§ 29-3 26-2 31-3 28-9 27-9 33-3 331 37-2 27-7 Microcline 28-5 331 29-1 28-4 281 39-5 31-5 34-2 38-8 47-6 Albite (secondary) 7-3 9-4 12-4 4-4 6-5 3-5 0-4 2-8 1-2 Oligoclase 24-8 21-7 221 26-2 26-7 210 310 25-8 18-3 170 Biotite 4-5 3-3 6-5 4-5 40 7-2 1-8 31 3-5 4-5 Hornblende 4-7 2-4 31 4-8 4-9 . Muscovite (incl. sericite) tr 0-2 tr tr 01 0-3 0-5 0-2 0-6 0-4 Chlorite tr 0-2 01 tr 0-3 0-2 1-4 0-3 0-2 0-2 Zircon 01 01 01 01 01 tr tr tr tr tr Allanite 0-2 0-2 0-3 0-2 0-2 01 tr tr tr Apatite 01 01 01 01 0-1 01 tr 01 01 01 Sphene tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr — Opaque minerals tr tr tr tr 01 tr 01 0-2 01 2-4 Fluorite tr tr tr tr tr tr tr Calcite — .— — . — tr 0-2 01 Pyrite — — — — — 0-2 — — tr —

* Oalman Granite; t Sixmile Granite; % Valley Spring Gneiss; the rest are granites from the Lone Grove Pluton. § All modes are given in vol. per cent and represent 2,000 counts made on three or more thin sections.

Aplite: Associated with the granite are dikes of light greyish-pink aplite (3ap) containing albite (An,), microcline, and quartz with accessory biotite and fluorite. A small amount of secondary chlorite and calcite is also present. The minerals average 1 mm in diameter and occur as subhedral, interlocking grains. A slight planar structure is often developed in the aplite, which parallels the contacts of the dike, but this foliation appears to be more of a mineral segregation than a kinematic effect. Pegmatite: Material was collected from two pegmatites (3p-l, -2, and 3p-3) consisting chiefly of coarse-grained quartz and microcline with intergrown books of biotite, and a third (3p-4) which also included a more basic phase with plagioclase and hornblende. All the pegmatites occur as long, linear dikes bordered on both sides by aplite which, in turn, grades into the normal granite. Pinkish-orange microcline and milky quartz form the bulk of the pegmatite dikes. Books of black biotite lie both along grain boundaries and enclosed within single feldspar or quartz grains. -The microcline is in subhedral to euhedral perthitic crystals ranging up to a foot or more in dimension. The biotite occurs in crystals up to 10 in. across and several inches thick, although parting fractures generally limit the size of individual books to 1-3 in. A pocket containing fluorite and gadolinite was encoun- tered in one of the pegmatites (3p-3). The more basic pegmatite (3p-4) contains coarse, white grains of albite (An7) and dark brownish-green, prismatic hornblende, in addition to quartz, biotite, and microcline. 402 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF 50—Paint Horse quarry The Paint Hor^e quarry is located on the Fitzsimons Land and Cattle Company ranch approximately 2 miles southeast of Lone Grove. Granite (50gr) was taken from the floor of the quarry approximately 15 ft below the outcrop surface. The rock is greyish-pink, coarse-grained, and somewhat non-seriate porphyritic in texture. It is composed of microcline, oligoclase (An25), quartz, biotite, hornblende, and accessory opaque minerals, sphene, zircon, allanite, apatite, and fluorite. Minor amounts of secondary sericite and carbonate are associated with the feldspars, and incipient Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 chloritization of the biotite has occurred. The microcline is pink and shows distinct perthitic intergrowths of albite. Individual phenocrysts have an average grain-size of 20 mm, with maximum lengths of approxi- mately 42 mm. Exsolution lamellae of albite make up 25 per cent of the perthite and occasionally form patches which suggest that considerable migration took place during unmixing. Rapakivi and anti-rapakivi textures are common, especially in the larger phenocrysts. In addition to the microcline, the groundmass consists of clear to slightly bubbly quartz, white oligoclase, and clusters of biotite and hornblende. The average grain-size of these minerals is about 8 mm, although some of the mafic aggregates are considerably larger. 41—Golden Beach Coarse-grained porphyritic granite occurs in a road-cut along Texas highway 261, approximately 4f miles north of the intersection with Texas highway 29 (this is locality B of Keppel (1940)). The granite (41gr) was sampled 4 ft below the top of the ledge, and although it appears to be fresh and unweathered, it lacks the strength and rigidity of some material obtained at greater depth. It-is greyish-pink, coarse-grained, and non-seriate porphyritic in texture. Microcline, oligoclase (An27), quartz, biotite, and hornblende are the major constituents, while opaque minerals, sphene, zircon, allanite, apatite, and fluorite occur in accessory amounts. The only secondary minerals are sericite and a trace of chlorite. Light pink, perthitic microcline occurs both in the groundmass and as phenocrysts. The phenocrysts range up to 50 mm in length with an average size of 25 mm, while the ground mass grains average 8 mm. The majority of the microcline occurs as pheno- crysts, commonly with plagioclase to form rapakivi textures. Exsolution lamellae and patches of albite make up approximately 30 per cent of the perthite. Quartz, oligoclase, biotite, and hornblende form the bulk of the remaining groundmass. The mafic minerals generally occur in clusters of aggregate grains, many of which show varying stages of replacement of the hornblende by biotite. The rock has a poorly developed flow foliation which strikes approximately east-west throughout the outcrop.

128—Texas quarry The Texas quarry is situated on a low, extensive outcrop of granite \ mile south of Texas highway 29 and 4J miles west of Buchanan Dam. A complete weathering profile is exposed in one of the quarry walls. Highly decomposed granite at the top of the outcrop grades downward to completely fresh material. Weathered granite (128Wgr) from the surface and fresh granite (128gr) from the base, 12 ft below, were collected from this locality. The granite, which ranges from light greyish-pink when weathered to a deeper greyish-pink when fresh, is coarse-grained and seriate porphyritic in texture. Its THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 403

primary constituents include microcline, oligoclase (An24), quartz, biotite, hornblende, and accessory opaque minerals, sphene, zircon, allanite, apatite, and fluorite. The fresh granite contains pink, perthitic microcline with albite exsolution lamellae making up 15 per cent of the grain. The microcline ranges in grain-size from that of the groundmass up to 32 mm in length; the larger phenocrysts commonly display rapakivi and anti-rapakivi textures. The quartz is relatively free of inclusions and shows a straight to slightly undulatory extinction. The oligoclase is pearly grey and

devoid of extensive cloudy alteration. Brownish biotite and greenish hornblende Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 occur as individual grains and aggregates throughout the rock. Minor sericite and only a trace of chlorite are present as secondary minerals in the unweathered rock. The weathered granite has suffered chiefly from a mechanical disaggregation, with fractures transecting broken feldspar and quartz grains. Sericitization and kaoliniza- tion of the feldspars have been minor. The biotite is predominantly fresh and only locally has it been altered to vermiculite. The hornblende is also fresh except for a coating of iron oxide on some grains.

149—Beaver Creek The top of a buried granite dome which extends above the general Upper Cambrian erosion surface, is presently being breached by Beaver Creek. Stratigraphic evidence indicates that this feature rises several hundred feet above the base of the surrounding Palaeozoic sediments. This locality (Barnes, 1956) is situated approximately If miles north (upstream) from the secondary road bridge across Beaver Creek along the north shore of Buchanan Lake. The dome has only been eroded to a depth of about 20 feet and is clearly overlapped on all sides by Upper Cambrian sediments. Although the upper few feet of the granite show severe alteration, only slightly weathered rock is encountered at a depth of 10 ft. Granite (149gr) was collected from material exposed in the stream bed, 15 ft below the projected top of the dome. The rock is greyish-pink, coarse-grained, and seriate porphyritic in texture. It is composed of microcline, oligoclase (An25), quartz, biotite, hornblende, and accessory opaque minerals, sphene, zircon, allanite, apatite, and fluorite. Small amounts of secondary sericite and chlorite formed from the alteration of feldspar and biotite are present. Locally, sheeting surfaces which may represent exfoliation layers in the dome contain thin coatings of manganese oxides. The microcline is light pink and ranges in size from that of the groundmass up to 32 mm in maximum length. It contains approximately 20 per cent exsolution albite; which occurs as lamellae, patches, and sinuous veinlets throughout the grain. Although some rapakivi and anti-rapakivi textures are present, they are less developed in this granite than in most of the others from the Lone Grove pluton. Quartz, oligo- clase, and clusters of the mafic minerals make up the remainder of the groundmass.

Foliated, Grey Granite 22—Lone Grove Coarse-grained, foliated granite occurs at a road exposure in Lone Grove. Fresh rock is exposed along the south side of Texas Ranch Road 2241, approximately 0-2 miles east of the ford across the Little Llano River. The granite contains a distinct foliation which has a vertical dip and strikes roughly parallel to the border of the pluton. A block of granite was collected from material blasted during road construction 404 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF and divided into two fractions (22Igr and 22IIgr), each measuring 10 X 8 x 6 in. These fractions were then treated as independent samples in order to see if short-range variations in the behaviour of the geochronologic systems occurred. The rock is pinkish-grey, coarse-grained, and porphyritic in texture. Microcline, oligoclase (An20), quartz, and biotite make up the bulk of the rock, while opaque minerals, sphene, zircon, allanite, and apatite occur in accessory amounts. Sericite and chlorite occur as secondary minerals. Pyrite is present; however, the time of sulfide mineraliza- tion in unknown. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 The microcline is pale pink and ranges in size from that of the groundmass (2-4 mm) up to 30 mm in maximum length. Rapakivi texture is essentially absent from the feldspar, and albite exsolution lamellae make up less than 10 per cent of the micro- cline. Quartz, oligoclase, and biotite form the remainder of the groundmass. A well- developed orientation of the mica and feldspar gives the rock its foliate texture. A few broken grains suggest that cataclastic deformation may have been partially responsible for this texture; however, the rock appears to have inherited most of its planar structure from primary flowage. Medium-grained, Red Granite 4—Blufton Medium-grained granite occurs in a road cut along Texas highway 261, approxi- mately \\ miles east of Blufton (this is locality C of Keppel (1940)). The granite (4gr) is a reddish-pink, medium-grained rock composed predominantly of quartz, microcline, plagioclase (An9), and biotite. Minor amounts of opaque minerals, sphene, zircon, allanite, apatite, and fluorite are also present. Deuteric alteration has produced some secondary chlorite, sericite, and magnetite. The microcline has a typical quadrille structure; however, in contrast to the coarse- grained granites, it shows little evidence of perthitic intergrowths with albite. The feldspar grains are generally clear to partly cloudy where incipient sericitization has occurred. In addition, a few plagioclase grains have been replaced locally by carbon- ate. The plagioclase is a sodic albite with well-developed albite twinning and local myrmekitic texture. The biotite is dark brown and occurs as individual grains and localized aggregates. Although unaltered crystals of biotite are found, they are com- monly partially to completely replaced by chlorite and magnetite, or, to a lesser degree, by coarse-grained sericite. Some of the coarser grains of white mica may be primary muscovite; however, the bulk of it represents a replacement of biotite and feldspar. Although a rather wide range (0-1-3 mm) exists, the average grain-size of the rock is about 1-5 mm. Making up less than 1 per cent of the granite are occasional euhedral to subhedral phenocrysts of microcline and, more rarely, quartz, which may exceed 15 mm in length.

Oatman Granite 6—Oatman Creek Granite exposed in the stream-bed of Oatman Creek, 1 mile southeast of Llano along Texas highway 71, represents the medium-grained, grey to pink, cataclastic Oatman Granite of Stenzel (1934). The granite (6gr) is dark greyish-pink, medium- grained, and massive in texture. It is composed of microcline, oligoclase (An26), quartz, and biotite with accessory opaque minerals, zircon, and apatite. Secondary sericite, occasional flakes being up to 1 mm in diameter, discrete grains and patches of carbonate, and chlorite replacing biotite, occur throughout the rock. THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 405 The cataclastic nature of this rock is quite evident in thin section. Feldspar and quartz grains are commonly broken and badly strained. Many semi-composite and composite quartz grains having a marked undulatory extinction are present. The feld- spars are frequently cloudy, showing considerable alteration to sericite and carbonate. Veinlets of sericite also commonly occur filling the fractures between broken grains. Albite exsolution in the microcline is not abundant, and appears to have been mainly replaced by the sericite. Some myrmekitic intergrowth of the plagioclase and quartz

is present. The biotite is greenish-brown, and has been locally somewhat shredded Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 and, to a small extent, altered to chlorite. The average grain-size of the rock is 2-4 mm; however, pink microcline grains up to 10 mm in length are common throughout the rock. The individual grains are quite equidimensional and show no evidence of a pre- ferred orientation.

Sixmile Granite 20—Kansas City quarry The Kansas City quarry is located If miles west of Llano, along the north side of Texas Ranch Road 152. Material from this locality represents the medium- to fine- grained, grey, Sixmile-type granite of Stenzel (1934). The granite (20gr) is grey, medium-grained, and weakly foliated. It is composed predominantly of microcline, oligoclase (An25), quartz, biotite, and a small amount of muscovite. Accessory minerals include opaque minerals, zircon, and apatite. Sericite is common in the feldspars and produces cloudy areas in both the microcline and oligo- clase. Chlorite in small amounts replaces biotite. Pyrite is locally present. The microcline is pale pink and contains 1-5 per cent exsolved albite. Oligoclase grains commonly show albite twinning and, rarely, myrmekitic intergrowth with quartz. The quartz generally forms semi-composite grains with a pronounced inter- locking texture with the other minerals. Reddish-brown biotite, and irregular flakes of muscovite up to 2 mm in length, make up the rest of the groundmass. The average grain-size of the rock is 3-4 mm, although some feldspar grains up to 8 mm in length are present. The foliation is produced by the orientation of elongate feldspar, quartz, and mica grains. Sutured grain boundaries and somewhat strained quartz grains suggest that this texture is, in part, due to metamorphism of the granite after its em- placement. The strike and dip of the foliation are parallel to the regional structure in the surrounding metamorphic rocks.

Packsaddle Formation 139—Muscovite schist Muscovite schists are exposed in road-cuts along Texas highway 93, just northwest of Sandy Creek and 20 miles southeast of Llano. They are part of an extensive sequence of the Packsaddle Formation which occupies much of the southeastern portion of the Uplift (Clabaugh & McGehee, 1962). Fine-grained, muscovite-quartz-feldspar schist was collected from this locality; however, even the freshest material showed some orange iron-staining and was rather friable. The mica itself showed little evidence of alteration. 25—Amphibolite A sequence of steeply dipping schists, marbles, calc-silicate rocks, and amphibolites are exposed in a road-cut along Texas highway 29, in the vicinity of the bridge across Pennington Creek 6| miles west of Buchanan Dam. These rocks lie concordantly 406 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY OF along the southwestern margin of the Lone Grove pluton and, to the east, form the metamorphic septum separating it from the Kingsland pluton. A dark bluish-grey amphibolite (25am), lying approximately 300 feet from the granite contact, contains approximately 60 per cent hornblende, 25 per cent quartz, 14 per cent andesine (An46), and 1 per cent opaque minerals. A small amount of apatite is the only accessory mineral found.

Valley Spring Gneiss Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 21—Pegmatite Valley Spring Gneiss containing dikelets of quartz-microcline-muscovite pegmatite is exposed in a road-cut along Texas highway 29, 3 miles west of the Mason-Llano county line in Mason County. Pegmatite at this locality was collected from the south side of the highway, \ mile east of the bridge across Martin Creek. The pegmatite (21p) contains microcline, quartz, muscovite, and a minor amount of oligoclase. The microcline is reddish-pink and forms euhedral to subhedral crystals up to 2 in. in length. The quartz is milky white to colorless, and surrounds the feld- spar in anhedral grains £-1 in. in diameter. The muscovite occurs as subhedral crystals and booklets up to 1 in. in diameter. Several grains of pearly white plagioclase also occur, scattered throughout the pegmatite.

53—Gneiss Valley Spring Gneiss (53gn) was collected from a road-cut along the north side of Texas highway 29, approximately 4| miles east of Buchanan Dam and 1 \ miles east of the highway bridge across Clear Creek in Burnet County. Gneiss from this vicinity has been described by Barnes et al. (1947). The rock has an irregular, gneissoid texture composed of grey and pink bands, 2 to 10 mm in thickness, which are alternately enriched and deficient in biotite and opaque minerals. Tightly interlocking grains of microcline, quartz, oligoclase (An20)» biotite, and opaque minerals make up the bulk of the rock, while zircon and apatite occur in accessory amounts. Secondary minerals include sericite, carbonate, and chlorite. The microcline is pink and contains no visible exsolved albite. Both the microcline and the plagioclase are commonly cloudy in areas, and show considerable sericitization and, to a much less extent, replacement by carbonate. The quartz consists of simple to composite grains with straight to slightly undulatory extinction. Albite and Carlsbad twinning are present in the plagioclase, although often obscured by sericitiza- tion. Greenish-brown biotite flakes and irregular to subhedral grains of opaque minerals occur throughout the gneiss, but are mainly concentrated in the darker bands. All of the minerals show an elongation in the direction of foliation. The grain-size commonly ranges between 01 and 0-5 mm, but occasional coarse bands with grains up to 2 mm are present.

Llanite {rhyolite porphyry) 14— A llanite dike system cuts the Valley Spring Gneiss in northern Llano County. The rhyolite porphyry contains phenocrysts of pinkish-red feldspar and blue, opalescent quartz in a bluish-grey to chocolate-brown aphanitic groundmass (Iddings, 1904; Goldich, 1941; Barnes et al., 1947). Geologic evidence suggests that this rock is the THE LONE GROVE PLUTON, TEXAS 407 youngest intrusion in the Uplift. Sample 14rp-l was obtained from the east side of Texas highway 16, just southwest of Babyhead, where fresh rock is exposed in a road- cut. Sample 14rp-2 was provided by Dr. V. E. Barnes and comes from a small quarry in the porphyry, approximately i mile west of the highway. Sample 14rp-3 was ob- tained from an outcrop along a secondary road, 1 mile east of Texas highway 16 and 4 miles northeast of Llano. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/5/3/359/1423031 by guest on 30 September 2021 REFERENCES ALDRICH, L. T., & WETHERILL, G. W., 1958. Geochronology by radio-active decay. Ann. Rev. nuc. Sci. 8, 257-98. DAVIS, G. L., & TILTON, G. R., 1958. Radioactive ages of micas from granitic rocks by Rb-Sr and K-Ar methods. Trans. Amer. geophys. Union, 39, 1124-34. DAVIS, G. L., TILTON, G. R., & WETHERILL, G. W., 1956. Radioactive ages of minerals from the Brown Derby Mine and the Quartz Creek granite near Gunnison, Colorado. J. geophys. Research 61, 215-32. BARNES, V. E., 1956. Lead deposits in the Upper Cambrian of central Texas. Univ. of Texas Rept. of Inv. 26. DAWSON, R. F., & PARKINSON, G. A., 1947. Building stones of central Texas. Univ. of Texas Publ. 4246. BARRELL, J., 1917. Rhythms and measurement of geologic time. Bull. geol. Soc. Amer. 28, 858-71. CHOW, T. J., & MCKINNEY, C. R., 1958. Mass spectrometric determination of lead in manganese nodules. Anal. Chem. 30, 1499-503. CLABAUGH, S. E., & MCGEHEE, R. V., 1962. Precambrian rocks of Llano region, Geology of the Gulf Coast and central Texas. Geol. Soc. Amer. Guidebook, 62-78. COMPSTON, W., & JEFFERY, P. M., 1959. Anomalous 'common strontium' in granite. Nature, 184, 1792. &RILEY,G. H., 1960. Age of emplacement of granites. Ibid. 186, 702-3. COMSTOCK, T. B., 1890. A preliminary report on the geology of the Central Mineral Region of Texas. Texas geol. Survey, 1st ann. Rept. 237-391. FLAWN, P. T., 1956. Basement rocks of Texas and south-east New Mexico. Univ. of Texas Publ. 5605. FLYNN, K. F., & GLENDENIN, L. E., 1959. Half-life and beta spectrum of Rb87. Phys. Rev. 116, 744-8. GAST.P. W., 1962. The isotopic composition of strontium and the age of stone meteorites—I. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Ada, 26, 927-43. GOLDICH, S. S., 1941. Evolution of the central Texas granites. /. Geol. 49, 697-720. BAADSGAARD, H., & NIER, A. O., 1957. Investigation in A10/K40 dating. Trans. Amer. geophys. Union, 38, 547-51. NIER, A. O., BAADSGAARD, H., HOFFMAN, J. H., & KRUEGER, H. W., 1961. The Precambrian geology and geochronology of Minnesota. Univ. of Minn. Bull. 41. GOLDSMITH, J. R., & LAVES, F., 1954. Potassium feldspars structurally intermediate between micro- cline and sanidine. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Ada, 6, 100-18. HART, S. R., 1961. The use of hornblendes and pyroxenes for K-Ar dating. J. geophys. Research, 66, 2995-3001. HESS, F. L., 1908. Minerals of the rare earth metals at Baringer Hill, Llano Co., Texas. Bull. U.S. geol. Survey, 340, 286-94. HOLMES, A., 1931. Radioactivity and geological time. Physics of the Earth—IV, The Age of the Earth: Nat. Res. Council Bull. 80, 124-459. HURLEY, P. M., & GOODMAN, C, 1943. Helium age measurements. Bull. geol. Soc. Amer. 54, 305-24. HUTCHINSON, R. M., 1956. Structure and petrology of batholith, Llano and Gillespie Counties, Texas. Ibid. 67, 763—806. JAFFE, H. W., & GOTTFRIED, D., 1954. Magmatic trends and absolute age determinations of Precambrian intrusives of central Texas (Abs.). Ibid. 65,1266. IDDINGS, J. P., 1904. Quartz-feldspar-porphyry (graniphyro liparose-alaskose) from Llano, Texas. /. Geol. 12, 225-31. KEPPEL, D., 1940. Concentric patterns in the granites of the Llano-Burnet region, Texas. Bull. geol. Soc. Amer. 51,971-1000. KUELLMER, F. J., 1960. X-ray intensity measurements on perthitic materials II. Data from natural alkali feldspars. J. Geol. 68, 307-23. 6233.3 D d 408 R. E. ZARTMAN—GEOCHRONOLOGIC STUDY LANDES, K. K., 1932. The Baringer Hill, Texas, pegmatite. Amer. Min. 17, 381-90. LIDIAK, E. G., AMLY, C. C, Jr., & ROGERS, J. J. W., 1961. Precambrian geology of part of the Little Llano River area, Llano and San Saba Counties, Texas. Texas J. Sci. 13, 255-89. LONG, L. A., 1959. Study of the metamorphic history of the New York City area using isotopic age methods. Ph.D. thesis, Columbia Univ. NIER, A. O., 1950a. A redetermination of the relative abundances of the isotopes of neon, krypton, rubidium, xenon, and mercury. Phys. Rev. 79, 450-4. 19506. 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A40/K40 ratios of feldspars and micas from the same rock. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Ada, 8,171-2. TILTON, G. R., DAVIS, G. L., & ALDRICH, L. T., 1956. New determinations of the age of the Bob Ingersoll pegmatite, Keystone, South Dakota. Ibid. 9, 292-7. ZARTMAN, R. E., 1963. A geochronological study of the Lone Grove pluton from the Llano Uplift, Texas. Ph.D. Thesis, Calif. Inst. of Tech.

EXPLANATION OF PLATES PLATE 1 Photomicrographs of some igneous rocks from the Llano Uplift, Texas. FIG. A. Town Mountain Granite from the Petrick quarry (3gr). Clear grains are quartz, cloudy grains are microcline and plagioclase, and the dark grains are biotite and hornblende, x 2£. FIG. B. Town Mountain Granite from Beaver Creek (149gr). Note euhedral quartz grains enclosed by the hornblende and biotite. x 2£. FIGS. C and D. Town Mountain Granite from the Texas quarry showing fresh and weathered granite (128gr and 128Wgr, respectively). Nicols crossed 15° in D to emphasize fracturing. X 2|. FIG. E. Foliated, grey granite from Lone Grove (22gr). x 5. FIG. F. Medium-grained, red granite from Blufton (4gr). x 5.

PLATE 2 Photomicrographs of some igneous and metamorphic rocks from the Llano Uplift, Texas. FIG. A. Oatman Granite from Oatman Creek (6gr). x 5. FIG. B. Sixmile Granite from the Kansas City quarry (20gr). x 5. FIG. C. Amphibolite from the Packsaddle Formation (25am). x 5. FIG. D. Valley Spring Gneiss (53gn) showing alternating bands of finean d medium grain-size, x 5. FIG. E. Llanite, or rhyolite porphyry (14rp). Phenocrysts consist of quartz, microcline, and some small flakes of biotite. x 5. Journal of Petrology Vol. 5, Part 3

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