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Offices: 126 E. Roosevelt, Phoenix, Arizona ALpine 4-7494 ® ® CECIL NEWMARK, Editor and Publisher The World Over PEARL R. NEWMARK, Associate Editor M. B. GOLDMAN, JR., Founder By DEBORAH JAFFA METZ Official Organ of the Jewish Community of Phoenix “Great friend, on behalf of the Syrian Arab government ... I ex- Published Semi-Monthly—July and August Monthly (The News’ Own Columnist) press our admiration and congratulations for your hrave and noble I hope the late Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt knew how much she was stand that has saved humanity from definite and complete destruc- Second-Class NATIONAL EDITORIAL Subscription loved and how deeply revered. Os all the words said in her praise tion ...” Postage Paid Rate: $3.50 I think that our United Nations ambassador, Adlai E. Stevenson, IRAQ General Kassim, dictator of Iraq, was “unequivocally at Phoenix, |AS^SCOTI^N par year really epitomized her greatness when he said this against American violation of the freedom of the seas,” adding also Arizona payable in H true and special thing: that “the United States is the only country barbaric enough to be advance “She would rather light a candle than curse the ready to use nuclear weapons.” VOL. XVI, 6 December 7,1962 will darkness, and her glow has warmed the world.” EGYPT No. * * Colonel Nasser accused America of undermining the * peace of the world by its blockade of Cuba. A RECENT NEWS ITEM about the Jews of YEMEN Dictator Abdullah Sallal accused the United States |f||P Moscow brings to mind a bit of ancient history. of seeking to advance its “imperialist designs.” Once upon a Rome the time, forbade Jews of The most cynical display of “chutzpah” came Egypt, Jewish Book Month Palestine to the Torah with from study what results which is an aggressive party to the total Arab boycott of , One of the wholesome trends in American Jewish n; H any religious school child can tell us today. and which has closed the vital Suez Canal to ships bound for past Now it seems that officials of the Soviet gov- Israel, because she is “at war” with Israel and refuses periodically life which have been shaping up over the decade is * peace. EWtt|I ernment are considering shutting down the Central to discuss the fresh significant spurt of creativity in the field of DEBBIE Synagogue of Moscow on week days because it is Egypt’s delegate Security prayer Said to the Council on Oct. 24: “The Jewish literature. Never before have so many books of a center for alleged “black market traffic” in Hebrew ritual government of the Republic books. United Arab cannot condone the uni- on best-seller lists. shawls, phylacteries, and prayer lateral decision of the United States of America to exercise the interest been the nation’s Jews of so hungry symbols of Jewish Why are the Russia for these quarantine in the Carribean Sea. Never have so many so many 55 years after the Communist Revolution? And why before authors written their religion “This action, we not is the Soviet government waging such a relentless battle against believe, only is contrary to international law and the accepted of freedom of Jewish books. them? norms navigation on the high seas, but also leads to a situation which ... is pregnant with all symptoms increasing number of for this develop- I leave aside here any discussion of anti-Semitism, although it the of world tension, and threatens interna- There are a reasons tional peace and . . . is prevalent in Russia today, not only amongst the people but also security “We growth have . . . ment. One is the establishment and of the State within the government. My question relates rather to the con- always maintained that ... all members of the of Israel. Another is the heightened interest in Jewish tinuing anti-religious campaign in that country. United Nations should refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political activities in general and the mushrooming membership Why is it necessary? Two generations of Russians have been independence of any state . . . Similarly, we have advocated the in synagogues, Jewish Community Centers and other fully propagandized on the evils of religion; and, in a country where view that member states should settle their disputes by peaceful freedom of thought is frowned upon, such a program is fearsome means in such a manner that international peace and security are Jewish institutions. Still another are the annual celebra- and powerful. not threatened . . . tions by the hundreds of Jewish groups and communi- Yet on Simchat Torah, when rocks were thrown into the Moscow “The of and . . Synagogue, there were several hundred Jews inside, and —this is government the U.A.R. its delegation feel that . ties of Jewish Book Month, organized, coordinated and the wonder —an American newspaperman who was in attendance every endeavor should be made to bring all parties together to sponsored nationally by Jewish Book Council of the Na- reports that many of these worshippers were young people. negotiate with a view to reaching a peaceful settlement ...” , How can we doubt that a need exists in most of us for some tional Jewish Welfare Board (JWB). sort of reaching out to the Divine? We express it in different ways, Without any comment on the shamelessness of this statement, and some of us never put it into words at all, but it IS a human we must note that our wooing of the Arab states with gifts and of Month this year need, and no amount of repression will ever destroy it. loans and gestures of appeasement has not had at all the desired The observance Jewish Book If Mr. Krushchev’s government, unlike that of the Romans, does effect. takes on special significance because of its theme: “The not degenerate and die, he himself may be a regular church attend- A posture of friendly firmness on our part, together with a ant in another decade or so! demand for integrity and decency and a will to peace on their part, Eternal Book.” There is no more fitting theme * Bible: * • would very likely bring better results. for Jewish Book Month than the Bible, from which the FOR THE RECORD, let us note that extremely vociferous anti- For the record, let it also be stated here that, in our moment Jewish religion and culture sprang and to which we American statements on the Cuba incident came from: of crisis, Israel and Lebanon alone, of all the nations of the area, SYRIA Premier Al-Azm sent this message to Krushchev: spoke out in favor of the must always come back. Judaism cannot be understood United States. unless the Bible itself is understood. The Bible is Torah- it is also great literature, the religious history of a peo- BOOK CORNER ple with a special relationship to God, the source of JEWISH Western ethics and our highest social values. Its study Judaism As Living Faith Must Have Challenging Writers is infinitely rewarding. By RABBI ALBERT PLOTKIN The most ironic fact of Jewish inaudible for suddenly rose from What the to Jew needs today, Jewish Book Month is hard history was that a Jew stepped the breasts the innermost part says our author, is to discover The sponsors of Jewish Book Month are to be con- understand for the Jew because into the scene of Jewish life on of the Jewish men and women an himself. There is a need for the the Jew has always been a man the continent of Europe who had outcry so savage, a mixture of Jew to look book. today into himself, into his gratulated for selecting “The Bible Eternal Book” as the of the But we need almost no relationship to Juda- despair and hope, a faith of re- soul and into his conscience, to Jewish Book Month to stimulate ism!. Dr. Theodore Herzl was an turn and a sense of identificar what he needs to understand theme for this year’s observance. We are confident that challenge thinking find and our in terms assimilated Jew, a newspaper- tion, that the melody was lost in himself, to find where his the Month willgrow from strength to greater strength of today’s prob- man who had no knowledge, no and all that was left was the weaknesses lie. lems. Judaism to background and no conception of bitter cry of a people suddenly in achieving two of the several worthwhile objectives of living be a faith Jewish life but who suddenly was united in common misery.” Our author is strong in his criti- JWB and its family of agencies: The prosperity of Jew- must have chal- imbued with the principle of na- cism of congregational life for its lenging writers tional self-determination which For the “kindergarten approaches, the ish culture in America and the development of creative, who Jew suddenly realized in and authors led him to the birth of , a moment of despair, in a great chocolate-flavored coated Judaism, informed and happy American Jews.— (THE JEWISH constantly keep as a European movement to Jew- moment of solidarity, the under- and easy-to-digest sermons’’ which our minds alive,- ish self-determination. standing of fate and destiny only belittle Judaism. STANDARD) give Jewish to us a new which he could not escape. charge of under- This The Jew must come to his faith There burned in him the great was a great moment of return, of not out of fear but out of a positive S hope and ideal that Jews in the Jewish return to Jewish roots, needs of our affirmation, not out of dreams and West who thought they were free which unfortunately was too late illusions but out of a stem under- faith and people. and Jews in the East who were for many. standing of himself; then he can Outstanding Citizens still shackled PLOTKIN One of the most in the ghettos must Zionism was good for the Jew come to make a contribution which stimulating of the new books on once and for all break the bondage who was homeless, helpless is rich in his heart. Positive leadership both in retailing and in civic and and the Jewish way of life today is create the lift which they want needed a place call his own, celebrate hi s to for themselves to The Jew must affairs has been the trademark of Ben Projan and "The Dilemma of the Modern make for the fu- but the present dilemma deals not in the shadow of a ture. Chanukah Chester K. Goldberg —two former competitors who Jew,” by Dr. Joachim Prinz, dis- with American Jews. Here is the Christmas tree but with the knowl- ¦tinguished rabbi and president of An interesting point brought forth first community in Jewish history and understanding of the edge by since 1939 have been partners in Hanny’s stores. Gold- the American Jewish Congress. He Dr. Prinz is that the Jew of that from its origin was free and power of the Maccabees. He must in Europe berg, whose grandfather and father before him were analyzes modern Jewish life a Eastern had a strong hold hopeful; but American Jews must not stand in envy of Easter but sit manner that is most exciting and of his tradition, spoke Yiddish, ask themselves what they hope to in joy and happiness around the Phoenix merchants, was born here. He was a member of stimulating. , maintained his Jewish schools and make as the content of their Jew- Seder table and sing the songs of continued a pattern of life despite the city’s first Boy Scout troop and as a young man Our author deals with historic ishness. Fund raising in itself can- freedom. discrimination, pogroms and Wood- not Jewish community, a events of the 20th century that are sustain the became a Southwestern tennis champion and played shed. It was the Jew of the West nor does Dr. Prinz believe that well known, but he deals with who had lost his Jewishness. restore to the them in such away that Zionism can ever semi-pro baseball with the Phoenix White Sox. He has they be- what come fresh and absorbing. Jewish community it did Says devoted himself liberally to community-wide affairs. The strange part of Zionism prior to the creation of the Jewish Rabbi has been Better Bureau, a No people heralded the opening was that religion remained aloof state. He president of the Business movement. Herzl could charter active Chamber of of the 20th century with more from the YMCA member; and in the enthusiasm than the Jewish peo- get no German rabbi to give any Commerce, Arizona Club, Kiwanis and Phoenix Coun- ple. Dr. Prinz shows that France encouragement to Zionism; he Use IBM: try was the first to emancipate the called his first Zionist Congress Club. Jew, not because they wanted to in a gambling casino in Basle, Event To Honor do it, but because logic demand- Switzerland. ed if liberty!, fraternity New York-born Projan, author of a book, “Grass it —for only that these Ger- Find Mate and equality were to exist the It was later Founders Os Ist Roots Retailing,” and former president of the National Jew must be included. man rabbis realized the grave mis- CHICAGO (JTA) A Chicago take which they made. has that the disappear- Association of Retail Clothiers and Furnishers, operated Dr. Prinz himself, who rabbi noted The tragedy of this emancipa- was a In Israel ance of the matchmaker in Jewish Gotham in Havana, Cuba, before coming here is a motto at- most dedicated Zionist in Berlin, by “less the Store tion suggested in week of NEW YORK William life has not been solved Napoleon’s relates how, on the first Justice competent” substitutes and has in 1932 to buy the Vic Hanny Co. He and his chief com- tributed to French Adolph proclamation Douglas ‘‘To Jews Hitler’s of O. of the United States suggested that young men .and Jewish son Hedron: the boycott businesses, pay to petitor, Goldberg, merged their stores in 1939. Aggres- as human beings everything, to the the of Jewish Supreme Court will tribute pick their mates with the a was on Friday night a group of pioneers women strong Jews people nothing.” service held who establish- aid of an IBM computer. ive in civic affairs as in business, he has exerted a as in his synagogue and the people ed the first American Kibbutz in Napoleon saw “condi- in ago, and to an Rabbi Ephraim Prombaum took influence through such groups as the Red Cross, Com- As this stood the aisles frightened, tor- Israel just 25 years of tional surrender,” the Jews would mented, old friend and whom up the problem in the bulletin anguished. colleague, for of He munity Chest (and, later, United Fund), YMCA, Cham- give up being people There, was the Chicago Board Rabbis. their own and he said, sat thousands of it named, the late Justice clubs having their own land for the re- people many who had never . contended that friendship ber of Commerce, and Retail Trade Bureau. He is a for- D. less satisfac- ward of having equal rights. A before attended a synagogue serv- The event, commemorating the were something than mer president of Phoenix Ad Club and a member of the tragic is they never tory and that matrimonial agencies fact that did ice converted Jews, peripheral silver anniversary of Ein Hashofet being head- have this equality of rights. Jews, atheists, cynics, and to- (Well spring of the Judge) will be also could be considered as Arizona Club, Kiva Club and Elks. In 1943-45 he integrity.” Dr. Prinz points gether in one small group the pious marked at the 15th Annual Hanuka of “unproved ed the state retail war out that Na- should develop a Scientific bond committee. poleon was the to realize the and fervent. Here were Jews who Dinner of Americans for Progres- Jews first had at Marriage Organization, similar tc potential of the Jewish community scorned their Jewishness, who sive Israel-Hashomer Hatzair psychologist to awaken and had sought to escape being identi- the Park Sheraton Hotel Dec. 9. that developed by a and did everything IBM machines to arrange them. fied. Justice Brandeis maintained a who uses excite When he conquered proper introductions for Egypt in 1799 he issued a solemn And then, suddenly, he said: deep interest in the kihbutz, a co- the social young people, he said. ~ to to operative settlement, and in the invitation the Jewish people This idea, the rabbi asserted, return to Pales- “The congregation was to rise young Americans who undertook B f their homeland, great benefit for the Mm9 HENRY LEONARD I tine, and make it again a Jewish to proclaim the wonders of God the dangerous assignment of found- would be of progress Jewish state. Napoleon really was in the ancient Shma Yisroel, the ing Kibbutz Ein Hashofet in the safety and of the first marriage and family. Zionist of the 19th century. organ was silenced and the choir Hills of Ephraim. the

But as much as Napoleon ro- mantically thought the Jew could return to Palestine, he neverthe- The RASSCO Israel Corporation less limited the character of the fs Jew upon the soil of France. behalf of There he wanted the Jew to as- B 1 paying agents on similate and become a French- 3 man with almost no ties Jewish- laSap Ltd., Aviv l.V to his people, culture and tra- "RASSCO" Tel dition. announces that the 2% quarterly interim distribution of rental Emancipation brought great income is being paid out to the registered owners in the follow- gains to these people: citizenship, general education, a new self-re- ing projects: spect, freedom of movement, elim- ination of the ghetto prison. How- Dec. I RAMAT CHEN Studio Apartments ever, there was a great price to be JERUSALEM SUPERMARKET paid; emancipation brought about 15 KIRYAT BIALIK SHOPPING CENTER, assimilation. BEERSHEVA COMMERCIAL CENTER Nearly 250,000 Jews in Germany TIBERIAS COMMERCIAL CENTER and Austria reportedly converted 24 to Christianity. The feeling was Jan. I KIRYAT YOVEL APARTMENTS (Jerusalem) that the ticket of admission was RAMAT HASHARON WORKSHOPS conversion; many of these Jews SAFAD COMMERCIAL CENTER hoped to find a new freedom in a accept them. TEL AVIV INDUSTRIAL CENTER world that would Gan) SUPERMARKET The Jew in his naivete did not GIVATAYIM (Ramat realize that one cannot escape his All RASSCO Investments are "Approved" by the Israel Government and permit Jewishness merely by the change participation with eligible State of Israel Bonds. of terminology. The Jew divorced Sahara looking for For information contact Garson Curtiss, RASSCO raprasantativa, visiting Phoamx Dac. 10-21. from his Jewishness, A acceptance into the new culture, Motal, AL 8-3411. Or writ# to RASSCO Israal Corp., 5410 Wilshira Blvd L 36. C*pr. 1962, Doytnv Production! found himself eventually alone and IT IS GOOD BUSINESS TO DO BUSINESS WITH ISRAEL—WITH RASSCO discarded.