Budapest, 2003
FRAGMENTA PALAEONTOLOGICA HUNGARICA 21, BUDAPEST, 2003 Early Jurassic fauna and facies of the Schafberg area (Salzkammergut, Austria) by Attila VÖRÖS, János SZABÓ, Alfréd DULAI, István SZENTÉ, Oskar EBLI «Sc Harald LOBITZER Abstract — In order of a complex reexamination of the Jurassic faunas of the Schafberg and closely connected area, the authors carried out new collecing and sampling. The studied area contains localities of classical palaeontological monographs, based on fossils of the Lower Liassic Mierlatz Formation and some other associated limestones. During the field work we attempted to locate the classical sites but most of the exposures are new. Characteristic megafossils are the brachiopods but bivalves and gastropods are also found. Beside notices on the microfacies and microfossils, the identified species of the faunas are listed below, and, some palaeontological remarks are added to most of the listed species. The faunal lists are partly completed with museum materials. Keywords — Early Jurassic, microfacies, bivalves, gastropods, brachiopods VÖRÖS, A., SZABÓ, J., DULAI, A., SZENTÉ, I., EBLI, O. & LOBITZER, H. (2003): Early Jurassic fauna and facies of the Schafberg area (Salzkammer- gut, Austria). — Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica, 21: 51—82. Introduction Mt Schafberg belongs to the classical areas of Liassic SPENGLER (1911), who had been WÄHNER'S student, research in the Northern Calcareous Alps and several published the most comprehensive description of the monographies dating back to the 19th century deal with geology of Schafberg, situated within the "Schafberg- the rich mega- and microfauna from various lithologies. Tirolikum" tectonic unit. SPENGLER initiated also the The first comprehensive description of the rich mega- first microfacies study of the Schafberg region by fauna of the Hierlatz Limestone we owe to HAUER (1853, LEISCHNER (1969).
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