The Live Bait Squadron Society Bulletin 8

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The Live Bait Squadron Society Bulletin 8 The Live Bait Squadron Bulletin Bulletin-8 August 2014 1 INTRODUCTION, BY YOUR VIRTUAL CHAIRMAN Dear members, Welcome to this August edition of our Bulletin - the last issue before the September Commemoration ceremonies, which will be held at Chatham (21st , 22nd) and The Hague (24th). The afternoon meeting scheduled for 21 September at Chatham’s St. George’s Centre is fully booked since the maximum of 200 participants has already been registered. A detailed programme, which will also serve as an admission ticket, will be sent to every participant in the first week of September next. The Chatham Historic Dockyard, on the other hand, isn’t booked-up yet for the events of Monday 22nd September. Currently about 500 relatives and others have applied for a ticket there, and as the Dockyard seats 1,000 people, additional applications will be welcomed. Meanwhile the Dockyard sent confirmations to all those who have put forward their names so far. Admission tickets will be also be sent in time before the event. So far about forty British descendants are planning to attend the ceremonies in the Netherlands on the 24th of September. A detailed programme will be sent to each of them individually, also in the first week of September. All seems to be going according to plan so far. As far as I am concerned, I am really looking forward to all of the oncoming events and, of course, to meeting all of you. Henk H.M. van der Linden 2 OUR NEW SOCIETY MEMBERS This time again we’re happy to welcome a number of new Society Members, HMS Aboukir: Mr Arthur E. Harwood. Mr Charles Ambrose Lamkin. Mr Woodman George Triggs. Mr Richard ‘Dick’ Shilling. Mr Frank Douglas. Mr Edward Allan Mercer. Mr Joseph Baldwin Roberts. Mr Charles Valentine Garrod. Mr Joseph Baldwin Roberts. Mr Stephen Creed. Mr John Edwin Medhurst. Mr Frank Albert Terry. Mr Arthur edwin Knights. HMS Cressy Mr James Conder. Mr George John Blandford. Mr Walter Charles Nelson Hall. Mr James William Hussey. Mr Thomas Joseph Hussey. Mr George Henry Perry. Mr Harry Bray Harris. Mr Coulson Henry Crascall. Mr William J. Potter. Mr Thomas Tranton Keates. Mr Frank Parkhurst. Mr John Thomas Ellis. HMS Hogue Mr Ernest Thundercliffe. Mr Frederick John Kennett. Mr John Street. Mr Alfred Albert Dunn. Mr Arthur Brayshaw (alias Lawrence Barnes). and their relatives and family members. 3 I intend to write about them in Bulletin-9. Because of the Commemorations in September this Bulletin is to be expected last of October. MEMORIALS AND MONUMENTS As this Bulletin has about 40 pages, no monuments this time. FROM HENK’s TREASURE CHEST For the same reason: my Treasure Chest keeps shut this time. THE DOCUMENTARY The Documentary work is right on schedule and is expected to come out next September in Chatham and in The Netherlands. In Chatham on the 21st September at St. George’s Centre and in The Netherlands in The Hague, on the 24th September. For a preview, see the trailer 4 ABOUT THE MEN About William Frederick Everitt (HMS Aboukir) Mrs Jill Scarff says: ‘My grandfather William Frederick Everitt was on the Aboukir went it went down. He survived and was collected by a Dutch trawler but that is all I know. He would have been 23 years old, born in 1891. He survived both wars and I am slowly trying to find out more. Sadly my mother passed away a few years ago but I remember her showing me a book and it told of WF Everitt being rescued from the sea, but I cannot find the book. Can you help me find any information out about my grandfather service no. 239237 or point me in the right direction please. Many thanks.’ About Stanley Charles Kennard (HMS Aboukir) Mr Richard Kennard wrote me this: ‘Just wanted to take a moment to make contact. Firstly - thank you for taking the time to set up the website and write the book. The book had really good pace and was gripping from start to finish. I'd have probably read it in a single sitting if it hadn't been so harrowing... Somewhere on the site you mentioned wanting to get in touch with as many descendants as possible. I am Richard Charles Kennard, great grandson of KENNARD, Stanley Charles, Private, RMLI (RFR Ch B 1981), 12643 (Ch) Stanley Charles name has been handed down ever since. My father (another navy man) was Malcolm Stanley, my grandfather William Charles, and my uncle Stanley. Only recently when I found a letter to Stanley's widow dated 1915 did I realise the history. Suspect Stanley was partly the inspiration for my father going to sea. I also suspect the lack of having a father at home was partly responsible for my grandfather being a little emotionally withdrawn but that may just have been a generational thing. At this point I know very little that I can tell you about him; His body was not recovered. I know that we have been naming family members after him ever since, and that he probably was an influence on my grandfather and father to go to sea. I do have two interesting original documents; 1) certificate of the inspector of Seamens Wills dated 22nd of July 1914 giving to his widow Edith a share of the Naval prize Bond and compensation for loss of effects. 2) a second document dated the 12th of October 1914 where Edith his widow is granted a pension in consideration of her husband and an allowance for three children.’ About Patrick Scamaton (HMS Aboukir) Margaret Nicholls, is a greatniece of Patrick Scamaton. She is sorry to say she has nothing about him. This is what I can find: 5 Patrick was a Ship’s Steward Assistant, 347430, Royal Navy. Age 24. Son of Martin and hepzibah Scamaton, of Gillingham; husband of Emily Eleanor Scamaton, of 31, Gillingham Avenue, Gillingham, Kent. About Thomas Gerard King (HMS Aboukir) Mrs Patsy Page has nothing more than this about Thomas: ‘My relative was Thomas Gerard King. He was a Warrant Mechanician onboard Aboukir.’ I can add this: His age was 42, he was husband of Lizzie King, of 32, Avondale Rd. Buckland, Portsmouth. He is remembered on the Portsmouth Monumenty. About Horace Bramall (HMS Aboukir) Mr Andy Horsfield writes this: ‘I live in Silkstone a village just outside Barnsley, South Yorkshire and have been researching the names of the men commemorated on our village War Memorial for a number of years. One of these men is Horace Bramall who died on the Aboukir. I have been aware of his story for a number of years and met with descendants of his family who have provided me with snippets of information on Horace including a photo of him in his Navy uniform. I also have a newspaper report of a service held in honour of Horace at our village church. As part of the hundred year anniversary of this tragic event I am in the process of writing an article in our quarterly village newsletter about Horace which will go to print at the end of May. Do you have any information at all about Horace Bramall - I would like particularly like to know how he joined the Navy - was he a reservist called up in early August. I know hos family history but little about his service history If you would like to add the photograph and other information about Horace Bramall to any of the projects you are undertaking, please let me know and I will happily oblige.’ About William Pointer (HMS Aboukir) Mrs Joanne Pointer wrote the story of William. ‘I have put together all I currently know about Bill and his family. Luckily for me my Grandmother was a great hoarder and I have many original documents thanks to her. If you have any questions please get in touch and I will try and help. Unfortunately all my family are now dead with the exception of distant cousins that I do not have contact with.’ 6 William Pointer (known as Bill) Born 14 Dec 1885 at 2 Chester Road, Westgate-on-Sea, Kent. Died 22 Sept 1914 on HMS Aboukir. Remembered on Chatham Naval Memorial (I have not checked this). Joined Royal Navy 14 Dec 1903 aged 18 (previous occupation recorded as Conductor) He was 5 feet 5 inches tall, had light brown hair, blue/grey eyes and fair complexion Family Father Henry Charles Samuel Pointer, Mother Emma Ann Sayer who were married on 3 Feb 1873 at Zion Chapel, Margate both aged 20 years. Henry’s occupation was recorded as ‘Seaman-coal trade’ and Emma’s as ‘Domestic Servant’. They had 13 children and one of those died at birth. My grandfather (George) was the youngest born on 30 July 1895. Other births that I know of are Emma Ann born 6 May 1880, Henry John Charles born 1881 and Frederick James Pointer born 16 June 1887. Whenever Emma recorded the births she put a ‘cross’ as her mark as she could not write. Throughout the records Henry’s occupation is recorded as ‘general labourer or builder’s labourer’. Emma died in Feb 1897 aged 44 years, 2 years after my grandfather was born, but Henry lived until 29 Oct 1932 and died aged 80 at 4 Essex Road, Westgate-on-Sea, having been looked after by his daughter Emma in his later years. In his obituary it was said that he was known as ‘Old Harry’. In the 1901 census they were living at 4 Essex Road, Westgate-on-Sea and those recorded are Henry aged 49, daughters Annie aged 17 and Edith aged 10, sons William aged 15, Frederick aged 13, Josiah aged 8 and George aged 5.
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