Corpus Christi with St Joseph

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Corpus Christi with St Joseph PARISH PRIEST: Fr. Claro Conde OFFICE: 21 Gladys Ave. Portsmouth PO2 9AZ Tel. CORPUS CHRISTI 02392 660927 WITH ST JOSEPH CORPUS CHRISTI, Gladys Ave. North End PO2 9AZ ST. JOSEPH, Tangier Rd. Copnor PO3 6JH PASTOR’S CORNER FACEBOOK: Corpus Christi and St. Joseph Parish in Portsmouth email: [email protected] Sunday GOSPEL (Matthew 13:1-23) emergency calls: TXT 07803191502 Jesus left the house and sat by the lakeside, but such large Parish Sister: Sr. Mary Gleavey FMDM, 07586 801868 crowds gathered round him that he got into a boat and sat St Joseph Hall Booking: Please email Angela there. The people all stood on the beach, and he told them [email protected] or phone the office many things in parables. Safeguarding Rep: Elaine Lindsay 07749 200592 He said, ‘Imagine a sower going out to sow. As he sowed, some seeds fell on the edge of the path, and the birds came and ate them up. Others fell on patches of rock where they found little COME AND INVITE YOUR FAMILIES, soil and sprang up straight away, because there was no depth NEIGHBOURS & FRIENDS of earth; but as soon as the sun came up they were scorched and, not having any roots, they withered away. Others fell th 15 Sunday Ordinary Time 12 July 2020 among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them. Others fell on rich soil and produced their crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. Listen, anyone who has NO PUBLIC MASSES YET UNTIL FURTHER ears!’ The Gospel of the Lord. NOTICE ----- The supply priest will come to do the Mass on What a lovely summer! Sunday, 26 of July. The churches cannot accommodate all the regular church goers. The Recently a neighbour sent me a bowl of soup from volunteers for the church are devising plans on fresh ampalaya leaves, butter squash and string how to implement the government guidelines on beans with shrimp paste and oriental condiments. opening churches for public worship. She grew all sort of vegetables in her allotment. Many people turned to small time farmers in their Time for private prayers during the week is posted backyard during the pandemic. Many discovered in the St. Joseph and Corpus Christi Corner in this they have green thumbs. Newsletter) The next day, a Chinese family who grew up in a MASS INTENTIONS WILL BE SAID PRIVATELY fishing village in Fujian China, brought me a bowl of You can join Masses with the Pope, our bishop and St. shellfish they collected at the Solent. Many people John Cathedral on the Website Live Streaming. after the easing lockdown rushed to the sea with their fishing gears. Facebook Live Streaming: CLARO CONDE Invite family and friends all over the world to my Like most of Jesus’ parables, the sower is drawn Facebook live streaming. Claro Conde from the things that would have been familiar to International Masses people living in the fishing and agricultural economy Saturday Vigil Mass 6pm of Galilee. Sunday Mass 11am, 6pm Monday – Saturday 11am The point of the parable is how reckless the sower is in scattering the precious seeds. He casts handfuls as Foundation Masses rip: Mary Landes, Jean Fry, he goes along, not caring whether it falls on good Matthias & Mary Murphy, Rose Allen, Mary Cderick, soil or bad. The miracle is that the seed does Thomas Dyer, Margaret & Christopher Splain, Mary produce a crop. In the same way, the Kingdom of McNamara heaven is God’s reckless gift to human beings, just as Mass Intentions: Christine Daley for the Deceased Jesus does not confine his mission to a small group members of her family. of like-minded people, the call to the Kingdom is intended for everyone. (Reality, Irish Redemptorist Birthdays: Derek Meyer (13Jul), Helen Lucas (23Jul), Publication) ST JOSEPH’S CORNER: OPENING OF ST. JOSEPH’S COLLECTIONS/Income (not including standing order) CHURCH FOR PRIVATE PRAYER PARISH FINANCE APPEAL: This week, St. Joseph’s Church will be open Thursday, 16 July between 10 & 11 am, Saturday, 18 July between 4 & Our account name is Portsmouth Roman 5 pm and Sunday, 19 July between 10 and 11 am. Catholic Diocesan Trust, sort code is 30-9304 Fr. Claro feels he is still not well enough yet to say Mass for us and has been unable to get a stand-in. and account number is 00884996. CLEARING OF GARDEN WASTE We pray for the sick members of our communities. Fr. You will have noticed that Marion and her husband have Claro Conde, Colin Card, Andreana Pace, Dave Jackson, cleared some of the shrubbery outside the church. They Ramnika Sharma, Kathleen Joy, Aileen Mary Sullivan, John are asking for volunteers to take a car de Battista, Lolo Kelly, Lynda Sharkey, Kathleen Martin, Jim load of cuttings to the tip. If you are able to help, please Cuffe, John Bee (husband of Coleen), Leonard Donegan, contact Marion direct – 07940 499198. Teresa Jeffery, Tom McGuire, Patrick Burke, Sheila Elizabeth Heaword, Ellen MacKay, Bill Leightley, Janet ST. PAUL’S SCHOOL Lentieul, Elizabeth Jones and John Clarke, Frances St Paul's Catholic Primary school is seeking to appoint a Anderson. Please send me names so we can renew the list Foundation Governor. If you are interested in becoming a of the sick. Governor or wish to put your name forward for this role, then please call the school office and speak to Mrs Killick BIRTHDAYS, ANNIVERSARIES & PRAYERS FOR THE SICK, etc. We try to abide by the new GDPR (data protection) rules by not or email her at [email protected] giving people’s personal information. However, you can “opt out” if you do not wish your birthday or anniversary to be published in the newsletter. Also, if you do not wish to be CORPUS CHRISTI’S CORNER included in the “prayers for the sick” section in the newsletter. If this is the case, please write a letter to Fr. Claro stating you do Opening of Corpus Christi Church for private prayers this not wish to be included in any of this. week will be 9am – 10am Wednesday and 11am-12noon Saturday. We need more volunteers to act as stewards Letters /Feedback/Comments. Please write or email us for safety and hygiene duties. Please email your name, your feedback, suggestions and comments to improve our age and times of the day you are available to ministries in Corpus Christi and St. Joseph [email protected] PARISH REGISTRATION. If you are new to the parish or have not completed a Parish Registration or Census form, please Take a form BISHOP’S CORNER from the back of the church, complete and return It to the Parish Office as soon as possible Last Friday, Pope Francis appointed a new Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain, Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, who is until now an IF YOU WANT TO RECEIVE THE NEWSLETTER ELECTRONICALLY EMAIL US. [email protected] Apostolic Nuncio in the Ukraine. As papal ambassador, Archbishop Gugerotti will represent the Holy See to LET US THANK ALL THE VOLUNTEERS WHO GIVE government authorities and play a crucial role in the selection of bishops. Archbishop Gugerotti was born in Verona, Italy, in THEIR TIME, TALENTS AND TREASURE FOR THE 1955 and ordained a priest of the Diocese of Verona in 1982. He GOOD OF OUR PARISH. We are not a Business studied Eastern Languages and Sacred Liturgy and was a Organisation which performance is based on Targets. We professor of Patristics and Eastern Liturgy at the Institute of are a community of communities of individuals trying to do Ecumenical Studies in Verona from 1981 to 1985. In 1985, he their best as a group to make our parish alive and kicking was appointed as an official, working at the Congregation for in these pandemic times. the Eastern Churches. He became its Undersecretary in 1997. He has also taught at the Pontifical Oriental Institute. On 7 I welcome new volunteers. I thank the old volunteers for December 2001, Pope St John Paul II appointed him Apostolic Nuncio to Georgia and to Armenia. He was also subsequently not blocking new faces but encouraging and orienting appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Azerbaijan on 13 December. He them to the needs of the parish and church communities. received his episcopal consecration by Pope St John Paul on 6 January 2002 appointing him to the Titular See of Ravello. Pope I thank you all for keeping the parish moving despite of my Benedict XVI appointed him Apostolic Nuncio to Belarus in 2011 temporary sick furlough. God bless, Fr. Claro and Pope Francis appointed him Apostolic Nuncio to Ukraine in 2015. His Excellency will arrive at the Nunciature in Wimbledon as soon as it is practicable at this moment in time. Please pray for him and for the Holy Father. .
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