Illustrated Holocene Era Timeline
Illustrated Holocene Era Timeline: Human Achievements, Advancements, Innovations, and Understanding in Science using EMILIANI’s HE calendar Ruthie S. Premack Author / Compiler Technical Advisor Paul Premack Phone Edition 12,019 HE I dedicate this book To: the wonderful man who is my husband Paul Premack, our adult children Tiffany and Benjamin, his wife Kira, my mother Jo Ann Simons Stier for their love, brains, attention to detail, laughter, and thoughtfulness and to my dad Herb Stier; To: CESARE EMILIANI, who first had the idea for the Holocene Era (HE) calendar; and To: any human who can open their mind to seeing the (HE) flow of human accomplishment and to being enchanted, shocked, disappointed, or amazed by the wonders and realities of science. © 2019 (12,019 HE), Ruthie S. Premack, all rights reserved. Any portion, but not the entirety, of this book may be reproduced without permission from the author so long as this book is cited as the source and entries are not altered. Some text in this Timeline is from or based upon entries in Wikipedia. Use is permitted because we have provided credit to the authors by including a URL to the page or pages used. All entries based upon Wikipedia materials is released under CC BY-SA: Table of Contents ABOUT THE HE CALENDAR AND FORMATTING ............................... 7 AUTHOR / COMPILER’S PREFACE ........................................................ 10 CHAPTER ONE APPETIZERS ............................................................. 12 CHAPTER TWO BEFORE THE HOLOCENE ERA: THE BIG BANG TO THE STONE AGE .............................................. 45 CHAPTER THREE 1 HE: BEGINNING OF THE HOLOCENE ERA ....................................................................................
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