Planning, Design and Development Committee Item L1 for September 7
L 1-1 Minutes Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee Committee of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brampton June 14, 2011 Council Committee Room 4th Floor, City Hall Members Present: Jayne Pilot, Industry/Business Member (Co-Chair) City Councillor John Hutton, Council Representative on the Credit Valley Conservation Authority (CVC) (Co-Chair) Regional Councillor Paul Palleschi, Chair of the Planning Design and Development Committee City Councillor Bob Callahan, Council Representative on the Toronto Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA) Ian Drever, Development Industry Pauline Dykes, Academic Community Francis Sim, Citizen Member Charry Rakhra, Citizen Member Members Absent: Nil Staff Present: Adrian Smith, Director, Planning Policy and Growth Management, Planning, Design and Development Susan Jorgenson, Manager, Environmental Planning, Planning, Design and Development Michael Hoy, Environmental Policy Planner, Planning, Planning, Design and Development Earl Evans, Deputy Clerk, City Clerk’s Office Chandra Urquhart, Legislative Coordinator, City Clerk’s Office L 1-2 Minutes Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee The meeting was called to order at 3:36 p.m., and adjourned at 5:30 p.m. After due consideration of the matters placed before this Committee, the members beg leave to present its report as follows: Item Recommendation A1. EPA005-2011 Approval of Agenda A2. EPA006-2011 Election of Chair and Vice Chair B. Conflicts of Interest C. Minutes - February 8, 2011 D1. EPA007-2011 Orientation for New and Returning Members of the Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee. D 2. EPA008-2011 Peel Climate Change Strategy. E 1. EPA009-2011 Environmental Master Plan and Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment. E 2.
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