11139 Contact Database - Updated Date Printed: 11/18/2013

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11139 Contact Database - Updated Date Printed: 11/18/2013 The Regional Municipality of Peel Zone 5 Sub-Transmission Main Class Environmental Assessment - Schedule 'C' Project Contact List Name Title Organization Address Municipality Province Postal Code Phone Email Syeda Banuri Project Manager Region of Peel 10 Peel Centre Drive Brampton Ontario L6T 4BP 905‐731‐7800 syeda.banuri@peelregion.ca Canadian Environment Assessment Agency, Federal Rob Dobos Manager Ontario Region 867 Lakeshore Road Burlington Ontario L7R 4A6 905‐336‐4953 NWP Inspections Officer, Navigable Transport Canada, Department of Fisheries and Jeremy Craigs Waters Protection Oceans 4900 Yonge Street North York Ontario M2N 6A5 416‐952‐0502 jeremy.craigs@tc.gc.ca Provincial EA Notice of Completion Ministry of Environment mea.notices.eaab@ontario.ca Environmental Resource Planner/EA Chunmei Liu Coordinator Ministry of Environment 5775 Yonge Street, 8th Floor North York Ontario M2M 4J1 416‐326‐6700 chunmei.lui@ontario.ca Manager, Environmental & Land Use David Cooper Policy Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 1 Stone Road West Guelph Ontario N1G 4Y2 519‐826‐3117 david.cooper@ontario.ca Malcolm Horne Archaeology Review Officer Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport 401 Bay Street, Suite 1700 Toronto Ontario M7A 0A7 416‐314‐7146 malcolm.horne@ontario.ca Victor Doyle Manager, Planning Innovation Section Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 777 Bay Street, 14th Floor Toronto Ontario M5G 2E5 416‐585‐6109 victor.doyle@ontario.ca Jackie Burkart District Planner Ministry of Natural Resources 50 Bloomington Road West Aurora Ontario L4G 0L8 905‐713‐7368 jackie.burkart@ontario.ca Melinda Thompson Species at Risk Biologist Ministry of Natural Resources 50 Bloomington Road West Aurora Ontario L4G 0L8 905‐713‐7425 melinda.thompson@ontario.ca Permits Officer ‐ CORRIDOR Bernard O'Brien MANAGEMENT SECTION Ontario Ministry of Transportation 1201 Wilson Avenue, 7th Floor, Bldg D Downsview Ontario M3M 1J8 416‐235‐4491 bernard.o'brien@ontario.ca Lisa Myslicki Environmental Advisor Infrastructure Ontario ‐ Realty Services 1 Dundas Street West, 22nd Flr Toronto Ontario M5G 2L5 416‐212‐3768 lisa.myslicki@infrastructureontario.ca Conservation Authorities Jakub Kilis Planner ‐ Environmental Assessment Credit Valley Conservation 1255 Old Derry Road West Mississauga Ontario L5N 6R4 905.670.1615 ext 287 jkilis@creditvalleyca.ca PlannerII ‐ Peel and Durham Region ‐ 416‐661‐6600 Ext. Ben Krul Environmental Assessment Planning Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 5 Shoreham Drive Downsview Ontario M3N 1S4 5769 bkrul@trca.on.ca Regional Police and School Boards Paul Mountford Intermediate Planning Officer Peel District School Board 5650 Hurontario Street Mississauga Ontario L5R 1C6 Superintendent of Planning and John Melito Development Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board 40 Matheson Boulevard West Mississauga Ontario L5R 1C5 Jeff Bond Superintendent Peel Regional Police ‐ 22 Division 7750 Hurontario Street Brampton Ontario L6Y 0C7 Transit / Rail Manager of Marketing and Planning GO Transit 20 Bay Street, Suite 600 Toronto Ontario M5J 2W3 Sue Connor Executive Director Bramption Transit 185 Clark Boulevard Brampton Ontario L6T 4G6 Steve Gallagher OBRY Operations Manager Orangeville Brampton Railway 75 1st Street Orangeville Ontario L9W 5B5 Engineering Technician ‐ Eastern Canada Derek Basso Division of Engineering CN Rail 4 Welding Way, P.O. Box 1000 Vaughan Ontario L4K 1B9 905‐669‐3184 Derek.Basso@cn.ca Stefan Linder Engineering Services CN Rail 4 Welding Way, P.O. Box 1000 Vaughan Ontario L4K 1B9 905‐669‐3184 Brampton Chris Duyvestyn Manager, Infrastructure Planning City of Brampton 2 Wellington Street West Brampton Ontario L6Y 4R2 Bob Compton Project Engineer Planning and Infrastructure Services 2 Wellington Street West Brampton Ontario L6Y 4R2 905.874.2581 Compton.Bobb@brampton.ca Councillors Grant Gibson City Councilor, Wards 1&5 2 Wellington Street West Brampton Ontario L6Y 4R2 Elaine Moore Region Councilor, Wards 1&5 2 Wellington Street West Brampton Ontario L6Y 4R2 John Hutton City Councilor, Wards 2&6 2 Wellington Street West Brampton Ontario L6Y 4R2 Paul Palleschi Region Councilor, Wards 2&6 2 Wellington Street West Brampton Ontario L6Y 4R2 Bob Callahan City Councilor, Wards 3&4 2 Wellington Street West Brampton Ontario L6Y 4R2 John Sanderson Region Councilor, Wards 3&4 2 Wellington Street West Brampton Ontario L6Y 4R2 Susan Fennell Mayor 2 Wellington Street West Brampton Ontario L6Y 4R2 UTILITIES Brian Kelly Bell Canada brian.kelly@bell.ca Bhavini Mistry Enbridge Distribution Inc. 500 Consumers Rd North York Ontario M2J 1P8 Bhavini.Mistry@enbridge.com Transmission Lines Sustainment, System Lok Man (Jenny) Mui Investment Asset Management, Hydro One Networks Inc. 483 Bay Street, 15th Floor Toronto Ontario M5G 2P5 416‐345‐5338 Jenny.Mui@HydroOne.com 905‐840‐6300 revangelista@hydroonebrampton.co Robert Evangelista Engineering Supervisor ‐ Development Hydro One ‐ Brampton 175 Sandalwood Parkway West Brampton Ontario L7A1E8 Ext.5508 m Edgar Henriquez edgar.henriquez@rci.rogers.com Gary Mortimer Head of Environment and Safety TransCanada Pipelines, Toronto Regional Office 675 Cochrane Drive South, Suite 701 Markham Ontario L3R 0B8 Region Project No. 2011 – 197P Page 1 of 1 TMIG Project No. 11-139 G:\Projects\2011\11139 - Zone 5 Sub-Transmission Main EA\Public Consultation\11139 Contact Database - Updated Date Printed: 11/18/2013.
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