L 1-1 Minutes Environmental Planning Advisory Committee Committee of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brampton

June 14, 2011 Council Committee Room 4th Floor, City Hall

Members Present: Jayne Pilot, Industry/Business Member (Co-Chair) City Councillor John Hutton, Council Representative on the Credit Valley Conservation Authority (CVC) (Co-Chair) Regional Councillor Paul Palleschi, Chair of the Planning Design and Development Committee City Councillor Bob Callahan, Council Representative on the Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA) Ian Drever, Development Industry Pauline Dykes, Academic Community Francis Sim, Citizen Member Charry Rakhra, Citizen Member

Members Absent: Nil

Staff Present: Adrian Smith, Director, Planning Policy and Growth Management, Planning, Design and Development Susan Jorgenson, Manager, Environmental Planning, Planning, Design and Development Michael Hoy, Environmental Policy Planner, Planning, Planning, Design and Development Earl Evans, Deputy Clerk, City Clerk’s Office Chandra Urquhart, Legislative Coordinator, City Clerk’s Office

L 1-2 Minutes Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee

The meeting was called to order at 3:36 p.m., and adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

After due consideration of the matters placed before this Committee, the members beg leave to present its report as follows:

Item Recommendation

A1. EPA005-2011 Approval of Agenda

A2. EPA006-2011 Election of Chair and Vice Chair

B. Conflicts of Interest

C. Minutes - February 8, 2011

D1. EPA007-2011 Orientation for New and Returning Members of the Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee.

D 2. EPA008-2011 Peel Climate Change Strategy.

E 1. EPA009-2011 Environmental Master Plan and Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment.

E 2. EPA010-2011 Brampton Natural Areas Inventory and Claireville Conservation Area.

E 3. EPA011-2011 Sustainable Neighbourhood Retrofit Action Plan

F1 . EPA012-2011 Making BEPAC Paperless

G. Other/New/Business

H . Correspondence

I. Question Period

J. Public Question Period

K. EPA013-2011 Adjournment

______City Councillor John Hutton, Council Jayne Pilot, Industry/Business Member Representative on the Credit Valley (Co-Chair) Conservation Authority (CVC) (Co-Chair)

2011 06 14 Page 2 of 9 L 1-3 Minutes Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee

A 1. Approval of Agenda

Earl Evans, Deputy City Clerk, Corporate Services, called the meeting to order and chaired the meeting until a Chair was elected. He welcomed the new and returning Members.

The following motion was considered.

EPA005-2011 That the agenda for the Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2011, be approved as printed and circulated.


A 2. Election of Chair and Vice Chair

Earl Evans, Deputy City Clerk, Corporate Services, called for nominations for the position of two Co-Chairs. City Councillor John Hutton and Jayne Pilot were nominated for these positions, and both members accepted the nomination.

As there were no further nominations for the position of Co-Chair, Mr. Evans called for a motion to close the nominations.

The following motion was considered:

EPA006-2011 That the following members be appointed to the position of Co-Chair of the Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee for the term ending November 30, 2014, or until their successors are appointed:

City Councillor John Hutton Jayne Pilot, Industry/Business Member


B. Conflicts of Interest

Mr. Earl Evans, Deputy Clerk, explained ‘conflicts of interest’ as they would relate to this Committee and the items on the agenda.

No conflicts were declared.

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C. Previous Minutes

C 1. Minutes of the Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee (BEPAC) Meeting of February 8, 2011

The subject minutes were considered by Planning, Design and Development Committee on May 9, 2011, and the recommendations approved by City Council on May 11, 2011. The minutes were included on this agenda for information.

D. Delegations/Presentations

D 1. Orientation for New and Returning Members of the Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee.

Orientation materials were distributed.

Earl Evans, Deputy City Clerk, Corporate Services, provided an overview of the orientation materials, which included information on the following topics:  Attendance requirements and quorum  Meeting schedule and procedures  Procedure By-law  Municipal Conflict of Interest Act  Approval process for Committee minutes

There was discussion regarding the next scheduled meeting on August 9, 2011 at 3:30 p.m. It was determined that August 9 was not a suitable date for all the Members and that September 13 would better accommodate everyone. It was decided that the 3:30 p.m. time would remain the same, but may be changed if necessary.

Susan Jorgenson, Manager, Environmental Planning, Planning, Design and Development, provided an overview of Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee, highlighting the following:  Purpose and mandate  Role of the Committee  Establishment, Initiatives and Terms of Reference Accomplishments  BEPAC reading list

The following motion was considered:

EPA007-2011 That the Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee Meeting scheduled for August 9, 2011 be rescheduled to September 13, 2011.


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Jayne Pilot assumed the position of Chair and continued the meeting.

D 2. Bryan Hill and Liliana DaSilva, Region of Peel, re: Peel Climate Change Strategy.

Bryan Hill and Liliana DaSilva, Region of Peel, presented the Peel Climate Change Strategy, noting that they are working collaboratively with municipal partners, conservation authorities, residents and business on the issue of climate change. They highlighted the following:  Implementation of the Strategy and the principles that will guide the partnership: leadership, integration, synergy, accountability, stewardship  Goals of the partnership to be initiated in the next five years; o Proactive and responsive planning leadership o Actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation) o Targeted and proactive adaptation actions o Making the shift to a green economy o Increasing awareness and level of engagement throughout Peel o Ongoing research and adaptive risk management  Next steps: Priority setting and considerations for future actions in the next five years include: o Continuing education and outreach programs about energy use and climate change o Revising priority actions based on result of vulnerability assessment o Continue to include the community and business in the implementation of the strategy.  Commitment and implementation

In response to questions from Committee, Bryan Hill and Liliana DaSilva confirmed that the actions taken on the climate change strategy are monitored and verified to ensure improvement, completion and success. They advised that reduced gas emissions in 1993 were due to less truck traffic and factory emissions.

Committee commented that the Peel Climate Change Strategy should be presented at a Council meeting

Adrian Smith, Director, Planning Policy and Growth Management, indicated that staff has prepared a report to Planning, Design and Development Committee on June 20, 2011 recommending support of the Peel Climate Change Strategy.

The following motion was considered:

EPA008-2011 That the delegation and presentation by Bryan Hill and Liliana DaSilva, Region of Peel, to the Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2011, re: Peel Climate Change Strategy be received.


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E. Reports/Updates

E 1. Verbal update by Adrian Smith, Director, Planning Policy and Growth Management, Planning, Design and Development, re: Environmental Master Plan and Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment.

Adrian Smith, Director, Planning Policy and Growth Management, Planning, Design and Development, provided an update of the Environmental Master Plan (EMP) highlighting its objectives and responsibilities. He explained that the EMP will also work in conjunction with other City initiatives including the Strategic Plan, Official Plan and Growth Management Program and the Flower City Strategy to define the framework that will protect the natural environment and support a sustainable community. Staff is working on the draft of the final EMP, which will include stakeholders’ initiatives, goals and objectives identified through focus groups.

In response to a question from Committee about the Strategic Plan, staff confirmed that there will be an opportunity for public consultation with stakeholders for input in the City’s Strategic Plan.

Mr. Smith provided an update on the status of the Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment, highlighting how the City is dealing with Growth Plan Compliance exercise. He noted that the amendment provides a comprehensive framework detailing how the City will accommodate growth until 2031 and outlined the major policy initiatives that are being reviewed.

The following motion was considered:

EPA009-2011 That the verbal update by Adrian Smith, Director, Planning Policy and Growth Management, Planning, Design and Development, to the Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2011, re: Environmental Master Plan and Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment be received.


E 2. Verbal update by Susan Jorgenson, Manager, Environmental Planning, re: Brampton Natural Areas Inventory and Claireville Conservation Area.

Susan Jorgenson, Manager, Environmental Planning, provided an update on the following subjects:  Brampton Natural Areas Inventory o The City participates on the Peel-Credit Valley Conservation Natural Area Inventory (Peel-CVC NAI) Municipal Advisory Committee

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o A Natural Areas Inventory (NAI) of Brampton will provide consistent data to assist in land use planning and environmental assessments, and support the implementation of Official Plan policies to develop a sustainable community o Staff is beginning the third year of Brampton’s NAI as part of the Peel CVC-NAI and completion is anticipated for the year 2015

 Claireville Conservation Area o Claireville Conservation Area (CCA) is located in southeast Brampton and comprises of 848 hectares of land which is owned and managed by Toronto and Region Conservation (TRCA) o Site is used for recreational and social activities, tourism, and other programs that are beneficial to residents of Brampton, Region of Peel and the (GTA) o TRCA Management Plan was updated to ensure that the conservation area would remain a significant natural greenspace o TRCA and City staff have worked to develop a strategic vision and framework for a proposed inter-regional trail alignment and TRCA is committed to manage and implement programs that would protect the CCA’s unique natural resources o CCA has been recognized as an Urban Forest and future development activities that would negatively impact its natural heritage systems has been banned by TRCA o City staff is reviewing the feasibility of adding the CCA to the Greenbelt Plan o An Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment will be presented to Council in the future to exclude uses and activities that would adversely impact the CCA.

The following motion was considered:

EPA010-2011 That the verbal update by Susan Jorgenson, Manager, Environmental Planning, Planning, Design and Development, to the Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2011, re: Brampton Natural Areas Inventory and Claireville Conservation Area be received.


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E 3. Verbal update by Mike Hoy, Environmental Planner, Planning, Design and Development, re: Sustainable Neighbourhood Retrofit Action Plan.

Mike Hoy, Environmental Planner, Planning, Design and Development, provided an overview of the Sustainable Neighbourhood Retrofit Action Plan (SNAP) as follows:  SNAP is a Toronto and Region Conservation Authority led project in partnership with the City and the Region of Peel  The intent is to raise awareness of environmental issues and transform public and private community places to be more sustainable, such as retrofitting storm water management ponds (SWMP)  Presently SNAP’s focus is in the County Court Boulevard neighbourhood  SNAP is a three stage process, phases 1 and 2 have been completed and have led to the development of the Emerging SNAP and Phase 3 sustainable themes  Ongoing actions include themes such as a community environmental fair offering residents sustainable home solutions, and tree planting events  Next steps: include renovation of the green home makeover that will function as a community information centre

In response to a question regarding the emerging SNAP initiatives, Mr. Hoy explained that the makeover of a site to be sustainable with landscaping and planning trees etc. would be considered an initiative.

EPA011-2011 That the verbal update by Mike Hoy, Environmental Planner, Planning, Design and Development, to the Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2011, re: Sustainable Neighbourhood Retrofit Action Plan be received.


F. Environmental Ideas

F 1. Discussion, re: Making BEPAC Paperless.

A motion was put forward to defer this matter to the next Committee meeting.

The following motion was considered:

EPA012-2011 That the discussion re: Making BEPAC Paperless be deferred to the meeting scheduled to be held on September 13, 2011.


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G. Other/New Business

H. Correspondence

I. Question Period

I 1. In response to a question from Committee regarding the role of the BEPAC, staff explained that Members are required to provide constructive feedback and advice to City Council through the Committee on environmental planning and policy matters and to review environmental initiatives of strategic importance to the City.

J. Public Question Period

K. Adjournment

EPA013-2011 That the Brampton Environmental Planning Advisory Committee Meeting do now adjourn to meet again on September 13, 2011, 3:30 p.m., or at the call of the Chair.


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