Submitted to MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE GOVT. OF INDIA Indira Paryavaran Bhavan, JorBagh Road New Delhi 110003


Area: 148.468 Ha (Non Forest Private Land) Villages Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon, Tehsil- Shriwardhan, Dist- Raigad, State- In Survey Nos. Village Danda: 85,86, 87 Village Bagmandala: 70 to79, 84 Village Saigaon: 130/1 to 130/8, 131/1 to 131/6, 132/1B, 132/1C, 132/2 to 132/9, 133/1A to 133/1C, 133/2,133/3

Enhancement in Production Capacity from 1,35,000 TPA to : 5,00,000 TPA

PROJECT PROPONENT M/S ALATGE STONE CRUSHING INDUSTRIES H. No. 148, Near Madasra, At-Arathi, Post & Taluka- Shriwardhan, Dist. Raigad.Maharashtra

EIA CONSULTANT SRUSHTI SEVA PRIVATE LTD. NABET Accreditated EIA Consultant Certificate No NABET/EIA/1518/RA027 Valid upto 02.12.2018

April 2017

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine



2. INTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT ...... 4 I Identification of project & project proponent

Ii Brief description of nature of the project

iii Need for the project

Iv Employment generation (direct & indirect)

3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...... 5 I Type of project

Ii Location

iii Alternate site

Iv Size of magnitude of operation

V Project description

vi Raw materials sources & transportation vii Resource recycling.

viii Water requirement & supply

ix Waste generation and waste management

4. SITE ANALYSIS ...... 11 I Connectivity

Ii Proposed plant land detail

iii Topography

Iv Existing infrastructure

V Soil classification

vi Climate

vii Social infrastructure

5. PLANNING BRIEF ...... 13 I Planning concept

Ii Population projection

iii Land use planning

Iv Infrastructure demand

V Amenities


i Industrial area ii Residential area iii Green belt iv Social infrastructure v Connectivity ii Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine

vi Drinking water vii Sewerage system viii Industrial waste management ix Solid waste management x Power requirement & supply

7. REHABILITATION AND RESETTLEMENT ………………………………………………………….. 15 8. PROJECT SCHEDULE & COST ESTIMATION ……………………………………………………….. 15 9. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSAL FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS ……………………………………… 16




I. SURFACE MAP …………………………………………………………………………………… 22 II. KEY MAP ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23

iii Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine


 M/S Alatge Stone Crushing Industries got grant for Mining Lease vide Letter No. MMN-1097/44998(7522)/Ind-9 over an area of 148.468 Ha Danda- Bagmandala-Saigaon, Village, Shriwardhan Taluka of of Maharashtra State to mine the Bauxite.  Expansion in Annual production capacity from 1,35,000 to 5,00,000 TPA. Approval of modification in approved Mining plan vide letter No. RGH/BX/MPLN-853/NGP-2016 dated 29.08.2016. Additionally, The monitoring by R.O., MoEF &CC, Bhopal has been carried out and certified Monitoring Report has been submitted vide Letter No. 3-22/2007/(ENV)/289, Dated 20.10.2014.  M/s Alatge Stone Crushing Industries the project proponent is an Partnership firm having registered office in Raigad District.  The Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Deposit is located towards ESE of Shriwardhan town of Raigad District of Maharashtra State. The bauxite zone is usually occurs sandwiched between the overlying Laterite and underlying Basalt. Bauxite in the area occurs in the forms of small pockets, thin lenses and tabular bodies in the Laterite capping.  The geological reserves established in the proposed Mining Lease Area is 86,82,652 tonnes and the Mineable reserves of Bauxite are 17,98,968 tonnes.  It is proposed to enhance annual production capacity of 1,35,000 TPA to 5,00,000 TPA .  The proposed method of mining is Opencast fully Mechanized mine with drilling and blasting.  At the proposed rate of production the life of the mine is estimated to be approximately 17.36 years considering the future expansion to be done.  Average depth of the Pits will be 4 to 5 m , Average bench height of the bench will be 4 to 5 m depending on the depth of Bauxite will be maintained. There will be only one bench. Bench will have slope angle of 65°. Pits will be roughly rectangular in shape and will have box like appearances after excavation. Drilling /Blasting combination will be adopted to loosen the ore.

1 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine

 Loosened ore will be excavated and loaded into the tipper by hydraulic excavator. Tipper will be transport the ore to the processing plant. Ore will be crushed and processed ore will be loaded into trucks for destination.

 ROM per year generated will be 5,00,000 Tonnes, out of which about 20% to 25% intercalated waste produced will be helpful in converting waste land into cultivable agricultural land. At present waste will be dumped in the Northern Part of the lease area within the Pit No. 01.  Total Lease area is 148.468 Ha, out of which 134.27 Ha areas is mineable with the average depth 4 m. This will be reclaimed concurrently year wise to convert waste land into plantation area. During the Conceptual Period only 65.67 Ha area can be backfilled with 1 m thickness of waste. Remaining will be leveled and reclaimed.  The transport from mine head to the consumer is through hired tippers / trucks / by road.  The minimum depth of water table is 25-30 m below the surface. Maximum depth of the working is 4 m and hence ground water will not be intercepted  There is no local surface water body or stream of any importance passing through the lease area and also no possibility for encountering any underground water source during the plan period thus no pumping is required.  The is flowing 2.5 Km at the South of the Lease area. The dendritic to sub dendritic drainage Pattern is commonly observed in the area.  The area has wet coastal climate. The average rainfall per annum is about 4000 mm. The highest temperature is 38°C during summer and 12° C during winter nights. The relative humidity is about 70-80%.  The study area consisting of 148.468 Ha mining lease as core zone and 10 Km radius around core zone is identified as buffer zone.  Bauxite produced from mine will be crushed and screened. After suitable blending the same will be sold. Bauxite is used mostly in chemical , refractory and abrasive industries.  Man power requirement will be 122 Nos for Statutory Purposes, Supervisory requirement and also required for loading, hauling, drilling and blasting operations.

2 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine

 The Environment Impact Assessment and Environment Management Plan for the proposed project shall be prepared as per the guidelines provided in the EIA Notification 2006.  The power requirement will be met from MSEB grid. The quantity of water required for mining in this mine is 80 cum per day. Water will be purchased from nearby villages with prior consent & permission of the owner.  There is no habitation in the area. Apart from the above as the Mining activity is being carried out in the area some people is engaged in Mining as well as in transport activities  There is no National Park, Wildlife Sanctuary, Archeological site, Historical places located within 10 Km from the proposed mine.  The total project cost for the Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon, Bauxite Mining Project has been estimated at Rs. 45,10,000.

3 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine

2. INTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT / BACKGROUND FORMATION. i) Identification of Project and Project Proponent Project : Maharashtra is one of the major producers of bauxite in the country. Bauxite is found at few places along the coast in Maharashtra in Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg and Raigad the district and in Kolhapur. In Ratnagiri, it found in the villages namely Uttamber, Rowale, Umbershet, Kavadoli, Mandivali, Sakhari, Velas etc. M/s Alatge Stone Crushing Industries has obtained mining lease in the village Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon for period of 50 years on 5th November 2003 valid up to 4th November 2053.

Project Proponent: M/s Alatge Stone Crushing Industries is an entrepreneur and is engaged in the production of Bauxite, Bentonite, and Barites etc. and export of metal grade and low grade bauxite to various industries. Communication details of the project proponent are as under;

M/S Alatge Stone Crushing Industries H. No. 148, Near Madasra, At-Arathi, Post &Taluka- Shriwardhan, Dist. Raigad, Maharashtra

ii) Brief description of nature of the project The proposal under consideration is for Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine 148.468 Ha situated in Private land at-Village: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon, Tahsil-_Shriwardhan, Dist: Raigad, Maharashtra for the enhancement of annual production capacity 1,35,000 to 5,00,000 Tonnes/Annum of Bauxite ore. The proposed project is categorized as 'A' under EIA notification 2006.

iii) Need for the project and it’s important to the country and or region. The bauxite mined out will be consumed by Aluminum and Calcined alumina producing industries. The bauxite deposit in the lease area is suitably for Aluminum and Calcined alumina industries and no beneficiation is required. Bauxite is found at few places near the coast at village Moolvelas, Kurvade, Danda, Khujare, Saigaon, Harvit, Kudgaon, etc. of Tal. Shriwardhan , Dist. Raigad. It has played a great role in development of civilization and industrialization.

iv) Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the project.

The mine will directly employ about 122 workers. There will be employment generation of double this number in secondary and tertiary sectors. It is proposed to employ the local population wherever possible in the proposed

project activities.

4 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine

3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION i) Type of project including interlinked and Interdependent project, if any.

The proposed Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine (148.468 Ha.) will be expansion in annual production capacity 1,35,000 TPA to 5,00,000 TPA. There is no interlinked project. ii) Location (map showing general location, specific location, and project boundary & project site layout) with coordinates. Figure 1 gives the general and specific location of Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine. The nearest railway station is at which is at a distance of 86 Kms. The Lease area is located in jurisdiction of Village Danda-Bagmandala- Saigaon in District Raigad (Maharashtra). The area can be approached from district headquarters, to Wadkhal Naka which is 22 Km. From Wadkhal Naka to Goa National Highway up Mangaon and the distance is 44km. From Mangaon there is diversion towards Shriwardhan Tahsil which is 45 Km and connected by tar Road. It falls in Survey of India Toposheet no. 47F/4 and B/16 (Restricted). The Latitude is from 18°00' 07.92"N to 18°01’ 24.74"N and Longitude is from 73°02'31.23"E to 73°03' 35.03”E. The Location Map is attached as Figure-1.

The details of khasra Nos is given under :

Villages Survey No. Lease Area Ownership/ Ha. Occupancy Danda 85, 86, 87

148.468 Ha Private Land Bagmandala 70 to 79, 84

Saigaon 130/1 to 130/8, 131/1 to 131/6, 132/1B, 132/1C, 132/2 to 132/9, 133/1A to 133/1C, 133/2,133/3

Surface Plan of mining lease area is given in Map I. The coordinates of the boundary Pillar are given in Annexure I.

5 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine

Location of Project

Figure 1 : Location map

6 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine iii) Details of alternate sites considered and the basis of selecting the proposed site, particularly the environmental consideration gone into should be highlighted. Mining is a site specific and has to be undertaken at the place of the occurrence of the mineral and hence no alternative sites explored. iv) Size or magnitude of operation. The proposed mining Lease Area is 148.468 Ha for increase in annual production capacity of Bauxite Ore from 1,35,000 to 5,00,000 TPA.

v) Project description with process details (a schematic diagram/ flow chart showing the project layout, components of the project etc. should be given).

The Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon is located towards South-East direction of Tahsil place Shriwardhan. Bauxite enrichment is normally seen along the scarp section of the plateau and also along the nallah cuttings.

Bauxite in the area occurs in the forms of small pockets, thin lenses and tabular bodies in the Laterite capping. The area is extensively covered by 766 thick piles of basaltic lava flows of deccan trap of Upper cretaceous to palaeogene age. The basalt flows are typically Quartz and hypersthenes normative with minor amounts of olivine Theoloties. The lava flows are classified under sahayadri Group which is divisible into eight formations. Reserves :

Reserves Tonnes Proved Mineable Category 17,98,968 Probable Category 3,72,048 Feasibility Mineral Resources 29212 PrefeasibilityMineral Resources 17280 Inferred Minerals Resource 64,65,144 Total 86,82,652

Source : Mining Plan

Mining Method: The mining method identified as fully opencast mechanized.

7 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine

The Proposed Production Programme: The summary of development work and production of Bauxite ore during 5 years period is;

Year Ore Saleable Inter-calated Ore to Volume Ore Waste waste (m3) (Tonnes) (Tonnes) ratio

2016-2017 3,12,500 5,00,000 1,25,000 1:0.25

2016-2017 3,12,500 5,00,000 1,25,000 1:0.25 Source : Mining Plan Conceptual plan: The mining operation by means of opencast fully mechanized method will be continued till conceptual period.

Conceptual Mine Development: As the area is not been explored completely, on the basis of an evaluation of various parameters, such as the distribution and nature of occurrence of bauxite deposit, structural features, topography, pit design, geo- hydrological conditions, etc, and ultimate Pit limit has been tentatively delineate for the exposures in the applied area. However, after the completion of the proposed Exploration, the Reserves will be re estimated and accordingly conceptual Plan will be modified.

At the end of the lease period of the mine an area of 134.27 Ha and average 4 m depth will be formed. This will be reclaimed concurrently by year-wise refilling to convert waste land into plantation area. The entire worked out pit will be reclaimed by plantations. Total Lease area is 148.468 Ha, out of which 134.27 Ha areas is mineable during the Conceptual Period and 65.67 Ha area can be backfilled with 1 m thickness of waste. Remaining area will be leveled and reclaimed.

Waste Generation and Management: Intercalated waste will be used for reclamation of mined out land. About 2,50,000 tonnes of intercalated waste will be disposed upto 2017-2018. The OB soil, if any, will be dumped along the lease boundary and will be stabilized by plantation.

Processing: Bauxite produced from mine will be crushed and screened to give 0- 100 m size. After suitable blending, the same will be sold in the market. All the broken bauxite from the mine pit will be shifted to nearby temporary stockyard 8 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine

and spread on surface. The ore will be sorted mechanically. Big boulders are broken by rock breaker.

Marketing /End Use: At present there is good demand for bauxite. Bauxite ore produced is crushed to 10-100 mm size and is sold to Aluminium and cement industry.

Mine Drainage: There is no stream or drainage passing from the mining lease. As reported earlier the mining operations are unlikely to intersect ground water table which is lying more 25 m bgl and mining operation will be confined to 4 m from the surface. Rain water accumulated in the pit during monsoon will be naturally reused for dust suppression and plantation. vi) Raw material along with estimated quantity, likely source marketing. area of final products, mode of transport of raw material and Finished product.

The dressed saleable ore will be loaded into trucks /tippers of 10 tonnes capacity for further dispatch to desired destination. Precaution will be taken to cover the material by tarpaulin during transportation. vii) Resource optimization / recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if any, should be briefly outlined.

No viii) Availability of water its source, Energy / power requirement and source should be given.

The water requirement of the project is estimated to 80 KLD required for drinking/domestic purpose/dust suppression. The rain water collected in the mining pit during monsoon shall be optimally utilized for dust suppression and plantation. The power requirement will be met from MSEDC grid.

9 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine xi) Quantity of waste to be generated (liquid and solid) and scheme for their Management/disposal.

The waste generated will be backfilled in the worked out pits concurrently.

Year Area to be backfilled Mineral Wastes (Ha) (tonnes) 2016-2017 2.03 1,25,000 2017-2018 1.16 1,25,000

x) Schematic representation of the feasibility drawing which give information of EIA purpose.

The EIA will include an assessment of the potential impacts envisaged as an effect of the project, during the operation of the mine. The assessment will be based on a consideration of the individual components of the project.

10 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine

4. SITE ANALYSIS i) Connectivity : The area is located in jurisdiction of Village Danda, Bagmandala, Saigaon in District Raigad (Maharashtra). The area can be approached from district headquarters, Alibag to Wadkhal Naka which is 22 Km. From wadkhal Naka to Mumbai Goa National Highway up Mangaon and the distance is 44km. From Mangaon there is diversion towards Shriwardhan Tahsil which is 45 Km and connected by tar Road. The lease area is well connected by Kachcha Road from Saigaon village from western direction while Bagmandala is from south direction. The Location Map is attached as Figure 1. ii) Topography (along with map) : The lease area is hilly rugged topography with having the highest elevation of 262 m and lowest is 182 m. Thus total elevation difference is 80 m. The southern part is with valley part with bushes and scant plantation while central to Northern part is relatively flat to undulating topography. The drainage of the area is towards southern side. Village Danda Saigaon falls in Northern direction while Bagmandala fall SE direction . iii) Existing land use pattern (agriculture, non-agriculture, forest, water bodies (including area under CRZ), shortest distances from the periphery of the project to periphery of the forest, national park, wild life sanctuary, eco sensitive areas, water bodies (distance from the HFL of the river), CRZ. In case of notified industrial area, a copy of the Gazette notification should be given.

The core zone i.e., applied area is a private land. The buffer zone area is mostly occupied by Arabian sea on the western side while the other part is occupied by agricultural waste land. The area under consideration is away from the CRZ, water bodies and habitations. A key plan showing landuse and shortest distance from forest and other features is enclosed as Map II.

11 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine

A brief summary of the features in 10 Km buffer zone is tabulated below;

Sr. No. Description Detail 1 Reserves Forest Not within 10 Km 2 Nearest National Highway Not within 10 Km 3 Nearest State Highway SH-100, 2.7 Km 4 Nearest Railway Station Mangaon 86 Km 5 Nearest Airport 180 Km 6 Nearest Major city Shriwardhan 4.5 Km 7 District Head Quarter Raigarh, Not within 10 Km 8 Savitri river 2.5 Km south Nearest River / Dam of lease 9 National Park, Wild Life Sanctuary, Not within 10 Km Eco Sensitive area 10 Interstate Boundary Not within 10 Km 11 Archaeological Monument Not within 10 Km 12 Historical and places of worship 3. 3 Km Harihareshwar 13 3.3 Km Harihareshwar Places of tourist attraction 4.5 Km Shriwardhan

14 Inland, coastal, marine or underground Arabian sea 3.5 Km waters

v) Existing Infrastructure: At present there is no infrastructure available. except the approach road. vi) Soil classification: The soil of the lease area is found to be Lateritic soil. vii) Climatic data from secondary sources. The area has wet coastal climate. The average rainfall per annum is about 4000 mm. The highest temperature is 38°C during summer and 12°C during winter nights. The relative humidity is about 70-80%. Moderate wind velocities in West to East directions are experienced during Monsoon Season. The seasonal variation of temperature and moisture prevailing in the area is mainly responsible for the process of Bauxitization/Lateritization. viii) Social Infrastructure available: There are school, post office Gram Panchayat hospital, communication facilities well developed ix) Post Office: Bagmandala : 2.7 Km x) Transport : The transport facilities in the tehsil are well developed and wide spread.

12 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine

5. PLANNING BRIEF i) Planning Concept (type of Industries, facilities, transportation etc) Town and country planning/ Development authority Classification. The mining will be carried out as per the approved Mining Plan. During Mining Plan period, the mining operation will be done by development of fully mechanized opencast method. The statutory provisions for the development of mine shall be followed to ensure safe mining practices and conservation of mineral. During the course of mining protection and conservation of natural resources and protection of environment will be ensured.

ii) Population Projection. The mine will provide direct employment to nearly 122 workers. The indirect employment opportunities will automatically created with the click of Bauxite mine in this region. iii) Land use planning (breakup along with green belt etc.). The landuse for the Mining Lease will be strictly followed as per the approved Mining Plan. iv) Assessment of Infrastructure Demand (physical & social). The proposed mining will require roads for the transport of the mineral besides it will require manpower to operate the proposed mine. v) Amenities/Facilities. These include community washrooms, drinking water facilities like public stand posts.

13 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

Pre Feasibility Report: Danda-Bagmandala-Saigaon Bauxite Mine

6. PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE i) Industrial area (processing area): The Chemical Composition of the Bauxite available in the area that is acceptable to Aluminum manufacturing, calcined alumina Industries. Lower grade Bauxite will be used for blending and for Cement Industries also. ROM will be directly fed to the Mobile Screening & Crushing Plant within the lead distance of 0.5km (one side distance). Plant operation will be within lease boundary. No beneficiation will be carried out. ii) Residential Area (Non processing Area): None iii) Green Belt: It is proposed to undertake plantation of local tree species on 5.625 Ha area. iv) Social Infrastructure: Connectivity (Traffic and Transportation Road /Rail /Metro/ Water ways etc.) is well established. v) Drinking Water management (Source & Supply of water): Drinking water for the workers will be met from the tankers by nearby villages. vi) Sewerage System: None proposed vii) Industrial Waste Management: Not required viii) Solid Waste Management: None ix) Power Requirement & Supply / Source: Through State Electricity Board

14 Alatge Stone Crushing Industries

7. REHABILITATION AND RESETTLEMENT (R & R) PLAN i) Policy to be adopted (central/state) in respect of the project affected person including home oustees, land oustees and landless laborers (a brief outline to be given.)

Not envisaged as the project lies on private land and there is no habitation on the proposed mining lease area.

8. PROJECT SCHEDULE & COST ESTIMATES i) The capital budget for environmental protection measure is estimated to be Rs. 27 Lakhs and Rs. 23.50 Lakhs as recurring cost Environment Management Plan is given in Annexure-II. ii) Likely date of start of construction and likely date of completion (Time schedule for the project to be given.) The mining operations shall be carried out after obtaining all statutory permissions and shall be carried out as per approved Mining Plan. iii) Estimated project cost along with analysis in terms of economic viability of the project. The cost analysis in terms of economic viability of the project Capital cost of the project is Rs. 45,10,000/-


Pre Feasibility Report : Danda- Bagmandala- Saigaon Bauxite Mine


Financial and social benefits with special emphasis on the benefit to the local people including tribal population, if any, in the area.

In compliance with the environmental procedure the environmental clearance application is made. Necessary scientific studies will be undertaken as per the guidelines set by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) and prescribed Terms of Reference. The suggestions/recommendations of all the experts, competent authorities, and government officials are being sought for the impacts of the proposed project. Views and guidance of the local residents, community based organizations, social organizations are extremely important in order to devise a full proof Environment Management Plan for the proposed mining project and also mitigate the damages caused due to the project. Allocation of necessary funds, manpower and machinery will be made to for the protection and conservation of all the components of environment. It is ensured that all mandatory clearances will be sought from respective competent authorities before operating the proposed Bauxite Mine.


Pre Feasibility Report : Danda- Bagmandala- Saigaon Bauxite Mine

Annexure I Mine Boundary Pillar Location Statement ( As Per DGPS)

Lease Area ( 148.468 HA)


Pre Feasibility Report : Danda- Bagmandala- Saigaon Bauxite Mine

Annexure II


1.1 For Water Environment

There is no water regime near to this mine. The water regime is Savitri River which is far away to have any impact. Surface water is in the form of seasonal rain fall. It takes normal course and flows out of the area along natural slope. No impact on surface or ground water is expected as no chemical processing is involved.

1.2 For Air Environment

The proposed mining operations are mechanized and shall be done through deployment of mining machineries. The dust from the haul roads and drilling is expected to pollute the air to some extent. However, considering the production and nature of proposed mining operations particulate matter level will not be more than the permissible limit.

However, on the haulage road water will be sprinkled to minimize the raising of dust in the area.

Further, for minimizing dust generation during drilling & blasting and loading following measures are proposed:

 Development of 7.5 m wide green belt with tall growing trees and thick foliage cover along mine lease boundary to arrest dust.  Proper care in regard to quantity of explosives will be taken.  Water spraying at the loading and unloading points to reduce fugitive dust emissions.  Adequate water spraying on the haul roads will be done to suppress dust.  Mineral transportation will be carried out by trucks covered by tarpaulins.  Plantation will be carried out on mined out areas.  Dust masks will be provided to persons employed in dusty areas.  Overloading and over speeding of trucks will be prohibited. Regular & periodic maintenance of deployed machineries will be carried out to reduce smoke emission.


Pre Feasibility Report : Danda- Bagmandala- Saigaon Bauxite Mine

1.3 For Noise Environment :

Noise Level is likely to increase due to movement of machineries, drilling, etc. The measures will be taken to maintain the noise levels within limits.

 Periodical maintenance of equipment will be carried out.

 Limiting of speed of haulage vehicles/tippers.

 Regular maintenance of transport vehicles.

 Controlled blasting techniques with sequential blasting to reduce noise level and blast induced ground vibrations.

 Use of low density explosives. Provision of earmuffs/ear plugs to workers in noise prone zones in the mine

1.4 For reducing ground vibrations:

To keep ground vibration due to blasting well within the above mentioned prescribed limits of DGMS and to avoid fly rocks, following measures will be adopted:  Controlled blasting using delay detonators are being carried out.  Drilling and blasting is carried out under the supervision of qualified persons  Overcharging of blast holes is avoided  Blasting is carried out only for loosening of the strata  Suitable spacing and burden is maintained to avoid misfire  Number of blast holes is restricted to control ground vibrations  Blasting will be carried out only during noon time.

1.5 Stabilization of Overburden Dumps :

The Overburden is in the form of Intercalated Clay which is considered as 20 % of the total ROM handling. The intercalated waste will be concurrently filled in the mined out area. 1.6 For Socio -Economic Environment

The proposed mining activity is expected to have a positive impact on the socio- economic profile of the area. The local people shall get opportunities of employment in the unskilled and semiskilled category. The overall standard of living in the area is expected to improve due to coming of Danda-Bagmandala- Saigaon Bauxite Mining Project.


Pre Feasibility Report : Danda- Bagmandala- Saigaon Bauxite Mine

Budget for Environmental Protection (Rs. Lakhs)

Sr. no. Particulars Capital Cost Recurring Cost

1 Pollution Control 22.00 4.50 2 Pollution Monitoring -- 3.00 3 Occupational Health 3.00 2.00 4 Reclamation & Rehabilitation 4.50 2.50 5 Social & Economic Development 14.50 8.50 6 Other 5.00 3.00 Total 27.00 23.50


Pre Feasibility Report : Danda- Bagmandala- Saigaon Bauxite Mine

Map I: Surface Plan for Danda- Bagmandala- Saigaon Bauxite Mine


Pre Feasibility Report : Danda- Bagmandala- Saigaon Bauxite Mine

73°0' 73°5'

Mamavli N Hunarveli Gulandhe

Bapavli Shiravane Chikalap Khargaon Meghare

Bhardoli Vadi Kelte Pangloli 18°5' Punir 18°5' Valvati Vadghar

Vadi Jasavli Bhoste Ranavli

Bhattichamal Bapvankandhane Panve Kondhe Arati Arati Srivardhan Bhakarvadi Galsure Galsure Kati ARABIAN SEA Javele Nigdi Kati Sakhari Konzari Vadshet Nigdi Navabuddhadi Nigdikode Sakhravne Vave Talavade Saigaon Kalinje Kole


Hajimushi Kuravde Nivle

Vadi Vadi Gadabwadi Jangamvadi Vadi Kolmandle Vadi Maral Kelachiwadi Vadi 18°0' Hareshwar Adi 18°0'

Devgarh Benkolwadi Borkhat Bagmandle Karivane Adiwadi SAVITRI RIVER

Shipolewadi Veral Koliwadi Veshvi Bankot Shipole Kuduk Budrukh Umbroli Killawadi Kante Kinjalwadi Baslewadi Kataiwadi Baldawadi Gudegarh

Velas ARABIAN SEA Ranavli

Panhli Budrukh

INDEX Ambavli Sakhri Kharewadi MINE BOUNDARY Jale Bharja River RIVER / NALA



Map II : Key Map