Inside: Insights from the 2016 PA Teacher of the Year & Alumna Becca Foxwell (’10) Contents FALL 2016, Volume 16 | No. 1

This magazine is produced three times a year to provide students, alumni, parents, friends and donors with news from the institution, articles connecting our readers with our 2 } The President Speaks community and features on relevant Christian thought. } Faculty News MISSION STATEMENT 4 Lancaster Bible College exists to educate Christian students to think and live a biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving Him in the Church 11 } The Compassion Experience at LBC and society.

VISION Lancaster Bible College will be a premier learning 13 } A Day of Learning community that intentionally develops the head, and hands of servant ministry leaders for global impact. 17 } First, the Bad News ACCREDITATION Accredited through the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and the Association for Biblical Are You Ready for College? Higher Education Commission on Accreditation, LBC 21 } is also approved by the Department of Education and the Association of Christian Schools International. LBC is approved to operate 2016 President’s Report in Pennsylvania, Florida, Maryland and Tennessee. 24 } LBC is authorized to offer online programs in all states where our online students reside. 33 } The Future of Online Education EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Peter W. Teague, Ed.D. Education without Borders PRESIDENT 35 } John Zeswitz, B.A. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Remembering the Legacy of Philip Dearborn, Ed.D., ‘90 PROVOST 39 } Charles F. Frey Josh Beers, .A.B.S. SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OF STUDENT EXPERIENCE Judy Heckaman, B.S. ‘97 41 } Earn This ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT Rodney Carter, Jr., B.S. ‘15 DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI 44 } Students of the Year Keith Baum DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS / EDITOR Karen Perago, B.S. ‘85 45 } Alumni MARKETING & ECHO PRODUCTION MANAGER Kelsey Madas, B.A. ‘15 CONTENT CREATOR, MANAGING EDITOR 47 } Events Daniel Spanjer, Ph.D. CHAIR OF THE ARTS & SCIENCES DEPARTMENT .edu A Steadfast Mission

As we mark the beginning of this new academic year with God-breathed Scriptures as the ultimate source of wisdom record undergraduate enrollment and the highest level in all matters of faith and practice as seen in our Statement of online credits ever in our Accelerated Undergraduate of Faith and our Student and Employee Handbooks. Degree program, we stand resolute and focused on God’s Our commitment to integrated biblical truth with grace is Word as we have done since our founding in 1933. central to our identity in an age of theological shifting and Our mission is “…to educate Christian students to think and confusion. It governs everything about our college: our live a biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving academic programs, our faculty, campus activities, lifestyle Him in the Church and society.” standards, admissions and hiring decisions. That steadfast resolve shapes our worldview, our perspective on all reality More than wishful thinking or a pitch to prospective — what is true, what is good, what is right. students and donors, our mission statement is the compass that guides our decisions, safeguards us from At LBC, we embrace a biblical worldview where the ever-shifting winds of culture’s whims, and keeps us transcendent truths - laws of the universe on course. We look at our mission often and work hard at if you will-exist and that such mission clarity because we have seen the results in other truth is defined by the Bible. institutions of higher education that have drifted from their Our practices are actively original course. submitted to the Bible. As an academic institution At LBC, our true north is found at the very center of our striving for excellence, mission statement in the word biblical. Unlike magnetic each course we offer north, which shifts with interfering forces, true north is maintains a commitment fixed and reliable. The Bible, as the psalmist writes in to that perspective. Biblical Psalm 119:89: “ firmly fixed in the heavens.” It has integration demonstrates a trustworthy permanence in an era of temporary. how the irrepressible truths of That is why we trust the Bible to guide us correctly in all the Bible guide our thinking. circumstances and in everything we teach and do. That is Our missional focus on why our college verse is “The Word of the Lord endures intentional biblical education forever” (1 Peter 1:25). shapes our students’ LBC experience Ultimately, we believe the Bible is the Word of God, not in every aspect, from classroom that it simply contains it, but that it is the very Word of God, instruction to residence hall living, from expressed through the Holy Spirit divinely inspired and chapel to co-curriculars. In the words consistent in truth. It is in the Bible that God makes Himself of one student, “LBC is a wonderful known to us, and we are fully committed to the truth of environment to receive an The President Speaks BY PETER W. TEAGUE, Ed.D. [email protected]

... Continued on ... 2 FALL echo The President Speaks education, a spiritual education.” Another wrote, what went wrong, the source of evil and suffering, “The staff truly love on you, the professors genuinely and how the world can be set right again. It is our true CONTINUED care about you, and the students here are really north. It pulls no punches. It does not sugar coat. It intentional.” offers timeless truth, and grace. Psalm 119:89 says, “Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the While LBC is rated 39 out of 91 Best Colleges in As we think heavens.” and live a Pennsylvania for 2016 and we are the second largest independent, non-denominational accredited Bible As we think and live a biblical worldview amid a biblical college in the United States, we will have missed the culture of daily-evolving relativism, our hope is worldview mark if we do not teach the Scriptures with accuracy anchored in God’s truth. and practice. amid a culture of As we have done since our founding in 1933, our daily-evolving You see, we trust the scripture because in it we faculty will teach that the Word of God is the ultimate find God’s revelation of Himself and when we give source of wisdom for life and how to do life well relativism, our ourselves to the principles revealed, we are in with God. While the pendulum of change appears hope is anchored in actuality submitting to God. Only the truth of the to be swinging in many other institutions of higher God’s scriptures can educate in such a way that integrates education, we have no pendulum. We have a plumb faith, emotion, and intellect. The truth nurtures line steadfast and true: the Word of God. “Forever, O truth. a devoted heart, a courageous mind, and a Lord, your Word is firmly fixed in the heavens,” and purposeful soul. by Your grace living out Your expressed will we will “…think and live a biblical worldview and proclaim When it comes to truth and perspective, our culture Christ by serving Him in the Church and society.” believes that truth is, at best, unknowable and that its interpretation resides with the individual. Lacking Please keep in touch! transcendent, empowering truths and shared beliefs, our culture is crumbling under a mentality that exalts Cordially in Christ, individual and group rights above all else which ultimately leaves us in a shackled chaos. We believe we know where to look for the solution. Peter W. Teague, Ed.D. Only God’s Word offers an accurate perspective on President who we are, where we come from, why we exist,

COVER: Brianne Lieb (’17), an early childhood education major, reviews reading materials with Lilliane Rineer, age 8.

3 FALL echo is the first model of its kind across all 43 NCAADivisionIIIconferences. is thefirstmodelofitskind across all the core values ofNCAADivisionIII.This unique approach todeterminetheNEAC Presidents’ Cup winner inaneffort totruly reflect The NEAC established this approach toawarding itsPresidents’ Cup in2014-15 shows weare doingthings well.” department’s core values isrespect, sotoberecognized byour peersforbeingrespectful isveryfulfillingand notedthatitwasHe also affirmingtobe awarded“One of fortheirsportsmanship andexplained,our take itwiththemintheirfuture endeavors.” recognize respect thisand fortheiropponents aswell. Ourhopeasadministrators isthatour student-athletes whoare passionate aboutbuthave a great competing, have student-athletes Pete Beersagreed, saying,“We opposing teamsandothercollege’s throughout facilities theentire season,” he explained. they represent proud oftheway before, thecollege our duringandafterthegame.“’m teamsrespect officials, Pete Beers,make uptheleadershipforLBCwithinNEAC. Beers said heisproud ofeach teamandtheway Beers istheDirect Report forLBC,meaning thathe,alongwithDr. Peter W. Teague anddirector ofathletics, this institution,” said Josh Beers,thesenior vicepresident ofstudentatLBC. experience istremendous thatour teamscontinuetoshapeaculturewhich theyparticipate. “It thatreflects the missionof In winning theDirect Reports’ Cup forSportsmanship, theChargers were ranked firstinsevenofthe13sports Wells while with ascoreCollege finished20. secondwithascore of17, of Chargers athird place finish, thehighestinschoolhistory. Statewonthe Morrisville College Presidents’ Cup LBC’s20.5 earnedthe combinedscore of by combining theplace finishes foreach schoolineach sub-cup. cameclosetoearningLBC also yetanothercoveted award: The Presidents’ Cup. This winnerisdetermined earnedsolid LBCalso marks intheSeniorSuccess. Woman Administrators’ Cup forCommunity Service. Cup forAthleticPerformance forthird intheFaculty andtied Athletic Representatives’ Cup forAcademic towinningIn addition theDirect Reports’ Cup, theChargers finished also fifth inthe Directors’ Athletic recognition forcommunityperformance. service,academic andathletic success with thebestsportsmanship andthisyear, LBCwas feature named thewinner. The othersub-cups otherNEACfrom Coaches the13 schools. voteattheendoftheirrespective seasonontheteam awards everyyear. The Direct Reports’ Cup isawarded bytabulatingthevotesfrom everycoach alongwiththePresident’sThe Direct Reports’ Cup Cup, isoneofthefour sub-cups, thattheNEAC for the secondstraight year. T Reports’ Cup forSportsmanship from theNorthEastern AthleticConference (NEAC) academic yearinearlyAugust astheChargers were named thewinnerofDirect he LancasterCollegeAthleticDepartment Bible putabow onitshistoric2015-16 LBC Athletics Awarded for Outstanding On-Field Conduct AwardedLBC Athletics On-Field forOutstanding By Zachary Freeman, AssistantDirector Athletics

FALL echo 4 echoFALL 5 • States andabroad. development andexpansioninboththeUnited role willincludeoverseeing theorganization’s leaders.Coryell’sdevelop youth asChrist-centered inspire, equipandencourage churches tobiblically Endeavor isanorganizationChristian thatexiststo December 2016.Found inover thirtycountries, the nextGlobal Director Endeavor in forChristian Ministry Leadership department, isslated tobecome

David Coryell recognizes herasacompelling, innovative from Mourning,” received thishonorthat July “Ascent 2015.Hercomposition, Jazz Orchestra Contest Composition in was afinalist fortheSeattle Women’s assistant professor composition, ofmusic • • a professional andpersonal perspective. of theracial divide inAmericafrom both onexploringwaysfocus tobridge thegap department, said herpresentation will in LBC’s Counseling &SocialWork racial reconciliation. Dinse,aprofessor conference thatcenters onthetopicof Social Work, Pennsylvania’s annual of at the2016National Association School ofTheology, Moody Radio StudyFellowship. andBible Cooper, David C.Cook, ClydeNarramore, andMax Lucado, ofCrossworld, theChicago andhistories and more. Someoftheentrieswritten byLBC’s faculty include:biographiesofEdward Beecher, Samuel organizations Court faith-based ontheologyandtheologians,denominations, decisions,information major figures church intheChristian inthe United States,influential religious documents andSupreme referenceof workincludesbiographies recently byRowman published &Littlefield. This five-volume effectiveness, contributed over sixentrieseachofChristianityintheUnited totheEncyclopedia States andDr.professor ofarts&sciences, Dale Mort,professor andassociatevicepresident forinstitutional Three ofLBC’s faculty, Dr. Joseph Kim,assistant professor&Theology, ofBible Dr. Daniel Spanjer ,

Dr. Krystal Folkestad Grant Dinse Ling & Recognitions Faculty Accomplishments , anadjunct professor inour Church & hasbeeninvited topresent , LBC’s of jazz as an art form. of jazzasanartform. and tofostercommunity interest inandappreciation become involved injazzperformance andcomposition Jazz Orchestra was created toencourage womento instrumental performers.The Women’s Seattle whoseworkisattractivemusician toprofessional Journal ofGrace Theology inthespringof2016. andComplementary,”Compatible inthe published Worldview: andChristian “Dispensationalism & Theology department titled, had anarticle • • within society. of how power was developed,kept, andtransferred on Pierre Bourdieu’s articulation highlysophisticated inthespringof2016.The focuses & Society piece the Journal fortheSociologicalIntegration ofReligion ,andHabitus inReligion,”Field, in published “Bourdieu’srecently titled, had anarticle among Lead Pastors.” Grusendorf also andUseCommunication Styles ofPower “ACorrelationaltitled: Studyofthe was division ofLBC.Hisdissertation Seminary andGraduate School,a forCapital his Ph.D.dissertation department, defended successfully in theChurch &Ministry Leadership

Mark Sooy GrusendorfStephen , anadjunct professor in our Bible , anadjunct professor others, andwewillmisshimgreatly. to our students. Deenwas totheWorship ablessing &Performing Artsdepartment andmany his students. We willmisshimgreatly, butwewillcontinuetospread hispassionfor performing reality, ifyou methimjust once,hewould consider you Deenloved theLord afriend. andloved for LBCjust thispastyear. Many inLBC’s community were ofStanDeen,butin dearfriends his fingerprints are of all portion ourprogram.over the acting In fact, he was an adjunct professor would ofmany ofthetalented young whohave shapetheartistry people graced our stageand was instrumental intheearlydaysofLBC’s theatre musical program, developingcourses that loved most:teaching anddirecting Deen younginalocal summertheatricalproduction. artists StanDeenpassedawayand friend. peacefully inhishomeafterspendingthedaydoingwhathe On July 22,theLancasterCollegecommunity mentor, Bible lostanincredible colleague, teacher professional development andtraining forfaculty. onprovidingfocus resources toour students outside theclassroom, alongwith faculty member,several tobeingafull-time years.Inaddition will hernewrolewiththecollege degreein education from theUniversity ofMichiganandhasservedonthe staff ofPCUTSfor Center forUrbanTheological inPhiladelphia. Studies Solomonearnedherdoctorofphilosophy professor. role. The towelcomeherback ispleased inthisfull-time college director and astheathletic andearly2000’s previously worked atLBCinthelate 1990’s joins thefaculty Byler ofLBConcemore education. asaprofessor ofhealthandphysical Case NewHolland. companieslike Armstrong and from herworkwithnumerous experience of industry high-profiles University withdegrees ininternational andFrench, business shebringswithherover 14years the designofmanycourses ofthebusiness developedtodate.Agraduate ofJames Madison administration program. Asaformeradjunct professor, Gentzler’s was expertise instrumental in Dr. Tanya Solomon Keli Gentzler Dr. Vickie Byler Audrey Barto mathematics frommathematics EmporiaStateUniversity thisfall. hire inthearea Bartofull-time isslated ofmathematics. hermaster’s tocomplete degree in at LBCforseveral yearsinanadjunct capacity andnow joins thefaculty asthecollege’s first Here’s acloserlookatsomeofthenewfaculty andstaff atLBC. LBC’s NewestTeamLBC’s Members is a new professor and the third full-time faculty hire isanewprofessor andthethird inLBC’s full-time growing business

is aprofessor ofmath inour Arts & department. Sciences Shehastaught Remembering Stan Deen , who holds her doctor of education from theUnited, whoholdsherdoctorofeducation StatesSportsAcademy, isthenewfaculty andstudent supportservicesmanager atLBC’s 9/11/1937 – 7/22/2016 9/11/1937 Dr. Tanya Solomon Stan Deen

echoFALL 6 LBC Goes Live with Online Radio Station LBC is pleased to announce that its new radio station is now live online – a first in the college’s 83 year history. The station is hosted on LBC’s website and can be streamed almost anywhere in the world and features a wide variety of contemporary Christian music, courtesy of local Christian music station, WJTL, which is sharing its music library with the college. The on-air setup is also modeled after WJTL’s Manheim studio and has the ability to broadcast over WJTL’s airwaves for special occasions.

“The idea behind setting up the station this way was to foster a sense of collaboration between students and the professionals working in the field,” said Dr. Michael Freeman, director of the communication major. “In the future, our hope is that students interested in radio and broadcasting will take advantage of their intimate knowledge of the tech and apply for internships and volunteer at WJTL – and other radio stations – to hone their skills.”

Starting in the fall semester of 2016, students have begun enrolling in radio productions classes to learn the basics of broadcast, use the equipment and produce their own shows. In fact, long-time WJTL disc jockey and radio personality Kristi Leigh is teaching some of the first courses on radio. “I grew up listening to the Christian music and programming on WJTL. It became my discipleship, my passion and my career,” said Leigh, “I’m eager for students to catch the vision of the impact they can have in this field.”

To hear all original content produced by our students, tune in here:

7 FALL echo an aerialtour ofour goto campus, Come andcheckout thechangesforyourself whenyou visitLancaster To campus! see HallMiller gotanewpaint job tocreate amore welcomingenvironment forour students. three slick vans outfitted with movingour logos–veritable billboards forLBC – and gym now hasanewgatetogreet LBCalso guestsatthefront ofcampus, a prominently displayed Charger logoontheedificeofbuilding,alongwithabrand The HorstAthletic Center received somenewupdatesaswell:afresh coat ofpaint and Shepherd ChapeltotheTeague Learning Commons andmore lawn space forrecreation. Brubaker Hall andwelcomedanewpromenade withopenvistasfrom theGood FreyCharles Academic Center last March. This spring,wesaid afond farewell to changes totheLancaster The campus. changes didn’t stopwiththeopening ofthe hasbeenquitetheyear for LancasterCollege,especiallyinregards Bible to 2016 Campus Updates & AdditionsUpdates & Campus bi

echoFALL 8 FALL 9 collectively referredcollectively toasStudent SupportServants. ourstudents areout ofretirement with tospendtime These formerpastorsand ministry leaders who stepped interaction. mentorshipstudents through and one-on-one whose express purposeit soulsofour istocare forthe students. That’s whywenow have several members staff reaching ourexternal and constituencies influencingour basis,effectively ministry toserveatLBCon apart-time bring retired servants ofGod from different areas of presidency, Dr. Peter W. Teague hashadavision to lifeonyear gospel through lifelearning. During his17 powerAt oflivingoutthe believeinthe LBC,wetruly not about me,it’s about theLord. Everything Idoisabout theLord.” answers they’re lookingfor,” ministry modelisthatit’s said Beers.“My goal istoreach thestudents andhelpthemtorely ontheLord forthe church ministry andsaidtobegin herworkhere. sheisthrilled “My involunteer withmany comes tous yearsofexperience workand

echo Our Students Caring For Zofia Beers of announce addition the We’re pleased to a self-proclaimed people lover, people a self-proclaimed director.Beers, athletic Beers, student andPete experience Beers, senior vice president of men whoserveatLBC:Josh the motheroftwoBeers students -andyes,sheis relationships withour female onmentoringfocusing the roleofstudent caregiver, to this team in tothisteamin had tobeinvolved intheirlives. LBC andthrough theopportunity Ihave foundation theyhave received here at as theymove on,buildingonthestrong we willmostassuredly keep intouch together untiltheygraduate, andthen, Christ’s church means.We willwork talkingabout time whatthecalltoserve notch andspendmore one-on-one we could take our relationship upa eachand over ofthemasked time, if gravitated toward them.Invarious ways years,Inaturallycalling fornearly40 pastoral ministry. Sincethatwas myown contact withthree young mengoinginto thatfirstyear,During cameinto Ialso this day. relationship God gave continuesto us they have graduated andmoved on,the andthroughphone Facebook. Though keepyear still in contact with me over the Several ofthestudents Imetthatfirst I gottoknow students, faculty andstaff. was asteeplearning curveformewhile The LBC inSeptember2014. firstyear I beganservingasapastoratlarge at Pastor atLarge DR. DAN A.WHITE favorite havetolove. come momentsstudents they with our students and walk share Here, alongside they offew them. Our Student SupportServants chance havetogetknow hadthe STORIES OFGOD’S WORKINSTUDENTS’LIVES STUDENT SUPPORT SERVANTS SHARE

privilege andajoy privilege toserveinsuch arole. former students asLBCalumni. Itisa with connecting After 5years,Iamstill intheirwedding. and thenparticipate to conducttheirpremarital counseling atLBC.Iwas enough my time privileged students Igottoknow verywell through students. Josh andDanieKrug were two student group andmentoring numerous in our home,serving asanadvisor fora meal oracupofcoffee, having students to interact withstudents bysharinga concern. There are opportunities ample at LBCaspastorlarge eliminated that with students would diminish. Serving I was concernedthatmyinvolvement When Isteppedinto oflife, anewphase Monument Church. Bible with youth asasenior pastoratCalvary Calvary Church andcontinuedtoengage students. Ibeganasayouth pastor at has beeninvolved insomeway with My entire pastoral ministry career Pastor atLarge REV. BOB REID

Dr. Sandy Outlar Ambassador to Christian Schools

REV. JIM WICKLIFFE, SR DR. L. NICHOLS, JR Pastor at Large Pastor at Large It is both an honor and a privilege to I served as a pastor for 52 years. serve as a pastor at large. We are given When I resigned the full-time pastorate the opportunity to influence students, one in 2012, I joined my church’s pulpit on one, with the power of the Scriptures. committee to help them find a candidate. It is done while praying with the students, When I called Dr. Teague to ask for his eating with them, crying with them, recommendations, he invited me to laughing with them and discipling them. become a pastor at large at LBC. What I have one story I’d like to share about a a tremendous privilege and thrill it was young man named David. to assume this position!

When I first met David, everything just I have served the college for the past four seemed to click. Both our childhoods years in this position and I am blessed were not good. I watched his heart beyond measure to spend time with the For the past six years, Dr. Sandy Outlar has melt as he listened to chapel speakers. wonderful students of LBC. I’ve had the served at LBC as an ambassador to help cultivate Compassion-filled words boldly shot joy of praying with students, mentoring relationships in the Christian school community from his mouth as he shared the Gospel them and sharing a lifetime of ministry on the streets in Lancaster city. While and lessons learned with them. Aside through collaborative ministry. He has provided a preaching at the rescue mission, his face from our ministry role with the students, number of seminars and workshops at LBC to aid glowed as the Holy Spirit worked in the we also minister to the staff, faculty and development directors, administrators and board needy hearts of those listening. David local pastors. We like to joke that we eat members in their efforts to build the kingdom of God loves the passage of Psalm 63, which lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. every day, through Christian schools. For the majority of his says, “O God, you are my God, earnestly but it’s during this time that we’re really ministry career, Outlar devoted his time and service I seek you; my soul thirsts for you... able to commune with the students. to Christian schools in the mid-Atlantic region, because your steadfast love is better During my five decades of pastoral most recently serving as headmaster at Lancaster than life.” ministry, I always loved mentoring young Christian School where he engineered the merger people – and now, this position is the I think David is learning that God has with Living Word Academy to become Lancaster fulfillment of my heart. given us an inexhaustible capacity to County Christian School. Now semi-retired, Outlar’s satisfy all of our deepest spiritual desires. To be able to pray with the students, passion for Christian education continues to be But last year, we hit a bump in the road encourage them, counsel them and serve evident through his work at LBC. and God had a lesson for David to learn. as pastor to them is so rewarding. The As David told me about his summer, I notes and cards I receive expressing their Lancaster Bible College has been privileged to realized that God had buried this lesson appreciation for my ministry to them is provide him with a home base at our Lancaster deep in his heart. He was thrown into a a real encouragement to me, and I’ve campus to continue his ministry. “My desire,” said leadership position at the camp where kept in touch with of students Outlar, “Is to be an encouragement to administrators he was serving, and it was there that who have graduated. I am encouraged and board so that the name of Christ will be lifted God gave him strength in character to that our students realize that they are up and children can see Him and grow in his grace shine for His glory. This is why I serve the future leaders of the church. And and knowledge through the wonderful ministry of 10 these students. There’s nothing quite like what a comfort it is to know that they will Christian education.” watching them grasp what it means to be well-prepared for that responsibility follow Jesus. because of LBC! FALL echo echoFALL 11 children and toseewhatCompassion International isallabout: releasing children from poverty inJesus’ name. undergraduate student’s andthis exhibit gave themthechance topeekinto experience, thelivesoftheirsponsored personal toincludesponsorshipasapartofevery new also –Lancaster College isthe firstandonlycollege Bible powerful display through Weekend ofWelcome, LBC’s newstudentFor orientation. LBCstudents, thedisplay was of children sponsored through theprogram. andLBCstudents Boththepublic were invited tointeract withthe our Lancaster thatsimulates site.The immersiveexperience thelivingconditions isamobile, Compassion Experience This summer, Compassion International’s cameto Compassion Experience echoFALL 12 echoFALL 13 Chair of the Education DepartmentChair oftheEducation &Assistant Professor M.Ed. By Julia Hershey(’98), to 2016 PA Teacher Year ofthe S LBC Education Students LBC Education peaks O with studentstalkingabout still whattheysaw andlearned. Anna Alshouse andJoye Outlar. The daywas anoverwhelming success –wereMartin encouraged aswellpastprofessors –Dr. Penny Clawson, professors –Dr. DianeDick,Dr. Julia BobDodson, HersheyandStacey and passioninto theheads andheartsofour preservice teachers. Current itwasWhat aprivilege tohave Foxwell onour topour campus herknowledge spinning withideas. Iloved itall.” classroom tobeverysimilar tohers.Iwas soencouraged andmybrain was tookallofittoheartandIwantcaptured my thedaywell.Shesaid, “I theconceptualunderstandingofmath.discussed Onestudent’s comments children’s literature books,had thestudents playing math gamesand afternoon math session,Foxwell introduced thestudents tomath related students more responsibility intheclassroom,” added another. the During to beamore energetic teacher, incorporate funinto learning, andgive that students are engagedatalltimes,” was challenged said onestudent. “I byherconsistentchallenged excitement andherwillingnesstobegoofyso Students commented thattheywere inmany ways. challenged “Iwas Routines, andRelationships - and strategies toengagealllearners. aboutlearned thethree foundational R’s ofaneffectiveclassroom - Rules, awesome.” The students asthey deepenedtheirunderstandingofeducation She pretended wewere theclass toshow whatitwould belike. That was As onestudent shared, “Shebasicallybrought into us herclassroom. including gestures, songs,movement motions, andcooperative learning. Foxwell engagedthesepreservice teachers awide using range ofstrategies by thispassionate, giftededucator. Meaningful.” Over50students attendedthesessionsandwere impacted Best Practices” andtheafternoonsessionwas “Making entitled Math The morning sessionwas “A entitled Peek into MyClassroom: Utilizing to theundergraduate students education atLancasterCollege. Bible of theYear award recipient andLBCalumna, presented twoseminars n Monday, April4,2016Rebecca Foxwell (’10),the2016PA Teacher

echoFALL 14 echoFALL 15 T Unfortunately, thedebatewill never about answerstothisquestion. other andwithinthemselves teachers have wrestled witheach andevenclassroomprincipals, textbookpublishers, officials, on forcenturies.Government hasragedbe taughtinschools hedebateover whatshould to diagram asentence, dissectapig, career looklike? If astudent isable does readiness and forcollege andcareerbe college ready. What withpreparingschools students to This current age tasks educational needsprogress.and societal continue tochange,outcomes shift orendasideas be fullyquelled He breaks thebehaviors into four readiness forastudent’s nextstep. tobethekeybelieves behaviors of David Conleyoutlines what he Careers, andtheCommon Core,” his book“Getting Ready forCollege, atajob In to succeed orincollege? standardized testswillhebeready read Romeo andJuliet andpass areas: key content strategies, key In a fast paced, impulsive, need-now greater sense of free will”. Students, content knowledge, key learning world, it is good to remind ourselves - and in fact, all people - would skills and techniques and key that life requires grit, and we need benefit from adopting a growth transition knowledge and skills. to develop this mindset in the next mindset. The hand we were dealt in Notice that traditional school-related generation. terms of gifts, talents and abilities content knowledge accounts for only does not represent the only cards we Closely aligned with the concept of a small portion of what a student can play. We can grow; in fact we grit is the idea championed by Carol needs to obtain. The other key areas are called to grow. As Paul writes to Dweck called Growth Mindset. In focus on knowledge application the church in Corinth, we grow from her book by the same name, Dweck and life skills that help students to one degree of glory to another as we states that one can improve with be strategic in their learning and behold the glory of God. effort and that effort, not innate capable to function in the world. ability, determines success. Society, Although these four areas are and even education, has propagated Grit is the stamina important to a student’s success, a myth: effort can be a waste of to keep going; two mindsets are more basic and time. Some students tend to believe undergird Conley’s key behaviors. that if they have to put effort into it is the marathon attitude The first mindset is grit. Psychologist something, they should not be doing instead of a sprint mentality. Angela Duckworth has spent it – or, maybe that they will never be considerable time researching good at it. This person may give up So should school textbooks be what makes people successful and if the task is too challenging, if the replaced with self-help books, she has concluded that successful endeavor requires too much, or if how-to-guides, and inspirational people exhibit grit. Duckworth, the reward is not immediate. Dweck videos? Perhaps, but content featured in a popular TED talk, challenges this myth by stating knowledge will always be a part defines grit as “passion and that through effort, one gets better of education. However, educators perseverance for very long term and can improve. Effort, in fact, is might supplement their teaching goals.” What does a gritty person healthy. material with a focus on skill look like? Perhaps it is someone development, strategic thinking, and She roots her understanding in who has overcome a tremendous gritty, growth mindsets. Learning the belief that intelligence, rather obstacle as did each of the Lost Boys is not just about the what – what than remaining static, can in fact of Sudan who traveled thousands of content should I learn? - but learning be developed. Contrasting the fixed miles from southern Sudan to Kenya also encompasses the how – how mindset with growth mindset leads and Ethiopia to reach freedom. Or it can I use this knowledge? How Dweck to make a powerful point. A is someone who triumphs every day do I navigate this situation? Key fixed mindset “avoids challenges, in the face of physical difficulties the behaviors and mindsets can help gives up easily, sees effort as way that Joni Erickson Tada has. enhance people’s learning whether fruitless, ignores useful negative Even the Little-Engine-that-Could they are getting ready for college, feedback, feels threatened by the was gritty, displaying a passion and working in a career, or teaching the success of others, and holds a perseverance to get up that hill. next generation. deterministic view of the world.” On Grit is the stamina to keep going; the other hand, a growth mindset it is a marathon attitude instead “embraces challenges, persists in of a sprint mentality. This gritty the face of setbacks, sees effort as mindset is a mark of the Christian the path to mastery, learns from life. Hebrews extorts believers to run criticism, finds inspiration in the with perseverance. Galatians urges success of others, and gains a 16 to not become weary; to not give up. FALL echo echoFALL 17 BIBLICAL EDUCATION. WORKSHOP. HERE,HESHARESHIS INSIGHTS INTO STATE OF AND COLLEGES, ADDRESSED THE FACULTY OFLBCDURINGA PROFESSOR ANDADMINISTRATOR INCHRISTIAN SCHOOLS THIS AUGUST, D.BRUCELOCKERBIE,ALONG-TIMETEACHER, church, and inourschools, colleges and seminaries. of biblicalknowledge and Bibleteaching athome, declining weface state the news. badnews: First,the in2016, news, hoping subsequent toremedy good with itsmessage preparation new bad yearI beginthis academic with forthe CHAIRMAN &CEOOFPAIDEIA, INC. BY D.BRUCELOCKERBIE,

you mindsaying, ‘ListentotheWord for theWord ofGod.’” Iasked, “Would the seminarian replied, say‘Listen “I to whatyou are about toread?” “Yes,” something directing thecongregation reading.public Iasked, you “Do say was preparing forthe thepulpitBible I arrivedjust asaseminary intern can possibility. Astheinvited preacher, Bible’s authorityto acatch-as-catch- Other churches deliberately limitthe throughstumbles thetext. someone unprepared whotherefore that reading byhaving itoffered by verses without anycontext, ordebase youtime, know!”) orread onlyafew altogether (“Takes uptoomuch ignore reading thepublic ofScripture morning - if then?Somechurches Saturday afternoonorSunday inhandsincelast not heldaBible comprised ofpersonswhohave - largelycongregation evangelical How about theNorthAmerican -in-residence. among membersofthefamily common reading andcommonprayer itself! table - and withit,aperiodof all butdisappeared - as hasthedinner worship around has thedinnertable in our own lives,family devotional than intheobservance.” With thisloss “more honored inthebreach nourishment ofhisWord - a discipline day forfellowship withGod andthe eachdiscipline tosetaside time developingfaith, require ofone’s own sustaining and reading, andBible thecornerstone et’s beginathome:personal prayer and Bibleteaching of biblicalknowledge

colleges colleges church, and inour schools, We face the and seminaries.

declining state state declining Yes, IconfessthatI’moneofthose contempt, “Oh,you’re oneofthose!” face andresponded withsupercilious of God?’” The intern made anasty g minority of that same and theshrinkingminorityofthatsame Americans claiming tobebornagain such disparitybetweenthemajority of Kinnaman andJosh McDowell find No wonderGeorge Barna, David source andresources fortheirfaith. ofabasic of professing Christians worship, weare deprivinggenerations and incontemporary evangelical theScripturesBy relegating athome those pages. pages ofScripture andread from the Word ofGod istobefound inthe oracular dr reading withverveandintonation and organic, dynamic, aliveanddeserves thattheWordbelieving ofGod is

at home, ama; but I also believe that that believe ama; but I also

admissions committees.Afterall,the already conceded topre-professional evangelical liberal have artscolleges in professional some schools, record ofplacing one’s graduates our heritage.To attainanenviable goal notcomeaftersquandering must respectability, butthatcommendable ofacademicopposed tothelegitimacy for academic respectability. Iamnot of adeservingyetunbalanced quest it beendiminished atall?Because that requirement today, has andwhy courses Whatis inbiblicalstudies. graduated withaminimum ofeight edmajors andphys both thephysics course a Bible everysemester;so enrolledin college in thatChristian in 1956, wheneveryundergraduate schoolingstarted ofChristian vocation My61yearsinthe some seminaries. liberal schools, andeven artscolleges ignorance holdsinmany Christian This samediagnosisofbiblical authenticity. a disciplinedconfessionofbiblical group andwillingtoadhere able to ... Continued onpage19


echoFALL 18 the last class in 9th grade. I alert you of Paul of Tarsus, that “knowing the terror to this shameful fact, that some of your of the Lord, we persuade men.” students who come to LBC from public We also need to urge the hierarchy of schools - where the teaching of the Bible new students moved in this fall. the Association of Christian Schools has been banned for a half-century - are International, Middle Atlantic Christian 251 no less well-informed about the Bible Schools Association and Christian than are your Christian school alumni. Schools International to insist, require, Enough bad news for now! What can demand, even compel Christian schools argument goes, we have chapel services we do about this sorry state of biblical to teach the Bible as rigorously and illiteracy in our homes, churches, and prayer groups on campus. I warn comprehensively as is mandated for and in many of our schools? It avails you as the corps of classroom teachers any other K-12 subject matter - or forfeit nothing for me to kvetch over the losses Enough bad that the first sign of incipient skepticism their accreditation! But beyond the scope sustained since “the good old days.” We news for now! leading to institutional apostasy is a of courses in biblical studies, we all YOU got us here! need action based on sound strategy need to be accountable for the art and What can we diminished curriculum in biblical studies. and a plan, starting with each person’s skill of “intentional biblical worldview do about this But this bad news is worse for some of commitment to the centrality of the pedagogy,” meaning that every other sorry state of your first-year students and the Christian Bible to the mission, vision, and plan academic discipline is presented through biblical illiteracy secondary schools from which they enter. of this college, and its delivery to your the lens of our biblical worldview, leading in our homes, As you will soon discover, “Pearly Gates current students. We need to reclaim the to a full and natural integration of faith Christian School” (my fictitious but not purpose for a biblical higher education and knowledge, offered with tact and churches, and so fictitious model) has not steeped them and reassert standards for integrity and grace and discernment derived from the in many of our in Scripture. Instead, pedagogical and scholarship in the academic teaching Holy Spirit’s gift of understanding. schools? curricular fallacies prevail, beginning with and studying of the Bible as essential Then we must reach out to and the assumption that, if you love Jesus, to that purpose. We need to teach you can teach the Bible. From there every student in every Bible course - beyond our alumni to others within our follows - oddly enough - a notion that (1) but with special focus upon pastoral institutional sphere of influence, drawing older students already know the basic and other ministerial majors - the art them repeatedly to opportunities for Bible stories and will be bored by having of hermeneutics before homiletics, encouragement and refreshment in their to study them again; and (2) a fanciful interpretation before sermonizing: less preaching and teaching, in their design delusion that a two-semester survey of emphasis on techniques of church growth and manufacturing, in their sales and the Old and New Testaments in 9th grade and more emphasis on growth in the marketing of the goods and services they earns the scholarly right in grades 10-12 wisdom, knowledge and understanding promote, in their political and economic to muse on apologetics, comparative of God’s Word. We need to influence the decisions - all through the lens and religion, or systematic theology according standards for ordination and qualifications from the platform of an enlightening to the sponsoring denomination (“taught for Bible teaching in churches, schools, biblical worldview. We need to teach and at a seminary level, you know!” as one colleges, and seminaries; we need to demonstrate the essentials of thinking profoundly silly Bible department chair promote biblical exposition from the and acting like a Christian.” assured me). No member of the upper pulpit and inductive study in the home; grades has needed an open Bible since we need to recall the insistence

Invest in the Scholarship Fund. INVEST IN OUR FUTURES.

19 FALL echo

GodspellScholarshipAD.indd 1 11/2/2016 3:01:31 PM 251 new students moved in this fall. YOU got us here!

Invest in the Scholarship Fund. INVEST IN OUR FUTURES. 20 FALL echo

GodspellScholarshipAD.indd 1 11/2/2016 3:01:31 PM echoFALL 21 I could someday workajob thatIloved. great reminders tometakeseriously myeducation so don’t enjoy. Washing dishesandmoppingfloorswere –includingdoingjobs should incollege they workwhile thatstudents astrong side Iamalso believer ofcollege. are schedule, busy great preparation forlifeontheother cultivated. Academic alongwithbalancing challenges, a find a job.” isaplaceCollege where workethicshould be “If you know how towork,you willalways to beable ethic inour family. Hiswords today: echoinmymindstill As ayoung boy, mydad soughtastrong work toinstill andduringit. leading uptoleavingforcollege Irealizedfor college, thattheanswerstothesefourwere questions crucial tomyjourney Christ. AsIreflect onthedecisionprocess thatIwent through asahighschoolstudent preparing mentoring andteaching offaculty andcoaches whopoured into mylifeandpointed metoward transformational ofmylife.ItwasthatIgrew experiences duringthattime into aman underthe Iwas readyyet believing journey toconquertheworld.Mycollege was oneofthemost Twenty from fiveyearsago,Iset 1,100miles home,scaredout forcollege out ofmymind, Before Heading Off toCollege Four toAskYourself Questions –OrYour Student – BY JOSH BEERS, SENIORVICEPRESIDENTOFSTUDENTEXPERIENCE TO WORKHARD? ARE YOU READY 1

mental assent. myfaith ratherto experience actively thanjust with toputmyfaithchallenged into This action. allowed me was similar tomyupbringing.But,mostofall,Iwas parents’ faith. Igrew Incollege, inanenvironment that decide ifmyfaith was truly myown orifitwas just my but here’s thetruth:daysforced mycollege meto I thoughtasbegancollege, Iknewwhatbelieved ARE YOU READYTO MAKE YOUR FAITH YOUR OWN? 2 questions thatserveasthespringboardquestions fortheirprofessional careers andservicetoGod andothers. For me,thegreatest joy ofmylifeistoinvest instudents tohelpthemanswertheseandother one ofthegreatest education. giftsofmycollege desire wereto thinkandgave tolearn meaninsatiable years.Myprofessorsme in mycollege whochallenged have embarkedoflearning thatwas onalifetime ignited tosomeamazing professors Due andmentors,college. I This was perhapsthegreatest takeaway formefrom ON ALIFETIMEOFLEARNING? ARE YOU READYTO EMBARK 3

expand your worldview. totravelLook foropportunities locallyandgloballyto inside andoutsideservice opportunities thecollege. abound drama, inmusic, intramural and sports,clubs you Growing gain incollege. andlearning opportunities laundry are just twoofamyriad that ofresponsibilities the classroom. Livingwithroommates anddoingyour learning takes place outside theclassroom asinside classroom. Infact, onecould argue thatasmuch College issomuchmore thanjust learning inthe OUTSIDE THECLASSROOM? ARE YOU READYTO LEARN 4


Lancaster Bible College has been offering Charitable Gift Annuities for 40 years, providing a way for you to make a significant gift to the work and ministry of LBC while benefiting from one or more of the following:

• Fixed payments for life that may be partially tax-free • Lower taxes • An increase to your current income • Favorable treatment of capital gains

Discuss how your gift annuity can Scott Keating: change generations to come while 717.560.8279 or also benefiting you. [email protected] Kuzonza S. Barnes received her Bachelor of Science in Urban Leadership Ministry at our Philadelphia site last May.

Dear Friend,

s we enter our 84 th year, LBC is as committed as ever to integrating rigorous scholarship and A academic excellence with biblical truth and Christian faith so our students will think and live a biblical worldview and proclaim Christ by serving Him in the Church and society.

The mission of LBC is extremely challenging, yet incredibly important. We are preparing well-educated, committed Christians to serve the Lord lovingly, joyfully, courageously, and diligently in a world with enormous spiritual, material, and physical needs.

As I think of our future, I often reflect on this question: what if the way we ensure our future is not necessarily by becoming bigger, more powerful, and richer, but by becoming better servants who embody day by day what Jesus Christ has done in and for the world? This is not an apologetic for the LBC of yesteryear, rather the focus that will guide and sustain us into tomorrow.

Quite frankly, that is my vision for LBC. Our students need a Lancaster Bible College centered on Jesus Christ, grounded in God’s Word and committed to excellence in all it does. Furthermore, our world needs LBC graduates who are exemplary in character, scholarship and leadership.

The Church needs the influence and contribution of LBC because our graduates have been taught the truth of the scripture – and live the truth of the scripture. The title of this President’s Report sums it up in one word: Faithful.

This past year has been an intense time of planning and collaborating, allowing us to dream about what can happen in the bigger picture across all of LBC. I am so grateful to our Board of Trustees and Corporation members who lend their time, talent, and treasure to this great enterprise.

The pages of this report show how much God has accomplished through our Corporation, Board of Trustees, faculty and staff in just one year: records in enrollment and generosity, exceptional academic scholarship, and breathtaking campus improvements with the Charles Frey Academic Center as the centerpiece. With all of this remarkable blessing, I remain convinced the best is yet to come – if we remain faithful.

Cordially in Christ,

Peter W. Teague, Ed.D. President 2015 - 2016 LANCASTER BIBLE COLLEGE

s a trustee of LBC for the past 18 years, “When I was asked to consider becoming a trustee Ruth Shertzer has seen the college I felt I did not have much to offer,” she explained. grow and change before her eyes. Her “However, after praying about it - and with the A relationship with the institution began back encouragement of my husband - I consented.” Her in the ‘70s when she began attending LBC’s Evening obedience to God in this seemingly small opportunity Institute with her husband. “It became our ‘date night’ has resulted in a fruitful ministry that spans decades. each Tuesday evening,” said Shertzer, “I enjoyed the “It has been a blessing to me and a joy to serve the classes, especially the ones on the New Testament Lord in this way,” she said. books. I learned so much, but most important [to me] Shertzer has had a hand in some instrumental was the practical application we were encouraged changes that have taken place in the college’s to make in our lives. It became a highlight for me to history, including a presidential transition, watching attend class.” She might not have guessed that two the Lord provide the funds for the construction of college degrees and two decades later, God would the Teague Learning Commons, participating in allow her to have a part in overseeing many crucial two self-study processes for reaccreditation, and parts of LBC’s history. her continued involvement in LBC’s education In 1998, Shertzer was asked to join LBC’s board of committee, which helps to maintain a high standard trustees to add the perspective of another educator. of education and robust curriculum.

Through it all, Shertzer has been obedient to God’s call on her life, and the college has been greatly blessed by her selfless service. Shertzer gives all the praise to God. “It has been a blessing and joy to see how God has directed the ministry of the college,” she said. “It is because of people being faithful in prayer for the college and the hard work and dedication of the administration, faculty and staff. I find it a pleasure to serve the Lord by being a part of the board of trustees.” LBC is grateful for Shertzer’s unwavering obedience and faithfulness to God and her willing service to the college. President’s Report

aul Sebastian(’52) first learned about sense, he taught LBC students the skills they might LBC from the founder himself: Henry need in the mission field, equipping them with J. Heydt. Sebastian, then a mechanical practical building skills they could use anywhere P engineering major at Penn State University, God led them. met Heydt at an InterVarsity Bible study held on Sebastian has been a part of many of the college’s the college’s campus where Heydt was the guest most important milestones: four changes in speaker. The two struck up a long-lasting friendship. presidential leadership, accreditation, new degrees, In fact, the former president even officiated and significant campus expansion (aided by his Sebastian’s wedding to Jean Esbenshade – of the design expertise), he’s overseen additions and much, very same Esbenshade family who donated their much more. Through it all, he’s been endlessly farm to become our campus – the next year. Since faithful, both to the Lord and to the college. However, that time, Sebastian’s involvement with the college Sebastian says that all of these accomplishments has blossomed and grown into something much and achievements pale in comparison to this one more than perhaps even he could have anticipated. thing: “The greatest reward [has been] seeing the Sebastian has been a trustee at LBC for 41 years. thousands of students over the years graduate During his time with the college, his roles have and serve the Lord.” included everything from student, alumnus, professor, corporation member, and finally, trustee. He even designed many of the buildings on our Lancaster campus that are still enjoyed by students and staff today, including the stately brick building with tall white pillars that greets guests at they drive onto our campus: Esbenshade Enrollment Management Center.

A military veteran with a heart and passion to serve the Lord, Sebastian always felt a call toward missions, but God called him to stay and serve in Lancaster, where he’s been faithfully living out his calling ever since. Since he never had the chance to serve as a missionary overseas in the traditional AWARDS & ACCOLADES In the 2015-16 year, LBC received a number of unsolicited accolades for best Christian college or university status. Here’s a look at some of the top honors: • Social Work Degree Guide named LBC’s social work program at number 4 on a list of the Top 25 Christian Colleges for a Social Work Degree Program in 2015. • Central Penn Business Journal put our college at number 13 on a list of Pennsylvania colleges ranked by enrollment. • Christian Universities Online placed LBC at number 18 on its list of the 50 Best Value Christian Colleges and Universities of 2016 and number 36 on its list of 50 Most Beautiful Bible Colleges 2017. • Best Value Schools ranked Lancaster Bible College at number 24 out of 30 for the 30 Best Value Colleges and Universities in Pennsylvania of 2015. • Lancaster Bible College was ranked 39 out of the 91 best colleges in Pennsylvania by NICHE, a college review website. • The college was listed at 42 on Sports Management Degree Guide’s list of the 50 Most Affordable Selective Colleges for Sports Management in 2015.

Lancaster Bible College’s 2016 Corporation and Trustee Members

Rev. David D. Allen Jr. Mr. Quintin F. Frey* Mr. Daniel A. Kessler Mr. Philmer Rohrbaugh Rev. Dr. Daniel P. Allen Mr. Donald H. Funk Dr. Thomas L. Kiedis Mr. Larry W. Rohrer* Mr. Nathan Amack Mr. James M. Garber Mr. Carroll R. Kirby Jr. Ms. Sharon E. Roper Rev. Marvin D. Apple Mr. Donald R. Geiter* Mr. Kermit K. Kohl Mr. Jeffrey C. Rutt Mrs. Martha W. Armstrong Mr. Richard W. Good** Mr. Charles H. Kreider* Mr. John D. Sauder Mr. Gibson E. Armstrong Mr. Richard J. Goodhart** Mr. Stuart J. Levey* Mr. Harry F. Scheid II Mr. J. Jacob Bare Mr. Ammon K. Graybill Jr. Dr. Clifford Liu Mr. Daniel R. Schwartz Dr. Kenneth L. Barney* Mr. Dale B. Graybill Dr. Larry B. Lloyd Mr. Paul J. Sebastian* Mr. George L. Baumgartner Mr. Gilbert G. Gregory Mr. Larry E. Martin Mr. Roy L. Shertzer Mr. Chet Beiler Mr. Orie C. Grove Mrs. Sally L. Martin* Mrs. Ruth Ann Shertzer* Mr. William E. Bibik Rev. David E. Gundrum Mr. Harold R. Mast* Mrs. Edna Shonk Mr. R. William Book Mr. David B. Hanson Mr. Richard E. Mast Mr. Glenn Shonk Mrs. Beth Bostwick Mr. Robert B. Hayward Jr. Mr. N. Christopher Menges Dr. James N. Smock Mr. Donald E. Bradfield Rev. George H. Hege Jr. Mr. Kenneth G. Miller Mr. Richard S. Steudler Rev. H. Stewart Brady Mr. James M. Herr Mr. John E. Moore Mr. Thomas E. Talbott Mr. Dwight H. Brubaker Mr. Robert D. Hess Mr. Stephen S. Muller Dr. Peter W. Teague* Mrs. Sharon Brubaker Mr. William B. Hitz Mr. Kenneth D. Musser Mr. David K. Thompson Dr. Philip A. Clemens* Dr. L. Ronald Hoover* Mr. Harold Z. Musser Mr. John C. Wagner Rev. Dr. Eric G. Crichton** Mr. William R. Horst Mr. Douglas L. Myer Mrs. Joyce E. Wagner Mr. Jeffrey P. Edmunds Mr. Robert L. Horst* Dr. Ray A. Naugle Mr. Robert K. Weaver Mr. H. Glenn Esbenshade Mr. David E. Hosler* Dr. Sandy M. Outlar Dr. William W. Welte Mr. Guy R. Eshelman Dr. Howard D. Houtz Mr. Jesse F. Peters Mr. Timothy F. Wentworth Mr. Leon H. Faddis Mr. Clifford K. Hurter Mr. Brad Plank Rev. Lee Wiggins Rev. Scott J. Fetterolf Dr. Chester Joines Mr. Thomas W. Ponessa* Mr. Ted Witman Mr. James J. Fetterolf* Ms. Tracey C. Jones* Mr. Lucas Presta Mr. Jay Wolgemuth Mr. J. Herbert Fisher Jr. Mr. Dennis W. Jordan Mrs. Naomi Rhode Mr. Donald H. Wolgemuth Mr. Jonathan D. Frank Mr. Robert E. Kauffman Rev. Robert H. Riedy Mr. Steven Wolgemuth* Ms. Janna L. Fravel Rev. Preston G. Kay III Mrs. Cathy E. Rintz Rev. Jonathan E. Yoder Mr. Charles F. Frey** Mr. Robert A. Kepiro* Mr. James W. Robertson

*Denotes a Trustee **Denotes an Honorary Trustee

901 Eden Road Lancaster, PA 17601-5036 This year’s celebration ofour Homecoming&Family Weekend 30, 2017! We’re30, 2017! glad wesaw you this year – and wecan’t wait food booths,inflatables, menandwomen’s games, soccer and queen, itwas certainlyaweekend toremember. Remember to display, ofthecollege’s performances fall “Godspell,” musical was arousing With success! over 800guestswhovisitedour save thedatefornextyear’s celebration–September29and of course, thecrowning ofour newesthomecomingkingand campus throughoutcampus thecourse oftheweekend, afireworks to seeyou againnextyear! 32 echoFALL 33 FALL 23 echoechoSUMMER B y DR.CHRIS VANBUSKIRK, Director ofDigitalLearning is digitallearning. butthemissionhasnot.Andthat’s thefuture we believe digital learning. The why astheysay, times, are a-changing, ittoshareand used theGood News.Two millennia later, fulfillingthe Great Commission toteach isthe heartbeatof Digital learning isnothingmore thanan extensionofPaul’s messageonMars Hillwhere hetookafamiliar illustration in order toputthe“learning” indigitallearning, transformation some educational take must place. teaching asthe“communicationofknowledge.” This ondeliveryandmore is less focus Anditmeansthat onacquisition. serves asareminder wedowhatdo.Overahundred ofWhom weserveandwhy yearsago,John Gregory identified itprovides education, todistanceandalternative Whenweapplythisfocus withclarityexperience. us andcohesion and practiceinstitutional) onour offocusing students. Every academic department existstoenhance inthecollege thestudent Is there adifference? Perhaps it’s just butreplacing semantics, with“learning” follows (and “education” theindustry Likewise, isbeingreplaced, like education ofhighereducation LancasterCollege-withlearning. Bible evenataninstitution future isdigitalandnotjust online. All ofthesethingsandmore onthestudent’s focus ofthisthatthe calling.Itisbecause journey toreach theirGod-given andanywherelearning anytime andprovide individualized toensure instruction thatallstudents attaintheirfullpotential. content. Courses willprovide content, accesstochallenging feedback through assessment,for formative opportunities resources educational andinteractive willemphasize multimedia strengthen astudent’s High-quality learning experience. The future ofLancasterCollegewillbecharacterized Bible byinstructional practice technologyto thateffectivelyuses up intheirfavorite coffee shop. riding devices.Learners while onthesubway orcurled mobile andtablets todayaccesscourse ontheirphones materials a student inChinastudyinganancientmanuscriptlocatedtheVatican. while there Inaddition, explosion of isthewhole in Rome orwalk theVia DolorosainJerusalem. Interactivity meansaprofessor inaclassroom inLancaster cantalkwith Today, however, thecapabilityoftechnologyisexploding.Students canputonvirtualglasses andstandintheColosseum Students read connection. abookandtooktestorwrote apaper.utilized amodemanddial-up OnlinecoursesCD ROMsandfloppydiscs. were largely print ornointeractivity. andaudio basedwithlittle Internet access University andothers.However, consider wave thetidal ofchangesincethen.Computers were large towers with became more commonplace. This increased providers totherise ofeducational accessled like University ofPhoenix, The “online”segmentharkens ofonlineeducation back tothelate 1990’s aspersonal computersandinternet access future online isneither nor education? reality,forever Giventhat altered face howthe ofeducation. the can wesaythat since have not only buttrends intechnologyhave proved true, and connectivity that now it bigthing.” next isthe isnot“Online bigthing; the education years The 17 In 1999,Donna Abernathy, editor ofTraining and Development Magazine said,

24 34 echoFALLechoSUMMER ast year, LBC began an important and Wandera’s enthusiasm is shared by others. “It’s transformative partnership with a growing such a joy to see the growth that these students are ministry equipping African pastors: the Pastor’s experiencing because of the high-quality education L Discipleship Network in Uganda. This ministry, they’re receiving through LBC,” said Robert Blanks, headed up by current doctoral student and former the partnership liaison for Lancaster Bible College Compassion child, Richmond Wandera, focuses on and the Pastor’s Discipleship Network and assistant equipping African pastors to strengthen the African professor. “This program is addressing a great church. A true grassroots effort, the ministry has need that many pastors in Africa face.” According touched nearly 4,000 lives since its inception and to Blanks, who himself spent many years serving Richmond Wandera, founder and continues to grow and expand its reach across the as a missionary in Mozambique, some of the director of Pastor’s Discileship country and continent. educational models used in Africa only focus on Network and student in our rote memorization, missing out of some of the key With its mission closely aligned to our own, LBC doctoral program. elements of holistic learning. “That’s what’s so first decided to offer our Master’s of Arts in ministry exciting about this partnership,” continued Blanks, degree to these eager-to-learn pastors - completely “It’s providing these students with a life-transforming online - in March of 2015, largely due to the ongoing education that helps them to think critically about efforts of Wandera to bring quality training to leaders the content they’re learning and gives them the in the African church. Now, nearly two years later, tools they need to understand and apply it in life the first group of African students is set to graduate and ministry.” in May 2017.

“We have dreamed as a ministry of a day when every district in the country has a trained teacher who is rooted in the Word to provide oversight and guidance to the Church issues in that area,” said Wandera. “[With the help of LBC], that day is not far away.”

Robert Blanks, the partnership liaison for LBC and PDN.

35 FALL echo It’s important to note that this is all made possible by something we often take for granted: the internet. Most of our college’s sites are blanketed in high-speed Wi-Fi, but this isn’t always the case in remote areas of other countries. Access to the internet is limited in n January of 2015, LBC began using a new online learning platform, Uganda and getting online often requires payment. But students eCampus, which is powered by Schoology. This year at Schoology’s in Uganda find ways to get their work done offline, working on annual user conference, Schoology NEXT, William Illingworth assignments during their commutes to work and ministry, working I (‘14), an instructional technologist at LBC, was awarded the Higher off of laptops on buses, cafes and in their homes. Education Administrator of the Year Award. However, the simple fact that the education we offer at LBC is As an instructional technologist, Illingworth serves our faculty and now accessible to students halfway around the world who might otherwise have no formal pastoral or ministry training is perfectly students by integrating and enhancing technology tools in education. in line with the mission of the college – a fact not lost on the He also serves as our learning management system administrator. students who receive it. The selection process for the award involved writing a short essay “As a Christian, this program has challenged my understanding that demonstrated how the administrator was elevating achievement of what it means to be a follower of Christ - being a Christian from (Schoology’s theme of the year) at their institution. The submissions the core to the crust.” said Mark Wamala, a pastor and Ugandan were evaluated by a committee at Schoology who then selected the student earning his master’s degree through LBC’s partnership final winner. This award recognizes the efforts that Illingworth has made with PDN. “As a student, my study skills have increased. I am able to read... books, analyze the flow of thoughts of writers and for LBC as he works with Schoology’s product team and our staff to make personal conclusions in the light of God’s word. As a pastor, build eCampus. I have found the materials to [be] user-friendly. I refer to them in my preaching and teaching in the church, in schools and in conferences.” Wamala emphasized the importance of his online education, saying, “I can keep studying while I’m on missions.”

That’s always been a central goal of LBC’s graduate education: to empower students to earn their degree without uprooting their lives. And now, thanks to many years of hard work and a collaborative effort between two organizations, LBC is able to share that life-changing education halfway across the world with just the click of a button.

36 FALL echo 37 echoFALL religious life,meaning thattheRoman Jews, thecivillaw controls thearena of be separated from theJudaic religion. For civil laws oftheTorah, whichcould not they now had nopower toenforce the allowed Jews to practice theirreligion, the Hasmonean Kings.Although Rome independent state thatwas onceruledby Roman power endedtheJews’ second years before Jesus beganhisministry, over Palestine. Less thanseventy In thefirstcentury A.D., Rome ruled between Jerusalem and Rome. in themiddleofgrowing tension and Phariseeshad placed Jesus squarely society, culture andreligion, thescribes thecapitalbuildingofJewishtemple, so whatdoyou say?”Teaching inthe commanded tostonesuchwomen, us of adultery. Now intheLaw, Moses woman hasbeencaughtintheact adultery. “Teacher,” theyasked, “This forward awoman whohad committed Pharisees interrupted himbypushing suddenly, agroup ofscribesand respite when withHisdisciples teachingafterashort inthetemple adangerous controversy. Hewas nJohn chapter8,Jesus entered into BY DR.DANIEL SPANJER, &SciencesDepartment Arts Chairofthe secular culture. often makeChristians whenengaging which may serveasacorrective toerrors Jesus instruction offers useful Hispeople contest withthescribesandPharisees, choose betweenGod andCaesar. Inhis secular culture isforcing to Christians the tosupportabortion, money used in homosexual weddingstohaving tax faith. From beingforced toparticipate squarein thepublic orcompromise their have toeithercurtailtheirinvolvement sothatChristians American society andpracticebelief onceprotected in even laws encroach onareas ofreligious Public shaming,incendiary protests and between obeyingitsrulesortheBible. pressuressociety to decide Christians secular upontostonesinners,still called Although Americansare certainlynot find themselves wrestling withtoday. unlike theoneAmericanChristians leaders forced Jesus isnotentirely The conundrum into whichtheJewish Roman authority? law andsuffer punishment forviolating law void orwould heenforce theMosaic Roman law andthereby render Moses’ a difficultdecision: Would hedeferto the Phariseespresented Jesus with right toenforce civillaw. Knowing this, Rome ruledJudea, italoneclaimed the stoning ofadulteresses. However, since this case,Jewish law demanded the punishmust whatitdeemsacrime;in According toMosaiclaw, Jewish leaders to side witheither MosesorCaesar. Jesus awoman whowould force Him The scribesandPhariseesbrought to law andculture. demands ofJewish religion andRoman Jewish leadersthrust Jesus betweenthe InJohn ofthattemple. destruction 8,the thatwouldin thetemple result inthefinal revolution fortyyearsafterJesus taught oppressive thattheywould fightadeadly Roman control ofJudea’s civillaw so squelched Judaism. Infact, Jews found government, forallintents andpurposes,

gender identity seemstocommunicate sexual relationships andthefluidity of churches. Compassion foralternative American culture andevenAmerican only accelerated theliberal shiftofboth stateGod’sreticence toclearly laws has fruit inindividual relationships, the Although thisstrategy hasbornreal winning over thepublic withcompassion. marriage, forexample, inhopesof stanceagainsthomosexual public God’s laws. Thus, thisgroup takes no about statedconvictions than clearly choose toleadwithcompassionrather theseNewEvangelicalsnonbelievers, dialogue andauthenticrelationships with war metaphor. In hopesofcreating which seekstoabandontheculture up asecondresponse tosecular society A newgroup ofEvangelicals have taken American republic aswell. endangers notonlytheChurch butthe that compromising Biblicalmorality and character. They have understood been steadfast witnessestoGod’s laws of theirstrategy, Fundamentalists have restrooms.of girls’ Yet, forallthefailures now fightto consumption keep males out once have hoped toprohibit alcoholic culture. Fundamentalists whomay suffered serious lossesagainstsecular commitment toGod’s laws theyhave remained steadfast andovert about their nearly sixtyyears.Although theyhave of values thathasnow dragged onfor have setout toreclaim culture inawar avoid they compromising theirbeliefs, religious Inaneffort convictions. to stated asadangertotheirclearly society are traditionally described,seesecular Fundamentalist asthey Christians, These andaction. belief proper Christian statement basedonaclear of society to separate themselves from secular havemany sought AmericanChristians square. inthepublic First, participate abandon religious inorder belief to society’s demands thattheymust chosen oneoftworesponses tosecular have generallyAmerican Christians with love, buthedid notstopthere. Jerusalem, orsinfrom society. Heled culture war meant todriveRome from thewomannot use asapawn ina isolation andignominy. Jesus does her from guiltandshame,from social would notstoneher, raised theyalso Not onlydid Hiswords indicatethatHe commandments thesame asadulterers. Indeed, religious leadersbreak God’s sins ofPhariseesare asbad asmine?” words. you “Do meantosaythatthe have heard whenJesus uttered these Imagine must whattheprostitute foundedclearly onGod’s law. words, Jesus withacompassion led sinned, castthefirststone.” With these in worldliterature –“You whohave not moral statements tobefound anywhere and made oneofthemostprofound doing both.Helooked atthePharisees to John’s narrative, Jesus did neitherby odious toRomanless culture. According effort towinherover andtomake himself the adulteress withcompassioninan day. could Healso have reached out to relevance oftheMosaiclaw tosininHis cultural forces ofRome andconfirmthe opportunity tostandagainstthepagan the PhariseesandRome. Hehad the Evangelical strategy toanswerboth either theFundamentalist ortheNew In John 8,Jesus could have used it from thepulpit. inpreaching justification has little against arenain thepublic tofosterrelationships culture. Onewhosupportsgaymarriage secular law, trends inpolitics, artand a lack thatonlyvalidates ofconviction Commandment follows part oftheGreatest and law. The second of God’s character message andministry not emptyitsloving Yet, theChurch must grace tothefallen. personal costto give Christ spared no murderers andliars. fornicators, thieves, transgendered people, homosexuals, had abortions, motherswhohave exception: single out inlove tosinnersofallkindswithout as themselves. The Church reach must would have themlove theirneighbors Christ reminds Hisfollowers thatHe sinful lifestyle. desistfrom thatshemust her clearly no way exhibitstolerance. her Hetells incredible grace tothewoman butin now on,sinno more.” Jesus extends You are forgiven, Jesus said, “And from Jesus from addressing hersinsdirectly. butdoingsodid notstop in perspective the Pharisees’guiltputwoman’s sin we won’t judge.” Raising theissuesof “Hey,with asympathetic, weallsin,so violations ofGod’s glorious character respond torampant sinandegregious notsimply must sixty years,Christians which hasproven soflawed inthepast In aneffort torun from theculture war woman whomhehad just encouraged. secular around society Himnorwiththe with creating agoodrelationship withthe Jesus concernhimself did notchiefly

infinite grace. God’s law without extendingHis of apassionforGod’s laws, norpreach neveremptytheirlovemust forneighbor and theadulterer show thatChristians us Christ’s response tothePharisees,Rome and beunashamed todeclare Hislaws. passion forGod’s glorious character strength.” The Church have must a with allyour heart,mind,soul and from thefirst:“Love theLord your God all kindswithout exception reach out in love to sinners as themselves. would have themlove theirneighbors

Christ reminds Hisfollowers thatHe

The Church must of of 38 echoFALL 39 echoFALL that isfantastic!” that And many peopledoIhave witnessingmission field? on the next year, next and year, the fortenyears, how whenIdothat gave tosupportmaybeyear, tenstudents this and ifIdothat I When asked whyhegave tosupportstudents, hesaid,“If his community, evangelism and biblicalhighereducation. intentional, an ofhiscommitment outgrowth tohischurch, Charles fashion,And intrue hisgivingwas deliberate and kingdom, literally transforming ministries heinvested the in. One ofhisgreatest givingtoadvance delights became God’s indebted tohimand changed byhis life. aman,possess andofuswho knew those himwill everbe which abundance ofthings butinthe amanthat possesseth” lifeconsisted “abundance not ofthings believed that inthe Frey victoryover won an the environment ofplenty. He victoryhastobewon overBy some,the poverty, butCharles asIamnow givingitthen away.” spent all my years making money, and Iwasn’t ashappy joyofgiving.Hesaid,almost inwonderment, the of labor “I men Ihave ever known, Charles discovered alifetime through choices and deepconvictions. hardest One working ofthe quietdecisions,eloquence expressed through consistent We loved Charles –and Charles loved God. Hiswas asimple family and the friendswith who were soimportant tohim. centerbutoh,how ofattention, heenjoyedbeing the being evening. Weus that remember Charles was not comfortable honoring Charles forhislead gift.Dr. Ravi Zacharias was with ofLancastercampus BibleCollege privilege and of hadthe ournewdedicated Charles Frey Academic Center on the It was not eveneight months ago,March we 31, that who commands respect from everyone butnever demands it. heart. Hewas an extremely modest man, kindofperson the ofhischurchministriescommunities and dear the tohis grandchildren; offriends ingatherings oldand new; inthe spousesandchildren hisgrandchildren and their and great – heartsofBea and hisfour in the behind gapsinourlives andincisive questions, gentleencouragement. Heleaves voice, How each one ofuswill Charles’ soft-spoken miss ofhissaints.” death Lord sight isthe ofthe inthe “Precious many tells atLancaster us, BibleCollege. Psalm 116:15 toCharles Frey, aman whose lifehastoucheddeeply profound tiswith sorrowwepaytribute inourheartsthat prepared forhim. Charles Jesus, ishome –with enjoyingallGod that has of man, allGod that hasprepared who love forthose Him.’” and ear hasnot heard, and whichhave not entered heart the justasit whicheyehasnot iswritten, seen “But ‘Things we will seeCharles again.1Corinthians 2:9reminds us, midstofoursorrowSo werejoice weknow inthe because great love forJesus Christ. man hewas isbecause rooted inagreat Savior and hada point ofhislife.Thewould the miss reason hewas agreat If wewere toonly sayCharles Frey was agreat man we legacy ofCharles Frey. aftermy life.” lasts that something That, my friends, isthe Charles’ handwritten notes. One line reads, “Iwant todo Charles. Among my treasured keepsakes are someof ofourlives.”Howdescribes quality well that but inthe day.last The legacyweleave isnot justinourpossessions, primarythe goals inourlivesshould betoprepare forour once said,“Ourdaysare numbered. One of him more wecan say. than himselfasavaluedestablished counselor. We will miss dispensed advice,generously shared resources, and carefully faithfully meetings, and attended selectively Along an waybecame honorary he the in2003. trustee Charles was electedtoourBoard ofTrustees in1990and Lord’s tothe back work. everyday lifeasheraised afamily, ledabusiness and gave and grace. Hiscommitment toGod’s Word translated into him.Hisconversationscontact with were seasoned truth with Charles’ faithmade an indelibleimpacton all whoin came By Dr. Peter W. Teague, President 40 echoFALL echoFALL 41 F be required.” You are notnow free andliveyour toleavethesehalls lifeas faithful.” Indeed,Jesus himselfsaid, “To whommuchisgiven, muchwill God.” Andhereminds that“itisrequired us ofstewards thattheybefound God’s manifold grace.” Paul saysthatyou are “stewards of ofthemysteries entrusted withdivinetruth. AsPeter states,you are now “stewards of you hasleft obligated. Youbeyond that,thiseducation see,you’ve been Now, not onlyhave you but notpaid infullforthisspiritual education, No, no,you have notyetearnedit. inheartandsoul.also Suchthings cannotbebought withmaterial things. ofGod.very mysteries You have beentransformed notonlyinmind,but You have received spiritualthings.You priceless haveabout learned the here atLBCismuchmore thanwhatyou can payforwithmaterial things. we explain spiritualtruths tospiritualpeople.” The teaching you’ve received byhumantaught us wisdombutwithwords bytheSpirit.Andso taughtus teaching ministry thisway, speakabout thesethings,notwithwords “We much thatweshould reap material thingsfrom you?” Paul describeshis Corinth. Hesaid, “If wehave sown spiritualthingsamong you, isittoo received. Iamreminded Paul’s oftheApostle words at tothebelievers But, you haven’t earnedityet.You’ve onlybeguntopayforwhatyou’ve True, you have spent energy, and moneyinacquiring thiseducation. time dollars How canyou forthiseducation? askmetodomore toearnthis?” Haven’tof mylifesothatImighthave thiseducation? Ipaid thousands of hard earning inmystudies, everygrade? Haven’t Ispent thelast four years Now, you mightaskme,“Haven’t Ialready earnedthis?Haven’t Iworked I want you toheartheechoofthosefewshortword, “Earn this...earnit.” many. Asyou leavethisauditorium,throughout allyour journeys inthislife, yours ofwhatyou because have beengiventhrough thesacrifice of so your lifebefore whole you; andIwant you thatisnow tofeel theobligation him, would whisperinyour ears,“Earn this.” You, like Private Ryan,have differently. Today, Iseemyselfidentifying more withCaptainMiller. I,like captain andrescuer. Yet, thisafternoonasIspeaktoyou, Iseethescene who from thatmoment onward felttheburden ofthatfinal order from his for whathehasprovided formeinChrist.Iidentify withPrivate Ryan, the reminder torepay ofmyown obligation God insome small measure Every Iwatch time thissceneandhearthosewords, myheartthrobs with earn this... earn it.” bridge atRamelle, forward heleans andwhispersinRyan’s ear, “James, dyingatthe andmostofhissquadlies Captain Miller theirlives.As was tofind Private Ryanand return himtosafety. This job would cost Ryan, whosethree brothers had recently inWorld died War II.Their job weresquad ofsoldiers dispatched tofind Private FirstClass James Francis After survivingtheNormandy invasion anda Miller onJune 6,1944, Private Ryan.” scene:thedeathofCaptainJohn from “Saving H.Miller themovie, inour minds.The scenewe’ve just watched, formeisonesuch ilmisapowerful mediumwithscenesthatmake lastingimpressions movie,clips from the “Saving Private Ryan.” opening and closing remarks, audiencewas shown the video Dr. Harold Kime.The reader should duringthe note both that address, written and professor delivered bydistinguished This isasummary article ofourMay 2016commencement

Paul understoodjust how indebtedyou lives sothatyou mightlive.The Apostle before you, whohave sacrificed their own Jesus Christ andbythoseseatedhere For you, your future hasbeensecured by deaths ofthosewhoservedunder him. secured through Miller’s deathandthe breath ofCaptainMiller. Ryan’s lifewas words, “Earn this,” camefrom thedying Ryan was moved bythefact thatthe you Nodoubt, Private withthiseducation. many whodedicatedtheirlivestoprovide ofthe sacrificeindebted because ofso to feelthatyou earnthis.You must are But, there isyetanotherreason foryou from God, whichleavesyou obligated. treasurein full,andthispriceless isatrust whichyoupriceless, have notyetpaid for So you see,you have received whatis stewards. Earn this. present life.ChoosetoliveasGod’s faithful your eternal future onthealtarofthis of you, donotsacrificeof theblessings the consequencesofyour choice.Ibeg Beaware of the serviceofothers,oryou this willuse in you thiseducation willchoosetouse Today, you have achoicetomake. Either send themaway.” and warning. willcuttheminpieces “He choose toliveforyourself. ListentoJesus’ he comes.” This willnotbethecase,ifyou whom hismaster willfindsodoingwhen isthatservant “Blessed commendation, says thatyou willreceive hispersonal such servicetoserveGod. For this,Jesus obligates you toserveothers,andthrough prepared you toserve,andtherefore, Yourfood attherighttime. has education set over hishousehold togiveotherstheir life. Yet, asGod’s stewards, you have been jobs, earnmore moneyandlivethegood sothattheycangetbetter attend college might benefitothers?So many students might benefityourself butsothatyou is notdesignedsothatyou education Don’t you understandthatthisspiritual of God? give your lifeinservicefortheKingdom service fortheircountry. Are you ready to those graduating cadets gave theirlivesin through duty, honorandservice.Many of God’s army. You are obligatedto earnthis You are now commissionedofficersin Point, toserve. leavewithanobligation you please. You, like thegraduates ofWest dedication ofmyteachers. dedication truth andevery newrecognition ofthe every newunderstandingofhiswonderful grew witheverynewawareness ofGod, into mine.Mysenseof indebtedness servants ofGod were pouring theirlives Seminary. All alongtheway, choice CollegeandthenatCapitalBible Bible molding andshapingmeatWashington servant forhispurposes.Hecontinued begin hisworkoffashioning meinto a theplacethe Bible, where God would onto ofLancaster thecampus Schoolof myself injust afewshortweeksdriving me withhisclaims onmylife.Ifound road where experience, God confronted summer of1967,Ihad myown Damascus own interests andpleasures. Then, inthe son whoselifewas consumedwithmy strayed far from theLord. I was aprodigal Christ. However, inmyteenage yearsI a young boyprofessed faith inJesus I was raised homeandas inaChristian to me. so indebtedtoearnwhathasbeengiven my own secrets itisthatIfeel andwhy at LBC,I’d like toshare withyou someof ministryto theendofmyfull-time here find ithard to identify. So,asInow come bigger thanlifefigures, withwhomthey teachers comeacross totheirstudents as our students whowereally are. Sooften, teachers. Yet, wesooftendon’t reveal to those here onthestagewithmeare also How amazing! Itooamateacher, and he was ahighschoolEnglishteacher. What asurprisewhenherevealed that pool reached $500,hewould tellthem. in civilianlife.Hepromised thatifthe on whowould figure out hisoccupation the menthattheystartedapool,betting in hissquad. This mysterysointrigued civilian background secret from those kept CaptainMiller In themovie, his forget thedebtthatyou own them. of thosewhohave taughtyou, you lest sacrificed foryou? Remember the sacrifice treasuresgain thepriceless ofGod. Who chose alifeofsacrifice sothatImight my teachers. These are themenwho Osborne, Tom EdgarandHomerHeater, to menlike Tom Figart,Ron Gibson, Earl tomySavior,In addition Iamindebted sake, andwas died raised.” for themselves butforhim,who,their that thosewholivemightnolonger are. Hewrote, “He,[Jesus], forall, died you doso. this... earn it.” May theLord you bless as forward andwhisperinyour ears, “Earn today? Mydearstudents, me lean let have sacrificed sothatyou mightbehere you feeladebtoflove toward thosewho stewards ofGod, toserve?Do called youand minds?Do realize thatyou are isthetreasurepriceless inyour hearts yours? you Do understandjust how youthatisnow Do sensetheobligation many? me? Have Iliveduptothesacrifice ofso Have Ibeenfaithful tothetrust givento if Ihave doneenough. Have Iearnedit? I findmyselfwondering,like Private Ryan, Now, asIcometotheendofthisministry, save it.” but whoeverloseshislifeformysake will “Whoever would save hislifewillloseit, what Jesus meant whenhesaid, Iwouldblessings. neverhave understood God. Iwould his neverhave experienced about never havewhatIlearned learned probably bemuchlarger. ButIwould luxury andmyretirement account would more money, mostlikely lived inmore There isagoodchanceIwould have made ofgodlyteachers.under theinstruction Jesus ofsitting Christandtheprivilege had Inothad thatconfrontation with life would have turnedout verydifferently what was giventome.I’msure thatmy For 40years,Ihave worked atrepaying treasures thathad beenentrusted tothem. who had entrusted tomethosedivine down. Iwould mymentors notlet down, indebtedness. Icould mySavior notlet Yet, Iwas bythatsenseof compelled teacher. Was Iintimidated? Certainly. me. Now itwas myturn.Now Iwas the witnesses whohad trained andmentored I was surrounded bythisgreat cloud of name ofLancasterCollege.There, Bible of myalma mater, now known bythe became theteacher. Ijoined thefaculty Then, inthefall thestudent of1976, 42 echoFALL 43 echoFALL By Rodney L.CarterJr., Director ofAlumni W 58 years,Douglas isnow more than 80 Americans intheSouthwestNative for ministry. Amissionary andnurseamong of thesecharacteristics inherlifeand Douglas allfive has truly embodied 5. ServicetoLBC. inthemissionandpurpose of 4. Belief todevelopingthemindof 3. Dedication 2. Cultivation of anevident pursuitof Significant contributionto one’s own 1. service ofour alumni: welookforinthelivesand five principles Eligibility isbasedonthefulfillment of as therecipient ofthisprestigious award. just oralumnawe select onealumnus Alumna oftheYear! Each year, asour 2016 Ruth Douglas (’58) itwas hataprivilege toname Lancaster College, and Bible Christ inothers, thinkingandlifestyle, Christ-centered profession orvocation, God’s callingon herlifeandtoreach the too.Douglas’that time, passion tofollow itbeyond atLBC.Heused her studies clubs,”Bible said Douglas, reflecting on whenIwouldSchool oftheBible teach “God really mytraining used atLancaster Pine Streets indowntown Lancaster. Convention Hall onWest Orange and College –whichwas thenlocatedatthe now ofcourse, known asLancaster Bible attend Lancaster – SchooloftheBible resources andsupportsheneededto God’s word. God provided herwiththe remained steadfast inherdesire tostudy her family. she Despitethatopposition, life, shewasfrom metwithopposition in ChristandserveHimwithherwhole When Douglas decided toputherfaith didn’t beginthere. United IndianMissions.Butherstory Mexico atBroken Arrow Ranch Bible with missionary AmericansinNew toNative asa serving actively years oldandisstill with her, goto compelling story andtoseeour interview and alumni. To more learn about Douglas’ our faculty andstaff, students, parents Year duringHomecomingChapelbefore Alumnus ofthe celebrated asthe2016 aftermanyon campus yearsandwas shejoined back us her legacyofservice, ToSchool oftheBible. honorDouglas and her framed diploma formLancaster andproudlySchool oftheBible displays about asastudent hertime atLancaster graduation ,she’s excited still toshare Even today, almostsixdecades afterher summer atour ministry ranch,” shesaid. Indianchildren forChrist every 1,000 equippedmetoreachSchool oftheBible Christ inherlife.“Mytraining atLancaster didshe discipled, notdimthelightof seeingonlyslowat times, growth inthose family, missionary servingasasingle and withher mission field.Lossofconnection intolost carried her life ofministry onthe . year’s winners! character, andleadership.Now, meetthis Christ andtheirexcellence inacademics, to in LancasterCollege,devotion Bible faculty fortheirall-around involvement are bythestaff votedonandselected and Then, students whomeetthesecriteria programs a 2.5 GPA. andholdatleast or asenior inoneofour bachelor’s level award, anLBCstudent beajunior must our students: inorder toqualifyforthe the accomplishment onthepartof award. This award represents quite forthehonorofthisprestigiousselected Each year, there are just twostudents Bigley embodies whatit looks like embodies tobeanLBCstudentBigley who istransformed bythe Word ofGod. leadership roleswithin Residence Life andmaking appearances onboththecourt andthestage. Overall, taking on frisbee club, atLBC,forming andleadinganultimate inhistime hasbeenveryactive Bigley A senior inthecommunicationprogram, Derek was Bigley chosen thisyear’s MaleStudent oftheYear. Hometown: Lancaster, Pennsylvania Major: Communication Name: Derek Bigley Kim isdevotedtoJesus andit’s evident intheway sheconducts herselfandcares forothers. inLBC’sparticipated andleads aworshipteaminchapel.Above allofheraccomplishments, musicals and hasimmersedherselfinallLBCtooffer. KimhasbeenaResident Assistant inour dormitories, academically (sheholdsa3.78 GPA), invested herselfindisciplingotheryoung ladies onthecampus Lancaster College’s Bible Female Student oftheYear. atLBC,Kimhasexcelled hertime During A senior intheWorship &Performing Artsdepartment, Kun Hee(Charity)Kimwas chosentobe Hometown: Chengdu,Sichuan, Major: Music Performance: Vocal Name: Kun Hee(Charity) Kim 44 echoFALL director and also serves the 1970s Niagara Frontier Coalition for Charles Harsh (’72) currently Men’s Ministry, which exists to works at a Goodyear tire store serve pastors and train leaders. and is active in his home He and his wife, Darlene, live church, Lakeside Independent in western New York with their Baptist Church. four children, two daughters- in-law and two grandchildren. Reverend Peter Hook (’74) has recently retired from working alunmiin financial services. 2000s Hilary Lear (’01) is currently 1980s serving as the varsity girls’ volleyball coach at Grace Remembering Mim Herr Academy for the fall 2016 season. She also coached the November 29, 1926 – September 4, 2016 By Dr. Peter W. Teague, President girl’s middle school volleyball team for Grace Academy in iriam Esther Hershey Herr was a woman of noble character, 2015 when the team had a life radiant by the presence of the Lord. Her warmth and an undefeated season and M genuine faith made an indelible impact on all who came in captured the 2015 Mason contact with her. Her conversations were seasoned with grace, Dixon Christian Conference gentleness, and love. Mim actively put into practice her love for God Robert Yost, CBS (’82) championship title. Previously, and others until the very end. Her love for God was translated into her announced the coming Lear served as the assistant love and support of her husband, Jim, their family, church, employees release of his new book, “The girls’ varsity volleyball coach and community. Pastor’s Library: An Annotated at Broadfording Christian Mim used her gifts and experiences as a wife, mother of five, Bibliography of Biblical and Academy. grandmother to 20 grandchildren, and great-grandmother to 29 to Theological Resources for honor God and advance His kingdom. In her down-to-earth, unassuming Ministry,” which is set to be manner, she showed us how important it is to love Him and to trust Him published in early 2017. Yost in all circumstances. She lived confidently, a woman well acquainted currently serves as a research with God’s character and the specifics of His Word. professor at Charlotte Christian College and Theological It is impossible to think of Mim without thinking of Jim. Everyone who Seminary located in Charlotte, knew her knows how much she admired, loved, and supported her N.C. where he presides as the husband. The two were inseparable as side-by-side they built and led a vice president of academic business based on biblical principles. She was no stranger to hard work affairs emeritus. and tenaciously did what was necessary, from packing chips to keeping the books, all the while running a busy household with five children.

Mim had a razor-sharp mind and a gift for gracious hospitality. She lived 1990s a uniquely fulfilled life by serving and caring for others. She always Ron Anderson (’90) returned Lauren (Otto ’08) Beer conducted herself with wisdom, not trying to draw attention to herself. as a guest speaker to Grace married Craig Beer in April Chapel in Shamokin, Pa. in 2016 in Lancaster, Pa. The She was a true friend to all who knew her, thinking the best of others celebration of the church’s couple currently lives in without criticism or judgment, never gossiping or complaining, and 65th anniversary. A former Palmyra, Pa. where Lauren loving each one of us for just who we are. She delighted in sharing her pastor of Grace Chapel, faith with others and advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout serves as the early childhood Anderson accepted a pastorate the world. director at Hershey Free Church. position at the church just two years after graduating from Stacy Gillin (’04) and LBC. He served the Shamokin- William Polacek became Mim and her husband, James S. Herr, founded Herr Foods, based congregation for eight engaged in the fall of 2016. years before moving on in Inc., and were an integral part of Lancaster Bible College Gillin graduated from LBC 2000 to become senior pastor since 1978 when Jim became a Corporation member. He later with a bachelor’s degree in of Calvary Baptist Church in served on the Board of Trustees for 30 years. The Herrs’ love professional counseling and Altoona, Pa. 45 for LBC made a difference in the lives of countless students biblical studies and is currently Wayne Burroughs (’93) preparing for ministry. They were channels of God’s grace to joined working as a counselor for the staff of Man in the Mirror U.S. military veterans in many people and the ripples of their lives and ministry will in 2015. Burroughs is the area Pittsburgh, Pa. continue long into the future. FALL echo degree insocial workand graduated with abachelor’s in Elizabethtown, Pa. Danielle atRissersMennonite Church22 Jeremymarried Ginder onMay Danielle (Brown Ginder ’16) in2017. as apriest prepares tobecomeordinated in Eldersburg, he Md.while Classical Academy Christian will beteaching atSt.Stephen’s Church McCarl inJune of2016. deacon forReformed Episcopal ordained asatransitional andwas Seminary in2015 from BiblicalTheological McCarlRicky (’15)graduated Bangor, Maine. Schoolin at Bangor Christian Rebekah teacher isamusic inKenduskeag, Maine. 2016 Troymarried York inJune of Rebekah ’13)York (Smith 2010s

Norway, theSilver Threads was amemberoftheSons of her family andtoquilt, and with She loved tospendtime and knowledgeofGod’s Word. furtheringherlove in Bible, bachelor’s degree ofscience and proudly graduated witha She enrolledatLBCasanadult was awoman of great faith. Presbyterian Church, Girard avid attendeeofWestminster with herfamily byherside. An on June 15attheageof73 Holly Girard (’96)passedaway grandsons, andherbrother. of 51 years,hertwosons,three survived byLevi, herhusband teacher.summer Bible Sheis Evangelism Fellowship asa in Canada andservedwithChild Ministries inWheatley, Ontario involvedactively Club withBible Collegein1962andwas Bible She graduated from Lancaster worked.she andherhusband Armstrong Manor where both atthe her giftstogooduse showing hospitalityandput Fisherexcelled at friends. cooking andentertaining enjoyed caringforherfamily, the primary department. She played thefluteandassistedin Church ofLancaster where she was amember ofCalvary June 3attheageof74. Fisher home tobewiththeLord on Bar their December 2016 wedding. their December2016 serve andare preparing busy for are excited fortheopportunity to Kenton andhisfiancée,Kelsey, organization inAugust 2016. atthe position into afull-time student atLBCandtransitioned through aninternship asa Kenton atCPYU beganserving their creative mediaassistant. Parent/Youth Understanding as atCenter accepted aposition for Kenton Hock (’16)recently Valley Pregnancy Services. currently worksatSusquehanna bara (’62)went Fisher RESTING INHIS PRESENCE brothers and sister. byhertwo survived She isalso and twogreat-grandchildren. children, sevengrandchildren, years ofmarriage, andherfour with whomshecelebrated 54 Sam, byherhusband, survived and theQuiltersGuild. Girard is [email protected] Director ofAlumni Rodney L.Carter, Jr. (’15) In HisService, of Alumni -we’ve gotafewthingsupour sleeves. P.S. Keep your formore eyespeeled funevents from theOffice Freyin theCharles Academic Center. a complimentary icecream treat from our creamery meknow!let Iwould love toconnectwithyou over And ifyou’re everintheLancaster area, please don’tplease hesitatetoreach out tome. anyoftheseopportunities, participating your graduation. If you’re interested in you tocontinueyour involvement inLBCafter of Alumni Relations hasmany different ways for our Alumni Committee. The Association Office intheEcho,to bepublished orbyservingon and inthecommunity, your updates submitting at LBC,like attendingalumni events oncampus get involved andhearabout what’s happening year. There are anumberofways foryou to want tostaytouch withyou throughout the with Homecoming&Family Weekend -we But our withyou connection doesn’t end work inyour livestrulyus. blesses listening ofGod’s tothestories continuing memorableSeeingsuch one. you again and who cameandhelpedtomake theweekend Relations sendsabigthankyou tothose FamilyWeekend! The entire Officeof Alumni you whoattendedthisyear’s Homecoming& What ajoy itwas toreconnect withsomany of Dear Alumni, Director ofAlumni Note from the

alumni pixels at72 dpi.We want tohear from you! encouraged. Minimum resolution of800x600 online Photos are Share yourupdatebyemailing [email protected]

46 echoFALL 43 47 echoSUMMERFALL events information. complimentary andrequired toattend.Visit this spectacular concert.Tickets forthisevent are intheGoodus Shepherd ChapelthisDecemberfor at LBCwiththesounds ofhope,peace andjoy! Join From our family toyours, startyour holiday season A FESTIVAL OF LESSONS&CAROLS THE VOICES OF CHRISTMAS: Saturday, December3at2p.m. and 7p.m. Friday, December2at7p.m. role of Dolly inHello,Dolly! role ofDolly theatremusical program, isplaying thetitle Samantha Ingram (‘20),astudent inLBC’s orevents For more contact information theLBCbox officeat717.560.8241 contact islisted). To register orpurchase ticketsforanevent AT BIBLECOLLEGE LANCASTER Upcoming Events No group rates. Registration afterMarch 20:$25perperson. registering atthesametime. per personor$15forgroups of10ormore Early Bird Registration (January 16–March 20):$20 January For 16. more call717.560.8221. information, educate children’s ministry workers. Registration opens conference designedspecificallytoencourage and Rhoads workshopleadersduringthis and experienced Come andhearfrom Dr. Richard Foundations Ministry in MINISTRY CONFERENCE: CONNECT CHILDREN’S Saturday, April 1 Students (withavalid ID):$10 General Admission: $20 at theshow! tickets, putonyour Sundayclothesandwe’llseeyou Sunday Clothes,”and“ItTakes aWoman.” Grab your the classicsyou love from theshow like, “Put onYour comes tolifeonLBC’s stage.You’ll hearrenditions ofall This Broadway upbeat,Tony classic award-winning WINTER MUSICAL: “HELLO,DOLLY!” January at2p.m.and 7 28 p.m. January at7 27 p.m. January at2p.m.and 7 21 p.m. January p.m.and 7 20at12:45 p.m. nless another (unless

to attend. is acomplimentary event andticketsare notrequired andprayermusic inLBC’s Good Shepherd Chapel.This Join foranevening us ofpraise, scriptural reflection, WORSHIP TOGETHER Thursday, April 20at7p.m. masterclass endowment. bytheMelvapossible S.McIlwaine concertand and enjoy hisrich,soulful inthisconcertmade music Evans force isamusical tobereckoned with.Come A seasontwocontestant “The ofNBC’s Voice,” Anthony WITH ANOTHY EVANS &CONCERTMASTER CLASS Concert at7p.m. Masterclass at3p.m. Thursday, April 6

Friday, April 28at7p.m. Thursday, 27at7p.m. April Jazz Band. Tickets are notrequired toattend. from music our Windand Ensemble and soul-stirring complimentary evening offun,inspiring,toe-tapping Join intheGood us Shepherd Chapelfora WIND ENSEMBLE AND JAZZ BAND Monday, April 24 at7p.m. Performing ArtsCenter. Tickets are notrequired toattend. atthesecomplimentarymusic concertsheldatThe Trust Hear LBC’s ofclassical pieces Chorale perform timeless FEATURING LBCCHORALE STAINED GLASS CONCERTS 44 SUMMER 48 echoFALL 49 FALL 45 echoSUMMER

echo events unique charmand memorable score. Witty andhilarious, ofallageswith itssparkling wit, delight audiences “HONK! JR.” isaheartwarming story that issure to fortheBroadwayand lyrics “Mary musical Poppins,” From theduothatwrote thesongs students ages10-18. tooffer theatreLBC ispleased twomusical campsfor In partnershipwithServant StageTheatre Company, MUSICAL THEATRE CAMP I Monday, June Wednesday, 19through June 28 attheend oftheworkshop. to thepublic students willperforminashowcase performance open include lunches,clinic anddoorprizes. materials The The workshopsare heldfrom 9a.m.to3p.m.dailyand including drumline techniques andpercussion ensemble. The rehearsals, includesfullensemble campalso percussion, preparation. worlddrumming andaudition onthedruminstruction percussion, set,mallet orchestral andsmall group percussionists andfeatures hands-on Our Total Percussion Seminar isdesignedforstudent TOTAL PERCUSSION CAMP Tuesday Saturday, through June 13-17 Worship &Performing Camps Arts AT BIBLECOLLEGE LANCASTER Monday, July Wednesday, 17through July 26 Late Registration: (afterApril 30th) $250 January 31st) Early Bird (register Registration: before $200 and handouts) materials, Cost: $225(includesallactivities, Register with acampstafftheatre ofexperienced professionals. indailyworkshopsandmasterclassesand participate student production rehearse andperformafull-length to equalamounts oflaughter andtears.Students will deeplymoving,but also “HONK!JR.” willmove you Late Registration: $250 (afterApril30th) Late Registration: $250 January 31st) (registerEarly before Bird Registration: $200 and handouts) materials, Cost: $225(includesallactivities, theatreexperienced professionals. Register online: workshops andmasterclasses withacampstaff of indaily studentfull-length andparticipate production fashioned fun!Students willrehearse andperforma This show isthetopsforimagination andgoodold- “Kids,” Telephone “The Hour,” and“HonestlySincere.” like, “Put OnaHappy Face,” “ALotofLivin’ toDo,” affection andtoldthrough theatre musical classics shows ofourItisasatire crafted time. withthefondest musical “Bye ByeBirdie” isoneofthemostcaptivating MUSICAL THEATRE CAMP II

complimentary event. will beprovided. Registration isrequired forthis andanswersession.Lightrefreshmentsin aquestion Following histalk,Warren willinteract withattendees on thetopic,“Keeping Topical SermonsTheological.” ministries atDallas Theological Seminary, tolecture senior professor ofpastoral speaker Dr. Timothy Warren, towelcomeguest is pleased The &Theology Bible department DR. TIMOTHY WARREN THEOLOGICAL WITH SERMONS KEEPING TOPICAL Tuesday, -9:30p.m. March 7from 7 require d toattend. refreshments willbeprovided andregistration is professional counselors Light andpsychologists. creditseducation are available forsocialworkers, thisseminar population. While isopentoall,continuing surroundingchallenges trauma therapy withthis Brodhecker (‘15)willeducateattendees ontheunique trafficking trauma specialistandLBCalumna Danielle of human trafficking. Human intervention forthesurvivors psychotherapeutic the needforeffective seminar thataddresses Jo WITH SEX TRAFFICKING VICTIMS TRAUMA-ORIENTED PSYCHOTHERAPY Tuesday, February from 7 21 - 9 p.m. Bible &Theology Bible Department Counseling &SocialWork Department CHARLES FREY ACADEMIC CENTER in us forthispowerfulin us Inaugural Events at the Inaugural at Events

is required. careers. This event iscomplimentary andregistration the nextgeneration ofstudents for communication world andaseducatorspreparing as professionals inthebroadcast insights from theirexperiences radio WJTL. station They’ll share atlocalChristian DJ long-time Leigh, andKristi a news station, localtelevision award-winning former producer atWGAL, an evening are Adrienne Garvey, Joiningtelevision. forthe us workinginradioa Christian and ofbeing andtriumphs challenges professionals about the Come andhearfrom broadcast BROADCAST WORLD CHRISTIANS IN THE Tuesday, March 28from 6:30-8p.m. $5 perperson. required andthecosttoattendis ministry leaders.Registration is as Cordeiro shares hisheartfor ofreflection and time restoration Trust Performing ArtsCenter fora of leader’s souls. Join atThe us andthecarehas adeepseatedpassionfordiscipleship pastorandprolific author Wayne Cordeiro Long-time WITH WAYNE CORDEIRO CARING FOR THESOULOF ALEADER a.m.-1:30p.m. Wednesday, April 5from 11:30 Arts & Sciences Department Arts&Sciences Church &Ministry Leadership Department

50 echoFALL 47 echoFALLSUMMER 51 events Sunday, November 27 Wednesday, November 23through LANCASTER GRADUATION Friday, December16 THANKSGIVING BREAK up program. Learn Now that’s more andsign awin-win. funds forLBC’s programs athletic andscholarship GolfChallenge Tournament, you’re helpingtoraise the winnerhere. Whetheryou winorlosetheCharger Unlike mosttournaments, final scores don’t determine GOLF TOURNAMENT CHARGER CHALLENGE Monday, May 8 Lots ofmud!fun!To register, visit SHADEY’S RUGGED RUN Saturday, May 6 Academic Calendar Academic AT BIBLECOLLEGE LANCASTER agencies andbeinspiredagencies bymoving stories. from interact missionaries, withsending Missions Conference. Come andhear around theglobethrough our annual Join aswecelebrate us God’s work MISSIONS CONFERENCE Thursday, February 16,2017 Tuesday, February 14through Athletic Events Athletic Summer 2017 to missit.Learn more byvisiting ofCentralHouse Charities Pennsylvania, you won’t want andthe LBC Ronaldbenefiting Athletics McDonald foreveryonetoenjoy andallproceeds activities friendly trucks, earthmovers andmore! With ahostoffamily- Come toour tosee,touch about campus andlearn fire TOUCH ATRUCK Saturday, May 27 life atLBCandmuchmore. Learn more byvisiting interaction coaches, withcollege getatasteofstudent offer student thechancetohave athletes one-on-one basketball atLBC’s camps!Oursportscamps athletic Sharpen your insoccer, skills lacrosse volleyball, or ATHLETIC CAMPS attend by visiting ignitethisgeneration.orgattend byvisiting to bethehighlight ofyour year. Register to event issure ofLBC,thisone-day campus cooperation withCalvary Church onthe forprayerand time andreflection. Held in of inspiringspeakers, corporate worship Ignite Conference! Join foradayfull us students: you won’t want tomissthe Attention allmiddleandhighschool (Formerly Vision Conference) IGNITE CONFERENCE Saturday, February 18

$12.50 Students (withavalid ID): Seniors andVeterans: $20 General Admission: $25 Laura Metcalf. Rupert Boydandcellist Girl, starringclassical guitarist and wifeduoBoydMeets weekend withthehusband Celebrate Valentine’s BOYD MEETS GIRL Thursday and Friday, February 16and 17 Students (withavalid ID):$17.50 Seniors andVeterans: $28 General Admission: $35 appearance atThe Trust. New York Polyphony, whomake theirsecond vocalquartet, evening withtheGrammy-nominated Welcome Christmas atThe Trust withanunforgettable NEW YORK POLYPHONY Tuesday, December6 Located at37NorthMarket Street, Lancaster, Events PA beginat7:30 17603. For ticketsandtoseethefullseasonofevents, orcall717.208.7835

Sunday, April 30 Students (withavalid ID):$10 Seniors andVeterans: $16 General Admission: $20 both oldandnew. tocreateand skills innovative arrangements ofmelodies This Chamberfolksextetdraws strengths uponeclectic THE SOUND ACCORD Students (withavalid ID):$12.5 Seniors andVeterans: $20 General Admission: $25 evening feature willalso Shubert’s Trout Quintet. leaders ofthePhiladelphia Orchestra. This memorable winning localpianist, Shih,andsection Christopher concertmaster ofthePhiladelphia Orchestra, withaward- Come toThe Trust from tohearmusic David Kim, DAVID KIM&FRIENDS Thursday, March 23 unless otherwisestated pm unless . . 48 52 echoFALLSUMMER 53 FALL echo events Tickets: $50 Mennonite Central Committee’s Global Family. favorites. Proceeds from theconcertwillbenefit starsperformingyour holiday world-class You won’t want tomiss thisbenefitconcertfeaturing VOICES OF HOPE Sunday, Ticket feeswillapply. are tochange. datesandtimes subject *Artists, orcall717.208.7835. For ticketsandmore event visit information, Students (withavalid ID):$5 Seniors andVeterans: $8 General Admission: $10 Liberty University Professor ofEnglishat Karen Swallow Prior, Ph.D., AND GENTLEMEN DUMMIES, LADIES, JANE AUSTEN FOR Tuesday, April 11 Students (withavalid ID):$5 Seniors andVeterans: $8 General Admission: $10 The Project Expectations BakerNicole Fulgham, Ph.D., EDUCATING ALL GOD’S CHILDREN Tuesday, Ticket feeswillapply.* are tochange. datesandtimes subject *Artists, orcall717.208.7835. For ticketsandmore event visit information, TRUST Conversations TRUST Community December 4

Ticket feeswillapply.* are tochange. datesandtimes subject *Artists, orcall717.208.7835. For ticketsandmore event visit information, TRUST Theater Tickets: Pay whatyou will marked byexpressiveness complexity. andrhythmic inspired byclassical,selections jazzandrock styles, For onenight only, Kenòr willperformacoustic KENÒR Tickets: Pay whatyou will years afterherpassing. classic, 200 Join forastagedreading us ofabeloved Jane Austen JANE AUSTEN OUTLOUD April 8 Tickets: Pay whatyou will classic Christmas songsandtraditional carols. revuemusical arrangements featuringbeautiful of Celebrate Christmas withServant Stageinanoriginal A SERVANT STAGE CHRISTMAS JOY TO THEWORLD: and 18 December 17 Students (withavalid ID):$10 Seniors andVeterans: $16 General Admission: $20 amazing display ofphysical bringstolifeoverproduction 32 familiar characters in holiday favorite film,“It’s a Wonderful Life.” This play basedontheiconic 1946 Enjoy thisone-man THIS WONDERFUL LIFE JEREMY KENDALL: December 7and 8 October 28and 29 Friday, January 20

By Tracey Jones, LBC Trustee

y involvement with LBC began when I was planning my father’s memorial service. Yes, it was a sad time, but I was also happy M knowing that he was with his Heavenly Father. My dad, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, was larger than life, but he was able to focus on his eternal life due to alumni from Lancaster Bible College. That was a huge blessing to him and part of why LBC is important to me.

Charlie also famously said, “You will be the same person you are today in five years except for the books you read and the people you meet.” How true! When I the ribbon at the opening of the Charlie & Gloria Jones Library in the Teague Learning Commons, I knew lives would be changed because of the library and building design. I was honored to be the chair of the capital campaign for the Teague Learning Commons.

As my involvement grew with LBC to now not only being a Trustee but also a student, I see lives changing. The books students are reading and the people (professors and students) they are meeting impact their lives every day and for eternity.

Today, I am honored once again to be the chair of the campaign for the Charles Frey Academic Center – the building where I take my doctorate courses. continually learning, I see how my personal mission, the mission of my company Tremendous Leadership, and the mission of LBC intersect. As a student, business leader and trustee, I am serving Pictured here are Tracey Jones and some Christ in the Church and society. So are the other students at LBC. We of her family members, posing in front of are serving locally, regionally and around the world. a portrait of Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, located in the Teague Learning Commons. Join me and others in supporting the Charles Frey Academic Center. Join us in shaping the head, heart and hands of our students for global impact.

Learn more about the importance of the Charles Frey Academic Center. Schedule a tour by calling Ann at 717.560.8211 or visit


901 Eden Road Lancaster, PA 17601-5036

See the 2016 President’s Report on page 24.

January 20 at 12:45 p.m. & 7 p.m. January 21, at 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. January 27 at 7 p.m. January 28 at 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. Friday, February 3 (Snow Make Up Date) February 4 (Snow Make Up Date)

This upbeat, Tony award-winning Broadway classic comes to life on LBC’s stage. You’ll hear renditions of all the classics you love from the show like, “Put on Your Sunday Clothes,” and “It Takes a Woman.” Grab your tickets, put on your Sunday clothes and we’ll see you at the show! General Admission: $20 Students (with valid ID): $10