IN THIS MONTH’S ANGELUS: Family Life With the USCCB Blessings in our grasp giving an increased West The U.S. Catholic Bishops emphasis to mar- riage and family life, over and over again in recent MaryAnn Lewis, at years have issued an urgent right, has been hired call for comprehensive immi- to oversee efforts in gration reform at the federal the dicoese as they level. Without national pertain to the two ANGELUS reform, there is a great fear traditional institu- that states will enact legisla- tions. / Pg. 7 tion that is neither compre- Serving the Diocese of San Angelo, Texas hensive, nor compassionate Volume XXX (30), No. 10 OCTOBER 2010 nor just. / Page 2 CALENDAR Cardinal Daniel NOVEMBER 2010 DiNardo, right, Cardinal to attend 50th jubilee 1 -- All Saints Day Archbishop of 2 -- All Souls Day Galveston- Angelo. The Angelus 7 -- 32nd Sunday of the Year Houston, has A native of Steubenville, Ohio, the 61- 14 -- 33rd Sunday of the Year confirmed he will SAN ANGELO -- Bishop Michael year-old DiNardo was ordained in attend next year’s in 1977, named Archbishop of 21 -- Christ the King 50th Anniversary Pfeifer has announced that His Eminence, 25 -- Thanksgiving Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, the first-ever Galveston-Houston in February 2006 and celebration for 28 -- 1st Sunday of Advent the Diocese of elected Roman Catholic Cardinal from the was selected Cardinal by Pope Benedict San Angelo. state of Texas, has confirmed that he will XVI on November 24, 2007. 30 -- St. Andrew, Apostle attend the diocese’s 50th anniversary DiNardo will join what is expected to jubilee Mass October 16, 2011 in San (Please See 50/20)

STRATEGIES FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Officials discuss how to better serve needs, retain viability Just 4 Kids By Msgr. Larry Droll God calls Amos as one of his of St. Ann’s , Midland prophets / Pg. 16

and Ms. Joan Wilmes, Principal


MIDLAND -- How can Catholic 1829 BOX PO schools in the Diocese of San Angelo better serve their constituents and remain viable in the future? The Diocesan School Commission has tackled that question for the past year and finalized goals and objectives

(Please See SCHOOLS/21)

Austin group launches effort for Catholics in military

The Angelus Frontline Faith Project, and produced an “We wanted to say ‘thank you,’ to give

US POSTAGE US PAID NONPROFIT ORG. NONPROFIT MP3 player designed especially for something back, to serve those who serve TX ANGELO, SAN AUSTIN -- Civilians can often forget Catholics serving in the military. Loaded us,” said Cheri Lomonte, director of 44 NO. PERMIT the amount of sacrifice demanded of the with recordings of the Mass, a rosary, “Mary’s Touch” and the Frontline Faith men and women who defend the country. meditations, and even letters of thanks Project. Lomonte, who lives in Austin Sometimes, sadly, civilians even forget to from school children, the player is and lived in Midland for over 25 years, say “thank you” for that sacrifice. designed to bring the Catholic faith clos- can also be heard weekly on the radio To fill this gap, Mary’s Touch, a lay er to those serving the country who are program “Mary’s Touch” at apostolate from Austin, has launched the separated from their homes and parishes. (Please See MP3/20) Page 2 OCTOBER 2010 The Angelus From the Bishop’s Desk Comprehensive immigration reform can bring blessings By Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI terror of Herod. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus regulation of social and economic relations of the instructs us to welcome the stranger: “For I was 21st-century America. Our present laws are ill The U.S. Catholic Bishops over and over again in hungry, and you gave me food. I was thirsty, and adapted to the increasing interdependence of our recent years have issued an urgent call for compre- you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed world and the globalization of labor. Proposed hensive immigration reform at the federal level. me.” [Matthew 25-35] The way we treat immigrants changes, however, must take into account both Without national reform, there is a great fear that reflects our commitments to fairness and decency, human dignity and the national interest. states will enact legislation that is neither compre- and our respect for persons and families. It also For this reason, the U.S. Bishops and a broad hensive, nor compassionate nor just. affects our nation’s economic growth and well-being. bipartisan coalition ranging from unions to cham- Pfeifer The way we treat immigrants, whether docu- Recently, the U.S. Council of Economic Advisors bers of commerce have supported comprehensive mented or undocumented, is a matter of justice and estimated that “the country’s net gain from immigra- immigration reform that, while addressing future love. It reflects our Christian call to love our neigh- tion is $37 billion per year.” Comprehensive immi- needs for labor by providing for legal guest-worker bor, especially our neighbor most in need. The gration reform that is fair and just and respects the program also offer an earned path for legalization Gospel foundation for our approach is based on the human person can bring many blessings to our for some 11-12 million undocumented workers life and the teaching of Jesus Christ. The baby child country. already in the country as well as fixing the unac- Jesus was a refugee, along with His parents, as they Our immigration laws need to be changed; they ceptable backlog of visas for family reunification fled their own country into Egypt because of the are antiquated and inadequate for the promotion and (Please See BISHOP/23) DIOCESAN BRIEFS White Ribbon Against Pornography Jr. High Youth Event: ‘Who Are Our Heroes?’ Pope to offer special Mass for unborn November 27 ODESSA -- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Campaign raises Church will host the 2010 Diocesan Junior Editor’s Note: The following letter was sent to all the priests of the Diocese of San High Youth Event on Sunday, Oct. 17. Angelo as regards a special Mass for the unborn. Please attend this Mass. Thank Special guest will be S. Mary Fagan, you. –Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI public awareness SHSp, who will present on “Who Are Our Heroes: A look at our Catholic Saints. My brother priests: The event is scheduled from 10 a.m.-4 of global problem p.m. Registration is $15. For more informa- I am enclosing here information I received from Cardinal George, President of the tion, contact Sister Adelina at 325-651-7500. USCCB, and an enclosed letter from two Cardinals announcing a special Mass that will be By Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI The Diocesan Junior High Youth Event is offered by Pope Benedict XVI on November 27, 2010 at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The sponsored by the Diocese of San Angelo’s Bishops of the world are asked to encourage all of our priests to offer on that day a Mass Office of Education and Formation. in our parishes for the same intention requested by our Holy Father. Hence, I am asking In the fight against pornography, public that all of our priests offer in all of our parishes a special Mass for all nascent [unborn] awareness is our number one ally, and the World Priest Day human life on that day, November 27. As you can see, other devotions and prayers are White Ribbon Against Pornography World Marriage Encounter is sponsoring suggested for that day. I especially encourage you to encourage our people to be present World Priest Day (Priesthood Sunday) on for this Mass and to also consider making some time of Adoration before the Blessed (WRAP) Campaign is a time tested means October 31. This day focuses on celebrating Sacrament for this special intention. to help build that awareness. The WRAP the ongoing affirmation of the men who com- Thank you for your cooperation and let us always remember in all of our Masses an Campaign this year is from October 31 – mit their lives to the Lord and the Church intention for a new respect for the sacredness and dignity of all human life, from its earli- November 7. WRAP is designed to educate through the Sacrament of . It is est beginnings until its natural end. Thank you and God bless you. an opportunity for Catholic parishioners to the public about the harms that pornogra- thank, affirm and share their love and sup- phy causes and about what citizens can do an interest in Religious Life, Sat., Oct. 23 Offender/Scheduled Execution Date: port for priests. (8:45 am-4 pm) and Sun., Dec. 5 (8:30 am - to fight back. The celebration is designed to be a day or Gayland Bradford/October 14 1 pm) at their Motherhouse, 3400 Bradford, The WRAP Campaign got its start in several days to rejoice in the Sacrament of Larry Wooten/October 21 Houston, 77025. Interested women are also Holy Orders. On this day, or during the week Steven Staley/December 1 Butler, Penn., in 1987 when Norma Norris, welcome each Saturday evening to join in preceding or following it, Catholics across the after hearing a sermon against pornogra- Scripture Sharing (in preparation for country are encouraged to develop activities Natural Family Planning phy, decided to ask citizens in her commu- Sunday's readings) from 7-8 p.m. and each to affirm their priests. Helping couples to deepen conjugal love and first Sunday to attend Mass followed by nity to display white ribbons as a symbol of “On this special Sunday, reach out and achieve responsible parenthood is part of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, begin- community standards of decency. Since share your support and love for our priests Church’s total pastoral ministry to Catholic ning at 8:30 am and closing with noon lunch. by planning something special for them,” said spouses. Fulfillment of this ministry includes then, citizens in communities across the Please contact Sr. Scholastica (sscholasti- San Angelo Bishop Michael D. Pfeifer. both education and pastoral care. This means nation have participated in WRAP through [email protected]) at (713) 668-0423 for more “instilling conviction and offering practical help to various public education activities and by New email address information. You may also check our website those who wish to live out their parenthood in a at truly responsible way” Scheduled seminars taking steps to address specific pornogra- Angelus editor Jimmy Patterson has phy problems in their communities. changed his email address. Please make Scheduled Executions (San Angelo) and contact numbers for people note of his new address to send stories, pho- who can help you with more information: WRAP is a reminder that our federal law The Angelus publishes the execution dates of tos and other items each month. The new SAN ANGELO, Christ the King Retreat enforcement agencies and prosecutors are address is [email protected] Texas offenders on death row each month so Center, (325) 651-5352, 2-4 p.m. Contact that the faithful in the Diocese of San Angelo Amy at amdg@ to be commended for their diligent efforts can pray for them. The following offenders face MIDLAND-ODESSA, Our Lady of to curb sexual exploitation of children on Days of Discernment upcoming execution dates. Please pray for Guadalupe, call Christina Nevarez, (432) the Internet. However, for the most part, HOUSTON -- The Sisters of the Incarnate them as well as the victims, families and all 682-2581; these same agencies and prosecutors have Word and Blessed Sacrament are holding who are affected by violence: ABILENE, Holy Family Church, call Mrs. (Please See WRAP/23) Days of Discernment for women expressing Herman Blahak, (325) 692-1820. The Angelus OCTOBER 2010 Page 3 DIOCESAN DATES From the Editor Bishop’s Calendar DECEMBER 1 -- SAN ANGELO Sacred Heart If you love a party, mark your OCTOBER Cathedral, World AIDS Day Mass, 9 -- BRADY, St. Patrick – Mass Noon at 11:00 a.m. -25th Priestly calendars for Oct. 16, 2011 Anniversary of Fr. Hilary Ihedioha CHRIST THE KING 10 -- STANTON, St. Joseph – RETREAT CENTER  Focus is on family, married life in We have already been informed by the Confirmation at 9:30 a.m. OCTOBER golden anniversary year of diocese. Archdiocese of Houston-Galveston that 12 -- ABILENE, St.Vincent – 10 -- CKRC Confirmation Cardinal Daniel DiNardo has confirmed he Meet with RCIA Groups, 6:30 p.m. Retreat 11 -- Heart of Mercy Prayer Grp Patterson will travel to San Angelo that weekend to 13 -- ODESSA, St. Mary – help us celebrate. Invitations have also been Confirmation at 6:30 p.m. 11-13 -- Volunteer Management By Jimmy Patterson 14 -- SAN ANGELO, Diocesan Seminar extended to Archbishop Fiorenza, fourth Pastoral Center – Meeting of 12 -- Deacon Quarterly San Like many of you, I love a party; a good Bishop of San Angelo, as well as an Diocesan Legal Team at 11 a.m. Angelo Deanery time where people of like-minded interests additional 30 bishops in the U.S. 17 -- FT. STOCKTON, St. 12 -- Adoration of the Blessed can get together and share and as we used Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Region X Joseph - Install New Pastor, Father Sacrament 5-6 pm to call it when I was a young Baptist, “have (Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas). George Thirumangalam, CMI at 15-17 -- Engaged Encounter fellowship.” Bishop Pfeifer has designated the golden 11:30 a.m. Mass. 18 -- Heart of Mercy Prayer Grp October 16, 2011 will be 50 years to the anniversary year as one that will focus on 19 -- Adoration of the Blessed 18-20 -- Rest and Prayer day when Pope John XXIII, in the midst of the family and married life. You will read 21 -- ABILENE, Sacred Heart – Sacrament 5-6 pm 21-24 -- Women’s Walk to calling together the Second Vatican Council, much about the diocese’s No. 1 priority in Confirmation at 6:30 p.m. the Angelus. (This month’s articles, Pg. 7) 22 -- SAN ANGELO, Diocesan Emmaus set aside time to establish the Diocese of Pastoral Center - Staff Mass, 8:30 25 -- Heart of Mercy Prayer Grp San Angelo. And so we will celebrate by all But how can you make it a priority for a.m.; Staff Meeting, 11:00 am. 26 -- Adoration of the Blessed coming together that weekend to look back your family as well and not merely a 23-25 -- ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Sacrament 5-6 pm at all we have done, experienced and designation placed by Bishop Pfeifer? After – Annual meeting of the Holy become over the last 50 years. Mark your all, if we’re going to maximize the Sepulchre NOVEMBER calendars now. Mass will be at 11 a.m. that emphasis placed on the family by the 27 -- CRANE, Good Shepherd – 1 -- Office Closed – All Saints Sunday at the San Angelo Coliseum. A Church, we should, all of us, participate. Confirmation at 6:30 p.m. Holy Day reception will follow. A Saturday night Some thoughts: 28 -- BIG SPRING, Holy Trinity – Heart of Mercy Prayer Group  Pray with your family. 2 -- Non Profit Board dinner will precede Sunday’s festivities; When your Confirmation at 6:30 p.m. family hears you in dialogue with God, you 30 -- ABILENE, Holy Family – Development Seminar Adoration of additional information on all events is Mass –Diaconal Ordination of Sunil the Blessed Sacrament 5-6 pm forthcoming, so watch the Angelus each (Prem) Kumar Thumma at 11 a.m. 3 -- Shannon Volunteer Board month. (Please See EDITOR/20) 31 - SAN ANGELO, Holy Angels 4-7 -- San Angelo Women’s - Mass at 11:00 a.m. ACTS Retreat 8 -- Heart of Mercy Prayer Group Del Escritorio del Obispo NOVEMBER 9 -- Adoration of the Blessed 1 -- SAN ANGELO, Sacred Sacrament 5-6 pm Heart Cathedral – All Saints Day 11 -- Beta Sigma Phi – Memorial Reforma comprensiva Mass at 12:00 noon Service 2 -- SAN ANGELO, Calvary 15 -- Heart of Mercy Prayer Cemetery – All Souls Day Mass at Group immigratoria puede traer 11:00 a.m. 16 -- Adoration of the Blessed 3 -- SAN ANGELO, Diocesan Sacrament 5-6 pm Pastoral Center – Presbyteral 21 -- CKRC Confirmation bendiciones a nuestra pais Council Meeting – 11:00 a.m. Retreat 4 -- ODESSA, St. Mary – 22 -- Heart of Mercy Prayer Por el Obispo Miguel Pfeifer, OMI propio país a Egipto por el temor a Adoration Chapel Anniversary – Group Obispo Herodes. En el evangelio de San Mateo, Mass at 6:30 p.m. 23 -- Adoration of the Blessed Miguel Pfeifer Los Obispos Católicos de los Estados Jesús nos instruye a darle la bienvenida al 7 -- SAN ANGELO, HEB Feast Sacrament 5-6 pm OMI Unidos vez tras vez en años recientes han extranjero: “Pues tuve hambre, y ustedes of Sharing – 10:30 a.m. 25-26 -- Office Closed, dado una llamada urgente para una reforma me dieron de comer, tuve sed, y me dieron 8-9 -- CORPUS CHRISTI, Board Thanksgiving Holiday comprensiva de inmigración a un nivel de beber; anduve como forastero, y me Meeting of Kenedy Memorial 29 -- Heart of Mercy Prayer federal. Sin ninguna reforma nacional, hay dieron alojamiento.” (San Mateo 25:35) La Foundation Group 30 -- Adoration of the Blessed un gran temor que los estados puedan manera que tratamos a los inmigrantes 11 -- SAN ANGELO, Sacred promulgar legislación que es ni refleja nuestro compromiso a la justicia y Heart Cathedral -Veterans Day Sacrament 5-6 pm Mass at 11:00 a.m. comprensiva, ni compasiva, ni justa. decencia y respeto para personas y familias. 13-18 -- BALTIMORE, Meeting NECROLOGY La manera que tratamos a los inmigrantes, También afecta el crecimiento y bienestar of the USCCB NOVEMBER ya sean documentados o indocumentados, nacional de la economía. Recientemente, el 22 -- SAN ANGELO, Emmanuel 10 -- Rev. James Coleman es cuestión de justicia y amor. Se refleja Concilio de Consejos Económicos de los Episcopal Church -Thanksgiving (2002) nuestra llamada a amar a nuestros vecinos, Estados Unidos estima que “la ganancia Prayer Service 19 -- Rev. Frank Zimmerman, especialmente nuestros vecinos más neta nacional de inmigración es $37 25 -- SAN ANGELO, Sacred CM (1999) necesitados. La fundación evangélica para billones por año.” La reforma inmigratoria Heart Cathedral – Thanksgiving 23 -- Rev. Colm Mulligan, MSC nuestro enfoque es basada en la vida y comprensiva que es justa, y que respeta al (2003) Day Mass at 9:00 a.m. enseñanzas de Cristo Jesús. El niño Jesús 26-28 -- Rest and Prayer 27 -- Rev. Michael Dwyer, MSC (1997) fue un refugio, con sus papás, al huir de su (Mira OBISPO/22) Page 4 OCTOBER 2010 The Angelus

Haitians in Cayes-Jacmel wait in line for PARISH FESTIVAL SCHEDULE -- FALL 2010 medical care at a two-day free health care clinic at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish. OCTOBER 12 OCTOBER 17 Much of the region suffered directly from ST. BONIFACE--OLFEN SACRED HEART -- COLEMAN the Jan. 12 quake, then experienced an The St. Boniface Fall Festival is Oct. influx of people from the Haitian capital, 12 featuring traditional sausage, turkey OCTOBER 23-24 Port-au-Prince. (CNS photo/Tom Tracy) & dressing meal (11a.m.), along with ST. MARY’S -- ODESSA auction (1 p.m.), bingo and games (12 Phone: (432) 332 - 5334 p.m). This year's theme is "Happy 10 a.m.--10 p.m. Trails". Come enjoy the fun. Drive thru Held at St. Anthony Festival Grounds plates to go. 1321 W. Monahans, Odessa Delicious Food, Fun-filled Games, OCTOBER 16 Inspirational Music, Dance & more. ST. MARY-BROWNWOOD All are welcome! 10 am-5 pm 10 a.m.-2 p.m. -- Car show OCTOBER 24 10 a.m.-5 p.m. -- Children’s/Youth ST. ANN’S — SONORA Activities, Cake Walk, Country Store “Bountiful Blessings” Don’t forget Haiti 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. -- Silent Auction Sutton Co. Civic Center 10 a.m.-3 p.m. -- Loteria A brisket and sausage plate with all Country’s society, social fabric need to be re-woven 3-5 p.m. -- Live Auction the trimmings will be served from 11 5 p.m. -- Raffle a.m.-2 p.m. Game booths, silent auc- By Bishop Michael Pfeifer and access to healthcare. Haitian brothers who are in such dire 10 a.m.-5 p.m. -- Food Booths tion, cake walk, arts and crafts from 11 people need a helping hand and need. Funds can be sent directly Gorditas, turkey legs, burgers, curly a.m.- 4 p.m. Raffle drawing 4 pm. On January 12, a powerful the international community to Catholic Relief Services or to fries, Frito pie, hot dogs, roasted corn, must continue to listen to the cry the Diocese of San Angelo NOVEMBER 14 earthquake destroyed much of Filipino food, sausage wraps, popcorn, Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince of the Haitian people for help. which will then send the funds pickles, baked goods and more ST. JOSEPH--ROWENA 88th Annual St. Joseph Fall Festival and surrounding areas. The natural disaster of through the proper channels to OCTOBER 17 10:30 a.m.--Flag Ceremony- Approximately 250,000 people January 12 would have been the suffering members of the ST. AMBROSE/ Balloon Release have died and more than 1 mil- damaging to any country, any Body of Christ in Haiti. HOLY FAMILY -- WALL 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.-- Turkey and lion people are still homeless. major city in the world. But the To show our Diocesan support "GOD'S PROMISE" Rowena German Sausage horrific quake and its aftermath for the suffering people of Haiti, A turkey/dressing/sausage meal Six months after the terrible Dinner with Trimmings served quake, the situation remains dire, was much more disastrous in at my recommendation, the with all the trimmings, including home- Adults $8.00, Children - $4.00 made desserts will be served begin- Plates to Go $8--Drive Thru/Walk Up as hundreds of thousands lack Haiti. The natural disaster Presbyteral and Diocesan ning at 11 am in the Parish Hall. You Uncooked sausage for sale. even the basic necessities of life. brought enormous death and Finance Councils of the diocese may also purchase tickets for plates to 11:30 a.m.--3:30 p.m.-- The rebuilding efforts in Haiti destruction to people who were have approved to give $25,000 go. Entertainment will begin at 1 pm Children's Games - Bingo will take scores and scores of already living in deep poverty. from our budget to Haiti for the (auction area) and the live cotton/ Country Store opened all day. I am very grateful to the peo- next three years. I am deeply miscellaneous auction will begin at years, and we need to continue 1:30 p.m. -- Auction begins to offer prayer, spiritual, finan- ple of our diocese who sent in grateful for all those who sup- 1:30 pm. There will be indoor games 4:30 p.m. -- Sausage Sandwich open from 10 am-4 pm and outdoor Supper $3.00 (includes tea) cial and material support to our over $210,000 to assist the suf- port this effort, and our generos- games open from 11 am to 5 pm for brothers and sisters who lack fering people of Haiti after the ity I know will be blessed in the kids. Send your parish festival information such basic living necessities earthquake. I strongly encourage abundant ways back home. to [email protected]. such as portable running water, all to continue to be generous in Pray daily for the people of food, electricity, housing, roads giving support to our sisters and Haiti. Seminarians in need of your generosity, Oct. 9-10 By Rev. Hugh Wade On the weekend of October 9-10, there will be a Pastor-St. Mary. Star of the Sea special second collection for Seminarian Support. This is a very important collection, as the cost of BALLINGER -- A priest stood up in the pulpit educating our seminarians continues to increase. on a Sunday morning and said,” I am pleased to Tuition, room and board costs about $12,500 per announce that we have enough semester per student and this does not include trans- money to pay for the new edu- portation, monthly stipends, incidental costs, or cation center. The bad news is summer programs. I need your help. that the money is still in your The interest from the Seminarian burses is pockets!” “tapped out,” in other words has been used and we The Diocese of San Angelo is have applied for grants in the amount of $50,000 in a similar situation. At the and several other small grants. The remainder of the present time we have 15 semi- money comes from the Diocesan budget which is narians who are studying for funded by parish assessments and this special sec- the Diocese and one day soon Wade ond collection. will be assigned to either your On the weekend of October 9-10, I am asking parish or one near you. This Fall and Spring we you to be generous in your support of our will ordain two men Deacons and next Spring will Seminarians. I can assure you of their prayers and ordain them to the priesthood. Thirteen more men mine as we continue the ministry of Christ in the are following them and we need your help. Diocese of San Angelo. The Angelus OCTOBER 2010 Page 5 Same-sex unions can never be called ‘true marriage’ as God intended

By Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI Gay marriage supporters Susan McCray and Yvette Pratt watch A dramatic same-sex “marriage” debate has been election results at the No on sparked by the August 4 decision of Federal Judge Walker 1/Protect Maine Equality elec- to overturn California voters’ 2008 initiative that protects tion night rally in Portland, marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The Maine. Maine voters repealed a judge’s decision is irrational and violates the natural and state law granting same-sex couples the right to marry, divinely revealed law about the meaning of marriage that defeating an effort by gay has been held since the beginning of time—the book of activists. Genesis. Walker’s decision is flawed and irreparably so in that it never addresses head-on what a marriage is. Marriage between a man and woman is the bedrock of date other interests. The same- any society. Changing the definition of marriage to sex “marriage” debate must be include same-sex unions will change the social meaning reframed to become more of homosexuality and make it more acceptable. For this about marriage and family and reason, it is necessary that Church leaders grasp the less about homosexuality and importance of this issue, and give clear, informed pastoral the rights of homosexual per- direction for people on the long held teaching about the sons. meaning of marriage. Walker’s decision is not only a The Roman mockery of God’s holy institution of marriage but is an believes that a marriage is a abomination to God. Two people of the same sex engag- between a man and woman, established by God, of love faithful, exclusive, and lifelong ing in homosexual relations is complete rebellion to and life for procreation. A principled, convincing defense union between one man and one woman, joined as hus- God’s clear word in Sacred Scripture. of marriage, as a distinct and foundational social form is band and wife in an intimate partnership of life and love. As a church we present a clear argument that, although neither irrational nor prejudiced, but necessary for the This union was established by God with its own proper some propose same-sex unions may realize some of the common good and the well-being of all human persons. laws and no same goals of marriage like friendship, this fact does not This case needs to be made in conversation with groups make such relationships a “marriage” which is a covenant who argue that marriage must be changed to accommo- (Please See MARRIAGE/21) Collection for the Diocese

Bishop Michael Pfeifer visits of San Pedro Sula Nov., 6-7 with an Angelo State University student at the cam- The second collection in all churches of the Diocese of San pus’s Newman Center recent- Angelo on the First Weekend of November will be for the ly. Diocese of San Pedro Sula and its parishes. This Honduran dio- cese has been a partner of the Diocese of San Angelo since 2001, in response to the call of Pope John Paul II to seek unity in The Church in America. Several parishes in the Diocese of San Angelo are partners with parishes in the Diocese of San Pedro Sula. St. Ann’s in Midland is associated with Most Holy Trinity Parish in Chamelecon. St. Joseph/St. Anthony Parishes in Odessa are paired with Exaltation of the Holy Cross Parish in Baracoa. Holy Redeemer Parish in Odessa is in the initial stages of partnering with St. Isidore the Worker in La Ceiba. These associations have enriched the appre- ciation of Catholics in each other’s cultures and led to prayer, Newman Center opens year with new director communication and shared projects with each other. The ASU Newman Center students and faculty have participat- By Eric Book and Devon Kemp ed in mutual visits, lectures, and retreats. Other schools have indicated an interest in partnering. SAN ANGELO -- The Newman Center, the Catholic Student Center at Angelo State University, is As we grow in relationship with each other, many opportunities excited to start the new school year. The Newman Center celebrates Mass at noon on Wednesdays for mutual affection, prayer and solidarity will present them- throughout the school year, followed by lunch. Also, on Mondays and Fridays, lunch is made available selves. A Diocesan Partnership Team promotes the partnership, to students, faculty and guests at Noon. On September 1, a Meet and Greet was held to welcome fresh- meeting with counterparts of the Dioceses of San Pedro Sula and man and returning students. Tyler, Texas. Next year will be the Tenth Anniversary of the The event had a DJ and we were blessed with the presence of Bishop Michael D. Pfeifer, an ardent Hermanamiento (partnership). supporter of the Newman Center. He welcomed us all to the diocese and said he would be praying for Each year, a collection is taken up on the first weekend of us. This year we also have a new director, Sister Kathy. She has done a fantastic job of coming up November in parishes and missions of the Diocese of San with new and exciting ideas for us to participate in. She fits in with us all and is very welcoming. We Angelo, to assist the Diocese of San Pedro Sula and its parishes. are very excited for what the future holds for the Newman Center. This year the collection is on November 6 and 7, 2010. Page 6 OCTOBER 2010 The Angelus The Roman Missal: The challenges of change By Beth Dotson Brown / USCCB Because the new translation is truer to the Latin syntax, the sentences are sometimes long and grammatically Change is often accompanied by fear that challenges complex. There are also vocabulary changes. Msgr. priests in the when preparing to use the Sherman suggests priests read over the text to learn the new translation of the Roman Missal. Yet, amidst the best way to proclaim them. The more comfortable the newness of the prayers there are also opportunities that priest is with these changes, the easier it will be for the church leaders say can guide congregations to a richer congregation to learn them. liturgical and spiritual life. Although new missals will not be available until a year “I think we’ve always had an opportunity for a deeper after the final translation is approved, it’s not too early prayer, but I do think the translation is getting more for priests to begin preparing their congregations as well. nuance out of the text than we’ve had before,” says Msgr. Sherman suggests printing some of the new text in Father Paul Turner, an author, lecturer and a pastor in the church bulletin so people will begin to understand it. Missouri. “So we’ve got some deeper possibilities for He also encourages parishes to explain why the new catechesis and for spirituality with this translation.” translation was needed and how it was created. That deeper appreciation of the liturgy begins with the “The books we use to celebrate are at the center of our priest who will lead the people in using the missal. Msgr. liturgical life,” Msgr. Sherman says. “That’s what binds Anthony Sherman, executive director of the Secretariat us all together. Every single country in the world has that of Divine Worship at the U.S. Conference of Catholic text as the basis for the translation.” Therefore, every Bishops (USCCB), sees this as an opportunity for priests country will be using a new translation. to further develop their own spiritual life so they can The process of translation has been long and difficult ignite the faith of the congregation. and included the participation of a number of people, “The basic context of the Eucharistic prayers is the something Father Turner feels is important for those in same, therefore it’s an opportunity for priests … to take a the U.S. church to know. Living in a democracy, he says, look at some of the background material,” he says, not- “I think there’s some natural resistance when something ing the USCCB Web site has numerous resource materi- comes to us from the top down.” als posted. If priests can peacefully introduce the new texts to their He notes that in order for the missal to be successfully congregations, it can have great benefits. The new edi- implemented, “The priest needs to be able to pray each tion of the Roman Missal also has special items that prayer. And the only way one can approach this in a Catholics can look forward to. For instance, one reason more prayerful manner is to educate oneself on the back- the new missal was needed was that Pope John Paul II ground of the prayers, theological concepts contained in canonized a great number of saints. The new missal will the prayer, because then you can more intelligently and include texts to celebrate these saints. convincingly proclaim them for the people.” “These prayers will have to work on us in our psyche Father Turner agrees. “Our greatest challenge is to get and our prayer life for a number of years before we cap- inside those and make them sound like our prayer and ture the whole meaning,” says Msgr. Sherman. “I think not just the missal’s prayer,” he says. “We need to spend we’re also going to be on the verge of everyone in the time with the prayer ourselves, meditating on them and more authentic for us.” church being able to appreciate these prayers in a way figuring out more deeply what they mean, imagining Although priests have always tried to do this, the new that we never did in the past.” some context in our own lives that can make this prayer language in the translation presents them with possible stumbling blocks they will need to work through. Ministers will play crucial role in implementing new translation By Kate Blain / USCCB to prepare their proclamation of the He suggests that church ministers refer are being published that can aid in prayers since the style is different from to the new texts during meetings at adjusting to the liturgical changes. Now that the U.S. bishops and the what is now prayed,” he says, “the laity parishes and even open meetings by Not all parish ministers will be affect- Vatican have approved new English will experience some immediate changes reciting some of the prayers from the ed by the changes. The translation of translations of the Roman missal, the in the responses they say at Mass.” new translation to become more comfort- Scripture readings used at Mass will book of prayers used at Mass, experts For example, when the priest says, able with them and “gain access to the remain the same, so lectors will be unaf- say the next step is educating church “The Lord be with you,” the old richness they contain.” Doing so during fected. So will Eucharistic ministers. ministers – from lectors to musicians – response was, “And also with you.” Now special liturgical seasons like Advent and Church musicians, however, are anoth- to better serve at liturgies. the people will respond, “And with your Lent, he adds, may smooth the transition er story. The changes to the Roman Father Richard Hilgartner, associate spirit.” further. Missal will affect their ministry “pretty director of the United States Conference Since church ministers serve at litur- To prepare for the changes, the profoundly,” says Michael McMahon, of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat of gies, says Father Hilgartner, they will be USCCB provides a new Web page president of the National Association of Divine Worship, says the new adapta- responsible in part for guiding the people ( and is Pastoral Musicians and a church music tions of the missal will offer laypeople in the pews to understand and adapt to sponsoring a series of regional work- director. an opportunity to explore the great spiri- these changes. To prepare for this, he shops for priests and parish leaders. The Father Hilgartner explains, “Musicians tual richness that can be found in these says, lay ministers should “reflect on the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical will be challenged to lead the people in prayers. new translation for their own spiritual Commissions is planning workshops that “Just as priests who preside will have growth and development.” can be given at parishes. Materials also (Please See MINISTERS/20) The Angelus OCTOBER 2010 Page 7 New Marriage and Family Life Director to build on existing programs By Jimmy Patterson Natural Family Planning and with volunteer coordinators on the Editor / The Angelus Beginning Experience. parish level, meeting with them to One program Lewis is excited talk about needs and expectations. SAN ANGELO -- With the U.S. about implementing is a Dave When I was out in the teaching Conference of Catholic Bishops plac- Ramsey Financial Institution course. world, I can tell you families today ing added emphasis on marriage and “I think the financial part of mar- really, really need help,” Lewis said. family in these difficult times for the riage and family is really important “It’s hard to walk in the shoes of kids traditional institutions, the Diocese of and plays a big role and we tend not and parents out there today. I just San Angelo has recently brought on to look at that all the time,” she said. thank God I grew up when I grew up.” MaryAnn Lewis, former teacher and Lewis says she will also build up Lewis said there has been a palpa- one-time director of Christ the King resources for parishes to use for fami- ble level of excitement for family life Retreat Center, to assume the position ly and marriage counseling and plans and marriage opportunities on the of the Director of Marriage and to pay added attention to the small parish levels. Family Life. rural parishes who, she says, can For more information on the Lewis will work in tandem with often be overlooked. USCCB’s Marriage and Family Life volunteers on the parish level to nur- “Some of our smaller parishes don’t effort, visit the web site: ture programs relative to family and even have full time priests but they still and marriage and enhance programs have a strong community and often the download the bishop’s letter, MaryAnn Lewis, newly named Director of Marriage and already in place such as Engaged same needs as larger parishes.” “Marriage: Love and Life in the Family Life, a diocesan-based program operated out of But first, Lewis will plan meetings Divine Plan.” the Office and Education and Formation. Encounter, Marriage Encounter, Pope asks Catholics to reflect on impact of work, free time on family By Cindy Wooden relations with each other, with society and clear that both work and rest are blessings but a just profit, compatible with the Catholic News Service with the church, the pope said in a letter from God. But, he said, in modern soci- needs of workers, their families, society, to Cardinal , president of eties where market competition and maxi- protecting the environment" and offering VATICAN CITY -- Pope Benedict XVI the Pontifical Council for the Family. mum profit are seen as all-important, workers flexibility so that they can meet has asked Catholics around the world to The cardinal released the pope's letter families have little time together and even all their family obligations. use 2011 as a time to reflect on the Sept. 24 and presided over a news confer- days off are spent shopping or pursuing Family members, too, have to do more impact of their work and their free-time ence to discuss initial preparations for the individual interests. to ensure that each member of the family pursuits on their family life. gathering in Milan, which Pope Benedict "There is a need to promote a reflection shares in domestic chores and has free The reflection, he said, should help the has promised to attend. about and a commitment to reconciling time to relax and enjoy the company of church prepare for the Seventh World The World Meeting of Families and the the needs of work time and family time, others, he said. Meeting of Families, which will be in Pontifical Council for the Family were recovering the true meaning of days off, Cardinal Antonelli also said the pontifi- Milan May 30-June 3, 2012. established by Pope John Paul II in 1981 especially Sundays," which should be cal council hopes that by the time the The theme of the gathering will be: when he published his apostolic exhorta- dedicated to God, to family and to soli- World Meeting of Families opens in May "The Family: Work and Celebration." tion, "Familiaris Consortio," on the role darity, the pope said. 2012 his office will have finished a new "Work and celebration are intimately of the Christian family. Cardinal Antonelli said the church's set of guidelines and suggestions for tied with family life," impacting the In his letter to the cardinal, Pope message is that it is possible to run a Catholic marriage preparation programs. choices family members make and their Benedict said the Book of Genesis makes business, "aiming not at maximum profit, This fall, try a five-point tune-up to help enhance your marriage By Sheila Garcia of both sets of in-laws? If the two of you agree on a plan Check out the offerings from your local public school now, you’ll be ready to deal with the situation in a way system or community college. Read the parish bulletin At the end of each summer, my husband and I receive that’s fair to everyone. An added advantage: If you’re or website to see what’s being planned. Sign up—final- a letter that urges us to have our heating system checked flying for the holidays, you’ll be able to shop early for ly!—to walk for your favorite cause. Learning or doing before the Fall. It’s usually slipped through the mail slot cheaper air fares and the dates you want. something new, especially if you do it together, can on an oppressive August day, when more warmth is the * Fall for each other—again. Fun fall getaways enrich your marriage. If you decide on different activi- last thing I’m thinking about it. But I realize the wisdom abound, everything from pumpkin patches and apple- ties, share your experiences with your spouse and bring of preventive maintenance now, before a breakdown picking to colorful college football games and tailgate a new dimension to your marriage. occurs. parties. Get out your calendars now and pencil in a few * Get fit—spiritually. Summer often means a break from Marriages, too, benefit from preventive maintenance. dates. Don’t forget that romantic drive to view the fall routine. Have you let your spiritual practices slide over the Do you need to discuss a stressful issue before it erupts? foliage. past couple months? Rather than become discouraged, Are you looking for an activity or two to rejuvenate your * Show me the money. The last quarter of the year can make a September resolution to improve. Schedule time for marriage? The end of summer is a good time to plan for bring higher household expenses, including costs associ- prayer and spiritual reading, even if it’s only a few minutes. marriage maintenance, before the busyness of Fall kicks ated with the holidays. Can your budget handle it? Be Consider setting aside time to pray with your spouse (see in. Here’s a five-point list to get started: prepared by reviewing your financial status and making Who Me, Pray?…With Her?). Bring closure to the summer * Talk Turkey. Thanksgiving (and Christmas) turkey, any needed adjustments to your spending and saving. by celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. that is. Where will you be spending the holidays? Do * Go back to school. Maybe not literally, but Fall is an Sheila Garcia writes for the Marriage and Family Web you turn into jugglers, trying to balance the expectations excellent time to learn a new skill or try a new activity. site ( produced by the USCCB. Page 8 OCTOBER 2010 The Angelus Catholic Voices Human dignity can’t be checked at the jailhouse door By Stephen Kent unconventional treatment of county jail dignity, as is reducing meals to twice a requiring inmates to wear pink underwear, Catholic News Service inmates. He has required prisoners to day and boasting of the cost saving. has led to horrible things. wear pink underwear and dress in old- But this has found favor over the past It may be a long leap, but when is it "America's Toughest Sheriff" is back in fashioned stripes. He has limited county two decades with website blog comments time to take the first step to call attention the headlines, this time as the subject of a inmates to two meals a day, reinstituted such as this one: to it and deny it acceptance? federal suit. chain gangs and set up a "tent city" as an "More need to take a lesson from the This glorification of this "no coddling The U.S. Justice extension of the Maricopa County Jail. sheriff. Jail needs to stop being a fun criminals" tactic at the expense of human Department sued While, as a federal case might suggest, place to rest for a while. Jail is not a club. rights should make us uncomfortable. Arizona Sheriff Joe there may be something to criticize about Treat these people like (they) had their "Any system of penal justice must pro- Arpaio earlier this Arpaio's administration, let's go beyond freedoms taken away, not as though they vide those necessities that enable inmates month for allegedly that and focus on some of the public reac- are residing at a health club with cable TV to live in dignity: food, clothing, shelter, refusing to cooperate tion to Arpaio's tactics. and any other niceties." personal safety, timely medical care, edu- with a federal investiga- The majority of the voters of the county, In 2009, the federal government ended cation, and meaningful work adequate to tion into accusations that which includes Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe an agreement with Arpaio that allowed his the conditions of human dignity," U.S. the Maricopa County and other cities, apparently agree with deputies to enforce immigration law. bishops wrote in a 2000 pastoral, Sheriff's Office discrimi- Kent Arpaio, who is now serving his fifth four- Despite that, the sheriff has continued his "Responsibility, Rehabilitation and nates against Hispanics. year term. sweeps of Hispanic neighborhoods to Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on The suit says he failed to meet a deadline He has been called colorful and contro- enforce state immigration laws. Crime and Criminal Justice." to hand over documents the federal gov- versial, somewhat of a nationwide hero to Being "tough on crime" does not mean They assert this because "all are created ernment first asked for 15 months ago, the tough-on-crime segment of the popu- dehumanizing the criminal. in the image of God and possess a dignity, when it started investigating alleged dis- lation. History shows what happens when a value and worth that must be recognized, crimination, unconstitutional searches and Of concern is the approval for the class of people -- whether by race, gender promoted, safeguarded and defended." seizures, and jail policies. actions. or religion -- is denied the right to human God-given rights should not be left at Arpaio, who prides himself on actually Demeaning prisoners by forcing them to dignity. the jailhouse door. being "America's Toughest Sheriff," has dress in pink underwear and marching Branding, whether forcing an ethnic Kent is the retired editor of archdioce- been in the news since 1993 for his them through city streets is an attack on group to sew a symbol to their clothing or san newspapers in Omaha and Seattle. For 25th year, Rite of Christian Initiation has begun

By Father Peter J. Daly Then, in 1951, Pope Pius XII re-instituted the Easter desire to enter the Catholic Church and become known Catholic News Service Vigil. Before the late-1950s, the Easter Vigil had almost as "catechumens." disappeared. It was celebrated almost privately by the In the Rite of Catechumens the first week of Advent, RCIA -- the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults -- priests of the parish on Holy Saturday morning. There they stand before the parish and say they want to has begun again. I'm glad. was no congregation present. I can remember helping become Catholics. RCIA is the process by which non- with this "hidden vigil" as a boy. Catechumens are "hearers." In the ancient church, baptized people come into the So Pope Pius XII restored the Easter Vigil to parish they could listen to the Scripture and the homily, but Catholic Church. In our parish we life. It was celebrated in Latin. We blessed the Easter they had to leave before the Eucharist. call it the "Journey in Faith." This water and lit the Easter candle. Then, at the beginning of Lent, there is the Rite of will be my 25th time "on the jour- But there were still no baptisms of adults. That did Election. Now the church says, "Come join us." The ney." not come until after Vatican II. bishop calls catechumens to the sacraments of baptism, In the past 30 years, the way adults In the early 1970s, the church declared a revival of confirmation and Eucharist. "convert" to the Catholic Church has the "rites" of initiation that had been practiced in the Finally, at the Easter Vigil, they receive these sacra- changed. Daly ancient church. We brought back the rites of ments in a public celebration. It is the high point of the When I was a kid, adults would "Catechumens" and of "Election" (or enrollment of year for the parish. probably go to the rectory for a few private lessons with names). After Easter, they unpack all that has happened in a a priest. They might be given a book to read. After a But it was not until the 1980s that parishes really time called the mystagogia, the study of the mystery. few sessions, the adult would be privately baptized. began the RCIA. My parish began in 1984, two years What I like about this "Journey in Faith" is that it Then he or she would just start coming to church. before I was ordained. unfolds gradually. We get to tell our individual stories. No one outside the convert's family would know any- The important thing about the "Journey in Faith" is The church gets welcome them to the faith little by lit- thing about it. There would be no introduction to the that it is a process, not a program. We do it in stages. tle. parish. And we do it in communion with the church. Since every life and every story is different, the The parishioners would never be asked to invite any- First, there is the period of "evangelization" or the process never gets old. one to become a Catholic. There would be no call each precatechumenate. This can go for a few weeks or Candidates come to know the church not as a series year to invite adults to come into the church, no sense years. In this time people are known as "inquirers." of intellectual concepts to be learned but as a faith com- that we are all evangelists. When these inquirers are ready, they declare their munity to be part of and a life to be lived. The Angelus OCTOBER 2010 Page 9 Catholic Voices II Protecting children, from sweatshops to classrooms By Tony Magliano farm fields and battlefields. Their days ilies need the extra help of their children world's poor. Catholic News Service will be filled with long, dirty and danger- working in the fields or the added There's something else you can do to ous work. And the lessons they will learn income earned by their children laboring help poverty-stricken children move from While Christmas is the most wonderful is that life is cruel and unfair. elsewhere. work to school. time of the year, back-to-school days According to the highly respected Helping poor families climb out of In Afghanistan, Catholic Relief come in as a close second, for parents International Labour Organization, there poverty is essential to ending child labor Services is operating an education project that is. are globally 215 million children, 5 to 17 and thus paving the way for all children for children, girls especially, who never Although we parents years old, who miss out on school to attend school and build a better future completed elementary school because of and guardians have because they work. And among these for themselves and their families. the need to help support their families enjoyed lots of summer child laborers, 115 million of them are You can help by e-mailing and calling and, of course, the war. As a result, liter- fun with our children, involved in the worst forms of labor: your two U.S. senators and congressper- acy rates in isolated rural areas are dis- we're now very relieved slavery, bonded labor, production and son (Capitol switchboard: 202/224- mally low. In some rural districts of to turn our kids over to trafficking of drugs, pornography, prosti- 3121), asking them to push hard for a Afghanistan, fewer than 2 percent of their teachers each school tution and armed combat. much larger increase in the amount of adult women are literate. day. And actually, most By going to, and under funding for poverty reduction aid. Kindly consider making a donation to kids are glad to return to Magliano "themes," clicking "child labour," and Urge them to support at the very least Catholic Relief Services, P.O. Box the interesting and exciting world of for- then clicking "YouTube," you can view President 's 2011 budget 17090, Baltimore, Md. 21203-7090. In mal education. informative, emotionally touching videos request for poverty-focused development the memo portion of your check, write But for millions of children worldwide, on the crisis of child labor. And then you assistance in the State and Foreign "Education for All (1550-2733)." Or sim- it's work as usual. These children will can promise yourself that you are going Operations Appropriations Bill. ply go online to never learn to read or write. They will to try to make a difference in the lives of Bread for the World contends that, sufficiency/afghanistan/index.cfm. not acquire computer skills. They will these poor, sad children! even during these economically hard With a little work on our part, we can not experience singing in chorus, going The International Labour Organization times, the world's richest economy can help move children from sweatshops to on field trips or playing at recess. says poverty is a principle cause of child give far more than just the approximate classrooms! Their classrooms will be sweatshops, labor. In order to survive, very poor fam- $23 billion appropriated this year for the

The trick to happy Halloween costuming Kids today, I tell ya ... By Karen Osborne I felt that wearing any of the costumes I with being sexy, causing some women Catholic News Service found in the store would just make me and girls to always worry about their body look ridiculous. image when they go shopping. This notion I just returned from my first big pop cul- Here's the reason: I just couldn't find a so bombards guys with sexy language and ture convention in Atlanta. It was pretty girl's costume in the store that didn't play visuals in movies and advertisements that awesome. up sexiness to an extreme. Guys could be it's hard for them to look past appearances One of the things I loved best about the pirates or vampires or Iron Man, but few to the real person underneath. convention was the costumes, which costumes allow girls to be anything more It's a vicious cycle -- one that can be reminded me of a mas- than a sexy fill-in-the-blank: sexy nurse, tough for teens to travel. sive, weekend-long sexy soldier, sexy knight, sexy pirate This year, shopping for a Halloween Halloween party. wench. Even the zombie costumes were costume might be a good time to think Convention attendees arguably "sexy," with every bloody about what teens are doing when they often come as Jedi schoolgirl shirt knotted above the midriff open their closets in the morning. knights, robots, anime like a Britney Spears video. Do their clothes really say what they girls, Star Trek officers, Trying to do something creative and want them to say? Do they reflect their zombies, pirates and authentic with your costumes can be self-confidence, morals and values, or are superheroes. People tough when you don't have any options teens disrespecting their dreams and selves spend a lot of time per- besides "sexy" and "sexy." by trying to be something the world wants fecting these costumes, Osborne In this way, the convention was like a them to be rather than who they truly are? and some of them are so good they funhouse mirror to the real world, reflect- Is the character teens project every day wouldn't be out of place on a feature film ing a skewed, stretched view that never- when they get dressed a character they can set. theless has a grain of truth: that society admire? If not, how can they change their There were so many people in costume would have us believe that appearances selections so that the person inside the cos- that I was asked once or twice why I was- and being sexy are the most important tume is as awesome as the costume itself? n't dressed in one myself! things, whether we're attending a rockin' This is the trick for happy costuming It can be fun to wear a costume, to slip Halloween party or just going to school. that I'd share with teens: When you put into your favorite character's skin and live We dress in costumes of a sort every something on, whether it's for Halloween an entirely different life for a little while. single morning of our lives, choosing our or for tomorrow morning, be yourself But while I love dressing up in cos- clothing, makeup and more to influence first, and know who you really are and tumes, I haven't been doing much of it how the world sees us. where you're starting from. lately. In fact, last year, I went to my That, in effect, is what style really is. It's Once that happens, you can go any- Halloween parties wearing regular clothes; a shame that style is so often equated only where and be anything! Page 10 OCTOBER 2010 The Angelus Making Sense of Bioethics Spinning stem cell fairy tales Stem-Cell Research A new public opinion poll shows that nearly half By Rev. Tad Pacholczyk cle summarized it this way a few years ago: of U.S. adults oppose federal funding of embryonic “‘To start with, people need a fairy tale,’ said iscussions about the morality of stem cell Ronald D.G. Mckay, a stem cell researcher at stem-cell research. research often focus on the differences the National Institute of Neurological Disorders Dbetween adult stem cells and stem cells and Stroke. ‘Maybe that’s unfair, but they need a derived from embryos. The adult variety, such as story line that’s relatively simple to understand.’ Q. Do you support or oppose 38% those derived from bone marrow Human embryonic stem cells have the capacity using your federal tax dollars for SUPPORT or umbilical cords, are already to morph into virtually any kind of tissue, lead- experiments using stem cells from OPPOSE 47% providing an impressive array of ing many scientists to believe they could serve human embryos? treatments and cures for sick as a ‘universal patch’ for injured organs.” people, while the embryonic This idea, though still speculative, is straightfor- kind are not. Adult stem cells ward and easy to sell, especially to desperate can be obtained without crossing patients and patient-advocacy groups. Some sci- 9% YES any moral boundaries, whereas entists are happy to perpetuate the myth, too, Q. Should scientists be allowed to embryonic stem cells cannot, believing that this kind of "master cell" from the use human cloning to try to create children for infertile couples? because they are obtained by earliest stages of human life could help unlock 83% NO Pacholczyk destroying young human beings some of the most primordial and tantalizing bio- who are still in their embryonic logical powers mankind has ever seen — almost stages of growth. God-like powers, leading to the “Tree of Life” 12% YES In spite of great progress in identifying ever itself. As some researchers ambitiously seek to Q. Should scientists be allowed to use more powerful adult stem cell sources, scientists wrench control of those life-powers into their human cloning to create a supply of still clamor for embryos. Even in the face of own hands, it should perhaps come as no sur- human embryos to be destroyed in impressive new technologies for making prise when they yield to the seductive siren call medical research? 76% NO “embryonic-like” stem cells without using of our day: “One life can sometimes be taken for embryos, the chorus of voices pushing for the the benefit of another,” and “Good ends can sacrifice of embryos seems only to grow louder. sometimes justify evil means.” Survey from a random sample of 1,006 adults conducted Sept. 8-14, 2010. Indeed, one of the most common questions I In a way, then, embryonic stem cells have Source: International Communications Research ©2010 CNS encounter when I give talks about stem cells is become a great modern secular fairy-tale, even a why scientists and politicians are so intent on kind of surrogate for our yearning for immortali- pursuing the destruction of human embryos ty. People are being told that Alzheimer’s can be when so many other non-embryonic sources of addressed; Parkinson’s can be overcome; diabetes Almost half oppose federal funds stem cells are available that are already helping can be defeated; and MS can be conquered. Who countless patients with serious diseases. What is knows? Perhaps we could extend our longevity, for embryonic stem-cell research behind this incessant drumbeat to go after the defeat aging, and live as if we were always human embryo? young. Perhaps we could even defeat death itself WASHINGTON (CNS) -- A new public opinion poll released Sept. 16 One can sense a certain "logic of killing" that through these powerful cells! Vanquishing death shows that 47 percent of Americans oppose federal funding of embryon- hovers in the wings of these discussions. If tiny and achieving immortality through science — the ic stem-cell research, while 38 percent support such funding. human embryos were to be safeguarded and pro- reality-bending power of these myths and fairy- The poll, conducted by International Communications Research in tected by law, this would constitute a threat, if tales should not be underestimated. Media, Pa., surveyed a random sample of 1,006 adults Sept. 8-14. It not a frontal assault, to legalized abortion-on- In the final analysis, the “planned suppression was commissioned by the U.S. bishops' pro-life secretariat. demand, which routinely allows us to end the of human beings” cannot be allowed to continue Survey respondents were informed that stem cells also can be lives of older, almost-born humans more than to creep into the practice of modern science and obtained from adults, placentas, live births and other means that do no 3000 times every day in the United States by medicine. Our yearnings for various goods and harm to the donor. They also were told that scientists disagree on surgical means and many more each day through blessings, like healing and new medical thera- whether stem cells from embryos or from such alternative sources may chemical means. This desire to sanction current pies, must always be tempered by our duty to end up being most successful in treating diseases. immoral practices is certainly one reason we see pursue responsible and completely ethical sci- Fifty-seven percent of respondents said they favor funding only the continuing pressure to allow the destruction of ence. Only by insisting on the use of upright research avenues that do not harm the donor, while only 21 percent human embryos for research. means to achieve good ends can we steer clear favored funding all stem-cell research, including research that involves Pope Benedict XVI, in a recent address, spoke of the Nazi-like drive to subjugate and destroy killing embryos. of resisting “…those forms of research that pro- others in our quest for desirable outcomes. Only The same day the poll results were issued the U.S. Senate held a hear- vide for the planned suppression of human then can science be a force for authentic healing ing on whether federal money should fund embryonic stem-cell beings who already exist, even if they have not and truly stand at the service of humanity. research. yet been born. Research, in such cases, irrespec- Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. earned his "The Senate should not be misled on this important issue," said tive of efficacious therapeutic results, is not truly doctorate in neuroscience from Yale and did Richard Doerflinger, associate director of the U.S. Conference of at the service of humanity.” post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a priest of Catholic Bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. In our society, however, the hype surrounding the diocese of Fall River, MA, and serves as the "Most Americans do not support federally funded research that the harvesting of human embryos as a way to Director of Education at The National Catholic requires destroying human embryos," he said in a statement. "They cure nearly every disease has taken on the form Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. See want their tax dollars used for stem-cell research that is ethically sound of a popular mythology. A Washington Post arti- as well as medically promising." The Angelus OCTOBER 2010 Page 11 First Person Military archbishop reflects on wartime service Those serving our country, Broglio says, are ‘among the hardest working, most generous’ of all Americans

By Melanie Spencer traumatic syn- Catholic News Service drome disorder. Their spiritual uthentic patriotism flows well from HOUSTON (CNS) -- Although needs must be the word "veterans" might con- met and their an authentic Christian faith. Jesus jure up visions of those close to families cared ‘Ataught us to render unto Caesar or at retirement, veterans today for. what is Caesar's and to God what belongs are just as likely to be young peo- Q: Since your ple left injured physically or emo- installation in to God. Fundamentally, that means that the tionally by war, says Archbishop 2008, what has requirements of love of country mean serv- Timothy P. Broglio of the U.S. been the most Archdiocese for the Military rewarding ice, fidelity, but also the ability to distinguish Services. aspect of your right from wrong.’ The archbishop, who was work and scheduled to be in Houston Sept. why? 21 to attend a reception and din- -- Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio ner benefitting the military arch- A: When I diocese, recently participated in think of the an e-mail interview with The ministry I am Texas Catholic Herald, newspaper now privileged of the Archdiocese of Galveston- to exercise, those I serve immedi- Q: How do you counsel Prayer of the Archdiocese Houston, about the rewards and ately come to mind. Those in the Catholics in the military to stay challenges of ministering to military today and their families true to the faith, while also for the Military Services Catholics in the military. are among the finest people I staying true to their duties as Almighty God and Father, look with love upon have met. They are hard-working soldiers? Q: How is ministering to mili- and generous. Their sense of grat- our men and women in uniform and protect tary personnel, veterans and itude for even the smallest service them in their time of need. Give them health A: Authentic patriotism flows and stability and allow them to return to their the families of both different or gesture on my part is hum- well from an authentic Christian than doing similar work with bling. As I knelt to wash the feet loved ones whole and unshaken. Be with their faith. Jesus taught us to render families and sustain them in these uncertain civilians, especially during a of those serving in Baghdad on unto Caesar what is Caesar's and times. time of war? Holy Thursday in 2009, I reflect- to God what belongs to him. ed on the fact that a symbolic Fundamentally, that means that Grant strength and peace of mind to the veter- A: Ministry to military personnel gesture really gave voice to the the requirements of love of coun- ans who have given their best for the country in wartime is challenging, essence of this ministry: serving try mean service, fidelity, but also they love. Support them in infirmity and in the because the priests are deployed those who serve. the ability to distinguish right fragility of old age. Teach us to remember their with the troops, but their numbers from wrong. The military recog- sacrifices and to express our gratitude. are insufficient to meet the pas- Q: What has proved the most nizes this by recognizing the toral needs of those in the war challenging aspect? value of conscience and the privi- Manifest your tender care to those in the mili- zone. At the same time, the fami- leged nature of communications tary academies who prepare for future service lies of those who are gone still A: This ministry is challenging between chaplain and service and to those who serve our nation far from need the services, counsel and because of the shortage of priests, member. home. Teach us to remember the sacrifice of programs provided in peacetime. the distances that my auxiliary those whose efforts contribute to ensuring our The same number of priest-chap- bishops and I must travel, and the Q: What is your top priority in way of life. lains must meet both needs. constant need for funding. The the coming year throughout the Bless and multiply the priests who minister to fact that the Archdiocese for the archdiocese of the military? While the term "veterans" might Military Services has no regular the faithful of the Archdiocese for the Military bring to mind older individuals source of income (there are no Services. Reward their generosity and keep A: My top priority is to increase them faithful. who are close in age to the retired parishes and absolutely no gov- the number of Catholic chaplains of all times, it must be remem- ernment funds) means that the in the military and to support and bered that these wars have left entire annual budget must be sub- Hear us as we present our prayers to you, sustain our co-sponsored seminar- through Christ our Lord. many young people maimed and sidized by the generous donations ians. many others suffering from post- of others. Page 12 OCTOBER 2010 The Angelus The Angelus OCTOBER 2010 Page 13 God’s divine providence Midland deacon witnesses unending selfless service in small Italian town Editor’s Note: I heard Midland Deacon Mark LaMonica tell the following story at a Mass this summer at St. Stephen’s. The inspiring message of God’s love is something from which others can benefit. I asked him to write his homily for publication in the Angelus By Deacon Mike LaMonica calm silent voice “God will provide … just trust!” and ASSUOLO, ITALY -- I believe in God’s Providence yet never had it just as I received this word, Lower left, the Lista Family of Sassulo, Annalisa (mother), twins Andrea and been as obvious to me as it was this summer during a visit to Italy. I heard two American Francesca, and father Beppe; at left, mealtime at Casa di Carita, and above, SOur new Church, San Miguel Arc Angel in Midland, was being built priests talking in ENGLISH! Juliana, a volunteer from South America, with Franka, center, and Cardinal Camillo and I was on a mission to retrieve relics for the new altar. I also had sev- I turned and told them who I Ruini, who was Pope John Paul II’s vicar of Rome and at one time was said to have been a top candidate to replace the former pope. eral side missions while in Rome: two weeks of Sacred Scripture study, a was, and what I wanted to meeting with a Vatican official, and two "bucket list" items I could cross off: do, and they said, “No prob- House of Charity to serve as a deacon at a Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica, and also at the lem, you can assist us at Casa di Carita was established for people who cannot provide care for tomb of St. Francis of Assisi. Mass. Follow us to the family members that have special needs such as Down Syndrome, I was told that as a deacon in Italy, I was to wear clerical clothes if I Sacristy and act as if you autism, cerebral palsy, and severe mental retardation. The house was wanted to participate in the Mass at St. Peter’s. In Rome, I bought the know what you’re doing.” formed to take them in and care for them as a Catholic community proj- clerical shirts, pants, and even black shoes. With my Roman collar, and Priests from all over the ect. Currently, a nun in her 40s, S. Cristianna, coordinates volunteers and new clothes in hand I appeared at dawn, as recommended, at St. Peter’s. world come to St. Peter’s is assisted by three older nuns that are in their 70s and 80s (yet fully There, I was told to see an English-speaking priest and perhaps I would sacristy, which is the size of active!). be allowed to assist at a Mass in St. Peter’s. a small home with three- I was fascinated at the efficiency and joy that this operation of Casa di On a beautiful May morning, I stood at the steps of St. Peter’s with story tall ceilings, ancient Carita practiced. Anyone who has worked with autism and cerebral palsy about 200 others who had gathered for daily Mass. Many people make a paintings and marble floors. family members knows how very labor intensive it is. Yet the volunteers once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage to Rome. So I stood listening to a myriad of Mesmerized by the sights, and sisters have been doing this for 50 years. remembered an invitation from a family in northern Italy -- Papa Guiseppe languages of the people but none were English! Interiorly I heard the sounds and smell of incense, we were led to the first available altar for In Italy, when you serve a meal, there are no paper plates and no plastic (Beppe), Mama Lisa, and the 18 year old twins Francesca and Andrea -- Mass (St. Peter's contains countless side altars in addition to the main for guests. When they serve a meal here, each person dines off china who invited me to stay with them in Sassuolo. altar). After passing several altars already in use, we came to the altar of and uses silverware. Volunteers constantly take dishes back and forth to “Maybe I will just pray and immerse myself in the way of life of this St. Michael the Arch Angel! What an overwhelming feeling of God’s provi- the kitchen while feeding clients wonderful home-cooked meals -- three Italian family,” I told Madolyn. Little did I know dential care for our new home San Miguel times a day. It takes the workers as long as two hours at each meal to that God had the best school I have ever been in Midland. Many other things happened in feed and clean the residents. This is in addition to the cleaning, changing “She invited me to experience this to in my life waiting for me in this little non- Italy to hammer into my heart my belief in and caring for their other needs. tourist village of 50,000 people. the providence of God. Observing this activity I began to ponder how they do this. How do they ‘House of Charity’ first hand and that’s At the time I was there, Sassuolo was under- keep it up? One worker feeds a lady with Down Syndrome who cannot going a really hard economic time, and this was What now? when my real schooling began. I was feed herself. Very patiently the worker cuts, dips and spoons each morsel an industrial town with high unemployment. Returning to Rome for school I was dis- for her. I came to learn that her name is Franka. Franka, who is 61 and to learn about charity and the full Mama Lisa volunteers at least once a week at a appointed to learn that I was NOT going to has a bald crown and stringy hair on the sides of her head, looked and place called “Casa di Carita.” She invited me to be going to school in Rome after all. I said impact of what God’s Providence smiled at the person feeding her, and then she stroked the volunteer’s experience this “House of Charity” first hand and to my wife, Madolyn, “What am I going to face, loving and thanking her in the only way she knew how. This was means.” that’s when my real schooling began. I was to do now? I should be in school for two one of my first lessons but the next brought me to tears. Daily mass at learn about charity and the full impact of what weeks, and now I’m stuck in Rome, and do -- Deacon Mike LaMonica Casa di Carita is not like anything I had ever experienced before. Yet God’s Providence means. not know what to do, but I know God will another time intensive event, it requires 30 to 45 minutes just to set up for provide.” After a day of prayer in Rome, I (Please See CARITA/19) Page 14 OCTOBER 2010 The Angelus Nation Infertility, sex trafficking, death penalty among Respect Life topics WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Pro- requires of us? The answer should cle, this year's Respect Life pro- life concerns ranging from infertili- be obvious: no." gram packet includes articles on: ty treatments to sexual trafficking The Respect Life package also  "American Youth and the and from population control to the specifically includes among pro-life Culture of Life" by graduate stu- death penalty are part of the U.S. concerns -- for the first time since dents Megan Breen and Samuel Conference of Catholic Bishops' 2006 -- opposition to capital pun- Vasquez. Respect Life program for 2010-11. ishment. Members of Catholics  "Sex Trafficking: The New Materials in English and Spanish, Against Capital Punishment had Slavery" by Diane Bayly of the including posters, fliers, liturgy asked Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo USCCB's Office of Migration and guides, recommended resources, of Galveston-Houston, chairman of Refugee Services. bulletin inserts and artwork, are the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life  "Hope for Married Couples Who available to help parishes, organiza- Activities, to include the issue this Want to Have a Child" by Dr. John tions and individual Catholics par- year. Bruchalski of the Tepeyac Family ticipate in the yearlong program "We are concerned that by disre- Center. that begins Oct. 3, Respect Life garding the issue of the death  "Caring for Each Other, Even Sunday. penalty, ... the pro-life committee Unto Death" by Marie Hilliard of The theme of this year's obser- may be ignoring the wise counsel the National Catholic Bioethics vance is "The measure of love is to offered three decades ago by the Center. love without measure." U.S. bishops in their historic 1980  "Make Room for People" by A brochure for this year's pro- statement on capital punishment," Steven Mosher of the Population gram offers vignettes from the the organization said in a Dec. 2 Research Institute. experiences of Catholic families letter to the cardinal. "In it, the  "Losing a Child to Suicide: dealing with a teen's unexpected bishops affirmed that in voicing Trusting in God's Mercy" by pregnancy, an elderly relative's per- their opposition to the death penal- Gladys Sweeney of the Institute for sistent vegetative state and the ty, they sought to remove a 'certain the Psychological Sciences. impending birth of a special-needs ambiguity' about our church's affir- This year's liturgy guide offers child. mation of the sanctity of all human intercessions for life; suggested "There are no easy answers to life." homily reflections for Respect Life challenges like these that families In an article for the 2010-11 Sunday and Jan. 22, the anniversary face every day, but there are clear package, Bishop Robert W. Finn of of the Supreme Court decisions that answers, and we know deep down Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo., linked legalized abortion; a litany for life; which answers are right and which the issue of capital punishment to and a prayer, enthronement and are wrong," the brochure says. God's divine mercy. novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe. "Without trying to minimize the "As we seek a reason to put aside Begun in 1972, the Respect Life enormous sacrifices facing each of the practice of the death penalty, program brings church teaching on these families, the question comes perhaps the best motive is our the value and dignity of human life down to this: Is it morally permissi- desire to imitate God in his mercy to the Catholic community and the ble to have a member of our family toward those for whom Jesus died," wider public through education, killed to avoid the tremendous per- he wrote. prayer, service and advocacy. sonal sacrifice his or her care In addition to Bishop Finn's arti- Archbishop Dolan: ‘Too many don’t see that Jesus, Church are one’ By Mike Nelson to those gathered on the Cathedral of Our He invited his audience to consider king, but not the kingdom; they want to Catholic News Service Lady of the Angels' plaza in downtown those words carefully as he noted that, believe without belonging; they want the Los Angeles. once converted, Saul/Paul "seeks out the faith, but not the faithful. But for the LOS ANGELES -- Jesus and the The breakfast followed an early morn- church, the united followers of Jesus. He committed Catholic, the answer to that is, Catholic Church are one -- "a package ing rosary and Mass, concelebrated by sought out the church in order to find 'no can do.' Jesus and the church are deal" that a disturbingly increasing num- Archbishop Dolan, Los Angeles Jesus, so that he could be united in the one." ber of people seem to ignore even as they Coadjutor Archbishop Jose H. Gomez disciples' work of evangelization." Not that all is negative, the archbishop profess to be religious, Archbishop and the archdiocese's auxiliary bishops. Yet, the archbishop said, that connec- said, noting that last year more than Timothy M. Dolan of New York told a Los Angeles Cardinal Roger M. Mahony tion seems to be lost on many of today's 3,000 people in the Archdiocese of New crowd of more than 1,500 people Sept. presided. people, including many lapsed, inactive York entered the church. "And thanks to 21 at the sixth annual Los Angeles Archbishop Dolan cited the conversion and fallen-away Catholics -- some of immigration, the church still grows, and Catholic Prayer Breakfast. story of St. Paul to illustrate the connec- whom have renounced and rejected the the vast majority of Catholics are faith- "Our number one pastoral problem tion, noting that "Jesus did not ask, 'Saul, Catholic faith. ful," he said. "But for committed today is that too many people don't see why do you persecute my people?' or "We are living in an era where people Catholics, the great challenge for us the intrinsic connection between Jesus 'Why do you persecute my church?' Jesus believe in Christ, but not in his church," today is addressing those who believe, Christ and the Catholic Church," he said asked, 'Why do you persecute me?'" said Archbishop Dolan. "They want the 'We can have Christ without his church." The Angelus OCTOBER 2010 Page 15 Our Faith Morality of in vitro fertilization/artificial insemination By Father John Dietzen to another environment, usually the moth- Second, IVF procedures particularly Catholic News Service er's or another woman's womb, for contin- involve producing a number of zygotes uing development until the time of birth. (fertilized ova). Some or all are usually Q. What are the Catholic Church's IVF is called heterologous if the gametes placed in a womb; all but one or a few of views on artificial insemination? I know it come from a man and woman not married them usually die one way or another. In is opposed to in vitro fertilization, which is to each other, and homologous if the cells some procedures, this involves direct something different. come from a husband and wife married to killing of human lives; in others, it may What is the difference one another. not. At the very least it wrongly places between lovingly bring- For us who were raised when there was new human life in high risk of death. ing a life into the world only one way for a baby to be conceived And third, this process of initiating new by using new techniques and carried to term in the womb of its human life is a subversion of the dignity and prolonging a life by mother, it boggles the mind to realize that and unity of marriage and of the integrity of Our Holy Father’s using scientific advances there are dozens of combinations today natural and necessary parental relationships Monthly Intentions such as a pig heart whereby all of this can happen. And each with children as they come into the world. 2010 valve? (Indiana) has its own array of religious and human, This aspect of artificial insemination and A. Artificial insemination Dietzen and therefore moral, questions. IVF may seem less tangible, but it is an and in vitro fertilization (IVF) are two of One of them, of course, arises when a important and profound one. In the tradition OCTOBER many procedures today that change or sub- third party is involved, when the real bio- and teachings of the church, as well as in Catholic Universities. That stitute for human reproduction by sexual logical father is not the husband of the the vast majority of human social traditions Catholic Universities may increas- intercourse and gestation in the uterus of the mother, and is perhaps even unknown. The throughout history, sexual relations in the ingly become places where, in mother. They are different but share many possible (and often real) serious confusions context of the marriage relationship are the light of the gospel, people may challenges that question their moral validity. about parental relationship and responsibil- worthy and solid setting capable of assuring experience the unity of faith and Artificial insemination is the insemina- ity are obvious. a healthy nurturing of new human life. reason. tion of a woman by injection of the sperm The church considers IVF and artificial Heterologous fertilization, of course, World Mission Day. That (obtained by masturbation or other means) insemination morally unacceptable for at brings in the additional question of mar- World Mission Day may help of her husband or of another donor. least three fundamental reasons. riage fidelity and parental identity and Christians realize that the task of IVF is fertilization outside the woman's First, from the time the ovum is fertil- responsibility. But even homologous fertil- proclaiming Christ is a necessary body, using sperm of the husband or anoth- ized, a separate human life has begun that ization deprives human procreation of the service to which the Church is er donor. The gametes (woman's ovum and has its own identity and dignity. dignity that is proper and natural to it. called for the benefit of humanity. male sperm) are united, and conception Commercial, scientific and other proce- It needs to be clearly stated that when IVF occurs in a laboratory container where the dures often performed on lives begun in or any other kind of artificial fertilization NOVEMBER first stages of new human growth occur. vitro violate the respect and physical and does happen, the resulting life is no less * Care of Creation. That all Soon the developing embryo is transferred spiritual reverence owed to these lives. human and no less to be accepted with love. people of good will, especially those who make political and eco- nomic policies, may commit them- Marriage support available at your fingertips selves to care for all creation. * Peace of God. That believ- By Father Eugene Hemrick Kurtz of Louisville, spoke on the work of On the same subject of forgiveness we ers of every religion may witness Catholic News Service the United States Conference of Catholic learn: "Many individuals and couples love through their lives and through Bishops. He directed us to the bishops' to privately write down all their hurts and dialogue that the Name of God "Couples about to be married write a let- website on marriage then safely burn the paper in order to brings peace. ter to each other in which they express why ( Here is an grieve and let go of these hurts. If you they love one another. example of the counsel it gives to married choose to do this, watch the ritual. The ash Daily Offering Prayer During the marriage cer- couples: is a different substance from the paper (a Jesus, through the Immaculate "Forgiveness is tricky; it is both a deci- chemical change). And ash can be used as emony, I often include Heart of Mary I offer you my sion and a process. It is a decision because fertilizer! This is exactly what God wants excerpts from the letters prayers, works, joys and sufferings in my homily. You it involves using our will and intellect to to do with our hurts as well. God will turn of this day in union with the Holy should see the tears this decide to forgive. It is not a feeling; we our hurts into good when we give them brings. What is most need to decide to forgive. Yet it is also a over to God. But if we hold onto our hurts Sacrifice of the Mass throughout touching is God's role in process because we have a right to work too much, God respects our free will and the world. I offer them for all the guiding them." through the hurt with somebody who is may not be able to transform them into the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation The priest who shared Hemrick helpful and will validate our feelings (a new life God wants for us." this with me was one of good friend, a priest, a therapist, etc.). Do The one thing I came away with most for sin and the reunion of all several participants at this year's J.S. not wait to feel like you need to forgive from the Paluch meeting is that no one Christians. I offer them for the Paluch gathering for vocation directors. because that may never happen. That said, need go it alone in married life. All that is intentions of our bishops and of all Marriage was its topic. if you have a very hard time forgiving, the needed is to enlist the Internet to learn cre- Apostles of Prayer, and in particu- I am always amazed how much I learn very first place to start is prayer: Ask God ative ways for keeping a marriage alive lar for those recommended by our from keynote speakers and informal con- for the grace to decide to forgive as you and together. Holy Father this month. versations with people like the above. The process the hurts with somebody you Help, especially from our church, is at keynoter this year, Archbishop Joseph E. trust." our fingertips! Page 16 OCTOBER 2010 The Angelus JUST 4 KIDS God calls Amos as one of his prophets

During the reign of Uzziah, king of Judah, and Jeroboam, king of Israel, there lived a man named Amos, who had been called by God to be a prophet. The Lord gave Amos words to speak to the people of all of Israel, wherever they lived. The Lord was angry with his people, and he wanted them to know his wrath would be firm against them when they sinned or turned away from God. Amos declared the word of the Lord to the people of the different regions, from Aram to Tyre and from Ammon to Moab. For their crimes, he said, the Lord would not revoke his word, but he would punish them according to their deeds. In addition, God said he would send three woes upon Israel if they did not repent. READ MORE ABOUT IT SPOTLIGHT ON SAINTS The first woe would be against those who "turn judgment The Book of Amos Vincent de Paul (1580-1660) grew up to wormwood and cast justice to the ground!" As a result of Q&A on a farm, but he was fortunate to be this woe the Lord said, "There shall be lamentation, and in 1. Upon whom would the first woe be able to study at the University of sent? Toulouse, and he was ordained a priest every street they shall cry Alas! Alas!" 2. What was God's promise about when he was only 20 years old. He For this, the Lord also offered a way to avoid his punish- Israel? served in a well-paying position as a ment: "Seek good and not evil, that you may live." chaplain of Queen Margaret of Valois, but The second woe was for those "who yearn for the day of BIBLE ACCENT he was accused of stealing from one of the Lord!" For them the day of the Lord would be darkness Amos lived at the same time as Isaiah, his friends. He denied it, but had to live under a shadow of suspicion until the real and not light. This was for those whose sacrifices were about 800 years before the birth of Christ, thief was caught several months later. meaningless to the Lord, but if they offered a true holocaust but he is not as familiar to as many Vincent became friends with an influen- Christians as Isaiah is. He preached to the Lord, then God would "let justice surge like water, and tial priest who helped him become a tutor goodness like an unfailing stream." about justice and the judgment and for the children of the Count of Joigny power of God. and spiritual director to the count's wife. The third and final woe was for "the complacent in Zion, to The Book of Amos may have been the Vincent cared for the poor and the sick, the overconfident on the mount of Samaria." For these peo- first book of prophecy to have been writ- and he raised money to help them and to ple, Amos asked a question, "Are you better than these ten down, either by some of the followers build hospitals to provide medical care. kingdoms, or is your territory wider than theirs?" of Amos or by other literate people who He was canonized in 1737, and Pope The Lord promised a swift judgment for the third woe: heard what Amos said and were able to Leo XIII later declared him the patron of "Therefore, now they shall be the first to go into exile, and write down his messages. charitable societies. We honor him Sept. This book reads more like a collection 27. their wanton revelry shall be done away with. ... Beware, I of poems than a narrative, which in many am raising up against you, O house of Israel." ways makes the words of God more vivid. PUZZLE Still, Amos had visions from God about his anger with Many of the short prophecies are intro- The lesser-known (or minor) prophets Israel. He saw swarms of locusts that were eating all of the duced simply by the words, "Thus says do not get as much attention as the more grass in Israel. A basket of ripe fruit appeared before Amos, the Lord." well-known prophets. Circle the names of the minor prophets that have books in the and the Lord told him, "The time is ripe to have done with Although much of the book deals with my people Israel; I will forgive them no longer." God's anger toward Israel, he ends with a Old Testament: Nostradamus, Nahum, promise: "I will bring about the restoration Haggai, Armenius, Philippus, Malachi, The Lord also gave Amos a promise of hope for of my people Israel." Amos, Timothy, Collosius, Habakkuk Israel: "I will bring about the restoration of my people Israel." (Answers, Page 17) The Angelus OCTOBER 2010 Page 17 Family If you’re planning on moving, don’t. Just don’t. Trust me. By Jimmy Patterson Yes, the physical aspect of picking up box after box is for a new house is that when you find something you think toilsome. But the hard part -- the really hard part -- is liv- you like, just don’t say anything. As a husband, and as my Karen, the kids and I lived in the same modest home in ing like you want people to think you live when you know son found out being a teenage boy, it is important that we Midland for 17 years. We often found we needed some- someone is coming to view your house. just keep quiet. We should really only say we like some- thing bigger during all those years, but Our old house is, as of the end of September still for thing after our wives or mothers say they like it first. We my overriding thought, philosophy sale, the victim of a sluggish market and, we are assuming could walk into a house with wood paneling for instance, maybe, was that not moving would pro- the fact that it has only a one-car garage. and it could remind us of a hunting cabin we stayed at vide more stability for our children. I was Cleaning up your act as you prepare for someone to once, but, as I have learned, it’s really not something we raised in the same house growing up in come walk through your digs is one of the hardest thing want to live with every day. Unless we hope to live alone, Irving. Even now I look back with fond- I’ve ever had to do. But if I thought Karen was insistent I was reminded. ness on that suburban house, especially that I pick up after myself BEFORE we put the old house We walked in one house and I admired the residents’ now that it has recently been sold and out on the market, geez-a-loo, I barely had time to go to work corner sofa unit -- until Karen pointed out to me that it had of the family for the first time since each day for picking up stuff I didn’t even know I was actually once been our corner sofa unit. Exact same piece 1965. leaving around. of furniture. Talk about shocked. But I wondered what Moving our family was something my Patterson It was like that for two months. Every single day. kind of a person would one day buy my old furniture? I wife had wanted to do for several years. Our home was And while we were busy pretending to be cleaner than walked through the house to find out. And what I found functional but we had always hoped for something a little we really were, we ourselves traipsed through house after was a NASCAR fan who hung his caps above the mantle more suiting our needs. So we have spent the last couple house belonging to people who had been making the same like they were trophies. So that is what I would have of months uprooting ourselves and finding that dream sacrifices as my son and I had been called to make at our become if my wife had let me settle for the old and didn’t home we had always wanted one day. house. Just once I wanted to walk through a house with a welcome something new. But I gotta tell ya: It ain’t easy. Aside from running newspaper lying on a footstool, a stack of paperwork on a Moving after 17 years may be hard, but I found that across boxes and boxes of memory-inspiring photographs desk, or a toilet running. LET ME SEE HOW YOU LIVE, despite the hard work, the pretending to be someone of family members when they were in diapers (um, that PEOPLE! I am not going to be living a dream life, so it’s you’re not, and the fact that when you move into a new would be the kids), the other parts of moving aren’t all that OK if your house has stacks of busy-ness lying around. house you must work even more diligently to keep it fun. By far the most important thing I learned when looking clean, it isn’t such a bad deal after all. But just barely.

Your Family If your child is heading off to kindergarten (or college) By Bill and Monica Dodds they might not mention is that they went teaching duties aren't over yet!) Catholic News Service through all the emotions that you're 2. Have hope! Recognize that this big experiencing this fall when it was their step is one that leads to so many oppor- If your child is heading off to kinder- little one, whether age 5 or 18, heading tunities for your young student. That garten or college: out the door on this great adventure. great big world your child is moving into --You're amazed this It has been said that we want our chil- is filled with possibilities and, yes, some day has arrived so dren to grow up and become independ- of those are scary, but others are wonder- quickly. ent, and then they double cross us and ful beyond your imagining. --You're shocked to grow up and become independent. That's 3. Have love! Now your child needs realize that he or she is not totally true, of course. They become your help in a different way. A kinder- in the college graduat- less dependent. But family is about inter- gartener isn't a preschooler. A college ing class of 2014 dependence. Members compensate for student isn't a high-schooler. But, be (please, God) or the each others' weaknesses and rely on each assured, no matter what age your child high school graduating others' strengths. is, he or she wants and needs that foun- class of 2023. Still, it's hard on Mom and Dad when a dation of love that you have offered and --You're concerned Bill and Monica son or daughter reaches an obvious mile- continue to offer. about how this is impact- Dodds stone, and that's what entering kinder- 4. Pray for him or her daily. (But you ing the family budget. garten or college is. There were a lot of do that already, don't you?) And daily, --You're worried that your child may be steps getting your child ready for this thank God for the incredible gift of being negatively influenced by fellow students. day, but when it finally arrives, it can the parent of such an incredible child. --You're aware that your child is both seem that this step is just too big. If not On the Web: The Kindergarten ANSWERS eager and anxious. for your son or daughter, then for you! Curriculum Nahum --You're (it's OK to confess this) looking What can you do to help him or her Yes, in your day a kindergarten class forward to a little more quiet around the and help yourself? Four suggestions: focused on "wait your turn" and "don't eat Haggai 1. Have faith! Trust in your child's paste." Apparently there's more to it now. house, and at the same time you're dread- Malachi ing that little more quiet. abilities and common sense. Have faith This website looks at kindergarten language Veteran parents, those with a child in that the values and beliefs you've taught arts, math, science, social studies and the arts. Amos them -- and lived -- have been planted Really. Go to: the first grade or sophomore year of col- Habakkuk lege, will tell you all will be well. What well. Those seeds will take root and grow over time. (And, of course, your -planning/parents-and-school/38485. Page 18 OCTOBER 2010 The Angelus Culture / Books PBS special devotes six hours of programming to ‘God and America’ "God in America," 8-10 p.m. CDT, zeal for Calvinist doctrinal purity. Oct. 11-13, PBS. Similarly, the individually focused preaching of evangelical pioneers such as By John Mulderig George Whitefield was perceived as a Catholic News Service threat to the power and financial security of Anglicanism, the established religion NEW YORK -- "Americans," observed of the Southern colonies. A third struggle, Alexis de Tocqueville, writing in the pitting Virginia Baptists against that com- early days of the Republic, "combine the monwealth's Anglican Church, saw notions of religion and liberty so inti- Thomas Jefferson enter the fray on the mately in their minds that it is impossible side of the Baptists, some of whom had to make them conceive of one without been imprisoned for preaching without a the other." license. The crucial influence of faith in shap- A few decades after the religious free- ing U.S. history, and in molding the dom Jefferson championed had been national character, receives a searching enshrined in the Bill of Rights, Protestant analysis in the six-hour miniseries "God Americans' loyalty to this cornerstone in America." The documentary -- a joint principle was put to the test by the arrival presentation of "Frontline" and of large numbers of Catholic immigrants in their midst. "American Experience" directed by A Franciscan monk is pictured in New Mexico in a scene from the upcoming PBS docu- David Belton -- premieres on PBS sta- mentary series "God in America." (CNS photo/courtesy PBS). Nativist prejudice led to riots and to a tions Monday, Oct. 11, 8-10 p.m. CDT more peaceful, but nonetheless signifi- (check local listings). Catholic missionaries moving north from views, which resulted in her banishment cant, battle over the denominational slant Through interviews with scholars, Mexico -- was radically reshaped by a from the Massachusetts Bay Colony he of the curriculum in New York City's archival images and dramatizations, the series of all-too-worldly conflicts among ruled as governor, for instance, is por- public schools. Leading the Catholic initial episode screened recounts how the believers of various stripes. trayed as having at least as much to do forces in this crusade was the city's religious heritage of the Old World -- first Puritan leader John Winthrop's rejec- with Winthrop's desire for social cohesion dauntless first archbishop, John Hughes brought to the future United States by tion of Anne Hutchinson's innovative in the fledgling community as with any (1797-1864). ‘Secretariat’ an exceptional portrait of history’s great horse NEW YORK (CNS) -- Not many Christopher (Scott Glenn), a prominent fat and lazy and branded the underdog. Hollywood films open by quoting the breeder, becomes incapacitated, Penny "He eats too much, sleeps too much, and Book of Job on the grandeur of horses: returns to her roots on a Virginia horse lays against the back of the starting gate "In frenzied excitement he eats up the farm. Though proud and happy as a like he's in the Caribbean," laments his ground; he paws fiercely, rejoicing in his housewife, Penny rises to the defense of hard-driving trainer, Lucien Laurin strength, and charges into the fray, the failing business and assumes control. (John Malkovich). afraid of nothing, when the trumpet Blessed events are about to happen to After Penny's father dies, the taxman sounds." (Job 39: 21-24, New the stable's two mares, sired by the cometh, and Penny is pressured by her International Version). famous stallion Bold Ruler, owned by brother and husband to sell the farm and But then, not many films are as excep- Ogden Phipps (James Cromwell). the horses. She is determined to see tional as "Secretariat" (Disney), an exu- Ogden and Christopher had agreed to a through her father's dream, juggling berant and inspirational retelling of the coin toss to decide ownership of the off- family commitments while battling sex- real-life story of -- arguably -- the great- spring, and Penny upholds the plan. ism in the male-dominated horse world. est racehorse of all time. Ogden wins the toss, and chooses what At her side is her father's indomitable "Secretariat" is more than just a rous- he thinks will prove the better racehorse. assistant, Miss Ham (Margo ing sports movie. Much like Penny disagrees, and the rest, as they Martindale), who rechristens Big Red "Seabiscuit," "Secretariat" explores the say, is history. "Secretariat" after her first choice, "Deo human dynamics surrounding the ani- There's something special about Volente" ("God Willing"), is turned mal, extolling the importance of family Secretariat right from the start. Gentle- down. and the virtues of perseverance and hearted groom Eddie Sweat (Nelsan Nobody messes with this dynamic courage. Viewers of faith, moreover, Ellis) marvels when the foal jumps, duo, and Penny earns a reputation for will appreciate a strong undercurrent of moments after being born: "Have you being "tough as nails." Against all odds, religious fervor. ever seen that, a colt stand up so fast on Secretariat emerges as a winner, and There's quite a saga behind the 1973 his feet?" Penny's success inspires others, espe- Triple Crown winner. Diane Lane plays But the road to racing success is a cially her family. Penny Tweedy, the nonequine lead. rocky one. Large and chestnut-colored, When her mother dies, and her father, "Big Red" (Secretariat's first name) is Right: Diane Lane, as Penny Tweedy. The Angelus OCTOBER 2010 Page 19

CARITA: Story of Fabio most inspiring of all The Adult Catechism (From 13) Catholic schools’ future Mass due to the wheelchairs and assisting the residents as they walk to the very small chapel. S. Christiana pulled out her acoustic guitar and the place erupted in song … some in tune, and depends on all of us some not in tune, but it was joyful! Every movement of Holy Mass from the singing to the offering of the gifts to the general intercessions involved the residents’ participation. The reception of the Eucharist by most of those present was one of joy, reverence, and antici- By Most Rev. comment on draft policy options. In pation. Later that night I contrasted the experience with the experience of celebrating Mass at Archbishop of Washington addition, the archdiocesan Board of St. Peter’s Basilica and the tomb of St. Francis. The beauty of those two Masses was unique in Education, the Priest Council and the its own way, but this particular Mass, with the splendor of their worship, was a deeply moving his year as we turn our focus Archdiocesan Pastoral Council all spiritual experience. School was still in session and I wondered what was the next course ... toward our schools during were engaged in the review of the TCatholic Schools Week, we are policies, which were organized How God Provides aware that the newly published around four key areas: Catholic iden- As a businessman, I began to ponder the financial cost to run a fulltime home like Casa di Carita Policies for Catholic Schools are tity, governance, academic excel- for 25 clients. So, I asked S. Christiana, “How much does it cost to run this place?” Her answer: “I being implemented lence, and affordability and accessi- don’t know.” I was so surprised I did not respond but thought, “How could she not know?! Stricken across the archdio- bility. with her answer, I did not ask any more questions. cese. The policies, Catholic identity was the most fre- Later, I asked the local priest who celebrates daily Mass with them and told him what Sr. promulgated last quently highlighted area of discus- Cristiana had said. summer on the sion. It was universally recognized “It’s because she doesn’t know, she literally doesn’t!” he said. “They rely totally on the prov- Solemnity of the that our schools must be Catholic. idence of God working through the goodness and love of the community. Assumption of the While our schools are open to non- “Each month, a different person will come in and pay their electric bill; and a different fami- Blessed Virgin Catholic students, the Catholic ly will pay the gas bill, etc. The food is brought in from the restaurants, or people will have a Mary, reflect nearly Church does not attempt to run an party at their home and whatever is left over they bring, as well as food from their vegetable two years of signifi- alternative public school system. gardens. There are also 6-10 volunteers that come daily, bringing not only their time and tal- cant work on the Wuerl The Catholic Church is engaged in ents but material things as well.” part of , princi- Catholic education to pass on the Once again I was being taught that God will provide, God will provide, God provides. pals, teachers, parents, parishioners faith and to provide young people If this faith in the Lord was not convincing enough, I next found out what happens each year and archdiocesan staff. Thousands of with an educational and moral foun- with whatever money is donated to Casa di Caritas. Their rule -- their absolute faith in God -- people were involved in their devel- dation that will serve them for the is tested every year. On December 31 every year, whatever money they have in the bank they opment, and they will well serve the rest of their lives. Throughout the his- give to the poor. as a result, they start out every January 1 with no money in the bank. No one Catholic schools of the Archdiocese tory of Catholic education in our person is relied on but God. of Washington for many years to country, beginning with Saint come. In a particular way, I am grate- Elizabeth Ann Seton, our Catholic Fabio ful to the archdiocesan staff who ded- schools have participated directly and Finally, there was my experience with what I call the living stone of Casa di Carita. icated so much effort to this project intimately in the work of the Church Sister Rosa, one of the more elderly sisters, with tears in her eyes, tells the story of Fabio. and to the thousands of people who in passing on the faith. Catholic edu- Fabio was born as a twin. The first child was stillborn, but the second one, Fabio, survived. took the time to share their insights cation in all of its forms has as its pri- Fabio’s father was in the delivery room and when he saw Fabio’s severely deformed head, and expertise throughout the exten- mary task the communication of the he took the baby into the adjacent room. He returned to tell his wife that the other twin sive consultative process. person and message of Christ. This (Fabio) died too. He did this because the doctors had just told him that Fabio would last The task began in October 2007, unfolds in a wide range of efforts, but only a few days. He did not want his wife to have more pain and suffering. when Catholic school leaders, clergy the goal is always the same. In our So, what do they do with this baby? The founder of Casa Di Carita, Fr. Mario, a local and parish leaders from across the Catholic elementary and secondary priest, took Fabio to Casa di Carita. Sr. Rosa said, “We can’t handle someone like this. archdiocese came together for a schools, as well as in our parish reli- The only way he can survive is with a feeding tube. We just cannot handle it. ” At the Convocation on Catholic Education. gious education programs, the threads time they already had 22 clients and were short on staff. Fabio went back to the hospital Following that meeting, which result- of the encounter with Christ and his for another two weeks. Fr. Mario took Fabio once again to S. Rosa and said, “If you had ed in a call for a unifying vision, an life-giving message are woven into this much faith in God, (he made a sign with his thumb and index finger signifying a archdiocesan-wide strategy and poli- the fabric of our human experience. small amount) God will provide. Please pray about it.” cies for Catholic schools, the school Second only to Catholic identity S. Rosa took Fabio to a statue of the Blessed Mother and said “I can’t handle this. We leadership began an 18-month highly among the concerns voiced in the can’t handle this without help.” Interiorly, S. Rosa heard the Blessed Mother say “God and consultative process to develop com- preparation of the Policies for His Angels will help you.” Those angels turned out to be the volunteers and for the next 33 prehensive new policies to ensure a Catholic Schools was the issue of years, they took care of Fabio. He cannot talk or feed himself and still requires a feeding future for Catholic schools. affordability. The future of our tube. When I went into Fabio’s room I was in shock at what I saw. This 33-year-old man, Because the voice of those directly Catholic schools depends on the abili- with a severely deformed head, was being worked on by a volunteer physical therapist. affected is so important, more than ty of all of us working together to For 33 years Fabio has survived, and those volunteers -- those angels -- have kept com- 12,000 people Ð parents, parish- meet the increasing costs and to assist ing to affirm that every human being has worth. Fabio remains one of the most valuable ioners, clergy and educators Ð were families who are making sacrifices to assets to the community of Casa di Carita. Fabio’s presence reminds the community that invited to be a part of the consultation give their children a Catholic school no matter who comes through their doors needing help, they will be accepted because God process. This included surveys, focus education. provides. My lessons about God's providence remain etched in my heart, yet the faith of groups and a number of meetings. The funds to keep open our the people of Casa di Carita humbled me--proving to me how little my faith is compared For example, more than 1,000 people Catholic schools come from tuition to theirs. were invited to attend eight regional meetings in April 2009 to review and (Please See WUERL/23) Page 20 OCTOBER 2010 The Angelus MP3: Devices could be delivered to 30,000 troops serving overseas (From 1) families free of charge. The cost to put a  Interview with Archbishop of military need to hear about their faith the player in a soldier’s hands is $24, an the Military Timothy Broglio/Pg. 11 most, it can be hardest to get to. What expense that Lomonte is prayerfully ask- some may not realize, including myself There are some 300,000 Catholic men, ing everyone, from parishioners to corpo- are sent off for military service they must until recently, is that the story of service by women, and their families serving in the rations, to help cover. deal with the pressures that come not only the members of our military is often a story armed forces. Despite ongoing efforts by “We have received thousands of from doing their jobs, but also from issues of suffering. We must connect with these the United States Military and the requests for these players from military at home and those of their fellow soldiers. beautiful men and women to tell them how Catholic Church, there are just not enough chaplains and service men and women all These men and women need a strong con- much we thank and bless them for their chaplains to serve the spiritual needs of over the world,” said Lomonte, “and we nection to their faith. We need to get suffering that comes with serving us.” those who serve us. need the financial support of everyone to these players to them.” The Frontline Faith player contains “We know,” says Lomonte, “that an fill these orders.” Sally Robb, who co-hosts ”Mary’s almost seven hours of audio, and was pro- MP3 player is not a substitute for a priest “I realize,” admits Lomonte, “that our Touch” with Lomonte, will be speaking in duced by Jeff Gardner of Catholic Radio or the sacraments. It is our prayer that by goal is as big as the West Texas sky, but various parishes throughout the diocese The Frontline Faith being able to hear the Mass, the rosary, we will get one of these players to every starting in November. Robb, who lived in Project was launched with the support of even stories from fellow soldiers whose service member or their family that needs Midland until she was ten, holds an MA Archbishop Timothy Broglio, Archbishop faith has sustained them in times of trou- one.” in Theology and is a nationally sought-out for the Military Service, and of Bishop ble, this player can be a source of “This is an idea whose time has come,” speaker. Her voice is also heard on the Michael Pfeifer. strength, comfort, and can connect them says Deacon Michael LaMonica of Our Frontline Faith player. Editor’s Note: To learn more about the Frontline to their Catholic faith.” Lady of San Juan Parish in Midland. “What we should remember,” Robb Faith Project or the player, please call Deacon Michael says, “is that often, at precisely the LaMonica at Our Lady of San Juan Parish, 432-570- Mary’s Touch is making the MP3 play- “I know from talking to many a young 0952. For an image of the player and sample audio, ers available to service members and their person,” said LaMonica, “that when they moment when men and women in the see the project’s website at EDITOR: Golden jubilee year to place emphasis where it should be -- on family (From 3) once a year? Do it whenever all of you son’s school functions who have no should treat each other. are together under the same roof. Turn off parents there. Ever. Many of the kids The future of family is quite literally up provide a good example for your children the TV, especially at dinner time, and have to be taken home from functions by to all of us. Parenting, as you can see, is and leadership of the family. It may feel share with each other. Even if your other students’ parents. What’s up with not that difficult. Half of it is just uncomfortable the first couple of times children aren’t the talktive sort, don’t that? If a kid joins a band, or a choir or showing up. The other half is loving, you try it, but that goes away. Be not stop asking them about their lives. whatever, chances are fairly good that he listening and just being there for them. afraid, as we’re often told.  Listen. Stop talking and hear. And would love it if his parents would take With any measure of luck, everything  Eat with your family. We just more than hear your kids, listen. Same the time to see what he’s doing. from that point will fall into place. Sure observed the annual Family Day, a day applies with your spouse. Listen.  Date Night. Regularly schedule a date there will be challenges, but imagine when we are encouraged to have dinner  Be there. Physically and mentally. night with your spouse. It not only nurtures your kids’ lives if you weren’t there for with our family. But why observe it just Just being there sends a loud message. your relationship, but it also teaches your them.  Go to their stuff. I see kids at my son or daughter how husbands and wives MINISTERS: Musicians in Mass to face many changes with new missal (From 6) that people have come to know and sing the new translation” to sing the dialogue to the basics of liturgical formation,” he pretty confidently – the ‘Gloria;’ the at the beginning of the Eucharistic says, and the Second Vatican Council in sung text that corresponds to the new ‘Sanctus.’ A lot of musical settings are prayer. He notes that singing more parts the 1960s “called for full, active partici- translation. Composers have readjusted being retooled.” of the Mass “puts us at the same tempo,” pation in the liturgy.” previous musical settings. New composi- While he doesn’t expect the entire adding to the common experience of McMahon cautions that, despite the tions are also being prepared that will musical repertoire of most parishes to Mass-goers. McMahon sees the changes fact that change is coming, “we don’t broaden the treasury of music for the change, he says, one significant differ- as a benefit since any part of the Mass want to make too much or too little of it. people.” ence is that the new missal translation given greater attention can result in We’re not changing the Mass; we’re McMahon says people can expect will “open up singing parts of the Mass greater understanding of the Mass by the changing the translation.” “new settings of many of the Mass texts we’re not used to.” people. For example, he calls it a “priority in “People always need to be taken back 50: Bishops from throughout Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas (Region X) invited

(From 1) in the role of the church and specifically Other invitees include apostolic nuncio McLean and is comprised of Bishop the diocese in its first 50 years. Archbishop Pietro Sambi all clergy and Pfeifer, Msgr. Larry Droll, Chancellor be a large assemblage of bishops from The weekend will also include a recep- women religious who have served, Mike Wyse, Sister Hilda Marotta and throughout the U.s. Conference of tion following Sunday’s Mass and a Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre, Sister Adelina Garcia of the Office of Catholic Bishop’s Region X, which con- Saturday evening dinner honoring, in part, Knights of Columbus state officers and Education and Formation, Deacons Tim sists of the leaders of dioceses in Texas, some of the pioneer families of the dio- assorted state, city and community offi- Graham and Charlie Evans, Christ the Arkansas and Oklahoma. cese. Families from each of the diocese’s cials and leaders from throughout the dio- King Retreat Center Director Tom Burke, The steering committee for the 50th three deaneries -- San Angelo, Abilene and cese. Mary Sue Brewer, assistant to Bishop jubilee announced in September that it Midland-Odessa -- will be identified in the The 50th Anniversary Steering Pfeifer and Communications Director will focus on the importance of the family coming weeks and months. Committee is chaired by Fr. Barry Jimmy Patterson. The Angelus OCTOBER 2010 Page 21 SCHOOLS: Strengthening Catholic identity among main topics (From 1) August 29, 2009 at St. Ann’s School in programs available for such students. We want to provide Catholic schools for Midland. Participants worked in all four Teachers will develop their skills in vari- today’s students with an education that at its meeting at St. Ann’s School in areas to develop the four main themes. ous models of involving these students in supports student achievement and com- Midland on August 27. Four main The Diocesan School Commission con- the classroom. petes with the best. We want to attract themes emerged in the process: tinued the work from that point. “Long-term financial stability” should tomorrow’s families with the finest possi- • Strengthening Catholic identity “Strengthening Catholic identity” be based on the United States Bishops’ ble Catholic education so our schools can • Attracting, retaining and serving refers to staff development in the teach- philosophy that Catholic Schools are a remain vibrant, flourishing communities. Hispanics ings of the Catholic Church, forming the ministry of the whole Church, whether or In the Summits and with the involvement • Providing for special needs students students in faith, and celebrating the not there is a Catholic school in a given of stakeholders from various back- • Assuring long-term financial stability sacraments. The whole environment of parish. So appeals for funding should be grounds, school boards are developing for Catholic schools the school is “Catholic.” There should made to the whole Catholic community and aligning goals and objectives that The work of the Diocesan School also be objective measuring of the stu- through the Bishop’s communications will work within our diocese and local Commission is the result of a statewide dents’ growth in knowledge of the faith. and through the local search for funding. communities. process. The Catholic Bishops of Texas “Attracting, retaining and serving Budgeting, marketing and development Strategic plans will turn into actions convened a “Summit on the Future of Hispanics” is important because will be enhanced; endowment funds will and reflect the directions in what needs Catholic Schools in Texas,” which took Hispanics represent the majority of continue to grow. The search for grants to be accomplished. Each of the three place February 26-28, 2009 in Fort Catholics in our diocese. Recruiting will will be developed. Parent Action Groups Catholic schools in the Diocese of San Worth. Representatives of the dioceses be increased intentionally. Staff develop- should be ready to address the actions of Angelo will take these goals and objec- of Texas participated, along with nation- ment will include cultural sensitivity. the state legislature. tives and develop their own action steps, ally-recognized experts. It was the Communication with families will be The Diocesan School Commission, timelines, persons responsible and ways diocesan superintendents who identified offered in English and Spanish. Financial representing the three Catholic schools in of measuring the results. There will be the four main themes, out of all the pos- aid should be made available to facilitate the Diocese of San Angelo, appreciates obstacles and challenges during this sible things that could have been cov- attendance in the Catholic school. the Texas bishops’ commitment to the process but collaboration among all ered. “Students with special needs” includes ministry of Catholic education. By ask- stakeholders will ensure a successful out- Building on the statewide Summit, the those who have learning difficulties, as ing the whole Catholic community to come. The schools will be reporting their Diocese of San Angelo held its own well as the “gifted and talented.” invest in effective strategic planning, strategic planning experience during the “Summit on Catholic Education” on Catholic schools will tap into all the fed- Catholic schools will continue to offer next three months in the West Texas eral, state and local public school district viable programs for today and the future. Angelus. MARRIAGE: Church teaching opposes same-sex marriage (From 5) sexual unions on the one hand, the institu- logically in the man-woman symmetry complementarity. In the Christian tradi- tion of marriage on the other. This propos- which creates the possibility of inter- tion, the Bible as a whole affirms the church, no court, no convention, no judge, al is not about fairness or equality, but course which can gift society with chil- uniquely heterosexual character of the no congress can change this. By reason of ideology and empowerment by coercing a dren, family and ties of kinship; culturally marriage relationship itself. In Sacred its very nature, therefore, marriage exists reluctant society into accepting the alleged in that concepts of masculine and femi- Scripture it is clear that God intended for the mutual love and support of the legitimacy and alleged validity of the nine reflect the fact that, while men and marriage to be a covenant of love between spouses and for the procreation and edu- homosexual lifestyle, and placing it on a women are equally capable of displaying a man and a woman. No passage of the cation of children. The natural institution level comparable to that of the traditional both kinds of qualities, they do so in sig- bible sanctions same-sex unions. of marriage has been blessed and elevated marriage and family. Taxpayers would be nificantly different ways; and socially in Third: Sexual intercourse between mar- by Christ to the dignity of a sacrament. forced to subsidize behavior which many the distinct ways that a mother and a ried men and women exemplifies the pur- This means that Christian marriage is believe to be gravely immoral and grossly father nurture a child, regardless of the pose of human sexuality. In this act two more than a contract. A same-sex union offensive. parents’ cultural/gender roles. A same-sex distinct people unite their entire persons “marriage” can never be a sacrament. To help bring clarity and understanding union cannot image or create these dis- into a dynamic sexual community and The Church opposes attempts to grant of the Church’s position on same-sex tinct realities. Only heterosexual marriage moves beyond themselves to assure future the legal status of marriage to a relation- unions, I share with you the summary and can embrace the “good” of children, faith- generations. No other form of sexual ship between persons of the same sex. No conclusions of a resource paper which fulness, and the lasting bond of perma- activity can provide this total union. Only same-sex union can realize the unique and was developed by various departments of nence which assures future generations. heterosexual marriage can embody a total full potential which the marital relation- the National Conference of Catholic Second: The existence of sexuality, sexual community because only hetero- ship expresses. For this reason, opposition Bishops from which I have selected some maleness and femaleness, is a positive sexual intercourse in marriage embodies to “same-sex marriage” is not an instance information for this article. part of human creation; the relationship the substantive premises of consumma- of unjust discrimination or animosity The Church’s three-fold theological, between male and female is neither casual tion, difference, complementarity and towards homosexual persons, as they are pastoral and civic responsibilities as nor accidental. It is present at the very covenant. Heterosexual marriage is thus not being denied a natural right. “Same- regards same-sex unions can be summa- depth of our being. Difference and com- the most basic institution of society. sex marriage” is a mockery of marriage rized in four points: plementarity are fundamental to the insti- Fourth: While the Church doesn’t sup- which was instituted by Almighty God as First: Marriage is a unique community tution of marriage and their absence is a port the possibility of same-sex marriage, a covenant between man and woman. defined by sexual complementarity. God negation of the meaning of authentic mar- it also affirms the dignity of every person, The proposal to give tax-supported made women and men to complement ital union. Marriage exists for the mutual including people with a homosexual ori- health care and related benefits to domes- each other. Complementarity acknowl- love/companionship of the spouses and entation. All homosexual persons deserve tic partners of homosexuals is destructive edges the reality that men and women are for the procreation and education of chil- our respect and friendship. We should not of the family unit by establishing a false different from, yet designed for one anoth- dren. Marriage is equally unitive and pro- and unwarranted equality between homo- er. This complementarity is evident bio- creative, rooted in human difference and (Please See SAME SEX/22) Page 22 OCTOBER 2010 The Angelus SAME SEX: Unions in contradiction with God’s defined meaning of marriage (From 21) and a woman establish between them- Most people spontaneously oppose relationships offer the same benefits to selves a partnership of their whole life,’ “homosexual marriages”—70% or so in society and are worthy of the same sup- tolerate any form of violence in speech or and which ‘of its very nature is ordered to opinion polls. Central to their position is port. Traditional marriage provides the action aimed against gay men and lesbian the well-being of the spouses and to the the conviction that the legal recognition of best environment for children. No amount women. procreation and upbringing of children.’ homosexual unions as civil marriages of social engineering can change the fact The Church must strongly uphold the Only such a union can be recognized and would be an attack on traditional mar- that homosexual relationships cannot critical importance of the family. Pope ratified as a ‘marriage’ in society. Other riage. accomplish these goals. And, no court of John Paul II teaches that “The family…is interpersonal unions which do not fulfill Claiming that “homosexual marriage” civil law, nor judge, has the authority to an institution fundamental to the life of the above conditions cannot be recog- and traditional marriage are on a par with change what nature itself has defined, and every society…Marriagex, which under nized, despite certain growing trends one another undercuts what is a basic God’s word has defined about the true, girds the institution of the family, is con- which represent a serious threat to the building block of society. This claim says everlasting meaning of marriage. stituted by the covenant whereby ‘a man future of the family and of society itself.” that all ways of raising children and all OBISPO

(Para 3) otras actividades criminales. Los Obispos trabajador que permitiría el trabajador permitir a los trabajadores inmigrantes no favorecen fronteras abiertas. De hecho, inmigrante inexperimentado a obtener entrar sin riesgos y humanamente; y una ser humano puede traer muchas nuevas reformando el presente sistema visas para venir a los Estados Unidos reforma inmigratoria familiar que permite bendiciones a nuestro país. inmigratorio, como los obispos proponen, legalmente y trabajar bajo ciertas a familias a ser reunidos más Nuestras leyes inmigratorias se necesitan ayudaría a nuestra nación tomar el control condiciones. Tal programa ayudaría hacer rápidamente. La Iglesia también dice que cambiar; son anticuadas e inadecuadas de nuestras fronteras. nuestras fronteras más seguras por medio la raíz de los problemas de inmigración, para la promoción y regulación de La reforma comprensiva inmigratoria de reducir inmigrantes ilegales quienes dicha disparidad económica global, relaciones sociales y económicas del apoyada por los Obispos Católicos cruzan la frontera sureña, de nuevo necesita ser corregida. América del siglo 21. Nuestras leyes ayudaría a lograr la unión de los proveyendo a las patrullas fronterizas mas Los Obispos Católicos de los Estados presentes son malamente adaptadas al principios de una frontera segura y una recursos y tiempo de perseguir a los Unidos han tomado esta posición de crecimiento de la interdependencia de política inmigratoria generosa. Programas elementos criminales: contrabandistas, inmigración porque, siendo un tema nuestro mundo y la globalización de solamente de fuerza —que nuestra nación traficantes de humanos, y narco- económico, social y legal, también es labor. Los cambios propuestos, sin ha perseguido por más de dos décadas, no traficantes. Los inmigrantes en vez humanitario y últimamente tiene embargo, deben tomar en cuenta ambos la han resuelto el desafío de la inmigración entrarían por puertos de entrada de implicaciones morales. dignidad humana y el interés nacional. ilegal. Durante este mismo período, manera segura, legal y ordenada y lejos Mientras queremos leyes que controlan Por esta razón, los Obispos de los Estados personas indocumentadas han crecido de del peligro de contrabandistas de nuestras fronteras, las personas que entran Unidos y una coalición ancha de los dos 6-12 millones, y comunidades fronterizas humanos y las condiciones ásperas y a nuestro país sin autorización propia, o partidos incluyendo uniones de labor y continúan ver la violencia relacionada a mortales del desierto. que abusan de sus visas han de ser cámaras de comercio apoyan reforma las drogas. Desde 1998, casi 5,000 Otro componente importante de la tratadas con respeto y dignidad mientras comprensiva inmigratoria. Esta reforma inmigrantes han muerto intentando a reforma inmigratoria sería la adopción de que cada caso sea tratado en una manera debe tomar en cuenta las necesidades del cruzar el desierto americano. Un reporte un sistema nacional de empleo de apropiada y justa. A estas personas se les futuro para labor por medio de proveer un reciente de agricultura demuestra que el verificación para asegurar que los ha de permitir el proceso debido de la ley. programa para invitados legales y 80% de labradores de agricultura en los empleadores solamente contraten Inmigrantes que vienen a nuestro país por también ofrece un paso ganado para EE.UU. son inmigrantes. Este programa trabajadores legales. Los Obispos temor de persecución han de ser legalización de unos 11-12 millones de sería muy beneficial a nuestros programas Católicos están de acuerdo con esta protegidos como buscadores de asilo, trabajadores indocumentados ya en el país de agricultura. propuesta entendiendo que todos los 12 refugiados. En el presente medio así también como componiendo la Una reforma comprensiva inmigratoria es millones de trabajadores indocumentados ambiente económico global que exige la inaceptable acumulación de visas de necesaria para asegurar ambas la frontera sean legalizados y traídos a una nueva labor demanda a los Estados Unidos reunificación familiar que mantienen y proteger los derechos humanos. La fuerza legal de trabajo y que un proceso atraer a trabajadores extranjeros, los familias separada por un largo periodo de propuesta principal del plan de una justo de reclamación es disponible a los Estados Unidos han de establecer un tiempo. reforma inmigratoria sería el camino a trabajadores que son despedidos sistema que provee avenidas legales para Uno de los principios fundamentales ciudadanía para unos 12 millones de injustamente por los empleadores. Y, debe personas que entran la nación legalmente detrás de cualquier sistema migratoria personas indocumentadas en nuestro país. de ser una base de datos gubernamentales en una manera segura, ordenada y digna moral es que naciones tienen derecho de Por medio de sacar 12 millones de que es mas exacta para que los para obtener trabajos y reunirse con proteger sus propias fronteras. Los personas de la sombra y oscuridad y ciudadanos americanos y otros miembros de su familia. Jesús nos gobiernos tienen el deber de lograr el requerirles que se registren con el trabajadores legales no sean despedidos recordó de varias maneras y a tiempos buen común de los ciudadanos que gobierno, los que protegen la ley y el por errores. diferentes de su vida que las leyes representan. En torno, residentes de orden podrían distinguir entre los que La Iglesia Católica cree que el sistema verdaderas son diseñadas para el cualquier país tienen el deber de respetar están aquí para trabajar y los que tienen inmigratoria está quebrada y necesita ser beneficio y bendición, no al daño, de la la regla de la ley. Por esas razones, los intenciones criminales. Pondrían a los 12 reformada en todos aspectos y humanidad. La ley más alta que siempre Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos millones en el lado correcto de la ley, comprensivamente. Al hacerlo, muchas debemos vivir es el amor, y cuando quieren ver que nuestro país tenga un librando a las patrullas fronterizas a nuevas bendiciones serían traídas a vivimos por esta ley, entonces seremos proceso ordenado que regule perseguir a criminales que deberían ser nuestro país. Esto incluye el camino a verdaderamente bendecidos sensiblemente el flujo de inmigrantes y detenidos y deportados. ciudadanía para los 11-12 millones de individualmente, en nuestra sociedad nos mantiene libres de amenazas de Otro elemento mayor de la reforma sería indocumentados en nuestro país; un local, y en nuestro país. terrorismo, violencia, tráfico de droga y la creación de un programa nuevo del programa de trabajador temporal para The Angelus OCTOBER 2010 Page 23 BISHOP: Country can be recipient of many blessings WRAP: Solidarity (From 2) ment would be able to distinguish many new blessings would be brought against evil the best between those who are here to work to our country. This would include a that keeps families separated for huge and those with criminal intent. It path to citizenship for the 11-12 mil- lengths of time. would place the 12 million on the lion undocumented in the country; a way to bring it down One of the fundamental principles right side of the law, freeing up law temporary worker program to allow (From 2) behind any moral immigration system enforcement to pursue criminals who migrant workers to enter safely and is that nations have the right to protect should be detained and deported. humanely; and family-based immigra- turned a blind eye toward the explosion of hard- their own borders. Governments have Another major element of reform tion reform which allows families to be core “adult pornography” on the Internet; and as a a duty to achieve the common good of would be the creation of a new-work- reunited more quickly. The Church result, a floodtide of this vile material is pouring the citizens who they represent. In er program which would permit also states that the root causes of through the Internet into countless American return, residents of any land have a unskilled migrant laborers to obtain migration, namely global economic homes, where even small children can be exposed duty to respect the rule of law. For visas to come to the United States disparities, need to be addressed. to obscenity and older children can easily find it. that reason, the U.S. Catholic Bishops legally and work under certain condi- U.S. Catholic Bishops have taken Obscenity also pours unhindered into our commu- want to see to it that our country has tions. Such a program would help this position on immigration because, nities through video and DVD rentals/sales and an orderly process that sensibly regu- make our border more secure by besides being an economic, social and pay-TV channels. Sadly the present government lates the flow of immigrants and reducing illegal immigrants who cross legal issue, it is also a humanitarian administration has little heart for enforcement of keeps us safe from threats of terror- the southern border, again providing one and ultimately has moral implica- obscenity laws. ism, violence, drug trafficking and the border patrol more resources and tions. In addition to harming children morally and psy- other criminal activities. The U.S. time to go after criminal elements: While we want laws that control our chologically, addiction to hardcore “adult pornog- Catholic Bishops do not advocate smugglers, human traffickers, and borders, persons who enter our country raphy” also contributes to the breakup of mar- open borders. In fact, reforming the drug traffickers. Migrants would without proper authorization, or who riages, to sexual assaults against women and chil- current immigration system, as the instead enter through ports of entry in overstay their visas should be treated dren and to sexual trafficking in women and chil- Bishops propose it, would help our a safe, legal and orderly manner and with respect and dignity as each case is dren. The flood of obscenity emanating from the nation to gain control of our borders. away from the danger of human worked out in a proper and just way. United States also tarnishes our national image in Comprehensive immigration smugglers and the harsh and deadly These persons should be afforded due the war against terrorism. reform as supported by the U.S. conditions of the desert. A recent process of the law. Persons who flee The Supreme Court has held repeatedly that the Catholic Bishops would help achieve agricultural report shows that 80% of their home country because they fear First Amendment does not protect obscene materi- bringing together principles of a farm workers in the USA are immi- persecution should be afforded safe al, and in 1996 Congress enacted legislation to secure border and a generous immi- grants. This program would be very haven and protection in another coun- clarify that existing federal obscenity laws apply to gration policy. Enforcement-only poli- beneficial for our farm programs. try. Immigrants who come to our the transmission of obscenity over the Internet. cies which our nation has pursued for Another important component of country because they fear persecution In the fight against pornography, one person can more than two decades, have not immigration reform would be the should be protected as asylum-seekers, make a difference, as verified by Norma Norris solved the challenge of illegal immi- adoption of a nation-wide employment refugees. In the current global econom- who initiated the WRAP Campaign. We should all gration. During the same period, – verification system to assure that ic environment in which labor be encouraged by this courageous woman to work undocumented persons have grown employers hire only legal workers. demands the United States attract for- more individually and as a community to take steps from 6 million to 12 million, and bor- The U.S. Catholic Bishops would con- eign laborers, the United States should to eliminate pornography in our communities. der communities continue to see drug- cur with this proposal provided that all establish an immigration system that There is strength in numbers, and if more of us related violence. Since 1998, nearly 12 million undocumented workers are provides legal avenues for persons to who unite together, we can eradicate this deadly 5,000 immigrants have died attempt- legalized and are brought into the legal enter the nation legally in a safe, order- moral cancer of pornography from our society. ing to cross the American desert. work force and that a just appeal ly and dignified manner to obtain jobs More and more we need to band together in Comprehensive immigration reform process is available to workers who are and reunite with family members. effective strategies that will restore a level of is needed to both secure the border wrongfully dismissed and are targeted Jesus reminded us in various ways and decency to the public air ways and printed media. and protect human rights. The main by employers. And, there should be a different times in His life that true laws The White Ribbon Against Pornography campaign proposal of an immigration reform reliable government database that is are designed for the benefit and bless- (WRAP) is a leader in this effort. This campaign is plan would be a pathway to citizen- accurate so that citizens and other legal ing, not harm, of humankind. The a reminder that pornography is an evil that should ship for the some 12 million undocu- workers are not wrongfully dismissed. highest law we must always live by is not be tolerated, and that all good citizens must use mented persons in the country. By The Catholic Church believes that love, and when we live by this law, every effort, even political and legal means, to bringing 12 million persons out of the the U.S. immigration system is broken then we will be truly blessed individu- eradicate this cancer from our society. shadows and requiring them to regis- and needs to be reformed in all aspects ally, in our local society, and in our ter with the government, law enforce- and comprehensively. By doing so, country. WUERL: Future of Catholic schools depends on entire Catholic community

(From 19) and to encourage contributions from new archdiocese. We undertake this effort action." sources, the Archdiocesan Tuition conscious that, as the United States As we celebrate our Catholic schools, payments and parish and archdiocesan Assistance Fund has been established. In Catholic Bishops' statement on Catholic let us also renew our commitment to subsidies as well as a great variety of this fund will now be the resources avail- schools said in 2005, "the future of work together so that Catholic education fundraisers. In the case of some of the able at the archdiocesan level for our Catholic school education depends on the continues to flourish here, bringing to the high schools, subsidies are also available schools in the hope that we can equitably entire Catholic community embracing next generation of young people Christ's from the sponsoring religious communi- and effectively distribute what we have wholeheartedly the concept of steward- Gospel and helping them to grow in their ty. To stretch as far as we can the in a manner that will sustain as many ship of time, talent and treasure and encounter with the living Lord. resources available to the archdiocese schools as possible across the entire translating stewardship into concrete Page 24 OCTOBER 2010 The Angelus

The West Texas Angelus Dioce-Scenes Official Newspaper of the Diocese of San Angelo, Texas Rowena POSTMASTER: Send all address Midland changes to: WEST TEXAS ANGELUS P.O. Box 1829 Bishop Michael Pfeifer speaks on SAN ANGELO, TX 76902-1829 Our Lady of ______Guadalupe dur- ing a recent RCIA Bishop Michael D. Pfeifer, OMI session at St. Publisher Stephen’s Catholic Church Jimmy Patterson in Midland. Director of Communications Editor

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THIRD CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT SAN ANGELO, TEXAS Parishioners of St. Joseph's-Rowena, St. Boniface-Olfen, Printed by the and St. Thomas-Miles, gathered to celebrate the installation San Angelo Standard Times of thier new pastor, Father Ariel Lagunilla. Bishop Michael A Scripps-Howard Company Pfeifer celebrated the Mass and officiated at the Installation Ceremony (top) held at St. Joseph's on August 30th. Other Submissions: clergy present for the celebration were Msgr. Bernard Gully, Story suggestions, calendar items, Father Cornelius Scanlan, Father Barry McLean, Deacon Stanley Lange and Deacon Charlie Evans. Following the parish briefs and all other Bishop Michael service a Sandwich Supper and fellowship time hosted by submissions should be emailed to Pfeifer helped the the cluster parishes was held at St. Joseph parish hall [email protected]. parishioners at (above). COPY, PHOTO DEADLINE: Immaculate Third Friday of every month. Conception parish in Prayer To The Blessed Virgin Photos should be in jpeg format. Knickerbocker (below) celebrate (Submitted by an anonymous Angelus reader) Letters to the editor are welcome, the grand open- ing of their new and should be emailed to O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, church hall (top) Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, [email protected]. on September 7. Letters to the editor are printed at Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this necessity. O Star of the the discretion of the editor and Sea, help me and show here you are my Mother, O Holy identities of the writer are subject Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly to verification. Please include beseech you from the bottom of my heart to secure me in my necessity (make request). There are none that can with- name, address and phone number stand your power. when submitting letters. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (three times). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (three times).