September 23, 2018 the 25th week in ordinary timE volume 67:44 DIOCESE OF COLUMBUS TIMES

Columbus holy family Church serves parishioners and those in need Catholic Times 2 September 23, 2018

Editor’s reflections by Doug Bean St. Joseph Cathedral to lead Turn to liturgy for answers reparation pilgrimage to Our Lady We must keep in mind that corpo- from the Vati- ral and spiritual works of mercy go can to bishops of Consolation Shrine in Carey together. Acts of charity and kindness to priests to the Have you found yourself asking asking for His pardon, mercy and for Catholics should flow from devo- laity. Everyone “What can I do?” in the wake of the forgiveness for the sins that have tion to prayer and the sacraments. must examine clergy sexual abuse and sexual mis- taken place in the Church, to pray Father Stash Dailey, at Co- their conscienc- conduct scandals in the for strength and perseverance to lumbus Holy Family Church, is so es and go to confession frequently. If and throughout the world? help sustain us during these troubled right on in his proclamation that the followers of Christ adhere to that sim- You’re not alone. times, to pray for healing of victims he shepherds is rooted first and ple plan, we will understand what Our “There is an inherent desire on the of clergy sex abuse and sexual mis- foremost in the liturgy. Lord wants us to do going forward. part of the clergy, religious and the conduct, to pray for healing of the Holy Family (featured on Pages Last week’s meeting with Pope faithful to do ‘something’ in response wounds of sin and division, and to 10-13 in this week’s Catholic Times) Francis and Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, to the scandals that have occurred in help combat evil in our culture which helps so many struggling individuals president of the U.S. Conference of certain corners of the Church,” said has crept into certain corners of the and families in need through its soup Catholics Bishops, is a step in a posi- Fr. Michael Lumpe, rector of Colum- Church throughout the world. kitchen and outreach efforts. And yet tive direction to address the scandals, bus St. Joseph Cathedral. “The best As explained in the Catholic En- all that’s done there is rooted in a pro- which also have rocked the Church in thing that each of us can do right now cyclopedia: “By voluntary submis- found sense of faith that goes deeper Ireland and South America. is to pray fervently through the inter- sion to His Passion and Death on the than random acts of kindness. A meeting is planned in February cession of the Mother of our Savior Cross, Jesus Christ atoned for our With Adoration of the Blessed Sac- in Rome with heads of bishops’ con- and Mother of the Church, remem- disobedience and sin. He thus made rament that includes a rosary avail- ference from around the world to dis- bering that it is foot of the Blessed reparation to the offended majesty of able once a week to the dedicated cuss how to confront this troubling Virgin Mary that crushes the head of God for the outrages which the Cre- soup kitchen volunteers and visitors, situation. It seems to many Catholics the serpent.” ator so constantly suffers at the hands the hearts of Jesus and Mary are tru- like there should be more urgency to For the past five years, the Ca- of His creatures. We are restored to ly made present in a profound way to meet, but the Church is so vast and it thedral has held a First Saturday of grace through the merits of Christ’s provide spiritual sustenance as well as moves carefully. October pilgrimage to the National Death, and that grace enables us to bodily nourishment. In the meantime, as Catholics in the Shrine and Basilica of Our Lady of add our prayers, labors, and trials to It’s also inspiring to see the Little pews also wait for a response from the Consolation in nearby Carey, Ohio. those of Our Lord ‘and fill up those Servant Sisters of the Immaculate Vatican on Archbishop Carlo Maria This year’s pilgrimage that takes things that are wanting of the suffer- Conception serving the needs of the Vigano’s statements regarding U.S. place on Saturday, Oct. 6, has a spe- ings of Christ’ (Colossians 1:24). We parish. These nuns in their beautiful Archbishop Theodore McCarrick’s cial added purpose. can thus make some sort of repara- religious habits display great zeal for alleged actions, Washington Cardi- “Saturdays are generally dedicated tion to the justice of God for our own the Church through teaching, nursing, nal ’s status and more, to Our Lady, and the Marian month of offenses against Him, and by virtue assisting those in need, and, most im- continue to offer intentions and October is dedicated to the Rosary,” of the Communion of the Saints, the portant, praying for countless souls. prayers for the victims. And pray for said Fr. Lumpe. “Given the scandals oneness and solidarity of the mysti- Prayer, the sisters and others show so many good and faithful priests who in the Church this year’s pilgrimage cal Body of Christ, we can also make us, is the ultimate antidote to the prob- have to deal with the fallout. needs to be one of reparation, with a satisfaction and reparation for the lems in the world. If religious and the laity strive for special rosary and Mass of Repara- sins of others.” Too simplistic? Hardly. holiness and humility, the Church will tion, along with the other devotions All persons of faith are invited to Answers to the current crisis in the be strengthened. provided the Franciscan Friars at the this special pilgrimage of reparation Church with the sexual abuse scan- It’s easy to get discouraged during Shrine. As such we are opening up and prayer, with the rosary beginning dals must be solved with prayer as the troubled times, but keep in mind Je- this pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Shrine around 10:30 a.m., followed by Mass foundation. Prayer will give the hier- sus’ promise to the first Pope in Mat- to all clergy, religious and faithful so at 11 a.m. archy the divine wisdom to eradicate thew 16:18 “that thou art Peter; and that all may participate in this collec- Fr. Lumpe also noted that the Oct. this scourge once and for all. upon this rock I will build my church, tive act of reparation.” 6 reparation pilgrimage to Carey is What the Church needs at every and the gates of hell shall not prevail Fr. Lumpe noted this pilgrimage level is holiness and reverence – against it.” enables us to turn to God our Father See pilgrimage, Page 4

Front Page photo: CATHOLIC Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, DD, PhD: President & Publisher Doug Bean: Editor ([email protected]) Columbus Holy Tim Puet: Reporter ([email protected]) Family Church TIMES This statue of the Holy Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved. K. Colston-Woodruff: Graphic Designer ([email protected]) Family is in front of Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official the parish center. The Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is Franklinton parish is Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 dedicated to fulfilling published weekly 45 times per year with exception of every other spiritual needs and week in June, July and August and the week following Christmas. Subscriptions: (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 helping the poor. Subscription rate: $25 per year, or call and make arrangements CT photo by Ken Snow with your parish. Postage Paid at Columbus OH 43218. ([email protected]) Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. September 23, 2018 Catholic Times 3 Bishop Frederick Campbell’s funeral homily for Father Paul Laurinaitis My dear brothers and sisters in the God wishes will end in the fulfillment of his priestly vocation in the midst to tell a wry bit of humor to illustrate risen Lord Jesus, of the prophecy of Isaiah: “On the of this turmoil, and was forced to a point, or perhaps to tell us that he Called out of nothingness into ex- mountain to which God calls us, our begin a perilous journey through had seen the worst and best of things istence by our gracious God, all of us eyes shall be opened and the power of the wasteland of the war in order to and Jesus Christ is still with us. have embarked on a journey through death shall be destroyed forever.” continue that discernment. Moving To be sure, Father Paul could have human life and history, from birth to We are gathered here to commem- from place to place, often in hiding, his moments. While having lunch earthly death. For some, this journey orate those final moments of Father he finally was ordained and began with him not too long ago, to cele- is a long one, for others not so much, Laurinaitis’ pilgrimage to the mountain to celebrate the Holy Eucharist so brate the anniversary of his priestly but each journey has its own par- where God will wipe away all tears, that other hearts may burn with un- ordination, our conversation turned ticular meaning and purpose, even where Father Paul will “behold our derstanding at the preaching of the to his early life in Lithuania. I asked though it may not be widely noted God to whom we looked to save us.” Word and know the lasting presence him if, among the many languages he or its significance known. After all, The evangelist Luke’s account of of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament learned, did he learn Polish. After all, each of us is absolutely unique, nev- the two disciples on the road to Em- along their own pilgrimage. I won- there had been a long history of as- er before known to the world, nor to maus is especially apt for the funeral der whether Father Laurinaitis was sociation between Poland and Lithu- be replicated in the future. Given of Father Laurinaitis.The journey of sustained through all of these diffi- ania. “Oh. no,” he sharply replied, the length of days which marked the the two disciples begins in sadness culties by the words of Sr. Paul, his “the Poles stole our capital in 1922,” life of Father Laurinaitis, he was an and confusion until, Luke tells us, patron:”For I am convinced that nei- and then listed other offenses against extraordinary example of an individ- “Jesus himself drew near and walked ther death, nor life, nor angels, nor his homeland, some going back cen- ual whose life seemed to mirror the with them,” as the Lord does with all principalities, nor present things, nor turies. Then he suddenly stopped world around him. One might even of us, although we often share with future things, nor powers, nor height, and said quietly that he now remem- be forgiven for thinking that his bi- the disciples the momentary failure nor depth, nor any other creature will bered that my mother was of Polish ography could be mistaken for a his- to recognize the Lord’s presence. be able to separate us from the love descent. I assured him that in 1922, tory of the 20th century. Only with the breaking of the bread of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Not my mother was eight years old and Accompanying us on that human are the eyes of disciples opened to even death. For this reason, Isaiah living in Cleveland, Ohio, and could journey, there is another reality and the perduring presence of the risen urges us “to rejoice and be glad that not possibly bear responsibility for another presence. Through the inser- Lord Jesus. (the Lord) has saved us”. the loss of Lithuania’s capital city. tion of the incarnate Lord Jesus into Father Paul was born in a difficult Father Paul’s journeying brought We have now brought Father’s body our history, we have come to under- time for his native country and for him to this diocese and into the hearts to the place where he often celebrated stand that in and through our lives, the whole world. Lithuania enjoyed of many parishioners over the past Mass, in this parish which he loved. God is working out His plan for cre- a brief moment of independence un- years. His pilgrimage continued into We remember him for his long pres- ation and for every human person. til, squeezed by war between Nazi his maturity and into the growing in- ence among us and for the life which With such an understanding, we call Germany and Soviet Russia, it lost firmity which he had to endure. Even he shared with us. We accompany him our journey here on earth a pilgrim- its independent existence as armies in his last difficulties, I never saw on the final steps of his pilgrimage age, one filled with dying and rising in swept back and forth through the him without that benign smile which imitation of our Lord and one which land. Father began the discernment marked his face, as if he were about See funeral, Page 6

Blue Mass held at St. Timothy Church

Officers (left photo) were joined by Bishop Frederick Campbell outside Columbus St. Timothy Church, where a Blue Mass honoring police, firefighters and emergency medical personnel was celebrated on Sept. 11. The Mass, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, included a procession (right photo) with representatives from various organizations. Photos by Larry Pishitelli Catholic Times 4 September 23, 2018 Diocesan agencies sponsor Faith in Action By Jerry Freewalt What is your family mission? Culture of Life conference The diocesan Office for Social and parents Mark Butler and Larry We’ve all read mission statements. The place you Concerns and Marriage & Family and Jackie Keough on their expe- work for or volunteer at may have its mission state- Life Office are sponsoring a con- riences of advocating for children ment displayed on a wall. Perhaps your parish has a ference on “Building a Culture of with disabilities. mission statement published in the parish bulletin. Life: Respect Life, Bioethics, and After lunch, Jerry Freewalt, dioce- You might even have a personal mission statement Leadership” from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. san social concerns director, will give listed in your day planner. Saturday, Oct. 20 at Sunbury St. a legislative update; attorney Peggy I’ve participated in numerous board meetings and committees in my John Neumann Church, 9633 E. Wolock and Dr. Marian Schuda will career crafting mission statements. It can be quite a process when you State Route 37. Other sponsors are look at end-of-life discussions and assemble a group of unique individuals to develop a brief message artic- Greater Columbus Right to Life and medical directives; and there will be ulating the main reason for being. The process requires critical thinking the FEMM International women’s a panel of representatives from var- and reflection about core values and direction. Input from everyone pres- health care organization. ious pro-life organizations on “An- ent is necessary for effective buy-in and ownership. At the end of the pro- The program will begin with Mass swering the Hard Questions.” cess, a bond is formed with a clear sense of purpose. Everyone can point at 8 a.m. for those interested in at- Registration is $25, including to the mission statement as a guide when considering plans and actions. tending. Speakers in the morning lunch. Scholarships are available for Have you ever thought about your family mission? This may not come will include Gabrielle Jastrebski of those who may wish to attend but to mind in the busyness of family life. But why not? I’m not suggesting FEMM International on openness to are limited by financial circumstanc- you assemble your preschoolers or grandchildren into a corporate board life; Mount Carmel St. Ann’s Hos- es. Register at https://bclc2018. room to develop one, but what about at the kitchen table? pital obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. or call (614) 241- The places such an importance on the family that it is Alicia Thompson on the current 2540. The registration deadline is often referred to as “the domestic church.” The family is an integral part state of reproductive technology; Monday, Oct. 16. of the Body of Christ and the smallest cell of relationships in society. As Church, we know so many of our social concerns issues can be addressed by addressing the family. Families are tugged and pulled in so many directions these days. Count- less outside messages and influences from our culture, good or bad, influ- Shepherd’s Corner hosts field day ence each member of the family, especially when they have smartphones. Shepherd’s Corner Ecology Cen- herd’s Corner and craft items will be A family may be connected to the outside world via technology, but is the ter, 987 N. Waggoner Road, Black- available for sale. Those attending family truly connected to each other by a shared sense of purpose? lick, a ministry of the Dominican may bring a picnic lunch, but are re- This where a family mission statement can be of help. Consider these Sisters of Peace, will host its third minded that dogs are not allowed at elements as you develop your family mission: LEARN, LIVE, PRAY. annual field day from 1 to 4 p.m. Shepherd’s Corner. Learn by actively listing to each other. Discover personal interests, core Saturday, Sept. 22. The center has several programs values, gifts, and challenges. This time of active listening is so important The sisters invite everyone to ex- scheduled this fall and is open for in the life of a family and helps to strengthen the bond of relationships. plore the center’s gardens, walk the visitors from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. most Talk about how your values align with Catholic teaching and embody trail and labyrinth, take a hayride, Wednesdays to Fridays through No- virtue. Discuss your family’s relationship with God, our church, our com- see local artists, and get close to a vember. For more information, go to munity, and our world. fire truck. Produce grown at Shep- Live out your faith in action as a family. When I come to think about it, some of my favorite memories involve volunteer service as a family: pilgrimage, continued from Page 2 working with veterans for my son’s Eagle Scout project, painting houses for Catholic Social Services, making sandwiches for the St. Vincent de only the beginning of Marian prayers tact the Cathedral by Monday, Octo- Paul Society, and the list goes on. These acts of service solidified our for this particular weekend. ber 1, by calling (614) 224-1295 or family bond as we used our gifts and talents in an expression of charity, “October 7 is the traditional date to e-mail cathedral@saintjosephcathe- loving God and our neighbor. celebrate the memorial of Our Lady Pray as you develop your family mission. Prayer is the springboard of of the Rosary,” said Fr. Lumpe. “This “We simply need a head count of Christian action. Prayer offers the family a time to talk and actively listen year, October 7 falls on a Sunday, the those planning to attend this special to discern God’s will for us. Lord’s Day, but a number of parishes pilgrimage so that the Franciscan Fri- Consider using the new FAMILY MISSION ROSARY KIT. Devel- throughout our Diocese and indeed ars at the Shrine can adequately plan oped by the diocesan Marriage & Family Life Office and the Office for our nation are also participating in for the rosary, Mass and shrine de- Social Concerns, the Family Mission Rosary Kit includes simple resourc- the October 7 national Rosary Coast votions,” said Fr. Lumpe. “Carey is es to help your family develop a mission statement, suggestions for ser- to Coast. Check out their web page generally just a 90-minute trip from vice activities, and even a rosary coloring page for young and old alike. ( for Columbus up Route 23, so it’s an easy Families can access the kit online at information and the nearest parish drive. As we prepare for this pilgrim- ly-ministry-enrichment or by calling 614-241-2560. participating in one fashion or anoth- age, let us remember one of the most Your family mission statement doesn’t have to be fancy. Perhaps a fam- er for this national day to pray the ro- prayed prayers of reparation given by ily mission statement can simply articulate your vocation as missionary sary as a means of reparation.” Our Lady to the children of Fatima: disciples who love God, each other, and neighbor. Whatever it is, don’t Fr. Lumpe requests that persons in- ‘O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save forget to prominently display it on the kitchen refrigerator. terested in participating in the Oct. 6 us from the fires of hell, lead all souls Jerry Freewalt is director of the diocesan Office for Social Concerns. reparation pilgrimage to Our Lady of to heaven, especially those in the most Consolation Shrine and Basilica con- need of Thy mercy.’” September 23, 2018 Catholic Times 5 Walking the Sorrowful Mysteries By Teresa Milner I prayed the Second Sorrowful mys- tery I pictured the surgery: the pain, Each morning I walk and pray the the cut, the swelling, the bruising, rosary. Within the Sorrowful Mys- the drugs with which they’d addle teries, I found a reflection of my my brain, the atrophy from laying cancer journey. around during recovery – this would The Agony in the Garden: I re- be my scourging. Jesus’ scourging ceived my diagnosis June 1, 2017, was not just one small body part; he six weeks after my mom died during endured lash after lash, blow after a “routine” surgery. When the doctor blow, until his skin hung in ribbons. told me I had cancer, needed to have My “scourging” would include be- my left breast removed, and sched- ing sedated, safe, warm, and I would uled it for the three-month anniver- be given ample pain medication so sary of my mom’s death, I freaked that I wouldn’t have to face even a Prayer for Priests out. moment of being uncomfortable, By St. Thérèse of Lisieux I researched my type of cancer, much less endure the pain of all of O Jesus, eternal Priest, which was stage 0, to see if I could the sins of all of humanity of all of keep your priests within the shelter of Your Sacred Heart, find an alternative to surgery. I earth’s existence! where none may touch them. learned a lot, cancelled my surgery, By God’s grace, I came through Keep unstained their anointed hands, and began to not fear my cancer. I that surgery with hardly a blip in which daily touch Your Sacred Body. came to believe that our bodies are my energy or my physical comfort. Keep unsullied their lips, capable of healing themselves, giv- I was praying the rosary as I was daily purpled with your Precious Blood. en the right tools. I changed my diet wheeled into the room, and I contin- Keep pure and unearthly their hearts, and lifestyle, began taking various ued that same rosary when I awoke sealed with the sublime mark of the priesthood. supplements, and soon looked and in recovery. My mind was clear, my Let Your holy love surround them and felt better than I had since my col- body quickly recovered its strength, shield them from the world’s contagion. lege days. and never at any point after the sur- Bless their labors with abundant fruit In June 2018, I found out that gery did I need a pain pill. and may the souls to whom they minister be their joy and my cancer had become invasive; it My fervent prayer now is to com- consolation here and in heaven was now Stage 1. The doctor said fort Jesus during his scourging as their beautiful and everlasting crown. Amen. the only sure way to get rid of this I was comforted during mine. He was to amputate my breast. It was at took it for the good of all mankind this point that my agony in the gar- – I went through mine because it den began. I had until August 3rd, was the only choice to definitively Cum Christo women’s weekend the date of my surgery, to wrap my eradicate my disease. He made my mind around the fact that I would “scourging” easier for me through set for October 18-21 soon only have one breast. the gift of excellent physical health The next Cum Christo spiritual to support one another. I dreaded surgery and its subse- and rapid healing. I want to make weekend scheduled in Columbus will A prospective candidate must be 21 quent disfigurement. I prayed for his scourging easier for him by be for women and will take place or older, be a baptized Christian, and the Lord to take that cup from me. weeping with him, holding his hand from 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18 to be affiliated with the Roman Catho- I cried and cried for my impending as he suffers, and letting him know Sunday afternoon, Oct. 21 at Colum- lic Church or an established Christian lost breast. I felt the loss viscerally. I over and over again how much I bus St. James the Less Church, 1652 church. was in agony as I gradually brought love him. Oakland Park Ave. “The Cum Christo Movement is a myself to the understanding, deci- The Crowning with Thorns: The weekend consists of a series of unique opportunity to stir up one’s ap- sion, and acceptance of the fact that There is no mystery in humiliation. talks given by laypersons and Catholic preciation and practical expression of I would undergo a mastectomy and Jesus’ accusers wanted to make him and Protestant clergy on topics such as faith in Jesus Christ,” said Columbus live with only one breast. feel cowed. They wanted to lash grace, church, piety, study, and Chris- Bishop Emeritus James Griffin. When I pictured Jesus praying at his mind and spirit the way they’d tian community in action. Each talk is “Cum Christo offers the added Gethsemane, I resonated with the lashed his body. They wove that followed by prayer, reflection and dis- strength of continuing relationship with anguish he must have been feeling, crown of thorns to humiliate him. As cussion. There is a Catholic Mass and a men and women of our community who knowing what was in store for him. far as they were concerned, he was Protestant service each weekend. Men’s are equally intent on making the Gospel Jesus knew that, despite the horrors less than nothing. But they couldn’t and women’s weekends in Columbus come alive in their midst. that were going to happen, he had to take from him the knowledge that he each are offered two times a year. “I encourage you to make the Cum accept it. He prayed for his father was doing his father’s will. Cum Christo emerged from the Cath- Christo experience a part of your faith- to take that cup from him, but knew For me, my crowning with thorns olic Cursillo Movement, which started life. It will be a source of inner peace if he didn’t do this, then humanity was going to be the worst part of in 1964. In 1970, it welcomed men and for you and will provide unbelievable would be stuck in sin and death for- all. I’d have to admit that I did not women from Protestant denominations. spiritual growth.” ever. He was preparing to give up his initially choose the right path and Cum Christo is one of many means To contact Columbus Cum Christo life for each of us out of pure love. tell those who believed me cra- of renewal within the Church. Its goal for more information, visit https://cum- Surely I could give up one breast! zy to think that diet, exercise, and bring all to Christ by providing the op- or call Jim Keating The Scourging at the Pillar: As portunity and the means for participants at (614) 905-0501. See walking, Page 16 Catholic Times 6 September 23, 2018 Jesus after resurrection; St. Peter to host program on teen suicide A presentation on suicide among education at The Ohio State Universi- ‘Brother-sister’ for civil marriage teenagers will take place from 2 to ty. He also is a founding partner of the 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 7 in the Blue Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation. Room of Columbus St. Peter Church, High-school-age teenagers are en- Question & Answer 6899 Smoky Row Road. couraged to attend with an adult. The Father Kenneth Doyle The presenter will be Paul F. Granello, program will be sponsored by the par- a licensed professional clinical counsel- ish’s adult enrichment and youth min- Catholic News Service or and associate professor of counselor istry committees.

Did the resurrected Jesus have fell apart and eventually she received a human body? (Carrollton, an annulment from the Catholic tri- UD alumni group honors Ruth Beckman Georgia) bunal. After a few years, she met a Q Ruth Beckman, the longtime di- as director, the organization’s im- It is a fundamental truth of Chris- divorced man who had been married tianity that Jesus rose from the previously in the Catholic Church and rector of the Joint Organization for pact grew dramatically, from serving dead in his physical body. (This she married him in a civil ceremony. Inner-City Needs (JOIN) in Colum- about three clients a day to 75 a day. A bus, was one of seven University of With such increased numbers, she differs from the doctrine of Jehovah’s Over 30 years have now passed, Witnesses, who hold that the post-res- and they stopped having conjugal Dayton graduates honored by the often dealt with budget shortfalls and urrection Christ was spiritual, not relations some years ago. Because of university’s alumni kept the organization physical.) Christians believe that the multiple social, financial and health association at its an- going by pursuing Jesus who appeared to more than 500 issues, they still live under the same nual awards banquet grants and donations. witnesses after Easter (1 Cor 15:6) roof -- although in separate rooms. on Saturday, Sept. 8. Her citation by the was not a ghost but was actually there My sister wants to come back to the Beckman earned an alumni association -- walking, talking, even eating. church and receive the sacraments. associate degree in said, “Ruth was a When Jesus showed himself to the The family has met with two priests executive secretarial tireless fighter for the disciples in the Upper Room on Easter and received two different opinions. studies from UD. She poor and destitute, Sunday night, they were at first terri- The first priest indicated that she can- led JOIN from 1981 to supporting their spir- fied and thought that they were seeing not receive the sacraments unless she 2015. itual needs as well as a ghost. But he said to them, “Why are divorces. Ten Columbus par- their corporal needs you troubled? ... Look at my hands The second one said that, since ishes established JOIN and going above and and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch there is no expectation of further in 1967 to help in- beyond her job de- me and see, because a ghost does not sexual relations (they would contin- ner-city residents with scription, working have flesh and bones as you can see I ue to maintain a brother-sister rela- basic needs, including 50 hours a week de- have” (Lk 24:38-39). tionship), she can receive the sacra- food, clothing, rent Former JOIN director Ruth Beck- spite only being com- and utility-bill assis- pensated for 30. Her Seeing them still amazed, Jesus ment of reconciliation and then holy man. Photo/University of Dayton asked them, “Have you anything here Communion. Please let me know the tance, prescriptions, impact on Columbus’ to eat?” They gave him a piece of church’s position. (Baton Rouge, bus passes and gas. During her time inner city is beyond measure.” baked fish, which he then ate in front Louisiana) of them (Lk 24:41-42). A week later, I would agree with the second funeral, continued from Page 3 still bearing the wounds of the cruci- priest. In fact, Pope (now St.) with our prayers and commend him to We also call to mind our own pil- fixion, Jesus appeared to Thomas and AJohn Paul II provided for such our loving and merciful God. We pray grimage in this world and the fact said, “Put your finger here and see my a circumstance in his 1981 apostolic that the good Lord will forgive what- of our own dying and rising. In re- hands, and bring your hand and put it exhortation “Familiaris Consortio,” ever failings marked Father Paul’s life membering the difficult journey of into my side” (Jn 20:27). saying that “reconciliation in the in this world and bring him into his Father Laurinaitis through war and At the same time, though, it needs to sacrament of penance, which would presence, where we shall be like God, displacement to ordination, done in be said that Christ’s post-resurrection open the way to the Eucharist” can be for we shall see him as his is. faith in the presence of the Lord Je- body was somewhat different than his granted “when, for serious reasons, We recall that today, the Church sus Christ, let us pray that the good physical body on earth, since it was such as for example the children’s throughout the world celebrates the Lord continues to show us his face in now glorified -- incorruptible and free upbringing, a man and a woman can- Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy our own critical and difficult times. of suffering, a promise of what our not satisfy the obligation to separate, Cross. This feast focuses our attention We call to mind the last words which own bodies will be like in heaven. they (quoting from a homily he had on the Cross of Jesus, which is the Jesus spoke to the Apostles as he as- He could enter closed rooms, for given a year earlier) ‘take on them- sign of the Lord’s victory over sin and cended into heaven: “Remember that example, even though the door was selves the duty to live in complete death and the source of great hope. I am with you always until the end of locked (Jn 20:19), and he was able to continence.’” As we gaze upon the cross, we see the ages.” disappear, as he did when he vanished (Note: I would deem as “serious rea- the blood and water flowing from the from the sight of the disciples on the sons” what you describe as “multiple wounded side of Jesus, and we pray Eternal rest grant unto Father Paul, road to Emmaus (Lk 24:31); and, of social, financial and health issues.”) that the lifegiving flood of love and O Lord, and let perpetual light shine course, he was able to ascend into - - - mercy will fall upon the dust of our on him. May he rest in peace. heaven (Acts 1:9). Questions may be sent to Father lives and bring forth the new life of May his soul and the souls of all the My sister married in the Catholic Kenneth Doyle at askfatherdoyle@ everlasting peace. Christ has prom- faithful departed, through the mer- Church while very young. After and 30 Columbia Circle ised that when he is lifted up, he will cy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Qa couple of years, that marriage Dr., Albany, New York 12203. draw all peoples to himself. September 23, 2018 Catholic Times 7 Keeping divorced catholics in the flock By Keith F. Luscher as the Church is concerned, he is still from the flock. Eucharist and Reconciliation feed, heal sacramentally married to his wife until Therefore, here are a few sugges- and bring us closer to Christ. You might In February, I penned an article that death or unless the marriage was de- tions to keep “at-risk” Catholics in the also suggest they explore Surviving Di- asked: “Can divorced Catholics become clared invalid by a diocesan Tribunal. Church (where they will continue to vorce: Hope and Healing for the Cath- lost sheep?” I was reminded of this a few If his marriage was not annulled, and receive spiritual enrichment and food olic Family, a program offered by many weeks ago, when I received an email he entered into another relationship out- when they need it most): local parishes. The schedule is available from Mitch, a Catholic going through side of his marriage, then he would not 1. Educate yourself on Church teach- at a divorce after a marriage of 15 years. be “in communion” with the Church and ing. The apostolate Non Solum Colum- 4. Love and listen. Divorce in our He found my contact information on the therefore asked to not present himself to bus tries to make this easy by offering a culture has become so common that the ministry website DivorcedCatholicCo- sacramental communion, similar to any simple report, Thirteen Myths of Mar- gut-wrenching anguish it causes those and reached out for support individual who is not in communion riage, Divorce & Annulments in The involved has become trivialized and in “re-engaging” with the Church. with the Church. Yet even then, every- Catholic Church, available at Divorced- even ignored. Do not minimize the pain Within a few days, we were able to one is still loved by God and welcome a person is experiencing, but be present connect on the phone. I asked him what at Mass. So where did Mitch and count- 2. Reach out to someone going and listen. It may be difficult to know he meant when he expressed a desire to less other Catholics like him get such an through a separation or divorce. This what to say or do, but demonstrating “re-engage” with the Church. I wanted incorrect impression on Church teach- can be difficult. Often it’s not knowing love and compassion goes a long way. to know how he became “disengaged” in ing regarding issues related to marriage what to do or say that leads to inaction You may not fully understand what a the first place. Mitch shared his story and and divorce? Put more simply: Why do and the unintended sense of abandon- person is feeling, but Christ knows. Let stated, “When it was clear that despite my many Catholics believe that a civil di- ment felt by others. But if you don’t Him shine through you. best efforts to save my marriage, we were vorce automatically excludes them from know what to say, then lead with that! If you know a parishioner at risk of heading for divorce, I just didn’t feel like life in the Church? The sincere effort and the opening of leaving the flock because of marital sep- I belonged anymore. After all, I knew I Clearly, poor catechesis is one cause. one’s heart to another and making your- aration or divorce, pray for and reach out certainly couldn’t receive the Eucharist.” Mitch made an incorrect assumption self vulnerable to join them in their pain to the person, even if it’s uncomfortable. I quickly, yet gently, corrected Mitch in based on poor education or advice in the (“Jesus, in my suffering, I join You in Works of mercy aren’t supposed to be his understanding of Church teaching. I past, or no guidance at all. Yours”) is perhaps the greatest gift you easy. “Truly I say to you, to the extent told him that being civilly divorced does There is a second cause for this mis- can share. Allow God’s Divine Mercy that you did it to one of these brothers not mean he is excommunicated, that he understanding: It comes from a failure to channel through you. of Mine, even the least of them, you did doesn’t belong, or that he has damaged by Catholics to provide unconditional 3. Encourage engagement in the faith. it to Me” (Matthew 24:40). his relationship with the Church. Rather, love, support and acceptance of those The experience of marital breakdown is Keith F. Luscher is a revert to the Church I encouraged him to continue to partici- who for whatever reason end up in this a time when one needs faith. Encourage after a 25-year absence. He is now happily pate in parish life. situation. them to get involved in parish life. Every engaged and an active member of Colum- At the same time, Christ does not Divorced Catholics often report feel- parish has varying levels of opportunity bus St. Catharine Church, and a co-found- recognize divorce (Matthew 5:32/19:9, ing disconnected from fellow parish- for service (volunteering), enrichment er of Non Solum Columbus. He may be Mark 10:11-12, Luke 16:18), and nei- ioners. They don’t feel welcome any (like Alpha and Catholicism 101), and reached at [email protected] or at ther does the Church. Therefore, as far more. And this drives the sheep away the sacraments. Mass, Adoration, the (614) 205-0830. Local concert will benefit new parish in Haiti A concert to benefit Francis of Assisi and a new parish in Hai- a native of Haiti. Fa- ti will take place at 6 ther Belange wrote p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18 Father Valcin that his at Columbus St. Fran- bishop had assigned cis of Assisi Church, him to get the church 386 Buttles Ave. It will and a rectory built so feature Giovanni and the people it serves Friends, with contem- can “celebrate God porary Christian mu- with dignity.” sician John Lalacona There is a modest and a musical group foundation for the presenting original church and rectory. songs of meditation and John Lalacona will be featured in However, funds are praise of Jesus Christ. concert on Oct. 18. scarce because most Admission is free, of the Catholics in the but a collection will be taken on be- area are farmers and have little money half of the new Our Lady of the As- to spare. In addition, Haiti has been hit sumption Church, located not far from hard by earthquakes, hurricanes and Jacmel on the south shore of Haiti. infrastructure issues over the years. The church’s pastor, Father Guy Be- After the concert, there will be a lange, is a longtime friend of Father wine and cheese reception featuring Fritzner Valcin, who is pastor of St. the musicians and Father Valcin. O u r L a d y o f t h e A s s u m p t i o n C h u r c h i s n e a r J a c m e l o n t h e s o u t h s h o r e o f H a i t i . Photos courtesy John Lalacona Catholic Times 8 September 23, 2018 St. Anthony students ‘save Fred’ St. Andrew forms family groups

Columbus St. Andrew School promotes community building through its family group pro- gram. Family groups are a mixture of students in all grade levels. Each group consists of 13 to 15 students and is facilitated by its eighth-grade member. Family groups meet once per month, with an activity or discussion as part of the meeting. This year, the focus is on the Columbus St. Anthony School fifth-graders worked on a STEM activity that challenged them Beatitudes. Members of one of the groups are (from left) Eliana Geraci, Henne Montooth, to “save Fred,” a gummy worm whose boat had capsized. Fred was stuck atop a plastic Wyatt Robinson and Hannah Martin. Photo courtesy St. Andrew School cup and his life preserver was under the cup. The students had to save him by using four paperclips and no hands. This activity encouraged students to work together and improve problem-solving skills and critical thinking. Photo courtesy St. Anthony School St. Anthony students build towers St. Bernadette celebrates Mary’s birthday

Lancaster St. Bernadette School students enjoyed a belated celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Monday, Sept. 10. The feast day was on Saturday, Sept. 8. Father Columbus St. Anthony School first-graders read the book “The Man Who Walked Between Ty Tomson, pastor of St. Bernadette Church, reminded the children that Mary celebrates a the Towers” by Mordicai Gerstein. The book tells about French aerialist Philippe Petit’s birthday every year on that day. The students sang “Happy Birthday” to Mary and enjoyed tightrope walk between the two World Trade center towers in 1974. The students worked in special blue-frosted cupcakes compliments of Father Tomson and a volunteer baker. Students teams to build their own twin towers out of clear cups. Shown with one of the towers are pictured are (from left) Dominic Messerly, Charlie Bricker, Colten Sisco, Annastasia Harmon, (from left) Carlos Luna, Lila Hatem, Desno Daly, John Hoffman, Bakhita Combey, Dylan Her- Ella Sanford and Sam Tencza. Photo courtesy St. Bernadette School nandez, Kojo Oduro, Leonardo Salazar and Landon Jacobus. Photo courtesy St. Anthony School September 23, 2018 Catholic Times 9

HOLY AND HEALTHY Lori Crock We’re all in marketing Before I moved into the field of fit- Often I would say, “we are all in mar- ness, I had a small marketing commu- keting”— every person, every minute, nications company that allowed me to as everything we say and do impacts help small businesses and entrepreneurs how people see and evaluate our brand, Beautifully develop their messaging and branding. our mission, our product or service. I discovered that one of the biggest Marketing, at its essence, is the shar- frustrations for business owners was ing of information, experiences, and 614-276-1439 marketing. They were experts at their stories, in a way that attracts people field, whether they provided a product — whether it’s supporting the mission or a service, but marketing often over- of a non-profit, or buying a product or whelmed them. They felt unsure about service. how to talk about their business to oth- I found myself recently saying to a Harvest Bouquet Craft Show ers in a compelling manner. friend that marketing applies to Jesus That’s where I came in. I enjoyed as well. What I meant was that those of Saturday, October 6 • 9am-3pm writing and helping them zero in on us who love Jesus, and desire to grow Over 100 Crafters • Raffle Baskets what made them different. I helped in our relationship with him, inevitably them write and share their compelling want to share our love and our faith with Handmade Items story in the marketplace. others. This could be called marketing, but as Catholics, we more commonly Great Food and “Buckeyes” refer to this as evangelization. We are FREE ADMISSION! Scouts retire flag all called to evangelize — each in our own way — loving God and neighbor, St. Joan of Arc Church - 10700 Liberty Rd., Powell and by example, bringing people to the at memorial good news of Jesus Christ. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1913, states, “Thus, every person through these gifts given to him, is at once the witness and the living in- strument of the mission of the Church itself, ‘according to the measure of Christ’s bestowal.’” When I think of Sts. Peter and Paul, two extraordinary disciples, we could say they were masterful at marketing. I think about their travels, their speaking, teaching, writing, caring, healing and CCL football coverage begins at 6:00 PM ON AM 820 performing miracles to bring people of all cultures and backgrounds to the truth Doug Lessells, Randy Rhinehart, Ryan Baker, of Jesus Christ. It feels odd to call that and Larry Wolf bring you all the CCL action! marketing, but in a way it is because Central Catholic League Game-of-the-Week they were communicating Christ’s love FRIDAY AUGUST 24 Dublin Scioto at St. Charles with a desire to attract others to him. FRIDAY AUGUST 31 Bishop Watterson at Olentangy Orange

“Go and make disciples of all nations, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 7 Bishop Ready at Bishop Hartley baptizing them in the name of the Fa- ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14 Chillicothe at Bishop Hartley Spirit, teaching them to observe all that FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 21 Newark Catholic at Licking Heights I have commanded you.” Mt 28: 19-2 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 28 St Charles at St. Francis DeSales In the wise words of St. Augustine, FRIDAY October 5 Academy v Bishop Ready

Boy Scouts from Columbus Our Lady of “Truth is not private property.” May we FRIDAY October 12 Bishop Hartley at St. Francis DeSales also answer the call to be marketers of Peace and St. Timothy schools came togeth- FRIDAY October 19 Whitehall v Bishop Ready er on Monday, Sept. 10 to retire the Ameri- Christ’s mission by courageously shar- can flag (and hang a new one) at the Colum- ing our faith and love for Jesus, each in FRIDAY October 26 St. Francis DeSales at Bishop Watterson bus Police and Firefighters Memorial. our unique way, relying on the gifts and Photo courtesy Our Lady of Peace School talents God has bestowed on us. Catholic Times 10 September 23, 2018 Holy family church: ‘everything is rooted in the liturgy’ By Tim Puet, Catholic Times Reporter became parish administrator. He was named pastor at the end of July of this Anyone who has not recently been year. Both priests have been assisted by to the area surrounding Holy Family Deacon Earl McCurry. Church on Columbus’ west side would “A lot of parishes have programs that be amazed at what has taken place in the are separated from the liturgy,” said pa- neighborhood. rishioner Brian Krull. “Here, everything The former Franklin County Veterans is rooted in the liturgy. Degree by de- Memorial Auditorium, just across the gree, if you attend Mass here regularly, Scioto River from downtown, has been it changes you. The parish is a real trea- torn down. It has been replaced by the sure because it is so unique.” National Veterans Memorial and Muse- For much of Father Lutz’s pastor- um, which will open late next month as ate, Holy Family was the only parish the nation’s only museum dedicated to in the Diocese of Columbus offering telling the stories of veterans of all eras the Tridentine, or Extraordinary Form, and all branches of the military and their Mass – the Mass as celebrated in the families. Catholic Church from 1570 to 1962 – A little farther west on Broad Street, on a regular basis. This has continued many of the neighborhood’s commer- under Father Dailey, with Father Cyrus

Pictured (from left) in the parish center of Columbus Holy Family Church are parishioners Anita and Fred Van Order and Brian Krull; Sister Anna Lesniak, LSIC, parish religious ed- ucation director; and Father Stanley “Stash” Dailey, pastor. CT photo by Ken Snow cial buildings have been or are being Haddad, parochial vicar of Columbus razed, to be replaced by a new devel- St. Joseph Cathedral, as celebrant for opment that has been given the overall Extraordinary Form Masses in Latin name of Gravity and will include apart- at 9 a.m. Thursdays and Fridays and ments, shops, restaurants, residences, 8:30 a.m. Sundays. The parish’s other and possibly a hotel. Masses, in English using the current It’s the biggest change the neighbor- liturgical form, are at 12:15 p.m. Tues- Columbus Holy Family Church parishioners have attended Mass in this building since the hood has seen in decades, but in the days through Fridays, 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. parish was founded in 1877 in the city’s Franklinton neighborhood. CT file photo midst of all that’s new, Holy Family, at Saturdays, and 11 a.m. and 5 and 8 p.m. 584 W. Broad St., retains its commit- Sundays. church. The pastoral needs of the thou- ly Saturday Masses in the diocese and ment to the unchanging truths of the The 8 p.m. Mass is the latest Sun- sands of hospital workers in the Colum- because, unlike other parish Saturday Catholic Church. day Mass at any neighborhood parish bus metropolitan area were the driving morning Masses, it’s always dedicat- “The world has not changed Holy in the diocese (the Newman Center at force behind offering the 8 p.m. Sunday ed to the Blessed Mother. On the first Family,” said parishioner Fred Van Or- The Ohio State University has one at 9 Mass. Over time, it has been appealing Saturday of the month, it also includes der. “Parishioners are grateful that they p.m.). and there’s a reason for that. “Our to many others as well. the devotions requested by Our Lady of have been able to come here and be Mass schedule is different from that “We have the noontime Mass on Fatima for that day.” grounded in the faith under the leader- of most parishes because of where we weekdays because there are thousands The parish’s devotional life is another ship of Fathers Lutz and Dailey.” Father are,” Father Dailey said. of people working nearby,” either of its strengths. It includes devotions to Kevin Lutz, now pastor of Columbus “The 8 p.m. Mass draws a large downtown or in the parish’s Franklinton St. Anthony of Padua and veneration of St. Mary, Mother of God Church, was crowd because many of those attending neighborhood, Father Dailey said. “The a relic of the saint after the 12:15 p.m. the parish’s pastor from 1998 to 2013, are workers from area hospitals” that Saturday morning Mass draws many when Father Stanley ”Stash” Dailey are located a brief drive away from the people because it’s one of the few ear- See holy family, Page 12 September 23, 2018 Catholic Times 11 Holy family soup kitchen has served community for more than 40 years By Tim Puet, Catholic Times Reporter pop or juice, two sandwiches, some The attitude of most of them is them the chance to serve. It rekindles snacks, and a dinner or salad. About summed up by Antoine Williams, a my own faith to see that there are so From 10:30 a.m. to noon on any 75 woods bags are distributed daily to volunteer who shows up nearly ev- many good, caring, godly people in weekday (except holidays), there can’t the homeless people whose camps are ery day at 8:15 a.m. to get the kitchen the midst of these chaotic times.” be many places in Columbus busier located in the neighborhood, ready and stays as long as he is need- Krull, a native of Columbus’ west than the Holy Family Soup Kitchen. “There’s about 1,000 or 1,500 calo- ed. “I don’t like to be disrespected, so I side, formerly was a minister in a A constant stream of people flows ries worth of food in each bag,” Krull give everybody respect. These people Protestant denomination and served through the cramped space in the said. “That’s enough to get people need the food pantry and soup kitch- as an Army chaplain before joining basement of the former Holy Family through to the next day, when they en. I’m glad to be here to help them the Catholic Church three years ago. School in the Franklinton neighbor- can come back here for a nutritious hood on the city’s west side. hot lunch” which generally includes a In that 90-minute period, the cen- meat, vegetables, soup, bread, dessert ter’s staff and volunteers see around and a beverage. 300 people, and frequently more. Families can come to the pantry Those people come to eat a nourish- twice a month. Enough other pan- ing lunch in the cafeteria, obtain food tries exist in the city to provide suf- from the building’s pantry so they can ficient food for the families’ needs feed their families, receive woods at other times during the month. The bags containing food for the home- pantry serves families in the 43119, less, pick up mail, receive medical 43123, 43204, 43215, 43222, 43223 assistance, or ask for help with the ne- and 43228 ZIP codes, which include cessities of life. downtown and the near west side Dana Krull, the kitchen’s operations and Hilltop neighborhoods. A family

More than 100 volunteers help serve meals at the Holy Family Soup Kitchen, with about 25 or 30 at the site on Columbus’ west side on any given day. CT photos by Ken Snow and be a leader for them,” he said. After leaving the service, he worked Williams came to Columbus three in private business for a while, but years ago and began volunteering in found he missed the opportunity to return for the help he received at the serve others. soup kitchen as he began rebuilding his “Father Stash (Dailey, pastor of life after being released from prison. Holy Family Church) reached out Most of the volunteers are retirees. to me this winter and said God was Some have served at the kitchen for bringing me to his mind,” Krull said. decades, including Genny Temple, “Then he offered me the opportuni- a volunteer for 33 years; Marilyn ty to work here, beginning this past Ransom, 25 years; Pat Hughes, Lar- April. Doing this has fulfilled what The Holy Family Soup Kitchen in the former Holy Family School provides lunch for 300 ry Lorms and Ralph Locke, 20 years; I’m looking for and allowed me to or more people every weekday and has served the community for more than 40 years. Jack Sharp, 19 years; and Seba Cohen meet many beautiful souls.” and Annie Carnes, 17 years. The center’s director, Dominican manager, estimates that the kitchen and member must show a driver’s license “The soup kitchen may have Holy Brother Paul Kennedy, OP, who lives pantry serve a ton – 2,000 pounds – of or other form of identification, such as Family as its name, but it’s truly a di- at Columbus St. Patrick Church, was food on a typical day, either in meals a health insurance or Social Security ocesan effort,” Krull said. Volunteers not at the center on the day the Catholic for those who eat lunch in the kitchen card, and provide a utility bill, rent re- come from throughout the Columbus Times visited. He became director after or in boxes distributed to the 25 or so ceipt or similar proof of address. area and include students from many the death last year of Sharon Wing, who families a day who come to the pantry People who come to the soup kitch- middle schools and high schools who had held the position since 2012. to obtain a week’s worth of food. en are helped by more than 100 vol- are performing service projects. The soup kitchen was founded in The facility has been serving area unteers, about a dozen of whom come “I see so many Christlike people the late 1970s by Msgr. Francis Sch- residents for more than 40 years. In the nearly every day, with others provid- here who are living out the Gospel,” weitzer, who was Holy Family’s pas- last few years, this outreach has been ing assistance once a week, once a Krull said. “We thank the volunteers tor from 1970 to 1997 and continued extended through the woods bags, month, or whenever they can. Krull for coming in to serve, but they turn it to say Mass at the parish until his which, depending on what’s available, said there usually are 25 to 30 volun- right around and say they’re the ones include two water bottles, a bottle of teers at the site on any given day. who should be thanking us for giving See SOUP KITCHEN, Page 13 Catholic Times 12 September 23, 2018 holy family, continued from Page 10

Tuesday Mass; devotions to and vener- welcome them to come to Mass, but tual hunger on that day. For Holy Fam- and secondary education – grammar ation of a relic of Pope St. John Paul II we expect most of those at our Masses ily and the Catholic Church to remain (for ages 4 to 9 or 10), dialectic (9 or after the Thursday 12:15 Mass; an act will continue to be people who live in strong, we must satisfy the needs of the 10 to 13), and rhetoric (14 to 17). of consecration of the human race to the the suburbs or work nearby. people.” “It’s based on the natural way people Sacred Heart of Jesus after the 12:15 “Another thing that’s unique about Holy Family was founded in 1877 learn,” Krull said. “Grammar students and 7 p.m. Masses on the first Friday our location is that those in the suburbs as the first Catholic church on the work to develop the roots that will en- of the month; the blessing of St. Gerard think of us as a downtown church, but west side. The current church building hance knowledge and understanding. Majella, patron of expectant mothers, because we’re across the river from has served the parish throughout its Dialectic and rhetoric stage students after the 11 a.m. Mass on the third Sun- downtown and are part of the West 141-year history. The parish has sur- have opportunities for discussion, log- day of the month for all women who are Columbus Deanery rather than the vived devastating floods in 1913 and ic development, and speaking, with pregnant or wish to become pregnant; Center-South Deanery, we don’t see 1959, fires in the mid-1950s and the additional focus on the fine arts and an overnight vigil with a statue early years of this century, the loss of history. Catholic Schoolhouse is more of Our Mother of Sorrows late on its grade and high schools, and high- than a day out of the house. It can help Good Friday and early on Holy way construction that cut through its bring structure and cohesiveness to Saturday; and a day of recollection property. the home-school experience.” Krull’s during Advent. Three have served the parish wife, Kathryn, and Kimberly Wasson Eucharistic Adoration takes in the past 48 years – Father Dailey, are directors of the program. place from 10 a.m. to 9:45 p.m. Father Lutz, and the late Msgr. Francis Besides attracting many college-age every Tuesday; 10 a.m. Thursday Schweitzer, pastor from 1970 to 1997. students to its Masses, Holy Family to 11:30 a.m. Friday each week; Msgr. Schweitzer told the Catholic also has become a frequent site for vis- and 8 p.m. Friday to 9 p.m. Sat- Times 10 years ago that the parish al- its by Franciscan University of Steu- urday on the first Friday of the most was closed in the 1970s, but was benville students. Many Franciscan month, honoring the Sacred Heart. saved by the legendary blizzard of late students belong to faith-related house- A rosary procession from Holy January 1978. hold groups that conduct retreats once Family to Columbus St. Patrick “On the Saturday night of the bliz- a semester for household members, Church has taken place in May zard, every other bingo in Franklin and some of these retreats take place for the last two years. This year, County was closed, but we stayed at Holy Family, often giving students more than 200 people took part. open,” he said. “We made $10,000 a chance to help at the soup kitchen or The parish also has a May crown- that night. That got us off our feet and other parish activities. ing and first Communion on the allowed us to catch up on our bills. Father Dailey said Franciscan stu- first Sunday in May and sponsors For us, the blizzard was a miracle.” dents started coming to Holy Fami- a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Many of those who came to the parish ly after visiting the parish with NET Lady of Consolation in Carey that night returned because they liked Ministries Missionaries, a nationwide each year on Aug. 14, the vigil of the atmosphere, and the threat of clos- group dedicated to spreading the Gos- the Solemnity of the Assumption. T h e m a i n a l t a r a t C o l u m b u s H o l y F a m i l y C h u r c h . ing ended. pel among young people In addition, a statue of Our Lady Photo courtesy Holy Family Church The former Holy Family School “They love the parish, and some have of Fatima visits homes of inter- is now the home of two institutions settled here after college as a result,” ested parishioners on a rotating basis ourselves that way. We have been and founded by the former pastors – the he said. “They say it’s reverent with- throughout the year. A Mass in Polish always will be the Franklinton parish.” Holy Family Soup Kitchen, which out being stuck-up and beautiful with- is offered at 2 p.m. on the third Sunday Father Dailey said a large number of Msgr. Schweitzer started in the late out being cold. They like that no one of each month. those attending weekend Masses are 1970s and is the subject of a separate leaves Mass early. They come here, Holy Family also has retained the young families attracted by the parish’s story in this week’s Catholic Times, and we send people there. We currently practices of celebrating Masses ad Ori- respect for faith traditions and liturgi- and the Jubilee Museum, founded by have five students at Franciscan.” entem (facing east) and having people cal reverence. “Longtime parishioners Father Lutz in 1998, which houses the The church’s Confraternity of Chris- kneel in front of the altar for reception say they’re seeing more babies at Mass nation’s largest collection of diversi- tian Doctrine classes are led by Sister of the Eucharist. than at any time since the 1950s,” he fied Catholic artwork. Many people Anna Lesniak, LSIC, the parish’s reli- Because of its location, it always has said. “It’s great to have people tell me call it “the Holy Family Museum,” but gious education director. She and Sis- been a parish that has been attended by they can’t hear my homilies not be- its organization is now independent of ters Bozena Tyborowska, LSIC, and people from throughout the Columbus cause they’re hard of hearing, but be- that of the parish. Maria Lukaszuk, LSIC, are members area. Father Dailey said it currently has cause of all the babies crying. It’s real- The original parish school closed of the Little Servant Sisters of the Im- a membership of about 700 families, ly a wonderful noise, perhaps as it was in 1973, but children once again are maculate Conception, a Polish-based most of whom do not live in Franklin- when Jesus was preaching and people being educated at Holy Family. The order of sisters. ton, but many of whom have roots in complained to him about the children. parish center adjacent to the church The order has been in Columbus the area. “We started the 8 p.m. Sunday Mass building houses about 45 students since 2015, with Father Dailey making “All this construction probably a couple of years ago and a lot of peo- who come there every Friday during arrangements for the sisters to come won’t have that much of an impact on ple thought it was a bad idea, but it’s the school year after being home- at the invitation of Bishop Frederick the church building itself,” he said. “It become wildly popular. Young parents, schooled during the week. The stu- Campbell. They live in a convent at probably will have more of an effect college kids and young professionals dents are ages 4 through 17 and are 957 E. Broad St., part of which is being on the parish soup kitchen and pantry come at that time because it satisfies being educated with the help of a converted to house a preschool that the and the parking situation. If the people a need. The economy doesn’t respect program titled Catholic Schoolhouse, sisters hope to open in October, once who come here to live are Catholic or the Lord’s day, and it’s the best chance which is based on British author Dor- are interested in the Catholic faith, we many people have to satisfy their spiri- othy Sayers’ three stages of primary See holy family, Page 13 September 23, 2018 Catholic Times 13 holy family, continued from Page 12 all the necessary permits needed are is- items. This is one of the few parish collecting new and gently used chil- is followed by a procession, veneration sued. The building is next to the Kinder events that raises money for items for dren’s clothing items through Octo- of a relic of the saint, and the distribu- Women’s Care Center, which provides the church. ber as part of its Coats for Kids pro- tion of blessed bread and roses, then assistance to pregnant women. The Christian Mothers also conduct gram. It also takes part each May in more food and music. Sister Bozena also the Knights’ statewide Mea- As part of Columbus’ annual Red, teaches CCD classes and is sure-Up program for the de- White and Boom fireworks display on director of the parish’s So- velopmentally disabled, spon- July 3, the parish sponsors a communi- dality of the Blessed Virgin sors Friday fish fries during ty festival that features inflatables for Mary for young women in Lent and a pancake breakfast children, plus food and music. “Our high school, which meets four times a year, and gathers location makes this a great place to on the first Saturday of together on the fourth Sun- watch the fireworks,” Father Dailey the month after the 9 a.m. day of each month to receive said. “People come here from all over Mass. Sister Maria serves Communion. Franklin County to enjoy the commu- as the parish nurse, and all The parish has a Holy Name nity atmosphere.” of the sisters visit the sick Society for men and a junior In addition to these events, the parish and the homebound, with version of the group for boys also celebrates the Solemnity of the As- the help of volunteers. younger than 18. Both groups sumption of Mary on Aug. 15 and the The parish has an active take part in Adoration from 6 Feast of St. Gerard Majella on Oct. 16 Christian Mothers group to 7 p.m. on the third Thurs- with festivals. These celebrations pro- that will sponsor a Christ- Sister Bozena Tyborowska, LSIC (center), and Sister Anna Lesniak, day of the month, followed vide parish families with opportunities mas bazaar on Sunday, LSIC, with Holy Family parishioners. Photo courtesy Holy Family Church by a business meeting and re- to live the faith and to celebrate as a Nov. 11. The event will freshments. parish family the feasts of the Church. feature craft sales, food, a bake sale, periodic diaper drives for the Women’s Two large summertime social events For more information about Holy raffles and a silent auction. Earlier this Care Center and sponsor the St. Gerard take place at the church within a month. Family Church, go to its website, month, the group conducted hosted a Majella devotion. The Feast of St. Anthony is celebrated, send chicken-and-noodles dinner that in- Knights of Columbus Council on June 13, with food trucks and live an email to holyfamilycolumbus@ cluded a mystery auction of wrapped 13428, which was formed in 2015, is music from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Mass at 7 or call (614) 221-4323. soup KITCHEN, continued from Page 11 death in 2013. He said he started the food it is able to place in boxes from he said. the rosary being recited at 10:30. kitchen because of the presence of the pantry and in woods bags. Krull “We’re told that at other places “Amid the oftentimes chaotic work of several Vietnam War veterans in the said the type of food being supplied is where this kind of service is offered, serving our hundreds of guests, it is a area near the church and the lack of changing, with more fresh items and people steal mail and bank cards. moment of incredible stillness to stop recognition he felt they were receiv- more produce and dairy products be- Here, we keep those kinds of things by the chapel and spend some time ing for their service. ing sent and larger families receiving in a safe, away from other mail. It’s with the Lord. Time seems to stop” at For most of its history, the name of proportionately more food. a lot more work for us, but it’s part those moments, Krull said. Frances Carr was synonymous with The kitchen also provides other of our mission and we know what a Krull also notes that the neighbor- the kitchen and pantry. Carr began items, such as children’s books and difference it makes.” hood around the soup kitchen is be- working there in 1982 as a volunteer school supplies, when they are avail- Health care is available at the site ginning to change, with older homes and served as director for most of able. Krull said that at Christmastime, four days a week. The Mount Carmel being remodeled, new buildings with the next 30 years, guiding it through it facilitates gift donations for parish- Medical Coach visits every Thursday offices, shops, and apartments rising, many periods when she wasn’t sure es outside the downtown area who morning, offering a staff of profes- and the area’s low-income residents where she would get food for the next want to give to low-income families. sionals who provide basic medical gradually being replaced by the more day’s meals. Clothing and small household items care and referrals to more advanced affluent. Today, about half of that food is pur- also are sometimes donated. “When care. Holy Family Church’s parish “When the homeless of Franklinton chased from the Mid-Ohio Foodbank that occurs, we make the items avail- nurse, Sister Maria Lukaszuk, LSIC, have been evicted, who will pray with and another 25 percent from Gordon able to anyone who wants then,” Krull is at the kitchen on Mondays, Tues- them to show they are loved? Who Food Service. The rest is donated by said. “We pray that the people who days and Wednesdays. will place daily bread – holy Scripture various partners. Significant partner pick these things up are using them “While she has been instrumental in and a bag of food – in their hands?” organizations include Pizza Hut. Ken- for their intended purposes. We know bringing physical healing to local res- he wonders. “At Holy Family Soup tucky Fried Chicken, Trader Joe’s. there are some risks involved, but we idents through home visitations, she Kitchen and Food Pantry, we don’t Mount Carmel Health, the Columbus do it on faith. also provides spiritual restoration by distinguish between who is deserv- Blue Jackets, the Columbus Clippers, “We also recognize that some of our helping them attend Holy Mass, some ing and who isn’t, because we too are and the Catholic Foundation. The guests may be ‘milking the system,’ for the first time in many years. If you spiritually hungry sinners whom Je- St. Martha Giving Circle, a group of but those kinds of free riders represent ever want to see the power of Catholic sus feeds in spite of our unworthiness women who raise funds for the Foun- a very small minority.” Christian love, just watch Sister Ma- – and indeed, because of it.” dation and decide where the money The kitchen provides more than just ria at work,” Krull said. For more information about will go, recently awarded the kitchen food. Krull said at least 400 people The kitchen also helps meet peo- the soup kitchen, call (614) 461- one of its maximum $10,000 grants. use it as a mailing address. “People on ple’s spiritual needs by offering Ado- 9444, send an email to holyfamily- The generosity of donors has allowed the street have no money to pay for a ration of the Blessed Sacrament from [email protected], or go to its the kitchen to increase the amount of post office box, so they come here,” 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays, with website, Catholic Times 14 September 23, 2018 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B The Weekday Diocesan Weekly Radio Imitate Jesus in times of pain and confusion Bible Readings and Television Mass

By Jem Sullivan tions of the faithful. MONDAY Schedule: SEPT. 23, 2018 Catholic News Service Jesus predicts his betrayal, passion Proverbs 3:27-34 and death at the beginning of today’s Sunday Mass Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 Gospel reading. And St. Mark tells us Psalm 15:2-5 10:30 a.m. Mass from Columbus St. Joseph Cathedral on St. Gabriel Psalm 54:3-6, 8 that the disciples did not understand Luke 8:16-18 Radio (AM 820), Columbus, and at James 3:16 – 4:3 Jesus’ words. In fact, they completely missed the point! TUESDAY Mass with the Passionist Fathers at 7:30 a.m. on WWHO-TV (the Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 CW), Channel 53, Columbus. and 10:30 a.m. on WHIZ-TV, Channel Because as they travel on to Caper- Proverbs 21:1-6,10-13 naum, they begin to argue over who 18, Zanesville. Check local cable system for cable channel listing. Every saint faces times of trial and Psalm 119:1,27,30,34-35,44 persecution, from within or from out- was the greatest among them. Instead Luke 8:19-21 side the church. Countless saints ended of focusing on the meaning of Jesus’ Mass from Our Lady of the Angels Monastery, Birmingham, Ala., their lives with a crown of martyrdom, words for their lives, they were ab- at 8 a.m. on EWTN (Spectrum Channel 385, Insight Channel 382, often at the hands of cruel, vicious per- sorbed with their own selfish interests WEDNESDAY or WOW Channel 378). (Encores at noon, 7 p.m., and midnight). secutors. and desires for power. Proverbs 30:5-9 Mass from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee at 6:30 a.m. on ION And some saints who founded reli- Jesus gives the Twelve Apostles his Psalm 119:29,72,89,101,104,163 vision of servant discipleship and yet TV (AT&T U-verse Channel 195, Dish Network Channel 250, or gious orders were eventually rejected Luke 9:1-6 by their own communities, enduring they remain occupied with arguing DirecTV Channel 305). envy, false accusations and isolation over power, prestige and earthly fame! among the very people they gathered It is then that Jesus explains to his THURSDAY Mass from Massillon St. Mary Church at 10:30 a.m. on together and served. disciples, and us, the true meaning Ecclesiastes 1:2-11 WILB radio (AM 1060, FM 94.5 and 89.5), Canton, heard in Take St. Benedict, who assembled of Christian discipleship. “If anyone Psalm 90:3-6,12-14,17 Tuscarawas, Holmes, and Coshocton counties. communities of monks dedicated to wishes to be first,” says Jesus, “he Luke 9:7-9 ceaseless prayer, solitude and manual shall be the last of all and the servant Daily Mass work. Benedictine monasteries even- of all.” 8 a.m., Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Birmingham, Ala. FRIDAY tually became the foundation of West- And then like a good teacher, Jesus (Encores at noon, 7 p.m. and midnight). See EWTN above; and on ern civilization, preserving Christian illustrates the meaning of his words by Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 I-Lifetv (Channel 113 in Ada, Logan, Millersburg, Murray City and learning and witness to selfless devo- placing a child in their midst, telling Psalm 144:1b,2abc,3-4 Washington C.H.; Channel 125 in Marion, Newark, Newcomerstown tion to God. them, “Whoever receives one child Luke 9:18-22 and New Philadelphia; and Channel 207 in Zanesville); As St. Benedict sought to lead one such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not of the monasteries he founded, some SATURDAY 8 p.m., St. Gabriel Radio (AM 820), Columbus, and at www. wayward monks conspired to kill him me but the One who sent me.” Daniel 7:9-10,13-14 or by offering him a poisoned drink. The In the midst of these painful times saint raised his hand to bless the cup in the church, God’s word invites us Revelation 12:7-12a We pray Week I, Seasonal Proper of the Liturgy of the Hours. that shattered in front of them all. to recommit ourselves to being hum- Psalm 138:1-5 St. John of the Cross experienced a ble disciples of Jesus and to follow in John 1:47-51 similar rejection and humiliation by his way of suffering, servant love that members of his own religious commu- alone brings healing and peace. The nity as he sought to found and direct word of God consoles and strengthens Discalced Carmelite communities. us with the courage to beg of God in In one period of his life, his attempts prayer, “speak to me, Lord.” to purify and reform the observances Reflection Question: of the friars was met with imprison- How am I called to live as a ser- ment, regular public beatings and oth- vant disciple of Jesus today? er harsh punishments. During this dif- - - - ficult time, the saintly friar wrote some Sullivan is secretary for Catho- of the most profound spiritual writings lic education of the Archdiocese of and poetry that now inspires genera- Washington. Living ‘I Do’ – Weekly Marriage Tips Children learn healthy conflict from your example more than from words. How do you and your spouse disagree in front of them? What conversations are best saved for in private? Your children need to see that conflict does not ex- clude love and respect. Let the presence of your children remind you to fight the problems rather than each other.

Diocese of Columbus Marriage and Family Life Office September 23, 2018 Catholic Times 15 Maintenance vs. mission Just when the Long Lent of 2002 serious sin with or against another, was coming to a boil in March of is to betray not only the priesthood that year, Cardinal Dario Castril- but the people who have trust that lon Hoyos, prefect of the Vatican’s The Catholic Difference we, on becoming clerics at diaconal Congregation for the Clergy, took George Weigel ordination, ‘believe what we read, things from “boil” to “nuclear teach what we believe, and practice meltdown” during a press confer- what we teach’ … ence presenting John Paul II’s Holy “My brothers, these words are Thursday letter to the priests of the the Castrillon playbook. But this matched by my own, and no doubt meant for myself as well as for world. Peppered with questions is not 2002. And while it isn’t of- yours as well. After all the mas- you. Indeed, they are even more about the clergy sexual abuse crisis ten stressed in mainstream media sive effort that has been made since dire a warning for me as a bishop. in the U.S., Castrillon peremptorily reporting on the crisis, those with 2002 to rid the Church of this evil Like you, I feel shame and spiritual dismissed reporters’ queries, say- eyes to see, ears to hear, and no and to try to bring healing to victim dejection, as well as anger, at what ing that the Pope had other things click-bait to concoct understand survivors, how is it possible that we has happened to victims and to all to worry about, like Middle East that there is a new resolve among a find ourselves confronting the same the faithful as a result of sexual peace. critical mass of U.S. bishops: a re- perception of the Church, and of us abuse and depredation and the fail- Sound familiar? solve to air out the McCarrick scan- as priests and bishops, as if nothing ure of some bishops to definitively There have certainly been dal; a resolve to see that bishops has changed? remove clerical predators.” ham-handed (and worse) respons- are held accountable for failures of “The grand jury re- In pondering the reform of the es to the current crisis from some pastoral and disciplinary leadership port, as devastating as it is, osten- episcopate for the future, the dis- American bishops, including prom- with wayward clergy; and a resolve sibly covers a 70-year period, and tinction between maintenance and inent figures who seem, incredi- to be seen to have “gotten it.” is largely about a past that we have mission should be at the center of bly, to be taking their cues from Why? Because those bishops are striven mightily to remedy. Howev- the discussion. Bishops who imag- disgusted with what has come to er, the allegations against [McCa- ined their role primarily as one of light in the past two months. And rrick] have to do with seeming in- keep-the-lid-on institutional main- because they know that, unless the difference to repulsive conduct not tenance – whether in relation to bishops get it right this time, and only before, but also after, the great their clergy, their brother-bishops, are perceived to be getting it right, reforms and commitments that fol- or both – are one of the primary their credibility is shot for the next lowed 2002. Whether before or af- causes of the McCarrick and Penn- generation and the New Evangeli- ter, it must be asked how he could sylvania scandals. Bishops who zation will be severely damaged. possibly remain in ministry, and think of their role as teaching and An example of this resolve may be once the answer is known, steps sanctifying a communion of mis- found in a letter Archbishop Leon- must be taken to ensure that it will sionary disciples are far more like- ard Blair of Hartford addressed to not happen again with any bishop. ly to build a presbyterate that is not his archdiocesan brothers in the “ … what is most essential is our a caste – and far more likely to call episcopate and the priesthood, and spiritual vigilance over ourselves out brother-bishops who are failing to his seminarians, which also sets and one another when it comes to in their responsibilities. the current crisis in its proper his- any conduct that is a betrayal of Institutional-maintenance Ca- torical context: the priesthood entrusted to us for tholicism is finished. Purified, “The anger and disillusionment the care of Christ’s flock. To live mission-driven Catholicism is the of our Catholic people is only a ‘double’ or secret life sexually in Church with a vital future.

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Catholic Times 16 September 23, 2018 Latino day coming up Sunday at Our Lady of Consolation shrine The annual Latino celebration at with the statue of Our Lady of Con- Testimonies of numerous healings the National Shrine of Our Lady of solation begins at 2:30 p.m., followed and miracles attributed to Our Lady Pray for Consolation will take place on Sun- by Benediction of the Blessed Sacra- of Consolation since the statue arrived day, Sept. 23 in Carey, Ohio. ment and individual healing prayers. from Luxembourg in 1875 can be The noon Mass will be offered Mexican food will be served in the found in the lower basilica. A nearby our dead in Spanish, with Spanish-speaking shrine cafeteria from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 30-acre park for meditation includes musicians from Willard, Ohio, and The Shrine, open 24 hours a day, outdoor Stations of the Cross and stat- BATES, Thomas E., 86, Sept. 11 dancers from Norwalk, Ohio, partic- is located approximately 90 minutes ues of Christ and the saints. St. Elizabeth Church, Columbus ipating. from Columbus off U.S. Rte. 23 in For more information, call the Confessions in English and Span- Carey. Shrine at 419-396-7107 or visit CENCI, Tony, 87, Sept. 5 ish will begin at 10 a.m. After Mass, The Basilica and Shrine are visited For information Sacred Heart Church, New Philadelphia devotions and a rosary procession by thousands of pilgrims each year. in Spanish, ask for Father Vince. DALICANDRO, Loreto, 98, Sept. 13 Our Mother of Sorrows Chapel, Colum- walking, continued from Page 5 bus supplements could cure cancer that more like God intended humans to Jesus never complained. He just they were right and I was wrong. I’d live. Once again, my fears proved carried on, allowing others to help DALLAS, Joseph S., 76, Sept. 10 St. Margaret of Cortona Church, Colum- have to hang my head in shame and to be unfounded because of my trust him when they had the chance, like bus humiliation and accept my crown of in the Lord. Simon of Cyrene, and continuing thorns. Carrying the Cross: Jesus, once to shower his love on anyone in his DAVIS, Alice, 94, Sept. 8 What I didn’t consider is that, like he was humiliated, battered and path, like the women of Jerusalem. Sacred Heart Church, New Philadelphia Jesus, I am and had been living in beaten, had to then pick up a heavy My prayer as I walk the rosary is the Lord. My message and my belief load that would ultimately be the that, as I carry the cross of my can- EUMAN, Roseanne (Nash), 97, Sept. 12 was that the body can heal itself if means by which he’d suffer even cer into the future, I may go with- St. Rose Church, New Lexington we treat it as God intended it to be more. What load would I carry? out complaint, allow others to help treated. Did my cancer heal? No. Would it be chemo? Radiation? A me, and love everyone who’s path I HANSEN, Sebastian Blaise, 8 days, Yes, I did get “crowned with recurrence of cancer down the road? cross. Sept. 12 thorns,” but it was not like I thought A metastasis? Jesus carried his cross The Crucifixion and Death of Je- St. Patrick Church, Columbus it would be. I thought I’d feel small to Calvary. To where and for how sus: This mystery is one that brings and stupid, but I didn’t. I felt like a long will I carry my cross? I don’t me great joy. Although the sorrow- HARNETTY, Catherine J. (Schafer), 91, beautiful princess daughter of God, need chemo. I don’t have any metas- ful mysteries are supposed to help Sept. 10 who had been given the gift of a tases, but I’m only six weeks out of us focus on what Jesus and Mary St. Nicholas Church, Zanesville journey in which I learned to live surgery as I write this. endured, it is always difficult for HUMMEL, Barbara A., 88, Sept. 8 me to think of Jesus’ death without St. Paul Church, Westerville thinking of his resurrection. Med- itating on this leaves me with the LANDHOLT, Patricia, 91, Sept. 17 thought that, after the end, is the St. Andrew Church, Columbus BEGINNING! Even if I carry my cross to a hideous death from can- MARTIN, Helen H. (Hubal), 94, Sept. 11 cer creeping into and ravaging my St. Mary Church, Lancaster body, the end of this body means the beginning of eternal life with MOORE, Thomas E., 79, Sept. 11 our Lord! How can this be sorrow- St. Mary Magdalene Church, Columbus ful? So my prayer becomes, “Lord, help me to reach others, especially OMEN, Suzanne Y. (Caton), 67, Sept. 3 those I love, so we may all appre- St. Nicholas Church, Zanesville ciate life and not fear death but see it as a beautiful transition into your PARSONS, Patricia A. (Baker), Sept. 9 St. Mary Magdalene Church, Columbus eternal kingdom.” Whatever time on earth remains, I RICKLIC, Donald “Joe,” 82, Sept. 12 want live with the love of Christ in Sacred Heart Church, New Philadelphia my heart, the comfort of the Spirit on my lips, and the hand of the fa- SHOOK, Theresa M., 66, Sept. 3 ther guiding my path to live as he Our Mother of Sorrows Chapel, Colum- created us humans to live: our bod- bus ies and our minds strong and healthy and one in spirit with him and his SLIVINSKI, Helen M. “Holly” (Holodnak), creation. I am grateful to God for 97, Aug. 24 my cancer. St. Andrew Church, Columbus ---- Teresa Milner is a parishioner at SPINELL, Mildred (Kieski), 95, Aug. 12 Delaware St. Mary Church. Sacred Heart Church, New Philadelphia September 23, 2018 Catholic Times 17 H A P P E N I N G S Annual luncheon and show sponsored by Taize Prayer at St. Brigid of Kildare 10 a.m., St. Francis DeSales High School, 4212 Christ Child Society of Columbus Birthright of Columbus pregnancy support service. 6:30 p.m., St. Brigid of Kildare Church, 7179 Avery Karl Road, Columbus. Annual one-mile Friends of Fashions from Dress Barn will be modeled. Road, Dublin. Meditative candlelit prayer service of the Poor Walk benefiting diocesan St. Vincent de Annual Red Wagon Fare Luncheon Raffles, silent auction. Tickets $35 ($15 for song and silence in the style and spirit of the Taize Paul Society. Register at Villa Milano children). 614-888-0917 or 614-235-7465 monastic community. 614-761-3734 eventlisting/eventdetail/?eventid=2093. Field Day at Shepherd’s Corner Immigration Program at St. James the Less North Columbus Serra Club Lunch for Sisters 1630 Schrock Rd, Columbus 1 to 4 p.m., Shepherd’s Corner Ecology Center, 7:30 p.m., Ministry center, St. James the Less 11 a.m., Martin de Porres Center, 2330 Airport Wed., Oct. 17 987 N. Waggoner Road, Blacklick. Center’s Church, 1614 Oakland Park Ave., Columbus. Drive, Columbus. Serra Club of North Columbus third annual field day. Participants can explore Update on the current situation concerning hosts lunch for all religious sisters of the diocese. Shopping starts at 10 a.m. the gardens, walk the trail and labyrinth, take a immigration with immigration lawyer Robert Frassati Society Nursing Home Visit Luncheon features style show by Von Maur. hayride, see local artists, and get close to a fire Cohen, sponsored by parish social justice and 2 p.m., Worthington Christian Village, 165 truck. Produce grown at the center and craft items peace ministry. Refreshments available. 614-268- Highbluffs Blvd., Columbus. St. Patrick Church Marketplace includes area merchants and artists, will be available for sale. Those attending may 3828 or 614-267-4350 Frassati Society for young adults visits nursing homemade sweets and treats. bring a picnic lunch. 614-866-4302 home residents. 614-224-9522 Tickets $60 per person. Ascension Barbecue and Square Dance 26, WEDNESDAY 4 to 10 p.m., Church of the Ascension, 555 S. Diocesan Suicide Prevention Summit 30, SUNDAY All proceeds benefit projects in central Ohio. Main St., Johnstown. Dinner from 4 to 7 featuring 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Jessing Center, Pontifical St. Christopher Adult Religious Education barbecued chicken and pork sandwiches and College Josephinum, 7625 N. High St., 10 to 11:20 a.m., Library, Trinity , various sides, followed by square dance from 7 Columbus. Diocesan suicide prevention and 1440 Grandview Ave., Columbus. “Our Tainted to 10. Includes basket raffle, 50/50 drawing. $30 intervention summit for parish and school teams Nature’s Solitary Boast: Mary the Mother of God,” families, $10 individuals ages 12 and up, $5 ages and individuals. Sponsored by several diocesan Part 4 of Bishop Robert Barron’s “Catholicism” SEPTEMBER 5 to 11, younger than 5 free. 740-967-7871 departments; includes speakers from several DVD series. agencies which deal with suicide. Not a training Praise Mass at Church of Our Lady THROUGH NOV. 4, SUNDAY 23, SUNDAY session, but a chance for parishes and schools 11 a.m., Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal 40 Days for Life Frassati Society Mass, Brunch, Museum Visit to address their suicide prevention and response Church, 5225 Refugee Road, Columbus. 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., sidewalk in front of Planned 10:30 a.m., St. Patrick Church, 280 N. Grant Ave., plans. Cost $10 per person, includes lunch. Praise Mass with upbeat contemporary music. Parenthood, 3255 E. Main St., Columbus. 40 Days Columbus. Parish’s Frassati Society for young DeSales Friends in the Courtyard Program 614-861-1242 for Life campaign of daily vigils at central Ohio’s adults attends Mass, followed by brunch and 6:30 to 10 p.m., St. Francis DeSales High School, Catholic Record Society Meeting only surgical abortion facility. Individuals, groups viewing of exhibits at Columbus Museum of Art. 4212 Karl Road, Columbus. School’s annual 2 p.m., St. Therese’s Retreat Center, 5277 E. may sign up for hourly shifts. 614-445-8508 614-224-9522 Friends in the Courtyard wine tasting and auction, Broad St., Columbus. Catholic Record Society St. Catherine of Bologna Secular Franciscans with food catered by Carfagna’s. Tickets $40. quarterly meeting, with Father Thomas Kessler 20, THURSDAY 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., St. Francis of Assisi Church, 614-267-7808 speaking on “When Speeches On Our Faith Were Cenacle at Holy Name 386 Buttles Ave., Columbus Prayer followed ‘Reboot!’ at Newark St. Francis de Sales Heard By Its Cultured Despisers: How It Went 6 p.m., Holy Name Church, 154 E. Patterson Ave., by general meeting, ongoing formation, and 7 to 9:30 p.m., St. Francis de Sales Church, 40 in Rural Central Ohio 150 Years Ago,” telling the Columbus. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, fellowship. 614-895-7792 Granville St., Newark. “Reboot!” event featuring stories of Catholic converts Sylvester Rosecrans, with prayers in the Cenacle format of the Marian Seasons of Hope Bereavement Ministry Catholic author and speaker Chris Stefanick. Columbus’ first bishop, and James Kent Stone, Movement of Priests. 2 to 4 p.m., Immaculate Conception Church, 414 Tickets $22. 740-345-9874 former Kenyon College president who became Eucharistic Holy Hour at Sacred Heart E. North Broadway, Columbus. Second of six a missionary priest. Preceded by 1 p.m. lunch 7 p.m., Sacred Heart Church, 893 Hamlet St., consecutive weekly meetings of Seasons of Hope 27, THURSDAY (cost $10, reservations required) and followed by Columbus. Eucharistic Holy Hour with the bereavement ministry, a support group sponsored Ohio Dominican Series on Justice business meeting. 614-861-1242 intention of deepened holiness and an increase by the churches of the North High Deanery for all 3:30 p.m., Sansbury Hall, Ohio Dominican Seasons of Hope Bereavement Ministry in the virtue of fortitude for the Holy Father, who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Contact University, Columbus. Dr. Julie Hart, ODU 2 to 4 p.m., Immaculate Conception Church, bishops, and priests, concluding with Benediction, Michael Julian at [email protected]. associate professor of sociology; Rev. Joe Mas, 414 E. North Broadway, Columbus. Third of six social period and refreshments. 614-372-5249 Prayer Group Meeting at Christ the King immigration attorney; Austin Kocher, immigration consecutive weekly meetings of Seasons of Hope PDHC Celebration of Life 5 to 7 p.m., Christ the King Church, 2777 E. activist; and Edith Espinal, undocumented bereavement ministry, a support group sponsored 7 p.m., Villa Milano, 1630 Schrock Road, Livingston Ave., Columbus (enter at daily Mass immigrant, speak on “Justice for Immigrants: I by the churches of the North High Deanery for all Columbus. Celebration of Life fundraiser entrance). Weekly parish prayer group meets Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me” as part of who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Contact sponsored by Pregnancy Decision Health Centers, for praise, worship, ministry and teaching. university series of talks on justice. 614-251-4453 Michael Julian at [email protected]. with multitalented entertainer George Dennehy. No 614-886-8266 Cenacle at Holy Name Prayer Group Meeting at Christ the King charge for meal. Spanish Mass at Columbus St. Peter 6 p.m., Holy Name Church, 154 E. Patterson Ave., 5 to 7 p.m., Christ the King Church, 2777 E. Abortion Recovery Network Group 7 p.m., St. Peter Church, 6899 Smoky Row Road, Columbus. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Livingston Ave., Columbus (enter at daily Mass 7 p.m., Gateway Center, 2670 N. Columbus St., Columbus. Mass in Spanish. 706-761-4054 with prayers in the Cenacle format of the Marian entrance). Weekly parish prayer group meets Lancaster. Abortion recovery network group meeting Movement of Priests. for praise, worship, ministry and teaching. for anyone interested in recovering from abortion 24, MONDAY Eucharistic Holy Hour at Sacred Heart 614-886-8266 or who has been through a recovery program and Bethesda Post-Abortion Healing Ministry 7 p.m., Sacred Heart Church, 893 Hamlet St., Spanish Mass at Columbus St. Peter wants to stay connected. 614-721-2100 6:30 p.m., support group meeting, 2744 Dover Columbus. Eucharistic Holy Hour with the 7 p.m., St. Peter Church, 6899 Smoky Row Road, Road, Columbus (Christ the King convent, first intention of deepened holiness and an increase Columbus. Mass in Spanish. 706-761-4054 21, FRIDAY building west of church). 614-718-0227, 614-309- in the virtue of fortitude for the Holy Father, Catholic Singles on Fire for Christ 2651, 614-309-0157 bishops, and priests, concluding with Benediction, 6 p.m., Chapel, Church of the Resurrection, 6300 Our Lady of Peace Men’s Bible Study social period and refreshments. 614-372-5249 OCTOBER E. Dublin-Granville Road, New Albany. Monthly 7 p.m., Our Lady of Peace Church, 20 E. Dominion Frassati Society Christ in the City meeting of Catholic Singles on Fire for Christ, for Blvd., Columbus. Bible study of Sunday’s readings. 7 p.m., St. Patrick Church, 280 N. Grant Ave., 1, MONDAY anyone older than 35 who is single in the eyes of Columbus. Christ in the City program sponsored Eucharistic Adoration at Our Lady of Victory the Catholic Church and seeks to grow in faith, 25, TUESDAY by parish’s Frassati Society for young adults, with 7 to 8 a.m., Our Lady of Victory Church, 1559 bring hope to others and share the love of Christ. Padre Pio Prayer Group at St. John the Baptist Eucharistic Adoration, confessions, Taize chant Roxbury Road, Columbus. First Monday Begins with prayer and adoration, followed by 12:30 p.m., St. John the Baptist Church, 168 E. and Dominican Compline, followed by fellowship at Eucharistic Adoration, beginning with Morning dinner at a restaurant. 614-855-1400 Lincoln Ave., Columbus. Padre Pio Prayer Group Claddagh Irish Pub. 614-224-9522 Prayer, concluding with Mass. Labyrinth Walk at Shepherd’s Corner meeting, including rosary, devotions, and 1 p.m. Aquinas Alumni Luncheon 7 to 8:30 p.m., Shepherd’s Corner Ecology Center, Mass. 614-294-5319 29, SATURDAY 11 a.m., TAT Ristorante di Famiglia, 1210 S. 987 N. Waggoner Road, Blacklick. Labyrinth walk Greater Columbus Right to Life Film Screening Founders of Faith Program James Road, Columbus. Monthly Columbus with theme of “walking with the darkness,” led by 6 p.m., Grove City AMC 14, 4218 Buckeye 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., St. Joseph Church, 5757 State Aquinas High School alumni luncheon. John Seryak. Suggested donation $5. Minimum Parkway, Grove City. Greater Columbus Right Route 383 N.E., Somerset. Annual Founders of ‘Care for God’s Creation’ Program five participants. 614-866-4302 to Life sponsors screening of “Gosnell: The Trial Faith program, sponsored by diocesan Catholic 6:30 to 8 p.m., Church life center, Our Lady of of America’s Biggest Serial Killer,” a film about Committee on Scouting, examining the early days Perpetual Help Church, 3752 Broadway, Grove 22, SATURDAY abortion provider Kermit Gosnell, followed by a talk of the Catholic Church in Ohio. For anyone 11 and City. “Care for God’s Creation: Make the World Life and Mercy Mass in Plain City with its producer, Ann McElhinney. Tickets $10. older. Includes 5 p.m. Mass. Fee $25. Better Than You Found It” program for members of 9 a.m. Mass, St. Joseph Church, 140 West Ave., Advance purchase required. 614-445-8508 Life and Mercy Mass in Plain City Scout groups and their families, with Plain City. Saturday Life and Mercy Mass, followed Rosary for Life at St. Joan of Arc 9 a.m. Mass, St. Joseph Church, 140 West Ave., Jerry Freewalt of the diocesan Social Concerns by rosary and confession. Following 6:15 p.m. Mass, St. Joan of Arc Church, Plain City. Saturday Life and Mercy Mass, followed Office and Jason Cervenec ofThe Ohio State Birthright of Columbus Luncheon 10700 Liberty Road, Powell. Recital of Rosary for by rosary and confession. University’s Byrd Polar Research Center. Noon, Mozart’s Cafe, 4784 N. High St., Columbus. Life, sponsored by church’s respect life committee. St. Vincent de Paul Friends of the Poor Walk 614-241-2540 Catholic Times 18 September 23, 2018 Young Columbus artist creates Catholic icons with contemporary twist By Doug Bean, Catholic Times Editor old student at Columbus College freshman year).” art in a more traditional form. She of Art and Design has turned into a She set up her display next to a set up an Instagram account where Being a witness to faith takes on small business. He receives an av- student artist who had blue hair. Co- she compares ancient icons to the many forms. Time and place often erage of two to three orders every incidentally, the St. Joan of Arc icon ones she has done. dictate how a person lives out his two weeks from teachers for their was drawn with blue hair, “the exact For example, she said she painted or her spirituality and, hopefully, classrooms, missions, a foster care same color as hers, and she was like, St. Francis of Assisi “almost like a uses a God-given ability to inspire home in Michigan, individuals and oh, you painted me. hippie. He loved animals and nature others. various organizations. “It makes people think that they so much so I thought that was the A Columbus Bishop Hartley High “The response was pretty amaz- could be these people.” way to go.” But each of her icons re- School graduate is trying to do just ing,” she said. “I’ve gotten so many Saints are declared persons of he- tain the Greek descriptions. that in a subtle way. positive comments.” roic virtue by the Church because of While eavesdropping on one of her

St. Bernadette Gracie Morbitzer has combined St. Peter St. Joan of Arc her artistic talent with faith culti- vated through Catholic education to create modern saints icons with the Most gratifying is when someone their exemplary lives, but most of intention of making these holy men says, “Wow, this really does look them faced similar temptations as St. Rose of Lima and women more identifiable in to- like me,” because it’s validation of ordinary men and women. day’s culture. her intention to make a saint more “Because they had such differ- If the saints from relatable and religion more real. ent backgrounds, I think everyone exhibits, she was gratified to hear the various points One of the bene- can relate to one saint out there comments from other students. in the Catholic fits of her art is that that was in a similar situation,” she “They were saying, oh, this looks Church’s history it helps evangelize said. “That’s what I wanted people like my one friend,” she said. “They were alive now, in a non-threaten- to know most at my school. It’s just were looking at the description and Morbitzer offers ing way her fel- amazing that everyone comes from seeing this is just like a real person. her vision for how low art students such different backgrounds and we I feel like they were able to connect they might look who come from can’t always understand each other with that. wearing 21st cen- different religious for that reason.” “No matter what people I’ve run into, tury clothing and backgrounds or are Morbitzer does extensive research no matter their religious views, they sporting today’s non-believers. Put into a saint’s cultural and spiritual think they’re really interesting. That’s hairstyles. another way, her heritage and ethnicity before she be- like a first way to get through to them Using pieces of icons serve as a gins painting, which is a self-taught and get their interest and have them en- wood picked up conversation start- skill. She is an interior design major gage in various conversations.” at garage sales er. who hopes to design sets or exhibits Her college experience mirrors and thrift stores, She started by for museums after she graduates. what many students find at secu- she has painted 65 painting Jesus and “A lot of the poses I choose are lar schools. While CCAD offers a contemporary de- Mary and then her actually from ancient icons,” she Christian outreach group, it can be Gracie Morbitzer has created 65 mod- confirmation saint, explained. “I try just gauge what difficult to life out one’s faith and pictions of saints ern icons of Catholic saints. so far and turned Genevieve. kind of a person they were as a saint share it. them into prints available on her “That made me think about the and to think of a person that I know Morbitzer hopes to continue to website at www.themodernsaints. way people at my school would that looks like that today and what add to her collection in order to in- com and her Etsy store. view art,” she said. “They respond they’re into and their personal style spire others “to have someone to The popularity of her icons has to things that look like them and re- and how they think about things.” look up to even if they don’t pray, taken her by surprise. What started late to their stories. So I brought all Her works may appear somewhat to have someone to look up to as a as an art fair project for the 20-year- of them to my art fair (during her shocking to anyone expecting saint role model.” September 23, 2018 Catholic Times 19 Seniors lead Fisher Catholic turnaround from 0-10 in 2017 to 3-0 start By Doug Bean, Catholic Times Editor finger-pointing when Lancaster Fisher Catholic’s 14 se- there was a breakdown, niors entered their final year of high there’s cohesiveness school football determined to go out this year. as winners after enduring a disap- “We just bond and pointing 2017 season that ended with play well together,” he an 0-10 record because of forfeits for said. using an ineligible player. The sweet taste of As the 2018 season reaches the success came right halfway point this weekend, the Irish away in a 28-7 victo- are well on their way to achieving ry over Crooksville, their goal. which was Fisher Fisher Catholic boosted its record Catholic’s first open- to 3-0 last week with a convincing ing-day win in nine 50-0 victory over Ridgedale. Not years. That was fol- since 2004 has the Irish won their lowed by a 35-7 victo- first three games. ry over Crestline. “It’s been quite a few years since With two wins under the football team has started so well their belt, the Irish fig- here,” senior defensive back and wide ured they’d get some receiver Drew Faulkner said. “It’s respect, but few peo- definitely exciting for our school. It’s ple outside the school gave them props. At awesome for us to be doing so well Fisher Catholic’s Justin Starkey (87), Chris Lamp (75), and Corey McCall (69) close in to make a tackle that point, a post from and having the community support- against Ridgedale in the Irish’s latest win. Photos courtesy Leo Thimmes ing us.” the school’s Twitter tive on social media as they were a Ridgedale; sophomore running back On Friday night, Fisher Catholic account cautioned the year ago. Nick Krooner with 65 yards rushing goes for its fourth consecutive vic- team: “Hey Irish football players. “Social media was a strange on 11 carries and a 62-yard touch- tory in a Mid-State League Cardinal Don’t worry about publicity and thing,” Miller said. “But (the play- down catch against Crooksville; Division game against Berne Union, coverage in the papers and online. ers) were motivated to get into the and sophomore running back Alex which won the matchup between the Keep winning and people will take weight room (in the offseason). The Smith with 54 yards rushing on two teams 21-10 a year ago. notice. Use it as motivation to get attitude was very positive.” nine attempts and three catches for Coach Doug Miller, in his second better and play so hard that people A tenacious defense 30 yards and a touchdown against year at the school, attributes has given up only 14 Crestline. the quick one-year turn- points in the three Senior wingback and defensive around to the veteran lead- games while produc- back Daniel Turner, a multisport ership of the seniors, good ing points of its own athlete who has attracted Big Ten team chemistry and a strong with four safeties and recruiting interest, scored on a 35- work ethic. two interception re- yard interception return in the open- “In 27 years of coaching, turns for touchdowns. er, had a 41-yard reception against I haven’t worked any harder “We’re very ag- Crestline, and a 47-yard touchdown with a young group of foot- gressive, 100 percent catch and a punt return for a score ball players to prepare them to the point of attack against Ridgedale. for success,” Miller said. at each play,” Miller Junior quarterback Caden Starch- Conversely, “I’ve never said. “They like to hit er threw a 47-yard touchdown pass had a group work this hard and they like to win.” and ran for 69 yards and two TDs in order to prepare them- Schematically, on 10 carries against Ridgedale selves to win and execute.” Miller hasn’t made and also passed for 111 yards and a Sometimes, the chemis- any big changes other touchdown against Crestline. try among the players and than attitude. The schedule gets tougher in the coaches needs to be just “We want to execute coming weeks, but “if we can stay right to bear fruit on the fast. We’ve learned healthy and stay focused, we can field, and that appears to be Junior quarterback Caden Starcher finds running room against that we do some play with anybody.” Miller said. the case with this team. Ridgedale in Fisher Catholic’s 50-0 win last Friday. things well and some “As of right now, we’re trying “It’s one of those things things we can’t do so well. Offen- to win as many (playoff computer) where they really like each other,” have to talk about you!” sively, we’ve turned out to be a team points as we can,” Faulkner said. Miller said. “They really fit well After a bye week, the Irish came that grinds the ball and controls the “At the end of the season, we’ll start together, the kids and the coaches. back against Ridgedale and posted tempo of the game.” looking at the bigger picture.” They play to our standards that al- their first shutout of the season. Among the grinders are junior The Irish hope that picture in- lows them to be successful.” Fisher Catholic still might not be running back Caden McColley, cludes a trip to the state high school Faulkner said as opposed to last getting the attention from the media who rushed for 117 yards and two football playoffs for the first time year when there might have been the program feels it deserves, but at least the comments are not as nega- touchdowns on nine carries against since 2006. Catholic Times 20 September 23, 2018 St. Charles program features Wes Moore St. Charles Preparatory School wel- comed Wes Moore as the featured presenter for its annual “An Evening with …” speaker series on Sept. 6 in the school’s Robert C. Walter Student Commons. Moore is an American author, so- cial entrepreneur, television producer, political analyst, and decorated U.S. Army officer. He is the author of “The Other Wes Moore” and “The Work,” both of which are New York Times bestsellers. He was also the host for Beyond Belief on the Oprah Winfrey Network, as well as the executive pro- ducer and a writer for “Coming Back with Wes Moore” on PBS. During presentations to the St. Charles student body at an all-school assembly in the morning, and later to more than 640 guests at the main event, Moore emphasized the importance of helping young people overcome adver- sity and finding their paths to purpose. At age 13, Moore, seemingly des- tined to having his life violently cut Wes Moore (right) thanks student emcee Sedric Granger while classmates Arec Igwebuike (center) and Osita Anekwe (partially hidden) look on. short or spent in the criminal justice up every morning with the hope of me Students from both grade schools see and hear Moore speak during the system, was sent by his mother to mili- and were willing to give on that hope.” were at St. Charles earlier in the day to morning’s all-school presentation. tary school. “I was hurting people who Moore told the audience: “You are loved me so that I could impress peo- fighting and advocating for students ple that could care less about me,” he who oftentimes you do not even meet. recalled. At the time, he didn’t under- But you know because you are here to- stand the sacrifice that she and many night and you know because you give, others made on his behalf to give him that you are providing a pathway for that chance at a better life. students who without this opportunity In the evening presentation, the for- would have no pathway available to mer member of the storied 82nd Air- them. You are providing the lane and borne Division told the group, “I didn’t space and an opportunity to those who realize how many ‘jump masters’ I need and deserve a champion.” had in my life. How many people who More than $680,000 was raised for were willing to fight and advocate for the St. Charles Endowment Fund, all me in many ways before I was even of which will be dedicated solely for ready to fight and advocate for myself. financial aid for qualified students and How many people I had in my path, families. Previously, presentations by including his mother and grandparents, American business icon Peter Lynch, eventually leading to a remarkable basketball ambassador and philan- string of role models and mentors and thropist Dick Vitale and Air Force vet- teachers and coaches and principals eran and Folds of Honor creator Dan and guidance counselors and parents Rooney have helped the school raise Attend ODU Preview Day of friends,” he said. more than $1.9 million. Saturday, Oct. 6 | 9 a.m. – Noon “People who every single day were St. Charles Principal Jim Low- willing to wait for my shoulders to er announced at the start of the eve- Are you ready to get a taste of Panther life? Attend our free become broad enough that I could ac- ning’s gathering that St. Charles and Preview Day and you’ll have a chance to tour campus, explore tually hold my dreams up on my own. the school’s “My Brother’s Keeper” majors, learn about our Catholic Dominican tradition, and so But until then, they were willing to program have established a special much more! partnership with St. Mary School in hold them up for me. I didn’t realize Register today! | how many people around me believed German Village and United School’s in second chances and were willing Network’s Columbus Collegiate Acad- to provide them. I didn’t realize how emy, two places that have also em- Central Ohio’s Catholic University • Founded by the Dominican Sisters of Peace. many people I had around me, some of braced the importance of mentoring in 1216 Sunbury Rd. | Columbus, OH 43219 | 614.251.4500 whom never met me before, but woke enriching their student’s experience.