Agilit É Beaut É Rochet
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a special edition of 26 big thinkers reimagining tomorrow what’s next in the world of well-being influencer 3.0: beyond human t h e i n n o v a t i o n i s s u e a g i l i t é b e a u t é r o c h e t How Lubomira rochet is Driving L’oréaL’s DigitaL revoLution 629_BEAUTYINC_COVER.indd 1 6/20/18 5:19 PM B:20.25” T:20” S:19.25” ® CENTELLA ASIATICA, THE LEGENDARY PLANT KNOWN FOR ITS REPAIRING PROPERTIES. REPAIRS THE SKIN BARRIER B:12.25” S:11.25” T:12” STRENGTHENS SKIN TO HELP RESIST FUTURE SIGNS OF AGING. IT’S NOT A LEGEND, IT’S A NEW WAY TO FIGHT WRINKLES. DERMATOLOGIST TESTED GENTLE ON SENSITIVE SKIN FRAGRANCE FREE • PARABEN FREE [ CENTELLA ASIATICA, ALSO KNOWN AS TIGER GRASS ] LEGEND HAS IT THAT TIGERS ROLLED AGAINST THIS UNIQUE PLANT TO HELP THEIR SKIN RECOVER FROM BATTLE. WHEN FORMULATED FOR THE FACE, HELPS REPAIR THE SKIN BARRIER TO RESIST VISIBLE SIGNS OF AGING. Earn rewards. Join now at: BECAUSE YOU’RE WORTH IT.™ ©2018 L’Oréal USA, Inc. Beauty Inc Full-Page and Spread Template.indd 2 6/15/18 4:37 PM FS:9.5625” FS:9.5625” F:10” F:10” Ad #: M17SK017C_R1 Bleed: 20.25” x 12.25” AD: Rachel Leibson Headline: Revitalift Cicacream Trim: 20” x 12” CW: None Visual: Tiger with products Live: 19.25” x 11.25” CD: Martha Brooks Space/Color: Spread 4/C Gutter: 0.0625” each side AP: -- Publication: Beauty Inc PP: Frances Espinal Project #: 13168 Document Name: SGT_M17SK017C_R1_01.indd AQR Retouch #: None Document Path: CPNY:ME Production:Loreal:Loreal_Production:SK:Magazine:M17SK017_CicacreamSpread:Santiago:S- Studio QA Client: L’OREAL GT_M17SK017C_R1_01.indd Division: L’OREAL USA Font Family: Helvetica Neue (65 Medium, 55 Roman, 45 Light; Type 1; OK), Gotham (Book, Bold, Medium, Light; Type 1; Proofreader MagNwp Product: Revitalift (SK) OK), Trade Gothic (Bold Condensed No. 20; Type 1; OK) Job #: 10963152 Ink Name: CMYK Art Director BEAUTY Print/Export Time: 6-15-2018 3:46 PM Link Name: CNY_PR10377_RV_CICA _M17SK017A_R2_V3.psd (CMYK; 578 ppi; Up to Date; 103.64%), CNY_PR010377_ CopyWriter Print Scale: 100% tigre_cicacream.tif (CMYK; 396 ppi; Up to Date; 75.66%), CNY_PR10377_fleur_cream_cicacream_s_MRG.psd (CMYK; Name: User Name: Erick.Wilson 990 ppi, -991 ppi; Up to Date; 30.29%, -30.29%), CNY_PR10377_fleur_dp_cicacream_s_MRG.psd (CMYK; 760 ppi; Acct Exec Slug Proof #: 1 Up to Date; 39.45%), (Up to Date; 23.89%), (Up to Date; Release QA PM: Frances Espinal 113.33%), (Up to Date; 297.19%) InDesign Version: CC 2018 Print Prod Beauty Inc B:20.25” T:20” S:19.25” ® CENTELLA ASIATICA, THE LEGENDARY PLANT KNOWN FOR ITS REPAIRING PROPERTIES. REPAIRS THE SKIN BARRIER B:12.25” S:11.25” T:12” STRENGTHENS SKIN TO HELP RESIST FUTURE SIGNS OF AGING. IT’S NOT A LEGEND, IT’S A NEW WAY TO FIGHT WRINKLES. DERMATOLOGIST TESTED GENTLE ON SENSITIVE SKIN FRAGRANCE FREE • PARABEN FREE [ CENTELLA ASIATICA, ALSO KNOWN AS TIGER GRASS ] LEGEND HAS IT THAT TIGERS ROLLED AGAINST THIS UNIQUE PLANT TO HELP THEIR SKIN RECOVER FROM BATTLE. WHEN FORMULATED FOR THE FACE, HELPS REPAIR THE SKIN BARRIER TO RESIST VISIBLE SIGNS OF AGING. Earn rewards. Join now at: BECAUSE YOU’RE WORTH IT.™ ©2018 L’Oréal USA, Inc. Beauty Inc Full-Page and Spread Template.indd 3 6/15/18 4:36 PM FS:9.5625” FS:9.5625” F:10” F:10” Ad #: M17SK017C_R1 Bleed: 20.25” x 12.25” AD: Rachel Leibson Headline: Revitalift Cicacream Trim: 20” x 12” CW: None Visual: Tiger with products Live: 19.25” x 11.25” CD: Martha Brooks Space/Color: Spread 4/C Gutter: 0.0625” each side AP: -- Publication: Beauty Inc PP: Frances Espinal Project #: 13168 Document Name: SGT_M17SK017C_R1_01.indd AQR Retouch #: None Document Path: CPNY:ME Production:Loreal:Loreal_Production:SK:Magazine:M17SK017_CicacreamSpread:Santiago:S- Studio QA Client: L’OREAL GT_M17SK017C_R1_01.indd Division: L’OREAL USA Font Family: Helvetica Neue (65 Medium, 55 Roman, 45 Light; Type 1; OK), Gotham (Book, Bold, Medium, Light; Type 1; Proofreader MagNwp Product: Revitalift (SK) OK), Trade Gothic (Bold Condensed No. 20; Type 1; OK) Job #: 10963152 Ink Name: CMYK Art Director BEAUTY Print/Export Time: 6-15-2018 3:46 PM Link Name: CNY_PR10377_RV_CICA _M17SK017A_R2_V3.psd (CMYK; 578 ppi; Up to Date; 103.64%), CNY_PR010377_ CopyWriter Print Scale: 100% tigre_cicacream.tif (CMYK; 396 ppi; Up to Date; 75.66%), CNY_PR10377_fleur_cream_cicacream_s_MRG.psd (CMYK; Name: User Name: Erick.Wilson 990 ppi, -991 ppi; Up to Date; 30.29%, -30.29%), CNY_PR10377_fleur_dp_cicacream_s_MRG.psd (CMYK; 760 ppi; Acct Exec Slug Proof #: 1 Up to Date; 39.45%), (Up to Date; 23.89%), (Up to Date; Release QA PM: Frances Espinal 113.33%), (Up to Date; 297.19%) InDesign Version: CC 2018 Print Prod Beauty Inc Beauty Bulletin IN THIS ISSUE “I am FIrst Departments anD 9 Foremost 16 Golden upS and a stUDent. Hour downS I’m blonde hair is always after years of large a good idea, especially deals, insiders say constantly when its earned media multiples for beauty askIng value on social media is companies may be skyrocketing. qUestIons, moving downward. learnIng... I lIve 10 17 Sweet dream tHe HonorS cUrIoUs Popsugar’s founder, Lisa Sugar, on how cluB celebrating the winners anD hUngry. she’s turned her of the 2018 Fragrance media company into a I’m pretty Foundation awards. mUch multifaceted empire. obsesseD 12 18 wIth all Ice Queen Inner lIGHt better blondes in that ingestible beauty is a bottle. Is new.” adding on more than just supplemental sales. Moj Mahdara, Here, the latest crop. BeautyCon 20 a K-Beauty Having a blonde 13 oaSIS moment. Page 9. Body In Who’s buying what at Balance innisfree—and why. Whether you’re looking for a shock therapy workout or one where 21 you can freeze your Hype BeaSt buns off (literally), WWD building buzz in the beauty inc rounds up pre-digital age. the newest places on the nyc wellness scene. 34 Winning the Imagining Beauty’S innovation tomorrow. race. Page 26. Page 22. BraveSt the unlikely dual career of a Paris-based beauty executive. FeatUres 22 26 30 On the COver: Lubomira Rochet, chief tHe Game tHe patHfInderS Influencer digital officer of L’Oréal, was the sky’s the limit for photographed exclusively cHanGer ex macHIna uu b as chief digital officer of these 26 execs, who are the newest social media for WWD Beauty Inc at driving beauty forward Station F. lain the world’s largest beauty influencers might not a with new thinking around company, Lubomira be human—but their by Photograph by Rochet has catapulted commerce, categories impact is very real and creativity. Stéphane Gallois L’Oréal to the forefront of indeed. Rochet the digital age. Khymych; WWD iS a ReGiSteReD tRaDeMaRK OF FaiRcHiLD PubLiSHinG, LLc. cOPyRiGHt ©2018 FaiRcHiLD PubLiSHinG, LLc. aLL RiGHtS ReSeRVeD. PRinteD in tHe u.S.a. VOLuMe 213, nO. 3. Friday, June 29, 2018. WWD (iSSn 0149-5380) is published in February, april, June, august, October and December by Fairchild Media, LLc, which is a division of Penske business Media, LLc. PRinciPaL OFFice: 475 Fifth ave, new york, ny 10017. Periodicals postage paid at new york, ny, and at additional mailing offices. canada Post: re- Hannah turn undeliverable canadian addresses to P.O. box 503, RPO West beaver cre, Rich-Hill, On L4b 4R6. POStMaSteR: SenD aDDReSS cHanGeS tO WWD, P.O. box 6356, Harlan, ia, 51593. FOR SubScRiPtiOnS, aDDReSS cHanGeS, aDJuStMentS OR bacK iSSue inQuiRieS: Please write to WWD, P.O. box 6356, Harlan, ia, 51593, call 866-401-7801, or e-mail customer service at [email protected]. Please include both new and old addresses as printed on most recent label. 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