June 21, 2021

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June 21, 2021 Innisfail HIGH SCHOOL Volume 20 - June 21, 2021 Apprenticeship possibilities with Dual Credit program The pre employment program is an opportunity for students to learn trade related skills with a variety of challenges, while finish- ing high school. When completed, this program will allow students to enter into an apprenticeship and continue their post second- ary training with advanced standings. Students who enter into the program can attend technical training classes at Olds College, starting full time in the second semester of their grade 11 and 12 years. Technical training classes run for six hours a day, for twelve weeks and will conclude with the students prepared to challenge their first period apprenticeship exam. High school stu- dents taking the pre-employment program can benefit by earning high school and post secondary credits at the same time, gain- ing experience with college level programs, building their confidence in the workplace and expanding their learning opportunities. If a student successfully passes the course, they can have their first year of apprenticeship theory completed. The criteria for selection for a pre-employment candidate consists of students having completed a minimum of 65 high school credits. Students should have the following recommended courses, such as English 20-2, Math 20-3, Social Studies 20-2, Science 10 and any other 20 level Science, HCS 3000, and the Trade Sampler modules of TEC 1000 and WLD 1167, prior to starting the pre- employment program. Students are required to have good attendance, good work ethic in school and at work, a commitment to their education, and must be on track for their high school diploma. Riley Carter (Grade 11), Jaxon Layden (Grade 11), Branden Howard (Grade 11), Dakota Caron (Grade 12) and Tyson Craig (Grade 12) all took part in this pro- gram from February to April in which they learned the knowledge and skills as- sociated with balancing high school and college level expectations. If you are interested in becoming a part of this wonderful program, please reach out to Mrs. Fletcher or Mrs. Willert here at the student services office. Legion Poster Contest Winner Heather Taylor, Chairman of Literary/ Poster contest for the Innisfail Legion, congratulated Mackenzie Mountain on winning District 4 level and competing at the Provincial Level for the Annual Retirement Gift:Ms. Hunter, who is retiring this year, was presented Remembrance Day Poster/Essay contest. with a manual typewriter from her ELA 30-1 students. Ms. Hunter was Congratulations Mackenzie! absolutely thrilled!! Rodeo students have a great year Our Rodeo students have had an off again, on again season with Covid setting restrictions, but we are proud to say they still had a very successful year! (Top left photo) Colten Powell has once again qualified for the National Finals Cutting Championship in Lincoln, Nebraska in July! (Middle left photo) Madison Levangie competed in breakaway roping, pole bending and barrels this past season. She finished the regular season in third place in the Pole Bending in the D2 District of the Alberta High School Rodeo Association (AHSRA) and qualified to compete in the 2021 AHSRA finals in the Pole Bending event. At Provincials, Madison placed 7th in round one, 4th in the average. Once all the rounds were completed and points were finalized, Madison ended up fourth overall, qualify- ing for National High School Rodeo Finals and Canadian High School Rodeo Finals. (Below photo) Amy Shuckburgh, who has had a very successful year. She competes in Barrel Racing, Pole Bending and Breaka- way Roping. She placed well and competed at Provincials in Pole Bending and Breakaway Roping. She didn’t place high enough to go to Nationals, but has received a Rodeo Scholarship with the Golden Eagles Rodeo Team at the Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne, Wyoming. (Bottom left photo) Colbe Stevens competes in Bareback and is shown here riding at the Kneehill Valley 4H Club Rodeo. Colbe also competes in the Crooked Horn Canadian Jr. Rodeo Association. (Bottom right photo) Brandon Howard has also been com- peting in AHSRA this year and has been learning a lot. It is his first year and as well as AHSRA he is competing in the Crook- ed Horn Canadian Jr. Rodeo Association. Students work hard to finish all their projects in option courses Lunch Specials June 21 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 Beef Dip au jus Cafeteria is Closed Cafeteria is Closed Cafeteria is Closed Cafeteria is Closed w/Fries or Salad for Summer! for Summer! for Summer! for Summer! .

—— Preview end. ——

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