
Modeling verbal inflection for English to German SMT

Anita Ramm Alexander Fraser IMS CIS University of Stuttgart, Germany University of Munich, Germany [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract not handle the , ensuring neither that verbs appear in the correct position (which is a problem German verbal inflection is frequently due to the highly divergent order of English wrong in standard statistical machine and German), nor that verbs are correctly inflected approaches. German verbs (problematic due to the richer system of verbal in- agree with subjects in person and num- flection in German). In many cases, verbs do not ber, and bear information about mood match their subjects (in person and number) which and tense. For subject– , makes understanding of difficult. In parse German MT output to iden- addition to person and number, the German verbal tify subject–verb pairs and ensure that the inflection also includes information about tense verb agrees with the subject. We show and mood. If these are wrong (.e. do not cor- that this approach improves subject-verb respond to the tense/mood in the source), very agreement. We model tense/mood transla- important information, such as point of time and tion from English to German by means of modality of an action/state expressed by the verb, a statistical classification model. Although is incorrect. This can lead to false understanding our model shows good results on well- of the overall . formed data, does not systematically improve tense and mood in MT output. In this paper, we reimplement the nominal in- Reasons include the need for discourse flection modeling for translation to German pre- knowledge, dependency on the domain, sented by Fraser et al. (2012) and combine it and stylistic variety in how tense/mood is with the reordering of the source data (Gojun and translated. We present a thorough analysis Fraser, 2012). In a novel extension, we present a of these problems. method for correction of the agreement errors, and an approach for modeling the translation of tense 1 Introduction and mood from English into German. While the subject-verb agreement problems are dealt with Statistical machine translation of English into Ger- successfully, modeling of tense/mood translation man faces two main problems involving verbs: (i) is problematic due to many reasons which we will correct placement of the verbs, and (ii) generation analyze in detail. of the appropriate inflection for the verb. The position of verbs in German and English In Section 2, we give an overview of the - differs greatly and often large-range reorderings cessing pipeline for handling verbal inflection. are needed to place the German verbs in the cor- The method for handling subject–verb agreement rect positions. Gojun and Fraser (2012) showed errors is described in Section 3, while modeling of that the preordering approach applied on English– tense/mood translation is presented in Section 4. to–German SMT overcomes large problems with The impact of the proposed methods for modeling both missing and misplaced verbs. verbal inflection on the quality of the MT output is Fraser et al. (2012) proposed an approach for shown in Section 5. An extensive discussion of the handling inflectional problems in English to Ger- problems related to modeling tense/mood is given man SMT, focusing on the problems of sparsity in Section 6. Finally, future work is presented in caused by nominal inflection. However, they do Section 7.

21 Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine Translation, Volume 1: Research Papers, pages 21–31, Berlin, Germany, August 11-12, 2016. c 2016 Association for Computational Linguistics

MT: reordered EN + stemmed DE 2 Overall architecture + DE generation new drugs might lung , ovarian cancer slow 2.1 Ensuring correct German verb placement neue Medikamantekonnte Lungen− und Eierstockkrebs verlangsamen Different positions of verbs in English and Ger- Agreement Tense/Mood − parse − derive features man often require word movements over a large − find SV pairs − predict tense/mood with CRF Medikamente + können distance. This leads to two problems in German − map subject morph to verb translations generated by SMT systems concern- ing the verbs: either the verbs are not generated at 3.Pl Past.Subj all, or they are placed incorrectly. Generate To ensure that our MT output contains the maxi- − SMOR − stem + morph features mum number of (correctly placed) finite verbs, we können + 3.Pl.Past.Subj reorder English prior to training and translation us- ing a small set of reordering rules originally de- könnten scribed by Gojun and Fraser (2012). The verbs in the English part of the training, tuning and testing Figure 1: Processing pipeline. The verbal inflec- data are moved to the positions typical for German tion modeling consists of two components: (i) a which increases the syntactic similarity of English component for deriving agreement features person and German sentences. We train an SMT system and number, and (ii) a component for predicting on the reordered English and apply it to the re- tense and mood. The inflected verbs are generated ordered English test set. with SMOR (Schmid et al., 2004), a This approach has good results in terms of the generation tool for German. position of the verbs in German translations. How- ever, the problem of incorrect verbal inflection baseline by identifying finite verbs in the baseline is unresolved. In fact, the reordering makes the MT output, predicting their morphological fea- agreement problems even worse due to move- tures and finally producing the correct inflected ments of verbs away from their subjects (cf. Sec- output (see Figure 1). tion 3.1). Verbal morphological features include informa- tion about person/number, as well as tense and 2.2 Inflection of the German SMT output mood. Particularly the modeling of tense/mood Fraser et al. (2012) proposed a method for han- translation is interesting: in this paper, we present dling nominal inflection for English to German a method to model the translation of English tense SMT. They work with a stemmed representation of and mood into German considering all German the German in which certain morphological tenses/moods in a single model. In addition, features such as case, number, etc. are omitted. we present a detailed discussion which is, to our After the translation step, for nominal stemmed knowledge, the first deep analysis of this topic. words in the MT output, morphological features The processing pipeline is given in Figure 1. are predicted using a set of pre-trained classifiers After translation of the reordered English input to and finally surface forms are generated resulting a German stem-like representation, the nominal in fully-inflected German MT output. prediction is performed followed by our In their approach, the verbs are neither stemmed novel verbal feature prediction. Finally, the entire nor inflected, but instead handled as normal words. German MT output is inflected by combining the Thus, in the translation step, the decoder (in inter- stems and the predicted features to produce sur- action with the German model) decides face forms (normal words). on the inflected verb forms in the final MT output. 3 Correction of the subject–verb 2.3 Adding verbal inflection modeling agreement As a baseline SMT system, we use a system trained on the reordered English sentences (cf. 3.1 Problem description Section 2.1) and stemmed German data with nom- In many , the subject is located near the inal inflection modeling as a post-processing step corresponding finite verb. However, in languages (cf. Section 2.2). In our system, we extend the such as German, the subject might be very far from

22 Data avg dist in words >5 words that I1.Sg. that yesterday to said1.Sg. News 3.9 24% Europarl 3.7 22% Crawled 2.9 15%

dass ich1.Sg. dir das gestern gesagt habe1.Sg. Table 1: Subject–verb distances in German texts.

Figure 2: Example of a subject–verb distance caused by the reordering of the English the verb. We extracted subject–verb pairs from ’that I said that yesterday to you’. German corpora and computed their distances. The results are summarized in Table 1. News and Europarl are composed of more com- 3.2 for detection of subject–verb plex sentences than the corpus crawled from the pairs internet. While in the crawled data, there are more sentences with smaller subject–verb dis- tances, News and Europarl expose larger distances Agreement correction depends on correct identifi- between subjects and finite verbs. cation of subject–verb pairs. Although we work with English parses where the subjects can be cor- Although the average distance in words is rather rectly identified in many cases, this information small, there is a fair amount of subject–verb pairs source seems not to be sufficient. Problematic are with distance larger than 5 words (in Europarl syntactic divergences where the English subject 22%, in News 25%) which are problematic for does not correspond to the German subject. training the translation system. Even for small distances, it is not guaranteed that the agreement Initially, we aimed at predicting agreement fea- is generated correctly due to the missing appro- tures. However, we were not able to build a clas- priate translation . Moreover, the German sifier with satisfying results due to the problems language model trained on the same data would mentioned above. We thus applied a method im- probably have problems to extract n-grams which plemented in Depfix (Rosa et al., 2012). They ensure the correct subject–verb agreement for all parse the MT output, extract subject–verb pairs possible subject–verb combinations. from the trees and copy the agreement information of the subject to the corresponding verb. Although Translating reordered English (cf. section 2.1) the idea of parsing MT output may not sound very dramatically improves the problems of misplaced promising, the results are surprisingly good. and missing verbs, but at the same time makes the extraction of translation phrases with subject–verb We implement the agreement correction for agreement even harder. Particularly problematic English–German SMT as an automatic post- are movements of the verbs in subordinate editing step applied on the fully inflected MT where the entire German VP is placed at the clause output. The MT output is first annotated with end, while the subject is normally placed in the morphological information (Muller¨ et al., 2013) 2nd position (after the ). In our and subsequently parsed (Bjorkelund¨ and Nivre, training data, 20% of the clauses are reordered in a 2015). The person and number of the subjects are way that the distance between the reordered finite then mapped from the subject to the finite verbs. verb and the subject is more than 5 words. To generate the appropriate inflected verb, we An example of a reordered English subordinate use SMOR (Schmid et al., 2004), a morphology clause is given in Figure 2: the English verb said generation tool for German. Based on the stem is ambiguous with respect to person and number. of the verb, as well as its morphological features Translated independently from its subject, it is not person, number, tense and mood (cf. section 4), guaranteed that the German translation will con- the inflected verb form is generated. In case the tain the correctly inflected finite verb since the tool produces multiple surface form possibilities model is very unlikely to have (which is very rare for verbs) we use the frequency the exact 6-gram which could ensure the agree- of the alternatives (derived from a large German ment between the subject ich/I and the inflected corpus) as a filter: the most frequent alternative is verb habe/have. chosen.

23 4 Modeling tense and mood Info type Example STEMS habenV AF IN sagenVVPP We define the modeling of tense and mood as POS VAFIN, VVPP RFTagger 1.Sg.Past.Subj a classification problem. In the following, we RULE if VP consists of an auxiliary (VAFIN) present the problem in more detail, motivate the and a (VVPP) and if the finite machine learning features that we use and give a verb is Past.Subj 1 konjunktivII (past subjunctive)’ detailed evaluation of the classification model. ⇒ Table 2: Information used to derive tense for the 4.1 Problem description VP hatte/would-have¨ gesagt/said. We distinguish between tense/mood of the finite verbs and tense/mood of the clauses. The Ger- man finite verbs can be present or past. As for 4.2 Tense/mood prediction model the mood, they can be indicative, subjunctive and 4.2.1 Model 2 imperative. For the classifier training, we use the toolkit Wapiti (Lavergne et al., 2010) which supports both multi- 4.1.1 Tense label maximum entropy classification and bigram The tense of the finite verb does not necessar- linear-chain CRF classification. ily match the clausal tense. For example, given We train a maximum entropy model, as well as a the clausal tense , the finite auxiliary is in bigram linear-chain CRF model. The latter model , while the main verb is a past partici- captures intra-sentence tense/mood dependencies, ple: [habeP res.Ind/have gesagtppart/said]perfect. i.e. between verbs within clauses of a single sen- We model the translation of clausal tenses from tence: the prediction of tense/mood for the current English to German and than map the clausal tense clause considers the prediction made for the pre- to the corresponding tense of the finite verb. ceding clause. German has six indicative clausal tenses (cf. Ta- Inter-sentence dependencies are however not ble 3). While in some languages, the use of tense modeled. The prediction for the first clause of the underlies strict rules, the use of tenses in German sentence under consideration does not take the last often follows from the register (spoken vs. writ- prediction made for the previous sentence into ac- ten) or even from the author’s stylistic preferences count. (e.g. (Sammon, 2002), (Collins and Hollo, 2010)). 4.2.2 Data 4.1.2 Mood The training instances are extracted from Eu- In addition to six indicative German tenses, we roparl, News Commentary and Crawled corpus. also distinguish two further tense/mood combina- The English part of the corpus is parsed with tions: Konjunktiv I (present subjunctive) and Kon- the constituent parser of (Charniak and Johnson, junktiv II (past subjunctive). While Konjunktiv II 2005), while the German data is stemmed (cf. Sec- corresponds to English conditionals, Konjunktiv I tion 2.2). We use the automatically computed is used in the context of indirect speech. word alignment (Och and Ney, 2003) in order to The use of subjunctives in German is not only identify verb pairs in a given sentence pair. quite complex, but also largely user- and register- We work with a set of 8 labels which includes dependent. For example, while Konjunktiv I oc- six German tenses and the two subjunctive moods curs in Europarl and News, it is almost never used (see Table 3). In the training data, the labels are in the web-crawled corpus, as we will see in the annotated by rule-based mapping of the German following sections. VPs. We use information about the verbs, their 1Note that aspect is not encoded in the German verbal POS tags, as well as the morphological analysis morphology. For expressing progressive aspect, adverbials of the finite verb to derive labels for each German (e.g. gerade/at the moment) or prepositional phrases (e.g. VP (see Table 2 for an example mapping). The Ich/I bin/am am/at Arbeiten/work ’I am working’) are used (cf. e.g. (Heinold, 2015)). In this work, we do not explicitly distribution of the labels in the corpora we use is model aspect. given in Table 3. 2 In this work, we ignore imperatives. Imperatives do not For each finite verb, a training instance with bear morphological information about tense and mood: they solely distinguish the person (singular/). We simply re- features from English and German parallel sen- tain imperatives generated by the baseline system. tence is extracted. Finite verbs of a sentence build

24 tense/mood news europarl crawl news+ Feature English German euro+ finite verb said haben crawl finite verb align – said present 54 63 71 62 VP said – perfect 11 14 12 12 VP correct yes – imperfect 19 6 9 11 main verb said sagen 3 2 3 2.6 prev. clause main verb – denken future I 1 3 1 1.6 auxiliaries VBD – future II 0.5 0.1 1 0.5 main suffix id – konjunktiv I 1 0.9 0.7 0.8 sentence main verb think – konjunktiv II 8 7 2 5.8 word-1 – gesagt word-2 – gestern Table 3: Distribution of the tense/mood labels in clause type SBAR – the German corpora (given in percentage). preceding clause type S-MAIN – following clause type END – syntactical tense past – a sequence which allows for taking into account logical tense past – the tense/mood dependency between finite verbs conditional context no – composed sent yes – within a sentence. For the classifier training, we only use instances Table 4: Full feature set for modeling tense/mood where the German verb is aligned with at least translation. The values are derived for the German English word. Furthermore, if the mapping of a finite verb haben/have from the clause pair given VP to tense in one of the languages fails, the train- in Figure 2 assuming that the full English sentence ing instance is omitted as well. In total, we extract is ’I think that I said that yesterday to you.’ 5.2 million training instances. 4.2.3 Feature set of tense/mood. Moreover, we use the information Each German finite verb gets features assigned whether the sentence is composed (i.e. consists from both English and German. The English fea- of more than one clause) to account for the fact tures are extracted on the basis of the clauses. that some tense/moods, e.g. Konjunktiv, are Given the alignment between the German finite rarely used in simple sentences. The conditional verb and a specific word in English, the features context is derived by a simple check whether the are used which are extracted from the clause the conjunction in the subordinate clause is if. English word is placed in. Since in the training, finite German verbs may be aligned with arbitrary The features are summarized in Table 4. Our English words (i.e. not only verbs), the clause- model does not only use these features, but also wide features allow to extract features also for a number of their combinations to strengthen these verbs. contexts for specific tense/moods. Lexical features Lexical features give informa- 4.2.4 Classifier evaluation tion about lexical choice of the verbs. To avoid Although both maximum entropy, as well as CRF sparsity problems, we abstract the English VP to a models trained on the same data using the same certain extent: we use information about (i) main feature set perform equally well, CRF performs (meaning-bearing) verbs, (ii) a sequence of auxil- better for certain labels as shown in Table 5. iaries without the main verb since the auxiliaries We further evaluate the CRF model on test sets in English are used to form different tense/moods. from different domains (cf. Table 6). Note that the By having access to the main verbs from both test sets are well-formed sentences taken from the the current clause, as well as from the preceding corpora we work with. We evaluation re- clause, we account for the fact that the verbs (or sults gained on well-formed test data to those ob- their sequences) influence the use of tense/mood. tained for noisy MT output. The evaluation on the well-formed data is given in F -scores while the Contextual features Words preceding the Ger- 1 MT output is evaluated with BLEU. man finite verb are useful for some specific con- The row mostFreqTense is considered to be a texts in which Konjunktiv is used. baseline: the verbs are annotated with tense which /discourse The combination of is the most frequent German tense given a specific clauses, i.e. clause types, has impact on the choice English tense (cf. Figure 3). It is interesting that

25 tense/mood F1CRF F1me 5 Verbal morphology in MT output present 0.92 0.92 perfect 0.81 0.81 5.1 Baseline system imperfect 0.85 0.85 pluperfect 0.74 0.73 Our baseline system is trained on reordered En- future I 0.84 0.83 future II 0.50 0.50 glish sentences (cf. Section 2.1) and stemmed konjunktiv I 0.27 0.17 German data (cf. Section 2.2). It is trained on a konjunktiv II 0.83 0.83 corpus consisting of 4.5 M sentences from news, overall 0.87 0.87 Europarl and crawled texts. It uses a 5-gram lan- guage model trained on 1.5 billion German words. Table 5: Performance of a CRF vs. maximum entropy classifier gained for a test set containing The baseline system translates reordered En- 5,000 sentence from the news corpus. glish into stemmed German in which the verbs are surface forms and enriched with POS tags.

5.2 Evaluation of the verbs in MT output the baseline performs equally well when applied on news and crawl, it however leads to lower F1 The baseline SMT system is applied on a news test 3 for the europarl test set. This indicates that the set from WMT 2015. tense usage in europarl deviates from that in news The baseline MT output we aim at correcting and crawled corpora. is surprisingly good. The stem- and surface-based of the verbs in the baseline with the Our model is considerably better than the base- reference revealed that 82% of the verbs in the line. It leads to better results on both well-formed baseline are already correctly inflected. This quite test sets, as well as on the MT output. high number though takes only 21% of the verbs in the baseline into account: nearly 80% of the tense/mood F1CRF BLEU verbs in the baseline do not match the reference, news europarl crawl MT-news i.e. the lexical choice (the lemma) of the verbs mostFreqTense 0.70 0.64 0.70 21.79 our model 0.87 0.90 0.88 21.95 differs from the reference. Our verbal inflection correcting system changes Table 6: Classifier evaluation using different fea- 242 (6%) of the verbs output by the baseline SMT tures and different test sets. Each of the clean data system. Given the strong baseline we work with, test sets contain 5,000 sentences. Clean data sets we would in fact do worse if we changed more (i.e. are evaluated in terms of F1 scores, while the MT already correctly inflected) verbs. output is evaluated with BLEU. Considering the fact that most of the finite verbs do not match the reference and are thus not con- sidered with automatic metrics such es BLEU (cf. The difference in performance gained on test Section 5.2.1), we also carried out a human evalu- sets from different domains (although small) raises ation which is presented in Section 5.2.2. the question whether the classifier is solely to be trained on in-domain data. Since we work with 5.2.1 Automatic evaluation MT output of the news test set, we would have In Table 7, the BLEU scores (Papineni et al., 2002) to train the classifier only on the news data. Due of the MT output with predicted verbal inflection to the corpus size (272k sentences), we get into are presented. sparsity problems since many lexical features are used. A further reason for using additional (out- BLEUci of-domain) training data are low-frequent labels Surface 21.59 which then get more training instances. Baseline 22.00 Verbal inflection 22.05 In summary, the evaluation indicates that a sin- Agreement 22.08 gle classifier leads to different results when ap- Tense/mood 21.95 plied on data from different domains. Further- Table 7: BLEU scores of MT outputs with cor- more, the initial experiments showed that having rected verbal inflection. better results on the clean data does not necessar- ily lead to better results for the noisy MT output. 3http://www.statmt.org/wmt15/

26 Verbal inflection denotes MT output for which SRC1 the claimants presented proof of extortion BL *legte3.Sg die Klager¨ Beweise von Erpres- all verbal features are derived/predicted and then sung used to generate the inflected verb forms. The VI legten3.P l die Klager¨ Beweise von Erpres- translation quality does not increase (in terms of sung SRC2 then put his finger on it BLEU) significantly. Most of the improvement BL dann *legtP res.Ind er seinen Finger auf sie VI correct comes from the agreement correction (given in VI dann legteP ast.Ind er seinen Finger auf sie row Agreement) while the tense/mood prediction SRC3 I fear I may need more surgery BL ich furchte,¨ ich *kannP res.Ind eine Opera- (row Tense/mood) lowers the BLEU score. tion notig¨ VI ich furchte,¨ ich konnte¨ P ast.Subj eine Op- eration notig¨ SRC4 Maybe his father intended to be cruel 5.2.2 Manual evaluation of MT BL vielleicht sollP res.Ind seine Vater grausam zu sein VI vielleicht *sollteP ast.Subj seine Vater grausam zu sein 70 sentence pairs consisting of the baseline MT SRC5 ” i have rung mr piffl and suggested that we output and MT output with corrected verbal inflec- get together ” tion with respect to tense and mood were evaluated BL ”ich habeP res.Ind geklingelt Herr piffl und schlug vor, dass wir gemeinsam” by four human evaluators. The evaluators anno- VI ”ich *hatteP ast.Ind geklingelt Herr piffl tated the better translation alternative with 1, the VI incorrect und schlug vor, dass wir gemeinsam” worse one with 2. For each of the translations, the SRC6 no word could get beyond the soundproof- ing majority vote (most frequent annotation) was com- BL kein Wort konnte uer¨ die Schalldammung¨ puted. The counts of the human votes are given in VI kein Wort *konte¨ uber¨ die Schalldammung¨ Table 8. Table 9: Example of MT outputs with improved (upper part) and incorrect verbal inflection (lower Grade part). SRC denotes the source sentences, the base- MT 1 2 3 nA line translations are indicated with BL, while the Baseline 29 19 4 19 translations with verbal inflection handling are in- Verbal inflection 17 31 4 19 dicated with VI. Table 8: Results of human evaluation. 1 = better, 2 = worse, 3 = don’t know, nA = no majority vote. The VI translation of intended in SRC4 retains the tense in the source sentences. The human eval- uators, however, prefer the baseline translation, which switches to present tense. German has two Human evaluators prefer the choice of tense past tenses: the baseline translation of have rung (expressed in verbal inflection) made by the base- in SRC5 is perfect (habe geklingelt), while the VI line. Only a third of the alternatives with verbal translation is pluperfect (hatte geklingelt). Even inflection handling are considered to be better than for a human, it is hard to decide which of the trans- the baseline. An interesting fact is that the anno- lations is better. The translation of SRC6 shows a tator agreement in terms of Kappa was only 0.33 problem with English modal verbs such as could which means that the annotators often disagreed which expose functional ambiguity. As subjunc- which translation alternative was better. tive, could almost always translates into subjunc- tive German modal konnte¨ . Thus the model al- In Table 9, a few example MT outputs are ways predicts konjunktiv II given English modals shown in which the verbal inflection is correct, for which the past indicative form equals to the while the baseline is incorrect. The VI transla- subjunctive form. tion of SRC1 shows corrected agreement between the plural subject Klager/claimants¨ and the finite 6 Discussion verb legten/presented. The translations of SCR2 and SRC3 show the corrected tense. In SRC2, the 6.1 Subject–verb agreement English verb in past tense is in VI also translated Correction of the subject–verb agreement pro- as past tense. In SRC3, the German translation of posed by Rosa et al. (2012) and adapted in this the subordinate clause should be past subjunctive work for English–German SMT, relies on how ac- as generated by VI. curate the identification of the subject–verb rela-

27 Figure 3: Distribution of tense translations derived from the training corpora (news, europarl, crawl). English tense/mood values are given on the x-axis, while the percentage of the German tense/moods for the corresponding EN tense/mood is given on the y-axis. tions in noisy MT output is. The better the transla- well as German MT parses (in combination with tion, the higher the probability of acquiring correct clues on the reliability of the extracted informa- subject–verb pairs from the parse trees. However, tion) might give good results regarding the predic- the quality of the translations varies greatly, even tion of agreement features for German finite verbs. within a single test set. Rosa et al. (2012) reported on different results achieved for different test sets. 6.2 Tense and mood Another possibility is to use a classification model Register/domain Looking at Figure 3, it be- which predicts agreement features of the verbs us- comes obvious that a single English tense can ing various contextual information as successfully translate into different German tenses. Always applied on English–Spanish (Gispert and Marino,˜ choosing the most frequent German tense for a 2008). given English tense does not lead to satisfying re- Our attempt to build such a model for German, sults (cf. Table 6). On the other hand, Schiehlen led to disappointing results: on the one hand, a (1998), presented one of the first studies on more accurate identification of the subjects in the learning the tense translation from bilingual cor- English constituent parse trees is required: the use pora, stated that this simple tense mapping already of the dependency trees combined with pronoun achieved the accuracy of 95%. We achieve 70%. resolution (similar to a simple pronoun resolution This is probably due to register and domain dif- described in (Avramidis and Koehn, 2008)) might ference: while Schiehlen (1998) worked with cor- reduce this problem. More correct subject identi- pora related to appointment scheduling (spoken fication in the source language is however not suf- language), we work with news data (written lan- ficient: due to syntactic divergences, the German guage) which has important differences with re- subject may match other constituents in the source spect to tense translation. language (e.g. or preposition ). A prediction model having access to information ex- Tense usage The correct choice of tense in both tracted from both English dependency trees, as human and automatic translation depends on fac-

28 tors which are beyond the scope of our approach Number of clauses per sentence in % 0.8 (we model the lexical choice of the verbs and syn- News tax). This is true even though some languages 0.7 Europarl Crawl have strict tense usage rules. One factor may sim- 0.6 ply be a rule such as the one found in the EC 0.5 guidelines for translation from English to Ger- man4: “Protokolle oder Berichte von Sitzungen 0.4 werden in der deutschsprachigen Fassung stets im 0.3

Prasens¨ verfasst...” / “It is required to use present 0.2 tense in the translation of protocols and reports, re- 0.1 gardless of the tense in the source language.” Such 0.0 a rule does not apply to the translation of news ar- 1 2 3 4 5 6 ticles. However, in news articles tense/moods are used, in particular , in which the Figure 4: Percentage of sentences from different reporter does not present his own assessment of corpora containing different number of clauses. a situation, but what someone else said (Csipak, 2015), which are almost never used in texts found on the internet (see konjunktiv I + II in Table 3). sequential problem or not. On the one hand, in the monolingual context of correcting English tense, Language–pair specific features Ye et al. Tajiri et al. (2012) argues for a sequential tense (2006) presented thoughts about the knowledge model. On the other hand Ye et al. (2006) ob- that human translators use. The aim was to use this served that sequential dependence of the tenses is knowledge to model tense translation for Chinese– not as strong as expected. In the bilingual con- English. For this specific language pair (and pos- text, there seems to be a strong dependence on the sibly for the corpus used), the knowledge about tense in the source language. Statistics about the temporal ordering of the actions was the key in- number of clauses in the sentences shown in Fig- formation. On the other hand, for English–French, ure 4, shows that our data mostly consists of sim- Meyer et al. (2013) found that a narrativity feature ple sentences containing only one clause (i.e. one helps to translate the English past tense into one of finite verb). In other words, for most of the sen- the possible French tenses. tences, an intra-sentence tense sequence is sim- Tense switch We observed sentence pairs in ply not given. Inter-sentence tense modeling, i.e., which the English is written in past tense, while across sentence boundaries, could be more rea- in German, present tense is used. Obviously, sonable, as for example, presented by Gong et al. there are contexts in which tense switches are al- (2012) for Chinese to English SMT. lowed. We assume that these sentences are head- lines which allow for this kind of tense variation. Evaluation of the verbs The final question we raise is how to evaluate translations with respect Tense interchangeability It seems that in nu- to information related to discourse such as tense merous contexts, tense translation can sometimes and modality (or negation as discussed by Fan- even be a matter of taste. Sammon (2002) states cellu and Webber (2014)). Automatic evaluation that in German the imperfect and perfect are in- such as BLEU is not appropriate since it com- terchangeable in many contexts, the difference be- pares the translation with the reference mainly on tween the two tenses being largely stylistic. A sim- the lexical level. What about human evaluation? ilar example is reported speech where Konjunk- Our evaluators have a Kappa score of 0.33 which tiv I, Konjunktiv II and indicative tenses are often is rather low. The humans thus allow for a cer- used interchangeably (Csipak, 2015). tain variance in tense/mood translation which met- rics like BLEU cannot capture given only one ref- Sequential problem It is also not very clear erence translation. Ideally, we would have mul- whether the tense/mood is to be dealt with as a tiple references in which all possible tenses are 4 Guidelines for translations into German used by the given. Creating such an evaluation test set could European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/ translation/german/guidelines/documents/ be done by gap-filling method proposed by Hard- german_style_guide_en.pdf meier (2014) for evaluation of pronoun translation.

29 Summary For modeling mood translation, fea- transition-based dependency parsing. In Proceed- tures such as reported speech, conditional context, ings of the 14th International Conference on Pars- polite form, etc. would more clearly describe the ing Technologies, pages 76–86, Bilbao, Spain, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. contexts in which a specific mood occurs. The information about tense ordering proposed by Ye Eugene Charniak and Mark Johnson. 2005. Coarse- et al. (2006) for Chinese–English would proba- to-fine n-best parsing and MaxEnt discriminative reranking. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meet- bly be helpful also for English–to–German trans- ing on Association for Computational Linguistics lation. However, the extraction of such features is (ACL), Ann Arbor, Michigan. more complicated than simply using surface fea- tures such as words, POS tags, etc. Peter Collins and Carmella Hollo. 2010. . An introduction. Palgrave macmillan, 2 7 Future work edition. The verbal inflection handling that we present in Eva Csipak. 2015. Free factive subjunctives in German. Niedersachsische¨ Staats- und Univer- this paper is implemented as a post-processing sitatsbibliothek¨ Gottingen.¨ step to the translation. We use the words, i.e. verbs, generated by the SMT system and change Federico Fancellu and Bonnie Webber. 2014. Ap- plying the semantics of negation to SMT through them according to our inflection models. An n-best list re-ranking. In Proceedings of the 14th interesting approach would, however, be to use Conference of the European Chapter of the Asso- a more abstract representation of German VPs ciation for Computational Linguistics, Gothenburg, which would allow for generation of all of the Sweden, April. words in a VP as specified by the inflection model. Alexander Fraser, Marion Weller, Aoife Cahill, and Fa- For example, we could handle inserting/deleting bienne Cap. 2012. Modeling inflection and word- verbs (auxiliaries), reflexives or even negation. formation in SMT. In Proceedings of the the Euro- As for the modeling of tense and mood, we are pean Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Avignon, France. going to explore possibilities to include discourse knowledge (which was discussed in the previous Adria` de Gispert and Jose B. Marino.˜ 2008. On the section) into the classification model. Such a impact of morphology in English to Spanish statis- model could also be used within the translation tical MT. Speech Communication, 50(11-12):1034– 1046. step, for example, to rerank translation alterna- tives. Anita Gojun and Alexander Fraser. 2012. Determin- ing the placement of German verbs in English-to- Acknowledgments German SMT. In Proceedings of the 13th Confer- ence of the European Chapter of the Association for This work was partially supported by Deutsche Computational Linguistics (EACL), pages 726–735, Forschungsgemeinschaft grant Models of Mor- Avignon, France, April. phosyntax for Statistical Machine Translation Zhengxian Gong, Min Zhang, Chewlim Tan, and (Phase 2). This work has received funding from Guodong Zhou. 2012. N-gram-based tense mod- the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research els for statistical machine translation. In Proceed- and innovation programme under grant agreement ings of the 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical No. 644402 (HimL) and from the European Re- Methods in Natural Language Processing and Com- putational Natural Language Learning (EMNLP- search Council (ERC) under grant agreement No. CoNLL), pages 276–285, Jeju Island, Korea, July. 640550. Christian Hardmeier. 2014. Discourse in statisti- cal machine translation. In Studia Linguistica Up- References saliensia, vol. 14. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, Sweden. Eleftherios Avramidis and Philipp Koehn. 2008. En- riching morphologically poor languages for statisti- Simone Heinold. 2015. Tempus, Modus und Aspekt im cal machine translation. In Proceedings of the An- Deutschen. Ein Studienbuch. narr studienbcher. nual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-HLT), pages 763–770, Columbus, Thomas Lavergne, Olivier Cappe,´ and Franc¸ois Yvon. Ohio, June. 2010. Practical very large scale CRFs. In Proceed- ings the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Anders Bjorkelund¨ and Joakim Nivre. 2015. Non- Computational Linguistics (ACL), pages 504–513. deterministic oracles for unrestricted non-projective Association for Computational Linguistics, July.

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