Selected articles concerning Israel, published weekly by Suburban Orthodox Toras Chaim’s (Baltimore) Israel Action Committee Edited by Jerry Appelbaum (
[email protected] ) | Founding editor: Sheldon J. Berman Z”L Issue 8 9 3 Volume 2 1 , Number 2 5 Parshias Pinchas | Shabbos Mevarchim July 3 , 2021 Testing Bennett: An in - depth intervi ew with A. Pe'er, Hamodia's military correspondent. By Gavriel Meir Hamodia Prime Weekly/ June 23, 2021 Iran, Arab countries and terror groups will be testing given control of Gaza, together with Yehudah and the new Prime Minister. They know he's not Bibi the Shomron, which Netanyahu objected to. stubborn one or Bibi the strong rig ht - winger, but the When it comes to the Palestinians, the Eiden leader of a government that depends on Arab MKs for administration feels it has a better chance of making its survival. progress with Bennett and Yair Lapid, whose coa lition What are the pressing security and diplomatic depends on left - wing parties like Meretz and Labor and, challenges facing Prime Minister Naftali Bennett? mainly, on the Arabs. Bibi wasn't prepared to make the Topping the list is Iran, on many different levels. kind of concessions required by the various U.S. peace There's Iran vis - a - vis the United States and the initiatives. This government is seen as , being much less question of whether the nuclear resistant. deal will be renewed. There's Iran as it relates to its Foreign Minister Yair Lapid has spoken of efforts to expand its hold on the Middle East, and its improving ties with the Democ rats in the U.S.