Music Therapy 1961 Music Therapy 1961
MUSIC THERAPY 1961 MUSIC THERAPY 1961 ELEVENTH BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR MUSIC THERAPY, Inc. Founded 1950 Volume XI EDITOR ERWIN H. SCHNEIDER, Ph.D. ASSOCIATE EDITORS RUTH BOXBERGER WILLIAM W. SEARS, Ph.D. Lawrence, Kansas Published by the NationalAasociationfor Music Therapy, Inc. 1962 '.t Copyright 196-3 by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR MUSIC THERAPY, INC~· Printed in the United States of America Permission to reproduce any part of this book in any fom1 must be secured in writing from the editor and publisher. Sale of Book of Proceedings . Orders for this volume, for Music Therapy 1951, Music Therapy 1952, Music Therapy 1953, Music Therapy 1954, Music Therapy 1955, Music Therapy 1956, Music Therapy 1957, Music Therapy 1958, Music Therapy 1959, or for Music Therapy 1960 sh9uld be addressed to The Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas. $5.20 Postpaid, U.S.A. .··1 ! THE ALLEN PRESS Lawrence, Kansas PURPOSES AND· OBJECTIVES · · of the . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR MUSIC THERAPY, INC. The progressive development of the use of music in medicine, through: -Advancement of research -Distribution of helpful information -Establishment of qualifications and standards of training for therapists -Perfection of techniques of music programming which aid medical tre~tment most effectively vii LIBR;\RIES COLORADO STATE UNIVEFcS!rV CONTRIBUTORS Bolduc, Thomas E., Ph.D., Psychologist, State Boys School, Wales, Wisconsin. Boxberger, Ruth, R.M.T., Department of Music Education, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Braswell, Charles, R.M.T., Director of Music Therapy Depart- ment, Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana. Des Lauriers, Austin M., Ph.D., Chief, Psychology Department, Michael Reece Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois.
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