MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Fri, 8/13 8:33AM 34:43

SUMMARY KEYWORDS marshall, voice, alumni, students, called, campus, pandemic, neat, helping, year, favorite, radio, , herd podcast, script, hear, jarrod, nursing students, questions, thought


Kasey Stevens, Larry Crum, Amie Breedlove, Matt Hayes

K Kasey Stevens 00:03 Hello, and welcome to the One of the Herd podcast, the official podcast of the Alumni Association. On today's episode, we'll hear from our alumna Amie Breedlove. And you've probably heard her voice before, Amie has lent her voice to some of the most iconic brands and organizations in the world as a voiceover artist. And as always, before we get to the interview, let's check in with our alumni staff for an update of what's new on campus. You can see it when you visit campus, the new buildings, the new landmarks, the new students, Marshall is on an upward trajectory thanks to the generosity and helping hands of alumni and supporters just like you. Marshall rises is an exciting new era for Marshall University. This game changing campaign supports five key pillars at our university, including enhancing the student experience, strengthening community partnerships, fostering an environment of innovative learning and expanding academics for all Marshall students. Each of these pillars help strengthen our students through scholarships, retaining and recruiting talented faculty, increased research opportunities, and through new and renovated facilities. Learn more about how you can get involved at Because of you. Marshall is on the rise. Hello, and welcome to our second episode of the Marshall University Alumni Association, One of the Herd podcast, we are back here with our alumni relations staff getting ready to talk about what's happened since we've last chatted.

M Matt Hayes 01:47

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 1 of 18 Transcribed by Yeah, it's been a quite a interesting time. You know, we're still wrestling through this season of this pandemic season. But we're seeing a lot of things changing and, and restrictions lifting. It's an exciting time on campus, because we're talking about a fall where we can return to in person classes and in person meetings. More more often, we're really excited about that. A new offering for alumni everywhere is our new insurance partner of simply affordable insurance through a company called Augeo. is linked to our website at And this is a great opportunity for our alumni to shop their home and auto insurance. In a matter of minutes, you'll get quotes back, and you can save hundreds on your insurance needs. So please go over to our website at Look under the membership and benefits tab and look for simply affordable insurance and get give it a look. Give it a try. You'll be glad you did. What else is going on.

L Larry Crum 03:00 You jumped in there with the simply affordable and they were back with you within a couple minutes, weren't they?

M Matt Hayes 03:06 I did, you know just filling out some of the question questions and answers, you know, baseline information. In a matter of about 10, 15 minutes or less. I had almost a dozen quotes, and several of them were less than what I'm paying right now. So it's really worth your time.

L Larry Crum 03:23 That's awesome. I mean, we all need to save money. But you know, speaking of events, things returning to normal. Man I'm excited for for a hopeful fall where we can get back together, gather in groups, enjoy some time together. I think that is what we're all hoping for expecting. Unfortunately, you know, it kind of impacted our spring a little bit more just like last year, we were talking a little bit early, our alumni awards banquet, which usually takes place in in the spring each year, we had to push to push to next year. So for anybody listening in April 9, 2022, is going to be the 83rd alumni awards banquet. And we have an incredible slate of awardees that we did not get to award this year or last year due to the pandemic but we're really excited to honor them and and have them in our events whenever we can return to normal, hopefully next year. But another fun thing that we've done is for anybody that looks for for the Alumni Association on social media, alumni related content. I know in the past, it's been a little bit harder to find us we've had a couple different handles for different social media. So we kind of fixed that. So if you're

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 2 of 18 Transcribed by looking for alumni related content at Marshall University, it's it's all in one place @marshallualumni so if you're looking for us on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram, at Marshall, you alumni, you'll be able to find us it's easy to look up our stuff. There's a lot of fun things that we put together that if you haven't been you need to check it out. It's not just it's not just promotion and you know whatnot, there's a lot of fun photos, there's a lot of looking back. There's just a lot of neat things on our social media. So @marshallualumni for for all your alumni, social media needs.

M Matt Hayes 05:11 Whoever thought of that deserves a promotion. I think that's a brilliant idea. I'm waiting, I'm waiting. Excellent.

K Kasey Stevens 05:19 So that has been an update from our office, let's get into some things that have changed on campus. Since we last talked, some events that are happening, maybe in a little bit of a non traditional way. So one of those things is Empty Bowls 2021. I know it's something that I look forward to every year, this will be the 18th year, this is the 18th year for Empty Bowls. And last year, they raised a little over $9,000 for facing hunger Food Bank, in town. So they're selling bowls, for $20. Each and all of the proceeds go to facing hunger Food Bank $20 for a bowl feed 100 makes 180 meals which is wild to me.

L Larry Crum 06:00 Yeah, I think that's pretty neat. The pottery place, as you mentioned, is hosting this here locally. It's really neat. I was involved with with facing with the Empty Bowls whenever I was a student here helping out with that helping out with promotion. But what I kind of thought was neat about this is just how innovative and creative our students and staff have been in the face of the pandemic, how they found ways you know, there's a lot of universities, there's a lot of places that just kind of when the pandemic came, they just said, well, we'll just have to cancel everything, and then we'll get back to it when we can. But you know, there's been so many things that they've picked up right where they left off, put together, and this is one of them, the you know, instead of canceling this, you know, last year, they did it this exact same way, partnering with the pottery place, as Casey mentioned, you know, they raised almost $10,000, which fed almost 89,000 provided almost 89,000 meals, and in the 17 years they've done this, you know, they've raised hundreds of 1000s of dollars. And, you know, they really didn't want to lose that momentum. And you know, it's just exciting that they're doing this, I also read for anybody that's able to participate that they're doing a discount a coupon at bam, Bahnhof and

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 3 of 18 Transcribed by Black Sheep, for anybody that participates this year 10% of the first couple that participates. Really, really neat event.

M Matt Hayes 07:20 Yeah, it really is it you know, this highlights the significance of community partnerships and involvement among the university with with the city of Huntington. You know, I just got to give major props, and congrats to the food bank, to Marshall University, and to the pottery place, you know, making this partnership last and stand the test of time and to continue giving back in a meaningful way. Congratulations. And we're really looking forward to seeing this partnership continue and continue to make a difference in our community.

K Kasey Stevens 07:56 So one of the new things that's coming out of the College of Business this fall is the DBA program. It's the doctor of Business Administration, and it's going to launch this fall, and new students can start enrolling now. It's the only kind of program in West Virginia, which I think is very impressive for us to have here on campus. But I also believe it's available online.

M Matt Hayes 08:21 Yeah, it is cool, because, you know, Marshall is, is the first, you know, we're the only one in the state. But we're the first of its kind with and you know what, what sets this program apart really distinguishes it is the accreditation by the AACSB. You know, you can't undervalue that, you know, as a prospective business student, you know, looking or even as an alum, looking to come back and earn a DBA, you want to do that at an accredited institution. You don't want to invest and spend time on a degree that you know that that accreditation carries a lot of weight.

L Larry Crum 09:02 It really does. You know, what I like about it is that it's a hybrid program, they work with individuals, you know, it's designed for busy working people, working professionals, academics, that are really looking to further advance their professional careers in business. It's just neat. It's a testament kinda to the collaboration, the hard work of the College of Business, their leadership, the staff, the faculty over the past few years. That's right. It's just, it's just a neat. It's just a neat offering to people.

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 4 of 18 Transcribed by M Matt Hayes 09:27 It sure is. And you know, if you're thinking about, man, now's the time, now's the time to invest in yourself, invest in your future. If you have questions about this DBA program, reach out to us on email [email protected] we'll be happy to connect you with the administrators involved with the bringing this program to our campus. And be sure that you get all the answers to your questions.

L Larry Crum 09:51 I think what's neat is it just seems like every couple weeks, every couple months, there's a new offering from Marshall. I mean, you know, there were the programs that we had when all All of us were here. And that's, you know, doubled and tripled since since we've left its exam, they just keep adding more and more for students two reasons to come to Marshall and, and really impact the state in the area.

K Kasey Stevens 10:14 So speaking of leading the way, we see Marshall leading the way in all these different programs and projects, we've seen through the pandemic, West Virginia, leading the way in vaccine distribution. And one of the ways that that is happening is through the nursing students here on our campus. Whether that's vaccinating students, staff, faculty, they've been able to have that invaluable, firsthand experience helping in this pandemic, what kind of value do you think that has added to their careers?

L Larry Crum 10:43 You know, the nursing, the nursing program was kind of on the frontline of providing tests, you know, to faculty staff here on campus, when you know, COVID first came here, the actual testing phase, and now, you know, when the vaccines got here that, you know, they reached out to the students and gave them an opportunity to reach out and be involved directly in this and it's just it, like you mentioned is that invaluable experience, to just be on the front line of something like this.

M Matt Hayes 11:10 Absolutely. And you know, some of our many of our nursing students involved in this in this effort. But we also have to give shout outs and props to the the many members of the marshal family who served in West Virginia National Guard, because without the effort of the West Virginia National Guard, delivering supplies and helping support the efforts of

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 5 of 18 Transcribed by vaccination and the distribution of the clinics all over the state, we wouldn't be in the successful position that that we're in so shout out to all of the the Marshall family that's out there serving in the West Virginia National Guard, and of course, our nursing students and nursing staff. Thank you.

K Kasey Stevens 11:55 So bit of a transition here talking about athletics. And the newest news from the Marshall men's team is that Jarrod West is has one year of eligibility left but he entered the transfer portal and is now finishing up his second senior year as you'd call it because of COVID at the University of Louisville, which is a great opportunity for him. But we will dearly miss watching him play in the Cam.

M Matt Hayes 12:22 Absolutely. I have enjoyed watching Jarrod play ever since he's the whole time he's been here. His hustle is it's one of a kind. I love watching him play defense. He is so stingy on defense. He's in your face. He wants to mess you up. He wants to you know, his stats show and and no, no surprise why he was so heavily recruited by these top institutions. And I'm really thrilled to see him, you know, just follow his career and set him self up for you know what he hopes to be a very, very bright future.

L Larry Crum 13:01 Yeah, you know, a lot of people kind of thought he was undersized when he first came in. But the guy you know, he's a fighter. He's a real leader, very scrappy, most of his contributions really didn't show up in the box score. And, you know, I was looking at some stats about him. You know, he's the all time steals leader at Marshall. He's tied in the top five for games played. He's had 126 games played at Marshall. And he's one of only a handful of people with with career totals over 1200 points over 400 assists, 250 steals 203 pointers, and one that I thought was really neat. He was only one of three players this past year, that scored at least 250 points. He had a minimum of 125 assists. 50 steals, I mean, just a ton of stats racked up and you know all this from a West Virginia kid.

M Matt Hayes 13:46 Yeah, not not to mention you can't overlook his freshman year helping the herd win a conference championship, and then making a showing in the NCAA Tournament. You know, he's had quite the ride here at Marshall.

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 6 of 18 Transcribed by L Larry Crum 13:58 Yeah, we can't definitely can't forget that. I mean, that was that was a moment that we were all super excited for to be a part of that March Madness. I know. You know, this year, my bracket was busted pretty early. But you know, everybody's a couple years ago when Marshall was right in the middle of it right in the thick of it. And everybody was talking about that scrappy, underdog that was that taken out some teams and he was right there leading the way.

M Matt Hayes 14:20 That's right. Well, we just we wish Jarrod the very, very best in all his future proceeds.

K Kasey Stevens 14:26 Sure. And that wraps up our Office of Alumni chat. On this episode of the One of the Herd podcast. Stay tuned next for our interview with one of our alums.

M Matt Hayes 14:39 Looking for a great deal with our newest partnership, finding a great deal just got easier for Marshall alumni. Download the my deals app, link your alumni account and browse great deals on hotels, restaurants, gym memberships, auto service, entertainment and more. Save big on deals from brands like apple, Reebok and GMC. Marshall alumni can register for an account by Visiting heard click on membership and benefits and select the shop tab and start saving today.

L Larry Crum 15:08 Hi, everybody, we are here with Amie Breedlove Marshall alumna and an extremely talented voice artist. First off, welcome. How are you doing?

A Amie Breedlove 15:17 I'm doing great. How are you?

L Larry Crum 15:20 I'm great. It's as we were discussing a little earlier. We're coming off of a crazy little winter, but I understand you've been warm down where you are.

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 7 of 18 Transcribed by A Amie Breedlove 15:29 Yes, we're doing pretty good here in Winter Park right outside of Orlando, Florida. We got a little chilly when you guys were icing up to about 60 degrees. So we had to put on our parkas.

L Larry Crum 15:43 So Amie, a voice artist? That's obviously a really unique career. Can you talk a little bit about exactly what that is for our listeners that are tuning in at home? Sure.

A Amie Breedlove 15:53 Um, there's lots of ways to describe it. There's voiceover voice actor, voice talent, voiceover talent, so many things out there. Basically, we're the voice behind audiobooks, the commercials you see in here on TV on YouTube, Hulu, Hulu, Netflix, anywhere and everywhere.

L Larry Crum 16:18 So you're just all over the place. That's exciting. Are some of the companies you've worked with? I've seen a list and you've worked with some pretty impressive companies in your, in your time who are some of the ones you've been most excited to work with?

A Amie Breedlove 16:29 Well, of course, the most exciting is being the voice of the target self checkouts at all Target stores. That's pretty cool. Get giddy over that. Also, let's see McDonald's. Bloomingdale's, Gaylord Opryland in Nashville, if you call in, I'm the person that directs you to wherever you need to go by Gaylord. Wow, let's see, Cadillac is one of my big clients. And there I my brain is fogging up.

L Larry Crum 17:14 Your most famous role is as the voice of tart, you know, at Target. So how did that come about? I mean, how did you how did you get involved with being you know, such a recognizable voice that at a place that we you know, we all go to?

A Amie Breedlove 17:27

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 8 of 18 Transcribed by Well, um, that came through my agent, I have five agents. And I just auditioned. And when she called back and said, You've got the job, I thought, great. And I thought it was a little local, regional type thing. And then I got the contract. And I noticed it said, United States and Puerto Rico. And I'm like, Huh, so I called her back. And I'm like, Is this like, everywhere? And she's like, yeah, so immediately, I took a trip to New York City and walked around the Target. heard myself and I'm like, Wow, that's really cool.

L Larry Crum 18:06 That's awesome. I've talked to some, you know, actors, actresses, they talk about, you know, doing tryouts for for different roles. What is the tryout for? Or an audition for for a role like that? What does that involve?

A Amie Breedlove 18:18 It just involves getting a script from my agent, I record it, send it back to her and cross my fingers and hope I get picked. And thankfully on that one I did.

L Larry Crum 18:30 Can you give us a little sample of your target voice?

A Amie Breedlove 18:33 Sure. Don't forget your receipt. Thanks. See you again soon.

L Larry Crum 18:38 So whenever you're out at Target, does it still surprise you when you hear your voice?

A Amie Breedlove 18:42 Absolutely. Yeah, I love it. And normally, I'm the person checking out and then walking around to the different folks at the other self checkouts going to forget your receipt See you again soon. And then I end up telling the the gal or guy who you know is working at Target I'm like that's me. And some believe me some don't. They're like maybe she's just a crazy lady.

Larry Crum 19:06

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 9 of 18 Transcribed by L Larry Crum 19:06 Between you know, Target and then you hear yourself on a radio commercial a television commercial, is it still catches you by surprise? I mean, when you do you ever just hear something when you're out working or you know, driving somewhere and just Oh, hey, that's me.

A Amie Breedlove 19:21 It does it does it really it makes me smile. Of course, you know, I was in radio for a long time. So I was used to hearing myself on the local radio station. But yeah, it's it's different when when you hear yourself on a regional or a national ad, for sure.

L Larry Crum 19:38 I could imagine I could imagine. So how did you get into voice acting?

A Amie Breedlove 19:42 Well, of course, I was in radio did that for 16 years. And I love the production side of things when I was in the production room voicing producing spots. I'm like I could do this all day long. And the station voice for the radio station I was working for at the time. was in town station voice being the person that says the call letters in between the songs. Sure. And I chatted with him for a good little bit. And he gave me some great little golden nuggets of information. And so that was around 1999. And I started exploring it then. And to my surprise, ended up with a local job that paid me at that time, so I was like, well, maybe I should look more into this.

L Larry Crum 20:33 So I understand as a kid, you really wanted to be a singer? How did that impact you know what you do today?

A Amie Breedlove 20:39 I think it really helps. Because analyzing reading a script, acting out a script is very much like a song. It's the rhythm, the intonation, all the parts that you want to bring out in the script, are just like a musical song. Awesome.

Larry Crum 20:59

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 10 of 18 Transcribed by L Larry Crum 20:59 Um, back to your time at Marshall. I understand. You know, you spent some time at the world famous WMUL, can you talk about your experience at Marshall? You know, working with WMUL, and of course, your time on campus.

A Amie Breedlove 21:11 It was terrific. You know, of course, looking back, I'm always like, oh, wish I would have done more. But I'm sure I did enough because it you know, it gave me such a great base in life. And I had the best time. It's so funny, because when I signed up, of course, I wasn't really looking to be on the radio or move into the field. I chose that field because I saw radio and I'm like, oh, music, music producers, I could do that. Talk to music producers and start singing. But of course, it didn't work that way. But it worked out better, I think. Because I really enjoyed my time at WMUL and that first semester of school, I had no idea that I was supposed to be over there and get into it and enjoy it. I in the head calls from my classmates like where are you are you're supposed to be over here, getting to know the radio station. And I'm like, ma'am.

L Larry Crum 22:18 Of course we're all here with Amy breedlove Marshall alumna and very talented voice artists. Amy, after you spent some time at Marshall, you know, you went to WC, WCHS and some other places locally talk about, you know, right after you left Marshall, that transition into radio, and some of the things you did right after graduating.

A Amie Breedlove 22:39 Yes. So right after graduating, I had a fabulous internship at WCHS. And that was my other love. I'm kind of a weather nerd. So I got to, quote unquote, pull down the weather maps on the weekends for the meteorologist. And I was like, maybe I could be a meteorologist but I was terrible on the Oh, what's it called? The teleprompter? Yes. So my boss at the time during my internship, his words, were you know, you really should go into radio so you can learn how to talk. So that's exactly what I did. I went ahead and pursued the radio career and thankfully ended up at V 100, the radio station that I had listened to since I was seven years old. And it was just, it was so cool to me that I was there. And I had listened to all of these DJs growing up.

L Larry Crum 23:38 Sure. And of course, your journey kind of took you all over the country. You spent some

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 11 of 18 Transcribed by time in Alaska. Is that correct? How did that opportunity come about?

A Amie Breedlove 23:45 I did my husband was an Air Force. He is an Air Force, bad 25 years. So he was stationed in Alaska for 17 years. And he was back in Charleston where we both grew up, although I never knew him growing up. Sure we met. And then after dating for several months, I headed to Alaska and had a fabulous adventure. worked in radio there. Learn that I really needed to warm the car up before cleaning the snow off. And had just it was so much fun. I did a remote at the Iditarod and it was seven degrees out. So many cool adventures.

L Larry Crum 24:31 So from Alaska to Florida, I imagine you're a little happier where you are now.

A Amie Breedlove 24:37 Yeah, we went to weather extremes.

L Larry Crum 24:39 Right. So you know, you do work for commercials for promos, training videos, on hold messages. I mean, you just you cover such a broad range of areas. Do you approach each of those differently or is the work a little similar?

A Amie Breedlove 24:54 Yes, very good question. I do approach this differently. Again, it's like a song. Each has to be correct in their analysis. So an IVR would be a little more relaxed, a little more informational. Whereas you might have a script that needs to be more conversational, more friendly, more upbeat. Or a corporate video that just needs to be like a teacher or professor. And then of course animation, that's when you have to dig deep and pull out your acting skills.

L Larry Crum 25:30 Well, the next question I had was, you've done some video game work. You've done some smaller games and you've even been characters for is that a ride in London, is that what that is the

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 12 of 18 Transcribed by A Amie Breedlove 25:41 Oh, yes. The mother. I'm the voice of mother for Madame Tussaud's. Wax Museum. And it's so funny because I there. What's the movie that?

L Larry Crum 25:56 Alien I believe? Alien?

A Amie Breedlove 25:57 Thank you. I I'm not a super movie nerd. But my husband is. And so I went to tell him that I got this job. I'm like, I think it's kind of big. I don't know. It has to do something with the mothership. And he's like, the what? I finally figured it out. Because no, you're the voice of mother like in Alien. And so yeah, that was really cool. And then I'm the voice of a war torn Navy pilot in Oil Rush. And I when I auditioned for it, I'm like, I'm just gonna do this for fun. And when the producer picked me, I giggled because I'm like, really, I thought I sounded ridiculous, but he liked it. So that worked. And then I'm also the voice of a little app called Sydney, the Scarecrow. That's great for kids, anywhere from three to five years old. And I'm the voice of Sydney and all of the barnyard animals yet another one that I audition for just for fun. I'm like, Oh, this will be fun. Let's try it. And I ended up getting it.

L Larry Crum 27:00 Have you ever considered you know, with some of your work in video games? Have you ever considered going into maybe some more animation? Do you ever watch, you know, a good Disney movie go up? We got to do that now.

A Amie Breedlove 27:09 Oh, I would love that. I would love to be like the voice of the mom in The Incredibles. Oh, love that. But it's it's a little difficult when you're not in Los Angeles. Because that is the area for sure. animation. And they like folks to be in studio when doing it.

L Larry Crum 27:27 I can imagine. So, you know, you recognize your voice when you're out in public? Do other people ever recognize your voice? You know? Do they ever hear you give you a call and say hey, is that you?

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 13 of 18 Transcribed by A Amie Breedlove 27:37 Yeah, I get that all the time from friends from family. They're like this was you? And they'll send like a little recording text to me. And I'm like, no, that's not me. Or maybe yes, it is.

L Larry Crum 27:47 That's awesome. So you know, you spend some time we talked earlier, training people how to do this. You know, can you give a few pointers here today? Can you let my let me try my habits of voice acting maybe some tips.

A Amie Breedlove 28:01 Yes, I should have sent you a script. Yes, that would have been cool. Well, if you have something laying around, you can try it out. And I could be your director. Yes, then that's basically what I do. I send my students scripts, and then we put them anywhere like an audio book, from anything like an audio book, a commercial IVR. It's the whole genre, when we first start out just to find the student strength. Because you want to know what your strength is. But you also want to know where you need to work. So you can be a well rounded voice actor. So we just practice, practice, practice on reading and script analysis.

L Larry Crum 28:38 That's awesome. I have your article pulled up here. I might have to get my get my hand here a little. trying out some voice acting. Let's do it. What what's your what's your first pointer for someone that's trying out at voice acting? What what are you sort of specific rhythm? Is there? Is there a way to approach it?

A Amie Breedlove 28:57 Approach it would be conversational these days. That is the big buzzword in voiceover right now. Awesome, just like you're sitting in a coffee shop talking to a friend.

L Larry Crum 29:06 Well, I'll read the first couple paragraphs. You give me some pointers here. Okay, cool. So chances are at some point in your life, you've heard the voice talents of Amie Breedlove. Perhaps that voice was conveying the latest safety features on a new car, or pitching the latest wares of Bloomingdale's or guiding you through an app or selling you a sandwich at McDonald's. For the past two decades. Free love is lent her voice to some of the most

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 14 of 18 Transcribed by iconic brands and organizations in the world as a voiceover artist. Most notably, read love as a voice behind all Targets for self checkouts, reminding you not to forget your receipt. So how did I do? Alright, not too bad. I would say a couple of things. You could slow down. And you could also be more conversational. Those would be my two things. Well, I'll have to keep that in mind next time but I I'm doing something fun like that. Yes. So I'll wrap up here today with we have a couple of fun quick facts to kind of get to know our guests just kind of thrown out there. So I'm gonna throw some things at you and your answers so we'll get to know you a little bit better.

A Amie Breedlove 30:09 Cool!

L Larry Crum 30:10 First off, what's your favorite color?

A Amie Breedlove 30:12 Oh, purple, purple. Purple, purple, purple.

L Larry Crum 30:17 What was your favorite class at Marshall?

A Amie Breedlove 30:19 Oh my gosh. Wow. Okay, have to think about that just for a second. Um, you know, that would have to be between. Oh, I can't remember the name of it. But it was a writing class that I had with Brian Peterson, and probably the TV class that I had my senior year. That's awesome.

L Larry Crum 30:47 Did you have a favorite professor or someone that meant a lot to you at Marshall?

A Amie Breedlove 30:54 Yes. Corley Dennison. He was wonderful. He helped guide me with my classes when I was like, I don't know where I should go with this or that. And he was great, great mentor.

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 15 of 18 Transcribed by L Larry Crum 31:06 What was your favorite place to vacation?

A Amie Breedlove 31:09 Oh, wow, gosh, well, we're living in Florida now. I feel like I'm on vacation all the time. Um, let's see outside of that, though. I love a cabin in the woods. So that would have to be pipestem State Park in lovely West Virginia.

L Larry Crum 31:23 It was a great choice. I spent some time there. Yeah. favorite thing about your career?

A Amie Breedlove 31:29 Oh, wow. Um, gosh, that would be, there's so many. But I guess the top one would probably be that I get to be my own boss. It's creative. And I get to talk into a microphone every day, I think because I've been doing that since I was seven years old. The fact that I'm doing it now to get paid. It's kind of neat.

L Larry Crum 31:57 It's awesome. So as someone that you know, wanted to go into music, who's your favorite music artist?

A Amie Breedlove 32:03 Oh, wow. Okay. That's a big question to let, let's see. Okay. I have a favorite producer, which is David Foster. And outside of my father because he was a great singer. I would have to say Barbra Streisand.

L Larry Crum 32:20 I like it. Favorite, favorite movie. And I know you mentioned you weren't the biggest movie. What was your favorite?

Amie Breedlove 32:27

MUAA Podcast Episode 2_01 Page 16 of 18 Transcribed by A Amie Breedlove 32:27 Oh gosh, To Kill a Mockingbird favorite book? Oh, wow. I'm a big health nut. So probably. Well, To Kill a Mockingbird would be up there on my favorite book list as well. But I love anything by Dr. Mark Hyman. I love reading about health.

L Larry Crum 32:46 Favorite animal? You have any pets?

A Amie Breedlove 32:47 Yes, doggies. We have two dogs.

L Larry Crum 32:51 Favorite song?

A Amie Breedlove 32:53 Favorite song? Oh my goodness. These are tough questions. Um, when it comes to the music world, there's so many. Wow, Sheesh. How about Over the Rainbow?

L Larry Crum 33:13 Over the Rainbow. Great selection. Yeah. I can't thank you enough for joining us here today. I really appreciate you taking the time. And we look forward to talking to you and hearing more great things from you in the future. Oh, thank you. I'm so honored that you asked me to be part of your podcast and go Her, go Herd. Check out the all new your home for everything Marshall. has everything you need to keep in touch with your alma mater, including the latest alumni events and news from your alumni association. You can learn about alumni chapters and how to get involved in your community. Also, check out the latest membership benefits including discounts on everything from travel to dining, and keep in touch with classmates and friends. Log on to today to update your information and stay up to date on the latest from campus your home for everything Marshall.

K Kasey Stevens 34:08 Thanks so much for tuning into today's episode of One of the Herd. We hope you enjoyed

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