
Final Rites Held Highest Maize Yield Here Tuesday Of 6,899 lbs. Made

JJy Hucom Nel liOn · The Castro County NiWS On Nazareth farm Russia probably diO more tOY.'ard Francis Jackson Offici .. l Public5t ion of c .. st ro Coul'lty, Te•• • enlightening the fret' world about Final ritrs for Mr. Frnnris its capabilities when it launched Jackson, 29, well' h<'ld here ;r;;~s-1 ;======hs earth satcllcite than any other day aflornoon at 3 o"dO<·k DIMMITT, CASTRO COUNTY, TEXAS , THURSDAY , OCTOBER 17, 1q57 •un.. ...r tht• t•IJ!:tu·~~ot ~r,&ht one thing could huvc possibly done. Church of Christ with _\Idol rt fJoi•rlt·d thu .. l.ir 1 a fill Jt cumc as a jurring truth to most Americans thnt Russia Is no . turg('SS or Tulia OtriC'Intl 0 t B "ld" t1tl lit•· I .trill ul 'lr, ( h 1rh Mr. Jnh·l Ionge~ o. long Volgn Rl\('r \\tth uonse Ul mgs Ill I.. ,Jr • 111 ,,,,.u·t·lh. llf'l man. had rf·sid<'d in Dlmmm boatmen ulong ita bonks pullm1 Bobcats·to Start Conference m.a1l an tt.\f''r••'>•· of 6.6."-.t ropcos tied to groin barges. No C'lll'ly )OU1h nncl had ntt<•nn ur tnl(' I·AA pi IV FtldA~ nl •hi \\hf•n th•:")' •t•l'll t•• run U(J 123 fl'f,linf to Ol•IX \\'e ~hould hB\'C S('Cn it durin~.! Eugen(', and t•nt• daughtrr, hid hn.,.is hy tht• t'n!lt> t~Au II m·c ,. ., .. .,,~ und ph·nt) \1nr~hn Gail. (;u\ ('I nnwnt. t•ne th most th r t cam the Korean '' nr wht'n Russian 1 rf111 das AA hu::h ch'.lf•l fo(Jthall •JI thtl uon and th tr onl) uf fHUIIu·r. Itt> h•h I'"Oiu.IU(tcd tcchnology &lhu:('(l onC' or tht> bt·!'lt nu-. farnil) mO\"Nl tu Cnllfm nln ·tn•• Quun!rot'l!>o in 1)JmmiH ha\1' n "' h1n 111 th Panh.trtdlf'. ha '"' n •J Lockn v hold1·r of th!' .1 nuntl;.·r 111 trluf., m lUI t·flurt In 1 52 anrl llvrd thf'rt• until th,.lr ht·t•n tht·d 1n th(' past ror storing jet planes or the time in Chinese ·nu•) 'f( Ill .)UUI'nl') tu Ualhun nwnher UJ,H p!Ut'(• th top To·n t•• dt·tt·rnllm· tht· bt-.,1 \\atf'r rC'Iurn to Dimmitt In 1936. \Vhll t• ~rain Hlltl ftW ·,..hilntmK fnrm wm­ m· hands to b<' usf'd ngulnst tht· 1 IIIMI iillf'lliPI !IJ hRIKI lhP \\',,l\1' Tilt' lktt "Ill WlU l \C 5h rth twd lt·rtHJ:.u·r U!t Ery TI1£'rimatrlfl l~. whl<·h hy Charlf'~ Jlill, A.'C rtrl'lary fnr • 1 a Russian plan(', one of only ,,,, Pt·tf)ton u.•am. ~:>-~ P( n)· auturnvt.il(' 1n tead ol b l('ft h1m In poor hc·a!th until his l"a~lru ('•MIIlty as m n•l• t ,·rly tYIX'I of jet airliners in ser· 1 11•111 u po\\(•lhmuo( !hilt ).HI\ )l'•lr (;,Ill\(' ttnlt' \\IIi I~ at I., pm. d('nth Sunday. IIC' rntcrC'd ~ou.-t ('(JildJII()n. · cc in th(' \\Orld nt the time, land· It Ol'('d 3t;() IIH Vi£'w Jlospitnl and Clinic ;;nturtl tt lnf,. The fi.l.rbc-a.t h:and d a iz:zlin£: Russin, onC"e a baek\vord count· hnd oJ)('rntNI th(' Jark.own thE' huiltlin~§ nr(" .. 3.3R3% earh qw.hty ttnm th1s )t•ur. 21.11 c.IC'f at 1-"radt:,. n:.~tn kl th · ry utterly dc\"old ot techno!J:tt"tPd nu• :\or1n11n ,'\tl fJtl. In at lenst on!' mojo1· fi('ld Mr ,}nc k on is SUI'\ iVNI b\" d~IYS from dOl(' ot purdla!le un· \\•oiH havf' ..ne of th•~ lil\t1.t St 1-onn run l•lr ~ 13 of •.hi!' 31 t ''Nobody ton whip the l!nited \\ife and thrre childrrn: hi~· I•.. th·~ hu:orr l•ht.aln'i \\TIIIf'll ha··k!iPIW. 111 ar«-a hl~h s<-huul ) nb rolled up t.y [)immtn and Stm!'s·· •lnlf'thln~ \H~ all h(•. f'nts, l\lr. and 1\lrs Jo"' U. ;~~:;~~~~ <"nll!>(·ht frum th(' owm·r (J( thP footholl tulfl d For onr tlunlol 1t pro.. <'d tnt<'rm<'nt was in "\It-moria! G:1r • .1 lonL!t·r fll'•riud or tJm('. and \\hldl cl· \lltPgral('. 111e 1 .a\ h•am "" ~ lson m.ulc h s r 1 r uf tuur the Russians can lambast us at dPns und£'r diret:tlun c,f f_)l.·nnis \\ill I"Pirn!o>(' Commnrlity Cn-aily :"t·w tJ.:Mru. m the fir 1 halt . nd fi • ''Ill with ac:curote ~kct , and It Funeral Jlom('. Currlf)r,ttiOn from nny rurth••r Tl"l· . rx•nwnh r. a th•• numl r t·.\u brrtth mad..• his durln 1 N:Jnd l.s pouible '' e couldn-t r<'tahnt!' at pun ibihty und<>r tht'lr rrntnl C'Oil· t•··1m of Panhanrllt• Cla'-s A.\ fl..lf,t· J)l•nro~l 011 t\\" al'lfl thr,..,. 'W thr mom('nt trat't. It n11~-;ht 1)(> urn(' for us to <" • · nw trurlllrf's mny t~ inspN.·t· .sld<'r th!' Rus ion as humnn b<'lns;:s Presbyterians Meet rd. ud67, l)imrnHt. when the Russians proJ)OS(.' nn· 'ot tf'lPph mr 61. prior to Non~rn· other conrerence of world leaders. Norman Nelson Is Local Prf'~b)1<'rlnns \\Ill ht.r 1, 1 1;17 friday With Hart Longhorns, 6-0 The Ru11 1ans, w(' admit. ttr(' not \\"ednesdny evenin..:. Ort< • r P,+ 1 will IX' act('J)tN1 on on(' the t)pe of JX'Opl(' we should auo­ m the Distri<'t C0t1n Rool1l more of th(' structur s. The Krf's Kancaroos pu h('d ' II t'il th cintl" w \th, but some or their pro­ Avalanche· Journal eH•nin& W()f!lhip. Thr lime Is Th(' Go'"ernment rf'S('rn•s the c·n•r a TO lat in tht' rturd quartl-r fl\t' )ard position~ make good sense, and lt P m. and lh<' public Is Invited riRht to r('j!'ct nny and all bids last Friday night at Lonl;horn l'II.Unt f•ll('d has Jometlmcs s~mcd to us In ~tadmm to defeat the Han Lont!:· 'Back of the Week' prt-iJ:ame thlr· the past that the has horns by a acor(' or 6--0 In a D1s· Tht Lnnghor~. utcd even mort' unreasonable than Dimmitt Bobcat halrback Nor· tr1ct 3-B ContC't. 1~ -pomt-undt·r d(Jts. put up a tem· the Russians. man SC'IS(In wa sclectf'd this \\('('~ Kr~ s halfback Kt-nneth Jonu he d('feru.r that held th favored Our foreign relations ~Aith RUJsia Junior Chamber of Commerce to as th!' l..obi)O(·k Avalanche-Jour­ Kan~aroos at bay all nilht. Hoo· ha..-c h<'<'n anything but good and nal's "Bock or th!' Wcf'k" lie was t'\ er, th!' Lc,n~orm were n('..-er t h<'~·• little hope for Improvement selected after the newspaper's able to "ct the-1r orfense in hii;h unt1l another election time rolls ~portswriters had observed teams layman's Day around. Secretary of State Dulles Sponsor 'fly-In Breakfast' Oct. 27 gt.>ar and fa iled to mo' e the b1 In action oil OHr tht:! South Plains and his "brink of "ar" polic:,y fall The Dimmitt Junior Clamber of · ou~h Along for such a project. Lineman or th{' we-ek was Hamp dd('nSI\e Kanearoo line. to make o 'cry ullurlng picture C mmcrce voted unanimously Still to be compl<'tcd or(' signs ThomJ)S()Il, tackle from O'Donnell Here Sunday In Coo'·h ~helby"s comment NEW NA VAL AY IATOI-Jeu Burch recently ....,as commiuioned now. Thul'5doy to sponsor a "ny.in on the hnngl)r and on the rond Accordin~ to the AvaJonchc· as ensign in the United States Navy during ceremonies at Chase \\11 \che\f.'f nation J:NS to lh<' d('f('nsl\e baU, our offense Breakla•t" Swlday, Oct.ot>cr Z7 Along w1th several miscellaneous Journal· "N('Ison gets the nod Field in Bee · e. Pir-ning the ...., in gs on the ne...., aviator is his moon first, or ¥otlo can launch the r.e-ved did get started f r art'& pllot:s. unday llltJrrung. It i the Annual C:tMboys fmally ho\'e o lasting, If nervous, ~IX'Ct the new Dimmitt field. ff IJ06Sible an nlr show wW ''Th!' 13H-Jl(luna junior s<·orrd Layman·li Day in thP \lt·th•xit.St Bo)s t"t"Jn • ad1ut.- a~:auut 1<\N" s pence. h\O toc.u·hdO\\IlS on runs or 6~ OlUn:h :h r s tht• nat1un. ThC' \H't"(' Jvhnn) lhn,lman. u_,nru \\rc hnve 1£'arncd many things Fly-In l)n•.:&kfnsl~ Or<' tradition· lii'•O be fila •ed somt'llm(' that Sun· haturl·d "fK'IIkl'r \\ill h1· lJr llu• l:urdlE>~ . f;trw Varnf'r l"wlnard w und M ynrds and mlh•d up 213 during the past few WN'kl. Th!' nl In airports owr the rountry. lt d,ty Is a time \\hen many pilots arrive BrPnkfnsts will Le ICM."cd to ~ ards M thf' BotX'nts won. 2-1-0, Lt·J·t John on, Su[tt·nntendt:nt of ftld,Ut•!l, Jtrn \'urn r, 1-Al"'arl Uttic Rock situation has tnu~ht B) Cla1 k, aggoner tlwlr first victOr)' ov('r th£' lh\IS il' tht• \1t·th•)olt~t llunlf', \\',tC'o, Tc,.t~ rd ..h•~ry Koiurll lloMid ll.l thnt we nrc not nt'arly so t1n ~unrlay morninL!~ 10 talk 1111 ,1 \ i. itlllJ.: pilots from the JuyCce 1st ft\'(' )"('an," The )14 n an• ('XI dt•d tu CHI th(' smart and culturally adwmccd ns 't"N oC'quarntcd with others of their fn••hile t.:OilC'<.SSion st.md Ill Lh<' n IIlii) .urport. thuir fvr tht• nwnung \\oohlp W(' thouJ,tht W(' were, llof'-'l's t•le<"· sel'\·ict• lion to head of th<' lnt~nutit 'lr '" N<'UnlOyf•rtho ~Mhod hosis .'\ Homo,J,trtld rl t t 1'\ould bfUll: one q • is a little humbler, and wiser, n.t· Ackc>r, 66. who died ~tondny at in the Dimmitt Area Each )l!ar 00 hf' '' a"ardt"'l the hnt An) \tt.riMy rna)' tion today than it \\ as a month noon In Ca~tro Count.Y llo~pit al. Sh t s t d Mr. taku t'Vt'ral tru··k N:H·e pri/4" of 30. Th\ cotton \\-BJ tnhcr t ntri ago. \\ere h<'ld W('dn!'sday at 10 n.m ZO.:t~unUI)Cr 00 a ur ay 111 llol) Fnmlly Church of Natar· Joods of fresh prodU(.'t.' to the )1l'th· ol'lhe ;o.;()rthrrn !-'tnr \8rtf'.t) thlli "r' k art O.tl . orH qu.u·t, Next• to this colwnn* are pictures Nh \\tlh f'uthcr Peter Morsch of· od1st llome. The linn $('nior ('J.t \\Ill "PI•n- Uther first prize ~Ainnt"rs "~"' any \ar tt), thresh I C hbag~", Mr. Johnson has be('n supcrin·~S• Jt a turke) hoot on Saturday, . one ht>ad an:- \Brit-t)·, Okra. of three hospitals in 10\\ ns of this ridnting. tendent of the Methodist Home for Of·tolwr 19 from 10 am. o 1:i p m. Jerome- Brrwkman_ ~azarrlh. on- fn: sh, x pnd~. any \'an h ED: area. Possibly the most modern Burinl \\OS In Hoi) Family Cem· ctcry at Na7areth und!'r direction many years, and Is "ell knO"o\n JUSt cut of tht" L<'J!!lnn B•1ildm tons : Buford Ha:odon. Jlart, wat(.•r·, Plant. frt' h orw- anv \ ·1e1' ls the one nt Friona, which was across the nation for h1s adminis· In HI)M Chances are Sl.UO each m(·Jun Gk·n Ann \laph•s h thrt "llmmn one \' n­ or Dennis Funeral 11om . H~rt. ~qua. ill- recently completed. O ur photo tative nblht) The Methodist Home and both turkeys and hams w1U pumpkm, and J . R. Smithson, Dtm- tf'r ~1)('' J-komu ~ nncd quan • of it was definhely poor but \\C !\Ir Ackc>r had been a r~sldent 1 1 1 0 In Waco ls one of the lnrg('St Meth· lM" ft\\ardC'd R('frt·l'hm(·nts \\Ill ht mitt, barl('> ~r'"' ~ t'' \\'lnt('r Okra ca~nt"d T t~• raO: included lt anyway, simply to of Casu-o County for 40 years. 1r c ph,; \\Ds born ln Caseyville, Ky., on ochst Homes for Olildrcn in the ~ld at th(' football f1eld ront't' .. 1on Communi. :->~lthson alto "_on tint , ' quan Pumpkm, canned, show what orca commumties In enUre McthodJst Clu.rch More St'lnd phl\·e tn the fl<1d pr;l eli\ .!o>l(ln on quan. and P as, cann I. qu u general consider adequate fo ci· June 1 i, 1891. He was a rarmt•r than four hundred bo)S and girls Oth!'r attempts b) \h(' cia"" at hi entr')- of lron Clny Fir t t•la N·trl of litles for the care of our slc:k and and stockman ond had e,aubitcd J)('a~ lt•~rru who hav!' no other home thnn th(' thrh· treasury will Judging lll 1 diVIMOns was lt"'tt'd In tht ut,g\1' injured. regiSt('rcd swme nt shO\\ 11 through· [•!lin~ m~.LJ.Jrrlay of <'ath month. Th~y "ill do.> Th~.~ Ca. tro. County AJ;:Ticulturall fi~t J'lano award "-111 tx- lco. rn}thmc from huu. f'dramn • '• Contest i 'Dt-ln& held thiS 10 All rul and rf'g-.tlahons list 1 are oil or brick construction and :\lagdalena; three daughters, Mn. ~ear Mrs. Johnson and their daughter faml JOhs and have requcsted that thr ht-u of tht• annuttl County Fair m ade to endure. Some of them HEREFOR D HOSPITAL Jo. of Lubbock and Mrt and is (>""'ll to all farmrrs In In the Ck!nl"f'r 3 l!i> Uf' •f have endured already and nrc H 0. White and Miss Grac<' will accompany Dr. Johnson to ns much a d \"llll<'e nolle(' as Pf'ssihlp ,... (' C Dimmitt. Saturday {'VCning the be Jtl'"en the group. The g1rls \\Ill C'a~tro ountv alnnR' \vittl ~ran:t-1 a tro HUnty :"f"'w~ ~A:'.lt llf• In still pe1·feclly good hospitals. This AC"ker , both ot Amarillo; tlm!C' 11

PA GF T\'1() THE C4STRO COUNTY NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1q57 CASH W AY MEAT 3 BLOCKS SOUTH OF THE LIST YOUR FARM TODAY COURTHOUSE ON HWY. 51 -We HAVE THE BUYER FO SON REAL ESTATE Phone 422J Dimmitt, Texas WEINE S SAVINGS -y...'"\- ProJLidng R \al lnr \.rMtl 'hlt.!i 'lother \ HenCI IUIIN'ftl il& l..ud.u~y pkg. 39c J'l!lins HU~: Lubbock. l•u>~ pto- \l1 .1rtd \1 H 1r y Roth ·11 \lr FR'f' lltllland aUt>mt;:a""7...,,l­ ,aJ ~. 1'\lt'(S :tl Lk:knt~ \\'C'rlllt's­ d1.1c-a11 (41 rO)'&itl 1 Would ) oo ' PIt 1\ ''' \ itt' l-"r k II• nd r· ' •~ a un. le o[ R C. and Garrnetl MARKET 111 h II JJ,Jlland. )tr un•t \1r&. Ray M(lttin ot :\tary \If llo\uc spcnl Friday night • FANCY CHOICE '" lllmlllllt \I'"'~ ·upper ~uesu .M an­ in tht' home of lht'll' son'nlld \\ifP, Aod • benutiial oheA\h-it ls, loo, im•ginati•·ety d.,igned by u,, ~ t:\1 nm~ m thf' homC' of Mr. :'\1r. nnd Mr:s. Grorge Zc.'Wchc. REPORT PINKNEY ROUND PEN-FED BEEF LB. and !\h ~ em Hun Dobllms and L'Aiglon !or ')lOUr busy' wln1er 'li!e! It's • good new crept! Come in now for a peek :Mrs, FJo)·d O>le \\{1$ ho:;tess nt Robert . n Stanley J18ftY \\"cdne1dny morn- R<'ceipti total 3,370 C'nttle nnd 'otu.yon· a.n.d autate :-:. 1tiU the aparkte of rhil'lest ones on !\lr. nnd '\!rs \\'.-ldom StC'phnn m5 of Ja~t \~cck in her homf'. Mrs l'fllH'S at the Ama.tlllo LhestlM'k at the '58 Chevrolet! \\('l'f.' h• I at :1 !81.:k~ l)at1Y "IllUr5· Hoy Battey or 130\'ina was the Alll'tion lhHl wet'k, 1,52 1 ht.-ad Jes ~M shoulder. Jllatk, Dio r blue,loll!t. Siz,. U to 20. SAUSAGE denlonstrator. Those pt-csent \\ere than last \\ef:lk 'A supply lll'lf'lrO\.'Nl day ruaht in thetr barn. E\'t'r)' llt'l $22.05 bruuw:ht the fl~~~ tot' hambw·cen .Mesdames: Ga.t'y Mason, 11 . .M. moisture conditions locu.Uy und 2-LB. BAG It's Hmr<-- (or the as \.. ing YCiur Cbe'TO­ in VS's, so ndicalfy changed this en4 whuJ1 \~t>rt' made on a. bf"i.U in the Mobll"y, 'Veklon Stephnn, 1--.rnnk 0\er much of tlu.• soulh\\ t'St \\el't' Robbim, D. F. Yandell, Olin. Par. largr-ly rcspon&lble for the l'educcd l~.;r dcakr \~til ~ h.,pp\ to "how )'OU a sine will e\en look dtfferent. barn. Tho&e j)H$00l !w· the J)any \\Cf<' !llr and Mrs. Kenneth Cox, ns Clark Andrew• John SMith \'Olumc hf'l"£1 , IU \\f'll n§ at other ~~~ll~t l·onl:ltn1ng: c..han..:e infoJrmatwn Lnrry, l~IU'lj nnd \'irgmia, Mr. C~rles J'r)' of this community: ":'.ajor rnru·ket.s south of Knnstu • bNlt the Che\TI.•Iet Bt prep:trtd The lLDe "'ill have two all-new luxury 59' ·.;; s and Mn, Olin l;oa.rri.s and· WaJker Mn Luther Smithson a nd children C1ty. Rsuts were nlM th.- majcu­ models of ma~ntficent dtsli11Ction. l 1.! !>ot.ltthng Chdngc.. ! -'lr. and Mrs D. F. Yandell, Mr. o( Hart, Mrs. Raymond MoW!!)' factor stimuhtlmg ond brooden.ina ' and Mrs Darwm Miller, Mr. and :\lr ~ Don Molbey o1. Dimmitt, the demand for StOt'ker ealtle nnd 1bese are only hin~ Slop by your The new CheH('If~t v. L.J hJ\..: ~P"--..:ln;:ula r and Mr1. Frank Robbins. Cal'ol. nnd Mrs. Earl CoJe. and MrA. calves, which In turn prompte-d lle\lo. .. ~!1ng-lo" r, wider and much Olevrolet dealer's soon and t ale a peek. ;:;;1 \le, Genie, and Jt'rry, l\1r, and Sam SJdes of Ht~ \val hM­ tM Rev and )lrs. B H. Baldwm and sold m01tly SOc higher, with FANCY CHOICE PEN-FED BEEF tess nt n party Monday nfternoon some feeder steers fully l.OO '58 Chevrolet, Thursday, October 31 and Codfrcy. Mr. and Mrs. Cory at whieh Mrs. Marjorie Jones of FANCY CHOICE PEN-FED BEEF l\\uon won the prize for being above last w~k . A high-percentage Amarillo demonstrated ball poim of lllC stocker and feedor catUe d~ td the tackie t. Mr. Moton TIDE painting Those pr~ wt>:re: .MH­ traded Cood with n moderate show­ BONELESS ...... lb. 49c \'a dressed ru Snuffy Snuth and dames: Clark Andtews, Gary Ma­ 'Irs 1\1n on was dressed as l.o­ Ing or Oloice IUld Mcdiwn grndcs. BOX son. Elmer Kimball. Mn. Kim· CO\\S compdsOO nea.r 20 (~Crcen t or RUMP ROAST. • • • • • • • • • • • lb. 65c \l'l"ezY, comic s!np cb.aracters. baU's mother, Mrs. Elsie Sham­ \ir. and l\1rs Ohn Pams and the \\'t>ek's supply nnd found broad­ beck, Olin Parris, and George cnNI stocker outlet, moat slaughter Walker were In Plrun"it'W Frlclay Zetuche. FANCY CHOICE PEN-FED BEEF ntght to attt'nd the Hereford-Plain­ CO'o'-'1 &lrong to 25c high('r, s me • • • • The Carlton Dobbins ha\'e been suitable s1ockcr kinds rea1i2('d \ &e\'1' football eame Mr. nnd Mrs. John Cole, Carol­ dolng some remodeling on their sharply higher prices by selllng 69c house recently, TI1~· added on­ on a per-head basis, , ,e small Yn. and Johnny of Spearman spent • • • • .... . lb. 45c ycnrli t ~S CHUCK ROAST Sundny night nnd M onday in the oUter room In t.he east side of the ,·olumc ot slaughter and home ot Mr. C.ole's brother ond house. cal\'el rdlcctnd little price chan~, famll)•, Mr Bnd Mrs l0'"loyd Cole, Mr. and M1"8. Olin Parris and and bulls sold uncvrnly s tc1dy t(l .. FANCY CHOICE PEN-F£D BEEF Jana. Blll, Cherrl. end Beverly. Walker were supper guests Tucs· SOc hightor \vilh thl! best ,,ric: ·• ~ 1 6(l above last week. Mrs Joh.n Smith gBvt> n btr1h­ dB)' evening in the h01ne of Mr. PURASNOW d3)' party T8ursday for her dmuah· ancl the H t>reford~nn:ron •oo tbs. ··-- ..•. S21.00.25.75 ARM ROAST ...... lb. 49c munity who helped. her ct>lebrate eh;hth r rode !001bnll go.me at Str. Ca.h es and Ylg5. Hereford In \\tllch Walker plarro "'(!~ Oleryl Cole, Sandy and Kay 45().65() Jbs . 18.50-21.50 FRESH BUNCH Terrell, Gt'nteo and Jerry Robbin , Mrs. Luther Smithson, Gwen, Fe(>der" St('{'rs FANCY CHOICE PEN-F£D BEEF and Debbie Noel Marty, and Linda of Hart !il~nt 65().9()() 1bo - 17.00.21 .50 FLOUR Mr. end Mrs Carlton Dobbins \\'t>dncaday visiting with Mrs. l-lt> if('l' CD.l\'CS wlder RADISHES • • • • • ...... 400 lh!t. .. Sc I k Mrs Dobbins' father, C. W . n l..)yd Cole, Jana. Bill, Olerl)', 25-LB. BAG GROUND ...... lb. 35c Helt~ BEEF Scon of Bradshaw, ]O Pla\m ii!'W and Bt>'·erly. Yearlings FRESH BUNCH Sunday, October 6 ne had been :\1rs. El:~!~ Shambcck and her d rrom Med & Gd. Stocker LL!AN·N·FRESH Cm:s ll.S0-14..50 ~1 r. a nd Mrs. Clark Andrews, Sunday untU 1\l~sday In the home GREEN ONIONS ...... Sc Rocky, and Kirk spent Saturday of her daughter and family, Mr. CO\''• and Yearlings Good nnd night In th(l home ot Mrs. An.. at j;j Mrs. Elmer Kimball nnd Ololee _ .. 18.75-22.00 FRESH LB. dr('ws' parent:s, Mr n.nd Mra. E. l amUy. Stnndnrd 16.50-22.00 PORK CHOPS ...... lb. 69c Cows UUI & B. BeiT)'fllan, In I-l£!Y'(' ford. :\tr. and 1\trs Edgar VInson, Commcrclnl Tommy Sparkman wu among Carleta, Sammie Ann, dnd Edlene TOMATOES ...... ISc 39 F' F . A boys who v.rt"nt to Dt~lhu Co\.\'!1 , Canners & W('I'C supper guests Saturday £'Ven­ Friday October 4, to th"' Ia1r. In lhr hnme of Mr nnd .Mrs. Jeff Cuttcro FL4ME Ll. Bulls. tU & 1l1ey went on a c:=hortercd bUJ. Tl·l-rcU, Kay and Sandy. Tiley returned home Monday, Oct~ Commercial 14.25-17.40 Crlpp, obf>'r 7 Mr. and Mrs Spicer Daryl w. Vnndel'f.lugt Xancy and K1m were dl.nner TOKAY GRAPES ...... loomnpL""'""'orJ.·rn""'al Your Local Aulhori=ed Chevro l fnurth on th<' Clntk Andrt>''' OPTOMETRIST place and nt the t-"JO)d Col1.• place, Lb •.... SPUDS ...... 4Sc the \\.eldon Strphans, Qw('n An­ Her 1tord, Tex •• dre\\ 11, Glen Gn pps, and G('(ln.:e Zetlsehes. rt'!ce:Jved abou1 one nnd on('-h1tlf im·hf'S, and the Olin 12 OZ. 14G HERSHEY YELYEIT4 \ Pnrtaes~ recetn~l. OV£' r A'l inrh -...n · Mr. ond Mrs. Her b Schmidt, DAINTIES ...... bag 39t CHEESE box Tlt Thmy, and Dale \\'N'C In Canadian Of!lce no.. t a:lt t. a:oe p. -. r•no r the week end to YiSit l\1rs 1 OZ. J4R CROWN 1 Ll. C4N WHITE SW4N !"chmldt'A slstr>r 31'1.d ftt.m lly, ~11'. lM WeR '1'III..M 8CI'MI S 'h 1. nd )Irs. Dunn!(' Works, and chUd-1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ l'en. II Salad Olives . . . . . jar 49t COFFEE ...... can 79t MELLORIHE . 100% ::\lr. nnd ~lrs. D. F. Yandell and . 49€ ~ l r . and Mrs J ohnny Robinson 14 OL lOmE LillY'S CUTON 0, 10 PKGS. REGULAR W('rc lil Los An!mu. Colorado from Fr·iday until ::;unday to visit Libby's Cream Style 1O· w. 21 c-..rt, Jaetr c--t L...... Jr and Mr1 . G . P . ~ .

------r ' '


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1957 THI CASTlO COUNTY NEWS PAGE FIVI HallowNn Carnival Bobcats n. Dalha" 'VialtM Sunday afternoon in the day In lhc homo of M r. and .Mrs. inv In AmMIIIo. Mr. SparkmCin t dc·raon, Dl"triM. Managrr of the \ lall! 1n PlaJavl~ home ot Mr. nn(l M rt. Leon Mar· Dnrv.ln M Uter. Mi • M There Friday Night WUI 89. F uneral services W(l l'e held RIS ay Arrumllr.) s(,l('ltll &c-unty Office, M r. a nd M r •. J oe IJ(>n M itchell, MEWS FROM FRIO t1n and Stephanie. 1\lrs, Don Mobley ot Dhnml,lt ers October 31 Tut>sdny In th(' B!acJchurn-Shaw thut an1on lK' t ak,.. n !\1rs. 1..1'(->fa Smith, Mrt. [A"Ona Mr und Mrs. Don Mobley of and .M n. 1 r. M. Mobl(!y were In " f ut~··l fH~Jmr>t s .\tcmorlal C'h8Jl('l In Amsrlllo and to Jlloll"('t thr• ,P(' ~I)n '• .,,.... d I('('Ur· Jtc.d'l\H•ll and Mn. WJtlto \Vaa-- Bobcat·Tal DlmmltL.!md Mra. II. M. Mobley Amarillo :M omlr~ y to s-hop. App y DELA 'lEIJ t' ROM LAST Wt:EK NancyfAxc vlaltcd Sunday with 1 ow or ~tawslt1 e rLtP!I ~'rre held In OtU- tty tti:'hta. J.:OnPr vt·nf"d M r. and Mrt. J. R • Mr. nnd Mn. F. Y. Moremon Jann Col £>, Nancy's Jll\rents, Mr. WCl" (' in Cort<>;t, C'oto., from Thurl· .Mr . a nd Mrs. C . W. Porkr r, t1ny of lost W('{'k un!ll Sunday tb Mr and Mrs. D F . '!iandell and tlrh". tlw rurmrz· hum{"' of Mr A dt Wf.W k(lr cannot Rtlthv.ell Ul Pl&imlew MondaY of Hereford vi:s ited \\ lth t.hc lr a nd Mrs. Andy Axe, VIcki and An. Social Security ~bl f'd r~ - \' hi lt with Mt·s. Mobley's daughter ~11-. and Mr1. Johnny Rob!n10n Snarkmnn 1,1 ... o-lt1 l'r & rP~tt -rre nrl ri't\C monthly dla: a btlit)' paymPntS nitht und tn}l)yHl 11 fah tupper . daughter and fmnl!y, 1\tr, .and drea vllltcd S unday afternoon and ond husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lee vlsi tf'd S u1'1 cfa y N'(! nlng In the 8tJrts, lnrlutfln&: C.1ark, Gl<'n nnd Clt·r~~:)tnf•n "ho haw• rail('-ot to Jnt1J h(l' rt:nchf'S a.-::e ~- IIQ\\ l!'\f'r, 'fr. and Mn Rvthw~ll had been M rs. Frank Robbl11.1 ond chll­ \\(' t'C IU ()pcr gul'lta Sundtt y even· Johnson. Don Is Mrs. Johnson'• homt" ut Mr. ond M rs. T. L. J()p Andrf'ws, a«' rv(>d as PAII ·l'K'ar- tlcct llK'Ial !leeUrL ty eoverage as nd 18 ld h r1-a.. 1 ftAhtng at lak~ Klrkapoo and dr l':n, Satunhy afternoon. Thf':y 1ng In th~ F"loyd Cole home. IJrothcr. SJ')rson ' t e "'" IQ pay- bruoght homt" u numbt-r ot fUh. THE STAFF GET AHEAD Omeat Bradley' hi ,.,.,,. of AmorUio, two """ , T rK'lf-t'mpiU)·ed penons l'liJ\V ha"e n•• nts at aw;e ro. ar at r@tJremenl helped .M.r . Robbi ns can tomatoca. Mn. \\'('!don Stcphl!ln ~ave n Mr. and Mrt. D. F . YandeU !\J r_ and Mrs. H. D. Robbl111 inrlw1ing OJU!I forty pnund eatnlh. Editor Lo U..: t Th t llol , v1 lilt" ~ ntot 10 •• Jdeal r. ~parkma n . sr of thl oommun- uno-.~1h,.r c-hanf'f' N ~liT'f' old-ugt>, lll't", may be Jf'lll t the \\wklr fall Boy .. NEWS FROM SUNNYSIDE :soiL CONSERVATION: Ml'll. J@ff Tl"'rrell, l\tN . (')u:·en J)arty l>""ridny C\'Cnlng for th e chll· llfl('nt Sunday nl ~h t wlth 1\lrs. Y an­ spent Runrlay nli,ilt in the home of tr ~port·: La.rl) \.-- ·n. I• \ld r J ·f JX"<>rl-t>, but t, \1. lot Hard!ol..lf'u.• ahllity ln!tllrltnc fili ng Andre""·s, Mn. Olin P arrls, Mrs. d ~n In her Prtn1ary Sunday School d<'ll 'a pn r<'1l ts, Mr. a nd .Mra. C their 10n and ramUy, Mr. and Mn. lty nnd Tolb<-rt Sporkmnn of Am- tmn.-hurl, ant! ~~~ e to l"t By an 8f)P ilratltm w Bradltl, Umt ta liraoiio.•\ H · i'' t atwad lX CIUf'Rl\"c- To bru~ Cut, arllln. seven s t etxta u~hten a nd JnotN uun f.,r th('ffibf"lws and lheir , • Do }OU ho\t: C'nou~ monl"y ln­ 1 K ..tht.uo• ------DISTRICT NEWS D. F. Ynndcll, and Mrs W~klon <'lass. Th~ children circued like \V P orker. Fronk Robbu'WI St vie, Cenle, Jer­ 1 l.V.·U\i Rerl(> H)oatt. l..."tH) Jutm- 1"1Ur o"n r~· to do oor "..u-• . fatn!II('M, John H. ~I'IJ" d i'Al"'ln. man-. ' l'f"f"LI· his ear ninl(a n-cord. ht> Vetled 1n farml and farm ~ulp.. Stephan of this community we re 1V 81\1 ! COnliC strip chnrarters. Mr. and MNI 1>. F . Yandell, Mr. ry and Carol.' I\\.() stepsons, e-I ght ~a ndch ll d rf' n ~oun, &rbara KLt.:ilt:ru. Ketth ~.th men fOI'I·e and a fuwr tm· : s .... ~·t l n l'i~lflin~ T . L. Sparkman, Jr_ 11.n(l egt>r of \Jw· A.Tllmllo SQI"llll .sec- l')a Jt•c II~ on!} his t.M·n r1"hts but mf'n1., lh\ It)' your lm.-<.'ttme-nt among the ones uho attended tho 1l1ey )lla)•ed games and had a pic· and M t'S lin Parris and Walker, The Rif"V. and MnJ. B. H . Bahl­ l...a4~. PaU.} ~fundtll JlM lilt", than tH'r'. Uti~<> 11 the tru~ ldH He~! \Ira 0.\f'n And r~ of this ~ - Ur11y offic(' rl<~htrf.'d tt.da.).·. th, ..t> •A hi.S dt·pt·nd"nts Jhuuld he mont•y b~ buy1nac producUUt ou Baptist O..urch In Hcre:fonl Frida)'. nlc &upper. TI1osc pr('.!IC nt for the M r. And Mn. Johnny Rohin1on and \-\1n And Mr. and M rs. Weldon Lynn J»·:n Ann T~.MJ 1 ~ it 1 atwe.J Clf Pl\~ H11r munl!y, 21 ~:rea t -crand ch lldN'n , In- " An amPndml·nt to the lnternal dJc . The arn•x.ml 10 ~ ('ll!lld '-'"h<'n royaltaH ~·11h P·rr.du ... mjJ: Royalhf't, Mrs. I Jcnry Dobbs, and S t('\'lt' p:nty w re Tommy ond Dale Mr. end M rs. Dorwtn Mill('r he lp~ ~~ '-1>han a ttended the Worker·• Tnunan Toucluit.orlr. JO} \\ a.Ju· Thf' X ·), ('ftlfting• 5I') Int., Gr.at Pl.uns Bid", Lubbock, R.obilll bnve been on the sick list St:hmldt. Edlann Vlnson. Vkkl Pd to ('(ll(l brutc Olin's bh1.hday Conf('r ('nt'n at th<' Bovlnn ll&Dtl ~t C"lork , Glf'n , J OC' and Vf'r- n,.,.,..nue Cud gwrs th m, in gen- hf' rf"&t'h ur \\JU tY> liMJrM M ara~f' WOI.dburn. J Tf""\8 51-ltp th is week. and Nanc:y Axe, Jana We, Dar· Thursday t'vt>nln& with a Mexi can Church 'n10rsday evening. acl('lf' Andrew•. P.1n. C('()rgf' r-ral. !rom Au~.:u:-;t 31. 1937. ~P)ll~h t.mly on his wrJdring yf'nrs 1! h11 ·mmi" Slaughters How I Write My Column 1\lr. and Mra. J oo Lindsey were lcne Spu kmnn. J. 1). And No r­ RUJ)Jlf' t' jn the h om <" or !\1 r . and M rs Harold Shf' orhnrt of HHL·­ 2f'I7.!H-hf', T ommy, Bonnlf', onfl Apnl 15,. 1~9. to ele~ t toclal se- rc c·nrrt l• frtll:~"n_ Thio~ a~surf'l pay. Dl I;;;~qu.• In Pampa Sunday, Sept. 29, to mnn Dtun Ha rder and Carol RdJ­ Mtll Ci W. Porker. ford vlsltcli Friday with Mrs Dtlrl('ne Sparkman. and riStht rur1ty CO\Cra·•l· hP .,;atd \l!nlslt•rt mf'nt Qf thr hu.:!lrs1. amount PQ6s­ \\, • t, l) !I tht •\l)l'(i., and 1 Jl:u'kls visit with JOC'' S grend!>nrcntJ. Ills IJius. 1o.Ir. and 1\lra. Cary l\fason nnd Floyd Cole. Rt't'at-gr~tH gro nd c-h lhlrf"n , lnclud- '-""hf'l fli<' W8l\'f·r ·4'-rtlfi, Ill• ' dur- ibl1· ba.'Wd tm h11 earnin~s r e<:"ord Hole Center Ph k thl m up fn•m "-tw~ 1h•·~- ll,p Pt>l ona.ht} Some numbtn cho11ge unci<', a unt and lhclt' daughter Mr. and Mrs. George Zctzschc C'hl'r l and Mr. ond Mrs. ·weldon C. W. Sparkmfln, f!tlhcr of T. 1•. lnl.! ROC' ky ,.nd K irk Andr p ,~ s of lng 1h11 (>-"t"ndtd period ~lll bo TrJ qunllf>' (1 1r uw ··rr,·t·ll' th1· The Lhmmttt Bubcab F. ,Ja}· lt rr's a \\Qr-<1, and l.h(>re .s a \\1.1Ctl :-.;. e <.J . , o,.,.,. dof'l 't ...'-'r e ntso therf!\ " crl' dlnnN g \II~ St.!l SLlnduy and ~ t rph rm w(l ra dhuwr gU(!Itl; Surt. ~ pa rkma n , S r, d!(>d Sunday morn- thl'l eommunity. n111.ndruorUy CI)Vt·rNI ftlr 1956 _and dhcat.J 1 pt'l on must have work('({ tou.r: for th~rru.e-l\H »Onhl! l"e\t' ~'-". 1t .1 &o t'h~ ll'!l abl;urd.. Walk Jaml l'ln'l Chf'r;yl Colc- I ('W' nt Sat- lind [ur all !•lh t•tr·nt l-''"" tn 1.1t bf-Pn In btl 1nf''ll tor himself beatU'Ii ULo.' Halt' c~nh..:r OY. ~J tur 1m rt'h ra.na:eo lh~m tn a f'O", :-.t>atdt un:l:!.y nll!ht \\'lth thl'ir nunt ond "'hkh tt 11 ·y have ll~"t f'OITllflll:S from 11ndrr SOI:"illl •~c-uri t y for at )!"&_, CHECK THE ~ fin;~ tiiDI' l!l ll\1!' }~. llU,· \\'(> If"!' I danfo the ...._..-k. :.000 kno.' Car und{l, 1\l r. and Mrs. Darwin MIJ- of S.tOO or 1 'l Yf'1ltl out of Uu l!J P'llf" bf"rnr 0 "£·lf.f•n.plo~'l'l'll'nt mt r~. DIRECTORY •...:vrt. I..,_luaun --1 ll~f' l;C'Q . r 0 \\oro t lo word. uu. tnch b) lt>r. mdudma;: t.'tl nln~s fronl th•• pruc- ~e br-f'nm,. di!'!lll'lh"1 Also, hP mu:st Lta 1. the Hobcab L\AA :\~r- lnd\ \l t Athletic Rhon•la St('phan 'lpri$Uil. Dmumtts lut ..00 1 hau m'· c:cl•Jmn. \\,at • clnd'l' lk' ~ A.:.l Af'Otlnd Jack NOURISHING FOODS an l Soturd&y " . hl'r grand- I n a_inUI thf' 3-'t'f"llr J'l"ti•JtJ hrfYI"t' ~ l\'8 hud ru:1ru.nc Juru<..ll' h.alfbau. ' ).. I Ui:k lhe-" that \\'('blt.Pr pcn- 't· 1 l...ikd} to ~ucct't'd rru..,ntJ, ~ ~~- end Mrs. \ JOOdy out. a mii'IIIIIPr who fJ@'(j a waJYtl' rarf'~l· to st•.P \ioorkutR Th,. d,.s. fhr;• t or~u ~lu1111f 11 10n romped )ards tuc ba !usl lW'd A.Jt-n Stephan and Und o "~4> li\c mrth uftt•r Apnl 1 ~• 1917• an•! bc-frtt "hllily must havr ,.."l!ltl'd l•Jr six d, ·· •IUcd Americ-• 1n \Ou<::~'n m the t~· quartt"r ln 1'11 ~ Th-11 "u"'Ltr "Ul \nd ml'rPl> lay thrm ~nd to pnd of JJercCord. A~RU t at, "hiM u•s vlllitl fur months but Oltt't' ol Rn)-' n tu1't'- the JtS"'nd quarvr t. a :a1n romp- .t.-..,.. ~ the .-.~. But _.._ .t. Jf4,mt'r \\~r-'lt ~wnt to ()11,, a 19.11 t~Jl \1)1) latP _to IWl CO'Vf:'rn actordln- ) .::ufd.,.....m al) lnnti f1eld 'l' a gEAr.n . .ome- ntmbtrt do chanj!:t. ed the t }ard \\'l>(Jrwsday (J( lost \A.N·k to stna1 for 1. l'l, n.oy stJIJ 11 t t'O\erllce .il Itt an he Pltablim"ft hv mt>dir.al Ra~'TT\x~ 1•-d ''' t"''n- 1 fourtn q .Mt'rs a :ttlWl!.fd ~ l1trn r-~ tQ ch~ l. th• ARE YOUR MANNERS m1tt lf.J.eh s!Q)'Irlg \\llh hl.s UOCIP and 81Jnt ,,. lawn'" prm1di'S th~l min- tlnuf' r' n m•l•fmt'f' pe:ricxl I d•rtt1ory btr r~ r Ibn~ matts f.>t r 1"'0 t.:M..i :h&:Mm U.s 11 111 11 Ill \\iff" ill "if.t~·in.: .,.,1th h••r pr1r- l!'ltt·rs " lud,. " nt·t eam,i.np e-vptahu tt'lf' l!lsthi.l•t'' pr•"J\rf Ions ) G>U w•tl 1.14! h~l ll tmt wtttl a "-' '") ard pl SHOWING L.a.~ an Ert&bm boo ·k on my cM t, 111 Cill, throB. H BA!d"ln f:\m 1ty, un- r,_,,. aMinl r:t:c.-· P.trpt)fJ.f'S, ()) ma~ ht- ·~l.ar"-111«'1 by V.Ti1 to t.hf' JC>Ur•~ ( IO tV('O o-. t"r c: nt"r "' the tll.il"d -t ... .._ Tell A1 ~J•rhon I did my 1111 ·~ \•ud.. nu who par- KIMBELL'S 111 thPy can (in•l n J•ln· e lhE·rl' to ' n-ntal udut.' Jf a f'GI tn1'l. "r <'I< 11t! ~!'<'Uri • A1mlr.lstnr lw-t:l'r k'nin Sm1th and fhf'. JJomf'l· YtU:t hf'rP for thl' \ \ \'l"k l"t•n!A\ AllrJ\\IlO<'e rurnlshP•l tl '1 ~ ~arne- \\.th another tl'll'-.:­ I'T ~ that tnear t"nJC·~ mem uf the t'~l "" p;trl ot tht•lr C(>mpe>n!lat on nd ("\lf!l~·h C(,1\ de­ }'ud .P!W'Ii:~ u\er center .r: nwal '"ould ltf'M.t('r :r tht•y l"ilOn ] sulferrd real I 2J the \'&lu~ of mt>al anbc.a~ l;rK" f ~t hard "oold fl"!l'!l'fllbt r to prat'llet' th(" Thf' Frio W.:'-1 L' mf't TliPl,dJl)' f 11 rnish,.d th~'m ror Hl" cnm·,.n nu•rnini{ laat W("('k In tht' n{ thf'ir employer. This t'han ir wtth the t ·h uc~ ol Dl.>1d EOo .. ~ marvwn 1 t > k~ at ?lit M h~t(.lty bouk 1n my tomb, ot ~ DR. JAMES E. Bradlf') Vuy Clt'&\f'r and l1ne 'Af"l.l at they kDM t.~1r A 6 C I Tt>ll t ..'uach Fuqua)' and .M r~. Smith tlmr~,;h, ~\Irs. Jt'ff Terr(!ll en\'(' ti'Lf t!w l:rw appliMJ onJy to lhP 8Tf' XJnt backer Thllf'llAa TOO('hs'oor Pwihtne: a.nd sho\ina in th• lll"'t" 1 lent.... n:t)> doom. Pr~ram whkh Wlll'l '(,1ria1'1 nf a mini l•~r· 11 e-111rnl~<~: \\hJch (' CoacJ'W'S J D. Co\~ Jmn may ...eom !:.1n to a trw studf'flU. V!.btt rr.~ JPf'c.·th book ncM and then. SHORTENING!~B.. ... Pra)E·r or I n!t•n·('s•don 1"0\'t>red b)' socllll . cunty: It d· WOHLGEMUTH Ethndi:e. and Alns FUqua} "'ill And tP ~tr Bate. I rouldn t win. 69c The R<'\', lncl 'fn. U. H. B.tld- nc,t nff• <"t hLi litabil t,y I .r in but m 1 •f tt'<>m. W(' bf.Uf'\.'P. 1'1'-- take th,.. ts to Da;nart nr·"'t arJ . h ilct a nw an Pia<" a B1".uto book beneath my "'m :trtd :\fr~. \\'ddon ~ter•h"n \H'rt' IIX Thl.l pru\tJJnn f>(f I'Ve for ~II: for ttko.r ftf'J.I ~-A.A. .1111• Lack d ft. nnt~ t>'Ctl"nds evpn t<• Mad MARYLAND CLUB m I.ulli:\OC'k ~aturday \loht·r·• th••y t ~ablt• y€'ars enth~ on or It OPTOMETRIST m•. r:tblf ~ k 1 1 l"f'achfos •he 1'\~ ir!l \! v Mel at Milnn't's G1rl'a 1/nm •, [k mbt'r 31, 1'•)7. o( Mar bf.dlam Th~n t!'IP"' al"f' ttw dud· '!'h ) tuok ~om<' nrunr pot; tl'lf'J: (Jn an a\e-tage d:ty th e ar Firs t Stete B•nk Bldg. DAFFYNITIONS fco.t J1 r wno pt"n. t 1n dn.p- 1 1 -LB. I c!uthmg, \\hkh haI I d 00 t.>bl·'l Georqe Fry's 1 n by mrmll('rs of lhro F'rl•• J: •11- 'been kt Pt from gainful emp 'l·- Pho"o ll l O;mmitt, Tex. Wen Tucu WOLF a ma..r. " ., d>aln and'"" fl the- H b. Tht") 11'- a:~nt fur mon• tt)lll 11e rnooth1 "Ideal Ciirt" 1turn I by Plaimif'W \\ht'rt' tht'>)- rouse of Ill or injUT) \\ Lt m and tne Rrml"nt r tht- Utlt" F.llls ParkPI 1 Butle .. pu to

FRESH DRESSED WHOLE EACH PATRONIZE DIMhlm MERCHANTS FOR NEEDED hiEIC!:H ANDISE AND SERVICE--They hawo a personal interosl I• That's right, Mr. Farmer - Just 2 pounds out of every thousand pounds of DIMMITT CITY DIRECTORY y- welhlro and wiH •ppreciate lfle apportllllity of sorvlnCJ you. It's always a pleasure to shop In Dimmitt. FRYERS • • • •••• 69c Giant size package FRESH PORK LB . grain sorghum you deliver to one of the following elevators wil! make you CLETHA'S In Dlmmlti lt'o Taylor-Harrison C&S TOT-TEEN SHOP MannlnCJ's lquipment Co. ll VE R ...... 19c a member of, and help finance the GRAIN SORGHUM PRODUCERS ASSOCI­ Telephone Ca. ACJe~cy CMILDIEN'S WI!Atl This Space For Sale LO NGHORN CELLO PKG. LB. Yaur Complete lot." Otero ATION. Make this contribution and you will be helping promote legislation Servin9 ~ ciroNft ""-99o USE OUR LAY·AWAY Deportment Store A Protporou ~.,m Equipment • • • • • • • • • • 69c r I Z-r--oleol FRANKS .·.. 45c and research favorable to grain sorghums. C1ty • ft d lurol " WHIRl CASTRO COUNTY SHOI"I" Houtohol" 107 N- lroodwcry CUDAHY'S NUTWOOD ApP'Ift•c.•• "'•• DIMMin. UXAS-No. SWe of SO. In cludes Your . . . So"¥ings THESE ELEVATORS ARE ACTING AS COLLECTING AGENCIES BAC ON ...... • C..rro Couaty Fet -Yiel4o Sean Grain LB. Hays Dlmmi" Implement FOR THE ASSOCIATION: Ciraln Ca. sa ... FIRST STATE c...-y ...t.ment Company • • • • • 43c DlhiMm conoN CHUCK ROAST Sorvl"9 A Growlnt Co. Farmers Elevator Co. Complete Eloutor BANK Castro County Grain Hart, Texas SAW DEUNTING Aru KIMBELL 'S Serviet Your Friendly PLANT Witl! lnternationai-Harvestor o Frlondly Dthlhlm CASE bar bundle H191Jwcry 51 .. S. Dl Itt FLOUR • • • 10-lb. bag 79c B.vator Sorvtet Form Moehlnery Dealer • Sears Grain Co. Hart Grain Co. WILSON'S l"cludes Hart, Texas • Your So"¥ings MoM FARhl OLEO Dimmitt hlot01 Ca. Dlmn~ll Dimmitt Wheat Growers Lindsey Grain Co. STORE l•lldt., • 'Wisul ...... , Hart, Tucn ,.,. & s.. ,ly ~ hi otorlo1 Fot eW.11II Ill cllolt Che...,olo' Hew •""'• Uood mry ,.,_. This Sp11ce ~ Sale -0- Wllolosolo •• ' tmb Dimmitt Gin & Elevators -ATIOIII -INIS SUPER A. A. Lindsey Grain Co. Frltl~olro l'honol07 Hert, Texe • HlgelliiL• S&ot. T COVERS ..... , :I .. ::: -0- Au+otllloti•• I Tractw I G...!rlch TirM Supplloa IEIIeiiC., R II.....,., Bruegel & Sons Elevator I ..... Is:" I MARKET Beyers Grain Co...... f•nnyd4t. Tt..


• • - r '


oth<'r snf('ty f r-~tturC' Js ru·w IYSX' \ t.Jth1g ICA> Inth l'!ii mBtely 113 lhousnnd lives ~ o ch yCIH clucw lat<:luos "hlrh \\.Ill Jli'C'H' I1t \lr. and .M rs Pa.ul n . Watson and lt•n ., u ()('lWt't'n u m illion and Walter Ro gers' thf' {l oor fmlll Of>t•nln~ 1111 impu,· t. n million und u hnlt c itl z~n. of WESSON of {)l} mpln, Washington wPrC' h(' re ff'Rturc• was in!. rnlll'd thi1 (."()I,U\ Ir)l mninw d or lnjUI·c'll ·MR. FARMER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING t 'I' 1'~~1111; uur dn·p \:l5t week tol· n visit with hit litoliRtil'!l l'f"\ 1•a J th II ,loUUI" \ I ami wrullludt• ror tll ~ nwth,...r, M rs. " '· 0 LnwnncC' and WASHINGTON llc·sc'Meh h n~ commenced on scv· fot Survi\UI, If }00 INllOIIl In • \\vtch t l ~'f'd, lltlll au.l DEPENDABLE RE AL ESTATE SERVICE ,.,kn•h·· l ai:;h r Mrs. EllzabNh llurknhay rral front s. The automobile mcm• rnr, Wi'fJ' m01 r- thnn 5 VI l on1l dU!'IIlll( tht> JIJilt'ii i..llloo tl) COTTON IS AMAJOR FACTOR IN '"'d" o sorer J)arkngc within whkh than 2 I AnuthPI' t~af• ty f,. •· rt'h&rn to Dimmitt oaain tor a v\slt1 1.------J ' h!rt duh blmrd 0 1 lM fore rt"'urning home. l:w•l"lt'f' ~·ran••! Jmmu£' ~ 11 til acres c:otton bastt. Has ~tlce modern h o m ~ . teneM Nun .Much lnformtttl on Is be l n ~ gath. point to anothe r. This lnc:lud('t: thl' lnstrumrnt pan••l and prulcl, d !.I Ill and ~ t. 1r:.lu ri.HI two 900d 8" irrigation wells-Located 10 miles NW of rred tc)i('ther at lhC Jlrcscnt time nc·w s afety steering wheel. \·lsors. 1t Is f'!ithnot('d th:-ti uhout Mr_ o.nd \In; r· 1' Jnc·k.,on CASTRO COUNJY'S ECONOMY Herefo rd. ' 1 mineral. Possession. $25,000.00 Clllh. Ex· \ blh ,\ lolher by a Congre slonul Commillcc In limt's cnllrd the d <'t'P d lah 38 per crnt or PUR I'S of escapin g; lnju a·,~o In an ncctdcnt production and handling of cotton, its storage locally is a arc lm prov~ nbout GO pcor crnt TelephOne D4J 190 ACR ES : All fine lev el land in ~ult i v ot i on . All most JOiid in you ar~ wraring ~ n•ut IJ(·It. OM J ohnse n qrou . 60 ocres wh eat bose. One qood I" •• ll~·~ v ('r, non(' of the au tomobll(l part of the benefits that add materially to, and strengthens 6" irri9ation we ll . Fine location, 5 miles NW of Her•ford mnnufnct urrrs have mudc l('flt on highway. Will trade for ~i ty property or Hll on- good belts standard (IQUipment on \h(llr the overall economy of the county. t erms. Pric:e SlBS.OO per ocr• . CITY TAX PAYERS cars. Durin~ thP hearin~!l hrld In the vicinity of t.h~ nutomobtle monu fac:'l.urtn~ plants 1 notlred Aside from the fact that our plant represents a large in· FINE SECTION that n t many of th" cnrs, (l('rotnnnl BY PAYING YOUR TAXES eARLY and oth('rwise. usf"d In and around vestment in physical equipment, t he necessary labor and LOTS OF FAR M IMPRO VEMENTS : 5· 8" i rr i ~at i oo wolfs. tht'"K' plants W<'r(' C"qu\ppt'd with 35 ocr~ cotton base, 170 ocre wheat bose, 550 ocre fine YOUR CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF snh·ty ~Its. Those \\ 1'10 hove ('n· other operational requirements makes ours a ma jor business lenl land in c:u ltiYo tion, plenty Joflnson qross, ' ':~ mift erCII. gag('c1 in the . nrrty bdt ruor:"~rf.'h rouessio fl . located 10 miles Norrh of Dimmitt. A rt"GI THE FOLLOWING DISCOUNTS: r,.,., t hnt It is must Important that operation in the community. buy. S 160.00 por ocro. ftll l·Ar!i br 50 ('(ln:ppN:I \\1\('!h('r or no thi'l \\ill hP donC' I d•l not know. hut I d'l know that thr prr ~nt ('!lti· Because of these facts we believe the farmers of the county MANY OTH ER LI STINGS DISCOUNT mat<> or thl' cost of in:.tallinl{ a4•:tt l '-II~ ~A l..E LOC'K"'r ~te~ by IF PAID IN lwll!i ln tlw front !lf'l\t of are wholly justified in requesting that their cotton be handled h lTes oar i.Wlr1era. tisfar• ,,, ~a. We have many other li ~ titUJS on farms located t hrough· mohil{'~ nt thf' f:Htmy i'l nppr(,,l­ antMC..CC f} ' a\ ., our tfte plai ns a rra . We should be a ble to hel p locate just mat<>ly ~1300. ,,1. m••nn!l !hilt it and stored locally as far as possible. 'l 0 W:!fll Lubuddle, "I' about aray kind of form anyone should want. 3% 6 million c-ars art' mnnuf.\rlurrd cl.'l«k ••lh D..mrrutt Food OCTOBER REAL ESTATE ··· ········ ······· ··· ··· ··· II<'Xl yc•nr onrt !Wat Jwlh <11"1' lnlitnl­ l!"d in thr (ron! •"II>~ th~ tnt11.l If you are not c:ertain where your cotton is being stored you LIS T W ITH US 2% r~t nf th i' Ctlrl' will lw inrn·ns,.._l 1 MILLION DOllARS NOVEMB ER ···· ················ ··· ···· 7H miiJ,.,n cl· llltr!it. \\1\•·th• r or not can get that information either from your ginner or us. We ore now revisinq our li n ings and tokin9 new listin9 s fer th r' d 1! f) c\P\iC'['I !!.Oil To lo•, c~ ·,,;g•+ed ud !he !all sell ing season . If you hove land you 'tii>Ont to nil, \\ill 11•h,.. ~· nr.. hll"m dry land '" Deaf Sm•th 1t m19ht be well you \ i ~ t w1 th us. DECEMBER 1% tural hut ufl(' lhm'! I~ !lUI ,,, coni· Ca\tro tnd Pamer Counf;es ··· ····· · ·· ······ ····· ·· ··· ing 1•1 pc. t atntltol\ 1 omc t 1 thou 1 lltln I P• •J1l•• \\ II I c:o !hrlr h\, on Do" Marl;n We hove be ... n in the Rea l Estate work in t his area for 0 th\ Pr 10 mil lll motor ,.,, :tl t • pro perty you would like to offer for sot•. ,\ntl lhfl mun• t~IY rn.;t \1 II nf" tl~· Beginning February 1, Penalty and Interest will be added \mJIIf• :; billi,lM nf cl·lll~l omto >NH'I ll '' " ''it m:ul !1 Jtatr-1 mC'nt th 1t rnos d n . ·Ill~ thin~ • 0\11 nulomnh\1 '"- ·!I and Warehouse Company nl m thr "nut WESSON Al E TATE t'lnt h 1tl I hi"' 1 rin • wht'f 1." ~t. t~sh<'l will p \~' tlu~ f~'Ullinll B. G. RIC HMOND, SUPT. 31 7 S a mp~cn no;. lruC' trlfhy ~~ \\ht"n it "a"' .aid fl•".\11· I on .oJ ['\o c I ~nrl ('f)Mt.:u;t B. R. CRANFORD, Supt. HEREFORD, TEXAS CITY OF DIMMITT attcntlnn nn•l nl~rtn~!l \\o\1'1\ d 1 mor"' t 1 s •lv;' thi" trn!fl•· pr Jll m Hart Office Phone 944 Res. Ph one 1644 E. B. NOBLE , TAX COLLECTOR thnn nil of tht': . ~ft>t;y d·•\ kes f'llt Dimmitt I 1 lht·r. \\'ALTF:R R()GFRS

t UP. ALE- f JH:·Plt:CO \ \ 6tetn HERE bvln; room au•~ for ule. WIEOn-

"~•tJ> HAVE AVAILABLE AHD tnan Which reminds us to tell the farmers of this area that our w ma dern elevator and grain ha ndling facilities are in TIP-TOP ~ T YOURSE RVICE: shape to handle your bumper grain chop. As in past years e Plenty of Storage for Your Government grain farmers will require prompt efficient service in their W ESTL G harvesting operations if they are to reap maxium benefits Loan Milo WANTED AT THE BULL BARN IN H EREFO RD, TEXA S from their year' s labor. That's where we come in. We have e Fast Handling Facilities SATU RDAY, OCTO BER 19, 8:30 P.M. made every effort to anticipate your needs and to provide FOP. SAl.F e C~urt eo us Employees btnc Super Z7 1 ,Jl m " Six wrestlers in a double main event a grain handlin g service that will meet with your every re· Ste ~ U;oa.n.l, )0 m 111~ 2 m11 eut. nun.h ot Duun 1tt. TO TRADE First event girt wrestl•rs e Semi-Truck Dump or rnJle norU\ J ~ :nbo quire ment. h'IUR. ~ call l1an } ~n1. e Federa lly Bonded Wa rehouse Helen Hild vs. Lorraine Johnson YOUR BUSINESS IS ALWAYS I 2 out of rflr~e falls or ont- hour time limit 4 out of 4 is the APPRECIATED e Top Market Prices e Sincere Desire to Render a Satisfactory record of this fa mily I Dory Funkand Country Boy (5521bsJ Service (i UR t. \ l.}o lllf OJld.o;p.A UK'SI fr«>uor t:KIOO. ~ 1 ~ R. H H Jtf, 1 ii 1 w, t t..e11 phone SkU vs. SO·:Op OlfR MODERN GIH STAHDS FUR SALF 3 ht-rlro .nm brlek Art Helson and Bolo houoe 2<'2N.W ":!h. Ptwm 353\\ This family has a perfect " bllHin .. . 51-Uc 2 out of three fall s or one "our time limit . 9 average wh en 1t comes \ \~TI. •r I Referee Tommy Pt!elps to savtng money! Eli ch has an l'lccount here and adds to it t' ' regu la rly . Yes, even the younger me mb I . NOTIC.E Sponsored By Herefo1·d Lions Club h ers ur.t7 s.n Ra P you P " " your s11vings We have made every provision to give you a good sample and a good turn·out- includingth e instal· &rain baxu and holm P. c>ad.)' tn J Jruuhcild prr.du t . !';tart at ' STR AYED program. 10 0\\ nM" I f ney Andc on must ( mort pe..rbculan t ee E. GHc· T < ,, lt·U l.OC'atf'd ll\ tat t !~L Canyon W!'lt Raw dlt I p' ( f1 ... Pla tw l"hoole 4 2'7U3. R•)OI11 14. TXl-22).2(JA !!mphb, 7en."lr. Heed Low-Cost Water? lation of double unit Moss Lint Cleaners. Give us a trial we thi~k you will be pleased. 51·1tp • pt 12 • 2G 0<:-t. 2 • 17 1\. Then investigate the economica lly·priced NOW IN AMAR IL LO line of WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES "'f~ ~~ ':r '~~:: ~ . ·· .. .~ ~!~1"~, ?~i :::r•;!' ~ Stapleton Pumps .j l -:ltt' J{( rd•Jrd U& At ====--::----.,.,.--~~:I I We hew• the larqest stocks I~NTALS WA!'I!'TET> Fum jo)i,. Fumi~ r,.f. of New & Used St•el & Pipe Dimmitt Gin& Elevator Co . "~""'"· Andy Mt' Aff" t Rt 2 Han for ,.,_, 1Rawch, Sllop aMI HA YHES MACHINERY CO. or "aU M rs. \tcAiee 'at Oimm•tt ..-"Y lAundry ~l·:.tr> N.L l rtor Co. ...______..J 51-tfl "''"·Carl Kerr.p 5l · ltP 'ilitiliiiill••••••••.l -:•••••••••••••••••••••••-'

- f I

~A&E NINE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17 , 1957 TMI CASTIO COUNTY NEWS • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1957 Art festival To PAGE EIGHT T HE NEWS NEWS FROM BETHEL tM.· bt.•l\l.fdl tht 11:~1 oC 19 and lit m. Lubbock Coum..ry lub oo By M iU )' t"1 ynt Held October 26-27 a t lrut o frt"t 6 uK:hel tall, nt\'\."r \l...nda) , 1\uH·mbt·r 18, \1 h rc mu­ ul('nt of th,. Dlmmatt school board The Dimmatt Bobcat Cirls ll••· ~('f(' GU<"III of the PleinYiew E~e· \U\t' ~·,•n marn~ l . nut " ear 111 ta.s- ~..: \\ Ill bt' UPI'Iicd by the liar· Conference On Maid of Cotton ketball teams httve been maklnrc 11 nlnK llerald at bl'('akhu1t In P laln­ s, ar....t have bo ('11 tx;m in a cot· l'l.ltJ-RQ.Iey ~hc atra hc11dllne for 1t number or yctu.. . I Yirw when th e-y ,,.u,sed through en 011-prudut:m~ ~ ~ t.:. In a• klmon, 1'he YOUOI I dy ulecb.--d u tlw jUit ceme acrou a clipping con­ l'OUIP to Dimmitt rrom the Tour­ ,.. !->uuth Plama 'll.ld ol <.\ltWU !"oXJtb Plallll Maid oC (){ton be­ Deadline Irrigation Set Ct"mlng their tucccasful year · of ll8nl('nl. Entry :llUot tw'e hum!!' l"t'.!U d~n m ··(1fnt an autumalic tlnahst In the ne .,.,f U1e follll\\ l~ S..1uth Pla.H\ll :\ i.ltallf'l.a.l \l a~d or Cotton Cont t 1930. Somr of thr inrti YiduaJ honors The story goea that Ih is team 1.'4.1Wl1H'1i Budco.), lklrdcn. Dn•- Ul Memph~ liMl January 2 t~ nd 3, for Lubbock hrought homt' by th<' elrla were: \\81 not defcot,cd during the entire first fl)H C'e in indivlrlual beau· Party November 11th •, L'.utro. Co<·h ran. Cr by, l ~ · She "'U lx p~sent:M "1th An trrl ~: auon conft>rfOt't' 11 f m· the aeuon ol 1929-- 1930, until the final ty on{' girl on the F' ,1 th-t" ) 'N..f, the Do'' n. ~at ~ m t lh , Dlclwns. a l .t'UJ conon "·ardtvbe PIKI re-- h'~ t lO tarmen, aarlcult uraJ rontrat, firat grunc the A.A.U. Stat~ Baaket­ ~JUl P h 1d ol Cocron Com• nc,~ d. Gamo:lll, Carta, Halt', 11\)C- •. , J\ l' an a ll ~'pens e paid t rll) hJ INidt•rt and the lrrlgnuon or All-State Lf'IUTl, one on the aecond m.ith • 10 lth tiM ="-•· kll.')', II"" art!, Lamb, LubbX:k. \1 ·mph1s ror her&e!f and the ch P- mc-nt i nc.tu ~ tT') has b«n ''"'"'lul- bllll tournament. While a.t the tour- •-.::7':-''":"'--"":"----• 1Bmmd nam~nt, the elrls had d e f eat~ tirJD I CoU im L'ouncil. ia condud· lqun, \ l .;otlt'Yo P~t.rmf'r, Sw~~r <'J"on \.,f her dlcoic:e. t.'CI 'o:o\ 14 -t:i at t h~ Lubbo!.:k H~ TIME IS IMPORTANT 4 anc a 1,_.a.r..h far a l 'W1& lad.) "'ho Tt~·). \ ookum. n~ \\m•u•·r d e natktnal ~m- l\'1 m Lubbock Croll RoadJ:, " ·30; c.co. "2-2() ; TV Interference hk ~o u tr av ~. mt•t•t ~t", and AJlphcaltall.ll !(~ether \\ilh ph1>- It• I Y>lll bt' f!., \\ n t () :s'ew York Th•li ~·onft'll'IH:il!' lt bt>lnl{ lfl'."ln­ ond Seogovllle. 33-21 : the laue, to \\ ln fr11:1 Kbi 1 ~ hliCl\t- and ab~.i tocrai•l mu.t • ubm.ttt'tl Ill til\ l' h' ioc 111 munlh·~ st&) tn Ph.'· ''l't-d bl tht" J'K'I\ I)·formN Tl'' ali of which placed lhem in the rlnalal •------• ""1th Athena, which resulted In a fot the .'\ JCAII Cal tun Indu 'J) ;'. ut...~ !' tli.Ja 'latd ol CtXtun c..,n. pu;i.lllc~n fut h. t 1'\ll f> as fi1Sh 1on Ulh.!I'·IJldLUU') u-rt~ uon l'Qlll\~11 t~ant and one on the third team. score of 45 to 41 , In favor ot ~ Bra u, J r .. t"hauman 1r t C001nu11 P. 0. ,&., ~ 1. and good " 'U C'l1 \ 1~) for th\ m r ll. 1001 ~-crnon11n at~~.l modclin1 tJpa thl' Pl"l.l«ntln. The trip to Celeste wa• mode name& or the play~rs . I'll glv~ you t~ CJpotnlnC ot dw ~ ..,.•• C'OIItett IUfficlal • r.tr) blanks m&!o bo ~ frum (''j)t'l Ll In thH e rtelW a l"kt Jack z Anti... non, 8(lnunistra· port!lnt during pretty we11ther while h11rvesting pouible by local business con­ until n<'xt week to think It over a•t'd, . IS by no I"Dt'a%lS a ta -d at thr Lut.Jbc:)(':k 0\ambcr a in bfo C'llJTIP I' t ~b outtltted \\ith lTH • ~•• tant 10 Pn>fridL·nt Eb..r'l- cerns and cltitcns. who subscribed and th!'n I'll tell you ao that you t.-auT\' e-Qflt t Thto laid lll ' Ct•rnnwrce '"-:! Te ~a s J\\ cnut. and all..c(lltun \\&rdrobc. This h11\\ lf, I\ ill hlghlii:ht 11u~ con!l'r­ operations are under wt~y, $104.35 to tend !hem to the meet. might 1eore yourself in thla " Mem­ t tlth Piau Cuun11('!1 \.If' • nnt mR <' 'flat• •l t' 'p res 11N l~ for Fal'"nllr-..t .A Ke:t to Bett<'r wv- truln. TI1cy left Dlmmln on 1\ies­ The Bl>lhe l II, D. Club met Wed ~ l.."'o)l~ hd a,, baa • n- tu'ouih [ rc.;t •f Pla,ma. l."..•uun h('r by I~adm.o .\ nwrica n d t~ ,. tgn - ma day, March 11, 1930. nesday afTernoon. F'or the proaram. dousl> i.m t pu le rt_latlona Gn.Mer~ A lll:i.at .an. Jlr. £ S J(lr\(' , prt!Sidl'nt of On !he morning or March 17, Mrs. Sybil Stringer, County lt, D. Jot• to dUio ant1 u cno-.~ or. tnt Th ,ear 1M ~th Plains ------Tc,as 'ft·•h. Vr \\', !" \\ llli.1l- Our new elev!ltor, with !Ill new equipment, W!IS 1930. the members ot the second Agenl. gave an Interesting demon­ bu ot e. penonali and t ol ·c 11 ·~ O:Jnlt'st w:.U W\t r Mr and \frs J _ N. Barnett •~ ..... a !Rilllt director, T t'xu i\i:- place girl1' S tate team, stration in the transplanting or a k~ \\ U U BPI" • ~o ,_ -..; ''f:•mt-cr 18 and 19 1M proud J>Mrllt of a I'll'\\ hnl•Y rh ulturaJ L\!t n.'Jon :5 t:" rdct', Cui· designed for efficient oper!ltion-t~n oper11tion their coach. the superintendent or shrub. It all looked very simple lQ • :-'OtJth PlllN coot • da~ht('r , b~- ndopuon. ~ ltttl lf'g t.1.1t1on; and C I. \\'all, Dimmitt t chool&, and the pres- and. a ccording to my calculations, .A.l\CII'I8' the qu '1 'ationl rc- t "11 take part 1n a p~am ml, ar.. hiod ~,.,,t 3uat IM pm "'t~nt 1•f Plut1d'l' :\atural Gas ot ~ tar :-..· · l.Celud CC(! , tun \\ •. ~. d Jt.., 14 Ill. a~id '~ \ manllo. ~ ill Vh ~ ~ clh·r th11t is !I major factor in the proper handling of d ot Colton. w m r tt'" r; .: ~· . 1 .\1: ta 1~. ~t,r,n..:e ac~'lton grain crops. FARM AND RANCH LOANS r •atl•>n andudt'd oo t"'. auttK•rlt·ll<"' rd. edUCAliUl· on .. _., Mttle ...... - - ""' ...... ,...., ·-""" al t.hru.1or l)t tHo:'! ,:.;prtnklcr 1: ri­ ...... -- Ia ...... -·~ '--- atluf\ . \ ~oo ~ln. :n. ~all Lak~ l'hy, t:lah Ur h p D. W~.A·d. trr a· All of which means that we can give you unexcel­ Call - J. B. McPherson \..: nt 1 n\'l'r, l~Wo. ltr. at See the new \1 ~ \\ Wiama ....hlrt altl'1cultural led service in h11ndling your gr11in , 11nd assurance xn11 •. IK'>l\AI Pl:mt }o' Jd J. B. McPIMrson & Company t .rt \\' l,.,.cn. D. L , t..:. that we will appreciate your business. 11U- 14tll Stnet ... a nd bound to take \' llj,enan. \ pn,d< nt uf lhe ...... ,._ t ~ "-=ahon:t.l I\.ar~k tn On\•r. --offluPOS-1825 Nltos P02-Il76 you with it. F tYe fo ld-' MAYTAG Cu.t Ur. T R Tur.m, head d Dlnct C•"•P••II••t fer KMIOI City Lifo 1--. Co. follow the Bobcats march up the ~nter t r.mnt ol f!.i!Tit"Ul turol ('C(>fiO­ ar.J I)C ol~') Tt·:lt: aJ A &. t or lhe bodice ••• bottom fold c f'lf'; nr. Robo·l1 agnn. ch U"• to 1pens the waist. a nd man. d· partnl("!lt of lrrlg!!. t •• on, WE CAN HANDLE YOUR GRAIN 'HALO OF tiel behind. Sktrt fait. atrai rht. I lJun~r.JtY (.1( California, Dr. )hr· J lo"e Thorn(', ht>ad ot D{:Tono my FOR GOVERNMENT STORAGE in front then awLSh out Ut•raztnwnt, Oklahoma. State t'ru· DALHART! in fullntw. Comro rta bly wide \rrc:lty, • tilhnn~r, Okla.; J. \\' neckhne of thia cotton HAT' Pruitt, IMIJ;:ltJon f.urru r, l mer· s. ::\1. s.: and oth~·r oflic 1a Support aur team and help and Cupioni rayon dre. aporu - - m lt•adin~: lrri&:at.on tqu1rr:'1 • t it.l own CDid pin. S1 5·1'I. ""pam ~• them win their first conference g•m• DRYER AllhOQ£:h planned and li(lOnsncd h· a T. u s on;:nnlz:'tt1on, the me ·I· FRIDAY NIGHT AT 8 1n "1ll ~ oC n.thot'lal lmporta; :e orAn- Shirl~ lM tt:y l~• from SIAS S12.95 AT 51 WrKking Yard BRUEGEL &SONS ELEVATOR :' • Buy Jun k of All Kindt I FURNITURE & J. R. BROWN , Manager Tires, Tubes & P• rts KING-SEELY APPLIANCES face lift your home witli. LINDSEY CLEANERS HARMAN'S Phone ~22W , Phone 134 Open 'til 9 Thursdays Dimmitt, Texas Sou th Dimm iH lllL NICHOLS VARI-KROM m~lti-color CALL US FOR SERVICE ON YOUR MAYTAG WASHER OR DRYER spatter paint .... Alcoholics Anonymou s ~I• · ~~. w.Ubi, l "«>nfettl-<1<> -· ~ ~ $2.60-. - ae., • aar..... _. t..a • top •.• doJM la. palat,ID ,. ...., n.. pl• .,. •pn-•tW.... Tbt'1 Jut a rtfDuMr -IS TEARS DPDIINCI­ tl IIMI...,.r ~ u ul beodaoae etfeeta rou eaa pt Craolullaftl;rhHI... HARMAN'S BREAK wttll Ydi· IIOM, A.nd ., eull7! No a.udiq~ Dt ..... H- MIUI0\1 .-~Dt ~w.r . J u..ttpnp YA&l·&aOIII tUu. ,.... OWD •.c:uuna cleaner attatbmecn.. IJ.ke macK: J'OU"ft trMt.d a delichttuJ, 4«-M-ati'ta ttnlala tbt'a BOYD MACHINE oomplct.J, acn~bb&ble. ud upe:r d~oarable. C...ra wall d•feeta, too. Adltfac.liltl SHOP COAT PRICES , ...... ,r \ J . J . I Du~ l Boy.! Willson & Nichols Horofor4. To•• TO Lumber Co. 3 SENSATIONAL GROUPS 212 w. 3nl. " · 1no CHOOSE FROM!

Group 1 V!!lues 22 .95 to OF DIMMITT. TEXAS 29.95. Short & full IHC lenght coats. IS PL AS D TO OU CE THAT IT IS N OW OPEN • FOR BUSI ESS AND IS FEATURING: $1988 . 6-90 DOUBLE DOUBLE MOSS BIGGEST ANTI FREEZE ALL NEW AND Group 2 MURRAY CLEANING DRYING LINT ALL STEEL Velue5 32.95 to ELECTRIC GIN 39.95. Short and full GIN STANDS SYSTEM SYSTEM CLEANERS IN THE AREA 5 length co11h. 1.95 GALLON Nft41 MR. FARME R: Please consider this as a personal invitation to visit our large new gin. In constructing our gin we neither spared expense nor ef· Gl4re-free $2788 FLAT LATEX fort in building a plant that will give you maxium ginning service. Cottonis still king in Texas economy and we want to be full partners with the fanners of this area in making this agricultural product the most profitable crop of Castro County. HAYS IMPLEMENT ONlY Group 3 S3.75 Values 49.95 to YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED 59.95. If you need e ...... c­ coet don't miss this , ...... $3.75 velue. COMPANY Willson & Nichols lumber Co. ( DlllllltiH, Team $4818

PHONE li4Jl • A ' -· '


l 'urt•ll h ' ' l&l hl 111 Olmntlu 1\llt•nth ('on\'f\nllo n 'Mrs Chubby A1drldgr> Jack Bra nnon ot Dallas wo1 f:lion and ROI)('rt Stng('r lt' ft tot• 01kngo F'rlday to lttt('nd an For the very best in Commercial Printing • • • nud ~1 n: \'i!U lln& fl'l£'ndi> Jn Dunmlu th is lndrJl('nrk"nt tclcphonC' OI'K'I uton convl:'ntion PAGE ELEVE to. CASTRO COUNTY NEWS = = THURSDAY. OCTOB ER 17, 1~57 THE \'hlh In l)lmmltt t~llll'it Jn 'J'hl'\ Arm1 L F.rl \ard fJ.· U 'I• ", aon of ~lr. Call The Castro County News Pf 'll1J ~ V I ' YohO v.UI 'o tu G muny wbe hI fur a. " DEMANDS THE USE OF CONCRETE PIPE! The annual achle\'C· lht'm too! llo-r ahrub and filM(! are 4-11 &lrls 1111u .)~Pu Old U• r &Ur • I ·l 1-> crad l f optor lchlo]. txo hnve bPL'n well prepared. cxp s, a a I Jimmy Slok('J )fdvin and Bllly ment Tour was held Saturda~. IN• pb\lltt>d t" f'~ dUI' {tJ hat] SEE October 12. 11le purpose o1 lhls J low mce 1t would be tQ hav~" VtJ'JUl '1 J lOO'J BrO'o\n ha\e nils .n the A:"nly 1 \'Jrglnla ll•t C'mnn partJcularly vlih to the 4-11 membcra' homes the a1equate conYentcnt l\orag ! enjoya 11rtrumn~ l•--"JCl fur th rn."1 r.. \ Uoiu Jtt>lalht''J anrt y,lJI tr•fJOit f•Jr duty at 1>"'1:. PAY Is for their [rlends trom other eom· .Rita Sue Wttkoo-·skl hal betn abll.! 1 YOUR W'ltJ\\Il Koc•x. 1-.;entu ky in the 11th ArnlOl'· to arrQJli:fl in her home. Partluon· ('r. l'tu·t ot uu~· "''-'• m btr munlties over the county to IC(I ARVIZU CONCRETE· PIPE COMPANY <'d dra.,.,ers, plenty of them; and IUtri.l~"n. Sh hwl !tol.< n pincappk, :'\1111 Dornt • Ilond nd gJrla <'d Ca.Iva..ry 1- rum n. Kilo:'( these their demonstrations and hear llu~m p('tt<·h 1 Jlt at, bean.!l, tomato jllH~l', \ tsit«< r JW!r'f' Jts )fr nn•J \1!1 hO) 1 "' U ii:'l tu RegPnbet J• Cer· eAplo.ln what they have accompl­ doa~.:ts v.ith plaMcd shelf 1pace und hanger orcas, make all her tr~:~Y.t~fl'il', and ch!rkPn. \'Uf:lllla Sid ~h··Jty Gnd otht-r 1"11. I ,ny FOR A TOP QUALITY PRODUCT! Ished. Re&ult demonstrations v1J1t· has made 11 ix dr('IKCS. lful v.:c>fk. 1'hP lluntb arr- rr 00 included: Oothlng; Conat.:uc­ tlothlnrt: eaaiiY acccssable. QnC' \lis llt.!.''r>man h a3 an uld \\ <> -'U·~ ''' l:wtillldf'iplliA,., P,:nn ~tr- Bond \ J.,ltlnK ln Olmmllt tlon and storage; Food prepara t10n ; dOle' was arranged for storlnf: t"n chu1 n, V\~·r ~~~ >" 1.,,11 old. 1.'.h1ch \\ tth C..ommerclal Art AdverL&.•r Dun.... ld Alexand< r an4 R. c. • MADE IN DIMMITT bedroom improvement; poultry; out-of-season clolhina. shE." plans lO U'le fiJI· a 1JIUI\I'l ( ·v. G: ~~n !rom CaWornia an vll:iti.ng electricity ; !rozen toocts ; canning; One ot the m06t interesting things futa Sue showed us wu the The t()ur sh>Pllll-d at l/HM whert· • .. rnendl and relatJ\.el ln Duumln a ard€! n; yard improvement; sa.lcty; thP Home IJol•monstratJvn Club ~as Call 88 for Prtnt1nq thil wedc. and kitchen improvement. provtsto111 made tor recreation for • FREE ENGINEERING AND ESTIMATES the family and the frequent com­ Originally the tour was planned lncludrd ~tre Dress'"• hat-mak·l : pany they have. A variety of holc.tina: an achievem,.nt pn:vram.j by the Adult 4-1 1 leaders t~ _ln· lng; ha,nd....ord ft~o~e intL>reStiJli! ~======::======; a:ames and punles lor aU ages • QUICK, CUSTOM SERVICE elude 23 glrb ln 10 commuruttes. aprons 1. H· ·No.~ Lira fruh and FOR EXPERIENCE SJclcned prevented aome girls wa• arran,ect in one area. The ean(l('d, <'raft , hflhby• and travel AND EFFICIENT WINNING CHESTER WHITE-L.,rry Keith Hcuting' recently JOHN PELLEY tram partlclpatin& hoWever. family regularly addS to their coUecdOilS. Crafts Included home won f irst place in t he Castro County Sears Gilt Show wi th his OFFICE PHONE 0. K. HOWE Mona Dell Hunter's home in recreaUoo equipment. aceenonea made of reed, alum· EARLY AND SAVE Mary Lou Steffens, ol Arney, AUCTIONEERING Chester White sow end wen t on to win fourth place at a similar the Jwnbo Community was the inurn etching, and ceremlca R"· enjoys cookln,. The material she show in Amarillo. Larry is t he son of Mrs. Neva H tt stin 9 1, count y tint stop. Her bedroom which she frethm•nts were ~rved. too' SERVICE has completely remodeled would used for her e:athtred 1klrt was Kitchen Improvement hu been clerk, a nd is in the sidh g r~ d e in Dimmitt schools. He is II years an "eye catcher." The design was THE FOLLOWING old and the sow is his _. .H project under the tupervision of county be most attractive and &PI)ealing oo.e o1 Mary Taack's demonstra~ to any tecna e girl. The greater printed which said, " MY LO\'e ls tiorul the past yrar. She has po.lnted agen t Marvin Simms. Th e sow will next be entered in a sow and 1 Like Red, Red Rose" with a part ot l~r improvements involv· 8 the ceUln~. walls, l1'ld eabml"ts The COL. JACK HOWELL litter show nut spring. rose pictured afte.r each plu'ase. h th t 00 pl&nmng and plenty of phytl-- color echeme was changed. New GAIDIN- One of the projects .t th e c::i ty park h this ro.se garden on t e no r wes cal effot't, She had palntt!d her By the lime we reached Gwen curtall\1 and ltnoh·um compt ted Rt. 4o Dimmitt - Phone 517W4 T o l.ht• In l'hOf'nh Dunn's home everyone wu be(in· ~;;~W~il~h~in~s~o~vo~r~o~l~s~•~·~·o~n~s~il;;i~s;;e~x~p~o~c~te~d~t~o~b~o~o~n;e ~o~f~th~e~m~•~IO~r~o~tt~r~•c~t~i o~n~s~o;t~t~h~o ~p-•_r_k_. _ walls and woodwork a toft blue. the re~U.na:;. The mixer she WOll i'l'ee &er\·fce ror Charitable eausn \Irs. Ct't'tl Crum nnd hl).'s and All lurnlL'ltnp have been re!lnls~­ nlng to realize It was about time Recharge Well ~ About Dimmitt . • • ed· even the fioor. New curtahu; ror lunch. 'fliat State0\strict Fair Bak!Jll was 01'1hO\\' dtJplay th 1: DISCOUNTS lwr mothc>r will IIH' 10 Ptlocn" for GM!n sha.•oed us nine th~ at \ I:======~ (Continued From Paae Onel a 'rug, wld attractive attractive Mary has saved $56 96 on the sL'< a ft·l\ \ll('('ks until the moit:e hnr· ae~essorh.'ll to dres!les she had made. Th--o ot them dreS5CS and three akll'La she med(· H'.s t Is 01 t"r, du(' to ha.\ f('t't"l' desirable. Money 11 scarce most had been added. H er clothing ator· At Halfway to people. We are far ah~ad Dl cl ~- age had ~n planned tor convenl· had jackeu. She painted the ~'OOd · Turkeys. thickens, ducks, and 3% if paid during October condttlon or '1rs c,·um NOTICE PRESBYTERIANS work and \\i.th her mother'a help pression times, but behlnd what enetl and good ea.re of her clothin&. rabbits reqwre t1me and c.are. \(e v.ere doin& a rew years UJI:O. 1\tona Dell told us that ln her p.apcred. W.ith her cotton crop, Mary Hf"len and Cl n.n Ann Maplea she bought new furniture, curtains, I I Be Ready Soon Thls wUl mean a hnrdcr job of frec~lng work 5he had p~pared Cll.JOY h&\'VII: these •• d ... mon"'tra­ Local 2% if paid during November selling a new hospital to tne tax· peaches by bOth t.hc sugar syn1p and be• farm('rs feel themselves prders the dry sugar pack. done (or the weekend: cinnamon a new trophy for sho~Air,t thP Hybrid Sorghum 1% if paid during December ncar lhe fin.on c.ial breaking polnt, Lou Ann WltkO"'ski of tho Arney at the Htiih Plains Stauon of rolll, appl.-. pie ( the patti)' lookl'd GIANT SIZE and that nppti('!; to businessmen Community has hael the sume c<· Champion ln the Jr Ei!:l Laymg Tli"'-as Research F'oundativn RED BARN worship at 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, out or th~.;t world.) and a Ccrman D1vislon at the O..llns Fa1r. Both llnU'way t B t amidst the trlbulntiona pcrience lh nt many homemal.-:>r.!i West Edge of Hereford ~'an ~conomlcal !I lump we would and rarmers have had this ) ear. chocolate cake. glrls have canned and frOlen pro­ Water from anOI.her \\ell 0 She can verifY the fact that St Yield Report duce from their iardt'n On Clovis H l g~way TIDE ...... 6~ be wiae \O c0115ider the nl'cd and Her garden wu hailed out twice, These discounts are on all State and County Taxes fet_~f A\\J.l) "ill 00 used to start understand th co&.mly must move but with preslstan~. she hart har· Augustine CrtUs is not adapted to Sandra Johnson, J tart, continl)('e rn-harge program on Octotx>r ~. SHURFINE l·LI. CAN October 23 in the District Court Room. foiWard Our economic situation vested tomatoes, beans, 1ettuct:. la\\'1\S 1n our area. Shirley had to dc,·etop her sewmg .sklU v. hJch Tht' \\Rter will be pumped through .:athercd a half bushel tomatoes WILL BUY, SELL Is not to Improve dur ing the beets. and pop com! ot helpt_'d her ~in countY honort in Tom Lewis of Dimmitt . '" undcJ-giVWld lml' conneumg the uiu~\)1 E· 54o 6612 lis. of gro,. pet' acr-e two "-elh. thence underground at OR TRADE ...... 7~ Sandra Huseman bad helped hl>r hH' rarments Sh~ has a sunny or bu l ldl n ~: 10 down. The present projects. She has wt~rkcd ..,,.~ C-tatin Hybrid A. 6193 U... pet' aue 'he ret:harge well Th e Public is invited. mother clean and cut up fryers che·ear, J. C. Holbrooks of Dimmitt mf'ntal as \tt!'ll as pra ll~al \;slue,'' The (l'OUP \\ IU \'en• Interested 1n fum ltyre, clothinCJ, oppli· PEACHES MGnln ~08 lbs. per aue of age, and on persons who were 21 years of age on January sa1d James G 0-omn, hydraulic anees, Clftd tools - or ...... IJg( a duur that \'erdena Curta. eUIU1}'­ t•ngmet>r \\lth the U.S C.('(l!ot:uJ.nl side, had uphelstered [ur her bed· Competotivo Hybrlcl I ~ 204 lbs. pet' ...,.. practically anytlll"'l 6140 pet' Sur. e}'. supcni~()r of the n-chKtter David Ac.kers Nazareth A !it'llt"l' oC thr('('l four tnch Ph. 2170 Hereford grade. ot' u~tered rurniturt>. af Mcnio 2~36 lbs. pet' ...,. ·' dl ll connection \'lth the SUGAR ...... 98c Verdena had made a pair ot dreu­ ('r lamps from c1d!'r bottles whtch O.Koll> f.62a ~370 lis. pet' _,. cha rw:t_· "ell \\ 111 <'nable us to study j ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ lhC' Jlt•l'nu.oabillt}' of under to.-ruund 11 PRODUCE FROZEN FOODS were very att.ractl\'e. 'Tim :tpron lurmatiUn tht" way tht \qlter Ll. which she has made for her elec-­ The above yields were comp~ed by tile 'lHURFINE 2 FOR trical" \\Ork keeps her too:.S L" format10111, the pre-­ samplin9 method of. each van!ty ~sed Jack Cartwright ballet• b.·m~ bwlt up. and a number TOMATOES ,·cnicnt. uf t>t~u-r fac.-tun.." !\lr. Cronm ('~· 12¢ ORANGE JUICE 1l\e rains came tx>forr we could on 14% moisture 1n the 9ra1n. Yields r,talnt'et dN'p lucat.:od ~. 50, and LIBBY PKG. and Mary Helen Bchrtnds at sc uare. The H D. Clubs ol F1&li luo ft'!'t from tht> r<'char~:e "ell. 1 Tax Assessor and Collector CARROTS • • • • 0 0 and BIK Square ~ ert- ready to ThP ll:i 1n1·h r~·harge \\C'JI 1s 3:..1(1 .9¢ Chop Broccolli sel"\'e "(reshments: at l\la.ry ft·t·t i.ll't'p TO KAY 17( • •• SEE FOR YOURSELF • • • LB . UNDERWOOD Helen's home. CastroCounty, Texas A 1~ luot d("('p ronn·etc> drop PIC G . A woman on the tour remarked lllJct in the Jr:ta k(' !me to the rc­ that the quality 1Jf \\Ul-k thc:oc g1rb th_.;l:t wt·U "111 bt" u:sf'd to study GRAPES ORDER DEKALB 15¢ Bar-8-0ue had done surpass~>d some t.Jf her ·tiLnwnt,HII)II ant\ inf1\tralion. 1\'o 6~ efforts. r:tVl.ty ml<~k•• lin!·s 1\JIJ L'BIT)' sur­ 10 LIS. MORTON EACH Those \tho did not itO on t.l'lls HYBRID SORGHUM PI!~» llkf• "..tlPr t1l n flll. lht n"'~ tour nussrd an ltllplrulivn lhal ·hruu,~:h U1P 1ntakf:' PIPt" r11 tht' POTA TOES 4~H gi rls ean l:'i\'1~ \\ 1th thetr ac- :on ff•l tnlf>t. 43¢ POT PIES 29c cumpltshmcnts. They pass alvn .. TODAY FROM I •r T (' Lont.:n('!'k( r, I it·a.r of FOLGER'S !t(lmt• 'aluab\P tnfllrmatlon from .he Sl tiun said "Th1s rt>c, hnr~t 1·LB. CAN 2-LB. CAN thC'il' e:\pcrlen~d. tuQ. t •ur·plus surtac<' \\ att•r tniiJ the DeKalb Dealers are: .nett r~nd formation& eonstitUt(' AND THEREBY AFFIRM Vblt!i Kll'l:s Robert Duke of Sunnyside tm· practJ<'ill valut> of lhl' "elL" AS 010 C:HRIST T HAT­ COFFEE . . . . 89c Sl.75 GUl'Sts or l\1t and )\rs Carl By f\Ulttnj.( thr> water ba(·k mto th<" "J MUST BE ABOUT King were his parenu M: and Noble Howard of Dimmitt ..-uund "·here 1t can be conur­ t!! Fot.THER'$ BUSINESS" BOlDEN 'I> GAL • :\hs. Leander h.lng of Lubbock. • Vt·d for future uu, we v.Ul sa\·t> 1 Us sister :\trs. Roy BaUey and Ottis hllchllenamy north of Dimmitt :~:>~;.~~~~~from family ol Hale Center. Tiley all brate I ~ \\CIJ wUJ aid In mlllll· LL~IB~BY~·r table in thiJ ttrt·a \ hills l'"arent.t T'hP "·ater recharge rE>Set~rch is Mt·. and Mrs. Bob Mo.ples trom Planted by More farmers than any otfter 8r11nd a. )Oint rwgram oC thr t; S Goo­ VIENNA SAUSAGE ...... Sl. EVERY West rn t\\' :'\texico are \ ill1tu1g ln~nc:al Survpy and the Tl"xas Board WE LIB BY 4 FOR their pare11ts Elzie Tcagues and of Wat~r Englnl'ers Dr. t.ongn('C· Charlie Mnpes. kPr said "We arl." happy 1o pro­ WED. ... ldt> the facilities for Mr Cronin GIVE SPAGHETTI & MEAT •...... Sl. and his staCf to make their study at th(' Station " J FOR- IS S & H CHANGE TO SHAMROCK SHURFINE TUNA ...... 89c GREEN DOUBLE MR. FARMER GOLD MEDAL 10 LIS:- 10 W·30 MOTOR OIL NOW STAMPS STAMP _FLOIIIOU•iir.'R . . ·:....:....::· ·....:.....:.· ·...:_:__· .-=-=- · . ::_:__:· . ·:_:· _ AND PROTECT THE LIFE 4· ROLL PKG. ~· ~· ~89c Do You Plan To PiPe Gas To DAY Your Well This Winter? DELSEY TISSUE ...... 49c OF YOUR CAR'S ENGINE If so see us for the best in ~POOW~D~ERDoE~D~OnDR------~--~--~--~2~FO~ AND BATTERY Material and Workmanship. BROWN SUGAR ...... 25c Tbt development of Slwmroc.k IOW-3;0 Motor at hig,b tempentutel &i"- JOW' enaiM fWI pro­ PINT JAR El Paso Natural Gas OU h bued on the feet tNt the typt<:el Pat· ttction at thi1 e.nd of lb. temperttur• t'aftp, too. ten&•r car encine operetet mott of iu useful lire With Shamroc:lt l OW-.30 in t he crankc- you will; ( 1) tht li le of your ~ nc lne • in the temperature zona between tM ~;old 1Wt ••,•nd oe er's fl ) utend the lift ol ycur battery, (3) uaoe;reeM We Meet Or Beat• All Competition ud normal 01*'ti"' urepe Nt~ . p lOI.ina mil.. a a 1nd ( .& ) radU(t! the artane rtJquirt• I MIRACLE WHIP .... All oil• thicken • • temperature deer••""' The ...... 33c mtnt. We don't claim mind.. for It, but you • difl'fl'enc:e between Sh.1mrock ~ ~ ~ ·30 •?d ~on· probably will. QUALITY MEATS vtntional 0 11 11 th•t 1t t)uck· Our Satisfied• Customers Are LONGHORN Products Comp~any en• tess at low temperatur.. ! 2 LIS. ' l PLYMOUTH Th.• •fleet on your c=u'e . •. 2s modern u atomic energy. And just u scnsauonal. coo. Our lest Recommendation Ll. ptrformance I• Important. Only the constant :tccu racy of electric cook.Jng BACON ...... W h.e n you r ba n &• ta Sl.29 Shamrock lOW-30, the im­ OLEO FIRST CUTS assures you of the perfectly b•ked <>kc, the ...... Ll. pro ..m entl you'll notice We Maintain• Our Unes For immediately are: ( 1) that su~rbly succulent r02st - every ume. PORK CHOPS Serves_(he lly!!'amic economy •v•n on the cold~tt morntn&l - Two Y..-s Without C"-CJe 49« tbe tn&ine will turn over Your family- your cooking skill- deserve the modern r.~ng c. qukkly and NlilY, and (l) • J·LI. lAG marke-4 \ncrea" In aaJOl i n~~ Of cou rsc. ac's cleetn . -~-- . .. - mile•&•· I IE SAF£ •NOT SORRY FRANKS ...... Tbfte tldventa ... •r• tM ) 89« .of the South'l:f)est molt obvious, but not nece•· Ll. ...-11)' the m Olt Important. ~ / srr root eouTMw••,••• . J"rictional ~r In tht en&lna aCOOY QOWATT PORK ROAST .. u\.. piece at • v.ry bi&h IUCl.liC • PUBliC SERVICE 49« rata duri•C thl fin\ ftw Al'tUANCI ot:AUol co•r••" "CIILI • PIMINTO Ll. 1trok.. wbtn 1terttna • n Dimmitt Ditching Service Inc. M w1dl ttme ""' no Nbrl~ on the eyUnder Phone 199 Dimmitt, Texas SANWICH MEAT =._ lOW-30 ndureltbll ...,, ftowlnc quicklr • .• .... 59« """" kh! .. tbe oU Alm. At hiab tetnpM~Ltu r H I ...._. t.lrieaat cJoee 1 btn.t job of ~AI metal _.t...-. epert. A .,...,, IOW..JI ...... tbid: • E.L PASO NATURAL GAS P.RODUCTS COMPANY

• , .... -

I THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17 . "57 ~PAGE==~~:;~~~===:=:T EL E ::;:~~==::;===~~~~~~~~~~~~~T ~H~I;;~C~A~S~T ~I;O~~C~O~U ;N~T ;Y~~N;I;;W;;S ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;~~~~------~ LAFF OF THE WEEK Pyattes Celebrated All Friends Invited 1\l~~ ~·· d, 7,··~~:~am. Jr. nttondocl .lng To Hubert Maples the Girl Scout C"ampin11 Institute 25th Wedd Golden Anniversary in Am arillo 1\tesdny. All frlt'nd of Mr und Mrs ,lversary Jluhert Muplo hn,·o l>e


REPRES ENTING TEXAS TECH at the American Royal Livestock Exposition in Kanuu City are these memben .of Tech l ivettock J.u dging Team. left to right (front row) are Coach Stanley Anderson, auoc•ate profe uo~ of an•mal husbandry; Bob Anthony of Dimmitt; Randell Grooms of Brownwood: Jacky Mc An1nch of Merkel: and Sidney long of Goldthwaite. Atop the station wagon ere ~ob Brown of Throckmorton and Ric h 4rd ligon of loving. Th e team will judge all claues of l 1ves toc~ Saturday (Oct. lq ) in Ka nsas C ity. -tTexu Tech Ph oto)

''ll&.D.s a, 1 hue tomet.hlar i.e prenDt te 1•• tod ,., thai 1 • au.re wW m&kt: 1•• 't'U'J' bappJ • • • u HERE'S HOW EASY IT IS I 0 LO~ DOWN PAYMENT- Your old 1 AWO HAVE VOU equepment may cover this. f HA•E "0u Looom> LOOKED IN AT lf'olTO A M !PRO'l1 -..f::'~ PRETT"f? KtWIIGJWCJnJf ht PAYMENT-After your 1tSI aJILO£/M harvest. · r-'\ .SUPPLY "'Il.n.L BE PLEASED Miss De!l Byrnes PEOP\.E' 2IMI PAYMINT~ After your 1959 Shower Honoree horveet• •~ PINAL PAYMENT--After Your 1Ho ....,. ...., . -- ·s-~ ...... , - ~"'--; HELP WANTED: Lll Ul DIMONIIRAII THill IUnORI fOR YOU Nurse's Aides M-M FARM STORE


CASTRO CO-OP GIN ROAST • I JACK TUCKER, Manager . lb. • • • ••••••• 43c MART