
'r • Final Rites Held Highest Maize Yield Here Tuesday Of 6,899 lbs. Made JJy Hucom Nel liOn · The Castro County NiWS On Nazareth farm Russia probably diO more tOY.'ard Francis Jackson Offici .. l Public5t ion of c .. st ro Coul'lty, Te•• • enlightening the fret' world about Final ritrs for Mr. Frnnris its capabilities when it launched Jackson, 29, well' h<'ld here ;r;;~s-1 ;========================= hs earth satcllcite than any other day aflornoon at 3 o"dO<·k DIMMITT, CASTRO COUNTY, TEXAS , THURSDAY , OCTOBER 17, 1q57 •un.. ...r tht• t•IJ!:tu·~~ot ~r,&ht one thing could huvc possibly done. Church of Christ with _\Idol rt fJoi•rlt·d thu .. l.ir 1 a fill Jt cumc as a jurring truth to most Americans thnt Russia Is no . turg('SS or Tulia OtriC'Intl 0 t B "ld" t1tl lit•· I .trill ul 'lr, ( h 1rh Mr. Jn<kson, • )O<·al businO>h·l Ionge~ o. long Volgn Rl\('r \\tth uonse Ul mgs Ill I.. ,Jr • 111 ,,,,.u·t·lh. llf'l man. had rf·sid<'d in Dlmmm boatmen ulong ita bonks pullm1 Bobcats·to Start Conference m.a1l an tt.\f''r••'>•· of 6.6."-.t ropcos tied to groin barges. No C'lll'ly )OU1h nncl had ntt<•n<h'<l mitt Sohoul•. Jlo rNurnpd to 01 Up for B"ld Sale by puuud .. ~ol fll,lllt• un 117.11:"1 u(·rt" .. longer is Russin made up of IX'U· "hit II tu rt·H·nlh 1 ut On•• snnt.S harvcrtllng grain by hand on min ln 1916 afiN' Sf'r\ing with u s G t the Merohant Marine durln11o \\"odd , , t•lll' t '9 lt.f r tidd Jw 1·ut fUt'jlj the StePJX'S nor 11 It composed or overnmen War II On St·ptt·miH'r 15, . Play Against Dalhart Friday J•ourad ... J)<'Oplc mnchinc-{..'\UUllni: <'nch otlwr h(' rnarriNI '11ss 1\o,iln Ruth Kirby Four· 111,100-n. QuonsN huild~ \lr. Jll'fl.. t,.·lu·\f'" tn u .. ln~ in contlnuin;-: purges. Hussla Ia, ·nl" lJJOtmltt Bob(·ftll mnkl• h. 11 thi~ \\I'' k. I alh<1rt 1 in every sen.&e or the "ord, u .:oins.t nnd to this union \H.'I'I' born twu lni.:!'<t in 11Lmm 1tt nnd thrt•(' in !Jut\ IJh·uh ut ""h·r. lndudiiHC a 'itms, l<lml}('ril'(' F'I'Dn<"is nnd Jim· hn\'1' t)(•t·n orrrrrd fur sale on a lh~u fir I plun •e into CmfN"I'fl I' ~ n•ITnt)f r Jt\ lJammJ"' ha man ab- concern. ~·M.od s•rt· jtl.wlinr lrrl attl+>n ur tnl(' I·AA pi IV FtldA~ nl •hi \\hf•n th•:")' •t•l'll t•• run U(J 123 fl'f,linf to Ol•IX \\'e ~hould hB\'C S('Cn it durin~.! Eugen(', and t•nt• daughtrr, hid hn.,.is hy tht• t'n!lt><l !"lith~ to~l1• ~Aith of pu\\• 1 u 3."1 1n t h\L'> t~Au II m·c ,. ., .. .,,~ und ph·nt) \1nr~hn Gail. (;u\ ('I nnwnt. t•ne th most th r t cam the Korean '' nr wht'n Russian 1 rf111 das AA hu::h ch'.lf•l fo(Jthall •JI thtl uon and th tr onl) uf fHUIIu·r. Itt> h•h I'"Oiu.IU(tcd tcchnology &lhu:('(l onC' or tht> bt·!'lt nu-. farnil) mO\"Nl tu Cnllfm nln ·tn•• Quun!rot'l!>o in 1)JmmiH ha\1' n "' h1n 111 th Panh.trtdlf'. ha '"' n •J Lockn v hold1·r of th!' .1 nuntl;.·r 111 trluf., m lUI t·flurt In 1 52 anrl llvrd thf'rt• until th,.lr ht·t•n tht·d 1n th(' past ror storing jet planes or the time in Chinese ·nu•) 'f( Ill .)UUI'nl') tu Ualhun nwnher UJ,H p!Ut'(• th top To·n t•• dt·tt·rnllm· tht· bt-.,1 \\atf'r rC'Iurn to Dimmitt In 1936. \Vhll t• ~rain Hlltl ftW ·,..hilntmK fnrm wm­ m· hands to b<' usf'd ngulnst tht· 1 IIIMI iillf'lliPI !IJ hRIKI lhP \\',,l\1' Tilt' lktt "Ill WlU l \C 5h rth twd lt·rtHJ:.u·r <lJlf)lil wtlf"t r.tt•·.,. ln Cnllfomia, Mr. Jnfk..::nn \\8S lllt.dlta·:;. durin't th(' nnnu:1l Castro United Nations forc<'s. \Ve hould lht•lr enmd dPh•at ol thl• f'I\IIOn. ul!, r noon for thl!'tr aame Frida) tri<"k(•n \\ilh a rorf' d1 f'RSf' knoo.'n CCJunty Fnit Ttwy \\("rt' df'sn1t~l I ave seer~ It cnn mon.• re(.·rntl) IJ1tlh<tt1 lust lnM Fnd 1)-' tu a .p1ri· nili:ht and "1 tra ('I m l,rh:kte ns Llli>U!t Ery TI1£'rimatrlfl l~. whl<·h hy Charlf'~ Jlill, A.'C rtrl'lary fnr • 1 a Russian plan(', one of only ,,,, Pt·tf)ton u.•am. ~:>-~ P( n)· auturnvt.il(' 1n tead ol b l('ft h1m In poor hc·a!th until his l"a~lru ('•MIIlty as m n•l• t ,·rly tYIX'I of jet airliners in ser· 1 11•111 u po\\(•lhmuo( !hilt ).HI\ )l'•lr (;,Ill\(' ttnlt' \\IIi I~ at I., pm. d('nth Sunday. IIC' rntcrC'd ~ou.-t ('(JildJII()n. · cc in th(' \\Orld nt the time, land· It Ol'('d 3t;() IIH Vi£'w Jlospitnl and Clinic ;;ntur<tay fJonlllls to lor thtu * ' ... 00 in this Country. SinC'e rNurnins: tu ~.11~1mum Of"C'f'l"·'hlf' hids on 01Jpurn•n1 nnrl b (;(JOSid rt>tl tt lnf,. The fi.l.rbc-a.t h:and d a iz:zlin£: Russin, onC"e a baek\vord count· hnd oJ)('rntNI th(' Jark.own thE' huiltlin~§ nr(" .. 3.3R3% earh qw.hty ttnm th1s )t•ur. 21.11 c.IC'f at 1-"radt:,. n:.~tn kl th · ry utterly dc\"old ot techno!<M::Ical lng ServiC'('. lie WO!I horn \Ia\ Tt·ITI'I\ ur It'll' sal•· \\111 h~· (":J~h l11mtmtt cotu·hes htne plac:ed strong Hal Ctnt r tM b) accomplishment, has caught up unci thf' liii\U turf'S muc::t lM" movrd 192R. in Oickrns County, IJalhart on t111) tJf thrtr "''try li!!it lilt• hf•t-J•••t.lllg null of aul!b ck und surpn!tSrd cv!'ry olh('r nation !rum thl'lr pn•c::1•nt o.;.1tr within flO f'\i'l' Jll(t' the ~(' on !o>J:tt"tPd nu• :\or1n11n ,'\tl fJtl. In at lenst on!' mojo1· fi('ld Mr ,}nc k on is SUI'\ iVNI b\" d~IYS from dOl(' ot purdla!le un· \\•oiH havf' ..ne of th•~ lil\t1.t St 1-onn run l•lr ~ 13 of •.hi!' 31 t ''Nobody ton whip the l!nited \\ife and thrre childrrn: hi~· I•.. th·~ hu:orr l•ht.aln'i \\TIIIf'll ha··k!iPIW. 111 ar«-a hl~h s<-huul ) nb rolled up t.y [)immtn and Stm!'s·· •lnlf'thln~ \H~ all h(•. f'nts, l\lr. and 1\lrs Jo"' U. ;~~:;~~~~ <"nll!>(·ht frum th(' owm·r (J( thP footholl tulfl <l gnud lmt• I scored t'o\O tou hd·:J\\, tot(""' th heH. But the aloof assurance was of Dimmitt : two brolhf'r!l. l.md on whic·h thry nrr locatNI to nH BotKat• ore 6:aining a rtpu· hi~ H·ammute. fullhac·k • Zily r,u. tak('n from u~ ''hen Sputnik wus or Dimmitt and ~1('r('rllth fl('l'mlt thrm IC) f('mnin dwrMn for t.tuun th<lt Ualhart woulrt J1k to bJNlth, fm numhN ctf tall )I lnunclu>d For onr tlunlol 1t pro.. <'d tnt<'rm<'nt was in "\It-moria! G:1r • .1 lonL!t·r fll'•riud or tJm('. and \\hldl cl· \lltPgral('. 111e 1 .a\ h•am "" ~ lson m.ulc h s r 1 r uf tuur the Russians can lambast us at dPns und£'r diret:tlun c,f f_)l.·nnis \\ill I"Pirn!o>(' Commnrlity Cn-<ilt atf'fl hy Amnr•II•J l>aily :"t·w tJ.:Mru. m the fir 1 halt . nd fi • ''Ill with ac:curote ~kct , and It Funeral Jlom('. Currlf)r,ttiOn from nny rurth••r Tl"l· . rx•nwnh r. a th•• numl r t·.\u brrtth mad..• his durln 1 N:Jnd l.s pouible '' e couldn-t r<'tahnt!' at pun ibihty und<>r tht'lr rrntnl C'Oil· t•··1m of Panhanrllt• Cla'-s A.\ fl..lf,t· J)l•nro~l 011 t\\" al'lfl thr,..,. 'W thr mom('nt trat't. It n11~-;ht 1)(> urn(' for us to <" • · nw trurlllrf's mny t~ inspN.·t· .sld<'r th!' Rus ion as humnn b<'lns;:s Presbyterians Meet rd. ud<httonal tnformatum and hid 1 nnd a renlly Pfllcnt forcr 111 world furms ohtainNI b) ron ta c·tin~: "\lr affairs Our president should per· Kress Kangaroos Win Squeaker C'harlt'y F. l fill, County ASC (1(­ NORMAN NELSON hapa listen Instead of acting nnsty Wednesday Evening fkf" mana··•·r. JJo' f>67, l)imrnHt. when the Russians proJ)OS(.' nn· 'ot tf'lPph mr 61. prior to Non~rn· other conrerence of world leaders. Norman Nelson Is Local Prf'~b)1<'rlnns \\Ill ht.r 1, 1 1;17 friday With Hart Longhorns, 6-0 The Ru11 1ans, w(' admit. ttr(' not \\"ednesdny evenin..:. Ort< • r P,+ 1 will IX' act('J)tN1 on on(' the t)pe of JX'Opl(' we should auo­ m the Distri<'t C0t1n Rool1l more of th(' structur s.
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