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E2292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 16, 2009 CONGRATULATING THE YES PREP Coach Rawls has been coaching in Bronte, CELEBRATING HISPANIC PUBLIC SCHOOLS–NORTH CEN- Texas for the past 26 years. After growing up HERITAGE MONTH TRAL CAMPUS ON THEIR 2009 in Dimmitt, Texas and playing basketball for BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL AWARD the late Kenneth Cleveland, Coach Rawls HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON grew to love the game of basketball and de- OF TEXAS HON. GENE GREEN cided to make it his career. He graduated from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS Dimmitt High School in 1978. He then went to Wednesday, September 16, 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Howard Junior College in Big Spring, Texas to Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Wednesday, September 16, 2009 play basketball for the Hawks. After 2 years in Madam Speaker, I rise today to celebrate His- Big Spring, Coach Rawls left for Southwestern Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Madam panic Heritage Month, an observance of the University in Georgetown, Texas to finish out culture, traditions and contributions of the His- Speaker, I rise today to honor the YES Prep his college education, and, of course, to play Public Schools–North Central Campus in our panic community. ball. He graduated from Southwestern Univer- Started over 40 years ago, this month-long district for their dedication to academic excel- sity in May of 1983. Just months after his celebration from September 15 through Octo- lence that has earned them the honored dis- graduation from college the superintendent of ber 15, observes social, political, and cultural tinction of being a Blue Ribbon School in Bronte High School gave Rocky a call and of- advances of Americans descending from 2009. Spain, Mexico, South America, the Caribbean Since 1982, the U.S. Department of Edu- fered him a position as head basketball coach. and Spanish-speaking countries of Central cation’s Blue Ribbon Schools Program has The rest, as they say, is history. America. As the largest ethnic or race minority honored many of America’s most successful This past season Coach Rawls accom- in the United States, people of Hispanic origin schools, and I am proud of YES Prep Public plished a feat few basketball coaches accom- have made great strides to become among Schools–North Central Campus for all of its plish at any level. He earned his 500th career our nations finest medical professionals, legal hard work towards and dedication to achieving victory against Bronte’s rival, Robert Lee. scholars, scientists, business owners, civic the high academic standards that have earned Even more impressive is the fact that Coach leaders, artists, educators, and students. The them this award. The Blue Ribbon Award hon- Rawls has won all 500 games at one school. year 2009 will be remembered as a historic ors public and private elementary, middle and Bronte has been his home his entire coaching year for many reasons, including the appoint- high schools that are academically superior or career. ment of the first Hispanic to the Supreme have made dramatic gains in student achieve- Court, Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor. ment and helped close achievement gaps This past season, Coach Rawls helped the Bronte Longhorns go 25–3 and finish the sea- As a Representative of an area with a large among minority and disadvantaged students. Hispanic population, I recognize that the influ- This year 314 schools earned this coveted son ranked sixth in the state, also sweeping eventual state champion Roscoe throughout ences of this culture are interwoven into the award. fabric of our nation. The establishment of His- YES Prep Public Schools–North Central the season. Subsequently, Coach Rawls was deservingly named Coach of the Year by the panic Heritage Month was a catalyst for the Campus is a school that strives to increase founding of many important organizations pro- San Angelo Standard Times. the number of low-income Houstonians who moting development and advancement for the graduate from a four-year college prepared to Coach Rawls and his wife, Terri, have 3 Hispanic community, including the United compete in the global marketplace and com- sons. Logan, a student at Angelo State Uni- States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and mitted to improving disadvantaged commu- versity, and twins Dakota and Kerwin, now the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. nities. Under the supervision of Principal Mr. juniors at Bronte High School, have all played This month presents an opportunity to remind Mark DiBella, YES also works to develop stu- ball for their dad. Bronte has been the home the country of the achievements we are capa- dents who are active in the community. YES of a long and successful career for Coach ble of as a diverse nation and an opportunity stands for Youth Engaged in Service and stu- Rocky Rawls, who after winning 500 to show our youth their potential. As the fast- dents dedicate one Saturday each month to ballgames I hear thinks it just might be a great est growing demographic group, it is important community service projects. YES also requires place to stay and win 500 more. Asked when to not only recall past accomplishments, but to that students participate in longer school days, he might retire, Coach Rawls has joked that look to the future as well. college research trips, summer school and ‘‘not until they ask me to coach girls,’’ which Celebrations will be held across the United summer opportunities—80 percent of YES’ after also stepping in as head football and States this month to recognize the contribu- student base is comprised of economically dis- boys track coach at various times, happens to tions of the Hispanic community, and I urge advantaged individuals, and their motto is ‘to be the only thing he hasn’t coached at Bronte. my colleagues to join me in celebrating His- do whatever it takes’ to improve themselves panic Heritage Month. Coach Rawls has instilled invaluable leader- and their horizons through educational re- f sources provided through the school. YES ship skills in the many students who have Prep Public Schools–North Central Campus called him ‘‘Coach.’’ He has incorporated the EARMARK DECLARATION serves as an example that through hard work important values of self-discipline and perse- much can be achieved. verance into every practice, and ensured that HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN They are an inspiration for all schools in the the beliefs and conduct they learn on the court OF FLORIDA Houston area, and I congratulate the adminis- becomes a part of their daily lives as well. By IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tration, teachers, parents, and students at example, Coach Rawls has instilled the impor- Wednesday, September 16, 2009 YES Prep Public Schools–North Central Cam- tance of faith, family and community in the Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speaker, pur- pus on this great accomplishment. many lives he has touched throughout his suant to the Republican Leadership standards f years in Bronte. It is my great pleasure to ex- on earmarks, I am submitting the following in- tend my personal congratulations to Coach formation regarding earmarks I received as HONORABLE RECOGNITION OF Rawls on his remarkable achievement of 500 COACH ROCKY RAWLS, BRONTE, part of H.R. 3183—Energy and Water Appro- victories, as well as express my sincere re- TEXAS 2009 NATIONAL COACHES priations Act, 2010. spect and appreciation for the positive impact APPRECIATION WEEK Requested by Rep. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN he has had on the lives of many of the boys Bill number: H.R. 3183 from Bronte, Texas. As an educator and a Account: Army Corps of Engineers, Con- HON. K. MICHAEL CONAWAY coach, he has had a hand in molding so many struction OF TEXAS of them into men we can all be proud of. Amount: $500,000 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Project: Florida Keys Wastewater Improve- Madam Speaker, I myself, as a former ath- ment Project Wednesday, September 16, 2009 lete in both high school and college recognize Requested by: City of Key West, City of Mr. CONAWAY. Madam Speaker, I rise that we owe men and women like Rocky Marathon, Key Largo Wastewater Treatment today in recognition of National Coaches Ap- Rawls a great debt of gratitude. On behalf of District preciation Week and to acknowledge the ac- current, former and future student athletes, Federal funding of this project is needed to complishments and dedication of one coach in whose lives will forever be founded in the continue moving forward with the initiative out- particular: Coach Rocky Rawls of Bronte, ideals and work ethics of competitive athletics, lined in The Florida Keys Water Quality Im- Texas. I say, ‘‘Thank you.’’ provements Act, which authorized $100 million VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:37 Sep 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16SE8.039 E16SEPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS.