Code Company Sector MIG A.C.N

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Code Company Sector MIG A.C.N Code Company Sector MIG A.C.N. 059 457 279 Information Technology AXL A.C.N.603323182 Financials AYI A1 Invest & Res Limited Financials A2B A2B Australia Limited Industrials ABP Abacus Property Group Real Estate ABL Abilene Oil & Gas Energy AEG Absolute Equity Perf ABT Abundant Produce Limited Consumer Staples AJC Acacia Coal Limited Energy AKG Academies Aus Group Consumer Discretionary ACB A-Cap Energy Limited Energy AX8 Accelerate Resources Materials AX1 Accent Group Limited Consumer Discretionary ACS Accent Resources NL Materials ACQ Acorn Cap INV Fund ACF Acrow Formwork Industrials ACR ACRUX Limited Health Care ACW Actinogen Medical Health Care AIV Activex Limited Materials XARO Activexardearealbnd Trading Managed Units FP ADA Adacel Technologies Information Technology ADH Adairs Limited Consumer Discretionary 1AD Adalta Limited Health Care ADD Adavale Resource Limited Energy AAU Adcorp Australia Consumer Discretionary ABC Adelaide Brighton Materials ADR Adherium Limited Health Care AHZ Admedus Limited Health Care ADY Admiralty Resources Materials ADT Adriatic Metals Materials ADJ Adslot Limited Information Technology ABV ADV Braking Tech Limited Consumer Discretionary ANO Advance Nanotek Limited Materials ASW Advanced Share Limited Financials AV1 Adveritas Limited ADX ADX Energy Limited Energy AER Aeeris Limited Information Technology AML Aeon Metals Limited Materials AEI Aeris Environmental Industrials AIS Aeris Resources Limited Materials AFL Af Legal Group Limited Industrials AEB Affinity Energy Health Care AFR African Energy Res Energy A1G African Gold Limited Materials AFT AFT Corporation Information Technology AFP Aft Pharmaceuticals Foreign Exempt NZX Health Care APT Afterpay Touch Information Technology AGL AGL Energy Limited Utilities AGJ Agricultural Land Ordinary Units FP Real Estate AMN Agrimin Limited Materials AGR Aguia Res Limited Materials AHL Ahalife Holdings Limited Consumer Discretionary A1M Aic Mines Limited Materials APW Aims Pror Sec Fund Ordinary Units FP Real Estate Code Company Sector AGI Ainsworth Game Tech Consumer Discretionary AIZ Air New Zealand Foreign Exempt NZX Industrials AJL AJ Lucas Group Industrials AQG Alacer Gold Corp Materials AUQ Alara Resources Limited Materials ALY Alchemy Resource Limited Materials ALC Alcidion Group Limited Health Care AL8 Alderan Resource Limited Materials ARN Aldoro Resources Materials LEP Ale Property Group Real Estate AJX Alexium Int Group Materials AQI Alicanto Min Limited Materials AQX Alice QUEEN Limited Materials A40 Alitares Materials ALK Alkane Resources Limited Materials AHQ Allegiance Coal Limited Materials AMT Allegra Orthopaedics Health Care AQZ Alliance Aviation Industrials AGS Alliance Resources Materials AGE Alligator Energy Energy AYR Alloy Resources Materials A4N Alpha Hpa Limited Materials ALQ Als Limited Industrials ARS Alt Resources Limited Materials AZI Alta ZINC Limited Materials ATC Altech Chem Limited Materials ATH Alterity Therap Limited Health Care AIQ Alternative Invest Ordinary Units FP 1AG Alterra Limited Industrials AGH Althea Group Health Care ALU Altium Limited Information Technology AME Alto Metals Limited Materials AJM Altura Mining Limited Materials AWC Alumina Limited Materials AMA AMA Group Limited Industrials ANL Amani Gold Limited Materials AYS Amaysim Aus Limited Telecommunication Services AMO Ambertech Limited Information Technology AMB Ambition Group Limited Industrials AMH Amcil Limited AMC Amcor Plc Cdi 1:1 Foreign Exempt NYSE Materials ABR American Pacific Materials AOW American Patriot Oil Energy AMP AMP Limited Financials DMKT Ampcap Dynamic MKTHF Trading Managed Fund Units FP GLIN Ampcap Global Infra Trading Managed Fund Units FP RENT Ampcap Global Prop Trading Managed Fund Units FP ATX Amplia Therapeutics Health Care AYZ Amyf Five Limited AYK Amyf Four Limited ANQ Anaeco Limited Industrials ALT Analytica Limited Health Care ANR Anatara LS Limited Health Care ADN Andromeda Metals Limited Materials Code Company Sector ATM Aneka Tambang Materials AS1 Angel Seafood Consumer Staples AAR Anglo Australian Materials AGG Anglogold Ashanti Cdi 5:1 Foreign Exempt Jse Materials AB1 Animoca Brands Corp Information Technology AWV Anova Metals Limited Materials ANN Ansell Limited Health Care ANA Ansila Energy Energy ASN Anson Resources Limited Materials ADO Anteo Diagnostics Health Care AZY Antipa Minerals Limited Materials APL Antipodes Global INV ANP Antisense Therapeut Health Care AGX1 ANTPDS Globl SHRS Trading Managed Units FP ANZ ANZ Banking Group Limited Financials APE AP Eagers Limited Consumer Discretionary APH AP Hemp Limited Health Care APA APA Group FP Units Stapled Securities Utilities AHX Apiam Animal Health Health Care AQR Apn CONV Retail REIT FP Units Stapled Securities Real Estate ADI Apn Industria REIT Real Estate APD Apn Property Group Financials AOP Apollo Consolidated Materials AON Apollo Minerals Limited Materials ATL Apollo Tourism Consumer Discretionary APX Appen Limited Information Technology AD1 Applydirect Limited Information Technology APV Appsvill Information Technology AQS AQUIS Ent Limited Consumer Discretionary ARU Arafura Resource Limited Materials ARB ARB Corporation Consumer Discretionary AXE Archer Exploration Materials AR9 Archtis Limited Information Technology ARL Ardea Resources Limited Materials ALG Ardentleisuregrpltd Consumer Discretionary ADV Ardiden Limited Materials ARF Arena REIT Real Estate ARD Argent Minerals Materials AXT Argo Exploration Materials ALI Argo Global Limited ARG Argo Investments ARE Argonaut Resources Materials AGY Argosy Minerals Limited Materials ARA Ariadne Australia Industrials ALL Aristocrat Leisure Consumer Discretionary AHK Ark Mines Limited Materials AJQ Armour Energy Limited Energy AWN Arowana Internat Limited Industrials ARQ ARQ Group Limited Information Technology AMD Arrow Minerals Materials ARV Artemis Resources Materials AAJ Aruma Resources Limited Materials AHY Asaleo Care Limited Consumer Staples AJY Asaplus Resources Materials Code Company Sector AFA Asf Group Limited Financials ASH Ashley Services Group Industrials AJJ Asian Amer Medical Health Care APZ Aspen Group Real Estate ASP Aspermont Limited Consumer Discretionary AKM Aspire Mining Limited Materials AO1 Assetowl Limited Information Technology AIR Astivita Limited Industrials ARO Astro Resources NL Materials ATR Astron Corp Limited Materials ASX ASX Limited Financials ATA Atc Alloys Limited Materials AHN Athena Resources Materials ALX Atlas Arteria Stap US Prohibited Excluding QUP Industrials ATP Atlas Pearls Limited Consumer Discretionary AMS Atomos Consumer Discretionary ATU Atrum Coal Limited Materials AUB AUB Group Limited Financials AIA Auckland Internation Foreign Exempt NZX Industrials AVC Auctus Alt INV Limited Financials ACP Audalia Res Limited Materials AD8 Audinategroupltd Information Technology AKP Audio Pixels Limited Consumer Discretionary AKN Auking Mining Limited Materials AU8 Aumake Int Limited Consumer Discretionary AEE Aura Energy Energy AMI Aurelia Metals Limited Materials AUR Auris Minerals Limited Materials AZJ Aurizon Holdings Limited Industrials AOU Auroch Minerals Limited Materials ABW Aurora Absolute Ordinary Units FP AIB Aurora GLB Trust Ordinary Units FP A3D Aurora Labs Limited Industrials ARM Aurora Minerals Limited Materials AUP Aurora Property Ordinary Units FP ANW Aus Tin Mining Materials AC8 Auscann Group HLGS Limited Health Care AUC Ausgold Limited Materials AMG Ausmex Mining GP Limited Materials AOA Ausmon Resorces Materials AST Ausnet Services Limited Utilities AQC Auspaccoal Limited Materials AQD Ausquest Limited Materials ABX Aust Bauxite Limited Materials AHF Aust Dairy Group Consumer Staples AFG Aust Finance Group Financials APC Aust Potash Limited Materials ARC Aust Rural Cap Limited Financials AVL Aust Vanadium Limited Materials AVG Aust Vintage Limited Consumer Staples AWY Aust Whisky Holdings Consumer Staples ASB Austal Limited Industrials AUL Austar Gold Limited Materials AUH Austchina Holdings Energy Code Company Sector ANG Austin Engineering Industrials APG Austpac Resources NL Materials AGD Austral Gold Materials AYM Australia United Min Materials AAP Australian Agri Limited Consumer Staples AAC Australian Agricult Consumer Staples AYF Australian Enhanced Units FP AEF Australian Ethical Financials AFI Australian Foundat ALF Australian Leaders AUZ Australian Mines Limited Materials API Australian Pharm Health Care AUI Australian United in AOF Australian Unity Off Ordinary Units FP Real Estate AGM Australiangovernance Ordinary Units FP ATS Australis Oil & Gas Energy ANS Austsino Res Group Limited Materials ABA Auswide Bank Limited Financials AUT Auteco Minerals Materials AIY Authorised Invest ASG Autosports Group Limited Consumer Discretionary AVA AVA Risk Group Limited Information Technology AVE Avecho Biotech Limited Health Care AEV Avenira Limited Materials AVN Aventus Group Real Estate AOG Aveo Group Real Estate AVW Avira Resources Limited Materials AVH Avita Medical Limited Health Care AVJ Avjennings Limited Real Estate AVZ AVZ Minerals Limited Materials AVQ Axiom Mining Limited Materials AXI Axiom Properties Real Estate AZM Azumah Resources Materials AZT AZURE Health Tech Information Technology AZV AZURE Healthcare Limited Health Care AZS AZURE Minerals Materials BBN Baby Bunting Group Limited Consumer Discretionary BPP Babylon Pump & Power Industrials BTI Bailador Tech INV Financials BOQ Bank of Queensland Financials BMN Bannerman Resources Energy BAP Bapcor Limited Consumer Discretionary BD1 BARD1 Life Sciences Health Care BDC Bardoc
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