INSTITUTION Controlledoscillators. Each Lesson Follows a Typical

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INSTITUTION Controlledoscillators. Each Lesson Follows a Typical DOCUMENT RESUME ED 190 906 CE 026 591 TITLE ' Military Curricula'for Vocational & Technical . Education. Baied Electricity and Electronics*. CANTRAC A-100%0010. Module 32: Intermediate Oscillators. Study Booklet. INSTITUTION Chief of Naial Education and Training Support, Pensacola, Fla.: Ohio State Univ., Columbus. National Center for Research in Vocational Education. '. FEPORT No CMTT-E-050 rut DATE Jul BO NOTE 262p.:Forfrelateddocuments see CE 026 560-593. --, , EDRS PRICE MFO1 /PC11 Plus Postage. DESCFIFTORS . *Electricty: *Electronics: Individualized Instruction: Learning Activities: Learning Modules: Postsecondary Education: Programed Instruction:' *Technical Education IDENTIFIERS Military COrriculum Project: *Oscillators ABSTRACT This individualized learning module on intermediate oscillators is one in a series of modules for a course in basic electricity and electronics. The course is one of a number of military-developed curriculum packages selected for adaptation to vocational instructional and curriculum develbpsent in a civilian setting. Five lessons are included in the module: (1) Hartley . Oscillators,(2) Resistiye Capacitive Phase Shift Oscillators, (21 Wien.-Bridge Cscillators, (U) Blocking Oscillators, and(5) Crystal ControlledOscillators. Each lesson follows a typical format including a lesson overview, a list of study resources, the lesson content, a programmed instruction sections, and .a lesson summary. (Progress checks and other supplementary material are provided for each lesson in a students guide, CE 026 590.1 (LEA) i' *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be jade * * from the original document. * *********************************************************************** rd. .1770.1114.131Pr Ara:AIL* %IR 6 10 411. t v-- . C:k LAJ CHIEF OF NAVAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING.1, ilitaryurrla CNTT-E-054. \\.. 4- al JULY 1980 we' Technical Education I BASIC ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRONICS'. MODULE 32. INTERMEDIATE OSCILLATORS. U.S. DEPARTMENT OPHEALTH. STUDY BOOKLET. EDUCATION A WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OP .1) EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HASSEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY ASRECEIVED ROM 0 THE PERSON OR ORGAN'ZAT ION OR I GIN- ATING IT POINTS OF VIEWOR PpIADONS STATED DO NOTNECESSARILY REPRE. 11) SENTOMCIAL NATIONALINSTITUTE OF apt:CATION POSITION ORPOLICY u THE NATIONAL CENTER FORR!lEtR.C110 I. STATE UNIY TY MILITARY CURRICULUM MATERIALS The military - developed curriculum materials in this course, package were selected by the National Center for Research in Vocational Education Military Curriculum Project for dissem- ination to the six regional Curriculum Coordination Centers and other instructional materials agencies.The purpose of disseminating these courses was to make curriculum materials developed by the military more accessible to vocational educators in the civilian setting. The coarse materials were acquired, evaluated by project staff and practitioners in the field, and prepared for dissemination.Materials which were specific to the nilitary were deleted, copyrighted materials were either omitted or appro- val for their use was obtained.These course packages contain curriculum resource materials which can be adapted to support ,voca onal instruction and curriculum development. ( At 3 / Military Curriculum Materials What Materials How Can These 4 Dissemination Is. Are Available? Materials Be Obtained? iliaLcila-lie.1z.., Liallamiait;lite-..:];-gals:; 1 ao activity to increase the accessibility of One hundred twenty courses on microfiche Contact the Curriculum Coordination Center military-developed curriculum materials to (thirteen in paper form) and descriptions of in your region for information on obtaining Vocational and technical educators. each have been provided to-the vocational materials (e.g.,' availability and cost). They Curriculum Coordination Centers and other will respond to your request directly or refer This project, funded bythe U.S Office of instructional materials agencies for dissemi- you to an instructional materials agency Education, includes the identification and flat*. closer to you. acquisition of curriculum materials in print form from the Coast Guard, Air Force, Course materialsinclude programmed Army, Marine Corps and Navy. instruction, curriculum outlines, instructor CURR(CULITI COORUtNATIO CENTERS guides, student workbooks and technical Access to military curriculum materials is manuals. EAST CENTRAL NORTHWEST provided through a "Joint Memorandum of Rebecca S. Douglass William Daniels Understanding" between the U.S. Office of The 120 courses represent the following Director Director Education and the Department of Defense. sixteen vocational subject areas: 100 North First Street Building 17 Springfield, IL 62777 Airdustrial Park The acquired materials are reviewed by staff Agriculture Food Service 217/782-0759 Olympia,WA 98504 and subject matter specialists, and courses Aviation . Health 206/753.0879 deemed applicable to vocational and tech. 'Building & Heating & Air nical education are selected for dissemination. Construction Conditioning MIDWEST SOUTHEAST Trades Machine Shop Robeit Patton James F. Shill, Ph.D. The National Center for Research in Clerical Management & Director Director Vocational Education the U.S. Office of Occupations Supervision 1515 West Sixth Ave. Mississippi State University Education's designairepresentative to Communications Meteorology & Stillwater, OK 74704 Drawer DX bcquire the materials and conduct the project Drafting Navigation 405/377-2000 Mississippi State. MS 39762 activities. Electronics , Photography 601/325-2510 Engine Mechanics Public Service Project Staff: NORTHEAST WESTERN The number of courses and the subject areas Joseph F. Kelly, Ph.D. Lawrence F. H. Zane, Ph.D. Wesley E. Budke Ph.D.. Director- represented will expand as additional mate- Director Director National Center Clearinghouse rials with application to vocational and 225 West State Street 1776 University Ave. Shirley A. Chase, Ph.D. technical education are identified and selected Trenton. NJ 08625 Honolulu, HI 96822 Project Director for dissemination. 609/292.6562 808/948.7834 U 4 4., Military Curriculum I ) Materials for The National Center Vocational and Mission Statement Technical Education The National Center for Research in lilionrlien arid Field Vocational Education's mission is to increase Services Division the ability of diverse agencies, institutions, and organizations' to solve educational prob- lems relating to individual career planning:. preparation, and progression. The National . The i.!l'ioiril Center for Rrr;narch Center fulfills its mission by: in 'oc:-.tiernl Critsi3ation Generating knowledge through research 0, Developing educational programs and products Evaluating individual program needs and outcomes Installing educational programs and products ... Operating i rmation systems and services t Conducting leadership development and training programs FOR FURTHER INFORM ION ABOUT Military Curriculum Materials WRITE OR CALL Program Information Office The National Center for Research inVocatfonal Education The Ohio State University . 1960 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Telephone: 614/486-3655 or Toll Free 800/ ,...848-4815 within the continental U.S. U I.. blexcept Ohio) - Overview Thirty Two-1 4 OVERVIEW BASIC-ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRONICS MODULE 32 . InterMediate Oscillators In this module you will learn about several' different types of oscillators. You will learn how oscillator output frequencies are determined, maintained, and how the oscillator circuit converts DC to AC. You will learn about regenerative feedback and how it is used to sustain oscillation:Also you will become famil- iar with the circuit configurations of the various types of oscillators and their special use. Besides learning about oscillators which produce sinusoidal outputs, you will learn about oscillators which provide other output waveforms. This module has been divided into five lessons: Lesson 1 'Hartley Oscillators Lesson 2 RC Phase Shift Oscillators Lesson.. 3 Mien-Bridge Oscillators re Lesson 4Blocking Oscillators Lesson 5 Crystal Controlled Oscillators 'Q. ,.. \ I 2 , 8 PREPARED FOR BASIC ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRONICS CANTHAC A-100-0010, MODULE THIRTY TWO INTERMEDIATEOSCILLATOiS dre,... PREPARED.BY NAVAL EDUCATION AND TRAININGTROGRAM DEVELOPMENT CENTER DETACHMENT GREAT LAKES NAVAL TRAINING CENTER GREAT LAKES, ILLINOIS60088 JULY 1980 1 9 14 ew - Thirty Two-1. OVERVIEW LESSON 1 Hartley Oscillators In this lesson you will learn about Hartley oscillatorsand their application in eloctrnnics equipment. You will learn to identify schematics for series and shunt-fed Hartley oscillators, and become familiarwith operation of these circuits. You will learn to trace current flow in Hartley oscillator circuits and learn about possible applications forthis type of signal source. The learning objectives of this lessonare as follows: TERMINAL OBJECTIVE(S): 32.1.56 When the student completes this lesson (s)he will be able to IDENTIFY the schematic diagrams,component functions, and operation,1 principles of series-fed and shunt-fed Hartley oscillator circuits, includinp the accomplishment of phase shift action, by selecting statements from a choice of four. 100% accuracy is reouired. ENABLING OBJECTIVE(S): When the student completes this lesson. (s)he will bp able'tnr IDENTIFY the functions of an LC oscillator and its three sections . by selecting the correct statement from
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