Basketball in Limelight I V T 7SWES35KL
babqib (gteMn? StlSlilDISIR--mmw PAGES 46 Years Old And New Twice Every Week 10 CENTS 47 mUME LITTLEFIELD, LAMB COUNTY, TEXAS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1969 NUMBER 63 Ai MRS. GEORGIA TAYLOR, deputy tax assessor-collecto- r, compares this year's black-on-whit- e license plate to next year's blue-on-whi- plates. The 1970 plates will be the second issue of reflectorized plates In Texas and will go on sale Feb. 1. Basketball In Limelight I v T 7SWES35KL.. LITTLEFIELD, AREA TEAMS IN TOURNEYS It is roundball season and the spotlight 3:30 Thursday afternoon in the Slaton is on basketball this week in Littlefield tourney. Winners will play winners of the and area towns as the first of a series of Spur-Slato- n game Friday evening at 8:50 basketball tournaments open invitational and losers play losers at 3:30 p.m. Friday. flPPPPPPLm play. Littlefield's Junior Varsity, Spade, VW Tfv ffBBBBBBBBBBH Littlefield Wildcats meet Roosevelt at Whitharral, Amherst, Anton, Bledsoe, Lazbuddie, Smyer and New Deal boys and girls begin play in the Anton Chase Nets Invitational Tourney at noon Thursday. L, Whitharral and Bledsoe girls lead off at bbbhT'-"''- ' T&wLTfjJWj rOKk. m BBBP''I,,B,! Jut 12 noon today. Whitharral and Bledsoe boys tangle at 1:20 following the girls' mvr T"- Nine Tickets game. Spade girls try the Lazbuddie BBLYBk OBBBBKAk'" V tsfk'Lw . LbbV m " lassies at 2:40 today. f9 A total of nine tickets was issued to r Littlefield Varsity and the KFi ipL jpFppppT p ''pppm 3tU'mm B two drivers Tuesday afternoon following Junior fi ;, Spade Longhoms duel in the opening a 100 mph chase by a city patrolman game Friday noon.
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