14 PAGES 10 CENTS Van yam ysammm m kw wmsapr 45 Years Old - - And New Twice Every Week VOLUME 45 LITTLEFIELD, LAMB COUNTY. TEXAS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1969 NUMBER 44 County Soon Will Be fc C v: Hog Raising Country Lamb County's first major hog annually, according to his feeding was apparently referring to research on wouldn't make enough profit to make I producing project is in its early formula. portable farrowinL units announced the farmer appreciate the hog business. construction period, it was disclosed Pritchard, who attended school in earlier this month by Dr. Tom "It takes volume," he said Monday in the final portion of the Anton and later in Littlefield before Longnecker, of the High Plains "With an investment it takes to annual Soil Fertility Day program. his father, V E., moved the family to Research Foundation at Halfway. make a good profit, you can't just turn The project, being built at Bainer Plainview where ho entered the ginning He often, during his talk, compared it over to anybodv It requires your Switch some six miles East of business, said there were three other the benefits of permanent, time, or the time of a well-traine- d Littlefield. is owned by former operations of the type now under airconditioncd and heated buildings specialist who is dedicated and will resident Dr Clifford E. Payne, now a construction. They are at Lockney, with good sanitation drainage built in, stay on the job," he said. Lubbock physician. between Kress and Tulia, and at with the eight-foo- t by 21-fo- pens to All the hog production operations Finished feeders from the Payne pig Hereford. be used by the Foundation in its he toid about will be the SPF, or parlor will be sold in Plainview to go These major production farms, study. "disease free" hogs. This is for "ffit-j- 400-so- 1 into the Jimmy Dean SPF Pure Pork along with Pritchard's The speaker even said the 200 to healthfulness of the animals that they Sausage operation at Edmonson, will be the 300 operation in portable pens See HOGS Page 13 AND MRS WILEY Roberts have gone from half soling shoes Making the announcement was prime producers for the 175.000-hea- portrait painting. I neir cnanging norses in mid-strea- is former Anton and Littlefield resident annual needs of the sausage business hricamsm m action, i neir new vocation iook mem out or xne Troy Pritchard, who is a partner in the And Pritchard is quick to point out l.e collar abor class, into a wnue conar proression wnere tney nave pending sausage business with brother that that figure is based on the plant's eight-hour-da- y Called respect on Dean. capacity He says he's Plan and admiration ot professionals the national level. Jimmy and Don Water Dr. Payne's enterprise, when more than willing to keep the lights on IN A 'FLASH". completed in the near future, will be for 16 hours a day if the hogs are stocked by 80 head of breeder sows available year-roun- from the Pritchard production herd. The Plainview farmer businessman est Thine For Us' They are crosses of Hampshire, Duroc estimated Dr Payne will require only and Yorkshire. five to seven men to handle the he "This new water plan is the best group reconsidered and drew up a plan Roberts Starting out slowly. Pritchard said 600-so- operation, once it gets into including this area Changed ever thing that happened to us." the operation would progress on a full production He basis this on his Littlefield farmer, John D Smith, told to the Plains." Smith said "This is the paying basis until it reaches a 600-so- own farm's requirements of three men best thing that ever happened -- farmers and ranchers attending the capacity, with production of to handle 100 ows for their )om annual Soil Fertility program Monday "With Bull Lake designated as one Shoes To Shots approximately 12,000 slaughter pigs production of the major storage points. Lamb Willy Room of the REA Cost of installation at the Pritchard in the annually. building. County is in the bull's eye center." benefit. Pritchard told the farm, including stock, buildings and The "We were real disappointed with Smith said. VIAmRODGERS Plains College attended audience, would be the consumption everything, were set at $600 per sow South Roberts the first proposal " Smith toid the Smith believes that importing water In Winona, Ind., in area-produce- d grain He said the initial figure was high, the national school of group. "The said the South from out of state is the only answer -) engineers .- Mr u ip sorghum, .about 6 million pounds but paid over the long haul t Roberts have 1966 Plains was just too big and needed so for the water needs years from now. a in Pritchard discouraged small II 'on n.ii repairing to Mrs Roberts has been student water, they just left us out." California has done this, he said, and ' as a financially successful much - c rM i photography. a number of short courses and various operations many engineers say there is no problem operation Smith told about thet h i witihing horses in educational workshops. She took six operation, stating if Initial netting the water the Mississippi i meetings, with Hip,h l,l3JBgJftTmeriy f"it 4 JLSJ M .Ima Roberts hours of regular art at SPC. Mrs Slid an Bank wem.too expense (at ru3i iJMdua! up here. iSf tuvfcr voicing, II --rtr dliponilrfWWAfttJr i in oil, too. he should recruit rAfrtbriJhtion from r Roberts docs still paintings many hearings, he ssid, the water ,1 P 'j worked In shoe "The brush strokes are the same as in neighbors or city inventory' "The problem," Smith said, "is the He was sold small, "The new water plan Texas financing getting the people in a voung man in painting portraits," she said. Both are Depository not on fr and fcuatv of tlu plat, ed water v, r started to work for working on becoming a master portable farrowing units, either. He brings Mississippi to let us have their water." The First National Bank of Sudan In an earlier speech Dr. Lavon Ray. v Phelps Ae in craftsman. It takes 25 merits. These -- County's depository for He .cd for I.illv seen are gained by becoming a specialist in will be Lamb associate professor at Texas A&M 1969-70- . it was Monday by la. 3 ,M the shoe repair one or more fields and then giving decided Universitv. Dr Rav told the assembly ' the commissioners' court. to careful in choosing cotton J Roberts ran their programs in this specialty to other School 'Cook be Approval of the Sudan bank came Judge, "Remember," Dr. Ray P tuo years ago associations. varieties full discussion by commissioners long run. the c J i shoe repairing This year the Roberts are going into after admonished, "in the precinct 1 w ill ti' iiher photography deeper by buying their of two bids. Hubert Dykes, longer staple cotton pay off." commissioner, moved to name the i 0 ears of own color lab and processing and ' his motion was nberts are making printing their own color film. Sudan bank and Honored By Olton Don Johnson from Plains Cotton seconded by T. H. Lewis, Precinct 2 m the field of The Roberts Studio is American Growers, Inc. Lubbock, said the commissioner. democracy in action "Every year for By JOELLA LOVVORN New officers and directors of the decline in long staple and in difficulty County Judge G. T. Sides joined the past three or four years," Roberts Newt Editor Leader News and in selling the longer length of cotton Huberts had an for the Chamber of Commerce - 1 Dykes and Lewis in voting mills switching to per l hung at the said, "we've doubled what we gained Sides Agriculture were recognized. Max was due to the motion. Precinct 3 Commissioner Jack Lamb County Judge Truitt A I "We made a 35 per serve as blends. i irtrait was among the year before 1 and Mrs Ray (Margie) Slatten were Malone will continue to t ''-'- Peel abstained and Precinct U. S. u ' ne of only two Man and president. Earl Spruiell will be Johnson said the needed a See ROBERTS Page 13 Commissioner A. J. Spain was absent honored as Outstanding t, carry-ove- r 7 million bales , n to earn this Woman of Olton for 1968 at the Elmer Moore is of around The court order said the Sudan a continuous and stablo Olton Chamber of Commerce secretary-treasure- and Basil Sherman per year for bank will be the county depository for Annual prosent (btyr ' tve won many Agriculture Banquet Tuesday is West Texas C of C Director supply of cotton. He said the Lamb County time deposits and all and acres in Lubbock and WEATHER night. New members of the board of trend was "transporting cotton i county monies for the next two years. " k on r vniih Plains. "We Burrus, recipient of the directors are Leon Noack Mike bmith rather than cotton bales - Margaret Mt f"- Prior to Monday's meeting, the A for those attending 1 these too." Mrs. H L P 1966 Outstanding Woman award, Melvin Rape Rovce McFadden and K free barbeque sa ' court had named both the First out the annual program. i b these aren't like 30 a Mrs Slatten. and Y Glvens rounded Feb. 12 58 National of Littlefield and the First presented plaque to ig m the national 35 Outstanding Man, Feb.
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