Approach Iron The Chip Iron The Niblic The

N the new Burke Smithirons the that it simplifies the execution of I weight center is directly behind successful shots from sand and heavy grass. It's legal. the point of ball impact. Results: The Chip Iron is deadly in execut- Greater accuracy, less from ing that short run-up to the pin mis-stroking, and—through the green from just off the green. It increases —greater distance. your one-putt greens. These clubs are scientific means to The Putter has its weight in such balance that it helps smooth your reduced scoring, tested in actual play. putting stroke, giving distance and Now available in four models: direction control. , We challenge any golfer to see The Approach Iron gives mid-iron distance. The rounded sole helps these models in a shop without you escape the penalties of divoting examining them, becoming interested and topping. and buying one or all four ! See them The Niblic has its weight so built —feel them—today! Burke CLUBS • BAGS • BALLS V THE BURKE GOLF COMPANY . . . NEWARK, OHIO turb resultful deliberation. That is ex- satisfied that when we get down to bed- actly the problem of the department heads rock we will find that an important factor at each country club in the United States. in the origin of this unhappy condition is By this I don't mean that we haven't team- the lack of understanding between man- work and a lot of it at country clubs, be- agers, greenkeepers and pros. If they cause we have: One of my finest and la- would talk over each other's problems on mented friends, the late manager at Old a considerate basis they all would be in Elm, was a man who meant a lot to me a position to be of mutual help in "selling" in my work and I am vain enough to say each other to the club officials and mem- that I very earnestly did everything that bers with whom they are in most intimate I could contribute in my small way to his contact. success in a very unusual and difficult situation. Tells Pros' Case Our club is not representative. It has a There is a thoroughly unfounded belief very exclusive membership of wealthy men among many club managers that the pro- and our problem, while not those of han- fessional is reeking in wealth acquired dling heavy play, are made just as trying from sales. The manager may by the perfectly pardonable insistence of see the sale slips coming through and he our members having absolutely everything sees the pro completely arrayed like Sol- absolutely right. omon in all his glory as the selling front of the pro business. But the manager Figures Show Harmony doesn't see the expense side. A gross At the average country club you can al- profit of 33% in a short-season specialty most invariably tell that harmony exists business would be a hopeless picture to between the professional, manager and the best of specialty shop retailers. How- greenkeeper by looking at the annual finan- ever, this is the pros' usual gross and out cial statement. When you see clubhouse of it must be paid his assistants, very volume and operating expense that is heavy fire and theft insurance rates, the laudable, you are almost certain to find costs of balls snatched but not signed for behind that picture the enthusiastic team- by members in a hurry, the cost of play- work of the professional who is active in ing, dressing and otherwise putting on the conducting events that draw play to the front that is expected by a pro these days, course and running these events off at a and innumerable other items. The les- time that will fit in nicely with the kitchen sons at 18-hole clubs average less than and help facilities at the club. Further- two per member per year. Do you wonder, more you will see the work of the green- then, that many professionals are seriously keeper in maintaining his course in such concerned with their merchandising prob- condition that it attracts the play of mem- lems and consider themselves lucky to bers and guests, and whose purchasing is get by with only a little more than the done with such a keen appreciation of ex- annual profit represented by the club clean- actly what is needed that he contributes ing income? greatly to the financial showing of the club. The difficulty of operating a pro shop at After all, it unfortunately is the case that a good merchandising profit is attested to the restaurant deficits of country clubs are by the annual statements of golf clubs that the sore spots with officials. Anything have tried the experiment of operating the , that possibly can be done by the pro and shops themselves. Only in a few cases do greenkeeper in attracting to the clubhouse I know of clubs that really have received a volume of business that will give the any appreciable net income from such house manager a fighting chance for a operation and in these cases it has been good showing is a consummation devoutly directly and entirely the result of the most to be wished by every country clubhouse intense and constructive cooperation be- manager in the nation. tween the professionals, managers and In the business we have, I greenkeepers. We professionals have our , believe, the greatest department head an- internal problems that are just as be- nual labor turn-over of any activity that wildering and disconcerting as those that is supposed to be a business. You know managers have to contend with. One of how many good managers are looking for our miseries is that number of boys who jobs today. Good pros and good green- can shoot a fairly respectable game and keepers, too, are suffering from this situa- will take a pro job at any income at all tion. We can talk about the details re- simply to have the privilege of playing sponsible for this, all we want, but I am golf and of being called a professional. „ you haven't seen this letter—let's read it now. And, if after looking it over it seems like a good idea, by all means wire, write or phone for any farther information. « « * Professional Golfers Association of America FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILL. Their pitiful lack of qualifications is cost- playing for the golf club is certain t,o result ing the clubs money, but in the tedious in a substantial improvement in the or- period it is taking for club officials to ganizations' score when the annual state- realize this, many competent and con ment is compiled. The only chance any scientious professionals are being penal- of us have of getting more money—and ized. there are thousands more of us underpaid than overpaid—is by eliminating the costly Club Operation Perplexing and senseless frictions that are either the The query of a friend of mine comes to result of festering misunderstandings or of me as I consider the general method of temperamental deficiencies that incapaci- golf club operation. This young man says tate a man for proper service as a golf he wonders how he can be so smart and club department head. In the latter case, so poor and others be so dumb and so I don't know what to do. At my years one rich. I have heard a lot of the perform- becomes rather reconciled to his inability ance of the eminently successful business to reform human nature. However, if I men as golf club officials and I want to had anything to say, I would be brutal tell you that it frequently makes me think enough to "can" the man who can't get that club managers, professionals and along with other honest, striving, com- greenkeepers are financial and executive petent associates. In the former case of geniuses by comparison. I often think unfortunate misunderstandings—if such that one reason why Old Elm is so exist at your club—a little tact, considera- smoothly and satisfactorily run is that our tion, and possibly giving in a bit may bring club very seldom changes officials. We about the energetic and sympathetic unity have had but two presidents since the club that is the only basis of advancement for started. Death took our first president all of us. from office. There is plenty to make me believe that I am working for the smart- As a representative professional, I can est aggregation of business men in Chi- say that I do not care how much money cago, possibly the greatest confirmation any clubhouse manager gets. He can get would come from the income tax authori- a hundred thousand dollars a year as far ties. However, I see particularly vivid as I am concerned just so I get mine in evidence of it in the fact that these men proper ratio. But neither one of us will realize that as competent as they are, it get the income that the importance of our takes one of their number a good many duties warrant unless we put the club in years to learn the job of becoming a golf a sound financial and operating condition. club official. For that reason we all have to think of the club first and that is the real start toward Other club department heads are not as the constructive harmony that each think- fortunate as I am in this respect. They ing department head is extremely anxious have an almost annual turn-over in offi- to see in golf club operation. cials, each official with new untried ideas. The result is that the manager, the pro- fessional and the greenkeeper are held /t kA EMBERS must not buy balls from accountable for the unfortunate outcomes ." Nearly every club has of these experiments that are forced upon such a rule. Why? To boost the pro's golf them. ball sales? One by one we cannot successfully cor- Not at all. The rule is designed to elimi- rect this evil that is costing our clubs and nate a great deal of the temptation on the ourselves so much money, but collectively part of the caddies to steal golf balls. If we department heads can raise our voices the members are no market for the boys' in definite constructive criticism so that loot, the boys soon discover that disposing we will bring into the country club field of stolen balls is more trouble than it is the stability and soundness of operation worth. that it very plainly needs. Matched Department Heads HE club anxious to attract caddies We have seen scores of golfers all over Tshould provide a fenced-in -yard the country bettered so materially by the in which they can amuse themselves until matched sets of woods and irons that have assigned work. A few pieces of simple come on the market in the last few years gymnastic apparatus, one or two horse- that we can draw a parallel. The matched shoe courts, and a pair of basket ball set of the manager, pro and greenkeeper goals will help. Just Out 1931 OFFICIAL EDITION OF THE Containing Recommendations, Form and Make of Golf Clubs, Etiquette, Special Rules for Competitions, Rules for Three-ball, Best Ball, and Four- ball Matches, Special Rules for Stroke Competitions, Rules for and Bogey Competitions Interpretations as Passed by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews and the United States Golf Association Complete to date

PRICE LIST IN QUANTITIES 25 Booklets (or less).... 10 Cents each 50 9 i 100 9 200 300 8 400 n 500 7 1000 " (and over) 6 On Orders for 200 or More Copies Club Name Will Be Printed on Coiner

I.arge sheets (wall card») with the Complflr Rules of Golf thereon, suitable for framing and locker room posting, are available at 50 cents each.

UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION 110 East 42nd Street New York, N. Y. Study the Hales and 1*1 a y the Game Knollwood C. C. (Chicago district) has attracted a colony of purple martins, voracious mosquito-feeders, to the bird house on the right and thus minimizes annoyance from insect pests arountl its outdoor pool. Birds, Big Greens Aid, Deserve Fullest Club Protection By JACK FULTON, JR.

OR a number of years—ever since the at its height and the general public has importance of attracting birds to coun- the most interest in attracting our feath- Ftry club grounds has been appreciated ered friends. The manufacturers' attitude by those interested in reducing insect is—what if the freshly erected house is not pests—nature lovers, bird-house manufac- occupied the first season? Better to get turers, golf publications and the Green it up at the wrong time of year than not Section at Washington have preached and get it up at all. advocated the necessity of erecting nest- In this, they are quite right, because in ing boxes and shelters in the fall of the addition to the esthetic value of birds year, so that all scent of fresh paint and around club grounds, there is a tremendous human hands, both apparently offensive and hard to evaluate benefit obtained from to birds, would be weathered off during the their ceaseless warfare against weed and winter. Birds are wary creatures and ar- insect pests. Birds are far more valuable riving from the south in the spring, will to the greenkeeper than any man on his rarely nest in any box that has not been grounds crew. It has been conservatively exposed for a considerable period to the stated that without weeds and insects to elements. contend with, the grounds maintenance But all this preaching has apparently budget of any golf club cou'd be reduced been in vain as far as country clubs are at least 30 per cent. concerned, and lately bird-house manufac- We should be more appreciative of this turers and others interested in attracting ceaseless warfare by our birds. They over- birds have dropped all attempts to sell look no nook or cranny. Our trees are their products n the fall and are ener- vigilantly patrolled each day by woodpeck- getically pushing the sales during the ers, warblers and other woodland birds; spring months when the bird migration is the underbrush is cleaned by thrushes, tuf^horse" He asks for a Rite-Hite this business when he wants a of PRICE - - -

Each year our Professional friends have urged us to maintain the splen- did standards of quality which have made Tufhorse Bags the leaders with over 1,800 American Pros. Not only have we maintained this standard, we have further improved it from year to year—and have kept Tufhorse Bags out of the hands of The Swing cut-rate dealers, to insure a legiti- mate profit to the pro- fessional, free from IS to RITE-HITE "price" competition. Today the market is be- the Tee that made GOOD ing flooded with "cut The tremendous popularity of price" bags. Today, even more than ever, it is im- RITE-HITE is not an acci- portant that the Pro be dent. Golfers everywhere realize protected in his profits that a uniform Tee-up is essential to with a line that stands longer and truer drives. for QUALITY and will not be cut. There isn't Your greatest profits are realized $9 difference in leather on staple, fast-moving merchandise between a $14 pair of that sell without effort. shoes and a $5 pair. But RITE-HITE tees answer all of everyone knows that the $14 pair is well worth these requirements. Why gamble the difference. The same with any other? is true of Golf Bags. STOCK Good business and profits in the golf field will never be built on RITE-HITE TEES cheap, cut prices. The player buys from the Pro because he KNOWS he will get the BEST. All Genuine For those Pros who find a need for a lower- priced line we have brought out some spe- RITE HUE TEES cial numbers this spring to meet this situ- ARE ation. These are GOOD VALUES, but TRADE MARKED not in a class for quality with the Tufhorse line itself. We offer them to professionals only. Price list available on request. '(¿LLLLi\ "Cheap" prices, today or at any other time, I L l_ L. L. L i) are expensive in the long run. aLLLLíj ALWAYS UNIFORM Des Moines IN HEIGHT Glove & Mfg. Company Write Today for Des Moines, Iowa THE GENERAL TIMBER Our Special AND LIMBER CO. Offer 7102 Woodland Ave., Cleveland. Ohio, U. S. A. wrens and sparrows; our open fields are policed by meadowlarks, robins, sparrows and blackbirds; and the air is cleaned of flying insects by swallows, nighthawks and flycatchers. It behooves every golf club, then, to do all in its power to attract as many song- birds as possible and to protect them once they are obtained. To do this in thorough and intelligent manner, a complete pro- Pros gram of bird attraction and bird protec- tion must be carried out. In brief outline, ... this is your year! this consists in: Your members' days of thought- 1. Making the club grounds a bird sanc- less buying from random sources tuary, prohibiting hunting, and eliminating are past. They have "called it as completely as possible the English spar- a day" as far as using their purses for research. row, the house cat, and in some localities Those who may have strayed from your the squirrel—the three major enemies of fold are coming back home where they know birds. they can get advice and service from a 2. Investing an adequate sum in bird sincere, qualified source. houses, bird baths, feeding stations, and Hundreds of Pros committed to a program the like. of real service already have provided ample stocks of Hickory Shafts for that fast growing 3. Distributing about the grounds dur- portion of their members who have tired ing the spring and early summer months of yearly substitutes. In any business a bad- nesting materials such as string, strips of frame-of-mind is created where customers cloth, horsehair, and cotton batting. This are asked to select from substitutes. material will cause many a bird to remain For 25 years MINTON has been the first and nest that otherwise will migrate thought when it was a question of fine farther north. hickory shafts. Today, as hundreds of Pros, 4. Erecting one or two bird baths in and quality manufacturers know, MINTON front of the clubhouse. They will be in is meeting the lively demand with the finest constant use by the birds and afford end- hickory shafts obtainable. less entertainment to the members. Provide for "those insistent demands" 5. Planting heavy thickets of shrubbery by indicating on coupon beloiv, about the grounds (if they are not already stock on which you desire quotations. present). They offer nesting sites, protec- T. W. MINTON & CO., BARBOURVILLE, KY. tion against enemies in summer and storms in winter. 6. Planting berry-bearing bushes and Mint on. trees, particularly those types that hold their fruit through the winter. Fruit-bear- ing plants attract many birds to the grounds in summer and are the means of HICKORY keeping the winter birds alive when other NATURAL SWEETEST food is buried beneath a heavy blanket of TORSION Shafts FEEL snow.

T. W. MINTON & CO., Such a program, intelligently and com- Barbcurville, Ky. pletely followed out, will frequently in- Date Gentlemen: crease the bird population of a protected area three times over, and there is no golf Please quote me on the following (state amount, length, stiff, medium or whippy): club in America that can afford to over- look this phase of good greenkeeping. ( ) The cost of pursuing such a program is not prohibitive. The initial investment for ( ) nesting boxes, shelters, and the like will Name Club not exceed the cost of building one aver- age green. Thereafter, the expense of Add Town State. maintenance and supplies is negligible. Club officials interested in the subject will do well to write the Biological Survey, Washington, D. C., for the government bulletin "How to Attract Birds." Another piece of literature of value is distributed A STEADY without charge by Joseph H. Dodson, bird- house manufacturer of Kankakee, 111. This STREAM latter booklet not only presents valuable hints on attracting birds, but also contains OF photographs of all the various types of houses, shelters, and other paraphernalia essential to a complete program of conser- PROFITS vation.

Pro Instruction Gets Brisbane Boost A RTHUR BRISBANE, famous Hearst /\ writer, usually limits his mention of golf to a comparison of golf clubs and hoes in this sorry scheme of things entire. However, the P. G. A. instruction pictures proved of sufficient interest to warrant no- tice in his newspaper column "To-Day." He wrote: "Are you taking golf lessons? Paying some professional to tell you what to do with your head, arms, wrists, feet, knees, eyes and club? "Learn that you may have to take those lessons all over again. Slow-motion 'movies' of the great Bobby Jones and the beautiful Joyce Wethered in action show that these great golfers do not 'break their wrists on the back swing' until very late No need to worrv about profits as in the swing. And Jones the Great hesi- far as REDDY TEES are con- tates at the top of his swing, shifts his cerned ! They're a sure thing. body and gets planted before he brings the For over ten years REDDY TEE clubhead down. has been the leader in its field . . . "Theory and practice are far apart in leader in sales . . . leader in prof- golf and in all education." its to the pro . . . leader in popu- The last sentence gives the boys cheer. larity anioni; golfers everywhere. Alex Pirie was erroneously quoted in a Push REDDY TEES in your k recent interview that purported to commit shop, they'll brini; you a steady the pro dean to a statement that previous stream of profits. instruction was wrong. To the contrary, REDDY TEE Celluloid Red Tops Pirie is of the opinion that much of it is are now packed 10 to a carton far advanced, and to make the advance general, the P. G. A. pictures were shot. instead of 8. THE CELLULOID Thoroughly analyzed by competent men, TEE is packed 12 to a carton. the pro pictures, it is hoped, will eliminate Write your favorite jobber or a great deal of debate about what is proper direct to us for wholesale price instruction. A great simplification of golf list showing our complete line instruction is one of the main objectives and selling helps for pros. of the pictures. Though the pictures may show to some IhcMebloCo..Inc. pros that "theory and practice are far Executive Offices apart," it is not a damning or unusual . discovery in any field. 38 East 23rd Street, New York Why lose part of the business? Shop Policies I Have Found Pay Stock all three lengths of— Out By Jim Wilson, Professional Ravisloe C. C. (Chicago) WHAT is the best way to run the pro's shop? What kind of merchandise ought he to carry? What is the best method for the pro to follow in selling him- PEG self to his members? REG. U. S. PATENT OFFICE In the first place, we all know that the shop should be kept clean and tidy, with everything neatly arranged in your show- cases and free from dust. The next thing is being able to display your merchandise to the best advantage. Of course you have your racks for your golf clubs, but in addition I would suggest a few fixtures on the walls of your shop about six feet from the floor. There you can display golf bags, sweaters, leather coats, also clubs if necessary. Don't keep your merchandise in the same place too long. Keep changing it around. The class of merchandise a pro ought to carry depends greatly on what his mem- bers call for. I believe the pro can edu- 1%" 2" cate the player into buying the better "REGULAR" "LONG" "EXTRA I.ONG" grade of golf clubs once he gains his con- fidence by showing him he is interested in his game. CELLULOID GOLF TEES Here is a suggestion—if you have the good fortune to sell a player a set of The larger ball is causing a demand clubs, go out to the practice tee and show for longer tees. Be in a position to him how to use them. Spend some time supply this demand by carrying a with him and it will pay you in the long stock of the longer lengths. run. It isn't hard to remember back to the As "PEG" is put up only one dozen day when the pro would only keep the boxes in a small demonstration car- highest grade golf clubs he could make or ton, three of these take up very little buy. But conditions have changed consid- room on your counter but they give erably in the past few years, and many of you a complete range with which you the boys are going to lose out if they con- can satisfy the demands of all your tinue to handle nothing but quality mer- customers. chandise. What I mean is that a lot of business they ought to get will go some- Your profit on "PEG" is greater than where else. As I see this changing trend, on most lines which makes it well you must keep in your shop an assortment worth while to go after all the busi- of clubs which will come within the reach ness with this tee. of all. The same applies to golf bags, balls, and other kind of merchandise. All three lengths are made from dur- Being able to sell yourself to the mem- able Celluloid with white stems and bers is a big item in professional golf. tops in four popular colors, packed Once you have accomplished this, the road assorted to the box. to success is wide open. One must have personality, always be courteous, have a Ask your jobber for them. smile for everyone with whom you come in contact. Go out of your way to make it pleasant for your members. Talk to him Granby Mfg. Co., Keene, N. H. about his game, help him improve his