~Sanders a L..Ockheed Ccmpany
~Sanders A l..ockheed Ccmpany Sano,,r~ Ass oc,a;es Inc OaP,el Webster Hr9hway Soutt> cs Q8b8 Nashua NH ['3061 0868 December 28, 1987 Algy Tamoshunas, Esq. North American Philips 580 White Plains Road Tarrytown. NY 10591 Dear Al: Enclosed are pages 58, 146, 164-166, 168, 169-172, 174- 176, 178, 180, 182 and 184 from the December 1987 issue of ~ian Sources Electronics. In the event that you have not seen these before, they should be of interest. Best wishes for the New Year! Very truly yours, SANDERS ASSOCIATES, INC. I. Seligman Director Patents & Licensing RIS:nd Enclosures TelephOne (603) 885- Telex 094 -3430 TWX 710 228-1894 SA 1)')-3' 12 86) droppt>d contmuously over thts period. Peter Lam Curporatton is a trading company :\lanufacturer:. are not keen to launch new models, handling mtlTopht•ne:- . '' al kie-talkies, telephones, and productton resources are geared toward 1tems portable cassette recorder:-., CB radios. remote v."lth htgher pnces, and volume orders. One maker control toys, equahzers, ampltfiers and hi-fi plans to develop a high-end microphone but has not accessories. dectded on a completton date because the project is Products are imported from Japan and Taiwan, low pnority. and sales split evenly between Macau, from where This passive attitude is due primarily to keen goods are mostly shipped to China. and Hong Kong. competition from Taiwan and Japan, both well About 1,500 microphones a re sold each month, established microphone producers. Only low-end Taiwanese models being more popular. umts. which are less subject to competition from ~Japanese microphones used to be widely preferred regional nvals, are available locally.
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