The River Basin
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PLANS AND PROGRAMS OF RIVER BASIN CONTROL OFFICE RELATIVE TO WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS RIVER BASIN CONTROL OFFICE (RBCO) BASED ON THE E.O. 510 AND THE APPROVED INTEGRATED RIVER BASIN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT MASTER PLAN Develop a National Master Plan for Flood Control by Integrating the various Existing River Basin Projjj ects and developing additional plan components as neededneeded.. Rationalize and prioritize reforestation in watersheds Develop aaMasterMasterPlan on Integrated River Basin Management and Development Act as water body that shall coordinate all government projects within the river basins IIlmplement water--rerelltdated projects such as river rehabilitation, lake management, groundwater management, and other water resources Management and development TEN POINT AGENDA TO BEAT THE ODDS UNDER THE ARROYO ADMINISTRATION: ELECTRICITY AND WATER FOR ALL BARANGAYS yAGENDA 2: Manage the Major River Basins to generate water resources that are free from contamination, provide more economic opportunities, and mitigate flooding MEDIUM TERM PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (MTPDP) (2004-2010) THRUST NO. 4 CREATE HEALTHIER ENVIRONMENT FOR THE POPULATION II. WATER RESOURCES INTEGRATED RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN Water Resource Watershed Management Management Framework framework Integrated River Basin Management and Development Framework Plan Floo d Mit igat ion Wetland Management framework Framework INTEGRATED RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN SUPPLEMENTAL FRAMEWORKS: --RIVERRIVER PROTECTION AND REHABILITATION --WATERWATER QUALITY PROTECTION AND MONITORING -INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM Strategies: • . FOREST ECOSYSTEM ZONE Coastal URBAN UPLAND ECOSYSTEM ecosystem ecosystem ZONE ` zone zone + S ocial mobilization Land uses and land use management Integrated and interactive governance Capaciybuildng and Institutional support THE RIVER BASIN: INTEGRATEDRiver Basin is defined as an area of land that WATERdrains water, sediment and dissolved materials to a RESOURCEScommon outlet at some pgpoint along the a river or MANAGEMENTstream channel. MODELThe term IN THE river basin is used synonymously with PHILIPPINES:watershed in American usage and with catchment basin in other countries. THE TIGUMIn the Philippines- , river basin is defined as AGANANwatershed with land area greater than 1,000 square kilometers. Management includes the land and the RIVERcoastal reach of the basin. BASIN INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT MODEL IN THE PHILIPPINES: THE TIGUM- AGANAN River basin is like a bucket or RIVER glass of water BASIN INTEGRATEDINTEGRATED RIVER BASIN WATERMANAGEMENT RESOURCES MANAGEMENT MODEL IN THE PHILIPPINES:It is a process of coordinating, conservation, management, and development of water, land and related resources across sectors within a THEgiven river basin, in order to maximize the TIGUMeconom- icand socilial bfitbenefits diderive dfrom water AGANANresources in an equitable manner while preserving, and where necessary, restoring RIVERfreshwater ecosystems.(GlobalWater BASINPartnership, 2000) INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT MODEL IN THE PHILIPPINES: THE TIGUM- AGANAN THE PHILIPPINE RICE TERRACES: A SYMBOL OF FILIPINO ENGINUITY AND CONCERNRIVER FOR WATER RESOURCES BASIN THE 20 MAJOR RIVER BASINS ARE CONSIDERED AS THE LIFEBLOOD AND DRIVER OF THE PHILIPPINE ECONOMY PLANS AND DIRECTIONS 2007‐2010 ADOPTION OF THE RIVER BASIN INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOOOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN FOCUS ON THE 6 PRIORITY MAJOR RIVER BASIN 1. Pampanga River Basin 2. Bicol River Basin 3. Cagayan River Basin 4. Manila Bay River Basins (Pasig-Laguna RB other small basin in Bataan & Cavite) 5. Agusan River Basin 6. Agus River Basin (Lake Lanao) PLANS AND DIRECTIONS 2007‐2010 & DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED RIVER BASIN MASTER PLAN FOR THE FOLLOWING BASINS: 1. Cagayan River Basin 2. Agus River Basin 3. Cebu River Basins 4. Cagayan de Oro River Basin 5. Pasig-Laguna de Bay River Basin – updating 6. Agno River Basin - updating PLANS AND DIRECTIONS 2007‐2010 & IDENTIFY/ESTABLISH WATERSHED MANAGEMENT COUNCIL/RIVER BASIN ORGANIZATION (RBO’S) FOR PRIORITY RIVER BASINS/SUB -BASINS ‐ Manila Bay RB Council/RBO covered basins –Pampanga RB & Laguna de Bay River Basin ‐ Bicol RB Council/RBO ‐ Agus RB Council (Lake Lanao RB council ) ‐ Agusan RB Council/RBO PLANS AND DIRECTIONS 2007‐2010 Specifice Activities: &Organization/Strengthening of River Basin Organization - Approval of Policy Issuance (DAO, EOs) - Conduct Study through ADB support - Strengthening RBOs such as Manila Bay River Basin Council -Orggganization of Agusan RBO - Strengthening of Lake Lanao Coordinating Council PLANS AND DIRECTIONS 2007‐2010 & SUPERVISE RIVER BASIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION FOR THE FOLLOWING BASIN: 1.Bicol River Basin – Feasibility Report Completed 2.Agusan River Basin – Master Plan Completed 3.Manila Bay River Basins covering Pampanga River Basin – Focus sub-basin in Marilao Sub-Basin and Laguna de bay River Basin 4.Agus River Basin (Lake Lanao Watershed) 5.Tigum-Aganan River Basin CAPACITY BUILDING - TRAINING OF RBCO TECHNICAL PERSONNEL - GIS application training - water quality monitoring and classification - watershed characterization - constructed wetland design and management - River rehabilitation and Information --DatabaseDatabase development and Mgt. - STANDARDIZATION OF METHODOLOGY AND PROCEDURES - UPGRADING OF SUPPORT FACILITIES Development of Information Management and Decision Support System - Completion of the River Basin Integrated Information Management System (RBIIMS) - Completion of the Base maps of the 20 major River Basins Pilot Testingggyg of Rainwater Harvesting Technology and Possible Policy Recommendation and Formulation on its use - Pilot Area ––TigumTigum – Aganan River Basin (ILOILO RIVER BASIN) Establishment of bio‐eco engineering structures: ‐Flood mitigation measures for Bicol River Basin Planning process is on‐going with RBCO as lead agency in coordination with DPWH and NIA, and DENR Region 5, FASPO, MGB and FMB SOCIAL MOBILIZATION, ADVOCACY AND COMMUNICATION PLANS: ‐ DEVELOPMENT OF ADCOM PLAN TO CATER TO RIVER BASINS SOCIAL PARTICIPATION NEEDS ‐ IMPLEMENTATION OF ADCOM PLAN FOR MANILA BAY RIVER BASIN‐ THE PASIG RIVER/ CIVIL SOCIETY PARTICIPATION, AND ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN ‐ DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATION AND ADVOCACY MATERIALS OTHER PRIORITY PLANS: y Conduct of Environmental Risk assessment and vulnerability Study for Priority river Basins needed for hazard management and mitigation y R and D on water resources development and water conservation, flood and erosion mitigation, soil conservation, and water pricing OTHER PRIORITY PLANS: y River Basin Characterization and Profiling (Other important principal river basin supporting domestic, irrigation and hydro‐power) y Policy review and development on water use, water pricing and distribution y Development of atlas of the ppyriority River Basins y Integrated Development and Management of 6 priority river basins: ‐ Cagayan River Basin(25,649 sq. km) ‐ Manila Bay Catchment Basin covering Pampanga River Basin, and Pasig‐Laguna De Bay River Basin(9,759 sq. km) ‐ Agusan River Basin (10,921 sq. km) ‐ Bicol River Basin (3,174 sq. km) ‐ Agus River Basin including Lake Lanao(1,645 sq. Km) ‐ Agno River Basin (6,215 sq. km) CAGAYAN RIVER BASIN CAGAYAN TUGUEGARAO CITY APAYAO #Y TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA = 27,779 km2 KALINGA Source: DENR‐FMB MOUNTAIN PROVINCE ISABELA IFUGAO COVERED REGION Region 2, CAR and small parts of Region 3 NUEVA VIZCAYA QUIRINO AURORA Provinces covered: Cagayan, Apayao, Kalinga, Mt. Province, Ifugao, Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya, Quirino & Aurora MANILA BAY RIVER BASINS PAMPANGA RIVER BASIN PASIG‐LAGUNA DE BAY RIVER BASIN EASTERN BATAAN RIVER BASIN (Talisay Watershed, etc.) WATERSHEDS IN CAVITE PROVINCE MANILA BAY RIVER BASINS TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA = 1,110,904 km2 Source: DENR‐FMB COVERED REGION PAMPANGA RIVER BASIN Region 3 and small parts of Region IV‐ A Provinces covered: Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Tarlac, Bulacan and small parts of Zambales, Bataan, Rizal, Aurora, Pangasinan & N. Vizcaya MANILA BAY RIVER BASINS TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA = 4,081 km2 Source: DENR‐FMB COVERED REGION NCR & Region IV‐A Cities/Provinces covered: All Cities in NCR, Rizal, Cavite, and Laguna PASIG‐LAGUNA BAY RIVER BASIN BICOL RIVER BASIN TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA = 317,435 HECTARES COVEREDSan REGIONMiguel Bay –REGION 5 $Z Mt. Isarog #Y Naga City COVERED PROVINCES: La gun oy Gu R lf aga y G ALBAY, CAMARINES SUR AND ulf Lake Buhi CAMARINES NORTELake Baao Lake Bato Mayon Volcano $Z #Y Legaspi City AGUSAN RIVER BASIN TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA Area = 11,486 km2 or 1,4,148 ,622 hectares COVERED REGION: Region 13 and Region 11 PROVINCES COVERED: ‐ AGUSAN DEL NORTE ‐ AGUSAN DEL SUR ‐ COMPOSTELA VALLEY AGUS RIVER BASIN Island, Tudela B A Y A N #Y ILIGAN CITY I G I L Kauswagan Linamon Tagoloan Bacolod Tagoloan II Poona Piagapo Matungao Balo-i Maigo Island, Kolambugan TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA = 189,495 HECTARES Kapai Talakag Kalambugan Pantar Pantao Ragat Saguiaran Magsaysay Piagapo COVERED REGIONMarawi MARAWI–ARMM City CITY and REGION 12 Tubod #Y Bubong Ditsaan-Ramain Baroy Munai Buadipuso Buntong Tangkal Marantao Molundo COVERED PROVINCES: Salvador Balindong Tugaya Taraka Salungan Island Lumba-Bayabao (Maguing) Bacolod-Kalawi (Bacolod GrandeNusa Island Tamparan MadambaMadalum ‐ LANAOLAKE LANAO DEL NORTE West Balut Island Poona Bayabao Sapad East Balut Island Balutmato‐ LANAOIsland DELMasui SUR Nunungan Paulas Gana ssi Kalilangan Lumbatan Bayang Binidayan Maguing Pangantu Pagayawan Lumbayanague Bumbaran Calanogas Tubaran Sultan Gumander Wao Butig Ibus Island, Sultan Gumander Marogong Malabang “We can then be sure that we can bequeath to our EARTH in much better shape than when we inherited it ” FOR OUR CHILDREN AND OUR CHILDREN’S CHILDREN… THANK YOU!.