The Modern Mission Century
The Modern Mission Century A The Modern Mission Century Viewed as a Cycle of Divine Working A Review of the Missions of the Nine teenth Century with Reference to the Superintending Providence of God By Arthur T. Pierson London James Nisbet & Co., Limited 2 I Demers Street AUTHOR'S PREFATORY WORD To trace, in the history of the missionary century just closed, the footsteps of God, is the one main end now in view; studying the divine plan, and its unfold ings in action and achievement. To know the supreme aim of a book helps to a right reading of it, and, if these pages are read in the light of this, its professed purpose, its form and content will, we hope, be found to agree with such design. Form, in its true sense, determines also content, for it is an idea taking shape. It must therefore be one with it self, and must both include and exclude, if unity and consistency are not lost. To annalize is one thing; to analyze is another. The annals of a hundred years would need volumes, and, if details were treated, a history would take on the dimen sions of an encyclopedia. AIJ we now propose is a gen eral survey, as one seeks, from some commanding mountain-top, to glance over the whole horizon; and this end will best be served if we select a few promi nent and representative facts which may stand for the many, sufficient both as proofs and as examples oi God's planning and working. The conviction that such a divine factor, only, could account for this century of missions, first prompted these studies; and, as the needful steps have been taken in the careful pursuance of the theme, that conviction V v1 AUTHOR'S PREFATORY WORD has grown into a more and more confident certainty.
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