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Tax Reforms 27-28 - Justice 51 SPAIN 1996-2004 THE INDICATORS OF CHANGE PREFACE José María Aznar FAES President Former President of Government of Spain (1996-2004) I have always held that the only policy worthy of the name is one based on ideas, convictions and principles. At the same time, I think that ideas are not without their consequences: good ideas generate positive consequences in terms of progress, whilst mistaken ideas provoke uncertainty, problems, and finally lead to a deterioration in living standards for indivi- duals. So government is not only a question of administration, but also of advocating an implementing ideals. The Popular Party governed Spain from March 1996 to April 2004. People gave it their vote of confidence for two successive terms, as a centrist, liberal and moderate political project, which came to government having explained in advance what its convictions and agenda were. We were committed to individual freedom, and as a government we tried at all times to increase the extent to which individuals could decide their future for themselves and take responsibility for their own lives. We were committed to making our country Spain stronger and giving it international respect and relevance. We were committed to acting in compliance with the Constitution, as an expression of the rule of law which defends and protects freedom against arbitrariness, abuse and dishonesty. In other words, we were committed to a style of government based on a feeling of responsibility in political decision-making far removed from populism, irresponsibility or demagogy. These convictions are at the heart of each and every one of the reform policies implemented during those eight years, from economic policy to the culmination of the project of auto- nomy outlined in the Constitution, and including social policies, education, health, the environment and infrastructures. Solidarity, cohesion and the equality of all the people of Spain were the basic principles guiding us in all these measures. This volume, Spain 1996-2004: the Indicators of Change, illustrates the scope of the transformation which took place in Spanish society during the eight years of Popular Party govern- ment. The collection of data responds to a certain extent to the spirit of the work which infused our government’s activity: ‘actions speak louder than words’. The data published here corresponding to more than 500 indicators are the antithesis of hollow propaganda and empty word-mongering. They give a rigorous account of real progress, which is reflected in quan- tifiable advances in areas as important as employment, the fight against terrorism and opportunities for women. FAES, Fundación para el Análisis y los Estudios Sociales, does not necessarily share the opinions expressed in the texts it publishes. Many of these results reflect the fulfilment of electoral promises. Those of us who formed part of the Popular Party and those who believed in it can be proud of the fact that we fulfilled our promises. However, I want to state clearly that the true architect of these achievements has been Spanish society. It is the people, every individual man and woman, who have taken advantage of the opportunities offered, who have created better employment, who have innovated and given new opportunities for others. Governments do not create wealth or employ- © FAES, Fundación para el Análisis y los Estudios Sociales, 2006 ment, although it is true that their policies can help by creating a climate of confidence in institutions, respect for the law, and support for private initiative. This publication aims to be a tool to help researchers, journalists, politicians, and in general anybody who wants access to reliable data. It is a way of assisting the work of those who ISBN: 84-89633-42-8 prefer rigour to clichés. There are no conclusions. We would prefer people to extract their own conclusions, by exercising their capacity for thought in a critical light. Depósito Legal: M-000000-2006 Impreso en España / Printed in Spain In addition, these indicators fulfil another function: they are a guarantee for the future. Everything that the Popular Party will offer the Spanish people in the future is backed by the cre- dibility granted by the tangible results of measures taken in government, some of which are included here. FAES, Fundación para el Análisis y los Estudios Sociales. C/ Juan Bravo 3C 7ª. 28006 Madrid So this work is another form of looking forward to the future. And the future is in the ideas: the ideas of a reformist centre. The FAES Foundation is determined to continue generating Tel: +34 91 576 68 57 ideas and proposals, all of them backed by the core idea of freedom, and all with a clear objective: to make Spain a better country. Fax: +34 91 575 46 95 Email: Website: INDEX Introduction - Methodology 10-11 5. Environment 40 1. Demography 6. Infrastructures and Transport 42 - Population 14-15 - Immigration 17 7. Science and the Information Society - Science and Technology 44 2. Economy - Telecommunications and the Information Society 46-47 - General Economic Indicators 19-20 - Public Accounts 22-23 - Taxes 25 8. Public Safety and Justice - The Fight against Terrorism and Public Safety 49 - Tax Reforms 27-28 - Justice 51 3. Employment 30 9. Defence and Foreign Relations 53 4. Social Policies 10. Parliament and Political Life 55 - Social Security 32 - Health 34 - Education 36 11. Decentralization 57 - Housing 38 12. Culture 59 AEAT: Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (national tax office) IDAE: Instituto de Diversificación y Ahorro Energético (Institute for Energy Savings and Diversification) INTRODUCTION AENA: Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea (Spanish airports authority) IET: Instituto de Estudios Turísticos (Institute for Tourist Studies) APTE/COTEC: Asociación de Parques Tecnológicos de España IGAE: Intervención General de la Administración del Estado (central government comptroller) (association of Spanish technological parks) IIS: Instituto de Información Sanitaria (Institute for Health Information) This work is a collection of two wide-ranging ‘snapshots’ of Spanish society. The first ‘snapshot’ was taken at the beginning of 1996; the second, at the beginning of 2004. The wide- ASPAPEL: Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Pasta, Papel y Cartón (Spanish Association of Pulp, IMF: International Monetary Fund Paper and Cardboard Manufacturers) IMSERSO: Instituto de Migraciones y Servicios Sociales (Institute for Migration and Social Services) angle lens used lets us cover an ample spectrum of subjects, from demography to the economy, and including employment, social policies, infrastructures and foreign relations, to men- BBVA: Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (bank) INE: Instituto Nacional de Estadística (National Statistics Institute) tion but a few. BOE: Boletín Oficial del Estado (Official State Gazette) INSS: Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (National Institute for Social Security) CCU: Consejo de Coordinación Universitaria (University Coordination Board) IPC: Índice de Precios de Consumo (INE consumer price index) Our aim is contrast the two ‘snapshots’ and give an idea of the scope of change experienced by Spain in these areas. CGPJ: Consejo General del Poder Judicial (General Council for the Judiciary) IPCA: Índice de Precios de Consumo Armonizado con la UE CIS: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Centre for Sociological Research) (INE consumer price index harmonized with the EU) We have used indicators in general use, which as far as possible are intuitive and easy to interpret. CMT: Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones (Telecommunications Market Commission) ITU: International Telecommunication Union CNTR: Contabilidad Nacional Trimestral (INE national quarterly accounts) MAE: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) This volume is being published in 2006, two years after the date of the second ‘snapshot’. The decision (which we consider wise) to wait until now to publish this work has been moti- CONGDE: Coordinadora de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales de España MAP: Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas (Ministry of Public Adminsitration) (Spanish NGO coordinating body) MCT: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Ministry of Science and Technology) vated by the fact that throughout 2004 and 2005 data relating to certain highly important indicators were being revised. CRE: Contabilidad Regional de España (INE regional Spanish audit) MCU: Ministerio de Cultura (Ministry of Culture) DGAC: Dirección General de Aviación Civil (civil aviation authority) MDE: Ministerio de Defensa (Ministry of Defence) The work has been coordinated by Jaime García-Legaz. It would not have been possible without the help of numerous professionals and loyal collaborators of the Foundation: María José DGCS: Dirección General de Cohesión Sanitaria (General Directorate for Health Service Coordination) MEH: Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda (Ministry of Economy and Finance) Alonso, Valentín Bote, Pedro Corral, Gerardo del Caz, Lucía Figar, Mario Garcés, Pedro Landeras, Percival Manglano, Miguel Marín, Oscar Martínez, Juan Luis Revuelta, Juan Pablo Riesgo, DGDR: Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural (General Directorate for Rural Development) MEC: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Ministry of Education and Science) Verónica Lipperheide and María Viver. DGEI: Dirección General de Extranjería e Inmigración (General Directorate for Immigration) MFO: Ministerio de
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