icial Says FHA Gave ~ The Weather Cloucb Ceda, with geC&­ IIoDaI Mowen aIllI dum­ dentorms endinr toalrht. BJrh toda" ..: low, 55. Profiteers Easy Time Clnrtnr an. eooIer SIID­ al owan da,. WASHINGTON (JP)The govern------I JIII!'s chief crime prosecutor said face of FHA's statements that Est. 1868 - AP LeaJect Wire. Wirephoto - Five C Iowa City, Iowa. Saturday, April 2", ·1954 prid~' the. Federal Housing ad- they weren't deceived or defraud­ IliDistration-by taking the atU- ed, they were just giving the JIIIt that "they were just giving stuff away." Undergrads Bone Up for Field tile stut! away"-has torpedoed In the home repair racket, 01- =''''~''' ....,....., .,., chance or prosecuting big ney said the practice ot swind­ ~ apartment housing profiteers. ling homeowners was "very wide­ l St~dents Accept Band, Rate But he revealed that the FBI, spread across the nation," and he • orders of President Eisenhower, added: • combing the country for home "It secms incredible to me that JfPllr and improvement salesmen the FHA director to the program rIIO have "bilked a great many did not know ot tllis from the be­ \IIOusands" of homeowners under ginning." 'Proposal; Await Union Vate lD''trnment loan insurance pro- Deseribes Crooked Metbocls ,ams. . Olney said the victim ometimes Central Party committee and dances held In the main lounge of Union Board affairs. Warren Ol.ney, assIstant attor- signs "a contract and even a com- Board ?ave accepted a com- the Iowa Memorial Union. ComPl'omJse Favors St1ldeDta ItJ gene.r~l. In charge of tbe cri- plction certificate before the job solution to the wage con- t1Itlen&41 OIlPOie PreHDt ..&ell The proposed sol).lUon, as ap- Dinal dIVISIon, told the senate is started." This enables the sales- between the. student The Central Party committee proved by the student organlza- Wing committee ~ story 01 con- man to collect the proceeds ot the groups and the iocal musiCIans un- and Union Board have termed this tions. would 1'emedy this lO.ituaUon. strucUon costs fmagling that loan and sometiml's take off with- lon, a spokesman for both parties practice dl.'lcriminatory. The two Post-bangame and other Iree par- C!lairman Homer E. Capehart (R- out doing any of the promised . t .said Friday. croups voted to sign no new con- ties would not tall under the more Ind.) called "unbelievable." work, leaving the homeowner A majority vote was needed for tracts with local musicians until than 800 ticket rate ot the pro- Shake-UII-OOntlnues . with n debt payable in 36 months nce of the compromise. the higher rate WIlS abolished. posal, which specifies that tickcts The sha~eup of top FJ:IA ofCI- at 9.7 per cent interest. is In the form of a The post-ballgame parties, spon- must be offered lor sale. ellis contmued meanwhIle with wage scale that provides a so red by the Union Board, have . No announcement was made lIJIIOuncement that Howard M. Olney sa~d the homeowner fre- rate for musicians when been a point of contl"ntion concerning the possibility ot a lIurphy had resigned as associate que.ntly ls Induced to sign papers playing a dance where 800 or throughout the controversy. Central Party committee and Un- lfIItI'al counscl effective at once. saymg the down ~ayment has more ticket are offered tor sale. Pflu] Bnt! tt, C3, Bedford, Ion Board recommendaUon to the !liS resignation was accepted by been made or the Job has been Dances that ofter less than 800 tlc- claimed that the premium rate at- Committee on Student Life that I(tinl FHA Commissioner Norman completed, when neither is the kets will be subject to the normal rected lhe number or free parties the no-confUcl rule currently en- P. Mason. case. This makes him a party to price rate. his group could sponsor because no Corced on all university dance . ~ Capehart, commenting on 01- ;~; dlraud,' he salid., and "ObIVliOUS- The proposed wage scale would admission prices are charged lor nights be abolished. DeY's testimony that FHA appar- y oesn t resu t In a comp a nt. apply throughout the local Ameri- IIIlly was willing to insure con- can Federation of Musician'S area slrudlon job financing far 1n elC- C. . of jurisdictions. t5S ot aclual costs, said: Ify-SUI CommlHee Musician Approval Needed Monitored Calls Spotlighted. '"!'here seems to be a pattcrn The approval of the sliding wage Ib.t they don't care what it costs T St d P bl scale means that a tormal letter In build." 0 U Y ro ems proposal will be sent 10 the mu- Capehart has c.~timated that union tor their consldera- I·n Army-McCarthy Hearings . llUilders ~nd promot~rs" p?ckete~ A joint Iowa City-'SUI commit- nd vote. I half bllIJon dollars In Windfall tee to consider matters of mutual CAUGHT PRACTICING for a bubble-fUm lnnalin& Clonte t.-one or fllteeD "coeducapers" of the proposal grew out of a se- WASHINGTON CA'}-After an profits under the emergency ren- interest and concern wns set up Inter-DormJtory Field day-ue partiCipant from Currier womeD's ,,"idence and Rillcrest dorml- meetings between repre- houls-Iong argument before a n - wanted to have the anny carry III housing program or 1942-50. wilh eight members of the SUI tory for men. The ,.Irls are baokinr Audrey Dhton, A2. Evanston. m .. to win a prize in the soelalb- of the two student tiona\ TV audi nce, investigating out the Investigllt.'on .•." Olney said the justice depart- faculty and administrative statf Inr frolle which haH·dwellers hope may become all anllual tradltlOll, while the men see tanle,. groups lind the local musicians. senator!! Friday decided to sub- He accused McCarthy of whip- menl has investigated speci!ic appointed to thc group by Presl- lIart. AI, Kcolcuk a a likely champion In OWl complex operation. Chris Peterson, president of the poena all records of telephone ping up headlines glvin, a false eases with a view to prosecuting dent Virgil M. Hancher Friday. A.F. of M. local, said following the calls in the McCarthy-Pentagon Impression ot widespread espion- /or rraud. But no prosecution Is Allin W. Dakin, administrative Reds Take Post 6 D T last meeting April 13, " If the pro- row, and make public those age at Ft. Manmouth. He said ,.albie, he said, "because we dean, said, "This committee has orms. 0 Parf,·c,·paf posel is satisfactory (to Centra} deemed pertinent to the hot dis- he told McCarthy and the senators' 't p OV e th t th f d } g b t f th b fit t d h h Party commltl and Un ion pute. But Sen. Joseph McCarthy aides "it they kept on with these :ment wa/ defr~U;erajn ~~; I= ~ity ~s ~r cor:mu~~t~." 0 In In oc ina Fig t Board) we will call a special meet- (R-Wis.» blocked for the time headlines, which In my opinion Serving on the committee will I 1 F· Id d ing the tirst part of May and pre- being the readln, of an almost were utterly unfair, that they 'ng Enrollment be Dakin; Provost Harvey H. HANOr, Indochina (JP) - Red- n sf ,e Day To oy sent il t~ the members oC our 10- \Vor~-for"'word tran. cript of one could drive me out ot oWce It Sp,, Davis; Fred W. Ambrose, bus!- led Vietminh - striving to launch cal Cor dIScussion and vote." call In which McCarthy allegedly they wanted to." • ISC' 7 020 ness manager; James Jordan, di- a death thrust at Olen Bien Phu- . Under the present wage scale set sugge ted weekend leaves for Pvt. Enrller in the testimony he said Itt S I rcctor ot university relations', Students from Six dormItories up by the mlL~lcians, the hieher David Schine "for the purpose or he hod done "everything r could" I ' eli t r th' Friday selzcd another French de- wllllaunch the first SUI all-dorm- istrative staft hav~ been selected rate appUes on l .. to ali-university taking cnre of Dave's girl friends." to assist the subcommilt- I'n the P au W . B rec hIel, rec or 0 a - fens post in the bastion's crum- i . Ii Id d tod 'V "'" Iowa State college registrar, letics' Prof Franklin R Top head . tOlY e ay ay at 1 p.m. on as judges for the events Prizes Secretary ot the Army Robert Ft. Manmouth probe. ur M. Gowan, has announced ot hygiene ~nd prevent~tive ~edi- bltng northwest defenses. Rebel le- the intramural field west ot the ranging from $1 to $5 will'be giv- Stevens testified under oath at.the Stevens ToUllbes Off Row ' II t 7 020 . De E T P t II glons smashed to within 700 yards field house Sever Relafl·ons CI t I h d ' t I d eISC spring enro men as, . cine; an . . e erson, coe,e t th U . I.' . en. rs 0 t e ay s wo te eVlse Steve s to hed olf the bl'g w lUI has 7,511 students enrolled for or education, and Prol. Robert F. 0 e OIon garrJ.'>on s nerve cen- Events plllnned so that all may Jud,es Announced •• sessions that McCarthy made this n uc . ro the spring semester. Ray director of the Institute ot ter. take part are included In the social. . Ifh Australia Claim suggestion to him in a telephone of the day ~y tellmg of the phone At ISC, engineering ls the larg- pubiic aHairs. The outer barriers of the bas- froliC which its planners hope may The Judges are: M. L. HUlt, , conversation monitored and taken f'i~ 17 ~h(IC~ he sal: ~ccart~~ est division within the college wi!l'l A Chamber of Com mer c e tion's defense which encompassed become an annual event counselor to men ; Leslie A. WilI- P f. f P f down in Shorthand by a Stevens hO h m. 1. ma:l"~e chlOe cou 2,013, followed by science with group representing the city, in- a. pI~ln 4 by 6 milcs when the Gomes and races, with' both in- ig, G, Ft. Wayne, lnd:, assistant to ro ecflon 0 e rOY aide last Nov. 7. tearvehaiste~e:ek:~ c~~~~~to ~o~d 1,154 aericulture with I 517 home eludes Robert G Stevenson Har- flghtmg bellan five weeks ago now dlvldual and dormJtory competi- the counselor to men, Waldo Gel- McCIlrthy rles 'Dishonest' 2 R C h MaC h" hi f lCOn~miC$ with 1423 ~nd 'veter- ry B. Dunlap R~land Smith Dale measul'e less than a mne across. tion will be featured. Free re- lIer, auditor o( student organlza- MOSCOW (JP) - Russia broke Angrily, McCarthy cried it was (.) fY th 0 n, t ~ a~t6 y S C fd iDary medicine with 265 There are Welt Norma~ B Shaffer Buford While the fighting raged US - fresbments will be served tions; Robert L . Ballantyne, man_ diplomatic relations Friday "indecent and dishonest" for Stev- CSOUhrlSe, hOtUg!lt b t e -yealr-o . , . , , " . h ·th li c in oug 0 e a genera ope- 1.1J ~lI'icu1tural engineers, whose Garner, Dr. L. E. Stilwell, City suplied transport planes dropped 'Drar . or Star' age~ ot t e student Piacementlwi Austra a over the Vladimir cns to record a conversation wlth- rating from a Waldorf-Astoria work c~ts across divisional lines. Manager Peter F. Roan, Mayor tons Qr ammunition and medical Plllnning chainnan Larry Nel- ervlce. Pctrov ca~. out the knowledge ot the person penthouse. Last year ISC had 6,876 en- LeRoy S. Mercer and Chamber suppJiea in the garrison. son A3 AureUa recommended Paul L. Griffeth, assistant coun- The SovIet governm!1l'l charged at the other end ot the line. .. • . \'Oiled in the spring seSSion, and of Commerce President Dean The first contingent at Am ri- thai students weal old clothe!! and selor to men; Robert Martin, stu- Australia was protecUng Petrov, Thcn the subcommittee. McCar- rc~art~( ral~ne ;:ClOt ~l SUI had 7,094. Jones. can airlifted French paratroops pointed out that It is a "drag or dent affairs counselor; Virril S. whom it described as a swindler thy and the Pentagon Officials' or efl II £er hI' en he tt~nmg t , from Paris also beano ""uring into stag" occasion Copeland, manager of dormitory and em.bezzle~ and demanded his lawyer argued all afternoon ql ues oDdo rPUthi tu ~ 5 cnolfl'ldap - • Y" " tIt d th A t 11 c recor 0 s ca 10 t 0 ev ence olled FI."g t Gets Awa rd Indochina. Ten members 01 the sur admln- operat ons; Elizabeth Eng 1 e r t, arres . accuse e . us ra an whether the record of the Stevens I' Best Dr. h 1------_____""'"" ______manager of Quadrangle; Verne government 01 kidnapIng Mrs. - McCarthy talk, and other con- a osc. Spencer, manager of South Quad- Petrov and at manhandling So- versatiol1s relating to the dispute. FInally he said if any such phone rane1e and Martha Van Nostrand, viet personnel. should be admitted in evidence. call records are introduced, all 01 manager ot HiUcresl Petrov, third secretary of the Stevens touched on another ma- them shOUld be. Booths, Skits To Be Includ~d When the events begin ping Soviet embassy in Canberra, jor point betore yielding the wit- "I will not consent to picking pong balls wJU be blown t~ward abandoned communism and ob- ness stand temporarily to his ot- two or thre~ out of 50 or lqts island sarong girls will be given time "doing up" the hair ot their note given Hill by a Soviet deputy at the army's Ft. Monmouth radar par IClpa 109 n t h e even opera e ' t hil th d . . . I b t . carnival booths, present skits, va- by Alpha Chi Omeea social 50- women par ners w ,e e . coe S foreIgn mmister, Andrei Gromy- a ora orles . . In Accident £ase . t h h I' d rority in cooperation with Phi race to knot the men s neckties. ko. Stevens saId he told McCarthy rle y sows, c orus mes, an car- Th . I th Th te k d th t th' ... Charles Grimm Jr 22 921 nival games Norton Mezvinsky Gamma Delta social fraternity. ere wII also be a ree-legged e ~ame no as e a e and a Ides he felt theIr Inveshga- ., , A4, Ames, c~rnlval chairman said: To PreseD& Satire race, a sack race, a sultcasc race. AustraIJans arrest Petrov. as a tion "had served its purpo~e-that Dearborn st., Rock Island railroad . . , In a tug-ot-war, HllIcrest and swindler and embezzler. ThIS was wc were on top or everythmg that section worker, was tined a totlli One of the features of th~ car- Pi Beta PhI SOCial. sorority a~d South Quadrangle will pull against a request made earlier by the they had given us, and were to l- of $7 2:S0 Frida evenln In Iowa nival will be the presentahon of Phi Delta ~eta socl.al fraternity Quadrangle, while Westlawn and Rlk<:gian embassy in Canberra. lowing up, and we had infflrma- . . y g "Mr. MUMOC", the "most ugly will present The Umted Schrnoo- Eastlawn will team up against The request has alre.;ldy been re- tion on every name that had been City police court. He pleaded guil- man on campus." VoUng on the tiar,tS," a satire on the UN lea- Currier hall, jected. turned up anyway, and that I ty earlier in the day to charges ot 10 candidates will end at 9 p.m., turmg the famous schmoos. reckless driving and disturbing the ( Dall,...... Phle) and a traveling trophy will be Kappa Kappa Gamma social peace. COL. GEOILGE A. BOSCH, rlrht, professor of air sclence aDd tac­ awarded to the organization spon- sorority and Sigma Alpha EpsJlon Board Representative tel at 8UI, awards a ca.mpall'n-bpe ribbon for the bat drilled soring the winning candidate by social fraternity will offer "Reds 1 Grimm was the driver ot a car apt \0 Sohn Nunn, C3, Iowa City. The 'hirtl flII'ht memben of Alpha Phi Omega, national serv- in the Night," the experiences of involved in a colHskln Thursday """"'11 C won the award. Maj. Kenneth M. McEwen .f the Ice fraternity conducting the con- a mythical Moscow youth group niaht at CoUege and Dubuque sis! AnQTC stllff plllces a cltllUon cord on Nunn'. shoulder wblle test. (See Friday standings on opposed to communism. in which three cars were damaged page 3.) tlNe\ Ool. Geor,e P. IDDI&D, G. Tama, looks OD. NUDn reeelyed Zeta Alpha social sorority and and two persons were In,ured. ~ award Friday for squadron CUiI'M ser,ean& Ronald Schaeffer, Ferris Wheel Included Acacia social fraternity wili pre­ U. loektord, 01., who lion tour with the SUI bast!baU team.. Police said the char,e. ot dis- -~::;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;;:·:::::;:;;;;;;===;;;:::=:::::· =:::=::::::::::::::::;_I A lull-sized terris wheel will be sent a German beer garden skit turbing the peace was filed in con­ r set up in the tenter of the build- in three acts, and Theta Tau en­ nection with Grimm's conduct at ing to offer Tides into the upper gineering fratunlty will alter the the scene ot the accident. reaches of the field house. Alpha opportunity to dunk a person by WIfe Roepltalked J World News,Briefs · Tau Omega social fraternity Will throwing a baseball. operate the wheel, which was ob­ Refreshments at the. carnival About an hour after the acci­ ·A Condensation of Late Developments tained Irom a firm In Muscatine. \\IIIJ be sold by the Women's dent, Mrs. Grimm Jr., 18, was I¥i­ Delta Delta Delta social sorority Recreation association, the Young mitted to Mercy hospital for treat­ Men's Christian association, and ment of an injured lett hip. She . Party OHicials Charged in Job-Selling Case ~r~i~~~~ P!:e~~~~oso;;:;e~~a~ the ,Young Women's Christian as­ was listed as in satisfactory con­ WA8H~GTON (JP)-Atty. Gen. Herbert Brownell said Friday skit titled "Snow White and the sociation. dition there Friday evening. ,.,~ Republican party. officials i~ Minnesota have been chal'lged with Seven Wl1a rHs." a take-off on the Mrs. William L. Novotny, 56, :f!li to sell federal Jobs. He saId U.S. Atty. George MacKinnon bad fairy tale with a modern be-bop CI M . I C 1833 Muscatine ave., driver ot the I ed criminal informations In the federal district court at 8t. Paul theme. ' , app emoraa oncert second car involved, was treated tie Friday charging Reuben Riker, Republican chairman ot the Chi Omega social sororiw e,.nd Scheduled for May 26 at Udiverslty hospitals for abra­ ~ownahlp of Rome, and Leo A. Maland, precinct chairman for th.e Delta Chi social fraternity will sions about the scalp and right .. lIare. ot Frost, with ~licitin~ ~on~y in consideration of a promise operate I booth with a western The orchestra concert scheduled arm. She was released alter treat­ \lie IOfluence to obtam poshlflce Jobs. theme, with "Cic0wgirls" mounted for April 28 has been cancelled· ment. • •• on saddles. Ring one of the booted and a memorial program devoted Six persons were rid In, in the Ex.POW Tell. of Beating in Dickenson Trial lassies three times and you'll get to original compositions by the Grimm car, while Mrs. Novotny WASHINGTON (.IP)-Edward M. Gaither Philadelphia declared a kiss (on tl'le cheek). Ring them late Prot. Philip Greeley Clapp was alone. according to police. Ptlday that he was brutally beaten by Chin~e Communis~ and put once, o~ not at all, and you'll IItill has bee~ set for May 26. . before a mock !irlni squad two days after he told CpJ. Edward S. eet a kiss (candy). . Clapp s compositions ~Ill.be o...a.. Eau.&W Ilicltenson Cracker's Neck Va of his plans to escape a prisoner of Llberace and Ed Sullivan Will presented by both the uruverslty Accorctm. to poUee elltirnat~, tlu camp ' in Korea. The p~~tion tried to establish that Gaither's appear in a skit O~fered by Kappa symphony orchestra and university damage wu $700 to tbe Novotny -Unp came as a direct result squealing by Dickenson. But it A.lpha Theta Bocla] sorority a~d chorus. car and $650 to the Grimm car. ~ unable to draw a direct statement. SIgma Nu social fraternity, 10 ------Friday the driver 01 a third car • •• "Toast of the Campus," a take-off MEN LEAD IN HOME EC (Da", ...... P ••1e 111 Dlell ••Ie.a" slightly involved in the accident ' on the Toast of the Town televl- MADISON, Wis.-University ot A I'LIP OF THE COIN Frida, and Jack Toedt, C I. Laurel, rlcbt, is tile collece .f eolllJDeree "pre­ reported to pollee that $25 dama,e Nort h, South Koreans Arrive for Talks .slon show. Wisconsin men are geUing better Mntatlve OD Union Board. Boben Groom. CI, Des MollIeI; center, and Toedt were tied for Ole pO_ was done to his car. Keith A. GENEVA, Switzerland (,4» - Foreign ministers o~ North and "Roman Holiday" will be of- grade point as figured by the Wls­ IiUon with U votes eacb atter the All-Ca.pas el eeUou Mareh !to De two decided .&0 mp for the Thurston, 423 Chureh It.. sald he ~ Korea arrived Friday (or the Geneva conference to detennine fered by Gamma Phi Beta social economics. The men have a 1.75 JIOIltio. with the IOMr wlu.tlrawlDl'. The luGe W1I s orlainally !lebeduled to be !eWed '" a vote ID was driving north on Dubuque st. betbtr their divided nation can be unified. The rival Korean lead- sorority and Beta Theta Pi social grdae point as !"urcd by the Wis­ the eoUectate eluunber of eo..... ree el~U_ Mar I. Gettrp Sieve... uaanau, dlreetor of the Iowa at the time of the mishap. Were amOng the !irst diplomats to reach here for the 19-natlon fraternity, as the days ot Julius consin system and the women a Melborial Ulllon, left, "did the _non" in .... ofOce and Toed". ull of "beada·' prvved 10 be 01. Police ..id Grimm was drlvlD& ley on Korea /lDd Indochina openlni Monday. The North Korean Caesar are presented with a mod- U8. This is one o( the few courses wlanlll&' litle. This II the _Dd time thla year aD ofnce b .. been le&U .. b, a .... of Uae eola. Sal., south on Dubuque st. and Mra. ·€ It,otlon Is headCnded it with care, to justify compelling all students calling the student center. THE LUTHERAN STUDENT wor . I IS not aVQl a e 0 stu. President Eisenhower made his to take it," was Prof. Kirk H. Por- association is having its annualldents in prof.essio?al schools. The A single 10llel lovely rose " ...... IS FEL . hI ' d S t holder of thIS p1"lze may pursu! appeal 101' ,better understan di ng ter's comment on the increasing THE ROGER WILL""'. - sprIOg ouse c earung ay a ur- d t 'k t sur th Of white ht?'yond comparc~ among the nations Thursday night number of slate legislature!; pass- lowshlp will meet at the st~dent day, April a. Come to 122 E. ft:n~:r~ ~~\ve~sity o~:~~gO I~; JI1 dismal hours of the night, against a background of news ihg laws requiring all stUdents to center at 5:30 Sunday, April . 25 Church st. anytime durln~ the coming year 1954-1955 and the ' & Hellcath th· earing sun, (rom Sovict circles calculated to take courses in political science to go a~ a . group to Lake McBnde day after 8 a.m. Lunch Will be stipend will be paid for that year. produce little but despair in before graduation. Porter is head for a PIClllC supper. served. Students who are interested in tn. 'ingle lonely lovdy rose The' Western minds. of SUI's political science depart- tering the competition should ") Consoled the ancicnt onc. The President has often ex- ment. THE UNIVERSITY COOPERA- THE INTERNATIONAL CEN- communicate at once with tht • "fYon) high abovc th· Angel Dcath pressed the idea that peace, if. it Legislatures of California, Tex- tlve Baby-sitting leaguo book will ter will have a cost supper this heads of their major department ever comes, will not be milltanly as, Missouri, Wyoming and, most be in charge of Mrs. GI"ria West- Sunday, April 25, at 6 p.m. NI- and present supporting evidence, llW blossom blooming the gay, enforced, but a product of the recently Mlchlglln have passed Call until April 27. Telephone her gerian tood will be featUred. including written plans for grad, Ami jealou of the old man's joy, cooperative spirit of men every- such lal~s with the purpose of pro- at 5936 if information about join- ullte work. The departments will 6 Hesolv d to st 'al his rose away. where. . moting good citizenship and pa- ing the group is desired. NEW1\IAN CLUB WILL HAVE report their nominees, to Ihe But how can one conceive of a triotism. its regular Sunday meeting April Graduate Office before May I. ) Angel eye ' star d windy death, peace of the spirit, 01 an arrival P tid . t th . A PA OVER SUPPER WILL 25. Supper will be served at 6 p.m. r Th . flower soon did w ither; at understanding with a govern- or er vo ce concel n a e. m- At 7 m FalJ1er Ned CaUch of the ment whose highest officials stoop creasing number .ot" reqUired be served at the Hillel hC>lJse Sun- t S' ·.t t f St A b G R A D U ATE COL LEG ~ The seraph relished its white soul areful planning CYf political courses at SUI. He said, There .arc day. April 25, at 6 p.m. ar geepalDmen °t :11 m rsoense physics colloquium and the hu· to the C ... - t g ddt - co ll c. ' avcnpor ,', WI , pre t manities society wtll present Prot And bid its beallty hither. assassination and kidnaping not many pa t "" 0 a 00 e . uca IOn. Il t ted t lk Wh t W Th do not necessarily lead -- a~ I us r~ . a " a S rong George Sartlln, Harvard univer. The hermit wept to see the rose only at home but abroad? throughey poliltcal. . SCience,. foreign _THE. FIRESIDE CLUB OF THE WIth ChrIstian Art. All members Sl'ty, \vho wI'11 spcak on "Leonardo Fudin Ibtlessly, Story Unbelievable language, lilcl'ature, or physical Unltana.n church will meet at the are urged to attend. da Vinci, Innovator and Man 01 The story told by a repentent education. All are good. None is International student cente~ be- Science" Monday, April 26, at I nd prn)'cd ill tears to Cod above MVD agent in Europc, of a mur- l)ssential." Kirk H. Porter tween 5:50 and ~ p.m. for dlO?el', .INTER-DORM FIELD DAY p.m. in the senate chamber of Old Who heard the old man's plea. del' planned by a former ambassa- Hire Good People 'Let's 0 Jell SOllie Doors' followed by an mfol:mal evening. \~JIl be held at the. Intra~ural Capitol. The good Lord sigh d and cried aloml, dor to the United States, as an o!- _ _ I -- field of the Iowa stadIUm thiS at7 ___ liclal Soviet govomment act is "Let us open some dOOrs and . HISTORY l\IAJOR GRADU- ternoon .from 1-4 p.~ . .AIl dorml-I F RENC l{ PH D READING EX. "This no~ cr \mlst not die: so fantastic that one . can ha;dly knock oU some shackles. Here a.nd collegc, much l.es~ by :ctJon ~f t~,e atcs and undel.gradunt~s, who in- tory reSidents ~re eltglble for an ami nation will' be given Thur!. ngc1 Death, take a bud bell eve it, does not want to De- elsewhere we hire people to give state leglslatu.1e , POI ~er saId. [tend to follow a career in history, af.~ernoon of flee food, iun and day, May 27, from 3-5 p.m. in From my gcu'dcn in the sky." Iicve it, even about the Commu- good courses and then lock up the want to modIfy TeqUlre~ents. so are invIted to attend an informal pllzes. room 221A Schaeffer hall. Please nlsts I students so they cannot take the thaL stUdents can take our COUI ses meeting to be held in conierence k ]" l' b . . h i The rose regained its frngrant bl oom, Allhough Ii man lives only be- courses ,,~e hire people to teach. if they wish to do .~o. room 2 of the Iowa Memorial Un- A SUORT STORY CONTEST r:~t:d a~~~~~elO;oo! S~~~In;c~a~. TIle old man blessed the sight, cause the Russians decided against Not good!' . "I am very con[ldent th ~t those ion on Thursday, April 29, at 8 o~fz: to all ?nder;rad~atcs. ,~~ fer hall. No applicatio~ will be 11cl far awa two lovers saw an International murder dUring Port!!r said that he has been who choose to do otherWISe and p.m. Boyd Shafer, executivc ~ g ]" h sUf~!," lt ma us~~~Pt~ t~ accepted after Monday May 2~ the Berlin conference, and because under pressure tor years to seek ta~e literature, IOl'cign language, secretary of the American His- s·7 ~ 11 0 b IC~, roomA ·i 29 Dl~er= The next examinatio~ will be star fall fading ill the night. his assigned assassin subsequently requirements of political science pf111osoph~, geology or econom~cs tOlieal association, w~ll be pres~nt ~r.ta:t: 'us~ a:':~ur:;~ na~e r::n giV'en during thc second week 01 • - from an old Spanish had a change ot heart, the Rus- at SUI. He said, "To compel a stu- ?an nevel thcless bccome good Clt- 10 answer all questions relatmg an cnvelo e arked "0 t ve Tha- the summer session. sian government may no. t even be dent to study political science !Zens and well educated men and to history as a profession. Those t Sh .tPSt m C t t~, a E I ------children's legc/ld ... b th b d bl" I it ". d ne 01 ory on es . nc ose ~orry II out.. e a pu IC ty r when. he Is e~ger to ~tudy art, ~men_. ______mterested should ptan to atten . a smaller envelope with thl! 85- .....•... IS now receIving. It creates terro chemIStry 01' litl!rature IS a great sumed namc on it, but within thl!: " ·LI·bra" To E,xhl·b.. I·' among other peopl~s, -ra~es them mistake. It arouses dist~ste, re- WSUI PROGRAM PHI ALPHA THETA smaller envelope enclose the real I·yerlerl·',~ nervous a?ollt theu' t1atIonal s~- sentfulness and llntagoDism that hold its Ijnal meeting of the name and address of the author. Un curity agamst su.ch a I~e, ~nd IS defeats the very purpose we on Thursday, April 29, in Judges will be William Porter, • , . .. I ~ ., gene~ally dl~1:uI'btng, which IS one should have in mind." CALENDAR fet'ence room 2 of the Iowa Hansford Martin and Thomas Ma-

Valuable Historical' Papers R::~ =::~o~eb~~I:: re that, ~i~~l; ~~~~a?!i~~~~~~r~?;r ~~~; 8:00 M:;~~~;a~'h~~~1t '! ~ , IV.'! ;~~~~~~:0!~ t;:ia~l~~i:~~rmnl br:R. A. J. FREIE OF THE . B . . during some crisis, for in~ance trated and thoroughly bored. I do : : ~ ~:;'~I~.·n Sturr meeting at 8 p.m. at which Boyd Creole PHroleum Corp. will lec- Did you know that enJamm between YugOSlavl'a and Italy . .. 9:00 Organization Shaier executl've sect"tary of the ttl ... I t Franklin advocated the use of when as a senator he was appar- ' not want politIcal sCIence to be 9 :30 Children', Cjrc1c ' . .. ure on pe 1'0 eu... Jevc opmen s . . " . ISoviet agents will not commit a looked upon as a punishment that 10:00 Fun With Music American Historical aSSOCiation, in Eastern VeneZ'~~la at 4:10 p.m. bows and arrows for Colonial enlly having financial dlfIi.cultJes, cold..Jblooded murder just to have h 10 : 15 InvltaUon to Eu rope will be "uest of honOr. Shafcr is Monday, ApI'I'1 26, I'll the Geology d ' hi' d . r ht th t d one has to take because t e rules ... troops urmg t e Revo utlOnary an in a Ig manner rca ene one disputing party lay the blame say so" :Z :~ ~ a rct Ys~Pt·a~ t I of HeDl th eminently qualified to discuss and lectUle room. Tuesdny, April 2'1 , w ar? And did you know that -yv ar- to become a Bolshevist. 'on the other and so, perhaps, . 11 :00 ~:7.~c H~f v a~~:~:~'C" answer questions concerning his- at 9:30 a.m. in room 306 in the ren G. Harding, the 28th preSident Also on display will bc a man- produce a war? War between Too Many Requirements 11 :30 DAR Program tory as a prof~ssion. All Geology buHdjng he will discuss of the United Stalcs, once .wrote uscl'ipt journal kept by Bcnedict members of the outside world al- Porter said Ihat he remembers :t ~~ ~~·:'~~/R.;~~~: are urged to attend. petroleum devclopments in West- jestingly that he was "thinking of Arnold when he led the tragic ways has been a prime objective the time when nearly all students 12 :30 News will be seved. ern Venezuela. Both lectures will becomJng a Bolshevist?" Am e< ric a n Colonial expedition of Communist policy. in introductory American govern- Ir ~ ~/U.T:eF~o~eln~~~foehel\ be illustrated with lantern slides. Iowans will have the opportun- against Quebec, in which he 10&t President Eisenhower expressed ment courses were freshmen. To- 2:OD Eileen Barton Show THETA SIGMA PHI Everyone invited. ity to .examine many of the hu- over halt ot his command belore the hope that dissemination of the day, he said, they are largely sen- ~:~g ~':.'.~~Ic:~r ~1~reu.:'I~';; hold a business meeting Wednes- man interest elements connected ever reaching the battlefield. Ar- truth everytwhere would eventu- iots becaUSe of all the require- 3:30 You Wtre There day at 4 p.m. in room I 15 of the SOFTBALL CLUB lvaL HOLD with the buUders of America's his- nold left the journal behind when ally produce understandinli among ments which flLl their schedules. !:~ ~:~"T9~eTO Town Communications Center. This will its fh'st meeting Monday, April tory by vlbving more than 130 he desected to the British. all peoples. A goal to be devoutly " [ do not want political science 5:?O Children', Hour be the last meeting beforc MatriX, 26, and will continue on the fol- valuable historical documents to Document Til Be Exhibited sought, of course, by free men to be required by the rules of the ~::g r;;;;;'~e Time SO everybody should be present. lowing Monday and Wednesday be exhibitaJ at the SUI library A document wHiten by a lItlle- who, he said,. "do not lose the~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~:r Hour ------afternoons fl'om 4 to 5 p.m. at May 1-27, according to Clyde C. known signer of the Declaration of pa.Ue~,ce, their courages, then Moto · t A ked 7 ~ 00 Opera P .M. the softball diamond across from Walton, cwlatol' of 1'are books at Independence, Button Gwinnett, faIth. rls S S 99:54~ News CI"ty Natl'onaIGuard . the Union. Every girl is invited.

SUI. . will alAo be displayed. Gwlnnett's But the more truth that comes T Ob ' R I" 10;00 ~ra~· 6~~!'U~ht . ADVER.Tl SE~n:N T Inc1udin&(5evern l foreign hi tor- valuable autographed papers arc out about the Soviet govcnunent · 0 serve u In9 H 100 .0 · leal papers and documents from as very rarely placed on public ex- the less the cause secms to be ad- Of 'No-Turn' Ba 8:00 MO:,,~~:'~'h~::11l ~6. 193 t as . penmgs far bock as the 14th ~entur y, the hlbltion, Walton says, adding that vanced. n 8: 15 News e.xhlblt Is Cr?m the prIvate collec- Gwinnett's autograph has sold re- Iowa CiLy motorists were rc- ::;g ~;:,e:enDc:"~e~ Tr.nslatlon The Iowa national guara units tion of Justm Turner, Hollywood cently for BS much as $51,bOo. D' I AI . T D' 9:45 Women ' Feature stationed In Iowa City have open­ businessman and hotel owner. Through the whole exhibit ring e t umn. 0 ISCUSS minded again Friday by Police 10:00 New. ing." tor more than 100 recruits, it For bride or ,room a Lot\liti •• Chief Edwin J . Ruppert of the 10: 15 Thc Book.helC wps announced Friday. Other Iteml Llskd names. familiar to every student of 7St h Anniversary PansI banning of all turns by cars dur- 10:45 Festival or IValues WiUnauer watch is an intllllll .. "h t f A hj t P I R 11 :C.O Mu.lc Tens Stories At least seven officers and 33 Th ere Is a 14. -cen ury copy 0 mencan S ory: au evere, . Lng rush hours at the intersection 11:15 Old Tales and New enlisted m- 1 City Edlto- Jerry HM. y eorge annlng, . . • The A_ted Pn.. i. entltled ex- reperl .e... I ..... w ••n·, .... !h_...... ing to enlist in the marine corps, N 0 E " T"I II 11 P M clu.iv@!JI to the use (0. NPUbllc.tlon , ...... " t. T •• Doll, J ....or...... • • nd OWI,hl Jensen OW pen venlngs of San Francisco. California of aU the local news printed In thls EllI...... fflce ••re la ... c._.~. A.sl. NeW. Ullor ..... PIaU O'Connor Robe,rt B. Lattimer, recruiting ser- I •• newspaper •• well as all AP n""". ._•• Wirephoto 'technician ... Jay Hylone geant lor the 11 S mal'ines said I J\ ....mber of the Boat'd of Lect'::'eshi of the Mother dfsp8teb c...... Chief Phol~pher .. .. Bob :Rosene '(. . , ,,, P es. lIubtieripllbn rates - by curler In low8 £dJtorlal P.p £d1101'S .. Marie ~uf- Friday. SERVING Church - Thc First Church f Christ Scientist in IlIEIlIIIEIt City. 211 cento weekl,y or " per )'NJ' In man. Nanq Barke< Lattlmer will be at the Iowa Bo~ton, Massachusetts AVDrr IIV.£A11 .dv.nce; .... six months, " .211 ; tI1rCt! or Inontha. ~51 . By maJi in Jow . . .. per DAILY 10"Al'I' ADVII:.TlIINO ITArF City post office Monday to inter- In 'he Church Edifice _ 722 E. College St,..t • ,-; .Ix m""ths. ~; thf" mCIIIIb.. Blllln ... Manltler " Charles GoUltler view men interested in enlisting • 'iullecr:!pUODll. >; nacVLAnONIi A;Per aUyear; olber II" mallmonths, ,1.10; tllneflO ,ult. .8uai~~ M,f...... MA"ttdNebel lor two years active duty. CHICIEN II TIE lASlET TUESDAY EVENING ' APRIL 27 C.I 1-2151 If,...... 1 ",.ITa '-RIhs. P,& ~ .... r...... C.rl A anon Enlistees will be sent to the ma- 8;00 O'CLOCK , ••r n.II)'I I...... , 11:11 ...... JI~ I'll. Pownall, PUIlIIMlr.: PAlM' IOWAN CIIWIII.ATION "TAl'}' 1M h ' S OJ SANDWIOHES ST'~AIS "lIAL'JS t 11) , .... "",1,. I. ,IUa a.. I II . ~,fi. ('barlt, 1'1. Ihrntllll, ""~t~,an~ 111t111...... CtrculAt{Oli' 'frl...... nri~rl C:rohk Calif.,r .corp.q lor 10 week'Sase of lranalning.. ego, ,.... ______.' Ii. . - .. _. - . ~ ______THE PUBLtC IS CORDIALLY INVITED ... _ , • i------~7, - (ounly Group Union to Feature 32 Kline To Address , · e A E h eb e 400 at Political o 0rganlze Pain·ti~g~ I~ rt x I It Science Conference • Thc Iowa MemorIal Umon ~ I ~l. - . • (ouncil Ieatur~beginmng a SUISun day,student Apnl a.rt 25exhIbIt and 'I GEmporia., North[ield, Kan.; Jo~nMinn .;M aakes~ad·,Manetta 1 Final plans are being made. by .;=;;;:;:~~~~;::::~:;;~:;:~:-:=====::=:::;=====-=====::;;:::;::;:==~==-:::======~=::. ending Friday. May 4. Union ol- Eighme. G , Tingley: Evert John- Prof. Russell M. Ro • chairmanj l WANT AD RATES I Miscellaneous For Sale Wanted Who uoes It . ficials said the show was timed son. G. So. Sioux City. Neb.: Raine of the IOCAIl arrangement com- '--______--J. I ~~- Q A start toward the estabh~hment to coincide with Mother's day Leagh, G, Winnipeg, Canada; mittee for the midwest conference Two .. ,htw.t&hl SCKWINN BICYCLI:S GOLF CLUBS In ,ood &ba~. Dial 1-0773. RADIO .nct TV ...1 ... and ...n-n: 1'Iek up Ou .., __ Ie per ".rd One m.n· . on~ lad)" 1!:x ..lI~nl con- of a county health council was weekend Stanle" Supin kl AS Willow I" I . • t WANTI:D-Ml'dlum size STED. TltUNK. .nd d~U\· el")'. Woodburn Sound 8erv'~ . Th d . ht t t·· "., for po Illca SCientIsts, 0 accomo- _.l!e per dillon. Call 5410 for appoIntment. liltd e urs ay DIg a a mee mg Thirty-two pieces by sur aTt Grove; Abigail Bean. G, Iowa Three ..,.. _d Phone OXI . U37. ....,I~I . 15e per Ia the courtroom of the J ohnson students have been chosen to go City: Mary Joan Hoffman. A2. date the expect d 400 educators Ph. ..,. __.. wert MusTiiLL %'/ r~1 lraller - 1ll1O. 8--111'711. FURNISff£D hou wan led for .ulnmer LAWNS crade4. LIIIII bull-dow.." ..,oop. Ja"k sterian". Phone 3Ot1 or 11-, .... /GUIlty courthouse. on display by a judging committee Davenport; Banjamin Wigfall. G, {rom 13 states. t'e... ,.. .. __ Ih ller ..... ONE el of I~Ct h nd ,oil club. 7 Iron.. Ion . mall f.mlly. Lar,,, fiat a«epl- 0 .. H ..U. _._1.. per ..... 3 woo. new \>a,. 01.1 453S Hock-E)' ••bl~ . Wrlt~ n.lly Iowan . Box 17. OARDENS PLOlfEtl. Manure for ,ar- Forly persons representing gov- composed 01 Protessors Stuar Richmond, Va.; Miriam Burke, G, The conference begins here 1Loan. , WANTED TO RENT. Two bedroom hou, •. den •. J.ck 51.. lane . 3Ot1 or ... 1... . ernmcn tal units. voluntary hcalth Edie, James Lechal'. and Eugene Iowa City; Phillip AId rks, G, Thursday with Allan !S. Kline 01 IIlalllla. ebarre 5.. I'OR SALE: ..... UO!'UITIJII. ,Ulhtl)' used _ Dial 41 51. wall Slt>O 00. Phon 1-,", or m'I. QUALITY wathln •• PIIlnttnl, I.nd an. -ranizations, civic groups and in- Ludins of thc art department. Iowa City; William Mitchell, G. the American Farm bureau fea- CLASSIFlED DISPLAY p.~rln, . Dial ~ ... I!ItSled citizens attended. None of the works to be ex- Cedar Fall ; Phlllip Hultman, G, tured at the opening session at aua w .. rtlon._.. _ ...1l11c per Indl FOn SALt=: . T~ -q uarl"r size oak bed Apartment For Rent UPHOLSTERY. McDon.Id·.. DI.I 11511. A committee of scven pcrsons hibiled has been S,lown in other Walren, Pa.; William Clu~. ~2. 8 p.m. in the ~ham~au .h lectur complele. HI.h cha'r. Dial 11-(2". I Free ".UtrulleJ. Five JnsertJoDS per month, FOR SALE _ Eurek. ralo-malic VIIC- 3 larl" noo 1S 811. men I .Pllrlm~nl. :) will be named by the steering \art shows. Thederick D. Leach, Mercer~burg, .Pa.; Robert Klpntss, room of tht; UDlve:sl~y hbrllry. per insertJon .. _.88c per loeb uurn c1.aners. Glmbles. 01.1 11-23%2. N ... 1y d"'~~1 ~ USED TV~ Ren\els. HOUM TV committee which arranged the art instructor. said that the pieces G. Forest Hills. N. Y.; Frances presJdent Virgil l\~ .. Hanch­ we"'''. OLDT'S. IIU 8 . LInn. sur Ten JnsertlOl15 per month FOR RENT 5-rool1\ aplrtmenl. AdullJl Phone iSH. [' meeling. The committee wlll be have been selected lrom dally Celentano, G, Rochester, N.Y.; cr w.1ll wel~ome the \'lsltOrs at , COLF CLUBS. Tennlo Rack" • Goll Bal~ only. Dill 8-2983. I per JnsertJon ...... aOc per loch HOi Plate., .nd Electric lro"s. Hoc • 3 noo~l A I F II ( bh~ Prj Ie AUTO PARTS 'or Mle. QootTI. 101 dlarled with the responsibility of Iwork and will represent a crOS3 Harlan Goudie. G, Great Falls, ~he first session. Conference Pres­I Eye Loan~. p . u)' urn . va Mllden Lane. U",I SIn. DEADLINES ~n l rlnc:~. prlv.te balh. laundl")' f.elU- IJI!paring a constitution, planning section ot class work in the art Mont .• and Joanne Buck, A2, Ot- Ident PI:0f. Har~y W. Voltmer of tOR SALl!: : Good ueed Vo wllher. $25. Ue . and. Iarce yard. 0 1.1 4535, Aller INSURANCE. Real DtaU. Pro~ 7 fOr election of otcicers and ar- department. tumwa. 1the politic~l sC.lence departmc.nt p.m. weekdays lor insertion lnl Dial 5349 . 3ZB Brown. ~ pm. c.1I 3418. Mana.ement. Darllnl .. Co. Dill ~l I. . r f t t' Art students whose works are al the UDlversJty of WlsconslIl, "foll owing morning' Daily Iowan. BABY B Ph t-fUS BACHELOR .parlmenl5 for rent. 1M 1'1 . Il.ZN'I'AL TOOL' Byron HOllkDui.Palnt. !1Ilglllg or u ure mee lO gs. '11 'd Please check your ad In the first U'IY. one . Dubuque .L Dia l 8--2t58 a:.:.. ... Lnd Door co\l ~rln ••. being shown are: Franklin Faust, WJ preS! e. Oemmlttee Members G, southport, Conn., Barbara Lin- $233 , 840 Add The conference will run through issue it appears The Daily Iowan rOR SALE. Laundromat .150 Maytac. war e I . Be.1 olf~r . Phone •.,.., or 11327. Room. for R.... t Members of the steering com- den; Alice King, G, Bittmore, N, May 1. The final session at 10 can be responsible 1lr only one 'I' FOR SALE: Auto .nc! Fire Insuranee. mittee include: Rev. John G. Craig, C.; Harry Brown, G, Rock Island, For Coralvl·'le Land a.m. at the Iowa continuation incorrect insertion. 2 Whltln,-Xerr Re.lIy Company. Dial VERY MCI!: room. 8-2518. dlairman, who presided Thursday; Jll ' Ervin Stawski G Milwaukee center will be a debate on the 8r1ar A4vtrll emu. I. 1:3. SWEPING roon .. tor two mIle Itudentll. J(Cls Dr. Charles R. Eichel'; Mrs. Terry Marjeu-ie Little: G, Bricker amendment to the Con- Th Oall1 I.won B.oll. OUlte Nur campu •. S4J6. Want w i~.; Spring~ USED 'IV leu 12.,"-17". ",.75. Dlal 11302. Jone; Mrs. J. O. Osborne and lield, Ill.; Joan Merkert. G , Min- Owners of 29 Iract- ?f land. in stitution. lIa.eme.l E •• t H.1I Or Call DOUBLE OR SLNOLE room lor renl. 01.1 I ~78'7 . Prof. Marcus P. Powell, of thc neapolis, Minn.; Philip Meany, G. the Coralville rese-" OJr proJed A tou~ or the Amana colonies FOR SALE. Blby parakeel5 .lId canarle•. 0 1.1 2661. FOR r"nl. Room. GIrls. DI.t 4582 . hyJiene and preventative medi- Chicago, 111.; J anet Olson, G, have been returncd awards total- and a speech by John Gang. ex- Bring- . PARAKEETS. D!.I '-30&1 • FOR m~n: double room ... 'Ib DlIb r cine department. MinneapoliS, Minn.; H31'old Brad- ing $2,33.840 by a thL'ee -~n U.S. ccutive director of the Amcrican Phone 450S. 41 91 TRUNKS. su llcaM!'. -FooUock~rs. Kock- Leonard C. Murray, director of ley, G, Chicago, lll.; George Per- comrolSSion of con~emnatio~, Political Science associatlon is I!:ye Lo.n. education for the state depart- ret; Joan Hamilton Cobitz; Eliza- The a,,:ar~s wei e filed I~ the scheduled lor Thursday. Salesman Wonted I S~llnt-CORONA portable Iypewrll"r. - ment ot health, outlined functions beth Korterlander, G, Nashville, f~der~l district court clerk s . of- Typing 8-1207. ADVERTISE Novelty filS o""r lelephone Re~.~lts • r publlc health councils. Tenn.; Ronald Wagner G, Mil- lice m Daven~rt after heann~s ~ .ell GOLF c~ Phone H!H. d'.I. F. n"r - llbera I eommll lon- 'TYP LNG . Phone 8-4133. Free ",,"'pie.. Acme Mf,. 6'IF Chdn",- o k Wis' J k M t' th G on condemnatIOn were held m 'A ·1 Sh ' I is vice chairman of the participate in the Iowa political Own~r s of the property havc 10 brellos. werc delivercd to the pn­ 8-1280. BALLROOM DA'ICI: II.UOOl. IIlml You'" For MAHER' BROS. • Community Chest council, said he science conference today at Cedar days in which to tile appeals on ticnts Fl'lday. Eighty women stu­ Wurlu. Dill k85. - ~-- - walking Phona 9696 did not believe there would be any Falls. the commissions awnrds~ Stevcns dents wll1 attend to participate jn Help Wanted . conJllct between the projected Whitesel will lead apancl discus- said. social dancing and entertainment. BROKEN TIRES? pleasure -- community welfare council and a sion this afternoon on the activitie Barbara Behrens A3 , Oelwein, Is WANTED AT ONOE I Men or woman to . . . crvlce clii tomt"rJ (or famous. natlon- public hcalth council. of the 8Sd congrClls. Ray will speak Hays To Speak Tuesday In charge of ar~angements. Any IU)' advertl cd Watkin. produc\.l In Our vuJcanbln, Is Johnoonlln' ere de limed for wcnr In Boyer said a welfare council at a noon luncheon on the progress • intere ted women tudent:; lire in- 10 .... City. Enablbhed bu In brinal Supervisor Wanted ,00<1 ""rnln,. r"","'rl), ...artln, Immed - cuaranteed for tbe lown or toUnlr)'. You will find rood might assist a health council in a of the Iowa citizenship clearing ,At Economlc$ Luncheon vited. Inlely. No In"e.tlntnl. Wrlle J. n . \Val- lite of the Ute. I 'Ie combined with un "'lI-day com- $400.00 MO. POSSIBLE Icln. Co .. 0-57. Wlnona. Minn. characteristic lUfVey of services available, par- house. I . ,- - forlublC letllnll thai I. (NOT VENDING) ticularly with reference to financ- The confercnce, held on thc . PlOt. Samuel P. Hays of the 01 John onl.n footwear for men ••• d Quality Retreads IS. Iowa Stale Teachers college cam- hIstory department, wHr speak :01Edwar S Rose- Saya WIKEL TYPEWRITERS National concern with reCerenc- pus, will be attcnded by educators tit c Order of economics • Good Used Tires ~rtus, Simpson's Shoe Service cs frorn banks, chamber of comr RENT A NEW ROYAL & ·11 L d from most Iowa colleges and many honorary, at thell' noon luncheon Jf you han' a. Beb III your meree, etc., needs rcliable man 01 S high schools. Most faculty mem- mceting Tuesday, In the ria l home - JeL u erve you - we PORTABlE 113 Iowa Ave. Iowa Cily, Iowa 5tone tI ea s c~fet Linder Tire Service or woman to deliver well known I bcrs and assistants of th SUI pO_ lalcove 01 the Iowa Memol'lal Un- are Headquarter tor Baby I Ask About Our Rental 21 E. College SI. Dial 4163 lood product to established In- Old r IU.9 y Man' Race IiUcal science department are at- Lon. His topic will be .. ome his- Needs - their JlEALTl( - Purchase Plan tending the conference, according lorical aspects ot the con.el'vatioll COMFORT _ GROWTII _ or U.S. Royal Tires dustrla I accounts. No selling: Ph. 8-0151 Paul Stone, A2, Waterloo, con- to Prof. Russell M. Ross of the movcment." course we want to fill Bab ' 23 E. Washington Fender Applicants must have rcfetenc- es, cal' and $990.00 cash secure9- tinucd to lead in the race for the political science dopartmcnt. The group will also discuss plans - -- And 'Ugly Man' title Friday night. for the initiallon banquct to honor rRE CRIPTJON - you are al- by inventory ond II wl'itten ~~~~ :;i~c25 votcs cast at ,\ Orientation Group newly electcd mcmber!. 'O,.ayRs weUlcomGe -SHOP \:ash moncy back guarantee Insuring .Watch For Our FOR ANY Body Work a 100 ';' retul'll on yOll!' invcst- Other candidates in order or T H o'e 25 TO BE 1I0NOilED I men\. Eight hours per week nc- their st~nding are John Elman, A1, 0 ear onnor TwentY-1lve womcn will be in- By • I Purpose cessary to start with pos&ibillty be t Des Momes, 451; Sheldon Rosen- C oac h Fr k (B k) O'C iliated into Alpha Lambda Delta Grand 0 p. g • EXPERT WORKMEN of taking over fuJI time later ' field, AI , Des Moines, 404 ; Jerry 'Il k atn Ut~ y M dormort frcshman honorarv ~ocjcty for wo~ em" 21· I A j El R h t . NY 298 ·tWI spea a a mee mg on ay 0 • • . Small Monthly Payments. 14 and increasing income accord· u;W s, , oc es et, ... ' II 'd " t mcn Tuesday. The cel'cmor,y wlll be Leonard Holfman E2 Monticello a men s an womcn s orlen a-· . . Kenne dy AU t 0 Mali I ing1y. Write fully, giving a/l- ol l'~' DB' ' t ' C<\ S· 'Hon leaders and assistants. The be lJeld lit 5 p.m. In the board · 'd D ' dress, phone numbcr and agc to · ' 23~\lgR ~ge~re\, k ' G \~)\ required meeting will bc at 4 pm room, Old CElpilol. A banquet in Federal Discount 708 RIverst e rIve / . ' CIt1' ; ec artsoo. , eS l in Macbride auditorium. " , the River room 01 the Iowa Mem- DIAL 7373 Box 19 c. o thIS papcr. ilomes, and Bud McCardell, :'-3' 1 M b f b ' 0l'la1 Union will follow at 6 p.m. Newton 158' Lou Matyklewlxz cm ers 0 oth mcn sand .. AS, Cal~met 'P ark, Ill., 110; J en; wo,;!en's councils will eXP.laill \ Ph . 7611 229 S. Dubuque\ .. Daly. A2. Clinton, 80, and Barry th~lr part of ~he program to orlen- Q- - CLEANS OPEN FOR BUSINESS Ackerly , A2, Des Moines, 47. tallon wOl:ket.s. . • WHO The winner will be named to- Suc ~e.ldel, A2, Eagle Glove. SWEATERS night at Campus Carnival. and William Vaughan, A2, Ot­ ...... tS- - :-y' lAFF-A - DAY MONDAY, APRIL 26 tumwa, .have charge oC thc meet­ '.o}"';.;.:." ... ( ee story on pal"e 1.) ing. rt~~~~ " ------Iowa City s Proposed ~"' ~::;y/;I'~ 2 Students' Music Electric Rate is ~ WEE WASH IT (ity Record To Be Broadcast h Corne ill to ee ow' equipmel1t ... ' 1 BIRTH Musical numbers composed by • TQ\.MI' and M!1s. Rodney Strub, two SUI graduate students will be New Speedy Aoitator \Vashers and !, 11 14 N. Summie: a boy Thursday featured at 11 :30 a.m. ~Il~. over , ;1 Mercy hospital. WSUI on the program OlJg[nal FLuff Dryers! . , To M r. and Mrs. William A. CompOSitions of Iowa Composers," CLEANERS ! Reddick, R.R. 2, a boy Wednesday arranged by Mrs. Paul B. Shaw, DIAL 4J6J at Mercy hospital. and spohs?red 'by the I?aughters of -=!I!I~~~iiii=ii:l=:;==:.===::===:;:;===:.... ,. To Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Leich- the Amel'lcan Revolution. iii' Wet Wash ...... •.. 6c fb. Mi.,. 40c • ' IeJ1ring, 604 Bow6ry st., a girl Thc ~il'st.. ~umber "QtJmt.et 101' 0 E - t -II 9 Friday at Mercy hospital. WoodwlDds IS by James Niblock, pen venlngs I Wash & Dry (Not Fold) Be lb. Min:. 55e 'to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ingalls G, East LlIns'ing, Mich. The second North Liberty, a boy FJflt!ay at is. "P arHta" wtltteh by Joseph L. • Wash, Dry, & Fold . • • • .10c 1b. Min. 65c Mercy ho s~ital. Zmgale, G, Welch, W. Va. Effective ot Once To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stagg, Sundo & HoI' Closin Hour ot Noon I Dry Only ..•. ,...... 5c lb. Min. SOc Wesl Liberty, a girl Frjday at. fRECJNCT CHAIRMAN FINED Mercy hospital. To .Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clem- ST. PAUL, Minn. (.11')- Reuben ~ Ricker, Frost, Minn., Republican :J It' f t , ence; Coralville, a girl Friday al • I · \> Mercy hospital. precinct chairman, Friday pleaded 6 teAs P.M'. _ guilty to a federal court charge Ont'J_ ~ 'reCta WATCH ~~ . OU~ DEATHS oC "soU citing and receiving" a $500 pOlitical contribution to use Fred Lowman, 75, Des Moines. his influence in obtaining a fed- Canned GRAID OPQII8 co,a. '.'. KIKG ,14rulu 'YNOICAT£. 'I... ""01\.0 lIOns I£UII'I:O ~ • J • al University hospitals. eral job tor a rural mail carrier 6 l · • , Axel Larsen, 76, Forest City, applicant. "Why is it that every time mother stays overnight you 7611 2~9 S. Dubuque at University h"OspHals . . St. :: .: [ Dee Willar Hanson, infant, ., .. d ______m~a~k~e~a~f~u~ss~?~. '~' ~------~------~--~--c'--· ~I ~. -· ~I, ~t~o .' __ __ Sioux City, at- UHiversltt hos- Ir CHIC YOUNG pltals. T' Carl Broeder, 61 . Dubuque, . owner s University hospitals. f Ira Starr, 55, Davenport, Bea utycra t eun(tingham ~ Velerans hospital Friday. . I CASH & GARRY MARKET Fqr Yo~r Eating Corner E. COURT & MUSCATINE AVE. leasure . '.' C"oic. (East on Hichway 6) IOWA BEEF

IN CONSTANT USI IV SPe.rs AHNOUNCIItS, W.'TI.S, CLUI OFF,C'ALS ANI> 'ANS Thi ...... I. outh ...i .... by f .... d frick, C_i ..l _ ., 1a..... II. 0 .... lho _Id.nl. of Ih. IWO - 101' 1_ Prime Ribs· Top Sirloin' No ...001>011 book ofJw. luch compl ••• up· ,'''''',...... left Oft .,.roge., h ighliwhtl of p"~iO\f1 seolOfl, ,lc. tv.... of teo",. etc". It (O't.... e.,.,.,.thiftfl, mel""'", •. Choice Steaks .tand., records, etc., etc. The,.. ar. alto "hedwlM ...... _1

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