![(Iowa City, Iowa), 1954-04-24](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
icial Says FHA Gave ~ The Weather Cloucb Ceda, with geC&­ IIoDaI Mowen aIllI dum­ dentorms endinr toalrht. BJrh toda" ..: low, 55. Profiteers Easy Time Clnrtnr an. eooIer SIID­ al owan da,. WASHINGTON (JP)The govern--------------I JIII!'s chief crime prosecutor said face of FHA's statements that Est. 1868 - AP LeaJect Wire. Wirephoto - Five C Iowa City, Iowa. Saturday, April 2", ·1954 prid~' the. Federal Housing ad- they weren't deceived or defraud­ IliDistration-by taking the atU- ed, they were just giving the JIIIt that "they were just giving stuff away." Undergrads Bone Up for Field tile stut! away"-has torpedoed In the home repair racket, 01- =''''~''' ....,....., .,., chance or prosecuting big ney said the practice ot swind­ ~ apartment housing profiteers. ling homeowners was "very wide­ l St~dents Accept Band, Rate But he revealed that the FBI, spread across the nation," and he • orders of President Eisenhower, added: • combing the country for home "It secms incredible to me that JfPllr and improvement salesmen the FHA director to the program rIIO have "bilked a great many did not know ot tllis from the be­ \IIOusands" of homeowners under ginning." 'Proposal; Await Union Vate lD''trnment loan insurance pro- Deseribes Crooked Metbocls ,ams. Olney said the victim ometimes Central Party committee and dances held In the main lounge of Union Board affairs. Warren Ol.ney, assIstant attor- signs "a contract and even a com- Board ?ave accepted a com- the Iowa Memorial Union. ComPl'omJse Favors St1ldeDta ItJ gene.r~l. In charge of tbe cri- plction certificate before the job solution to the wage con- t1Itlen&41 OIlPOie PreHDt ..&ell The proposed sol).lUon, as ap- Dinal dIVISIon, told the senate is started." This enables the sales- between the. student The Central Party committee proved by the student organlza- Wing committee ~ story 01 con- man to collect the proceeds ot the groups and the iocal musiCIans un- and Union Board have termed this tions. would 1'emedy this lO.ituaUon. strucUon costs fmagling that loan and sometiml's take off with- lon, a spokesman for both parties practice dl.'lcriminatory. The two Post-bangame and other Iree par- C!lairman Homer E. Capehart (R- out doing any of the promised . t .said Friday. croups voted to sign no new con- ties would not tall under the more Ind.) called "unbelievable." work, leaving the homeowner A majority vote was needed for tracts with local musicians until than 800 ticket rate ot the pro- Shake-UII-OOntlnues . with n debt payable in 36 months nce of the compromise. the higher rate WIlS abolished. posal, which specifies that tickcts The sha~eup of top FJ:IA ofCI- at 9.7 per cent interest. is In the form of a The post-ballgame parties, spon- must be offered lor sale. ellis contmued meanwhIle with wage scale that provides a so red by the Union Board, have . No announcement was made lIJIIOuncement that Howard M. Olney sa~d the homeowner fre- rate for musicians when been a point of contl"ntion concerning the possibility ot a lIurphy had resigned as associate que.ntly ls Induced to sign papers playing a dance where 800 or throughout the controversy. Central Party committee and Un- lfIItI'al counscl effective at once. saymg the down ~ayment has more ticket are offered tor sale. Pflu] Bnt! tt, C3, Bedford, Ion Board recommendaUon to the !liS resignation was accepted by been made or the Job has been Dances that ofter less than 800 tlc- claimed that the premium rate at- Committee on Student Life that I(tinl FHA Commissioner Norman completed, when neither is the kets will be subject to the normal rected lhe number or free parties the no-confUcl rule currently en- P. Mason. case. This makes him a party to price rate. his group could sponsor because no Corced on all university dance . ~ Capehart, commenting on 01- ;~; dlraud,' he salid., and "ObIVliOUS- The proposed wage scale would admission prices are charged lor nights be abolished. DeY's testimony that FHA appar- y oesn t resu t In a comp a nt. apply throughout the local Ameri- IIIlly was willing to insure con- can Federation of Musician'S area slrudlon job financing far 1n elC- C. of jurisdictions. t5S ot aclual costs, said: Ify-SUI CommlHee Musician Approval Needed Monitored Calls Spotlighted. '"!'here seems to be a pattcrn The approval of the sliding wage Ib.t they don't care what it costs T St d P bl scale means that a tormal letter In build." 0 U Y ro ems proposal will be sent 10 the mu- Capehart has c.~timated that union tor their consldera- I·n Army-McCarthy Hearings . llUilders ~nd promot~rs" p?ckete~ A joint Iowa City-'SUI commit- nd vote. I half bllIJon dollars In Windfall tee to consider matters of mutual CAUGHT PRACTICING for a bubble-fUm lnnalin& Clonte t.-one or fllteeD "coeducapers" of the proposal grew out of a se- WASHINGTON CA'}-After an profits under the emergency ren- interest and concern wns set up Inter-DormJtory Field day-ue partiCipant from Currier womeD's ,,"idence and Rillcrest dorml- meetings between repre- houls-Iong argument before a n - wanted to have the anny carry III housing program or 1942-50. wilh eight members of the SUI tory for men. The ,.Irls are baokinr Audrey Dhton, A2. Evanston. m .. to win a prize in the soelalb- of the two student tiona\ TV audi nce, investigating out the Investigllt.'on .•." Olney said the justice depart- faculty and administrative statf Inr frolle which haH·dwellers hope may become all anllual tradltlOll, while the men see tanle,. groups lind the local musicians. senator!! Friday decided to sub- He accused McCarthy of whip- menl has investigated speci!ic appointed to thc group by Presl- lIart. AI, Kcolcuk a a likely champion In OWl complex operation. Chris Peterson, president of the poena all records of telephone ping up headlines glvin, a false eases with a view to prosecuting dent Virgil M. Hancher Friday. A.F. of M. local, said following the calls in the McCarthy-Pentagon Impression ot widespread espion- /or rraud. But no prosecution Is Allin W. Dakin, administrative Reds Take Post 6 D T last meeting April 13, " If the pro- row, and make public those age at Ft. Manmouth. He said ,.albie, he said, "because we dean, said, "This committee has orms. 0 Parf,·c,·paf posel is satisfactory (to Centra} deemed pertinent to the hot dis- he told McCarthy and the senators' 't p OV e th t th f d } g b t f th b fit t d h h Party commltl and Un ion pute. But Sen. Joseph McCarthy aides "it they kept on with these :ment wa/ defr~U;erajn ~~; I= ~ity ~s ~r cor:mu~~t~." 0 In In oc ina Fig t Board) we will call a special meet- (R-Wis.» blocked for the time headlines, which In my opinion Serving on the committee will I 1 F· Id d ing the tirst part of May and pre- being the readln, of an almost were utterly unfair, that they 'ng Enrollment be Dakin; Provost Harvey H. HANOr, Indochina (JP) - Red- n sf ,e Day To oy sent il t~ the members oC our 10- \Vor~-for"'word tran. cript of one could drive me out ot oWce It Sp,, Davis; Fred W. Ambrose, bus!- led Vietminh - striving to launch cal Cor dIScussion and vote." call In which McCarthy allegedly they wanted to." • ISC' 7 020 ness manager; James Jordan, di- a death thrust at Olen Bien Phu- . Under the present wage scale set sugge ted weekend leaves for Pvt. Enrller in the testimony he said Itt S I rcctor ot university relations', Students from Six dormItories up by the mlL~lcians, the hieher David Schine "for the purpose or he hod done "everything r could" I ' eli t r th' Friday selzcd another French de- wllllaunch the first SUI all-dorm- istrative staft hav~ been selected rate appUes on l .. to ali-university taking cnre of Dave's girl friends." to assist the subcommilt- I'n the P au W . B rec hIel, rec or 0 a - fens post in the bastion's crum- i . Ii Id d tod 'V "'" Iowa State college registrar, letics' Prof Franklin R Top head . tOlY e ay ay at 1 p.m. on as judges for the events Prizes Secretary ot the Army Robert Ft. Manmouth probe. ur M. Gowan, has announced ot hygiene ~nd prevent~tive ~edi- bltng northwest defenses. Rebel le- the intramural field west ot the ranging from $1 to $5 will'be giv- Stevens testified under oath at.the Stevens ToUllbes Off Row ' II t 7 020 . De E T P t II glons smashed to within 700 yards field house Sever Relafl·ons CI t I h d ' t I d eISC spring enro men as, . cine; an . e erson, coe,e t th U . I.' . en. rs 0 t e ay s wo te eVlse Steve s to hed olf the bl'g w lUI has 7,511 students enrolled for or education, and Prol. Robert F. 0 e OIon garrJ.'>on s nerve cen- Events plllnned so that all may Jud,es Announced •• sessions that McCarthy made this n uc . ro the spring semester. Ray director of the Institute ot ter. take part are included In the social. Ifh Australia Claim suggestion to him in a telephone of the day ~y tellmg of the phone At ISC, engineering ls the larg- pubiic aHairs.
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