Congressional Record—House H7298
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H7298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 20, 2013 multipurpose recreational trails for the and promote the wonderful and selfless complaints filed with the election com- public to access and enjoy. commitment to adoption, as it is Na- mission.’’ Franklin’s newspaper stated the fol- tional Adoption Month. The President was elected with a 62 lowing upon Jim’s passing: Last year, American parents proudly percent vote in an election that was de- Largely unrealized were how Holden’s ef- adopted over 135,000 children at birth, scribed also as an important milestone forts impacted the overall economy of a re- in foster homes, and from overseas. in Georgia’s democratic development. gion hard-hit over the years by the loss of However, I would like to bring special In keeping with this promise to step blue collar manufacturing jobs that once attention to the many American fami- down following the election, Prime made the oil region one of the most pros- lies that are no longer permitted to Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili appointed perous in all the country. His passing will adopt children from places such as a successor, Irakli Garibashvili, on No- leave some mighty big hiking boots to fill. Guatemala and Russia. vember 2. He was most recently the Jim Holden knew that our region’s I have signed on to two separate let- Minister of Interior appointed by the recreational resources could be better ters with bipartisan support from Prime Minister after the Georgia utilized to the benefit of the commu- Members of both the House and the Dream Coalition’s victory in the 2012 nity and its economy. He spent his life Senate to urge the Guatemalan and the parliamentary elections. Prior to his making this vision a reality. Russian Governments to once again re- work in government, he headed Mr. Our thoughts and prayers are with sume intercountry adoption cases for Ivanishvili’s charitable organization Jim Holden and his family. He surely American families. Cartu. He holds a graduate degree from did leave big boots to fill but also an Mr. Speaker, every child deserves to the University of Paris, Sorbonne; and enduring legacy for us to cherish. grow up in a loving family. We should I was pleased to visit the country, the f not be limited by the country they are Republic of Georgia, and be involved in born into. Let’s refresh our commit- the democratic process and principles. GOOD THINGS HAPPENING WITH ment to creating more effective strate- f HEALTH CARE REFORM gies and opportunities to work towards TRIBUTE TO BARRY SULLIVAN (Mr. HUFFMAN asked and was given a day when every child has an oppor- permission to address the House for 1 tunity to be in a safe and loving home. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. COL- minute.) f LINS of New York). Under the Speaker’s Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, some of announced policy of January 3, 2013, my colleagues want to go back to the SAFE CLIMATE CAUCUS the gentleman from Massachusetts old way of doing business on health in- (Mr. CLEAVER asked and was given (Mr. CAPUANO) is recognized for 60 min- surance. We can’t go back to the days permission to address the House for 1 utes as the designee of the minority when people with preexisting condi- minute and to revise and extend his re- leader. tions were denied coverage and women marks.) Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, tonight, were asked to pay more simply because Mr. CLEAVER. Mr. Speaker, recently several Members wanted to come to the they are women. someone said to new EPA Adminis- floor to discuss the retirement of a We know the ACA rollout has not trator Gina McCarthy that she was not very good friend of ours who deserves been perfect. We knew all along a re- living in the read world with regard to our recognition. Because there are so form of this magnitude would require climate change. many people with busy schedules, I am some adaptive management. It hap- My question today is if those who are going to go right into it and yield to pened with Social Security and Medi- questioning whether she lives in the the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. care, but we worked together to im- real world would say the same thing to HOYER), the minority whip. prove those cornerstones of our social the survivors of the typhoon of Biblical Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, Mr. CAPU- safety net, not tear them down. proportions that just devastated the ANO represents a famous area of Amer- So let’s work to fix the problems of Philippines where 4,000 people have ica, south Boston, a wonderful area of the ACA, but let’s tell the whole story, been impacted. This was the strongest our country. including the good parts of this law. In land-falling typhoon on record. As every Member of this House California, we are on track to meet our And I am wondering if they would knows, we who serve here in the Cham- enrollment goals—tens of thousands of tell people whose homes were hit by ber rely on an outstanding group of people already enrolled. I am hearing the unusually late Mid-Western tor- professionals who manage the floor and countless good news stories about the nados this past weekend that they are the party cloakrooms. This is true for ACA: a mom whose son was hospital- not living in reality. Sixty tornados both Democrats and Republicans. ized with a brain tumor who would were reported, eight people were killed, On the Democratic side, we have been have hit a lifetime cap, but now they and the damages are estimated to be at incredibly fortunate to have been have coverage and they can focus on least $1 billion. served with great ability by a devoted that child’s recovery; a constituent in Weather-related losses and damages public servant with a wonderful sense Trinity County who just emailed me— have risen from $50 billion to almost of humor, a sense of this House, a sense he and his wife are buying a car with $200 billion annually over the last dec- of history, a sense of decency, and a the savings they are achieving thanks ade. sense of how to help Members greatly. to the ACA. There are dozens and doz- Putting our heads in the sand will He has managed our cloakroom for the ens more success stories because of this not stop the reality that our climate is past 33 years. law. changing and that human beings are a That man, devoted to the smooth I hope my Republican colleagues will part of the reason. running of the people’s House day in join in fixing the problems with this f and day out, is Barry Sullivan. As he law and give it a chance to work. There prepares to retire from service, I want GEORGIAN PRESIDENTIAL to join not only those from Massachu- are too many good things happening ELECTION because of health care reform to go setts who are justifiably very proud of back to the old way of doing business. (Mr. SHIMKUS asked and was given him as a brother from their own State, permission to address the House for 1 but also all of those in the House on f minute and to revise and extend his re- both sides of the aisle, but particularly b 1745 marks.) on our side of the aisle, who have been Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, on Octo- advantaged by his service, by his good NATIONAL ADOPTION MONTH ber 27, I was honored to observe the re- humor, and by his caring. (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given cent presidential elections in the Re- Barry, a native of south Boston, first permission to address the House for 1 public of Georgia in which Giorgi came to Washington in 1980 to work for minute and to revise and extend his re- Margvelashvili was elected. the Sergeant at Arms as a doorkeeper. marks.) It was characterized by the Inter- In 1987, Tip O’Neill appointed him to Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, during national Republican Institute as ‘‘calm manage the Democratic cloakroom, the month of November, we celebrate and . with a substantial reduction of and he has been reappointed ever since. VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:51 Nov 21, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K20NO7.087 H20NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 20, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7299 Barry had grown up around politics; going today? He said, I don’t know, but and adhere to the rules of the floor and his father, Leo Sullivan, had been I am getting that second blueberry here. It is that class and the profes- a Massachusetts State senator and a muffin if I get nothing else accom- sionalism that he brings to the job. Boston police commissioner. He never plished. The elevation of public service is thought he would stay in Washington It is these individuals that day in and something that another man from Mas- for more than a couple of years, but day out make us look good here. That sachusetts provided to all of us. To ele- the call to serve this House and his is the reminder. They oversee a very vate public life, whether as an elected country proved too strong. His country complex process in that cloakroom of official or whether in the service of and each of us and this institution trying to adhere to the rules of the your country, whether it is being a have been advantaged by his staying.