R4290 Volume 88 Brown ornate cover Shanghai Dance School and Shanghai Ballet Company  29 black and white photos of CF with children and young dancers in a studio

Green ornate cover Celia Franca and James Morton in China  15 b&w photos of JM and CF meeting with people and JM teaching music students and at a reception

R4290 Volume 86 Pink album with diamond pattern labeled Beijing dated June 10, 1980 Celia Franca and James Morton in China  36 b&w photos primarily of CF with students in classes  4 colour photographs

Pink album labeled Beijing Celia Franca in China  34 b&w photos of CF with students walking, eating and dancing

Maroon album with dragon pattern on cover Ballet company in China  20 7x9 b&w photographs mainly of ballet performances with a few of students in dance studio class

R4290 Volume 87 Brown album National Ballet of Canada 35th Anniversary Gala held at O’Keefe Centre. February 25, 1987 “Copies of Myrna Aaron’s photos”  88 colour photographs of those attending the gala, primarily 5x7s

R4290 Volume 88 Navy blue album Commemorative album given to CF by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Arts for Hearts Benefit, 2000  37 primarily 5x7 colour photos of attendees including Mitchell Sharp and wife, Marianne Scott and Hamilton Southam

R4290 Volume 85 Black binder Commemorative photographs from opening of the Celia Franca Centre in  24 colour digital scans


R4290 Volume 80 Folder 1 Photographs of CF as a young child, with her parents and her brother Vincent, photograph of family home in Grimsby and on vacation at the beach 18 b&w 2x3, 3x4

Photographs of CF with friends: Grant Strate; Walter Lore, Bill Meadmore; Peggy van Praagh, Pauline Clayden, Julia Farron and Margaret Dale; with members of the Metropolitan Ballet at the beach 14 b&w 3x5, 2 1/4x4, 2x3

Photographs of family home and with members of NB 5 b&w 5x7, 3x4

Photographs of Celia Franca with friends Anne Lascelles, Kay Ambrose, and Grant Strate 8 b&w 3x5


Folder 2 Photographs of CF and her parents 9 b&w 4x6, 2x3

Photographs of CF in grade school classes, her brother Vincent in South African Army, her parents and Aunt 11 b&w 3 ½ X 5 ½

Total for folder: 20 small b&w

Folder 3 Photographs of CF with members of Metropolitan Ballet 14 b&w 2x2

Photographs of CF with members of Metropolitan Ballet 14 b&w 2x2

Photograph of CF and members of Metropolitan Ballet 8 b&w 3x3, 5x7 etc.

Photographs of CF and members of NB 10 b&w 5x7, 3x4 etc.

Photographs of CF with Kay Ambrose and members of the Metropolitan Ballet 13 b&w 3 ½ X 3 ½, 2 ½ X 3 ½

Total for folder: 59 small

Folder 4 Photographs of Celia Franca with friends 13 b&w 3x4 etc.

Photographs of CF with friends, children and husband James Morton 9 b&w 2 1/4x4, 3x5 etc

Miscellaneous photographs of friends 7 b&w 2x3 etc.

Small album of beach scenes and loose snapshots of friends 6 b&w 3 ½x5, 2x3

Photographs of a group of people at a party in West Virginia 15 b&w 3 ½x5

Photographs of CF and friends vacationing 11 b&w 2 ½ x 2 ½

Total for folder: 61 small

Folder 5 Family photographs of parents, brother Vincent, grandmother Franks and CF 10 b&w (3½x5½, 1 5x8 digital print)

Photographs of CF, her parents, and brother Vincent - several on souvenir album sheets 12 b&w 2x3, 2 ¼x 3 etc.

Total for folder: 22 small, 1 digital

Folder 6 Snapshots of members of the National Ballet touring with CF 28 b&w 3¼x3¼, 4x5)

Snapshots of CF and others while on tour 10 b&w 2 ¼x2¼, 3x3 etc.

Total for folder: 38 small



Folder 7 Portrait snapshots of CF and others from NB and touring in Birmingham, Alabama 6 b&w 5x7

Portrait snapshots of CF alone and with friends 7 b&w 3 ½ X 4 ½, 2x3

Portraits of Leo Kersley (CF’s first husband) 2 b&w 5x7, 3x5

Portraits of CF at party and posing 2 b&w 5x7, 3x5

Portraits of CF with friends, at party and in dressing-room 5 b&w 5x7, 3x5

Portraits of others including Roloff Beny, Glenn Gould, Kay Ambrose, Clifford Hall and others. 9 b&w 5x7, 4x5, 8x10

Portraits of CF with cat and in rehearsal 4 b&w 8x10

Portraits of CF with friends at events, including Rudolf Nureyev 10 8x10, 1 5x7

Portrait of CF with 1 b&w 3x5

Total for folder: 31 small, 14 8x10


Folder 8 CF by Ken Bell 9 b&w 8x10, 2 contact sheets

CF by Ken Bell 6 b&w 8x10, 5 5x7)

CF by Ken Bell for “Toushay Lotion” advertisement 2 b&w 8x10, 2 contact sheets

CF by Ken Bell 4 b&w 5x7

Total for folder: 17 8x10, 9 5x7, 4 contact sheets)

Folder 9 Portraits of CF and Jay Morton – by Ken Bell?? 14 b&w 4½x 4½, 5x7, 2x2

Portraits of CF and Jay Morton by Anthony Crickmay 18 b&w 8x10

Portraits of CF by Anthony Crickmay 6 8x10

Total for folder: 14 b&w 5x7, 24 8x10

Folder 10

Portraits of CF by Peter Croydon 3 b&w 8x10, 8 5x7

Portraits of CF by Janine Photo Studio


1 album containing 10 5x7 proof prints 3 8x10

Portraits of CF and one of CF with Jay Morton by “Towers” 8 b&w 8x10

Portraits of CF in evening gown by Henry Fox 1 contact sheet 2 b&w 8X10

Total for folder: 16 b&w 8x10, 8 5x7

Folder 11 Portraits of CF, many early in her career by Roland Federn, Tunbridge and unidentified 3 b&w 8x10, 5 8x6, 2, 5x7, 1 2x2

Portrait of CF as Lady Capulet 1 b&w 8x10

Publicity portraits of CF by Duncan Melvin 10 b&w 3 ½ x 5

Publicity cards of CF 5 b&w 3 ½ x 5

Portraits of CF throughout her career and with others 8 b&w 8x10, 2 5x7, 6x8

Total for folder: 12 b&w 8x10, 22 5x7 etc.

Folder 12 Portraits of CF by Paul Latour 3 b&w 8x10

Portraits of CF at home by Michael Bedford 4 b&w 8x10, 2 5x6

Portrait of CF and Franco Mannino by Fernand Leclair 1 8x10

Portraits of CF by John Reeves 4 b&w 5x7

Total for folder: 8 b&w 8x10, 6 5x6 etc.

Folder 13 Teaching – China Publicity shots of ballet company 10 b&w 5x7

Teaching – China Publicity shots of ballet company 7 b&w 5x7

Teaching – China 9 b&w 3x5

Teaching – China, official tea party 12 b&w 5x7, 1 6x8, 1 4x8

Teaching – China; Beijing and Peking dance academies 8 b&w 3x5

Total for folder: 31 b&w 5x7, 17 3x5 etc.

Folder 14 Teaching – National Ballet; CF with students including Veronica Tennant 5 b&w 8x10, 1 5x7, 1 3x5


Teaching – National Ballet; CF with students including Veronica Tennant 13 b&w 5x7

Teaching – National Ballet 4 b&w 5x7, 1 8x10, 1 6x6

Total for folder: 6 b&w 8x10, 19 5x7, 1 3x5

Folder 15 National Ballet – informal snapshots 8 b&w 2x3 etc.

National Ballet – informal snapshots 9 b&w 4x5

National Ballet – informal snapshots 10 b&w 2 1/4 x 2 1/4

National Ballet – informal snapshots 10 b&w 2 1/4 x 2 ¼

Total for folder: 37 small b&2 2 x3, 3x5 etc.

Folder 16 Events – Unidentified 3 b&w 5x7

Events – Unidentified; CF with Peter Brison, Dame 1 b&w 6x8

Events – Unidentified 1 b&w 8x10, 1 6x8

Events – CF after performance with Vincent Massey; party celebration photographed by Elizabeth Frey 6 b&w 8x10

Total for folder: 7 b&w 8x10, 5 5x7 etc.

Folder 17 Photo files – Career highlights (compiled by CF)

18 b&w 5x7 (see colour box for additional photos from same file)

R4290 Volume 81

Folder 1 Performance/publicity - La Syphilde in , 1970. CF with Princess Anne, photographed by Anthony Crickmay 3 b&w 8x10, 2 5x7

Performance/publicity - La Syphilde in London, 1970. CF with Princess Anne, photographed by Anthony Crickmay 4 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity - La Syphilde in London, 1970. Photos by Ken Bell and Jones and Morris 6 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity - La Syphilde in London, 1970. 10 b&w 8X10

Performance/publicity – La Syphilde in London, 1970

Total for folder: 23 b&w 8x10, 2 5x7

Folder 2 Performance/publicity - Gisèle


4 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity - Gisèle photographed by Ken Bell. 12 b&w 8x10, 1 6x8

Performance/publicity – Gisèle photographed by Ken Bell 3 b&w 8x10

Total for folder: 19 b&w 8x10

Folder 3 Performance/publicity – Gisèle photographed by E. Bordes Mangel 14 b&w 5x7

Performance/publicity – Gisèle photographed by Eileen and Nelson Smith for “Ballet Today” 15 b&w 4 ½ x 6 ½

Performance/publicity – Gisèle performed at the Royal Alexandra Hall, photographed by Ken Bell 9 b&w 8x10

Total for folder: 9 b&w 8x10, 29 5x7

Folder 4 Performance/publicity – Lilac Garden, photographed by Ken Bell, with David Adams and Lois Smith 6 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Lilac Garden, photographed by Ken Bell, with David Adams and Lois Smith 9 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Lilac Garden, various photographers, with David Adams and Lois Smith 10 b&w 8x10, 4 digital b&w scans

Total for folder: 25 b&w 8x10, 4 digital prints

Folder 5 Performance/publicity – Coppelia, photographed by Ken Bell and John Grange, with Earl Kraul 7 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Coppelia, first appearance by CF in Canada at Varsity Arena, Toronto 1 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – various productions with the Sadler’s Wells company 6 b&w 5x7

Performance/publicity – The Spider’s Banquet, Sadler’s Wells, 1944 1 b&w 6x8

Total for folder: 8 b&w 8x10, 7 5x7 etc.

Folder 6 Performance/publicity – The Lesson 5 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Winter Night, photographed by Ken Bell 5 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Lady from the Sea, photographed by Ken Bell 3 b&w 8x10, 4 b&w digital scans

Total for folder: 13 b&w 8x10, 4 digital

Folder 7 Performance/publicity – Romeo and Juliet, photographed by Ken Bell 10 b&w 8x10


Performance/publicity – Romeo and Juliet, City New photo; Hubert Humphrey, Veronica Tennant, Earl Kraul, CF etc. 1 b&w 8x10, 2 digital scans

Performance/publicity – Romeo and Juliet; CF with Hubert Humphrey 4 b&w 8x10

Total for folder: 15 b&w 8x10, 2 digital scans

Folder 8 Performance/publicity – “Eh” New Orleans Ballet Company 2 b&w 8x10, 6 5x7

Performance/publicity – Salomé 2 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Sleeping Beauty; CF as Carabosse 1 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – La Gaspesienne 2 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – various dancers 6 b&w 8x10

Total for folder: 13 b&w 8x10, 6 5x7

Folder 9 Performance/publicity – Offenbach in the Underground, photographed by Andrew Oxenham 10 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Offenbach in the Underground, photographed by Ken Bell 7 b&w 8x10

Total for folder: 17 b&w 8x10

Folder 10 Performance/publicity – Les Rendez-vous 5 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – L’Après-midi 3 b&w 8x10, 6 digital scans

Performance/publicity – House of Atreus 7 b&w 5x7

Performance/publicity – House of Atreus 8 b&w 5x7

Total for folder: 8 b&w 8x10, 15 5x7, 6 digital

Folder 11 Performance/publicity – Bayaderka (?) 8 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Bayaderka (?) 4 b&w 8x10, 1 5x7

Performance/publicity – Carnaval 1946 1 b&w 8x10, 1 3x4

Performance/publicity – Desyns with Strings, Concerto, Midas, Dances from Galanta, unidentified 8 b&w 6x8, 2 5x7

Total for folder: 13 b&w 8x10, 4 5x7

Folder 12


Performance/publicity – The Quest 1940s 4 b&w 31/2 x 5

Performance/publicity – Khadra 6 b&w 4x6, 1 5x7, 1 3½ x 5

Performance/publicity – Swan Lake, CF as Queen Mother 1 5x7

Performance/publicity – Swan Lake, photographed by Ken Bell 4 b&w 8x10, 1 5x7

Performance/publicity – Swan Lake, CF with Roland Michener 1 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Swan Lake, CF choreographing for CBC broadcast 1 b&w 5x7

Total for folder: 5 b&w 8x10, 15 5x7 etc.

Folder 13 Performance/publicity – Dark Elegies, photographed by Ken Bell 3 b&w 8x10, 1 5x7

Performance/publicity – Spectre of the Rose, unidentified, photographed by Duncan Melvin 2 b&w 6x8, 2 5x7

Performance/publicity – Princess Margaret, Paul Martin Sr., photographed by Desmond O’Neill 2 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Étude, New Brunswick School 1 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Miscellaneous productions 6 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Gala 6 b&w 8x10, 1 4x6

Total for folder: 17 b&w 8x10, 6 5x7 etc.

Folder 14 Performance/publicity – Bailemos; CF with Sadler Wells Ballet 8 b&w 5x7

Performance/publicity – Bailemos; CF with Sadler Wells Ballet 8 b&w 5x7

Performance/publicity – Swan Lake and unidentified 6 b&w 5x7, 4 digital scans

Performance/publicity – CF and Erik Bruhn with the Metropolitan Ballet 1 b&w 8x10, 4 5x7, 1 3½x5

Performance/publicity – Unidentified 2 b&w 5x7

Performance/publicity – CF with television host Brian Linehan 1 b&w 5x7

Total for folder: 1 b&w 8x10, 30 5x7 etc.

Folder 15 Performance/publicity – National Ballet, photographed by Ken Bell 10 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Les Ballets Quebec, photographed by Percy Dean 5 b&w 8x10


Performance/publicity – National Ballet, one by Anthony Crickmay 4 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity – Nutcracker, costume designs 6 b&w 8x10, 3 4x5, 1 contact sheet

Performance/publicity – National Ballet rehearsal 7 b&w 5x7

Total for folder: 25 b&2 8x10, 10 5x7 etc., 1 contact sheet

Folder 16 National Ballet – various dancers including Veronica Tennant and George Crum 7 b&w 8x10, 1 6x8

National Ballet – publicity; various dancers 6 b&w 8x10

National Ballet – various dancers including Lois Smith, Nadia Potts, Veronica Tennant and David Scott 10 b&w 8x10

National Ballet – various dancers 6 b&w 8x10, 3 5x7, 4 negatives

National Ballet 3 b&w 8x10, 2 8x8

National Ballet 10 b&w 8x10, 1 3x5

Total for folder: 42 b&w 8x10, 7 5x7, 4 negatives

Folder 17 Honours – University of Guelph 8 b&w 5x7

Honours – Variety Club of Canada 2 b&w 5x7

Honours – University of Toronto convocation speech 5 b&w 8x10

Honours – Miscellaneous 7 b&w 8x10, 1 5x7

Honours – Ontario Place 1 b&w 8x10

Honours – Companion of the Order of Canada 5 b&w 8x10

Honours – Unidentified university 5 b&w 8x10

Total for folder: 23 b&w 8x10, 11 5x7

R4290 volume 82

Folder 1 Personal snapshots – CF with family and friends 10 col. 3 ½ x 3 ½, 5 3x4

Personal snapshots – CF and Bob (?) 3 col. 3x4

Personal snapshots - CF


4 col. 3x3

Personal snapshots – CF with Karen Kain, Veronica Tennant and others 14 col. 5x7

Personal snapshots – Dance St. Louis (?) 8 col. 5x7

Personal snapshots – CF with Jay Morton and others 9 col. 5x7

Personal Photographs – CF’s cats 11 col. 3 ½ x 3 ½

Personal Photographs – CF’s cats 12 col 3 ½ X 3 ½

Total for folder: 71 small format colour photographs

Folder 2 Portraits – Formal 2 col. 8x10, 2 8x8

Portraits – Formal; CF with Nancy Reagan and Mila Mulroney, Karen Kain and Alexander Grant 3 col. 8x10, 1 5x7

Portraits – Formal 3 col. 8x10, 1 oval

Portraits – Formal by John Reeves 4 col. 8x10, 2 2x3

Portraits – Formal 3 negatives

Portrait – 1 colour slide of painted portrait of CF by June Stichbury

Total for folder: 14 col. 8x10 etc., 4 small, 3 negs. 1 slide

Folder 3 Performance/publicity – Swan Lake 2 col. 8x10, 1 digital print

Performance/publicity – The Lesson 1 col. 4x6

Performance/publicity – “Eh” 13 col. 4x6

Performance/publicity – “Eh” 14 col. 4x6

Performance/publicity – La Syphilde 1 col. 5x7

Performance/publicity – informal snapshots unidentified 12 col. 4x6

Total for folder: 2 col. 8x10, 41 5x7 etc.

Folder 4 Performance/publicity – unidentified 2 col. 8x10, 1 5x7

Performance/publicity – informal; rehearsals for Swan Lake, CF choreographer 8 col. 5x7

Performance/publicity – farewell performance


1 col. 5x7

National Ballet – informal snapshots while touring 5 col. 3x5, etc.

Total for folder: 2 col. 8x10, 15 5x7 etc

Folder 5 Teaching – China; tourism shots etc. 58 Polaroids in 6 envelopes 3 col. 5x7, 2 2x3

Teaching – China Peking (3 envelopes) 30 col. 3 ½ x 5 Shanghai (3 envelopes) 30 col. 3 ½ x 5 Hong Kong 12 col. 3 ½ x 5 Canton 5 col. 3 ½ x 5 Hangchow 15 col. 3 ½ x 5

Folder 6 Honours – Carleton University 1995 8 col. 8x10, 3 digital scans

Honours – Carleton University Hibiscus Tea Party 2000 56 col. 5x7

Total for folder: 8 col. 8x10, 56 5x7, 3 digital

Folder 7 Honours – Companion of the Order of Canada 1995 3 col. 5x7

Honours – Companion of the Order of Canada 1995 1 col. 8x10, 2 5x7

Honours – Unidentified; with Adrienne Clarkson 2 col. 5x7

Honours – Order of Ontario 1987 1 col. 8x10

Honours – Variety Club of Canada 1 col. 6x8

Honours – University of Toronto 1 col. 8x10

Total for folder: 3 col. 8x10, 8 5x7 etc.

Folder 8 Events – National Ballet of Canada 50th anniversary 2001 8 col. 3 ½ x 5

Events – Unidentified; with the Légers, Rudolf Nureyev, Marianne Scott, Flora McDonald 4 col. 5x7

Events – Unidentified; with Karen Kain 14 col. 5x7, 1 6x8

Events – 1st anniversary of Alberta Ballet 4 col. 4x5

Events – National Ballet School 35th anniversary, 3 colour digital scans

Events – Unidentified; Celia Franca, Rudolf Nureyev, Flora MacDonald

Total for folder: 43 small col. 5x7, etc.


Folder 9 Photo files – Career highlights (compiled by CF) 16 col. 5x7

VOLUME 83 OVERSIZE MATERIAL – BLACK AND WHITE (folders are not necessarily in the same order)

Portraits of Celia Franca by Tunbridge – 4 b&w 9 x 13

Portrait of CF in oval form

Portraits of Celia Franca and James Morton with cats – 2 b&w 8x10

Portraits – Formal; Toller Cranston skating – 1 b&w 10 x 14

Honours – Celia Franca at convocation of University of Toronto – 1 b&w 8x10

Portrait of James Morton – 2 b&w 8x10

Portrait – Unidentified – 1 5x7 mounted

Portrait – Joanne Nesbitt-Scotts – 1 b&w 9x13

Portraits – Unidentified (David?) 1956-1957 – 2 6x8

Portrait of Celia Franca by Eugene Rubin – 1 b&w 9x12

Portrait of Celia Franca by Jurgen Vogt – 1 b&w 9x4

Portraits of Celia Franca at the El Patio in Mexico City – 2 b&w 8x10

Portrait of Celia Franca by Janine Studios – 1 b&w 8x10

Portrait of Celia Franca with three cats – 1 b&w 8x10

Performance/publicity - La Syphilde by Gene Draper – 2 b&w 8x12

Performance/publicity – Midsummer’s Night Dream, Les Pommiers 1951, 1952 – 2 b&w 10x14

Teaching – China – 3 b&w 9x11

Honours – “The Legacy of Ontario’s Women”, Queen’s Park 1995 – 1 b&w 8x10

Events – National Ballet’s 10th Anniversary picture in Toronto paper, 1961 – 1 b&w 8x10

Events – Unidentified – CF with Grant Strate and Earl Kraul – 1 b&w 8x10

R4290 Volume 83


Events – Unidentified [Order of Canada Ceremony – Jeanne Sauvé]– 2 col. 8x10, one by Jean- Marc Carisse

National Ballet School – 3 colour prints

Teaching – China – 1 col. 9x11 print

Honours – British Columbia Festival, 1984, 1 col. 8x10; Order of Canada, CF with Roland Michener, 1 col. 8x10

Honours – CF and James Morton with Brian and Mila Mulroney – 2 col. 8x10

Honours – CF awarded Companion to the Order of Canada – 3 col. 8x10

Honours – CF with Karen Kain, Veronica Tennant and others (possibly for “Tour de Force”?) – 13 8x10 chromogenic prints