Table of Cases

Table of Cases Table of Cases Judgments of the Danish Courts (alphabetical) Arriva Skandinavien A/S vs. Danish Transport Authority. Danish weekly law reports 2007.2106H 602 Bent Mousten Vestergaard vs. Spøttrup Boligselskab. Danish weekly law reports 2002. 1297V, 76 Bredkjær Industri A/S vs. of Hals. Judgment of the Supreme Court of 30 April 1985, 602 Brunata A/S vs. Boligselskab anno 1956. Jugment of the Western High Court of 6 March 2007 in case B-1923/05, 602 Dan Skoubo vs. Revisionsfirmaet Teddie Thulstrup A/S. Danish weekly law reports 2000.521H Danish Ministry of Taxation vs SP Moulding A/S. Judgement of 20 May 2009 in case BS 99-1556/2007, 600 EDs Secure Networks vs. Økonomi- og It- & Telestyrelsen. Judgment of the Supreme Court of 24 February 2011 555 European Metro Group vs. Ørestadsselskabet. Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 16 September 2002 (3rd div) in Case B-104-97, 296, 357, 600, 609 European Metro Group vs. Ørestadsselskabet. Judgment of the Supreme Court of 31 March 2005 (2nd div) in Case 428. Danish weekly law reports 2005.1799H, 463, 592, 599, 600 Business School and Ministry of Research vs. Højgaard & Schultz A/S. Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 16 August 2000 (5th div) in Case B-1654-97 and others, 277 County of Århus vs. Judex A/S. Judgment of the Western High Court of 16 March 2004 in the Cases B-2567-01 and B-1979-02, 588, 595, 600, 605 Humus/Genplast ApS vs. Den Selvejende Virksomhed Århus Renholdningsselskab. Judgment of the Western High Court of 3 May 2001 in Case B-1447-99, 373, 509, 545 IBF Nord A/S and Frejlev Cemenstøberi A/S vs. Municipality of Aalborg. Danish weekly law reports 2000.1425V (Judgment of the Western High Court of 14 March 2000 in Case B-2766-96, IBF Nord A/S vs. Municipality of Aalborg), 593, 602 Investeringsselskabet af 11.02.1993 A/D vs. Gl. Ejendom. Judgment of the Supreme Court of 1 July 1997, 602 ISS Facility Services A/S and Danish Industry vs. Municipality of and case B- 0258/08, Municipality of Silkeborg vs. The Competition Authority. Jugments of the Western High Court of 15 May 2009 in case B-0257/08, 526 J.H. Schulz Information A/S vs. Tax Authority. Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 5 March 2009 (21th div.) in cases B-1649/08 and B-1650-08, 600


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Jøni Container- og Vognfabrik ApS vs. Fårup Sommerland, Amusement Park. Judgment of the Supreme Court of 17 April 2000, 602 Kampsax Bridge Consortium and Others vs. A/S Storebæltsforbindelsen. Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 30 May 1996, 588, 593, 594, 600, 601, 605 Lejerbo, (div. 86-0) vs. MT Højgaard. Judgment of the District Court of of 6 May 2009 in case BS 9-2355/2007, 602 LSI Metro Gruppen vs. Metroselskabet I/S. Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 18 Sep- tember 2009 (16th div) in case B-926-08, 462, 464 Ministry of Finance vs. the Complaints Board for Public Procurement. Judgement of the Eastern High Court of 29 Juni 2009 (15th div) in case B-2542-08, MT Højgaard A/S vs. the Foundation for FrederiksborgCentret. Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 19 May 2009 in case B-1591/08, 590, 599 MT Højgaard A/S vs. the Agency for Palaces and Cultural Properties and Helsingør Mu- nicipality. Judgment of the Eastern High Courtof 14 May 2010, 590, 602 Municipality of vs. Miri Staal A/S. Jugment of the Western High Court of 31 March 2006 in case B-2293, 590, 602, 603 Municipality of vs. KKS Enterprise A/S in liquidation. Danish weekly law re- ports 2002.1180H, 593, 599, 607 Municipality of vs. AV Form A/S. The District Court of Herning of 5 November 2009 in case BS 1-542/2008, 573 Municipality of Morsø vs. Køster Entreprise A/S. Judgment of the Western High Court of 19 December 2005 in case B-3256/04, 602 Per Aarsleff A/S vs. Amager Standpark I/S. Judgement of the Eastern High Court of 5 February 2008 (9th div) in cases B-1329-05 and B-1330-05, 511 Per Aarsleff A/S vs. Amager Standpark I/S. Judgment of the Supreme Court of 5 April 2011 511, 512, 515, 602 Sectra A/S vs. the Region of Southern . Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 30 March 2009, 498, 573, 601 Skjortegrossisten A/S vs. Post Danmark A/S. Danish weekly law reports 2004.1294H, 591, 595, 599, 604 Statens & Kommunernes Indkøbs Service (SKI) (a purchasing organisation for State, regional and local authorities) vs Unicomputer A/S. Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 11 October 2007, 212, 582 Taxa Stig and Others vs. County of Western . Danish weekly law reports 2009.1331Ø. Judgments of the Eastern High Court of 22 December 2008, Thyges VVS represented by Thyge Andersen vs. Boligselskabet Fjordparken, branch 8, represented by KAB s.m.b.a. Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 18 December 1991, 602 Unicomputer A/S vs. Municipality of Greve. Judgement of 11 October 2007 in case B- 1305/03, 135, 224, 229, 230, 582

Judgments of the Danish Courts (chronological according to the date of the judg- ment) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 30 April 1985, Bredkjær Industri A/S vs. Hals Munici- pality , 602


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Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 18 December 1991, Thyges VVS represented by Thyge Andersen vs. Boligselskabet Fjordparken, branch 8, represented by KAB s.m.b.a. 602 Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 30 May 1996, Kampsax Bridge Consortium and Others vs. A/S Storebæltsforbindelsen, 588, 593, 594, 600, 601, 605 Judgment of the Supreme Court of 1 July 1997, Investeringsselskabet of 11.02.1993 A/D vs. Gl. Skanderborg Ejendom, 602 Danish weekly law reports 2000.521H, Dan Skoubo vs. Revisionsfirmaet Teddie Thulstrup A/S. Danish weekly law reports 2000.1425V (Judgment of the Western High Court of 14 March 2000 in Case B-2766-96, IBF Nord A/S vs. Municipality of Aalborg), IBF Nord A/S and Frejlev Cemenstøberi A/S vs. Municipality of Aalborg. 593, 602 Judgment of the Supreme Court of 17 April 2000, Jøni Container- og Vognfabrik ApS vs. Fårup Sommerland, Amusement Park, 602 Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 16 August 2000 (5th div) in Case B-1654-97 and others, Copenhagen Business School and Ministry of Research vs. Højgaard & Schultz A/S, 277 Judgment of the Western High Court of 3 May 2001 in Case B-1447-99, Humus/Genplast ApS vs. Den Selvejende Virksomhed Århus Renholdningsselskab. 373, 509, 545 Danish weekly law reports 2002. 1297V, Bent Mousten Vestergaard vs. Spøttrup Boligs- elskab. 76 Danish weekly law reports 2002.1180H, Municipality of Fredericia vs. KKS Enterprise A/S in liquidation. 593, 599, 607 Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 16 September 2002 (3rd div) in Case B-104-97, Eu- ropean Metro Group vs. Ørestadsselskabet. 296, 357, 600, 609 Judgment of the Western High Court of 16 March 2004 in the Cases B-2567-01 and B- 1979-02, County of Århus vs. Judex A/S. 588, 595, 600, 605 Danish weekly law reports 2004.1294H, Skjortegrossisten A/S vs. Post Danmark A/S. 591, 595, 599, 604 Danish weekly law reports 2005.1799H, Judgment of the Supreme Court of 31 March 2005 (2nd div) in Case 428, European Metro Group vs. Ørestadsselskabet. 463, 592, 599, 600 Judgment of the Western High Court of 19 December 2005 in case B-3256/04, Municipality of Morsø vs. Køster Entreprise A/S. 602 Jugment of the Western High Court of 31 March 2006 in case B-2293, Municipality of Es- bjerg vs. Miri Staal A/S. 590, 602, 603 Jugment of the Western High Court of 6 March 2007 in case B-1923/05, Brunata A/S vs. Aalborg Boligselskab anno 1956. 602 Danish weekly law reports 2007.2106H , Arriva Skandinavien A/S vs. Danish Transport Authority. 602 Judgement of 11 October 2007 in case B-1305/03, Unicomputer A/S vs. Municipality of Greve. 135, 224, 229, 230, 582 Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 11 October 2007, Statens & Kommunernes Indkøbs Service (SKI) (a purchasing organisation for State, regional and local authori- ties) vs Unicomputer A/S. 212, 582 Judgement of the Eastern High Court of 5 February 2008 (9th div) in cases B-1329-05 and B-1330-05, Per Aarsleff A/S vs. Amager Standpark I/S. 511


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Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 5 March 2009 (21th div.) in cases B-1649/08 and B- 1650-08, J.H. Schulz Information A/S vs. Tax Authority. 600 Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 30 March 2009, Sectra A/S vs. the Region of Southern Denmark. 498, 573, 601 Judgment of the District Court of Aarhus of 6 May 2009 in case BS 9-2355/2007, Lejerbo, Herning (div. 86-0) vs. MT Højgaard, 602 Jugments of the Western High Court of 15 May 2009 in case B-0257/08, ISS Facility Services A/S and Danish Industry vs. Municipality of Silkeborg and case B- 0258/08, Municipality of Silkeborg vs. The Competition Authority. 526 Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 19 May 2009 in case B-1591/08, MT Højgaard A/S vs. the Foundation for FrederiksborgCentret. 590, 599 Judgement of the District Court of 20 May 2009 in case BS 99-1556/2007, Dan- ish Ministry of Taxation vs SP Moulding A/S. 600 Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 18 September 2009 (16th div) in case B-926-08, LSI Metro Gruppen vs. Metroselskabet I/S. 462, 464 The District Court of Herning of 5 November 2009 in case BS 1-542/2008, Municipality of Holstebro vs. AV Form A/S. 573 Judgment of the Eastern High Court of 14 May 2010, MT Højgaard A/S vs. the Agency for Palaces and Cultural Properties and Helsingør Municipality. 590, 602 EDs Secure Networks vs. Økonomi- og It- & Telestyrelsen. Judgment of the Supreme Court of 24 February 2011 555 Per Aarsleff A/S vs. Amager Standpark I/S. Judgment of the Supreme Court of 5 April 2011 511, 512, 515, 602 Judgment of the District Court of 20 December 2011 in Case No BS 9A-108/2010 582

Orders of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement (alphabetical) A-1 Communication vs County of Copenhagen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 9 March 2005 200 A/S Analycen vs. County of West Zealand and Others. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 7 June 2004 328, 508 A/S Iver Pedersen v I/S Reno Syd. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procure- ment 30 May 1996 448 A/S Jens Jensen og Sønner and Others vs municipality of Viborg. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 25 November 2009 525 A/S Karl Jensen Murer- og Entreprenørfirma vs Hobro Boligforening. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 29 February 2008 532 AC-Trafik, represented by Anders Bødker Christiansen vs. County of Frederiksborg. Deci- sion of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 3 January 2002 569 Air Liquide Danmark A/S vs County of Roskilde and Others. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 15 December 2005 235,428, 486, 601 Acupuncturist and massage therapist Thomas Borgå vs Municipality of Skive. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 14 December 2007 198, 476 Akzo Nobel Industrial Chemicals B.V vs. Municipality of Tønder. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 5 October 2009 216 Alfa Laval Nordic A/S vs. Vandselskab A/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 27 July 2009 219, 232, 559, 561


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Almenbo a.m.b.a vs Den selvejende almene boligorganisation Nygårdsparken. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 24 March 2010 466 Anlægsgarner Gottlieb A/S vs. Psykiatrisk Center Sct. Hans. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 17 July 2009 530 Anker Hansen & Co A/S vs. Municipality of Rudersdal. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 19 May 2009 496 Aon Danmark A/S vs. . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 27 November 2002 270 Arbejdsgiverforeningen for Handel, Transport og Service vs. Tårnby Municipality. Deci- sion of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 13 September 1996 528 Arkitektfirmaet C.F. Møller A/S vs. Universitets- og Byggestyrelsen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 15 January 2008 439, 558 Arkitektgruppen i Aarhus K/S and Stærmose & Isager Firm of Architects K/S vs. Munici- pality Hinnerup. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 9 Octo- ber 1997 378 Assemble vs. Økonomistyrelsen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procure- ment of 13 April 2011 493, 516 Atea A/S vs. Ministry of Finance. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procure- ment of 24 February 2010 428 Atea vs. Ballerup Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 27 April 2011 559 AV Form A/S vs. Municipality of Esbjerg. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 27 March 2007 498, 558 AV Form v 12-bygruppens Indkøbscentral. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 23 March 2011 572 Axiell Bibliotek vs. Aalborg Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 14 April 2011 490 B4 ApS vs. Municipality of Holbæk. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 23 August 1995 458 Bandagist-Centret A/S vs Municipality of Aarhus. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 17 December 2008 497 Banverket vs. Nordjyske Jernbaner A/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 21 June 2004 274, 295, 484, 517 Barslund A/S vs. Municipality of Copenhagen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 26 August 2009 484, 515 Baxter A/S vs County of Roskilde and Others. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 14 December 2006 514 Benny Hansen Tømrer- og Snedkerforretning ApS vs. Vangsgade 6 ApS. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of of 30 August 2004 195 Bent Vangsøe Natursten A/S vs Ørestadsselskabet I/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 2 May 2007 516 Berendsen Textil Service A/S vs Municipality of Frederikssund. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 4 March 2009 219 Bilhuset A/S and Others vs. Sønderhald Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 16 December 2003 216, 219, 565 Bilhuset ApS and Others vs. . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 28 May 2003 271, 591


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Billetlugen A/S vs. The Royal Danish Theatre. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 13 May 2009 483 Bimomet Danmark vs. Region Nordjylland. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 6 June 2011 285 Bladt Industries A/S vs. Storebælt A/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 7 June 2005 497 Boligkontoret Danmark vs. Lægeforeningens Boliger S.m.b.a. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 16 April 2008 514 BN Produkter Danmark A/S vs. Odense Renovationsselskab A/S. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 2 September 2004 288, 509 Bombardier Transportation Denmark A/S vs. Lokalbanen A/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 4 November 2003 357, 361, 489, 516 Bravida Danmark A/S vs. Rødovre almennyttige Boligselskab. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 13 May 2004 272, 480 Bravida Danmark A/S vs. Statens Forsknings- og Uddannelsesbygninger. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 15 August 2003 514, 519 Brdr. Thybo A/S vs. Arbejdernes Andelsboligforening af 1938. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 10 March 2004 570 (482) Brdr. Thybo A/S vs. Arbejdernes Andelsboligforening af 1938. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 13 September 2004 603 (482) Brunata A/S vs. Aalborg Boligselskab af 1956, branch 8 and Others. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 16 December 2004 107, 602 Brøndum A/S vs Boligforeningen Ringgården Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 5 November 2008 287, 517 Børge Jakobsen & Søn A/S vs. Municipality of Sorø. Order of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 12 January 2010 512 C.C Brun Entreprise A/S vs A/S Storbælt. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 2 October 2008 342 Centralforeningen af Taxiforeninger i Danmark vs. the County of Western Zealand. Deci- sion of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 28 April 2003 199, 203 Centralforeningen af Taxiforeninger i Danmark vs Midttrafik. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 21 August 2007 219 C.F. Møller vs. County of Western Zealand. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 1 july 1998 558 Cimber Air A/S vs. Forsvarskommandoen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 1 October 2009 500, 509, 512, 546 CLS Communications A/S vs The Danish Environment Protection Agency. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 17 February 2009 518 Colas Danmark A/S vs. Municipality of Videbæk Municipality. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 30 September 2004 272, 285, 286, 500 Compare v Municipality of Odense, Herning, Fredericia, Gladsaxe, Hørsholm Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbs Service. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 26 April 2011 249 Competition Authority vs. Tårnby Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 17 March 1998 552 Competition Authority vs. Tårnby Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of y 1998 553


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Competition Authority vs. The Region of Zealand and The Capital Region of Denmark. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 16 October 2009 240, 523 COWI A/S vs the National Survey and Cadastre. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 31 March 2008 510, 512, 602 Creative Company A/S vs Municipality of Aarhus. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 3 October 2008 494, 499, Crocus I/S vs. Århus Port Authority. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 23 April 1997 227 CT Renovation vs. 4-S Skive-Egnens Renivationsselskab I/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 27 April 2007 492, 493 Dafeta Trans ApS vs. Lynettefællesskabet I/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 10 February 1997 499 Damm Cellular Systems vs. Ministry of Finance. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 21 December 2007 549 Damm Cellular Systems A/S vs. Ministry of Finance. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 14 April 2008 365 Damm Cellular Systems vs. Ministry of Finance. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 27 April 2010 364, 365 Danish Association of Architectural Firms vs. Albertslunds Boligselskab and Vridsløselille Andelsboligforening. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 2 May 2006 455, 465, 488 Danish Association of Architectural Firms vs. Handels- og Søfartsmuseet. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 27 June 2008 385, 484 Danish Association of Architectural Firms vs. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 31 May 2010 458, 459, 462 Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. Københavns Lufthavne A/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 2 July 1998 248, 399, 403 Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. Frederiksberg Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 18 September 1998 187 Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. Ledøje-Smørum Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 9 March 1998 384 Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. the Ministry of Culture. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 6 September 1999 385 Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. the Ministry of Culture. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 7 December 2000 32 Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. Nykøbing Falster Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 8 March 1999 507 Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 13 June 1996 458, 461 Danish Chamber of Commerce vs. Frederiksberg Municipality. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 23 June 1995 227 Danish Chamber of Commerce vs. Statistics Denmark. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 14 September 1998 296 Danish Council of Practising Architects vs. Copenhagen Pædagogseminarum. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 8 October 1997 292 Danish Council of Practising Architects vs. Municipality. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 23 January 1996 377


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Danish Council of Practising Architects vs. Ministry of Culture. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 12 July 2001 385, 528 Danish Council of Practising Architects vs. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 9 February 2000 475 Daish Industry and Others vs Municipality of Silkeborg. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 20 august 2007 525 Danish Refugee Council vs. Municipality of Hvidovre. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 4 March 2010 75, 482, 484 Danmarks Naturundersøgelser; Aarhus Universitet vs. By- og Landskabsstyrelsen. Deci- sion of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 17 January 2011 509 Dansk Automobil-Forhandlerforening vs. Municipality. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 27 August 1997 547 Dansk Halbyggeri vs. Aalborg Kommune, Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 5 May 2011 428 Dansk Høreteknik A/S vs Municipality of Copenhagen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 12 February 2007 498 Dansk Fjernvarmes Decentrale Kraft/Varme-Selskab A.m.b.a. and Others vs. the Danish Energy Authority. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 17 September 1999 435 Dansk Taxi Forbund vs. the County of Western Zealand. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 8 April 2003 203 Dansk Taxi Råd vs Nordjyllands trafikselskab. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 4 July 2007 549 Dansk Transport og Logistik vs. . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 30 January 2001 460, 507 Dansk Transport og Logistik vs. I/S Reno Syd. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 16 May 2000 479, 570 Dansk Transport og Logistik vs. Nykøbing Falster Municipality. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 27 April 2001 187, 460, 528 Danske Vognmænd vs. . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 16 October 1996 558 DBC medier A/S vs. Municipality of Gentofte. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 10 October 2005 549 Deponering af Problem-affald ApS vs. I/S Vestforbrænding. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 27 June 2000 451,558, 563 DPC Constructions A/S vs Universitets- og Byggestyrelsen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 10 December 2009 521 DSV Transport A/S vs I/S Vestforbrænding. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 19 October 2009 431, 437, 439 Ecolab vs. Region Sjælland. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 21 December 2011 549 E. Pihl og Søn A/S vs. Danish Prison and Probation Service. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 26 November 2004 512, 516 E. Pihl og Søn A/S vs. Hadsund Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 13 January 2004 272, 463, 465, 500, 562, 568 E. Pihl og Søn A/S vs. I/S Avedøre Kloakværk. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 26 April 1996 459, 547, 558


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Eiland Electric A/S vs. County of Western Zealand. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 24 October 2001 276, 476, 481, 500, 519, 566, 568, 574 Ejendomsselskabet Bangs Gård vs Municipality of Esbjerg. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 20 February 2007 195, 558 Ejner Kornerup Jylland A/S vs Ejerforningen Parkvænget. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 26 March 2010 459 Elinstallatørernes Landsforening and Others vs. Københavns Lufthavne A/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 9 October 1996 33, 468, 472 Ementor Danmark A/S vs. County of Århus. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 10 May 2002 471 ENCA vs. Skive Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 3 May 2011 428, 577 Enemærke & Petersen A/S vs. Fællesorganisationens Boligforening, . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 1 March 1999 448 Entreprenørfirmaet Harry Andersen & Søn A/S vs. County of . Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 21 November 2003 55 Entreprenørfirmaet Harry Andersen & Søn A/S vs. Municipality of Copenhagen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 21 November 2004 504 Entreprenørfirmaet Ove Kristensen Viborg vs EnergiMidt. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 16 March 2011 59, 480 Entreprenørforeningens Miljøsektion vs. I/S Sønderborg Kraftvarmeværk. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 12 December 1996 216, 218 Ergolet A/S vs. Municipality of Copenhagen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 21 December 2009 475, 496 Ernst & Young State-Authorised Public Accountants vs. Diocesan Authority of Funen. 453. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 6 June 2000 439, 445 Esbjerg Andels Renovationsselskab A/S vs. Rødding Municipality. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 29 October 1997 59, 499 Eurest vs Copenhagen Busness School. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 4 June 2009 277 Eurodan-Huse Vest A/S vs. Sønderborg Andelsboligforening. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 8 August 2003 54 Eurofins Miljø A/S vs. Municipality of Aalborg. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 18 January 2008 512 European Land Solutions Ltd. vs. Kystdirektoratet. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 10 July 2008 277, 496 European Metro Group vs. Ørestadsselskabet I/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 18 November 1996 296, 505, 516, 517 Excellent Match Aps vs DONG Energy A/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 17 February 2010 198 Fagtek vs. Arbejdernes Andelsboligforening. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 7 June 2011 311 Falck Danmark v Brand og Redning . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 9 May 2011 187, 461 Finn Frogne vs. Region Nordjylland et al. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 10 May 2011 426


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Forlaget Magnus A/S vs. Customs and Tax Authority. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 2 May 2001 277, 515, 523 Forlaget Magnus A/S vs. Customs and Tax Authority (compensation). Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 22 November 2001 581, 588, 589, 593, 597, 598, 599, 609 Forlev Vognmandsforretning A/S vs. Høng Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 19 March 2003 545 Forvaltningsservice vs. Københavns Kommune. Decision of the Procurement of Review Board of 11 April 2011 453, 509 Frederik Pedersen Alu-Glas A/S vs. Municipality of Viborg. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 14 October 2009 287, 482 Fujitsu Siemens Computers A/S vs. Ministry of Finance and Statens & Kommunernes Indkøbs Service (SKI) (a purchasing organisation for State, regional and local authori- ties). Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 28 March 2007 510 Fællesbo vs. Herning Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procure- ment of 6 May 2011 531 Georg Berg A/S vs. the Municipality of Køge. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 5 August 2003 287 Georg Berg A/S vs. the Municipality of Køge. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 9 March 2004 581 vs. Den selvejende institution Hareskovbo og Ældreboligin- stitutionen Hareskovbo II. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 17 June 2005 225, 230 H. Friedmann og Søn A/S vs. Ministry of Research and Information Technology. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 8 November 2000 515 H. Hoffmann og Sønner A/S and Others vs. Aalborg Lufthavn A.m.b.a. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 11 June 1999 279, 361, 519 H.O. Service A/S vs. Boligforeningen 32. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 9 July 2004 483 Haubjerg Interiør A/S vs. County of Vejle. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 13 February 2006 549 Haulier Kenn Sonne vs. Fælleskommunale Affaldsbortskaffelse I/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 3 November 1994 565 HedeDanmark A/S vs. Greve Spildevand A/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 6 August 2010 463, 491, 492 Hedeselskabet Miljø og Energi A/S vs. Løkken-Vrå Municipality. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 6 February 2003 274 Hedeselskabet Miljø og Energi A/S vs. County of Sothern . Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 23 August 2006 455, 462 Helsingør Municipality vs. Ejendomsselskabet Stengade 56 ApS. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 17 November 2003 567 Henning Larsens Tegnestue vs. Ministry of Culture. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 8 March 1995 560, 561 Henning Larsens Tegnestue vs. Ministry of Culture. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 18 May 1995 464 Hettich Labinstrument Aps vs. Region of Zealand. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 6 November 2009 488


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HIQ Wise A/S vs. Danske Spil. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 19 december 2007 427 HMN vs. K-17 indkøbsfællesskabet. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 29 November 2010 285 Hoffmann A/S vs. Andelsboligforeningen Hørsholm Karlebo. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 21 April 2009 496 Holsted Minibus represented by taxicab owner Keld T. Hansen, vs. Næstved Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 21 March 2002 229, 293 Hotel Maritime v Økonomistyrelsen. Decision of the Procurement Reviwe Board of 27 June 2011 575 Hotel Plaza Copenhagen Tower v Økonomistyrelsen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 24 June 2011 575 HSS Engeneering vs Beredskabsstyrelsen. Decision of the Procuremnet Review Board of 8 March 2011 469, 550 Humus/Genplast, represented by Hans Jørgen Rasmussen, vs. . Deci- sion of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 28 September 1998 545 Humus/Genplast, represented by Hans Jørgen Rasmussen vs. Municipality of of Fredens- borg. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 19 February 2010 509 Højgaard & Schultz A/S vs. Ministry of Education. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 19 June 1997 527, 561, 562 Højgaard og Schultz A/S and Others vs. Ørestadsselskabet I/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 3 December 1998 361 Højgaard og Schultz A/S vs. Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 10 June 1999 558 Hørkram Foodservice v Roskilde Kommune on behalf of Fællesudbud Sjælland. Deci- sion of the Procurement Reviwe Board of 21 June 2011 575 IBM Danmark v Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbs Service. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 8 April 2011 575 ISS Danmark A/S vs. H:S Rigshospitalet. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 476, 569 ISS Facility Services A/S vs. Skejby Sygehus. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 19 July 2007 489 ISS Facility Services vs. Skive Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 19 November 2011 469 Iver C. Weilbach og Co. A/S vs. National Survey and Cadastre. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 11 October 2004 275 J.Olsen A/S Entreprenør- & Nedrivningsfirmaet and Jens Olsen vs. Municipality of Ram- sø. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 31 May 2006 600 Jan Houlberg Instrumentering A/S vs. the Danish Ministry of Taxation. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 11 December 2005 534 Joca Trading A/S vs. Rensyd I/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procure- ment of 5 September 2006 509, 602 Johs. Sørensen & Sønner Århus A/S vs. Århus Kommunale Works. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 22 March 2002 48, 526 Judex A/S vs. County of Århus. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 14 September 2001 343, 359


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Judex A/S vs. County of Århus. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 3 July 2002 588, 589, 595, 601, 602, 604 Jysk Erhvervsbeklædning Aps vs. Municipality of Hjørring. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 14 February 2008 498 Jytas vs. Universitets- o Byggestyrelsen. Decision of the Procuement Review Board of 21 January 2011 501 Jørgen Rasmussen Gruppen A/S vs. AFATEK A/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 7 September 2010 551 Kailov Graphic v Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbs Service. Decision of the Procure- ment Reviwe Board of 31 May 2011 561 KAS Transport, represented by Kim Schrøder vs. Århus Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 7 August 2003 466, 518, 567 KAS Transport, represented by Kim Schrøder vs. Århus Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 29 April 2004 608 Keto Vikar Aps vs. Municipality of Copenhagen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 22 April 2010 608 KIDS Leg and Lær vs. K 17 indkøbsfællesskaberne for kommunerne i Region Sjælland. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 8 October 2011 427 Kirkebjerg A/S vs. County of Ribe. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procure- ment of 11 August 2000 46, 529 Kirkebjerg A/S vs. Hovedstadens Sygehusfællesskab. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 19 December 2005 235 Kirudan, Order of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 13. March 2006 318 KK-Ventilation A/S vs. County of Vejle. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 14 October 2003 271, 295 Klaus Kristoffer Larsen vs. Municipality of . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 5 February 2010 222 KMD A/S vs. Municipality of Frederiksberg. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 13 April 2010 479, 487, 490, 491, 497, 498, 512, 513, 548, 565 Kommunernes Revision vs. National Labour Market Authority. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 9 August 2002 489 Kongsvang Rengøringsservice vs Retten i Århus. Decision of the PRocurement Review Board of 16 July 2011 493 Konsortiet Damm Cellular A/S vs. Pallas Informatik A/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 2 February 2009 510 Konsortiet Prinfo Prinfo holding and Prinfodenmark vs Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbs Service. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 1 June 2011 561 Konsortiet Rindum Skole vs. Municipality of Ringkøbing-Skjern. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 21 October 2009 434 Konsortiet Rosendahls vs. Schultz Grafisk print-design-media v Statens og Kom- munernes Indkøbs Service. Decision of the Procurement Reviwe Board of 30 May 2011 561 Konsortiet Vision Area vs. Københavns Bymuseum. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 14 September 2009 366, 458 KPC Byg A/S vs. Odense Tekiske Skole. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 18 June 2007 219


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KPI Communications A/S vs. The National IT and Telecom Agency. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 8 April 2010 75 Kruse & Mørk A/S vs. Jetsmark Energiværk A.m.b.a. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 11 August 2003 101 Kuwait Petroleum A/S vs. Municipality of Sønderborg. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 16. October 2007 476, 558, 559 Køster Entreprise A/S vs. Morsø Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 12 October 2004 602 Lekolar vs. K 17 indkøbsfællesskaberne for kommunerne I Region Sjælland. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 11 January 2011 406, 531 Labofa Munch A/S vs. Statens & Kommunernes Indkøbs Service (SKI) (a purchasing or- ganisation for State, regional and local authorities) and Ministry of Finance. Order of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 11 July 2008 508 Lifeline I/S vs. Dansk Hunderegister. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 15 December 1999 272, 378, 466 Lindpro A/S vs. Jørgen Mortensen & Sønner ApS. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 29 April 2003 508 Logstor A/S vs. Viborg Fjernvarme. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 6 July 2006 546 Lokolar A/S vs. Sydjysk Kommuneindkøb. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 29 September 2009 498 L.K Gruppen A/S vs. Municipality of Copenhagen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 10 September 2008 513 L.R. Service ApS vs. Bramsnæs Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 28 May 1999 228 L.R. Service ApS vs. Ramsø Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 28 May 1999 229 L.R. Service ApS vs. Ringsted Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 28 May 1999 210, 229, 240 L.R. Service ApS vs. Skovbo Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 8 June 1998 235 L.R. Service ApS vs. Sorø Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 21 January 1999 228 LSI Metro Gruppen vs. Ørestadsselskabet I/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 24 August 2007 462, 464 Luis Madsen and Others vs. Odense Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 11 October 1996 110, 460 Lyreco Danmark A/S vs. Municipality of Varde. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 12 March 2009 499 Løgten Murer- og Entreprenørforretning A/S vs. Municipality of Norddjurs. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 1 December 2009 427 Magnus Informatik A/S vs. Tax Authories. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 13 July 2007 489, 602 Manova A/S vs. the Ministry of Education. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 10 March 2010 75, 427, 493, 527, 599, 603 Master Data I/S vs. Municipality of Copenhagen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 12 September 2008 488


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Mecanoo Architecten b.v. vs. Municipality of Aarhus. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 11 September 2009 359 MFI Office Solutions Ltd. vs. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 7 January 2009 498, 513 Milana A/S vs. County of West Zealand. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 12 August 2002 527, 564 Miljøforeningen for bevarelse af miljøet omkring Københavns Lufthavn vs. Københavns Lufthavne A/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 15 Janua- ry 1998 545 Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs vs. Farum Municipality. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 29 January 2002 133, 209 Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs vs. Farum Municipality. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 18 July 2002 133, 209 Miri Stål A/S vs. Esbjerg Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 20 February 2004 272, 463, 509, 562, 590 Miri Stål A/S vs. Esbjerg Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 20 August 2004 601, 602, 603 Miri Stål A/S vs. Ringsted Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 31 August 1998 296 M.J. Eriksson A/S vs. Fuglebjerg Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 27 May 2003 271 M.K Riisager Transport A/S vs. Municipality of Hjørring. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 26 May 2010 427, 527 MT Højgaard A/S vs. Aalborg Lufthavn a.m.b.a. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 26 April 2007 513 MT Højgaard A/S vs. the Agency for Palaces and Cultural Properties and the Municipality of Helsingør. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 3 October 2006 95, 101, 103 MT Højgaard A/S vs. Danmarks Radio. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 16 January 2006 512 MT Højgaard A/S and Others vs. Foden for FrederiksborCentret – Hillerød. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 21 February 2007 608 MT Højgaard A/S vs. Lejerbo Herning. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 10 August 2007 491 MT Højgaard A/S and Skanska Danmark A/S vs. Foden for Frederiksborgcentret - Hille- rød. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 3 October 2006 95, 101, 103 Munkebjerg Hotel A/S vs. The Ministry of Finance. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 10 March 2009 426, 503 Mölnlycke Health Care ApS vs. The Capial Region. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 4 August 2009 493, 509, 526 NCC Construction Danmark A/S vs. Municipality of Billund. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 10 July 2009 484, 558 NCC Roads A/S vs. Vejdirektoratet. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 26 November 2008 295, 517 Neupart A/S vs. Ministry of Finance. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 20 January 2009 436, 469


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Nibe Entreprenør og Transport ApS vs. Støvring Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 14 April 2004 602 Nordjydsk Kloak- og Indusriservice A/S vs. Municipality of Aalborg. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 10 December 2008 491 Novalis A/S vs. Personalestyrelsen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procure- ment of 12. August 2009 516 Nybus A/S and Others vs. Storstrøms Trafikselskab. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 3 July 1998 529 Nykøbing Dag og Industrirenovation vs. Skive Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 10 June 2011 525 Nør & Sigsgaard Arkitektfirma vs. the Danish Prison and Probation Service. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 12 February 2010 475, 496 Oberthur Technologies Denmark A/S vs. Region of . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 26 May 2009 494 OK Enterprise vs. Tønder Forsyning. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 18 January 2011 491, 601 Ortos and Others vs. Municipality of Odense. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 15 January 2009 483 Oxford Research A/S vs. Faaborg Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 6 August 2001 569 PA Consulting Group vs. Region Nordjylland. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 3 March 2011 511 P.Jensen og Sønner Outrup Aps vs. Municipality of Blaabjerg. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 19 January 2007 219 P.Kortegaards Planteskole A/S vs. Municipality of . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 18. September 2007 475 Per Aarsleff A/S vs. Amager Strandpark I/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 26 August 2004 511, 515 Per Aarsleff A/S vs. County of Funen and Odense Municipality. Order of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 9 June 2004 295, 515 Plantware Holding A/S vs. I/S Amagerforbrænding. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 13 February 2007 534 PlayTech Limited vs. Danske Spil A/S. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 7 June 2010 89 Pro-Safe Reflection A/S vs. Danish Maritime Safety Administration. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 11. September 2008 510 Redderklubben I Århus vs. Region Midtjylland. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 9 June 2011 544 Remmer A/S vs. Statens & Kommunernes Indkøbs Service (SKI) (a purchasing organisa- tion for State, regional and local authorities). Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 5 May 2010 491 Rengøringsgrossisten represented by Erik Mortensen vs. Municipality of Skive. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 6 June 2007 514 Renoflex A/S vs. Søllerød Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 17 December 1999 558 Renoflex A/S vs. I/S Vestforbrænding. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 14 December 2000 558


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RenoNorden vs. Skive Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procure- ment of 20 June 2011 525 Restaurant Owner Villy Antonsen vs. the Municipality of Aars. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 24 March 2003 589, 593, 596 Råstof og Genanvendelse Selskabet af 1990 A/S vs. Municipality of Aarhus kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 19 September 2007 427, 428 S-Card A/S vs. the National Police. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procure- ment of 28 February 2006 534 Sammenslutningen af Glatførebekæmpende Vognmænd i Nordjyllands Amt ApS vs. County of Northern Jutland. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 23 September 2004 480 Saver Comfort ApS vs. . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 23 April 2009 491, 599 Scan-Plas Produktion A/S vs. Municipality of Herning. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 2 July 2008 219, Scan-Plast Produktion vs. Municipality of Silkeborg. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 7 January 2011 190 Scan-Plast vs. Municipality of Herning (claim 2). Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 20 September 2010 284 Sectra A/S vs. Southern Denmark Region. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 29 August 2007 498, 573, 601 Seghers Better Technology Group vs. I/S Amagerforbrænding. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 18 March 1999 277, 558 Semco Energi A/S vs. Brønderslev Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 21 September 1995 534 Semco Energi A/S vs. Brønderslev Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 31 October 1996 547 Sereno Nordic A/S vs. County of Vejle. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 6 May 2004 483 Serviceselskabet for vagtlæger I Region Midt A/S vs. Central Denmark Region. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 30 May 2008 427 Siemens A/S vs. Municipality of Esbjerg. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 25 October 1995 277, 459, 558, 566 SJ AB vs. Trafikstyrelsen for jernbane og færger. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 7 November 2007 181, 507 Sjælsø Entreprise A/S vs. statsbibloteket in Aarhus. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 23 September 2005 534 Sjælsø Entreprise A/S vs. statsbibloteket in Aarhus. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 25 January 2006 513 SK Tolkeservice ApS vs. County of Copenhagen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 14 October 2004 200 Skandinavisk Parykcenter vs Hillerød Kommune et al. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 27 January 2011 495 Skanska Danmark A/S vs. . Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement of 12 August 2003 481, 514 Skanska Danmark A/S vs. Løgstør Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 30 June 2003 55


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Skjortegrossisten A/S vs. Post Danmark. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 28 December 1999 500, 591, 595, Smith & Nephew A/S vs. Region of Northen Jutland. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 3 April 2009 426 SP Medical vs. SKAT. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 3 September 2007 428, 476, 600 Stina System Inventar ApS vs. Municipality of . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 3 December 2007 512 Sundvikar ApS vs. Municipality of Hillerød. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 13 August 2009 475, 495, 497, 498 Supervisory Council for the County of Storstrøm vs. Rønnede Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 5 November 2003 211 Svend B. Thomsen A/S vs. Blåvandshuk Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 27 September 2000 277, 441, 486, 545 Svend B. Thomsen Varde A/S vs. Blåvandshuk Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 20 August 2001 545 Swarco Danmark vs. Vejdirektoratet. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 8 February 2011 483 Taxa stig and Others vs. County of Western Zealand. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 3 May 2005 573 Technicomm A/S vs. Danish Railways. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 9 March 1999 357, 360, 507, 558, 563, 571 Tensid Danmark vs. Aarhus Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 14 July 2011 550 Tilsynsrådet Statsamtet Storstrøm vs. Municipality of Rønnede. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 5 November 2003 211 Tipo Danmark A/S vs. Municipality of Copenhagen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 2 September 2005 198 Tolkeservice represented by Aso Hamid vs. County of Viborg. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 23 March 2004 200, 436 Totalrådgivergruppen vs. Univeritets- og Byggestyrelsen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 15 September 2008 434 Translift vs. DSB. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 14 May 2008 422 Triolab A/S vs. the Capital Region of Denmark. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 17 October 2007 514 Triona AB vs. The Danish Road Directorate. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 6 april 2010 427 Tødin A/S vs. Municipality of Tønder. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 16 June 2009 498, 499 Unicomputer A/S vs. . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 29 September 2003 135, 224, 229, 230, 402, 582 Unicomputer A/S vs. Statens & Kommunernes Indkøbs Service (SKI) (a purchasing or- ganisation for State, regional and local authorities). Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 27 April 2006 403 Uniqsoft 1998 ApS vs. Odense Municipality. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 2 May 2000 274, 479, 570


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Updata Danmark A/S vs. Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbæk. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 14 July 2009 240, 482, 488, 489, 497 Valles Trans-Media Byudstyr and Udendørsreklamer K/S vs. City of Copenhagen. Deci- sion of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 7 July 1995 459 Virklund Sport A/S vs. . Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 8 October 2004 59 Virklund Sport vs. Vejle Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Pro- curement of 14 March 2011 285 Visma Logistics ASA vs. County of Copenhagen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 8 August 2000 481, 508, 513, 571 V. Løwener vs. Frederiksberg Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 2 May 2011 312, 486 WAP Wöhr Automatikparksysteme GmbH. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 8 January 2008 364, 365, 465 Wel-med/Scanbio vs. K-17 indkøbsfællesskabet. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 2 March 2011 451, 487, 560 Willis vs. Lejerbo. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 18 Febru- ary 2008 212 Yit vs. Skov- og Naturstyrelsen. Decision of the Review Board of 7 March 2011 462 Zealand Care A/S vs. Municipality Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 19 February 2001 466

Orders of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement (chronological according to the date of the order) 3 November 1994, Haulier Kenn Sonne vs. Bornholms Fælleskommunale Affaldsbort- skaffelse I/S 565 8 March 1995, Henning Larsens Tegnestue vs. Ministry of Culture 560, 561 18 May 1995, Henning Larsens Tegnestue vs. Ministry of Culture 464 23 June 1995, Danish Chamber of Commerce vs. Frederiksberg Municipality 227 7 July 1995, Valles Trans-Media Byudstyr and Udendørsreklamer K/S vs. City of Copen- hagen 459 23 August 1995, B4 ApS vs. Holbæk Municipality 458 21 September 1995, Semco Energi A/S vs. Brønderslev Municipality 534 25 October 1995, Siemens A/S vs. Esbjerg Municipality 277, 459, 558, 566 23 January 1996, Danish Council of Practising Architects vs. 377 26 April 1996, E. Pihl og Søn A/S vs. I/S Avedøre Kloakværk 459, 547, 558 30 May 1996, A/S Iver Pedersen v I/S Reno Syd 448 13 June 1996, Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. Roskilde Municipality 458, 461 13 September 1996, Arbejdsgiverforeningen for Handel, Transport and Service vs. Tårnby Municipality 528 9 October 1996, Elinstallatørernes Landsforening and Others vs. Københavns Lufthavne A/S 33, 468, 472 11 October 1996, Luis Madsen and Others vs. Odense Municipality 110, 460 16 October 1996, Danske Vognmænd vs. Stevns Municipality 558 31 October 1996, Semco Energi A/S vs. Brønderslev Municipality 547 18 November 1996, European Metro Group vs. Ørestadsselskabet I/S 296, 505, 516, 517


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12 December 1996, Entreprenørforeningens Miljøsektion vs. I/S Sønderborg Kraftvarme- værk 216, 218 10 February 1997, Dafeta Trans ApS vs. Lynettefællesskabet I/S 499 23 April 1997, Crocus I/S vs. Århus Port Authority 227 19 June 1997, Højgaard & Schultz A/S vs. Ministry of Education 527, 561, 562 27 August 1997, Dansk Automobil-Forhandlerforening vs. Haderslev Municipality 547 8 October 1997, Danish Council of Practising Architects vs. Copenhagen Pædagogsemina- rum 292 9 October 1997, Arkitektgruppen i Aarhus K/S and Stærmose & Isager Firm of Architects K/S vs. Hinnerup Municipality 378 29 October 1997, Esbjerg Andels Renovationsselskab A/S vs. Rødding Municipality 59, 499 15 January 1998, Miljøforeningen for bevarelse af miljøet omkring Københavns Lufthavn vs. Københavns Lufthavne A/S 545 25 February 1998, Competition Authority vs. Tårnby Municipality 553 9 March 1998, Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. Ledøje-Smørum Munici- pality 384 17 March 1998, Competition Authority vs. Tårnby Municipality 552 8 June 1998, L.R. Service ApS vs. Skovbo Municipality 235 1 July 1998, C.F. Møller vs. County of Western Zealand 558 2 July 1998, Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. Københavns Lufthavne A/S 248, 399, 403 3 July 1998, Nybus A/S and Others vs. Storstrøms Trafikselskab 529 31 August 1998, Miri Stål A/S vs. Ringsted Municipality 296 14 September 1998, Danish Chamber of Commerce vs. Statistics Denmark 296 18 September 1998, Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. Frederiksberg Munic- ipality 187 28 September 1998, Humus/Genplast, represented by Hans Jørgen Rasmussen, vs. Esbjerg Municipality 545 3 December 1998, Højgaard og Schultz A/S and Others vs. Ørestadsselskabet I/S 361 21 January 1999, L.R. Service ApS vs. Sorø Municipality 228 1 March 1999, Enemærke & Petersen A/S vs. Fællesorganisationens Boligforening, Sla- gelse 448 8 March 1999, Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. Nykøbing Falster Munici- pality 507 9 March 1999, Technicomm A/S vs. Danish Railways 357, 360, 507, 558, 563, 571 18 March 1999, Seghers Better Technology Group vs. I/S Amagerforbrændingen 277, 558 28 May 1999, L.R. Service ApS vs. Bramsnæs Municipality 228 28 May 1999, L.R. Service ApS vs. Ramsø Municipality 229 28 May 1999 L.R. Service ApS vs. Ringsted Municipality 210, 229, 240 10 June 1999, Højgaard og Schultz A/S vs. 558 11 June 1999, H. Hoffmann og Sønner A/S and Others vs. Aalborg Lufthavn A.m.b.a 279, 361, 519 6 September 1999, Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. the Ministry of Culture 385 17 September 1999, Dansk Fjernvarmes Decentrale Kraft/Varme-Selskab A.m.b.a. and Others vs. the Danish Energy Authority 435


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15 December 1999, Lifeline I/S vs. Dansk Hunderegister 272, 378, 466 17 December 1999, Renoflex A/S vs. Søllerød Municipality 558 28 December 1999, Skjortegrossisten A/S vs. Post Danmark 500, 591, 595 9 February 2000, Danish Council of Practising Architects vs. the Ministry of Foreign Af- fairs 475 2 May 2000, Uniqsoft 1998 ApS vs. Odense Municipality 274, 479, 570 16 May 2000, Dansk Transport og Logistik vs. I/S Reno Syd 479, 570 6 June 2000, Ernst & Young State-Authorised Public Accountants vs. Diocesan Authority of Funen 439, 445 21 June 2000, Arriva Danmark A/S vs. Hovedstadsområdets Trafikselskab 27 June 2000, Deponering af Problem-affald ApS vs. I/S Vestforbrænding 451, 558, 563 8 August 2000, Visma Logistics ASA vs. County of Copenhagen 481, 508, 513, 571 11 August 2000, Kirkebjerg A/S vs. County of Ribe 46, 529 27 September 2000, Svend B. Thomsen A/S vs. Blåvandshuk Municipality 277, 441, 486, 545 8 November 2000, H. Friedmann og Søn A/S vs. Ministry of Research and Information Technology 515 27 November 2000, Svend B. Thomsen A/S vs. Blåvandshuk Municipality 7 December 2000, Danish Association of Consulting Engineers vs. the Ministry of Culture 32 14 December 2000, Renoflex A/S vs. I/S Vestforbrænding 558 30 January 2001, Dansk Transport og Logistik vs. Haderslev Municipality 460, 507 19 February 2001, Zealand Care A/S vs. Frederikshavn Municipality 466 27 April 2001, Dansk Transport og Logistik vs. Nykøbing Falster Municipality 187, 460, 528 2 May 2001, Forlaget Magnus A/S vs. Customs and Tax Authority 277, 515, 523 12 July 2001, Danish Council of Practising Architects vs. Ministry of Culture 385, 528 6 August 2001, Oxford Research A/S vs. Faaborg Municipality 569 20 August 2001, Svend B. Thomsen Varde A/S vs. Blåvandshuk Municipality 545 14 September 2001, Judex A/S vs. County of Århus 343, 359 24 October 2001, Eiland Electric A/S vs. County of Western Zealand 276, 476, 481, 500, 519, 566, 568, 574 22 November 2001, Forlaget Magnus A/S vs. Customs and Tax Authority (compensation) 581, 588, 589, 593, 597, 598, 599, 609 3 January 2002, AC-Trafik, represented by Anders Bødker Christiansen vs. County of Fre- deriksborg 569 29 January 2002, Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs vs. Farum Municipality 133, 209 21 March 2002, Holsted Minibus represented by taxicab owner Keld T. Hansen, vs. Næstved Municipality 229, 293 22 March 2002, Johs. Sørensen & Sønner Århus A/S vs. Århus Kommunale Works 48, 526 2 April 2002, ISS Danmark A/S vs. H:S Rigshospitalet 476, 569 10 May 2002, Ementor Danmark A/S vs. County of Århus 471 3 July 2002, Judex A/S vs. County of Århus 588, 589, 595, 601, 602, 604 18 July 2002, Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs vs. Farum Municipality 133, 209 9 August 2002, Kommunernes Revision vs. National Labour Market Authority 489 12 August 2002, Milana A/S vs. County of West Zealand 527, 564


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27 November 2002, Aon Danmark A/S vs. Odense Municipality 270 6 February 2003, Hedeselskabet Miljø og Energi A/S vs. Løkken-Vrå Municipality 274 19 March 2003, Forlev Vognmandsforretning A/S vs. Høng Municipality 545 24 March 2003, Restaurant Owner Villy Antonsen vs. Aars Municipality 589, 593, 596 8 April 2003, Dansk Taxi Forbund vs. the County of Western Zealand 203 28 April 2003, Centralforeningen af Taxiforeninger i Danmark vs. the County of Western Zealand 199, 203 29 April 2003, Lindpro A/S vs. Jørgen Mortensen & Sønner ApS 508 27 May 2003, M.J. Eriksson A/S vs. Fuglebjerg Municipality 271 28 May 2003, Bilhuset Ringsted ApS and Others vs. Ringsted Municipality 271, 591 30 June 2003, Skanska Danmark A/S vs. Løgstør Municipality 55 5 August 2003, Georg Berg A/S vs. Køge Municipality 287 7 August 2003, KAS Transport, represented by Kim Schrøder vs. Århus Municipality 466, 518, 567 8 August 2003, Eurodan-Huse Vest A/S vs. Sønderborg Andelsboligforening 54 11 August 2003, Kruse & Mørk A/S vs. Jetsmark Energiværk A.m.b.a 101 12 August 2003, Skanska Danmark A/S vs. Vejle Municipality 481, 514 15 August 2003, Bravida Danmark A/S vs. Statens Forsknings- og Uddannelsesbygninger 514, 519 29 September 2003, Unicomputer A/S vs. Greve Municipality 135, 224, 229, 230, 402, 582 14 October 2003, KK-Ventilation A/S vs. County of Vejle 271, 295 4 November 2003, Bombardier Transportation Denmark A/S vs. Lokalbanen A/S 357, 361, 489, 516 5 November 2003, Supervisory Council for the County of Storstrøm vs. Rønnede Munici- pality 211 17 November 2003, Helsingør Municipality vs. Ejendomsselskabet Stengade 56 ApS 567 21 November 2003, Entreprenørfirmaet Harry Andersen & Søn A/S vs. County of Vejle 55 16 December 2003, Bilhuset Randers A/S and Others vs. Sønderhald Municipality 216, 219, 565 13 January 2004, E. Pihl og Søn A/S vs. Hadsund Municipality 272, 463, 465, 500, 562, 568 20 February 2004, Miri Stål A/S vs. Esbjerg Municipality 272, 463, 509, 562, 590 9 March 2004, Georg Berg A/S vs. Køge Municipality 581 10 March 2004, Brdr. Thybo A/S vs. Arbejdernes Andelsboligforening af 1938 570 (482) 23 March 2004, Tolkeservice represented by Aso Hamid vs. County of Viborg 200, 436 14 April 2004, Nibe Entreprenør og Transport ApS vs. Støvring Municipality 602 29 April 2004, KAS Transport, represented by Kim Schrøder vs. Århus Municipality 608 6 May 2004, Sereno Nordic A/S vs. County of Vejle 483 13 May 2004, Bravida Danmark A/S vs. Rødovre almennyttige Boligselskab 272, 480 7 June 2004, A/S Analycen vs. County of West Zealand and Others 328,508 9 June 2004, Per Aarsleff A/S vs. County of Funen and Odense Municipality 295, 515 21 June 2004, Banverket vs. Nordjyske Jernbaner A/S 274, 295, 484, 517 9 July 2004, H.O. Service A/S vs. Boligforeningen 32 483 20 August 2004, Miri Stål A/S vs. Esbjerg Municipality 601, 602, 603 26 August 2004, Per Aarsleff A/S vs. Amager Strandpark I/S 511, 515


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30 August 2004, Benny Hansen Tømrer- og Snedkerforretning ApS vs. Vangsgade 6 ApS 195 2 September 2004, BN Produkter Danmark A/S vs. Odense Renovationsselskab A/S 288, 509 13 September 2004, Brdr. Thybo A/S vs. Arbejdernes Andelsboligforening af 1938 603 (482) 23 September 2004, Sammenslutningen af Glatførebekæmpende Vognmænd i Nordjyl- lands Amt ApS vs. County of Nordjylland 480 30 September 2004, Colas Danmark A/S vs. Videbæk Municipality 272, 285, 286, 500 8 October 2004, Virklund Sport A/S vs. Randers Municipality 59 11 October 2004, Iver C. Welbach og Co. A/S vs. National Survey and Cadastre 275 12 October 2004, Køster Entreprise A/S vs. Morsø Municipality 602 14 October 2004, SK Tolkeservice ApS vs. County of Copenhagen 200 21 November 2004, Entreprenørfirmaet Harry Andersen & Søn A/S vs. Municipality of Copenhagen 504 26 November 2004, E. Pihl og Søn A/S vs. Danish Prison and Probation Service 512, 516 2 December 2004, Banverket vs. Nordjyske Jernbaner A/S 16 December 2004, Brunata A/S vs. Aalborg Boligselskab af 1956, branch 8 and Others 107, 602 1 March 2005, BN Produkter Danmark A/S vs. Odense Renovationsselskab A/S 9 March 2005, A-1 Communications vs. County of Copenhagen 200 3 May 2005, Taxa Stig and Others vs. County of Western Zealand 573 7 June 2005, Bladt Industries A/S vs. Storebælt A/S 497 17 June 2005, Gladsaxe Municipality vs. Den selvejende institution Hareskovbo og Æl- dreboliginstitutionen Hareskovbo II 225, 230 2 September 2005, Tipo Danmark A/S vs. Municipality of Copenhagen 198 23 September 2005, Sjælsø Enterprise A/S vs. statsbiblioteket in Aarhus 534 10 October 2005, DBC medier A/S vs. Municipality of Gentofte 549 11 December 2005, Jan Houlberg Instrument A/S vs. the Danish Ministry of Taxation 534 15 December 2005, Air Liquide Danmark A/S vs. County of Roskilde and Others 235, 428, 486, 601 19 December 2005, Kirkebjerg A/S vs. Hovedstadens Sygehusfællesskab 235 16 January 2006, MT Højgaard A/S vs. Danmarks Radio 512 25 January 2006, Sjælsø Enterprise A/S vs.statsbiblioteket in Aarhus 513 13 February 2006, Haubjerg Interiør A/S vs. County of Vejle 549 28 February 2006, S-Card A/S vs. the National Police 534 13 March 2006, kirudan 318 27 April 2006, Unicomputer A/S vs. Statens og KOmmunernes Indkøbs Service (SKI) (a urchasing organization for State, regional and local authorities) 403 2 May 2006, Danish Association of Architectural Firms vs. Albertslund Boligselskab and Vridsløselille Andelsboligforening 455, 465, 488 31 May 2006, J.Olsen A/S Entreprenør- & Nedrivningsfirmaet and Jens Olsen vs. Munici- pality of Ramsø 600 6 July 2006, Logstor A/S vs. Viborg Fjernvarme 546 23 August 2006, Hedeselskabet Miljø og Energi A/S vs. County of Southern Jutland 455, 462 5 September 2006, Joca Trading A/S vs. Rensyd I/S 509, 602


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3 October 2006, MT Højgaard A/S, vs. the Agency for Palaces and Cultural properties and the Municipality of Helsingør 95, 101, 103 14 December 2006, Baxter A/S vs. County of Roskilde and Others 514 19 January 2007, p. Jensen og Sønner Outrup Aps vs. Municipality of Blaabjerg 219 12 February 2007, DanskHøreteknik A/S vs. Municipality of Copenhagen 498 13 February 2007, Plantware Holding A/S vs. I/S Amagerforbrændingen 534 20 February 2007, Ejendomsselskabet Bangs Gård vs. Municipality of Esbjerg 195, 558 21 Februar 2007, MT Højgaard A/S and Others vs. Fonden for FrederiksborgCenteret – Hillerød 608 27 March 2007, AV Form A/S vs. Municipality of Esbjerg 498, 558 28 March 2007, Fujitsu Siemens Computers A/S vs. Ministry of Finance and Statens & Kommunernes Indkøbs Service (SKI) (a purchasing organization for State, regional and local authorities) 510 26 April 2007, MT Højgaard A/S vs. Aalborg Lufthavn a.m.b.a. 513 27 April 2007, CT Renovation vs. 4-s Skrive-Egnens Renovationsselskab I/S 492, 493 2 May 2007, Bent Vangsøe Natursten A/S vs. Ørestadsselskabet I/S 516 6 June 2007, Rengøringsgrossisten represented by Erik Mortensen vs. Municipality of Skive 514 18 June 2007, KPC Byg A/S vs. Odense Tekniske Skole 219 4 July 2007, Dansk Taxi Råd vs. Nordjyllands trafikselskab 549 13 July 2007, Magnus Informatik A/S vs. Tax Authorities 489, 6025 19 July 2007, ISS Facility Services A/S vs. Skejby Sygehus 489 10 August 2007, MT Højgaard A/S vs. Lejerbo Herning 491 20 August 2007, Danish Industry and Others vs. Municipality of Silkeborg 525 21 August 2007, Centralforeningen af Taxiforeninger I Danmark vs. Midttrafik 219 24 August 2007, LSI Metro Gruppen vs. Ørestadsselskabet I/S 462, 464 29 August 2007, Sectra A/S vs. southern Denmark Region 498, 573, 601 3 September 2007, SP Medical vs. SKAT 428, 476, 600 18 september 2007, P. Kortegaards Planteskole A/S vs. Municipality of Kolding 475 19 September 2007, Råstof og Genanvendelse Selskabet 1990 A/S vs. Municipality of Aarhus kommune 427, 428 16 October 2007, Kuwait Petoleum A/S vs. Municipality of Sønderborg 476, 558, 559 17 October 2007, Triolab A/S vs. the Capital Region of Denmark 514 7 November 2007, SJ AB vs. Trafikstyrelsen for jernbane og færger 181, 507 3 December 2007, Stina System Inventar Aps vs. Municipality of Lemvig 512 14 December 2007, Acupuncturist and massage therapist Thomas Borgå vs. Municipality of Skive 198,476 19 December 2007, HIQ Wise A/S vs. Danske Spil 427 21 December 2007, Damm Cellular Systems vs. Ministry of Finance 549 8 January 2008, WAP Wöhr Automatikparksystme GmbH 364, 365, 465 15 January 2008, Arkitektfirmaet C.F. Møller A/S vs. Universitets- og Byggestyrelsen 439,558 18 January 2008, Eurofins Miljø A/S vs. Municipality of Aalborg 512 14 february 2008, Jysk Erhvervsbeklædning Aps vs. Municipality of Hjørring 498 18 February 2008, Willis vs. Lejerbo 212 29 February 2008, A/S Karl Jensen Murer- og Entreprenørfirma vs. Hobro Boligforening 532 31 March 2008, COWI A/S vs. the National Survey and Cadastre 510, 512, 602


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14 April 2008, Damm Cellular Systems A/S vs. Økonomistyrelsen 365 16 April 2008, Boligkontoret Danmark vs. Læøgeforeningen Boliger S.m.b.a. 514 14 May 2008, Translift vs. DSB 422 30 May 2008, Serviceselskabet for vagtlæger I Region Midt A/S vs. Central Denmark Re- gion 427 27 June 2008, Danish Association of Architectural Firms vs. Handels- og Søfartsmuseet 385, 484 2 July 2008, Scan-Plas Profuktion A/S vs. Municipality of Herning 219 10 July 2008, European Land Solutions Ltd. Vs. Kystdirektoratet 277, 496 11 July 2008, Labofa Much A/S vs. Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbs Service (SKI) (a ourchasing organization fr State, regional and local authorities) and Ministry of Fi- nance 508 10 September 2008, LK Gruppen A/S vs. Municipality of Copenhagen 513 11 September 2008, Pro-Safe Reflection A/S vs. Danish Maritime Safety Administration 510 12 September 2008, Master Data I/S vs. Municipality of Copenhagen 488 15 September 2008, Totalrådgivergruppen vs. Universitets- og Byggestyrelsenb 434 2 October 2008, C.C. Brun Entreprise A/S vs. A/S Storebælt 342 3 October 2008, Creative Company A/S vs. Municipality of Aarhus 494, 499 5 November 2008, Brøndum A/S vs. Boligforeningen Ringgården 287, 517 26 November 2008, NCC Roads A/S vs. Vejdirektoratet 295, 517 10 December 2008, Nordjysk Kloak- og Industriservice A/S vs. Municipality of Aalborg 491 17 December 2008, Bandagis-Centret A/S vs. Municipality of Aarhus 497 7 January 2009, MFI Office Solutions Ltd. Vs. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 498, 513 15 January 2009, ortos and Others vs. Municipality of Odense 483 20 January 2009, Neupart A/S vs. Ministry of Finance 436, 469 2 February 2009, Konsortiet Damm Cellular A/S vs. Pallas Informatik A/S 510 17 February 2009, CLS Communications A/S vs. The Danish Enviroment Protection Agency 518 4 March 2009, Berendsen Textil Service A/S vs. Municipality of Frederikssund 219 10 March 2009, Munkebjerg Hotel A/S vs. The Ministry of Finance 426, 503 12 March 2009, Lyreco Danmark A/S vs. Municipality of Varde 499 3 April 2009, Smith & Nephew A/S vs. Region of Nothern Jutland 426 21 April 2009, Hoffmann A/S vs. Andelsboligforeningen Hørsholm Karlebo 496 23 April 2009, Saver Comfort Aps. Vs. Central Denmark Region 491, 599 13 May 2009, Billetlugen A/S vs. The Royal Danish Theatre 483 19 May 2009, Anker Hansen & Co A/S vs. Municipality of Rudersdal 496 26 may 2009, Oberthur Tchnologies Denmark A/S vs. Region of Northern Jutland 494 4 June 2009, Eurest vs. Copenhagen Business School 277 16 June 2009, Tødin A/S vs. Municipality of Tønder 498, 499 10 July 2009, NCC Construction Danmark A/S vs. Municipality of Billund 484, 558 14 July 2009, Updata Danmark A/S vs. Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbæk 240, 782, 488, 489, 497 17 July 2009, Anlægsgartner Gottlieb A/S vs. Psykiatrisk Center Skt. Hans 530 27 July 2009, Alfa Laval Nordic A/S vs. Odense Vandselskab A/S 219, 232, 559, 561 4 August 2009, Mölnlycke Health Care Aps vs. The Capital Region 493, 509, 526 12 August 2009, Novalis A/S vs. Personalestyrelsen 516


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13 August 2009, Sundvikar Aps vs. Municipality of Hillerød 475, 495, 497, 498 26 August 2009, Barslund A/S vs. Municipality of Copenhagen 484, 515 11 September 2009, Mecanoo Archicten b.v. vs. Municipality of Aarhus 359 14 September 2009, Konsortiet Vision Area vs. Københavns Bymuseum 366, 458 29 September 2009, Lokolar A/S vs. Sydjysk Kommuneindkøb 498 1 October 2009, Cimber Air A/S vs. Forsvarskommandoen 500, 509, 512, 546 5 October 2009, Akzo Nobel Industrial Chemicals B.V vs. Municipalitynof Tønder 216 14 October 2009, Frederik Pedersen Alu-Glas A/S vs. Municipality of Viborg 287, 482 16 October 2009, Competition Authority vs. The Region of Zealand and The Capital Re- gion of Denmark 240, 523 19 October 2009, DSV Transport A/S vs. I/S Vestforbrændingen 431, 437, 439 21 October 2009,Konsortiet Rindum Skole vs. Municipality of RIngkjøbing-Skjern 434 6 November 2009, Hettich labinstrument Aps vs. Region of Zealand 488 25 November 2009, A/S Jens Jensen og Sønner and Others vs. municipality of Viborg 525 1 December 2009, Løgten Murer- og Entreprenørforretning A/S vs. Municipality of Nord- djurs 427 10 December 2009, DPC Constructions A/S vs. Universitets- og Byggestyrelsen 521 21 December 2009, Ergolet A/S vs. Municipality nof Copenhagen 475, 496 12 January 2010, Børge Jakobsen & Søn A/S vs. Municipality of Sorø 512 5 February 2010, Klus Kristoffer Larsen vs. Municipality of Hedensted 222 12 February 2010, Nør & Stigaard Arkiteksfirma vs. the Dansh Prison and probation Ser- vice 475, 496 17 February 2010, Excellent Match Aps vs. DONG Engergy A/S 198 19 February 2010, Humus/Genplast, represented by Hans Jørgen Rasmussen vs. Munici- pality of Fredensborg 509 24 February 2010, Atea A/S vs. Ministry of Finance 428 4 March 2010, Danish Rfugee Council vs. Municipality of Hvidovre 75, 482, 484 10 March 2010, Manova A/S vs. the Ministry of Education 75, 427, 493, 527, 599, 603 24 March 2010, Almenbo a.m.b.a. vs. Den selvejende almene boligorganisation Nygårds- parken 466 26 March 2010, Ejner Kornerup Jylland A/S vs. Ejerforeningen Parkvænget 459 6 April 2010, Triona AB vs. The Danish Directorate 427 8 April 2010, KPI Communications A/S vs. The National IT and Telecom Agency 75 13 April 2010 KMD, A/S vs. Municipality of Frederiksberg 479, 487, 490, 491, 497, 498, 512, 513, 548, 565 22 April 2010. Keto Vikar Aps vs. Municipality of Copenhagen 608 27 April 2010, Damm Cellular Systems vs. Ministry of Finance 364, 365 5 May 2010, Remmer A/S vs. Statens & Kommunernes Indkøbs Service (SKI) ( a puchas- ing organization for State, Regional an dlocal authorities) 491 26 May 2010, M.K. Riisager Transport A/S vs. Muniipality of Hjørring 427, 527 31 May 2010, Danish Association of Architectural Firms vs. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 458, 459, 462 7 June 2010, Playtech Limited vs. Danske Spil A/S 89 6 August 2010, HedeDanmark A/S vs. Greve Spildevand A/S 463, 491, 492 7 september 2010, Jørgen Rasmussen Gruppen A/S vs. AFATEK A/S 551 20 Septemer 2010, Scan-Plast vs. Municipality of Herning (claim 2) 284


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29 November 2010, HMN vs. K-17 indkøbsfællesskabet. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 285 7 January 2011, Scan-Plast Produktion vs. Municipality of Silkeborg 190 11 January 2011, Lekolar vs. K 17 indkøbsfællesskaberne for kommunerne I Region Sjæl- land. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 406, 531 17 January 2011, Danmarks Naturundersøgelser; Aarhus Universitet vs. By- og Land- skabsstyrelsen 509 18 January 2011, OK Enterprise vs. Tønder Forsyning. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 491, 601 21 January 2011, Jytas vs. Universitets- o Byggestyrelsen. Decision of the Procuement Review Board 501 27 January 2011, Skandinavisk Parykcenter vs Hillerød Kommune et al. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 495 8 February 2011, Swarco Danmark vs. Vejdirektoratet. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 483 16 February 2011, Dansk Glas vs. Christians Sogns Menighedsråd. Decision of the PRo- curement Review Board of 16 February 2011 525 2 March 2011, Wel-med/Scanbio vs. K-17 indkøbsfællesskabet. Decision of the Com- plaints Board for Public Procurement of 2 March 2011 451, 487, 560 3 March 2011, PA Consulting Group vs. Region Nordjylland. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 511 7 March 2011, Yit vs. Skov- og Naturstyrelsen. Decision of the Review Board 462 8 March 2011, HSS Engeneering vs Beredskabsstyrelsen. Decision of the Procuremnet Review Board 469, 550 14 March 2011, Virklund Sport vs. Vejle Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 285 16 March 2011, Entreprenørfirmaet Ove Kristensen Viborg vs. EnergiMidt. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 16 March 2011 59, 480 23 March 2011, AV Form v 12-bygruppens Indkøbscentral. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 572 8 April 2011, IBM Danmark v Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbs Service. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 2011 575 11 April 2011, Forvaltningsservice vs. Københavns Kommune. Decision of the Procure- ment of Review Board 453, 509 13 April 2011, Assemble vs. Økonomistyrelsen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 493, 516 14 April 2011, Axiell Bibliotek vs. Aalborg Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 14 April 2011 490 26 April 2011, Compare vs. Municipality of Odense, Herning, Fredericia, Gladsaxe, Hør- sholm, statens og Kommunernes Indkøbsservice 24 27 April 2011, Atea vs. Ballerup Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 559 2 May 2011, V. Løwener vs. Frederiksberg Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 312, 486 3 May 2011, ENCA vs. Skive Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 428, 577 5 May 2011, Dansk Halbyggeri vs. Aalborg Kommune, Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 428


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6 May 2011, Fællesbo vs. Herning Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Pub- lic Procurement 531 9 May 2011, Falck Danmark vs. Brand og Redning Djursland 187, 461 10 May 2011, Finn Frogne vs. Region Nordjylland et al. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 426 31 May 2011, Kailov Graphic v Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbs Service. Decision of the Procurement Reviwe Board of 31 May 2011 561 40 May 2011, Konsortiet Rosendahls vs. Schultz Grafisk print-design-media v Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbs Service. Dcision of the Procurement Reviwe Board 561 1 June 2011, Konsortiet Prinfo Prinfo holding and Prinfodenmark vs Statens og Kom- munernes Indkøbs Service. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procure- ment 561 6 June 2011, Bimomet Danmark vs. Region Nordjylland 285 7 June 2011 Fagtek vs. Arbejdernes Andelsboligforening. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 31 9 June 2011, Redderklubben I Århus vs. Region Midtjylland. Decision of hte Complaints Board for Public Procurement 544 10 June 2011, Nykøbing Dag og Industrirenovation vs. Skive Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 525 20 June 2011, RenoNorden vs. Skive Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 525 21 June 2011, Hørkram Foodservice v Roskilde Kommune on behalf of Fællesudbud Sjælland 575 22 June 2011, Ecolab vs. Region Sjælland. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 21 December 2011 549 24 June 2011, Hotel Plaza Copenhagen Tower v Økonomistyrelsen. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 575 27 June 2011, Hotel Maritime v Økonomistyrelsen. Decision of the Procurement Reviwe Board 575 11 July 2011, Kongsvang Rengøringsservice vs Retten i Århus. Decision of the PRocure- ment Review Board 493 14 July 2011, Tensid Danmark vs. Aarhus Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 550 8 October 2011, KIDS Leg and Lær vs. K 17 indkøbsfællesskaberne for kommunerne i Region Sjælland. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement 427 19 November 2011, ISS Facility Services vs. Skive Kommune. Decision of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement of 19 November 2011 469

Judgments by the European Court of Justice and by the Court of First Instance (alphabetical) Acoset SpA. Judgment of the European Court of 15 October 2009 in Case C-196/08 70, 72, 412 Adolf Truly vs. Bestattung Wien GmbH. Judgment of the European Court of 27 February 2003 in Case C-373/00 34, 66, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 103 Agorà Srl vs. Ente Autonome Fiera Internazionale di Milano and Excelsior Snc di Pedrotti Bruna & co vs. Ente Autonome Fiera Internazionale di Milano. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 10 May 2001 in Joined Cases C-223/99 and C-260/99 92, 94


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AFCon Management Consultants and Others vs. Commission of the European Communities. Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 17 March 2005 in Case T-160/03 464, 592 Alcatel Austria AG and Others. Judgment of the European Court of 28 October 1999 in Case C-81/98 66 Altmark Trans GmbH, Regierungspräsidium Magdeburg vs. Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Altmark GmbH. Judgment of the European Court of 24 July 2003 in Case C-280/00 261 Amministrazione delle finanze dello stato (italian finance administration) vs. Spa Simmen- thal. Judgment of the European Court of 9 March 1978 in Case C-106/77 582 ANAV mod Comune di Bari. Judgement of the European Court of 6 April 2006 in case C- 410/04 113 Antwepse Bouwwerken NV. Judgement of the Court of First Instance of 10 December 2009 in case T-195/08 280, 502, 508, 527 ARGE Gewässerschutz. Opinion of General Advocate Léger of 15 June 2000 in Case C- 94/99 110, 112, 118, 186 ARGE Gewässerschutz. Judgment of the European Court of 7 December 2000 in Case C- 94/99 33, 45, 181, 460 Arkkitehtuuritoimisto Riitta Korhonen Oy vs. Varkauden Taitotalo Oy. Judgment of the European Court of 22 May 2003 in Case C-18/01 28, 91, 92, 93 Asemfo mod Tragsa. Judgement of theEUropean Court of 19 April 2007 in case C-295/05 114, 118 Asociación Profesional de Empresas de Reparto y Manipulado de Correspondencia (Cor- reos). Judgement of the European Court of 18 December 2007 in case C-220/06 350 Assitur Srl. Judgement of the European Court of 19 May 2009 I case C-538/07 435, 503 ATI EAC Srl e VIaggi di Maio Snc. Judgement of the European Court of 24 November 2005 in case C-331/04 58, 490 Ballast Nedam Groep NV vs. Belgium. Judgment of the European Court of 14 April 1994 in Case C-389/92 447 Ballast Nedam Groep NV vs. Belgium. Judgment of the European Court of 18 December 1997 in Case C-5/97 447 Bayrischer Rundfunk. Judgment of the European Court of 13 December 2007 in case C- 337/06 64, 98, 100 Belfass SPRL mod Counsil of the European Union, Judgement of the European Court of 21 May 2008 in case T-495/04 506 Bent Mousten Vestergaard vs. Spøttrup Boligselskab. Order of the Court of 3 December 2001 in Case C-59/00 76, 283, 543 BVBA Management, Training en Consultancy. Judgement of the European Court of 15 February 2007 in case C-239/05 61 Capgemini Nederland BV vs. Commission of the European Communities. Order by the president of the Court in First Instance of 31 January 2005 in case T-447/04 561 Carbotermo SpA vs. Comune di Busto Arsizio. Judgement of the European Court of 11 May 2006 in case C-340/04 112, 113, 118 Centro Studio Antonio Manieri Srl. Judgement of the Court of First Instance of 28 January 2009 in case T-125/06 55, 271 Coditel Brabant SA vs. Commune d’Uccle, Région de Bruxelles-Capitale. Judgment of the European Court of 13 November 2008 in case C-324/07 113, 114, 412 CoNISMa vs. Regione Marche. Judgment of the European Court of 23 December 2009 in case C-305/08 180, 439


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Consorzio Elisoccorso San Raffaele vs. Elilombavda Srl. Judgement of the European Court of 4 October 2007 in case C-492/06 547 Contse SA. Judgement of the European Court of 27 October 2005 in case C-234/03 283, 301 Commission of the European Communities vs. Republic of Austria. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 24 June 2004 in Case C-212/02 61, 62, 524 Commission of the European Communities vs. Republic of Austria. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 10 November 2005 in Case C-29/04 116, 128, 244, 416, 547 Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Belgium (The Wallonian bus- es). Judgment of the European Court of 25 April 1996 in Case C-87/94 54, 337, 505, 520, Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Belgium. Judgment of the Eu- ropean Court of 16 October 2003 in Case C-252/01 29, 256 Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Belgium. Judgment of the Eu- ropean Court of 17 September 1998 in Case C-323/96 85 Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Belgium. Judgment of the Eu- ropean Court of 7 June 2007 in case C-254/05 283, 288 Commission of the European Communities vs. CAS Succhi di Frutta SpA, Judgement of the European Court of 29 April 2004 in case C-496/99 P 236 Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Denmark (Great Belt). Judg- ment of the European Court of 22 June 1993 in Case C-243/89 31, 45, 55 Commission of the European Communities vs. French Republic. Judgment of the Europe- an Court of 1 February 2001 in Case C-237/99 35, 87, 102, 104 Commission of the European Communities vs. French Republic. Judgment of the Europe- an Court of 14 October 2004 in Case C-340/02 275, 355 Commission of the European Communities vs. French Republic. Judgment of the Europe- an Court of 26 September 2000 in Case C-225/98 45, 300, 339, 380, 484 Commission of the European Communities vs. French Republic. Judgment of the Europe- an Court of 5 October 2000 in Case C-16/98 225 Commission of the European Communities vs. French Republic. Judgement of the Euro- pean Court of 5 October 2000 in case C-337/98 155, 238 Commission of the European Communities vs. French Republic. Judgment of the Europe- an Court of 10 December 2009 in case C-299/08 58, 275, 313, 335 Commission of the European Communities vs. Federal Republic of Germany. Judgment of the European Court of 10 April 2003 in Joined Cases C-20/01 and C-28/01 66, 71, 336, 341, 350 Commission of the European Communities vs. Federal Republic of Germany. Judgment of the European Court of 28 March 1996 in Case C-318/94 351 Commission of the European Communities vs. Federal Republic of Germany. Judgement og the European Court of 18 November 2004 in cse C-126/03 92 Commission of the European Communities vs. Federal Republic of Germany. Judgment of the European Court of 18 July 2007 in case C-503/04 573 Commission of the European Communities vs. Federal Republic of Germany. Judgment of the European Court of 9 June 2009 in case C-480/06 115, 117, 127 Commission of the European Communities vs. Federal Republic of Germany. Judgment of the European Court of 11 September 2008 in case C-141/07 283, 284, 300 Commission of the European Communities vs. Federal Republic of Germany. Judgment of the European Court of 15 July 2010 in case C-271/08 258


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Commission of the European Communities vs. Greece. Judgment of the European Court of 4 May 1995 in Case C-79/94 248 Commission of the European Communities vs. Greece. Judgment of the European Court of 2 June 2005 in Case C-394/02 346, 350, 351 Commission of the European Communities vs. Greece. Judgment of the European Court of 18 July 2007 in case C-399/05 434 Commission of the European Communities vs. Greece. Judgment of the European Court of 12 November 2009 in case C-199/07 54, 56, 270, 420, 491 Commission of the European Communities vs. Greece. Judgment of the European Court of 4 June 2009 in case C-250/07 66, 346, 347, 531 Commission of the European Communities vs. Ireland (Dundalk). Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 22 September 1988 in Case C-45/87 46, 557 Commission of the European Communities vs. Ireland. Judgment of the European Court of 16 February 1978 in Case C-61/77 45 Commission of the European Communities vs. Ireland. Judgment of the European Court of 17 December 1998 in Case C-353/96 44, 86, 87, 96, 102 Commission og the European Communities vs. Ireland. Judgment of the European Court of 13 November 2007 in case C-507/03 70, 71 Commission of the European Communities vs. Ireland. Judgment of the European Court of 18 December 2007 in case C-532/03 180 Commission of the European Communities vs. Ireland. Judgment of the European Court of 28 January 2010 in case C-456/08 61, 62 Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 14 September 2004 in Case C-385/02 341, 351, 352, 354 Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 2 August 1993 in Case C-107/92 352 Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 26 April 1994 in Case C-272/91 129, 245 Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 3 June 1992 in Case C-360/89 441 Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 21 February 2008 in case C-412/04 69, 71, 196, 204 Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 18 July 2007 in case C-382/05 259, 409 Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 8 April 2008 in case C-337/05 253 Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 2 October 2008 in case C-157/06 253, 532 Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 13 January 2005 in Case C-84/03 87, 346 Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 15 May 2003 in Case C-214/00 64, 84, 86, 87, 89 Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 16 September 1999 in Case C-414/97 254 Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 16 October 2003 in Case C-283/00 30, 61, 64, 66, 87, 88, 93, 96, 138, 143, 145


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Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 17 November 1993 in Case C-71/92 341, 434 Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 18 March 1992 in Case C-24/91 352, 377 Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 3 May 1994 in Case C-328/92 340, 351, 352 Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 15 May 2003 in case C-214/00 64, 84, 86, 87, 89 Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 22 April 2010 in case C-423/07 411 Consorzio Aziende Metano (Coname) vs. Comune di Cingia de’ Botti. Judgment of the European Court of 21 July 2005 in Case C-231/03 71 Concordia Bus Finland Oy Ab vs. Helsingin kaupunki. Judgment of the European Court of 17 September 2002 in Case C-513/99 29, 31, 285, 299, 302, 304, 314, 316, 317, 322 CS Communications & Systems Austria GmbH. Order of the Court of 9 April 2003 in Case C-424/01 61, 558 Deloitte Business Advisory NV. Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 18 April 2007 in case T-195/05 435, 457, 561 Du Pont de Nemours Italiana SpA. Judgment of the European Court of 20 March 1990 in Case C-21/88 45 Emm. G. Lianakis AE and others. vs. Dimos Alexandroupolis and others. Judgement of the European Court of 24 January 2008 in case C-532/06 487, 489, 490, 491 Espace Trianon SA vs. Office Communautaire el regional de la formation professionelle et de l’emploi (Forem). Judgement of the European Court of 8 December 2005 in case C- 129/04 547 European Dynamics SA vs. Commission of the European Communities. Order by the Pres- ident of the Court of First Instance of 22 December 2004 in case T-303/04 560 Evans Medical Ltd and Macfarlan Smith Ltd. Judgment of the European Court of 28 March 1995 in Case C-324/93 350 EVN AG. Judgment of the European Court of 4 December 2003 in Case C-448/01 54, 59, 272, 273, 274, 313, 314, 315, 318, 320, 322, 372, 399, 485, 486 Fabricom SA. Judgment of the European Court of 3 March 2005 in Joined Cases C-21/03 and C-34/03 53, 55, 457, 465 Evropaïki Dynamiki, Judgement of the Court of First Instance 12 November 2008 in case T-345/03 275, 277 Evropaïki Dynamiki vs. EMSA, Judgment by the European Court of First Instance og 2 March 2010 in case T-70/05 487 Evropaïki Dynamiki vs. Commission, Judgment by the European Court of First Instance of 9 September 2010 in case T-300/07 522 Evropaïki Dynamiki vs. The European Central Bank, Opinion of General Advocate Men- gozzi in case C-401 547 Felix Swoboda GmbH vs. Österreichische Nationalbank. Judgment of the European Court of 14 November 2002 in Case C-411/00 199, 200 Fratelli Costanzo SpA vs. Comune di Milano. Judgment of the European Court of 22 June 1989 in Case C-103/88 507 GAT vs. Österreichische Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen AG. Judgment of the European Court of 19 June 2003 in Case C-315/01 67, 441, 491


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Gebroeders Beentjes BV vs. the State of the Netherlands. Judgment of the European Court of 20 September 1988 in Case C-31/87 34, 44, 83, 85, 300, 315 Gemeente Arnhem and Rheden vs. BFI Holding BVS. Judgment of the European Court of 10 November 1998 in Case C-360/96 82, 90, 91, 96, 97, 106, 260 Germany (Fereal Republic of Germany) and others vs. the Commission of the communi- ties. Judgment of the Court of First Instance 20 May 2010 in case T-258/06 68 Gestión Hotelera Internacional SA vs. Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias, Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Gran Casino de Las Palmas SA. Judgment of the European Court of 19 April 1994 in Case C-331/92 204 Globe SA vs. the Commission of the European Communities. Order by the president of the Court in First Instance 20 July 2006 in case T-114/06 R 559, 561 Grossmann Air Service, Bedarfsluftfahrtunternehmen GmbH & Co. KG vs. Republic of Austria. Judgment of the European Court of 12 February 2004 in Case C-230/02 544 Hans & Christophorus Oymanns GbR, Orthopädie Schuhtechnik, Judgement of the Euro- pean Court of 11 July 2009 in case C-300/07 409 Helmut Müller GmbH vs. Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben. Judgement of the Euro- pean Court of 25 March 2010 in case C-451/08 181, 183, 191, 193, 194, 195, 409 Hera SpA vs. Unità Sanitaria Locale. Judgment of the European Court of 16 October 1997 in Case C-304/96 507 Hochtief AG. Judgment of the European Court of 15 October 2009 in case C-138/08 63, 358 Holst Italia SpA vs. Comune di Cagliari. Judgment of the European Court of 2 December 1999 in Case C-176/98 447, 448 Hospital Ingenieure vs. Stadt Wien. Judgment of the European Court of 18 June 2002 in Case C-92/00 31, 34, 35, 51, 57, 60, 62, 67 Ing. Aigner, Waser-Wärme-Umwelt, GmbH. Judgement of the European Court of 10. April 2008 in case C-393/06 43, 67, 83, 86, 90, 92, 145, 152, 153, 162, 168, 169, 264, 340 Impresa Lombardini SpA. Judgment of the European Court of 27 November 2001 in Joined Cases C-285/99 and C-286/99 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 42, 51, 63, 66, 507 Impresa Portuale di Cagliari Srl. Statement by the general advocate of 21 April 2005 in case C-174/03 157 Jean Auroux and others. Judgement of the European Court of 18 January 2007 in case C- 220/05 61, 63, 181, 182, 193, 204, 220 Kauppatalo Hansel Oy vs. Imatran kaupunki. Judgment of the European Court of 16 Octo- ber 2003 in Case C-244/02 30, 34, 51, 60, 67, 525, 530 Koppensteiner GmbH vs. Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft mbH. Judgment of the European Court of 2 June 2005 in Case C-15/04 549 Laboratori Bruneau Srl vs. Unità sanitaria locale RM/24 di Monterotondo. Judgment of the European Court of 11 July 1991 Case C-351/88 45 Lämmerzahl GmbH. Judgment of the European Court of 11 October 2007 in case C- 241/06 62, 549 M. Helen Marshall vs Southampton and South-West Hampshire Area Health Authority. Judgment of the European Court of 2 August 1993 in Case C-271/91 605 Makedoniko Metro and Michaniki AE vs. Elliniko Dimosio. Judgment of the European Court of 23 January 2003 in Case C-57/01 67, 329, 471


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Mannesmann Anlagenbau Austria AG and Others vs. Strohal Rotationsdruck GmbH. Judgment of the European Court of 15 January 1998 in Case C-44/96 82, 86, 89, 96, 121 Marguerite Johnston v Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary. Judgment of the European Court of 15 May 1986 in Case C-222/84 254 Medipac-Kazantzidis AE. Judgment of the European Court of 14 June 2007 in case C-6/05 68 Metalmeccanica Fracasso SpA and Others. Judgment of the European Court of 16 Sep- tember 1999 in Case C-27/98 343, 525, 528, 591 Michaniki AE. Judgment of the European Court of 16 December 2008 in case C-213/07 29, 62, 434, 438 Ordine degli Architetti delle province di Milano e Lodi. Judgment of the European Court of 12 July 2001 in Case C-399/98 61, 83, 181, 194, 195, 196, 208 Parking Brixen GmbH vs. Gemeinde Brixen, Stadtwerke Brixen AG. Judgment of the Eu- ropean Court of 13 October 2005 in Case C-458/03 53, 69, 73, 112, 259 Pressetext Nachrichten Agentur GmbH. Judgment of the European Court of 19 June 2008 in case C-454/06 30, 31, 55, 57, 212, 237, 238, 242, 243 PreussenElektra AG v Schhleswag AG. Judgment of the European Court of 13 March 2001 in Case C-379/98 318 Renco SpA vs. Council of the European Union. Judgment of the European Court of First Instance of 25 February 2003 in Case T-4/01 399 RI.SAN. Opinion of General Advocate S. Alber of 18 March 1999 in Case C-108/98 110, 186 SA Transporoute et Travaux. Judgment of the European Court of 10 September 2009 in case 76/81 442 Scan Office Design SA vs. Commission of the European Communities. Judgment of the European Court of First Instance of 28 November 2002 in Case T-40/01 362, 595 Sea Srl vs. Comune di Ponte Nossa. Judgment of the European Court of 10 september 2009 in case C-573/07 112, 114, 116, 118, 416 SIAC Construction Ltd. Judgment of the European Court of 18 October 2001 in Case C- 19/00 54, 58, 271, 274, 484 Siemens AG Österreich and ARGE Telekom & Partner vs. Hauptverband der österreich- ischen Sozialversicherungsträger. Judgment of the European Court of 18 March 2004 in Case C-314/01 328 Stadt Halle, RPL Recyclingpark Lochau GmbH vs. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Thermische Restabfall- und Energieverwertungsanlage TREA Leuna. Judgment of the European Court of 11 January 2005 in Case C-26/03 66, 115, 244, 549 Strabag AG and Kostmann GmbH vs. Austria. Judgment of the European Court of 16 June 2005 in Joined Cases C-462/03 and C-463/03 152, 168 TEA-CEGOS, SA. Judgment of the EUropean Court of 14 February 2006 in the cases T- 376/05 and T-383/05 458 TEAM Srl vs. Commission of the European Communities. Judgment of the European Court of 15 June 2000 in Case C-13/99P 607 Teckal Srl vs. Comune di Viano and Azienda Gas-Acqua Consorziale (AGAC) di Reggio Emilia. Judgment of the European Court of 18 November 1999 in Case C-107/98 97, 110, 111, 113, 114, 126, 186 Telaustria Verlags GmbH and Telefonadress GmbH vs. Post & Telekom Austria AG. Judg- ment of the European Court of 7 December 2000 in Case C-324/98 43, 69, 153, 189


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The Italian Ministry of Finance vs. SpA Simmenthal. Judgement of the European Court of 9 March 1978 in case C-106/77 582 The Queen vs. H.M. Treasury, ex parte University of Cambridge. Judgment of the Europe- an Court of 3 October 2000 in Case C-380/98 31, 34, 44, 84, 97, 99, 100, 131 The Queen vs. Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, ex parte British Telecommuni- ations plc. Judgment of the European Court of 12 December 1996 in case C-302/94 149 Traunfellner GmbH vs. Österreichische Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs- AG. Judgment of the European Court of 16 October 2003 in Case C-421/01 63, 65, 296, 517 TQ3 Travel Solutions Belgium SA. Judgment of the Court in First Instance of 6 July 2005 in case T-148/04 351, 506 Uniplex (UK) Ltd. Judgment of the European Court of 28 January 2010 in case C-406/08 62, 550 United Pan-Europé Communications Belgium SA. Judgment of the European Court of 13 December 2007 in case C-250/06 282 Unitron Scandinavia A/S and Others vs. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. Opinion of General Advocate Siegbert Alber of 8 July 1999 in Case C-275/98 542 Unitron Scandinavia A/S and Others vs. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. Judgment of the European Court of 18 November 1999 in Case C-275/98 69, 541 Universale-Bau AG vs. Entsorgungsbetriebe Simmering GesmbH. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 12 December 2002 in Case C-470/99 34, 51, 53, 58, 61, 62, 89, 96, 338, 424, 468 Umweltundingenieur-technik Gmbh Dresden vs. The Commission of the communities. Order of the president of The General Court of 2 June 2005 i case T-125/05 R 561 Varec SA. Judgment of the European Court of 14. February 2008 in case C-450/06 61, 534 Wall AG, Judgment of the European Court of 13 April 2010 in case C-91/08 51, 131, 238, 244, 259, 330 Walter Tögel. Judgment of the European Court of 24 September 1998 in Case C-76/97 199 Wasser- und Abwasserzweckverband Gotha und Landkreisgemeinden- Judgment of the EUropean Court of 10 September 2009 i case C-206/08 259, 408, 409 Werner Hackermüller. Judgment of the Court of 19 June 2003 in Case C-249/01 37, 66

Judgments by the European Court of Justice and by the Court of First Instance (chronological, according to the case number) Case C-61/77, Commission of the European Communities vs. Ireland. Judgment of the Eu- ropean Court of 16 February 1978 45 Case C-106/77, Amministrazione delle finanze dello stato (italian finance administration) vs. Spa Simmenthal. Judgment of the European Court of 9 March 1978 582 Case 76/81, Santex SpA. Judgment of the European Court of 10 September 2009 442 Case C-222/84, Marguerite Johnston v Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary. Judgment of the European Court of 15 May 1986 254 Case C-31/87, Gebroeders Beentjes BV vs. the State of the Netherlands. Judgment of the European Court of 20 September 1988 34, 44, 83, 85, 300, 315


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Case C-45/87, Commission of the European Communities vs. Ireland (Dundalk). Judg- ment of the European Court of 22 September 1988 46, 557 Case C-21/88, Du Pont de Nemours Italiana SpA. Judgment of the European Court of 20 March 1990 45 Case C-103/88, Fratelli Costanzo SpA vs. Comune di Milano. Judgment of the European Court of 22 June 1989 507 Case C-351/88, Laboratori Bruneau Srl vs. Unità sanitaria locale RM/24 di Monterotondo. Judgment of the European Court of 11 July 1991 45 Case C-243/89, Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Denmark (Great Belt). Judgment of the European Court of 22 June 1993 31, 45, 55 Case C-360/89, Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 3 June 1992 441 Case C-24/91, Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judg- ment of the European Court of 18 March 1992 352, 377 Case C-271/91, M. Helen Marshall vs Southampton and South-West Hampshire Area Health Authority 605 Case C-272/91, Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 26 April 1994 129, 245 Case C-71/92, Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judg- ment of the European Court of 17 November 1993 341, 434 Case C-107/92, Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 2 August 1993 352 Case C-328/92, Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judg- ment of the European Court of 3 May 1994 340, 351, 352 Case C-331/92, Gestión Hotelera Internacional SA vs. Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias, Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Gran Casino de Las Palmas SA. Judgment of the European Court of 19 April 1994 204 Case C-389/92, Ballast Nedam Groep NV vs. Belgium. Judgment of the European Court of 14 April 447 Case C-324/93, Evans Medical Ltd and Macfarlan Smith Ltd. Judgment of the European Court of 28 March 1995 350 Case C-79/94, Commission of the European Communities vs. Greece. Judgment of the Eu- ropean Court of 4 May 1995 248 Case C-87/94, Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Belgium (The Wallonian buses). Judgment of the European Court of 25 April 1996 54, 337, 505, 520 C-302/94, The Queen vs. Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, ex parte British Tele- communications plc. Judgment of the European Court of 16 October 2003 149 Case C-318/94, Commission of the European Communities vs. Federal Republic of Ger- many. Judgment of the European Court of 28 March 1996 351 Case C-44/96, Mannesmann Anlagenbau Austria AG and Others vs. Strohal Rotations- druck GmbH. Judgment of the European Court of 15 January 1998 82, 86, 89, 96, 121 Case C-304/96, Hera SpA vs. Unità Sanitaria Locale. Judgment of the European Court of 16 October 1997 507 Case C-323/96, Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Belgium. Judgment of the European Court of 17 September 1998 85 Case C-353/96, Commission of the European Communities vs. Ireland. Judgment of the European Court of 17 December 1998 44, 86, 87, 96, 102


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Case C-360/96, Gemeente Arnhem and Rheden vs. BFI Holding BVS. Judgment of the European Court of 10 November 1998 82, 90, 91, 96, 97, 106, 260 Case C-5/97, Ballast Nedam Groep NV vs. Belgium. Judgment of the European Court of 18 December 1997 447 Case C-76/97, Walter Tögel. Judgment of the European Court of 24 September 1998 199 Case C-414/97, Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judg- ment of the European Court of 16 September 1999 254 Case C-16/98, Commission of the European Communities vs. French Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 5 October 2000 225 Case C-27/98, Metalmeccanica Fracasso SpA and Others. Judgment of the European Court of 16 September 1999 343, 525, 528, 591 Case C-58/98, Corsten. Judgment of the European Court of 3 October 2000 Case C-81/98, Alcatel Austria AG and Others. Judgment of the European Court of 28 Oc- tober 1999 66 Case C-107/98, Teckal Srl vs. Comune di Viano and Azienda Gas-Acqua Consorziale (AGAC) di Reggio Emilia. Judgment of the European Court of 18 November 1999 97, 110, 111, 113, 114, 126, 186 Case C-108/98, RI.SAN. Opinion of General Advocate S. Alber of 18 March 1999 110, 186 Case C-176/98, Holst Italia SpA vs. Comune di Cagliari. Judgment of the European Court of 2 December 1999 447, 448 Case C-225/98, Commission of the European Communities vs. French Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 26 September 45, 300, 339, 380, 484 Case C-275/98, Unitron Scandinavia A/S and Others vs. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. Opinion of General Advocate Siegbert Alber of 8 Juli 1999 542 Case C-275/98, Unitron Scandinavia A/S and Others vs. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. Judgment of the European Court of 18 November 1999 69, 541 Case C-324/98, Telaustria Verlags GmbH and Telefonadress GmbH vs. Post & Telekom Austria AG. Judgment of the European Court of 7 December 2000 43, 69, 153, 189 Case C-337/98, Commission of the European Communities vs. French Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 5 October 2000 155, 238 Case C-379/98, PreussenElektra AG v Schhleswag AG. Judgment of the European Court of 13 March 2001 318 Case C-380/98, The Queen vs. H.M. Treasury (The University of Cambridge). Judgment of the European Court of 3 October 2000 31, 34, 44, 84, 97, 99, 100, 131 Case C-399/98, Ordine degli Architetti delle province di Milano e Lodi. Judgment of the European Court of 12 July 2001 61, 83, 181, 194, 195, 196, 208 Case C-13/99P, TEAM Srl vs. Commission of the European Communities. Judgment of the European Court of 15 June 2000 607 Case C-94/99, ARGE Gewässerschutz. Opinion of General Advocate Léger of 15 June 2000 110, 112, 118, 186 Case C-94/99, ARGE Gewässerschutz. Judgment of the European Court of 7 December 2000 33, 45, 181, 460 Joined Cases C-223/99 and C-260/99, Agorà Srl vs. Ente Autonome Fiera Internazionale di Milano and Excelsior Snc di Pedrotti Bruna & co vs. Ente Autonome Fiera Interna- zionale di Milano. Judgment of the European Court of 10 May 2001 92, 94 Case C-237/99, Commission of the European Communities vs. French Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 1 February 2001 35, 87, 102, 104


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Joined Cases C-285/99 and C-286/99, Impresa Lombardini SpA. Judgment of the Europe- an Court of 27 November 2001 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 42, 51, 63, 66, 507 Case C-470/99, Universale-Bau AG vs. Entsorgungsbetriebe Simmering GesmbH. Judg- ment of the European Court of 12 December 2002 34, 51, 53, 58, 61, 62, 89, 96, 338, 424, 468 Case C-496/99 P, Commission of the European Communities vs. CAS Succhi di Frutta SpA. Judgment of the European Court of 29 April 2004 236 Case C-513/99, Concordia Bus Finland Oy Ab vs. Helsingin kaupunki. Judgment of the European Court of 17 September 2002 29, 31, 285, 299, 302, 304, 314, 316, 317, 322 Case C-19/00, SIAC Construction Ltd. Judgment of the European Court of 18 October 2001 54, 58, 271, 274, 484 Case C-59/00, Bent Mousten Vestergaard vs. Spøttrup Boligselskab. Order of the Court of 3 December 2001 76, 283, 543 Case C-92/00, Hospital Ingenieure vs. Stadt Wien. Judgment of the European Court of 18 June 2002 31, 34, 35, 51, 60, 62, 67 Case C-214/00, Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judg- ment of the European Court of 15 May 2003 64, 84, 86, 87, 89 Case C-373/00, Adolf Truly vs. Bestattung Wien GmbH. Judgment of the European Court of 27 February 2003 34, 66, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 103 Case C-280/00, Altmark Trans GmbH, Regierungspräsidium Magdeburg vs. Nahver- kehrsgesellschaft Altmark GmbH. Judgment of the European Court of 24 July 2003 261 Case C-283/00, Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judg- ment of the European Court of 16 October 2003 30, 61, 64, 66, 87, 88, 93, 96, 138, 143, 145 Case C-411/00, Felix Swoboda GmbH vs. Österreichische Nationalbank. Judgment of the European Court of 14 November 2002 199, 200 Case T-4/01, Renco SpA vs. Council of the European Union. Judgment of the European Court of First Instance of 25 February 2003 399 Case C-18/01, Arkkitehtuuritoimisto Riitta Korhonen Oy vs. Varkauden Taitotalo Oy. Judgment of the European Court of 22 May 28, 91, 92, 93 Joined Cases C-20/01 and C-28/01, Commission of the European Communities vs. Federal Republic of Germany. Judgment of the European Court of 10 April 66, 71, 336, 341, 350 Case T-40/01, Scan Office Design SA vs. Commission of the European Communities. Judgment of the European Court of First Instance of 28 November 362, 595 Case C-57/01, Makedoniko Metro and Michaniki AE vs. Elliniko Dimosio. Judgment of the European Court of 23 January 2003 67, 329, 471 Case C-249/01, Werner Hackermüller. Judgment of the Court of 19 June 2003 37, 66 Case C-252/01, Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Belgium. Judgment of the European Court of 16 October 2003 29, 256 Case C-314/01, Siemens AG Österreich and ARGE Telekom & Partner vs. Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger. Judgment of the European Court of 18 March 2004 328 Case C-315/01, GAT vs. Österreichische Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen AG. Judgment of the European Court of 19 June 2003 67, 441, 491 Case C-421/01, Traunfellner GmbH vs. Österreichische Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen- Finanzierungs-AG. Judgment of the European Court of 16 October 2003 63, 65, 296, 517


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Case C-424/01, CS Communications & Systems Austria GmbH. Order of the Court of 9 April 2003 61, 558 Case C-448/01, EVN AG. Judgment of the European Court of 4 December 2003 54, 59, 272, 273, 274, 313, 314, 315, 318, 320, 322, 372, 399, 485, 486 Case C-42/02, Diana Elisabeth Lindman. Judgment of the European Court of 13 Novem- ber 2003 Case C-212/02, Commission of the European Communities vs. Republic of Austria. Judg- ment of the European Court of 24 June 2004 61, 62, 524 Case C-230/02, Grossmann Air Service, Bedarfsluftfahrtunternehmen GmbH & Co. KG vs. Republic of Austria. Judgment of the European Court of 12 February 2004 544 Case C-244/02, Kauppatalo Hansel Oy vs. Imatran kaupunki. Judgment of the European Court of 16 October 2003 30, 34, 51, 60, 67, 525, 530 Case C-340/02, Commission of the European Communities vs. French Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 14 October 2004 275, 355 Case C-385/02, Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 14 September 2004 341, 351, 352, 354 Case C-394/02, Commission of the European Communities vs. Greece. Judgment of the European Court of 2 June 2005 346, 350, 351 Cases C-21/03 and C-34/03, Fabricom SA. Judgment of the European Court of 3 March 2005 53, 55, 457, 465 Case C-26/03, Stadt Halle, RPL Recyclingpark Lochau GmbH vs. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Thermische Restabfall- und Energieverwertungsanlage TREA Leuna. Opinion of Ge- neral Advocate Stix-Hackl of 23 September 2004 66, 115, 244, 549 Case C-26/03, Stadt Halle, RPL Recyclingpark Lochau GmbH vs. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Thermische Restabfall- und Energieverwertungsanlage TREA Leuna. Judgment of the European Court of 11 January 2005 Case C-84/03, Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judg- ment of the European Court of 13 January 2005 87, 346 Case C-126/03, Commission of the European Communities vs. Federal Republic of Ger- many. Judgment of the European Court of 18 November 2004 92 Case T-160/03, AFCon Management Consultations and Others vs. Commission of the Eu- ropean Communities. Judgment of the Vourt of First Instance of 17 March 2005 464, 592 Case C-174/03, Impresa Portuale di Cagliari Srl. Statement by the general advocate of 21 April 2005 157 Case C-231/03, Consorzio Aziende Metano (Coname) vs. Comune di Cingia de’ Botti. Judgment of the European Court of 21 July 2005 71 Case C-234/03, Contse SA. Judgement of the European Court of 27 October 2005 283, 301 T-345/03, Evropaïki Dynamiki, Judgment of the Court of First Instance 12 November 2008 275, 277 C-458/03, Parking Brixen GmbH vs. Gemeinde Brixen, Stadtwerke Brixen AG. Judgment of the European Court of 13 October 2005 53, 69, 73, 112, 259 Joined Cases C-462/03 and C-463/03, Strabag AG and Kostmann GmbH vs. Austria. Judgment of the European Court of 16 June 2005 152, 168 Case C-507/03, Commission of the European Communities vs. Ireland. Judgment of the European Court of 13 November 2007 70, 71


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Case C-532/03 Commission of the European Communities vs. Ireland. Judgment of the European Court of 18 December 2007 180 Case C-15/04, Koppensteiner GmbH vs. Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft mbH. Judgment of the European Court of 2 June 2005 549 Case C-29/04, Commission of the European Communities vs. Republic of Austria. Judg- ment of the European Court of 10 November 2005 116, 128, 244, 416, 547 Case C-129/04, Espace Trianon SA vs. Office Communautaire el regional de la formation profesionelle et del’emploi (Forem). Judgment of the European Court of 8 December 2005 in case C-129/04 547 Case T-148/04, TQ3 Travel Solutions Belgium SA. Judgment of the Court in First Instance of 6 July 2005 351, 506 Case T-303/04, European Dynamics SA vs. Commission of the European Communities. Order by the president of the Curt of First Instance of 22 December 2004 560 Case C-331/04, ATI EAC Srl. Judgment of the European Court of 24 November 2005 58, 490 Case C-340/04, Carbotermo SpA vs. COmune di Busto Arsizio. Judgment of the European Court of 11 May 2006 112, 113, 118 Case C-410/04, ANAV mod Comune di Bari. Judgment of the European Court of 6 April 2006 113 Case C-412/04, Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 21 February 2008 69, 71, 196, 204 Case T-447/04, Capgemini Nederland BV vs. Commission of the European Communities. Order by the president of the Court in First Instance of 31 January 2005 561 Case C-495/04, Belfass SPRL mod Counsil of the European Union. Judgment of the Euro- pean Court of 21 May 2008 506 Case C-503/04, Commission of the European Communities vs. Federal Republic of Ger- many. Judgment of the European Court of 18 July 2007 573 C-6/05, Medipac-Kazantzidis AE, Judgment of the European Court of 14 June 2007 68 T-70/05, Evropaïki Dynamiki vs. EMSA, Judgment by the European Court of First In- stance March 2010 487 C-125/05, Umweltundingenieur-tecnik Gmbh Dresden vs. The Commission of the com- munities. Order of the president of The General Court of 2 June 2005 561 Case T-195/05, Deloitte Business Advisory NV. Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 18 April 2007 435, 457, 561 Case C-220/05, Jean Auroux and others. Judgment of the European Court of 18 January 2007 61, 63, 181, 182, 193, 204, 220 Case C-239/05, BVBA Management, rining en Consultancy. Judgment of the European Court of 15 February 2007 61 Case C-295/05, Asemfo mod Tragse. Judgment of the European Court of 19 April 2007 114, 118 Case C-254/05, Commission of the European Communities vs. Kingdom of Belgium. Judgment of the Commission of the Euorpean Court of 7 June 2007 283, 288 Case C-337/05, Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 8 April 2008 253 Case T-376/05 and T-383/05, Judgment of the European Court of 14 February 2006 458 Case C-382/05, Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Commission of 18 July 2007 259, 409


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Case C-399/05, Commission of the European Communities vs. Greece. Judgment of the European Court of 18 July 2007 434 Case T-114/06 R, Globe SA vs. the Commission of the European Communities. Order by the president of the Court in First Instance of 20 July 2006 559, 561 Case T-125/06, Centro Studio Antonio Manieri Srl. Judgment of the Court of First In- stance of 28 January 2009 55, 271 Case C-157/06, Commission of the European Communities vs. Italian Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 2 October 2008 253, 532 Case C-220/06, Asociación Profesional de Empresas de REparto y Manipulado de Corre- spondencia (Correos). Judgment of the European Court of 18 December 2007 350 Case C-241/06, Lämmerzahl GmbH. Judgment of the European Court of 11 October 2007 62, 549 Case 250/06, United Pan-Europé Communications Belgium SA. Judgment of the Europe- an Court of 13 December 2007 282 Case T-258/06, Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) and others vs. the Commission of the communities. Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 20 May 2010 68 Case C-337/06, Bayrischer Rundfunk. Judgment of the European Court of 13 December 2007 64, 98, 100 Case C-393/06, Ing. AIgner, Waser-Wärme-Umwelt, GmbH. Judgment of the European Court of 10 April 2008 43, 67, 83, 86, 90, 92, 145, 152, 153, 162, 168, 169, 264, 340 C-450/06, Varec SA. Judgment of the European Court of 14 February 2008 61, 534 Case C-454/06, Pressetext Nechrichten Agentur GmbH. Judgment of the European Court of 19 June 2008 30, 31, 55, 57, 212, 237, 238, 242, 243 Case C-480/06, Commision of the European Communities vs. ederal Republic of Germa- ny. Judgment of the European court of 9 June 2009 115, 117, 127 Case C-492/06, Consorzio Elisoccorso San Raffaele vs. Elilombavda Srl. Judgement of the European Court of 4. October 2007 547 Case C-532/06, Emm. G. Lianakis AE and Others vs. Dimos Alexandroupolis andothers. Judgment of the European Court of 23 January 2008 487, 489, 490, 491 Case C-141/07, Commission of the European Communities vs. Federal Republic of Ger- many. Judgment of the European Court of 11 September 2008 283, 284, 300 Case C-199/07, Commission of the European Communities vs. Greece. Judgment of the European Court of 12 November 2009 54, 56, 270, 420, 491 C-213/07, Michaniki AE, Judgment of the European Court of 16 December 2008 29, 62, 434, 438 Case C-250/07, Commission of the European Communities vs. Greece. Jufgment of the European Court of 4 June 2009 66, 346, 347, 531 Case C-300/07, Hans & Christophorus Oymanns GbR, Orthopädie Schuhtechnok. Judg- ment of the European Court of 11 July 2009 409 T-300/07, Evropaïki Dynamiki vs. Commission, Judgment by the European Court of First Instance of 9 September 2010 522 Case C-324/07, Coditel Brabant SA vs. Commune d’Uccle, égion de Bruxelles-Capitale. Judgment of the European Court of 13 November 2008 113, 114, 412 Case C-423/07, Commission of the European Communitis vs. Kingdom of Spain. Judg- ment of the European Court of 22 April 2010 411 Case C-538/07, Assitur Srl. Judgment of the European Court of 19 May 2009 435, 503 Case 573/07, Sea Srl vs. Comune di Ponte Nossa. Judgment of the European Court of 10 September 2009 112, 114, 116, 118, 416


Sune Troels Poulsen, Peter Stig Jakobsen, og Simon Evers Kalsmose-Hjelmborg - 9788757495324 Downloaded fra Jurabibliotek.dk09/30/2021 04:03:40PM via free access Table of Cases

C-91/08, Wall AG. Judgment of the European Court of 13 April 2010 51, 131, 238, 244, 259, 330 Case C-138/08, Hochtief AG. Judgment of the European Court of 15 October 2009 63, 358 Case T-195/08, Atwepse Bouwwerken NV. Judgement of the Court of First Instance of 10 December 2009 280, 502, 508, 527 Case C-196/08, Acoset SpA. Judgment of the European Court of 15 October 2009 70, 72, 412 Case C-206/08, Wasser- und Abwasserzweckverband Gotha und Landkreisgemeinden. Judgment of the European Court of 10 September 2009 259, 408, 409 Case C-271/08, Commission of the European Communities vs. Federal Republic of Ger- many. Judgment of the European Court of 15 July 2010 258 Case C-299/08, Commission of the European Communities vs. French Republic. Judgment of the European Court of 10 December 2009 58, 275, 313, 335 Case C-305/08, CoNISMA vs. Regione Marche. Judgment of the European Court 23 De- cember 2009 180, 439 Case 406/08, Uniplex (UK) Ltd. Judgment of theEuropean Court of 28 January 2010 62, 550 Case C-451/08, Helmut Müller GmbH vs. Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben. Judg- ment of the European Court of 25 March 2010 181, 183, 191, 193, 194, 195, 409


Sune Troels Poulsen, Peter Stig Jakobsen, og Simon Evers Kalsmose-Hjelmborg - 9788757495324 Downloaded fra Jurabibliotek.dk09/30/2021 04:03:40PM via free access