Both Public and Private in Terms of Enrollment, Finance, and Faculty, and a List of Vocational-Technical Programs Offered Since 1946
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 028 759 JC 690 110 By-Flint, Jack M.; And Others The Kansas Junior College. Kansas State Dept. of Public Instruction, Topeka. Pub Date 68 Note-197p. EDRS Price MF-SO.75 HC-S9.95 Descriptors-Community Colleges, *Educational History, *Junior Colleges, *School Improvement, *Statistical Data Identifiers-*Kansas - The history and development of the Kansas public community junior college system is traced from 1917 to 1967. Topics discussed include accreditation, course standards, institutional philosophies, enrollments, organization, finance, curriculum, and legislation. The appendixes provide a 20-year statistical summary of junior colleges, both public and private in terms of enrollment, finance, and faculty, and a list of vocational-technical programs offered sinCe 1946. These materials are compiled in an effort to characterize the developmental background of the itates present-day community junior colleges, and to present these institutions and the system which they comprise. (MC) Co CD Li Knsas CO g a'07 41, :ccr`i ""- years 9 of progress ALLtif # by Jock M. Flint, F. Floyd Herr, &Carl L. Heinrich 0 CP' U.S. DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE Of EDUCATION -THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY._ 1 the -a misses CO 1111g e by Jack M. Flint, F. Floyd Herr, and CarlL. Heinrich t 0.1 II. suv years : of progress Published by The State Department of PublicInstruction 120 East Tenth, Topeka, Kansc061,2 OF CALIF. 1968 LOS ANGELES MAR 2 0 1969 CLEARINGHOUSE FOR JUNIOR COLLEGE INFORMATION Forewoild "Modem education has takena liking to the junior college.It has become popular because ofits local service and its adaptability to various programs.
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