[email protected] | 505-986-5908 FIRSTS AND FAVORITES IN 2020 AT THE SANTA FE OPERA ROSSINI’S THE BARBER OF SEVILLE AND MOZART’S THE MAGIC FLUTE OPEN THE 64TH SEASON ON JULY 3 & 4 COMPANY PREMIERES & NEW PRODUCTIONS OF WAGNER’S TRISTAN UND ISOLDE AND DVOŘÁK’S RUSALKA HUANG RUO AND DAVID HENRY HWANG’S M. BUTTERFLY HAS ITS WORLD PREMIERE AUGUST 1 IN BRIEF The Santa Fe OPera’s 2020 SeasoN, ruNNiNg July 3 through August 29, PreseNts 37 Performances of five oPeras, iNcludiNg the world Premiere of Huang Ruo and David Henry Hwang’s M. Bu8erfly, two comPany Premieres (WagNer’s Tristan und Isolde and Dvořák’s Rusalka), Steven Barlow’s inveNve new producon of Rossini’s The Barber of Seville, the revival of Tim Albery’s much-loved ProduchoN of Mozart’s The Magic Flute, and two APPreNhce SceNes Performances. The 64th SeasoN celebrates the iNclusioN of works New to the world stage aloNgside audieNce favorites by RossiNi and Mozart, and features some of oPera’s most excihNg taleNt. Diversity iN hme Period and language is also rePreseNted, with Pieces and PersPechves dahNg from 1791 to 2020, suNg iN Czech, ENglish, German and Italian. The future seasoN Perfectly fits the hme-tested ProgrammiNg model PioNeered by Santa Fe OPera fouNder JohN O’Hea Crosby: a balanced and varied rePertory of New, rarely Performed and standard works Portrayed iN a New light. 2020 SEASON TICKETS ON SALE MAY 8, 2019 | VISIT SANTAFEOPERA.ORG OR CALL 800-280-4654 Page 1l of l12 SANTA FE, NM — The Santa Fe OPera’s GeNeral Director Robert K.