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Iowa City, Iowa ook r, ran t, utherus, Connell, rickson, Kritta To Vie For 3 Seats On City Council Ticket Opposing Federal Renewal Leads Field Of 11 By CHERYL ARVIDSON A one·two-three sweep bv a te8m of men opposed to federal urban renewal en:led Iowa City's City Council primary election Tuesday night. The team. composed of Robert J. (Doc I Connell, E. DaJe Erickson and CUlCord B Krilta. led Brooks W Booker bv a m1r· gm of six votes. Candi1ates finishing fifth <:n:l s·x!t lor the sx prim;)ry positions were Leroy C. Butherus and Clement L. ITim) Brandt. CLIFFORD B. KRITTA E. DALE ERICKSON BROOKS W. BOOKER CLEMENT L. BRANDT LEROY C. BUTHERUS Book er and Brandt have said they fa· Blvlra". Company Ower Shoe Store Owner In.lllul, DI..-ctor H.. ting Company Funeral Home Owner vore:i a fderal urban redevelopment pro· gram {or downtown Iowa City. Butherus has remaided u'lcommilted on the urban renewal issue throughout the campaign. Senate Approves The SlJ( primary winners will compete for three Jour·year terms on the council in ll:e Nov 7 general election. Councilmen Loren Hickerson and Rob· New Audit Plan ert Lind bave two years rcmaining in oil Iowan their terms. Ser vjtl~ the Unit ersitu of lOllXl (Jt1d the People of Iowa Citu Mayor William Hubbard and Council· For Student Units men Jame Ne mith an:! Richard Burger EBtabUsbed In Itl68 10 cents a COil v Associated Press Leased Wire and Wlrepnoto Iowa City, Iowa 52240-Wednesday, October 25, 1967 are not seeking re-election By BETSY BECKER The final voting figures lor the 11 can· The Student Senate accepted a resolu· dldates were: tion Tuesday night which would allow ap· proved student organizations to use the Robert J, Connell 2,282 services of a University auditing system E. Oal. E-ickson 2, 91 for no charge. Clifford Krltta 2,173 Meeting in the Union Yale Room , the Brooks W. Book.r 2,167 aenate also dealt with old and new bills 'Fliers Wipe Out Red Airbase Leroy C. Bulherus 1,978 and resolutions by sending several to com­ Tim Brandl 1,806 1,619 mittees and tabUng others. SAIGON (-'I - U.S. warplanes rubbed cenUy increased a 'gressiveness by Com­ runway heavily cratered and out of com· eKact numb~r of Air Force. Navy and Don A. Gr.ham The senate would not suspend the rules out North Vietnam's largest air bQs~ munls! MIGs. U . jets were challrn:(cd by mission . ?!arinp jets schedull'd for the raid It John B. Harper 8S7 to discuss a motion by Sen. Jerry Sies Tuesday ill the biggest single air strike of 78 in Sep,emb~r and the first hall of Octo· No Planu Losl WIlS, however, more Ihan 100 jets, mostly Dan l.1 L. Berry 808 of Hawkeye Sl::;lent Party t(J support the the war. ber, compared with P in August. It had been c;<pecteci that 3 per cent or from Air Force bases in Thaliand. Gerald Stlvenlon 37' University of Wisconsin stUdent body in Pilots said they demolished the Phuc Pilo s reported Wedne:;day they des· more of the U.S. raiders would be lost. U.S. headquartcrs nnnounccd that two Mrs. Alan E. Ganka 112 its opposition to what Sies termed "police Yen field, 18 miles northwest 01 Hanoi, troyed or dama!(ed nine MIGs on the As it turned out, exuberant planners reo American jets were downed 1·1 ewhere in The Connell·Erickson·Krilta ticket has brutality" at Wisconsin . previously a Pentagon·forhidden larget. ground a. Phuc Yen. In addition, they shot ported, not one plane was lost to the North Vietnam on TUl'sday and that both a~vocate; the adoption o( a local rede­ The resolution which the senale accepted, In Washington. Pentagon officials said one MIG 21 out o{ the skies in on aerial MIGs, nak and missiles thrown up in de· pliots were rescued. Th(' Communists velopment program for Iowa City. They on the financial affairs of student organ· the coordinated strike by Air Force, Navy dO "fil!ht and blew up at lea t three mis· lense of the base. claimed they shot dOI"n nine planes and have also sIres ed adoption by council i18lions was based on a report by a Uni· and Marine mers WaS prompted by reo sile sites. They reponed the B,l70·foot American offle 'rs would not reveal the captured some of the pilo!s. ordinance a counell·manager-ward form versity Administration committee. PermiSSion Given of government. Sen. Janet Carl, chairman of the stu· Prntagon permiSsion to strike th,' pre· A council·manager·ward syslem of gov· dent Organizations Committee, said that viou ly banned Phuc Y n tar~' came ernment has four candi"ates elected from her committee had worked very closely dOlln Monday. The plannintl tall of the city wards. two candidates elected at with the Administration's committee to 7th Air Force commander. L1. Gen Wi!· large and lhe movor clected by a direct develop the resolution and that she was Israel Unleashes Artillery liom Momyer, was rtivpn primqry respon· city vote. This change in govern ment can very satisfied with the results. She said sibllity and alerted aircrafl from threl' be enacted bv either a council vote or I)y she thought the resolution would be put Air Force fi l!hter win~s in Th Hand. The a city referendum. into effect by the AdministraUon as soon Marine from lhe bi!( hase at On Nant( and as it is feasible. An estimated 5,500 voters braved the Navy pilots from two carriers in the Gulf rain and voted Tuesday. In the 1965 pri. 01 Tonkin /'(ot sncond strikp orderg. Student organizations nDw pay a 2 per On Egypfan Port. City mary, 4,034 vot~s were CllSt. Tuesday's cent charge for the IlUditor's services. The orders spe!1in~ out the precise times, primary vote was the highest in the past The resolution would elimlnate this charge By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS fin ~ry. Israel said it opened up on Port said the IsraeUs began firin machine armament and missions in the raid were in three primaries. City Clerk Glen Eckard and allow student organizat ions not funded Egypt and Israel lought a roarin~ bal· Su z only a ter Egyptians began firing guns from near Port Taufiq. 120 yards secret "ready rooms" early Tuesday said that there were 17,612 registered by student activity (ees or through the tle of artillery and mortars at the south­ (rom adjncent Porl Ibrahim across the canal from Port Suez, then An awesome Weight o( bombs was loaded aboard the planes - bupersonic F4 Phan­ voters in the city. University to bave the choke of placing ern end o( the Suez Canal Tue day that The U.N. Security Council wa called followed up with artillery fire . In a statement issued Tuesday after their money with the University or orf caused heavy damage in Egypt's PorL urgent session to consider Egypt's tom . FI05 Thunderchie(s, A4 Skyhawks campus. The communique asserted that "artil· and F8 Crusaders. Many carried whop· the polls closed, EricklDn, Connell and Suez. A huge refinery complex there was charge (Jf "new. premeditated, flagrant lery fire silenced Israeli guns east of Kritta said that they renewed their pre· Under old business, the senate tabled l~n blazing and Egypt charged lhe port's atigre~sion" by I ra I. ping 3.000-pounders that mak~ freight cor· two resolutions until after the Nov. 1 stu· Purt Taufiq" and four tank~ were hit. sized craters. primary pledges concernini a local reo inhabited area was "almost demolished." Then' was no word of casualties in 11 added that the downed Israeli jet was newal program and the council·manager· dent referendum. One dealt with liberal­ The Israeli bombardment was seen in Port Suez. But Egypt already had evacu· At the precise strike tim~ , the first Air izing women's hours and lbe other reo one of a !lighl of four over th e bat lie Force jets from Thailand no cd down to ward form of govcrnm~nt. They also said Tel Aviv as Israel's answer to the sink· aled abollt hall of the 250,000 popula· area, and was hit by antiaircraft fire and if quested the Commillee on Student Life to rake the Red anliaircra!t si'es rin~ing that elected they would work {or an ing of lhe destroyer Elath by Egyptian tion because of ten ion along the cease· "(ell blazing into Israeli·held territory." immediate solution to the Ralston Creek give priority to discussions on changing mis~iles SatUl'doy with the loss of 37 firc line where the June war was halted Phuc Yen in greater numher than almost women's hou rs and approved housing 'Egyptians Opened Up' any other targets except Hanoi and Hai· problem and bellin ronstruction on the Jives. with lsrarli forces drawn up on the can' College Slreet parking ramp. rules. A Cairo communique claimed an Is­ aI's cast bank. An Israeli army spokesman said the phonv: . Tabled indefinitely was a resolution Egyptian open 'd up in the aflernoon "They must have had some melted /'(un Butherus said Tuesday night that he raeli Mirage Jet was shot down and to Fires Rage In Refineries would "strive to gain the support" of those which called {or lhe senate to approve a tanks were destroyed , but this was denied Informants in Tel Aviv said towering "'ith artillery fire from Port Ibrahim, barrels down there after the raid," a staff new code on student life drawn up by th e waterfront section of Port Suez.
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