A8SK8SOB. j AUDITORIUM AS A CASINO'. BEER ARKS AND LEGISLATION THE NEW CHARTER BILL. 00. CASINO. ROW AT A PRIMARY. Charles H. Porter______• 317 Peter P. Dodd------149 >cndtor Bradley , Shows the People of Chief Hutsharl, has a Bill to Prevent Them Citizens Recommend that. Some Amend­ To.bo’iBWK'ot w&iire Boy in Time, for i Supreme Struggle for the Several Offices Edward M. Fielder - _ — ______140 m ents be Mode to It. Ast^ry Pork th at ho Is Willing to Selling Less than Five Gallons. ' :-.y business. to be Filled this Spring. s. committeeman . ■ V - ; IJelp Them. The Surepmo Court haa declared uncohr The citlzeus of Asbury Park, an d -a few Plam; ;yow casino ot Pleasure Bay The time was when a Democratic primtiry. William A. Berry™ — - 327 Asbury Park can havo a casino nnd the fi^itutlonal the law regulatiug the sale of outaldera came together at'.Park Hall last have b^im' p»’cph:• ed by, a New York archi* in the townabip towered head and shoulders Samuel B. G u e r i n . • 209 Henry BreSnahan.— ____ 6 4 : .ttendiug winter business if itacitlzend' will beer from *1ark8.’, Tho case waa that of night and diacusatid the proposed new char­ tcct,’•■’.“Ti’l Jfv,vv.»/tracture which Is to add above tfi.o biggest kind of a pow-wow ever Charles P. Pridham.— ______—' 29 ^jo-oporato nnd Hubecrlbo at ICaat $ 5,006 Daniel Mack, who waa arrested in the town- ter for Aabary Park The meeting was ndornmfeM'^o thia Ip^auty spot of the Jersey held by Tammany Hall, but now the disci­ JUSTICE OF THE FKA» ^ward-the promotion of an enterprise that ahip a year or two ago for aellliig beer from called by the Board of Trade. That .body coobV 275 feet long and fifty feet ples of Jefferson, Jackson and H. Bell:-— ______271 the endorsement of the committee of a wagon in quantitiea leas .than two dozen 'had gone carefully over the b li^n^ v°ted w 1dc.//il'wn^opcupy . a site far to tho left of feel obliged to yield the palm to the Repub­ Alfred H art.— j 197 4 'fwenty-fl a npoinfced for thia purpose. bottlea.. Mack wa8 convicted at Freehold, for a fow amendments, und it waa to con­ tho o/d^nulid V^nnd, facing tho river. A licans. Their primary last Saturday was R. S. Cottene.^; ______182 ^epaiqr Bradley' haa'Vgteed to allow the and biB counse] took the suit to the Supremo sider these that the meeting wn3 bold. portion of Jf.wjHe^tond out over tbe water perhaps the most exciting that has ever CON STA IJIiEB. lob Auditorium to bbNednXerfeA. Intora Court with the reault na above stated. .The Jnmee H. Bird, president of the Board of arid bg. Qtit{^;5'na a landing for the World’s taken place in the township, ■ ■ - G. Albert Willa — — 313 Trade, noted as chairman, and W. B. B^dell ^alr. elocfrio,- launches, which scored auch Samuel S. White.._____-.I.—.—- 296 no and has even gone ’so |nr ns>b BUg- decision mnkea it legal to aell beer from Interest was wrought up to fever heat on Theodore Hulick_____ 285- jest how it should be furnished lliid main­ w ng o n a|n emoJI—llota, Committeeman waa secretary. great popqiarlty last summer. Tho fleet la account of the scramble for . the several Fortune flarria— -c. __ 20Q lined. He has agreed to the proposition Hulahart, chief of the townahlp police;-haa David Harvey, Jr., chairman of the Leg­ to be ^^a#od> too tlvj- boats, each-with offices; for it 1 Is generally conceded that a COMMISSIONERS Off APPEAL. , ^jo run Balt water into tho building for the prepared the following bill, which he will islative Committee of Mayor and Council* Beatlng^M i'fty pf-fifty. Republican nomination, in nine cases out Peter Bath-— 1______, 3 0 0 so of baths, and a swimming pool. To haye introduced In the Legislature, and assisted tbe chairman In explaining the The * ca^n'b/will bo two stories in height of ten, is equivalent to an election. The Robert Rose.-_i.--^--_-^-!.-_--^_r_-w 140 Iter.tho lower floor of tho Auditorium, and which if it becomes a law, will elevate the provisions of tho original bill, and the and conT*tm ; colonial featuree.' The withdrawal of Capt, Lewis Rainear, who Joaepb ^ Peteraon and ; William R. MiUer provide it with baths, bowling alleys, bll- morality of th3 township: amendments that had been recommended. first flo ^A ti ho.. devoted to tho wanta and had been named as a candidate for, collec­ were nominated for Surveyors of the High­ ard and pool tables, reading, smoking and Tho first amendment taken, up applied to comforts of >xaltors. A lady’s room will be i. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Gen­ tor, left only Clerk Giffard and Wm. H, way, and Charles Lane, Harrison Ward and Jgounging rooms will cost not fees than eral Assembly of tho State of New Jersey, section .three, which provided in the bill :§in excellent ^feature, Tlie second story will Beegle In tho race, and each worked indus- Ellsworth Davie, Poundkeepers.; - j?5,000, possibly more. The building Is That If any person shall aell any spirituous, that the salary of the Mayor shall not ei&£ed contain il fipaciouB grand stand for seating vinous, malt brewed or intoxicating liquora tirously to secure the nomination. The appropriations carried were aa fol­ jdmirably adapted for tho purpose. Last from any wagon, or in any building or $1,000 in any one year. The Board of tho thon.' fthdy who attend the brilliant dis­ The primary waB held: ut Ma/row’fl H all lower.; . ' . \ Wear at nn oxpenfco of $4,000Senator Brad- other place in this State in any quantity Trade recommended that th^^mount be plays of, IHvrffftrtjsi .to ‘ bo givon periodically Two o'olock waB_the bour announced for it For Roada— —-____— 1___ _ $4,000 ;. py fixed it up, and made it comfortable in Jess than five gallons, without a licenae first made $500. When thejpj*&tion wag put tg* tlum ig-th^ v abiin; Fifteen hundred multi- to open. An hour before that time the( Cycle P ath *______—____ 300 j (very respect. All., the rooms,, which are bad and obtained according to law, such, vote tho recommendoUffn waa lost. C9?otcd if^jnieciient lights will transform Poor---— -wl.. 1,500 person shall bo.tleemed guilty of a misde­ grounds about the hall were crowdecTby“the Ways and Meana— —___ _ 1,200 [irge and spacioua, nro finished-in*hard meanor and on conviction thereof abqll be Tha* part of eajffon five providing that the placo !»*/>& picture of fairyland nt night candidates and thejr friends, laying plans Police______1,200 ood, while complete sanitary arrangements punished by a fine not exceeding five hun­ the Board of Education shall bo appointed *• Tho groaii^J hb.out tho casino aro to be and p u lin g wires that it was hoped would It waa nearly 4 o’clock Sunday morning ere put in to make it doubly convenient.' dred-dollara or imprisonment at i^ard labor by the Mayor and Council was changed bo turned oycrt^^Ue artistic fancier of a noted land^them a winner Ilf th^poTitlcalrace/"^ for any term not exceeding two yeara or as to give thiB power to the people, aa is before the votea were counted. Tho location Is uneurpiescd, being dliect- both at tbe discretion of tho Court? provi­ landscape : guidoner who will lay out many Over a dozen carriagea bad been hired by now done under the present Jaw. T, Frank on the ocean front between Sunset and ded, however, that it shall be lawful for flowerbeo! .*^'<1 otherwiso beautify tho placo tho ca ridrdatea to -c ^ v e y to~the - polls the On Tuesday afternoon “tho Democrate of b avenues, ______> druggists and pharmacists to Boll liquors Appleby, who hua been District Olerk for in his own pc^jilar style. weak and infirm, and others who claimed the townahlp held their primary at Marrow’s without a license first had and obtained in second floor Ih entirelyTmolosed with ten yeara, ndovcated the amendment’ No Special' .ai^ammodations for trolley par­ they . were not able to stand the journey. Hall. Capt. John Smith called the meet­ all cases where aa id liquors aro compounded change, however, waa made to that part of Tho boiler uBbd for heating the and sold for medlcjnol usee upon the pre- ties will bo j^yidcd. Everything that can There; were many of the latter, made up ing to order arid Was unanimously elected atcr for the baths und poolfe could also fur- acriptlon of a reputable physician, eigned the bill regulating how the appropriations be done fo( Improve Pleasure Bay will be principally of those who believe that if tbeir chairman. There was no opposition \td ish thosteam heat Mr. Bradley will allow by euch phyaiclan. \ for educational purposea ahall be made., pushed to^'C^iiiplGtion aa quickly aa possi­ vote la worth having it ia worth coming Joseph Harris for secretary^ Capt Smith- 2. Ana be it enacted, That all acta and Now tho people come together and vote for titions tobe built up3talrs, provided they parte of acta inconsistent with thia act be ble.. „Wi(#(tjfe opening of the season the for. On primary day every vote counts, said that there was more than a fighting necessary. What is needed now is the and the 8ame are hereby repealed. achobl moneya, but this will be done away placo wlU.*oYft$^ again becuino the favorite and the candidates knew that they could not chance for Democratic victory thia Spring on oney to make tho improvements in the 3. And be it enooted, That thia act ahall with if the bill becomes * a law, for it pro­ reaoi!t of ibs pfionlo. > well afford to ignore anybody. account of dissension in the Republican. take effect immediately. iy of baths, etc. There ia considerable vides that the budget ahull be made up by When the doora were opened the voters ranka growing out of the primafy laBt Sat^ tail work to be perfected, and when this is the Board of Education and submitted to lk#t|tJantic City Trip. rushed pell-mell:Jif’; the buildlng. There lirday. : : "-J: v-‘. ippleted plans and specifications will bo $ 4 1,4 19 FOR BOROUGH EXPENSES. Mayor and Council for approval or rejec­ The Ma^?ji/and Council and other^ who were only a few. seats and these were occu­ James H. Matthews was nominated for tion. V . ^ ■ bmltted to Mr. Bradley for his approval, wont on^iio fipeclal excursion to Atlantic pied In short :order. In the crowd were Collector without opposition. When it carte the committee, composed of M. L. Bamman, This Amount Appropriated to Run Section ten was not altered, although the City on ‘^Thursday of last week, returned many Asbury Park people, who were at- to nominating nn Assessor Samuel A ! Borough the Coming Year. ,ev. W. I. Gill and W. Harvey Jon.V m stobe nothing In the way II tho people Park a block eye to have it go out that the Railroad, under whoso direction tho excur- knew that a trick had been played on the No appropriation is made for music, aa ill tnko hold of the enterprise and give It authorities had power to license the sale of Bion wan taken, deserves the thanks of tho and were unwilling to bo downed so easily. the law of *78, under which the Bojough la TROOPS AT THE INAUGliRATIOfV. 10 support that it so well deserves. beer and intoxicating liquors. On the other community for their liberality and open- _ Iu vain the ctiair rapped for order. Rev. operating, -does not give the authorities Another plan is under consideration, hand there Was some^ doubt as to whether heartedness...... -J. R, Daniels, of Ocean Grove, tried to make power to levy an assessment fdrJhJalpur?. The Display o7 Federal Soldiers to be a his ia tho construction of a largo hotel on the bill would puaa with this clause strlckeii1 a speech, but-hls voice waa not audible ten pose. An Increase of $1,500 is needed in feature of the Parade. io ocean front Several gentlemen with out, aa other cities in the State of leas than The Big Shooting Carnival. feet from where he stood on account of the irgo bank accounts are said to be inter­ the street department on account of the re­ 12,0 0 0 inhabitants, which might want to Arrangements have been concluded by the The program for the Grand American confusion and noise. Mr. Daniels wanted red in tho venture, and ff the ground can pairs that will be made to the macadam come under the law, would want ^ttia power War Department which will insure a display Bandicap and shouting (arnival to be held a division of the voters to determine whether o secured at a reasonable figure the hotel road. These will cost at the lowest estimate to license. The amendment waa carried. of Federal troops at the inauguration. Gen. at Elkwr.od Park on Tuesday, Wednesday Guerin or Hulshart had been elected chair­ HI be built. - It is an open question among $1,500. Everyone agreed that the bill should be Porter is endeavoring to make the regulars and Thursday, March .23, 24 and 25, has man. iany leading business men whether it Is No change ia made in the appropriationa amended so as to read that no bonds shall the feature of^tS^great parade. The War been issued.The shooting will commence The chaiiu-then called for a division. iso to encourage the construction of a for police, sprinkling, lighting, garbage, be issued except by a vote of tbe people. Department fund for transportation is lim­ on Tuesday at 0 A. M. Four events will Jack Brower went down the center aisle lammoth hotel. 8ome think that the prea- maintenance and Board of Health, One According to the proposed charter, the ited, and to conduct an entire engagement be' decided, the Elkwood Park Handicap, shouting at the top of his voice: regiment of infantry, several troops of cav­ nt hotel men should receive all the encour- thousand dollars has been added to the fire Mayor and Council haa power to'iaeue bonda Nitro Pow'der Handicap, Branohport Sweep- “ Guerin, Guerin, All you in favor of alry and engineer battalions here will cut gement, On the other hand it is argued department account. The extra sum ia to an amount not exceeding $25,000 in stKkfei and Sportsroen’e Delight. Wednes­ Guerin, get over to the right” This he re­ heavily into it, and may prevent aome of iat a large hotel would be of incalculable needed to fix up Neptune Engine Company’s anyone year. The amendment.,therefore day, the' 24th, is reserved for the Grand puted half a dozen times. He pushed peo­ eneht to Asbury Park, beoause, as is the building. The sinking fund appropriation waa adopted. the regimental trunafera thiaapring. Major American Handicap, which will commence ple aside, but they moved back again In the McKinley baa' intimated, however, that he ase with Lakewood, it 'would make the of $5,000 is made to pay off a part of the A motion of Mr. Appleby that the bill at 10 A. M. Three events will be decided crowd after he had passed. wiahea the fineat turn-out of Federal troopa lace more aristocratic and bring people floating debt of the Borough, amounting to B h o u l d provide for only one Assessor was on tbe last day, as follows: Consolation In the excitement Col. William Murrell ever made at an .inauguration, and In ac­ ’who would patronize the smaller upward8 of $30,000, lost The Board approved the contract made by Handicap, Jjpng Branch Scramble and Auld mounted the platform and in a flowery cordance with hia wflshea Secretary Iiamont It was the senae of the meeting that, the speech asked for order. He aald he Ifad juat the Water Commissioners with A. A. T$ftpr Lane Syne Sweeptsakes. will order aa many troopa here as the ap­ Leglalative Committee use its best effort* left a ick bed to be present, and wanted to A Victory for Neptune. for the construction of a new brick buil$* 8 propriationa at hia diopoaal will permit. to have all the above amendments made to see harmony. Clerk Giffard appealed to ing and a receiving basin. Election March 9. A*s far as decided upon, the display from Last Friday night teams of bowlers from the bill, but if it 18 Impossible to get these, the votera to remain quiet Both of theae the army will comprise one full ipfantry then urge the Legislature to make those The annual election for township officers fealey and Neptune Engine "Companies speeches had some effect, but very little. regiment with band and staff; one squad­ will be held on March 9. The officers to ron, consisting of eight companies of cav­ layed two interesting games with the fol­ Call for a Public Meeting. amendments which it was deemed wise and When it was seen that\ there waa no way expedient. be voted for are a Collector, Assessor, Com­ alry and two bands from Forts Myer and ding result: A desire to contribute in alleviating the of determining who had beep chosen chair­ Ethan Allen; one battalion of engineers WESLEY., , mitteeman, Justice of the Peace, two Con­ terrible sufferings of famine stricken India The Legislative Committee will go to man. Mr. Hulahart modestly withdrew from Willets Poiut aud VVeat Point; eight ohn L, Schneider...... , , - — 129 151 Trenton next Monday night in the interests stables, Commissioner of Appeal, two Sur­ companies of artillery on foot with band, euben*N orri9-__j,-.—142 135 on tho one hand, and a formal request from the contest. Thia was first blood for of the bill, and it is requested that there be veyors of Highway and three Poundkeepers. and two mounted light b&tteries. Possibly homaB J. W i n c k l e r '....1 3 0 H O signed by prominent citizens on the other*, the Guerinites, and they shouted themselves further additions to the infantry display a large representation of citizens there to Appropriations will bo voted for at the ohn W. M artin------:_,_-__l2<3 121 have impelled ua to invite tho reaidenta of hoarse over their victory. may be made, and some of the artillery E. Sexton______108 , 125 urgo Its passage^ same time. The Boards of Registry and Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, VVeat Park and John F. Knox waa elected secretary with­ from tho posts around Now York and Bos­ , * — Election will meet at the respective polling ton may be ordered here. Gen. Porter is 041 te l West Grove to hold a public meeting on places on Tuesday, March 2, from 1 to i) out Opposition. anxious that the navy her well ^represented, NBFrUNE. Sunday afternoon next nt Educational Hall, Letter-Carriers’ Claims. The first office to be filled_____ was that ...... of_and wishes the Secretary Yo oider the North (cam O. Jell iff______.... ____ 123 114 P. M., to revise and correct the registry to commence at 4 o’clook, for the purpose It cost Now Jersey $64,106.60 last year Collector. C o l . Murrell nominated W i l l i a m Atlantic fleet to proceed as far up the Poto- owflrd IX Leltoy :____ . —128 .177 lists. Fuller particulars, together with the , , , ,, , ^ “ can navigate and forward sailors ohn S. Burtis.. - ...... -130 138 of raiaing a fund to be used as above,indt^ on account of overtime made by letter car- several polling places, ora given In an ad­ Giffard and moved that the nominations be ! an(j bluejackets to the city by steam ohn Hubbard______t______154 151 cated. The meeting will be addressed by riera in the postal service. Of thia amount vertisement. closed. This was opposed and ex-Assessor * launches. The naval authorities are op Walter Hubbard ______;..128 147 several clergymen and cltizena. $342,69 ia credited to Aabury Park. ' The WatBon named Mr. Beegle, posed to interrupting the series of drills now The muaic and singing will be led by Dr, other Cities which had claims are na follows i being carried on in Southern waters, and . 909 727 Peculiarities in Politics. Then in quick succession candidates for Ure fearful besides that some of the heavy %T. H. Bryon and a choir of, the beat talent the other offices were nominated. John Members of both teams belong to tha As- Newark——, ——:------..—$20 425.04 One of the funny incidents of the Repub­ draught ships might find difficulty in as­ in thia vicinity. Bridgeton-- — 1,826.91 Richardson supported Samuel B, Guerin for cending the river. The plan ia opposed by ury Park, Wheelmen. lican primary last Saturday was the struggle ,Z. Clark Marten, S. H..0 . Smith, East Orange------—\------—— 509.27 Committeertiao, and told of his devotion to' the leading, bureau chiefs, who have had Elizabeth—.— — . ------5,121.15 for Justice of the Peace between Alfred Hart enough experience of late with vessels Geo. A. Genzmer, Joseph G. fteedj his family and hia country. William A. Bowling Notes. «.— G. H. Middleton, Wm. A, Allen, Hackensack— —------455.53 and Reeae H. Bell. Both men are active grounding and running on rocks. Jersey City - ^(162.63 Mrs. John Palmateer now holds tbfe bish­ Geo. J. Minglna, Peter Stryker, members of the Republican Club. At a Berry, 1 Henry Breanahan, and Charle8 P. A. J. Miller,'- H. Td Widdemer. Montclair-...... '"2,007.93 Prldham were the other candidate. . Mr. it ladies' Bcoro on the Wheels-,sb's alleys, meeting of the club held a few days before Morristown------——1------— 895.82 Guerin killed hia chancea when he made a High Fares Prohibitive. n Wednesday she bowled 135, beating the New Brunswick -----— 1,710.95 the* primary Mr. H art was endorsed, and u A Tunnel at Last. An Aabury Park citizen received thia let­ revioUB acorn of 131, held by Miss Lillie Orange— ------—— —- 1.231.23 the members pledged themselves to vote for apeech denying that he had ever supplied Paterson 7,820.74 ter from a gentleman in Elizabeth on Wed­ enderson. Fifty lady bowlers toere pres- The work of raising the^Tew Jersey South­ him. The secretary of the meeting was Mr. rum to political mass meetings.—— - Passaic. —-w -—756.65 “ If any rum waa aupplied,” he aaid; “ it nesday. It emphasizes the complaint made lt. Tho ladies are Tolling to determine ern tracks over Long Ialand a v e n u e t o a l l o w Princeton— ------493,06 Bell, / imagine Mr. Hart’s surprise when he came out of Ocean Grove.” ^ * by other summer reaidenta and the Com-- ho are tbe best boaters, and at the end of cara o f t h e Atlantio Coaat Electric Railway_J^lPlainfield _____...... ______- 2,677.38 learned that Mr. Bell was out fo? the nomi­ Thia waa enough "to aet the Ocean Grove muters’ Association that Aabury Park must id tournament o f ten games those with the Company, c o m m e n c e d on Monday. Trenton— 8,168.7^ nation. His surprise was greater, Siowevor, pebple7 working againB t him, and they did suffer because of high railroad fares. The sst average scores wilUjs-Biotnbers o f the The railroad tracks ..Will bo raiaed nine To meet the payment of these claimB the ■when he'saw.the secretary nominated by a people nam§d in tbe letter are only a few am. Miss Lillio Henderson and Mrs, H, nnd n half feet and the avenue depressed six General Deficiency Bill has .been intro­ majority that ®as overwhelmingly In his not let up until*■ tBe "polle” closed. One of of those directly concerned In a,..fetter i. LeBoy are sure of being selected, Whec feet below tbe present tracks. There will duced. - \ . favor. There are plenty of peculiarities in" those who foughf him waa J. Stanley Fergu­ son, a resident of the Grove, who declared schedule of summer farea; le team is made up 'the ladies, vlll ohal- be alear headroom of thirteen feet under the politics, and this was one' of them. that Mr.. Guerin had no right to make auch “ The writer spent season of ’94 at hotel; inge the regular A. P.W . bowlers, the bridge, and the grade of the avetaiie will be Co-Operation is Necessary. ' ’ an BBaertlon, It Ib Bafe to say that the lat­ in ’95-*96 had cottage; has rented one for antlemen to make two pofeto to every one 1}4 f^et in 10 0 , leading each way about ’97 in Aabury Park. Am anxloua to have One of the hotel owners at Atlantic City Rev. Dr. Bate Accepts. ter made the statement while laboring under lade by their competitors. 300 feet from the tracks. The bridge will gave away a secret when epenkihg to aome my frlenda with me, ao far with very poor Rev. Albert G. Bale, D .U , of Melrose, great mental excitement and regretted later The ndxt rnontiily.ladles! reception, ten­ be of steel. , : v , of the excursionists laat’Saturday. He said: wjcco.. Can___ _name three „ large...... families The raising of the tracks Is the outcome “ There ia.no jealousy among the hotel men Mess., has accepted the call of 'ir^' Pf*- that ho allowed hia tongue to run away with who were at the Park laat year w h o have ured by the Asbury Park , WheeJjnen will of. Atlantic City. Kvery man works for the byleriim .ghnteb of Asbury Park, and ■sill decided to/go down on Long iBland this of a dfecieiou rendered by Chancellor M6- his tlioughta/ year. all. for one reason: their sons an Nest Monday night the Ooe«n G rofs’team of the lake, ocean, pavilion, etc. In the would rent cottages for the season. I know Why He Was D epressed: Chairman Guerin stated that reaidenta of UJi.bowl with Neptune Engine-Company’g middle la a map of the Central Railroad of Tbore’a a greatdeal in that, and the AB­ of one«family that waa at an Asbury Park “Somehow,” he said, disconsolately, Aabury Park had a right to vote for Oon- hotel durii^g July and August who will not New Jersey* with a hand poiatlng %o AUen- bury Park folka will not have/vlqited Atlan­ " 1 don’t setaa ter make tofp>in* pay.” atablea and a Juatice of the Peace, and a go for same reason.” * hurat These: pictures are alao diaplayed in tic City in vain if they profit by the lesson. “ Maybe you haven’t tried the right way. In Atlantic City the first thing noticeable separate ballot-box' jvme provide^, for thia the waiting room of the. .Central Railroad “ Yes. I’ve done ev’rything. • F v ejeu« Sate o f Use A d v e r s e r . is that everybody booms tho town and will’ meetln’sftij' j’inetl clubs an’ voted fur s?i«y —Tommy—“ Billy Jonea got drownded. ” ,at the foot of Liberty Btreet, New York, cheerfully go out of hia way to help along purpose. The Newark Daily Advertiser hns_, boon cttEtSidato that a«id aa know’d the way t e Voting commenced shortly after 4 o’clock, Tommy’s %P6p—“ You ahou!dn’t» aay and in thoPennBylvania-^epot, Jersey City. the general prosperity.’ They understand, help ua slang. But it don’t seem tar ao no ‘drownded.’ ’W Tommy —“Well, if a fellow jld to E. B. Haines, editof oi the Patersca too, the art of advertising. Hitherto Aa- good, an’ I mus’ say I’m gettin’ clean dis­ and continued uutil 7.30. Following is the drowns ain’t ne drowned dead?” fawe, ‘for $36,000. Sheffield Phelpa, lbs bury Parkera have gone along in a go-ns- couraged.” , . , .. lesu lt:, A ***■•■■ —A woman will spend $15 on a dreBs pat* no use feelin' aorry fo’ a you-please style, each man crying hia own OOLLECTOB, wner, retires. The s»pes will M mule^^^ya Elder Wntkina. ‘'kaae de fuat wares and leaving it to the newapapera to tern now, and when it is made into a dress i price to a cent. Prominent Xtc-publiea —The flower of the family—a bloomer W i l l i a m Qiffard.— — — ^509 in the spring ahe will declare that it didn't chance he git he gwlne kick de feelin* out advance tbe general, intei^sts of the toW».— 1214,CQSt^cent, ^8 ehe had tho goods. re said to.be behind the sale. o’ yo’. ” New York Tribune. ; k - girl. ■ • William H. Beegle— I ghujreftez eug'd' Soeifciies. kins and Wildes. Mr. Wildes wanted the bill amended so as to provide that the’ ap proprlatlon should bo dccluoted fronvths AjOTIOE OF SETTLEMENT. ?hurchest etc. MONEY ROLLIN&OP fflLL annual appropriation for the Sea Glrc en­ 1" Estate of James Oasnef, deceased, (In Fibbt U. B. CHuacni corner ot First and solvent estate). ' G rand aVeB., Rev. w . A. Allen, pasto r. Preach campment. Mr. Dorousse warmly cham Inp every Sabbath a t 10.30 a. m. and 7.80 p. m Notice is hereby glvon that the accounts Is rather an unusual Bight. D o n ’t expect to get any that w a y — but spend ploned the bill. Glass meeting Sabbath morning at 9.80. Sab Legislative Wheels Not Moving of the subscriber, Administrator of said de­ bath-schoolatJ3.80p. m. Voung People’s Meet what you have wisely. It la not wise to pay more for an article than h The governor Is to select tho companies ceased, will bo audited and stated by the Ing Sabbath evening a t 8.80. P ray er mooting o t n e c e s s a r y . :i■ , Very Rapidly. which will make up the Jersey contingent. Surrogate, and reported for settlement to the Friday evening a t 7.80. Comm union on th* The Essex troop and one of the companies Orphans’ Court of tho county of Monmouth, first Sabbath mornlw? of eaoh m onth. on Thursday, the twenty-fifth day of Febru­ at Paterson, the vice president’s home, wlU ary next. Tnmrrr P. E Church, Grand and Aabury av NEXT WEEK IS INAUGURATION. nues, Rov. A. J. Miller, rector. 8unday ser J. J. PAR K ER , bo inoluded. About 800 men w ill go Dated Decomber 15. 1806. vices at 7.80,10.80 a. m . and 7.80 p. m . sa in ts along. DAVID HARVEY, JR. days, 7.80 a. m., and F rid ay s a t 7.80 p. m . S un­ Gossip About Ofiloea. day-school at 2.80 p. in. Tho ohuroh Is free and THE GROCER, Hie MUltla, the Statesmen and Many Pa­ all are cordially invited. 'The senate, in executive session this N RULE TO BAR CREDITORS. * ' triotic JeMeymen W ill WUneM the Hon­ O Executor’s Notice. F ibbt Baptist Cannon, cornor of Main stree Takes pleasure in reminding you of thA place to buv the PIN E8T week, disposed of all the remaining guber­ Monmouth Trust and Safe Deposit Com­ and Bangs avonno. Rov. Z. Marton, pastor or to Be l>one an Illustrious Son of the Proaohlng Borvloos at 10.80 and 7.80: Sabbath GROOERIES at the LOWE8T PRICES, natorial nominations which had been pend­ pany, body corporate, Executor of Elizabeth aohool at 3.80. Prayer mooting Friday eve State—OovernorOrlgp Still Hold* Uaok ing since Feb. 7, when the governor sent Spencer, deceased, by order of tho Surro­ nlnj? a t 7.80. C .E. nrayor-moetlnff. Tuesday oven b04, 606, 608 Cookman Ave., Opp. Po&t Gffice, Asbury Park. gate of the county of Monmouth* hereby Ing at 7.80. Boats froo.. Cordial wolcome to all Important Nominations. ' • in his last batob. Judge John S. Jessup of giveB notice to the creditors of the said de­ FmsTPiiEflnyrBRIANOucnon.con Sooondam1 [Speoial Correspondence.] Gloucester county, District Court Judge ceased to bring in thoir debts, demands and claims against the estate of said decedent, G rand avenues. Sorvlooa a t 10.80.a.m . an d 7.80 h u t n m ■ Y TRENTON, F ell 24.—?The adjournm ent William W. Watson of Passato City, Man­ p. m.; Sabbath-sohool a t 2.80 p. m. P ray er ager Z. K. Pangbom of the Home For Fee­ under oath or affirmation, within nine mooting Friday evening, of the senate this week without action upon months from the fourteenth day of January, FLOUK! FLOUR! ble Minded Women and several commis­ 1897, or they will bo forever barred of any WE8TMINBTSn PHuSUYTBniAN CHtmOB, RCV.QoO. BDTTEH BARGAIN. the Jersoy City and Newark eleotion bill sioners of pilotage were confirmed. action therefor against the said Executor. J. Mingins. pastor, Sowall avw, tio notwithstanding tho many reports current. of the personal estate and debts of the said avenues. Sunday-sohool. 0.80; morning servlo* Tho largo quantities wo handle enables ub speak for themselves. Jersoy City are tho two political warriors decedent, whereby it appears that the per a t 10.45; evening, 7.4B; W ednesdays, 7 45. Rev. to make you these sped al* prices: " . The governor says he has not heard a sin­ sonal estate of said deceased is insufficient Geo. D. Genzmer, pastor. Best Sugar Cured Hams, 0o !b Fancy Maine Corn, i ■ 4 cans for 25o Best Sugar-cured Cai, Hama, who conceived tho election bill, and, though gle'sound objoctlon presented as to tho to, pay his debts, and requested tho-aid of Church of thk H oly Sp ir it , (Catholic,) corner CXc lb Best N. Y. State Corri, 6c can Best Sugar-cured Shoulders, n « ib they at first talked fondly of tho economy personal probity and charaotor of any of the Court in the pfemiaes, it is thftofore of 8eoond avenue and Bond Btreet, Rev. M. L. ordered that all persons interested In lands, Glennon, pastor. Best Cold-packed Jersey Tomatoes, Best Sugar-cured Boneless Baeoh, ■ Hu lb to be effected by holding tho municipal these men, and as to the charge that Mr. tenements, hereditaments of , the said de­ _ ' 4 cans for i2j5c Bert Family Pork, 5}£c lb and genoral elections together in the fall, St. Paul's M. E. Church, corner o f ^Tew Y ora Beat String Beans, ii 6c can 2-lb can Boast Beef, lo o Bettle is in theremploy of a railroad he be­ ceased,, appear before the Court at the Court and Embury avenuo,' Ocoan Grove. Servloes at Best Lima Beans, - i . - flc can thoy admitted when cornerod that it was House in Freehold, on Thursday, March 11, 10.80 a. m and 7.80 p. m.^Young people’s moetln« 2-lb can Corned Beef, I5 e lieves tbat many good men are in similar Best Early June PeasU 3 cans for 25c Good Lard Go lb chiefly a garno of politics. The purpose employ. 1897, to show cause why so mucb-o&tlie at 6.80. Prayer meettjjg, Wednesday evening lands, tenements, hereditaments and real Rev. J. G. Reed, paster. Best French Red Kidney BeanB, 3 cans 25c Large Mackerel, y • 6c each was to prevent tho slaughter which tho in­ The reported letter of Joseph Ia Munn Good Peas, 7 4 cana for 25c Sms'! Mackerel, l c each estate of the said deceased shall not be sold West Grovb M. E. Churoh, Corlles avenue. Sweot Potatoes, \ , IOo can dependent voter sometimes occasions when of Essex to the governor declining the of­ as will be sufficient to pay his debts, or the Services on Sunday a t 10.80 a. m . and 7.45 p. m, Best New Prepared Buckwheat, __ Sabbath-sohool at 2 p.m. Class meeting Sunday California Egg Plum^, 12o can ho goes to the polls at a puroly local elec­ fice of 8uprenje court clerk adds to the residue thereof, as the case may require. California Bartlett Pears, 2 cans for 25c 3-lb pkge IOo By the Court, morning at 9.80. Epworth League servloes at Best Oatmeal, 4 pkees 25c tion. On such occasions politics with him governor’s perplexities In the matter of 6.80. Prayer m eeting Friday evening a t 8. Rev. California Cherries, , ,200 o a n is a secondary consideration. -What he DAVID S. CRATER, Surrogate. J. H. Batten, pastor. California Peaches 2 ojmsjox 25a Best Prepared Flour, 3 “ pkges ' 25a appointments. It seems to be difficult to Tablo Peaches, Best Hornlay, 3 pkgea 25o wants, flrst of all, is to have the affairs of Braulkt Bbaoh M. E. Church—“ Little Charon 3 cans for 25o get a desirable person for the plaoe, ac­ Grated Pineapple, Best Oatmeal, 2 ibs lor 5a his city or town managed by a set of offi­ In the Woods.*' Servloes on Sunday at 10.80 a.m . 3 cans for 25u 7 pkges Best Cornstarch for cording to the governor’s standard. Colo­ and 7.80 p. m. Sabbath-sohool a t 2.80 p /m . Red Cherries, 3 cans for 25c - . 25o cials who are above reproach. This state nel J. J. Toffey of Hudson would fill the HARPER’S WEEKLY Epworth League meeting at 6.80 p. ih. Prayer Blackberries, 3 cans for 25o GooJ Carolina Bice, 5o lb Huyier’s Coccf.j 20c can of mind Is very aggravating to the “ma­ bill doubtless, but his appointment, it is meeting and Bible readings on Tuesday evening Rhubarb, , 3 canB for 25c IN 1897 . at 7.80. Temperance meeting, Wednesday even California Apricots, 1 0 c can M iller’s Oocok, 15o can chine” and upsots political schemes every understood, would antagonize a powerful ing a t 7.80. Oroft & Alien's Obcoa, 15o can DRIED jpSUITS. Pionic Olives, now and then. At the general election, in Republican faction In Hudson oounty. With the end of 1896 Harper’s Weekly W e s t As b u r y P a r k M. E. Church, Asbury av 3 bottles for 25© will have,, lived forty years, in tlftff time enue. Rev. G. K. Middleton, pastor. Preaching Condensed Milk, 3eana for lOo- the fall, the voter does not scan tho Indl- Chief Justice Beasley’s death has made Wo have opened a ljow lot oi Oaiiforniu Best Red Kidney Beans, vidual character of the candidates so olose- it has participated with all the Zealand Sunday a t 10.80 and 7. Sunday-school a t 2.80 Ev&p. I1-:'nr- Thcso t are tho best .quality 5 qta for 35o another vacancy-1 OlioJj^rem e court, and power at its commandln th^grea^poHtical Prayer-meeting on Frlday evening, seata froe.ii Bert Whits Beans, . 5 qts to t 25o ly. He Is more of a partisan then and Is ond regulnnly sold fot 1 2 c lb., but we «el- BeM Green Peas, there is considerable speculation as to events of'the most interesting and import­ African M. E. Church, cornor ol Main street dom Bell things at th« regular price, so nc- 0 qts for 2 Ge apt to go his party tloket blind. It was ant period in the history of the country, and Second avenue. Services at 10.80 a. m. and Best New Orleans Molasses, 10 c qt whether Gpvernor Griggs will ohoose a oording to our custom, vre have marked Beat Golden Drip Syrup, with a knowledge of these facts that Colo­ and ft has spread before its readers the ac­ 7.80 p .m . Sabbath-school at 2.80 p. m. Prayer thcso Poors down— j J lO o ^ t new man for the place or promote one of complishments of science, arts, and letters meeting on Wednesday evening. 5 cakes Beet Laundry Soap, nel Dickinson and Major Lenz framed the the present supreme court judges. The California Evap Pcafd, 3 cans for 2So "1 7 7 8 ,” i for the‘instruction of the human mfr)d and A. M. E Zzon Churoh, 8pr!ngwood‘ avenu*-. 8o package pending bill, and they rushed it through available men on tbe bench are Justices the amelioration of human conditions and West Park. Seivloes Sunday at. H. a, m. and Fancy Cluster uaiaiDS, 3 ibs for 25o Leading Stove Paste, ■ Sc bo* Best California Ralston, 4 lbs for 25c the assembly with but little fuss. On com­ Depue, Dlxoh and Magle, but the former of manners. ~ 8 p. m . Sundav school a t 2.80. P ray er m eeting Fraft-ORAOKERS- •Fandy. What the Weekly his been In ita spirit every Wednetday evening. Best Cleaned Currants, •1 ibs for 25o Pineapple, crisp, 4 Ibs for 25o ing to the senate, howover, they found is 70 years old, and Judge Dixon is not In ilf 3>ghom Citron,; ‘I ihs for 25o their economy argument smiled at and and purpose, as these have been manifested W. C. T. TJ. of Asbury Park Regular meet­ Lemon, crisp, 4 ib* for 25c the best of health, so that of the trio Judge principally in its. editorial pages, \t will ing at 045 Mattison avenue, Wednesday a* 8 p.m. Callfornin Peaches, > 3 Jbs for 25c Nlc-Nacs, 4 ibs for 25o thoir political pressure frowned down. The Magie seems to stand the best chance of continue to be. Children and young people’s Loyal Ten peranco Neclarloes, j | H lbs for 25c Ginger Snaps, 4 Ibs for 2Ba Oniifornin Prunes, 4 ibs for 25o hearing before the senate committee show­ advancement. -It . may ,be, however, that It is impossible to announce with preci­ Legion m eets every M onday a t 3.80. Mrs. C. A. Soda Cracker.:,, 5 ibs for 25o Hammond, president; Mrs. J. L- Durrah, seo'y^ Pitted Cherries, ' ’ , 1 2 c Oyster Crackers, dainty and crisp, ed plainly that Senator Voorhees was op­ sion all that the Weekly will contain dur­ Cai, Seedicss RalBinB the governor will outside, and if he ing .the year 1897. It were as easy^to an­ Board o r H ealth. Office at P ark H all. N. B ,1 4 lbs 25o posed to this class of legislation, and other - ._—L^.,. 4 lt*a for 25c does ColllnB'rof Hudson, Samuel nounce what is about to happen in the Buchanon, president; D. C. Bowen, clerk. Granulated i Sugar, 4Wc lb Republican senators have since followed In Try a pouna of our Famous 32c CoSee H. Gray of Camden or William H. Corbin world, what triumphs for good government Bo a r d o p T r a d e meets first Tuesday of each Light 0 Sugar ia ib, 20 lbs for $ 1 that every one is talking about. ■t~ -oi-pniftn—might—be— —In—either are to be won, what advances of the people month in New Engine ilouse, Mattlson avenue. of committee and passed this week is un­ are to be made, what is to bCthe“dutcome James H f Bird, president; W. F. IA Roy, sec event one of these is likely to go into the of the continuous struggle between the retary. derstood to mean that It Is a dead cock In supreme court. This change will give the Bplrits of war and peacts what is to happen S o c ie t y f o r t h e P r e v e n t io n o f C r u e l t y t * the pit. Republicans a majority of the court, in the far East, what is to be the state of a n im a l s . Office Park Hall. W. F. LeRoy pie* All orders.by mail vHil receive prompt and careful attention. Ident; Randolph Roes, secretary. Legislation Still Ora^«. thouffh to the hqnor of New Jersey belt Europe twelve months hence, and what new marvels of science are to be revealed,-or Cokpant A. Third Reqimekt, N. G. N. J. The senate again adjourned Tuesday said politics "has never m ade its presence J. JT. P A R K E R afternoon'this-week .despite-tho protestrof- what are to be the achievements of arts and regular drills every Thursday, evening j>f tht_ felt iiutheJiigh courts of the state. In tha letters, for the Weekly is to be a pictorial month In tho Armory, White Building. Regulai 004, OOO and OOSTJookman Avenue, two or three of the moro Industrious mem­ record of all this. private meeting on first Thursday night or tht famous contest for the control of the senate month. J. R. Muddell, captain; Mahlon White, bers. Although tho assembly stayed a day a few years ago the victory was awarded Cartoons will continue to be a feature. first sergeant. ' Opposite Post Office^ longer llttlo work was accomplished there Serial stories. A New England story by Bank*. to the Republicans by a Democratic court, Miss Mary E. Wilkins will begin In Jan either. Next weok will be another wator- First National Bank. cor. Mattison ayenm Brapch—Little Falls, N, T E L E P H O N K OO. A s b u r y P a r k . and tho opinion, one of the most vigorous uary. A tale of a Greek uprising against and Bond street. C apital, $100,000. Surplus, haul doubtless, as many of the lawmakers ever written, was penned by the late la­ the Turks, by Mr. E. F. Benson, the. author $70,000. G. F. Kroehl, president; A. O. Tw in • - ...... of “ D odo/’ will follow, A sequel to “ The • will bo off to Washington to attend the In- mented Democratic chiof justice. mg, cashier. * augural That will make ieight weeks of House-Boat on. the Styx,” by'Mr. John Action on BUI*. Kendrick Bangs, iyusfrated^^y^^^, Peter^ Monmouth T rust Company, oor. Mattlaoi . the.session, with next - to nothing donp by avenue and Bopd street. Capital, $100,000. :>^he legislatu^. ♦ i3$e bill dividing tlie stat& into t^ro asy-1 Tbeo. S. D arlina, p re sid e n t; A. C. Tw ining, lum districts was recommitted today, on More short stories will appear in the treasurer. the session last? is beginning to bo tho In­ Weekly than it has been possible to publish Abbury Park and Ocean Gao vs Bank, oot- quiry. The prospects are that 10 or 11 motion of Senator Vroeland of Morris. during 1896. H attlson avenue and Main street. C apital, $50,- 000. Surplus, 128.000. H. C. W insor, president weeks at the outside will wind up tho win­ Senator Parry of Burllngten^lts intro­ Departments: Mr. W. D. Howells’s “ Life and Letters’’ have been among the most E. K. Dayton, cashier. ter's work and that tho sum total of new ducer, objected. There Is quite some strife over this measure, which Books to establish charming features of periodical literature,, Secret Societies. laws will bo smaller than for any session JtfivjB. S. Martin and others will-contribute: * Asbury Lodqb, No. 142, F. and A. M., m e t t in a long number of years. a separate Board of governm ent^or the- observations on what is going on In “ This first and third Tuesday evenings in each month This week Senator Euhl Introduced by Morris Plains asylum and another for the Busy World;’’ “ Amateur Spqyt will remain Cook’s Building, Main street and Cookman ave Trenton asylum. It is urged that the in­ the most important^department of its kind nue. R. A. Tustlng, W. M., James B. BUrt, request a constitutional amendment pro­ Sec’y. terests of the institutions sometimes re­ in the country. viding for tbe initiative and referendum • The Weekly wlll continue to present to its Corson Commandeby. N o. 15, K. T.. m eets set I cannot be carried on without good in New Jersoy. The purposo Is to give the quire different treatment and that each readers the world’s news most interesting to ond Thursday evening in eaoh month in Cook’# electors the right to suggest now laws di­ could be more closely looked after by a Americans, to make important advances in Building. Geo. M. Bennett, B.C., 8. A. Cliver, printing an? moretlian a wagon or separate board. both the literary and artistic features, and Recorder. 1 rectly to the legislature and to pass upon to retain for itself the leading place iu the Various M atters. Canton Atlantio, No. 7,1.O.O.F., Patriarch* ! railroad train toil! moup without measures tbat have been enacted by the illustrated journalism of the world. M ilitant, moets In Manning Hall, Main street legislature. This amendment involves a Senator Daly is so badly crippled by an Newspapers are pot to copy this advertise­ m onth a t 8 p. m. a. W. Barton, captain: Chaa I motive power—either b? Hancl, a scheme that has been freely discussed and attack of rheumatism that he had to be ment without the express order of Harper & H. Chamberlain, rejected by past legislatures. carried in a chair from the statehouse Brothers. ensign j O. H. Tom pkins, clerk. i'/Horse, or a locomotive. Senator Johnston’s railroad commission Monday night. A tlantic kbkcca Degree Lodge, No. 2,1.0 A dinner was given in honor of Presi­ HARPER’S WEEKLY O. Fy meets An Monmouth Building on the first | bill was reported with amendments this and/third Tuesday evenlngB in the month. Mrs. weok. The amendments make no material dent of»the Senate Williams Monday eyen* FOR ONE YEAR, - - ' ■ $4 OO Mrel M. Griffin, N. G .; Mre. K. Cham berlain, V.G., change in the bill. ** ing. All the senators participated and had Postage Free to all subscribers its tbe M. <\QxWn, R. S. Asbury Park Printing House United States, Canada and Mexico. There was a spirited scene in the senate a pleasant time. Fireside Council, No. 171, Order of United Address HARPER * BROTHERS, Friends, meets second and fourth Thursday eve­ Monday night when Senator Daly tried to A bill has been introduced m aking 3,240 P. O. Bax 959, New York Oity. nings in eaoh month, in K. P. HalL | supplies good printing havo a resolution adopted censuring Judge pounds a legal ton of anthracite coaL A t l a n t ic E n c a m p m e n t , No. 22, I . O . O . •*», Joseph H. Gasklll of Burlington county The commuters’ bill was reported in the meets in Manning Hall on second and fourth of everv tynd. Harper’s M agazine Tuesday in eaoh month at 7.80 p. m. Wmi H. courts for appearing in tho character of semito this week, w ith an am endm ent pro­ Miles, Chief Patriarch. * R. Hulsart, Soribe. 1 ; viding that personal baggage only shall be lobbyist and counsol for the Pennsylvania IN 1897 Tecumseh Tribe, No . 60, I m p r o v e d O r d e r or, railroad at a committee hearing last week carried by a passenger. , R e d Men, meets in Manning Hall. Main street; T h o bicycle baggage bill is still in com­ FICTION: The Martian, the new novel by every Tuesday evening at 7.80. R, BMbla, Sa*; on tho bioyclo baggage bill. President Du Maurier. the eagerly expected successor chem ; Edgar Bills, Chief of Records. Williams did not pormlt moro thpn ttvo or mittee. Mr. Gledhill announced yesterday to “ Trilby,” begun in October number, P ark Lodge, No. 88, A. O. U. W., meets In K. r. three lines of tho resolution to be read, tlmt he would soon move for its release 1896, with illustrations from the author’s Hall, 143 Main street, second and fourth Monaay when he declared it out of order. Senator from tho committee on railroads and ca' drawings. A new novel by Frank R. Stock­ evenings of the month. Hiram Walton, Master nals, which seems to have a tight hold of it. ton—developing a Twentieth Century Workman'; R E. K. Rothfritz, Foreman; B. A. Daly claimcd that tho president, not hav­ Kenaiesance—full of humorous situations Page, Recorder. ij 1 The greater Asbury P ark bill has been ing heard the resolution read, could not and characteristically illustrated. A Pair Court Lewis, No. 8224, A. O. F. of A Jm e e ts first properly say it was out of order, and he amended so as. to exclude other towne of Patient Lovers, by William Dean How^ and third Mondays at K. of P. Hall, Main street. - therefore appealed from jthe decision of the from its provisions and also providing for ells. Other sti iking novelettes by Ameri­ T r i b e o f De n H u r —Simonides Coiirt No. 1, a councilman at large in addition to six can authors. Short stories by Mart Twain, meets Monday evenings in room of C. K. Hall chair. Senator Voorhees took the chair to Thomas Nelson Page, Richard Harding Post, Mikado Building. Walter Gravatt, Chief; nut the‘appeal, when Senator Daly fried ward councilmen. Dover, Morris county; Davis, Owen Wister, John Kendrick Bangs, P. F. Dodd, Scribe. \ 1 to work in a speech, but was outgeneraled and Englewood, Bergen county, sought Ruth McEnery Stuart, Octave Thdnet, Mary C. K . Hall Post 41, G. A. R ., m eets id Manning tho former amendment. E. Wilkins, and other popular writers. Hall, Main Btreet, near Mattlson avenue, on the by the parliamentary tactics of the Repub­ SCIENCE: Story bf the Progress of Sci­ first and third Thursday evenings In eaoh month. lican majority. Tlje chair’s decision was Among the bills passed in the senate ence during the Nineteenth Century, a series Woman's R elief Corps, No. 25, G. A. R „ meets sustained, with,only Senator Daly in the was one providing for borough elections of papers by Dr. Henry Smith Williams, every Wednesday evening in Mikado Building; Mre. Eliza A. Blgna, p re sid e n t./ j negative. on the same day as township elections In supplemented by contributions on special Coast Cit y Council, No. 813, Royal Arcanum The Inaugural Bill. certain cases. subjects by expert scientists. Articles on the relations of curious psychological ifaan- meets Monmouth Hall, flrst and third Thursday Those who favor a Jersey military rep­ Governor Griggs and his staff will at-' evenings in the month. S. B. Genrln, Regent; ifestations to physiology by Dr. Andrew Wm. H. Miles, Secretary. resentation at Washington on inauguration tend the inauguration at Washington next Wilson. I m p r o v e d ORDe k o p H e p t a s o p h s —Seaside Con­ day rallied their forces this week and week. The party of state dignitaries ac­ AMERICAN FEATURES: The Mexico of clave, No. 281, meets in Post office building, 728 routed the champions of economy horse companying tho vice president elect will To-Day. a Beries by Charles F. Lummis, Mattlson Avo. on second and fourth Tuesdays of splendidly illustrated^-the result of a recent each month. D. Harvey, Jr.. Archon; John F. and foot. It was a great triumph-fa^Sen^ on Tuesday. visit to Mexico undertaken for Harper’s Knox,. Sec’y ; D. W. Cooper, F in an c ier.. ators Parry, Kuhl and other rural repre­ Among new bills Introduced are these: Magazine. Mexico is pre-eminently a sil­ C o r i n t h i a n C a s t l e , No. 47, K n io h t s o f t h e “ The Garden Spot.of Florida.” Providing for underground subways fot ver-producing couritry, and ita monetary G o l d e n E a g l e , meets Monday ovenlhgs in As­ sentatives last week when-they "accom­ bury Council Hall, 727 Mattison Ave. Chas. E . telegraph and telephone wires In first and operations rest entirely on a silver basis. BROCK HOUSE JANUARY TO MAY. plished tho defeat of' the $7,500 appropria­ Owing-to the keen discussion of certain King, Jr. N. C.; J. H. Ryno, M. of R. ENTERPRISE, FLA. second class cities; another requiring eleo- GEO. L. ATKINS & SONS. tion for the trip, but Monday night Sen­ economies problems iu connection with Monmouth Lodok, N o. 107, K. of P., meets i'J ■ ' • ator Voorhees put in a_ new bill for the- trlc light, heat and power companies ta, •"issues of urgent importance in American Friday evenings, In K. P. Hall, 145 Main street. same amount, and on Tuesday he[ called it put their wires under ground In all clt^S; politics, these papers will command general Neptune Lodoe, No. 84,1.O.O. F.,meetsW6d* attention. American Historical Papers by nesday evenings in Monmouth Hall; B. Cham­ up for final passage. Senators Parry and creating the office of exam ining engineer, Woodrow Wilson, John Bach Mac Master, berlain, N. G.; M. C. Pharo, R. S. T H E H A N L O N THE MELROSE, Kuhl spoke against the expense as unwar­ two for each congressional. district, to be and James Barnes. The true story of Sher­ Asbury Counciw No. 28, Jr; O. U. A. M., m eets 831 Cookman Avenuo, Aabury Park 1 800 ASBDEY AVENOE. ' Friday evenings in Asbury Council Hall, 727 Opon all tho year. ' ... 'i , _ ranted and;unprecedented. When Senator appointed by tho governor for three ye^rs, idan’s Ride, by-Gen. G. A, Forsyth. Con­ Mattlson Av; Harry C. Wallace, Jr., Councilor; Winter boarding, $5 to $7 per wook. Excellent tinuation of Howells's Personal Reminis^ J. H. Ryno, Rec. Sec’y . J. OGDEN HANLON. location and ho.mollko accommodations." Voorhees ^reminded them of the fact that at $1,500 a year—they Bhall examine steam cences of eminent literary Americans. a Jerseymari was to be. the coining vice boilers and engines and license those who Tw in Ci*V Council, No. 40 Legion of the. Red \ &IRS. T. S. ROGERS, AFRICA AND THE EAST: White Man’s Cross, meets every Thursday at 8 p .m. , in K nights president, Senator Kuhl replied that other run-them; requiring engineers and fire­ Africa, a fully illustrated series of papers of Pythias Hall. ’ . >> E» VAN AKEN, ■ states hadjJbcen sim ilarly honored in ..the men to take out licenses; authorizing Un by Poultney Bigelow, the-result'of personal Star op asbury Council, D. o f A , m eets every Formerly,t.i. Lijof rnCOMMERCIAL H in .’DOit T HOTEL, nATBT. " ion county to expend $30,000 to buy land observations during a recent trip to Africa, Thursday in Odd Fellows Hail. Miss LizzieTay^ ATLEE HOU8E, ’ past, and ye^Jie defied anybody to show covering .the whole field of European ex-' lor. Councillor; Mrs. Jennie Letts, Reo. Sepy. has taken th61af^o houso of E. P. Benjamin, that this had*!!ed in any case to sending for county piurposes; a jury com m issi^ 200 THIRD AVENUE, ploiiation of that country. Illustrated arti­ Fire Ccrnpanies. Fourth Ave. Emory St. state troops to. the Inauguration. bill, two commissioners in each,.bounty, to cles by Stephen Bonsai on the transforma­ and Open during the winter for pormanent or tran­ be appointed by the circuit court * judge, tions going on in Eastern Siberia, recently Wesley E ngm k and H osk C p r a m , No, 1, EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATIONS. . u sient boarddrB. Warm rooms and homo com­ Senators Kqtcham, Reed, Daly and oth? meet on the flrst Monday evening of each month. Pleased to entertain all' po^mbrcial mon -as forts, Near beach and car lino. $5 to $7 per visited by the author.H ungarian Sketches# Amos Llppincott, president; Charles M. Ward, wook. C. PACKER & M. A, BRANDT. ers favored tho bill on tho ground of state to select grand and petit jurors, who shall written and drawn by F. Hopkinson Smith* heretofore. ■ . pride apd explained that it was notes-' receive $2 a day; providing for six morgue seoretary; J. H. Bennett, foreman. The full story of the retent Coronation of JWwirai* Eno isb AND Hose No, a il„- -JtOO] the Czar^byjiiohardJa^rding^DaviBpllllus- m eets ou ^ ; ' - - dent that tbe troops Were going, but- as' orders aa^tlia Iron H all frfim doing an in trated by R. Caton Woodville, who was com­ month. Geo. F, Kroohl, presidens; W. E. axr- rison, seerstnry; M. H. floo.t, fo*^iaan. Boranca business in this state; requiring missioned by Queen Victoria'to paint a pic­ a Jersey representation at the inaugn> ture of the ceremony. Independent Hook Laddkb Coicpakv FARMER’S COAL YARD, ' ' ration of President Elect McKinley.- The bakeries to be properly ventilated and meetn ,'.n th« flrat Thun4iiy s vanlng of ea«li fcili then passed, with only Senators Bar­ plumbed; several .bills regulating oyster Newspapers are not 4o_copv this adver* month. John W. Crowell, secretary; <3oo, Mo- 1 Office—Main Street, opp. Oceart Grove School Chosney, foreman, Cubing In Delaware bay and Maurice BI toj tisem&nt without theoxpress order of Harper. ber, Kuhl and Parry against it. & Brothers. A, E, Coos. Hoar. Comply, No. 8, meoU on Uie Branohos with Telepliono Communications—Baramao’e Grocory Storo, Asbary Park; Later in the day it was taked up in tbe cove. , ofcfichmonth. J. U« Moor Waln’rlght’B Furnishing Storo, Ocoan Grovo. » * A nnm ber of ‘bills passed the house, In­ (ijnnun. wm. C. Joste, secretary. bouse under suspension bf the rules a n d H&RPER’S MAG&ZME itBLrs^ meei«la Ke)>> ’pas passed,' 86 to IS. Those In the nega­ cluding ffie Hudson county bouleTSid bUL ONE YEAR, - • - - - $4.00 tune Kugtao House, P. A. Usggeit, preeldocs Absolutely (j|xeapea|. COAL; WOOD AND CHARCOAL Honest Weight, tive ware Messrs. Bowert Crlspen, Flunj-. Boaolutions of regrot for the death ot Postage Free to ail subscribers in the J. H. Uoor, seereurx i United utates.Canada, and Mexico. lAme'., Cement, Hair, Plaster and Other BaUderB* Materials. , merfelt, HoSrison, - Lsm&e, Lloyd, Mao- ez-Senator Stanger ot Gloucester county .. BsAtsr iuaioaAnoa Tr-E»s*«meei Address HARPER & BROTHERS, on call Wenio7 Bngine H»u»e. Uppinoott A trial order will prove that this U the plaoe to deal. ^ Arthur, Nelson, Powers, Yon Boren, Wat- Were adopted thia weok by the leaata P. 0. Box 959; N. Y. City. p jW a r.t; 1 1 1T & ltor. «ore’« ? - )

r “ You might h^ve found it out,by acci­ LITERARY NOTES. dent.” he replied:-*^ “ Well, here it is on'my shirt,” said the NEW YORK^ TRIBUNE HIE BEST PLACE TO BUY Tho contrast In tho condition of the comi other man, angrily, ‘fond hero on my vest, try between the tlmu of Lincoln’s first in­ and my socks and my coat. Now, then, T)R. BRUCE S. KEATOR dosires to announce Lumber, Building Hardware, Ready-mixed Paints (all prices) < 8 9 7 time ho has Bold hiBgood-wiU: property and auguration and that of Premdent-olect Mc­ give me that parcel 1” , practico to JO SEPH H. BRYAN, A.M.,. MD„ Kinley ia said-to bo vividly portrayed in an But still tho expressman was obdurate. rormorly of New York city, and commends his White Lead, Oil. Varnish, Brushes, &c., article-by Stephen Fieke fot the. March Recognized as a Groat, Safe, d e a n “ You might havo stolen the clothes,” he auccoBsor as com petent and.thoroughly rollablo; is at tho Largo Establishment of Ladies’ Home Journal. In telling of said, provokingly. Family Paper— A Force in Public Aabury Park, Juho 1, 1804. Telophono 67. “ When Lincoln was First Inaugurated” “ Well,” was tho exasperating retort of Oflico 221 Aabury. Hours 8 to 10 a.m., 7 to 9 pm. Mr. Flake graphically describes Mr. Lin­ the indignant customer, “ will this satisfy Affairs and Potent for Enter­ coln’s journey from Springfield, Illinois, to you?” And, tearing open his cuff, he tainment and Culture cf J)R . JAB. F. ACKERMAN. - y Washington, and the In o Ia o n tB of tho inau­ showed the nanje tattooed on his arm. Every M e m b e r of the guration and the attendant festivities. For a moment the expressman stared, 908 drand avonuo. Asbury Park, N. J. There v?ete grave fears that Lincoln would evidently pondering by /what means the in­ F a m i l y . bo assassinated as he rode in the inaugurtil scription had been placed there. Then he Honrs—8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p. m. Successors to N. E. Buchanon & Co., procesaion to the Oapltril, and every possi­ capitulated and handed over the parcel. ble precaution waa taken for his safety. ■ “ If the Almighty’s .written it on your A Colored Supplement with the D R. ELLA PRENTISS UPHAM, X!or. Main St! and Asbury Ave., ASBURY PARK, N. J. skin I s’poae it’s your own,” he said grim­ Harper’s Mugazine for March opons with ly,’and the customer did not stop,to explain Semi-Weekly, .205 Third avorioo. Aabury Park, N. J. Wo make a spocialty of C E D A R 0 H I N G L E B at wholoaaloaa well aa retail, which we manufacture at Manahiiwken, NT J. t h e second paper of the aeries, by Charles the tattooing process.—^Chicago Tribune. Oflico Hours u n til 10 o.m „ 12 to 2 ,6 to 7.80 p.m. F. Lummls'. on the Mexicd of to-day, enti­ There is a place in tho United States for ------tled “ Tho Awakening of a Nation.’’ The a .weekly of, a really high Intellectual qual­ Also A d A u ANT, a patent Plaster, which ia auporior to anything in the market, dominant vagabondage and the picturesque Harper’s Bazar ity* and the American people have given the. p H . E. B. REED, 'and ia just the thing for cold woather, freezing docs not affect it. brigandry of our sister republic Mr. Lurn- New York Tribune a lavien welcome. Dur­ Satisfaction Guaranteed to all cuatomora. mis waives as ideas already over-emphasized . !" isr ? ing the past year the .Weekly was taken in PHYSICIAN AND S0KGEON, by American travelers, if „not invented out­ 189 over 245,000 families and read by about 400 Fourth Avenue,-near Grand Avenao, 2U .B t c lm ' s 6«o. A. Smoek. right. He focusea attocreion on the past, The Bazar, a thoroughly up-to-date 1,250,000 people. Etfery effort will be , A SB U R Y -m aS j N. J. greatness and present progress of Mexican periodical for women, will enter upon its made to brighten and enridh the paper and Office Hours 8 to 10 A. M„ 1 to 8, 0 to 8 P.H . civilization. Within revolver-shot of the thirtieth volume in 1897. make it necessary to thousands of new Presidential palace of Ohupultepfto are to As a fashion journal it is unsurpassed, friends. riE O R G E L . D. TOMPKINS, D.D.S. bo found the cradleH of printing, education, and an indlspenaablo requisite for every Patriotic, self-respecting, enterprising, U DEKTJ8T, art, and organized charity in the Now well-dressed woman. Katharine De Forest the Tribune is fearless and scholarly in edi­ * Dental Parlors, keator Block. Lumber, World, for all these things came a century writes a weekly letter on current fashions' torial comment on public affairs, steadfast M attlson Avonuo, Asbury P ark, N. J . • and a half to two centuries and a half earlier from Paris. In New York Fashions, and in principle, and not whirled about.with Gas adm inistered. Oflico H ours 0 a.rn .to 5 p .n ii in Mexico than in tho United States. And in the fortnightly pattern sheet supplement, every gust of passion; and it exhibits in Doors, Sash, Blinds the DcBague, which is the work of President ladies‘find full details, directions and dia­ every issue the truly American qualities of T^R. n . S. TAYLOR, Diaz and a native engineer of. humblest, grams for gowns, wraps, and children’s (uicknOBs^directness,--brilliancy aqd force, U - DENTIST, birth, is the greatest drainage canal in the clothing. Sandofej Baude, and Chapuis t has won from Democratic rivals, by its (Graduate pf Univorsity of Pennsylvania). CHAS. LEWIS world. Tho article is richly illustrated draw and engrave thp newest and finest thoroughly American spirit, tho admission Cor. Cookman avo. and Emory at., opp. P. O. Frames, Mouldings, from photographs taken by the author dur­ Parisian designB every week. that it “ commands the respect of a^l par­ ^^Ovor LoMaiatro Vontranco Emory at. ing his long frarel and study in that country. The serials for 1897 will be: “ Tho Red ties.” In directing attention, early and Offlco H ours—0 to 5. Successor to Bridge Neighborhood,” by Maria Louise pointedly, to the availability of McKinley The Century fbr March is styled an “ In­ Pool ,* and “ Father Quinnallion,” by Octave and Hobart for the Republican nominations J ) R . H. C. MILLAR, CHAS. LEWIS & GO. Hardware, auguration .Number,” and contains several Thanet. Short stories will be constantly in 1898, the Tribuno played a now well- features relating to the city of Washington, presented by brilliant writers, among whom known and important pari. . Vetsttaary Surgeon and caniinj Bvecl&ilst, The frontispieces aro three portraits from are Mary E. Wilkins, Harriet Prescott The Weekly Tribuno ministers to all the 705 Asbury Ave., Asbury.park. Spofford, Marion Harland, Ruth McEnery sweet and wholesome Interests of life; and Graduato Univorsity of Penn. Terms reasonable. Paints, photographs by Cox specially taken for the Telephone Call 86 f. Century—two of Major MoKinley and one of Stuart, Viola Roseboro, and Margaret Sut­ it is distinctly a paper for families and for SOUTH MAIN STREET, President Cleveland. Those of Mn McKin­ ton Briscoe. those who want.the spirit and the editorials J. JIAWKINS, FRANK DUB AND. ley show him in profile and in full race. “What Women are Doing” ia various of the leading Republican puper of the •gA W K IN S & DURAND. I j; ' Oils, etc. The one of Picsident Cleveland gives a very parts of the Union will form a series of United States. It has an excellent Agricul­ interesting view of the President at his desk, special interest. ’ tural page, a page of ,Science and Mechan­ tOnNSELORS-AT-LAW, I Other interesting features are “ The Out­ ics, a charming page especially for women, Offices—Aabury Park and Ocean Grov^ Hank I ASBURY PARK, N. J. November 23, 1806. These portraits ac­ B uilding, M ain8t. and M attison Av. Asbury |Park, company the opening article of the num­ door Womun,” devoted to healthful sports a strong array of market reports of unchal­ ber, “ Our Follow-Citizen of the White and pastimes; “ Music,” a weekly critical lenged excellence, and book reviews, foreign summary of music in New York; Amateur letters, and bright miscellany, in addition, TSAAC C. KENNEDY, House,1’ in which Mt*. C. 0. Buel sets forth, -r Attornoy-afc-Law, Solicitor, in an authoritative and entertaining man­ Theatrical^, Embroidery and-Needlework,- to the news of the week. Chancery and Notary Public. Sole Agent for Adamant Wall Plaster ner, tho official life of the President, social Ceremony and Etiquette, Good Housekeep­ It can usoally be subscribed for with Special attention given to examina os well os political. Tho paper is illustrated ing, “ What Girls Are Doing.” “ Current local county weeklies. Sample oopiea free. T itles, Sec. by numerous pictures recently made at the Social Events,” and personals gleaned from Monmouth Building, Asbnry P$rl YVhite House. original sources, The Semi-weekly Is printed on Tuesday FACTORy.DUKKlRKjN J, Another Washington _featuwr concerns “ Women and— Men’’^Colonel T. Wv and Friday, and^glve^ twice-as-much matter HARVEY,“JB ^ “ Tho Nat ion 'r Library,T ’ whlclfTe the sub­ Higglnaon^will^regQlarly’conHnu^ his val­ as the Weekly. • , BRANCH YARD, 8PRIN6 LAKE uable essays. The craving for color on the part of the Connaelpr-at-Law, Solicitor, Master k i ject of articles by the Librarian. Mr. Spof- iner in Chancery, Notary JEkibl^ ford, and Mr. William A. Coffin, the art Answers to Correspondents—yhis column young, and even of other members of a critic, and is impressively illustrated by is conducted for the benefit and conve­ family, baa now been recognized by the Monmouth Buildin'g. Asbu® drawings and reproductions of decorations nience of readers, and all questions received semi-weekly Tribune in the publication of are answered in rotation, as promptly and a colored supplement of 16 pages, with each in the Library, being the most complete ac­ JJDMUND WILSON, count on the subject yet printed. fully 88 practicable. Friday’s paper. If not gratified in a-proper A thl$3 paper, by J. B. Bishop, recounts Art—Tne Bazar is a notable picture*gaU way, the liking for pictures and innocent CounBeior-at-Ltf “ Inauguration Scenes and Incidents” of Jery reproducing tho most beautiful works bright reading matter will incline many to Successor to Nevius & Wilsoci of American and foreign artists, as pre­ seek in less desirable publications that* the past, ond is attractively illustrated with Law Offices, Red Ba pictures relating to the innijguratlon of sented in the annual Paris and New York which they cannot find in Vtheir favorite Jackson, William Henry Harrison. Polk exhibitions. Wit and Humor—Everybody paper. The jokes aod quaint paragraphs, and Buchanan. There are also editorial turns for a hearty laugh to the Bazar s last and the fifty or more political cartoons, J A11ES D. CARTON, humorous sketches and half-tones, and other articles of an appreciative character on tho page. ATTORNEY-AT-LA'W, tlOT RUS0MB\it\ outgoing and incoming Presidents An All-Round Womau’s Paper.—What* amusing contents of the colored supplement Master and Solicitor in Chancer j Of tho other material the most notable is morb appropriate gift can be made to wife, will prove a welcome addition to the wiser a wood engraving by Timothy. Cole, of daughter or sister than a subscription to ond weightier parts of the paper. It is Office, Aabury Park-Ocean Grove I (Don't expect new customers to come to your store Turner’s famous picture, “ The Old Temer- Harper’s B azars Secure, it as ~a welcome printed on superfine puper, and its 16 pages vial tor i n_yourh ouBehol d f or l 807.------bt& themselves fully worth tho price of the unless you invite them. aire,” which of itself would^distinguish^any ALTER B. PIERSON, n u mber of n n Amerlean magazine. It is Semi-Weekly. Sold separately,jL8_ajpicto~ ” 1 Newspapersarenot-toeopythiftfldveriiBe*^ rial weekly, ‘,Twfnklea” “reaaiIy brings 5 one of the^illustrations of a-graphi(rarticl( A H C H I ^ E C T , Don’t expect to increase your trade, without •new on Nelson at Trafalgar by Capt. A. T. ment without the express order of Harper & cents a copy and in the course of a year the Mahan, in which this export historian of Brothers. - reader would receive more than he has\paid Asbury Park. N?J. Office at 1 customers. for the Tribune itself. The piquant comic­ nuvnl affairs retells ono of tha most notable HAMPER'S BAZAR— sea fights of tho world. alities of tho supplement will lend new value FOH ONE YEAR, - - $4.00 to bound volumes and make each copy val­ CDon’t expect new customers to know anything Postage free to all subscribers in the uable long after the date of publication.__ w m T h a t h w o e ? That handsome journal, Toilettes, is first United States1 Camida and Mexico.— ——— out-you-uniessyou~tell~tkem. ' rfnthe field with fmrly spring fashions. Tho Ttrtaedition is not offered in combination March number, sold by all newsdealers at Address H ARPER & BROTHERS. wlth_local weeklies.-The colored supple- WHO HATH SORROW 1 : ""P ^O ^B oT 959; New York City. ment will be B en t only to eubscribers, who Don’t expect them, to look in the directory f o r . 25 cents, should bo In-©very-home; “It- forward the regular price of the Semi- gives useful and elegant designs for young Weekly, $2 a year, to the Tribune direct. fHO HATH MUCH WR& yo u r name. and old, and so many to select rfrom. This Sample edpiea of Friday’s Semi-We kly number contains by actual count 213 en­ 6 Gonorally tho man whoso shirts; gravings; Toilettes is without . exception, THEREISACLASSOFPEOPLE ■free.—— ------~ " and collars oro poorly washed and badly: The only way to get them is to use the advertis­ ironed. It’s enoueli to mako him mad, the best and cheapest magazine in America, Who aro injured by tho ubo of coffee. Recently Daily, $8 a year. Sunday Tribune, $2. but inexcusablo when ho can havo such ing columns of a live newspaper. and when wo know that the designs are thena-has boon placed in all the grocery stores a Semi-Weekly, $ 2 r Weekly;—$ lf~ Tribune' thin^ dono right. Wo do them right. drawn from original models by the best now preparation called GRAIN-O. mauo of puro Almanac, for 1897, with full election re­ When returned to you thoy aro clean and' houses in Paris, and not cheap reproduc­ rains, that takes the placo of coffoe. Tho most turns, out In January, 25 cents a copy. whitftL.bosoms.bosoms andaud collars aro stiff amand i, tions from other fashion boobs, we are as­ 5elicate Btomach rocoivos it without distress, smrtofn.i. Su]Suppose you send * a trial • ordoiff tonished at the low price asked. Its beautl and but few can toll it from coffee. It does not THE tRIBO N E, New York. right/now to 'ft 'pays‘tO~~'*r~" cost over M as much. Children may drink it ful colpred lithographed plates are dainty witlv great bcuefit. 15 cts. anI A*«•’*« and the adjacent country, an d by tion. He listened to tho instructions care­ Anyone sending a sketch and description may 5 .2? p.m. Office cor. Sewall Av. and Main St.. Asbury ^ r k . fully, und this waa the way in whioh he fol­ qutckly ascertain, free, whether an invention is For Rahway, a.m., 1.10 and 5.27 p.m. hundreds of non-residents who spend lowed them in onO case: probably patentable. Communications strictly For Matawan, 6.40, 0.10 a.m., 1.10 and 5.27 S nfldentlaL Oldest a«enoy for securing patents * p.m . w —' their vacations and money here. He was presently asked for a certain pack­ America.' Wo have a Washington office. For Long Branch, 6.4o, 8.20, 0.10, 10.58 a.m., age, ard the starting point, destination, Patents taken through Munn «St Co. receive 1.10. 2.18, 5.27, 5,40 and 7.07 p.m. LeRoy Since the change to an 8-page paper and all particulars were given him correctly. special n otice in th o For Red Bank, 6,40, 8.20, 0.10 a.m., 1.10 and Still ho hesitated about delivering it, and 5.27 p.m . & subscriptions have increased 10 per proceeded to parley with the man demand SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, For Phuadiladolphia, .... Broad ...... St. and Trenton, 7.20, beautifully Illustrated, .argest circulation of 7.50 a.m m., ., 12.85 12*85 and 4.!4.10 ~ p.m ing it: Tho latter grew impatient and •n r scientific Journal, weekly, terms 13.00 a / e a n cent. When you count circulation For Camden, via Trenton j afii finally lost his temper. ILfiO six months. Specimen copies and HAND Bordontown, 7.20, Farnam .Book os Patents sent free. Address 7.50 a.m., 12.85_and 4.10 p.m. and influence it is “ Haven’t I told you tho name on the For Camden and Philadelphia, via Toms River, package correctly?” he shouted, and the MUNN A C O ., 2.18 p.m. j Opposite T H E B E S T expressman smiled aggravatlngly. 961 Broadway, New York* For Toma River, Island Heights and interned!* First Not'l Bank ate stations, 2.18, p.m. For Point Pleasant ond intermediate stations, paper to advertise in if you want to 1.48,11.08 a.m., 2.18. 5.13. 6.42 p.m. For Now Brunswick, via Monmoutn Junction,! reach the people. 7.50 a.m., 12.85 and 4.10 pim. C o a l Trains Leave Hew York for Asbury Park W o o d PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT (via DesbroBseB and CortiandtSts. ferries.) F o r 1 8 9 7 At 0.10 a.m., 12.10, 8.40, 5.10 and 110.5 p.m. H a y 718 MATTISON,AVENUE. Sundays, 0.45 a.m, and 5.£0 p.m. *■ F e e d On-Sundays will stop at Interlaken and Avon JOHN K. WALLACE in place of North Asbury Park and Asbnry Park KOITOn ANO PflOPHICTOn. td le t off passenger^. Leading N ew spapers Tralni Leave Philadelphia, for Asbury Park "T (Broad Stroot.) At 8.20, 11.14 a.m., 8.80. and 4.00 p.m. woek- W. L. ATKINSON, for the prige of i days. MarketTSt. Wharf, via Camden and ft47% C ookm nn A venne, 8 Trenton, 7,10, 10.80 a.m., 2,80 and 8.80 p.m. w York W eekly Tribune weok*days. Leave Mrkot St. Wharf, via P i i l l T T E Jamesburpr, 7.10 n.m., 4.00 p.m., week-days. Leave ilarkot St. Wharf, via Toms Rivor, 8.80 and dealer In Tlie “ PhtlHiielphia PreBs” by special srrrangemeofs, ot a. m., week-days. FOR t’rfat cost.Ss entitled to all the news rec«»Swd by -tbe New Washington and tlie South. Paints, Oils. Varnishes. Brushes, Glass, I YorkTirneB, WorW, Journal,Chicago Trtbuae, 8t; Iifials Artist’s materials, tubo colors, i ■ LEAVE BROAD BTBEET, PHTLAPELPHIA, Estimates given for houso painting und interior EVERY m em ber of y!obe-Dem*iorat, Cincinnati Comnserqial Tribune and tbe For Baltimore and Washington, 8.50,7.20,8.82. decorations, graining, papor*hanging, etc. Boston Journal, Ail tbis news le telegraphed to “ The 10 .20, 11.2 8 a.m., 12.00, (12.81 Limited EVERY fam ily on Press" over ita special wires every night and presented DiningCar)i 1.12^.18,4.41, f5,10 Congres­ sional Limited, Dining Car), 6.17, 6.55 EVERY farm , in !i> its readers fresh and attraetlye > PreBsV’ own 12.05 nightweek'days. Sundays, 8.50,7.20, EVERY village, in Half, great (iorps of correspondents and tlie Asssociated • 0.12 m ”28 a.m., 12.00, 1.12, 4.41 (6.15 Nothing has ever been produced to Congressional Limited, Dining Car), 6,55 Press. (Dining Car), 7.40 (Dining Car) p.m., dnd equal or compare with Huiliphr©; EVERY State or Territory. 12.05 night a s a c u r a t i v e a n d Time-tables of all other trains of tho system Witch Hazol Oil may b^ obtained at tho ticket offices or stations. healing application. It has been yfO R Education, J. R, WOOD, Gen. Pasd. Agt. u s e d 40 years a n d always affords relief J.B . HUTCHINSON, Gen^Manager. f- , FOR Noble Manhood* G r e a t i n a n d always gives satisfaction. It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External FOte True W om anhood. 8 I ASD OHIO ROD1 or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—Itching and 1 Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Greatest Feat Ever Effected in Journalism. WEST AND SOUTH. Relief immediate—cure certain. IT GIVES all important news of the Nation, Tho F F V, a solid train of Pullman vestibule It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and sleepers, dining car and day coaches, Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. IT GIVES all important news of the World. Hew York to Cincinnati and Louisville It Cures T orn, Cut and Lacerated via Washington without extra fare, leaving Wounds and Bruises. IT GIVES the most reliable market reports. " The Philadelphia Press Now York by Pennsylvania Railroad at 5.20 p. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old m., Philadelphia at 7.58 p.m.; arrivos at Hot Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald IT GIVES brilliant and instructive editorials. Springe 0.10 a.m., Cincinnati 6 p.m, Louisville 0.50 p.m., St. Louis 7.80 noxt morning. Head. It is Infallible. IT GIVES fascinating short stories. Pennsylvania’s Greatest Family Newspaper Fast Cincinnati Express, wook days, leaves I t Cures I n f la m e d or C a k e d - Br e a sts New York 8.00 a.m., Philadelphia 10.20; ar­ and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. * rives Cincinnati 8.00, Louisvillo 11.50 a.m., St. IT GIVES an unexcelled agricultural department. Louis 7,80 p.m., giving diroot connections to It Cures Salt R heum, Tetters, Scurfy Devotes more attention to the household and family points boyond. Eruptions, Chapped Hands, FeverJBJisters, IT GIVES scientific and mechanical information.* than any other paper. \ First-class limited ratos from Aabury Park or Sore Lips or Nostrils,, Cornsr and Bunions, Has a page every day especially for -Syomen, edited by New York to Cincinnati, $10; Louisvillo $10,50; Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. JTGIVESJIIustratediaohion articles.-- — ----- St. Louis. $21.25; SanFrancleco, $75.75 l._ex-_ jthe brightest woman in journalism ^ ____ CUT8tOH7$i48.B0, “Tliree^lzes, 25c., 50c. and $ 1 .00. ■ - GlvardaHy acolaiHB'of well tested cook in g r e c i p e s Through tickets ond baggngo checks at Asbury Sold by Druggists, or Beat post-paid on receiptofprloe. IT GIVES humorous illustrations. which oto.uiere of theiud greatest value to every housekeeper. ' .vumu Park and all Now York and Long Branch Sta­ UUfiPMUKYS* HKD. CO., Ill A 113 SL, New York. tions, and all principal Pennsylvania Railroad IT GIVES entertainment to young and old. All tae newa about ho rses written by esiperta’ and offices. thoroughly reliable) FRANK McCONNELL, P. A. WITCH HAZEL OIL IT GIVES satisfaction everywhere to everybody. Subscription Daily Press, $0.00 a year. Dally >jnd H. W. F u ller, G. P . A. 302 Broadw ay, N. Y. Hunday. $8 00. W eekly Press, $100. Address,. The Press, Philadelphia, Po. R, E K . SlOTHFKITiZ, " For “ wants” of any kind, put 9 small “ad” In The (Succossor to Gonung A^Co.) T r e e s and P l a n t s We furnish The Journal and N. Y. Weekly Tribune t*ress. . ‘ " .:j;.;. » . PRACTICAl STONECUTTER, THE I YEAR FOR $ 1.50, CA§H IH ADVANCE. i . ' ' -■ and doolor in Granite and Marble Monuments From MijOfjCompany, and Hoadstonoa, Curbing and Flagging, aud all A re t h e F !hfcc»V a n d B E S T . Address all orders to THE JOURNAL, Asbury Park, N. J. It pays to use “ Press” want ads. kinds of Building Stbno. " , t _ Bend for deacrlotivoCr^uleguu to tell ".you *bofest. W rite your name and ndAreM on a postal card, send It to Geo. W . B et, Yard f d 0fflce~905 Main Street, T b e W m . H . M oon Co* Tribune Building:, New York City, and a sample copy of TH E XIV A8BURV PAEK. N, jf. MorrUvlllet Pa- VOHK WKGKIATRlBVKn will be mailed to yon. ° ' r -

AMERICAN MINISTERS IN LONDON. GREAT DEMAND FOR COPPER METHODISM IN FLORIDA. matins In particular pine-tree topa at the , -I) . ‘ ^ _ ■ X waking hour, were convention™ delegates Some Who Have Found the Post a Step­ One o f the Most Important Mineral Pro­ Popr Pay for Preachers—Brock House here before their long flight, wh&re they are ping Stone for G reater Honors. and MONMOUTH REPUBLICAN. ducts of the United States. ' Chapel Popular Among the Guests. always welcomed as harbingers of. summer. The successor of Thomas F. Bayard as There.has been of lqte so large an increase - A sojourner in Florida may find a good Pity- for those, however, who, outstripping JOHN K. WALLACE, Editor and Publisher. Ambapflador to Great Britain will , be the in tho foreign demand for American copper many things, besides time-tables,' hotel their fellows, will huve reached Liberty I PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT -1 / - thirtieth representative of the American that tho gain has been refleoted In the price, manners and tropical scenery to interest Square, Aabury Park, before St. Patrick’s THE ASBURY PARK PRINTING HOUSE Republic at the Court of St. James, and in now averaging 12 cents a pound. About both thought and pen. Tho territorial ex­ day in the morning, with Its probabilities the preliminary discussion which has been ; v NO. 718 MATTISON AVENUE, half the copper mined in the world is taken tent of this peninsula State, its geological of hail, sleet and snow. Their /fate may going on over the^uestion of Mr. McKin­ ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY. from the copper mines of the United States. formation, surface peculiarities, social com­ have been preqaged by the poet who sang: ley’s appointee* DAily J ournal—J une to September. Tfte proportion of pure copper to coppfcr plexity, educational sytem, and religious “ The first bird of spring English newspapers have been publishing ore is largest in the American mines. status—all dissimilar In many particulars . : > ■ Attempted to sing, reminiscences regarding some former Amer­ But before hd had utteied a note, Entered as second-class matter at the Asbury Park Once about two-thirds of the American to Northern usage, exolle more than mo­ Post Office, February 7, 1888.. ______ican Ministers to London and have pointed Ho fell from a limb, copper mined were required for local con­ mentary curiosity. And a dead bird was him, out that four Minfsters to Great Britain sumption, and the balance was exported T(ie grooves in wbicb its political hibtory V For tho music just fri? in his throat !” TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, were Presidents of* the United States and mostly to England, France and; Belgium. run are very well known; but no stranger The Joutnal’a friends here send greetings 1 year, in advance:___...•...... -...... 5° that in three cases the London mission wes , 6 months, In advance.,...... -...... 75 It Ib remarkable that although copper as can form a eonfcoturo of Its unreconstructed to the wide circle of its stay-at-home regid-r 3 months, in advance ...... ------— 40 a stepping stone to the Preslderjoy. The money, .except in small denominations, li­ sectionalism until he com6s in personal con ere.: .. , -- . ■ .. y:; • A. W. Single copies ______— ----- 3 four American Ministers to Great Britain no longer in general use, thi consumption tact with the native element in its popula' who afterward held the post of President of this metal, once used for money chiefly, tion, excluding from this governing ele- Macadam Road Needed. ' T o C orrespondents —W e shall be glad to re­ were James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, ceive items of news and communications on ■ub- is more than eight times as great as it was ment, of course, tho colored people. If Ifie To the Edttor qf the journal:— . ‘ V ects of interest to this community. W rite only Martin VanBuren and James Buchanan. forty years ago. This is In great measure latter know their constitutional rights at all, Absolutely Pyr@, oh one side of the sheet...... President Monrde was appointed Minister The highway from Eatontown and Long All communications should be accompanied by explained by the enormous development of they consider it prudent neither to BBsert or Branch to Asbury Park by way of West Celebrated for its groat loavening strength ‘ the full name and address of the writer, not to England under the administration ,of and hoalthfulneBs. Assuroa tho food against the telegraph and the use of copper for. cart­ attempt to maintain them. necessarily for publication but as a guarantee of Thomas Jefferson, and John Quinoy Adams ^Branch and Occanville, la in a wretched arum and all forms of adulteration common to good faith,. Anonymous letters will notbe noticed. ridges and for electrical appliances. In Still "the world moves,” and the legisla­ Letters intended for the editorial or news de* was American Minister Jo England under condition, mud being nearly axle-deep in CO ° N E^ YORK R0YAL BAKING POWDER 1896 the copper produced in .this country tive enactment of a few years ago, mablng partment should be addressed to the the administration of JameB Madison. some places. , . . ' . . • Editor of T h e J o u r n a l , amounted to 4^8,722,560 pounds, and- It a penal offence.to encourage mixed Asbury Park, New Jersey. Martin VanBuren was appointed Minister In the section between Oceanvllle and this, added to 19,000;000 pounds of cop­ sohools, in the broad sunlight of modern SUNDAY SERVICES. Long Distance Telephone—45 »• , to -Great Britain by Andrew Jackson in Interlaken, Where ordinary clay and loam per, mixed with nickel, makes « total of sentiment bad to hide its deformed face, has been hauled on It for abroad bed, travel 1831 and two years later hejsecame Vice- MBTH0DI3T. 477,722,560 pounds of , copper mined in and be expunged from statutory record by FR ID A Y , FEBRUARY 26, 1897. President of the United ^States, being in­ have been almost suspended; farmers cjo hot general prayer-meeting at 9 tho United States. Of this amount about Supremo Court authority; not' that the col- venture- out unless% obliged to, and their augurated as President in 1837. Mr, mons at 10.30 and 7.30 by tho- pastor, 271.000.000 pounds \yere exported and oied people desire even quijsl equality, how. horses plunge through the piqd and clay. - -Be** W* A. Allen, D.D. Sunday-school at .ANOTHER STEP FORWARD. Buchanan was appointed American Minis­ 206.000.000 pounds Were consumed in ever much thoy hunger for instruction. As thia is the great thoroughfare uund to 2.30; Christian Endeavor at 6.30; service ter to England in 1853 by Franklin Pierce this country. supply Asbury Park and Oceau Grove with o f’song previous to evening sermon. All To show tho enormous business done at They prefer to havo their own.sohools and and he held that post until 1856, when he . The American product of copper in 1894 truck and vegetables, It is a gteat loss to welcome. Q ' Atlantic City during the winter and spring ^churches, and seem to be dolfig their best FIRST PKESDTTEttlAN. was elected President of the United States. was 160,000 tons; in 1895 it was lf 0 ,0 0 0 the farming community, not to mention months tbe following taken from'the Daily tons, and in 1896 it was In excess of 200,- to sustain both: the wear and tear jon horaes and vehicles, Rev. Dr. Edwards, of New York city, will He was succeeded by George M, , Press will be interesting at this time, in 000 tons, or ten times more tha!n the total 'In their churches, at least in tbe smaller and much loss of patience and profanity on preach morning and evening. who had been Vice-President for four years, American product of copper sixteen years tho part of owners. • -,V lUTHERAN. view of the fact that Asbury Park is aspir- ago, and nearly 4 0 j>er cent,^ more than the towns and sparse population around tHem, The taxpayers are assessed each year for between 1845 and 1849^ ■? v total copper product of the world sixteen there is apparent need of life and intelli­ road improvementa and it the duty of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the • ing to be a winter resort: 18 Atonement, corner Grand and Munroo ave­ The post of American Minister in London years ago. The enormous increase in the gent activity. Tho larger proportion are officers aud the Town Committee to furnish February’s high water mark in regard to has been filled not Jonly by statesmen who demand for copper is, in part, due to the.in­ good roads so far as the money will go, and nues. Sunday services at 10.45, subject, business in the hotel circle, on Saturday of Methodist persuasion, and while their “ Love’s Greatness;” 7.45, subject, “ The afterward ^attained the Presidency, but it creased need of it for electrical appliances, more money will be forthcoming If good _ waa topped, in fact drowned. It is not on for copper is used for telephones, electric annual conferences make a pretty good roads'are provided. Seventh Petition;” Sunday-school nt 9.30 the record of hotel history in Atlantic City, has also been held by those who aspired un­ cars, trolley wires and cables. The develop­ showiug in these tifnea of depresslog^the Storekeepers and tradesmen not only lose A.M. Midweek service, Wednesday, 8 P.M . an old man said, where applicants were . KEFOEHED, successfully to it. Thomas Pinckney, of ment of tolley lines in , other countries and support of the minlstei-s is down almost to trade by the falling off of travel, but fami- turned,, away in February from any of tho South Carolina, who was appointed Ameri­ of the telephone servico has greatly increased era with corn in tho crib, hay in the barn, Grand Avenue Reformed Church, corner big hbtels, but such occasions took place the home demand for American copper. starvation zero. The membership to a vegetables In the.cellar and needing money Grand and Sewall avenues. Services at Saturday. , can Minister to London by George Wash­ There has been a large increase In the ex- large extent might come under'the category badly feel this loss to them financially, 10.30 and 7.30. Preaching by the pastor, In other years February usually inaugu­ Rev. Peter Stryker, D. D .; Sabbath-school ington, was a Presidential candidate to suc­ ] jorts of copper utensils, too. While in 1895 referred to in one of the recent sermons whereas, with good roadbed they could haul rated the busy season in a quiet way, grad­ ceed Wash ingtpn in 1796. The methpd of ~LO.OOO to n B of American copper were sent their truck to market as easily in the win­ at 2.30; Christian Endeavor at .6.45; ually growing in activity until the climax here, in which the astute preacher admon­ prayer-meet log, Friday, 7.30. Free pews voting for Presidential electors at that time to England, tho total amount for 1896 was ter and spring aa in the summer. *■». at Easter. There were bookings In excess 16,000 tons, an increase of more than 50 ished his hearers that they wore making but Bicyclists - are nlso deeply interedted in and all welcome. “ of other years which held out promise to the was by the Legislatures and there was no p ercen t poor prof!re88 to the glory land as long aa 8° ° ^ rondn, und a Ppocinl track utiouM bo . * A e p is c o p a ’l . _Jb^ ifaces_that_the_opening eeason^waB to distinction between candidates for the — T rlnity<3hurcbrRevr“A7 JrM Uler, rectoiT- The most productive copper districts of they “ sat on the ‘stoolstool of do-nOthing.do-nothina. ” ' Provided., for Jhem They pay _ta«es_nnd a corner Grand and Asbury avenues. Holy exceed all other years, but they could not PresidencyVand the Vice-Presidency. The the United States are the north peninsula of are voters, and If united could elect officials _ read from this premonition of a prosperous There are no less than three branches of Commujolon, 7.30; morning prayer ana ^statesirien who received^the‘highest nomber• Jlichigan, Montana, and*. Arizona. J ’hese to office^ who would care for their^interestB. “sermoir, 10.30 ; evening prayer and sermonj " seaaon-indicationsofafloodtideofpeopie the Methodist denomination in the State, F aiimek and TAxpayeh. — at this early stage of the game. three districts produce about nine-tenths of 7.3 0 ; daily Beivice at 9 A. M. of votes, became President and the states­ ail the copper mined in this country, but besides one conference of whites. Since Afternoon train&on both Friday and Sat­ man who received the next highest number Colorado yields considerable, Oalifornia c a t h o l i c urday came down in sections, the 4 o'clock the memorable freeze o f'95 ail have the Mr. Hubbard for Collector, — Church of—the- Holy Spirit, Bond street Of votes became .Vice-President In the some, and Utah is beginning to be & factor. - express numbering seventeen cars. All The price of copper in- the -English market- -hardest kind of.effort.to. keep body and soul 7b the IdUor qf the Journal:— *----: and Second avenue, Rev. M. L. Glennon, these trains were heavy and-the:care-were~ eontest.foF-the-successorship to Washing­ pastor. Masses on. Sunday at 6.30 and / was just twice as much at the beginning of together. Their bishops come and go. and 1 Asbury Park Is indeed fortunate In hav­ crowded,: eiery seat- taken' being the rule, ton, John Ajlams led the poll with 71 votes, the civil war as it is now, and Great Britain 10.30 A. M. ------^whileiwrlor car seats were at a premium. presiding elders manage to get around theij* ing as a candidate for the nomination of The New York through trains numbered five Thomas Jefferson followed with 68, *nd then produced 13,000 tons to 5,500 in the United States. Now the English product is districts In.due form; but, as may well be Borough Collector a man who hatr been OBITUARY. coaches. The' seats were nearly all occu­ Thomas Pinckney was third with 59. At supposed, it takes no ordinary enduement pied. This was an evidence of- increasing that time Virginia had a larger number of only 1,500 tons. .identified with the Republican party in this traffic from that . direction, which is electoral votes than any other.State in tbe of grace to do the large amount of routine vicinity for many years. Tho writer refers John Chester French, brother of C. V. thought was due to the big advertising Union, Massachusetts came 6econd, and Mercenary Justices. work expected of pastors and church offi­ to Mr. John Hubbard, whose term ^of office French, of Asbury Park, died at his homo which has been done in that direction the New York and North Carolina .had the same cials where money is almost an unknown as Township Collector expires this spring. at Matuwan on Tuesday, aged 47 years. past winter. New York travel from now*on number. Virginia’s vote was cast pretty The evils of the fee system of payftig pubr Mr. Hubbard Is well qualified to fill such a Mr. French’s death was caused by Biright’s will< continue to grow and attain its maxi­ solidly for Thomas Jefferson and thus be lie officials have been frequently pointed quantity. responsible position, and has had the expe­ disease. Ho was engage and attractions are provided for the visitors? for Presidential honor before several Dem­ to come before them at all., They are thus from a river boat at a broken dock, where the cable car. “ This ia when I*d like to be The time has come whefi^jthia place must, ocrat ic National Conventions, notably in Ihe expected some one to meet and pilot him out In the country.” James A. Bradley to John W. Martin— 1876 and 1880.— —— - —— compeHedtoijpend their time and waste the “ WouldJ eh?” asked hia companion. lot. $2,500; " “ depend on - something -else besidesrthertwo county’s .money for witness fees^ etc. for through the palmetto thicket to an appoint­ “ Yes, it must be great to sit by a warm Charles McGowan to Wm; I. Gill, Ex’r. months* business during the summer to not'hing except that the justice may pocket ment^he'^ was^^trying^to r^ c h V ^ u t no one fire and look out across the snowy fieldr.” . Ac,—lots 456, 457. $8,000. InHtfre Monmouth Courts. : “ Oh, it’s great. Did you ever hitch up a. , Albert A. Taylor to Rachel McKune— maintain it the rest of the year. Now that •fees. ■' t ' . : '--'••••'’ was there and the boat paesed on. He Senator Bradley has offered the town the William A^jShowles was tried on Thurs­ team of no^es with the thermometer at land Asbury Park. $10,000. < An instance out of several in the January' pickednp ^hl? valise and traveled an unfre- zero, and you had to take your gloves off?*? day and Frjday of last week on an indict­ U * ' WI8I PABK. _ • use of the Auditorium as a e«sino, and has term ia mentioned where the grand jury quehted path until, he struck a barn, and MNo.* I never did.” . .. t agreed to allow water to be taken from the ment for manslaughter for shooting Ansel Thomas A. Roberts to Elizabeth A. White considered six complaints coming from one there spent tho night. A boy came around 'Did you ever try to milk a cow that was - l o t 33, West North. $600. ocean for salt, water baths,, the “citizens Croft at Red Bank on Christmas night cold ana fretful and didn’t like to be hau- juptice, none of which possessed any foun­ in the morning doin& chores, and seeing Isaiah J. Stevens to John A. Hoder—lot should see to it that enough money is sub­ The jury was out all Friday night an don died?” , $350. dation for an indictment and whjcjb should the bishop asleep, ran off and told his father No.” 1 v* . scribed and collected to make the contem­ Saturday returned a verdict of not guilty^ . Washington White to Mary E- Havens— never have been returned for the grand there wa« another “ tramp” In thb ba^n. The 'Did 'you ever dig a wobdnlle out of a? plated ^improvements. These will cost not snowbank and find all tbe sticks covered Idt 16, Northwest. $300. When the news of the death of Chief Jus­ juryls consideration. In cases yof family father took down hia ever-ready shotgun and ' less thMi $5,000, but the advantages will tice Beasley was received ou Friday it was with lee? I guess you didn’t Did you. OOBAN OBOVE. squabbles or disturbances brought about by jirbceeded to ordfir him out, saying they had ever get up at 5 o’clock to build a fire out,' Alice E. Harding to Stockton Button— be manjtfold. Who will be. the first to suby ordered that when the court adjourned it too much liquor drinking ciTarges are fre­ been troubled long enough with tramps and of brown paper and hickory knots? Oh,’ lots 1,507, 1,509. $4,000. would not convene again until Tuesday of ccrib& • ~ . * quently preferred indiscriminately* against now he intended to shoot On sight “ Bolcf and say! did you ever sneak upstairs and go / Alice & Harding to Stockton BurtoO— this week. < o h,” said ^be bishop, ‘‘I think you were to bed In a room colder’n Greenland's icy lota l,505i> 1,506. $1,500. UNFAIR POLITICAL METHODS. all the parties concerned and returns made mountain, have to crawl In between two Kennard Chandler to tho American Unl- Alter being partly tried on Saturday the against every name when the whole matter the gentleman who waB to have met me last sheets that put goose pimples all over you, freralty-lots 498, 499, 450. $10. A common practice among.aspiring pol­ case of Mary Thomas and Joseph Thomas should'have been settled by the justice, the night at the landing.” make your teeth rattle? Then, of course; NEPTUNE TOWNSHIP. it’s a good deal of fun to shovel a path to iticians is to make a fight for a certain against Atlantic Coast Electric Railroad justice having large discretion in such mat­ “ I expected the bishop,” said tbe proprie­ Jane Green et al., heirs, to Ada L. Eger- office and then when nominated withdraw. Company was settled before Circuit Judge ters. , . the barn. Pump freezes up and you pour In marfy localities throughout the State tor; but who are you?”' ten gallons of hot water into i t No use. toh—lot 268, Avon. $3,000. This practice has. been tolerated too much Milder. It was a $20,000 suit for damages the justices have by these and similar prac­ “ I am the Bishop of Southern Florida,” You have to drink tfielted snow. Don’t see Ocean Grove Camp-meeting Association for injuries received, in a collision between neighbors once a week. Have to sit around to Anna Kent—lot 4. $1. in the Republican party within the last tices gotten themselves into very had odor said the other, “ can you get me some break­ Ocean Grove Camp-meeting Association week. Only last Saturday at the Republican a trolley car arid a stage on tho Deal Lake with the people aud there are active-move­ fast?” tho house and read ‘Lives of the Presidents, ments to curtail their powers and in some ‘Family Cook Book.’ something liko that. to Annabel le Kent—lot 3. $1, primary a candidate for Assessor, who had bridge last August. The paities compro­ cases to abolish them altogether. If such The feelings of the man with the shotgun You can havo all the country you want at Ocean Grove Camp-meeting Association been working for the office, was nominated mised for $5,000. Other suits against the a thing comes to pass many worthy men may be imagined; but the genial ecclesias­ this time of the year. I’ll utick to my little to George E. Strobrldgo—lot l4*-2, Bradley hotel room, with the stenm heater In the Beach.' $1. in due form, and then withdrew before the trolley compuny growing out of the same will be deprived of office. tic soon mado tho misunderstanding all George E. Strobrldgo to Ocean Grovo* As-* accident brought by FlorenceaSperry, John The justices have it in their own hands to corner.’’—Chicago Record. close of the> convention. This same gentle­ regulate this matter, but if they do not* it right over a generoua plate of fried chicken soclation—lot 3, Bradley Beach. $1. man had declared only a day or two before Rennard and Joel Wilson were referred to and other fixingp, so desirable to a hungry George B. Fielder to J. Stanley Ferguson would be clearly within the province of Reduced Rates for the Inauguration. -land. $170.72. that he wanted the office and proposed to the Cuurt of Common Pleas for trial later some future grand jury to bring in a pre­ preacher. * before Judge Conover. sentment to the court containing the facts,5 For the benefit of those who desire to at­ WALL TOWNSHIP. get it if there was any way by which it This, same bishop , is announced to visit tend tbe ceremonies incident to the inaugu­ EdwardvBuokalew, colored, retracted and if they exist as reported. If it is not in the Charles Lewis to Robert D. Davison—lot could be accomplished. Another case, al­ po wer of * the court to suggest a remedy, Enterprise in a few weake, and ia spoken ration of President-elect McKinley, the North Spring Lake. $2,000. most similar, occurred this week. The Re­ pleaded n6n vult to an indictment for as­ such a public recitation of the facts may for by tbe Messrs. Atkins to be their guest Pennsylvania Rauroad Company will sell Ocpan Beach Association to Wm. -S. Yard publican candidate for Justices of the P^ace, sault and battery on Christopher Aker ut As­ lead to some means of abating the abuse. excursion tickets to. Washlngton March 1, —lot 2,818, Belmar. $250. „ at the Brock House every time he comes 2, 3 and 4, valid to return from jtfarch 4 to who received the nomination by a good bury Park on July 24. —Transcript. Ocean Beach Association to Win. S. Yurd into tnelr neighborhood. 8, at the following rates, from New York1 —lots at Belmar. $80. majority, dropped “but of the contest on ac­ The trial of HartBhorne Taylor and Sam­ The Brock House supports a chapel of its $ 8 ; Philadelphia, $5.40; and from all Ocean Beach Association to Wm. S. Yard count of ( Brighton Land Association. headed “ What Pounds Have Done,’’ have tbe influence of first-class gospel singing, ing event, and will undoubtedly attract a $800. William Conover, colored, was acquitted large number of people from every section kept some one else trom being nominated been sent to the members of the New Jersey with regular order of worship and a sermon Kate A. Hoffman to Charles G. HoffmSn who would have remained in the race, and on a charge of illegal liquor selling at West ort the country. ■land Wall township. $25. Legislature: • from one of the clerical guests of the house, The magnificent facilities of the Pennsyl­ Park last June. ’ made" Republican victory almost certain. They have reduced thousands of poor men exerts a delightfully leavening influence on vania Railroad make this line the fuvorite There ought., to be some specific law reg­ On Wednesday Harry Bennett was tried to poverty by taking from them their na4: tbe entire community. The good example route to tbe National Capital at all times, -The poet longa for gentle spring’s ulating primaries which would prevent can­ and acquitted on a charge of stealing a five- tural right to take fish by means of hand' and its enormous- equipment and splendid Return to gladden men, is being followed by other hotels In placed terminal advantages atWaBbingon make it Nor thinks that when it comes it brings didates from going into a contest unless dollar gold piece from Lucibda Palmer In lines, drift and gill nets. S —They havo aimed a deadly blow a t hotel where there is no regular Sunday serylcep, especially popular on such occasions. House-cleaning time again. ■ they were willing to stand if nominated. Neptune township on November 21. Sen­ prosperity by driving to other localities and in this way many passing strangers far The Republican Township Executive Com­ tence for assault and battery on Mary Rey­ great numbers of guests who were wont to from their ordinary, home duties find a mittee should take Up this matter. nolds was suspended until the first Thursday come to our shore and spend their summers blessing in communion with one another CASH AND G I V E N F R E E jlp April* *' •" „ ' with their families, who delight in the great sport of taking fish from the surf. \ an«Tthe fiJfenda beloved, v \ " IUU PRIZES EACH MOI Mr. Harold }B, Ayres deserveS'the credit Yesterday George Megill was fined $26 They have by their senseless nnd criminal “ Who, sundered far, in worship meet, of every wheelman in Monmouth county for and costs for assault and battery on Lizz/ destruction of the young of the bluefisb, Around one common mercy-seat.’’ A s f o l l o w s ; - f o r f] b Slocum in Neptuno township on October entirely deprived the farmer of his privi­ his efforts in securing an appropriation of lege of salting -for winter use his accus­ Laat week was one of unvaried Florida 4 First Prizes, eaoh of $100 Cash • - - $ 400.00 $300 toward building a cycle path in Mon­ tomed supply. weather, with the thermometer rising each 20 Seoond “ “ “ $100aPpicfALB !o}o!os‘ 2,000.00 mouth county. Mr. Ayres is president of Disagreeable Weather Driving Peopl They have so completely stripped the sea day to 80, andiover in tbe shade, and then 40 Third “ “ “ $ 25 Gold Watches - 1,000.00 of our coast line fishes; both In their gravid Kthe Asbury Park Wheelmen, and has always For the laBt two weeks the travel condition in the' spring and in the early falling to ah- average of 60 for solid health­ Cash and Prizes ghen oaoh month - - $3,400.00 identified himself with every movement ward has . been very large. The cdW'and autumn as fingerlings of the year’s hateh- ful sleep. Of course those who spent much having for its object the improvement of changeable weather in the North has been ingBj.that a general cry of alarm is being of their time on river or,lake after large- doing its work. The prinoipal resorts South raised, and the entire press of the country roads and the advancement of wheeling. are being rapidly filled, and the transpor­ is clamoring for tbeir suppression. sized bass* came in with sun-browned faces, total given during 12 mos, 1897, $4flJB0HD0 - W f | With $300 appropriated by the township tation lines in that direction have been do­ They have been entirely Unable to main­ and noses needing a touch of cold cream or ing an immense business. The Southern HOW TO OBTAIN THEM. RULES. and a like amount subscribed by the Wheel­ tain their accustomed catch the past two some other lotion preventative of blistering ; S'ompeiUora to save net many 8UWI.IOHT Every month daring 1897 in

' S 12 8 Miss Quick, of Brooklyn, have boen spend-' for the following officers of the Borough: K in. 50 75 <100 1*35 I* 75 1*50 f 600 „ - other is why we want you to try it. Ours is g ing several days at the home of Mr. LeWis x “ 75 ~r*>o »75 3 35 400 10 00 0. Baremore, 700 Sewall avenue. ' . ,,V ;; log tfjo a 00 3 75 4^5 5 50 800 1400 A Mayor, ■ made, with sweet, pure, high-priced oil— a “ xa* 3 00 350 3 50 5 50 700 10 00 18 00 Among the visitors on Thursday was Mr;’ 6 Oounciloien—2 for 1 year,'2 for 2 3 *' *75 3 75 3 5o 4 50 70 0 9 00 IS 00 3500 seara, and 2 for 3 yeara. .3 35 3?>o 800 13 00 20 OO 35 00 A. R. ParsonB, of Hotel Brunswick. Mr. others with ordinary market grades. Ours 4 " 4 .V> 5 50 Parsons has been seriously sick this weefc, An AeaesBor. 3 ;.L 30 0 i 50 5 50 750 1300 x8 00 30 to 50-00 550 8 «p 11 50 15 00 35 00 35<» 55 00 85 00 and only recetitly had to undergo an opera- * A Oollaetofc .. .has less disagreeable taste than any other, 1 col. 10 00 17 00 3300 3000 45 00 6500 9000 15000 tlon. , r i.;’r 3 ObmmiBsiOaerfl o£ Appeal. 8 Surveyors of Highway. ’ - and is easily digested b# the stomach. u/. L o cal N otices,—A limited number oflocal no- Don't blame the cake-bos, Among those from Asbury Park who A Poundkeeper tices will be admitted at the rate o f fifteen cents will attend the inauguration ceremonies at An Overseer of the Poor. Every person who has waak lungs, or who per line. They will be placed ;at the bottom of if your cake dries up quickly. Washington on March 4 are Mr. and Mrs. the local columns only; and must have “ A d v." a t T. Frans Appleby and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph The election will be hsM in the First is losing flesh and strength needs our Emul- the end. When continued four weeks or longer, It will keep moist and fresh if Weir, Jr. . ■ >.■ ; Election District at Park Hall, and in the a discount of 25 Per cent, is allowed. Second Election Bietriet at Educational you use Cleveland's Baking Rev.- Dr. Bale, who has received a call, to sion because it cures. Price, 60 cents. Hal!. '■ ... -V* - tho pastorate of First Presbyterian Church, Polls open at 6 o’eiook A. M,, and close Powder, is a man of family, and has two sons at­ at 7 o’clock p, M. ' _— legal notices. Some advertisement's belong — tending j college.; The salary is $1,500 a Dated February 26. 1807. : Us by law, while with many others it is optional —Mattlson Avenue Pharmacy expects to year, and the pastor has the1 MS® of the ■ W. 0, BDKR0CGHS, ' with the party Interested as to what paper shall manae. ' Prescriptions. Little Hints. . v publish tnem. move to its new location in' the Appleby Borough Oierk. Building about the middle of March. The We are naturally gratified to ^ee a For sore throats, coughs and colds usb Mrs. E. Wright returned hpme-laat Satur­ steady and constant growth in tho num- Slinpory Elm Lozenges, Licorice Tablets store will be handsomely furnished and day from Franklinj Pa., where she spent berfaf Proscriptions we put up. It shows or White Pine Cpugn Balsam. extra fixtures’will be added to match those the winter with one of her chlldren.u^is. S TATEMENT OF THE MAYOR AND three things: That people have confi­ , , < TOWN AND COUNTRY. Council of the Borough of Asbury Park F o r Cornfc use o u r Corn Slayer, and now in the pharmacy, Wright’s health was poor during her visit, dence In tho purity and reliability of our nothing else. of the receipts and disbursements for Bor­ drugs; that they seo our clerks are care* but since her return to Asbury Park she’is For chronic coughs, weak lungs and —Tho ordinance of baptism waa adm in­ —‘•Miss Murden, nufse graduate of the much improved. ough purposes within the past year: tul and exact: and that tho pricos are istered at Flrat Baptist Ohurch last Sunday Philadelphia Orthopaedic Hospital and In­ satisfactory. We say people have confi­ Iobb of flesh thero is nothing equal to our RECEIPTS, dence that those things aro sbl We Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, It is .fresh night, ; firmary for J£ervous Diseases, announces Mr. Frank W. Brand, of 937 West Sum- every week, is purer and is moro pleasant that she is prepared to receive patients. merfleld avenue, and MIbs Georgie Town­ Taxes received-..——______$28,743,29 Know they are so. Wo cannot buy !T— Mrs. William S. Gahagan gav$>a colo- Licenses ______0,0*10.50 bottor draffs; cannot mako more reliftblo to take than any othofr. It builds up Misa Murden has best references fi;om the send were married last Saturday evening at. or more efficacious medicines; we do not with wondorful rapidity. Price, 60 Infal party to a number of her friends on ■leading physicians of New York and P hil­ the Baptist parBonage by Rev. Z. Clark- Assessments, interest and mis- think thero aro more careful or more cents. Washington's Birthday. ; adelphia. Marten. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. ; ceilnnoous receipts. 15,714.41 Bkillful clerks to bo had (or wo would JFf»r, chapped hands and'roughened —Mrs. W. S. Goodno, of 402 Fourthmve- James Townsend. From Water Commissioners —- 7,100.00 havo them); and tho oriooB wo charge skin uso our F lo ral (Toilet Cream. W ith­ —The school fair opened la^t night in tho Notes discounted______■____ 2,000.00 aro just and right. Wo always have out exception every customer has spoken nuo, fell down stairs last, Saturday and re­ Assembly Room of the Hlglr Schoolr and 'Counselor John F. Hawkins started last Seashore Railway Go .'____ 3,000.00 tried, and wo will novor let up in our of it in the highest possiblo torms. 25 ceived painful injuries. will continue until Saturday night. Fancy Saturday for Florida over the Southern firom Bpecial account ____ 1,878.68 efforts to make this tho very best Drug conts. articles, ice cream and candy are on sale, Railway He will visit the principal resorts Storo in town, and it always pays to.tako —A committee of First Presbyterian Prescriptions to the bosfc store; It’s For satisfaction in Tooth Brushes buy Ohurch has been appointed to procure a and there is besides an interesting display in the tropical State, going as far south as ;$84,485788 our 80*cent guaranteed brash. If tho safer, too. ^bristles como out you got another free. pipe organ for the church. of school exhibits made by the pupils. Key West. A week will be spent at the ■* disbursements ; An entertainment la given each evening. Brock House, Enterprise. The PrlzeB. If you want Cigars that leavo a pleas­ —The Ornheus Quartet atid A, P. W, Streets ...... $5,085.00 a n t memory, wo have them. Police ...... 5,871.01 There are about half a dozen in the Mandolin Olub will give a concert In Park —Mr. Ira E. Whyte entertained hia Sun- Mrs. Joseph Garrison, whose husband Is contest whoso chances are excellent. If you want Hot or Cold 8 oda, we have Opera House on Tuesday evening, April 20. day-scbool class and a few of their frleuds pastor of Warren Street Methodist Church,, sprinkling...... 2,905.18 it, and we are famous for oui* Soda. • Lighting..— ------______5,591.35 From now on it will bo more a m atter of on Thursday night. After several amusing Trenton, visited relatives In Asbury Park getting tho help of frionds than anything If you want anyt&ln# in tho drug line —T. Frank Appleby haa sold the Errlck- games had been played, refreshments were on Wednesday. Mrs. Garrison is an activ6 Garbage------_•______3,845,54 0l80. we ate hero to servo you. son property, corner Bond street and Sum­ served. Mr. Whyte, as well aa the Baptist worker in temperance circles, and holds an Board of Health ______2,000.00 mer field avenue, to 0. B» Oramer, of Man- Church of which hevis a member, believes important office in the Women’s Christian Fire Deparfnient______T.849.66 ahawkln. In sociable times in ' connection with relig­ Temperance Union. Sidewalks______8,098.81 ion. _ Muflm ------4,522.20 —Next Tuesday evening- the Oongrega- MrrJacob^Stilea celebrated hia birthday Sixth avenue ______300.00 “^tional Oburchrwiirholints m ont hljTsoc I able —Within the past week Real Estate Agent on Tuesday night. In honor of the event First avenue______' 3,376.00 aVHhe Tenney H oubj^ corner Sewall and Appleby has bad printed several hundred many of hla^ friends called and extended ■Fifth avenue______-• S.369,00 Grand avenues. ; . . lists of desirable cottages and hotels to rent congratulations. An enjoyable program of Seyoot!) avenue...______:_4,882.33 Mattison SvsntK Pharmacy, —Mr. Robert McKune, of Seventh" avenue, in Asbury Park, Loch Arbour and Alien- music, readings and recitations was'~ten- Interest on water bonds___ .... 7,100.00 has bought out the tobacco and barber busi­ burst. These lists can be had on applica­ dered. Mr. Stiles has been treasurer of the Maintenance ...... 6,188.48 ness of Walter 0. White. Mr. McKune took tion to the office. They give a description, local branch of the Salvation Army for sev­ Mattison Ave. and Main St, possession yesterday. < ■with the cost of rental, of nearly two hun­ eral years. $7*0,734.02 dred houses. Opp. Bank. —James Clow’s bull-dog ^Olnch^ tWBB The following Is a proposal of the sum of poisoned thia week. T he- dog waa geistle7 = OnaThuwday evening, A^FjrTTfie Wes- t #p«ial gotirirs. money which th&-MayOr atid Oonnoil-cf tbe and never molested anyone. leyan Glee and Mandolin Clubs will give a Bocoarxh of y Fask dssm ■ -It necessary hIgh-claBa entertainment ot Park Opera to raige by taxation for thot ensuing year, —An alarm of fire at 9 o’clock last night House.-. The college boys will be assisted %1/ANTED.—By women, each with an In and the principal objects for which It shall waa cijpsed by a small conflagration at by Mr. Malcolm Shackleford, an expert fant or young child, situations in the be-expended: DavldTJegiU’a place on Oorlles avenue. banfoist, who la a pupil of Alfred A. Far- country (general housework, plain cooking, Streeis-.L..— ______*7.000.00 —The Steinbach Company offers some land. Subscription lists for seats will bo etc.) Small wages expected. Railroad Police ...... H,000.00 exceptional bargains this week in several circulated next week. fare paid by Association. Apply 8tate Sprinkling. ..1 ____ 3,000.00 departments. Fuller particulars can be —The Christian Endeavor Society of First Charities Aid Association, 105 East22fl Bt., Lightiog ... . ______5,019,00 learned in advertisement. Baptist Church will try to make its meeting N. Y. Oity. ~ 7 . Garbage.:------; ______~ 3,800.00 Shoes at Half Price nextJTueaday evening one ofaninteresting - Board of-Healf e —. ..— -.i i - - .—2;00ff. CO' ___ — Mr.Howell,fortnerly-manager-of-Bur- FiW-Departnient______j.___ 5,000.00 tJs A Zimmerman’s Asbury Pork bicycle character. “ Christian Farming and Farm­ vyANTED.— Severol upright, Industrious Maintenance; ...... 5,000,00 repository, is now traveling salesman for ers” will he discussed. Messrs. Burdge and vT persons In New Jeieey as State agents Sinking F u n d ______5,000.00 tbe Keating Cycle Company. ------White will conduct the service. The-Sun- or^munagers for responsible house. $780 After completing our annual stock taking we find we haVe day-school orchestra will furnish music. and expenses. Permanent positions. En* —Several B to re a were,,, closed on Monday ■ $41,419.00 This meeting ia not limited tcf clues or de­ close referencel Address The Dominion Dated February 26. 1897. In honor of Waahington’a Birthday. It be­ nomination. Company. Dept. 2, Chicago^ ,!:■ ----- _about 1,000 Pair Of Shoes in broken lots and odd sizes ing a legal holiday tho three banks and ------Wr0.BURR0UGHS,01erkr postofficowereCalsoclosed.— ------*as reported a week_. or two agoJn. _P. L. TENBrsOEOE, .Mnvor. .. •_ .... . _ _ one of thn county papers that the school OISSMURDEN, - OEO. F. KROEHL; “to dispose‘ of "AfrHaJf Price. —“ Only a Privuto” was given before a teachers of Neptune township had been 307 FourthF o u rth Ave.Avi NURSE GRADUATE SAMDELVf. 51SSBR1DE. fair-sized audience in Park Opera House on of tho Philadelphia Orthopasdic Hospital and compelled to go without their pay on ac­ Infirmary for Nervous Diseases. Receives pa- Flnanco Cocomitiee. If you want a good every day shoe for a little money and Monday afternoon and evening. Tbe act- count of the failure of the Collector to pay tiontB with or without thoir nurses. Massage, 'Ving was exceptionally good and applause over to the county and State its proportion electricity, packs, salt rub,' etc. References—Dr. was frequent. of taxes. Collector ,Hubbard states that 8 Weir Mitchell," Dr. Wharton SinklerrPbila:: are not particular as to the extreme style, this is ?0UI -^Stewart, tbe oldest child of Mr. and Neptune paid her proportion of taxesJbe D r. Chas. L. D ana, Mrs. LevL P . M orton, N. Y. _ Mrs. T. Frank Appleby, Is seriously ill with -first of February.—~— ...------;•••- :chance.. rr - -...; : : :• :t ■: ■ typhoid fever and nneumonia. He has the ^On Thursday evening. March 4, Rev, y a s . l e BARON HARTT, a student services of a local physician, a specialist W, A. Allen, pastor of First_Methodist 3ame. Baloch. of Germany^ and a trained nurse. .... ‘ ™ Ohurch, will give a reception to the mem­ ,, , _ awrence^ of New York, will jecelveipupfls in voice-bullfllnfi: and volce-j —Mr. 0. R. Zacharies, of the firm of Ber­ bers of his congregation in the church and D A D T 1 I T 10 5 0 Cookman Ave: and iond St, lecture room. Mr, Allen expects to start Rpckafeller ! culture. Rounding and perfecting of tones rang A ZaeharlaB, is attending the Phila­ a specialty. Mrs. Bartt, being a permanent Asbury Park. delphia cycle ahow, which commenced last for Florida about March 9, and tenders thia r"V-/ri 1 D n D reception in order to meet his people before resident of Asbury Park, Is. able to offer1 Saturday night. The firm also has repre­ is going out of his pres* more liberal termB. and to arrange hours to sentatives at the Boston show. ... r . .... his oepaTture. He will remain South until Afjril. Arrangements have been made to e/Jt business and will sell suit convenience of pupils. No. 406 Third —The D. D., Davis property on Corlies sUpply tbe pulpit during his absence. , avenue. ■• -• ‘ii •• ... aVenue, a little west of Asbury Park; Is ad­ ten dollars’ worth of cloth­ vertised for sale. Tho land is fertile, with (LIME, OGDEN ORANB.—Vocal instruc- many fruit trees, good outbuildings, and To the Voters of Asbury Park. ing, hats, shoes and men?s •▼■--tlon. ABbury Park Studio, 1X04 Main very desirable as a truck farm. » at. Saturdays and Mondays. N. Y. Studio, I desire to notify my friends that I am a furnishings to any cus­ 3 East 14th st. ’ For furthei^information, —Mr. John Hubbard being a candidate candidate for Borough Collector to succeed tomer for. five dollars. address as above or Mrs. Geofge Hunt, the for Borough Collector at the coming , elec­ Milan Ross, and respectfully ask your sup­ B S f i f r corner Emory at., and Birst ave., 5c. Straight. $f.BO per 100. tion, respectfully requests his friends to at­ port In the coming primary. You never isaw greater tend the Republican primary and give him JOHN HUBBARD. —Adv. . Named after the Champion, ARTHUR A. ZIMMERMAN (Registered). their support for the nomination. value given for the money . Order Your Suits Now. All lie.ELIZABETH OHUBOHILTi MAYER, —The heating plant in tbe neW Appleby ihan he is offering you. 1*1, vocal teacher. New York city; will je* If your dealer will not got thorn order direct of building will furnish steam for heating pur­ Elegant line of Merchant Tailoring to se­ celve pupils at 408 Second avenue, Asbury ALFRED S. GILES, Sole Manufacturer, poses to tbe owner’s real estate office on the lect from. Park, Saturdays! For further information HIGH GRADE CUBAN opposite corner. A pipe will be laid across STEINBACH CO., address 3 East 41st street, New York city, HAND MADE. 508 N. Seventh S t , P h iladelphia, P a . the street and put below the freezing line. Main at. aud Cookman ave. ■ Rockafeller, or Mias Isabelle Scudder, 027 Mattison ave­ Main st. and Lake ave.—Adv. nue, Aabury Park. —The Journal has received a copy of the Monmouth Democrat Almanac for 1S97* Dr, S. T. Slocum, As usual the Almanac ia full of Interesting Township ' Collector. Main S t opp. B„ It Depot. fitatlstics pertaining to Monmouth county, I respectfully announce to my friends In Dentist, Its officials, and a complete table of election Neptune township that I am a candidate for No. 204 M ain S tre e t, returns. v- Over Milan Ross’s Real Estate Agency, the nomination of Township Collector. GROCERY Asbury Park, N. J. —Berrann A Zacharlas advertise ’06 Ram­ Your co operation Is kiodly solicited. gw inm ninrw ¥iininm fi)nifim blers at $60. Gormully % 0 . Covert hoe rented six cottages in.- riving from foreign and domestic looms at Cor. Ualn St. and Mattlson Ave., Asbury Park nnd Ocean Grove this week. very low prices. ¥ Mr. Covert’s lists are complete and can be STEINBACH CO., ASBURY PARK. obtained by calling at his offices, 715 Mat­ Main et. and Cookman ave. l i E AL t h y tison avenue, Asbury Park, and 27 Pilgrim Main st. and Lake ave,—Adv. Pathway, Ocean Grovo. . It Is simply a clear, pore, h o n e s t soap for laundry and household PARK DPERA HOUSE Convenient to the motropolis and situated in CRAPE VINES use, m a d e by tho most approved a delightful section of Darlington, N. J., th is It Will Pay You. processes, a n d being the best, it proporty is attractive, oithor as an investment Thursday, April 1,1897, or as a site for a residence. The plot faces to and FRUIT TREES lias the largest sale in th.e world, M Just read the new ad. iu thei columns of 8 P .M . the south and east and is only one block from whot the Steinbach Company has to offer. This month is tho proper time to pruno grapo It is m a d e m a twin bar for con- M tho soa, The land is high and dry and well Main st. and Cookman ave. . vines. I am n practical gardonor, and anxious venlenca sake, I drained; tho water pure and plentiful j the-sow- to do pruning and any kind of garden work. i r erage porfect. Main st. and Lake ave.—Adv. Orders left.at Mr, Handshuch’p shoo shop, 040 T h i s s h o w s Call on us or write for full particulars. Mattiaon avenue, wi|lTecoivo prompt attention. Thff T w I n Bap ir W esleyan Glee Mid- For all kinds of MONUMENTAL WORK i f F. T. MINDLER. consult Lupton Brothers, Mata wan, N. J,— H assisted by D. C. COVERT, Adv. 1 ___ f Mandoliit Clubs, They are Cheap." ‘if IALCOLM SHACKLEFORD. REAL ESTATE ANIi INSURANCE AGENT, TRY GRAIN-O! TRfGRdlN-O! ______H 100 rolls Matting (40 yds): $2.98 A.SkJ,W rGK,,owto-‘i|>y tQ ollow y°a « packnuo TIB Mattinen Avs., Artsury Farit. 1,000 Opaque. ^WinBow Shades, complete, of GRAINS), the BOW food drink that takos tEo Use will reveal . ‘ 11 Admission, - 50 and 35c. 87 Pilgrim Patlre sy, Ocean Grave 19c. STEINBACH CO., placo cf cotlee, Tho pliUdrou may driok it The Twin Benefits s 8 Main st. and Cookman ave. without iujury as weK as tho sdult. AH who KEMEMBER THIS! try it, iiko it. GUAIN-0 hoe, that rich seal Lem labor l r Main st. and Lake ave.—Adv. brown of Mocha or Java, but it is triada from T*mr Bros., ltd.. OreaMr comfort -p The W'orld To Let pure grains, aud tho most delicate stomach ro- llU'ison A Owriaoft Xi:vr York, Tor Township Assessor. ■ ; ! ; ; £8i¥G8 it withuut distress. U tho prico of coffee V doesn’t exactly doscribe our condition, -16a. and 25o. per packaso. Sold by all grocers. A s k ANY BUILDER OR CONTRACTOR, - The Dairy Kitchen, I respectfully’announce myself a"candi­ and ho will toll you that some of the but wo are pretty woll llxod for all that. Wo 633 MATTISON AVENUE, date for the Republican nomination of soli real estate and wo rent real estate. We (K eator Block) Township ABBessor. mako,it profitable for the renter, the buyer and Finest Plumbing in Asbury Park tho landlord. Wo hnvo a large acquaintance OPEN DAY AND EVENING. (pAS. H. PORTER.—Adv. has been done by . , ' and any thiug placed in pur hands is well taken car© of. • • « ‘ i-,- Coffoo and Griddle Cakes at all hours. Chickon Sale or Rent. FBBD. BROWN, MILAN ROSS ? and Lobster Salads. Oysters in every style. 702 SUMMERFIELD AVENUE. Special dishes to order, served at Dairy Cottage and six ncr*a of choice truofcing REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE AGENCY land, near West Grove. Terms easy. In ­ Estimates for anything in steam,, gas op w a te r or at residences. quire of J. J. Garrabrant, Long .Branch piping, connoctionB and fittings. a o 8 Halo Street, Asbury Park. w; A. GELHAU8; City.—Adv. _ I Put Saturday . we will sell for This Here ' " ... CASH- ■ —-----Pot-Roast Boued ht 0~oti Jo make you think THEY SAY, are better wheels than when theyjspld aF^top Better, because like Sausago, Scrapple, Head Cheeeo* and Cooked r Corned Beef made by v Piano. W hen you good wine, bicycle construction improves with age, T. he makers of BIRD think Piano I know RAMBLERS are among the “• old-timers.” They, know how to build a' le “ all right, ftll rlght.l” -A dv. bicycle and the RAMBLER is the result of their effort, BREAK UP COLDa^Dr. Humphreys’s you will think. 8j)eoIflo M 77” breaks up oOlds that hapg B E R R A N G & ZACHA’RIA S on, and prevents, pneumonia; 25o.t at fllj A few of ’96 $100 druggists.—Adv. .. . : ;v . R . A. TU 5 TINQ. Models at $60 Asbury Park, N. J. Money to Loan on First Bond and Mort­ while they last, [Branch at Lakewood,] gage. T. Frank Afepleby, Mattiaon, avenue ana Main street.—Adv. / b u i J M i i uik mLm tm m* m And sohe took a bath himself by lying on the New York ond St. Augustine. Through Cars to Nashville. sand, TONS OF VIANDS. Halt soused by every breaker as it came in to One thousand in lies In less than twenty- The Pennsylvania and Southern Railways land; . eight hours! Frorn winter to summer In f, have inaugurated a through Pullman sleep­ But Just a little after, he turned to look for John Enormous Quantities of Delicacies for the day’8 luxurious journey! From snow‘ tt ing car line between ^Jew York and Nash­ Who having plucked up courage, had ventured Boll Supper. the tropical palm in a day, with the fathjfiu ville, Tenn., via Washington, Asheville and thereupon, of traveling bavipg been rendered almost Ohattapooga. The new Tine passes through To take Just like his master, a ticket for outside, Raw Oysters in Ice. And get the merest sprinkle from the Incoming Across tbe Continent on © K Stearns. Consomme in Cups. impossible by the wonderful* management the scenic Western North Carolina, th* tide Broiled Oysters. / of onq of the world’s most progressive rail­ “ Land of the Sky,” and gives the most ex­ Oysters,^ la Poulettev roads.^ It soundH like an impossibility—a cellent service between New York and Nash­ In August, at camp-meeting, the question w e n t Chicken Cutlets. Sweetbread Putties. ville. The1 through car will leave New York tne round, .{ f NEARLY 4,000 MILES WITHOUT A BREAK. Stewed Terrn'piu. - leaf from a fairy tale—but that is what the As to who the party was who owned the tract of Chicken, Lobster and Crab Salads. ‘winter schedule of the Southern Railroad daily at 4.’30 P. M. For further informa­ ground 460 RIDERS—400 'WHEELS. Bonod Turkey. Ham. Company means. Leave New York a t noon tion call on or address New York office, (A very wilderness it seemed), Just north of Wes­ Tongue. 271 Broadway. Game P a to. P ate do foio pras, Sandwiches, to-day, and to-morrow afternoon, at 4140, ley Lake, • NOTHING Birr STEARNS BICYCLES RIDDEN. o . Lemon Ice. oman Punch. you B t e p off this superb Limited Pullman Where rabbits lived by thousands, hid ’mong the bustLAjjd brake. . Vanilla and Chocolate Ico Cream.. Vestibuled train at St. Augustine in a gar­ —A musician may be a teetotaler a n d yet fruit. Assorted Cakes. Coffee. OnemormngMr. Bradley, with William B. Osborn, den of flowers, and withiu view of the most never miss a bar. Went over to prospect It, and got themselves wall A peruBalof this menu and the knowledge beautiful hotels in this continent. You have ■ —“Did Skinflint leave bis wife anyV torn, v . . ' v . / '' * Jourdal-Ecamlner Yellow Fellow Rslay finishid Sept 7, la the seen in that marvelous trip between New tl\at it -is to be placed at the disposal of money?” “ Not exactly; .but lie was cre­ NBut feeling all undaunted, th e woods they strug- V marvelous time of 13. days, was the greatest, cyding^vent ever YorK and Florida one thousand miles of mated, and she got all his dust^’ \ gled through, ©very .one who wishes tQ partake of it at the panoramic, scenery—swiftly, shifting 'Till at length a lovely lake broke ftill upon their orfgioatedj and Hi sveeesfts! execution demonstrates tiie strength and speed ' view. , uniform price of $1 will probably cause a changes of people and olimate. As long as , t N B U :K E D raeriis of the Steams as these' virtues fiave never Before been established great many persons experienced in gastron­ you live that trip, with .its scenes and expe­ * e sa> 80 charming was the prtwpect, so beautiful the rience on the finest train this country has, stream, . , ,•••: . ‘flit any fekyde. This ride overjtraib, mouotain pas«% foefo, boulders, omy and the’ cost of its constituent prlnci yet produced, will be indelibly impressed They stood in admiration, as in a trance or dream, raflrjjai ties, deserts^aiad o d u lifKly la such time is dm ply marvelous, and pies to think that the purveyor was giving on your memory^ For perhapsin all the land it would be hard to PUBLIC LEDGER find n ft all itands to the credit of m e Steams, whose'makers originated aiid away a good deal more tiian the money’s Unceasing and untiring in its efforts, the A little sheet of waterso perfect of its kind, »' Southern Railway, with its ambition to pro­ They tried to form a company to purchase this siieeessfully executed the relay. worth. A Philadelphia caterer has con­ vide absolutely perfect transportation be­ fair land, • tracted to serve just that bill of fare to the tween the North and South, haa with its About five hundred acres—but here, you under­ gaeBts at the inauguration ball next Thurs­ ’9G-’97 schedule added Another chapter to AND DAILY TRANSCRIPT. stand, O k to do it i* to do it on tlw S tta m , railroad history. Beginning Jan. 18, the They met with a dilemma, for just as this was day night, and . has agreed to provide the Limited, between New York and St. Augus PHILADELPHIA. 1 done, < * articles in sufficient quantity to satisfy the The owner said the purchaser must take the tipe, made up of a dining,'sleeping, com*- GE02.GE W. CHILDS, whole, or none. . ■■■.’ ■ I. ■ ECSTEARNS & COMCPANY,MAKERS appetites of ten thousand persons; paitment, library and observation -cars, will E ditor and Proprietor from £G4 t o 1894, “ Never mind,” said one of them, " J>y buying all, A description of the work before the man leavo New York , daily,- except Sunday* at you Bee, who has taken the immense contract will 12.10 noon. Having your dinner, you pass There will be larger profits for us. you will agree,** _91 _ BUFFALO, N.Y. . SYRACUSE, N.Y. PARIS, PARI8 , FRANCE.' FRANCE. ^ through the picturesque mountains and val GEORGE W. CHILDS DREXEL, Bo some were high up for it—their number It was ^ , 'SAN8AN FRANC18CO,FRANCISCO, CAU ^ , , TORONTO, ONTARIO. . f i *be found enteitaining and interesting, »but leys of-' Virginia, over a smooth track, E ditor anc? Pvulish^ r. .■ , eight— like a magic sprinter, surpassing-4he speed But as the nights grew cooler, the season getting how he js going to serve all the delicacies late, . • *- that are contained in the bill of fare" and of ofceato greyhound and all rival railroads. You are traveling oyer a one thousand mile The Public Ledger is first of all news Their ardor waned a little; in feet, it quite ran escape bankruptcy when the bills come in paper giving all the news of,the day, classi­ down, ; course, which for straightness has been fied and in complete form. In the Ledger 80 they gave up the notion of this, their BERRANG & ZACHARIAS, AGENTS ASBURY PARKi N. J. : will be a riddle hard to solve. Taking the compared to an arrow. In the morning every statement is verified, itspnews ia town. 'articles in the order named, the quantity of you are far down in the wonderful South­ It seems that Bishop Simpson had once been heard land, where the cotton grows, and the sight therefore thoroughly reliable. BB to say ii each is little less than stupendous. About and the smell of the pines are delightful to Outside of its news department (which That the Association should buy this land that lav 4 | T eighty thousand oysters have been ordered the B en ses. You have slept well, and you includes special correspondence from all the y^i¥om Baltimore and New York. They will enjoV your breakfast. When called for lun­ important cities and towns in Pennsylva Across the lake called Wesley, or it m ight likely X cost say $1.20 a .barrel. There’s nearly cheon you are loath to leave .the observation nia. New Jersey and Delaware), the Ledger bo . i H ave You Seen car. Completing luncheon—presto 1—it ia is an illustrated family newspaper of excep­ That other folks might buy It, not quite in sym- $320 for oysters. 3.30, and you are in Jacksonville. One tional interest and value, giving speolal With Fhe Issodation and with their plan, you x There'will be 350 gallons of consomme, hour later, at 4.40 less than twenty-eight attention to domestic affairs, religious newfs know. to m ate'w hich two whole oxen weighing, hours in all, you are in enchanting St. and comment, social events, games, sports, ery good suggestion—and people thought it so. Augustine. the fashions of the day, literary, art, farm, So Mr. Bradley waited upon his friend, D. Brown, dressed, 1,400 pounds each, will be re­ And the train! It represents the Pennsyl­ and garden, scientific “"and labor notes, And asked if he would Join him in getting up this quired, or a ton and a third of beef, at ten town, B e e H i v e vania Railroad, the Southern Railway building society news, etc. Ninety thousand dollars, sir, the value ot the cents- a pound, say $275. Nine thousand (Piedmont Air Line), and the Florida Cen­ To its special New York and Washington land, chicken cutlets will be served, requiring tral & Peninsular Railroad. It is beyond A little pile of money not every man could stand. comparison with anything that typifies correspondence,long since rendered famous, 2,700 chickens of an average weight of B peed on land and water; for luxury com­ it now adds letters from the chief capitals three pounds each. That makes nearly four pare it with the most palatial yacht afloat— pf Europe. Price C ircular? tons of chickens, which will cost at a low a combination of mahogany, tapestry, mir­ Its^financial news and market reports are complete and reliable. estimate eight cents a pound, or $648, rors, silver, fine linen and 'cut glass, and all It’s always the best way, sir, and ev’r/body c .The-Saturday issue Is^at^m p em liu m “ No, no,-said his friend David, ^‘asith e of Then comes the terrapin* The caterer will close of the nineteenth century. There is a fill, need 300 gallons of dressed terrapin, and of every phase of Boclal life, containing dining ctft*, where you find the service and reading matter to suit every taste, compile* Of treasurer of Ocean Grove, I won't invi that amount-willlrequire^3,000 terrapin. the wines as fine-as in any New York or St. m ill; Diamond. backs are $72 a dozen. Sliders specially for tbe^ Saturday^edition of the But I will write to each one who is pn the TT tells of the things we are doing Jn order to re- Augustine Hotel. Next there is a compart­ Ledger. .Its treatise of the~Internat!onal don’t come so high by many dollars, but ment car for those who desire exclusiveness w ith me, i duce our heavy stock. Its of Interest to every tHey are costly, nevertheless.—Pui-the^ter- Sunday-school Lesson is alone worths the And if a week you’ll give them, in which th< and uriusual'spac^ Of pfirfcet design and price of subscription. dan agree, rapin bill at $2,000 and the figures will appointments, small parties and families in , reader of the Journal and valuable to everybody. not be far wrong. these compartments find the freedom of Its classified advertisements are as inter­ “ The purchase 1 11 negotiate, il you the sumi This caterer makes his chicken salad out esting as news and as widely read. The 1 down, We suppose every one is interested in where the Dol­ their home*. For the invalid and the tired And sd secure the property,’’ said worthy Dai of " turkey. THIs I s a fact, for he says so they are blessings. This car contains seven j'ublic has for years made the Public Ledger Brown. lar has its greatest purchasing power. This is demon- -himself, So fo rthe chicken salad there wiU staterooms,.and they can be. transformed: ts chief vehicle for the announcements of Now som e for it were eager, b u t all d id not S be 356 bigturbeys-Blaugbteretf,thatwiir into rone - or^two suites of private apart­ births, marriages and deaths." And so the 1 and was Bradley's, as you will pli ktrated in our great Gut Price Sale, which applies to cost about $250 where the caterer gets ments. Each end of the. car has an elabor­ Write for rates for classified advertise­ every department in our establishment. them. Two thousand- lobsters will be lost ate drawing room. Again, there is a sleep­ ments. Subscription prices as follows: He toW thehem at the same time the property won in the lobster salad, and five thousand crabs ing car, and it is a model of it3 kind—large, The Daily Ledger (Sunday excepted), by Re-sold to Just Buch parties as could be broiigh will lose their claws to make the crab salad. tastefully and richly furnished. The obser­ mail, to any address in the United States tosee h ; The bill for these shell fish will reach $450. vation car is quite indispensable, and there or Canada, 50 cents per month; $6.00 per And fully to appreciate th e object and th e aim; Two hundred and fifty hams will be cut up is no more popular caron the train, for year. Of the new place so soon to be of wide religion and served to the hungry right, from the surely no traveler cares to read when he can Saturday’s Ledger (weekly), a great home fam e 1 H I Cook’s Bee Hive. bone. They, will .cost1 seventx^cents- each. recline in a softly-cushioned chair and grow journal, which should be in every country The briers all were cleared away, and all the j “Therets~$l75 more.' There will be 250 big enthusiastic over the wonderful studies in home, $1.00 per year. 1 g led b ru sh , game pates, which will require thirtyUozen landscapes and ebony colored human nature Make all remittances payable to For th e w ork began in earnest an d w ent i t wil quail, sixty pheasants and the same number that are his for the looking. GEO. W. CHILDS DREXEL, ru s h ; of grouse. There’B easily $1?)0 more at But at the lively sum, sir, of several thousani An additional Pullman drawing-room ..... Editor and Publisher. down, this time of year. There will alB O be 250 sleeping car is attached to the New York & And out of such a wild waste there sprung pates de foie gras, needing the liverg*of- Florida Limited, and is operated .between handsome town. A B i r t h d a y 1,000 geese. Add $200 more. Twelve New York and Augusta, making close con- HISTORY OF ASBURY PARK | The^ venture aB to profits has not been a sut thousand-‘ assorted ’ sandwiches. Thinklinlf n*o: "nection nt Trenton, within a few minutes’ B ut a s an enterprise, sir, it’s num ber one, I gu< the loaves of bread to be sliced and the tubs ride of Aiken. For further particulars ad- AS TOLD B T ’SQUIRE GOOD8BNSK, And it can take the palm, sir, for draining ^ —. of butter to be used! They will cost three Rem em brance cents apiece, or $36CFln all, and that is a to J. L. Adorns. 3 5 B Broadway, New Yorkv Through sixteen miles o f street mains right out! "Draw up the papers, lawyer, and make 'em good into the sea; ! conservative estimate. The first town on this continent to lead out in this There will be 200 gallons of Roman ana strong. From Snow to Royal Palms • And don't you leave a loophole for folks th a t w ill way, punch, and it will cost seventy-five cents a • do w rong: 1* A big work for a modest man, th a t's a ll T ve got to gallon, even in that quantity—$150 more. can be reached from New York within And just at the beginning you m ake them unQ$r- say. And ,1.800 gallons of vanilla and choco­ twenty-eight hours’ ride on the most su­ stand “ And also there are miles of walk, that you’ll find late ice cream. ’ Forty cents a gallon is the perbly equipped vestibuled train via Penn­ That noone mean and tricky can buy a foo| of hard to beat, * -- estimate of its cost, or a simple matter of sylvania Railroad;-and Southern Railway. A Plaxa nearly one mile long by over twenty feet, |'E have lots of pretty things—:Fancy Dishes, $720 for that item. The fruit will comprise Three-trains every day in the week except And w hile your wnijLn’, lawyer, it m ay be Just as And as for water, lawyer. Artesian—mind you, ' ,1; well ? . , air. Jardinieres, Banquet and Parlor Lamps 50 boxes of oranges, 75 bunches of bananas, Sunday between New York and Florida. It can’t be beat In all the land, no, neither near 500 pounds of Malaga grapes and 25 bar­ The Neiy York and Florida Limited leaves T hat 1 should All the time up by goln’ o n to te ll w with Decorated Shades,. Dinner Sets, How this town by the seaside just took-a start to nor fur. _ ...... rels of apples. Say $550 for the fruit. New York at 12710 noon, giving ‘a most grow. Prof. Cook, Geologist, has made the m atter sure, The cakes will be of the assorted kind and perfect service. This train is composed of. And went it like a mushroom, full sixteen years By testing of the water pronouncing It is pure. Toilet Sets—that would make nice Birthday number thousands, and $300 will not cover Pullman dining, compartment j drawing- ago. And ’leven churches, lawyervthink of that if you Gifts. People with limited purses can get more their cost Then there will be the lemon room» observation and sleeping cars, and In Hay in eighteen-seventy, as I have heard them ice—700 gallons at thirty cehtsf or $210—• is operated solid between New York and St., say, for their money at our store than at any other and 500 pounds qf .coffee .made into as Augustine^ reaching the land of palms be­ James A. Bradley, of New York, while walking Episcopalian, also Reformed a^ fcafio u i?10*11* many gallons. Twenty-five cents a pound fore dinner next day. or you can leave New down Broadway, :. A big supply of churches, sir, if folks would only place. is a Jow estimate for the coffee. That is York at ’4.30 P. M. Through Pullman Fell in with an acquaintance, one David Brown $125 more. * drawing-room sleeping cars are operated by nam e, And not get in and out 'em, aa they too oftendo, v; The lowest estimate given of the cost of between New York and Tampa at 12.15 A. The treasurer of Ocean Grove ofMethodistic feme. F o r th a t a church can ’t Bavea m an, w e a ll know And to him put the question, “ How does the to be true -~ .V — the supper make the caterer’s expenditure M.’, through Pullman drawing-room'sleep­ Grove get on?” • v. $13,933. .The Executive Committee in ing cars New York and Jacksonville. Con­ “ O, very fair.” says David, and started thereupon Hotels and boarding houses, and stores of every charge of the Jnaugural ceremonies will nections are also made on above trains for With "Why don’t you buy a lot, for don’t you kind, guarantee him $6,000. He will get that. Augusta and Aiken. The New York and see,” Bays he, And cottages both large and small, all styles for Florida limited also carries a Pullman “ If you put your name down now afirstchanoe ev’ry mind. !j S . Cook & Son, That leaves it necessary for 7,933 persons yours may be.” The news of all the world we get In first-class — ..to buy supper tickets, at $1 each, in order drawing-room sleeping car New _ York to weekly sheets, . : u for the first cost, as estimated, to^je met. Augusta. New York office, 271 Broadway, Well, James was always ready to help good things The copies Sell by thousands, so that, you see, '/ko. 70S COOKMAN 1VESU E, will furnish all particulars; . along ; quite beats ... ------! • i : i- A man that Isn’t that way, well—isn't worth a The slower towns'and villages; and [then the - ! t Mrs. McKinley’s Gowns. song. publlo halls -“ T am dyeing for love,” remarked the For as the Scripture urges on all of us to do. Are good for our Societies, for lectures or foi There ie, of course, no civilized citizen of woman who changed tlie color of her hair to When we’re asked to go a mile, to make that one balls— luy Coal N ow the United States, of either sex, who will please her husband. mile two. The boss, called “ Educational,” waa bought by criticise offensively the adequate wardrobe —Nell—“Emma is very bashful, isn’t she? "So put me down for too lots," said Bradley in Jam es A. B., which the wife of the President-elect has Belle—‘.‘Bashful? Why that girl won’t play A better hall I take It you’ll seldom ever see: For W inter Use. chosen, apparently with excellent taste, lor a piece of music without an introduction. ” And feltBO kind of curious, that when aome days Seats over fifteen hundred, a Centennial affair, the social functions she is about to assume. w edt by. If you were on that ground, sir, you might have w e have tbe Best. It Is clean, dry and kept under shelter. You will do With Saxe and Boole and Cheeaman, and others seen it there. • | But the fact that she will §ppear in the rich- that ha knew, 1 much better in price and quality MOW, than by waiting a month. ( est of them at the inauguration of her hus­ He hurried down to see the place as you dr I ’ And then there is the Opera House, twelve hun­ band, and that her costume will be of im­ OVERWORK would do. , dred it will Beat, ported materials, while his will be wholly Looks well upon the outside and in the Inside INDUCED- To old Port Monmouth by the boat, and thence to neat. WYNCOOP HULSHART’S, of American growth and manufacture, will Eatontown, And full eight hundred cottages, and gardens all & put a strain on the economic philosophy.of Where just in time for dinner, they dined with in bloom; ' some -of his ardent supporters that it is Nervous Prostration David Brown. And in all Monmouth county the best Masonic Yard and office, 79 S. Main,Street painful to imagine. It is not easy to think And afterward they all set out by carriage through room — of a single comment which the protectionist the sand, The Park’s late Sup*rlntendont, Allen B. Cook, can make on the patriotism of the Presi­ Complete Recovery by the Use of For Ocean Grove, to prospect tbat new and goodly you know, ' : „ dents trousers and the unsophisticated land. ■ • ' ' . He built the lodge a monument that all are, - 3r. EO C -EES, And just about that time, sir, the turnpike com­ proud to show. • ' | Americanism of his £oat that will not seem pany Successor to Rogers & Bogers, areflection on the esteemed Indy the charm- Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Had begun to make their road, the worst th a t you The school Is well located,and oapitally planned, Maanfastarer and Dealer In sil brssohes of of whose gracious presence will be enhanced could 6e e ; . The lot it was donated, a pretty piece of land; 1 The average attendance la seven hundred strong. by the elegant products of foreign pauper “ Some years ago, as a result of too From Great Pond down to Ocean Grove it surely labor; •' was a mess, You can Imagine, lawyer, if anything went cfoso atteution to business, my health But now it’s tip-top, lawyer, and can’t be beat, I , To the heartless free trader or the indif­ guess. Just what a lively Bedlam we’d have In this ’ere ferent revenue reformer the impression will failed. I became weak, nervous, was Park be only that of a couple of American citi­ unable to look after my interests, and WeU, Bradley Baw the Grove and bought the first Could not be worse when Noah came to turn out bis ark. iin Street, Munroe Avenue and Railroad, zens who have exercised in their own wuy a manifested all tlie symptoms of a de­ Eighth-five dollars premium, as rye been often liberty of choice in their apparel such as Assessment of Park property in eighteen sixty- the bungling tariff laws of the country per­ cline. I took three bottles of Ayer’s For Bradley was run do'frn and over-worked, you nine ASBURY PARK, N. J. mit, which ought to be very much greater, Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once, Bee, Was fifteen thousand dollars—to draw it to a if not entirely untrammeled. But to the- And thought he’d try the seaside—good sense, line, " ■ ' i rn u in , H ul m iBdi, Daorft, Hunldlnra, BrM tel* sod Curved Work protectionist who glories in the American that seems to me. But fifteen years have changed it and made 80 right after purchasing he packed his caravan, it ra th e r m ore— ' H ard and Mot, Wntid Mnnt«i*. TnnalnK and Scroll Saw lng a ape* wool that shelters the President friihj*the Took horses, carriage, traps and tent, John Baker, The big sum of two millions, in eighteen eighty ulillt,. .*<1 Prim NrnlKhMl oa ilppl^outnn, treacherous winds of Washington “becatise colored man, four. -._he thinfcs thut the American market^should Who was his faithful servant, aqd down he came The streets that at right angles are running to Waiter B. Pierson, Architect. l?e walled in against, the wool of all the to be the sea, . * wor)d the spectacle of the President’s wife The guest of grim old ocean and to cam p beside From one to quite two hundred feet, are fine as the sea. streets can be. > . , robed in foreign Bilks and laces will be at The Depot grounds the finest along the Jersey least a puzzle, if not a scandal. We should They hurried fast to raise tbeir tent, for It was f- shore, « not be nt all surprised if the Ohio shepherds growing dark; With streets and woods adjoining that cover who have planned to journey to the National No axes to cut poles, sir. which was a lively acres four. Oapitaljra the 4thj3f March to feed.their "la rk ,” And bo they hung their cany as upon some heavy Bpnks have been built, sir, conducted on .the eyes "on McKinley panoplied^ so to speak, beams— square, in fleece of purely Republican sheep, should Association office was built on them , it seems. It r d Organized February, 1886. The writer of the accompanying interest and skins in exchange for powder, shot and, LIPPINCOTT, tlonal for deserved confidence a few little luxuries.. They are* the most of an d socurity to patrons. log sketch has seen a great deal of Florida ALL NEW FEATURES GEO. F. KROEHL, Pres. O, H. BROWN, Vice Pres. A. C. TW INING, Cashier. M. V. DAGER As»’t Cashier, in past yeurs but ia free^o n$mlt that thero virtuous, truthful and cleanly of all Indians. The Century will continue to ba In every TAILOE Your rail journey Is done at Miami, and respect the leading American magaalne., Mattison Ave. and Bond St., Asbnry Park. * is nothing to surpass the beauty, novelty, you may stop over night at the Royal Palm, Jta table of contents including each month 210 Main Street. originality and rapture of a daylight ride or go at once to your- stateroom in the City the best in literature^and art. Thp present by eteamer through this hardly-known sec­ of Key We3t, lying at the dock. Many interest in American history makes espe­ For convenience of Ocean Grove patrons: 'Men*s B^urmsBingB. Board op Dir ec to b s: tion of the United States: others aie to make the trip, and every Indi­ cially timely < • Office Ocean Sijove Cam p M eeting Asso­ cation points to n jolly party aboard, so you ciation Building, Ocean Grove, N. J. .Geo. F, Kroehl, It takes the same time to travel from oo to bed dreaming of happy times ahead. A GREAT NOVEL S. W. K irkbride, Miami, on Biscayne Bay, to Key West, on The journey thus far has been inarked by Milan Ross, O F T H E H. B. JOHNSON, • Jo h n S. Ripley, the Bteamer of that name, that tbe sun oc­ several distinct clifantlc changes. When CAPITAL, $100,000 you left New York, for instance, a wintry D. C, Covert, cupies in making hie daily run from hori­ AnERICAN REVOLUTION A lbert C. Twining, wind whistled the snow through tho streets, Practical Watchmaker, Oliver H. Brown, zon to horizon. On this ttlp you see him nnd a heavy overocat was a luxury. At its leading serial featpre for 1897 and the SURPLUS,. * 70,000 M .L . Bam man.l Dealer in Fine Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles, &c. Sherm an Bi O viatt, pushed up by tbe hand of Morning out of Jacksonville you swap tho overcoat for a masterpiece of its author,, Dr. S. Weir Watches and Jewelry repaired at City Prices. brass check; at Ormond you change your Mitchell. The story, “ Hugh Wynne, Free Transacts a general banking business, issues letters of Wm. H. Beegle, old ocean, in the east, and sink into repose underclothing; at Miami you take offj?our Quaker,” purports to be the autobiography Isaao C. Kennedy Into the waters of the Gulf <^f Mexico, in Qaokmga avennn and Bond street, credit available in the principal cities of the world. Foreign Samuel Johnson, vest and collar, and at Key West you kick of Its hero. M an officer on Washington’s aud domestic exchanges bought and sold. Collections care­ Bruce S. Keator, the west. A more glorious “ Good-night” the sheet off the bed. *» staff. Sociailife in Philadelphia at the ASBUBY PASK, N. J. ' fully made and promptly accounted for. Chas. A. Young, was never told. A Gulf sunset is one of The steamer City of Key Went is cap­ time of the Revolution is most interestingly Wm. Hathaway. tained by Stephen Bravo, who has the,mer­ depicted, and the characters include Wash­ tropic grandeur* with battlements and domes riest of twinkles in his dark eyes, and a ington, Franklin, Lafayette, and othwrs JOHN HUBBARD, of ^imperial color, with blendings into the fund of anecdote and information on t®p. weir known in .history. It Is safe to say firmament of the softest and purest of a A score or more of people comp down to that the readers of this great romance will breakfast. After breakfast, become ac­ obtain from It a clearer idea of . the people hundred pastoral shades and tints; As quainted and assemble upon the deck. The who were foremost in Revolutionary days, ^sbury parkanS ©cean @po^e Night lays the head oj the tir^d old mon­ phip Js now heading ^across Biscayne Bay, and of the social life of the times, than can arch upon her bosom the bright moon sails and "a great wonder is expressed at the color be had from any other single Source. Tbe . O, Box 075. Rosidonco—700 Fifth Avonuo. Mattison Avenue and Main 8trect, A8bury Park. out of the sea and the distant and twlnk- of the water. It is so cloar that you can see work is not only historically accurate,_but-- ^y^Esttm ates given fcr all Kinds of paintingT : * 1 'Main Ave. and Pilgrim Patbyray, Ocean Clrove. the fiBh.eyeiwg you from the bottdm rthirty fs a ^ o a t inferesting story of love and war. paper hanging, interior and extorior decorations —llnjHIghts of Key fVest^hine^forthr^ “ * feet below, but more remarkable than all, it The first chapters are in the November This journey is ono of the quaintest that is green—-a Nile green. And it is Nile green number. Howard Pyle will illustrate it. H. C. WINSOR, Prosldont. Organized January, 1889. ^ can f made by the Florida tourist. To and transparent all the way to the Island Q. W, EVANS, Ysee Pres. City of Key West; * [. ADON LIPPINCOTT, E. E. BAVTON, Cashier- Capital^ $50,000. begin the steamboat journey, one must first On this particular trip tfiere wore many CAMPAIGNING WITH W . W. DAVIS, Ass’t Cashier, traverse the East Coast line from Jackson- very interesting gentlemen arid ladies. GRANT, Contractor ^ Builder Surplus, $34,OCO. .ville to Miami. He leaves Jacksonville in a There was the composer of music from d i e e o t o r s : BY GENERAL HORACE PORTER, N. E. Buchanon, ;* John Hubbard-, handsomely equiD ped train at 7.30 A. M.‘, Buffalo, who resolved to write the “ Song of Estimates cheorfolly furniahod. Transacts a general Banking Business, Issues the Lonely Reef. ” 4 iB the title of a series of articles which has Jobbing in all branches prompty and carefully C. C. Clayton, Lowis Rainear, Foroign and Domestic Drafts. Prompt atten- nnd reaches Miami twelve hours later. The profefiHor was another. And right been in preparation for many years. Gen­ attended to. Dr. J . A. W. H etrick, Goo. W. Evans, tion given to all matters entrusted to us, >. T. Frank Apploby* J. A. Wairiright, . Collections made and promptly acknowledged, From the car windows he catches-kineto- hero let me stop and tell the story of the eral Porter was an aide on General Grant’s Residence and shop, J. S. Forguson, Henry C. Winsori Hcopio glimpses of one of the most beauti­ professor. He was on his way to Key West staff and a close friend of his chief, and 907 Main St,,'bet. lkt and 2d, Asbury Park, N, J. Geo.J?^ Treat, Amos Tilton. YOUB PATRONAGE SOLICITED. .. to deliver a lecture. On thejkeys or islands the diary which he kept through the war is ful, progressive and fertile sections of the live the “ Conchs,” hospitably, honest folk the basis of the present articles, which are A uthorized C apital, $100,000 State, with stops at important points here of large families. One of thi^se families, a striking pen-pictures of campaign life and M. M. CROSBIE, Capital paid in • • 60,000 nnd there, during which his eyes will have small family at that, said fOaptaln Bravo, scenes. They will be fully illustrated. The hut nevertheless, composed hf sixteen per­ first one is-in tbe November Century. (Succeasor'to David Cartwright), Monmouth Trust the opportunity to feast upon new and sons. came forth to see the ship puss. strange things. First is St. Augustine, the “ Whyl” said the professor, “ fchey>eem A NEW NOVEL BY spires of her churches and the flag-bedecked to have prosperous schools down here.” and Safe Deposit Com pany, —hotel-towera rising out of a foliage as greeif - Then along with the professor .was the MARION CRAWFORD, T ar P aper, S heathing P aper, Two and Monmouth Building, Asbury Park, N. J. philanthropist, who coincided! t^fat it would Three-ply Roofing Paper. as that of tbe Berkshire hills in June* If author of “ Mr. Isaacs,” “ Saraclnesca,” Rents safes of various sizos in lire and burglar proof vanlts at $5 to $15 por vearr WillS~rdceipted be a mean thing to *introduo8 modern civi­ “ Casa Braccio,” etc., entitled, “ A Rose^of P . O. Box 802. - Asbnry JParb.H. J. for and kept without charge. _ Interest allowed on doposits. -- —- ~... . — i t . be the right day, he ma^ hear a chime lization Irf these islands of Florida, where Yesterday*’’ a story of modern" life in’ T. S.-Darllng, Prosldeht.' ------— IJaviaiC* Cbrneli^Secretaryr- 7fromi tho quaint bells of the old cathedral. the people ore so happy and content, and Europepwith American characters, begins: Jaaac C^Kennedy^Yice-Pre9identr=“ —— " C. Twining, Treasurer. living so 8*mply. . . : i | SfcAugusUneJaone of the few cities of the Theresas. the dfintiat whoj constantly fa' Novgmbei^The-first of a aeries"of en­ A, A. TAYLOR, country beautlfuf from its station to its fur­ gravings, made by the famous wood- pulled himself together; the artist, who engraver, T. Cole, of the old Englieh mas- M . TA YL.O R, thermost boundary. Here are the great made sketches^from the top deckjlthekodak fiend, who looked with disdain upon the tera alMo ls In this Issue. New features will M ason and Builder. CONTRACTOR AND DEALER IN — h otelB witlTtEelr wonderful gardens. Here bo announced from time to time. artist’s uo-up-to-date methods; j&verol other Bricklaying and Plastoring in all branches nlso are the sea wall, built for two, Ft. San characters, and at last,'but not least, the Superb Art Features. of Masonry work. BLUESTONE and MASONS’ MATERIALS Marco; the narrow streets with the native Englishman, a jolly fellow, with one eye­ The Best Short Stories. Jobbing promptly attended t*. folk full of legend and romance. Leaving glass and Dundreary whlskeis,! who said the MAIN. STBEET. beS. Third and Fourth At-enaes, A 8 B U K T P A R K , green sea reminded him of a green Irish­ $.f,oo a year, 3 5 cents a number. P. O. Box 607. O fllce^a Mattison Ave. S t Augustine.7 one returns to the St/^qbns man he once knew. ! t i * nt Palatka—the Gem City—and thence the According to Captain BMvoib estimate, AU dealers take subscriptions, or remit­ tances may be made direct to tj^e publishers journey is toward the source of the salt there are from 1,000 to 10. QftO keys or Islands between Biscayne' and Key West. by money or express order, cbeok, draft, or Brpuse & Arend, Ijreeze,. and soon the train ia flying tbrouah They aro all of corul formation, rising sheer registered letter, _ ...... - the oak aud palmetto hammocks of the fial- from the Gulf and protected from the on­ THE CENTURY CO., Union Sq., New York ARCHITECTS, /Has,'fertile beyond description. Along slaught of the waves by one Iqng Continuous Forst-Rlchey B’ld'g, nnd 702 Mattison Ays. j some sections of the road the palmetto trees coral outer reef. Tho ship’s coulee is be­ Trenton, ^ Aabury Park, N. J. tween tne islands and the.j reef, .and the Careful attention. given to plans. ’ specifica­ nre so thick that one can Bwing hummocks waterhere Is usually very calm! T]he islands tions and supervision of all classes of architec- , from tree to tree for miles without a gap. are wooded with mango, cOcdanut palms, turaLwork.CorreBpondencesolicitod. ———^ This palmetto UC&ot- of the bush variety, jroyal~palm b, -avocadoea, r custaiid|-applesr alligator pears, sapadillo. jiflw-paws and but is a tree rising forty feet iu the air, one several other riotous species of gtowth. straight stem with a bunch of deep green at Twenty-five per cent, of the cothi compo­ H.-C. M arryott, the- I-'ree Silver candidate an d his party w a s laid t h e top. There is an air of rotundity and sition is phosphate, and tomatoes! are sold' .warmth about it In keeping with the gentle- to grow into trees. ‘ I: ; j out as cold as_a block of ice O n e - thing is tSJTtiirr; The people, accordiuon to Cnpfaiih Bravo, Jtie_first or American Newspapers, /ness of th o clime. It would b e a lonely and jab” holee in tho rock with, a crowbar, B u i l d e r , =— the RepuMican'victory puts an end to uncertainty j incongruous, figure if perched beside the load up a shotgun with toiled: seed, stand CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. “ Office: ■ a n d threatened calamity. ‘‘scrasBly” cedar upon bleak and desolate on tho back porch and/j let go j both barrels 910 West Munroe Ave. Asbury Park, N. J. and reap tbeir ‘harvest!in the spring. As hills. Frequently tho train travels along in powder comes high,! ( the plants have a full view of tho Halifax river with its abund­ thoughtful way of ctinttuulni.. to hear for lUSlilESS IS HEADY TO JUIHP. ance of flsh and game, and its cosey villas five yeaw. This is raqause tho p)ont gets The American Constitution^ tbrA m er­ S A M U E I t W-J KEKKBRIDE, where sportsmen find a winter home and mixed up as to wheth^ti it itl! is summer or winter, which 1s a natural thing for, it to do ican Idea, the American Spirit. These CONTBACTOB, Give it a"chance, an d reap the benefits by appealing enioy life lazily* * , - / under the circumstances This btory may : The sedate blue heron rises up, the tos be slightly exaggerated), but not much, for first, last and alt the time, forever. . ; • to the people.through the J O U R N A L ...... j of a biscuit from the mils, and slowly, with there in no question ip the]|remarkable Carpenter & Builder. great dignity, retires to some more retired fertility of the island^ j where, a(, all seasons Ilians and specifications furnished.. JobbiuK you can get fruit and yegbtabea of all varie^ DAILY* by mail, $6 a year promptlyattended to.' Beat of reference given. 4 retreat, whereie aero of Eden, the palms mountain-top, cut a bridge that connects Bric-a-Brae grow taller and denser, the, flowers are of , The illiiladoiphia Presa has arratigod ib f them with the rest of the world and become for the Connoisseur and Art Collector# rying the American flag. more gorgeous tint, and one sees wonderful tbo escIuslTo md expert reports of all iunt- veritable castaways in the midst of the ters vrtlf.tlnjf to the Corbett-FltzalmmonB Confederacy. Will bo i;ead with delight b j Engravings - botanical BpeMmenB ho had thought to find children North and South. v , . O FIRST'S LASS TABLE D’HOTE, nowhere else than on the Amazon. In this flttbt, anfl haa 4ha dfstinetion of far surpass- *■ for. tho Drawing Room or Library. emerald setting stands Hotel Royal Poln- lng ail othor papura in ita EoW ini its irtmt A Serial for Girls. \ UNSURPASSED ACCOMMODATIONSL cianl, brilliant with electricity and crowded niont of tbe most noteworthy event of its “ jun4”a Garden,” by Marion'Hill, is ad­ Crockery . %■' S.S. LaGrando Duchesso (now) wlth people of wealth, culture and fashion. 'kiiid Jalilatory,' Oiiiitractilhasd'baenniaaB dressed specially to girls, and ia by a favor­ . for Hotels and private families, with spe­ S. 8. Kansas City, S. S. Chattahooche ite writer It-Ja full of fun, the character- cial decorations. T , S,:8. City o f Birm ingham , S, S. N acooohee,.. St e ooaJ of $10,000 with Corbett, Fitz 8. S. City of A ugustai S. 8. City of - Macon. It is a oaravansery modern in all appoint­ drawing is strong and tbe whele influence v,,- \ ments. The train remains here a few min­ Simraor.o ttofetee Siler, .Martin' Julian, of the story ia inspiring and uplifting. Everythinpf S, S. Tallahassee, S. S. G ate City, utes, backs out acrdBB the lake and carries Tom .'Sharkey und' fi»e of the most noted for the furnishing of Seashore or City sporting wrliera and artists of the coilotry Short Stories. Homes.- you to Miami, on Biscayne Bay, Fewer Tlioio will be many tales of brave effort STEAMERS LEAVE . years ago than there are fingers on your lot pereonal signad statemenh and pictures and adventure, George has written each day deBorlbing aver? inoldent relating -Eveis-Tuosdastr-ThttrBdiayi-'-.— ------hand, Miami was but a name; but the rail­ to the fight. No other newspaper tn .Ponis- three aacitirig'stories of hisj experiences to Estimates given cheerfully and courteous at- road cume and, with it ihe people, and^a Russia; Walter Oamp will havo a stirring tention to alTvisitors or-Datmns^Qgoda-deliv^ sylyania, New Jersey ar Delaware will have noLdunt < aV t;ycle race, nnd J. T. 'i'row- Bred at any ‘of the towns along Bhore freo ofn and Batarday, at 3 p. m., town was huilLa^by^roaalo»~~It^euffere ^ttisTjswarHntHnir'atatBJsrantffBirJnrervIeWB, bridge will, contribtite a story of the sea. charge. ( . disastrous fire in December,1 but on every purporting to be from the* persons ab -. - Every month will havei articles representWg from new piers 84 and 85, N. R., foot of Spring named, printed by any other paper, will be Street; New York, connecting with'express site a new, handsomer and more substanlal falsa. Intending purchasers are kindly advised to trains for Jack«onville« Thom asvU le and All the Best Writers examine the new and fresh' stock at my Spring ^Uibofc is being erected. The Royal Palm Tha Press newt ralssea an opportunity to Patriotic Sketches, Helpful Articles, Hotel, one of the largest ofj the East Coast give to the public tbe best Information ob­ Lake establishment. Time and money saved in tainable concerning current sv;rat!<, In Its Tales of Travel, Fanciful Tales, Bright outfitting entire or partially refurnishing for G eorgia,______System of hotels, stands hero upon the coral Poeme. Spirited Piotnres, Prize Puzsles, tVift Bum m er. For further particulars regarding passage or armngemsnts to cover. the groat fight, it is etc.,,etq. freight, address » ______palm-Befringed banks of the .Miami, and more than keeping up this record, '■ G. M. SORREIi, Manage*. offers modern luxury to the traveler, who is $8 a year, 25 tSenta a number. AU deal- O. H. BROWN, NewPier85N.B.,New York. now as far south,as ho can penetrate by rail. —Many m teacriptipn in :> aomotery lit a efi'taka subscriptions, or retnittanoes asay monutnsntal lia, be made direct to the publisher bjr msBey J. E. WORTH AN, ■ The Miami 'rferer is,'a stream of tem pting or express order, check, draft or , ter SPRING LAKE, N .J. vistas;, wind Ing its way from the JSver&ades itfe oaa,,nefflr baliew buslasss letier. , ; J* '• ' Local Agent. 710 IfatUson BTaaua, to Bay Biscayne. w When tbe aeron&ut’a buuinum ia going up A jbury P u le , N Jf, If you desire to explore it you may be the diver’s m a y be going dawn, y THE CEKTURY CO., Union Sq., Sew York. LAKJ5W0OD, N. J. ‘;t ' ' ABOUT THE COUNTY. ners F O R S A L E m m t . Rich and Pretty Matters of Interest Recently Reported in ' the Local Newspapers. AT A BARGAIN 20,000 We have recently added to our winter stock a ’ E. V?ntts, of Keyport, hflfi been granted n Magazine $ choice assortment of. fashionable patent on his asparagus huncher. To loan On good mortgages. Tho undersigned offers what is known as the S. 0. COWART, Freehold, N. J, W. *rvinR Pearce, of Mannsquan, la now A Red-Letter Year for Neckwear in Cuba where he will remain a month, 1897. During tho month ending February 15 for gentlemen. .Style^. are correct, and the there were two deaths, two marriages and D, D. Davis Property, The entire novelty of many of the plans prices mean quick selling if you will look at the nine births in Karitan township. On Corllea Avenue, About One for 1897 is noticeable. For instance, the display. . ” 7. : - The Middletown Township Teachers’ As­ series devoted to“ London as Seen by Charles . . .Mile from Asbnry Park. sociation has been reorganized with 0 . W. Dana Glbpon.” Mr. Gibaon has not before Deck, of the Highlands, as president, appeared as a writer. Ho visited London Ai B, HAMPTON & CO. Distriot Olerk Qarret.S. Jones has received last sumXper for Scribner’s Magazine, for ; ‘ ,. ' Consisting of ' • V.', ' ' Companies i eiOK COOKMAN AVENUE. about a dozen applications for1 the prjnoi- the purpose of depicting with pen and pen­ palship of the Keyport graded school. cil those^scenes an l* types which the huge 10 Acres of Land, New Dwelling, 11 Rooms metropolis presents in endless variety. and Furnace, Barn for S Horbes, Ice Improvements to the amount of $5,000 Of like novelty is the first considerable House, Hennery 20X30, At Kates. we have been made’to tho Holmdel Reformed novel by Richard Harding Davis, “ Soldiers Ohnrch. The cpngregation paid for the pf FortuqpC7 - The hero is one of the most • Hennery 20x60. work. ' t vigorous, m6« that Mr. Davis has drawn. All; in good condition. The land is just suited If you carry a large amount of Always Have Tho revival1 meetings in the Methodist Illustrated by p. D. Gibson. fo r poultry and fru it fan n in g , arid being onVtHe, Ohnrch at Seaside have resulted in 150 con­ “ The Conduct of Great Businesses.” A main thoroughfare can be cut up into building insurance on buildings, stock, versions. The pastor of the church is Bov. beautifully illustrated series of articles of l o t s .. ■ •' ‘ • or other property, I can offer Mr: Vnnatto. whioh the following are already completed: “The Great, Department Store,” “The Thirteen thousand tons of ico have been Man&gement of a Great Hotel,” “ The ’ Price only $5^250; you special inducements for harvested at Jamesburg this winter. Tho Working of the Bank,” “ A Great Manu­ your business. most of it w aB for the United Ice Company factory.” *. Cash, $2,500. of Aabury Park. “ Undergraduate Life in American Col­ n For further particulars addresa :P. C. CORNELL, Agent. How do we Secure them ? Freeholder Edward Farry, of Matawau, leges.” A series of articles touching upon has' been given tho contract to -furnish-four- the life of our older.universities asprepre- - A; T. WOOLLET. Owner, Monmouth Trust Building. By Looking for them I' million brick for the Government buildings sented by the doings "of tbe studentff them^ at Sandy Hook. Thero are 35 buildings to selves. Judge Henry E. Howland'writes on Or tho local Real Estate Agents. Asbury Park, N. J. “ Undergraduate Lifoat Yale.” Mr. James be erected. Alexander on -“ Princeton,” and Robert And we have not looked in vain this past week, but secured The residents of Seaside, in Middletown Grant and Edward S. Martin on “ Harvard.” township, have organized a Bonrd of Trade “Japan and China since the War” will some specially good values in all departments, and, will offer to secure street lights and promote public be a most interesting group of articles NOTICE OF ELECTION the same ' \ ■...... ■ , improvements. Meetings are held every richly illustrated., ' , Real AND Monday night, * “ The Unquiet feex.” Under the title bf One day last week one of the oldest, if “ The Unauiet Sex,” Mrs. Helen Watterson Meeting1 of the Boards nut the oldest, horse in the State died on Moody will write a series of articles—“ Wo­ Estate Saturday, February ajtH. tbe farm of Barney Feltionn. The horse man and Reforms,”. “The College-Bred . of Registry. was 41 years old and has always been in the Woman,” “ Woman’s Clubs,” and “ The Feltman family. , Case pf Maria” (a paper on domestic ser­ Notice is hereby given that an election A p p T U R V alwayk h as desirable he If you wiH-note the-following-prices carefully you will no vice.' ' will be held In A r r L H D X forw ent and Bale. i A hostler named Ferguson, employed in W. D. Howelia’s “ Story of a Play. ” In doubt find something to interest you. * . an Atlantic Highlands livery stable, had his this Mr. Howells gives us the best novel he Neptune Township, leg broken in two places'last weok by being has ever produced in his delightful vein of kicked with a fractious "horse. He waB re­ Jight comedy. ON moved to the Long Branch Hospital. George W. Cable. In addition to the APPLEBY. W e have ih Domestics fiction enumerated there will be a series of Main Street and Hattteon Avenue, 10,000. yds Bleached Muslin, _ 4%c worth 7 The indebtedness of the West Farms Meth­ four short stories bjrGeorge W. Cable, the Tuesday, March 9 ,189T, 20,000!yds Bleached Muslin, the well-known makes, "Fruit of the Loom odist Church has all betn paid except $30. only ones he has written for many years. — - ASBURY PARK, N: J._ ; 4 | -- “ A n c h o r .“ Hill,** “ Lonsdale,” 10 yds for 59o More than that amount remains uncollected How to TravelJ^selyith a minimum of for the election of the followiug Township 10,000 yds Unbleached ^Musllni 10 yds for 43o on aubscriptons due from responsible jpar^ officers —_ _ _ 26^gl£ces Silk Stripe Ohallies, ties, consequently tho church is practically wear and tear must be regarded as an art IOo north 15 little understood, Mr. Lewis Morris Township Collector. SO^pi^ces^FaccjrtawnrBndDlmitiesr 1 2 Wo wonh 20 -ireeJrotn de b t,_ _ . 1- IddingBtmtwo^articleevWillofferaYariety _ Township Asseseor. W ILLIAM H.BEEGLi 10 pieces White Tambour Muslin^- l^c worth 18 Harry Reynolds, a carpenter, of Mana- of useful suggestions and data on “ Ocean To wnshlp'CoTnm itteirnatf5T“ 10 pjecfiS^Whito Tambour Muslin, l 2 Ko worth 20 squan, fell from a scaffold last, week and and Land Travel. ” This will be happily Onei Justice of the Peace. 10 pjecps iColored Madras, 12Jio Worth 20 fractured several of Ularlbs^ThediBtance- rounded ou^hy an articI&J’rom Mr. Richard Two Constables. : (Successor to H. B. Beegle.) was Bixteen feet, and ho landed on his back. Harding Davis on “Travclere One Meetsr lflai oner of^^ppealr ___ Specials in Silks. Mr, Reynolds met with a sitnilar accident Their Ways and Methods.” The illustra~ Two Surveyors of Highway. 10 pieces Fancy, 21 worth 35 I lo pieces Pig. Black Taffeta, 71 worth 98 two years Ago. tions by American and foreign artists will Poundkeepers. .... REAL ESTATE 20 pieces Fancy, 95 worth $1.25110 pieces Black Surah, 24 In., 53 woith'79 be highly pertinent. , And to vote money to carry on the Town­ —ANI>— - Fancy Heavy, 24 in., _ 10 pieces Black Gros grain, 75 worth 98 "A pplication has-been made to the Leg is- ship affairs during the ensuing year. <^he 89 worth 1.25 lature to consolidate spring Lftko.' NOrth- polls w111 be open at 6 o’clock A. M. and Sprlng Labe and Como under one govern­ It is impossible in u small space to even close a t *7 o’clonk P. M. — _■ INSURANCE. ~ Specials in Hosiery. ment^ The residents of theBe places are in mention -the many attractive features for The places for holding the election^ and favor of the change, and Assemblyman 1897. —A-beautiful—illustrated-booklet has the meetings of the Boards of Registry;and [JIESLAND, CHILDRENS’. MEN’S.HALF HOSE. Brown has promised his support in behalf been prepared, which will be sent, postage Election are as follows: I adies* P lain Black, : 100 doz Brown Mixed, 5 worth 12 of the measure. ' - paid, pn request. FIRST DISTRIOT. -2 pr for 25c,- worth 19c each 100 do2 Black and Tan, 10 worth 19 Brown Building, 608 Mattison avenue, adies* P lain Black,- 19 worth 25 100 doz Black and Tan, very fine, Robert Height, of Allaire, recently took Scribner's Magazine, $3.00 a year. adics’ Plain Black, 21 worth 35 three>poonful8 of plaster paris instead of a^ Aebury Park. . , .32W worth 20 dose of mahg&iia. He was considerably :■“ITr:. 3 5 CCfatS a COpJi— — SECOND DISTRIOT Dhildpen’s Black Ribbed, 100 doz Black and Tan, _ 15 worth 25 of Asbury Park, Educational HalUW-- . - ■ r lO worth 1 9 1 OO dozTTrown, '17 worth 29 alarmed the following day when he discov­ CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS; iisaes1 Black Plain, -lO^worth 19 ered his error, but os no illeffects followed 153-157 Fifth Avenue, New York. SECOND DISTRIOT „ _ ifants* Tan Ribbed, 15 worth 25 ho ase of-the P?09fer-parjer-Hejght is en­ oliieptuno To n’nfihipf:Feea:Bros^_HoteI, Ip fa n ts ?BlackGo< tonrlO worth 19 joying his usual goodHealtfiT South Main street, Artbury Park. , ' ifants’ Black Cotton, — Tho asBessment of the trolley road of the FOR SALE OR RENT. THIRli DISTRICT, '.‘" I 10 worth 19 tlantio—Blghiandsy-Red Bank, and XoBg. -BBI.r.ANQKE-CQXIAOB, Unexcelled Engine House, West Grove. ,Brnnph ~El3gtfln Railway Oomnany between :-^3 l ft^Fonrth-aynnn n 2 h l oc k sfrom Ocnnn. FOURTH DISTRIOT, Special in Clothing. -Red—Bank-and-Long Branch has been re- All conveniences of fa raished priva teresRonco Goodwill Engine House^West Park. Knee Pants, 17 Children’s Suits, $1,00 duced by the StnteJBoardof Taxation from for large family, or for boarders; 20 rooms, FIFTH DISTRIOT, ChlldreVe Suits, ——____ ; 75 III I umtuieuChildren's a aSuits, u jt e . ^ ---- : 1.29 $30,000 to .$25,000, on which eumthe bath, plumbed closets, large kitchen in base- co m pn n ywi lip a y tax to E atonto gn town- ment and another-on the first floor; servants' Woodward's Grocery Store j Main Btreet, Tothers should-exaiTiine our line of-Novelty Suits^for Chil- ship.^ yj> ■ apartments. Glass enclosed piazznV'largo ton Bradley Beach.' - raced lot. Will rent for season or year, or sell -— w m . g i f f a r d ; dren. Prices are just half their value. ■The Atlantic Fire Company, of Long a t special low-prices for cash., ------Township Clerk. Branehr ha?-petitioned^.the_jQQmniifiaiQiiftta. MISS M. E BELLANGEE. 82.48 worth $5.00 Men’s Suits, $6,48 worth$13,50 of that-place . to _ b u y n $ l,o 0 0 Seagravo ~ “ SSS'PrinceSfcvBtirdentowttrN^-Jr 4.48 worth 8.00 Men’s Pont?, 1.89 worth 2.75 truck, similar to tho one in use at Asbury 5.1)3 worth !>.r,0 Men’s Vsnts, 2.00 worth 3.00— P ari, The truck now used by the Atlantics you seen our Spring Woollens? . A lot of odd Pants -has been in service -1 wenty-five-years^— Sev,. SENDTHEADDRESSl,(,iLiodi2^ eral -years ago it was condemned as unfit terns, to order for $3.00. Regular price, $5 and $6. forseryice. . asssf^r SACHET POWDER. Long-1 astiner, fraerrant. Capt. George Bailey,"of Manasquan, has EXTRACT CO.,/355 Mulberry st., Nownrk.N. J. Specials in Shoes. contracted with a Bath,'MeVrship-buirding Tueeflay. Marcli 2d, 1897, Jtln Oil Bals., 98 worth $1.50 Women’s Dong. Tip, Button, Bi^'TtoT'^a' 'foarTnasted, -double=decbed- tin Oil Bala.__ ... 93 worth 1.3« _ 1.69 worth 2.50 schooner of the following dimensions: Keel, FARM FOK SALE. From 1 o’clock P. M, to 9 o’clock P. M., atin Oil Bals, 89 worth 1.25 WomenVDong. Tip, Buitoni 159 feet; beam, 39 feet; depth, 13 feet; for the purpose of revising and correcting Jong, Spring Tip,^ '93 worth 1.25 • 07 worth 1.39 carrying capacity, about 1,250 tons. The o r p a rt exchange fo r shore property. CO-acre the registry lists, < Dong. Tip, Lace, Lot Broken Sizes,' OOo formerly 2.50 farm on-Manalapanturnpike,-1-mile from Free­ FOR SALE. vessel Is to have all thelatest improvemenfer hold. Inquire 11 Broad St., Freehold, or ad­ The registry flBtS to be™retised—are-thi.8 T * ~ ^ ' $1.69 worth $2.60 in steam hoisting gear, windlass and wreck­ dress P. O. Box 180, Freehold, N .J .- same as those used in last fall’s elections. ing pumps, and will be ready for sea about Persons who have a legal residence in Nep­ July 1. • T tune township and who have moved into the In the meantime don’t forget that we have a large and de- township Binc& last fall; voters who have A DESIRABLE BRICK PLANT sijrabl