VOL. XXII. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1897. NO. 9 A8SK8SOB. j AUDITORIUM AS A CASINO'. BEER ARKS AND LEGISLATION THE NEW CHARTER BILL. 00. CASINO. ROW AT A PRIMARY. Charles H. Porter_______________ • 317 Peter P. Dodd--------------------------- 149 >cndtor Bradley , Shows the People of Chief Hutsharl, has a Bill to Prevent Them Citizens Recommend that. Some Amend­ To.bo’iBWK'ot w&iire Boy in Time, for i Supreme Struggle for the Several Offices Edward M. Fielder - _ — ______ 140 m ents be Mode to It. Ast^ry Pork th at ho Is Willing to Selling Less than Five Gallons. ' :-.y business. to be Filled this Spring. s. committeeman . ■ V - ; IJelp Them. The Surepmo Court haa declared uncohr The citlzeus of Asbury Park, an d -a few Plam; ;yow casino ot Pleasure Bay The time was when a Democratic primtiry. William A. Berry™ — - 327 Asbury Park can havo a casino nnd the fi^itutlonal the law regulatiug the sale of outaldera came together at'.Park Hall last have b^im' p»’cph:• ed by, a New York archi* in the townabip towered head and shoulders Samuel B. G u e r i n . • 209 Henry BreSnahan.— ____ 6 4 : .ttendiug winter business if itacitlzend' will beer from *1ark8.’, Tho case waa that of night and diacusatid the proposed new char­ tcct,’•■’.“Ti’l Jfv,vv.»/tracture which Is to add above tfi.o biggest kind of a pow-wow ever Charles P. Pridham.— _______—' 29 ^jo-oporato nnd Hubecrlbo at ICaat $ 5,006 Daniel Mack, who waa arrested in the town- ter for Aabary Park The meeting was ndornmfeM'^o thia Ip^auty spot of the Jersey held by Tammany Hall, but now the disci­ JUSTICE OF THE FKA» ^ward-the promotion of an enterprise that ahip a year or two ago for aellliig beer from called by the Board of Trade. That .body coobV 275 feet long and fifty feet ples of Jefferson, Jackson and Cleveland H. Bell:-— _____________ 271 the endorsement of the committee of a wagon in quantitiea leas .than two dozen 'had gone carefully over the b li^n^ v°ted w 1dc.//il'wn^opcupy . a site far to tho left of feel obliged to yield the palm to the Repub­ Alfred H art.— j 197 4 'fwenty-fl a npoinfced for thia purpose. bottlea.. Mack wa8 convicted at Freehold, for a fow amendments, und it waa to con­ tho o/d^nulid V^nnd, facing tho river. A licans. Their primary last Saturday was R. S. Cottene.^; __ ______ 182 ^epaiqr Bradley' haa'Vgteed to allow the and biB counse] took the suit to the Supremo sider these that the meeting wn3 bold. portion of Jf.wjHe^tond out over tbe water perhaps the most exciting that has ever CON STA IJIiEB. lob Auditorium to bbNednXerfeA. Intora Court with the reault na above stated. .The Jnmee H. Bird, president of the Board of arid bg. Qtit{^;5'na a landing for the World’s taken place in the township, ■ ■ - G. Albert Willa — — 313 Trade, noted as chairman, and W. B. B^dell ^alr. elocfrio,- launches, which scored auch Samuel S. White.._____-.I.—.—- 296 no and has even gone ’so |nr ns>b BUg- decision mnkea it legal to aell beer from Interest was wrought up to fever heat on Theodore Hulick_____ 285- jest how it should be furnished lliid main­ w ng o n a|n emoJI—llota, Committeeman waa secretary. great popqiarlty last summer. Tho fleet la account of the scramble for . the several Fortune flarria— -c. __ 20Q lined. He has agreed to the proposition Hulahart, chief of the townahlp police;-haa David Harvey, Jr., chairman of the Leg­ to be ^^a#od> too tlvj- boats, each-with offices; for it 1 Is generally conceded that a COMMISSIONERS Off APPEAL. , ^jo run Balt water into tho building for the prepared the following bill, which he will islative Committee of Mayor and Council* Beatlng^M i'fty pf-fifty. Republican nomination, in nine cases out Peter Bath-— 1______________ _ , 3 0 0 so of baths, and a swimming pool. To haye introduced In the Legislature, and assisted tbe chairman In explaining the The * ca^n'b/will bo two stories in height of ten, is equivalent to an election. The Robert Rose.-_i.--^--_-^-!.-_--^_r_-w 140 Iter.tho lower floor of tho Auditorium, and which if it becomes a law, will elevate the provisions of tho original bill, and the and conT*tm ; colonial featuree.' The withdrawal of Capt, Lewis Rainear, who Joaepb ^ Peteraon and ; William R. MiUer provide it with baths, bowling alleys, bll- morality of th3 township: amendments that had been recommended. first flo ^A ti ho.. devoted to tho wanta and had been named as a candidate for, collec­ were nominated for Surveyors of the High­ ard and pool tables, reading, smoking and Tho first amendment taken, up applied to comforts of >xaltors. A lady’s room will be i. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Gen­ tor, left only Clerk Giffard and Wm. H, way, and Charles Lane, Harrison Ward and Jgounging rooms will cost not fees than eral Assembly of tho State of New Jersey, section .three, which provided in the bill :§in excellent ^feature, Tlie second story will Beegle In tho race, and each worked indus- Ellsworth Davie, Poundkeepers.; - j?5,000, possibly more. The building Is That If any person shall aell any spirituous, that the salary of the Mayor shall not ei&£ed contain il fipaciouB grand stand for seating vinous, malt brewed or intoxicating liquora tirously to secure the nomination. The appropriations carried were aa fol­ jdmirably adapted for tho purpose. Last from any wagon, or in any building or $1,000 in any one year. The Board of tho thon.' fthdy who attend the brilliant dis­ The primary waB held: ut Ma/row’fl H all lower.; . ' . \ Wear at nn oxpenfco of $4,000Senator Brad- other place in this State in any quantity Trade recommended that th^^mount be plays of, IHvrffftrtjsi .to ‘ bo givon periodically Two o'olock waB_the bour announced for it For Roada— —-____— 1___ _ $4,000 ;. py fixed it up, and made it comfortable in Jess than five gallons, without a licenae first made $500. When thejpj*&tion wag put tg* tlum ig-th^ v abiin; Fifteen hundred multi- to open. An hour before that time the( Cycle P ath *______ —____ 300 j (very respect. All., the rooms,, which are bad and obtained according to law, such, vote tho recommendoUffn waa lost. C9?otcd if^jnieciient lights will transform Poor---— -wl.. 1,500 person shall bo.tleemed guilty of a misde­ grounds about the hall were crowdecTby“the Ways and Meana— —___ _ 1,200 [irge and spacioua, nro finished-in*hard meanor and on conviction thereof abqll be Tha* part of eajffon five providing that the placo !»*/>& picture of fairyland nt night candidates and thejr friends, laying plans Police_____________________ 1,200 ood, while complete sanitary arrangements punished by a fine not exceeding five hun­ the Board of Education shall bo appointed *• Tho groaii^J hb.out tho casino aro to be and p u lin g wires that it was hoped would It waa nearly 4 o’clock Sunday morning ere put in to make it doubly convenient.' dred-dollara or imprisonment at i^ard labor by the Mayor and Council was changed bo turned oycrt^^Ue artistic fancier of a noted land^them a winner Ilf th^poTitlcalrace/"^ for any term not exceeding two yeara or as to give thiB power to the people, aa is before the votea were counted. Tho location Is uneurpiescd, being dliect- both at tbe discretion of tho Court? provi­ landscape : guidoner who will lay out many Over a dozen carriagea bad been hired by now done under the present Jaw. T, Frank on the ocean front between Sunset and ded, however, that it shall be lawful for flowerbeo! .*^'<1 otherwiso beautify tho placo tho ca ridrdatea to -c ^ v e y to~the - polls the On Tuesday afternoon “tho Democrate of b avenues, ______ > druggists and pharmacists to Boll liquors Appleby, who hua been District Olerk for in his own pc^jilar style. weak and infirm, and others who claimed the townahlp held their primary at Marrow’s without a license first had and obtained in second floor Ih entirelyTmolosed with ten yeara, ndovcated the amendment’ No Special' .ai^ammodations for trolley par­ they . were not able to stand the journey. Hall. Capt. John Smith called the meet­ all cases where aa id liquors aro compounded change, however, waa made to that part of Tho boiler uBbd for heating the and sold for medlcjnol usee upon the pre- ties will bo j^yidcd. Everything that can There; were many of the latter, made up ing to order arid Was unanimously elected atcr for the baths und poolfe could also fur- acriptlon of a reputable physician, eigned the bill regulating how the appropriations be done fo( Improve Pleasure Bay will be principally of those who believe that if tbeir chairman. There was no opposition \td ish thosteam heat Mr. Bradley will allow by euch phyaiclan. \ for educational purposea ahall be made., pushed to^'C^iiiplGtion aa quickly aa possi­ vote la worth having it ia worth coming Joseph Harris for secretary^ Capt Smith- 2. Ana be it enacted, That all acta and Now tho people come together and vote for titions tobe built up3talrs, provided they parte of acta inconsistent with thia act be ble.
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