North Lancashire Primary Care Trust
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Agenda item no. 12 GOVERNING BODY MEETING Date of meeting 20 March 2018 Agenda item number 12 Title of report Patient and public engagement update report Paper Presented by: Claire Lewis, Acting Executive for Governance, Patient Safety and Risk Paper prepared by: Amanda Bate, Community Engagement Manager Kate Hurry, Head of Communications, Engagement and Development CCG strategic Develop and maintain an effective organisation objective supported Commission high quality, safe and cost effective services which by this paper: reduce health inequalities and improve access to healthcare (please tick ) Effectively engage patients and the public in decision making Develop excellent partnerships which lead to improved health outcomes Make the best use of resources Purpose of report The purpose of this report is to provide an update to the Governing Body on the Clinical Commissioning Group’s patient and public engagement activity over the last two months. Recommendation The Governing Body is asked to note the contents of the report. Please indicate which Group this has been discussed with (please tick ) Executive Management Team Quality Improvement and Governance Cttee Clinical Commissioning Committee Finance and Performance Committee Audit Committee Remuneration Committee Council of Members Other/Not Applicable Patient and Public Engagement: The paper outlines the activity for patient and public engagement Equality Impact Assessment: Equality impact monitoring forms part of patient and public engagement activity Resource Implication(s): Not applicable For further information please contact: Amanda Bate, Community Engagement Manager [email protected] Agenda item no. 12 Agenda item 12 GOVERNING BODY MEETING – 20 MARCH 2018 PATIENT AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT UPDATE This paper provides an update to the Governing Body of NHS Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group’s patient and public engagement activity over the last two months. The Governing Body is asked to note the content of this report. Key Number Communications and engagement objective 1 Help us to deliver our 2030 Vision 2 Help people to make healthy choices and use NHS resources effectively 3 Use patient experience and opinion to improve NHS services 4 Engage our workforce, clinical partners and stakeholders 5 Make sure we are meeting our legal duties 6 Manage the reputation of the CCG and the wider NHS 7 Build capacity and capability around communications and engagement Empowering People and Communities The empowering communities work in each neighbourhood continues to grow and provide some excellent examples of communities working together to improve health and wellbeing. Healthier Fleetwood has completed their young Chef of the Year aimed at all Year 5 children. This is planned for re-launch again in 2018 and the potential to implement across the Fylde coast is currently being explored. A ‘Tea and Talk’ event was held at Marine Hall in February 2018 and attended by a number of stakeholders and services. Approximately 150 local residents attended to talk about their experiences and their community. The WIN neighbourhood has being working in partnership with Wyre Borough Council on an onward referral for leg ulcer patients to the Stepping Out service, a physical activity programme utilising local green space which will help to support patients remain well following their treatment. The neighbourhood has also been working on a Social Prescribing Framework. Lytham St Annes neighbourhood continues to work with local friendship group Just Good Friends who in February 2018 appointed two temporary part-time link workers. These link workers will support any members admitted to hospital by continuing to visit them and maintain links for re-entry to the group on discharge. The workers are available to reach new members who are very isolated. Training for volunteers to ensure sustainable continuous growth of the group will also be part of their role. Holland House Surgery has recently launched an art and health competition open to all residents. The dementia friends training and dementia singalongs in Lytham St Annes are very well attended. The Kirkham neighbourhood has launched its community hub website GOTCHA (‘Getting our thriving communities healthy and active’). To date this partnership hub between GP practices and the community has had over 2,500 views. The neighbourhood has set up 2 Agenda item no. 12 coffee morning sessions to provide asset mapping opportunities and grow the volunteer base in the area. So far there is an established walking group, a new COPD support group and future work will concentrate on young carers, social isolation and school attendance. There is also support for working with the local community on growing projects to link with the young chef approach being considered for the Fylde coast. The fourth annual PPG conference, which is coordinated by the CCG, is scheduled for 22 March 2018. For the first time it will bring together all empowering communities pilot sites and PPG representatives from across the Fylde coast. With approximately 100 delegates, each neighbourhood will be able to share best practice and begin to develop plans for future empowering communities work. Communications and engagement strategy objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 World record attempt The Fylde coast world record attempt has gathered significant momentum during 2018. This event will take place on Saturday 21 July 2018 at the Lytham Festival arena. The CCG, working in partnership with Lytham Festival organisers Cuffe and Taylor and Fylde Borough Council, will bring together statutory, voluntary and commercial sector partners across the Fylde coast in this ambitious project as part of the NHS70 celebrations. There is significant celebrity and national media interest in the project and an official launch is planned for early May 2018 with promotional videos. Participants will be able to register in advance to take part and the event will be accessible to all. An update will provided at the next Governing Body meeting. Communications and engagement strategy objectives: 1, 2, 6 and 7 Care home engagement In February 2018 the CCG held its scheduled quarterly care home meeting, which the CCG has hosted for the last three years. This meeting brings together and supports care homes in Fylde and Wyre to share good practice, receive updates on training, scope new services and an opportunity for everyone to network. This event is always popular. In February there were 68 delegates from 25 care homes, Lancashire County Council and the interim care home team. Two matrons also attended from the Blackpool Teaching Hospitals. The event was videoed to enable the team to share promotional material and encourage new participants. A range of Vox Box soundbites was also captured with delegates sharing the value of the event to their own work. Communications and engagement strategy objectives: 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Commissioning a better patient experience Workstreams within the Macmillan Service User Involvement Project have continued to progress in 2018. Analysis of dialogue from the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (NCPES) Focus Group (held in December 2017) has been carried out and included input from the Patient Cancer Care Improvement (PCCI) group, Fylde Coast Cancer Steering Group, the North West Macmillan team, and the Cancer Nurse Specialist Forum. At the 3 Agenda item no. 12 event, service users were asked to provide service improvement suggestions in response to the 2016 survey. Resulting initiatives have been co-produced and so far include a Cancer Carer’s Café, a Macmillan funded calendar for newly diagnosed patients (scheduled for 2019), a ‘breaking bad news protocol’ for inpatient diagnosis, and a checklist to assist nurses in having discussions on intimacy. In January a workshop element was introduced to the PCCI group, to promote a shift towards a more proactive role. The group has been feeding into existing workstreams within cancer service improvement such as the NCPES workstream and combatting two week wait missed appointment rates. In order to engage with lesser heard voices, a second patient reference group has been launched in an evening at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals. The group has nine members who are affected by cancer but work daytime hours so find existing engagement events inaccessible. Additionally, a Learning Disability Cancer Network has been established to allow health professionals and providers across cancer and learning disability services to work together. The network will provide a forum for service users with learning disabilities to feed into service development. Communications and engagement strategy objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 Did not attend appointments campaign The CCG has launched a campaign to highlight the number of missed GP appointments across the Fylde coast and the costly implications of ‘did not attends’ (DNAs). Figures showed that in December 2017 there were almost 7,000 missed appointments. A press release was developed and run on the front page of the Blackpool Gazette, while BBC Radio Lancashire also featured the piece on its drivetime show with Dr Tony Naughton being interviewed live on air. The campaign has been promoted heavily on social media with a reach of more than 400,000 and posters have been distributed to all GP practices to promote the importance of keeping or cancelling appointments to local patients. We will evaluate for any reductions in DNAs for the period January to March 2018 and will include an update in the