Contact Ealing office newsletter: June 2018 We are Contact, the charity for families with disabled children. We support families with the best possible guidance and information. We bring families together to support each other and we help families to campaign, volunteer and fundraise to improve life for themselves and others. I hope all of you are enjoying the sunshine. I am pleased to be sending our June Newsletter! We are GDPR compliant and if you wish to remove your personal information or change your preferences, please contact
[email protected]. Contents 1. Office updates 2. Annual Conference meeting 3. Workshop and events 4. ESOL and IT courses 5. Summer trips Our helpline Freephone: 0808 808 35559.30am-5pm, Monday-Friday; free from UK landlines and UK mobiles (Answer within five rings) Facebook: within two working days) Twitter: @contactfamilies(Response within two working days) Email:
[email protected](Response within 10 working days) 1 Office Updates : We are delighted to inform you that our Ealing project has recently secured 3-year funding from Big Lottery and John Lyon’s. We have two new staff members, Bharati and Olivia. We have organised several workshops, support group sessions and family events. Our Independent Support program will end on 30th July 2018. Our staff, Alison Lourie will be moving on from her Independent Support role by the end of July. Our manager, Asha Yadav will be leaving Contact by the end of August 2018 after 9 years of association. Bharati Limbu (Parent Advisor/Inclusion Coordinator) I am so happy to be back in Contact Ealing! I had started as a volunteer in Contact and many of you may have seen me at the summer trips or Christmas event.