ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates FAMILY RECORDS

Separation papers


Minutes and account books

ACC/1214/0001 Minute book of board of directors 1909 - 1918 Indexed

ACC/1214/0002 General sales ledger recording sales of ale, 1796 - 1810 porter, hock etc. to innkeepers and direct to private persons including Duke of Northumberland, Dowager Countess of Essex, Earl of Jersey, Earl of Berkley; also including domestic accounts or 'bills paid for the House and other Expenses'. Indexed and with inclosures ACC/1214/2/2-3

ACC/1214/0003 Rent ledger, recording rents paid to brewery by 1809 - 1863 tenants of public houses, 1809-1834, at one end of volume and rents paid by brewery to landlords, 1812-1863, at other end. Indexed and with enclosures ACC/1214/3/2-16

ACC/1214/0004 Rent Ledgers recording rents paid by tenants to 1834 - 1848 brewery: Indexed

ACC/1214/0005 Rent Ledgers recording rents paid by tenants to 1848 - 1861 brewery: Indexed

ACC/1214/0006 Rent Ledgers recording rents paid by tenants to 1874 - 1885 brewery: With separate index 6/2

ACC/1214/0007 Rent Ledgers recording rents paid by tenants to 1885 - 1898 brewery:

ACC/1214/0008 Rent Ledgers recording rents paid by tenants to 1898 - 1908 brewery: LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 2 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/0009 Estate ledgers 1823 - 1853 Indexed. Recording estimated value of brewery premises, tied public houses and sundry pieces of land, with appreciation in value through alterations, repairs, additions new building etc.. balanced against estimated depreciation.

ACC/1214/0010 Estate ledgers 1853 - 1885 Indexed. Recording estimated value of brewery premises, tied public houses and sundry pieces of land, with appreciation in value through alterations, repairs, additions new building etc.. balanced against estimated depreciation.

ACC/1214/0011 Estate ledgers 1886 - 1914 Indexed Recording estimated value of brewery premises, tied public houses and sundry pieces of land, with appreciation in value through alterations, repairs, additions new building etc.. balanced against estimated depreciation.

ACC/1214/0012 General estates ledgers 1847 - 1863 [Indexed].

ACC/1214/0013 General estates ledgers 1854 - 1863 [Duplicate of 12, indexed]. Recording estimated value of brewery property with expenditure thereon and financial holdings in business of members of Farnell family, grouped under general headings, i.e. freehold and copyhold estates, leasehold estates, plant and utensils, goods and fixtures, etc

ACC/1214/0014 General estates ledgers 1863 - 1886 [Indexed] Recording estimated value of brewery property with expenditure thereon and financial holdings in business of members of Farnell family, grouped under general headings, i.e. freehold and copyhold estates, leasehold estates, plant and utensils, goods and fixtures, etc

ACC/1214/0015 Loans and salaries ledger 1850 - 1890 [Indexed] LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 3 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/0016 Private ledgers. 1857 - 1889 [Indexed]

ACC/1214/0017 Private ledgers. 1880 - 1886 [Indexed]

ACC/1214/0018 Private ledgers. 1886 - 1903 [Indexed]

ACC/1214/0019 Journal recording general expenses of brewery. 1881 - 1886

ACC/1214/0020 Wages book 1914 - 1949 Recording weekly wages paid to coopers, engineers, maltsters, draymen, stable boys, office cleaners, employees, after, only total wages bill for each class of employee given. With miscellaneous enclosures

ACC/1214/0021 Wages book 1914 - 1949 Recording weekly wages paid to coopers, engineers, maltsters, draymen, stable boys, office cleaners, employees, after, only total wages bill for each class of employee given. With miscellaneous enclosures Reports and balence sheets

ACC/1214/0022 Report of Company's solicitor, Thomas Skewes 1886 3 Nov -Cox, to first annual general meeting of shareholders, held at office of company's auditors, 11 Queen Street, E.C.

ACC/1214/0023 Draft reports of Directors with annual balance 1886 - 1892 sheets and profit and loss accounts, [Items numbered 0023-0031)

ACC/1214/0032 Printed reports of Directors with annual balance 1892 - 1902 sheets and profit and loss accounts. (Items numbered 0032-0040)

ACC/1214/0041 Annual balance sheets and profit and loss 1887 - 1894 accounts [ms]. (Items numbered 0041-0048)

ACC/1214/0049 Notices [printed and ms drafts] of annual 1887 - 1894 general meetings of shareholders. (Items numbered 0049-0057) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 4 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/0058 Letters [printed and ms drafts] from Company 1887 - 1901 secretary to shareholders concerning declarations of dividends and applications for debentures. (Items numbered 0058-0072)

ACC/1214/0073 Rough statement of accounts to 30 March 1889 1889, on which to base interim dividend.

ACC/1214/0074 General statistics for 1893 together with 1893 reasons for declaring dividend of only 9%.

ACC/1214/0075 Suggestions for Mr. Farnell Watson, upon 1893 22 Nov which to base remarks as chairman at shareholders' meeting, 22 November 1893. Agreements

ACC/1214/0076 'A'. (Items numbered 0076-0082) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/0083 'B'. (Items numbered 0083-0156) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/0157 'C'. (Items numbered 0157-0257) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/0258 'D'. (Items numbered 0258-0303) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/0304 'E, F'. (Items numbered 0304-0386) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/0387 'G'. (Items numbered 0387-0423) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/0424 'H'. (Items numbered 0424-0540) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/0541 'I, J'. (Items numbered 0541-0565) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/0566 'K'. (Items numbered 0566-0587) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/0588 'L'. (Items numbered 0588-0657) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/0658 'M'. (Items numbered 0658-0851) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/0852 'N'. (Items numbered 0852-0897) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/0898 'O'. (Items numbered 0898-0914) 1911 - 1914 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 5 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/0915 'P, Q'. (Items numbered 0915-1009) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/1010 'R, S'. (Items numbered 1010-1153) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/1154 'T, U'. (Items numbered 1154-1199) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/1200 'V'. (Items numbered 1200-1266) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/1267 'W'. (Items numbered 1267-1301) 1911 - 1914

ACC/1214/1302 Agreement 1909 8 Dec 1. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 2. Rowland Hill of Brewery Cottage, Isleworth, brewer. (2) shall continue as brewer to company for further 10 years at salary of £350 p.a. with rent free house and barrelage of 6d. for every barrel of beer produced in excess of 32,500 barrels.

ACC/1214/1303/A Memorandum of agreement for continuing 1917 18 Dec employment of Rowland Hill as brewer for further 10 years at salary of œ500 p.a. with commission.

ACC/1214/1303/B Annexed to above: account of commission 1918 14 Jan earned by Rowland Hill during year ending October 1917.

ACC/1214/1304 Memorandum of agreement (and counterpart), 1921 - 1922 14 April 1921, for continuing employment of Rowland Hill for further 10 years at salary of œ1400 with bonus. Endorsement: supplemental agreement, 19 January 1922, concerning change in wording of original agreement.

ACC/1214/1305 Printed notice (and two copies) of extraordinary 1914 30 May general meeting of shareholders to authorise continuing employment of Joseph and Henry Shepherd and Arthur Edward Phillips and to consider new articles of association - Enclosed is printed letter to shareholders.

ACC/1214/1306 Drafts (printed) of proposed new articles of [1914] association. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 6 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1307 Memorandum of agreement (and unexecuted 1914 1 Jul copy). 1. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 2. Joseph Shepherd of the Hill Hare Hatch, nr. Twyford, Berks., esq. (2) shall continue as managing director for further 5 years at salary of £900 p.a.

ACC/1214/1308 Memorandum of agreement (and unexecuted 1914 1 Jul copy). 1. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 2. Henry Shepherd, esq., of No. 3 Zion Crescent, Isleworth. (2) shall continue as manager of bottled beer and malting department for further 5 years at salary of £500 p.a.

ACC/1214/1309 Memorandum of agreement (and unexecuted 1914 1 Jul copy). 1. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 2. Arthur Edward Phillips of the White Cottage, Iver, Bucks, esq. (2) shall continue as manager of public houses belonging to company for further 5 years at salary of £500. Wartime records

ACC/1214/1310 Draft of proposed pooling agreement between 1917 26 Mar Isleworth Brewery Ltd., Fuller, Smith and Turner Ltd., and Sich and Co., Ltd. With accompanying letter from Collins Tootell and Co., chartered accountants, containing comments on purchasing of rolling stock.

ACC/1214/1311 Pooling agreement (and 2 unexecuted copies). 1917 16 May 1. Isleworth Brewery Ltd., Isleworth. 2. Fuller, Smith and Turner of the Griffin Brewery, 3. Sich and Co., Ltd., of the Lamb Brewery, Chiswick. 4. Burge and Co., of the Victoria Brewery, Windsor. Because of war-time restrictions on brewing output, above parties will pool all resources and allow (1) to brew for the others, with covenants for use of staff, equipment, etc. Share records LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 7 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1312 Mortgage, 7 June 1911, by Isleworth Brewery 1911 - 1919 Ltd., to Sir Richard Charles Garton and others of 50 debentures of œ100 each to secure repayment of previous debenture loan to brewery. Endorsed: release and discharge of mortgage, 7 January 1919.

ACC/1214/1313 Mortgage, 22 April 1913, by Isleworth Brewery 1913 - 1918 Ltd., to John Pullman, esq., of Parkstone, Dorset, of 28 debentures of œ100 each to secure loan of œ2,265. 11s. 2d. Endorsement: release and discharge of mortgage, 10 September 1918.

ACC/1214/1314 Mortgage, 22 April 1913, by Isleworth Brewery 1913 - 1918 Ltd. to John Pullman of 14 debentures of œ100 each to secure loan of œ1,119. Endorsement: release and discharge of mortgage, 10 September 1918.

ACC/1214/1315 Mortgage by Isleworth Brewery Ltd. to 1921 14 Apr Gwendolen Pullman of Hindhead, Surrey, widow, of 43 debentures of œ100 each to secure loan of œ2,000. Discharged 19 December 1922.

ACC/1214/1316 Mortgage by Isleworth Brewery Ltd. to 1921 7 Sep Gwendolen Pullman of 13 debentures of œ100 each to secure loan of œ600. Discharged 19 December 1922.

ACC/1214/1317 Agreement between Isleworth Brewery Ltd. and 1914 9 Apr Phoenix Assurance Company Ltd. concerning debentures. Annexed: deed of covenant with same parties for payment of premiums on sinking fund policy.

ACC/1214/1318 Agreement (and 2 copies) between Isleworth 1915 31 Dec Brewery Ltd. and British General Insurance Company Ltd. relating to 80 debentures of œ100 each.

ACC/1214/1319 Agreement between Isleworth Brewery Ltd. and 1920 27 May British General Insurance Company Ltd. for loan of œ50,000 on security of debentures and capital redemption policy. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 8 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1320 Particulars of 700 debentures to be issued to 1920 British General Insurance Company Ltd. as in ACC/1214/1319.

ACC/1214/1321 Appointment of Isleworth Brewery Ltd. as agent 1921 18 Oct of British General Insurance Company Ltd.

ACC/1214/1322 Debenture stock certificate for œ248 of stock 1920 26 Apr held by Isleworth Brewery Ltd. in Whitehead Aircraft (1917) Ltd.

ACC/1214/1323 Declaration, agreement, correspondence 1895 - 1896 concerning mislaid share certificate of Emily Robinson, No. 4 Park Cottages, London Road, Isleworth.

ACC/1214/1324 Certificate for 5% War Stock, 1929-1947. 1917 - 1922 Agreements

ACC/1214/1325 Analysis of samples of water used for brewing 1873 20 Oct at Isleworth Brewery, made by Gillman and Spencer, The Laboratory, Castle Brewery, Southwark.

ACC/1214/1326 Copy of agreement with Metropolitan Water 1908 20 May Board for supply of water to the Brewery, Isleworth.

ACC/1214/1327/A Agreement between Isleworth Brewery Ltd. and 1910 28 Dec the Bucks. Brewers' Association concerning voluntary scheme for surrender of licences.

ACC/1214/1327/B Agreement 1914 26 Jan 1. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 2. F.S. Stowell Ltd., the Mall, . (1) agree to allow (2) to offer licensing justices licence of the 'Canteen' beerhouse for extinction to enable (2) to gain licence for off -licence premises at Salisbury Parade, Ealing; (2) will purchase stock from (1) in return. 1915 12 Jan. Endorsement: memorandum of agreement whereby (1) offer (2) licence of 'Phoenix' public house, Orleans Road, Twickenham, to strengthen second application after failure of first. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 9 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1328 Correspondence from C. Howard Tripp, Collins 1917 1922 Tootell and Co. and E. Hopkins. Amalgamation records

ACC/1214/1329 Heads of agreement for amalgamation (part [1919] only).

ACC/1214/1330 Copy agreement for the purchase of Sich and 1919 2 Oct Co., Ltd. by the Isleworth Brewery - with schedules of freehold and leasehold properties of Sich and Co., Ltd.

ACC/1214/1331 Covenant whereby Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 1920 6 May agrees to continue paying pensions to retired employees of Sich and Co., Ltd. listed in attached schedule.

ACC/1214/1332 Duplicate trust deed prior to issue of 1920 6 May debentures to secure sum of œ55,000, as stipulated in clause 12 of ACC/1214/1330, appointing John Henry Sich and Gerald Cozens Pullman as trustees. ISLEWORTH BREWERY: PROPERTY RECORDS


ACC/1214/1333 Lease for 21 years from 24 June 1870 1870 27 Jul 1. Joseph Narroway of Steyne, Acton, farmer. 2. Edward Barton of the Northamptonshire Brewery, George Street, Camberwell, Surrey, brewer. Premises: messuage known as 'The Cottage Brewery', High Street, Acton. Rent: £31. 10s. yearly.

ACC/1214/1334 Abstract of title of Charles William White and 1872 others of Hibernia Chambers, London Bridge, to 'The Cottage Brewery', Acton, mortgaged to them, 29 September 1871, by Edward Barton, with power to sell. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 10 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1335 Assignment of lease 1872 17 May 1. Charles William White and others. 2. Henry Richard Gibbon of No. 9, Military Road, Colchester, Essex, gent. Premises: 'The Cottage Brewery', Acton, assigned to (2) under power to sell contained in mortgage, 29 September 1871. Consideration: £116. 13s. 4d.

ACC/1214/1336 Agreement 1875 29 Apr 1. Henry Richard Gibbon of Acton, trading as Waistell and Co., Brewers. 2. William Page of Acton. (1) will let to (2) beerhouse in Osborne Road, Bollo Bridge, Acton, known as the 'Princess of Wales'. Rent: £30 yearly. Covenant: all malt liquors to be purchased from (1). Note: used as draft for lease to Henry Smith, of premises called 'The Acton Brewery Tap', 1877.

ACC/1214/1337 Fire insurance policy on 'The Acton Brewery 1877 14 May Tap' from the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co. Annexed: receipt, 24 December 1878, for 15s. premium.

ACC/1214/1338 Surrender of lease 1911 31 May 1. Andrew Cunningham of Royal Exchange Avenue, London, esq., Joseph Shepherd of Twyford, Berks, esq., Sir Thomas Skewes-Cox of Petersham, Surrey, K.B., and Henry Pullman of St. Helens, Hampton Wick, esq., J.P. 2. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 3. Joseph Narroway formerly of Friars Place Farm, now of 'Clandeboye', Acacia Road, Acton, retired farmer. Premises: 'The Acton Brewery Tap', formerly 'The Cottage Brewery', also called 'The Wellington beerhouse, previously leased to Joseph Shepherd, 1890, then assigned to (2), then to trustees. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 11 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1339 Lease for 21 years from 24 June 1872 1872 25 Jul 1. Rose Ellen Morten of Hayes, spinster. 2. Mark Bromley Morten of Hayes, maltster, and (1), trustees of will of William Morten of Hayes, maltster, deceased. 3. Albert John King of Hayes, brewer, executor of will of James King of Hayes, brewer, deceased. Premises: dwelling house, brewhouse, malthouse, stables and appurtenances in Hayes and messuage called 'The Chapel House', with garden adjoining also in Hayes, previously leased by Wm. Morten, deceased, to James King, deceased. Rent: £80 yearly. With schedule of brewery contents. Note: Deed marked 'No. 198 These premises have been surrendered'.

ACC/1214/1340 Memorandum of agreement 1884 11 Jun 1. Broad Harris and Co., of Starvehall, Hillingdon and West Drayton, brickmakers and farmers. 2. Joseph Shepherd of Hayes Brewery, nr. Uxbridge, brewer and maltster. (1) agree to lease to (2) the 'Dawley Arms', Hillingdon and shop adjoining for not less than 7 years. Rent: £70 yearly, barrelage of 2s. 6d. per barrel. Consideration: £100.

ACC/1214/1341 Agreement 1891 22 Jun 1. Broad Harris and Co. 2. Joseph Shepherd. (1) will lease to (2) for 7 years the 'Dawley Arms', Hillingdon. Rent: as in previous agreement, ACC/1214/1341. Note: endorsement places 'Dawley Arms' at Starvehall, West Drayton. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 12 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1342 Lease for 7 years from 29 September 1891 1892 4 Feb 1. Clement Burgess Broad. George Harris and Joseph Gregory of Starvehall, West Drayton, brick manufacturers. 2. Joseph Shepherd. 3. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. Premises: The 'Dawley Arms', Starvehall, Hillingdon [sic]. Rent: as in previous agreements. 1891 26 Nov. Annexed to above: licence of Ecclesiastical Commissioners to Messrs. Broad Harris and Co., described as of No. 2 South Wharf, Paddington, brick merchants, to lease 'Dawley Arms' to Isleworth Brewery Ltd.

ACC/1214/1343 Lease for 15 years from 29 September 1898 1898 30 Sep 1. Broad Harris and Co., now of No. 4 South Wharf, Paddington, merchants. 2. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. Premises: 'Dawley Arms', Hillingdon. Rent: as in previous agreements.

ACC/1214/1344 Will (copy) of Margaret Vidler of Isleworth, 1780 15 Feb Unfit brewer. Not available for general access Premises bequeathed include: the 'Sun' inn, , the 'George' inn, Isleworth. Legatees include: nephew-in-law Charles Nicholls, brewery manager; brother John Westgarth of St. Paul's Churchyard, London; daughters Margaret Vidler and Mary Vidler; brother-in-law John Vidler.

ACC/1214/1345 Declaration of trust 1821 20 Mar 1. Thomas Todd Weston of the General Post Office, London, esq. 2. William Farnell of Isleworth, brewer and wife. Margaret. 3. William Vidler of Hounslow, maltster and wife, Mary. (1) and Margaret Farnell and Mary Vidler (daughters of Margaret Vidler, deceased) to stand possessed of £648. 13s. Navy 5% annuities upon trusts specified in will of Margaret Vidler (see ACC/1214/1344). LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 13 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1346 Lease and release (with covenant to surrender 1837 5 & 6 Apr copyhold) 1. James Farnell of No. 14 King Street, Goswell Street, Clerkenwell, gent. 2. Joseph Watson of Lindsey Row, Chelsea and wife Amelia (formerly Farnell). 3. Margaret Ann Farnell of Isleworth, spinster. 4. Henry Farnell of Isleworth, gent. 5. William Thomas Farnell of Isleworth, brewer. 6. John and Charles Farnell of Isleworth, brewers. 7. Horatio Grosvenor Day of Isleworth, gent. Premises: moiety of freehold messuage formerly the 'Sun' inn, now the 'Crown and Cushion', Hounslow, with freehold allotment of land (2r) on ; copyhold messuage called the 'George' inn, in Gurnley Row, Isleworth, with copyhold allotment of land (33p) on Hounslow Heath. (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) release to (6), their share in premises under will of Margaret Vidler. Consideration: £928. 11s. 3d.

ACC/1214/1347 Certificate of acknowledgment by Amelia 1837 1 May Watson of above deed.

ACC/1214/1348 Conveyance and covenant to surrender 1837 1 Jul copyhold 1. Thomas Vidler of Chertsey, Surrey, grocer. 2. John and Charles Farnell of Isleworth, brewers. 3. Joseph Watson of Lindsey Row, Chelsea, gent. Premises: (1)'s third share in half of premises [as in ACC/1214/1346a-b], subject to life interest of Mary Vidler, mother of (1). Consideration: £300.

ACC/1214/1349 Deed of covenant 1837 5 Jul 1. Thomas Vidler. 2. John and Charles Farnell. (2) may enjoy premises conveyed in ACC/1214/1348 subject to said life interest; (1) will make further assurance in law of (2)'s title, on request. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 14 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1350 Conveyance and covenant to surrender 1843 31 Mar copyhold 1. Mary Vidler of Hounslow, spinster. 2. Ann Westgarth Vidler of Hounslow, spinster. 3. John and Charles Farnell. 4. Thomas Myddleton Lovelace of Symonds Inn, Chancery Lane, gent. Premises: (1) and (2)'s two-thirds share of half of premises, in ACC/1214/1346a-b., vested in them as beneficiaries under will of Margaret Vidler. Consideration: £600.

ACC/1214/1351 Lease for 70 years from 29 September 1820 1820 28 Aug 1. John Graham of Cranford, esq. 2. James Swan Belsham of Richmond, Surrey, victualler. Premises: parcel of ground near Hounslow on north of road from London to Bath [further abuttals given], with covenant to erect dwelling house within 12 months. Rent: £4 yearly.

ACC/1214/1352 Lease for 70 years from 29 September 1820 1821 30 Jan 1. John Graham. 2. James Swan Belsham. Premises: parcel of land near Hounslow on north of road from London to Bath and on east of roadway running from said road [further abuttals given], with covenant to erect dwelling house within 12 months. Rent: £7 yearly.

ACC/1214/1353 Mortgage (by assignment of lease) 1825 4 Jun 1. James Swan Belsham of Cranford, gent. 2. Thomas Wildey of East , gent. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1351-2] with buildings now erected thereon. Consideration: £400. Endorsement: reassignment by (2) to (1), mortgage loan now repaid; (2) now of Leatherhead, Surrey 1834 20 Aug. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 15 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1354 Mortgage (by assignment of lease) 1834 20 Aug 1. James Swan Belsham of Hounslow, yeoman. 2. Charles Prater of Portland Place Marylebone, esq. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1351-2]; also parcel of freehold land on Hounslow Heath, par., part of land formerly purchased by John Graham of Mr. Bulstrode [abuttals given]. Consideration: £400. Endorsement: reassignment by (2) to (1) on repayment of mortgage loan. 1838 18 Aug.

ACC/1214/1355 Assignment of remainder of lease 1839 15 Oct 1. James Swan Belsham of the Bath Road, Heston, victualler. 2. John and Charles Farnell of Isleworth, brewers. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1351] further described as having public house erected thereon by (1), called the 'Queen Victoria'. Consideration: £800.

ACC/1214/1356 Counterpart lease for 51 years from 29 1839 18 Oct September 1839 1. John and Charles Farnell. 2. James Swan Belsham. Premises: parcel of ground, forming part of premises [as in ACC/1214/1355] and such buildings as stand thereon. Rent: peppercorn.

ACC/1214/1357 Assignment of remainder of lease 1887 18 May 1. William Farnell Watson of Isleworth, brewer. 2. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. Premises: the 'Queen Victoria' public house, Hounslow. Consideration: £100. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 16 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1358 Memorandum of agreement 1815 16 Oct 1. William Henry James, for Duke of Northumberland. 2. William Farnell of Isleworth, brewer. (1) agrees to lease to (2) for 21 years the 'Half Moon' inn and 20 houses adjoining known as The Hundreds, situate at End, Isleworth, now held by (2) on lease expiring in 1819; rent to be £91 yearly. Annexed: letter to (2) from Richard Peyton, New Boswell Court, [Carey Street], requesting that he insure premises against fire. 1815 16 Oct.

ACC/1214/1359 Memorandum of agreement 1815 16 Oct 1. William Henry James, for Duke of Northumberland. 2. William Farnell of Isleworth, brewer. (1) agrees to lease to (2) for 21 years the 'Half Moon' inn and 20 houses adjoining known as The Hundreds, situate at , Isleworth, now held by (2) on lease expiring in 1819; rent to be £91 yearly. Annexed: letter to (2) from Richard Peyton, New Boswell Court, [Carey Street], requesting that he insure premises against fire. 1815 16 Oct.

ACC/1214/1360 Lease for 21 years from 29 September 1819, 1817 14 Aug as agreed in Age/1214/1358.

ACC/1214/1361 Report and survey by C.F. Maltby, surveyor, on 1840 9 Jun the 'Half Moon' inn and The Hundreds, sent to John Farnell, esq.

ACC/1214/1362 Lease for 21 years from 29 September 1840 1840 21 Sep 1. Duke of Northumberland. 2. John Farnell and Charles Farnell of Isleworth, brewers. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1358]. Rent: £95 yearly.

ACC/1214/1363 Letter from G. Clark, Syon Place, Isleworth, to 1843 30 Sep J. Farnell concerning the closing of 'matters with Steeles', including undertaking by Clark not to let cottage at Brentford End, 'late Steeles', as beer shop. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 17 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1364 Lease for 21 years from 29 September 1862 1864 15 Feb 1. Duke of Northumberland. 2. William Thomas Farnell of Isleworth, brewer. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1358] now only 19 houses. Rent: £92 yearly. With inset plan of premises.

ACC/1214/1365 Lease for 21 years from 29 September 1883 1883 6 Dec 1. Duke of Northumberland. 2. William Farnell Watson of Isleworth, brewer. Premises: 'Half Moon' public house at Brentford End, Isleworth, with stables and outhouses. Rent: £70 yearly. With inset plan of premises.

ACC/1214/1366 Licence from Duke of Northumberland to 1886 21 Apr William Farnell Watson to assign lease of 'Half Moon' to Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 1886 27 April Annexed: receipt of Bell, Stewards and May for £2. 2s. received from Thomas Skewes Cox esq., being charges for preparing licence.

ACC/1214/1367 Assignment of lease 1887 16 Mar 1. William Farnell Watson. 2. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1365]. Consideration: £100.

ACC/1214/1368 Copy of court roll: manor of Isleworth Syon. 1780 24 Apr Admission of Hayes Fortee of Lambeth, Surrey, coal merchant by devise of will of William Leigh and upon death of his widow Hester Leigh. Premises: parcel of ground, heretofore part of East Field, Twickenham, and in a shott there called Longfarthingworth, and Shortfarthingworth, with messuage erected thereon, further described as being in Montpelier Row, Twickenham.

ACC/1214/1369 Copy of court roll: manor of Isleworth Syon. 1810 2 May Admission of Margaret Frances Green of Dean Street, Southwark, Surrey. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1368]. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 18 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1370 Copy of court roll: manor of Isleworth Syon. 1813 3 Nov Admission of Henry Andrews upon surrender of Margaret Frances Green in consideration of œ300, with surrender by H.A. to uses of his will. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1368].

ACC/1214/1371 Copy of copy of court roll: manor of Isleworth 1824 27 Apr Syon. Admission of Susannah Elizabeth wife of Robert Gray of Brompton, gent., by devise of will of Henry Andrews, deceased. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1368]; also 5½a. customary land in two closes called Wheat Croft or Chase Bridge, Twickenham; also further ½a. in Wheat Croft near Chase Bridge, also 1r. copyhold land in Whitton Lane, Twickenham; also parcel of copyhold land on Little Twickenham Common allotted under Twickenham inclosure award.

ACC/1214/1372 Copy of copy of court roll: manor of Isleworth 1826 31 Oct Syon. Surrender by Robert Gray and wife Susannah Elizabeth, to uses of their wills or as they should further appoint. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1371].

ACC/1214/1373 Appointment 1841 20 Apr 1. Robert Gray of New Inn, gent., and wife Susannah Elizabeth. 2. Henry Withers of Twickenham, yeoman. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1368]. Consideration: £195.

ACC/1214/1374 Copy of court roll: manor of Isleworth Syon. 1841 22 Apr Admission of Henry Withers upon surrender of Robert and Susannah Gray; and conditional surrender by H.W. to James Gaskill of Twickenham, yeoman, to secure loan of œ3000. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1368].

ACC/1214/1375 Copy of court roll: manor of Isleworth Syon. 1841 28 Oct Conditional surrender by Henry Withers to Thomas Bowyer of Twickenham, maltster and James Champion of Nettlebed, Oxfordshire, auctioneer to secure loan of œ400. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1368] LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 19 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1376 Bond in œ800 1841 28 Oct 1. Henry Withers of Twickenham, brewer. 2. Thomas Bowyer and James Champion. Condition: repayment of above mortgage loan by (1).

ACC/1214/1377 Copy of court roll: manor of Isleworth Syon. 1856 10 Apr Conditional surrender by Henry Withers, now of Salford, Somerset, yeoman, to Thomas Bowyer of Twickenham, gent., to secure loan of œ400. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1368].

ACC/1214/1378 Copy of court roll: manor of Isleworth Syon. 1857 22 Apr Conditional surrender by Henry Withers to Charlotte Bowyer of Twickenham, spinster, to secure loan of œ400. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1368].

ACC/1214/1379 Covenant to surrender copyhold premises 1867 14 Nov 1. Henry Withers. 2. John Bowyer of Twickenham, brewer. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1368]. Consideration: £600.

ACC/1214/1380 Copy of court roll: manor of Isleworth Syon. 1867 14 Nov Admission of John Bowyer of Twickenham, coal merchant, upon surrender of Henry Withers and wife Hannah, and in consideration of £600 paid to H.W. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1368].

ACC/1214/1381 Copy of court roll: manor of Isleworth Syon. 1886 11 Jan Admission of Joseph Shepherd of Hayes, brewer, upon surrender of John Bowyer and wife Caroline and in consideration of £2,000 paid to J.B. Premises: public house called the 'Phoenix' on east side of Orleans Road, Twickenham, with portion of ground opposite on west side of Orleans Road, site of which formed greater part of premises [as in ACC/1214/1368]; also beer house called the 'Rose and Crown' in Bell Lane, Twickenham, near (to which J.B. was admitted 28 October 1875); also messuage (formerly two cottages) once used as public house called the 'Labouring Boy' (to which J.B. was admitted 22 April 1847). LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 20 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1382 Covenant to surrender copyhold premises 1892 11 Mar 1. Joseph Shepherd. 2. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 3. Edward Tatham Nash of Lancaster Place, Strand, gent., trustee of (2). Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1381]. Consideration: £750.

ACC/1214/1383 Lease (and counterpart) for 21 years from 25 1887 9 May March 1887 1. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 2. Henry Bull of Hardley, nr. Birmingham, Warks. Premises: 'Royal Adelaide' public house, Windsor. Rent: £400 yearly with reductions for stock purchased from (1). Endorsed: 'Surrendered by Deed dated 25 August 1888'.

ACC/1214/1384 Lease (and counterpart) for 21 years from 25 1887 9 May March 1887 1. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 2. Henry Bull of Hardley, nr. Birmingham, Warks. Premises: 'Royal Adelaide' public house, Windsor. Rent: £400 yearly with reductions for stock purchased from (1). Endorsed: 'Surrendered by Deed dated 25 August 1888'.

ACC/1214/1385 Declaration by Henry Bull that he has mislaid 1888 25 Aug lease [ACC/1214/1383] but is able to execute surrender.

ACC/1214/1386 Surrender of lease 1888 25 Aug 1. Henry Bull. 2. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1383]. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 21 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1387 Absolute bill of sale 1893 31 Jan 1. Caroline Jones of the 'Royal Adelaide' public house. 2. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. Premises: all goods and effect in said public house [details given]. Consideration: £775. 16s. 3d. 1893 2 Feb. Annexed: certificate of registration in Supreme Court of Judicature.

ACC/1214/1388 Lease for 32 years from 24 June 1901 1901 6 Nov 1. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 2. John Mayo of the 'Castle' Hotel, East Molesey, Surrey, licensed victualler. Premises: 'Castle' Hotel, situate at foot of Hampton Court Bridge in East Molesey, Surrey, facing river Thames, with dining room and billiard room connected to hotel with covered way. Rent: £1,000 yearly. 1916 29 June Endorsed: surrender of lease by (2).

ACC/1214/1389 Underlease for 20½ years from 29 September 1901 6 Nov 1901 1. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 2. John Mayo. Premises: strip of land, 68ft. by 6ft. forming part of bed of Thames, immediately in front of 'Castle' Hotel. Rent: £10 yearly. Covenant: (2) will drain said land and erect extension to terrace of said 'Castle' Hotel; (2) will try to obtain renewal of previous lease to him from river Thames Conservators in favour of (1). 1916 29 June Endorsed: surrender of lease by (2).

ACC/1214/1390 Equitable charge upon 'Castle' Hotel and 1906 12 Nov insurance policies, by John Mayo. as security to Henry Charles Minnitt of Kingston Hill, Surrey, grocer, who is acting as surety for money lent J.M. by South Western Bank. 1907-1913 Endorsements: further charges upon premises. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 22 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1391 Inventory of trade and tenant's fixtures and 1914 Apr fittings at 'Castle' Hotel, claimed by mortgagees of lease (executors of H.C. Minnitt) against John Mayo.

ACC/1214/1392 Agreement by executors of H.C. Minnitt to 1916 13 Jun assign debt owed by John Mayo, to Isleworth Brewery Ltd.

ACC/1214/1393 Transfer of debt as above. 1916 30 Jun

ACC/1214/1394 Covenant to surrender copyhold 1815 14 Dec 1. Mary Deall of Egham, Surrey, widow. 2. Richard Deall of Richmond, Surrey, victualler, Samuel Deall of Egham, painter, and others. 3. John Farnell of Isleworth, brewer. Premises: 'Nag's Head' Egham, to which (3) will be admitted on surrender of (1). Consideration: £1,100.

ACC/1214/1395 Copy of account of fines and fees paid on 1815 14 Dec admission of J. Farnell to 'Nag's Head'.

ACC/1214/1396 Memorandum of payment of a subscription by 1818 6 Jul Mr. Deall to James Robinson 'in right of the Nag's Head'.

ACC/1214/1397 Copy of court roll: manor of Egham. 1821 13 Nov Admission of John Farnell upon award made by Egham inclosure commissioners, 13 June 1817. Premises: parcel of copyhold land, 11p., in Egham [abuttals given]. Annexed: account of fines and fees for admission.

ACC/1214/1398 Copy of court roll: manor of Egham 1866 8 May Admission of William Thomas Farnell by devise of will of his brother John Farnell. Premises: 'Nag's Head', Egham Street, and parcel of copyhold land [as in ACC/1214/1397].

ACC/1214/1399 Copy of court roll: manor of Egham 1871 15 Jun Admission of William Farnell Watson by devise of will of his uncle William Thomas Farnell. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1398]. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 23 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1400 Enfranchisement 1872 13 Feb 1. Commissioners of Her Majesty's woods, forests and land revenues. 2. William Farnell Watson of Isleworth, brewer. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1398]. Consideration: £150. With inset plan.

ACC/1214/1401 Conveyance 1889 7 Oct 1. William Farnell Watson of Isleworth, esq. 2. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. Premises: 'Nag's Head' public house, High Street, Egham, subject to mortgage charge of £5,350, imposed on premises by William Farnell Watson, father of (1), in 1873 and 1877, which (2) agree to discharge. Consideration: £562. With inset plan.

ACC/1214/1402 Memorandum that property was sold 15 April 1914 24 Apr 1914 to Samuel Turner for œ450 with covenant to produce title deeds.

ACC/1214/1403 Attested copy of release and indemnity, 14 1857 8 Jul August 1846 1. Beneficiaries under will of Edward John Collins of Richmond, brewer and maltster, deceased. 2. Daniel Charles Delafosse, clerk, of Shere, Surrey, and Cyril John Monkhouse of Craven Street, Strand, trustees of above will. (1) release and discharge (2) from all trusts under said will and agree to indemnify against all claims.

ACC/1214/1404 Particulars of sale of the Richmond Brewery 1856 and 13 public houses in Richmond, Ham Common, Kingston-on-Thames, Surbiton Hill, in Surrey, and Hampton. (The White Horse), Brentford (the Seven Stars), in ; to be auctioned at Auction Mart, Bertholomew Lane, London, 17 June 1856. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 24 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1405 Abstract of will of John Downs proved (P.C.C.) 1856 23 Oct 29 March 1844, bequeathing to children his share of Richmond Brewery which he purchased of Edward Collins, in Water Lane, Richmond, and other premises at Smallbury Green. Middx., White Cross Buildings, Richmond, Friars Lane and St. Helena Terrace, Richmond.

ACC/1214/1406 Further abstract of title of mortgagees of 1856 Messrs. Collins and Downs to the 'Artichoke', reciting deeds 1844-1855.

ACC/1214/1407 Deed of covenant and release to accompany 1856 16 Dec surrender 1. Stephen Wilson of Streatham, Surrey, esq., and Nicholas Charrington of Mile End, esq. 2. William Thomas Farnell, of Isleworth, brewer. Premises: copyhold messuage called the 'Artichoke' Richmond in occupation of William Fawkes and parcel of land adjoining; also customary messuage called the 'New Inn' at Ham in Kingston par., now in occupation of Adam Goddard; all previously mortgaged by John Downs and Edward Collins, brewers and maltsters, deceased. Consideration: £2,260.

ACC/1214/1408 Copy of court roll: manor of Richmond alias 1856 30 Dec West Sheene. Admission of William Thomas Farnell to the 'Artichoke' and land adjoining, upon surrender of Edwin Downs and Esther Rachel Collins.

ACC/1214/1409 Covenant to produce title deeds 1865 23 Feb 1. Thomas Furze of Richmond, gent. 2. William Thomas Farnell. (1) agrees to produce deeds of premises once part of Richmond Brewery, for (2) as purchasers in 1856 of the 'Railway' Tavern, Surbiton, Surrey, the 'New inn, Ham, Surrey, and the 'Artichoke', Richmond.

ACC/1214/1410 Abstract of title of Henry Collins and his 1880 mortgagee to two messuages behind the 'Artichoke'; reciting deeds, 1853. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 25 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1411 Deed of covenant to surrender 1881 29 Jan 1. Henry Collins of Richmond, gent. 2. William Farnell Watson of Isleworth, brewer. Premises: two messuages with appurtenances behind the 'Foresters' Arms' (formerly the 'Artichoke'), Richmond. Consideration: £700.

ACC/1214/1412 Covenant to produce title deeds 1881 29 Jan 1. Lady Harriet Scott Bentinck. 2. Henry Collins. 3. William Farnell Watson. Recitals: mortgage by (2) to (1) of premises including those [as in ACC/1214/1411] purchased by (3) and now released by (1) from mortgage security. Covenant: (1) and (2) to produce deeds on request.

ACC/1214/1413 Copy of court roll: manor of Richmond alias 1881 21 Mar West Sheene. Admission of William Farnell Watson to above premises [as in ACC/1214/141], upon surrender of Henry Collins.

ACC/1214/1414 Enfranchisement 1883 5 Oct 1. Hon. Charles Alexander Gore, Commissioner of H.M. Woods, Forests and Land Revenues. 2. William Farnell Watson. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1411] one of said messuages now demolished. Consideration: £50. With inset plan.

ACC/1214/1415 Conveyance 1886 31 May 1. William Farnell Watson. 2. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1414]. Consideration: £300. With inset plan. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 26 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1416 Counterpart lease for 7 years from 29 1901 23 Oct September 1901 1. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 2. Edwin James of No. 16 George Street, Richmond, provision merchant. Premises: stable, coachhouse and buildings, Victoria Place, behind 'Foresters' Arms', George Street, Richmond. Rent: £25 yearly.

ACC/1214/1417 Schedule of deeds to premises behind n.d. 'Foresters' Arms'.

ACC/1214/1418 Extract from marriage settlement of Robert 1839 Smith, esq., of Richmond and Caroline Ann Charlotte Grange, made 27 April 1839.

ACC/1214/1419 Memorandum of agreement 1914 15 Apr 1. Isleworth Brewery Ltd. 2. Heston and Isleworth U.D.C., footpath on Brewery premises near St. John's Road, Isleworth, to be diverted. With plan.

ACC/1214/1420 Copy of instrument of charge to secure 1921 8 Jun œ13,200 on Brewery property. Endorsed: 'Mrs. Farnell Watson's Loan'. Testamentary and family papers

ACC/1214/1421 Copy will made 1 December 1817 with codicils, 1817 - 1822 29 September 1819, 6 October 1822. Legatees include: wife Margaret; sons, John, Charles, James, Henry and William Thomas; daughters Margaret and Amelia. Bequests include: unspecified copyhold and freehold premises and brewery plant; sundry pecuniary bequests. Executors: wife Margaret, son John, friends Robert Sharpe Colvin of St. James Clerkenwell, gent., Jonathan Passingham of Heston. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 27 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1422 Signed will. 1832 19 Nov Legatees include: brothers John, James, William Thomas, Henry and wife Margaret; sister Amelia and husband Joseph Watson, sister Margaret Ann Farnell. Bequests include: his share of brewery at Isleworth, unspecified messuages, public houses, land, etc. Executors: brothers John, James and William Thomas. With note, 21 August 1847, that testator had removed his signature on making new will.

ACC/1214/1423 Codicil to above, clarifying trusts therein 1838 21 Dec contained. With note as to removal of signature on making new will, 21 August 1847.

ACC/1214/1424 Signed will. 1847 7 Jun Legatees include: brothers John, James and William Thomas; Thomas Vidler of Hounslow, grocer and wife Ann and children Mary Ann, Thomas and William and Thomas Vidler's sister Mary, spinster, of Hounslow; nephews William Alexander Parker Farnell and Henry Farnell sons of Henry, testator's brother; nieces Margaret Ann Walton daughter of Thomas Todd Walton of Bristol, esq., Louisa Lavinia Farnell; Daniel Wilshen of Hayes Farmer; several servants and other employees. Bequests include: money; brewery premises, plant and public houses; house and land at Isleworth purchased off the Misses Gee; land by road from Isleworth to Twickenham purchased of Henry Pownall of Spring Grove Heston; cottages in Worton Lane and Gilberts Cottage, Isleworth. Confirms covenants of articles of co-partnership between himself and brother John made 24 June 1824 and extended 25 June 1845. Executors: brothers John, James and William Thomas. With note as to removal of signature on making new will, 29 September 1854. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 28 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1425 Copy will. 1854 29 Sep Legatees include: brothers, William Thomas, John, James, Henry; sister Amelia Watson widow and son William Farnell Watson; Ann Vidler of Hounslow, widow and brothers, Thomas and William; Ann Vidler of Hounslow, spinster; nieces, Margaret Ann Walton and Lavinia Louisa Farnell; nephew Henry Farnell, jun.; Daniel Wilshen of Hayes, farmer and son Isaac Wilshen; members of household and other employees; minister and churchwardens of Isleworth in trust for inmates of Tolson's Almshouses, Ingram's Almshouses and Bells Rooms formerly part of old workhouse in Linkfield Road. Bequests include: as above, excluding brewery premises, plant and public houses. Trustees and executors: William Thomas Farnell, William Farnell Watson. Testator died 3 June 1865; will proved 21 July 1865. 1865 14 June Annexed: case for counsel's opinion concerning residuary estate.

ACC/1214/1426 Account of C. Hiscock, Son and Dalton [funeral 1865 directors] for the funeral of Charles Farnell - giving details of coffins, mourning clothes and other trappings.

ACC/1214/1427 Copy will. 1863 5 Nov Legatees include: brothers James, Charles, William Thomas; Amelia Watson, her son William Farnell Watson and his wife Lizzie; nephew Henry Farnell and wife Fanny; nieces Margaret Ann Walton and Lavinia Louisa Farnell; Thomas Vidler of Hounslow and brother William; several hospitals and asylums; parish church of Isleworth; Tolson's, Ingram's Almshouses; servants and staff. Bequests include: mainly money; brewery premises, plant and public houses. Trustees and executors: William Thomas Farnell, William Farnell Watson. Will confirms covenants of articles of partnership with brother William Thomas Farnell, 26 July 1854 and with said brother and William Farnell Watson, 15 January 1861. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 29 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1428 Copy probate of will. 1865 12 Sep Legatees include: brother William Thomas Farnell; sister Amelia Watson and her son William Farnell Watson; nephew Henry Farnell; nieces, Margaret Ann Walton, Lavinia Louisa Farnell; servants and staff. Bequests include: mainly money. Executors and trustees: William Thomas Farnell, William Farnell Watson, Henry Farnell. Testator died 15 August 1865; will proved 12 September 1865.

ACC/1214/1429 Statement of account (copy) showing disposal 1866 1 Sep of property of James Farnell, esq., deceased.

ACC/1214/1430 Epitome of wills and codicils. [1870] Legatees include: nephews William Farnell Watson, Henry Farnell; nieces Margaret Ann Walton, Lavinia Louisa Farnell; Thomas Vidler; Oriel Farnell Walton; servants etc.; St. John's Church, Isleworth. Bequests include: money, brewery premises, plant, public houses; land at Teddington, Brazil Mill Field, Isleworth. Trustees and executors: William Farnell Watson, Oriel Farnell Walton. Testator died 4 November 1870.

ACC/1214/1431 Second codicil to will altering certain trusts and 1869 18 Sep making additional bequests to servants.

ACC/1214/1432 Statement of account showing realisation and [1870] distribution of whole personal estate.

ACC/1214/1433 Apportionment of income under estates [1885] consequent on death of Henry Farnell, 17 July 1885.

ACC/1214/1434 Statement of manner in which income formerly 1885 10 Nov received by Capt. Farnell became payable on his death.

ACC/1214/1435 Statement showing how capital and income of 1886 12 Feb properties whereof Capt. Farnell, deceased, enjoyed income for his life, is to be paid. CORPORATE RECORDS LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 30 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates Partnership deeds

ACC/1214/1436 Deed of dissolution, assignment, covenant and 1819 3 Apr release. 1. John Sich senior of Chiswick, esq. 2. John Sich junior and Henry Sich of Chiswick, brewers and co-partners. Brewing partnership between (1) and (2) carried on at Chiswick between 6 April 1809 and 27 March 1819 is now dissolved; (1) assigns to (2) his share in business and appoints (2) as attornies to recover any debts and releases any claims he might have had.

ACC/1214/1437 Deed of co-partnership. 1819 5 Apr 1. John Sich junior. 2. Henry Sich. (1) and (2) to carry on trade as brewers, maltsters and coal merchants for 21 years from 25 March 1819; capital or joint stock to consist of brewery premises and sundry public houses assigned to them by lease and release 26 and 27 February 1819; each partner to take £20 monthly from profits; (1) to receive 5% p.a. interest on £4,000 invested by him in partnership. 1840-1854 Endorsements: extension of co-partnership for further 21 years, 20 August 1840; covenant, 24 May 1854, to enable representatives of a deceased partner to receive share in business.

ACC/1214/1438 Release and covenant 1869 12 Mar 1. Trustees of will of Henry Sich (who died 12 March 1868). 2. William Thrale Sich, Francis Sich and Arthur John Sich all of Chiswick, esqs. Recital: articles of co-partnership, 7 December 1865 between Henry Sich and (2) for 21 years from 1 October 1865 replacing (2)'s partnership agreement made 4 March 1857. (2) have paid (1), £14,174. 17s. 5d. being Henry Sich's share of capital. Share records LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 31 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1439 Agreement (and duplicate) as to transfer of 1889 1 Feb shares in Sich and Co., Ltd Between William Thrale Sich of Chiswick, brewer, Francis Sich of Chiswick, brewer, Arthur John Sich of Chiswick, brewer, Alexander Sich of Adam Street, Adelphi, wine merchant brother of William and Francis, John Henry Sich of Chiswick, son of William, Alfred Sich of Chiswick, son of Francis, Henry Wyndham Sich of Chiswick, brother of Arthur, supplemental to agreement, 20 December 1888, for sale to Sich and Co. of brewery and related property. [Contained in packet marked 'Box 3 Bundle 17'. ]

ACC/1214/1440 Debenture ledger and register of debentures 1889 - 1923 transferred. PROPERTY RECORDS


ACC/1214/1441 Assignment of leasehold premises. 1889 25 Jan 1. William Thrale Sich, Francis Sich and Arthur John Sich, all of Chiswick, brewers. 2. Sich and Co., Ltd. Premises: moiety of the 'Horse and Groom' public house, with blacksmith's shop adjoining. Consideration: £200.

ACC/1214/1442 Lease for 21 years from 25 December 1874. 1875 25 May 1. William Barnes of the Halfacre, New Brentford, gent. 2. William Thrale Sich, Francis Sich and Arthur John Sich, of Chiswick, brewers. Premises: messuage (formerly two messuages) with yard and appurtenances situate in the High Street, Old Brentford, now used as retail beerhouse called the 'Lamb'. Rent: £18 for first year, £28 yearly thereafter.

ACC/1214/1443 Sale particulars of copyhold estates including 5 1838 dwelling houses and a yard on both sides of Ferry Lane, Old Brentford; to be auctioned at the 'Red Lion' inn, Old Brentford, 24 April 1838. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 32 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1444 Lease and release. [1733/4] 25 1. Trustees of estates of the Earl of Ranelagh and 26 Feb appointed by private Act of Parliament. 2. Ambrose Naish of Chelsea. Premises: parcel of ground (20p.) called The Ladies Greenhouse and Garden with greenhouse at N.W. end, part of Chelsea estate of the Earl of Ranelagh, auctioned 23 April 1733 and numbered '3' on plan of said estate annexed. Consideration: £110. With plan.

ACC/1214/1445 Memorial (intended for registration) of indenture [1734/5] 13 12 December 1734, made between Nicholas Feb Thomlinson of Clifford's Inn, gent., Ambrose Naish of Chelsea, gent. and Robert Coombes of St. James, , upholder, concerning premises [as in ACC/1214/1444a-b] with new buildings erected thereon.

ACC/1214/1446 Final concord (left and right hand indentures). [1741] Hilary 1. Francis Gee, esq., plaintiff. Term 2. Isaac Percivall and wife Elizabeth, deforciants. Premises: two messuages, tenement, garden, acre of land in Chelsea.

ACC/1214/1447 Deed to lead uses of a fine (and counterfoil). [1740/1] 4 Mar 1. Isaac Percival of Chelsea, distiller, and wife Elizabeth (widow of Ambrose Naish). 2. Francis Gee of Gray's Inn, esq. (2) to stand seized of premises [as in ACC/1214/1444a-b] now with dwelling house and shop thereon, to use of (1) for lives and then to heirs, subject to charge of £100 to be disposed of as directed by (1).

ACC/1214/1448 Office copy of memorial to be registered of 1761 23 Jan [deed to declare uses of a fine]. 1. John Robson of St. Mary Matfellon or Whitechapel, esq., and wife Elizabeth (widow of Isaac Percival). 2. Richard Welch of Christ Church [Spitalfields], London, gent. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1447a], (2) to stand seised thereof to special uses. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 33 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1449 Extract of fine levied Hilary Term [1761]. 1808 9 Dec 1. Richard Welch, plaintiff. 2. John Robson and wife, deforciants. Premises: two messuages, garden and acre of land in Chelsea.

ACC/1214/1450 Lease and release. [1688/9] 31 1. Thomas Meard of Chiswick, carpenter and Dec and 1 Jan Mary Evans widow of Meredith Evans of Chiswick. 2. John Meard of St. Giles in the Fields, carpenter. Premises: house and appurtenances at Chiswick where Benjamin Thorpe once lived, situate between house of ... Sybly, widow on west and a house of Elizabeth Meard on east. Recital: will of Meredith Evans, 15 October 1670, bequeathing premises to daughter Elizabeth widow of Thomas Meard and mother of Thomas Meard party to this deed. Consideration: £41.

ACC/1214/1451 Lease and release. 1710 9 and 10 1. John Meard of St. Ann's Westminster, Oct carpenter. 2. John Meard of St. James's Westminster, carpenter, son of (1). Premises: messuage with garden in occupation of Richard Parsley, gardener, situate in Chiswick opposite the 'Plume of Feathers' [further abuttals and measurements given]. Consideration: 10s.

ACC/1214/1452 Lease and release. 1714 17 and 1. William Mawson of London, mariner. 18 Dec 2. John Meard, citizen and turner of London. Premises: parcel of ground with thatched barn on it [measurements given]; also slip of ground taken out of garden belonging to the 'Feathers', now in possession of Thomas Kirton and divided from garden by brick wall, situate in Chiswick north of road from there to Strand on the Green. Consideration: £103. 15s. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 34 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1453 Bond in œ200. 1714 19 Dec 1. William Mawson. 2. John Meard. Condition: performance of covenants in above deed.

ACC/1214/1454 Settlement (by lease and release). 1716 9 and 10 1. John Meard, citizen and turner of London Oct and wife Anne. 2. John Meard of St. James's Westminster, carpenter, son of (1). Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1450a-b and 1452a -b] in trust for (1) for life and then to (2) for life and then heirs of (2). Consideration: 5s.

ACC/1214/1455 Probate of will of John Meard senior of 1719 10 Oct Chiswick, carpenter, made 30 August 1717 (proved P.C.C.). Bequests include: freehold estate in Chiswick to son John for life and then to his son Joseph; considerable property in St. Ann's Westminster [details given] to children and grandchildren. Executor: John Meard, son.

ACC/1214/1456 Probate of will of John Meard of Chiswick, esq., 1771 22 Feb made 15 January 1771 (proved P.C.C.). Bequests include: confirmation of provisions made for wife Rebecca in deed of separation; all freehold and copyhold estates to nephew Charles James of London, linen draper and Bateman Robson of Lincoln's Inn, gent., as trustees to sell and share money arising amongst testator's children John, Benjamin Frederick and Isabella Meard. Executors: Charles James and Bateman Robson. Witnesses: John Fawcett curate of Chiswick, John Tenison surgeon of Chiswick, Robert Young of , gent. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 35 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1457 Deed to make a tenant to the precipe and to 1772 9 and 10 lead uses of a recovery. Nov 1. John Meard of St. Ann's Aldersgate, London, surgeon, son and heir of John Meard of Chiswick, deceased. 2. John Norwood of Gray's Inn, gent. 3. John Elliot of the Inner Temple, gent. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1450a-b and 1452a -b]. Covenants: (2) becomes hereby tenant to the precipe and seised of freehold, (3) will act as demandant in common recovery and thus to hold premises to use of (1) and heirs.

ACC/1214/1458 Exemplification of a common recovery. [1772] 1. John Elliot, demandant. Michaelmas 2. John Norwood, tenant to the precipe. 3. John Meard, vouchee. Premises: two messuages, two gardens and two acres of land in Chiswick.

ACC/1214/1459 Lease and release 1773 21 and 1. John Meard, formerly of St. Ann's 22 Jun Aldersgate, London, now of Chapel in Weardale, Co. Durham, surgeon. 2. Philip Poole of St. Mary's Islington, gent. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1450a-b and 1452a -b] now described as dwelling house, coach house, stable and other buildings and land forming two tenements. Consideration: £405.

ACC/1214/1460 Office copy of registered memorial of 1776 settlement (by lease and release) made 26 and 27 July 1776. 1. Philip Poole formerly of St. Mary's Islington, now of Chiswick, gent. 2. Robert Hawley of Piccadilly, St. James's Westminster, gent. 3. Thomas Hill of Lincoln's Inn, esq. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1459a-b], to be held by (3) to use of (1) for life and then to use of (2) and heirs. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 36 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1461 Release of dower. 1786 5 Apr 1. Rebecca Meard of Bath, Somersetshire, widow of John Meard of Chiswick, esq., deceased. 2. John Meard, Isabella Hamilton formerly Meard and Frederick Benjamin Meard. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1459a-b].

ACC/1214/1462 Lease and release. 1786 6 and 7 1. Charles James of Greenwich, Kent, esq., Apr and Bateman Robson of Lincoln's Inn, gent., devisees in trust of estates of John Meard, deceased. 2. John Meard of St. James's Clerkenwell, surgeon, Frederick Benjamin Meard of H.M. fourteenth regiment of foot, Isabella Hamilton of Bath, widow. 3. James Masters of Brocket Hall, Hertfordshire, gent. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1451a-b]. Consideration: £84.

ACC/1214/1463 Declaration of trust by James Masters, that in 1786 7 Apr [ACC/1214/1462a-b] he acted on behalf of Robert Hawley esq., to whom he will convey premises when directed.

ACC/1214/1464 Certificate of land tax redemption contract, 29 1799 July 1799, for premises in Chiswick belonging to James Masters of the Strand, with certificate of amount of land tax and certificate of registration of redemption contract, 31 July 1799.

ACC/1214/1465 Certificate of land tax redemption contract, 24 1799 July 1799, for premises occupied by Robert Hawley at Chiswick, with certificate of amount of land tax and certificate of registration of redemption contract, 31 July 1799. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 37 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1466 Counterpart lease for 21 years from 29 1803 19 Aug September 1803. 1. John Masters of Stafford, Staffs., brandy merchant. 2. Thomas Dobson of Piccadilly, St. George's Hanover Square, linen draper. Premises: messuage with wash-house, knife -house, coach-house, stable, yard, garden and appurtenances, situate at Chiswick, formerly in occupation of Mrs. Martin, widow, deceased, also cottage adjoining occupied by Francis Heath, [as in ACC/1214/1451, 1459a-b]. Rent: £47 yearly. With schedule of fixtures and fittings.

ACC/1214/1467 Office copy of registered memorial of lease and 1805 release, made 4 and 5 October 1805. 1. John Masters of Stafford, brandy merchant. 2. James Masters of Stafford, gent., son of (1). Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1459a-b] which were in possession of Robert Hawley at his death, and together with cottage adjoining, were leased to Thomas Dobson [ACC/1214/1466]; to be held by (2) during lives of (1) and (2) to use of (2).

ACC/1214/1468 Lease and release to make a tenant to the 1807 19 and precipe and to lead uses of recovery. 20 Jan 1. James Masters of Stafford, brandy merchant, son of John Masters deceased, (who was nephew of Robert Hawley of Chiswick, deceased) and nephew of James Masters of Brocket Hall, Hertfordshire, deceased. 2. William Gallimore of Stone, Staffs., gent. 3. John Leigh of New Bridge Street, St. Ann's Blackfriars, esq. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1459a-b, 1466]. Covenants: (3) becomes hereby tenant to precipe, (2) agrees to be demandant and hold premises to use of (1) and heirs.

ACC/1214/1469 Exemplification of a common recovery. Hilary Term 1. William Gallimore, demandant. [1807] 2. John Leigh, tenant to the precipe. 3. James Masters, vouchee. Premises: one messuage, one loft, one coach -house, two gardens, two acres of land and common of pasture in Chiswick. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 38 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1470 Deed of appointment. 1836 2 May 1. James Masters of Chiswick, gent. 2. Mary Masters of Chiswick, spinster, daughter of (1). Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1451a-b, 1459a-b] subject to life interest of (1). Recital: marriage settlement, 6 March 1807, between (1), his intended wife Elizabeth Wright, and others.

ACC/1214/1471 Extract from probate of will of Robert Hawley of 1836 Chiswick, esq., proved (P.C.C) 18 August 1800 He bequeaths premises at Chiswick to nephew James Masters and heirs or by default to nephew John Masters and heirs. Executors: John and James Masters. 1836 19 July Burial certificate of James Masters, buried 4 August 1801, Chiswick, annexed.

ACC/1214/1472 Mortgage by demise for 1000 years. 1836 13 Aug 1. James Masters of Chiswick, gent., wife Elizabeth and daughter Mary Masters. 2. Edward Masters of Chiswick, son of J.M. 3. Susanna Griffith of Hemel Hempstead, Herts., widow. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1459a-b, 1466]. Consideration: £500 from (3) to (1). Annexed: acknowledgment of deed by Elizabeth Masters, 1836.

ACC/1214/1473 Abstract of title to freehold premises in 1840 Chiswick, formerly belonging to James Masters - with solicitor's comments; reciting deeds 1687 -1786.

ACC/1214/1474 Certified copies of entries in parish registers of 1840 Stoke and St. Mary's Stafford. Staffs, relating to Masters family.

ACC/1214/1475 Declaration of Sarah Dent of Vauxhall, Surrey, 1840 25 Jul widow, as to rights of Masters family to property in Chiswick. Annexed: particulars of sale of said property, namely two dwelling houses, stable and cottage in Burlington Lane, Chiswick, to be auctioned 21 February 1840. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 39 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1476 Lease and release. 1840 1 and 3 1. James Masters of Chiswick, wife Elizabeth Aug and daughter Mary. 2. Susannah Griffith of Park Street, Islington, widow. 3. John and Henry Sich of Chiswick, brewers. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1459a-b, 1466].

ACC/1214/1477 Certificate of acknowledgment of deed by 1840 8 Aug Elizabeth Masters.

ACC/1214/1478 Conveyance. 1889 1 Feb 1. Trustees of will of Henry Sich. 2. William Thrale Sich, Francis Sich, Arthur John Sich, brewers of Chiswick. 3. Sich and Co., Ltd. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1459a-b, 1466] described as being in Burlington Lane and part of larger property being sold. Consideration: £32,600. from (3) to (2); £30,000. from (3) to (1), consideration money for entire property being sold.

ACC/1214/1479 Mortgage by assignment of lease. 1795 18 May 1. John Sich of Chiswick, brewer. 2. Thomas Wood and James Richard Wood of Northumberland Street, Strand, coal merchants. Premises: messuage at Chiswick called the 'Lamb' inn, with yard, brewhouse, millhouse, etc., previously leased to (1) and William Thrale (since deceased) for 61 years from 17 June 1790; also six dwelling houses with gardens and parcel of land in front and garden occupied by Mrs. Baker, previously leased to (1) and William Thrale for 60 years from 23 June 1790. Consideration: £1,100.

ACC/1214/1480 Bond in œ2,200. 1795 18 May 1. John Sich. 2. Thomas Wood and James Richard Wood. Condition: repayment of above mortgage loan. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 40 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1481 Assignment. 1810 17 May 1. William Wood of , Ealing, Esq., administrator of estate of Thomas Wood of Hanger Hill, esq., deceased. 2. James Richard Wood of Hanger Hill, esq. Premises: moiety of mortgage debt of £1,100 as raised by [ACC/1214/1479]. Consideration: £550. 1810 18 May Endorsement: further charge for securing £700 with interest [see ACC/1214/1482], on premises [in ACC/1214/1479].

ACC/1214/1482 Bond in œ1,400. 1810 18 May 1. John Sich senior, John Sich junior, and Henry Sich, all of Chiswick, brewers. 2. James Richard Wood. Condition: repayment of above further loan of £700.

ACC/1214/1483 Final concord [right and left hand indentures]. Trinity Term 1. Alexander Copland, plaintiff. [1819] 2. John Sich senior and wife Ann, John Sich junior and wife Ann, deforciants. Premises: two messuages, malthouse, stable, two gardens, two roods of land, and moiety of two messuages, malthouse etc., situate in Chiswick.

ACC/1214/1484 Abstract of securities from Mr. Sich to James [1828] Richard Wood and now vested in Edward Wood; reciting deeds 1790-1828.

ACC/1214/1485 Assignment. 1828 1 Jan 1. James Richard Wood of Hanger Vale, Ealing, esq. 2. Edward Wood of Northumberland Street, Strand, coal merchant and son of (1). Premises: mortgage debts [as raised by ACC/1214/1479, 1481] and all (1)'s right to property for remainder of years of leases. Consideration: 10s. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 41 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1486/A Reassignment. 1338 26 Nov 1. Edward Wood. 2. John and Henry Sich, brewers of Chiswick, sons of John Sich, deceased. Premises: [As in ACC/1214/1479] for remainder of years of original leases. Consideration: repayment of loans of £1,800.

ACC/1214/1486/B Assignment of leases. 1867 10 May 1. Henry Sich. 2. Trustees of Henry Sich's mortgage. 3. Henry Sich, William Thrale Sich, Francis Sich, Arthur John Sich. Premises: capital messuage on with orchard and six messuages in Chiswick and parcel of land at rear, formerly part of garden of above capital messuage, with dray shed, stables, etc., forming yard of brewery of (1); also messuage and garden on east side of main street leading to Chiswick church with large yard, brewhouse, millhouse, stables, etc.; also 'Lamb' public house; adjoining - all leased to (1) in January 1857 [see ACC/1214/1584] and now no longer forming part of security for said mortgage. Consideration: £500.

ACC/1214/1487 Assignment of Land tax. 1838 26 Sep 1. Samuel Jefferys of Chiswick, builder. 2. John and Henry Sich. Premises: plot of land adjoining the 'Feathers' public house, Chiswick, on which malthouse once stood, on which 16s. 8d. land tax had been charged, and subsequently redeemed for £20. 13s. 3d. Consideration: £20.

ACC/1214/1488/A Attested copy of mortgage (by lease for 50 1850 years) made 9 August 1848. 1. Samuel Jefferys of Chiswick, builder and carpenter. 2. Joseph Eldin Moulden of No. 4 St. Thomas's Street, Southwark, Surrey, gent. Premises: parcel of ground on east side of the 'Feathers', Chiswick, on which malthouse stood, demolished by (1) and replaced by seven houses; also three messuages in Elizabeth Buildings, Chiswick. Consideration: £40. 15s. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 42 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1488/B Draft memorial to be registered of above. [1848]

ACC/1214/1489 Specifications of repairs to be done on grocer's 1849 31 Oct shop and cottages near the 'Feathers', Chiswick, property of Messrs. Sich.

ACC/1214/1490 Attested copy of assignment made 2 July 1850 1850 31 Jul 1. Joseph Eldin Moulden. 2. Thomas Fuller of Billiter Street, London, esq. Premises: three messuages in Elizabeth Buildings, Chiswick. Consideration: £50.

ACC/1214/1491 Particulars of sale of the 'Jolly Gardeners' 1821 public house, King Street, Also house called Burlington House, near church in Hammersmith and other premises; to be auctioned 11 October 1821. 'Jolly Gardeners' purchased by Henry Sich for £1,491. With plan of premises. ACC/1214/1492-1504 form original bundle marked 'Box 3 bundle 12'

ACC/1214/1492 Extract from probate of will of Stephen Randall of Hammersmith, gent. Proved (P.C.C.) 2 November 1802, bequeathing copyhold premises called the 'Six Bells' in Queen Street, Hammersmith, to William Farmer of Brook Green, Hammersmith, for life and then to testator's nephew, William Wapshott of Chiswick, butcher.

ACC/1214/1493 Lease for 88 years from 25 March 1826. 1826 8 May 1. Anthony Brooke of Brook Green Lane, Hammersmith, bricklayer. 2. John Clark of same place, carman. Premises: parcel of ground on north side of George Street, Hammersmith in Fulham par.; also two messuages lately built by (2) on front of said ground in George Street, also chaise house and stable built by (2) on said ground next to Chapel Street. Rent: £11 yearly. With inset plan. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 43 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1494 Office copy of letter's of administration of estate of John Gosling alias Clark, of Brook Green Lane, Hammersmith, carman. granted to William Clark alias Gosling his son, August 1839 (P.C.C.). Exhibited in Chancery suit, Killick v Killick.

ACC/1214/1495 Assignment 1839 26 Sep 1. William Clark alias Gosling of Brook Green Lane, Hammersmith, carman, son of James Clark, deceased. 2. Stephen Killick of Chiswick, gent. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1493] for remainder of term of lease. Consideration: £165. With inset plan.

ACC/1214/1496 Attested copy of mortgage, 14 October 1859. 1864 14 Jun 1. Stephen Killick of No. 3 Grove Villas, The Grove, Hammersmith, licensed victualler. 2. Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks and Richard Berridge of the Horseshoe Brewery, Tottenham Court Road, brewers in partnership with Sir Henry Meux. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1493] new described as public house called the 'British Queen' and sublet to Messrs. Sich and Co., brewers of Chiswick; also other property in Gate Street and Princes Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Spencer Street, St. James's Clerkenwell and Upper Smith Street, Northampton Square. Consideration: £973. 9s. 6d. now owed by (1) to (2).

ACC/1214/1497 Agreement for sale by Chancery decree. 1863 9 Jul 1. George Joynt Killick of Portland Road, Notting Hill, gent., executor of Stephen Killick, deceased. 2. Henry Sich, William Thrale Sich and Francis Sich of Chiswick, brewers. Premises: The 'British Queen' public house, Hammersmith for remainder of years of original lease [see ACC/1214/1493] subject to Chancery decree 28 February 1663 in Killick v Killick. Consideration: £850; £11 yearly rent. With inset plan. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 44 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1498 Copy Chancery order, 22 July 1863, confirming [1863] above agreement.

ACC/1214/1499 Draft transfer of mortgage. 1863 1. Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks and Richard Berridge. 2. Henry Coggan Tombs of No. 19 Lincoln's Inn Fields, gent. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1496]. Consideration: £207. 6s. 4d. 1864 16 June Annexed: attested copy of said transfer of mortgage, finally dated 17 February 1864.

ACC/1214/1500 Draft deed of covenant. 1864 17 Feb 1. Henry Coggan Tombs. 2. Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks and Richard Berridge. (1) will produce deed [ACC/1214/1496] on request.

ACC/1214/1501 Copy of office copy of affidavit of Henry G. [1864] Tombs made 18 March 1864, in Chancery suit, Killick v Killick, concerning interest on Messrs. Sich's purchase money for the 'British Queen'.

ACC/1214/1502 Assignment. 1864 12 Apr 1. Henry Coggan Tombs. 2. George Joynt Killick. 3. Rev. Francis Clarke Humfray, Rector of Bintry with Themelthorpe, Norfolk. 4. Henry Sich. William Thrale Sich and Francis Sich of Chiswick, brewers. Premises: the 'British Queen' public house. Consideration: £314. owed from estate of Stephen Killick. deceased to (4); additional sums to be paid by (4) to (3). 1864 29 April Endorsement: covenant to produce title deeds between (1) and (4).

ACC/1214/1503 Assignment. 1889 1 Feb 1. Trustees of will of Henry Sich deceased. 2. William Thrale Sich and Francis Sich. 3. Arthur John Sich of Chiswick, brewer. 4. Sich and Co., Ltd. Premises: legal estate in 'British Queen', Hammersmith. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 45 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1504 Solicitors' correspondence relating to 1869 assignment of lease of 'British Queen'.

ACC/1214/1505 Lease for 63 years from 25 March 1842. 1842 8 Apr 1. John Swail of Hammersmith, brewer, maltster and coal merchant. 2. John and Henry Sich. Premises: messuage with brewhouse, malthouse and other appurtenances, situate near the creek at Hammersmith; a piece of garden ground near road to Brentford; a passage leading from creek behind above mentioned malthouse; also public houses in Hammersmith called the 'Windsor Castle', 'Hampshire Hog' with house adjoining, and the 'Chaise and Horses', all in King Street. Consideration: £600. Rent: £350 yearly.

ACC/1214/1506 Memorandum of agreement. 1854 8 Apr 1. John and Henry Sich of Chiswick, brewers. 2. John Herring and William Millwood of Hammersmith, builders. Covenants: (1) will lease to (2) for 63 years at yearly rent of £16, piece of ground opposite the 'Old Ship' public house, Hammersmith; (2) will erect nine houses in accordance with plan drawn up by (1)'s surveyor, at their own cost.

ACC/1214/1507 License. 1869 7 Jun 1. Trustees of Henry Sich deceased and others. 2. Executors of William Millwood, deceased. 3. Messrs. Pinchin and Johnson. Recital: lease, 29 November 1859 by Henry Sich to Wm. Millwood of land opposite 'The Old Ship', inn, Hammersmith with six houses on part of it, on condition W.M. erect three more. (1) now permit (2) to lease premises to (3) and to demolish two houses and extend (3)'s mill with new warehouse.

ACC/1214/1508 Notice to repair. 1886 22 Nov 1. Messrs. Sich and Co. 2. Frederick Jenkins, fruiterer. Premises: messuage, shop, stable etc. at No. 201 King Street, Hammersmith, leased to Frederick Jenkins [as in ACC/1214/1588]. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 46 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1509 Assignment of leasehold premises. 1889 25 Jan 1. William Thrale Sich and others. 2. Sich and Co., Ltd. Premises: the 'White Bear' public house, King Street, Hammersmith. Consideration: £300.

ACC/1214/1510 Assignment of leasehold premises. 1889 25 Jan 1. William Thrale Sich and others. 2. Sich and Co., Ltd. Premises: beerhouse and yard near Henrietta Place, Hammersmith, and cottage there, all situate on Creek Wharf. Consideration: £5.

ACC/1214/1511 Lease for 21 years from 25 March 1890. 1890 25 Mar 1. William Bird of Bute House, Brook Green, Hammersmith, esq 2. Sich and Co., Ltd. Premises: beershop called the 'Rising Sun' situate in Cardross Street, near Starch Green, Goldhawk Road, Hammersmith. Rent: £65 yearly.

ACC/1214/1512 Ordnance survey town plan: London (Cos. 1870 Middlesex and Surrey) sheet X.5. showing The Creek and King Street, Hammersmith.

ACC/1214/1513 Solicitor's notes, etc. concerning dispatch of 1870 - 1876 Hammersmith deeds or production for clients.

ACC/1214/1514 Copy of court roll: manor of Harlington with 1780 29 Aug Shepiston admission of Dennis Perriam of Heston, yeoman, upon surrender of James Tillyer. Premises: messuage previously known as the 'Angel' now as the 'Coach and Horses' with 1a. land adjoining, situate in Harlington. 1780 28 Aug. Annexed: receipt for £14. 13s. 6d. paid by D.P. for fine and expenses.

ACC/1214/1515 Copy of court roll: manor of Harlington and 1812 21 Jul Shepiston admission of Isaac Cane of Colnbrook, Bucks., yeoman, upon surrender of John Newman of Iver, Bucks., yeoman. Premises: half acre of arable land in Harlington East Field in short called Middle Furlong. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 47 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1516 Act for inclosing lands in Harlington, 59 Geo. III. 1819 14 Jun c.33.

ACC/1214/1517 Sale particulars with plan, of 56a. of freehold 1820 land on Harlington Common, 'well adapted for the erection of villas', to be sold by auction under Harlington Inclosure Act, at 'White Hart', inn, Harlington, 7 April 1820. Endorsement: declaration of purchase by William Stanborough of Isleworth, gent, 5 April 1820, of lot 8 [at Harlington Corner] for £200.

ACC/1214/1518 Lease and release. 1820 19 and 1. Abraham Purshouse Driver of Kent Road, St. 20 May George's Southwark, Surrey, land surveyor, Thomas Chapman of Richmond, Surrey, land surveyor and Henry Newman of Hayes, gent., Harlington. Inclosure Commissioners. 2. William Stanbrough of Isleworth, gent. 3. Charles Stanbrough of Isleworth, gent., trustee of (2). Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1517] lot No. 8, sold under Harlington Inclosure Act for defraying expenses. Consideration: £200.

ACC/1214/1519 Final concord [right and left hand indentures]. Hilary Term 1. John Sich and Henry Sich, plaintiffs. [1821] 2. William Stanbrough and wife Elizabeth, deforciants. Premises: messuage and appurtenances in Harlington leased to (1) by (2) for 21 years at £52. yearly rent.

ACC/1214/1520 Counterpart lease for 21 years from 25 1823 24 Feb December 1822. 1. William Stanbrough of Isleworth, mealman and wife Elizabeth. 2. John and Henry Sich of Chiswick, brewers. Premises: messuage, tenement and public house at Harlington Corner called the 'Coach and Horses' with 8a. of arable land adjoining. Consideration: £420. Rent: £52. yearly. With inset plan. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 48 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1521 Copy of court roll: manor of Harlington with 1824 20 Jul Shepiston admission of William Stanbrough upon surrender of Isaac Cane. Premises: parcel of copyhold land No. 199 on Harlington Inclosure award plan, awarded to Isaac Cane [abuttals given], purchased by W.S. for £38.

ACC/1214/1522 Extract from probate of will of William [1853] Stanbrough, made 5 December 1826 proved (P.C.C.) 11 January 1827. Bequeathing to sons James Stanbrough and Charles Henry Stanbrough: 'Coach and Horses', Harlington with land adjoining [as in ACC/1214/1520]; piece of land (1a. 2r.) opposite 'Coach and Horses'; piece of land (2a. 2r. 13p.) [as in ACC/1214/1518a-b]; allotments in Hounslow Common Field (7a., 2r.) used as garden ground; copyhold messuages at Isleworth; walled garden (4a.) with house belonging at Isleworth; piece of freehold land (7a.) in Heath Lane, Isleworth. Executors: sons James Stanbrough and Charles Henry Stanbrough and Charles Taylor.

ACC/1214/1523 Extract from Harlington Inclosure award, 12 1840 20 Jun June 1821, relating to allotments in East Field and Old Field awarded to William Stanbrough; signed by Henry Edmonds, deputy clerk of the peace for Middlesex.

ACC/1214/1524 Copy of court roll: manor of Harlington with 1840 28 Jul Shepiston Admission of James and Charles Stanbrough both of Isleworth, millers, by devise of will of William Stanbrough, deceased. Premises: the 'Coach and Horses', Harlington and sundry parcels of land.

ACC/1214/1525 Particulars of sale with plan of the 'Coach and 1840 Horses', Harlington with sundry parcels of land suitable for building upon or extracting brick -earth from Also three houses near railway station. To be sold by auction, 24 August 1840. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 49 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1526 Release [lease missing] of freehold land with 1841 26 Jan covenant to surrender copyhold. 1. James Stanbrough and Charles Stanbrough, both of Isleworth, mealmen. 2. John and Henry Sich, both of Chiswick, brewers. 3. John Sich. Premises: the 'Coach and Horses' and sundry plots of land bequeathed to (1) by their father's will [see ACC/1214/1522]. Consideration: £1,450.

ACC/1214/1527 Lease and release. 1841 21 and 1. James and Charles Stanbrough, mealmen of 22 Feb Isleworth, devis£es under will of William Stanbrough, deceased. 2. Joseph Sparks of Harlington, esq. 3. Benjamin Luinley of No. 46 Parliament Street, esq. Premises: parcel of land near Harlington, situate in Hanwell par. (2a. 2r. 13p.) [as in ACC/1214/1518 a-b] Consideration: £250. With inset plan.

ACC/1214/1528 Copy of court roll: manor of Harlington with 1841 27 Jul Shepiston admission of John Sich of Chiswick, brewer, upon surrender of James and Charles Henry Stanbrough. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1526].

ACC/1214/1529 Declaration of Joseph Sparks of Harlington, 1853 8 Sep esq., that no claims have ever been made on him in respect of annuity charged upon land at Harlington [as in ACC/1214/1527a-b] under will of William Stanbrough.

ACC/1214/1530 Particulars of sale of two 'residences' and three 1853 'cottages' and sundry pieces of land, some suitable for building, orchard and market gardening ground at Harlington Corner; to be auctioned 31 May 1853. With plan annexed.

ACC/1214/1531 Undertaking by George Rich to execute 1855 substitute deed of covenant with Henry Sich for production of mortgage deed, 28 January 1853, concerning premises at Harlington. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 50 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1532 Draft conveyance. 1870 28 Oct 1. Trustees of Colnbrook turnpike road. 2. Messrs. Budd and Jenkins, trustees of Henry Sich deceased. Premises: strip of surplus land (16 p.) at Harlington Corner. Consideration: £13. 13s. With plan.

ACC/1214/1533 Draft conveyance. 1870 28 Oct 1. Trustees of Colnbrook turnpike road. 2. Messrs. Budd and Jenkins, trustees of Henry Sich deceased. Premises: inclosed piece of ground near Harlington Corner on which toll house formerly stood. Consideration: £13. 13s. With plan.

ACC/1214/1534 Miscellaneous items including burial certificates 1853 - 1890 of Charles Taylor of , Heston par., Sarah Friday of Smallberry Green, Isleworth par., and Elizabeth Stanbrough of Isleworth; letter with plan attached concerning land at Harlington Corner formerly part of Colnbrook turnpike road.

ACC/1214/1535 Lease and release. 1737 27 and 1. Elizabeth Clifton of Leatherhead, Surrey, 28 Dec spinster. 2. Wyseman Clagett of Barnard's Inn, London, gent., and wife Martha. 3. John Walsh of St. Mary-le-Strand, musical instrument maker. Premises: parcel of ground on which 'Wheatsheaf' was recently erected, parcel of ground behind brewhouse belonging to 'Wheatsheaf', malthouse and hog-yard, all leased to Thomas Spurling; parcels of ground with distill house, ten cottages and other buildings, all built by lessee, Isaac Lock; house and appurtenances leased to Harmanns Van Gheyn -- all situate near High Street, Kensington and all previously mortgaged by (2). Consideration: £1,405. 5s.

ACC/1214/1536 Bond in œ2,810 for performace of covenants in 1737 28 Dec above deed. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 51 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

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ACC/1214/1537 Final concord right and left hand indentures. Hilary Term 1. Wyseman Clagett and wife, deforciants. [1738] 2. John Walsh, plaintiff. Premises: twenty messuages, ten gardens, 2a. land, in Kensington.

ACC/1214/1538 Lease and release. 1779 19 and 1. Robert Gosling of Lincoln's Inn Fields, esq., 20 Jul John Pyle of Cecil Street, Strand, surgeon, trustees of Samuel Walsh of Lambeth, Surrey, deceased, brother of John Walsh, deceased. 2. John Randall of Cambridge, Dr. of Music, cousin and heir of said John Walsh. 3. James Haynes of Kensington, gent. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1535a-b]. Consideration: £515.

ACC/1214/1539 Assignment of term of years to protect 1779 20 Jul inheritance. 1. Robert Gosling. 2. John Pyle. 3. John Randall. 4. James Haynes, and Charles Wren of Well Street, St. Marylebone, coach-harness maker. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1535a-b] leasehold interest assigned to C.W. Consideration: 5s.

ACC/1214/1540 Marriage settlement (by lease and release). 1782 18 and 1. Elizabeth Haynes of Kensington, widow of 19 Nov James Haynes. 2. William Dalley of Kensington, butcher. 3. John Bardin, distiller and Roger Buckmaster, butcher, both of Kensington. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1535a-b] to (3) as trustees of marriage settlement between (1) and (2). 1798 27 Nov. Endorsement: appointment of Edward Dalley of Stockwell, Lambeth, son of (2 ) as trustee in place of John Bardin, deceased.

ACC/1214/1541 Deed of revocation and reappointment, by 1801 21 Mar Elizabeth Dalley, wife of William Dalley, of directions and limitations contained in appointment, 17 March 1791, whereby œ120. is now appointed to John Ray of Drayton in Hales, Shropshire, in place of her brother Richard Gough. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 52 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1542 Attested copy of deed of revocation and 1810 11 Jan reappointment, 17 March 1808, by Elizabeth Dalley, concerning œ500 to be secured on premises [as in ACC/1214/1540a-b], œ200 to be for John Ray and œ300 for William Smith of Church Court, Kensington, as trustee to dispose thereof as directed.

ACC/1214/1543 Release and surrender. 1810 27 Apr 1. John Ray of Drayton in Hales, Salop, horse -hair manufacturer. 2. William Smith of Church Court, Kensington, gent. 3. Richard Gough of Bedford Street, Covent Garden, woollen draper. 4. William Dalley of Kensington, gent. (1) and (2) release (4) of all claims, after payment to then of sums appointed in [ACC/1214/1541-2].

ACC/1214/1544 Assignment of remainder of a term to attend 1812 20 Feb inheritance. 1. Barton Parkinson Hall of Kensington Square, gent., administrator of estate of Charles Wren, deceased. 2. Edward Dalley and William Smith, trustees of will of William Dalley, deceased. 3. William Smith of Curzon Street, Mayfair, esq. 4. Cecil Proctor Wortham of Castle Street, Holborn, London. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1540a-b] leasehold interest assigned to (4) in trust for (3).

ACC/1214/1545 Abstract of title of Henry Sich, esq., to the [1857] 'Wheatsheaf', reciting deeds, 1737-1823 including lease and release, 5 and 6 February 1823 by William Smith to John Sich.

ACC/1214/1546 Declaration of William Wynne of No. 2 1838 7 Nov Gardener Place, Dublin, now staying at No. 3 Chapel Street, Foley Place, Westminster, as to birth and parentage of John Wynne son of Robert Wynne of Dublin Castle and Kensington, deceased. 1791-1814 Annexed: birth and marriage certificates. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 53 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1547 Duplicate memorandum of agreement. 1827 3 Aug 1. Commissioners of Sewers for Westminster. 2. John Sich of Chiswick, brewer. Covenants: (1) by Act of Parliament, 8 Geo. IV. 'An Act to empower the Commissioners of Sewers for... Westminster... and part of ...Middlesex to purchase certain premises situate ... in Curzon Street...', will purchase from Mary Whitehouse and James Heming Whitehouse their leasehold interest and from Richard, Earl Howe, his freehold reversionary interest, in the 'Sun' public house, situate on corner of Sun Court and Curzon Street, St. George's Hanover Square par. (of which (2) has lease for 14 years); they will demolish part of same and refurbish and repair remaining part and convey it to (2); (2) agrees to pay (1), £1,800 and any money owing to Earl Howe.

ACC/1214/1548 Extract from orders of court of sewers for [1828] Westminster, 15 August 1828, concerning allowances to be made to John and Henry Sich on purchase money for the 'Sun' inn.

ACC/1214/1549 Receipts for instalments of consideration 1828 - 1831 money for the 'Sun', paid to Commissioners of Sewers by John and Henry Sich.

ACC/1214/1550 Lease and release. 1828 15 and 1. Richard William Penn, Earl Howe of Penn, 16 Feb co. Bucks. 2. Commissioners of Sewers for Westminster. 3. John Houseman of Greek Street, St. Anne's par. esq., trustee for (2). Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1547] subject to lease for 999 years. Consideration: £25. With schedule of deeds relating to premises including above, 1716-1821. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 54 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1551 Assignment. 1828 16 Feb 1. William Remmington of Lombard Street, London, banker and Thomas Willan, late of Marylebone, farmer, now of Twyford, esq., executors of Bright Hemming of East Acton, esq., deceased. 2. Mary Whitehouse of Studley, Warks., spinster and devisee in will of said Bright Hemming. 3. James Hemming Whitehouse of Studley, son of (2), reversionary devisee of said will. 4. William Smith of Curzon Street, stable keeper. 5. Commissioners of Sewers for Westminster. 6. Henry Parke of Dean Street, St. Anne's par. architect and trustee for (5). Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1547]. Recitals: lease for 999 years, 1741, from Sir Nathaniel Curzon to Edward Shepherd, of parcel of ground on corner of Curzon Street; public sale, 1799, of Edward Shepherd's estates, (4) becoming purchaser of said lease, on behalf of Bright Hemming. Consideration: £1,600.

ACC/1214/1552 Lease and release with assignment. 1831 8 and 9 1. John Houseman. Dec 2. Henry Parke. 3. Commissioners of Sewers for Westminster. 4. John Sich of Chiswick, brewer. 5. Charles Pettit Allen of Carlisle Street, St. Anne's par., gent. 6. John Parker Gylby of Carlisle Street, gent. Premises: parcel of land on corner of Curzon Street and Sun Court, formerly site of part of 'Sun' inn, now partly demolished, with newly repaired and refronted portion of said inn, still known as the 'Sun'; remainder of term of 999 year lease assigned to (6) in trust for (4) to await freehold. Consideration: £1,800. With inset plans of old and new public house. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 55 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1553 Mortgage (by lease and release). 1832 22 and 1. John Sich of Chiswick, brewer. 24 Dec 2. Benjamin Wood of Mark Lanc, London, hop merchant and Rev. Edward James Moor of Great Bealings, Suffolk. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1552a-b]. Consideration: £1,000. 1844 30 Jan. Endorsement: release by (2) to (1), mortgage loan having been repaid.

ACC/1214/1554 Assignment of term to await inheritance. 1832 24 Dec 1. John Sich. 2. John Parker Gylby. 3. Benjamin Wood and Rev. Edward James Moor. 4. Simon Adams Beck of Lothbury, London, gent. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1552a-b] for remainder of term of 999 years, to (4) in trust to await inheritance. 1844 30 Jan. Endorsement: assignment of said remainder of term from (4) to Thomas Hamilton of Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, gent., in trust for (1), to await inheritance.

ACC/1214/1555 Conveyance and assignment (by lease and 1832 28 and release). 29 May 1. John Sich, senior of Chiswick, esq. 2. Mary Ann Sich of Chiswick, spinster. 3. John Sich, junior of Chiswick, brewer. 4. John Sich, junior and Henry Sich of Chiswick, brewer. 5. James Bacon of Tonbridge Place, Euston Square, gent. Premises: freehold messuage formerly called the 'King's Head' now the 'Feathers', situate in Chiswick with yard and garden behind and other appurtenances; also freehold brick building formerly a barn, now a malthouse near the above inn; also the 'Sun' inn and the 'Bull' inn situate in Grays Thurrock, Essex, with appurtenances; also two fourth parts belonging to (1) of parcel of ground formerly called the Ladys Greenhouse and Garden, Chelsea; also messuage called the 'Three Crowns'. Reciting previous conveyances and leases, 1794-1819, the later ones of which have been lost, thus requiring this conveyance. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 56 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1556 Final concord right and left hand indentures. Trinity Term 1. Alexander Copland, plaintiff. [1819] 2. John Sich, junior, and wife, deforciants. Premises: moiety of 3 messuages, 3 stables and 3 gardens in Grays Thurrock, Essex.

ACC/1214/1557/A Assignment. 1867 10 May 1. Henry Sich of Chiswick, brewer. 2. Henry Sich, William Thrale Sich, Arthur John Sich, Francis Sich. Premises: public houses and other properties (all leasehold) in above parishes. Consideration:

ACC/1214/1557/B Mortgage by assignment of lease. 1820 3 Oct 1. John William Layton of Kew Green, Surrey, coal merchant and lighterman. 2. Edward Salisbury of Kew, gent. Premises: parcel of freehold ground (with house upon it) on which the former timber bridge from Kew to Brentford with its abutments, once stood, leased to (1) for 60 years by Richard Tunstall, 9 March 1818; also ½a. freehold land with two boathouses upon it, formerly the roadway to Powell's Ferry, Kew, leased to (1) in part, for 21 years, 17 October 1816; also fire insurance policy. Consideration: £516. 10s., produce of £500 of 5% Navy Bank annuities, to be reinvested by (1 ) on redemption of mortgage.

ACC/1214/1558 Extracted probate of will of Edward Salisbury of Grosvenor Street, Pimlico, deceased, made 27 September 1817, proved (P.C.C.) 23 October 1824, bequeathing all property to wife, Alice. With affidavit of Thomas Jewell Layton of Strand on the Green, and Charles Hancock of Earl Street, Blackfriars, London, both coal merchants, as to authenticity of said will. With copy of same. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 57 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1559 Mortgage. 1825 25 Mar 1. Alice Salisbury of Pimlico, widow. 2. John William Layton of Kew Green, Surrey, gent. 3. Mark Henry Gregory of Wax Chandlers Hall, London, gent. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1557]. Consideration: £300 loaned by (3) to (1), to be repaid by (2). 1827 9 April Endorsement: further charge upon premises of £100.

ACC/1214/1560 Counterpart lease for 42 years from 25 1831 16 Apr December 1830. 1. John Layton of Kew, coal and corn dealer. 2. John Surman of Kew, victualler. Premises: parcel of ground behind 'King's Arms' public house, Kew, abuttals given. Rent: £6. yearly.

ACC/1214/1561 Copy of court roll: manor of Richmond alias 1839 26 Jun West Sheene. Licence to George Pepper to demise any of his copyhold premises within manor.

ACC/1214/1562 Plan of 'King's Arms', Kew. 1830's

ACC/1214/1563 Lease for 21 years from 24 June 1839. 1839 1 Aug 1. George Pepper of Kew Green, builder. 2. John and Henry Sich of Chiswick, brewers. Premises: 'King's Arms', Kew Green, now on lease to Messrs. Collins of Richmond, brewers, with Charles Goffe as tenant. Rent: £30. yearly. With covenant to grant further lease for 10 years.

ACC/1214/1564 Mortgage by assignment of leases. 1840 25 Dec 1. John William Layton. 2. Timothy Tyrrell of Guildhall, London, gent. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1557] with addition of 1r. copyhold land at Kew, leased to (1), 25 October 1827, by William Mayer. Consideration: £500. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 58 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1565 Copy of court roll: manor of Richmond alias 1845 15 Jul West Sheene. Licence to William Meyer, esq., to demise any of his copyhold premises within manor.

ACC/1214/1566 Assignment 1845 3 Mar 1. Timothy Tyrrell. 2. Mark Henry Gregory 3. Alice Salisbury. 4. John William Layton. 5. John and Henry Sich. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1564] with shop, countinghouse, washhouse, coal shed, granary and pig-sties erected on 1r. of ground leased to (4) by William Meyer. Consideration: £400 to (2), £256. 14s. 9d. to (3), £43. 5s. 3d. to (1).

ACC/1214/1567 Copy of court roll: manor of Richmond alias 1866 20 Feb West Sheene, licence to William Meyer to demise.

ACC/1214/1568 Lease for 12 years from 25 December 1865 1866 20 Feb 1. William Meyer of Sackville Street, esq. 2. Henry Sich. Premises: parcel of copyhold land in Kew Meadow, situate behind 'King's Arms' with buildings upon it, leased to (2), 18 November 184[5]. Rent: £5. yearly. With inset plan.

ACC/1214/1569 Abstract of title of William Meyer, esq., to 1869 copyhold premises at Kew; reciting deeds, 1799-1866.

ACC/1214/1570 Purchaser's requisitions and observations on 1869 30 Jun title concerning William Meyer's premises.

ACC/1214/1571 Copy of court roll: manor of Richmond alias 1870 6 Jul West Sheene, licence to George Pepper to demise. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 59 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1572 Assignment 1889 25 Jan 1. William Thrale Sich, Francis Sich and Arthur John Sich of Chiswick, brewers. 2. Sich and Co., Ltd. Premises: [as in ACC/1214/1564]. Consideration: £400. With note attached concerning lease, 8 August 1870, by George Pepper to (1).

ACC/1214/1573 Assignment. 1889 25 Jan 1. William Thrale Sich, Francis Sich and Arthur John Sich. 2. Sich and Co., Ltd. Premises: parcel of land behind 'King's Arms', Kew, leased to (1), 20 May 1882, by Frank Whittaker Bush. Consideration: £10.

ACC/1214/1574 Correspondence concerning lease of 'King's 1888 - 1891 Arms' and note concerning lease of land in rear.


ACC/1214/1575 Bond in œ4,000. 1801 18 Apr 1. John Sich of Chiswick, brewer. 2. Henry Hoare, Henry Hugh Hoare, Charles Hoare, William Henry Hoare, Henry Merrick Hoare, all of Fleet Street, London, bankers and co-partners. Condition: (1) to repay (2) £2,000 with interest.

ACC/1214/1576 Deed of collateral security. 1801 18 Apr 1. John Sich of Chiswick, brewer. 2. Henry Hoare and his co-partners. Covenants: to secure repayment of above loan of £2,000 (1) will deposit title deeds of all his property with (2), said property to be charged with repayment of loan; (1) will execute mortgage on said property if loan not repaid. Endorsed: note that loan was paid off 17 April 1850. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 60 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1577 Probate of will of John Sich of Horndon on the 1782 6 Nov Hill, Essex, yeoman, made 15 August 1782 (proved P.C.C.). Bequests include: estates at Horndon on the Hill, Grays Thurrock, Little Thurrock, West Thurrock, Fobbing and South Ockenden, all in Essex; leasehold interest in brewery at Chiswick; annuity of £100. and sundry pecuniary bequests. Legatees include: wife Hannah; son John; brother William Sich and his sons William and John; grandchildren John Sich and Mary Ann Sich; nieces Mary Cracknell and Sarah Wignell; nephew John Harrison of Great Turnstile, Holborn, wax chandler. Executors: wife Hannah, son John.

ACC/1214/1578 Mortgage (by lease and release). 1832 23 and 1. John Sich junior of Chiswick, brewer. 24 Aug 2. Henry Sich of Chiswick, brewer. 3. Robert Wynne of Kensington, esq. Premises: the 'Wheatsheaf' public house, High Street, Kensington, [see ACC/1214/1535-1546]. Covenants: (1) will surrender to use of (3), the 'George' inn, Hammersmith Broadway and house adjoining, held of manor of Fulham; (2) will surrender to use of (3) the 'Three Jolly Gardeners' and the 'Queen's Head', Hammersmith and other premises held of manor of Fulham. Consideration: £2,000. 1838 5 and 6 Nov. Endorsement: release and reconveyance to (1) by executors of (3) of premises on repayment of mortgage loan.

ACC/1214/1579 Lease for 1 year release missing. 1835 27 May 1. William Sanigear of Islington Terrace, gent., Thomas Brackett of St. Paul's Terrace, Islington, gent., William Burr of Sun Street, Bishopsgate Street, London, gent., and James Wood of Upper Street, Islington, gent. 2. James Battersby of Turnham Green, gent. Premises: parcel of land with building thereon, No. 4. Devonshire Place, Chiswick. Consideration: 5s. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 61 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1580 Copy of court roll: manor of Fulham 1857 9 Feb Admission of Henry Sich and Henry Catt upon devise of will of John Sich, 23 January 1854. Premises: the 'White Horse', North Highway, Fulham; the 'Ship' or the 'Cannon' in lane leading from Hammersmith church to the Thames; the 'Six Bells', Queen Street, Hammersmith; the 'White Horse', or 'George', Hammersmith Broadway; the 'Crab Tree', Fulham; the 'Maltman and Shovel', High Street, Hammersmith; No. 1 Ship Lane, the 'Ship', Hammersmith; all held either in part or in entirety.

ACC/1214/1581 Release 1857 4 Mar 1. Henry Catt of Brighton, Sussex, brewer. 2. Henry Sich of Chiswick, brewer. Premises: copyhold and customary premises, mainly public houses in Acton, Chiswick, Fulham, , Hammersmith, Hanwell, Harlington, Old Brentford [details given], to which (1) and (2) were admitted as executors of John Sich deceased [see schedule to ACC/1214/1582]. Consideration: £11,500.

ACC/1214/1582 Conveyance. 1857 4 Mar 1. Henry Catt of Brighton, Sussex, brewer. 2. Henry Sich (partner of John Sich deceased). 3. Thomas William Budd of No. 33 Bedford Row, gent., trustee for (2). Premises: (1) 'a share of co-partnership premises as held by him jointly with (2) as executors of will of John Sich deceased, in respect of freehold premises only. Consideration: £22,006. 14s. 9d. Detailed schedule of public houses and other premises given. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 62 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1583 Release and grant with duplicate. 1857 4 Mar 1. Mary Ann Sich of Hove, Sussex, spinster. 2. Sarah Sich of Hove, spinster. 3. Henry Sich. Premises: (1) and (2) release annuities granted to them, 20 June 1819, out of leasehold and copyhold premises belonging to John Sich junior, now deceased, and to (3) in view of intended mortgage [see ACC/1214/1584] in return for grant of new annuities upon all freehold, copyhold and leasehold premises as detailed in attached schedule (subject to said mortgage).

ACC/1214/1584 Mortgage. 1857 4 Mar 1. Henry Sich of Chiswick, brewer, and wife Ann. 2. Thomas William Budd, trustee of (1). 3. William Fernard, Lord Petre of Writtle, Essex, Edward Heneage of No. 14 Williams Street, Lowndes Square, esq., Pitt Cobbett of Esher, Surrey, esq., and Charles Few, junior of Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, gent., (mortgagees). Premises: as described in detailed schedule of leasehold, copyhold and freehold property and of equipment, fixtures and fittings and plant. Consideration: £23,000. 1860 3 March Endorsement: agreement between above parties to stand seised of £2,054. 4s. 11d. 3% consolidated bank annuities, produce from sale to War Department of the 'Lady's Greenhouse' and the 'Three Crowns', Chelsea, as additional security for above mortgage loan. With acknowledgment of deed, 11 March 1857, by Ann Sich.

ACC/1214/1585 Appointment. 1857 4 Mar 1. Henry Sich. 2. Lord Petre, Edward Heneage, Pitt Cobbett and Charles Few, junior. 3. Robert Few of No. 2 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, gent. (3) to act as receiver of rents and profits from premises mortgaged by (1) to (2) [see ACC/1214/1584] in order to secure repayment of interest upon mortgage loan. Detailed schedule of mortgaged premises given. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 63 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1586 Transfer of mortgage debt. 1862 4 Mar 1. Lord Petre, Edward Heneage, Pitt Cobbett and Charles Few. 2. Henry Sich. 3. Henry Finch of the Middle Temple, esq., barrister-at-law, George Charles Wiltshire of River Street, Myddleton Square [Islington] esq., and Thomas Hayward Budd. (1) transfer to (3) £20,000 remaining due on mortgage ACC/1214/1584. 1862 4 March Endorsement: Conveyance of fee from (2) to (3 ) of premises near the 'George', Chiswick, previously copyhold of manor of Sutton Court, now enfranchised, and forming part of premises in mortgage [ACC/1214/1584]. 1869 12 March Endorsement: reconveyance by (3) to George Thomas Jenkins and Thomas William Budd, trustees of (2), now deceased, of freehold premises in mortgage, the loan of £20,000 having been repaid.

ACC/1214/1587 Copy of court roll: manor of Fulham 1872 20 Jun Admission of trustees of will of Henry Sich to sundry public houses and other premises, either in part or in entirety, [as in ACC/1214/1580] with additional premises in Hammersmith and Fulham further specified.

ACC/1214/1588 Lease for 7 years from 25 March 1880. 1880 6 May 1. William Thrale Sich and others. 2. Frederick Jenkins of No. 33 King Street, Hammersmith, fruiterer. Premises: messuage, shop, stable, etc., at No. 201 King Street, Hammersmith, adjoining the Creek. [see also ACC/1214/1508]. Rent: £175. yearly. With plan annexed. Land tax papers

ACC/1214/1589 The 'Blue Anchor' public house, with cottage 1899 2 May adjoining at the Steyne.

ACC/1214/1590 The 'Bull's Head', East Acton. 1899 2 May

ACC/1214/1591 Parcel of ground near the 'Feathers' public 1819 27 Dec house. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 64 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1592 The 'Feathers' inn and cottages adjoining, 1898 13 May Hogarth Lane.

ACC/1214/1593 The 'Barley Mow' public house, Heathfield 1899 2 May Terrace.

ACC/1214/1594 The 'Burlington' public house, Church Street. 1899 2 May

ACC/1214/1595 The 'Lamb' public house, Church Street. 1899 2 May

ACC/1214/1596 The 'Bull's Head' public house and cottages, 1899 2 May Strand on the Green.

ACC/1214/1597 The 'Ship' public house and cottages, Strand on 1899 2 May the Green.

ACC/1214/1598 The 'Load of Hay' beer house with sundry 1899 16 Jun parcels of ground near .

ACC/1214/1599 The 'Red Lion' public house with forge and 1899 16 Jun cottage adjoining on Harrow to Ealing road.

ACC/1214/1600 Garden ground situate on Hammersmith Bridge 1853 13 Aug Road and adjoining the 'Old Ship' public house.

ACC/1214/1601 The 'Bell' public house, Bell Road and Staines 1899 16 Jun Road, Hounslow.

ACC/1214/1602 The 'Rose and Crown' public house, on London 1899 16 Jun to Hounslow road. Deeds

ACC/1214/1603 Two messuages in High Street, Old Brentford. 1854

ACC/1214/1604 Premises in Burlington Lane. [1840]

ACC/1214/1605 The 'Ship' public house and other premises, 1837 Strand on the Green.

ACC/1214/1606 Premises near the 'Feathers' public house. 1850 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 65 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1607 Nos. 1-8, Elizabeth Buildings. 1805

ACC/1214/1608 Unnamed premises in Chiswick relating to 1802 - 1832 Swyny family and Wynne's mortgage.

ACC/1214/1609 The 'George' inn, adjoining church. [1832]

ACC/1214/1610 The 'Queen's Head' public house, Brook Green. [1832]

ACC/1214/1611 The 'Royal Oak' public house, Fulham Fields. 1859 - 1876

ACC/1214/1612 The 'Red Lion'. 1833 - 1839

ACC/1214/1613 Unnamed premises in Greenford relating to 1818 - 1853 John Haskett and the Boorman family.

ACC/1214/1614 Dwelling house and other premises near 1819 chapel.

ACC/1214/1615 The 'Swan' inn and 'Maltman and Shovel' public 1831 - 1832 house, The Broadway, and the 'King's Head' public house, High Street, Fulham, with solicitor's correspondence. Original bundle

ACC/1214/1616 The 'Coach and Horses', Shepherd's Bush. 1832

ACC/1214/1617 The 'Whitehorse' or 'George' The Broadway. 1832

ACC/1214/1618 The 'George', The 'Three Jolly Gardeners', The 1832 - 1838 'Queen's Head', Hammersmith, The 'Wheatsheaf' Kensington - all part of mortgage by Sich and Co., to Robert Wynne.

ACC/1214/1619 The 'White Bear'. 1833

ACC/1214/1620 Premises in Clifton Street. 1844

ACC/1214/1621 Premises near Starch Green. 1844

ACC/1214/1622 Part of Eynham Farm land including the 'Duke 1847 - 1851 of Sussex'. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 66 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1623 Premises at Hammersmith and Nottinghill Gate 1850 - part of mortgage with Henry Killick.

ACC/1214/1624 No. 201 King Street. 1886

ACC/1214/1625 The 'Black Lion', public house. 1887

ACC/1214/1626 Beer house and warehouse at Greek Wharf. 1888

ACC/1214/1627 Premises near the 'Duke of York'. 1882

ACC/1214/1628 The 'Coach and Horses' public house. 1841

ACC/1214/1629 The 'Coach and Horses' public house. 1841

ACC/1214/1630 The 'Coach and Horses' public house. 1841

ACC/1214/1631 The 'Coach and Horses' public house. 1841

ACC/1214/1632 The 'Coach and Horses' public house. 1841

ACC/1214/1633 The 'Coach and Horses' public house. 1841

ACC/1214/1634 The 'Wheaf sheaf', Kensington High Street. 1832

ACC/1214/1635 The 'Wheaf sheaf', Kensington High Street. 1832

ACC/1214/1636 The 'Wheaf sheaf', Kensington High Street. 1832

ACC/1214/1637 The 'Wheaf sheaf', Kensington High Street. 1832

ACC/1214/1638 The 'Wheaf sheaf', Kensington High Street. 1832

ACC/1214/1639 The 'Sun', Curzon Street. 1844

ACC/1214/1640 Cottage at Willesden Green. 1852

ACC/1214/1641 Buckinghamshire: fee farm rents on land at 1838 Hartwell. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 67 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1642 Essex: the 'White Hart' inn and other premises, 1839 Grays Thurrock.

ACC/1214/1643 Suffolk: land and cottage at Snape. 1851

ACC/1214/1644 Surrey: premises at Kew. 1844 - 1845

ACC/1214/1645 Draft deeds, schedules, counsel's opinions, 1856 - 1862 requisitions on title, etc.

ACC/1214/1646 Schedules of title deeds in possessions of firm's 1820's - 1886 solicitors.

ACC/1214/1647 Covenant to continue partnership between 1840 John and Henry Sich.

ACC/1214/1648 Articles of clerkship between Thomas Sich of 1851 Chiswick, gent., and Sydney Smith of Berkeley Square, architect.

ACC/1214/1649 Case papers concerning transfer of licence of 1852 the 'Prince of Wales' alehouse, Turnham, Green, Chiswick, at Kensington Special Sessions. Abstracts of title

ACC/1214/1650 Statement showing nature of title of Messrs n.d. Sich to copyhold portion of partnership property, with abstracts. The following abstracts. 1651-1664, are an original bundle; contemporary numbers are shown in brackets.

ACC/1214/1651 Several portions or the whole of freehold and 1868 copyhold estates of Henry Sich esq., lately partnership property of Messrs. John and Henry Sich, 1795-1868 Former reference: 1

ACC/1214/1652 Premises in Burlington Lane, Chiswick, 1687 [c 1856] -1840 Former reference: 2 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 68 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1653 The 'Duke of Sussex' public house and [c 1856] cottages adjoining, formerly part of Latymer Road estate, Hammersmith, 1841-1848 Former reference: 8

ACC/1214/1654 The 'Rose and Crown', Isleworth, The 'Ship', [c 1857] Hammersmith, 1738-1857 Former reference: 9, 9a

ACC/1214/1655 Freehold piece of land in Harlington, 1820-1853 [c 1856] Former reference: 10

ACC/1214/1656 The 'White Hart' and three messuages, Grays 1839 [c 1856] Thurrock, Essex, 1758-1839 Former reference: 12

ACC/1214/1657 The 'George', Hammersmith Broadway, 1757 [1857] -1857 Former reference: 14

ACC/1214/1658 The 'Jolly Gardeners', King Street, [1857] Hammersmith, 1757-1857 Former reference: 16

ACC/1214/1659 The 'Maltman and Shovel', Hammersmith, 1735 [1857] -1857 Former reference: 17

ACC/1214/1660 The 'Crabtree', Fulham, 1825-1857 [1857] Former reference: 25

ACC/1214/1661 The 'Coach and Horses' Harlington Corner and [1857] pieces of land, 1780-1857 Former reference: 26

ACC/1214/1662 The 'Wheat Sheaf', Kensington, 1832-1838 [c 1856] Former reference: 29

ACC/1214/1663 Leasehold premises near Chiswick church, [1857] 1857 Former reference: 31

ACC/1214/1664 Premises in Chiswick (George Woodcroffe's [1856] trustees), 1853-1855 Former reference: 32 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 69 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1665 Greenford: unspecified premises, 1804-1841. [1840's]

ACC/1214/1666 Hammersmith: The 'George' 1749-1823; Clifton [1820's - Street, 1847. 1850's]

ACC/1214/1667 Hanwell: six cottages adjoining the 'Duke of 1882 York', 1835-1882.

ACC/1214/1668 Harlington: the 'Coach and Horses', 1778-1840. 1840 - 1853

ACC/1214/1669 St. George's Hanover Square: the 'Sun', [1828] Curzon Street, 1716-1828, including marriage settlement of Hon. Richard Curzon with Lady Harriett Georgiana Brudenell, 1820. Correspondence

ACC/1214/1670 Correspondence 1832 - 1839 Concerning mortgage on Greenford premises with Mr. Goatly [1670/A1-6], purchase of property in Chiswick from Miss Hallett [1670/D1 -7], sale of property in Chiswick to Mr. Thompson [1670/F1-10], purchase of property in Grays Thurrock, Essex. [1670/H1-5], dispute over use of well in Brentford property [1670/12], etc.

ACC/1214/1671 Correspondence 1844 - 1849 Concerning Cabban property in Hammersmith [1671/A1-2], 'King's Arms', Kew [1671/C1-6], Mr. Moulden's property at Chiswick [1671/E1 -2], etc.

ACC/1214/1672 Correspondence 1850 - 1854 Concerning Welsh School, Grays Inn Lane [1672/A4], purchase of 'White Hart' at Whitton [1672/A7], the 'Duke of Sussex' Clifton Street, Hammersmith [1672/B1-3], cottages at Greenford [1672/C1-6], etc.

ACC/1214/1673 Correspondence concerning Henry Sich's 1862 - 1869 mortgage transfer [1673/A1-12], etc. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 70 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1674 Correspondence 1873 - 1876 Concerning Hope malthouse, wharf and premises, Chiswick Mall part of Askew estate [1674/A1-20], Chiswick Mall part of Askew estate [1674/A1-20], the 'Royal Oak', Fulham Fields [1674/B1-30], the 'King's Head, Walham Green, Fulham, [1674/01-42].

ACC/1214/1675 Correspondence 1882 - 1886 Concerning purchase of property at Hanwell [1675/A1-30], purchase of beerhouse and cottages from Hughes [1675/B1-9], etc.

ACC/1214/1676 Draft deeds of separation and correspondence 1850 - 1851 between John Sich, his daughter Dora. her husband John Espin and solicitors Concerning proposed separation of Dora and John Espin.

ACC/1214/1677 Envelope containing correspondence 1932 concerning purchase of Treasury bonds.

ACC/1214/1678 Agreement, 25 November 1924, for 1924 - 1940 employment of Frank and Stanley Fisher, architects to supervise all maintenance on premises formerly belonging to Isleworth Brewery Ltd. With endorsements and memorandum concerning payment of fees.

ACC/1214/1679 Agreement made with F.S. Stowell Ltd., The 1927 21 Apr Mall, Ealing, rescinding agreement, 4 March 1913 (annexed) made between Stowell's and Isleworth Brewery Ltd., concerning provision of licence for surrender to Justices

ACC/1214/1680 Agreements for appointment of night-watchman 1930 1933 at Isleworth premises.

ACC/1214/1681 Apprenticeship indenture: Alexander Black of 1935 14 Nov Isleworth, to learn trade of cooper.

ACC/1214/1682 Duplicate conveyance of 'Forresters Arms' 1947 13 Mar beerhouse and site of 'Switzerland House', West Drayton. With schedule of deeds, 1823-1947, and plan. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 71 ISLEWORTH BREWERY

ACC/1214 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1214/1683 Sale particulars and conveyance of 'White Lion' 1955 - 1956 public house, Staines, with plans.