Opelousas, La
JACOBS NEWS DEPOT COMPANY, OPELOUSAS, LA. SEPTEMBER MARM Our School Supplies Now Ready SJacobs Special Dictionaries School Teachers Self-Filler 25c. 50c, 75c, and $1.25 Bags, Boxes, Inks Our 50c Values Pound Paper FOUNTAIN PEN Lunch Wax Papers Pencils, Erasers, Pens Correspondenc Cards and $2.00 Paper Napkins Tablet, Scisors Box Paper JACOBS Drinking Cups Will Satisy You Always Sharp Paper Towels Composition Books Palmer Pens PAL PENCIL Palmer Paper $1.00 Toilet Papers Rulers, Crayolas Note Book : terling Silver 3.00 Black Board Examination Tablets Covers, Drawing SWAT MANS 0 Cloth and Erasers Paste, Dust Pans a Skull aps WATERMANS Chalk Skull Cape FOUNTAIN PENS ak Dusters, Pokers The Good Kind .. •,..•. o •-• B . *j 2.50 and Up JACOBS' SPECIAL C ai Shovels Black and Orange SJACOBS' SPECIAL 25c Waste Baskets Green and Gold STwo Blades Indelible and Purple and White S pocket Knives 25c Composition Books Pountain Pen Inks Purple and Old Gold 25c ... m .. ...... Shbt' Special Waterproof Bags for Boys or Girls 35cts Special prices to Merchants Mallet; South, by Arestide Gull I fItONS PICK SEATTLEL IRLS FOR BEAUTY lory; East, by Samuel Guillory, Jr.; PERSONAL and West, by Mrs. Manuel Guillory, and being same property acquiied by Mr. Moresi and Mr. Schexnayder of Leopold Papillon from Cleophas Guil. Jeanerette, the former being a lory as GOPYVUent is* AJo1okSTiA-* per act passed before J. R nephew of Jack Morasi Pavy, Notary Public, on the 28th day of this city, of October, 1918. were here Wednesday, haing motored TERMS AND OOND)PIONS-Cash to Opelousas to witness the ball cille Dunbar and Messrs.
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