Justin P.J. Trudeau

Leader o f the Liberal Party o f Chef du Parci liberal du Canada

July 9'", 2015

The Rt. H o n Stephcn H arpe r, P.C., l\ I.P. Prime l\ Iinister o f Canada 80 Wellington Street , O ntario K1i\ OA2

Dear Prime 1\ Iinister,

Ca nadians arc justifiably co ncerned about Canada P ost's unilateral decisio n to o,·erhaul its operations and phase-o u t home delivery. These delivery cuts hurt senio rs, people with disabilities, and communities across the country. That is simply unacceptable.

Your government did not seek a mandate to make Canada the first counu·y in the w orld t o eliminate door-to-door mall delivery, nor did it ensure that properly consulted w ith Canadians o n this matter.

As such , the continues to call on your government to immediately instruct our public postal service to suspend th e removal o f h o me delivery until following the fall election, at which point Canadi ans will have had an opportunity to vote on yo ur plan to end at-home mail delivery.

We have been clear: Liberals su·o ngly disagree wi th your government's decisio n to ask Canadian s to pay mo re fo r less service from Canada Post. A Liberal government would stop the p lan to e nd door­ to-door mail delivery, and begin a new review of the Crown Corporation to e nsure it is fu lfilling its public m andate to provide high-quality sen·icc at a reasonable cost to all Canadians- whether urban, suburban and rural.

Thank yoo for yo ur attention to this matte r, and I look fo rward to your prompt reply. Yours sin------cerely,

Justin P.J. T rudeau l\Iembcr of Parliament for Papincau Leader o f the Liberal Party o f Canada

( hambn: des communes (:ire< Hl'Cnpnon ll ou~e of Common' Con,tituencl Piece 533-S, edifice du centre 529 J a tT~ · bt Room 5 33-S, Centre Block .129 Jan· ~· E a~t \ Ottawa, () Bureau 30 2 O ttawa, 0:--.! Su ite 302 Kl :\ 0.\ 6 ~ l o nrr ca l (Quebec) Kl ,\ 0. \ 6 ~ l ontn:al, QC l l2 P I \'4 112 P l \ '4