HEP Habitat Status Report 2001.Pdf
New York/New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program Habitat Workgroup ;1 regional partnership of federal, state, interstate, and local agencies, citizens, and scientists working together to protect and restore the habitat and living resources of the estuary, its tributaries, and the New York/Nc•F]ersey Bight City of New York/Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group Rudolph W. Giuliani, Maym Henry J. Stem, Commissioner Marc A. Matsil, Chief, Natllfal Resources Group Chair, Habitat Workgroup, NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Program Status Report Sponsors National Pish and Wildlife Foundation City of New York/Parks & Recreation U.S. Environmental Protection Agency New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey City Parks Foundation HydroQual, Inc. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Lawler, Matusky & Skelly Engineers, LLP This document is approved by the New York/New Jersey Harbor Estuary Prowam Policr Committee. The Policy Committee's membership includes the U.S. linvironmental Protection !lgency, U.S. ,lrmr Corps of!ingineers, New York State Department of nnvimnmental Conservation, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, New York Local Government Representative (New York C'i~1· Dep;~rtment of Enl'imnmentnl Protection), Newjcrsey lJ>enl Government Rcpresentati1·e (Newark V?atershed Conservation and De,·elopment Corporation), and a Rcprcsent;JtiFe of the Citizens/Scientific and Technical Advisory Committees. Funds for this project were pnwided through settlement funds from the National Pish and \Vildlif(: Foundation. April 2001 Cover: Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). North Brother Island. Bronx Opposite: Pelham Bay Park, Bronx New York/New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program Habitat Workgroup 2001 Status Report Table of Contents 4 Introduction 8 Section 1: Acquisition and Restoration Priorities 9 I.
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