• o a s , raiD bal1llaged ~lills' Itend and told An nnknown man telephoncl' uncoupled the engine and first don, declared every ef(ort will Arthur of Scotland Yard was Ilim: "We didn't want to 511lppln!( to I.olldon for npulp· News 01 the loss tlluched 011 Heuters news agency's Lotulon two conches and currlel\ Ollt he made to root out any "in· told that a red plane landed aUfI Ing. the selling 01 bank shares on YOUa" office l~rlday and sah!: "I am their looting in 15 minutes. side man" on the job. lie nisil took ol( from a field near Cited· The postmaster· general lold EVl'rylhln!( abo,,1 the robbery tlte London stock EXc!lange. one of the gang. Mr.l!e the reo Delectll'es assumed Ihat they promised to tighten the security dington, not far Irom the scene slagl'd Wetint'sday staggered A spokesman for tile hanks rt'llorters new arrangements ward 1;00,000 ($1,500,000) and I hall an "inside man" post of. arraugemcnts Ilesigned to prb· of the hoMull. will include Ihe provision ~I th~ imnglnntlon of BrllonR. quickly ~ougllt to hend off pub. . will ring again tomorrllw." lie flee system, since thr gang Db· 'Ieet such trains. SLUG ENGINEER greater physical protection for The Rnng of 15 or more men lie concern alloul' the bnnlls' hnng np b')[ore he coultl be vionsly Ilossessed exact· know· A check was made of air The handits slugged train en- high.value consignments. hnlt~d 81111 rohbed tlte Gla~gow· nhlllty to sustain such a hlow. 'lllcstioned further. Icrlge of the train's cargo and lields on the chance Ihat the gineer Jacl! Mills with a black· lie rleclined to slleclly wlmt 1.0ndon Royal mnll train be· negll~lhle "Whn! we lost Is Scotland ynrd I11l1bllized a opemtinns. The train, with 7:; handits flcw the lool to the con jack. He was r('ported restin~ lIwsc arrangements would hr, (ore dnwn at it lonely Sllot 40 nnd wr really menn Il!'gliglhle," I(r('at 'part IIf ilritnln's law- office workers nboanl, tinent in hired planes. Interpol, ('omlortahly in hospital. po~t sayill~ such II disch,slIre woulrl lllll~s northwest o( 1.001110n. De· lIe said. I'llfol'crment m8l!hinery ill the carried only mail. the Intemational Plllicc Organ· David Whithy. 2r.. lircllIan .11 lend to dc,lt·oy their value. Bul h'cth'cs snhl the Jlreclslon of hnnt for the nmsilPlI ballllils Postmaster· General Rc~· I,ation, was'on alerl in Ellrolle'; Ibo diesel locomotive. said on.! nevins said he was again,t this IIp~ralion would hnve done III any r\'l'nt. insurance COlli· who sto(lpl'd the train h.v fid. Inalrl Bevins. who broke off R eallilnls. "I the handits tall,ed in rl'lined. panics will em'ry much 01 the ""minl: gUal'ds on th~ train. . \.., . I, . 'l'rn,lahlr rrl'rlll 10 A llIaritlmr commando ling with the hloek slgllal, I'acntion to rush bRck to Lon· Detective SUIII. Gerald ~Ic· IIppel" class tones. Tllis mall ., ""I I I It loss. h'" '.:'\ lh~t ll:1n~' "rrt~ rn ,I nit un • ------• :1"":'1. 1 _ •• - __ 0

.. ,., 1\11 forms of 'ustOMER PROTECTION POLICY Insurance . . ~ , l . ..1, '11! Ihl' Goodwill Warrantv I,' ," I • 11 '11 , .. r,cli l'~HS ,\ eSt' - It WI with I.,' . \,\11 <;;l!i,fartion Aftel" Sale. \' \l ·~l .. \.. I L1 !.,\ • THE DAILY NEWS Water St. Ima Nova Motors ltdl Elizabeth Ave. l'"rD CAR LOT 12 PAGE/) SEVEN 'CE~TS W \~q ST. JOI-IN'S, i\EWfOUNDLAND. SATURDAY, AUGUST lO, 1963 . , . . , .'. ..-'"" ------~------

,I '\ n Unidentified 'I l 'n Man Sought .Coroner's Jury Rules " NEW YORK (AP)-The body I e of a Roman Catholic priest,. ard D a th SUlel · °d e 1 W • stabbe!i to death and propped in a sitting position ill a closet,: provided police Fri!lay with 8: LONDON (Rcllt.crsl - ~'he: his oll'n life and "Urillilled tne grotesque murder mystery. i hlld~· of Stephen ~\ ard. fashIOn·. actual call,e of death 10 ;:o[\en· Sought for questioning was an i able osteopath ..arllst \\'h~1 acl~"d illg o[ the hrain I is;:ucs because I jim, in unidentified man who mav hel a~ the. cat'.IIYllc agent m Bnt·. uf lack of ox~'gel1. masquerading In clerical 'garb i am's l11gh.hf.e sex sca~dal, wa:; The "()'~~DI·.(Jld son .of an \1\-. . t' : cremated pnl'atelv Fnda" ,,[!.(':" gli~an mllll'tcr de;;cl'lhcd hl'l1'l AY 5 I1I Ien f l'om th e VIC tm' ..' Th b d f .. , '. 'Id n i a eOI·o ncr·s ..inqucst I'll led his, ~elf as a man wltO "Iikeri. he;!!· I '. .. e.. , 0 yo. 42 ,cat ,u cv' , death a slllclde. ,111~ people." He was nJarrtcri H~ i ;:"", ,,~', I,d t h'~ , FI anelS .T. ~!c~hane, \~as fOIl:1I1 Wm'cl"s body was takcn to I 1~!4!1 but dil'orccd a year later. I' ( ,': ,i ~;;11l~ 111, 1 h,~ : hrothel, also ~ Plhlcst. Rev:; 1>lortlake Crematorium in II'C,t., LllmD PIIETT\' GmLS I . :' ," 'l ;111't' ,11 \ mcent ~lcShane, 111 t e UPP~I em London. La(er :1 brief me·. lJe conlesscd his \':eaknc';' · ... ". " 1I,''',\in-! ~~3nhattan .apartment of t~ell': morial service was held in' lil~ for pretty ,girls and claimcd to Sister, who IS away on a crUlS';. : chapel of St. Stephen's Hospital· hale introduced a number d : '~I\oI,")·I_ .• \~ (Ilt' .. The dC~lth. weapun was. a: where he died Salurday afl~r ': them til persons in hi~h society. "f :-,::', '"I' \ I).opt''':!· I h~uucly, flve·mch steak kntfe i swallowing an clI'cnlose of nem·· Rut he dcnied running a call· _,.:.: ,< "l,:,.tI< 01 I ",~p d~sc~rded near the kitchen. Th'] I hutal sleeping pills four dll'!5 girl rari;et. ", ~ ::,~t.~ ~t;1t(':' and: Yldlm had been stabbed twwe earlier. . It was Ward who introduced: DR. STEPIIEf\: WARD ...... ',I:', ',:,::; I\'~r~ I III the chest and on.ce. ln th~ I Only relatil'cs "Ilendcd the ',. ex·war minister .rohn profumo;, ,'. ' ",::".;:'• :"" .;1:\£ with a;I , ,'.,,. ~1~~~SlsoII fpPI;:tr~~ecd' tl b k th:Ohe~rt.1 r tI Ie i ~~I~~f~n gi~~~ l;hcr~Je w~~:Pi:~l.~' :::Id (i~ri~~i~:~n I\e:~~~;se P~~fU;~~' nanll attache Ye\'~cni Il'anol'. :.,; .;:. ,'.' :',":' In:. I The sb":l pl'lest last was see'! i flowcrs. . illicit rclationships with ~Ii~s' Ward [licd after being UII' , ." i' ,! :.,' ,"i< nn n, about .1 :30 a,m. Thursda~. when! Earlier." sCI·cll·member ;'1' i Kecler. who was hal'in!! a sim·: conscious for about 80 hours, , a. t~elg lor reca e a:: I quest jury found he had lal,en: ultancous affair with Russi~n' without knowing he :"as C?II: !::I lilll'hl'C: hi II d th t I . u' ,.... II d~ 01 e up to t~e aparlment .. I ___... ___.. - ~ - .... - victed at an Old Batley tnal

. ..,..... ,i ,r; 1';,II,,,la ~lIS own car Wltl~ another ~an II ...... - ...... ,.. ' .." , ...... ,.. '.,. here of living on the prostitll' .... ::(~ !', I: .",'['Inr ..I III a red and white 19;;8 statIOn tion earnings of 11is5 Keeler :, .. , .. : "',' 1~' '\11' a< I wagon. . I, 1and :-Iarilyn (Mandy) Ric~' . : .. ,.',' :, ;,~ l1,\lIlrt',;11 The statio,n wagon sitU \l'a'i Davies. C·;i. " ~;, "I I parked outSIde after the slav . t.IJ. 1:.::.:...... ------1 . , . ing. with a ticket for iIle~'ll ~., .' ~. . T h . ....,. ",.i '" 11.1ct no! .. ' ...... : p~rk;ng on the wind~hield. Po- It . ~ t' "iJt::,"";' . P oon .• :'0' , .. ~,,:, I .I!,'r,t n Ul'iITF.D NATIONS: United Nations Security Council \'otes !I·O, wl.th Brital? amI France ah· ,1ke s~id. it wa~ a stolcl' car and .. -, .i$r1h'1iitl!r" 'l.! .. ,: y · " '.1 ':'::'.':11 mUll. staining, In fnvor of emhargo of all nflllS ami military equipml'nt to South Alrtca becau.se o[ her thnt i.~;llle they founrl a ,et 01 ,,.. "i, ~ ,.""Xii :', ,'f:',' ~" "lid .\Iain racial segrcgation policies. I.et to right In the ."ugusl 7th scs~!ou arc: Pr~~';1110 .G ..llmene7. of : s:c~.k .' !;nh·eJ. ma~c~ 10' th~ i ~ ,:,'. .":'"--..- .. ~¥ ,0 a va~ r.:s · " th~ "hilll1lllncs thand raised)' Nikolai '1'. Jo'ellorenllO of tlll~ SOVIet Union; :SIr Patrick IIran 01 . 111m eler wenpon. I".,.;.' . ,'. . . .~ J'\. Vi C • .. r.'. :' .' .I",lil .:h: the United Kingdom: Charles Yost of the United States.-(UPI "1'llOtll), ! C,\R !\IISSIf\:G , • '. . . . .J I. f ,.,C,.'":~ " ,VI II I'~:o i __ ~W..__ ~---. ----.--- 1 Father 1\! c S han e ~ car. a ...-:t~~i' ~ ",. ~. . J '. :.' ':' :,: '.. :. \1"l1lrr .. l , . 'blue. 1960 sedan. wa~ miFsin~,' 4 ap a n

i ., I '1'01\\'0 I Heutc;" '- .\ -·..:::',:;~>";~:,~I\; ~~,::.~:(!' Bu ddh ,·S ts Can eel·; I~~!~n;Ja~~h s~~r t~~r~~:~t~~."\~~P~~h . which ral'age sot! ei'll t~'llh()'Jn• ap'JII · " 11'11111(- ' I'may be dt'II'ln" the car' an·.1 d Ih I :~.i~: :~,"'C ,"may be dressed in priest'3 : Friclav left mure than li.IiCO pc:" 'I'>:; !,:','l',c'iIIll"n Ins' o~ ~ garb." ; sons ilOml'iess, at lea,1 one de~d ':_ l':.:i< ~, !l0'!1'\"' B. t h . The motive baffled deleetives. . and to missing and caused I: I ,:,.,:,.! t" h,lI'" "~r:t' urn I ng ,'0 U ,There were no ~igns of a • :anclslides. nr n:1rrI til'!O tl) , . ( • t I f 0 t of tl eN STREET ' ...i,~.:, \;~~>;.. .. -, .. kr:,." , ., ,1 II sapraUrgtgmeenOt.r .orce en ry .Ie iI floPolice (1 d e saidd. .:;n8.711 cmb2.nkme~t:;houses were .• , .... / ,,,h' ,I ,lte un. .' h Ill' I d ' • 111'CII-ell 1- b,)'lts h . rl I'. I memhers of the lamill' them· Ifrom a Untted chm ch ofitcl.ll. . as ea • 7~.:~"j'"y J;~. a tI:cft~~: ' selves, that such dil'i~ions 3~' who says he doesn't th!n~ "(~od: nOSTON: The llre1ll~ture son o[Prcsident and ~Irs. " : .' .::':.':d bl II I" ' .'IO~'TREI\I. (CP) _ All out t'f readY'have appeared. \depel1tiS on Mr. Robclts n,.llt, arrives at lIoston Clllltlren's host·tal August 7th to ullli~r"o: H "t '" • . . IC a\\)cr~ .• " _ I y. . hand" . '1 Th' f twas dflven' OSPI aIzes •• :'.1\"!lIrn. Th' srt\:,. one of 18 suspected membel's of AIJ lace charges arising from. Ohserver~ said the politically ' .. " a ..•. treatment for a resjllratorY al \l~ent. e I? an , . ".""i! for rr(OIznili,)n 1'1 the terrorist group Ie' Front terrorist !lctil'ities 01 the FLQ. \ powerful lIlrs Nhu apparentl,·\ Tlfle cnltcF"",I1 camfc at R PIC,), I 65·miles in an ambulance from Oils AFII Hospital \\here/he :vasI .,. ",., " '. h d~ If I d I . . t' 'd cou erence rlt av )'c,m ev.,. II I . I . d taken out of the ambulance bv IOsplta ':;. "'~ M "llIhert's Ie. ,LiberatIOn QuebeCOiS, now ave a se ·sty c comman( 0 group wished to tal(e a tough s an I H II rd 1lca d - f the United I born. ere Ie IS )em~ . 0 200 I :!;:,n~. I, been committed. to. stand. triai dedicated. to Quebec., indepenrl.! against'. the Budtlhists. while the Ct' lUrc0 11 ' soar ' B d u0 f E'I'angc l'Ism iI attendants====.....:... upon ______arrivaJ.-(UPI Tele)lhoto). -- ver : on l'ilrlOUS charges at the fa,11 ence through VIOlence. . . I P~'~sl\l~nt wanted penceful con· and Social Service. ·1 I ~-_____. ,term of the Court· of .Queen s ~he 18 were arrestcd III poh~e IClhalton. I Mr. Hord said the 45-year·old K d B b Loses PHlL~DELPHIc\. f '\P) - A ,Deneh. . " . rald~ early In Jun~. The demonstration in Htle. I evangelist from Tulsa, Okla, IS enne yay leak Ir~m a tank c~r near a : Tw.o \\cre comnu_lIed Friday, ,Pnor, to li~e rald~, the FLQ I during which a young Buddht"t a "pretty good preacher b'lt chemical firm sent clouds cf : G?hIICI Hudon, 20 year· Ol~ \ terror. campmgn ~r lIme· bomh: student lanned io blli'n himseH God normally chooses to WO;'k Battle For LO f deadly chlorine gas billowing . ~h aughlsman. and floger Tetre exploslo~s hatl kIlled one rna:! \ to dealJ; would hal'c coincidci through men and women sp~· 1 e into the sky in the residentiilv n, "r. .Iult, 22, an unemplo)'(!d reo and maImed another. 'tl tl ' . f nfer cially trained in the field cl I and industrial northeast Frida • port el'. . I' , ,. WI I te openmg 0 a co.· .."" . . .'.•. ' , . d . I' r' h' r th \ lIudon r"ees se\elal charg~, cllce pl'csidcd over hv Pl'esldcr.t medlcme. 1 BOSTON (API Tinv Patnck' hyalme mcmlnane tll>case-.. a sendm at least 200 persons to re unmary ' ebarmg 0t e in connection with th€' bombinti ;' Oral Ito· I' n!edical centre as little Patrilk 'fIlE COUNTRY PARSON • here Friday by the leader of h also. CouncIl. I Salk, who dIscovered Salk pOlIO beds' campaigns put togcther." died. . ..' ·'~'m i~~~;£l~~:~::' .::: Civi.l Servants Rap Political Patronage I mately 40 fcet deeper than lhe I I record set in 1956 by French· By RONALD LEDEL Edwards said in a statement aware 01 only two cuses 01 pa~· implcment a defillilc polky I any explanation. 60th Seco),d i man Jo Berger in the same O'l"rAWA (CP) _ The Cil"JI that thousands of govemmeot ronnge', but they thuught It against patronage in all go\'·: World War veterans and hOih' cave. Service Federation of I Canada jobs outside the ju!'isdiction ,,[ "very likely' that several more ernment iolJs. married the officers were hired' Stephen Wy n n • Robert.s, charged Friday Ihat the n~w the Civil Service Commissio;t political sackings had occurred, The federation which repJ'l!' in Nov~mber. 1957 anti April. leader of the 13.man British Liberal government has reviver! are "subject to the blessing of especially in the Maritimes all,1 sents 72,000 cil'ii' servants, SJ:d 1953, respcctively 'uy the fol"

team, said the 31.year.old Ken. the "evil practice" 'of politic II politicians ~ local .... patronage ?ther areas w~~re there W3.S I' it has been asked to interl'e~e ",Ier Conservatiye' a?miuistr,,- I neth Pearce of Manchester hdd patronage In government jobs. committees." . • mtense competItIon for semi' in the cases of HilIary"Chel'cr'c hon. the federation said. i broken through the passa~e The federation said the [ish· . He said that in a recent tO'lr skilled jobs. ! and Thomas Ilattersby both o[ '.' . ' which had prevented other ex- cries department dismissed Lv,) in the Maritimes h.! met many ASK DEFINITE POUCY· Souris. P.E.1. respecii~elv ca!)· • A feder~tl~n spo!,csman 5311 'I .1 peditions from hettering hj~ conservative appointees II' om government em ploy e es wha They said they wcre ntaki,lg tain and en~ii1Ccr 0' the 'Iisher' Capt. Chel'cne was replaced ~y , . 1~56 record:' non.clvil ~ervice jobs aboard 11 were afraid they would be fired their !irst public protest ahout ies natrol v~sscl Acarlia basi,d. Capt. ~ ..F. l\lncInto~h, a Ltb: I 1'". SliP Wynn.floberts came ollt of th~ 'Maritime patrol vessel and to make way for Liberal specific cases of suspccted pd'.- in Souris 'Ieral a~poUltee who.. Inntsclf h'J'~l1 I .. \ CI ··r : a I lIow \1 . cal'e Fridav after spending W placc~ them' with LibCI'al ap porters. . rona~e in nn effort to "stamp I :be~~ fll'cd for p~littcal reas %: '. I ~~' la~1 I tS Ive e Id ..,. ' 'day~ undergroulid 'with the c;,.! polntees f01' no good I'cason. Federation olficials SHiel at' otll this cI'il praeticc." They Boll; were fircd with. til',). by_· the .c.onserl'ah\\!s after ~h~ I' w~lO t ra er. c ~ sOn " \Vor ~ ____'I pedltlon. Federation President Claude I a prcss' conference they \\,e'c I called on the govcrnment to weeks nollce July 31 wlthu:tIII9,7 electIOn. ploblems thaI! IJ 0 C. I " I

.. !" •

, :.... ; S-THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, AUGUST 10, 1061 . . ~ . . By grace are ye Jibe through faith; and b,.. .' .' ." ATTEND not of yourselves; it. CHURCH gift of Coil. .

. . "'14'"'~I"I"1. "I"',,' 'I,:':: 1':1" .'" ".',' dI" Ii,',,,, ,:1 :.1:', Ii I: 1111::1.:', t Itl!·,!11HllIlIII;:,rtlll 11:,:r,;,.1'a. , I Pilgrims to I Th Death e Visit Shrine IIf you stl'l:,e a t"~ I • Sunday Services Best 'l~oved Hymns ~..f Fr -end WAUBAUSHENE, Ont. (CPJ-I Eccp A.gO;~·:\r, O'J a I ~~~:eef b/~il~n'un~~e~~:r An~I~: iIf it ~~il!; Or if i: "',.,;' Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh, DR FREDERICK W SASS and women have died for thpfl' can churches of Canada for sev-I .\erop a'~;in': ',. C I When the bird waketh, and the shadows flee; The' most stubborn f~ct which fellows·and yet not all of such :~also~ars'.t ha~ ~ecn practis ).~ '~aint 110 u-:e tO"t 11' , WESLEY Fairer than lovelier than I all men and women have to faca deaths together ha'le been able than soe ex en ere for I \I lhe !Isli a;n't' . 1)1ornin~, dayli~ht, mOl~ ~ell 'Iuation where the p Anglican Church Dawns the sweet consciousness, I am with Thee. is the f~ct of death It is ilot to .meet the deepest need of t1~e Memorr:r~h '1' 'b' Bmt your hOok zn' k:( .. Sl province refuse! Minister: Rev. V, A. Smith, urn a •. . u. somcthing we like to,talk about. sLncken human heart. And th's shenc 18 'I mth \\au 3'1'1 Keell a·gr,in·. ' Of Canada B,A., B.D.; Assistant ~Iinistcr: But no man is quite honcst who Is where the gospel come~ in. IlIlorill': ml es nor we~t of, organIZatIOn IS ' Rev. K. W. Penney, B,A., B.D. 1 I '1 1 t' 1 d . a~espicable'" John 11:00 a,m .• Morning Worship, Alone wit 1 T lee, amI( t le mys IC s la 0\%, does not ~ome to terms with tne th.e U~per il:Qom, J~sus stress"d IJ ~~:'Ii~~~ b~enl' ~sed Jolnt~y IWhen the "', , ..... CATHEDRAL Infan.t Baptis~; 7:00 p.m., Alone with Thee in breathless adoration, . this question stands out. What anlly clear that HIS death wa~ B f th t 't. e - IS. , ~t" \.)r .• J .' El'emng Worship, Rev. V. A,', d·1 f I f th . have I to say to dcath? What going to accomplish something "eetohred .. t a II p lIats t us.ed 'JY lOP, I Smith, In the calm ew anu res mess 0 e mom. . ~- tl t th d th f t th • m 0 15 5 ant res)v el'wns ' (gth Sunda~' aftcr Trinity.) is. mY honest attltu~~ towar.." I.a e ea s 0 en OUS?f.u I Both "rou ~ call ii ~ "'~!, K~c:I .I'~'i!l': thiS stubborn fact which no man fmnds could never accomplish-I Chur h bb t P A I' .Iemon .,1 'S'PfJse "",""0 [ut . SuiJ..Dean and Rector, Canon COCHRANE STREET . If' , I' e II th e "ng Icans al;o. . .. ". ". . " . Still still with Thee! As to each newborn morning can evade and which 110 mnn name y, orgl~eness 0 sms. r~· c II 't CI . t CI i Glttlll Dro"r -f"t ' J.A.F. Slade. Assistant l'ricst: , . . h '1' [. 'tl G d I" a I - iriS lurcn and tho. ". ,,,' t Minister, Hel'. L. A, D. Curtis, A' fresh and solemn splendour still is given, dare ignore? What IS It t at I conci Ia Ion WI I 0, a ne\\' I.e Un'l 1 Ch h" . I l\Cl'p -.ooi r RCI·. W. K. L. Goldsll'orthy. dare to sal' of death cspecially in Christ, and cverlasting liie t I ~t( u\r\~ b mehm,)crs r~rci' I "0 1.: Sunday: B.A,. B.D"D.D" Organist and So docs this blessed consciousness I awakin~, lieI dca tl loaf f'nen(. I'> I"s orne murm~g. you. WI'11 rca d'l~ Chur(,h.° I as

.' • • cion es lea

.. ,_ \\ h,'r,· IIIl' I,rem· i Canadian Lahor Congress, told to the federation's attcmpts tlon bea(led by President ".' :l'~::" tn, I' rdll"'s to I the Newronndland Fcderatlon to prescnt Ii labor brief to ESAU 'i'lloms. · ': I ':,.'\.,",'11 \> "a1l;0·1 of Labor Frida~'. ]'remler Joseph Smallwood ~Ir. Simonds said it is up to • ,,1. ,jl .' I' I ,'; ,. :.,,·c· .I1\hll SII1\· who has rcfused to meet any the Newfoundland people to do ,.· :'·;I:'.;~';:"i"I1:\ \t"l' " or__ •.Ihe __ I. ____ ~lr. Slmomls-,. __ was. ______referring delegation from the federn._ something about the situation.• It should be made an issue at every trade union meeting. The NFL, in the second day of its three·day annual com·en· tion here also heard from James J. Greene, lender of the PC oP'position in the provo SUCCESFUL FISHEmlEN ince's legislature. -After a struggle lasting Mr. Greene sahl Newfound· one hour and five minutcs lall(l Labor Uelatlons Act still It. E. Ilutlcdge, top right, has many undesirablr. feal· helps haul aboanl a 490 IIres, and, "while we cun't pound tuna which lIe caught do anything about It, we hope froUl thc ")Iiss Vell'et Horn" that sooner or later we will Thursday. 1IIr. Rutledge hails be able to persuade the pea· from Brookhal'en, :Ilississip. pIe to do something nbout It pi. Also lucky with tllc bllle· for themselves." fin ,port was Tom Sa,l~s src' The most improper piece of ond from left, whose home legislation to come before the is in Jackson Hei~hts, ;\'ew last session of the legislature York. ~Ir. Sayles' fish weigh. was a bill designed to provide ed in at 450 pounds. Photo for compulsory arbitration in shows, left, Sir Leonard hospital disputes, Mr. Greene Outerhridgc beams' ol'er a said. 4,1 pound tuna which he The right to strike if taken caugh Thursday, fishing from away as In the case of hos· tlw "Shamrock 111." ~Iyles pltal workers, shoulll he reo ;\Iu\'ra~', minister of l'u!llic placed with something or welfare holds the garf. Ri;!ht equal value, he said. is Hugh Foster. a nephew' of ~Ir. Simonds disclosed that Lady Outerhrilh:c. :111'. res· the NFL, the CLC, and other ter is on holiday here from union executives held a meet· Toronto where he is a ll1a~is· ing Thursddy night to discuss trate.-OIax ;\Iercer Phol.Ol. ~\IJllL.\H5I11r-~liss Constancc Conway, 17 year old Grand resident, reo what he felt is a move in New­ ),,:~,I' 1','\I1,\11\\(" scholarships from Gel' aId Bradbury, representing Hood Flour foundland to coax local unions ------l:~.. :h1. ![1l'Il"\\,! of 4-11 Club week hcre.-(Max Mercer Photo). away from international affilia· ------tion. Every effort should be made 1 Construction , oriel Needs More Leaders to stcp up labor education ac· tivities in the province, ~!r. Simonds said, and he helieves' ,Is fieavy on a crash program in trade union Are Told at Meet ec\ucation will soon be under· way. Among several resolutions ·tt,,· :Kerunount Road .:: .S ~'.:,\r:lln"lr that more ed. to be awarded in the four years stU(Ued f'rillay, one called for "~~~rJPJir~~ Industrial construction along ;(.\1'1 r"l1l1ot partici· I A special el'ent of the eve· it has been offered. a provincial royal commis· I the Kenmount road is reaching 1:1' 4·11 \·]IIIl." (;erald nlng was a presentation to Miss ~nss Conway, 17 ·year.ohl '1 sion to study the use and ".,• I high proportions oS all the lots :,\:d fhL' annual Constancc Conway of the Robin (Iaugbter of Thomas F. Con· effect of automation in New· I . I on the road ha\'c been pur. Hood Flour home economics way, Grand Falls, plans to ! chased by St. John's busirl€5ses. scholarsohip. . enter JUount St. Vincent Unl. XOIV under construction is a The scholarship was the first verslty, lIallfax, to study f;;~(U:i~~?~nd~~;ry~ommisSiun'l Ten Tuna 1ufl!ued Fr~ida1i l:. RndblllY is assistant the resolutIOn saId, would he I ~a· J . large new premises for Canad· homc economics. "lit'S man·. to all~viate the hardship and i ian Tire Corporation. Other .1 Rohin Hood Flour Guest speaker for the occas· suffering caused hy unplanned I After another succc,sful tuna hOHr :tnd 15 minutcs. "Tina ~Iaric" reported that new huildin25 line the ,,~ction Limittd. "Ito has spou. ion was P. .T. Hanley, deputy and indiscr.iminate introduction i fishing day Friday, the season's Also ahoar, _ .. Bay, off Fogo Island, the Harry Roy Rideout, 20, son of I T!H'se weIghed ;>2;> ant! 410 "[he FIghtlll;i Lady lo;t one leading C3ncer res~3rch cent:.c ship sIghted Captain Tom Harry and Silvia Rideout, was C· St' k P I H i Pllunds. and got onc. The lucky fisiler· 31111ouncet! Thur,(iJy the I)",.· :u:n ,In d\) hy doing," i . Dower, the solo sailor, rushed to hospital after his ar IC ers opU ar ere ,The oth~r. t\\'o. tuna WC!'c man was J. B. \"hip Campbell ing of an eXJ)erimcntal elin ~ , 'I:.d If Itadly in nccd : whose whereabouts had be· 1963 model car when Ollt of I C'aught hy 10m Hlhbs of st. of Quebec. After a struggle of for persons whll I\'~nt to 'I:::: .. .. 4·H cluh :Iwlllbcr. ~ come a mystery since he set control and crashed into a . .. I.John·s, \"ho hookcr! a 387 p0 l11l11 30 minutes, his tllna weighed cigarette s m 0 kin g. no,'.": :1 i',":~rf .(00(\ opl'ortuni. I I •• , ' salt from St. John's for Bot· utility polc near the entrance. Car stickers for visitors to st. ~nformatto~ orrlcc~ at .the tour· i li~h, and Kcrin Kcou.~h of the in at 512 pounds. ,Park ~Iemorial In,titutc s.:' 1 ., _fl~,'.IPlll~ thl' needed i wood more than Ii week ago, t~ Grand Falls. '1 John's appear to be very popu· : 1St office In the ~ewloul1dland, city, who landed a -130 ponder. The "Karen Ann" and the. the clinic was patterned t., '.," thr ,pcakL'r add. I j~1 . Dower, who recently reo A report from the town says Inr, according to James Rees, : Board of Trade rooms 011 Water I "The Shllllll'od' III" lost one. "Lad~' Helcna" each rcported some extent aft"r successl':! r-----...;.,;" ' turne(1 to Newfoundland ------"_-.------Street.. i TIcg Rowe owner of tile' one hooked but lost. ,smokcrs' clinics ill Sweden. after II nine·month's trip to the South Seas In his keteh "Newfoundlallller U" was Ore Shipments Down In .June d.~!r~~l;;:i'::bl~~~\tl~t.I~~~~ I "l-""-n- ~ 1~ 0-- r-"'""e-- ---17'-;8 '-e-r"J-i- , 'Stn t:c " . It IS hoped much understand· ~ I" 17 I II U a" blown out to sea when he Iron {)rc shipped from Ncw· the provlllce at. l,130,O~0 tons, ing will be shown in respect of 1 . News I was caught In rough weather foundland mines during ,Tunc overal.l Cana.d~a~ slllprnents I minor infractions connected after leaving St. John's har· dropped by some 56,000 tons' were 111 the .VI£llIIty of 4.000,. with park}ng and tramc. The inshore fishery has been i failures. , Lann during tllis week. bor. for the same period last year, 000 tons whIch. means th~t 3Q, The intr'oductory canIs also reported in a "static condi.! At Port Elisabcth the trap: The Dundee reported back the bureau of statistics report· percent of the Ir~n ore shIpped issued by the tourist office en, tion" in tlte Grand Bank area, vo.,·age was also bad. but since' The torrcspondcnt :'cJlorts 10 St. John's that Captain cd Friday. from Canada,durlng June carne sure that additional courtcsv is I of Xewfoulldland. ' that time, the fishermcn ha\'e "that the drag:;c,' fishel'Y can h~ nower was In good· condi· It June shipments 'from from Newfoundland. extended visitors when they A corrcspondent reports from been doing well with g[\] net termed "fairly good". Last Spots tlon, . lis~d present them to business (;rand Bank that at Lawn nnd fishing. : wcck the dra:!-"ers of the BOil· I1\ID.\ rs FIlms I Wheno the Dundee sighted .,. T. ,,·ver.s ,·ty houses· to which they arc refer· Lord's Cove the trap crews are Up until last week caplin! a\'ista Cold Storage 'Contpa:~:: Dower orr Fogo Island, he V nj Plays Host red. continuing to get good catches. ,were still prevalent on the i Limited fleet, including tl,·, l~l a.llI. Patrick Street! was headed back In the Ilowcrcr, in other areas )' South Coast, but were well' out; "Grand Duke, "Luekimee" and · ol'erheali'd direction of Botwood harbor. ~O Red Cross 71iTee' t,·ng I all traps have been removed in the deen water. ; the "Blue jIist II", landed a water i It Is expected that when he .I.. ~ 1,..11' T h 1'1'0111 t1w water with the voy. Small quantities of squid I total of a half million poumi; ... Un 11.1I11al(e. 'arrives in Botwood, the solo )'Iemorial University will be I about the high school program! Post eac ers ages eOllSidered to havc he en I have been tuken at Burin and of fish at the G!'3nd Bank plant p·llI. Hl,ll'kmarsh' . sailor wili be greeted by the site of the ninth annual and to learn about the Red anlllllaekkt· :hen-' many 1I0twoOl\ and GraM high s'ehool Red Cross training Cross's work at home and · I . . Falls rcsldents. confercnce to be held here Aug. abroad, a spokesman said. Salary Ra"lses '. )lIrllln~ I'll hhish I CaptaIn Dower makes his 13 to 23. The delegates will be billet. ~rals ... flO dam-; hOlllc in Grand Falls, amI the It is the first' time the con· ted at the university. 'fhe male Chequcs with salary increases "Newfoundlander II" was ference has been beld in New· delegates will stay at Rothc· retroactive to SeptcmiJer lflU2 Cool Colorful • • built on the dock at lIotwood foundland. In past years the mere Hal1 and the ladies in will be posted to teachers all Ila wuiian Prill t POLICE IIE' .. \T 'I last summer. province has lacklld fllcilities Bowater House. over Newfoundland by the end Rayon " to host the mcet. Newfoundland wll\lea(\ thc oUhis month. ~. person arrested I parade. of delegates with 32... Increases for the province's SPORT SHIRTS , stolen Ill'OI)ert)' " . . ". . "? Some 118 delegates 'from Quebec will scml 28 dele· teachers werc enacted by the po F b B k the four Atlantic Provinces, gates, Nova Scotiao 24, Ncw Newfoundland Legislature at its For Young r ""oS,l!lessioll. I f(ll" I.re ug. ,ac." QUllelbCCtandd.the Unl\ted States Brunswlctk 20, prllnce Edward most recent session earlier this II .j , · I' e arn'sle( w at en the 10·( ay meet. Is l and nne, wll Ie Delewarc, year. ~Icn 'n' ~'Iell (IrUllkellll(,SS. With tile burning of a shed The purpose of the confer· VIrgInia and Argentia will A spokesman for the New· I l~) sleeves - .. owned by Fred O'RieUy. Thurs. enee Is to provide an oppor· send two U.S. delegates each. fOllndland Teachers' A,socia· t 'Ilsl - the shirt fOl I TI a AlI~ljeall dllY nighl, Placentia residents tunity Ior Interested high s~hool . ~layor H. G. n .Mews will Of., tion said that Ih~ incre~scs will llinthl\' nj"ht .Iear the recent firebug' play be 'students to exchange Ideas I I,clally open the co.nlerence. total some $480,000. . your vacation . I() CID FriZla,: rclu!',ning. .. '. ~ Men's J-,()n~ Sleeve · UII'esti" t' I ' ,'. . ,~IUII 'lilt er Arter ncarly a month of reo Cotton Broadcloth ... licf fron! the fire throat· Mr. Charges of nrunkel1nes~ SHIRTS ., O'Rlelly's s~ed burned· around =- • , JUST ....· ...... c. · .\CCIDE~TS midnight 'fhursday but the ··97 . a Placentia volunteer flrebrigade l ~im. Cookstown extinguished the blaze before l'I e. archant Roads any serious damage ·resulted. Highlight Court Agaiw' ~ car collision . Freshwater was the scene of daIn • , t a~e. a rash oUires which 'lasted for . A St. John's man was fined also· convicted for bcing drunk convicted on a charge of inde· in a public place. cent assault. Big Savings For You am three weeks' in the Placentia $10 ·or two weeks in jail whcn Men's Cotton Knit Str . . lane off area. Additional RCMP. were he appeared· in magistrate's Hearing the evidence of lIer He pleaded guilty to the Men's White eel t k senl' to the area and combined court here Friday and was con· arresting officer a delendant charge. con. , . .. rile • • * BRIEFS tSlon, •• slight with civilians they kept a round. victed on. a charge {)f bclng shoutcd: "It's a wonder you Broadcloth t the·c1ock walch on the town. drunk in a public place. don't drop .dead." I nlagislrate lIugh O'Neill o ear. lie· pleaded not gulIty to • • 'II postponed the case of a mem· Elastic waist An Investigation into the fire the charge saying: "They ar· A man was remanded for bel' of the Canallian Army DRESS SHIRTS .. nII' P'1n II aU1\'1 Ion charged with giving 0 false cool comfort e Sllpel'market is being carried ol\t. rested me for walking." elghf days on' hall (of $200 I01 . Evidence given showed the when he' appeared on a rCllort to the pulice. Sizes 14% - 16% . '. ~ two car JUST .... mon was arrested In the enst charge of being uulawfully Thc man reported that he SPECIAL . ., ...... slight dam- STEEL PRODUCTION UP end of tile city wearing only nude In n public place. was rohbcd at Fort Pcppel'l'cU OTrAWA (CP) - Production his pants nnd shoes. .The case was postPoned to sometime ngO. '. P·1!f.'Port of steel Ingots' in July tota~ed "It was hot arid I took off furl her enable . the prosc. • ,. '. hi..... llgaJ Cove 654.608 tons, aD 8.4·per·c~nt ,llI' my shlr!," the defendant ex· cutlon to prepare their case. He plcaded not guilty to the tght J~~c.!lr collision crease from the same rnomh plalned. • • • charg~. and requested that his .,' uaniatJe last year, the bureau of ,statis· • • • A man was fined '$100 or tlVO c!asc be postponed to enable I ,. . .. n .. ' tics said today. . Three other persons were months in jail whcn hc was him to call a witness . ,,' , . • \ ,.' • I' I . , . ".--~. Gift Horse? LETTERS TO THE DAIL Y NEWS THE EDITOR Newfoundland/s Only Morning Paper CRITICIZES BBG MEIIIBER The Editor, The DAILY NEIVS IJ • mornln, I'IP" eslnbll,bed In IS9~ and publl,b.d II Ih. The Daily News. Ne"s Dulldlng 31a·359 Duckworlh Sl .. St. John's, Newfoundland, by RobJnso. Sir:-I find it simply a!llounding how and Company. LIMited. concerned Carlyle Allison, Deputy Chairman of the BBG, seemed to be MEMIIElIs or . (Ottawa Journal) TnE CANADIAN rilES! about the welfare of Don J alllieson and CJON·TV. Mr. Allison is a paid civil Wss Barbara Froom. editor all newo despatch.. tn IIlIJ paper crtdlt· cd to It or 10 Ibe Assoclaled Pr... or servant who g~ts his salary for help· news lettcr of the Can<.dian The Canadian Prrn 1s ucluslvd, entilled to 1M UI, lor ropuhllcatlon .1 ing to develop a good broadcastin;; ane! Reptile Conservation Soriet., Reutero and al.o tb. local .ew. oublhb· ed therein service in Canada-a service which is there has been too much f I:' best for the viewing public not what people bitten hy An PreS! Services and leature artlcl .. bei~g ma"a~;;:, , 10 thb paper Bra Cop)'righted .n~ their is hest for the Treasury of CJON·TV. tlesnakes III Ontario, Too ,I , , rCl1rOductloD t. :""'t)1tlblted. • '. m'JC~ I The more one thinks of it the mol'l' about snake hIles make, plOpl. one becomes amazed at all the fake is, to all snakes, shc feel,. And tf:~ IEARLt !IiB5CRII'IlU~ RATES sues which Mr. Allison. Mr. Pickers on snal,e·hunts in ",J-.jeh ' ., Canada '12.00 pltr annUm l\hrnber AudU Butn. Unlled KInJ:dom .na aU gill and others have dragged into th<' ('~l pco>'le get bitten ao'l forell'D countries Sl~,DO per "nnum of Clroal.II.. ! straight·forward matter of issuing a sakes get killed. Authoriud ftl .fcnnd clas~ m::.lI by thl TV license to the CBC in 51. .John·5. ltlc !jet Post OUl",. De[!artment. UllanD and lor !~('r atld<.:C' i;-; th:'.t ~a.\'nleOl 01 Qo.ta~. In cuh. Mr, Allison was a member of the ~roid being bittcn i, tft "'o:~ 1;; BBG when a number of second TV lie· 109 the malws, ThaI "JlIIIII\ f'. ' SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1963 enses were issued in various parts 01 o[ us would he \\'iltin~: to [tft:;·.' , Canada. A year or so later this sallle ~lIrJlrising rattlcsllnkl':, if th;'" Board, of which ~lr. Allison is a mem' snakes would undert;,ke I'J I ,! ber. talked about the financial prob­ same for liS. Potllo1es And Dust lems of many of these stations . . . Householders in the neigh­ essary repairs. Leslie Street is now he admits on CJON·TV that mo,1 bourhood of thc section of Water in a shocking condition. It is of these private stations admitted at the FOREH;\ U)\TIlOl. time that they expected to lose mane), (1'oronlo Fimncial POll, Street that had to be dug up for not an easy street to naVigate at for three years but present indication~ There is 1015 o[ prccedent!n the new sewer system that will any time, particularly when it are that all of these stations wil! now countries for dcslrittions On tte ' sen'ice the \vestern su burban must be ascended, and it has make money before the three years are of foreign control 01 a nation·,; Rl'ea have borne patiently thc now been made dangerous by up. I get the impression that neither tries. In sever21 EUlopean " long and tortuous progress of the size and depth of the pot- ~Ir. Allison nor these private stntions including some flom which trer!' knew what they were talking about. been murmurings "I rli,[onte" the \\'ork with its aceompanying It is high time that ~lt. Allison was Cnnada's mO\'cs-thcr1 2fe law; , , holes. noise and nuisancc. They had made to appreciate that he was not ap· non·residents frOm g"illin" C'c"" ~ J 1~'1 reason. l!O\\·cn'!·. to' expect that Shaw Street has been widen­ pointed to the BBG to preside over the companies. In Swe,l('I}' a~ 'tl~,' a~ sections have been complet­ ed and the intention is presum­ fostering of the private stations allli even buy a housc lI'ilholil ad. the pal'eel sur[aee would be ably to pave it. In the process the planned deterioration of thc special ,permission. In Japan, CBC. The members of the BBG arc . in recent years as an attraethe re"torcd with de~pateh. They lovely trees have been among employed by the public of Canada, not invest. there arc I'P",' li~ht r€:Ci the sacrifices to the widening Rlld the shops along this stretch the CAB. e~:tent of owncrship that (If Water Street are now smoth­ operation. It may be that this Last December many suggested that may hold. ered in dust with no relief in could not be helped. But what is the statements 'Oelching forth from the SClElIiCE I~; \.\Tl'Rt ~i:.!ht. important is how long those By EARL L. DOUGLASS l'csses than they do of the cultivation BBG were well loaded to fal'or the private station at the expense of the (Edmonton .Journal In addition to this. motorists who live on that street or must of the spiritual life. , CBC. Surely there is no doubt that the One of the mo,t ,ntelestir.; \\'ho have had to detour through use it will haVE! to wait for the nE~IOCnACY Allin REUGION Let us never believe that hy taking December 20th statement. prepared by of scientific inquiry in recent Democracy is a wonderful ideal. \\' c l'cli!!ion ant of "public life we are go· Leslie and Shaw streets have new surface. These streets in Mr. Allison and his colleagues, made it has been the discQrcry that, rejoice and thank God that we lire mg to add forcc and direction to the rE'nson to wonder just how far their present condition are dan­ abundantly clear that the welfare of the animal kingdom nnd mar, j, ' ullder democratic institutions. We I'C' peocesses of democrac)·. This will not gerous. They ar~ hardly a credit C.rON·TV, not the will of the public, ive socicty hal'e anticip,ted street surfaces can be allowed to joice today in the liberty which hilS take place. The church represents God's was ,the basis on which the decision on science. d'~tcriorate before the Council at the moment to the municipal become ours largely through the sncri, ·life among men, the working alit of His a CBC 51. John's station was to be made, Birds hal'c been ("'Ind 10 rcaches n decision to make nec- government. fice and pet'sistance of our noble f,'I'e' spiritual . purpose. Let us recognize Your readers will note also that ~Ir. AI· by the stars. Bal, find the:r~", bearers. this function of the chprch and sup· lison and the BBG had to eat crow on dark by sonal' UdlcClcl1 ~n~:j', But democrilc~' is not somethin~ to hr' port it. And let us carry 0111' rel;l6ion that one because they soon found that OliS animals hal'e bern rli'colmj worshipped. Thcre appcars to be lIw into our politics and our governmer.t. their position was indefensible. rcmarkable organs for 'el1;:n1 hi', IVIP's Take A Holiday tendency today among many Christians n;lt let liS not get to the place where With many more statement like the. electricity. Dolphin, may h?le i~, to idcntify Chrislianity and democrac)" we think so milch of democracy that WI' with the prodsion that the one J1mle on CJON·TV Thursday night language of ~orts, :\ st\1d~' of Hni1snrd for the This is a misfah. Churches and de, forget the spiritual, divine. supernJt· by Mr. Allison, wc wil! have no douht Ancient hcrhal r~medle; hil'! la~t few days of the current ses­ Speaker may summon the mem­ nominations ai'e !canin~ backwards to ural nature of the church. whatel'er that r.1litics and pussy·footing cd to be based 011 Ihe aClio~ '. sion of Parliament indicates that bers to return at an earlier date make democrac)' opera tke in the whole Therc is a tcndency today to exalt hy ~Ir. Stewart, ~Ir. Pickersgill an


Am Tuh 21DOO 2P." 2R 28. G,lIl 1',1(' Cv 10M .i!')l" \!jl'l 1911 I- I~ I liinr\nir n 6WO t6 4j'.:1 ~~)~,~ I- I~ Oe\·Pal zoo " .. ~'f 1 '0 PROTEST UVING 'COSTS Amhtrd l,iO:'l ;l')', :1f,1" :H.I~ I I.~ l'ljddcll ~m Il~1 .tl'~ tl:', ~ I., SUCIII1Y 10~Oll in 1, t;:r'\ 70 - :'1 Dome J'rt '~~ I~;" 1~1," 1::'.\" -:;... BOMBAY lAP) Violenee AnCtHIf\ 3n:1O 13:'8 4h llo'", (iufHllu'h Hldl{j ~91.f ·1~,I:.: -\:"~ 1 '1 S:lUth Pile :J:lon 3t.i jjA. 3.')111 Font Call 7",), F, 1', h erupted Thursday in Ahmeda· ArOlt'1I SlI HOI) ~8 5jl,,!! 53 + I~ (;ood','r;lr ;~O[\ :)tjl, J:i''t :Ie'" r 1,-1 S!lcrry Jl 23301 111,2 13~H W:.: I ','2 Gold(jrld f,':() 21~~ :112 ::!P .. -I- :lw • • Artr)st~ <:k 2:Jun!1l ~9·ll 91 (;lan;1 lin ~lIln liTA 'j:'" Ii:!.. Slti Brand nOll 73 il'',! 7.1 -1 :'" 1101 II nt:t'T Ie,. :18', ",', "~', . '" Inld, c(lpltal of Guprat stak Bn1J('()('k lillO 5jl,~ ;jjl4 3~1~ -11. (;t r,;.,], Ry l:;r!rJ :i:?,: '" :i2'", j~;lA 51(\ Cal 6200 67 61):;/1 67 ~ ',J hrj, Oil nrtll Sted ~l!;H() 29'", 'la:!" :!!J11\ j. fa A P 21;00 ·tPR H W I I~ SId Ind ~),j0'1 ti~l"Z IH 0114 ~ Iml) Toll C "'" 1~ " I" \:', -" " II and Bal'Oda its second largeA 'J linn !12 1 ,a 92 !)'l ' .' Bornl.!: ~fifJU :It'l :ll' .. ~ltry. _. ',4 (;111( Oil l~'un 49 1l -I:;'" 19',:.! I '.t %..1 ~,J I~O{)iI j(PA iO'" iO~F - :\~ (ns ~ i\m 'lin, .I', :1'. ';;" city. during communist - eall~d " Uorrlcl1 j(l,l 111 ,,;p t t:" 1! I Jlomqk 3n)) ;):1 j:P~ ,)~'l, I b ,stud Piu'k ;-:0 () ti',',l tHOI (,'1 ,Jupiter 1 6011 ~'. ~', :'. ' sll'ike demonstrations against nOl'.!: WI'I', jl011 41'" ,tP" ! 11'111 n jlll).i2 I 5:: l Sun Oil IWII .. 5' 51 t- 3 1 L Shute "1',~ I~ ~l ' j1~:.! I'~ jl~ 310'1 1'~~ I I:!', I'll, ! .. nus Edblln :'()f) 1~ltI ~~,~ 12'~ Itlt nll,~ ffll'l lll'~ 13{1':, 11:111. ·f"',;' Swrt 21110 """ 39~8 39', I !~ 'I !\lns,;r-y F ~;j,(1 ~.;,~ 2!;~ :']: ~ ~-;~ rising living costs and nev,' nrul\swk If,!lJO 1:!I. 12:1 - Iii Illt Halv ,ji', ;i,jlj--. '6 T{'XLl(,O j;;f1f1 7:V .. 7.1 I Juhn I~PM 1 ~1I111 :il~1oj 7J~, :.~ ~tC';,d ~"" ,.]1: 7·1" ;,1" laxes. Hundreds of demonstr~· nUl')' ErIc iUU :51" I.i', Li s I I~ J',I :-.'irk ~:il)!l ',;)'. ,if, ~,9, t I 'ft'X G Snl WiO~ l.i1~ Ij:'!1 I.i'. ~ I ~1olyb C ' ZW,II .!",,:.! J,lfi 21, I", • h I nulld Co ~noo 1:11" 1:1 ~ 13~t\ I'H Inl 1',111 tillil(l 2!l'4 29 ~~I'H I- I~ T('xtrnn Wlfl ::n 1 :lfi1R 3fi'~~ :I" I :\at pr'l co'" 21", 21', 2,'.. 'tnt's stoned bllses In A mc(;)· 'WIn lfi"" t '101 IIlI Tel ,\h;,(1 W:l 4('P8- l'dr-\'t :',j' , 2('!1I II' :'\al nuh nUln~h~ 2h1~ ~I'~rt 1\.1'~ I~ l~Ofj ~,,:I~ I"'" :"~" II'here persons ~r' C.lhul\el 2'm!! I:I'~ 1:1 1:1 _,~ ,lnl'lh 'I ;!fIoa Ii,>; -11),1, 47 - I~ TlIlkC"lI 1Il,!1 n:;-'~ fijI ... I;,it~ I~ i ;\'.' ZitH' :1'1', ,"', .]-" had. 33 were CIHlIl' SOUp l:ltlfl 100', Hill __ ,, ·11)0 76 7h'2 t I. TW(,llt 4f'l(j') 'JO ::11 1 10 - .. ' .• \\ I;~~ :l~~1J 3,;;1 :;; , •• I ... , I'e~tcd nne! 15. illc1l1dil1~ fire po, !",llt'm 50ll 39 ,% !1~l!1 l\cllO':~ ;lJl~ <: ~()\';' ·'~·.C : Clln Dry IIllO 2:\ 12:~ :.!2I'1I j ,~ 1\';t'm:t't'~'1 1:1(10 i:,!j, j2'~ iZ'1I '~I' tIn C:ull l:ml l!1;] l{)fI~ 101 --I', 11'rillt-L '~~Il ,\nt a77 28 -2 1 f1;!1 It'" 1f;I, If~'" - , ... ' lieemcl1, WPl'e injured in strJ'~':. I Ctlll Brcw 3;101) !l"~ 411\ !114, '"ol'VeIlL' ,W~O :.!ti~1I 25\, 1;);1\- 1" Ilftrl ,\1'(' ;:Ofll) til ... HI,j ::-. ~II',\", \1 "n I SatelHte 1:00100 21 -1 "1 241, .. '411\1,.,::., ::!2,1 ItTld \,lth , Shrrrtil Utili 278 1i7 +4 CPU 7111n '.!~~ !:,:'~ 2h!~ _ 7l'lI .':;'" 2~, (ull' I tOil H':,' I;:\~ n",--'~ S.I~1 1'~,~:I~ ~il~ ;;11 ;~ - l'!~ throwing, Sihmaq 3.100 2l 22 23 , I 'Cas.c ~1 111.lI IIII~ !l, !l7~ .. 1"iI\IO:I:('I' liO,) Itr'l IfP .. 16~, I I'l l'n Frut :!1~:1 '.!jli :2jl~ ~i'~ ~ I~ 'I'('('lIn(,:1 2,j(11) 1:1 I:!j,. 13!,.. ------,,1 I Clllrr Tr :l."If)O H ~.j"~ Hi' .. I LUl "'h'S L liO!! II"L Ill, 11l~ liS C\llS lUlU 116:, :;1; rl,'\ t I, llt.l!! III S ~11 ~1l1l'" tno(1 :11 211'2 311 1',\T('lI 1'1' ;\1.\nnJAGE 10600 200 19l lOll ,7 I C('lanl'!<1(' R2(JO j!r_ ,ln l 2 ,-1",::" ! 1'~; 1.\\11111 11,:lOn 7;1'1" i;!l", 72'·~ -'" l'S nubh nrn ~~'" 'l.F" 4t;J" ' I~, l Sl!o~'o" Chc~ Ohio Ilion Ij:P~ tiJ'1oj li~l:.: I 14' I.oc,,'~ ~IOl li~M ti',. Ii'" - l'!i t;~ ";trrl JIJ:JUJ Iii, 1til~ -Ii' I .J ' Total !,.tle,,: l.::in,(:D(1. i Siallrrk 24];0 00 RA 90 , 10 )IOXTRt;U CLOSING STOCKS l'IXCI:'I:N,\ 1'1 I AP I - Ro','- I Chry!olrr :\(,Pon:i9 :;i'" J::l'>>1 ' 1 :'Il.ul S Gal' 1-)()1\ " 2 2 \\lill:.cl"!'I ~!l11 :il ,,,- ,;2'1 :i~I, ~ , 'I : I . Sti\f!';IU 3,100 9 9 9 + ',; 8r The CanAdlaD rl'eu ' 1 Cltte'. S\' 1j!lO 7U'~ ti!J;~ inl" , ,'f! :\1 ill'illlJ Oil :'\'IIl(J :il::l,. ,')7;<;H [,11 \\' Un TI'l li?!'I) ~9L~ 27 .• 2~1~ .I'~ I 1\121'Y Clooney and .Jose jo'crrcl' ~tl'l'l(l~' 310,10 7 6 7 ,,1 Montreat Stork Excl'iauU' Au, 11 Cumplete of trani, Ck\'It<' 1I11():lH:li 301 " :'I1om,h I'hl :CO 3\1" JP,,- J~~, - y~ WC"slh~ EI Illinu ;11'>1 :111., :IF!! -',' ~tl.'(,~' n 160 n~ 420 410 labulatl9n triday 1 1 : say 1I1C\··\,e reunited and thoir acUonl, (Quotnttons In ccnts unlc!>! COl'n Culn 42nn 100'~ !'111M 11)"1,,, I ~lalhn 110,,0 liP, 1:.1>1 IlPN I \\'oo\wth 230:) I/)I~ 68 ,:l 68 '".2- 'oj ~U1r$:ctln .,\(10 2Ft ::!:Ii 2ti + \\ Bronco dl;'urce . is out. The C011Ple rl" Sunbuut 13<\0 11 10\, 11 ,al'~cd f. z-OtJd lot. xd-Ex,dl\'hJcml. ens 7(jOO t,jl'~ toh"~ fIji, <- ", ,;\\pls HOIl 7"0n 1l0~:.: IOH'z 11l~H:.: I P;4 ' Coml 3li:iO{) :!.fll, 1 -ll I flnl toO 2tl2 11:;/< t ',& Total 4,010.000. 'l'O[WXTO BrillLO T,'~·k·lI li30 17f1 17J li~ xr-Ex'l'lghh, x,w - Ex,warrants. 'sct ~oh' :!.r."~ '2~)I~ ~ltlln 21~" I slllr~! rep, laxcd Thursdav with relatil'(:~ l'hange II frum previoul board lut COli [.;1115 14r:n 87"11 1,71'~ 117111 1.\lollil!o(o HIU;) 9'~ ~I!l ! Trmn5: 200<1 10 68 68 -I SLij bid $4.65 asked. ,l"d friends of ~!iss Cloolley, lOUD 52 !11 M -1 c:: OilIng ltIalt,) Contalnl'r 4700 2t; 2j ~:,1b I~ ~:IIL1t \\'anl h:lO(} :12',2 ;]j3 4 :11;I,:J: -+ :4 I Thnm L J T"mblll 1000 1:9 68 69 +1 ~"t Con ('nn [nO ~(jl~ 1~'\L ~Iil~ ": i\,lt :\\j;:t 400 427:1" 27'i. 27 14 .. I" I ,who got a start in show IJlI~: 4ClOOO 17 :!2 27 stork S6tlu llI,h Lou' Cion Cht,e Con Oil .t2(}n tiO', hll\~ ~lh ~ l,,\ I :',It C;FIi 31100 tlSI,:.z fl71;l rtf,' J r r 4 ---.---- , ,\ ,'orm('nt I ness 19 y~ars nr!O with :l Cin­ 500 10 10 10 Ablllbl no s;:n. "J,l~ ~3:'4 COflW Stl iO(l 31011 :li"11 :1;:, 12 l\ut {)iq .;;f1il :!5~"H 2i ::!j\~ 'US n H t'~" t ""f ,h'., I Tr,,"' nt'S pr Ul9.t COI'I1 Prod :!j[\n I :\at n','PS lUlL) • • cinnali radio' station. II'L\\,. ,," ~I Tll1mlil: 21R~ .202 196 199 -I AlUm II< :::391,~ :HP~ :J9'\~ ,jj~/1. ::i7',~ ;li~'~ '~: ~t;7rt ~G\, ~li'R ~o~~cnr \11" .. Trln Chih .')(lO 13 13 1:1 A1Jtoma 223 55,n. 5J~2 M + >" Cran(' Co ion ;)'\I.:i.l ,i:j'~, '':I :-'-Y (('nl 2fun :WCl I 211'2 ~:,',~ - I. I L !23r'k :.!Mi- '" Cr Zt'll :11011 ,2 I:'\or I'a,' :!(iOIl 47'\1 .. i " t- '" I I jI00!TREAL !(,p, 'f1w .1 l'n 8uffad 1160 64 hl oJ -2 A1umlnl 1~14 25~:.I Hl'~ ~n'~ 4!F~ 4j,1~ 1"69 ~oo 575 san ~-1~ Alum 2 pr 2,)0 S46~" 4G\4 .tG~4 Curt!:.!'> Wl' ,"1\[11) 1~1·1\ I!"~ l!\-~ ,Ontb ~lill' ~~,OO lP, Ill:.: IP~ - I,,' A.UEnIC,.\S CI,O~ISn ~TnCKS' I II " ., "n Hen" ;j(! Sj1~;1 .in~ 51'-" .. '.1. DecII' 1'00 roL~ j~l~ ;,~l', N ~~ P;u:,(' 1),\ 2;,!mfl :IP~ :!~1:.:1\ +~" t fly 'rh~ AMHU'lotf'd Frt':.~ llilllteci States {O ai' in terms (Ji '''.'ST CO~TJ~l;ES 231'10 :\2 J I 3l + '. ~ ~ng T 2YOp f . :~ l'l1 MacHt 50 550~" 5(H~ 5t}',,- ~~ Ubl S('ai 7(H) <\7';~ W,,· +,,:;,,_:l~ i Pl'nn nn ti(lOn 1~\1 lr,t" 1f:~ •. Antrrll'lLn Siork Ex('hunl:e-,\u!:" P l'i.lnadiun funcls Wa3 dov.:n 1-~2, ~!O\:Tnr-:AL ICpl-The (.}t: '. 1-111' Can 31~0 13f1 1:;.. B~J.,-I AnI: T 21i5 '1! 1 1 tunO 19~ 18R 18R S iP,p 50 5~5 Z~ 2,5., , OOIl1<" ~1 tmw ;lll~:n ,11'~·" 'ii PUZI'!' JLO ;)1l :l W1~ ,';:1 1 + :'. MI·- r:x,d\'d~nd, XI' - [':s-I";::nl.-;, P I I' ,. \ nlam nail BUB S62r. 62~" 624- II Dou~IOI" 1,,·000 '2~:~ :!2'~ :!::!I~_ '" 1 Phel),!;, n 210n I;~ 51 {;It,~_ i., I :-.~\-Es,\\arrant!l, !\ct (haltt;e I~ 'rum at ~l,Of) 5-16. Olll]( Stl~1' lIlg hee RC!llIhlil'ull n~H'l~' s['ys do':- 1jOO ;\1'] ll. 31';1 U"nk ~lont .. , Wr('cton 27 SoW, -69', bUo,,-', !low Chelll :I!OO ,:11", "', """ _ "Philip )lnr 21011 ;;', 711, 71",-', pr""lIm day', cl",c., was do",n J.l6 at $,1.0,) '·)(i. tors ha\'e l1qeri p:,rty le~(kr W ~llI.tnr 3U('I(I fi 5' a :,!\~ - l'.l (Junk NS 260 $H~~ 141" 74,':" - ;1~ Illtl pont :!.IOl) ~11 ~1J1~ ':!I'l • I~, PI~ Plnt(' :lfOU 5'j1~ ~1;~~;)7 J. I, St"t \\rj\ ~11I('l" ~:!~ 320 32n 320 -5 lIal1q CS 1m I~I 49' 4'" , )I~ITPI Ch<''1l1t to ~i\'e U1) 1,., Eilst I\orl tir;O!l1107~1l"lrtl~~ .. l,ql'pr(l Gam If:OfI,7j's i1' .. 7,")'" l-;~ SloI'k S31f'''III~hl.o\\'Clo~,.C'h'J:'' , W llra.\"rr lGllli lR IR 11\ -12 8;tnq PC ", ,.... ,- 'I 1 1 UO~ $j3~ .. 531,,,, Sl~1I 1~" Eton ~11! (,0(1 :l;l7~ :1,·I'~ ~,i"'I01- l', Pullman lin,127 :!h'127 .. ~ nell rhune iW) ~!Jt4 4~'x 49 .. -: .... f1"4~," ... .., ~',.:)~ ~~Ar:t'ft;;' f2st for fttl!d,:;, hut 01'. C!lapl.!~ ,;; \\,l1n1 \' ,,~jO 11!l 1 U I1R • ~ Hell ,PhOne i \\ t\t~,·\, \41200 PI'l Hil :. 171~ ··1 lilA ()U 2:;'; :IJ" W: i~~: + '. l~1rc~;:;'O 41~~;:\ ~~I" ~I::": \;" , " I ~;I~lnn . 2;~~~ \r' ;;:: ;~" .\'. t R'{" bl1 ;~~ t, 2t' :i" + ,,' ~:'-.'." (~·w. ~~ I',!' '.. w d, h:\s l'ofll£cd. HO\"~\"cl'. -aid th~ Rhl\O 46 II 16 .1 I ne I"oro.t 1, \\'lnl1l~n ~'ll,l.'i ,:.!~ 1Jl,~ 2~ + :,', foul InltHl :il", :'I)'~ ~)I', I R<,pllh Stl Ii\()il:-li :\Ii: .. :\fl~~ .. I/< I Hr .\m Th utn nt" a'~ q ,II~ XEW YOnK rep '-C:madLm nadv in a ~l~tep''2':lt Thllr~d~h·. "I H.\IJ 1:!_1n 80 Rn flO nt: 11nw is _:iA I Gl'll lI)n :iRon _. th,'\' TClh n ,- Bunk HilI 'JiIlO 191,,- dO!I:11' t:l :1 Ui ill tilC 'f3st ;;lQI).- V.llt LrAd ;ifH.l 9 9 9 .... 11 ftC Phon. $jl~, ,~~~4 :w, Zt"~ ~~l, :1l'~ l~ It~nO :\E~'I :\fl1~ ' \~ 1~11~ 1\~:"'.·3.'1'~ unr:iww.lcd !l~ ~rill eontii!"'" until + I!ti(\() fill .... i v - :iOl.l i 7 ('til Pnw 100 $'" 2.!'" :l?l .. I Gcn E!r~ if>"~;O ~ 1lI,:h :\Irl' ~~r,n :),1'1 1 .n~8 ,;i' ... 1":-' CS Prte 112,;0 4'" 3'~ , dh'rr\ 100 537 :\7 3i I Gcn 'Flh. :!:::Oll 82~" p,:! e!l4 lIoral Out I%IHI r;'r" Ii rj"~' Ii r: J:Helin :W;OO l~'Q ]:)'~ 11 '-'iI tprms O( U.S, fl1nrl~, Wce]\ ~?,Q OOJ ilGS he~n contri'i~ltcd. So br, hiOO 115 10:\ II,~ 7 C.ln Ccm I Yk near + J 12~ S'~6'. 261. 2~ili. + I" < Hell ~lill!l 7ltOO ,Ii :151~ :17:1~ ,}1~ I Sf'ilI'S n jlo0 !lOI~!ln !hl " + ,~ Con ~[S ]!JOO n~l\ :!~\" 2P" !l2 1:~-32, Pound SICllilJ~ ciO,1'11 it {,jrlimed. SC6.000 h~'\ IJccn con· \'11).;110 I:IM 4~ 4:\ 4~ c: nom SU. 8~ $·tS 48 .. 8 , G\tC HfHlIl 7P" il'. iP'I "'111 Shrli Oil ~ljOU 4t"~ 4PM ,1"'1 ell Ed ,.,jt) SIR Ie 1H - Ii Cent nl'l €lJl $26~. 26h 26:1.,. 1 r~ )1l"te 38,ll1 ~4(l ~2~ ~35 ... 15 CitOn ~'S r [It'lhl IB1t:! tG~ ~oo 4.00 Coronat\on 100 S6 6 6 ('lin Dr'- I~O(l ~35 430 4~O -5 Crain It L 11\11 III 15 15 -~. f Lt 1'('1e ,~on U 14 14 Dst leal: ISO SjO~2 301~ jOI'2 " c- ': ('(,Ilt !lei r.1iP.,\ 7iCl i60 760 -3 n nrlrl~e 17~ SlB"~ 1J:J1 or 181'2 \ ~ ; r Ora}:11n 3000 10 ~I~]() n Coal pr 100 512',,, 12h 12\1 It lli'n1(' Prtf !:Ion Sl~ 11 H n fndry so 5G3\\a 63\'.1 ~31:: - \, I l1u,",n 2jOO R 71~ 7~~ n Glas!J In S17h 17 1j; 17 1,2 - I ~ ''S r,tn:o 7011 :n t 2tu 1tl -I IJ Stecl ~oo S12 12 Il + 1,2 FI' Prif pr ~O\l :!90 290 ~!tO 0 Storf'~ 800 SIS'. 153_ lS:I." I , (il;u'I('1' 100U 9'~ 911 !JI~ + 11 Dllm TAr 1985 SlIn" 16;, 16h _ '. I . $38~'4 ~,)1.... I,. ' 104 3n , , 1,1' rlnlnl :!Ol) !Il'. l1~t 1Ft, Du Pont f.nlloll ~~OO 3S :14 35 "- 2 Falcon 40D S5S~H j3~~ 33.5...... I II I Itnmt A ~on 'Il l{JI, 1O~" - rraser 13() S28'~M 28:1." 23:. ... - I it. I" 1 lIf'nl{' n 315 51:! ll~~ 12 -J,. I~ Hawk Sid l02j $j~" jl'i 5 -; - :." tI nOli G 197 SU,I" HJ~ 1.t 3" -I,'~ Hollinger 6ta $26~ .. 2Ii;\.~ 2tPII,.. 1M \1t'dill Rl,Z 3~3 :\j3 :J6~ ... 10 nome A 180 S11 11 11 " ~IHh'on ISon:!~ 29 29 Home B 10J 512 I: 12 ;'') :'\turphy ~1I 200 2oo 200 IIBC i730 $:~I. 14'~ 14 ' " ;0.; at rdt ':'200 Z~ 231 2,'10 oj. 4~ Imp OU 2079 SU' 4}t'li 42 " ,:--' ClInt ~"oo :!il1 17 2n~ 1 1.'.1 Im1' Tob 150 513 3" IJ,l,~ J3'1~ - ~, \C Oil~ ~()() 1:;0 t:iO 150 -5 Ind Accc(1 1970 5221,4 22 1,. ~214 + III ' ~tlrth(,ill 1,1'1!0(' 4j' 42 4312.j. ~1 Int Bronze 130 '20 20 211 :'ior11l1d ~!OO 14 '" 11 _I lnl Pop 19~6 S3m 31'. m. Pt'rn\n llB:!5 40 39 39 _ tJ~ Inter PL 70 S~F', 8P4 81:1" 600 SI6~~ 16~" 161 .. .j. 1. ' ,,1 rl,,, 3160 SO 47'\ ~O ... I Labalt GA' 15:1 151 131 Lnu Fin ~~O 513:1:,& l:n, 13~& ... ~ I ., • 1\ Pro,o If:O~ A Quonlo 1000 17', 11'., 17', _ 'h Lolo1aw B 2000 S7~. 1'" 71. ".ll1~rr .100 132 1~5 132 ... 7 ~ID PR M3 523 22'A 2~ ... til , . ~.'r{·l" 2~M to!) 105 10!) -:- 4 Maritime T 191 S21 21 21 l I " ,~ • -. I II 1 St'('ur rrC'f 1Il0 ;~5 7~S ns :\Iilss F .u;~o SlJ~" 1:10"1 13 4 + \{" I .. ,1 I, ~oulh \. 1300 11', m. 111, ~llch R A 100 ~7~. 1\, 71,4 - I,,. Ii' :' l.~tillll\('tI 13(1 ~91~ 2!U, :!91:a _II~ :\IItch n B 2110' 100 400 400 + I j2 52!) :m :m Tr:ln'l t·an JOt1(J 76 i5 76 I~lol.l1on B 300 512~ 121<, 12', - II "'; - ~'l Tri'~ 011 1SOO 155 m m.3 ~Innl Loco l'mlll1 ull ~30 S10~~ 1012 JOI~ _ l,i~ !\tont Trud 100 $92 9~ D'l "nbl'hrr :!O("\O :141;1 3J1'J J~Il! _11~ : ~l()ore Corp no S481, w, 181, , " · "n OI1~ 41'10 1~1 120 120 -2 I ~oranda 520 $J61~ :J6I~ JG\~ ... 1~ : , l'n Rl"rf P 10(10 12~ l:?'~ :Z~'2 _ '2 I Ogllvlc UO SI2~. 12h :~i" I 625 521 21 21 +~.. i ,'. -- :, W~I"I(" Z13 6i5 ~75 fi75 .;. '!.~ Innt Stl'tl .' " \ I. , , (' W nl'("lila RI;6Q I~n 11~ 120 .. ~ I'ar Pclc :1:il) Sl1~2 11'~ IP~ I ., Wil'llIfe JM :!~O ~12 220 + 10 Puw Corp 13,'0 5:1,1, fjl" !IJ, ... I'll : " n,'s"li~ Price Dr 21j $35 3PI 35 ... I.,. , ".,nt ':'90 ~62'A 62~~ ti2:''' _ '. I QN Gas ~OO S7J,-l 7l " 7~~ \~ n .. 5691:.1 69~" IiOt~J _ I, I Rio 1\I~om 27~ S~3'A 1,1' .. l~'R - I,~ 1(10 $7 • 7l" 71,,- I. "~I' · ; (' ln11" Rk C HO !6Pa 613:. 61',,, Rothman!ll ' Ro\';\1 300 $73 n!l~ i2~~ _ 1\ Royal Bank 342 $73 72:1, 72:l.\ - :~ , 1"lIr,l)om :\2:1 Sf,OI-l f.01. fiO\~ Snlnda·P JOI) S91~ !l1~ 91~ _ '" : ". · '~ IS1l1'HnUL,; Sholl OU 130 $lf;~ 16~!I In:',", + l~ I ,J", t' • ,'. • .'. \Iumln\ 2~90 2S3:1, 2.1L2 2.~'4 Siraril 300 Si~. 7~" 71/1 I 1 (' Ott'w 52~fi S101" 10 101" _ I, ISimpson, IJO $3~1 ~ 32 ~ 321'.1 + Hoi I 1 I -, : n ~'.It:nt·S zlG ~7'.. 718 7111 Southam 1110 530 ,2 301:'~ 3U ".! 'I , 11\bnd 2MB $ti'~ (; Ii _ 1j Steel enn UOO $201'4 2(11. 20 1, + I~ 1m' ~\ n .\ 51.1 ~52 ~~I.; ~11~ _ • 4 i Tl:!xaro Can .20 SIB 48 48 I Shnp1lon .. j~3 ~3214:'12 3~1"" '4 Tor Dom 225 5tiOI-2 6012 60 12 ""llm,rilt ]~OO ~o :'I'i ~o ... , T Fin A 490 513 311 13,'" l:PA + I, I W.llkt'r!l; ROO ~37(~ Sf,3, ~6:1. _ TI' C Carp :126.5 SI0~. 10 10 - 1-;: 1125 529\;1 29 ~9lh: + ''2 I ' · ) \\'r'lon 11 100 $18'. 18~1 181 •• " Tr C.n PL .. TI' ~II PL 1900 S}5" 1!i 1~1 t' I UX 51 eel 100 55 5 i • - Sellb l\11(1 2000 RO 80 -~ 'I '. ao We,lon A IOn S161; 1~1) 16!':.! - ~~ , ,:'" • I ~- I - q, -I ""'-1 C.\XAIlUX . AJ,,:'f f;OS7 15101 UI,~ H''iI - \~ I • ! :', :: 1 ::', . " A"copo 251\0 75 71 71 -8 A1so1 6000 18 17 17 ,', Aug A "oly ~oo 21)5 :20~ :ZOj 'I :: .. Atla] Ttl 1000 260 255 2150 AUll'ustus :1027 29 29 29 ~IOSTRI(A I. CLO~ISG ~TOCK9 Ily Th. Canodh.n Prell Bcllechns 6001} 12 I' 1l -2 Black Rh' 1000 7~~ 71,-2 it) \~ .\bUIl 14 - .\3 Frascr 18~ muo Bon 1625 315 310 .10 ible nnqUt C ~at 71', lIud Bay Mn ~61, Bornll. 1000 13 13 13 -I ! Hank ~Iont 62 3 • Imp 01 tl ·1 Druncau 12500 IS 17 18 , Rank XS 691~ Int rip 11:1, Hrunswk 1600 3901 390 300 RnCjue PC 3 49 " "ta5s,Frr Hl, CS Pet. 400 430 430 +10 f,l ,-"", ., :' '. • ,\ 5,1", ;';oranda JUl, m neu C Coillerlc. 800 110'. 10'-> 101; _ '\ .';\ ~: :r, -,~ (" CL'mrnt 37 I'iludalh 4,'2 ~, 1'.' I :.. • ~ \, • , t' Cdn Del' 100 440 440 41n "ll St~nmshlp 48 Pre. 3l ConorRml 706fl 10 9 9-1 , t' 11111) Dk C 61J~ Ro)'al Bank i~ I~ Carbe. 1000 6 6 6 - '; , -1 l'lin Url'W 10 51 ••1 JII,. C lnl pwr Carllcr Q 1100 ~ ~ 5 + I.'z '1. PI' 17', Tr Can I'L 29\, Cal ell I A 23 130 3~ 30 " -I I CI'1t 30'. UN 51 ••1 ~ Cc ..land 500 160 150 160 , ,- i~ ... ~ i St'a':raml SO'" CANADIAl'i C Mogador 4000 20 14 11 -6 , 11 nr"\~e 18h An, A Molyb 2M C Paper 67!'i $38:t .. 3Rh 383 .. + ;4 .. ;\ ": I \ ': Dom Tar 16 T "Cons Pap la~4. Copslrm 1000 12 12 12-1 tc .. : :'\'1' ..: Ttr I Denaull 150 $15~<' 15'; 1m _ " D Explorer '500 :13 3] 33 oj. 2 - I , I D Least :500 171~ 17 17HI _ ~ , ! D Ollclolh .10 527 27 27 Dum.g. 28800 143 131 139 H Dumonl 2000 20 lAh 20 '; NEW YORK Eloclroll.. 100 $10 In 10 Equll Exp 7000 14 ,dl 12\; -]1\ SF-If YORK CLOSING STOCKS (i'nb 13000 13 12 12':l .- 1'1 8, Thf A!lIloclattd rrell FD~ (,ake 2mOO 2,' 20 1, 23 +3 ". ,, l1rth Sirel 1~1. I(nnc::ott 72!~ r .. l~lslo" 1~0 140 1,10 lin nOl.l:' Wunr 41' A Monty \Y ;t81., Fundy 2,}oo ~1, 2 ,'j ,,! 2 \ t. " (' ~nd () fi3 1, ~\' Cent l(}-\a G Aulotron 2aon :\70 370 3iO .. 10 1 :, H,,\'(". ('on~ Edlmn 87', RadiO Corp 70 • Glen LPlke 1M U5 15:\ 1!1,~ --5 (:('n 1:lpt· 80 South Pael Ii ~"'jcJ :old AJ:I!: 1MO 2~ ::!,' :!j -1 1': I C;rn, Eire n Soulh Pal'ifie :J5~A Insplratn 200 :!I~ 213 11:\ .' "rll (;otHl~ C'i\r 3nl" Std Oil NJ 7~. XI Allo. 600 120 115 120 +10 ,~,;,h'\'\'l. Tr,"rhy rot Sor Ry 32" Utd Alr.rort 41', Xl llellum 200 130 130 130 Inl T T 19'!i 11·l1n,.. 341. .luble. 1132n 260 21.1 230 ·QO Lu.nllns Ay '00 55 5 5 Reina 900 420 41G 420 + 10 KodIak Pole 2000 125 110 120 Labrador 300 129 29 29 +11\ Laduboro 12750 137 Il3 131 + 3 Toronto Lall [,celere 100 m, 7'" 71'.0 + " .' L Dulau1t 100 78S 785 785 + 65 Lng'ldo 100000 6 4 5 + 1 Malach C 1200 IB 15 18 +3\. Mdcp.. 2100 160 138 160 -10 Macl<1nney lOOO Il 15 15 +I ~4 + "I Mer Chip 10M 18 18 18 101. - Ii Mldep.. 21110 160 118 160 -10 Mlslango moo 2m ~ 22 m. + " Nollve M 121> 12'1, 12'" f 1'.0 1111- '" mo .1 101. + II I'! Form. 2333 31\ JI. 3'/, Nlld [,ghl 101110 110 110 + '. NW Amulet 500 10 III 10 431~3~ -1\'. Nocana 12000!i 41,~.i +fA: 120 +5 l'iA A.h 500 7 7 7 98 + 10 l'iA Hal'O 2800 2B 2m 261'.0 - '; 760 -5 Opcm ";XIlI 5000 16~~ 16 161,'l -1 1 I'nl SII·., 3000 21 20 20 - \, 22 -1 Paud!uh 6000 4'~, 41., 4l:z 171,1 + 1 P~ace Rnr !lOO 34~ 32,\ 345 .. ?n 221'.0 Phoenix Ca. ~67 65 65 6,1 -1 17 +J\!o I'll Gold 000 6 6 6-1 B4 ... 1:1 Pow Cp • PI' 50 S17 47 47 - 1. AuK9u Que Cohalt 1000 2RD 280 280 1I0d Crsl 500 2'" 2\!o 2', 51 [, Colum 300 305 JOD 30n -~ Saucon D 2000 24 19 23 + 3 S11\'" Ro, 5000 35 34 35 + 4 511'·.r S 13800 86 63 66 -1 S11ver T 7000 29 27 26 -2 MUTUAL FUND S Dulault 48500 16'" 15 16 -', Spartan 1900 47 45 47 +2 MIlTIlI\L FIlND8 Spartan wi. lOO 15 15 15 i Bl Till Claldla. Pr... Slalrs Expl 1150 210 205 210 Sid Gold 1500 7 7 7 . ~d A~ News Travels Fast-This Way! I .~II Cdn Com 4.75 3.21 Supt.. 1 Ord 200 SIB'" 16\, 16',-1 , All Cdn Dlv 6-60 7.23 Tache 2000 8'h 8'" 61,;~,'~ IAmerIcan Growth 8.71 9.12 Tall-,man lS00 76 76 76 -3 ncabbran 33.29 36.15 T'%ln 500 6 6 6 I C,nad, Growth 5.CH 5.51 Tlb Expl lOOlI 61'.0 61.'. 6\, I· 1\ I Cdn Gil and E ••"y ft.79 7.12 \J Corn R In 126 26 26 -·1 The daily newspaper's editors select, edit and C.nadl,. ·Inve.tment 10,32 11.32 Ul'i Obal,k 300n 52 .10 52 • 1 This is a Canadian Press (CP) teleprinter. From it, Cdn Trusteod 4-64 5.07 U Tow. m 1000 $16 1.1'. 16 + ',~ presen t the news in a simple, understandable C.nllund 1~.01 11.11 Val Mar :!flO S~ " ~ and 300 machines like it in 100 Canadian daily Champion Mulual ~,8~ 6.43 Vand... Roul 300 110 105 105 -s Commonw •• llh Inl.r. B.99 9.B~ VAnsuard 1500 R 7 8 fashion. You get the good and the bad, a daily Camm.nwo,l1h Inl LIVer, 7.47 8.19 \'101. 1500 m 191 191 +I newspaper offices, comes news from around the Corporate InVlI." 10.20 11.'5 Wo.tern Rol 500 30 30 30 + 1 picture of life as it is, in Canada there is no censor­ DvnUled I.. A 21.S5 world-from Hong Kong, Katanga, Cape Town, D1"mUled lnc h 4,38 4.11 Tolal SRlo" ndust,I.I. II\Q,l00, MIn .. Dll'ldend Sba,n 3.12 3.75 and 011. 5fr5,700 Cape Canaveral. News fl;om across Canada clatters ship or government control of news, Contrast this Dom1n10' Equity IM5 19.47 Dr.ylU. In.. 17,36 18.17 ---- with the situation in more than 70% of the coun­ European Growth 6.80 7.l1 over these machines too. Fedorated Orowth 1.76 1.20 F1m Oll a.d Gil '-47 4.&9 CP news from' everywhere complements the local 'tries of the world where governments impose FOnd. Colle.tll A 1.30 6.85 EW YORK Fond. CoIlocW B $.18 5.8 .. 3 controls on news to serve their own ends. Fond. C.lIecW C '1.48 7.01 and district stories gathered by each paper's Gr.up Inc. 3.60 3.113 NEW YORK CLOSNO BTOCKS Br Tbo Auoe1,ted I'reu Freedom of the press is freedom of the individual­ Growlh 011 and 0.. D.31 9.78 reporters, correspondents and special writers. I .Yeatou Growth 7.07 7.73 NoW' 'lark Siock Eublnle-Aur. t xd - Ex·dlvldend, xr - Ex·rilhtl. your 1'.. l1ou inti UD 1.98 Together they provide most of the news content right to speak. It is a right whose protection 1,.o.l)ra Mul.al " 12.54 13.63 xw-Ex·wnrranll. Net chan,. 1. Irom Mutual lCcumulalln. 3.80 US prevloU. da6', cion. Net of your newspaper. Twenty-five years ago you is in the public interest. Mutual Incomo U3 5.83 Sllu\ Hl,b LoW' CIOle Cla',1 N AmerIcan .r Canada 10.96 1I.~B 810ek On• WllIam. Sired IM7 15.31 ACF nd 600 99% 9914 9914 - II . couldn't get so much news so jast. PrOVident 4.91 5.3' Addr... l3100 M% sm MI1 + !I l'ulmon Growlh 8.73 D.54 Allegany 700 9~ 91; 910 Radl ...n UI !.OI Allis Ch 4600 17 11m 161. Relent 5-62 1.11 Amerada moo '741. 74 7lI. + It Re.earch Invo.Un. 10.51 11.4" Am Can 5WO 45li 45 45 - 1'. Savin,. Inye.tmnl ~.09 !.IS Am Cyan ]6300 371" ~7'," '7~i Published by TilE DAILY NEWS, a member newspaper of the Canadian • Daily Newspaper Publishers Association. Am Mot 15500 17\\ 171, 1m + " 1961 r.x. Fund Cda 5.IA MJ 4000 02 81V. nil> T\" ElectronIcs 7.39 !.?! Am SmC"lt + ;, Am Slrt . UOOO IT-l. 171 ~ 17~~ TJmrl1 rnv~,.tm"nl fI,2n fi,81 AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS THE BEST GUARANTEE OF FREEDOM \lnll.d Aceumu10llu 6.03 6.61 Am SUClr 44DO 27 26'. 2~I, - 1\ i·.11 Growlh 4.33 U2 Am To1 ~1100 1m, 121\\ 1%21, + 1

" \. 8-THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, AUGUST 10, 1963 I' Dowden Is Story, Pari~Mutuel Bett\qg 1\lakes Local De _'f Feildians Win 8·7 S9ven Races Schedule d Tonighf~ Race-track hetting makes its debut in Newfoundland tonight. yORK (API race program at the st. John's Trotting, Park on the Goulds Road will ,~ crashed /I Edge Guards In 11 , grand slam. pari mutual betting to the sporting public of the Providence. york Mets ID I '. By DEE MURPHY The starting of pari-mutuel is the hig step for the two-year· old Nell' Friday night Bob Dowdn was the big man for tIle FeiJdian frolll here on the operation is expecthg to forge even further ah craig swea!~d a over C h Junior Baseball team last night. He hurled a six­ night's first race is scheduled for 7::30 and over 20 trotters will eai his personal hitter at Guards and got the hit in the bottom of the the one-mile events . Ihat hal , , • , in a seas I ] Hh that RBled the winning run in a 8-7 "We arc expecting a full pal'k iug public interest has caused Canada is gQlern historY. • .• ,'Xaw"c·a·"ring a b • I deCision for his team. Set for Ihe, regular seven and infield out in the top of the GEORGE FAULKNER nREN CURTIS tonight," A. ,I, Kelly, the new.' the trotting siluat,ion in the St. i Federal Departrne~~l uniform in~te innings the game went until lenlh moved Guards out front 'Iy appointcd PRO for the Park. , .Iohn·s area 10 bound aheado. 1ture, the local gro~ 38 sat alongsld. ,...... the boll om of the eleventh be. 7.6 but they committed three told the Daily News last night" der the direclion Gr. Slengel• who , .><11' . C eeBees and ~ . , fore It was settled. Guards ap. slraight errors in the bottom of and went on to add that special' The idea of pari·muluel bet. I Pratt. pari·mutuel with crossed I .' peared on Iheir way to Iheir the frame to set the stage for busses will pick fans up on ling first raised its head last 0[. the deparlmer.\ . to put the h' first win of Ihe season in the Doowdcn's big hit. Walcr Sireet bctwcen 6:30 nnd ting first raiscs its head last I ~llddlcton. also fjf . pitcher I tcnlh when they took a 7.1l 7:00 with stops being madc at year alld thc trotting exeell' ! menl. held a on the 3·2 pltc edge but ill Ihe bottom of that Dowden with a Ihree for five Irl-sh Clash the Court House and em, also live invest:gatc.1 the Idea Ii who will be Hickman hit II .' frame Guards made' Iheir three night pnced Ihe winners at the al Lime Sireet. over the past winler. Their at the Park. Ihc Icft field errors of the encounlcr to let plate While Jim Barncs. Tom Trotting returned to the Sl.' ulllllication to Ihe Provincial the overhang f feild tic it up at 7.7. Collingwood, Harold Evans. John's secne last \,car aftcr' Government was approved This was foll~w I structiolls for I who had li AIIII then Dowdcn got his John Moore and Dave Chaylor E t 0" a I F· I f" I h :being featurcd al th~ old Bella' and Ihe wheels sct in motion owncrs from GIGr camc winning single in the bol- each had a pair of hils for the i i Vista track in the early 19!iOs.' to bring hetting to the Park. 1 ei-ht hits. as ern 'IV;Slon loa S inlS side 01 Ihe , II inch· hitter wil 10m of Ihe eleventh, With one winncrs. Des Cousens was tops \ Plenty 01 hard work hy thc I Trottin~ Pninth and Ihe !lui Dave Chaytor sincled for Cor Guards with two safcties, The second. and deciding I will hal'e John Drowne in gonl ~ Irotting exccutil'e pillS incrcas· i Sinre ali race park hetting in i came consu1t;llIn; Feild, he was sacrificed to sec. game. o[ the Eastern Divisioil' with Ron Hossiter and Dave: • S i all parlicl con(:elnlil ~ Harknes~. the ond by Jim Darnes and Dow- (Box Scores) of AII .. Newfoundland scnior I Ryan a5 hi, fulls. Tom Angel. i B tt g t result being the drew a walk. I. Bon UOWJ)EN den came to the plale with two Feildians: AB RIlE football is slated for Buck· \ Pal 1Iiarshali anel Fred While i e 1n ys elll mutuel uces !!I III Hickman. tI, out. '}'he second pitch 10 Dow. J. Barnes, C 6 2 2 (J master's Field tonight with tlw will form the Irish halflinc. : with hi dell was a passed ball and B. Dowden, P 5 3 3 0 Conceplion Bay CeeBccs and \ Up front St. Pal's will hal'e in left I Chaytor scooted 10 third. T, Collin:;wood, 3b 6 U 2 0 St, Pat's set 10 [ace off. 1 Stevc Angel, Dick r.lalone)" Ed I E' 1· d and the rest 01 Dowdell slepped into Ihe C. Lamberl, ss 4 0 1 0 St. pal's won the first game·, Shapter, Tom Squires and Bob S 1 Xp Ulne rimes of m onto the field , three.and.one pitch 10 line the E. Lockyer, cf 4 II 0 0 oC the finals 4.2 in Harbor Day in uniform, for all men m!1 was Craig's . fir ball over third anel the winning H. Lockyer, If 0 0 0 0 Grace last Saturday and carry Opening gamc ceremonies ar~ The hONs for ttl APril 29. HIS Caps run came home. ,1. Perry, If 4 II 0 0 a two goal spread into the sec' set for sevcn o'c1ock wilh For most IIf the racin!! fans who will he makin(1 i en:gchntts "\I~ereh A losS w 'fhe game ended Ihe first H. Evans. 1b 4 0 2 0 ond meeting of the two game. James D, Higgins. Ank Murphy, I . l' I' ". . I!" I \\1 n t e the Ion g e round of the Junior League. SI. J. Moore, 2b 6 1 2 0 1 tolal goal. home and home ser. lllHA and Claude Sheppard.· t Ie tnp to tIe SI. Jllm s TrotlJll~ Park tomg It, It ~ seventh race to be in maior lea~1 Bon's wilh a 3.0 mark are first D. Chaylor, rf 5 2 2 0 ,ies. ~IHA sct up to lake part. will he their first chance at making a bet on the at the Track tODii:~ John ~ahors 0 while Feildians hold sccond on Tolals 44 8 14 0 The winner of Ihis set will Eastern Division referee·in· horse of their choice. i Athlelics in 191 2.1. Holy Cross are 1.2 and host the Burin Peninsula cham· chief. Gerry SlIIith will call the rhey'll Will Guards 0.3. Guards: pions in the Provincial semi. plays in the game with "Pel' Here's a hrief rundown Oil the pari-mutuel I! Dowden allowed seven Guards J. Mouland, 2b 4 2 1 0 finals on Augusl 26 and 27. Wee" Crane and Bern Bennett system to hc llsed at the l'ark: . tions of Ihe 'Federal J)eparl. runs on six hits and five walks D, Kcndall, I! 3 1 1 0 Both leams will have ehan~es· as linesmen, If rOil hel "SilO\\''' yOIl ,'ollert if YOllr Iwrscs finishes menl of Agricullure. Line while fanning ten batters to W. Bradbury, C 4 0 1 0 1(rom the squads Ihat saw acl;on l ------A separate section of Ihe gain his first decision oC the H. Jenkins, 3b, p 5 1 1 0 'last week. Alex Faulkner DC i first. second or third, If )·ou hel "pL.\CE'· YOII hctt:ng syslem is Ihe "daily ';Meet year. .J. Winter, 1b 4 0 ~ 0 Ihe CeeBecs receivcd a three I Rangers T'IOI flouble", This is going to be I collcct if 1'0111' horse lini,he> Herb Jenkins, who took over D. Yabsley, 55 4 1 1 game suspension and ,jl)e' ij "perated on the second and This W , first or s(:tond. from starter Bob Williams In G. Pender, rf 0 0 0 0 Browne and Bern Marshall of Ft' lhird rares at the SI. John's If you bet "WI,," YOII col· the fourth for Guards, was the K. Sullivan, ph 1 0 0 0, loser. Feildlans got their eight R, Martin, rf 2 0 0 0 SI. Pat s a game each follow· ron aires Iret if ynur horse r;nbhes Trotting· Park. - The buying of Ihe "daily , Thc lineup ul ::1! . A special meeting (If the runs on 14 hl'ts and nl'ne free D. Cousens, cf. 3b 5 1 2 1 ing a mixup late in last week's BELL ISLAND - (Sta, ffl- first. doul~le' 'liJ:e,s and the pay, un thr pr.lb:m', SI. John's Scnlor Baseball AU. '1 f th B ''''II' f 5 1 0 1 encollnt e r . R I tid t 11 \' 'I 'I'll mallr u het YOII ~n 10 .. I I t I ( tl Cit passes w1 \I eleven 0 em. ,.1 lams, p, c angers l? t c a a . Ie WII I, la,t night. The ",tars s 5 a el or Ie Y struck out. Totals 37 7 6 3 CecBees playing coach GeQrge l Frontaircs in senior Bell Island thr wilHlnl\' of )11111' d!O:cc mrllts on these tlckels will he handle:1 at a special window. 1 driven iii; slonBall wlllPark gettonight. underway The atses· 7 Three runs In the third and Umpires-Power, C. Williams. F'. au lk ncr .\\'1'11 Ilave Ron Howell I football at the Sports Field' an:l naill~ yllilr horse with ALI. ha\'i'~~ a S2,00 Til huy a "daily douhle" o'clock and coach Duey Fllz- one in the top of the fourth :llcCarthy, Duffy. m goal With Jack Faulkner and 1 here last nioht wilh thc Front·· tid,cts I til'i-:et 1'011 ask for a ticket on I ard- an early 4.0 lend Carl Penny working as full· aires cnteri~g a protest on the' l'al~le. Eat'h tir!;rl has a MeE 0\1 t cave Gu your ~hoice for the second (III but Feildians tied it up with TO.NIGHT'S GAME backs, On the half line Harold contest. n:oml)('r thaI (""T~'pOllds i.-Shelton KIY. grrald requesls a I tllrnou • race, If YOII hnve the win· of playcrs. four tallies of Iheir own in SI. Bon's and Feildians start Stan I ey WI'II see duly IlCtwpen Fred Rothman I:ot the Ran· . with that or th~ Iwr,r ~'Iln Richard Wil;l~ ncr ~'ou return to the "special The Caps are scheduled to Ihe botlom of the fourlh, and the second round oC the League Carson Taylor and Ern Cole, gers' goal after minutes of have p:d:t'd Oil the rar!llg 2.~r anie Henl!l. IW~ window" to exchan~e your le.we for Gradd Falls on SlIn' took a 6.4 spread with two filth at the City Ball Park at scvcn Gcorge will have Gerry La· action with Kyran Bartlett' 1l:·(1~!·~Jl1. tid,ets for one on the third D, GalwlY day al noon via Iraln whcre mnmg scores. o'clock tonight. Harry Neary i hey. Ed Pumphrcy. Jim Penny: notching the Frontaires' mark·, OrU, ilJr th:' hor,cs

. -


..- ... ---_._ .. ------_ .....::._-,_. TIl.!': DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NEWFOUNDLAND, AnGUST .10 , 1963-7 :Llg 'Craig Fin ally Wins, Claims .!; . , Committee~~ ~\11t • -:.: I

'~~i.,,.4, Unfair ;," .~ Hi'ckman Cracks Homer (Continued from Page iJ ! I am sure that if those on ',"1\ I.I!' I - Jim runs in the sirth, eighth and handed Boston Red Sox their the plate in the lOth inning, bllt ~ I the Committee responsible for ,:-;1' \~:\h,'d ~ 11I1I·coUOI, ninth innings. seventh straight defeat 5·3 Fri. Bubba Phillips drovc in the 'b this ruling were to discuss this • ,.~. I · ~l.· ,.1~111 HlOlC r'l~ day night. cisive runs with a two·out ~1Il' matter with an open mind, look· · ~J~: .. ,iriS in thc ninl:l WASHINGTON (AP) - Ru~s Perry, wmnmg his ninth gle for a 3.1 victory over Chi· ing at the issue from both sides, ,,\c' \,~r,., ni"11 a~ dUl,r Sn)'dcr batted in three runs against eight defeats, allowed cago White Sox in the second that in the interest of good \'f'l~~\ ~l ') 'th bId d lk .• .[ ~.:,:' ',\1.'.11.,,1 Ollt R 7·, W.I a ases· on e wa ant. only four hits but two were game of a twi·nighl double· sportsmanship and fair play, · l·"·· 'l' II' ,';J ~o Cllb~, an eighth inning triple, leading home runs-by Dick stuart and header l~riday. and bearing in mind the cor· · ,,;~: rm,'l1ill I'R • game 10 a 7-l vic· Carl Yastrzemskl, The second·place White Sux I respondence and ruling of last · .... :::. Ih.1\ h~ci mntchnl tory O\'er Washington Senators The Twins broke a 2·2 tie won the opencr 2·1, but fell d'" I year, only one possible pro· ; ''''I'''m a ,r:"on in ~a· Friday night. against loser Dave Morehead in games behind the America;) gramme for the Ladies Race is ,··;1< '. Dave McNally, who departed the sixth when Earl BaUey I ''''I hl,lor). League leading New York Yah' acceptable, I leave this with · .. f~~;;:in( a bi~ :-;0. 13 lIfter Senators' reliever Ed Ro~, singled wllh two out and Len· kees. you gentlemen. .~;, .• ,I,'ml 1I1,\t'ad of hi, buck singled to lead off the nie Green tripied to right cen· Rocky Colavito. who hit a . . The reversal Of your decision .~, "';;1 .:,'0:';.1.· manag?i' . seventh inning, was the \Vinn~r tre, then scored when Chuck homer in each game. got Tigel's I would be welcomed, and your .' .: ",ri \1"", ~c,tnrc\1 with Dick Hall's relief help. Schilling cut loose a wild thmw started in the loth with a wallt. . romments would be· appreciat· trying to get him at third. !lit· ~'~" '!';",r,1 hngcrs .II' Brooks Robinson, out of the Norm Cash singicd him to third, i ed. "Unquote." , ..:;;: :1'1 'l!le hex (::\ Chi· starting line·up for a resl, Iins clinched it with his 14th but when Don Wert I:lolmded to in the seventh. ! An answer' received acknow· ":';~ 'rlll',,,'r l.indy ~h' pluycd the ninth inning. ext~ri· Nellie Fox, Colavito was cau!( lt ledging my letter "Quote": - ·~.:"!h., ).: Pl\o'h 1(1 llic~· ing his con sec u I i v e game in a rundown trying to sCO;'c, IThank you for your letter of the 1. ;;,,,,~'31l :,1\ J fl)' ba:, streak to 461: LOS ANGELES (AP)- Right. Cash was thrown out at 'he hander ,Jim Boulon, extending a plate on Bill Frcelmn's bouncc,. 26th. inst., with reference to .:':' -.:: [:e:') Iinr th·lt i The AmerL~an League record I the proposed ladies' race for · •.:: ,"': \:111: ft'! n hom0 101' consccutlve games by a string of fine New York Yankee Phillips then singled to cen· I .• : .1 third baseman is 576. held bv pitching performances, stoppecl tre, scoring Wert with the lic· this years Regatta. shall take Los Angeles Angels on five hits breaker and Fre('han als.1 this matter up with the Pro· -: .. ,,':.' 11.,,1 limllcn. 'h:' E,ddie. Yost, now a coach for gramme Committee at our meet· · ... ' ;"1' \1';0, I1flt'd \\ ashll1~ton. Friday for 8 1·0 victory before scored when .Tim Landis hon· ,,( , " , i 30,826. ing on Wednesday and advise 'I ~.~ ~ .. ~:lh': '~11h IWI1 out I a crowd of bled the hall. Phillips, trying ~0 ., " :.\ .'" :h, '(,on' tkcl' PITTSBl:RGH lAP) - How:e It was the fourth consecutive 1:0 to third, was cut down for' YOll further. ,'r .', .," Goss ~lid home under B::I victory for Yanks ami the mt,l the final out of the inning. The situation is somewhat .' .... " ," :b,' \,i'1I'h l11t·! ~lazel'oski's high throw. scoring straight loss for AnFels. N'~w complicated by the fact that, I '-. :''''':''"." ',,"elin" the I the tic.brcaking run as Houston York boo s ted its American Amerlc!nn League understand, two of the crews '"f' ,1 .\". ... d d I b h . - · ...... ,~" :I.c lead"ff, e ~e P tts urg 7-6 m a I~· League lead to 8¥.z games over IV I, Pct. GnL I are experiencing some difficulty ."';;'~'::;" ",~ rlri,·p n:f ' inning marathon opening a twi· second place Chicago, which New York 72 4t: .fi4~ _ ' in their personnel and may 110t '::l:; ':, ;.:!I· ell,1 C!·ai~ .• night doubleheader F rid ay split a doubleheader with D~· Chicago li4 4!1 .566 II'. '~EW YORK: Telllporarill' (?) sic1elhl'C1 \[ickcy \Jantlr, of the :lC rowing at all. However, Ihis ~ :':.~ "r ,,',I pr the ~lets : night. troit. . Minnesota 6~ 50 .55R 9', i ~cw York Yallkces, dcmonstratcs his u(\ "side lim," with 'cuc ball and stick ,Iter will be deaIth with at ','::;:'I~" f:t'': Goss, a former Pirate, dO'I' Baltimore " "1:"',':1 •• , j,,·,t victory bl~d to open the. 15th, moved to CHICAGO (APl-Dctroit Ti· Cleveland ~~\ ~~ :~~; ;~" ion Shlinc Tcrrace of the Hotd St. \10:';1/ here Allgust 1st. \Iic:ke~' announced'~I~i)~C~~~~;s f~ree;~~~ int:r!~~ ... ., Ili; rNwd !; third on n sncl'llice and came gers had two men thrown out ~t Boston :;4 :;S .482 18 I he will open a coast·to-eoasl chain 01' ,'. ily-tvpe billiard ccnters. To create i~ ~his mattcr. "Unquot~." "~,::" \' :"i; ''''Hid ha"r. home w hen Johnny Weekly Los Angeles 54 64 A5~ 21 . dilfercnt atmosphere in what is basiealh a masculinc pastime, his centers will! :-':0 further commumcatlon · ',: :j, :,,::: i 'I 10sln;:: !:rounded. to ~cconrl baseman Kansas City ;;1 61 .4:;5 21 I f 1 1 . 1 . 1 I 11 1 f' . I . S k cl : has been received to date, ...... ,.,': 'r;;~'lr hi"tor~· .. ~lazel'oskl. Detroit 00 61 ,4:iO 2102 eatme p liS \ carpcLlIlg, \\. ute anc pas le \\'a S all( I1nllS llngs. • nac's an I Yours sincerely, , ,." 1 i3 .357 32 " :':~ \,1 .,): ~ ': Phila<1~i.! Thanks From Washington 41 Isoft drinks will be availahle but no liq uor, \lickey said.-(CPI Photo). v. P. WHEELER, l - j r;'t:"~ ::: 1~1:". :1111. \\' AlfKEE (AP Denis hey'll ~Ienkc's thrce·run homer tri~· .;: \~~:: ~lil \ .11' ~.Iu J1I gel'cd Milwaukee to six runs 'n · .!. ~ ':,'.; !::' :~!h mtory thc first three innings and the Club Darts '. '~: . .': ': .!:,:HII Friday' Draves hung on' for R 6·~ The Club l,~ague would likc I :"le U •. " ':" ":.i::l':il'{1 Giant, I'ictor\' orcr 5t. LOllis Cardinals to tAke this opportunity to offer .: .. ,:" "·,:.l.;(,,!,i.. rhil1i,'~ Fridai· night. its most sincere appreciation , ," "r ,,' 0: Ihrro nlll~ Doh Hendlc,· checked the Car· . .... I'::;;"'!" t'e,'cda 'dinals on !i,:e hits to 1I0st his to the donor~ of tropllle~ at the .' 5 .: .':.,'\!. L\)I!TED TIll':? sel'enth dctory \Vhil~ Boh Gih.\24!h Annual Presentalion 01 ..... ,.. :::"\~ !br rhillir~ son took his sel'cnth 10~6 pflZe~ ~t Park·Le Saturday, " ;: •. :, Thr !;ialll~ st;lI" against 12 \'ictorics. August 3!d. . :.:',).~;. \I a' ,~ !I'ouhlr nnl'" Gibson went all the way ancl Champlomhlp Trophy, Doc , : \\,':,cc ,:1' of it ra~h held the Braves to ~ix hits, !Jut Day and Blue Star. • .: r :\,~, ~:d\dl' "nub, four of them were bunched in 2nd Place Trophy, Nfid . .. , \:':r:r~ f10~~rr'5 Inr the the three innings which settlcd Brewery (~Iolson) . . '. · "::':'r~ :11 tI'r majors.: the issue. 3rd Place Trophy, Gerry Mac· \ I GiIli\,ray. , ' .." , .. t~ no, l'll'p \'a~ almo;t i CI~CIN:oIATI (AP) - Two tr· Knock·Out Trophy, Golden , ',':; '!\('Y. .... ' a; Iho r.,ant~· RC~.' rors by Junior Gilliams opened Eagle. , ',~ ~ ': \\ II::.:":",! ""1 ~~:r 1;l'r hils in the' the gates for six Cincinnali 1st Round Trohy, Herder

":f :~~.~;~. hr wrrkrd. hut in ; runs in the sixth inning Friday Memorial. . H'",:o. . ".'. ,: ~ :.'.::: )lcr(".,~· /rei off with: night and the Reds went on tu 2nd Rround Trophy, Fred ':it.: ;~"t tn centre th~t ian n'4 victory over the National Phelan Memorial. . :" :!: I: Iht ~~;·fl'cl i League leading Los Angeles lst Place Individuals, Asso· . '··":l~~.!.nt. ;.~ pi lI'iUir \Ia)'~. b,lIt I Dodgers. elate Breweries . 1'1:";\ · r:f.rd ~ sil1~lr througn I . The usu~lly sure·handed GU· 2nd Place Individuals, VOCM. .. , '\: :\t, ~'I :c:~ m.ll't j,n' the. ru:! Iham, playmg third, booted t~o Highest Average, Cottage ,," \ \ pr · :.::rc Il1r \Harne wIDner I ground balls-one a potentldl Gnrdens '. ~;~ lr;h ,ir~s . . double play bail-to Ict .in five Highe~t Three Dnrl~, Geoff ...1-., c,lIb.re h"me R. pdlr i u~learncd runs in the bl~ Red Carnell and Club League...... x., " \IT TWO ";:i::! run:, In the clghth 1 slxl~ that snapped a 1-1 tie and Highest Single Leg Pat ,. :".' .'':'1 .ll:1~, I:':~: ~n Ld Rallcy'~ d,).!· I put It out of reach. B db ' , Frank Robinson led off wi~h ra. ury. J .. n base on balls, and Gene HIg~est Three Legs, CON, • 1 ~, ·:::I~: .. \\n AP· ~Inc ,Frcese was safe on Gilliam's (Howie Meeker) .. , " \. \":\ 01 .. -:l':" rriHr, · .'. ;::firn l'ln"rland 'bobble. Gene Green doubled in Most Games FlDished, Dally )::. Fr;rl,,~ lIi~ht ami lone run and Don Pavleticil News (Ralph Bradbury). c' \il::rr ,,,' c.:1' .\\h:rlll" !cored in Idrcw an intentional base on Gerry Byrne, Matchless Paints .. '"·~Y. ':.::, Ih,·y managcd to i balls loading thl bases. L~Q (Jack McCarthy), Sev~n.Up .. , .'- \h<':"r,":~ .1 .. : "-I'~~~ l~~Jl~(\:\ ~ I); ~ ;·1 ,iclorl' ol'er ,Cardcna~ singlcd in anoth~r (Eastern) Ltd. (William I '.' \1,<1 · :::1;' . run. Then with two out GJI· Squires), Electric Utilitie~ Ltd. \!"!~ (:1' <".1,0 mu~t'~r' lipm hoot~d Tommy Ha~per'l (Walter Daniel~), La!os~e's .... : '!~ (;7'll~~!t : I,,,: 111'"hoIl'51.y grounder and two 'more runs Jewellery (Sam Lafosse), John . .' l'I:;m:rl !!'t~ l::\~. I ~t(',j a::y ,wlr as n~ came in. Vada Pinson's .Ingle son Insurance (Palll Johnson). (,:. four while walking drol'e in two more. " (r~ 1l1RIT · :00 ;n pin:n, his fourth Veteran lefty ,Joe Nuxhatl · minn ri.~ht lossrs. I was crediled with the victory, l' l . <': ~('~~ . D1; GTt'Cn slammed 2 his loth In 15 derisions, but Sport Shorts ~" 'h :1 0 ''; rltch . .: (lC: Ihr Id\ firld fcnc~ I needed hclp from AI Worthin~· ., " ," ," NEW YORK (AP) - Heavy· I' \\mr~y ., "(~:~ In I'UI Kansas ton whcn Ihe Dodgers staged a weight champion Sonny Liston 1; :: :l ~ . · I~~!l h!11 ~Ia\ All'is tied thrce·run rally in the ninth. \':n·/1.,r.O in the third - called Teddy Brenner, Madison \\ r,,","ft Square Garden matchmaker, ,: :,'7h'\ ~. ~! 1I1h homr 'lin. MI~NEAPOLIS (APl - Do'L l from Philadelphia Thursday Ind " ~,\qh~ \ ·i\. fit:drr', l'lwirc and, Mincher, Zoilo Versalles and I:t! ~y Dnc Edwalds in the I Rich Roilins cracked home runs asked about the possibilities of y~, \~:"I ~:rM!'. a December title fight. .' ~\I NM:d · rJt :hr \Ihietl(·.< nhea'i, I in support of Jim Perry's pit en· X,:", \'Ily ~'" it~ other ring and Minnesota's Twins Brenner advised Liston ther! is nothing concrete to offer him at this time but the Garden is working on a proposed elimina· tion bout between Ernie Terrell FIND IT WAR of Chicago and Dour Jonel !if New York and the winner wo~lr\ ;"':"': rrlH. be available for Liston. ,. \·,:.,rnl The Garden is negotiating for ; ,'\\" ~'J[\. a Terre\l·Jones match It hop~s ..' ~t .. l'~~I\d to stage Sept. 20 at Las Vegas as the kickoff fight when the : ':' ~·n~ rt. weekly television fights retmn \\ r.\~·'n to Friday nights. Terrell is willing but the Jones camp has asked for n few more deity 28 Tardy days to consler Ihe match. 8 CommunIon 20 Stream In plate Belgium oPseudonym o! 31 Expanilvi CHICAGO (AP) - Veteran Charles L:1mb 33 Absolute Ernie Banks of 10 Preposllion 3811clp was released Thursday from a II Scions 40 Trcltf.!1lrls 17 411101161 neck hospital and pronounced In good In hairs (pl.) physical shape except for a 2~ 421n a line minor Infecllon in his blolJd 24 Lon,bardy lake 431nlerrret ~4 Leve stream. He had been hOSPlt,l· 46Pll Ited three days for a checkup. . The slumping Banl~s, 32, wns ordered to the hospital aft~r complaining of general fatigue. The first basemen wlil fly to New York Friday to join the Cubs as tbey open a scries wi;h the Mets Friday night. It W3S not known whcther Manager Bob Kennedy would immedi· ately restore Banks to the IIne·up. Banks missed the entl~e three·game Bet here with first· place . NEW YORK (APl-Tests 9n lager beer the liveliness of major league , conducted for Sports Illustrated, show Ihat the 1963 ball is about five per cent ic~s lively than the base hall used in 1961 when Roger Maris of New York Yankees hit his 61 home runs. TRY THEM COOL I Dl·. F. A. Wallace, a conslll!· ,ing engineer from Plainfie:d, N.J., said tests showed differ· FREE ences in weight, compression HOME DELlVElIY and rebound between the base· THE NEWIFOUNDLAND BREWER'\( LIMDTED .,1. balls. Dr. Wallace found th~ DrAL 8·20n , 1963 balls ii~hter and deader. . ! Tests included droDoinJ! balis n . .... _. times from a hei2ht of 2B feet, 8 Inches onto a 'steei and COIl'/ crete platform. (NOT INSEP.TED BY THE BOARD OF LIQUOR CONTROL) .....THE DAlLY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, AUGUST 10, 1963

.-. ", .. " ~ .. Manners "Brownie Revels" .~~nn Lan(iers: SociahPer'i By MILI.ETT . Colllm~ Proved .Enjoyable Your Problems. ON V,\(ATlON . Bill ami .\I"rilon Brownics Hcvcls which wel"~ Local Association and MI', II'lth theIr three ... held at Paradise Farm. on . Eliol Harnum o[ Pm'! Lnion. Erin ancl Dalid ar , .' D~JI' Ann Landcrs: 11y husband I have becn 111ar· I· e JUlie 24 proved 10 be a very en· they were also aided by Ml's. spell( Ing their ra _,. 'II' r.,.,~ joyablc onc for the girls that Pelcr Morey o[ Bonavista. Dc· ried fO\' 12 years and we have [0111' nice childrcn. We BI s parent.l. .\Ir .; " II (. . ',,1 had lhe pleasurc of atlendin~. spite hot sun and numcrous dnn·t get along any better 01' any worse than most \'. . ,-Ol11orforu at th, There \\'crD approximately 16 mosquitos which always scem· mal'ried people although I've malic a real effort ~o tr~. hOllle. Top"'11-. p0'1 'Or I Bl'o\\'nies from Bonavista and ed to pop into some onc's bowl, avoid argumcnls and maintain a pcaceful atmosphere In wili rctUln to OUa.·"· HfJ.~ the soup was enjoyed by all ~s nst 11 tho ,II Gl PorI Union. OUI' humc. Right '{olume for a was also thc milk and cookies. • • • 'I'he following Guiders also which followed. Whcn my husband loses his tcmpcr. whirh is faIrly transistor r a d i 0: low '1'0 AlTI:;';1) GRAUf.11I \ enough so you won'l nttended. ~lrs. Roy RtL~scl1. Di· often ht claps on his hat, slams the door behind him and U LWAY~ vision Commissioner; Mrs. Cyrl! The Inner man being ~ati~· "oes 'orr for a drive. He calts this "getting rid of his bother others. Sweetland, District Commis· field, a variety 01 games rotloll" .. . iiII'. ,and ;\lr.< Le;i!e J anger behind the wheel." tas IC.II e St. John's . sioner, Miss Cynlhia Haines cd. Included was one In which wcekend for . . Brown Owl 1st. Bonm'isla Pack. Ihe BrownIes flew to England, I'm on needles and pins until hc gets home. It where they IliII rO:-iSIDER A FUll IIAT ~1L·s. Dora Tremblell, Tawny Scotland and Ireland. Idenllfr· worrics me sic~k. He says iI's a lot beller than kecping .011'1 3rd. Bonavista Fack S. A. Ing. their landing field by the Dr. and ~lrs. A. R. Crant. S11Illlllcrside. P.E.f., an- ~raduation of their . nag which was held by • Guid­ the angcr hotttcd up, and certainly bettcr than so~king 1101lllCe the engagement of their dallghter, Patricia Dorcen ..\Ii·. "nu llr' ' II you don't \\'ant 10 speml ~Irs. Ralph King. BI'oll'n 011'1 er. All games were thoroughly somchndl-meaning me, I suppose. . I and ~Ii,s COliltas;" Ihe 1st. Port Union Pack. Eileen to Francis Fo\\' Ict', son of _\Ir. all( ~Ir~. motor I'ia the L.S.A. lo·i; money for se\'cral (all hats. enjoyed and ended with an Paul \'OUI' best bet is 10 buy one .n W;ll you please say a word in YOUI' column about HE GR obstaclc race and leap frog. J. P. Fowler, st. John's, i\l'lcl. The marriage will to\ Alfhena Where th" iur, You'li find lhal a fUr hal Rrownles and "eaders nrrh'ed at 10.H a.m. and the program Tbe lattcr also being played by peo~)ie I',ho do this'! ~Iy husband reads you laithfully. take I)lace on Au.crust 17th at Paul's Church, resl e or hc next .. : ran bc 1I'0l'n with neal'ly every· st. begun. The Brownies In slxrs the Guiders. h during II'hich lime \li:~' .,. thins in yom' wardrohe. _CONCERNED CONNIE, Sl1mmerside. . will teach and ".' \'Isl!ed Mother Goose Land. >\1 various Intervals Ihey met a During the COUl'Se of the eve­ near Connlc: Hospitals and gravcyards are full ;tudies in the • __T DE CAUGHT SHORT c1rnll'ln!( 01 ont 01 Molher ning. ice cream wa· scrved l~ or I!Cople who took their anger out behind the wheel. ,"-"--- .~---".---' of the Loirwity 01' .. atl present and drinks which • • • Goose's character. They had 10 The I cal tragedy is that they usually manage to !lASTRO·GUIDE" By Ceean. n.BIIg Identi£v the plct"r~ and sing the Brownies had brought along drag innocent people along with them . OX ,'ISH "'hen ~'ou buy an el'enin~ thr n,,·rser.v rhymt connected . and cooki~s. For Saturday. A"~·· ,I 10 ):~wn. be sure to h'~' il on wiih with it. lIal'lng identified all At 4.30 p.m. the BrownIes Studies made by (he National Safety Council ~Ir. and .\Ir;. Bernard ,111 the underpinnings you plan the characters, Ihe.v reached starled fol' home after spending prove that hostile, andety ridden angry drh'en Present-For You Ilnd of ~Ionttlair. California 01 to II'car lI'ith it. This lI'ay Mother Goose (Miss IInlnes) a very enjoyable day. in tha arc a menace to everyone on the road-including Yours ••. Optimistic radiations al'e holid:lyin~ in . I'N! \\,on't he caught shOl'l with who qncstlo,,~d them on their lol'cty frei;h air of the country, I11le the day. lntcrest in inven· land. Thi, il their . ~ hra that shows lIbOI'~ t h ~ themselves, Rrownle Test work. tion$, new metbod~ and ideas home in 44 yrars. . .. plnngin),! back of your gown. This was mad~ possibl~ Snggest that YOUr husband hang a punching i. accented bv benefic configura· Fors£lY sen'pri in Other gamcs included Little through the generosit) of a lot tions. Chang~5, both in domestic Ncwfoundland ' of people to whom the sincer~ bag In Ihe garage so he can take his anger out ,. AfA no:\ W\(APS Bo·Pcep. 'who bccamc lost in and busine!U affairs, are likely World \\'ar I. Hew:Ji' the \l'oods and her sheep had to thanks or the Brownies and there-safely. now. Travel is favorably aspect­ ~embe.~ed I~y some of GSG Guiders go. first to ~lr, .Jamcs find her. This was also don~ .. '" ed-parlicularly long journeys. Sweats ,uen a' Ern:e Fur· I I' i m m c II rn,hmcrc in sixes. Bailey lor the use of hIs farm, . . Problcrm with young people tan then to the owners or cars who son of "Dixie Can" rardi~nns make ideal el'enin~ Dear Ann Landers: If male viewers of scanllly c1nd be molved. . Le)le"urirr. JaCk II I'aps for summer l·acation3. At 10 o'cluck delicious hot so kindl~' drove the Brownies. t, .\ugust 10th "Boxer" ~te\\'. ar.d Thcy'rc drcss), and easy tu soup \l'as serl'ed by Mrs. G. to the farm and last but nol, women are '"sick. sick. sick" according to Ann Landerl, Past. , • As many people were Futur!l ••• Children of the the fel\' remaining . pa('k. Ha)'ley. president 0: Bonavistl leasl. to the memhcrs o[ th~ then what do you have to say about Women who wear Mrs. Fol'~f'y '.ras th~ Local Association of Port Union sun SJit! when there's no sun, bikinis when they can't enrolled in education COUJ1\es in next generation may miss tbe f :\ e'~I:: Olive Cunmn;ham and 1.' nnd Bomll'isla who brou~ht swim, shorter than short shorts for their grocery market­ Ibe United States in 1959 115 thrill of the roUer coaster ride' 1I-'-:.,u,.,.1 Clock along the eals and the three . d th . f US U u tbere are only tour men (all i tel'ed nUl·-~e. ~rarlU3ti~6 i:' ~CW:) ~nd \Veat ing, and capri pants that look as if thcy wcre put on with co~nse . e en Ire .; pop • over 70 years of age now) who , General lio,pila\ T~", ladies who came along and i!-:.IU"C.lI C.ock . sel'l'cd It. a spray gun? lahon dunng World '" ar 1- build them and there are ap- I joying thcir ,tay in s: . ~Pro~I'am Preview more than 100 million meu, parently no apprentices in Ibe j meeting relatires a~j·. Invariably the hussies who strut around In these De"otions of tbe long. long ail. " lhllrdl jl,'cws To any others who ma~' hal'~ women and children. field. ! , , helped in anl' wal' thank.l·o,1 prol'CJcative gel·ups al'e the first oncs to crilicize a maD . , Xt!W., i1nd f'ror CAPIIIL for ogling. 011'11 NEWFOUNDLAND'S fRIENDLY THEATRI from the Bro~lIics: lor such a su:-;sm:-lE C,\JIP . ,011r Corre;;poncl. 10l'e1y enjoyable outing. The D~y Under Your Sign I· Is there 2 word in your limited Vocabulary to de· The Inllo\\'in~ i., ! Ii;: ------scribe lhese characters? Or will my letter wind up OD ARIES tS.,n M".' tI i. Ap,iI19\ LIBRA (S>pl. 23 I. Oct. ,2) l{ you non't IlJtlpeni~ ftcrrUion Df It's fio! to alw·1.Ys kat'll>' ;1;.: '., ',:1: to I ients at the Sun,h'Ge the !joor?-THE INQUIRING SQUIRE, younptrtJ, it rna ... tum out to ba '·"lCd,. n1-but you don't _1"'",,)'5 k:n I.. ~3y it. are reported " 22 I. July 2t) ]lom •• " i .• not und,," h,o~.bi< inllu. SI. Georg{; La,uenel IT All COMES . I I •• ....1 C(I'I1~ "n OW' ~'TH'e5, 10 be urdul when wllb a Jl)l"td Broadrast If you wan 0 '1.01'1 t: t 1 J OO!'. I (orner Brook: .10 .k! -.'WJl,", Serenade Dear Ann Landers: We have a IO'lIlonth,old baby I'"k;nSTADT, or baking soda and I'·alcl'. \'O~ Beach: Pra'r Clar~e, 51. Giant IiilIer it worked per[ectly. I gucss o\'er in my absence. ~I.D. can then apply an icepack ;0 .Joseph Pike. 51. the mornl of my slory is "and FAHTASCBPE!TfCHNICOlOR' Insect~ are here to stay. Bu: les~en the pain and delay abo Effie }I'an)" Britan:i!; a little child shall lead them:' I've lold my husband how 1 feel about thIs' and ht ~ometimes their stings m3Y sorption on the I'enom. 'l'emplemen. \ewto·,]. -N. T. M. has I\'al ned me that if I open m~' mouth it will be my cause annoyance. severe ill­ neck. Don't you agree lhat my molher,in·law is out oC ness and somelimes death. :\lso-rp-TO-TIIE-~IINUTE DEAR POLLY - For clean, NEWS, linc. and that I have a right to lell her 50?-SEEI"G It is wise to take precautions ! ing pine paneling. usc l RED. wben in the ricinity of these TIMES OF SHOWS small amount o( I'inegar in the creatures. If. for example. you the water. Wring out the ra~ ny Faces Of E\'EXING 8HOWS: 7 O'CLOCK-9.00 Dcar Rcd: I'd say you've got mighty hlgh·clas, are gardening in an area II'her~ ~l1ellJ()Urrle Old Tim. as dryas possible before wip· bees abound you should wear ~lATINEE: 2 P,M. ing o[f the panel. This reo 'IIol'l'ies, TJots. Your mothcr·ln·law sounds like I Conte.t jcwel. wh ite smooth clothing rather ancl ;.: ews moves the dirt and leavcs a than dark rou~h materials. ~C;-""Y'''b''l ~Iusic shine. (Polly's note - ThIS Since she seems to enjoy doing your housework, This will make you less like· \\'ould bc only for houseclean­ J sce no reason to deny her the pleasure. I agree Pro~ram: Hali NEXT ATTRACTION II' to attract or distract the Progl'am: Otts ing time, not wcekly cleaning.) wiUI your husband that you should keep your lip becs. In such areas women CHUBBY CHECKER in "DON'T KNOCK 71ppcd and open It only to say "Thank you." should not apply perfume 01' , Al1;:l1st 11th. Recently our barbecue gyili other cosmetics in lhr daytime THE TWIST" - ~lUSIC - SONGS - EX broke and instead o( thrOWlO!( til • '" iii 35 this will fool thc bees into CJTE\IENT - Also HON HANDELL it away. T painted th~ leg~ mistaking them for nOll'ers. white filled it with SOIl and Confidential to WHY DOES HE no I'l'~: l'ruh.lbly Although the bumblebee has DEBHA PAGET - ELAINE STEWART in with nOll'er5 and lrail· plant~d because he's such a colossal liar he doesn't expect any· ~ smooth stinger and can slin;;­ "\IOST DANCEROllS ~IAN ALIVE" ing vines. This maye~ a beau· yoU repeatedly. the ordinary tiful outdoor conversation piece. or.e to believe him. By dragging God's namc in, he hope., ACTIO;\' - THlULLS - SUSPENSE, to strcngth~n lhe slory. worker of thc honey bee trilJe 3ugi0 -~IRS. J.W.R. has a barbed stin~el·. When he ...... stings you the stinger is torn from his body when he de· To learn the difference between a marriage that parts. "settles down" and one that "gets dull," send for A~;.r This Is a suicidal maneul'er tor him hut it results in pro· LA~DERS' booklct. "What To Expect From Marriage," tecting others of his kind. He enclosing with your request 25 cents in coin and a Ions, will not commit hair kari, how· Jell·addressed envelope, ever. unless he is sorely pro­ voked. Ann Lunders will be glad to help you with yoW!' If he approaches you don't problem. Send them to her in care of Canada Wid. wave your arms or try to brush Features, 231 St. James St. Wcst, ~!onlreal, Que" enclosin, him away. He finds such be· DEAR' POLLY-Paint gar· • stamped, self·addressed envelope. havior most unacceptable, Just walk away slowly. den tool handles in a distinctive NOW PLAYING color and then add your initials H he lights on you use 8 • in a contrasting color to remind little self control. Pretcnd to ignore him Dnd in a minut~ tools are on loan. For wooden a pair. forgetful borrowers that the Twin Loaves' For or two (it may seem much $5.75 longer) he wiil recognize his "BEST PICTUREI'~ handles a hard wearing enam· mistake and go away. II he Winner 01 10 el Is y~ur best choice.-Mn. stings you. care[ully remov~ Academy AWlfrds! C.A.H. the stinger with tweezers and Summer Pic.nics apply ammonia water. strong DEAR POLI,Y - My hint is BEST BEST laundry soap, or a paste made D/,..tlttt:, An (


.' , PIUSCILLA'S POP Bv AL VERMEER SWEETIE .PIE Bv NADINE SELTZEi I t r ~ ~ : ·tIl I ~ j I~-~------~ di ~ ,\~. • l!rsOnt \ i ., . · , I . : · " imn REFRIGERATORS 0.. t ; , FREEZERS ELECTRI( RANGES The Finest In H011le Appliances ALWAYS -' On Display at

, \ c GREAT EASTERN Oil CO., LTD. I " ., \ . ------.-- -._-'-'--" ..-- --- ..

r ~WI'N . i , . 'RADIO AT' '·\·Veil, so long! I have to go now!". - .. ---- I ~ , (>\ ~ l:J ~ ... BRIDGE 011 CAPTAIN EASV Bv LESLIE TURNER APPAlmlrL'{ Alosr , DIFFERENCE IS OF TlTU'$ TREA5U;:~ ::~"'·i.:·., :'OiU05 fWO-News In A ~linute WAS LOSr AT 5EA,,$Ur ! WHAT ACE TAKES THE: GO!.O LLA!\~ MAY 5.01-lload Sholl' i STtLL 6E SU~IED ON 5.30-)~ur Of Deci~iUII nl' FLORIDA COAST! U.OO-I\cws Highlights and Ry OSWALD .Tt\CORY ".,-'--- CJON Weather . R.15-il!anlovanl NORTH 6.30-SI. Thomas's Church .754 ... ¥AK6 S lTt· II 11.\ Y, August lOth. Service +QJ2 ""1~9;1~ , , .\ ..11. 7.;!O-Roftd Show \." . WEST .:,\81' fi.3u In !1.Oil--Ilrcakfnst Show, B.OO-Kews III A Minu\(· " I.. ' , jI\ ,T 10 9 r. 2 ;'\cws, :'POI'IS, Weather B,OI-Road Show ,,83 \.-\,. ,.;1 .. i \':,'ather ¥ Q95·j .. .Tn 2 llepol"lS 1I.30-News In A ~Iinute +A7 -tlOn,4 " '\ 9.1l:i-.llu,ic -For ~liIlions a.31-Road Show ~".:': :: ,'\ " ("\ '" Q II \ ~ . . ~.:: l \ ", I): :1111 ... , n.:lO-Top Tunes and 9.OO-News SOUTH (I)) l;olden Hits D.OI-Hoad Show 'AKQ BEN CASEY 9A5-News Bv NEAL ADAMS \; \. :~,; I'! ;)1ll 111.tiil-Nell's Highlights ¥ 1073 -··----··----····-1 I,' " I,' \ ~,:.t' 'I' 111 \ 1. ; 1II.lil-lload Show IO.OO-News In A Miuute +K863 \ \ 'II' ... AH ON~')' IMlAt:>PIATE ' t(I.:W-:\t .. ional i'\CIVS 1O.OI-Pamily Bible Hour SURGERY Wll~ PREValT ! XO one vulnerable 1O.:la-Boad Show 1O.30-News I rm::;;;;;;n;;1i\:CO-:;:MPLETE PARAlYSIS! II.m-i'\cll's Highlight,. ! lM5-Voice Of Prophecy South W•• t Norlh East I 11.0I-Hoad Sholl' ill.l5-Slng Somethin~ Simple i 1 N.T. Pass 3 N,T. Pass 11.:IO-Nationnl News Ill.45-Vera Lynn Pass Pass I 2.00-News Opening lead-. J 12.llll-News IIighli~hts I : t;. i:t ;': \'1'1)'.:-:111\ I'JI. 12.05-Vera LYnn .. \\\,;,: 12.01-Rond Show I 12.20-Music For Sweethearts 12.:l0-Nalional News 12.30-Ncws Perhnps the one character­ 12.35-Road SholV 12.J:-1Iusic For Sweethearts istic that separates the good player from the average player 1.0il-:\ e\\'.~ 12.50-Interlude 1.0·-Wrathel' Forecast lOO-News In A ~linute is that the good player is al­ 1.15-News l.o1-Qucen and Sign Ofr ways careful to give himself the best chance for success. _". :1, ~ .. ,1'; l.:l5-Don Jamieson Comments . ",'. 3: \; ','.. ,,!::! \\'t1.Hhl'l' 1,40-Sports South's three no-trump con­ .' I !la--Art !laker's Notch()ok tract is so normal that anyone 2.(1)-N eli'S Highlights would arrive at it. The IJpen­ BUGS BUNNY By_~EOH SCHLESINGER 2.01-Hoacl Show illg lead of the jack of spades :l.CO-New, Highlights VOWR is just as normal and South has BUT HURRY IT to win the trick. sO's 'fA C'N WASH :1.l11-Road Sholl' TH'DISHES! -l.OO-News Highlights It also should not take South any time at alI to see that it is :,,'-:' .:"p~I:·:, ILlil' -l.Co-Road Show up to him to attack the dia­ :\,.", .. ::.1 \\','"thrr i.30-National News A.M. Ua-Hoad Show mond suit, so he leads a l()w I lO.15-Story Time with Nancy diamond toward dummy, If ;'\.Oll-N ews Highlights Edwards t . j.OI-Art Andrews Dance West rises with the ace South lO.30-lIymns Wc Love wl11 have no further problems, .:.:..:: ,1::1111)111'1'1' P:lrty 11.00-St. Thomas' Anglic:m 1..'; (i.CO-N~lVs Hightlights nnd but West will play the seven Church and dummy's jack will hold Weather 12.l5-Musicnl Moments (i.03-National News that trick. 12.30-VOWR Presents Right here is where the 6.IO-Sports 12.45-High Adventure \ ':':,' 'fIll' ('111\\'11:' 6.20-NelVs sheep and the gon ts are sepa­ 1.00-Close Down a 1";"",_,_ · \/>r,l; \l'W~ ti.3U-Dick Earl Club 9:1 rated. The careless player wiil 2.30-To Be Announced lead the queen of diamonds TJ.<, ::;~Ui.I,,;;. Of!. $" 7.tIU-NelVs 6.00-Music of the Masters :';~r,~ r~~L'" Of .lilZz i.OI-Dick Earl Club 93 from dummy. West's ace wiil 6.30-Hospital and other re- capture the trick and from ALLEY OOP · ...'.::ll,' ()~d Til1l~ 7.:ltI-News ports BY V. T. HAMLIN n.eO-noad SholV then on South will be strug­ YEAH",MD WHIIT ;;:·,i. gling with a lost cause. He will 1~lld \\'\\','1 H.:HI-Nalional News 6.40-Dr. Ritchie ~'. Bell GOO~'S Atl EX-KING · .-,~'.: );Il,;r H.:l2-noad Show 1l.53-Daily Meditation never be able to make more 1HESE DAYS? than eight tricks. I, : "P',l.lm: lI:ilifax 9.01l--io/ews Highlights 7.0[}-Religious Service from : il):.l.llll: Oltawil n.Ol-nond Show Wesley United Church The careful player will lead n.15-Salvation Army a spade back to his own hand 8.0[}-Organ Music .\II~'I't 11th. n,45-:-I CIVS and a second diamond toward liI.OU-News In A Mlnulc B.l5-Eventide Echoes dummy. West wili have to play I 1II.01-National News B.45-'I'he Question Box his ace, but instead of captur­ lII.1a-Saturday Night 8.30-'I'he Search ing the queen he will merely I House Party 9.0[}-Sunday Chorale pick up the deuce. South wili IU.:j[)-National News 9.15-Whcn A Child Asks make three diamond tricks and I WA5-Sports 'and Messages 9.30-The Protcstant Hour his contract. 11.00-Nell's Highlights IO.OO-Hospital and other re- I J.UI-Saturday Night ports To get your copy of "Fun at I Brlllgr." just send your name, HOllse Party .;,l0;;;.,;;l5-;....'.;.;V.,;;e.at;;;h.;;:er:..;.F.;;or~e;;;c;;.a address, aud 50 cents \ to Os- 12.t!O-N eli's Highlights I;.:;,t__, , 12.05--Saturday Night wahl Jacohy Reader Service, House Party car.e Daily News, P,O. BOlt 489, I FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Bv MERRILL BLOSSFR 12.31l-News CJON -CJOX TV IDept. A,. Radio City Station, ~==~======~.nmhn 12.33-Saturday Night New York 19, N.Y, , L~Wf.lERE' House Party I I HI"'LL. pur Ir. l. l.OO-News In A Minutc MTURDAY, August 10th" I CARD SENSE /-1AVr: No WIND­ l.OI-Saturday Night 3,30-World Of Sport: SHIELD! House Party BasebaliGame of th" Q-The bidding has been: 2.UO-NclVs In A Minutc Week-San Jo'ranclsco IEast South West North 2.01-Qucen and Sign Off at Philadelphia 5,45-Cartoons : I • 1'1 2'1 · . '(."; ,OIl \\"calh~r SUNUA Y, August 11tli, 6.00-Bugs BUllny 4 • 5 'I Pass 6,30-Canada At War Pass 1 Pr':

I I ' KIN~ I •. , HEAP & PARTNERS PALMER'S SERVICE \ WANT~D I, I Acetylene and (NFLD.) Ltd. STATION Contrac'tors \On~ Lahoratory BOYS Topsail Rd. I'lal 9.5QP9 T.V. Service registered preferred Electric Welding Wiring Materials, Wire and : I . We speclalaze in Wash in" RVICE For your Building Re- i e~ed . Nurse and V;! ' UNITED NAIL Cables, Motors, Starters, SE d I N~rsmg Assistant Lamps, Switches, I,ightlng Simonizing, Greasing. .' FRY'S ENGINEERING & FOUNDRY' Phone 8·6865 ! qu~re~lents, Pamt an I alio~l al'ailable XIl Fixtures. ~tc Open daily 7.30 3.,".-12 p.m TV Day or night. Budding Hardware HeS.ldenec. Apply CO" LTD. Wm. Sinnott, Service .! see! LTD. WAREHOUSE: PRINCE'S WEST END 1 1 penence and .' 5ERII Springdale St. Dial 8·203~ "MULTON AVE. [llAL 8·5088 Stntiun ~Iana!!cr." "'Va co" TELEVISION LTD. . us. i Superintenrlent Qu;, Steel Scaffolding. Ornamental -,------705 WATER ST. WEST I HUSSEY'S PAINT !Ho~pital. Li\elPo~t~i -_ Building Materials Iron Rallings, Chain Link Fcne· Complete servicing - l.arge I AND HARDWARE ! att~r,.R,l_O___ _ stu~ks of accessories alway. CHESTER DA WE LTD. lng, Rc·inforclng Steel, ctc. James available. Tl'Uckin-g----1_17~~~~~_?_~~~_~_~_~~ET ; Prll\ _____--- I y For all your Building 1------' Open daily from 8 a.m. tc midnight. Requirements. ALL SALES FRED SHEPPARD'S BI] TOPSAIL RD. - SHAW ST. EQUIPMENT AND Electrical' Fixtures HARVEY'S TRUCKING : 9·1l'Il ICONTRACTING LTD. \ Bonaventure Ave., St. John'';"' '·11161 IRVING SERVICE . ___------General Contractors, Engineers, and Supplies I Local ard lon~ rtistance. : Equipment Rentals. (Jim Harvey, Prop.' I'Vans, Stake, Dump, Pick.up and Barber Shop TOPSAIL ROAD. Well Drilling Lenrarcltant Road Crane Trucks for bire. PHONES: 9.2000, 9·2009. DIAL 8·6056 Dial 8.210!). Res. 8·60212 Phone 85171 I TIlE CENTRAL BARBER --____--1 Dry Cleaners jy3,tf Pianos ~nd Organs \-- Rentals ~HOP-\Ve arc now operat­ ----1- .--- Tires 1 ing 10 chairs, you can bo I assured of prompt. eliicl' I Glass A. L. COt~6~ & SON HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS TAXIS cnt, sanitary service, No COMET 'INDUSTRIAL TIRE SCOTS TAXI-Dally from Representin~ tlte world's finest: Hardware-Sporting Good •. "':1lting problem, 24 New S1. John's to Bonavista, CLA SERVIC~ GO\\W Slrrrt OPPOSite Ade· CLEANERS A. G. BARNES LTD. Pianos and Organs. ! Bonavista to St. John's. St. laide Motors Ltd. R For the Fastest most Plate,' Safety, Sbeet Glass, ST ..TOIIN'S nr.. GRACE' H"RRIS & HISCOCK John's call 8·2352; Catalina Dial 9·2161 Dial 5075 \ LTD. cail 5555, 5336. efficient Dry-Clean­ nllrror and Pledglass. 45 Blackmarsh Rd, Dial' 9·369U jne19,lmth BakelJl' ing and Shirt Service. PROPANE GAS- 169 Water St. Phone 8·7352 .=.--- Consolation PI

, , Phi 98017 • 98020 Insurance Car Radios RETREADING OUR OW'N Drug Stores JOB BROTHERS CAR RADIO SAl.ES VULCANIZING & COMPANY, Ltd. We can install a new radio Pick·up and Delivery Service BREAD $55.00 Kenmount Road, Dial 93331 M. CONNORS Ltd. Water Stret~ in any car from up Best by "Tast,e fest" Prescriptions Pickup and DIAL 8·2658 - 8-iU3 Ba~ed by" " ,: . delivery service. Jack's PHONE 8·2206 , EAST END, BAKERY, . J. J. LACEY Radio Shop Kin - LTD. ; :Elcct. Services . INSURANCE ltd. 71 LonJl'! HiU FOUND Dependable Fire Insnranc(, PIIONE 8·7448 ------Prompt Claim Settlements. Beauticians City Electrical DIAL 8·7035 Service Station Radios Co., Ltd. GLADY'S BEAUTY SlIOPPE (Electrical Contractors) BLACKMARSlI ESSO cor Bond and Prescott Sis. Electric Repairs, to CROSBIE & CO" Ltd. SERVICE . GREAT EASTERN QIL ATBeItone ' Phone 1I-I1/:;I.H.7898, Specl. Ag~nts for COl'. B1ackmarsh Rd. and COMPANY, Ltd. ,.--' alizing til cold waVing, nair Ranges, etc. I]NDEIlWRITERS AT Albany Street. Phone 9·4880. REPAIRS TO RADIOS, TV styling. cutung and tiuting, PHONE 8.3767 LLOYDS. Tires, Tllhes, Accessories, . AND ALL ELECTRICAL S. W. SHORT marucuring, facials etc~ 14 86 Casey Stre~t LOW RATES Lubrication. Washing. See Pete APPLIANCES ADELAIDE ST. 8·263; , ----...:...------.-:..------.....:...---=------operators. \no waIting. DIAL 8·5031 for a job compl~.c. DIAL 8·3001 &0 8·3005 ------._----- Wanted to Buy SE.RVICE , A BUNGALOW AVALON WATER AT AI ~Iust be in a good residential locality. Rooms required: Kitchen, pantry, dining Hamilton Hotel room, sitting 1'00111, 3 bedrooms, den and bathroom and garage. 123 • 125 Hamilton Ave. TO RESPEC1 Catering to Permanent Apply to: 'and Transients. For re- CANADIAN COAST GUARD J. I BUSINESS MAN servations Please dial Columbuan CI'ub DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT P. O. BOX 5141, ST. JOHN'S EAST. 8·5636 REQUIRES DECK OFFICERS Train "The auglO SI. John', 12:01 1,~ SE augI5.1mtb AND ENGINEER OFFICERS SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT 1111h \\'ill make Will for scn'ice on vesscls lJased at St. .Tohn·s, Charlotte· Corner Brook wil! town. Dartmouth. Saint John, Quebec City, Prescott, 9 o'clock Tonight dale un LewiiP)c!' 'TIL 12 N Parry Sound, Victoria and Prince Rupert. Brook SeIdel, 10 Salaries up to $5,000, pct· annum, depending upon qualifications. type and size of vessel and location 60 Numbers-Jackpot. COSSECTIOS to which assigned. Benefits include free board and I'U l'f.sTI.I . lodging, annual. sick, and special leave. excellent' anglO Trai n "The Cir.~~ S PEe I A L superannuation plan, group surgical·medical plan, 5t. John'; 12:01 hospital insurance, uniform issue and others. This 12th will carecr service also providcs opportunities for pro· WANTED IMMEDIATELY \·ia. PlaccntiJ motion to more scnior positions in the Canadian Argemia with OFFI( Coast Guard as vacancics occur. for We;t Run. Applicants for Deck Officcr must have recent sea Female Office Clerk COSSECTIOS expericnC1) and possess either a Second Mate Foreign JRr sonH Going. Canadian First Mate Home Trade or higher Experience preferred SER\'ICE TO RE( Certificate of Competency. typing essential Train "Thl Applicants for Enl(ineer Officer must possess a SI. John's 12:01 vicinity of t Canadian or United Kingdom Third Class Steam, 12th will make Motor or Combined Certificate of Competency or Apply Port aUX BaEquH, 6 months b higher. Tarernor for .­ For application forms and additional information, South Coast Sen1C1 write to: Director of Administration and Personnel, MAMMY'S LTD. , ' Dcpartment of Transport, Room 290, lIunter Building, ALEXANDER STREET Ottawa, Ontario. auglO,12 Official Regatta Just Arrived ENI DU.NFIELD AVENUE DUMONT C.M,H.C. FINANCING Sweepstake ROI . :Here isa fi!1e.~ungalow in a quiet residential area of the City, this TELEVISION home has 3 bedrooms" living and dining room, built-in kitchen, WINNING NUMBERS Y, modern bathroom, hardwood and tile floors, full basement, furnace 18301' 3477 8650 heated. " Freehold land, fenced and landscaped,"this home is 3 years 9015 (LAST SUl 14804 _ 19627 11048 12891 RATED FIRST old built to C.M.H.C. specifications, with'mortgage at 6% and monthly ,12758 I ;\ .21660 11197 11178 I payments of less than $S5 per mont1~, taxes included, this home also 12424 BIG DA~ I, 20268 '14265 362 All Sizes 11 has alull1inum storm screen windows and doors. See this fine home " 19141' 1647 18778 • -,~'. , 3420 All Models With T " now. F:or appointment to view call one of our friendly salesmen. 41723 , I· .• • 37900 . 10666 • ~ 13697 Trade·ins Accepted B.e I: 11632 19246 13798 41853 • !,'I I 15662 No Fictitious Prices . Qnd THE' ii I: 345 19321 371 • Straight Honest Transactions 20656 3453 14452 :1 10777 • ' S4TU'RI: 10698 11029 '11630 1170 Lowest Prices Ever : 4073 592 4092 1924 • 4499 41861 10788 9423 NO DOWN PAYMENT 12601 4117 . ·3527 GROUCHY LTD. Prizes can be claimed by presenting winning R. J. tickets during regular' business hours a.t The OPP. TOOTON'S LTD. Popular, Clothing Store, Water Street. Prizes P. O. BOX 632 DIAL 8·5006·7 must be claimed within 30 days. aug9,lO

, y: THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFcrUNDLAND. AUGUST 10.1963-11:: t."".-. ~.:. .',~ .:­... ~( '·1 ~ ~--.: ~ ~'" ~ ';."'; ..- ... ' WARBURY ST. ROOSEVELT ~ Vt:NUE~ 2 slorey. 4 bedroom with ·A mEl Glendale:~ large store, full bascment. Beautiful bungalow' on :' a KINSMEN Hot water radiation. Double \ S l I large landscaped lot. FttI)r garage. Like new condition BETTER HOMES FOR i fenced. Concrete foundatiGn , and garage. Containing large BOYS' CLUB COMMONWEALTH It is possible to trade your present home on a ~rand new one.' Any home we have for sale Jiving and dining room. kitch· AVENUE can be purchased with a low down payment. We make all financial arrangements. If you en. bathroom and 3 bed­ rooms. CalI Us ior appoint· Newspaper BINGO' 2 apartment vungnlow, 3 are buying or selling, or need a loan on your present horne. call one of our courteous sales. \ ment to view. bedrooms in each aDarl· men for information. - ment. Furnace heated 'with SERIES NO. 77 domcstie hot water, JUST OFF ELIZABETH BLACKALL PLACE I PENATANGUlSHENE MUNDY POND ROAD 1 EXMOUTH 'ST. I AVENUE 10 DARLING ST. Neal' University nnd shop.' Bungalows. 2 and 3 apart. A large 4 bedroom bun· New 3 bedroom bungalow' Beautiful 3 bedroom bunlla· Beautiful bungalow. 3 bed· ping center. In perfect can. ment homes. gnlOw. Freehold land. Only with a 2 bedroom basement low. Situated on a lar~e rooms and den. Heated gar· dition Furnace heated FIlII • $9,000. apartment. Just $2500 down. corner lot, surrounded by age. Aluminum storm doors sIze. basement . partly .fram·· N'EW, COVE ROAD' \ " , :' ornamental trees. Beautiful and windows throughout. cd up for recreation room. 1'." storey, 5 bedrooms. FITZGIBB, ON S. T. ' PARK AVE, MT. PEARL lawns and concrete walk,;. :;:perti I - A b Cast iron baseboard radiation. dcn, or family room. ,Landscaped. Worth Blot . eauhf~1 .spltt level home I Beautiful nelV 3 bedroom Full concrete basement with CASHIN AVE. REDUCED. ,I more thnn asking prices. WIth radlahon heat. Land· b" I 't II f t· . b BINGO I scaped., unoa ~w, SUI a) e or apar rooms sUlta Ie for apt.. 'o'r ' I'Jf Sa Lovely 4 bedroom home, HORWOOD ST ' I ment. F reeholl land. Furnace' recreation room, living room, furnace heated. Freehold ' II MT. P·EARL OFF FRESHWATER RD. I heal. Just $2000 down. elc. This is one of tho better land. 3 bedroom bungalow. FUr .«'lIND GLENDALE A beautiful 2 bedroom' 0 5 T S built homes in like new con· nace heated and landscaped. I ',' home. Furnace heated lOR E T. dilion. Call lIS for further NEW COVE ROAD In a popular residentia I A fmc selectIOn of \)unga· LId . 3 bedroom bung

~ARDEN PARTY COMPLETE NEW SELECTION OF ~~~~AY, AUGUST 25th CHROME DINETTE SUITES iUST SL'~DAY IN AUGUST) I HARNESS RACING BIG DANCE AT NIGHT .. • ALL COLORS W'th • ALL SIZES I TWO Orchestras TO-NIGHT 7.30 p.m. BARRY HOPE • UNLIMITED QUANTITY and THE BEACHCOMBERS • PRICES FROM $49.98 UP Wm. SINNOTT .'7 . RACES C,SATURDAY NIGHT JAMBOREE Service Station ~Ianaller lIarry B I . . ' vne PALMER'S LTD. other welli , Jack White and all NO DOWN' PAYMENT Topsail Road :PARI ..MUTUEl troup e. nown members ,of the' • GREASING • WASHING BETTING AT THE • TIRE REPAIRS ,! teas afternoon and night. • WHITE GAS I,' ·R.. J. GROUCHY· LTD. • OUTBOARD MOTOR OIL leaves Duggan Street at • ACCESSORIES 'ST.· JOHN'ST'R'OTTING PARK OPP. TOOTON'S LTD. OPEN. DAILY t~aPde Broyle 7 0 clock. re~ ance. BOX 632' . DIAL 8·5006·7 7:30 a.m. to ftIIDNIGU'r BAY BULLS ROAD e PHONE 9·5099 my17,1mth ~-TIIE D,\I1.Y ,,1.WS, ST, .JOIIN·S, NEWFOUNDLAND, AUGUST 10, 1963 , . " l~ /. , \ .. ". ." . I ATTREI :Heating Boilers i CEMETERY , , I SIGN' 8 now MERC 60 t 6 HII BRING' YOUR Domestic 'for I . ',URe 110 t 9.8 HP VASES '\ . MERe 200 t 20 HP Factory ! " MERC 350 t 35 HI' INSURANCE Schools MERe 500; SO HP MERe 650 t 65 HP Churches MERe 850, as HP Prices on receipt MERe 1000 t 100 HP ,STRANGE WIVES

drtaik Shirley Barker , .. , 6,50 1 Tmdo In your rig I {]n a 1963 ,1\ SENSE OF i Call MERCURY nod I I:::;;;==" neW boot. IHEALlTY , JAMES G. Only MEReU RY gives you ~hlspcr.qUlo~ Jet-Prop exhaust. I Graham Greclle .... 3,75 : fiLM CRAWFORD GHEECE BY 1 DOMINION BUILDING PREJUDICE : Ll~IITED MATERIALS LTD., Daphne Athas .... 7,25 '1' mAL 8-5Ul-42 Cheslcr Dawe Bldg., THE HOUSE 8-4033-34 P,O. Box 414, St. John's, AT SUNSET TO Shaw Strcct, 4,25 CUSTOMER PROTI G:OOD QUALITY Norah Lofts Phone 8-4152. ~ THE SIN ~lAHK !sk about the G NATIONAL PLASTIC WITH HOMES ~Iargaret Page On Used Car~ , PRONG TO HOLD Hood, 4.9,) i Givc You Satlsf AUTOMOBILE 1I!anufactured in LaFayctte, IN TH~ GROUND WHEBE'S A;'\NIE TOOlON' Indiam'; 'l'yler, Texas; and HorscbcadH, N,Y, 49c. EAC.H 1 ~ileell Hassing:. 6.50 INSURANCE On display everyday IHEmlAN GOHI0iG Terra Nova 11:00 a,m.- 6:00 p.m, AND THE wi~h YOUI .' USED C night 7:00 p.m,-10.30 p,m,. I THIHD REICH • Have "~. ~Io\'ics on consll'llction, dc· I 1 I pree;ous them deyelope~ 1\'0, 180 R.C. Anthony Signs,, e t c. sownh 900: p.m, C lares Ikwlcv .... 7 ..50: , Location: Pleasantville Sub- CAHDEN OPEN ! by the 58 years eXpeli, i , R.C.A. · Insurance Ltd. division. wcst of Pepperrell. i TODAY : Field, For informJlion call SlmD' Beverlcv' ;\Jichols .... 5.00, enc:e an p~ Imperial Oil Bldg. ' Tell Gillics Enterllrises Lid, CO" LTD, DOLP BINS I 96026-92325. DI \.I 8 1328 jly31,lmth / J.' I Anthonv Alpers ... 5,:')0 Elizabeth Avenue '-______1 ._a_u_gl_o ______.iTllE DECLINE 1\1\)) TEL. 9.. 5079 FALL OF FEMALE TECHNICIANS LLOYD GEORGE TOOTOtrS By Special REQUIRED Lord Bcavcrbrook. ... 5,50 R~ TIIE 1;"\n Distrubtor for KODAK In Newfoundland ARRANGEMENT \ ,BY Fi5hcr~cs Rcsc,arch Bo~rci. DISTANT SHIPS with i Canada at SI. .John s. Dulies, . " . G,5( ; liThe Courtesy Cabs/' ! to assist hiologisls in fishcry Joseph Schull . ELlZABE'l'II AVE., i rcscarch, mainly rccording, l\'ELSO~'S 1'011 may now drive to YOI\J Icompi.ling, working up and sum- ENCYCLOPEDIA CARNIVAL mH · Al'POIN'l'MENT WITII 'I l'IZlI1g 10 lable antI graph 'C\\IP~'G C"ys~''''1 p",!",re ,form dala gathcl'ed by field: 01' t, 11'; T • I Q COl u..... SUPPLIES LTD. II, B. TIUnlSON, o.n., r..HII \1:1, OPTOMEtRIST, :forrrs. Qualificalions desired, K C. Jallcs 8,50 Night Club :,\(i\·ELTIES. GAm:S, 20 FALI{LAi\'J) ST. i minimum one y~ar university SAl LS ,OF Tl IE I "' TO\'S for your eye examination with good slandlng, personat \[ \I'T'I'[\[ES ' GOULDS ROAD alld all Ihe trimmings lor . TO~I OCHII.TREE -I"... 111'11'11.'. satan.·.·. dcpcndilJ",~ . ! \ ... '" OPEN" 3 P". ~I DAILY (".arnll·a IS, I' ;1I't'ns k. _ t',al' dc n anll gla~sl's. Sill (AP - Detecli' ,lUST DIAL on education and al,ilil)" 10 be-! John P: Parker. 7,.')0 The Crystal Palacc gins the j Parties, Fairs, etc. Plllsh foi' n solution 10 I 9l0!l1 -910nS gill lIS 'I'rchnician 1 54320-5040" hest Catering s.crVicC!O i and Sluf[,'d To~'s a Spec·

1 Ihe raid anc may h; '------'1 ~~~~;rl'il~ ~~I;::fgca~Oad~,ist~~~~~ I,. The Booksellers For mforll1aholl cOllI act I PHONE 8-4815 .. a year planning the _------\1R~ .. A, RYAN 'I 1 h tOI', Biological Slation, 5t.: at 90024 I .1 )'\0 Illt maslermind rna,' 1" I,Tohn's. ~i\"in~ pmonal history," PHONE 8-5001 jlylO,lmlh !...----.--~~~------.---.------.------.----.-' GREAT EASTERN I slatement of experience, cduca· ___ .______I lert Britain I hefore bandits halted OIL & IMPORT tional qualifications, namcs and ------·- .. ---.. --1'------" 11 Old· M'll ; adeh:esscs Ihrec references i.n- ___ nlm~C'r:ii:':e ,1C~ of .: mail II' ~\~~_U~CEjl~~T__ ne 1 Thursday and made CO., LTD, ,clu(hng at lea~t two ~rofcssOis. The wedding of jIiss Elizabeth i ------, , chal'!t:lh~e t!'~:L' t~;: Radio, Television, Washers, Drive in :1I0,ie her to 11H' p'!1p!2 (.f::~· £2,569,000 ($7,707,0001 Refrigerators, Deep E'reezers Ilncltldc cerllfled COpICS. Gril,de, Garland of 74 Gower Street 10 ' Tonight at Dusk it in easily spend a Electric Ranges, , XI m.arl'" an.d d umver:il;: I ~Ir_ Thomas Lambert of Grates NORTH '1'0 AI.ASKA notes, , Floor Polishers, i ~cademl~ slandlll",., Apphc. : Co\'e. will take place tonight at: I Starring ,John Wayne. EmIL' the weekend an ar Gramophones hons Will he recel\ed up 10 17 p,m, at St. Thomas' Anglican Kovacs, Stuart Granger, detectives ' Public Address Systems August 26. 1963, i Church. . au~10 I Golf Dril"ing Range and Old scoured .the scene Tapo Recorders iluglO,12,16 , . -.--.. ----- mi:-;:ed hy tli:'.·\" It, ~lil! Club open daily 12 :\oon near Cheddinglon, REP AIRS AND SERVICE Friday The Silhouettes it Wit..; III he c.' .,,' north of London. T VELVET-HORN i _____ -_DEA'l'HS __J . her. c'p"c':aliy hcr .• truck in their posses! 5 LINES Saturd;lY The Big Dance DIAL g·3001 tn 8·3005 . d I KJELLEY-Passcd away at I I lilW. ~:t<]i(' ~Idt'.::!:~ may have been used The S;lhouellcs : she ('onr:dc(land ;I"~~ Danee Satur ay St, Clare's jlcrcy Hosphal'i Phone n0026 or 8-7581 WATER STREET Thursday morning, John J. I b~' foot they ree Jan28.1y M·3 .. ,' ht Kiellcy, Lcaving to mourn thcir I !ll(,Illiwr nl hr:' (·h:'!'C~ the action and ex, r'i 19 sad loss four daughters, Maty, I her ,'01111":("'" d~';" trace left by . porl"r • ·,'1''-[' ",' dog were use FISHERIES' RESEARCH BOARD - ,Toan OIl'S. J. J, Dodd), peg! ANDERSON A"E, ,1 I J I _.; (l1.1,~, I., I ('onl'o:lI"'P of ... '~" . crack the ease po OF CANADA ).[mic hy The },!arbmen: (~lrs. Bud Kavanagh), Isabel: DIAL 9.0011-2-3:-4 MUSIC believe thev musl il D!rs, Gerald O'Reilly); four mm1miDEm;; s."lI1p:1!ll,· ("[I·,j. ctc ...: r.si __ man who' planned BIOLOGICAL STATION, . ,(,:) 00 Double sons, Gilbcrt, Francis. .lamrs·I ______(h l' C.;' j','l!l il~ 'I'r.::'; . C,{)\'Cl .?-. . ,Tohn. Funeral from his son's . cea,cII lady \\"r,i piJ to ST. JOHN/S, NFLD. and l~tery~~:~~;I;n~poinISorgan "FOOD AT ITS BEST" residenc~, 21 Sm,ithville Crcs- i 4fi¥!iM!G~RQ,'l'}~ : cent, Wilh ReqUlcm ~Iass at· I $1500 Scholarships arC' t\\"l) .~(lIl~ and t",l"'J'~; YOUR RoiJert and :,Ir.' .. ' , The Fisheries Research Board of Canada is Prompt Delivery On a\tgl~ F-ORSAlE-- ;ii~I!~~~' to~~r~r~~~~

.. Plan Now fOT Summcr Pleasure Anoat I' NOW AT LOCAL PRICES ~ •.. ~ Boats, , OnE HI IUR ' SUMMER ~. _.... Outhoard ~~ _ Molors . mRH1IOUIDG' -----_ . Trailers, . th. most.. 11'1' 'UAHIW @ SPECIAL MOLSONS I. \(".. d ' i: ~~.-...... an Ladics' Summer Drcsses (plain) $1 00 CANADIAN LAGER and EXPORT ALE :: l -- ' . . ~. Acce~sorfcs Cleaned, Rcfreshed_.and Pressed - FREE HOME DELIVER!. , TELEPHONE 8·2011-5, LINES i ' , , : :Hughes-Maynard Cleanser~ ; Charles R. Bell Limited' , ltd, , , ., . . NEWFOUNDLAND BRE.WERY LTD . i lWATER ST, WEST. PHONE 8·2131 BLACKt\'IARSH RD,', PHONE 9-2186-7 (Not inserted by Bonrd 01 Liquor Contrlll) ~ .i i : , . . ., ' • J • • ,i, .', , ., r, •