• o a s , raiD bal1llaged ~lills' Itend and told An nnknown man telephoncl' uncoupled the engine and first don, declared every ef(ort will Arthur of Scotland Yard was Ilim: "We didn't want to hit 511lppln!( to I.olldon for npulp· News 01 the loss tlluched 011 Heuters news agency's Lotulon two conches and currlel\ Ollt he made to root out any "in· told that a red plane landed aUfI Ing. the selling 01 bank shares on YOUa" office l~rlday and sah!: "I am their looting in 15 minutes. side man" on the job. lie nisil took ol( from a field near Cited· The postmaster· general lold EVl'rylhln!( abo,,1 the robbery tlte London stock EXc!lange. one of the gang. Mr.l!e the reo Delectll'es assumed Ihat they promised to tighten the security dington, not far Irom the scene slagl'd Wetint'sday staggered A spokesman for tile hanks rt'llorters new arrangements ward 1;00,000 ($1,500,000) and I hall an "inside man" post of. arraugemcnts Ilesigned to prb· of the hoMull. will include Ihe provision ~I th~ imnglnntlon of BrllonR. quickly ~ougllt to hend off pub. will ring again tomorrllw." lie flee system, since thr gang Db· 'Ieet such trains. SLUG ENGINEER greater physical protection for The Rnng of 15 or more men lie concern alloul' the bnnlls' hnng np b')[ore he coultl be vionsly Ilossessed exact· know· A check was made of air The handits slugged train en- high.value consignments. hnlt~d 81111 rohbed tlte Gla~gow· nhlllty to sustain such a hlow. 'lllcstioned further. Icrlge of the train's cargo and lields on the chance Ihat the gineer Jacl! Mills with a black· lie rleclined to slleclly wlmt 1.0ndon Royal mnll train be· negll~lhle "Whn! we lost Is Scotland ynrd I11l1bllized a opemtinns. The train, with 7:; handits flcw the lool to the con jack. He was r('ported restin~ lIwsc arrangements would hr, (ore dnwn at it lonely Sllot 40 nnd wr really menn Il!'gliglhle," I(r('at 'part IIf ilritnln's law- office workers nboanl, tinent in hired planes. Interpol, ('omlortahly in hospital. po~t sayill~ such II disch,slIre woulrl lllll~s northwest o( 1.001110n. De· lIe said. I'llfol'crment m8l!hinery ill the carried only mail. the Intemational Plllicc Organ· David Whithy. 2r.. lircllIan .11 lend to dc,lt·oy their value. Bul h'cth'cs snhl the Jlreclslon of hnnt for the nmsilPlI ballllils Postmaster· General Rc~· I,ation, was'on alerl in Ellrolle'; Ibo diesel locomotive. said on.! nevins said he was again,t this IIp~ralion would hnve done III any r\'l'nt. insurance COlli· who sto(lpl'd the train h.v fid. Inalrl Bevins. who broke off R eallilnls. "I the handits tall,ed in rl'lined. panics will em'ry much 01 the ""minl: gUal'ds on th~ train. \.., . I, . 'l'rn,lahlr rrl'rlll 10 A llIaritlmr commando ling with the hloek slgllal, I'acntion to rush bRck to Lon· Detective SUIII. Gerald ~Ic· IIppel" class tones. Tllis mall ., ""I I I It loss. h'" '.:'\ lh~t ll:1n~' "rrt~ rn ,I nit un • ---------------------------------------------- • :1"":'1. 1 _ •• - __ 0 .. ,., 1\11 forms of 'ustOMER PROTECTION POLICY Insurance . ~ , l . ..1, '11! Ihl' Goodwill Warrantv I,' ," I • 11 '11 , .. r,cli l'~HS ,\ eSt' - It WI with I.,' . \,\11 <;;l!i,fartion Aftel" Sale. \' \l ·~l .. \.. I L1 !.,\ • THE DAILY NEWS Water St. Ima Nova Motors ltdl Elizabeth Ave. l'"rD CAR LOT 12 PAGE/) SEVEN 'CE~TS W \~q ST. JOI-IN'S, i\EWfOUNDLAND. SATURDAY, AUGUST lO, 1963 . , . , .'. ..-'"" -- ----------------------------~---------------------------- ,I '\ n Unidentified 'I l 'n Man Sought .Coroner's Jury Rules " NEW YORK (AP)-The body I e of a Roman Catholic priest,. ard D a th SUlel · °d e 1 W • stabbe!i to death and propped in a sitting position ill a closet,: provided police Fri!lay with 8: LONDON (Rcllt.crsl - ~'he: his oll'n life and "Urillilled tne grotesque murder mystery. i hlld~· of Stephen ~\ ard. fashIOn·. actual call,e of death 10 ;:o[\en· Sought for questioning was an i able osteopath ..arllst \\'h~1 acl~"d illg o[ the hrain I is;:ucs because I jim, in unidentified man who mav hel a~ the. cat'.IIYllc agent m Bnt·. uf lack of ox~'gel1. masquerading In clerical 'garb i am's l11gh.hf.e sex sca~dal, wa:; The "()'~~DI·.(Jld son .of an \1\-. t' : cremated pnl'atelv Fnda" ,,[!.(':" gli~an mllll'tcr de;;cl'lhcd hl'l1'l AY 5 I1I Ien f l'om th e VIC tm' ..' Th b d f .. , '. 'Id n i a eOI·o ncr·s ..inqucst I'll led his, ~elf as a man wltO "Iikeri. he;!!· I '. .. e.. , 0 yo. 42 ,cat ,u cv' , death a slllclde. ,111~ people." He was nJarrtcri H~ i ;:"", ,,~', I,d t h'~ , FI anelS .T. ~!c~hane, \~as fOIl:1I1 Wm'cl"s body was takcn to I 1~!4!1 but dil'orccd a year later. I' ( ,': ,i ~;;11l~ 111, 1 h,~ : hrothel, also ~ Plhlcst. Rev:; 1>lortlake Crematorium in II'C,t., LllmD PIIETT\' GmLS I . :' ," 'l ;111't' ,11 \ mcent ~lcShane, 111 t e UPP~I em London. La(er :1 brief me·. lJe conlesscd his \':eaknc';' · ... ". " 1I,''',\in-! ~~3nhattan .apartment of t~ell': morial service was held in' lil~ for pretty ,girls and claimcd to Sister, who IS away on a crUlS';. : chapel of St. Stephen's Hospital· hale introduced a number d : '~I\oI,")·I_ .• \~ (Ilt' .. The dC~lth. weapun was. a: where he died Salurday afl~r ': them til persons in hi~h society. "f :-,::', '"I' \ I).opt''':!· I h~uucly, flve·mch steak kntfe i swallowing an clI'cnlose of nem·· Rut he dcnied running a call· _,.:.: ,< "l,:,.tI< 01 I ",~p d~sc~rded near the kitchen. Th'] I hutal sleeping pills four dll'!5 girl rari;et. ", ~ ::,~t.~ ~t;1t(':' and: Yldlm had been stabbed twwe earlier. It was Ward who introduced: DR. STEPIIEf\: WARD ...... ',I:', ',:,::; I\'~r~ I III the chest and on.ce. ln th~ I Only relatil'cs "Ilendcd the ',. ex·war minister .rohn profumo;, ,'. ' ",::".;:'• :"" .;1:\£ with a;I , ,'.,,. ~1~~~SlsoII fpPI;:tr~~ecd' tl b k th:Ohe~rt.1 r tI Ie i ~~I~~f~n gi~~~ l;hcr~Je w~~:Pi:~l.~' :::Id (i~ri~~i~:~n I\e:~~~;se P~~fU;~~' nanll attache Ye\'~cni Il'anol'. :.,; .;:. ,'.' :',":' In:. I The sb":l pl'lest last was see'! i flowcrs. illicit rclationships with ~Ii~s' Ward [licd after being UII' , ." i' ,! :.,' ,"i< nn n, about .1 :30 a,m. Thursda~. when! Earlier." sCI·cll·member ;'1' i Kecler. who was hal'in!! a sim·: conscious for about 80 hours, , a. t~elg lor reca e a:: I quest jury found he had lal,en: ultancous affair with Russi~n' without knowing he :"as C?II: !::I lilll'hl'C: hi II d th t I . u' ,.... II d~ 01 e up to t~e aparlment .. I ___... ___.. - ~ - .... - victed at an Old Batley tnal . ..,..... ,i ,r; 1';,II,,,la ~lIS own car Wltl~ another ~an II ...... - .. ...... ..... ,.. ' .." , ......,.. '.,. here of living on the prostitll' .... ::(~ !', I: .",'['Inr ..I III a red and white 19;;8 statIOn tion earnings of 11is5 Keeler :, .. , .. : "',' 1~' '\11' a< I wagon. I, 1and :-Iarilyn (Mandy) Ric~' . : .. ,.',' :, ;,~ l1,\lIlrt',;11 The statio,n wagon sitU \l'a'i Davies. C·;i. " ~;, "I I parked outSIde after the slav . t.IJ. 1:.::.:.......---------- 1 . , . ing. with a ticket for iIle~'ll ~., .' ~. T h . ....,. ",.i '" 11.1ct no! .. ' ......... : p~rk;ng on the wind~hield. Po- It . ~ t' "iJt::,"";' . P oon .• :'0' , .. ~,,:, I .I!,'r,t n Ul'iITF.D NATIONS: United Nations Security Council \'otes !I·O, wl.th Brital? amI France ah· ,1ke s~id. it wa~ a stolcl' car and .. -, .i$r1h'1iitl!r" 'l.! .. ,: y · " '.1 ':'::'.':11 mUll. staining, In fnvor of emhargo of all nflllS ami military equipml'nt to South Alrtca becau.se o[ her thnt i.~;llle they founrl a ,et 01 ,,.. "i, ~ ,.""Xii :', ,'f:',' ~" "lid .\Iain racial segrcgation policies. I.et to right In the ."ugusl 7th scs~!ou arc: Pr~~';1110 .G ..llmene7. of : s:c~.k .' !;nh·eJ. ma~c~ 10' th~ i ~ ,:,'. .":'"--..- .. ~¥ ,0 a va~ r.:s · " th~ "hilll1lllncs thand raised)' Nikolai '1'. Jo'ellorenllO of tlll~ SOVIet Union; :SIr Patrick IIran 01 . 111m eler wenpon. I".,.;.' . ,'. .~ J'\. Vi C • .. r.'. :' .' .I",lil .:h: the United Kingdom: Charles Yost of the United States.-(UPI "1'llOtll), ! C,\R !\IISSIf\:G , • '. .J I. f ,.,C,.'":~ " ,VI II I'~:o i __ ~W..__ ~---. ----.--- 1 Father 1\! c S han e ~ car. a ...-:t~~i' ~ ",. ~. J '. :.' ':' :,: '.. :. \1"l1lrr .. l , . 'blue. 1960 sedan. wa~ miFsin~,' 4 ap a n i ., I '1'01\\'0 I Heutc;" '- .\ -·..:::',:;~>";~:,~I\; ~~,::.~:(!' Bu ddh ,·S ts Can eel·; I~~!~n;Ja~~h s~~r t~~r~~:~t~~."\~~P~~h . which ral'age sot! ei'll t~'llh()'Jn• ap'JII · " 11'11111(- ' I'may be dt'II'ln" the car' an·.1 d Ih I :~.i~: :~,"'C ,"may be dressed in priest'3 : Friclav left mure than li.IiCO pc:" 'I'>:; !,:','l',c'iIIll"n Ins' o~ ~ garb." ; sons ilOml'iess, at lea,1 one de~d ':_ l':.:i< ~, !l0'!1'\"' B. t h . The motive baffled deleetives. and to missing and caused I: I ,:,.,:,.! t" h,lI'" "~r:t' urn I ng ,'0 U ,There were no ~igns of a • :anclslides. nr n:1rrI til'!O tl) , . ( • t I f 0 t of tl eN STREET ' ...i,~.:, \;~~>;.
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