i 'I 1E COURIER—( jAZE’ITE. ROCKLAND OA7.KTTE ESTABLISHED 1H4O. I $rtss is tbc ^rtbimebtart ]£cber tjiat globes tjn (Ktorlb at £too dollars a $car 1 TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANOBl ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1H74.I (MINGLE COPIES PRICE FIVK CENTS.

V o l . 8.—N ew S e r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1889. N umber 33. Job and Repair Shop. EDITORIAL, CHAT. ST. BERNARD’S. QUERY DRAWER. BEST Sullivan says the judge’s charge was dead Matters of fact—People’s Questions— TIN AND SHEE t T r ONWORK. against bltn. How could it be otherwise ? The Corner Stone is Put in Place Facts for our Readers. I have taken part of the store occupied by 3— “Nemo” asks : “ How can the exception W . 8. Wright & Co. and shall he pleased to King Humbert of Italy has made Edison a With the Usual Solemnities. receive a call from the people who may count. He has been of great account for some prove the rule - If somebody says every man St. Louis Roller Flour want the servlc<‘s of a workman in the tin in the procession wore a white tile, and the work line. I will give my personal atten­ time, with no discount. tion to all orders for Tin and Sheet Iron A Masterly Oration by Reverend fact Is that one tnan wore a black derby, does Work. Furnaces and stoves repaired, Lin- the exception prove the rule ?" Mrs. Maybrick has been reprieved nnd her Father P. A. McKenna. Ings furnished and repairs promptly made Loose paper still finds its way into the street. “Nemo" has pointed out an instance of the $5.25. on cooK and parlor stoves. Water pipes sentence will probably be commuted to penal looked after and repaired. Second-hand The grounds about the residence of II. P. C. incorrect application of this maxim. The ex­ Stoves bought and sold. servitude for life, this being the usual pro' Wright, Middle street,arc being improved. Life of the Saint for W hom the Church cedure in English courts. ception in his supposed case hreaks or invali­ JONATHAN CROCKETT, The Rocklnnd Charitable Association lias W as Named. dates the rule. Let us modify this statement The Best Flour offered in this city given up its rooms in Jones Block for the pres­ The services of laying the corner stone of thus: only one man in the procession wore a Portland is now talking up a big Fourth of ent. derby; or, there was but one who did not wear July cdlebration for next year. Usually noth­ the new Catholic Church were held Tuesday For.Butter Milk Bread Mixing, One person, A. II. Bills, left Rockland Wed­ forenoon at ten o'clock, the day being pleasant a white tile. In one form, we really establish ing is said about celebrating our Independence the rule that all others wore hats that were not View I^ ouse, Day uiltil the week or two just preceding the nesday morning to enjoy the Old.Orchard and nnd a large number of people being present, Sebago Lake excursion. the outlying districts of the church, Thomas­ derhys; in the other form, that all but one day. wore tiles. So, an exception may be made, $ 6 .0 0 . CAMDEN, MAINE, All of the stores in the two Spear Blocks were ton, Hurricane, Vinalhaven and other places Belfast was all wired up the other day, there closed Tuesday in honor of Capt. A. K. Spear, being well represented. The main floor of the which will he from its point of view a virtual OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER. being nino stenmboats nt the wharf at one whose funeral occurred that day. building was laid and on this settees were expression of a rule. The examples are readily found. Only one pear tree in the orchard, time. Come down to Rockland and see the Our iee men say that their stock of frigidity placed which were all filled, while the piles of Fancy Rio Coffee! means that as n rule it is not a pear orchard ; This house is now open to receive parties and like frequently and you'll get over it, dear has melted very rapidly this summer. The boards and standing room round about were the traveling public. 49"Fine Bay, Harbor and only one hoy among his children, that his neighbor. quality was not as good as usual, being porous nil occupied. At the appointed hour Bishop Mountain scenery, Beautiful Drives, Good Boating, Healey, escorted by attendant priests, came children are mostly girls. Bathing and Fishing. Superior Table. %*Wili and more easily melted. President Harrison was pleased with Mnine, from the parsonage and advanced down the If “Nemo" understands Latin, ns his name 28 CTS. receive parties after one day’s notice. George W. Drake has just completed a patent Implies, let him examine the phrase Exceptls so say some of our contemporaries in other church floor to the northern end where tem­ appliance for keeping a horse's tail from both­ probit regulam, remembering that probat states. President Harrison's good judgement porary protections ffcon had been F. 0. MARTIN, Proprietor. ering the reins, an improvement over his al­ erected, one for the bishop and a second for the comes from pro, which means “ before" or was never more plainly apparent. Same to ready well known device for that purpose. “superior." The literal meaning paraphrased CHAS T. SPEAR yourself, Ben ! orator. The priestly robes with their rich dec­ C. H. Hoitnan, at Holman’s Oakes, Ingra­ orations made an imposing and striking picture. is: The taking of one thing out of a class The cutthroat Huns nre having a real anarch­ ham’s Hill, has had a line tennis court laid out At the end of the aisle the priests knelt makes emphatic the informity of the rest of ical picnic in the Connellsville, I’n., coal the class. 295 & 297 Main S t., Rockland. there, full size—probably the nicest court in BEFORE A RODE CROSS region. The state tniiitia should be promptly the state. George N. McGregor was the 4— “Base Ball” queries: "Can a pitcher invited to take part in the festivities and furnish erected ther., while the church choir sang the artist. “ Veni Creator" from Millard’s mass. At the make two feints to throw to a base, before galling gun quadrilles for Hungarian danc pitching another ball ?” The Standard Bottling Co., C. E. Havener, close of the singing Rev, Fr. P. A. McKenna ing. 45c. proprietor,has put out 6,000 dozen of pint bottles of Marlboro, Mass., the orator of the occasion, The pitcher must he outside the box, when he feigns; and after the one feint, whether con­ WATCHES- of aerated drinks this season, not counting the delivered his address. Fr. McKenna is a tnan of A petition signed by 800 persons in Madrid, sisting of one motion or more, but clearly Of all Kinds, Styles and Prices. half-pint packages, and it has kept the crew a- striking presence, with a powerful, expressive including archbishops, bishops and patriarchs being one attempt to keep a runner close to a snapping. face witli heavy curling black hair, and in TwEfJ-J-y-^IVE Ce^-J-S has been sent to the Pope, asking bis holiness base, the pitcher must return to the box and every sense of the word an orator, his musi­ to honor the name of Christopher Columbus F. A. Waterman has opened billiard parlors “momentarily pause” in the prescribed posi­ cal, resonant voice nnd graceful gesticulation ------JEWELRY with the title of “ Venerable.” Chris, is old underneath the Adams House, at the Brook. tion,, facing the batter and with the ball in adding not a little to the force of the nddress. In Great Variety and New Pattern*. We Have Taken The Agency For enough for that title. He has a pool table and billiard table—Brigg’s sight. He may again get out of the box, His subject was: “ The laying ot the corner best—and all the other necessary accoutrements and ieign to throw ; but every feint requires a The South Fork Fishing Club, whose rotten stone of a church is nn occasion for joy to of a first-class billiard hail. return to the box. Not to follow this order is datn flooded fated Johnstown, contemplate Christian anil citizen." It is an occasion for We hear an objection argued occasionally to "balk." How long this play may be con­ SILVER WARE---- rebuilding. Should think they had had enough joy to the Christian because it proves the reality against a shoe factory, hut we notice that the tinued, the umpire is to judge. If too long, In In the Latest Styles and Nobby Designs. Cobb’s Soaps! of fishing—fishing mutilated bodies by the ot religious aspirations of the soul whenever cities and towns which have the most are most in his judgement, he may call the unnecessary that stone is laid, whether it he Catholic, Protes­ hundreds and thousands out of the debris of reluctant to let them go. No good move ever delay of the pitcher a“balk." homes and factories. Let it be rebuilt by all tant or Pagan, and it is an additional proof of M. M. CENTHSMER, They are composed of the choicest lacked objections. We must remember that 5— To “ Vp": The inventor of Volapuk was means! our paving would never stand, that it was too the sincerity of our Christian convictions, and an additional protest against the current infidel­ horn July 18, 1831. He invented that Bystem materials and are highly commended noisy, and in a general way no good. We A bill has lately been passed by Parliament ity of the day. of language in 1879, when he was therefore 416 Main Street. need a shoe factory. about 48 years old. by everyone who has given them a regulating the sale of horse flesh as human To the citizen the laying of a church corner food in the United Kingdom. England there­ stone is an additional guarantee of the benefits PERSONAL POINTS. NEIGHBORHOOD CHAT. trial. fore falls into line with the continental countries of education, in the church is found the right in putting the iiesh of the clean feeding horse Miss Cora E. Perry is visiting her brother in solution ot the problem of labor and capital, •«* The crop ot family reunions is thick ...... BEFORE YOU GET A ...... The Toilet Soap is carefully medi- on a legal footing with that of some other ani­ Bluehili. and the laying ot such a corner stone is nn ad­ this year. mals not so cleanly. icated and delicately perfumed. It Mrs. C. A. Libby of Bridgewater, Mass., is ditional guarantee of the perpetuity of self What is South Thomaston to do about visiting in the city. government, for the church teaches that what­ that water supply ? DINNER OR TEA SET heals Chapped Hands, cures Eczema, Hon. Sidney E. Mudd is one of the Republi­ ever the source of government the form of it can contestants for a seat in Congress. Rather Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Tripp of Whitman must come from the people. Pocket revivals are spreading in this Mass., are at 11. H. Burnham's. section. Hurricane Catholics are to build a ...... Be sure and see the...... and all Skin Diseases. Best soap an unpropilious name1 By the way this same IT WAS A 1-OWBRFVL DISCOURSE, neat chapel. Mr. Mudd is the son of Dr. Mudd, who was Miss Maggie Burns of Cambridge, Mass., is some of the most impressive portions being for babies, and so pleasant in the Searsmont's old twins have found their sent to the Dry 'I’ortugas for setting the leg of the guest of Miss B. A. Thompson. greeted with storms of applause. At the close eiders, ns was seen (in our last issue. But New Stock Pattern the desperate John Wilkes Booth as he fled Mrs. J. T. Riddell of is visiting her Fr. McKenna paid a graceful tribute to Bishop mouth it is highly prized for the then the Scarsniont twins have always been through the sandy roads ofSouthern Maryland parents, Mr. and Mrs. John N. Ingrnham. Healey, to whose words of encouragement nnd Which I sell separately or in sets, at the Young. Teeth. Sold by all druggists for to the front. Mrs. V. W. Middleton of Washington, D counsel be owed a great deal for what he had C., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Will­ accomplished. *.* Camden is full—of summer guests, anti This query which is raised as to the best- iams. At the close of the oration Bishop Healey we should judge that Lake City and its genial known man in Boston suggests the statement proprietor, Georgo 11. Cleveland, were having made at the time of Gen. Grant’s death (bat he J. IL. Frohock and children have been visit­ made a short address in which he complimen­ Boston 5 aiii 10c Store, 25c had been seen by nitre people than any other ted the people on the courage they had shown about all they could do. ing Mr. Frohock's father in Northport the past man who ever lived, in the course of bis expe­ in adversity. He said that when the news *.* Thomaston had n launching a week ago G. II. COPELAND, Proprietor. rience as ceneral, us president and ns the most week. reached him of the destruction of the ebttrcb and is going to have another before very long; distinguished American who ever made a tour Hon. E. P. Walker has been very ill in Bel­ of the Old World. After Grant, Blaine is lie feared that it would not he rebuilt ns they Thomaston real estate is active, and Thomas­ Oppo. Thorndike Motel, Buckland, Maine. fast. He is now greatly improved, and is in 11 Per cake. probably the best-known American in the were so few, but that they had shown some­ ton people are jubilant. Let every Thomas­ sense of having seen and having been seen by Castine. ton man speak well of his town. The old millions of people in the Old and New Worlds. thing of the old time laith and courage. The —Boston Advertiser. Mrs. W. F. Kennedy and son of Taunton, reason that tbenumeof the church was changed town is worth a good word. The Laundry Soap is combined Mass., are visiting E. S. McAlister and wife, to St. Bernard was two-fold—an older church In the weekly report of the state hoard Mrs. Kennedy’s parents. Ail classes are brought under public scrutiny in another portion of the state was soon to he of health Rockland uppears hut seldom in the witli Borax in correct proportions, Charles II. Rankin of the firm of Bailey & GREAT BARGAINS! through the journals ot the day. The judges dedicated and claimed St. David for its patron list of the cities and towns with contagious Rankin, Boston, with family are stopping at ....A T THE.... and is specially adapted for Wash­ are now having public attention directed to saint, und ns the Rockland church, which diseases. The same is true of Camden, Thom­ Mrs. Nancy Wentworth’s, Head-of-the-Bay. aston und others of our neighbors. In last them. The Boston Advertiser in one of its originally bore that name, was io lay its corner ing Flannels and Blankets. It is a week’s report Cutnden is credited with two able editorials cites several instances of strange stone on the day set apart for St. Bernard, that Boston Variety Store miscarriages of justice due to unwarranted as­ PULPIT AND PEW. name was accordingly given it. cases of typhoid fever, hut Camden's name is luxury to use it as it leaves the hands very rarely mentioned in the list. sumptions of power on the part of certain TUI: CORNER STONE. ....IN.... St. Peter’s Episcopal Church will probably soft, and makes the clothes sweet as judges, and then sounds a note of warning. A collection was taken at the close of the Union is a-going to have that railroad, have a pastor in the near future. Services will sure I The Belfast Journal calls it J. O. John­ Judge not that ye be not Judged!” commence there next Sunday. Sunday School bishop's remarks, and then after short devo- CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE a lily and white as snow. tional exercises at the foot of the cross the son's railroad. Brother Johnson's stub pen will be held at two o’clock, und there will he had not a little to do with the interest in that Z In order that you may test the A New York dispatch states that the sugar preaching at three. bishop, wearing his mitre and escorted by the / other priests,advanced to the corner stone where proposed road. By the way, if the numeson trust is becoming frightened, nnd that there The Boston Evening Traveller says : At the the impressive services ut the Cutholie ritual that board of directors mean what those same Water Sets, with Six Glasses, merits of these Celebrated Soaps wo has been a tumble in sugar. It can tumble sev­ commencement of the Texas Wesleyan Col­ were performed. The bishop with the trowel names usually mean Tiie C.-G will expect y* eral more times nnd then not he down where it lege, Fort Worth, Texas, the degree of I). D. FROM 50c TO $2.00. offer you a sample or Introductory marked the cross on the stone, sprinkled it a ride over a railroad up the Georges Valley belongs. The people must take up the light was conferred on Rev. Chas. B. Besse of Little with holy water, etc. Then the procession in the near tuture. against the sugar trust and begin a prohi­ Roelt, Arkansas, and late of the East Maine 4 Piece Sets From 25 Cents Up. Package containing 45 cents worth moved completely around the church, sptink­ bition campaign, discard the use of sugar and M. E. Conference, where he had served over NELLIE OSWELL. Call and examine our line before buying elsewhere. ling it with holy water, returning ugain to the ruin the trust. Our forefathers ar.d foremoth- churches located in China, Randolph, Dexter, We have a line line of Ladies’ and Gents’ of Soap for only 25 cents. platform where the final ceremonies were held. ers went without tea. Guess we can drink tea Rockland, Vassalboro, Bucksport, Orrington, Miss Nellie Oswell, the well-kuown steward­ HOSE, NECKTIES, HANDKERC’FS without sugar! Bangor uud Thomaston, covering a period of IN A HOLLOW CAVITY ess of the steamer Lewiston, died ut St. Eliza­ twenty years. At the session of the Arkansas In the corner stone were placed documents Victoria, B. C.. Is all excitement. The beth's hospital in Boston recently, ufter a little FANCY GOODS AND TOYS. 605 Conference, held in February, 1888, Bishop giving the names of the president of the United cutter Rush has been rushing things again. over a week’s sickness. Miss Oswell, or Nel­ Bicknell Tea Co. II. W.Warren transferred Rev. Mr. Besse from States, the governor of Maine, the mayor of Jewelry, Clocks, Silver Ware, Capt. Alger of the British schooner Allie Alger lie, as she was familiarly known by the com­ Thomaston, Me., to the Main Street Church, Rockland, the names of the officiating priests, pany's officers and patrons, had been in the 398 MAIN STREET. has arrived there and reports us follows : the present priests und copies of the local papers. OPTICAL GOODS, July 30, we were boarded by the cutter Rush, Little Rock, Ark. Dr.Besse is an able preach­ employ of the Boston und Bangor line for a in Behring Sea, 30 miles from St. Paul. The er and a strong advocate ot prohibition. The priests in attendance were as follows: period of over twelve years, her kindness and Ami a lurge .lock of New anil Second Ilnnd Right Reverend Bishop Healey of the Dioeese Watches, ut price, lower tliuu ever before, Purlieu Lieutenant searched us, but although we hud The Damariscotta Herald and Record in its the faithful manner in which she performed skins aboard, found none. He told us that in want of u good lime piece will save money by description of the newly rebuilt Congregational of Maine, Reverend Fathers P. A. McKenna of her duties gaining for her a tine and well won lining to us. We exchange, sell or buy. July 29 he hud seized the schooner Pathfinder AYf^TATE of this port, put a prize crew aboard, sent her Church has the following: Marlboro, Mass., T. P. Lineban, Portland, M. reputation and endearing her alike to the trav­ C. O’Brien, Bangor, John O’Brien, Bath, J. DON’T FORGET THE PLACE. to Sitka, taking out 800 skins; he also told us “The walls and ceilings are beautifully fres­ elling public, the management und employes of he bud seized schooner Minnie also of Victoria, McCarthy, Gardiner, Charles Dority, Augusta, the Boston and Bangor line. She was on the coed, the work being done by O. B. Emery of with 850 skins; put u crew aboard her and and 11. W. Phelan and E. A. Quinn, the local Katahdin in the memorable January gale, and BOSTON VARIETY STORE sent her to Sitku, he also told tts he had over­ Rocklund. Eight stained glass windows huve pastors. The exercises were well planned, a month later, on the ill-fated Cambridge, and hauled schooner Ariel and Therese, and al­ been placed in the auditorium, besides a round 322 MAIN STREET, though he found -kins aboard, had left them to well carried out and very impressive and inter­ 011 both occasions she displayed that coolness bostoNA a JV window back of the pulpit,which was presented Next Dour to K. M. Hastings, Buckland. / end for illv/ trated catalogue free go out of the sea without molestation, lie did esting. und courage which so ably lifted her for the to the church by the Sunday School scholars. not give his reason for this. The church was burned March 6, 1889, and position she occupied. She will he greatly 4^-Fine Watch Be|>uiriug a specialty. The two windows on each side at the front are as there was not enough insurance to cover the missed and has left a vacancy that will he hard memorial windows. Tjie one at the right is in F. L. SHAW, the Jeweler. Congressman Felton of San Francisco is out loss the outlook was indeed diseouraging, but to t i l l . ______with an article on the Behring Sea question memory of Deacon William Gliddcn, present­ J6 ______LLL l I f Fr. Phelan, the priest in charge, assisted by bis which upholds in a decisive way the claim of ed by his son Charles. It is a beautiful combi­ co-laborer Fr. Quinn, went busily ut work and SALT SPRAY. United States to jurisdiction over the dis­ nation of colors. The window at the left is next February St. Bernard’s Parish will dedi­ BOSTON DENTISTS, puted lisheries there. We quote from the also very pretty, uud is in memory of Deacon Yacht Pleiades of the Corinthian Yacht Club cate one of the finest churches in this section was in our harbor last week with a party of 12 article : Woodward', presented by his nephew Thomas of the state. It will he of wood, 86x45 feet, ROCKLAND TRUST CO. It is a matter o f history that ltussia, from J. Woodward of New Orleans. The other six young men un board, who enjoyed several days with basement. The cross on the fcpire will of fog and rain---- It is a mutter ot comment her discovery of Behring Sea down to the cess­ windows are divided once longitudinally and he 112 feet above the le/el of the road. John ion to the United Slates, controlled the naviga­ simpler in design. One is in memory of Miss among our people how gentlemanly und decor- tion o f its waters and the taking of its marine Sullivan of Medford, Muss., is builder. uusiy the various yachting parties who have £ DEPOSIT BOXES life. To this end her navy patrolled it, and in Lizzie Wyman, presented by her father Capt. ST, RERNARD visited Rockland this summer have conducted pursuance of her laws has taken, couliscated Llewellyn S. Wyman. A splendid brass chan­ Was the third son of Teccliu.Lord of Fontaines, ...... TO LET A T ...... and burned marauding vessels. She has since delier with brass lamps will depend from the themselves---- Oeorge T. Wade has sold his 188 Main Street, Rockland, Maine. tursued and is now pursuing he same policy near Dijon, France, and was horn in the family yacht, Buy Poiut, to George Gray. S5, $8, $ 1 O a Year n her part of Behring Sea. In all protests, center, the gift of a Damariscotta lady. When castle in 1071. He was educated at the church ------—— ------Opposite Thorndike Motel. ■orrespondence, negotiations and treaties there [ACCOKDINO TO SIZE] ail is finished the inside will be un object of of Chalillou-sur-Scinc, und was a brilliant WIDOW'S ISLAND. no allusion to Behring Sea, Aleutian Islands great beauty. It will probably not be dedicat­ ui to any region of country or sea within 1,000 scholar. In 1113 he entered the monastery of Teeth Extracted Without Fain! In the Vault of the Rockland Trust Co. miles of its eastern border, hence the sovereignty ed until September when the pastor,Rev. C. D. the order of Citeaux, and was afterwards made United Stales steamer Dispatch, Lieut. W. By my newly discovered process (used free Crane, arrives from bis foreign trip. S. Cowles commanding, arrived in Portsmouth of charge.) asserted and maintained by Russia over that Abbott of Cluirveaux. He died iu 1153, sin­ will be found it safe place for from its discovery to its partition and cess------cerely mourned by his associates. He was re­ the 19th from Bar Harbor. She left that place Valuable Papers, Bunds, Slocks, Ktc., being ,ou to the United States, a period ot over 140 that morning at 3 o'clock, having on board Teeth Filled Without Pain! years, has never been officially questioned or 4- Camden needs a large hotel. Landlord vered us a devout Christian, a wise counselor All operations performed wilb the greatest cure Fire Proof and Burglar Proof. 27 Capen of the Bay View and Landlord Marlin Secretary of the Navy Tracy, accompanied by bud LOW EST PRICES in ilie Stale. Filling and denied; and, again, had it been understood that and a courageous disciple. He was prominent 5irLiticlul Teeth a specialty. Office open uuill 8 p.iu. the waters of Behring Sea and its marine life of the Mountain View have their well kept iu the crusades, uud iu political matters exerted Aid-de-camp Lieut. Mason. A brief stop was TTT TTT were free Io fishermen of all nations, including houses crowded full Camdeu is a lovely place made at Widow's Islaud, and the new Marine ours, there could have been no incentive on the and people should have opportunities for a powerful influence among kings, princes and DR. E. A. WATROUS, stopping there. warring factions. Quarantine Hospital inspected. MANAGEK. IS J I 2 THE ROCKLAND COURIER - GAZETTE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1889.

We Print this week 33#e copies of MEN AND WOMEN. the Courier-Gazette, our regular LIME MANUFACTURE. weekly circulation. Personal Paragraphs ol More or L ess Why Not Call Something New! Thin in the Urgent circulation attained by any Interest ta Our Readers. A Revolution Promised in the Kind of Fuller 5 Cobb paper in K not County, and nearly all of It la in that county ami In the neighboring one* o f Lincoln, Almon Bird, Jr., is in New York. Fuel and Method of Burning. Waldo and Hancock. We invite the moat com­ E. S. Snow is in the city from Boston. and seethe Largest,Most Varied and plete inveatigntlon of our claim, and will ahow our ...... ARE SHOWING...... edition or our hooka to anyone who may wish to Mrs. Leona Wade is visiting in New York. eee. Miss Nellie Duncan is home from Boston. Coal vs. Wood. Chute vs. Shovel. Most Complete Assortment of CIRCULATION OF THE COURIER GAZETTE J. Murray Howe was in the city Saturday. The result of the experiments to be tried by Atignai 6 ...... 32*26 Mrs. E. Hodgdon is visiting in Malden, Thomaston lime burners in the manufacture of NEW FALL Mass. August 13...... 3,226 lime will be watched with great interest. J. A. August 20...... 3,226 Miss Nellie Rowell of Malden. Mass , is in the city. Creighton & Co. and J. 0. Cushing & Co. are Staples and Specialties Auguat 27...... 3.326 building six kilns, three each, of a new de­ DRESS GOODS Stephen Chase is recovering from his severe Total circulation for Auguat...... 13,004 sickness. sign and to be operated in an entirely new way. COMBINATION Average weekly circulation for A uguat..3,251 Mrs. James Hall of Richmond is visiting her A reporter of The C.-G. last week visited In Men's and Young Men’s THUS. J. EMPEROR, Foreman. brother, G. W. Rhodes. Thomaston and took a survey of the new LOOK AT THE NEW Mrs. Eliza Whitney has returned from a Creighton kilns, which are now nearly ready STATE OF MAINE. visit along the Kennebec. Knox, as. — Auguat 27, 1889. for burning. Then personally appeared the above named Misses Annie Flaimagan and Annie Cough­ The new kilns are of Iron, the sides being DRESS PATTERNS! Tho*. J Emperor, ami made oath to the truth of lin are visiting in Portland. straight half the distance down, then flare out, the foregoing statement. Before me, Misses Alice and May Sleeper have returned STIFF HATS! W. R. PRESCOTT, io their home in Somerville. and then are perpendicular till they culminate In the Latest Styles. J uatice of the Peace. Mrs. S. Elwell of Northport is visiting her in cone shaped chutes. The fuel used Sicilian Cloth daughter, Mrs. Fied Smith. is sopt coat, Next wcck we shall publish an interesting John Low ol Chicago is paying bis many FOR FALL STYLES! Rockland friends a brief visit. Which is to be forced by means of a blower, letter from Saratoga from the pen of a former furnished by the Buffalo Forge Co., a powerful well-known Rockland lady. Miss Hattie Norcross of Boston is the guest of her cousin, W. F. Norcross. machine, to lie operated by steam power. A Ever shown in this county. All the Miss Addie White of Waterville is the guest spray of water Is thrown upon the hot coal f/EW D/JESS SE/fQES can always point with pride of her sister, Mrs. H. H. Falcs. which tempers the heat at the outer New and Nobby Shapes now in. to one indisputable historical fact—she once Mrs. Frederick Andrews and children of portion ot the arch. This method is the one was a part of Maine. Bath are at Mrs. E. S. Higgins’. patented by Granville E. Carleton of Rock­ Mrs. Frank Perry of Camden has been visit­ port and use! successfully in his kilns. The In very fine quality—best FISH SCALES. ing her sister. Mrs. E. W. Cookson. three kilns adjoin each other, and have two Mrs. Harry Pritchard and children of Boston are at Capt. Cookson’s, Maverick street. arches each, necessitating one fireman to run shades. E.B.HASTINGS Sch. Clara Benner, Capt. Will Ames, of them all, the coal as it arrives by cargo being Matinicus, lelt here Friday lor Matinicus. She Miss Ellie May Clifford ot Belfast is the guest fitted out here tor seining. of her aunts,Mis. Oliver Gay and Mrs. Thomas dumped into bins built near the arches. But Mank. the most radical change is in the Fall Neckwear 8. Chase & Co. report butter fish, blue fish mackerel, sword fish, halibut, cod and haddock Miss Mary L Brieklev is in Boston, the MANNER OF DIIAWINO, in stock. guest of her brother. Police S.rgeant John Brick ley. Which is the same as that in the Sandusky,0., TNT 3 3 - W The boat fishermen are getting better fish StftpES, the dog fish being less frequent. Mrs. Louise Kiliski and Misses Josie and kilns. As we have said the kilns taper down Edna Maker of Lowell, Mass., are guests of into an iron cone. The apex or bottom ot the Mrs. F. G. Slngbi. cone is raised from the ground so that a wheel­ We are showing them in our A RICH MINE. Mrs. J. A. Greene nndgion of New York and Miss Alma Greene ot Waltham, Mass, barrow or car can be run in under. A pair of Co l o n s , ' Jersey Street Jackets! shears opens the cone, and the lime, which is t1'* 0. B. Vinal, a former Vlnalhavenite, is now visiting at C. L Allen’s. South Window and on our Front located nt Ilumscy, Montana, in the employ of Mrs. 3. G. Hills of Union has been spending below the fire and consequently cool, drops the Granite Mountain Mining Co., the richest the past two weeks at her nephew’s, F. E out into the wheelbarrow or car and is then ! de/\s. silver mine in the world, with a monthly divi Jones’. Nortli Main street. wheeled off. The edges of the shears are f^EW For Fall wear. dend of #300,000. Mr. Vinal is to send us B. P. Pnlincr, formerly of this city, nt one Center Counter this week. some samples of silver ore for our collection time connected with Boston papers, was in the sharp so that one man can operate them, open­ Mr. Vinal, who is a C.-G. subscriber, says city Inst week on business. ing and shutting the discharge orifice with We buy all of our Neckwear direct “ Your paper is next to n visit to Maine. Am Mrs. Geo. Mugridge and daughter Kathie o ease. pleased to learn that Knox County is coming Rockport visited Mrs. M. J. Holmes, lust As we have stated J. O. Cushing & Co. have from the N. Y. Importers, and have New and Latest Styles of all to the front.” week, Mrs. Mugridge’s mother. ------•♦ .------three similar kilns in process of construction, only the very latest styles. Mrs. Caroline Hunt of Acre Island, Mrs and Burgess, O’Brien & Co. will also build grades ot QUARRY NOTES. Pauline Kanard and Miss M elissa Dodge of Boston have been visiting Mrs. C. L. Magee three if the Creighton kilns prove a success. The Sicilian Cloth is a new The Engine quarrv cable tramway 19 non- W. N. Benner is home from Massachusetts in working order, and runs as smooth as a Miss Jennie E. It. North is visiting in the FOREIGN FACTS. thing, just out, and the best smelt. Lee C. Moore, who has put in this and city. the Blackington Farm quarry tramway for the Ernest Clark of Cambridgcport is visiting at Advices trom Apia report the return to Sa­ goods for W rappers and House Teuton Co., is an expert in his line. We have L. R. Campbe"' moa of ex-King Malietoa and other exiles- You Must Have Them CARPETS! previously described these tramways....One The ex-king was warmly welcomed by the na­ of the workmen in the Blackington Farm Mrs. J. I’. Wise and Miss Flora Wise are tives. His own Hag was hoisted. King Ma- Dresses ever made. They come quarry, the other day caught one of his fingers stopping ui Kennebunk. taala greelcd Malietoa with cordiality. The If you want a Fine Shoe, made on In Brussels, Tapestry and in the peering of the drag and was lifted Iroin Miss Caro Atherton of Boston is visiting her German consul informed Malietoa he was nt his feet, a prompt signal saving him from a father. G. L. Atherton. liberty to do as he pleased---- Paris was visit­ Stylish Lasts, Most Serviceable, Extra Super. in very handsome! Cashmere trip over the cable----E. E. Rhodes is steadily Oliver L. Hall of Waterville was In the city ed by violent storms Tuesday. A thunder­ recovering. It is thought that he may recover Sunday. bolt struck the Eiffel tower but no damage was Easy and Flexible Patterns and the price is only the sight o f his eyes. done---- Famine is threatened at Montenegro Mrs. Fredonia Cooper of Vinalhuvcn is visit on account of short crops. ing Mrs. J. Fred Hall. THE STEAMBOATS. Jesse Smith, esq., and family of Worcester are at Bay Point. HORSEHIDE SHOES! A ladv who recently made the trip by steam Miss Addie Perry returns to Braintree, Mass, [CORDOVAN.] PER er from Boston to Bangor says, in a letter to this week to resume her teaching. BLANKETS the Commercial: “It was my good fortune to secure passage on the Penobscot, a steamer to Miss Anna B. Partridge ol Jamaica Plain is YARD. be recommended in every way. Her thorough visiting at E. M. Stubbs’. iffig THE ATKINSON TTIY p a i r . cleanliness, commodious stalerooms and ex­ Prof. A. T. Crockett and wile are away on a Are selling well during this cellent cuisine, together with the fact that Cap­ visit to Bangor and Moosehead. tain Ingraham, her reliable and gentlemanly Mrs. Alina Littlefield and daughter Lou < GF" We have the exclusive sale for month, as we give an commander, is ever thougbtlul for the comfort Boston, Mass., are visiting at Benj.PhilbrouK’s But it is True HPositive Fact of those on boarii, while, in his province, Mr. this city. Smith, the efficient steward, is equally attentive, Mrs. B. Lune and Miss Leila Smith of Vinal f i all combined to make the nutimr one of rare haven, who have been visiting at Bar Harbor You can go down to St. NicholiiH enjoyment"---- The John Brooks has retired and in this city, returned home yesterday K ulldiiig* und pro I 1 for yourself that from the Boston and Machias route---- The Mrs Mina S. Over and son o f East Hiram just now you can l b buy “ The Proof of the^Pudding is \in*the EXTRA DISCOUNT We shall open this week our Lucy P. Miller has her passenger accommoda­ have been visiting Mrs. A. L. Richardson. tions taken each trip. The contract for the new Charles Price and wife nrrived home this Eating.” whole new stock of boat for this route will lie placed next month. morning from tbelr European ttip. Best Quality | Brussels 75c The company is wailing for ihe result of ex Theo. Simonton nnd wife nre in Camden for periments with hydraulic power, now being the week. Their son Maurice joins them there. tried on a boat building in East Brooklyn. Frank Darling and family of Boston are at Tapestp.fine goods... 45c THE OLIVE PECKER. H. N. Keene's, Claremont stieei. Willis Staples, wife and soil of Chelsea, 10 Per Cent. ftu J ackets! Mass ,are visiting the home ot Simeon Staples. D IE S* - ] r n LADIES! The cabins are very fine. The forward one 3 -P ly .THE^ VOItITE. /DC is 11 1-2 feet square, the after one 10 by 18 1-2. Fied Southard and wife ot Athol, Mass., The after cabin contains the captain’s room, have been guests of H. M. Wise. And that is not all t bath room and other spare lo o m s, the forward Mra. Clara Downing of Lvnn, Mass., and he surprises in store Who desire a Fashionable and Com­ one the officers’ quarters and dining room. The her son, Wm. Downing, are at the residence of you cabin Is finished in sycamore, bird’s eye maple Capt. Ira Ellenis. fortable Shoe try a pair of our justly and cherry. 'Ihe after cabin contains two Mr. Lincoln ot Brunswick is a gue6t at Gen. transom sofas and is handsomely decorated SEE THE NE K W ASH SETS celebrated HALTERS SELL WELL Cillcy's. The family is now in camp at Lazed We have just received a f i l l with pictures painted by MisB Alice M. Hall, Island. daughter of the captain. One painting, Owl’s J. W. Estabrook and wife of Boston were in and the Fall style of Parlor Suits. Ask to Head, is very fine. Miss Hall selected the car­ see our $45 six piece Combination Color assortment of pet and all other cabin furnishings, and has the city last week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Suits, and «ifter you have seen these and displayed excellent taste. In addilion to the G. C. French. the L E T S you will ROCHESTER SHOES! other pictures on the after cabin walls are two Jesse Holbrook of McConnelsville, Ohio, is he fully impressed , with the fact that the 2 7 O t s t . crayon portraits—one of Charles Pecker of in town, hi- last visit here being seven years Lynn, one of the owners, and his little eleven ago, and everybody is pleased to see bis genial For Style,Einish ami Superior Fitting years old daughter Olive, for whom the vessel fuce again. Cheapest auil Best I Store in Knox Co. is named. Ascending from the cabin by the O. P. Hix enters ihe employ of the well Qualities theygeannot be excelled. Centemeri -:- Gloves! after compinlonway you enter the wheel house, known Dunham Manufacturing Co.. Boston, 200 yard Remnants where the helmsman is proieeted from the as inspector of their various devices, and goes Is in Rockland. No matter what you Hand Turns and Hand Welt, French weather. The galley is just forward o( the on duty Sept. 1st. want for your house you cannot do better cabin, and the sailors’ quarters are In the for­ than call on the greatest House Fur- Kid and Bright Dauga. ward bouse. The Pecker will be commanded A. W. Fenner and wife returned to Provi­ nishing Establishm ent in the country. In black and colors. by Capt, A. J. Hall of Rockland. The master dence, It. 1., Friday. E. F. Berry relumed to Otis Check Shirtings! builder was A. J. Crocker of North Searspjrt; Kansas City yesterday, but Mrs. Berry will the painter, Mr. Burns ol Rockland; the rig­ remain here a while. ger, Mr, Longley ot Rockland; the ironwork S. A. Tolman and wife of Chicago are visit­ $ 2 . 2 5 by J. F. Havener of Belfast; the sails were ing Sea View Villa, Buy Point, for a few COMPANY, At 8 Cents. 'made by Mr. O. II. Libby of Belfast.—Belfast weeks, the guests ol Mr, and Mrs. It. Y. Crie. Journal. Mr. Tolman is Mis. Crie’s brother. ROCKLAND, MAINE. The Latest, Greatest and Best Capt. Charles Barnard of Chelsea, Mass., is . M. SANBORN...... Manager. Usual price 10 c and 12c. NORTHPORT NOTES. visiting his sister, Mrs. John Porter. Capt. Branches ut Auburn, Bangor, Biddeford, N or­ Opened this morning, a new Barnard goes from here to the reunion of his way and Gardiner. i Bargain .$$08 W. E. Rice of Lawrence, Mass., is in the regiment ut Booihbay, Sept. 3d and 1th. ISAAC C. ATKINSON, - Gen. Manager. 33 line of vicinity for (he summer.. . .Mrs. J. T. Lothrop Our Camden correspondent reports the death and children of Rockland are occupying the of Julian Shaw of Massachusetts, who is so ever seen in this city for Ladies’ line I t l M I V A V T S Lothrop cottage.... Misses Mabel Spear and welt known in this section through his connec­ Boots is our Gertie Sylvester o f ibis city and Miss Itena tion wilh the New England Order ot Protection. S y lv ester of Boston are at Northport for the F E. Lindsey of Antlgonish, N. B., arrived COLORED PLUSHES weeli-.-O. S Knowles and wife and H. E. in the city lust evening for a brief stay. FALL GOODS! Knowles are at Northport for this week.... W. P. Rice ol Kansas City and Col. Miilon Gur Full Stock ia coming in every SPECIAL BRIGHT DONGA Extra Super Carpets Steph. Gould and Rose Gould are among the H. French of Denison, Texas, were at The day now, and we are Thorndike last evening. Only 5 O c . a yd. Rockland people at Northport...... W. C. Common Sense and Opera Toe at Crawford, supervisor of the Waterville schools, Mrs. E. S. Spearing, who has been visiting Cufpifiq P rices! In lengths of about 1 yard, at formerly of the Thomaston High School, had a in this city, went home to Auburn last week. only Mr. Moffitt and daughter Angie came home narrow escape from drowning the other day, Saturday noon for their ride to the Kennebec. ON OLD STOCK. 29c ; carpets sellJforjHOc to 70c. his boat upsetting.. .. Leon Jones, Herbert Ken o # uedy, Frank Andrews, Al. Hustings, Sidney Percy Ruggles of Boston is the guest of We have a new stock of the Latest Carrie B. Pillsbury. Mr. Ruggles is a grand­ Full style Hull are occupying H. S. Moor’s cottage at son of ihe lale Capt. Elisha Browu, formerly Northport . , . Mrs. L. 8. Robinson, Mrs. of Ow'’« Head. O ne case We have just received anew Theresa Additon.Miss Etta Hall,Miss Robbins, A card from Boston informs us of the HATS Abbie Over, Mrs. ltokes and Mrs, Staples are marriage of Will c. French, formerly of this SILK UMBRELLAS at the Campground. city, and Jennie P., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lot of J. M. Studley of Warren. Mr. French is one of our most popular and respected young men, A large line of tliese goods, New and H E R F A U L T while Mrs. French is a charming young lady. Congratulations...... We have a few dozeus...... Nobby Handles, just in. In grey and brown mixture at She Wasn’t Hurt But Was Afraid of Watson H. Pillsbury, a Rockland boy. was The Courier-Gazette. wedded to Miss Minnie Dugnun ol Savannah, FO U L E D C^/IIIBIflCS As the Western traiu was bound for the Ga., Sunday last. Mr. Pillsbury has a line Fancy Shirts! The only 15c; worth 25c. Nobleboro campground, Wednesday morning, position with the Massachusetts Boot & Shoe with a heavy load and two engines, it ran into Co., and is one of the many young men who A T 3 6 c . ptace in a team driven by a lady at the crossing near have done credit to Rockland. The bride is a .Also Un laundered Damariscotta Mills. The wagon was wrecked, beautiful and accomplished lady, and The this city the horse cleared himself and the occupant of C.-G. congratulates both of ’em. They are In very handsome styles, in the the carriage was violently thrown a long dis­ expected in Rockland this week. where you can buy the genuine 1 case Remnants tance. One of the engines was detached and OpenFiont White Shirts new fall colorings. Look a sent back to pickup the mangled remains and George H Larrabee and Miss Grace D. “ SNAGG PROOF"RUBBER BOOT Evans arrived here on (he traiu Saturday after­ A T 7 6 c . Jo! and behold! the lady was brushing the noon, drove to the house of Rev. C. S. Cum- these displayed this week in dust from her garments, and on the approach miugs, brother-in-law of Mr. Larrabee, where Our Hue of Full and Wiutar which is the BEST ON EARTH is at 9-4 BLEACHED COTTON of the engine, earnestly besought the oceupauts they were soou united in marriage. After the Ol the cab not to “ put it in the paper I” wedding supper an informal gathering was our SOUTH WINDOW. The accident was the lady’s tault, entirely. held in which the lopas Mule Quartet of this city, Prof. Marble, the elocutionist of Bridgton, UNDERWEAR! 18c; regular goods 25 and 30c. BIT AND BRIDLE. and guests ol Mr. Cumming'snngs familytamiiy purtici- E. W. BERRY & CO.’S, paled. The quartet sang, Mr. Marble recited , Block Loo large to enumerate. C. H. Nelson bus refused an offer of #50,000 and recited well, and a most delightful evening for bis stallion... .Geo.~ A. ‘ ■”Wallace " of South ‘ was passed. Mr. Larrabee is the very popular Ol’l*. THORNDIKE HOTEL. Waldoboro drives a very rapid roadster, whose piiucipal of the Buxton High School, while weigbt of 21 years does not seem to affect bis Mrs. Larrabee is a most charming young lady. O.E. BLACKINGTON. 4i-Keinewber that we guarantee KOCH Fuller & Cobb. speed. Congratulations- BOTTOM PKICEb ou all goudt auld. E. B. Hastings. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1889. 3

Ro b e r t McFa r l a n d . FIRST HEAVY. K. & L. VETERANS’ ASSOCIATION. CIRL WANTED. FOLKS AND THINGS. To do bon.ework In a small family. Apply Io FARWELL HALL The Fine Specimen of Marine Architect­ Mr s. W. II. B ir d , ! They Hold a Jolly Reunion at Camp If 39 Grove 81. New planks are being laid on Tillson wharf. ure Just Launched in Thomaston, “ That’s a mighty fine looking vessel,” was Benson, Wednesday. PROMENADE The prison Is shipping a great many WANTED. the comment of T he C.-G.’s marine reporter ■ Wednesday morning the gallant soldiers of COATMAKER8. Apply at once. brooms. as he ran bis critical eye over the fine lines and the famous 1st Maine Heavy Artillery arrived 32-33 K N IG IIT A H IL L , T ailors, 373 Main St. The Iopas Male Quartet will sing in Camden ; at Camp Benson, Newport, to the number of CONCERT and BALL substantial proportions of Dunn & Elliott’s 125, formed by twos and marched directly to Sept. 6. new schooner, Robert McFarland, as she lay the pavilion . The annual meeting was imme­ CIRL WANTED. . . . . BY. . . . at the wharf making final preparations for her diately called to order by Vice President R. P. A capable girl to do general house work. Good Samuel Derby is making an addition to his pay. Call at once on MRS. F. G. SING III, maiden trip at sea. Dunn A Elliott, the well Peaks of Bangor, who presided in the absence R. C, RANKIN'S ADULT CLASS house, Park street. of President Wheeler of Castine. Secretary W 15 Willow 8t., Rockland, Me. known Thomaston shipbuilders, commenced Thorndike & Hix received a big invoice of Low read the proceedings of the previous FOUND. bananas Thursday. work on the Robert McFarland In April last, mcctina, held at Castine August 21st, 1888, and she was launched the 15th Inst. She has and they were accepted. Treasurer Dole Tbe program for Saturday will lie arranged July 4th, a bundle of goods, Tycoon Rep, or some J. E. Rhodes is giving his residence, Cedar made bis annual report, which showed a cash by a committee on Friday. Comrades should such stuff, which the finder neglected to advertise. TUESDAY Ev’g,A ug.27 a Virginia white oak frame, the rest of the bring two days’ rooked rations. The owner can have the goods by calling at this ...... MUSIC B Y ...... street, a new coat of paint. balance on hand of #204.39. Tbe committee office, proving property and paying the cost of this wood being hard-pine. She is single deck, on a building for the association reported not Restaurant and hotel on the Grounds will advertisement. 33 Capt. Arthur Wingfield is having a cellar with two big hatches that will admit a good- advisable to build at present. The committee be open. BRIGHAM'S ORCHESTRA, put under his house, Mechanic street. sized cottage. Three handsome masts carry on history reported progress towards compiling H. T. Sthovt, Sec. the company records, and voted to grant them Bkxj. Williams, Pres. SCHOONER FOR SALE. OF MARLBORO, MASS. An unusually large company of Rockland her broad spreading canvass. She has a further time. Schooner carrying 200 tons on less than 8 feet draught, In good order. For particulars address people visited Crescent Beach, Sunday. Knowlton windlass nnd capstan, three power­ A stirring letter was read from Comrade COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 33 36* E ., care this office*. “ BALL...... ftl.BO The Burgess schooner yacht Sachem came in ful patent pumps, and a Hyde engine for hoist­ Benjamin F. Oakes of Michigan, which elicited To be procured of tbe scholars. ing sails, pumping, loading and discharging great applause. A fraternal message was read The College will re-open Monday, Sept. 2, here Thursday with a party of four on board. from the Western First Maine Association at when a large attendance Is anticipated---- Sev- HO U SE f6 r s a l e . cargoes, hoisting (be anchor and the like. Chicago, 111., and three hearty cheers and a cral changes have been made since last year Flotise on Sea St., corner Lime. Enquire on The Cedar Street Sunday School picnics at tiger were given the Western comrades. The the premises. |33 MRS. EMMA E. 8. CASE. Hosmer’s Pond tomorrow if plcnsant, it The house Is 33 1-2 feet long and 24 feet in course of study, teachers, etc.---- A new wide. Her forward cabin is finished In wal secretary reported that out of 1568 members of Remington type writer ha» been purchased FARWELL HALL otherwise it will be postponed till Friday. this regiment, at their muster out at close of for tbe use of students studying short-hand---- F IN E r e s id e n c e to l e t . nut and nsh. The after cabin is a model of war, nil but 168 were to-day accounted for. The Wednesday and Saturday excursions E. L. Brown of Rockport hns been engaged as On Masonic St., the J. P* Jones house; 11 rooms, THREE YIGHT9. elegance and attractiveness, the usual gaudy He further stated that he hnd sent out some assistant in the business department. Mr. all In perfect order; house very centrally located; over the K. A L., under the management of finish of such apartments being fortunately 1200 invitations to attend the reunion, nnd but Brown has been n student at the college during furnace in house; will lease for 1 or 2 years. In- quire o f C. M. W A LK ER , E-'Q ,, Supt. White, are very popular as they should wanting. This cabin has recessed sofas, and about a dozen were returned as undelivered for the past two years, pursuing a special course, AUGUST 29th, 30lh aol 31st. wnnt of last known address. and assisting Prof. Howard in teaching the 32 341 Main St., Willoughby Block. be. is finished In cherry and ash with decorated The election of olficcrs lor the ensuing year evening class in penmanship. Miss Dorn Unknown parties burglarized C. E. Rising's was next proceeded with nnd the following capitals and pilasters. Both cabins arc well Ames ot North Haven will assist In the T O L E T . m enuicnne, bake-shop, Friday night, getting awny with lighted and cheerful. A well furnished lava­ were unanimously elected : President, Asa T. Academic department. Miss Ames is thor­ A flr.t-claaa tenement. Ring of Oldtown; Vice Presidents, Capt. B. F. oughly qualified for the position and has had C. F. K IT T R E D G E . some of the cntables. The money drawer was tory, commodious staterooms and the like Rollins ofPlymoutb, E. C. Campbell of Ells­ a valuable experience in teaching---- The addi­ Rockland, A u g u .t 12. 3133 forced open and the contents—nothing—taken. make model quarters. The after cabin has worth and V. D. Swectland of Palmyra; Sec­ tion of these two teachers, both specialists in A dog belonging to Fred Brnmhall was pois­ stiflned glass lights. The forecastle has roomy retary, Fred C. Low of Bangor; Treasurer, J. their respective departments, places our pop­ NOTICE A. Dole of Bangui ; Executive Committee, H. ular commercial college, on an equal footing Floy Crowell! oned the other day. A dog belonging to quarters for six men. She is of fine model, All persons are forbidden to give credit to my son E. Sellers, C. J. House, C. W. Bosworth, E. with any similar school in the country. .Joseph W. Hahn, on my account, an I shall pay no Accompanied by the popular Comic Actor, Elijah Herrick, who lives in the same neigh­ similar to the Willie Childs, built by this firm K. Drew. Secretary Low declined a re-elec­ bills contracted by him after this date. borhood, was also poisoned, but recovered. last year, the McFarland being a grade wider tion, but wns forced to accept it. Comrades CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALER. D EX TER B. H A n H . House, Shaw, Low, Haskell nnd Cummings W arren, Aug. 10, 1889. 31 C. ED. DUDLEY Dog poisoning is rather mean business. and deeper. The model was made by 0. E. were then appointed a committee of five to Miss K. A. Jeffery of Boston, practitioner At a meeting of the Hix Car Coupler Co., Copeland, the vessel’s capable joiner. Her meet and arrange for the afternoon’s pro- nnd teacher of Mental or Christian Science, .AND ...... HOUSE TO LET. I Miss Lena Randolf, Tuesday, the following were elected directors : registered length is 174.5, beam 37.5, depth of grame. Dinner was served at 11 o’clock. lias taken an office at 341 Main St., Willoughby One of my Cottages on Broadway near Llmerock bold 13.3, gross tonnage 641.64, net tonnage In the afternoon the meeting was called to Block, where she will receive patients for treat­ street. To the family who thinks it not large Samuel Bryant, Henry Pearsons, J. S. Wil­ order at two o’clock. Rev. E. K. Drew of Co. ment from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. The sick or enongh I will enlnrge’it without increasing the rent, loughby, D. N. Mortland and 0. P. Hix. Mr. 609.56. F spoke in response to toast “The Privnte those wishing to investigate this science arc fo the family who thinks I he rent too high I will Those who bad to do with her construction Soldier.” II. H. Shaw of Co. F spoke in invited to call. Parlor talks will be given on try and come to their terms, I WANT A TEN­ Bryant was chosen president, Mr. Mortland response to toast “Our Country of To-day.” the subject. The science is in no way con­ ANT. Calion secretary nnd George W. Berry treasurer. are as follows: Master builder, Luther Sim­ 30 WELL G. SINGHI, 185 Broadway. mons, joiner, O. E. Copeland, blacksmith, Remarks were made by Comrade E. S. Ward- nected with spiritualism, mesmerism, ot Frank Chapman, a young but skillful teleg­ well of Co. G and Secretary Low in regard to nnimal magnetism. No medicine is given. Oliver Mathews, caulker, Levi Robinson, Color Bearer John Ames of Co. O, and the Chronic and acute diseases successfully treated. TENEMENT TO LET. rapher from Rochester, N. H., is now assisting painter, Win. Gilchrest, blocks, Knowlton memorable charge of tbe regiment on June 18, The diseases of opium, liquor and tobacco use Tenement of six rooms, conveniently arranged Mrs. A. I. Mather in the W. U. office, this Bros., Camden, Bparmakcr, A. B. Sampson. 1864, in which they lost so many men. Re­ in their worst forms have been permanently and pleat-antly located, new house. Apply to 1 Jess, the Country Girl. city. Miss Maria Sullivan who has been as­ marks followed from Captains G. R. Fernald healed by this method of treatment. Come 28 L. W . B EN N ER , Capt. E. L. Montgomery of Thomaston, and F. A. Cummings. Letters were read from and see and know for yonrself that the sick Cor. Main and North Main Sts. sisting Mrs. Mather has returned to her home lately of the May McFarland, sold to Boston Comrade A. Goodwin oi Co. F, Mr. Augustus can be made whole. I Molly Bawn, or American Grit in Burnham. She is an expert and accommo­ ROOMS TO LET. parties, will command her, and Isrnel Thorn­ Elkins of Fergus Falls, Minn., one from S. B. Two desirable rooms suitable for offices or dress­ and Irish Love. dating operator. dike, Jr., of Thomaston will be mate. Both Dearborn, historian of tbe 1st Massachusetts S S i r t b s . makers, ir. Spear Block. Terms reasonable. Heavy Artillery, and one from C. H Hooper 24 FRED R. SPEAR. Sexton Kirkpatrick of the Jameson Point are experienced and capable mariners. She is of Castine Post. Comrade C. A. Boutelle, M. Cemetery has been kept busy this summer, chartered to load ice on the Kennebec for Phil- C., then delivered a very eloquent speech, S au nd ers -Rockland, August 14, to Mr. and Admission 25 and 35 Cents. Mrs. Everett Saunders, a non. YACHT FOR SALE. making improvements about the various family which, it is needless to say, was cheered to the Sloop West Wind, 21 feet long, three years old, GALLERY 15 CENTS. delphia at 80 cents, and will probably get away very echo. L a w iiv —Rockland, August 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Lawry, a daughter. well found and with lirst class accommodations. Seats on sale at Spear, May & Stover’s. lots. He says that people are taking a great today. May prosperous voyages be her lot, Will be sold at a great bargain. Apply to Comrade John D. Billings, Past Deputy W a d e —West Camden, August 15, to Mr. and deal more interest than usual in beautifying as she deserves, for first-class in every particu­ Commander, State of Massachusetts, then Mrs. Samuel B. Wade, a daughter. W. F. TIB BE ITS, 30 White & Case Wharf, Rockland. the grounds, and that the city of the dead never lar is written on every Inch of her symmetrical responded to the toast “The Second Army Cl a r k —Rockland, August 10, to Mr. and Mrs. looked so beautiful before. figure. Corps” in a very able and impressive manner. John Clark, a son. Lt. J. A. Dole of Bangor responded to the J ackson—Spruce Head, August 22, to Mr. and HOUSE FOR SALE. Knox Lodge and Cnnton Lafayette, I. O. Dunn A Elliott commence at once on a toast “Our Regiment," followed by remarks Mrs. Frederick E. Jackson, a son—Daniel C. House 37 Spring, corner Union St. Inquire on O. F., will make an excursion to Belfast Tues­ double-decker, of about 167 feet keel, 37 1-2 from Homan P. Smith of Brooklyn, N. Y. Robin so n —Apnleton, August 17, to Mr. and the premises. k2-35 MRS. L. J. SLEEPER. Tbe regiment then stood with uncovered heads Mrs. Elden G. Robinson, a son. day next to assist in dedicating the new Odd feet beam and 17 feet deep, a three-master. A while Secretary Low rend tlie death roll call Fellow quarters there. The excursion leaves portion of the frame is in the yard and the for the past year. Comrade V. D. Swectland i f t a m n g e s . FO R S A L E . About 25,000 feet of land, opposite R. Y. C rie’s. Lcimson here at eight a. m., and a general invitation is remainder is ordered. They expect to launch responded to toast “Our Honored Dead” in a very earnest nnd impressive manner. Meet­ Broadway, neur Rankin St. We employ no agents extended to all who wish to make the trip. her the last of November. Sn o w d e l l —P ekry—Rocklund, August 22, by or brokers. Apply personally to ing closed with a vote that the secretary write Rev. C. 8.Cummings, William F. Snowdell and Sa­ C. F. K ITTR ED G E. The Canton has a special meeting this evening a letter of respect to Corporal Tanner, Com­ THE THORNDIKE. die F. Perry, botli of Rockland. Rockland, April 8, 1889. 1340 for drill. missioner of Patents. Ex-Vice President L a r r a b e e —E v a ns—Rockland, A ugust 22, by Hannibal Hamlin was present in the afternoon, Rev. C. S. Cummings, George II. Larrabee and PHAETON FOR SALE. Studio The Boston Advertiser will issue, Aug. 29, Rockland’s Famous Hotel Completes arriving at Newport on the Flying Yankee, Grace D. Evans, both of Bridgton. P a lm er —Lu d w ig —Waldoboro. August 13, Mar­ A modern carriage in good condition: two years Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes’ birthday, a Its Big Addition. but as it was so late when he arrived on the cellus L. Palmer and Carrie E. Ludwig, both of old, used but little; will be told at a bargain. A ....W ILL BE OPEB OPEN. special paper, containing a special arti­ The Sea street addition to The Thorndike is grounds, no remnrks were made by him. W aldoboro rare chance to buy a good carring** at a low price. Most of tbe Bangor visitors returned on the P illsbu ry —D agnan—Boston, A ugust 25, W at­ 29 DR. C. A. EASTMAN, So. Thomaston. cle on the “Autocrat” by Frank B. San­ 40x50 feet, and now forms part and parcel of afternoon mail train. During the day the Ban­ FOB the hotel proper and is ready for business. One son H. Pillsbury of Boston and Minnie Dagnan of ONE W EEK born, his personal friend, letters from all his of the most noticeable improvements that re­ gor Camp, Sons of Veterans, gave a very tine Savannah, Gn. BOAT FOR SALE. surviving college classmates, Harvard, 1829, exhibition drill. There was also a game of D e a r b o r n —Ma r s h a l l —So. Cushing, by Rev. September 1st , ONLY. sults is the new dining hall, which is 30x50 feet, P. A. Smith, Ebner E. Dearborn of So. Boston and A 14 foot pulling boat and u good one, will be base ball between the Plymouth and Newport sold at a bargain. Apply to and other features which will make it the fea­ connected with the old one by folding doors, clubs. Score 18 to 7 in favor of the Ncwports. Albia A. Marshall of So. Cushing. ture of Boston journalism this summer. which makes a banquet nail not excelled if G o l c iie r — W a l t z — Waldoboro, August 22, 26 18 MYRTLE ST. ....This will be.... equalled in point of size, arrangement and ap­ Capt. C. W. Goucher and Mina Waltz,both of Wal­ Floy Crowell will need no introduction to pointments in the state. The new room has a doboro. F ren ch —Stu d l e y —Somerville, Mass., August our theatre loving people her engagement here hard-wood floor and heavy panelled ceiling. In EAT AND BALL. 16, at the residence of L. B. G erts, by Rev. I. P. - THE LAST CHANCE THIS YEAR last summer being well remembered by all. the eastern end is a big brick fire-place. The Codditigton, Will C. French ot Somerville and Jen­ furnishings are black walnut and antique oak. nie P. Studley of Warren. To obtain Lamson Photon in Rockland. This season her compnny comprises fourteen The table ware is new throughout, of heavy Bird and Blackington of this city have been Ma t h e w s—Mc K inn o n —Castine, August 14, people including the wonderful little Grade silver in the latest finish of frost-work. The appointed directors of the M. S. C. Club. Seymour H. Mathews, of Camden, and Phebe E. Euler the child vocalist and dancer. The new furnishings, fittings, and the like make it McKinnon, of Castine. MAKE AN ENGAGEMENT a delightful room. Now for the Bangors. Sm a ll—Ot t —Rockport, A ugust 22. by Rev. F. Company opened their season in Belfast last A. Snow, John W. Small and Emma A. Ott, both Another important improvement is an addi­ There is talk of forming another Maine State RockporL for your sitting if possible; if not come in at any night and come to Rockland Thursday by boat. tion of 30x10 feet to the kitchen, which is sup­ League next season with Bangor, Belfast and plied with all the latest appliances and devices time between sunrise and sunset and we will do A large party Thursday last went down to for the preparation and cooking of the tooth­ Rockland as the contestants. U c a tb s . our best to give you a first-class Photo of yourself* Snow’s Hill, South Thomuston, nnd enjoyed some viands for which The Thorndike table is The attendance nt the Belfast game was the noted. A new pastry kitchen, the largest in the hospitality of Capt. and Mrs. Hiram Hall, largest this season. This speaks well for Mr. A c h o r n —Orff’s Corner, A ugust 24, Am anda, nt their residence. The chowder served the any hotel in the state and the best equipped, is wife of Thomas I<. Achorn, aged 52 years. another noticeable feature. Associated with Holmes’ abilities as a manager. party was made in an old heirloom kettle that H t RD—E ast Waldoboro, A ugust 22, W illiam S. the cuisine is the big cooler in the basement The Rocklands have won 13 out of 18 games Hurd, aged 81 years, 9 months, 15 days. had passed its hundreth birthday and |s still where provisions of a perishable nuture are F let c h e r —Camden, August 24, Mrs. Frank vigorous. After dinner the party strolled, kept fresh for the table. Adjoining is the sup­ played. They have won 5 straight from Cam­ Fletcher, aged about 77 years. ply department, store-rooms, vegetable rooms, den and 3 out of 7 from Warren. S u l l iv a n —Rocklund, August 22, John Sullli- fished,boated and otherwise succeeded in having etc v an , ag ed 75 y ta r s . The Rocklands added another to their list of C u r t is—Rocklund, August 24, infant son of a very pleasnnt time. Capt. Hall has fitted his The laundry is also in the basement, and is a games won, Friday, this time at the expense of .Jam es M. and Maggie D. C u rtis. piace for summer visitors, has a number of model establishment of the kind, with drying Camden. Totman was put in pitcher und was P o st—Rocklund, August 24. infant eon of Wm. boarders at present, nnd room for a few more. room and other necessaries. A new and com­ not hatted any to speak of. The score was 14 A. ami Addle R. Post. modious billiard hall is in the basement, with to 7. Chaples put up a good game in center- R a c k l iit e —Rockland, August 26, Samuel Rack- No place in the city shows such signs of im­ large sample rooms adjoining. The old sam­ lifl'e, aged 53 years. field and Simonton again drove the hall over W ilson —Rockland, August 21, Julia A., wife provement and building progress as the vicinity ple room, on the first door has been converted the fence ior u “ homer.” H.vier of Thomas­ into a big lavutory with marble bowls. A of Leonard Wilson, aged 61 years, 2 months. of the junction o f Middle street with Broadway. ton and Newbert of Warren played 3b. and r.f. P iilL iu to O K —N ew York, A ugust 18, Capt. Geo. Kentucky marble slab supports the drinking for Rockland. Philhrook, of Owl's Head, South Thomaston, mate Gay Bros, have had the grounds about their fountain. of seh. Woodbury M. Snow, of Rockland, aged new house terraced, while the road between In the addition are twelve new and attract­ The Warrens played a return game in this about 50 years. ive rooms furnished in antique oak, with Brus­ city Saturday and won after an up hill strug­ Sa n fo r d —Lincolnville Center, August 17, Sam’l their residence and Mayor White’s house has sels carpets, und the most approved system of gle. Howe, who pitched so successfully last Sanford, aged 89 years, 10 months. been widened and smoothed down. The sleeping room ventilators. Most of these year, accepted the box for Warren, and was GREENLAW—Deer Isle, A ugust 17, M rs. C arrie grounds atound R. Anson Crie'sresidence have rooms are provided with hot and cold water. very effective. The Rocklands were minus Greenlaw, aged about 35 years. tw'o men and their places were supplied by C. F o r d —Charlestown, Mass., August 12, Robert been handsomely graded and terraced,and near The addition has a staircase in the eastern end E. Tuttle und J. S. W. Burpee. In the lirst V. Ford, formerly of Waldoboro, aged 45 years. THE LEADING connecting with the new dining hall, conven­ McCa l l u m —Deer Isle, August 10, Kathleen L., by is the rich green sward of Dr. T. E. Tib- ient for this purpose as well as a means of half of the sixth inning the score was 8 to 2 in daughter of Dr. Frank and Edith McCallum, aged bett’s pleasant home, while the fine new house favor of the Warrens. The Rocklands in their 11 months, 28 days. egress in case of tire. No hotel in the country half by heavy batting added 5 runs to their list of E. B. Hastings is across the road. Upon Is better provided with modes of escape than In tbe seventh the Warrens made two scores Students of Both Sexes can Enter on the hill is the houses of T. W. Hix,C. T. Spear, The Thorndike. Red globes have been put on the gus fixtures at the head of the llights of while the home team failed to tally score 9 to and after SEPTEMBER 2, 1HK0. and the new house of E. B. Spear, where In the 8th the Rocklands added two more, A NEW DEPARTURE! ....W ill make sittings and sell tickets fo r.... stairs, so that in case of fire the red light will runs and in the ninth another winning the All Business and Academic Studies taught, in­ the same attention to the premises is noted. point out a way of escape. The Thorndike has game 10 to 9. It was intensely interesting cluding Short-hand and Type*writing. 4®“Uata« On the corner of Broadway and Granite now 100 guest rooms and nice rooms, too. logue, sample of Penwork, Etc., FREE. 30-43 The Thorndike, Berry Bros, proprietors, is throughout, especial'y so in tbe eighth inning CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS! streets work is under way on the foundation of gurrisoned as follows: Manager, 11. It. An with the score a tie. Wilbur played a fine Until the FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER ut the C. S. Crockett’s new house, the stable being al­ dros; Clerks, L. W. Karpenstein und John gutne at second. following prices: ready completed, while along Broadwuy, neur Donahue; Hcud Walter, George Farmlee; BASH H IT S . New York Hair Dresser! p ~ ft 2 g - Stewaid, Howard Wiley; Meat Cook, C. F. - > x a £ p er D w z .... .8 2 .0 0 the Johif Coburn house, C. M. Sullivan’s new Ahn ; l'astry Cook, Kate Donahue. The help Gray, Rockland’s popular pitchar.is quite ill ...... And is prepared to do...... All O tn. . es, per Doz. . 3.50 "lionise nears completion. On the north side of is capable und efficient, and The Thorndike has at his home. His absence leaves a gap hard to Summer street, between Lincoln street and honestly won its reputation of being one of the be filled. All Kinds of Ladies’ Hair Dressing I Including Half Lengths, Bu

ARITHMETIC TEACHING. Franklin." To such, arithmetic is the hardest BIG GOLD NUGGETS. of hard things. Method and enthusiasm may An Article in Which Our Teachers help him, lint doubtful if they cure him. Fellow teachers,our vocation is the grandest A. F. C ro cke tt & Co. W ill be Interested, followed by man. Its resu'ts are as infinite The Largest Piece of Gold Yet Found The following essay, written by C. A. Ben­ as space arid eternity. To deepen the thought, Was Worth Nearly $150,000. CLEVELAND'S ner and read before the Knox Educational to widen the comprehension, to liberalize the In order to correct many misstate­ —DEALERS IN---- • Association, we publish by request of some of mind, to forever shut out Ignorance and super­ stition and bigotry are grand works to engage ments that are going the rounds of the those who beard it: in. Such are ours. Let us then when weary press in regard to the largest nugget of Arithmetic, of late, has been the subject of and nervous, misjudged and censured, gain gold ever lonnil, the editor of tbe Silver much criticism. Some educational relortners strength and consolation from the thought SUPERIOR would leave nothing but the two covers. 1 am that in many ages to come, upon the Dollar desires to publish tho following COAL. well satisfied, that many text books thus sea of knowledge will be waves of in­ facts, which he obtained while com­ abridged would be improved. But Arithmetic telligence, placed there by our efforts, which missioner to the great mining exposition i is no more accountable for text books, than cast upon the shores of tirne, not only discov­ in Denver, Col., in 1882. These facts ! teachers are lor fools. Text books and methods eries and inventions; but the millennium itself. were obtained from the gentleman hav­ Broken, Egg, Stove and j are proper subjects fur criticism Arithmetic, ing charge of the Australian exhibit, ; never. Just a few words in regard to books, WORLD HAPPENINGS. and then I will confine myself to the subject. which includes models of all the large Franklin Coal THE PUREST AND BEST I A text hook in Arithmetic should be clear am! nuggets discovered in that; great gold fair. It is no place for puzzles. Fewer rules Welcome rain has put out most of the forest , field. Ip made only of strictly pure grape cream ami more elementary work should he elven; fires in Montana. of tartar, strictly pure bicarbonate of the gradation from first principles to difficult The largest piece of gold in the world Robert Marvel, aged 75 years, died in Indi­ was taken from liver & Haff man's gold A. F. CROCKETT & CO. soda, and a small portion of flour as a applications should be more gradual; decimals anapolis alter fasting 67 days. preservative, nothing else whatever, and should precede common fractions; percentage mining claim.HillEnd,N t wSouth Wales. is warranted entirely free from alum, should lie more extensive; only one method of Everything is quiet at Richmond, Tex., the May lOtll, 1872. Its weight was CIO solving problems under each subject should lie scene of the recent riot but nobody can lie pounds, height 4 feet 9 inches, width .3 Crockett Block, North End, ammonia, phosphates? lime, and all the given; all examples should he practical as far found to take the ollice of sheriff. i adulterants frequently found in baking as possible, bueh would be my text book; Indians nre menacing the lives of the feel 2 inches (average thickness 4 inches, . powders. Tiie character of materials supplemented by a teacher of origin, push und whites Demcrsvillc, Montana, and the gov­ worth $248,800. It was found imbedded ROCKLAND. ] used, their purity, and the nicety of their enthusiasm. ernor has been asked to send assistance. in a thick wall of blue slate tit a depth combination, render Cleveland's superior Our method of teaching Arithmetic is very The Pennsylvania Railroad Company is of 250 leetfrom the surface. The owners The Chief RenRon for the tnRrrellona ino- baking powder the most healthful and most defective. Bosion, New York, Lewiston and about to adopt a policy toward its employes lo hundreds of other places noted for educational of the mine were living on charity when , cess of Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is found In tho fact economical in use, ami it always affords establish a pension system, the first of its kind they found it. that this medicine actually accomplishes all inicrest, adopted, lung ago, the objective method in the United States.’ wholesome, nutritious, anil delicious food. of teaching numbers; and are meeting with Welcome Stranger nugget was found that Is claimed for It. Its real merit has won It is recommended for purity, healthful­ success. Why should not we make our pupils A dispatelt from Hayti, dated August 3d, hh .. _ for Hood’s Sarsaparilla A. J. B IR D & CO., says that ii was rumored that Legitime had on Mount Moliegal, Feb. 9,1809, weighed IVlGnt W ins a popularity and sale ness and efficiency by Government and lamiHar with objects, then figures: concrete 190 pounds and was worth $45,600, ----DEALERS IN---- State chemists, chemists of Boards of numbers, then abstract ? There would he no agreed to Illppolytc's terms and would he al­ ! greater than that of any other blood purifier. Health, and professors in institutions of use of figures, ii there were no objects; no use lowed to leave the country, if he was not mur­ This nugget was rallied for $46,000 at It cures Scrofula, all Humors, Dyspepsia, etc. learning throughout the country. of abstract numbers if there were no concrete. dered before be could get out. $5 a Chance, and was won by a man I Prepared only by 0. I. Hood A Go., Lowell. Mass I Sold only in cans, full weight. Our teaching should be natural. The Aral) Miss Lillie Fellman was drowned in St. Jo- driving a baker’s eart. It was sold to j -:C-O-A-L,:- first got bis idea of figures trom objects; the scplr River, at Benton Harbor, Mich., Monday, the bank for its true value and melted. Cleveland Brothers, Albany, N. Y. boy of today should get his in the same way. while attempting to save a lady who htid Give him object lessons in numbers. Then jumped into the water to rescue a little boy I he Welcome nugget was found at H A R D W O O D give the corresponding figures with their rela­ from drowning. The lady and boy were saved Bakery Hill, June 9, 1858; it weighed tions to the objects. T h e hoy now lias a definite but Miss Fellman lost her life. 184 pounds, 9 ounces 10 pennyweights, idea of figures and of numbers. Figures are For several years there has been domiciled and was worth $44,356; and was rallied Flour, Groceries, Provisions, not the tilings, themselves; but the signs of at the Monterey County Hospital, Cal., an In­ for $50,000 at $5 a chance, anil won by things, tie secs the connection between the dian known by the name of "Old Gabriel.” a small boy in a barber shop. PRESSED HAY AND STRAW, objects and the figure; and thus is not building As io the exact day, month or year of his castles in midair; but upon the bed-rock. The birth, proof is absent, lint of the fact that he Lady llotham nugget—named in hon­ 19 perceptive and reasoning (acuities aredeveioped, lias passed the wonderful age of 150 years or ol tiie wile of the governor ol New LACK Cement, Lime, Hair, &c. tiie memory and language are cultivated, be­ there is a quantity of proof. South Wales —was found in Canadian j STOCKINGS cause it is natural. In short, it is objective na­ Gully, Sept. 8, 1854. It weighed 9b ture teatiling subjective nature. United States Fish Commissioner McDonald The tallies should he first tnught by object has found four fish in lire Yellowstone Park— pounds 10 ounces 12 pennyweights, and Fin e (olorsT hat the grayling, the black spotted trout, Whitefish was sold for $23,557. ( \ • - ^ either m ut H. 0. GURDY & CO. lessons; and, then abstractly. A child should and hull trout. The black spotted trout is an S — DEALERS IN — not tirst be asked how many arc 4 and 5.’ but, Asiatic trout which lias become prevalent in Union Jack nugget, found at Bttning- ! Wa s h o u t THE f Perfect Substitute with the objects before him, how many are 4 Pucilic waters. Its discovery in the Yellow­ org, Feb. 28, 1857, weighed 23 pounds, iC jb,NC;R FADE marbles and 5 marbles ? und he should lie re­ ONLY BE C O A L S t quired to ascertain the result by actual work stone lake shows that it has travelled over the 5 ounces, and was sold for $5620. It ONLY I fo r Mother's Milk. wiili the marbles. After the tallies have been mam divide of the Rocky mountains, 9000 feet was found by a runaway sailor,who sold M A D E B Y Of all sizes, high. In 1500 square miles of the Yellowstone 7*. Us in g worked in this way, the signs of addition, sub­ Park there is not a fish. it for the sum named, and spent tho S t ------WOOD A Quickly Assimilated Food traction, multiplication, division, and equality money in just tour weeks. should be learned; and, by their use, the Andrew Carnegie, who has been severely For DYSPEPTICS, condemned for making a reduction of the No name nugget, found at Eureka, Long and ^fitted for the stove. CONSUMPTIVES, tables written by the pupils. In connection Daulton’s Flat. Fob. 7, 1874, fifty feet 6 Co i ors" — ’ with this work, practical examples should lie wages of the workingmen in his Homestead S o l d b y d r u g g i s t s . Lime, Cemenl and Plastering Hair, CONVALESCENTS. assigned, and performed by the class. Don't Mills, has published a statement in which he below the surface, weighed 52 pounds, 1 says that the average pay for these men in the A I.SO GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, hurry. Kemcmlier that the tour fundamental ounce and was sold for $12,500. invaluable^ Choiera Infantum rules are the corner stones ol Arithmetic. month of May wus $79, or over $3 per day, I’KEKL1»; HiiONZi: I’M MX -0 Colors, and that this was twice tiie wages paid similar 1 lie Leg of Mutton nugget was found I’EEKIJ? < I. \lM U’ 1 itLl f. T’ljO T m 7YPJID F E E D Have the class do all the examples possible; at Ballarat, Jan. 31, 1853, ut a depth of I'EElU.l I Ms I’OUHELs K inds 7 Color*. -OrPromptJntteution to orders by telephone or in [ and Teething. bat say noihing about rules. I well remember workmen in English Mills. He says that the PEEKEEsS ‘.HOE 1MHI ULM.xS HKESS15G. otherwise. my own experience with the rule of multiplica­ new wages agreed upon make but a slight re­ sixty-live feet. It weighed 134 pounds, »’KK:tLJ> * ‘ (.0 DYES—rt < bl .r.s. A PERFECT NUTRIENT tion. The teacher said we must learn ii duction, and that he still pays 90 per cent more 11 ounces, and was sold to tiie trank for No, 1 Camden St,, Rockland, Me. In all Wasting Diseases. verbatim. I could uo the examples, and apply than is paid by English Mills and as much as $32,380. This nugget was shaped like 34 the principles to practice, but I could not repeat other similar mills in ibis country. a leg of a mutton, hence it3 name REQUIRES NO COOKINC. the rule. To make it more interesting for me, ------—. ♦»------Keeps in All Climates. No-name nugget, found at Bakery 1 was told to stand on the door for my being NEWBERT REUNION. contrary. This did not help matters. I did IIill, Ballarat, March ti, 1855, near the •SEND / “ The Care and Feeding not learn the rule, und I don't know it today. surface, weighed 47 (rounds,7 ouncis, attd roll 'j _Z ” mailed free to The annual reunion of the Newbert family UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY Will I Our Book, 0T • "T O n iS , ary address. Fellow-teachers, as 1 grow older, I am really was held in North Waldoboro, Saturday, the was sold for $11,420. OBTAIN MUCH INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE proud of having been a numskull. Il I were 17th inst. Owing to the stormy weather No-name nugget, found in Canadian [ DGL1BER-COODALE CO., asked to give a rule, 1 think I could do so; but it would b • my rule, not Greenleaf's. Green­ it was postponed from the l.jib, the day Gully, Ballarat. Jan. 22, 1853. at a deptli 1 BOSTON. MASS. appointed. Notwithstanding the discourage­ of twenty-live feet, weighed 84 pounds, 3 1 Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, is leaf found liis 'rule by working examples, und ments of bid weather and wet grounds u the only medicine of it« claps that is guar- observing the principles involved. Why could happy company assembled in the grove and ounces, 15 pennyweights, and was soltl J —« aiitced to benefit or cure not I ? Why repeat wliat Greenleaf thought ? A showed by their presence and cheerfulness for $20,235. U/ADDAUTCn I in 11,1 diseases tor which rule is a mental picture, expressed in words, ol that they'hat lost nono of their interest in The Kohinoor nugget, found at ! n f ln n f ln I LU. I it is recommended or a process already performed. Then, its proper I— — ■■■■■I ill the money paid for it place is after the process, ami its best form the these meetings, but on the contrary eacli year Ballarat, July 27, 1860, at a deptli of j will be promptly refunded. finds the interest increasing. Some from other Golden Medical Discovery cures nil humors, words o! the performed. No teacher would states, who have never met with us heretofore, 160 feet from the surface, weighed 69 from tiie common pimple, blotch, or eruption, think oi commencing at the end of Arithmetic, express their determination to do so at the first pounds and was sold for $16,680. to tiie worst Scrofula, or blood-poison, salt- '1 lien wiry require tlie conclusions of an opera­ opportunity. Sir Dominic Daly nugget found Feb rheum or 'letter. Eczema, Erysipelas, Fever- tion— the’rule— beloie the pupil has an idea of What was lacking in numbers was made up 27, 1865, weighed 26 pounds, and sold sores, Hip-joint Disease, Scrofulous Sores anti the operation r and, alter getting the idea, he by interest as the happy laces and cordial greet­ Swellings, Enlarged Glands, Goitre or Thick will be ab le to construct his own rule, menially for $6,240. Neck, ami Eating Sores or Ulcers. ings testified. Golden Medical Discovery cures Consump­ at least; and, when siitfieienlly versed In lan­ Gne of the oldest members of this large No-name nugget, found at Ballarat, i tion (which is Scrofula of tho Lungs), by its guage, to express it. I di n't believe in rules; family is Mrs. Christopher Newbert of North Fell. 28, 1855, only 16 feet below the j wonderful blood - purifying, invigorating, and I would also eliminate many definitions. Waldoboro who, although nearing four score sufaee The discovery was made by a : and nutritive properties, if taken in time. If anv part ut Arithmetic requires skillful For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short­ teaching it is common iractions. They em­ and ten, was able to be present and cheer us small hoy. The nugget weighed 30 ! ness of Breath, Caturrh in the Head, Bron­ brace so many similar features, that it is with reminiscences of the past. pounds, 1 i ounces, 2 pennyweights, and chitis. Severe Goughs, Asthma, and kindred almost impossible to present the topics without Year by year we miss some familar face, but affections, it is a sovereign remedy. It Including Lines East and W est of the Missouri younger ones come up to take tiieir places and sold for $7,365. promptly cures the severest Coughs. River. The Direct Route to and from CHICAGO, some contusion- By having some definite they seem to tike the same interest and pride No-name nugget, found at Weebville, For Torpid Liver, Biliousness, or “ Liver ROCK IBLAND. DAVENPORT. DES MOINES. plan, by not hurrying from one topic to Complaint,” Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, it is COUNCIL BLUFFS. WATERTOWN. SIOUX another,' by knowing just what points you in these gatherings that tiieir fathers and Aug. 1, 1869, weighed 12 pounds, worth FALLS. MINNEAPOLIS. ST. PAUL. ST. JOS­ mothers have in the past. May this interest $2,280. an unequaled remedy. Sold by druggists. EPH. ATCHISON, LEAVENWORTH. KANSAS wish io tiring out a t each recitation, much continue as long as one of ihe name remains, is CITY. TOPEKA. DENVER. COLORADO SP'NQS trouble may lie avoided. The same principles No-name nugget, found at Ballarat, and PUEBLO. Free Reclining Chair Cars to and the earnest prayer ot the writer. from CHICAGO. CALDWELL, HUTCHINSON govern fractions, that govern whole numbers; After some time spent in social chat nnd par­ Feb. 3, 1853 just 12 feet below the sur­ and DODOE CITY, and Palace Sleeping Cars be­ and yet. we meet with more persons deficient taking ot a collation which was no small part face, weighed 30 pounds, and sold for tween CHICAGO. WICHITA and HUTCHINSON. in Iractions than in any other oratu-ll of com- i f Y o u H a v e ii oi school education. ' I his is wrong; and I of the program, the following ollicers were $7,360. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS believe, the method, or non-method, ot teach­ elected for the ensuing year: No-name nugget, lotind io Cma lian No nppcf i tc. Indigestion, B'lat iilcncc. of Through Coaches, Sleepers. Free Reclining President. Wm. F. Newbert; Vice Presidents, Sick IIeudache, ••till run down,” los- Chair Cara and (East of Mo. River) Dining Cars ing fractions is largely accountable for it. Albert H. Newbert, Alden Flanders, John W. Gully, Jan. 20, 1853, at Is below i ing llesli, yon will find daily between CHICAGO. DE3 MOINES. COUN­ Why the other day I met a boy,the graduate of Newbert; Secretary and Treasurer, A. A. the surface, weighed 93 pounds, 1 ounce j CIL BLUFFS and OMAHA, with FREE Reclin­ a grammar school,—not a Knox County school ing Chair Car to NORTH PLATTE (Nob.), and —and he could not tell me what part of an Newbert; Committee of Arrangements, Lorenzo and 11 pennyweights, and sold for between CHICAGO an 1 DENVER. COLORADO Newbert, Fessenden Demnth, George Boggs, $22,350. BPRINOS and PUEBLO, via St. Joseph, or Kan- apple 16-10 of it would he. That school lacks Ezra Sherman, Charles Flanders; Commitee aas City and Topeka. Splendid Dining Hotels method. The boy has been humbugged. Give on Tables, Mrs. Wm. F. Newbert, Mis- Laura No-name nugget, found tit Bakery ! west of St. Joseph and Kansas City Excursions your pupils object lessons. Cut the apple before IIill, March 6. 1855, weighed forty 1 daily, with Choice of Routes to and from Salt them, and then reform it. Have them express Fevler, Mrs. Bertha Newbert, Mrs. Eliza J. Lake. Portland. Los Angeles and San Francisco. Iremuth, Miss Elsie Newbert. pounds, nnd was worth $9,600. The Direct Line to and from Pike's Peak, Man. the different parts by figures. Illustrate tliedif- Adjourned to meet at the call of the president Nil Desperandum nugget, found at tou, Garden of tho Gods, the Sanitariums, and ferenee between proper and improper fractions, 'lieTutt’s i-iiiMMly yon iieeil. Pills They lone up and committee of arrangements. Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado, and show them that fractions are quotients Black Hills, Nov. 29. 1859, weighed , 'lie neuk Ntoinneli anil liuihl up ||IV that cannot he expressed by whole.numbers. N. forty-live pounds and sold lor $10,800. J (Inuulni,' euertfies. Niil'I'ei-ei-s t rom Via Tho Albert Lea Route. uieulul or phy sical overnook u ill ( in,I Solid Express Trains daily between Chicago and Finding the least common denominator is Oates & Delson nugget, found at , Minneapolis and St. Paul, with THROUGH Re­ the hardest thing in fractions. Don’t try to ex­ “OUR FOLKS.” relict Ironilheni. Nicelyangareoaieil, clining Chair Care (FREE' to and from those plain it. Teach the process, and us the (acui­ Donolly gold field in 1880, at tiie roots 1 • SOLO HVEKYW 1IEKE. points and Kansas City. Through Chair Car and The following is the east of characters of the of a tree, weighed 189 pounds, and sold Bleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lake and Sioux ties unfold, your pupils will see the reasonable­ Falls via Rock Island. The Favorite Line to ness ot it. In adding and subtracting frac­ Appleton Dramatic Club which presented the for $50,000. Watertown, Sioux Falls, tho Summer Resorts and tions, never allow pupils to reduce mixed num­ cine little drama, “Our Folks," so successfully In addition to the above were the Hunting and Fishing Grounds of tho Northwest. bers to improper fractions. There is but one at Liberty, Friday evening; Heron nugget, worth $27,661. The Short Line via Seneca and Kankakee offe; ease in multiplication, and two in division Capt. Thompson, F. L. Davidson; Harry Jkcilities to travel to and from Indianapolis, Cin­ where it need lie done. Insist upon lormula in Thompson, A, M. Newbert; Capt. Sleeper, M. Gold in tho drilt deposits has been cinnati and other Southern points. all tiie cases, and upon cancellation whenever R. Simmons; Teddy, W. E. Gushee; Hiram found in larger masses in Australia than For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired informa­ Small, W. A. Harwood; Phil, J. B. Gushee; tion, apply at any Coupon Ticket Oiiiee, or address n can be applied. 1 believe all the problems in any other country Mauy large in Iractions should be analyzed, l’upils en­ Mrs. Thompson, Carrie E. Pease , Mrs. Sleeper, nuggets were found in California during E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEEJASTIAW joy it and it is one of the best mind disci­ Gcorgie Page Ripley; Becky Sleeper. Helen GenT Manager. Gen’l Tkt. & Puss. Agt M. Hatch; Hulda Prime, Ida F. Vinal; Silly the era of placer mining, but we have PREVENTS APOPLEXY CHICAGO. ILL. plines. Reducing fractions to common de­ by keeping the nerves, blood, blood vessels nominators, and then dividing the numeralors, York, II. Blanche Keene. no record of any to compare with tiiose and heart in a healthy condition. is so much simpler than inverting the divisor, ------we have described in Australia. CURES PARALYSIS that I am inclined to believe it the better way. SHIPBUILDING. Inverting the divisor may he clear to teachers, GRANT’S MAN MOWER. by giving strength and vigor to the nerves and EXHAUSTED VITALITY. muscles enfeebled by disease. but it is quite dillieult for young pupil.-, io com­ The grass tonnage of Ihe new four-masted I Medical Work for Young: and prehend. Its brevity is its only recommenda­ CURES HEART DISEASE. tion. Do not bewilder your pupils with large schooner L. M. Daring building in Batli is While I was riding over the battle- * Middle-Aged Men. 1221.75; net tonnage 1172. The registered field of Chickamauga I came to a cabin It is a “heart tonic,*’und by its action ronders ano unusual tractions. Superintendent Stone length of the schooner is 201.7 ; breadth, 11.1; tiie formation of deposits upon the lining ot KNOWLEDGE IS POWER READ! of Springfield, says, “That in ordinary busi­ depth, 21,1. occupied Iry a negro family, anil the man j the heart impossible. Relief is speedy a:»d ness computations, four-tilths of til I [he Iractions came out and wanted to dispose of some J effective. used aside from decimals, ure halves, fourths, George A. Gilcbrest, the gentleman who has relies from tho battlefield. the eighths, thirds, and sixths. If, therefore, such built the schooner Olive Pecker, in this city is CURES RHEUMATISM, /' examples only me given as will admit of rapid negotiating for the purchase of the Cottrell He had some bullets, pieces of shells, ! which is a blood disease, resulting from an OF /' UFE{\ solution, time will be gained lor practice shipyard, und it is hoped he may lie successful. two or three old bayonets, and a cannon j excess of ncld. The acid is wholly eliminated greater in amount and variety." Superinten­ Mr. Gilehrest is u live, enterprising man und hall or two; hut the relic of ail relics [ and the sufferer fully restored in u few days. t dent Eliot, of Bosion, remarks, “ Distend of Belfast will be glad to welcome him as a citizen. some conception of the simpler laws ol mathe­ Mr. Gilehrest is now ut work on another three- was an old scythe blade, to which a CURES DYSPEPSIA .* matics, our pupils are misled with rules, or masted schooner (the plan having been changed rough wooden handle had been tied by exciting the flow of gastric Juice, it aids bewildered by puzzles until they know neither trom a barkentine to a three-masted schooner) witii sheep twine. tho digestion of food und effectually relieves KHOW THYSELF., what they are trying to learn, nor what powers which will he launched in November.—Belfast “ What do you call this?'1 I asked. all the utipleusant uml painful symptoms. M ore Thau Ouc Million Copies bold. they are trying to use." Journal. “ Dat, sub, is what Gineral Grant CURES LIVER COMPLAINT. TfOUNG and middle aged men who are suffering Decimals are another way of expressing carried in dis yere foul, and 1 reckon he Regulates the flow of bile, relieves congestion I- from die Indiscretions of youth, Exhausted quotients. Teach them us you did whole num­ SUNSET. and eradicates all symptoms of Jaundice. bers, with speeiul regard to tiie point und its Wm. Hcncries left town Friday for Boston. mowed down about four thousand rebels ’ fitaltry, Nervous ami Rhysicul Debility, Premature CURES KIDNEY AND BLADDER Decline, At'*., and the thousand untold miseries con­ peculiarities. Too much attention cannot he Allen Small is very sick with typhoid fever. wid it.” given to this point. In proportion lo its size, J> i Iff •• ii 11 i <•« by relieving all congestion and sequent tin lean, und ullfwho arc hick anil suffering 8. B. Knowlton left town, Monday for Rock­ “My friend, General Grant was not Inflammation speedily und effectually. ;t’»d do not know what ails them, can Is- cured w ith it causes more trouble than anything eibe in in tliis buttle.” Arithmetic. port, uut fail I ' following the Instructions in the Science The problems in denominate numbers ure Mrs. John Marshall of North Deer Isle was “He wasn’t ?" CURES CHRONIC BRONCHITIS .it Life or s it Preservation. Price only $1 by mall ut Sunset lust week. “ No, sir; and no general or soldier of (especially In tho aged) by acting immedi­ postpaid, waled. It is u lx?ok for every man, easy, but the tables are perplexing. Assign ately uj>on the bronchial tubes an d relieving pages, full gilt, 14o prescriptions for all acute and examples and require the work to he Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cole of Thurlow’s any grade ever carried sueli a weapon all irritation and coughing. chronic dlwaws. Fully Indorsed by the National Send 8 '.’ rent atani|is to A. I’. ■ box JWJ5. Boston. Mass., or Dr. V-’. H. M.T. CRAWFORD, l'ereeiilage is important, and has a wide ap­ !4“ Bickcd it up on de field, salt!” PARKER, graduate of Harvard Medical College .4 plication. .JSimplily it by practical questions from Boston Saturday, after a long absence. “ Il looks as if you made it within a tears’practice in Boston, as consulting physician and analysis. It can be made very interesting. Silas Lane and wife arrived Saturday from io the Peabody Medical Institute, who may Is; con- Attorney & Counsellor at Law, week." CHAS. V/. FERRY Htlted confidentially. Specialty. Diwaws of Man. Use but one method in teaching interest. B et­ Gardiner on a brief visit to relatives and friends , I - } repared to take contracts for bo not be deceived by worthless imitators. Be sum ROCKPORT, MAINE. ter not get the exact results of all the text in town. “ Look yere, sail, war’ you in dis j on address or call at the Peabody Medical Insti bool; examples, than mistily your pupils by fout?” pile. No. 4 Bulllnch bt. No. L Savings Bank Block. Notary Public. Rev. R. L. Nanton of the M. E. Church, So. different methods. Show your advanced Deer Isle, delivered a very able sermon al the “No.” Wavins and Raising Bnildings! scholars short ways ol getting results; but, Chapel, Sunday of last week. first, be sure, thul they understand the princi­ "War you wiiliu fifty miles oh it?" -AM)- A. J. ERSKINE C. G. M OFFITT, ples. "N o.” H l will not weary your patience by pur- B. J. Reed has sold his polishing mill ut “ Wall, I was right ober to Abner DIGGING AND BUILDING CELLARS. Fire, Life and Accident tuiiluriziug farther. Whatever you teach Montpelier, Vt., near the Pioneer works, to Fire and Life Insurance. G. B. Durkec of Barre. 'The business has in­ Jackson’s, uot ten miles away, and if 1 INSURANCE AGENCY, make it as naturul as possible. Give frequent doau' know what relies are, you can £ V38 Mttiu Btreet, - R ockland, Me. « ■ Lo.at j adjusted atpliis olttt-e, -#» reviews, and require your pupils to originate creased trom live to 13 machines within five ALL KINDS OF TRUCKING I Kliooia formerly occupied by Cobb Lime Co.) Union Block. 278 Rockland, Mo. us well as to solve problems Do not tell your years. Mr. Reed talks of soon starting a new lain me. Good day, sah.” I'UOMFTLY ATTEKDBH TO. pupils what they can find out for themselves. It granite shop. "But no generul ever—’’ Losses adjusted and paid at this office. Agent «SrMi. I ’erry hasluil the necessary appliunces and for the well-known Travelers’ Accident Insurance is by doing that we gain strength: not by be­ The granite business at Biuehill seems to he “ Good day, sub! Fussons who is so guaiantevs satisfaction. 11-30 Company* of Hartford. Iy3* ing waited upon. Do not expect to make boomiug- Muj. Chas. A. Appel is doing quite werry, werry particular bad better go A. M. AUSTIN, arithmeticians ol ail. A child may be mental­ a brisk business on his uew quarry near the ly deficient in comprehending numbers and village, clearing up and building roads, etc. ioug and hunt deir own relies. Chillen, Children Cry for Children Cry for Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, wonderlully bright in all the other studies. Howard & Green have opened a fine quarry on you watch dat white man till he gits he- laud ol 8. P. Snowman. Pitcher’s Castoria. 4 14 MAIN ST. ROCKLAND ME History says, “ This wus true oi Benjamin yon’ de turnup pateb.” Pitcher’s Caetoria. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE; TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1889 5

to quality and flavor, net ail wno nave TARSON’S SNAKE KILLING SOW. Well Reasoned. HUNTS REMEDY FARM AND GARDEN. waste land sow it for tlie honey which it W ILL CUKK llie Kidneys, Mamma and papa may be equally loved Its Fat Cheeka Turned to Receive a R at­ BOSTON 4 BANGOR S. S. CO, KKdllLATK the Heart, and so liountifully yields. tler’s Venomous Fmigs. but the least thoughtful of children do M A K E M P K worth Living. HINTS AND OBSERVATIONS FROM LETtlNG GO HANDS. not fail to notice that they have different ‘Yon can’t afford to he without It.” 26 EVERY DAY LIFE ON THE FARM. M oodna is a low lying, unattractive SUMMER SERVICE. settlement, rather thicltly inhabited, characteristics. Two little girls were One of Those Unhappy Ilapprnlngs That on the Middletown branch of the one day eating berries from a bush, and Make All Observers Feel Sad. one said: Commencing Monday, June 17. , 18B9. (highest ions About Setting Fence Posts. West Shore railroad, a little above Steamer* will Leave Rock I an J a« Fallows: Devices for Keeping the Posts In n Firm Two friends of mine, a couplo wht Cornwall and not more than a quar­ “ Shut your eyes and open your mouth, For Boston daily, except Sunday, about 6 p.m ., or and play you’re a littlo birdie." So tlio upon arrival of steamers from Bangor and Mt. Upright Position—Points In Making Wire had been married for twenty years, ter of a mile below the secluded glen D esert. came to the conclusion that marriage other one obediently put back her head, F en ce. called Paradise. The river that waters Lor Camden, Belfast, Bucksport, Winterport, was a failure for them. They agreed Paradise flows darkly through Mood­ stretched her mouth wide and received Hampden and Bangor at about 6 a. ni., or upon nrtival of steamer from Boston dally, except The setting of fence posts not oo very upon divorce. na, hut it is a limpid, sparkling stream in it a big berry. Monday, anil at 12 30 p. m.,daily, except Sunday. many years ago was a tedious operation, Years before, the man had been well at the upper point and little better “Thank you, papa robin,” said she. For Northport and Fort Point at 12.30 n. ra. dally, except Sunday. 1 7 but now with the long handled, round off, hut had lost everything through than a cesspool at tho lower one. “How do you know ’twasn’t a mamma For Searsport at 0 a. m. daily, except Monday. pointed shovels and scoops ingenuity has speculation. lie took to drink and soon Paradise both on account of its re­ robin?” asked tho ono who had played For Green * Landing, South West Harbor, North markable beauty and the difficulty of parent bird. East Harbor and Bur Harbor dally, except Mon­ devised, one can perform this labor in a degenerated to a worthless burden upon day, nt 0 a. m , or upon arrival of steam er from comparatively short time. In hard. the wife, who supported tho family by getting to it is well named. Moodna “Oh, 'cause you dropped it ’way down Boston. taking hoarders. may be said to be the very antithesis my throat,” was tlio reply.—Youth’s Harbor Wednesday and Saturday at 8 For ten years these two had lived to­ of Paradise. There is no trail of tho Companion. For Sorrento Saturday nt 0 a. m. gether in tlie same house, the estrange­ serpent in Paradise, hut Moodna is For North West Harbor (Deer Isle) Sedgwick rich in snakes, and would haven still , OOm,n’ Hluehlll, Surry and Ellsworth, Tues­ ment widening as tho husband's folly in­ Stic Call Ererlantliicty Ill-Ink Soda. day, 1 nursdny and Saturday at about 6 a. m. greater wealth of them were it not for creased, until she could endure it no tho untiring eff orts of Mr. Sam Tar- "There goes a girl who is the cham­ RETURNING TO ROCKLAND : longer. Tlie papers were made out and pion soda water drinker of Buffalo,” From Bo-ton dally, except Sunday, nt 6 p. m. son's sow. She kills the reptiles and, From Bangor, touching at Hampden, Winterport, the day camo when he was to leave tho though her apjietito at tho swill tub is said a Main street pharmacist to a man Bucksport, Fort Point, Belfast, Northport and home ho had made so wretched. who is addicted to the habit. “Yes, Camden at 0 a. m. daily, except Sunday. unimpaired, she eats snakes with I- rom B a n g o r , touching at Hampden, Winterport, I happened to bo a witness to their great gusto, anil leaves nothing but sir,” continued tho garrulous compoun­ Bucksport, Searsport, Belfast ami Camden at 11 parting. There was no one in the houso der of nauseous drugs, “that girl can n. 111., dally, except Sunday. tho bones behind. For reasons known From Bar Harbor, daily, except Sunday, at Ip .ra., at tlie time hut wo three. only to herself, she picks off' the flesh get outside of more soda water than any ouching nt North East Harbor, South West Uar- Siie picked up his shirts and collars, of her prey, and eschews the osseous three girls in the high school. She came bor and Green’s Landh g . From Seal Harbor Monday and Thursday at 1.20 which she had that day ironed with tier portions. Moodna is proud of Tarson’s in hero Saturday, and, on a wager, p. m. * own hands, and lie stood on tlie threshold sow, and the surrounding hamlets poured seven glasses of tho stuff down From Ellsworth, touching at all landings Monday. witli the parcel under his arm, besides a would like to borrow her when snakes '» ednesday and Friday at 7 a. m. her pretty littlo throat in just fifteen S ’ y^EEKS, Agent, Rockland. trunk which contained his other personal multiply too rapidly; but she has all minutes. She drinks at least two glasses IN , Agent, Boston. belongings. the work she can attend to at home. of soda witli vanilla flavor every time M. II. H ILL, J r ., Qen. Manager, Boston. SETTING FENCE POSTS, Scarce a word was spoken. Botli Of course, most of the snakes that she comes in here.”—Buffalo Express. gravelly land the soil may ho first loos­ seemed to feel that a crisis in their lives infest Moodna are comparatively ened with a sharp pointed crowbar, after had come. harmless, and tho sturdy sow fearlessly Grievously Shocked. which with shovel or scoop the p.ost holes casts her 400 pounds of adipose matter “Grindstone, is that the morning paper For twenty years these two had been you're reading?” MONDAY, JULY I, 1889. are easily dug. Among new inventions together, through light and shade, in upon them, and regardless of their designed to lighten the labor of fence “Yes. It's full of that divorco case. T^ASSRNGER TRAINS will leave Rockland i good fortune and ill, and now they were bites, stamps and gnaws their lives - ° A 35 A’M-» and 1.30 p .m. Due in Batn a making are post hole diggers made pur­ to part forever. Twenty years before, out. The adjacent mountain of Storm I tell you, Kiljordatl, there ought to he a 7.0o a . m., 10.-15 a . m. and 3.50 p. m . posely for tlie work. The patent post King, however, lias many recesses law against publishing such stuff.” Passenger Trains leave Bath at .-.10 A. M., 3.C buoyant with youth and hope and confi­ p . m ., and 8.30 p m . Due in Rockland at 10.25 a . m digger is a double round pointed shovel dence in each other, these two had linked that are tlie homes of rattlesnakes. “So there ought. And any man that 5.15 P. M. nnd|>.55 p. m . With the first breath of spring they J will read it betrays a most depraved Freight Train leaves Rockland at 5.10 a. m. Dn or spade, the two parts of which arccon- in Bath at 0.45 a . m . their lives together. They had come to emerge hungry, venomous and very nectcd like the two blades of a pair of look alike, so potent had been the force j taste. When you are done with the Freight Train leaves Bath at 12 m . Due in Rod scissors. In using this instrument it is wicked, and Tarson, aided by old Zacii 1 paper. Grindstone, I'll just look at it a land at 4.45 p. m . Of association. Archer, the professional snake catcher, I he 8.35 a . m . train from Rockland connects fo [dunged into the soil tho length of the What touching memories must have moment.” nil points on tlie Maine Central, Eastern and Wei blades some ten or twelve inches, and secured a largo one, and determined to “It's simply outrageous. How any tern Divisions of Boston x Maine Railroad, ai surged through both their hearts ns they test tho power of his pet as it had riving in Boston at 4.45 p. m . The 1.25 p m tral' after compressing the earth by tho lever- stood thus, she leaning against the stair­ man—how any man—can”— (becomes connects with Boston and Maine R. R., arriving 1: ago a Horded tho jointed handles, tho never before been tried. deeply absorbed). way in the hall, and he standing on tho He led the sow into the barn, where oiiVO,iVr*(>kU8tern ^>ivi8ion ut 9,30 p- *'ar contents are lifted and dropped on tho doorstop witli tlie dusky twilight closing (Waiting nervously for about ten sec- Freiulit leaving Rockland In the morning Is du a soap box containing the snake had in Boston n e x t morning, and F r e ig h t leaving Boe surface. A few plunges will clear a hole in about him as if to emphasize tlie conds)—“Seems to me, Grindstone, it’s been placed upon the floor. Then ho taking you a blamed long time to read ton in the evening is due in Rockland next p. m. PAINKILLER all ready to receive tho post. darkness of tho future years. climbed upon a rafter,so as to bo outof W- L- WHITE, Supt. The expansion of soils filled with water Tlie hour seemed strangely in keeping harm’s way, and, by pulling a string, that paper.”—Chicago Tribune. Ithisinsilmri/timefir^ens. by freezing lias a noticeable effect on witli his strange parting. There are raised a door which he had made in the Rockland and Vinalhaven posts standing in damp ground. Posts fom ents so tragic in lifo that speech is box. Instantly tho snake glided out, Swift’s Specific cured me of ugly and very thus situated are liable to bo gradually painful boils or risings. I had twenty-three on ON’ AND AFTER SATURDAY, JVNE l,t. dumbly inadequate. This was one of and at once saw the sow. It threw my back and neck at one time and a great lifted out of position and thereby ren­ them. itself into a coil, its eyes glittered, it many on my body. I took S. S. S., and two STM’R PIONEER dered useless in keeping a fence in up­ “Have—I—got—everything—Annie ?” hissed viciously, and it was ready and bottles cured me. This was live years ago, right position. eager for battle. Tlie sow also saw tho and have had no boils since, CAPT. WM. R. CREED, Fred R. Spear lie slowly said, in a dazed way, as lie W. M. Miller, Arlington, Texas. Will Make Two Round Trips Daily. A World correspondent, who lias ex­ turned toward the door. snake, as her subsequent actions indi­ II.is in stock all of the following perimented successfully in setting posts, cated; but it is doubtful if the reptile W. H. Wight, of Rogers, Ark., a prominent " " Leave Vlnalhaven ti r Kock- “All hut this, Frank—do you want it?" i farmer and stock grower, savs that Swift's bHbl m 7 o'clock A. M. and 1 claims that tho figures shown in tho an­ and she handed him a packet of faded I “saw that she saw it,” for no pig un- i Specific cured him of tetter of twenty years o’clock P. M. | dergoing the process of fattening in i i U pturning — Leave Rock­ nexed cut represent two modes of setting letters tied with a crumpled ribbon. j standing. Of course in thnt time he had a land, I illson’s W harf, nt 9.30 A .M ., and 4 P. posts that resist tho lieavings caused by i 1 io hog pen ever seemed more guile­ j great amount of treatment, and says the M., touching at Hurricane Island morning trip off He turned pale as a corpse, as if not less than did she as she trotted around wonder is that he did not scratch the llesb and afternoon trip on. And is the only dealer In the city who has at the until that instant realizing all tlie part­ I from his bones. S. S. S. cured him quick and G. A. SAFFORD, Agent, Rockland. present time the genuine the barn, apparently in search of a permanently. A. B. VINAL, Agent, Vlnalhaven. 37 ing meant. Ho looked at tho packet, bad potato or a rotten apple. She was May 1889. slowly untied tho ribbon and wound it The continued use of mercury mixtures narrowing the circle, however, and poisons the system cures the hones to decay, Franklin QO AI Ash about Lis hand, his whole frame trem­ each revolution brought her nearer brings on mereual rheumatism. The use of S. Bangor & Rockland Line. bling violently. to her hereditary enemy. S. S. forces impurities fron the blood, gives a My stock includes all sizes "Keep them—Annie—for me!" ho sob­ At last she stopped moving, and good appetite and digestion, and builds up the Boston & Bangor S. S. Co. Free Burning White Ash,Lehigh Egg and bed, made one convulsive step toward whole human frame. Send to Swift's specilic The staunch steamer ROCKLAND, Capt. David looked straight at tho snake. Quick Company, Drawer 3, Atlanta Ga., for Treaties Robinson, has been relitted, refurnished, and put Broken White Ash, Franklin Stove, the woman, then turned and walked out as a lightning Hash the reptile struck on Blood Diseases. in complete order for the local passenger service into the night. | at her, but the sow knew her business. between ROCKLAND AND 11ANGOR, for Red Ash, (tiie only genuine,) The Swift Specilic Company, Drawer 3, tlio S ea so n o f 1880, and will make daily tripa George’s Creek Cumberland And she? | With equal celerity she turned her Atlanta, Ga., oiler a reward of one thousand (Sundays excepted) commencing Thursday,M ay 10, Well, an hour later I stepped softly head half around, and the poisonous dollnrs to any one who will find by analysis a 1889, leaving Rango: at 6 a. in., and Rockland at Coal, particle of mercury, iodine or patash, or other 12.30 p. m., and make landings at Hampden, Win­ into tlie hallway, alarmed at the deathly fangs sank into her left cheek. For a terport, Buckspoit, Sandy Point, Belfast, North- (Unequalled for Smithing and Steam purposes.) moment the snake writhed around tho poisonous substances in S. S. S. silence. Still leaning against tlie stair­ Few children can be induced to take physic portuCamdeu and Rockland. way she stood, tho letters clutched tight­ J sow’s snout, and she tried to seize it, | without a struggle, and no wonder—most drugs TO B A N G O R : —ALSO A FULL STOCK OF— [ but it dropped to the ground un­ are extremely nauseating. Ayer’s Fills, on Leave Rockland, 12.30 p. m .; Camden, 1.15 p. m .i ly in her frigid hands, her eyes strained N orthport, 2 30 p. in.; Belfast, 2.50 p. m .; Fort out upon the night as if they saw tlie harmed, and, with amazing rapidity, the contrary, being sugar-coated, are eagerly Point, 4 p. in,; Saddy Point,RucKsport, 4.45 p. m.; Wood, Hay, Straw. Lime, Hair, ’ resumed its coil. The sow seemed to bo swallowed by the little ones, and are, therefore Winterport,5.30 p. m.; Hampden, 0 p. m.; Bangor, ghosts of bygone days when faith and the favorite tamily medicine. 0.38 p. in. LIVING POSTS FOR WIRE FENCE. chagrined. She advanced a step, and BRICK, SAND, happiness wero liersl That look will ! It Won't Bake Bread.—In other words, frost in damp ground. In Fig. 1 a liolo I as the snake struck fiercely at her for RETURNING TO ROCKLAND: haunt me forever.—Boston Commercial. the second time she obeyed tho Script- j Hood's Snrsaperilla will not do impossibilities. Leave Bangor at 0 a .m .; H am pden, 0.25 a .m .; Rosendale & Portland Cement. is bored with an inch and a half auger Its proprietors tell plainly what it has done, W interport, 7.10 a. in.; Bucksport, 7.45 a. ra.; through the post near the lower end and A FINE TALKER. J ural mandate, and, having been smit­ j submit proots from sources of unquestioned Sandy Point, Fort Point, 8.30 a. m .; Belfast, 9.40 a. ten on one cheek, sho turned the other reliability, and ask you frankly if you are in.; Northport, 10 a.m.; Camden, 11.15a.m.; Rock­ a pin of hard, durable wood inserted, 60 land, 12 a.in. John Bright in Social Intercoure—Ills Ex* I to her assailant. She changed her tac- suffering from and disease or afection caused as to project several inches on each side. Excursion tickets at reduced rates. Tickets will F I R E C L A Y cellent Language. | tics on this occasion, and did not at­ | or promoted by impure blood or low state of be good on any iteumer of the Main line, and This post is set in tlie hole prepared for t the system, to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla. The tickets sold on any steamer will be good on uny He always talked well, but I think tempt to bite the snake while it main­ i experience of others is sulllcient assurance other steamer. it, and the earth rammed firmly around he never talked better than after his tained its hold; but tho instant it Chimney Pipe & Tops the pin and elsewhere. Tho second plan ! thut you will not he disappointed in the result, Meals of superior quality served on board. practical withdrawal from public life. I dropped she pounced upon it, and i As you like it. Gray and faded whiskers CIIA8. E. WEEKS, Agent, Rockland, ’"'This pipe is made from Pure Fire Clay expressly illustrated in Fig. 2 of tho same cut in­ grasping it by the nock she pinned its WM. II. HILL, General Manager, Boston. for chimneys and is the safest and most durable of It seemed as though his powers as a may lie changed to their natural and even any chimney pipe in the market. It is easily put volves cutting largo opposite notches speaker, no longer used for tho in­ ugly head to the ground and played a I rotor—brown or black—by using Buckingham's up by any intelligent person. near the lower end of the post, filling struction of the world at large, were tattoo upon its body with her feet. Dye. Try it. Portland, Mt. Desert and Machias earth in the hole up to these notches, and employed all tho more unresevedly ! She was not materially injured by the Was He Murdered? Is u question often asked, when a person is STEAMBOAT CO. then placing a flat stono nearly horizon­ for the benefit of his personal friends. bites she had received, lor tho venom j found dead that had previously enjoyed good Akron Drain Pipe ! tally into each notch and forming the It was upon books and literary sub­ wasted itself in tho thick layers of fat health. The verdict is often "Appolexy or earth well over these. jects generally that he chielly liked that underlined her cheeks, and it Heart Disease.” Samuel Carvitt.of Fairbanks, RESUMPTION of SERVICE. The Akron is now the standard for excellence all One is liable, unless careful, to split [ could not reach any vital part of her Me., says: --Last August 1 was taken with On and After March 5, 1889, over ih>' United States, ami is more reliable as to to talk. His knowledge of English lit­ palpitation of the heart: I could not lie in bed; durability and linish than any other kind. posts when driving them in place. It is erature was in certain directions won­ anatomy. Tho snake was soon dead, hiui to sleep in my rocking chair; I procured a important to strike tho post squarely on derfully wide and deep. I imagine and Mr. Tarson clambered down from bottle of Anti Apopleetine; it relieved meat STEAMER CITY OF RICHMOND, KEROSENE OIL AT WHOLESALE. the top and not at one corner or side. that there are very few men who the rafter, hoping to secure the body once so I could lie down and have u good CAPT. W. E. DENNISON, First Duality Goods! Numbered witli objections still urged could have beaten nim in a competi­ * as a trophy of his pet’s victory; but night’s rest, and have ever since. Will leave Portland, weather permitting, every Prices as Low as the Lowest! tive examination in our English poets } tho sow was in no mood to brood inter­ A perfect compleetion, free from pimple or Tuesday and Friday at 11 p. m., or after arrival of to tho now common wire fence is tho blemish, is very rarely seen, because few peo- train leaving Boston at 7 p. in., for Rockland, Cas­ Prompt and Satisfactory Delivery! fact that stock, not observing the barbed from the days of Milton to those of ference. Sho felt that to the victor be­ tine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, Southwest Harbor, Bar longed the spoils, and her blood being I le have perfectly pure blood. And yet, all Harbor, Miilhridge, Jonesport and Maeliiasport, O~0rders received by Telephone. Please call wire, are liable to run against it and in­ Wordsworth, llis literary tastes were desliguring eruptions are easily removed by landing at Sargentsville on Friday’s trip only. and obtain prices before purchasing. jure themselves. In tlie cut hero given as simple as his personal habits, and up, and a littlo of it running from each the use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Try it and Returning from Maeliiasport every Monday and no doubt lie would have fallen under cheek, she drovo her owner from the surprise your friend with the result. Thursday at 4 a. in., via. nil landings, connecting at —for which thanks are duo to Prairie 1 barn. When he returned fifteen min­ Portland with early morning trains for Boston. FRED R. SPEAR, Farmer—is shown lath suspended on tho the contempt of the superior critics of A Sensible Man Time lor leaving Rockland, going eust, 0 a. in,, certain cliques if they hud been aware utes later she was in a more amicable Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat going west 5 p. m. NO. 4 PARK ST., - ROCKLAND, ME top wire, which renders tho samo plainly of liis opinions on many subjects. frame of mind, and she had made a and Lungs. It is curing more eases of Coughs, Freight taken at usual rates, and forwarded with 61 seen by stock. This illustration also Colds, Asthma, Bronehits, Croup and all dispatch. For information apply to agents at the But even they, if they had enjoyed the skeleton of the snake as skillfully as various landings. j shows tlie planting of trees closo beside Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other privilege of uis friendship, would have if the job had been done by a taxider­ medicine. The proprietor has authorized any F. E. BOOTHBY, PAYSON TUCKER, A the posts, to take tho place of said posts been charmed by hearing him recite, mist.—New York Sun. druggist to give you a Sample Bottle Free to Gen’l Pass. Au't. Gen’l Muimger^H E. II. CLARK, Agent, Rockland. CI IAS. E. BURPEE. when these have given out and tho trees as ho was very loud of doing, favorite convince you of the merit o f this great remedy. Large Bottles 50 cts. and $1. August 15, 1889. 7^1 have attained sufficient size. passages from tho poets lie loved so Tho B oj.’ Friend. OUSE SNIP AND SIGN PAINTER well. One evening in tho spring of John T. Trowbridge was horn in a log See What Feeding Farm Horses. The well-known manager of excursions to New York dt Bangor b last yciir, shortly before his illness be­ cabin, raised on a New York farm and Washington, California, and the White Moun­ A veterinary surgeon recommends STEAMSHIP LINE. gan, I was sitting beside him in the composed his first verses behind the , tains. I. A. Whitcomb, -ays: I have never had IkGRAlNER, PAPER HANGER, that those who have charge of horses, smoking room at tho Reform club, TO NEW YORK DIRECT. especially farm horses, ho taught that plow. His mother was a cultivated New anything do me so much good as your Sulphur —AND DEALER IN— when he began to talk about English England woman, and the hoy inherited Hitlers It is the best spring medicine I ever NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. the stomach of a liorso is not like tho hymn and hymn writers. used. 1 would advise ull who suiter from hit- PAINTS, OILS, DRYERS, rumen of a cow, a mero reccptaclo for her relined taste, and although nut inter­ liousnessund dyspepsia to use Sulphur Bitters, The regular sailing date of tlie Steamer “LUCY By and by, carried away by his ested in tlio studies his common school lor 1 know they cured me. P. M i i . i. e k ” from Pier 18 E. R., New Y’ork for food, hut an essential organ of digestion theme, be repeated to mo many of bis Rockland, Rockport, Belfast, Bucksport and Ban­ Varnishes, Gias?, Etc. of limited capacity, which does not need education offered him, hungered after ADVICE TO MOTHERS. gor, Maine, will he Saturday. Returning leave favorito hymns. As lm recited them languages—Latin in particular. When ! Arc you disturbed at night and broken of Rockland ami river landings, Wednesday ut 0 to he crammed in order to perform its in measured tones tlie charm of that your rest by a sick child suffering und crying p. iu.. or on arrival ut eastern boats, so that pus MATERIALS FOR ARTISTS proper functions, and that it cannot he Di lie wrote some verses on the “Tomb wengers can make through connections to New beautiful voice which had so often with pain ot cutting teeth ? If so send ut once York. A Great ^Specialty. so treated without danger to tho animal; thrilled the house of commons, and of Napoleon" which were published in und get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing The Rochester Republican, and from that Syrup lor Children Teething. Its value is in­ Fare to New York SO.SO, iiieluding Berth that tlie teeth of the liorso are provided subdued a hostile majority, made it­ and Aleals. Berry Bros. Block. for tho purpose of masticating tlio food, self felt even in a club smoking room, moment ho determined to become an j calculable. it will relieve the poor little suf- author. After his father’s deatli lie left lerer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, Passengers who prefer to purchase tickets with­ 44-Price Low A Satisfaction Guaranteed. and that food which does not require and from all parts of the room men there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery out meals will he uceomiuodated us follows • Rock tlie farm and attended a classical school, and diarrhn-a, regulates the stomach and bow­ land and Rockport to New York, $4. Excursion 20 mastication should ho sparingly, if ever, drew (juietly near to the spot where Tickets, without meals, will be sold, good for used. lie further recommends that no we were sitting, and listened with where he studied Greek and his coveted els, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces tliiny days, us follows : Between New York und bated breath as the old man eloquent Latin, llis twentieth birthday found nffuntnation.and gives tone and energy to the Rockland, Rockport, und Belfast, $6. Meuls cun horse l)e put to work immediately after whole system. Mrs, Winslow’s Soothing be obtained o f tlie stew ard at fifty cents each. E x­ Cochran, Baker & Cross, a full meal, and where a horse has done repeated verses of u kind which, 1 him in New York battling almost against syrup for Children t eething is pleasant to the cursion Tickets, good for thirty days, with meals, a heavy day’s work it should ho allowed fear, are not often to he heard within starvation for a place in the literary 1 taste, and is the prescription of one of the old­ will be sold as follows : Between New Y’ork und Eire, Marine,[Life and Accident the walls of a club. There was one arena, and at last lie won tlie desired j est und best female nurses und physicians in Rockland, $11; between New York and Rockport, to stand in tho stable until it is cool and i l l noticeable characteristic of his voice. tlie United States, and is for sale liy ull drug- comfortable before being fed. A littlo vantage ground and has sustained it ei-ts throughout the world, l’rice 25 cents a Pier 18, East River. INSURANCE AGENCY. water may ho given, and if a littlo good Though the tone was low, it was so botli witli his verse and prose. As a bottle. J. 1. LGTI1ROP, Agent, Rockiond. hay be put into tlie rack it will occupy clear, and so skillfully was it modu­ writer of hoys' stories, he has scarcely a CAPITAL HEI'KESENTEU OVKH) lated, that when speaking in his ordi­ rival in this country, and his poetry is ids attention, and besides requiring nary tones he would he heard with Portland & Boston Steamers. proper mastication will further have tlie admirably simple, dignified and musical NINETY MILLION DOLLARS. distinctness at tho further end of a —Current Literature. ------FlUST-t'LXSS STEXUBltg uf thl, effect to slightly stimulate tlie stomach largo room, even although several When lialiy was sick, we gave tier C'astoria, to secretion and prepare it for the recep­ groups of talkers occupied the upart- Wlien she was ft flu id , she cried for C'astoria, O LD RELIABLE LINE Lu»«e« Adjusted unit Paid at t i l l . A Suggested New Use of Photography. tion of tlie feed which is to follow. meiit. And then, how admirubly V. hen siie becam e Miss, stie clung to Casturia, Professor John Trowbridge, in Serib- | iLjjliSiSiV i leave Franklin Wharf, Furduuil. Should a liorso require more food than chosen was tho language in which he W hen ,hu had Children, she gave them C'astoria, eiery evening (Sund.). excepted) usual to supply tho extra waste of tissues spoke, even in ordinary conversation! tier’s, calls attention to the importance, ; lyxT *’, „ ut 7 o'clock, arriving In Boston in 406 MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND from an engineering point of view, of -ettuou for eurlie»t train, for L o w ­ caused by hard work give it by all 1 have said that some superfine critics ell, I-yiiii, W uliliaui, Lawrence, Providence, means, but let it ho in excess in its al­ might, perhaps, have sneered at his making careful photographs of steel and M orccler. Fall Elver, ijprlngiietd, New buminoids or nutritious constituents and taste in literature. There is not an timber at tlie point of rupture under a York, etc. Through Ticket, to Bo»lou at prluci- ARTHUR SHEA, The good old Vegetable l’ulniuiu-ry ttsisam. l-i! K It. Station.. let the horse bo fed oftener and not in English writer now living, however, breaking load, suggesting that in this Be-l known cure fol toughs, Coldi A l'-,USUIUJ>. J. F. LISCOMB, Urn. Jyent- tiou. Genuine : Cutler Bros. X Co.. Bostou. increased quantities at a time. who would not be the happier if lie way wo may learn something important | SUNDAY THU'S leave Fori land und Bos­ Practical Plumber. could write as well as Mr. Bright on the much vexed question of elasticity. Be Yoi r Own I)ut ior. ton a t 7 1'. VI.. a n d c o n tin u e .u u ie u n til This is a suggestion worthy the atten- I it won't cost you one half as much. Do not S ep tem b e r 1 ft. W ater Closets, Ba'h Tubs, W ater Fixtures, Tho editor of American Bee Journal habitually spoke. For his words, even delay. Send three 2-eent stamps for postage, Set up in the best wanner. says: Sweet clover possesses this advan­ in the most commonplace conversa­ tiou ot our metallurgists, some of whom , and we will stud you Dr. Kaufmann's great ! C h ild re n C ry fo r Perfection in Drainage & Ventilation. tage, that while it comes into bloom late, tion, were chosen so well that, as he Ixrve mado a critical study of tlie be­ work, tine colored plates from life, on disease- i tSi MAIN ST., oppu.lte the Lludeey Huiue, witli tlie fall flowers, it produces nice, talked, you seemed to he listening to havior of iron and steel under strains. its causes und home cure. Address A. F. Old- P itcher’s Castorla. Ur addre.. ua by Mall at thick honey, which is second to none as some masterpiece of our literature.— way & Co., Boston, Mass. 17 BOCKLANU, MAINE 6 THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1889

CAM DEN. • SOUTH THOMASTON. VINALHAVEN ECHOES. ST. GEORGE. HOPE. KNOX COUNTY. Amariah Drake is building a sail-boat. Rev. F. L. Payson of Belfast preached at Robinson Bros, have repaired their store. C. A. Bills is spending a few days in Scars- Mrs. Sarah J. Dow has moved into Mrs. More Salt Air From the Place Where roont. THOMASTON. Lake City, Sunday. Charles Watts has arrived home from Port­ Ruth Coombs’ house. It Grows. land. Miss Bertha Payson returned to Waltham, Raymond G. Kelleran of Ayer, Mass., is in Mrs. Bacheldcr of Lewiston is visiting at Sch. Pearl, Capt. Robinson, arrived in the Monday. lower harbor Friday. Benjamin Carver ol New York is visiting Hiram Jones is building an addition to his town. Anson Mero’s, Mountain street. old friends in town. house. Miss Flora Wright has gone to Lynn to visit Roscoe Morgan of Bangor is visiting his her uncle, C. A. Wright. Capt. Walter E. Carney of Boston is here They are hoisting the big rock9 out of High brother, I. N. Morgan. School term In district* No. 3 and 4 com­ Deacon Caleb N. Hall is at work at Tenant'9 street, with a powerful new derrick. Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Barrett arc qnite feeble. on a visit. William and Charles Sleeper visited Sears­ mences next Monday. Their ages are 84 and 85. Mrs. Harry Torrey of Boston is at the house port three days last week. A new stone bridge is to be built over the Oliver Clancy, a Camden shipbuilder of 40 The Union Church Society have just placed brook near the poor farm. Miss Fnnnle Ordway of Lincolnville visited of Isaac H. Burkett. years ago, is visiting his old friends here. I. N. Morgan has been in Newport several Mrs. John Wright last week. I days attending his regimental reunion. in position some nice looking lamps. Capt. James W. Thomas, who has been suf­ Charles Young of Merrimac, Mass., is visit­ Rev. Stephen H. Synnott of New York fering from a carbuncle, is getting better. Lyman Harwood and wife of Appleton vis­ Mrs. George A. Brown is entertaining as her Rev. Warren Applebec preaches In one of ited here Sunday of Inst week. ing his iormer home. preached in St. Thomas Church, Sunday. Chas. Freeman, who was hurt at Clark’s guest Mrs. John Cameron of Wellesley, Mass. the district school-houses every Sunday. Island a short time ago,has resumed work. The Helping Hand will hold their fair in Mrs. Lizzie Adams of Boston is at house Three runaways In one week. No damage Mrs. Benj. B. Littlefield, who has been vis­ True's Hall, Aug. 20tb, if pleasant. of John 0. Robinson, esq. iting in Tiverton, R. I., arrived home Tuesday. Charles Reeves was the recipient of a hand- Capt. 8. Robinson has resigned his position except a few splinters of wheels and carriage Bome bouquet at the ball gnmc, Saturday. as Surfman at the life saving station at While Miss Annie M. Payson commenced her George Edwin Smalley and wife of Bos­ tops. Hollis Kirkpatrick of Rockland is visiting Head. school In Washington nnd Miss Della Quinn in ton are guests at the Knox Hotel. his daughter, Mrs. I. N. Morgan, of this vil­ Mrs. L. D. Coburn nnd granddaughter Miss Deacon Caleb Hall has been confined to tbe Razorville, Monday. Rev. Herbert Tilden of Farmington, on a lage. Maud Peaslee are visiting friends at Belfast. house by sickness, caused by drinking impure Pierre and Fred Barrett with their horses had Edward Humphrey and wife of Boston are visit to Camden,preached in the Baptist Church, George Green A Co. are putting in a new water. a very narrow escape from peril the other day at the house of Andrew McFarland. polishing machine; workmen arc hanging the Col. T. G. Libby has gone to the National bv getting Into a yellow jacket's nest. As it Sunday. shafting. Encampment of G. A. It. men at Milwaukee. The Courier-Gazette Is eagerly watched Hinckley & Webber, stove dealers, have for by our people, who are anxious for the was the horses got stung considerably. Prof. Whitney's concert will be given Sept. Deacon Mark Ames was chosen clerk of the Miss Lizzie Coggswell and; A. J. Nash of latest news. been giving their store a coat of paint. 6. The Iopas Mnle Quartet of Rockland has Baptist Church, vice Miss Florence Ames, re­ signed, Sunday. Providence, R. I., are visiting at J. M. Porter’s. The road surveyor of this district, Captain Rev. Dr. Mathews of Brunswick preached at been engaged. John Fuller, has been doing some excellent WALDO COUNTY. the Baptist church Sunday morning services. Capt. Robert Thorndike and family of Rock­ The B. G. Co. arc polishing some beautiful work lately. Harry Osbourne sawed his finger ofT while land are stopping with Mrs. Mary A. Williams pieces of Jonesboro red granite at the polishing Mrs. Stella T. Gould and son left for Boston at Pleasant Beach. Mrs. Levlsa Wellington and daughter of SOUTH LIBERTY. at work In the block mill last week. He has mill. on Saturday, and will remain there for some an accident policy. There were no services at the Methodist West Medford, Mass., are visiting at Mrs. Oren Overlock is on the siek list. church Sunday, owing to the illness of the pas­ The Bodwell Granite Co. paid off their em­ Erastus Robinson's. time. Mrs. Herrick returned Friday from the fun­ Wra. H. Moody and others are making ex­ tor, Rev. Mr. Bickmore. ployees for the first two weeks in August, Sat­ Ilcv. G. S. Hill of Rockland nnd Rev. O. A. tensive repairs on the road. Milton H. French of Denison, Texas, eral of Miss Alice Stearns, accompanied by Andrews of Cushing attended the Sunday is at the house of Theodore French, East Main Eveleth Bickmore, who has been at Waldo­ urday. School picnic Tuesday. Mrs. Eliza Overlook fell from a hammock, Miss Alice Lee of Boston. boro for some time, is at the home of his receiving qnite severe injuries. street. Captain Reuben Carver has laid out a nice Alvah Greenlaw, who works in H. M. Bean's father, Rev. Mr. Bickmore. The new granite firm of this place employs Farmers are very busy cutting grain, which Hon. Edwin Smith and wife of Warren Mrs. Hcmcnway and Miss Laura Show of new walk in front of his residence, Carver aoout 20 men nt their Eagle quarry. The firm shipyard, received an ugly gash in his leg by they say is a fall off from Inst year. ar« guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. Sidney Boston, guests of D. L. Geer, Ash Point, re­ street. is known as Oilcbrest & Robinson Bros. the falling of a large chisel from the staging. turned to Boston Saturday. Another new catnp meeting ground is in Smith. Captain J. G. Beggs has gone to Boston after The Robinson family picnic was held at the construction. We now Cave two within 2 1-2 Mrs. A. B. Falcs of Boston Is visiting her Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Simonton very pleasantly John F. Dean of Portland is visiting friends house of Thomas McKeller nt Seal Harbor, miles of each other. here. Mr. Dean made the trip from Portland a sloop yacht for Capt. George Smith of Lane’s Wednesday. A large company were royally mother, Mrs. Eliza O’Brien, West Main entertained Rockland friends, Friday evening. to South Thomaston with his bicycle. Island. entertained by the host and hostess. E. 8. Whitehouse has returned home from The Camden Band serenaded the party, on the 4 uginia, where he has been ei gaged in getting street. Capt. Joshua Norton of bark John R. Stan­ The Ladies Sewing Circle is working earnest ship timber. He will return in October. lawn. hope arrived in New York Friday, and will Miss Mary Miller of Hampden is visiting Capt. Chas. Robinson Monk, who is 90 years her sister, Mrs. Sophronia Beggs, Atlantic lv to get a new bell for the church, and they of age, is quite ill at his house on Wadsworth Tuesday was a very hot day and picnics bring the vessel to Rockland for repairs. are determined to get it. Mrs. Sarah J. Kal­ Frank Collamore, wife and daughter of Avenue. loch is the president, Mrs. Catherine Gilcbrest, street. seemed to be the order of the day and the de­ HANCOCK COUNTY. Rockland were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira An Englishman named Wm. T. Collins in­ secretary, Mrs. Olivia Robinson, treasurer. Henry Trowbridge, esq., and wife arc in mand for livery teams was far in excess of the Snow at Pleasant Beach part of last week. jured his hand quite severely in the stone sheds, The Sidewalk Society is doing a good work Union. They return to Denver, Colorado, in a supply. Cyrus Ricker and family of Malden, Mass., EAST BLUEHILL. Friday. in raising funds for building sidewalks all few days. The 19th Maine, one of the 100 fighting regi­ who have been visiting here, returned to Mal­ through tbe village. Mrs. Estelle Brown is The Bluehill Granite Co. has 14 cutters at den Saturday, making, tbe trip with a team Rev. J. W. Stront preached a very able and ments, holds its reunion here today. Large Mrs. Hugh Collie returned to her home here president, Mrs. J. W. Thomas, vice, James work on part of the Pittsburg job. The overland, i Wednesday from a three months trip to Bonnie Gilcbrest, secretary, James Robinson, treasur­ granite is nearly tbe same as the East Bluehill interesting sermon to his congregation last delegations are expected from Rockland and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stanley entertained E. er. The society has nearly $100 in the treas­ grnnitc. A. Dillingham and wife and Capt. Geo. Robin­ Scotland. Sunday morning. Vinalhaven. ury. Work on the Pittsburg job is nearing com­ son and wife of Thomaston at Pleasant Beach Miss Linda Jones, our talented young musi­ Mrs. Wm. J. Swinbourne of Newport, R. I., Julian Shaw of Massachusetts died at the last week. The Ladies Circle of tbe First Baptist Church, pletion. Tbe crew lias been dropping off until met by invitation at Mrs. Dunbar Willard’s there are hut about 110 cutters. The stone is visiting her father, Capt. Robinson Monk, Carleton House, Rockport, Aug. 22. The Joseph W. Ames and family and J. Henry cian, presides at the church organ, Sunday evenings. Thursday. Quite a large number attended and will be all quarried by the first of November. on Wadsworth street. body was embalmed by J. B. Swan to await Allen and family, who have been at Pleasant enjoyed one of Mrs. Willard’s nice suppers. Beach tor teveral weeks, returned to their resi­ Fred nnd Oliver Ilacklitf have just returned J. A. Creighton & Co. have one of the old the arrival of friends from Massachusetts. Colin Collie, who is clekring in a store at At the close the circle was surprised with a from a bird hunt down among the islands. dence in this village Monday. $10 donation towards the church expenses. original Knox chairs in their office. It looks There arrived Friday afternoon the tug W. Gloversville, N. Y., is visiting his parents on They brought home 400 birds, medticks, which John Ingram with two teams made a trip to Cottage street. The ladies went homeward rejoicing over the they have boxed and sent away. They have a as though it had had many bard knocks. C. Clapp of Portland with the dredging ma­ Montville Slonday with a monument, returning pleasant occasion. large order to fill. chine Plymouth Rock, owned by Hamilton & Wednesday. Mr. Ingram also shipped a large The Misses Porter, who have been visiting Mrs. Wm. E. Perry and children of Som­ monument to Los Angelos, Cal., last week. Deacon Erastus Robinson and wife celebrated Lewis Lotta, while outsailing in a small tiont erville, Mass., have been at the house of Mrs. Sawyer, the contractors, to widen and deepen their sister, Mrs. E. S. Bodwell, returned to the 25th anniversary of their marriage last with others, capsized the boatand was drowned. George Green & Co. quarried the largest New Hampshire, Friday. Tbe cutters all left their work the next day Fitzgerald, West Main street,the past week. the West Channel in Camden Harbor. The piece of black granite ever taken from their week by entertaining a large company of their government appropriation is $5000. friends, nearly 100, at their residence. It was and dragged the bay, but could not find the Boynton Piper is at home from Torrington, quarry, last week for tbe Warren Soldiers' George W. Avery, who formerly worked a verv enjoyable occasion. Mrs. Sarah J. body. A diver was sent for from Portland and Conn. Camden is the banner town in this district Monument. The piece weighs about six tons. here at stone cutting, has been ordained n Kalloch read n poem, Rev. G. S. Hill offered came and got the body alter searching nearly a Will Robinson of Hudson, Mass., i9 here for Good Templars. It has three of the largest Asa Coombs received a dispatch the 23rd minister in the Baptist denomination. nrayer and interesting remarks were made by day. He was buried in Ellsworth. inst. from his son, F. D. Coombs of Tacoma, Mr. Robinson. The presents were very num­ on a visit. lodges in the county. The officers of W. T., that he would arrive home the 31st Ephriam Allenwood's new house is rapidly erous and choice. Mrs. Mary Wilson, who has been quite ill, Twombly Lodge were installed at their last inst. A large circle of friends will we.come approaching completion under the supervision him back to Maine. The annual picnic of the Baptist Sunday JUVENILE DANCING. is recovering. meeting by L. D., A. P. Fitzgerald, as follows : of Architect Waterhouse of Rockland. School took place on Tuesday last and about H. L. Maker, C. T .; Maud Dearborn, V. T .; With other visitors at Pleasant Beach this Mrs. Harriet Colley of Cambridge, Mass., is week are Col. L. D. Carver and wife, C. E. The single men belonging to the band have 75 persons attended and enjoyed themselves in A Very Pleasing Exhibition of Youthful at C. Princes'. J. H. McNamara, Sec.; Flora Cookson, Assist­ Moulton and wife, James Welch and wife, M. cut out the complimentary notice in last week’s a first-class manner. It is useless attempting ant Sec.; D. F. Wardsworth, Fin. Sec.; D. H. to describe tbe various luxuries provided. Grace and Beauty. Capt. Fred Small and wife of Hammonton, S. Austin and wife, Edgar Crockett and wile, Covkier-Gaz.ktte, and wear it pasted in their Bisbee, Treas.; A. Carson, Chap.; E. F. Dear­ J. F. Singhi and wife, F. G. Singhi and wife Suffice it to say that the best the wives could Tbe juvenile dancing class of Prof. II. C. N. J., are in town. hats. get was furnished and every one knows they Rnnkin gave a reception in Farwell Hall yes­ born, Mar.; Nettie Hawes, D. Mar.; Arvilla and two children of Rockland; Mrs. Hay­ can do wonders in cooking. Various sports Miss Metcalf of Boston is visiting her auat, wood and son of Lewiston, Mrs. Lewis Kiliski The dance in the Town Hall Saturday even­ terday afternoon, which was enjoyed by a gal­ York, Guard; Leslie Richards, Sen. This and Misses Jessie and Edna Maker of Lowell, were indulged in, and that talented young lery lull of our best people, and it was indeed Mrs. J. H. Jacobs. ing was well attended and Manager Shields artist, Sidney Robinson, esq., took several a most pleasing sight. About 60 pupils partic­ lodge is in fine condition and is doing good Mass. fine sketches of the festive scene. Many Benjamin Flint and wife of New York are work. WEST CAMDEN, sees to it that no disorderly person need apply ipated in the graceful figures of the dances for admission. thanks are due Mr.and Mrs. Hilt for courtesies there being a noticeable lack of hesitancy, guests at the Clinton House. M. P. Leach and wife are in Portland. shown to the party; also to T. E. Hall, the errors and bungling which so frequently mars NathanieljWebb and family of Bast Boston ROCKPORT. Mrs. Augustus E. Orbeton ot Omaha, Neb., Another game of base ball Saturday between superintendent. such occasions. Prof. Rankin is certainly an are visiting Mathew Webb. is visiting friends here. the Atheletes and the Stonecutters resulted in artist in his line and such results can only be Edward Payson is visiting his mother, Mrs. PORT CLYDE. obtained by the utmost care, painstaking, skill Miss Kate Rose and Miss Mabel Hewett J. D. Rust. Several of the visitors at Mirror Lake cot­ favor of the granite pounders by a score of 22 nnd discipline. tage returned to Boston on Monday night’s to 12. It has a well-played contest. Dr. Edgar Webb of Warren spent tbe week went to Boston on Monday. Joshua Ingraham started for Owatonna, boat. in this place. The first march was led by Frank Wight,son HURRICANE. ofF. W. Wjebt nnd Pearl, the bright I ttle The Misses Robinson of Ellsworth are Mich., Friday. The men who were injured last week by the F. H. Marshall’s two children have been falling of a portion of the frame of the Lamp- E. A. Duran has gone to Milford, Mass. very sick the past few days. daughter of Pearl Wight of New Oriea---- wee guests at Mrs. John Elliott's. Rev. F. A. Snow and family have moved in­ bits ot things, both of ’em. The young gallant son grist mill are rapidly recovering. Rev. Fr. Phelan held services at the hall, Wm. Foss and wife nnd Miss Etta Garfield was attired as "Little Lord Fauntleroy.” The Miss Grace Crosby left Monday to attend the to the Magune house. The R. & C. Water Co. are to begin at once Sunday. of Concord. Mass, made a visit at C. C. Skin­ closing march was led by Karl Snow and Miss Normal school at Farmington. Mr. and Mrs.Charles Haggerty of Mansfield, to lay another pipe from Mirror Lake to West Miss Maggie Duran is visiting friends at ner’s recently. Nan Rice. The quadrille, "Mother Goose Miss Ida Felt of Somerville, Mnss., is a Camden so as to give Rockport and Camden Barre, Vt. Wnshburn Bros, had two large sloop loads Melodies,” sung and danced in costume by the Mass., are at Mrs. C. P. Packard’s. direct connection with the lake. smaller children, was especially entertaining. guest at the bouse of S. S. Gerry. Master Edward M. Tolman is visiting his of granite come for their new launching ways, Miss Della Bradbury of Boston is visiting The concert Thursday evening in the Bap­ uncle, C. H. Dean. Thursday. They have bought the Alexander George Gilcbrest and Allie, little dnughcr of Prof. Henry Johnson of Bowdoin College is her cousin, Mrs. A. D. Champney. tist church was a decided success. Net pro­ place and Mr. Harvey, the engineer of the F. F, Burpee, were “Jack and Jill,” Mabel, ceeds $20. Much credit is due the Cleveland Miss Myra Maxwell is stopping with her little daughter of Col. A. S.Snow anti Dr.F.E. at the house of Mrs. Julia Robinson. brother, Hugh Maxwell. steamer, will occupy it. Capt. Morrill is building a house on Central Bros, and their friends for the work done by Quite an excursion went to Monheean. Fri­ Hitchcock’s dignified little Mary, the two in­ George Merrill and family of Framinghnm, street on the lot beyond Joseph Gould’s house. them, in this concert. The people fully ap­ School commenced the 20th with Miss E. M. day on sloop C. M. Gilmore. Capt. J. D. Dwyer. separables, were “ Miss Mullet," and “Mistress Mass., are at the bouse of Wm. H. Hodgkins. preciate it. Sullivan of Rockland,teacher. There were some from Concord, and Cam­ Mary,” respectively. Their dignified carriage Dr. H. W. Page is one of the assistant phys­ A large number of the Andrews nnd Ingra­ Mrs. Jones and daughter of Manchester, bridge. Mass., some from Warren nnd tbe rest on the floor was particularly pleasing,and none A. C. Strout sent a tine 20-foot boat to Rock­ icians in the Worcester,Mass., Insane Asylum. ham families met at Mirror Lake Wednesday N. IL, are visiting at Moses Shields’. from this place. They stopped on tbe island of tbe figures seemed to bother them for a land Saturday for schooner Stephen Bennett. and passed the day in renewing old and that night and came home Saturday, having moment. Little Misses Alice Glover and A party of students from the Massachusetts C. H. Johnson and family of East Hampton, Winnie Spear were very suceessful“Bo Peeps,” Mrs. Augusta Ellis; ot Rockland, is nt the making new acquaintances. All seemed to en­ Mass., were the guests of G. E. Tilden tbe past one of the best times of the season. Capt. Normal Art School are stopping at Capt. John joy themselves. There was some interesting week. Dwyer exerted himself to make it pleasant for while Lulu Everett of San Francisco was a residence of Alanson L. Wall, Mechanic street. McIntire’s. speaking nnd singing. nil and he is just the right kind of a man to go very bright and wide awake “Milkmaid.” There was a social dance in the hall Wednes­ with. The audience was especially pleased with the Mrs. Levi G. Lermond and son of Boston Col. J. D. Rust and son have gone to Mil­ Prof. W. T. Snyder, who In company with day evening. J. Martin and E. Mank furnished “ stately minuet,” as danced by the following, are at the house ol Charles Lermond on others has lor tbe last month been making a music. Prof, itankin and Miss Ayers leading: Prof. waukie, WIs., to attend the National Encamp­ geological survey of a portion of Pennsylvania, NORTH HAVEN Green street. ment of the G. A. R. The band went to Vinalhaven Thursday Rankin, Misses Grace Ayers, Ellen Rice,Annie under the oversight ot Prof. Shailor of Har­ evening and were pleasantly received by Land­ C. S. Staples has begun on the foundation Rice, Ollie Gilchrest, Myrtie Collins, Jessie Mrs. Harriet Andrews nnd Mrs. Glover and Mrs. George Harkness, Miss S. G. Merriam, vard University, returned home last week, called here by the sickness of his mother. lord Pendleton at the Central House. for his new store. Knight, Addie French. The ladies were dressed daughter ot Camden are guests at the house of of this village, with Mrs. E. Miller of New in old fashioned court costumes in bright col­ WASHINGTON. UNION. Sell. Maud S. sailed on the 20th for the ors, en train, with powdered hair, in pull’s, and George 0. Andrews. Orleans visited Bar Harbor, last week. Francis W. Whitmore is spending his vaca­ F. A. Alden and wife arc at Northport this mackerel fishery. went through tbe slow, sedate and graceful Misses L. C. and Winnie Morse daughters Bark Addie Morrill, Andrews, arrived in tion at home. week. The yacht Gitann is in port and will remain movements in the most perfect manner. The here until Sept. 1st. of Capt. Randall G. Morse of Boston, are reg­ New Y'ork from Buenos Ayres,South America. Mrs. Lizzie Wiggin of Poston.is visiting her High School commences at the Common juvenile reception was indeed a treat to all who sister, Mrs. L. B. Turner. Mr. Peters, tbe architect of the Weld man­ were so fortunate as to attend. Music was istered at the Knox Hotel. Mrs. Andrews left Tueiduy, to join her hus­ next week. sion,was in town last week. furnished by Mrs. II. W. Thorndike, pianist, band in New York. Mrs. Philbriek of Rockland is visiting her and G. F. Meservey, clarinet. The Cole wood lot which has been advertised niece, Mrs. Sidney Kaler. That plum scion of Warren Hills’ has grown Our fishermen are much encouraged over tbe prospect of a small catch of mackerel. This evening Prof. Rankin gives a prome­ In The C.-G., has been sold to Capt. J. A. We see by last week’s C.-G. that Miss M. M. Miss Abbie McDowell has returned home nearly seven feet since last spring. nade concert and hall in Farwell Hall, with Creighton and H. L. Linnell. Barrett has been elected teacher of drawing in alter an absence of several weeks. George F. Lewis has gone to South Wes music by Brigham's Orchestra of Marlboro. The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. will Harbor and will be absent until Oct. 1st. Wendell P. Rice and Dr. Ford of Fort the public schools of Rockland. We congrat­ Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Davis of Waldoboro be held in the hall, Tuesday, Sept. 3d. Mass. This orchestra is second to none in the have been spending several days in town. Jewett Turner has taken his horse to Wid­ Bay State for its dance music, und all but Payne, Alabama, are among the late arrivals. ulate those who will be under her teaching. The Chautauquas are taking a vacation. ow’s Island, where he will truck coal, lime and wooden men can dance to its melody. The Wendell is looking linely and is as genial as Mrs. Susie Ollilf, Cochituate, Mass., is visit­ Mrs. J. A.Amesbury,Miss Louise Amesbury ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Collins. Regular meetings commence again in October. cement. orchestra has arrived in this city. It will be u The daily mail route between North Haven very pleasant occasion. The dances are not all ever. and Stanley P. Amesbury left here Wednesday Walter York of Monroe has been stopping The reunion of the Hills family will be held Misses Carrie Rice, Lillie Henry, Lizzie and Rockland has been sub-let to Bangor par­ novelties, ns many of the old familiar figures on steamer Lucy P. Miller for New York. Mr. at the Central House with his brother, C. 1. Wednesday,Sept, lllh, at Nuth’lE. Thurston’s, will be used, and those who are not adepts in Strong and Pauline Carney have been stop­ ties for $785 peryear. Amesbury is first mate of ship Wm. H. York. Union. tbe latest fancy movements should not fail to ping at the cottage of Mrs. W. W. Rice at Macy. Mrs. Ryan and daughter Lillian of Belfast Str. May Field made an excursion Sunday attend aud enjoy the dancing to fine music. have been spending a few days with Mrs. Dr. of last week from South West Harbor to Vin­ Northport. Maj. Greenhalgh is entertaining a goodly It is a good thing to be a member of the C. Booker. number of summer visitors at the Burton alhaven, stopping at North Haven. M. P. Smithrick of Damariscotta, principal L. S. C. in these times, they have so many Mrs. Brown of Fairfield and Mrs. Willis House. Mrs. It. It. Mills and family leave the first of IN CAMP. ect of the High School, was in town Mon- pleasant outings. Thursday they were enter­ Mitchell ot Waterville have been visiting Mrs. next week for Worcester, Mass., where Mr. Staples. Reynolds & Emerson are advertised to give Mills has been employed for some time. Lr-i'bc High School commences the Fall tained by Mrs. C. L. Pascal, at Villaridge The L. L. I.’s left yesterday morning on the Rev. J. J.Bulfinch of Waldoboro had relig­ an entertainment at the Town Hall, Wednes­ F. H. Smith is fitting out schooner Maud S. fm Sept. bri’.,. Cottage, Ballard Park. early train und are now at Camp Burleigh, Au­ ious services at tbe Congregational Church day evening, Aug. 28. for mackerel seining. She was on the South gusta. The Tillsons make a fine, soldierly apj A " Session of Ye Uefstrict Schale" will be Dr. Ernest Doble of Quincy, Mass., has Sunday. Marine Railway, Rockland, last week being pearance, are nice hoys, land are officered « Frank II. Pratt of Bath was here over Sun­ cleaned and painted. held at Union Hall on Wednesday evening been the guest of H. A. Luce at Quincy Cot­ Frank Perry and Miss Emma Perry of Con­ day. He attended tbe I. O. G. T. picnic at follows : Captain, R. 11. Burnbant; I.ieute™ 28th inst., under the instruction of Master tage, Ballard Park, lie has been travelling in cord, N. 11., are visiting their uncle, Joel Flint, During the months of January, February ants, C. E. Young, E. K. Gould; 1st Serg., for a lew weeks. Ripley’s Grove, Saturday. C. E. Tuttle; Sergeants, C. C. Tibbetts, H. C. Moore. The entertainment will be a pleasing Germany, Austria and Italy, and will retnrn and March it is almost impossible to have daily Miss Aggie liurnheimer ot North Waldoboro J. A. Gleason ot Gleason & Bartlett started communication with the main land. Our peo­ Cbatto, G. 11. Hart, J. P. Barrille; Corporals, one and well worth attending. to Germany in October. D. W. Titus, F. M. Ulnter, L. C. Cobb, H. F. and Miss L. B. Wilson of the same place have for Boston on a business trip Friday night. He ple here believe the Bangor contractors have been visiting in town. made a hard bargain for themselves. Sidelingtr, W. D. Conury ; Caterer, llob’t An­ WARREN. P. J. Carleton and wife with their visitors, will return home this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Bowden spent Friday derson; musician, Fred S. Sargent. E. C. Twenty of our people visited Crescent Beach went on a pleasure trip to Bangor, Wednesday, MATINICUS. Robinson has been appointed Surgeon Major Sunday. returning Friday. They took passage on the and Saturduy in Rockland and Thomaston re­ The W. C. T. U. hold interesting meetings by Col. Kendall. Miss Helen Burgess of Portland is at the old turning borne Sunday. every Sunday at three p. m. A most pleasant A very successful term of school closed here handsome steam yacht Kara owned by W. F. There was quite a large attendance at the last week, taught by Miss Lillian Scales. The boys expect to get back Friday night. homestead. Smart of Boston, New England agent for R. service was held last Sabbath, tbe attendance Mrs. George Hovey of Lowell, Mass., is at Advent Campmeeting at their grove Sunday, Tbe fishermen in this vicinity are growing Hoe & Co. Her skipper is Capt. Nilson, a the 25th, preaching by Rev. Mr. Levitt. being large. Albert Counce’s. wild over mackerel, some of them have been NEW SCENERY. Seth B. Wetherbee and family of Somerville, cousin of the famous singer. He is now study­ The fall term of the village school re-com­ Six teams of Good Templars attended a making good catches. Mass., are in town. ing in the Massachusetts Institute of Tecnol- menced Monday week and is being taught by picnic at Ripley’s Grove Saturday afternoon. Sch. Esperanza, Capt. John Burgess, Vinal­ Miss Annie Payson of Hope, a valued teach­ haven, called here last week en route for Glou­ John F. Singhi has returned from tbe Con­ Mrs. James Ligbtbody and children are on a ogy. er. Music, dancing, games and supper was the visit to YassalDoro. afternoon program alter which they adjourned cester with 30,000 pounds of fish ; The boats vention of American Photographers held in The lecture on “Roman Llfe’’delivered Mon­ Mrs. Clara Winslow and children of Massa­ are doing bravely in the baking line, one day Boston, and brings back with him the latest Our citizens regret the continued illness of day evening in Union Hall,by S.B.Knowlton ot chusetts, Mrs. Annie Hager of Boston and to Georges Valley Lodge at North Appleton last week the Thalia, ('apt. Thos. Horton, ideas in photogruphie work. He has a big as­ Capt. George Hallowell. Chester Hilton of Hallowell are visiting at where a pleasant evening was passed. Amherst College was listened to by a large audi­ Mrs. Daniel Hilton’s. landed 7400, the Nereid, Capt. Edson Archibald, sortment of new scenery and backgrounds, Wednesday evening a fine social time was The railroad committee has secured several 5800, Capt. Wm. Wallace 5000, Capt. Weston and many new appliances. He announces a held at the kiln in the way of a corn roast. ence with much pleasure. It was scholarly and West. W. Dow is erecting a building for car­ Ames 0000. and Capt. James Hall 5500, mak­ reduction in prices for regular work in our instructive and showed a thorough knowledge | riage manufacturing and repairing and black- more subscriptions for stock and feel en­ ing in all 30,300. paper today. Reynolds & Emerson are advertised at Town smithing on tbe privilege recently purchased of couraged by the outlook. If Union expects to Hall

THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY AUGUST, 27, 1883. UJarine department. AT NOBLEBORO. KID GLOVES! LATEST STYLE fieh. John P. Kelsey was at Tillson's wharf The Services Among The Young Oaks Friday discharging coal from New York for H. GALLERT'S. the B. Sc B. Co. and Beeches. .Having just taken the Agency o f .... The tog Howell towed brig M. C. Haskell to Bangor Thursday to load Ice, south. A Notable Week in the History of Dress Goods! Sch. J. R. Bodwell, Metcalf, was in the PINGS & PINNER'S WE ARE OFFERING stream Friday with paving from Vinalhaven Rockland District Methodists. for New York. f Campmeeting at Noblelioro closed Friday Sch. Emma L. Gregory discharged wood evening with a thoughtful sermon by Rev Selected from the very best Imported here last week and sailed Thursday lor Digby C. A Plumer ot Thomaston, having commenced Capt. Al. Achorn, who has been a trip in in the rain Monday evening with a prayer “CHARMANT’ Stocks are now being displayed at sch. Milford, Is at home. The schooner is In meeting in the Damariscotta cottage. led New York discharging lumber from Jackson Rev. S. M Dunton of Georgetown. Tuesday our store and UNDER A LIGHT STARTLING BARGAINS ▼llle. morning at five o’clock a prayer meeting was held, led by Rev. W. F. Stewart of Daniaris. The schooner Tecumseh has broken the cotta, a prayer meeting at eight o’clock. Rev THAT MAKES SHOPPING record made by the Pocohontas in bringing in E. II. Hndlock of Waldoboro leader, an impres the largest cargo of coal to Portland. The sive sermon at ten by Ilev. S. Bickmore of South LOCK-STITCH KID GLOVES! REAL PLEASURE. We call at Tecumseh arrived Tuesday afternoon fom Thomaston, from I Tim. 3.1G, prayer meeting ...IN.... Baltimore with 2.GG4 tons oi coal. The Job* in the Damariscotta cottage nt noon, sermon at tention to our line of Pauli brought in 2,002 tons, which is a mon­ two by Ilev. E. S. Oahan of Friendship, from We feel confident that we have the strous cargo. II Cor. 5.10, a masterly efTort, devotional meet Bk. Stephen G. Hart, Pearson, sailed from ing in the Iloekland cottage nt six, led by Rev very best to be had. A trial of our Birboa for Philadelphia the lGth, W. J. Kelley of Round Pond, and a scholarly sermon from the stand in the evening by Rev Ship Martha Cobb, Crosby, sailed from E. H. lladlock, from Heli. 12, 1-2, made u LINEN Hamburg for New York the 15 th. the program of a profitable day. 50c Lewes, Del., August 19—Wreckers report sch. Lcvl Hart's Ikiw six leet and her stern ten OTHER DAYS. 75 Cent Kid Glove! feet under water at low tide, and the vessel in Wednesday. Thursday and Friday were sim a bad condition. liar in program. Wednesday's 5 o'clock meet HOUSEKEEPING Bk. W .II. Dietz, Hooper, arrived at Phil­ Ing was led by Ilev. Chas. Rogers of North adelphia tbe 20th. Waldoboro. Prayer meetings were held, one In Will convince the wearer that it Dress Goods Sch. Aila A. Kennedy arrived at Richmond the Damariscotta cottage, led by Mr. Kelley from the Kennebec the 19th. und another in the Rockland cottage led liv Mr equal to any Dollar Kid in town. Sch. Fannie Whitmore, from New York for Hill of I’emaquid. Rev. S. L. Hanseotn, of in lovely Plain Shades, Clan Plaids GOODS! Boothbay, preached a very interesting sermon [jF’Orders taken and promptly filled Buenos Ayres, was spoken August 10, in lat at 10 o’clock on the Prodigal Son. At noon 37 N.. Ion. 14 W. the whole grove re-echoed with song and praise Striking Stripes and Modest Side Sch. Helen L. Martin, Fountain, arrived at lull meetings being held in all tbe society cot for Special Colors and Lengths. Darien, Oa , from New York the 18th. tages. Ilev. Mr. Rogers of North Waldoboro, Bands—they are Quick Sellers so you Sells. Geo. A. Lawry, Dobbin, from Perth conducted the preaching service nt 2 o’clock Bath and Linen Towels at 5c. Amboy, and Allie Oakes, Merriam, frum New and preached an earnest sermon from St. John must buy early. York, arrived nt Danvers the 20th. 3.3 to a large audience. In the evening Rev SifHOflTOfl Brjos. itk Levanter, Gerry, cleared from Pensacola W. J. Kelley delivered an able discourse in the All Linen Huck Towels, intended to Temple. the 20th for Buenos Ayres. Thursday, prayer meetings of nnusual in Sch. John I. Snow arrived nt Charleston the terest were held ut 5.15 and 8 o’clock, followed sell at SI.50 per tloz., at 10c each 18th Irotn Rockport. DRESS TRIMMINGS nt 10 o'clock by a sermon by Rev. M. O. Pres­ FOR FARMERS. Sch. Alfred Keen, Greeley, arrived the 17th cott of Rockport, who preached very effectively Extra large size plain Linen or Huck at New Haven Irom Richmond. and forcibly from Rev. 2, 16-17. Noon prayer Silks in Stripes, Moires, Chinas, Sch. I. E. Meservey sailed from New Lon­ meetings w’ere held in the Damariscotta und What One Who Knows Has to Say of don the 18tb, from St. George for New York. Iloekland cottages. In tbe afternoon Ilev. W Towels at 12 l-2c. F. Stewart ot Damariscotta preached on tbe the Maine Crop. Surahs, Failles and Cashmere Effects. Schs. Nahum Chapin, chartered to load Riches and Poverty of Christ,” while Rev Hon. Z. A. Gilbert, secretary of the State maize and bav for Rio Janeiro at S3 per 1.000 Also Velvets, Plushes, Passemente­ kilos and §2.20 per 40 cubic leet, and Jumes C. S. Cummings of Rockland in the evening Board of Agriculture, speaking of this 1 lot all Linen Fringed Bordered Boyce Jr., were ut Rosario the 1st ult. delivered one of the most eloquent discourses year’s crops, said that outside of Aroostook of the week, on the “Parable ot the Sower " county and small areas, tbe potato crop in ries, Persian Bands,Fringes, Girdles Damask Towels at 12 1-2c each ; Sell. Laura E. Messer cleared from Windsor The two day sermons, Friday, were uble ex­ Maine would prove almost a failure. The rnst the 17th for New Yotk. positions of gospel truths by Rev. Dr. J. II had already struck them, and, while tbe tubers Etc. worth 20c. Sch. Walker Armington sailed from New­ Mansfield of Lynn, Mass., presiding elder of had not formed to any great extent, the rot port News the 10th lor Providence. tbut district. was at work. In New England, outside of J F GREGORY the State, the prospect was exceedingly un­ - c - s o j x t Ship Cyrus Wakefield, Young, arrived at ATTENDANCE AND INTEREST. Liberal Discount to Dressmakers! Extra large size Crape Towels at San Francisco the 17th from New York April The number of people on the ground for the favorable, and a failure of this crop was im­ 9th. minent. week was estimated at 12000 and the atten Referring to the apple crop, he said it was Sch. W. H. Allison, Kenniston, is on her dance Friday was unprecedentedly large 15c each. way to Richmond with ice from Bangor. for that day. The meetings for the week were very fair in some localities of the State, while ot very great interest, and the sermons, with In others it promised light. In Androscoggin Sch. Helen. Bishop, was in the stream Sat­ out exception, able and effective. Great in county the oitilook wus good, while in the S/fflOpTOp'S. The best all Linen Damask Towel, urday bound for New York. terest was manifested at tbe start which cul­ Kennebec orchards it was less favorable. In Sch. Marshall Perring, Scott, was in tbe minated in the “ love feast" Friday, conducted the great apple-growing counties of New extra size, fringed border, at 25c ; stream Saturday loaded with stone for New by Presiding Elder I. H. W. Whurlf of Rock York he said the yield would be light. York. Owing to the phenomenally wet weather land District, which was a season of great re­ grain is in rather a precarious condition, there worth 37 l-2c. Sch. Lake, Johnson, arrived Saturday and ligious enthusiasm. At tbe close of the after not being enough sun to dry it. Much which chartered for Saco, with ashes. noon preaching service scores of supplicants was cut down has remained fiat and suffered Sch. Warner Moore, Crockett, sailed Friday went forward io the altar. severely from a continuous soaking. Fancy Turkish Towels at 15c, 20c, with ice for Richmond fiom Bangor. The following clergymen were present and participated in the various services : Dr. J. 11 The haying season was not a good one. CURTAINS. MAIN STREET, Sch. A. F. Crockett, Thorndike, is in Boston Mansfield, Lynn, Mass., Presiding Elder I. H. Out of nine fair days, only once were there 25c each. discharging coal from New York. W. Wharlfof Rockland District; Reverends C. two in succession, and then there were three. Si h. Helen White of Belfast sailed the 19th, S. Cummings, Rockland, S. Bickmore, South 500 Window Shades in beautiful for New York, loaded with stone. Thomaston. P. A. Smith, Cushing, M. G. THE FISHERMEN. 25 dozen fringed Linen Napkins Sch. Lewis Smith, Vinal, sailed the 19th Prescott, Rockport, A. Plumer, Damaris­ patterns of Flock and Glass Dado, from Thomaston for New York. cotta, E. H. Hadloek, Waldoboro, E. S. Ga- 50c per dozen ; worth 75c. Sch. Penobscot, Carter, is on her way Irom han, Friendship, Y'. E. Hills, W. J. Kelley, Luther Maddocks of Maine, manager of the all ready to put up, at Belfast for Jacksonville, Fla. Round Pond, W. F. Stewart, Damariscotta, newly formed Deep Sea Fishing Company of C. H. Leverton, Wiscasset, J. S. Thompson, Portland, Oregon, speaks in tbe most enthusi­ 10 dozen Linen Damask Napkins at Sch. Bertha Glover, Dyer, is coming here W. S. Jackson. T. 11. Hogue, Waldoboro, S astic terms of the prospects of the new indus­ with corn from New York for the Rockland M. Dunton, Georgetown, J. A. Morelan, 0. try. The company have bad constructed a Steam Mill Co. Tyler. B. B. Byrne, Windsor, S. L. Hanseotn, steam fishing schooner numed George H. 75c per dozen ; worth 81. Sch. Nile, Manning, is on the way from Boothbay, T. 'll. Pentecost. J. Dana Payson Chance. The Chance sailed from San Francisco 50c Great Bargains Raritan River to Boston with sand. Union. on July 2.3 and anchored on the Hoceta banks Turkey Red or white Linen Table SLIGHTLY HISTORICAL. on the 29th in 54 fathoms of water. Fish were Sch. Clara Colcord, Colcord, is coming to found to be very plentiful, especially rock cod Bangor with coal from Baltnnoie at §1.35. The land on which the Noblelioro Camp­ and codfish. There were few halibut. The Also 500 Plain Holland ditto at 35c. Cloth at 25c per yd. She is on the way. ground is located was bought in 1872, the ori­ banks were alive with sharks and dogfish. On ginal purchase comprising six acres of grove. Shades made to measure and put up Sch. American Chief, Snow, arrived Friday Three additional acres were afterwards pur­ Aug. 2 Captain Chapman dropped anchor olf Irom Hyannis, where she discharged corn chased, making the total nine acres, which is Gray’s Harbor. Plenty of rock cod, and some New imported Table Cloth, red and from New York. covered with a beautiful growth of young very large, were found. On tbe day following and warranted to run perfectly. beeches and oaks and abounds in numerous all the trawls were set. Two hours afterward white figured at 45c yd. Sch. Erie B. Hall is in New York discharg­ prings of pure water. Tbe land adjoins the they were under a run of plenty of rock cod ing hard pine Irom Fernandina. and some very pretty halibut were taken. The Knox A Lincoln Railroad track, and passen­ boats came on board that night with very good The old war vessel Kansas is rapidly dis­ gers land at the very gateway of the gouuds. catches, The fish averaged 35 pounds each. In Barnsly Crashes in good width 8c yd. integrating. It is controlled by a corporation regularly all, about twelve tons of fish were caught, the SIMONTON BROS. organized under the laws of our state, Major varieties being halibut, codfish and rock cod. Sch. Catawamteak, Strout, left for New J. H. li. Hewett of Thomaston being president Crochet Quilts 11-4 at G5c and 85c. York Friday from Fall River where she dis­ and F. L. Carney of Sbecpseot Bridge, super As soon as a fish was brought aboard it was charged coal from Philadelphia at §1.10. leaned, then packed in ice in bins built in the intendent and treasurer. It ts owned by tbe hold of the steamer. Brig M. C. Haskell, Perry, is in Bangor Iloekland M. E. District, und §10,000 bus been For Fall and Winter Wear. loading ice and lumber for Bermuda, loaded, expended in permanent improvements. Among Notice of Foreclosure. discharged, river towages and §1200 lumpsum. tbe permanent buildings on the grounds are ELEVENTH MAINE. Whcreap, Alice J. Maker of 8t. George, in the She will proceed from Bermuda to King's Ferry Hotel Lincoln, owned by tbe society und leased County of Knox and State of Maine, by her mort­ We have the best line of in ballast, and load lumber there for Demarara for three years to Perkins Bro'hers, tbe lease gage deed, dated the twenty-eighth day of July. at §14 per M. She made this same trip a year expiring this year; Helmer's Hall, where tbe The next reunion will be held at Bangor, A. I). Is84, and recorded In Knox R egistry of S ^C om e and see them.J ago for §8 per M.—quite an advunce. resident superintendent, police force und other Friday, Sept. Gib,1889. Comrades are request­ Deeds, book 70, page 30, conveyed to Jum es An­ attendants have quarters, and where lodging ed to meet at B II. Beal Post 12, G. A. II. drews und by him assigned to the undersigned, a Sch. W. H. Allison, Kenniston, was in tbe can be obtained. There ure also private and Hall, at 9.31) o'clock, a. in., at which time the certain parcel of real estate situate in St. George, festivities of the day will he made known. A in the county and statu aforesaid, and bounded us harbor this morning with ice from Bangor fur society cottages and more will be built another follows : —A certain island situated in St. George CORSETS! Richmond. season, plans now being formulated for having Iloster of the Regiment has been prepared ; for iu said county, southwesterly of Seal Harbor. such work done in a systematic manner. But distribution,containing a brief historical sketch Beginning at the Point at northern extremity of British sch. J. P. Ames arrived Monday the chief building of all is the of the Regiment ami the names of all borne said Island, thence easterly, southerly, westerly J. F. GREGORY & SON, 'rom Moncton with ties for the K. & L. 11. Il, upon its rolls, together with tbe present Post aud northerly by the shore of said island! to the In this city, such as HANDSOME NEW TEMl'LK Sch. Caroline Gray, Ilowc, finished dis­ Olliee address of about one thousand of the place ot beginning, together with the dwelling Just completed, which will comfortably seat survivors. house ami all other buildings thereon. Said island charging coal in Bath Saturduy, and comes 1200 people. This building Is a line structure, is commonly called and known by the name of Dr. Ball’s Corsets, here to recoppcr aud reclass. The reunion being held on the week of the Norton's Island; and whereas the condition of said ceiled up on the interior, cathedral glass win­ Eastern Maine Fair, excursion rates are sold mortgage has been broken, now, therefore, by rea­ 421 Main Street, Sch. Luella A. Snow, Carter, is loading lime dows giving it a softened and rich effect. The over all steamers and railroads. It is desired son of the breach of the condition thereof, 1 claim it Rockport for Charleston at 25 cents. acoustic properties of this edifice are excellent. that ull comrades will bring their wives or lady a foreclosure ot said mortgage Dr. Strong’s Corsets, The out door tabernacle will seat 3..00 people. friends. .JOHN BLETIIKN. Bark John II. Stanhope, Norton, is disebarg- 30-33 By T rue P . P ie r c e , ids A tty. ng sugar and mahogany in New York. She STRAY LEAVES. All comrades who can attend should notify FOOT OF LIMEROCK ST. A vill come cast with coal and will come to this It has been a very civil, orderly occasion, Comrade Thomas T. Tabor, Bangor,as early us Dr. Warner’s Corsets, possible. KNOX COUNTY.—In Probate Court, held at iortto reclass. not an arrest being necessary. Rockland, on the third Tuesday of August, 1889. The Knox A Lincoln Association will meet Sch. John I. Snow, Hinckley, is in Charles­ SUMMER SOUNDS. Robert Long, Administrator on the estate of Dr. Thomson’s Corsets, ton discharging lime. Thence she proceeds to on the grounds the 30th and 31st inst. Susan Wall, late of St. George, iu said County, Jacksonville to load lumber for Gaudalope at Campmeeting will he held next year on the deceased, having presented his additional account §15 per M. same corresponding week as this year. A large party pieknicked at Porterfield of administration of said estate for allowance: Madame Foy’s Corsets, There were 2000 people on the grounds the -edge, Wednesday---- Crescent Beach, the O r d e r e d , That notice thereof he given, three Sot in Railwav.—Sch. Stephen G. Bennett, Schubert Male Quartet and tbe Lincoln Club week* successively in the Courier-Guzette printed Hodgman, was launched from the ways Thurs­ Saturday of the Sunday School convention. in Rockland iu said county, that ail persons Inter­ day, having received new paint and caulking At a meeting ol the association Wednesday, ol Boston have been making merrr the past ested may attend at a Probate Court to be held at Madame Warren’s Corsets. ---- Sch. Maud S. of North Haven was J. Fred Hall of this city was elected trustee in week. The Lincoln Club went to tbe Turnpike Rockland, on the third Tuesday of September next, Thursday, returning in two big teams decorat­ aud show cause, if any they have, why the said ac­ launched Saturday, new paint---- Sch. A. 11. place of 11. M. Brookings ot Wiscasset, de­ ed with golden rod and autumn leaves. The count should not be allowed. Whitmore of Deer Isle was launched from the ceased. Schuberts, Messrs. Leighton, Lidbaek,Morgan, 33-35 REL’EL ROBINSON. Judge. wavs last week, having been fitted over into a There is one large stable connected with ihe and Parkman, have been singing daily and A true copy—A ttestA . A. B EATON, Register. stone vessel---- Spars ure being made for the grounds, this ulso under the control of the eveningly, and have made munv friends. They ...... WE OFFElt AT A. M. C. Haskell. association. More than 100 teams put up there are without doubt the finest of Portland's male KNOX COUNTY—In Court of Probate, held at Rockland, on the third Tuesday of August, 1889. Limiibi i its.— Mabel Hall, Bartlett, was load­ Friday. {aartets, sing a fine class of music and show ing trom Messer for New York, Friday.... The Knox A Lincoln should build a depot at llieell'ects of tbe curcful training of their leader, Fred S. Walls, Guardian of Elizabeth Campbell rices John Morgan, the baritone. Mr. Morgan is a of \ inalhaven, in said County, having presented f^EDucjiop tp P ! Carrie Hix sailed for New York, Thursday---- the campground- Shelter should certainly be his lirst and Haul account of guardianship of said Il I. Kinney was loading from Cobb Thurs­ provided ior tbe crowds of people who go there successful vocal teacher of experience. The ward for allowance: day for New Y'ork....8 . J. Lindsey, Pettee, through the summer season. juartet sang in the Universalist church Sunday morning---- The Lincoln Club returned to O R D E R E D , That notice thereof he given, three was in the stream Thursday from Abbott for The singing during the services was excep­ w«'cks successively, in the Courier- fiugelte, printed lot of Corsets at 50c former price New York__ Ariosto, Elwell, arrived Tues­ tionally good, a chorus choir under the lead of Bangor Saturday, more than pleased with their in Rockland, in suid County, that all persons inter­ day from Boston... .Maria Theresa, Kalloch, R ev . W. F. Stewart of Damariscotta being trip to Crescent Beach. They had an enthusi- ; ested may attend at a Probate Court to b“ held at asiic send olf. Rockland, on the third Tuesday of September next, 75c. •us loading Friday from Farruud tor Boston responsible ill large measure lor this delectable -♦ *------...Sardinian, Lord, und Wm. Rice, Jameson, state of affairs. ami show cause, if any they have, why the said vere In the stream Friday for New Y ork.... GATHERING CLANS. account should not be allowed. Wm. Boardman. Hatch, was in the stream Supt. F. L. Carney is a most eilicient and 33 35 REUEL ROBINSON, Judge. lot English Sateen Corsets, old capable man for tbe position he holds, and A tru e copy—A tte s t:—A. A. B ea ton , Register. Friday for New Y'ork----Lizzie Guptill, Wat- works very earnestly and enthusiastically for Hewetts—South Hope, today. iou. sailed the 20th for New Bedford from the good of the campground. Its success and Kulloehs—West Camden, Aug. 28. TO THE JUDGE OF ITIOBATE IN AND FO ll gold color,at 75c ; former price 81. 'Cobb__ Mary Langdon, Emery, sailed I uer- the County of Knox. day for New York, lime laden.. . .Carrie Hix, permanency is now assured, and its growth is beriuonds—Warren, Aug. 29. destined to be rapid. What is needed now is Robbins—Union, Sept. 12. The petition of Robert Lung, Adminisiruior on Speed, sailed Wednesday for New York, lime funds for grading aud otherwise improving Benners—North Warren, Aug. 28. tbe estate ofSusan Wull, lute of St. George, iu the )r. Stron g’s quick detachable Corset laden... .James A. Brown, Thorndike, suiled and beautifying tbe grounds. I County of Knox, deceased, testute. represents, that Thursday for New York with lime... .Quick­ Pay sons—East Union, Sept. 4. the personal estate of said deceased is not sutllcient step, Buckmaster, is on the way to Provi­ Wileys—Wurren, Aug. 28. i tu pay the just debt* und dcuiunds against said es­ at 81 ; former price 81-25. dence with Rockport lime.. . -Helen Thomp­ OUR STEAM CRAFT. Oxtous—West Camden, Sept. 3. tate by the *um of one hundred und nine dollar*; son. Averill, was iu the stream Saturduy, ready Wentworths—Appleton, Sept. 11. that said deceased died seized aud possessed of cer- Tbe Hurricane was ut Tillson's wharf last Eoglers—Wurren, Aug. 29. I tuiu real estate situate in St. Georgo, aforesaid, iu to sail for New York with Thomaston lime.... week being tinkered by Day A Morse. Tbe HotFses— Wurren, Aug. 29. suid County, ami described as follows:—A certain John I). Grifiin. Nash, arrived Saturday Irom Hurricane bas taken 4,000 burrels of porgies Simmons—Washington, Sept. 4. I lot of land together with the buildings thereon, New York. ...Commerce arrived Saturduy from this season. bounded on tbe north by iuud of tbe heirs of Henry UJ’ Wc carry constantly the finest New Y'ork.. . -Wide Awake, Maker, arrived ------Hart; on the east by the town road; on the south , Saturday from New York, und will load fur NEWSPAPER NOTES. by lun.i of III. h.-ir. of John Wall, an,i ou the w«t ljne of Rope Silk, Embroidery Twist, that port from Almon Bird... -Caroline Knight, NEW YORK CHARTERS. ; by the shore of 1 enant’s Harbor. ; 1 ’ J Ward, is in New Y'ork with lime from Almon Thut a purl of suid real estute cannot be sold without injury tu the remainder; und the suid Ad Wash Etching Silk, Knitting Silk, Bird and 11. W. M esser....E. Arcular'us, Harry E. Andrews, who has been one of the Duvis, arrived Saturday light from New Yoik August 24, brig M. C. Haskell, from Kings uiiuisirutor requests that he luuy be empowered, Ferry to Demeraru. lumber, §14 aud river best known attaches ol the Lewiston Journal agiwubly Io luw, to sell uud convey ull the above ... .8. J. Lindsey, Pettee, was in the stream for some years, has been admitted to tbe firm. describe* reul estute, pursuuol to the provisions Sewing Silk, Etc. Saturday for New York from Abbott... .Chase, towage---- Bk. Meguntieook, New Y'ork to Mr. Andrews is a talented newspaper man, und law. KOBEUT LONG, Admr Pratt, sailed Tuesday for New Y'ork from Montevideo, geuerulcargo, at or about 21 eeuls no one has done more to build up the interest­ KNOX COUNTY—In Probate Court,held at Rock- Farruud A Speur.. . -Peerless, Thompson, was per cubic foot---- Nat Meader, from Perth ing Journal thau be. He is a very popular Jund, on the third Tuesday ol August, 1889. iu the stream Saturday for New York from fellow and all tbe eraft congratulate him, aud On the mtition, aforesaid, O r d e r e d , T h at notice Farrund A Spear-. . -American Chief, Snow, Amboy to Lynn, coal §1.03---- T. G. Benton, do so heartily. be given, by publishing a copy of said petition with was ready to sail Saturday tor New York from from Port Johnson to South Boston, coal, §1 Editor Brackett of tbe Phillips Phonograph tbis order thereon, three weeks successively prior to H. GALLERT, Gay__ Silver Heels, Aylward, sailed Sunday the third Tuesday of September next,in the Courier- for New York from Ames.. . -Lottie, Marshall, ---- T. P. Dixon, from Rondout to Boston, bus taken a wife, Luey Estelle Bean being Ihe j a newspaper printed in Rockland, that all bailed tbe 18th from Thomaslou for New York cement, 22 cents— --Jeuny Greenhank, from fortunate lady. Here's our very best wishes I persona pviwous' interested may attend at u Probate Court __ Allie Oakes is on theNorih Railway paint­ Port Liberty to Portsmouth, coal, §1---- Mil­ to be held iu Rockluud, aud show cause, if — Good Will Lodge, A. O. U. W.. has , uuy, . - why the prayer of said petition should not be 384 Main Street, ing .. . Sam Weller and Georgie Berry sailed ford, New York to Fernandina, rails, §1.50---- been organized at Green’s Lauding with W. B. granted. to-day for New York . . . Jennie G. Pillsbury, Etta A. Stimsoo, from Feruanuioa to New UKUKL ROBINSON, Judge, Wall, is due in New York . . . Thomas Hix, Smith as Master Workman aud Courtney A true copy of thebe petition anduud or<*order therviiu. Opposite Thorndike Hotel. Thorndike, sailed Friday lor New York. York, lumber, §8— free wharfage. Small,foreman. | Attest,—A. A. B ■■ ea t o n , ••Register, 33-35 ----- 8 THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1889,

ZR/EID ST O B E . “CASEY AT THE BAT.” OUR STATE. OUTLOOK. HOW BALFOUR ESCAPED. There was ease in Casey’s manner as he stepped The Canadian editors are still breath­ An Extraordinary Scene in the British into his place; House of Commons. There was pride in Casey’s bearing and a smile on What Has Happened in Its Borders ing forth threatenings and slaughters on Casey’s face, the Past Week. JVew lort Sun. And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly account of the Behring Sea seizure. The scene in the house of commons doffed his hat, No stranger in the crowd could doubt ’twas Casey Important Bits From Here, There and They are not helping Gen. Butler's plea on Thursday night when Harrington at the bat. for annexation. made an effort to inflict personal clias- 1 Everywhere. tisement upon Balfour, was the first Ten thousand eyes were on h’mao he rubbed his Ellsworth has a fine bay. event of that nature that lias occurred hands with dirt, There will be noregrets expressed be­ Five thousand tongues applauded as he wiped Biddeford is to have the letter carrier system. since the memorable occasion when them on his shirt. cause a large over-production in coni Plimsoll crossed the floor, shook his fist Then while the writhing pitcher ground the ball A. A. Canton, district master workman, has into his hip, prevented an increase in price at the in the faces of the occupants of the treas­ Defiance gleamed in Casey's eye, a sneer curled issued a call for the semi-annual meeting of ury bench, and defied that august body Casey’s lips. D. A, 96, Knights of Labor of Maine at Gardi­ recent meeting of the agents in New to combat. Perhaps Balfour does not Now the leather covered sphere came hurling ner, today. York, ft is a good time to order the realize how narrowly he escaped a through the air, And Casey stood a*watching it in haughty grandeur An entire flock of sheep belonging to Joseph winter's supply before the present over­ thrashing, and parliament a fearful scan there. Richardson of Palmyra was poisoned a few production disappears. dnl. The wanton and deliberate insult Unlike nny other, Close by the sturdy batsman the ball unheeded to Harrington had inflamed every Irish­ sped— days ago and many of them died. Mr. Rich­ * * * ip rp m u c h fo r I n te r n a l hr E x te r n a l une. "That ain’t my style,” snid Casey, “Strike one,” ardson found the poison in his pasture. man present, and the first blow that was .Many people do not know this. the umpire said. We have noticed sometimes that n struck would have been a signal for a SPECIAL DRIVES President Small reports the prospects for a The .Most Wonderful Family Remedy Ever Known. very small church is capable of develop­ conflict that might have involved the PiT Positively curoR Dlphtherln, Croup, A sthm a, From the benches, black with people, there went larg’c entering class at Colby this fall, of the Bronchitis,. Nnurnlgln, Rheum atism , H oarseness, up a muffled roar, ing a very big row. The same thing is the entire bouseof commons. Sexton had Hncking Cough, W hooping Cough. Catarrh, Chol­ Like the beating of the storm waves on a stern best. All the old unoccupied rooms in the era M orbus, Dlarrhcoa, Sciatica. Lams Back and FOR THIS WEEK. already picked out his man in Colonel Soreness In Body or Limbs. Full particulars sent and distant shore, dormitories arc being newly painted and ready observable about kingdoms. linyti is free. Price,35cts.; 6 bottles, $2. Express prepaid. Choice St. Louis Flour...... $5.75 "Kill him!” “Kill the umprie!” shouted someone Saunderson, whom he bade prepare to “ Corn per bag...... LOO on the stand, for occupancy. revolting, Hawaii hns had a shook of defend himself in a voice that was heard I. S. JOHNSON * CO., BOSTON, MASS. “ Cracked Corn, per bag...... LOO And it’s likely they’d have killed him had not rebellion that almost upset her king and nbove the imploring shouts of the chair- j Casey raised his hand. Fifty tons of ore from the Cherryfield mine “ Meal, per bag...... LOO were shipped last week by the schooner Clin­ Crete is boiling over. But all is quiet man and the din of the factions. Healy ’ “ Fine Feed, per 100 lbs...... L12X With a smile of Christian charity great Casey’s ton to the Portland Smelting and Reduction was on his feet begging somebody to visage shone; • 4 ’ on the Potomao. 3 cans Peas...... 25 Works, where the galena will be separated tread on tits coat, and tbe rest of the 3 “ Tomatoes...... 25 He stilled the rising tumult, he hade the game go o n ; from the zine, and the latter be used in mak­ I’arnellites were beginning to turn back Why Cough, 3 “ Sugar Corn, Maine packed...... 25 lie signalled to the pitcher, and once more the ing mineral paint. Keep your eye on Theodore Roosevelt. their wristbands when the badly fright- 1 TTEN a lew (loses of Ayer’s C herry 3 “ String Beans, “ .25 spheroid ffew; He is doing good service to the present ened Clara, ns the members of parlia­ 3 “ Clams, “ 25 But Casey still ignored it, and the umpire said, The Aroostook Republican reports the pres­ P e c to ral will relieve you ? Try it. “Strike two.” administration if it is true thnt “He ment term the lackadaisical Irish secre­ Keep it in the house. You are liable to 3 ’• Apples, “ 25 ence in that vicinity of pot hunters, who not tary, hurriedly apologized. If Harring­ W 2 “ Best Yellow Teach...... 25 “Fraud I” cried the maddened thousands, and echo serves his party best who serves his have a cough at any answered “Fraud!” only destroy tbe fish in the lakes, snare caribou ton’s coat tails had been made of less time, ami no other 2 “ Best Bartlett Pears...... 25 But one scornful look from Casey and the.audience and illegally kill other game, hut also help country best.” His letter in defence 2 good Brooms...... 25 was awed. strong material, or bad Mahoney, who remedy is so effective 2 “ Pails...... 25 They saw his face grow stern and cold, they saw themselves to cedar which does not belong to and explanation of the Civil Service slid down the aisle holding to them, as this world- his muscles strain, them and make large quantities of shingles been a stone or two lighter, the angry i 5 lbs. good Coffee...... 1.00 And they knew that Casey wouldn’t let that ball examinations to is re n o w n e d pre para- 4 “ Tea...... 1.00 go by again. from their plunder. doing much to render the spoils system Irishman would have had Balfour by tion. No household, 20 •• Rice...... 1.00 the throat before he could have uttered ! witli young children, The sneer is gone from Casey’s lips, his teeth are The down east blueberry yield is reported to obsolete. 4 “ Tobacco...... LOO clinched in hate. have been very limited this year. Messrs. J. his apology. should be without it. *FCome early as our stock is limited and is He pounds with cruel violence his hat upon the & E. A. Wyman of Cherryfield were com­ So brutal was the affront to Hatving- Scores of lives aro going fast. p late; The complete novel in the September ton that not one of the journals, even of saved every year by And now the pitcher holds the ball and now he lets pelled on account of the small supply to close its timely use. it co, number of Lippincott’s Magazine is Balfour’s own patty, defends his con- j J. Donahue & Co., And now the air is shattered by the force o f Casey’s their blueberry factory Friday. Tbe pack this MAIN ST., ROCKLAND. duct. All circumstances tended to ! Amanda B. .Tenner, Northampton, blow. season foots up 8,000 cases, showing a falling from the prolific pen of Edgar Fawcett, heighten the insult. Harrington, who I Mass., writes : “ Common gratitude im­ A^Our.Store la Fainted Bed. 3 olf of 6,000, cases from last season. Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is author of “ Douglas Duune,” “Olivia is a big rollicking Irishman, with a kind ‘ pels mo to acknowledge tlie great bene­ shining bright. fits I have derived for my children from The band is playing somewhere and somewhere The long straggle of the Skowhegan Water Delaplaine,” “ An Ambitious Woman,” word for even his party enemies and j the use of Ayer's most excellent Cherry LADIES’ hearts are light, Company with the village corporation is over, etc., etc. It is a brilliant and entertain­ not a bit of malice in his composition, j Pectoral. I bad lost two dear children And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere after three years of hard fighting. At every has only recently finished a six months’ I from croup and consumption, and had children shout, ing romance of a startling and original tbe greatest fear of losing my only re­ But there is no joy in Goat-town—mighty Casey regular meeting of the corporation and at term in prison, whither he was sent at maining daughter and son, as they were Hair Dressing Rooms! has struck ont. character, and will doubtless excite special meetings in that time the company Balfour’s instance, and his pale heavily- delicate. Happily, I find that by giving wide interest and attention. lined face hears witness to the suffering them Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, oti tlie first CUSTOM have asked for recognition and been refused. he has undergone. Harrington will not symptoms of throat or lung trouble, they FROM THE WEST. Monday the tide turned and favored the long talk to even his closest friends of the ■ are relieved from danger, and aro be­ struggling company. The contract was com­ The new postal cards soon to be issued humiliation he was subjected to in prison, I coming robust, healthy children.’’ HAIR WORK, Something About Creameries—A True pleted by a vote of 176 to 138. The contiact will vary in size. There will bo three hut it is known that the amount of his “ In the winter of 1885 I took a bad provides for $2000 for fire purposes, drinking cold which, in spite of every known Prediction. sizes when the contracts are finally food was reduced while he was prepar­ remedy, grew worse, so that the family fountains and street sprinkling. ing his defence for tho Parnell commis- j E llswokth, Iowa, Avo. 12, 1889 taken up—one a fine delicate card for physician considered me incurable, sup­ Hair Dressing, sion, and that by Balfour’s orders every- ' iosing me to be in consumption. As a M l t . Editor We ventured the prediction It is reported that an astonishingly large ladies use, much smaller than thnt now through The C.-G., when the starting of a thing that was possible to break the ast resort I tried Ayer’s Cherry Pecto­ number of insane persons have been carried in circulation and of much finer quality. ral, and, in a short time, the cure was creamery was in agitation, that Rockland to tbe State Insane Hospital recently, the num­ prisoner’s indomitable spirit was done complete. Since then I have never been Shampooing, would produce better butter than the West, Finely calendered paper will be substi­ during those terrible six months. partly because her water is superior, and the ber averaging two a day for tbe past two or without this medicine. I ain fifty years forage is better, therefore the butter would three weeks, and on some days as many as tuted for the old buff blotting paper. Balfour started the storm that tossed of age, weigh over 180 pounds, and at­ tribute tny g o o d health to the use of ETC. have a better flavor. We were pleased last four have been placed in the institution. This An intermediate card of the same size him by asserting, in explaining the re­ week to have our prediction verified, by a fusal of tbe notorious Roche and Colonel J Aver’s Cherry Pectoral.”—G.W.Youker, wholesale Boston dairy dealer, who handles may indicate an increase in insanity, but it is as tbe one now in use will be retained, Turner to subscribe to a race meeting Salem, N. J. Wins, Crimps, Switches, Frizzes butter from various factories of New England probably due to the fact that for several and a new large card will be introduced because Harrington was one of the com­ “ Last winter I contracted a severe and the west. He says that "Rockland months fears of the diphtheria epidemic at the cold, winch by repeated exposure, be­ Made to Order and Repaired. creamery butter is the best be handles." that can be used for business purposes. mittee, that Harrington had written of came quite obstinate. I was much It is hoped the farmers will take courage institution has caused the friends of the insane the police in his newspaper, the Kerry troubled with hoarseness and bronchial and stock up with the best breeds of dairy to keep them at home as long as possible. It Sentinel, as cowards, liars, and uni­ irritation. After trying various medi­ M AM CI I«IIVO cows, and give their enterprising board of is believed now that tbe epidemic is over. When the President arrived at Bar formed bloodhounds. It was not much cines, without relief, I at last purchased directors a chance to produce a butter that Harbor the carriage in which he was a bottle of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. On Manicure Powder and Tools for Sale. will be the champion of the world. Don’t A day or two ago, as Cobb Howe of North of itself, because the Irish members do taking this medicine, my cough ceased stand back and see if the chicken is going to driven from the wharf ran into another not hesitate to term the police cowards, almost immediately, anil I have been Dixmont was digging out the cellar under his well ever since.”—Rev. Titos. B. Russell, drown, before you lend a hand to help it, but house, some white bones were revealed, and and smashed a wheel belonging to the liars and bloodhounds,as they are; but in come up liite men and help the enterprise, and this instance, as it has been in many Secretary Holston Conference and P. E. Mrs. Cora L. Millay, thereby help yourselves. upon digging down a little further it was found latter; on the next day when he was of tlie Greenville District, M. E C., others, the statement was a falsehood Jonesboro, Tenn. t Over Rose Brothers, A creamery here in Iowa, with half the that it was a complete human skeleton. There taken out to ride the carriage broke invented for the occasion, as tlie only chances of success that Knox Co. creamery has, was nothing about the skeleton, no box or is doing a large business, and shipping butter down and a change of vehicles was nec­ means at hand whereby Balfour might MAIN [ST., - - ROCKLAND. cofiin, and the bones were nearly all in a good 21 to Boston by the ton. In conversation with essary. As he was taking his departure. excuse the ruffianly conduct of his allies. one of the proprietors of a creamery here, Mr. state of preservation. It is a mystery how the Consequently Harrington rose and de­ Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Forbes, formerly a Vermont man, be asserted Mr. Walker Blaine was unable to attend skeleton happened to be where it. was found manded to know in what number of his PREPARED BY that New England was better adapted to but­ the party as he had met witli an acci­ J. W . A n d e r s o n , ter making than the west, for the same reasons and there is considerable speculation among paper tlie article had appeared. Balfour Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. that we have already asserted, her water and tbe inhabitants as to its presence there. It, dent while out riding oa the previous flippantly responded that he made the Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottloe,$5» ...... Manufacturer oi the...... forage. Much of the grass here is "wild," reports the Whig, was found about a foot below day. The Blaines ought to have a new state on the best atithoriry, and went on and not very nutritious. But those who are the original bottom of the cellar. working in Kentucky blue-grass, will by and driver or an accident insurance against talking. Harrington interrupted him to by realize a profit. We would suggest that the The Sagadahoc Historical Society, with their demand what that best authority was and Knox Co. dairy men try it. the casualties so frequent in Buckboard the big Irishman’s voice trembled with The oat crop is very heavy here, some fields friends, to tbe number of nearly 300, visited town. suppressed passion. Balfour, without [ yielding 55 bushels to the acre, as measured Peinaquid Tuesday. The day proved to be noticing tlie question, went on w itli his I J. W. A. CIGAR from the machine, about 70 by weight. fine and the excursion was a very enjoyable SMITH’S MUSIC STORE I. J. Bviiton. The following story from Memphis, address, and again Harrington tliun- The Finest 10c Clear in New England. one. The party spent the two hours allowed derered. “What is the authority?” ! them on shore viewing the foundation of the Tenn., is a repetition of the old Regulus THE STANDARD MAKERS W . C. T. U. Then Balfour, looking directly into the FACTORY ANO SALESROOM • A. K. SPEAR BLOCK. old fort, visiting the ancient burying ground story of Roman history, on a minor face of the man he so recently victim­ with its old headstones and quaint epitaphs, scale. ized and humiliated, made a gesture 301 Main St., Rockland, Me. “Ails Sold Here" is suggested as an honest and examining the portion of paved streets At the April term of the United States Court indicative of such utter contempt and sign for a saloon keeper. which has been unearthed. This, with a few J. B. Sanders and J. W. Wood ot Hardin scorn, that Harrington completely lost T h e The W. C. T. U. of Wheeling, W. Va., sup- relics dug up in the vicinity, are on exhibition County were convicted of illicit distilling and control of himself. It was an insult j sentenced to thirty days’ imprisonment. They that cannot be described in words, but j R o c k la n d plies the state penitentiary with literature. in the “ Pavement Cottage," which can be represented to tbe court that tbe sole depen­ Piano Fortes & O rgans Photographers, that was not less hitler. The tailor who The beautiful song, Home, Sweet Home, has entered for the sum of ten cents. dence of their families was the little crop they 320 Central Block, had at home and begged leave to return and put in the stitches that attach the skirts j Main St., Make all kinds has been the battle hymn of the Dakota prohi­ The bears in the vicinity of Presque Isle are work It out of the grass, promising to return of Harrington’s coat to the body of that of Pictures in First-Clans style. bition campaign. getting bold. One came out of tbe woods not and take their medicine at whatever time garment is to he credited with having | Tintypes, Miunetts, Panel up to Life Size. over sixty rods from tbe post office in this might he set. The court released them on Are ahruys In stock. We furnish not only The Helping Hand Home for friendless and their own recognizance, naming August 1 as saved the hottso of commons from as i unfortunate women has been opened by the village the other afternoon, took some observa­ the day of their return. That day helore noon pretty a row as was ever witnessed in a ' W. C. T. U. of Lynn,Mass. tions as to hu surroundings and then plunged the two men reported to the United States civilized legislature. into a piece ot oats, finally making lor the Marshal and went cheerfully to jail. “ Why First Class Musical Instruments McLOON & CROCKETT. Sir Matthew Hale declared, even as long ago woods above Edwin Norton’s where he staid didn’t you keep your freedom when you had Life Size Pictures Made by the Platinum as 1070, that 80 per cent of the crimes com­ it ?” one of them was asked. The tnountainer But wo aivu eu.tome.H EXTRA BARGAINS Process, absolutely permanent, and over night and Sunday. But like many a mitted in England were due to drunkenness. looked at the questioner steadily for a moment cither for Finished in Ink and Crayon. stupid fellow of humankind, he was not satis­ and replied: "How could we? Didn’t we W e keep a large variety of fied with trying a dangerous experiment once give our word as we’d come hack ?" That W oods Metal Working! Cash or on the Installment Plan ! Mouldings and make FIVE GENERATIONS. and repeated it to his own undoing, for when settled it. Frames to Suit he came out just at dusk Sunday to view the IN ST K C 31 E NTS W A R R A N T E D . k Citstomers. NOVELTIES! CABINETW ORK! A Picture Which Has Few Equals in beauties of the country along the south end of The Emperor of Austria ha9 been Pattern Making, Scroll Sawing, Light Grinding 10 C a ll. and Polishing. Family Histories. the centre line road, he was seen by Mr. L. F. visiting the Emperor of Prussia of late Redman and in less than five minutes he was Repairing of all Kinds Neatly Done ! ALBERT SMITH. V. E. Higgins, residing at No. 49 Warren and by way of entertainment the “ boys" 30 a dead bear. street, this city, has a family picture in which royal had a sham battle fought. No­ E . M S H A W , BUTTER! A novel scheme is being talked up to secure GRACE ST., PREMISES OF J AS. WIGHT five generations are represented. The mast body killed, none wounded and none 13 FANCY MAINE CREAMERY In Prints and elderly one Is Mrs. Susan Kenniston, aged 80, cheap heating for the insane hospital. Half a missing; otherwise it was as successful Solid. MAINE AND VERMONT DAIRY, large who lives there, then comes Clemtine A. Hig­ mile from the building is located the steam as any battle. There were two kinds stock. gins, Mt. Desert, uged 08, Mrs. John Clement, mill ot the Augusta Lumber Company and it Bucksport, aged 18, Mrs. Dayton Tibbetts, is proposed to erect a big steam boiler there, a of powder used, the old kind and a new 0. E. HAHN &, CO., Prices Will Tell Seal Harbor, aged 27, Mabel Tibbetts, Seal pipe connecting it with tbe hospital to carry smokeless sort, so that it was a rather Family Groceries, Ek es, Harbor, aged 13. the steam. Fuel can be furnished at the mill exciting chemical experiment. If the House, Ship, Sign, Ornamental We are still on deck with Mrs. Kenniston preserves her faculties to a for a comparatively small sum, as much of the huge war preparations that rest with WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. prices on groceries remarkable degree, her memory being especial­ refuse which has herefore been dumped such crushing weight on the several and A rtistic ly remarkable for its clearness. into tbe mill or given away can be used in European people could all bo turned to O. B. TALES, making a fire. Thus through tbe pipe the PAINTERS AND DECORATORS, Lower Than Ever. steam will find its way into the hospital radia­ account after this fashion perhaps emi­ 30 4 MAIN STREET, - ROCKLAND. CAMP MEETING. ----- ALSO DEALERS IN ------Compare the following prices 1 tors, and the cost to the institution will be gration to a country where the standing so much less than under tbe old system that it army hardly amounts to a police force, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, with other dealers and then M. F. W h it o n . A. M. J a m eso n . Tbe Richmond meetings have been very suc­ cessfully conducted the past week with Rev. will be an object for the trustees to adopt the might slow up a degree. Artists' Materials, Brushes. new system. see what you can M. F. WHIT0N & 00., L. L. Hanscora of Bath in charge. Mr. Hun- <*-Chcapest pltace in the country for —AGENTS FOK— Sign aud Bulletin Hoard Puiutlng. scom preached Tuesday morning. Rev. L. H. The village of South Gardi ner is quite a busy New York Masonic circles are greatly SAVE BY BUYING OP US Hingham Cordage Co., Bean of South Portland preached in the after­ manufacturing place and there is scarcely an agitated by the resignation of Past Com­ Scenery I’ulnting a Specialty. ° - DEALERS IN — noon. Mr. Everett Bean, cornetlst of South able-bodied man but what has a business or <04 Main Street. Opp.’ Far well Hal), A VERY FIN E ST. LOUIS FLOUR, (wur- Portland, had charge of the musical depart­ finds employment. The Bcedle Excelsior and mander William II, Peckham, liild de­ runted) lor...... 5 0 LAWRENCE MILLS COTTON DUCK. Slat Works are being enlarged, tbeir present gree, from membership in Cerneau Con­ W ire Rope, Chain., Anchors, Holt Rope, Oakum, ment, with Miss Nellie Hunt of Gardiner us CRACKERS (the be.l) by the!bbl.,|pcr lb.. Ge capacity being insufficient to meet the demands. Hunting, Etc. Geueiul agent, lor the Ku.aell organist. sistory, No 1, 32d degree, of that city, GEO. C. CHAMBERLAIN, M. D „ 3 I.LB. FINE TEA (wurrunted)...... 1 GO Frlctionkaa Pump. Lawrence Bros, kindling wood factory employs thus severing his connection with the A FANCY ELEU ANTJMOLASSES,per gal, 4Oc 31 aad 33 Commercial Street, - Ronton. THOMASTON TOPICS. 109 men and put up 10,900 bundles daily. Tbe 10-36______Scottish Rite Masonry. This action Physician and Surgeon. AMERICAN FAMILY BOAL.perlb...... Ge latest industry is tbe immense pulp works of adds new interest to the bitter feud be­ Willoughby Block, 341 Main Street. the Richards Paper Co., who will erect a mill NEW PRUNES, per lb...... 8 c Mrs. William E. Perry of Somerville, Mass, tween the adherents of Albert Pine and (Over Thorndike & Hix.) NEW SICILY CANARY SEED, per lb... ,5c Cotton Duck is at the house of Mrs. Fitzgerald, West Main 275x300 feet, L shaped. Tbe mill is to be a “sulphite process" mill and have a capacity of Ferdinand Gorges. Every adherent of BGDA, LOOSE, per lb...... 5 c FO R S A L E street. 12 tons of pulp per day. Whole logs will he tbe latter is by the recent Masonic 8 MARS NICE SOAR...... 25 c Wholesale an«ea»inuthe ability to attend to our local udvertidug iu lii» tow itbhip, 2 CANS YELLOW LEAGUES...... 2 5 c Mrs. Harry Torrey ot Boston is at the house “ There is nothing hurtful in the practice Itself; others. Peckham for several years held ulbO aecuix* o rders, deliver goodn. o n w hich u liln ru l cu.-h READ CAREFULLY! coniinibbiou wilJbe puid. Application mu»t be iudoiaed TOBACCO, Smoke uud Chew, per lb ...... 2 5 c of I. H. Burkett, North street. much that is good; hut it has need to lie the highest rank in the body, that of by l'ubtor or Po«Uuu«tcr. Ad Ur tbe with atanip tor particu­ FULL CREAM VERMONT CREESE, per Ib.lOc lars Dr. Sw«< a Sanitarium und Metpeul lnatitutv for tho M. A. .JOHNSON pruned of its abuses. Let us have it natural, Luiuu aud luhnu, 16 Union Park Street, Boston, Muss. GOOD COFFEE, per lb...... 2 5 c Will buy and .ell real estate, investigate title, to Mrs. E. O. Hall and Mrs. W. H. Campbell Grand Commander for tbe United States. properly, .ecure .iluutiou. tor girl, and uieu. have gone to Boston, thence to Coltage City. moderate iu duration, in a pure atmosphere, Will .ell debenture bond., paying 8 per cent, com­ skillful and decorous rather than busy, aud The South Berwick Baptist Church has ex­ The annual convention of the W. C. T. U. EX-SOLDIERS, ATTENTION C. E. TUTTLE, pound interest for any one. temperate—then the majority may derive All petition or bounty claim, ngulurt tbe C. 3. J tended a call to Rev. W. A. Newcomb of will be held at Bar Harbor, October 8, 9 aud OFFICE 388 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND, therefrom enjoyment and profit." Government .klilluliy and intellivenlly prosecuted Spear Block, 310 Main Street. l 'Thomaston, a former pastor. 10. by 10 T . B. LOW DEN, Washington, Me. I 46