i 'I 1E COURIER—( jAZE’ITE. ROCKLAND OA7.KTTE ESTABLISHED 1H4O. I $rtss is tbc ^rtbimebtart ]£cber tjiat globes tjn (Ktorlb at £too dollars a $car 1 TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANOBl ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1H74.I (MINGLE COPIES PRICE FIVK CENTS. V o l . 8.—N ew S e r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1889. N umber 33. Job and Repair Shop. EDITORIAL, CHAT. ST. BERNARD’S. QUERY DRAWER. BEST Sullivan says the judge’s charge was dead Matters of fact—People’s Questions— TIN AND SHEE t T r ONWORK. against bltn. How could it be otherwise ? The Corner Stone is Put in Place Facts for our Readers. I have taken part of the store occupied by 3— “Nemo” asks : “ How can the exception W . 8. Wright & Co. and shall he pleased to King Humbert of Italy has made Edison a With the Usual Solemnities. receive a call from the people who may count. He has been of great account for some prove the rule - If somebody says every man St. Louis Roller Flour want the servlc<‘s of a workman in the tin in the procession wore a white tile, and the work line. I will give my personal atten­ time, with no discount. tion to all orders for Tin and Sheet Iron A Masterly Oration by Reverend fact Is that one tnan wore a black derby, does Work. Furnaces and stoves repaired, Lin- the exception prove the rule ?" Mrs. Maybrick has been reprieved nnd her Father P. A. McKenna. Ings furnished and repairs promptly made Loose paper still finds its way into the street. “Nemo" has pointed out an instance of the $5.25. on cooK and parlor stoves. Water pipes sentence will probably be commuted to penal looked after and repaired. Second-hand The grounds about the residence of II. P. C. incorrect application of this maxim. The ex­ Stoves bought and sold. servitude for life, this being the usual pro' Wright, Middle street,arc being improved. Life of the Saint for W hom the Church cedure in English courts. ception in his supposed case hreaks or invali­ JONATHAN CROCKETT, The Rocklnnd Charitable Association lias W as Named. dates the rule. Let us modify this statement The Best Flour offered in this city given up its rooms in Jones Block for the pres­ The services of laying the corner stone of thus: only one man in the procession wore a Portland is now talking up a big Fourth of ent. derby; or, there was but one who did not wear July cdlebration for next year. Usually noth­ the new Catholic Church were held Tuesday For.Butter Milk Bread Mixing, One person, A. II. Bills, left Rockland Wed­ forenoon at ten o'clock, the day being pleasant a white tile. In one form, we really establish ing is said about celebrating our Independence the rule that all others wore hats that were not View I^ ouse, Day uiltil the week or two just preceding the nesday morning to enjoy the Old.Orchard and nnd a large number of people being present, Sebago Lake excursion. the outlying districts of the church, Thomas­ derhys; in the other form, that all but one day. wore tiles. So, an exception may be made, $ 6 .0 0 . CAMDEN, MAINE, All of the stores in the two Spear Blocks were ton, Hurricane, Vinalhaven and other places Belfast was all wired up the other day, there closed Tuesday in honor of Capt. A. K. Spear, being well represented. The main floor of the which will he from its point of view a virtual OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER. being nino stenmboats nt the wharf at one whose funeral occurred that day. building was laid and on this settees were expression of a rule. The examples are readily found. Only one pear tree in the orchard, time. Come down to Rockland and see the Our iee men say that their stock of frigidity placed which were all filled, while the piles of Fancy Rio Coffee! means that as n rule it is not a pear orchard ; This house is now open to receive parties and like frequently and you'll get over it, dear has melted very rapidly this summer. The boards and standing room round about were the traveling public. 49"Fine Bay, Harbor and only one hoy among his children, that his neighbor. quality was not as good as usual, being porous nil occupied. At the appointed hour Bishop Mountain scenery, Beautiful Drives, Good Boating, Healey, escorted by attendant priests, came children are mostly girls. Bathing and Fishing. Superior Table. %*Wili and more easily melted. President Harrison was pleased with Mnine, from the parsonage and advanced down the If “Nemo" understands Latin, ns his name 28 CTS. receive parties after one day’s notice. George W. Drake has just completed a patent Implies, let him examine the phrase Exceptls so say some of our contemporaries in other church floor to the northern end where tem­ appliance for keeping a horse's tail from both­ probit regulam, remembering that probat states. President Harrison's good judgement porary protections ffcon the sun had been F. 0. MARTIN, Proprietor. ering the reins, an improvement over his al­ erected, one for the bishop and a second for the comes from pro, which means “ before" or was never more plainly apparent. Same to ready well known device for that purpose. “superior." The literal meaning paraphrased CHAS T. SPEAR yourself, Ben ! orator. The priestly robes with their rich dec­ C. H. Hoitnan, at Holman’s Oakes, Ingra­ orations made an imposing and striking picture. is: The taking of one thing out of a class The cutthroat Huns nre having a real anarch­ ham’s Hill, has had a line tennis court laid out At the end of the aisle the priests knelt makes emphatic the informity of the rest of ical picnic in the Connellsville, I’n., coal the class. 295 & 297 Main S t., Rockland. there, full size—probably the nicest court in BEFORE A RODE CROSS region. The state tniiitia should be promptly the state. George N. McGregor was the 4— “Base Ball” queries: "Can a pitcher invited to take part in the festivities and furnish erected ther., while the church choir sang the artist. “ Veni Creator" from Millard’s mass. At the make two feints to throw to a base, before galling gun quadrilles for Hungarian danc pitching another ball ?” The Standard Bottling Co., C. E. Havener, close of the singing Rev, Fr. P. A. McKenna ing. 45c. proprietor,has put out 6,000 dozen of pint bottles of Marlboro, Mass., the orator of the occasion, The pitcher must he outside the box, when he feigns; and after the one feint, whether con­ WATCHES- of aerated drinks this season, not counting the delivered his address. Fr. McKenna is a tnan of A petition signed by 800 persons in Madrid, sisting of one motion or more, but clearly Of all Kinds, Styles and Prices. half-pint packages, and it has kept the crew a- striking presence, with a powerful, expressive including archbishops, bishops and patriarchs being one attempt to keep a runner close to a snapping. face witli heavy curling black hair, and in TwEfJ-J-y-^IVE Ce^-J-S has been sent to the Pope, asking bis holiness base, the pitcher must return to the box and every sense of the word an orator, his musi­ to honor the name of Christopher Columbus F. A. Waterman has opened billiard parlors “momentarily pause” in the prescribed posi­ cal, resonant voice nnd graceful gesticulation ------- JEWELRY with the title of “ Venerable.” Chris, is old underneath the Adams House, at the Brook. tion,, facing the batter and with the ball in adding not a little to the force of the nddress. In Great Variety and New Pattern*. We Have Taken The Agency For enough for that title. He has a pool table and billiard table—Brigg’s sight. He may again get out of the box, His subject was: “ The laying ot the corner best—and all the other necessary accoutrements and ieign to throw ; but every feint requires a The South Fork Fishing Club, whose rotten stone of a church is nn occasion for joy to of a first-class billiard hail. return to the box. Not to follow this order is datn flooded fated Johnstown, contemplate Christian anil citizen." It is an occasion for We hear an objection argued occasionally to "balk." How long this play may be con­ SILVER WARE---- rebuilding. Should think they had had enough joy to the Christian because it proves the reality against a shoe factory, hut we notice that the tinued, the umpire is to judge. If too long, In In the Latest Styles and Nobby Designs. Cobb’s Soaps! of fishing—fishing mutilated bodies by the ot religious aspirations of the soul whenever cities and towns which have the most are most in his judgement, he may call the unnecessary that stone is laid, whether it he Catholic, Protes­ hundreds and thousands out of the debris of reluctant to let them go. No good move ever delay of the pitcher a“balk." homes and factories. Let it be rebuilt by all tant or Pagan, and it is an additional proof of M. M. CENTHSMER, They are composed of the choicest lacked objections. We must remember that 5— To “ Vp": The inventor of Volapuk was means! our paving would never stand, that it was too the sincerity of our Christian convictions, and an additional protest against the current infidel­ horn July 18, 1831.
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